Volume 25 Issue 3 MEETING DATE — Thursday, December 10, 2015 RUMMAGE SALE START - 5:30 PM December Rummage and Vendor Faire December is our Holiday/Rummage extravaganza. This is one my favorite meetings of the year. As you know, I love fabric, even the TABLE OF CONTENTS smallest of pieces. Page 1 - December Rummage We have five vendors coming for our Vendor Faire. They are, FAT Page 2 - Hospitality QUARTERS QUILT SHOP, COZY CREATIVE CENTER, MONICA'S BEAD AND Page 3 - President’s Message QUILT CREATION, FLYING GEESE FABRIC AND MOORE'S SEWING CENTER. Page 4 - 2016 Quilt Show Rummage will open their doors 5:30, Mary has done a swell job of coordinating all of our donations. Page 7 - Quilt Show Entry Forms Page 11 - Programs Page 12 - Upcoming Speakers January's speaker will be Lisa Bongean of Primitive Page 13 - Philanthropy Gatherings. She has a big following of quilters, I Page 15 - General News can't wait to hear her presentation. Don't forget our pre-guild dinner with the speaker will be held at CPK, across from Trader's Joes on Marguerite. They are excited to have us. Page 17 - Block of the Month Page 18 - Financials Page 19 - Places to Go and Things to Do See you all soon. Sherri Petier **********HOSPITALITY ALERT************ “Holiday Soiree or Eat, Drink and be Merry” Yes, it’s most members favorite time of the Guild year, the Holiday Event or as I prefer to say the “Holiday Soiree”. Mary Mulcahey has worked so diligently to make her home like an episode of HOARDERS so the rest of us can have an awesome time finding those perfect swatches/scraps/bolts of that famous designer line called, “I Don’t Want It You Can Have It” and accessories that would make Tiffany’s jealous (step away from the buttons). We of course have fabulous vendors and last BUT NOT LEAST, the Spectacular Buffet of Decadent Desserts and Audacious Appetizers. I know many of you snickered when I mentioned Betty Crocker, Martha Stewart and Trader Joes but I received a nasty email from the Pillsbury Dough Boy for the snub and I assured him his products would be represented. Seriously, there are a few ground rules to alleviate the frenzy at the buffet: 1. Please have the item “staged”, PRESENTATION is up to you (make it pretty-think impress your mother-in-law or better yet yourself) 2. IF you want your DISH/UTENSIL returned LABEL IT! Pretty please Pickup said dish /utensil they’d miss you 3. PRESLICE the Cake, pie, quiche, cheeses … (unless it’s cheesecake, and then it doesn’t need to be sliced, just hand me a fork!) The guild has been divided into groups by last names: A-L ~ AUDACIOUS APPETIZERS M-Z ~ DECADENT DESSERTS BCQG BOARD ~ BLISSFUL BEVERAGES (non-alcoholic) Think Tea Time on an elegant cruise ship like the Queen Mary in her heyday (not the Titanic as she sank) or your best tea party with your teddy or doll. Thanks, Jan & Jackie JAN’S CORRECT PHONE NUMBER IS 949.300.4145 The holidays are upon us! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. But now it is December and I don’t want to press, but how are those holiday quilt projects coming along? There are some among us, who shall remain anonymous, who picked out their projects last January, completed everything by July and have already wrapped them for gifts or they are part of their beautiful home décor. We still love these friends, but maybe just don’t want to talk to them right now. Our December Gala meeting might be just the place to help you find a holiday project. Our annual Rummage Sale will begin at 5:30 p.m. this year to accommodate your treasure huntingJ; and our 5 vendors will be demonstrating their best projects and their merchandise will be for sale. Our vendors are: Cozy Quilts, Flying Geese, Moore’s, Monica’s Beads and Quilts and Fat Quarters. Wasn’t David Taylor’s presentation terrific? What an amazing talent too. We have some more exciting teachers coming up this year. In January, we have Lisa Bongean from Primitive Gatherings and in February we have our own Grace Errea! Sherri Peltier has listed all of the upcoming speakers in this newsletter. To make it easier for everyone to attend the workshops of these fabulous teachers, we are now able to accept credit and debit cards at the Workshop Table during the general meetings. You can sign up for classes up to three months out. Give yourself a little gift of a class for the new year. Happy Holidays Everyone, I look forward to seeing you all on December 10th Martha 2016 QUILT SHOW The Quilt Show is fast approaching and we have a lot to do before June 4, 2016. QUILT SHOW ENTRIES: The entry forms are in this newsletter, and will again be in the January and February newsletters. You will need to complete 1 form for each entry. The forms are due by March 1st. Your quilt must be finished for delivery at the end of May. If you have any questions, please contact Marian Mapes [email protected]. VOLUNTEERS: It takes a village of members to fill all of the volunteer positions needed to make sure our quilt show runs smoothly. Beginning in January, there will be sign-up sheets at the Quilt Show table. There are sit-down positions available if you are unable to stand for a volunteer position. Please make sure you check your calendar, and sign up (we would love for you to sign up for more than one position during the 2-day show). If you have any questions, please contact Janet Cowart [email protected]. TRAVELING OPPORTUNITY QUILT: We have quite a few guilds, quilt shows, quilter’s runs and private group meetings that the Opportunity Quilt is traveling to from January to May. This gives us a chance to sell raffle tickets for the quilt as well as getting the information out regarding our Quilt Show. If you have some time and would like to take the quilt (it is a fun experience) please contact Pat Pardoen [email protected]. ADMISSIONS: The sale of admission bracelets has begun. The cost of admission is $10. These tickets can be purchased prior to the show at the quilt show table. If you are unable to attend our general meetings and would like to purchase your bracelet and any others for gifts, please contact Anne Tracy [email protected]. AUCTION: Our Saturday auction is exciting and all of the beautiful quilts are donated!!! The auction is a major source of income at the quilt show. Once again this year we will be accepting credit cards for purchases at the auction. If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact Mary Arntz [email protected]. RAFFLE BASKETS: Everyone loves to win a raffle basket, and we are starting to collect the completed baskets as well as other “new” donations to put in baskets. Please talk with you friendship group about making a basket. You can always make a basket yourself, or donate NEW quilt items and fabric that we can assemble into a basket. If you have any questions please contact Candy Crain [email protected]. VENDORS: We will be having 34-36 vendors at our show that will be selling everything quilt – and some non-quilt related items. We have almost 100 prospects and the responses are coming in. Remember the Chocolate lady? Yum !!! If you know of a vendor who may like to join us, please contact Sara Slygh [email protected]. OPPORTUNITY QUILT: WOW!!! It’s the best word to describe our beautiful opportunity quilt “Star Struck”. The biggest fundraising we do at the quilt show is the opportunity quilt. The tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. BCQG asks all members to take $30 worth of tickets (that’s 36 tickets) and either buy them yourself or sell them to friends and family. You are more than welcome to sell more than 1 packet. There will be 5 monthly prizes beginning in February for members who have turned in their $30. Your name will be eligible for the monthly drawings thru May. The sooner you turn in you money, the more chances you have to win. Once you win, your winning drawing ticket will be taken out. So sell more, and get your name in there multiple times. If you haven’t gotten you packet of tickets when you checked in at the meetings, we will have them at the quilt show table. If you would like additional tickets and can’t get to the meetings, please contact Gail Brunell [email protected]. Thank you for all of your support with the 2016 Quilt Show. If you have any questions about the Quilt Show, please contact Sandy Corbin or Marianne Cunningham, the Quilt Show Co-Chairs. [email protected] [email protected]. Made with Hoffman Bali Bat iks Pattern by Judy Opportunity Quilt Niemeyer, WWW.beachcitiesquilte Beach Cities Quilters Guild n Guild Advertisers: For information on becoming an advertiser in the BCQG Newsletter, please contact Julia Renaud. Phone: 949-306-5450 2016 Quilt Show - Entry Forms Hi, I’m Marian Mapes and I coordinate the layout for the quilt show. We always have a fabulous show because we have the most fabulous quilts and members! We’d like at least one quilt or entry from every member. We know you all have something from a class or workshop, or block of the month. Or maybe something you made as a special present that you can borrow back. We try to display around 400 items, so that means everyone’s participation. Entry forms and instructions will be back at the Opportunity quilt table, on the website, and will be in the Dec, Jan, and Feb Newsletters. The quilts don’t have to be done, but the forms are due to me by March 1. Bring them to the next meeting or mail them to me at the address on the form. I’ll have a box in the back of the room next month to collect the entry forms. Fill it out now, before you forget. You can enter as many items as you like and we’ll see what we can hang. Make sure to include a picture or drawing, and some fabric swatches. These help in how we place the items in the show. Please remember to sign the back of the form. If you have any questions, my email is on the form and my number is in the roster. Thank you in advance for your participation! Marian Mapes Beach Cities Quilters Guild – 2016 Quilt Show Entry Form Instructions and Rules for Entries - Entry forms are due by March 1, 2016 All Entrants must be current members of Beach Cities Quilters Guild 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A photo, picture, line drawing, or rendering of your entry must be staples to the lower left of the form, where indicated. Write item title and your name on the back in case it gets detached. Fabric samples must be stapled to the lower right of the form, where indicated. They should be no larger than 2” x 2”. Items 1 & 2 will aid in the placement of the entry in the layout. A 4” finished sleeve is required on the top back of the quilt or any item that will be hung. The sleeve must be sewn or basted on; no pinned sleeves are allowed. Items wider that 60” should have a split sleeve, allowing for support in the middle. Sleeve instructions will be available at the meetings, or upon request. A cloth label with owner identifying information must be stitched or basted to all entries (quilt, garment, or other item). A separate entry form must be submitted for each item. ALL information requested must be included. Any changes to the information (size, quilter, techniques) must be sent to [email protected] to update the master record. Please give credit when due, to the pattern, quilter, magazine, etc. Descriptions must be BRIEF. We reserve the right to edit as needed for space requirements. Please include inspiration, pattern, book or class used to make the item. This information will appear on a hanging card attached to the front of your entry. Any quilt greater than 95” in length will need to be pinned up from the floor. Any quilt greater than 95” in width will need to be pinned back at the side. Please consider this when attaching a sleeve. PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF YOUR ENTRY FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS. You need a record of what you entered and the sizes you provided. Please Read and Sign: Every effort will be made to display items submitted with loving care. I understand that BCQG does not insure the entries and I have checked my homeowners, renters or other insurance policy to be sure my entry is covered for any unforeseen problem. I understand my quilt will be photographed for a DVD of the BCQG Quilt Show which will be available for purchase. Signature of Owner:___________________________________________________________________ Any questions, please contact Marian Mapes at [email protected]. Turn in forms at the February meeting or mail them to Marian Mapes, 33695 Marlinspike Dr., Dana Point, CA 92629. For Committee Use Only Item#______________ Bin#________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Member/Maker Name________________________________________________________________ Quilter Name (if different than maker) __________________________________________________ Name of Entry______________________________________________________________________ Quilt Size: Width____________inches Length_____________ inches Phone (______)_____________________ Email Address_______________________________ Please circle all techniques used in making the item: Machine Pieced Hand Pieced Hand Dyed by Maker Machine Applique Hand Applique Hand Painted by Maker Machine Embroidery Hand Embroidery Hand Quilted Hand Embellished Original Design Longarm Quilted by Maker-Amateur Machine Quilted Domestic Machine by Maker First Time Entry Longarm Quilted by Maker-Professional Other_____________________________________________________ Non-quilt Entry – Describe_______________________________________________________________ Brief Description of Entry (50 words or less)_________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ STAPLE PICTURE OF STAPLE FABRIC ENTRY HERE SAMPLES HERE Guild Advertisers: For information on becoming an advertiser in the BCQG Newsletter, please contact Julia Renaud. Phone: 949-306-5450 Workshops All workshops occur the Friday and Saturday (if offered) after our general meeting. They are held at Community Presbyterian Church, 32202 Del Obispo St, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, from 104. BCQG workshops are $40.00 per day. Registration for workshops begins three months prior to the date of the workshop. Payment for the workshop is required at the time of registration and the class fee is non-refundable. In January, Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings, will be presenting the workshops on January 15th and 16th. Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings, specializes in wool applique embellished with beautiful and creative embroidery stitches. Lisa will teach two different, one day workshops. On Friday she will teach Home Grown and on Saturday she will teach Geranium Tablemat. Join your friends for a fun day learning new techniques for beautiful handwork. The February workshop, “Intro to Heat Set Machine Applique”, will be presented by BCQG member Grace Errea. ( Grace’s art focuses on the depiction of inspiring scenes in a “value-based”, contemporary-realistic manner. Her focus on value makes it easy for her students to create inspiring botanicals, landscape scenes and portraits in any color. In this class, the student will learn a “no fray”, raw edge applique technique, using one of Grace’s patterns. Mark your calendar and join Grace for a fun, informative workshop! Upcoming Speakers - Beach Cities Quilters Guild: Dec - 2015 Holiday Event Jan – 2016 Lisa Bongean Feb – 2016 Grace Errea March – 2016 Anelie Belden April – 2016 Ami Simms May – 2016 Wendy Mathson June - 2016 Member Showcase TBD July – 2016 Juli Shulem August – 2016 Claudia D. Gomez Sept - 2016 Marcia Stein Oct - 2016 President's Quilt Nov – 2016 Lyn Brown Dec - 2016 Holiday Event Philanthropy Philanthropy donations for this month included 22 quilts, 20 NICU blankets to Saddleback Hospital; 13 fleece blankets to Village of Hope where they will be handed out to homeless individuals; 19 stuffed animals to Orange County Child Abuse Prevention; and 1 pillow as a special thank you to a woman who has done a tremendous amount for Philanthropy. The quilts went to: 2 to Fairview Developmental Center, 6 to UCI Oncology, 4 to UCSD Alzheimer’s Quilt Project, 4 to Orange County Child Abuse Prevention, 1 to Village of Hope, 1 to Corona Hospice Guild Auction, 2 to Royal Therapeutic Treatment Center, and 2 to a bereaved individual and auto accident victim. As a reminder, get your Holiday family requests into Michelle early. Just in case you were wondering...this November’s guild meeting we had 79 quilts donated! Thank you for the continued support. The next Philanthropy sewing day will be held Monday, December 7th at the Laguna Niguel Library on Crown Valley just south of Alicia. It runs from 10:30 until 4 so come for the whole time or parts of it. Bring your sewing machine and supplies and be ready for some great fellowship, too. It’s a great way to make friends and learn, while working on such a worthwhile cause. Diana O’Connor [email protected] Debi Martin [email protected] Mary Ann Wahl [email protected] Michelle Naas [email protected] Guild Advertisers: For information on becoming an advertiser in the BCQG Newsletter, please contact Julia Renaud. Phone: 949-306-5450 Monthly Mini: There will be no monthly mini in December. And here is the winner of the November monthly mini done by Jan Hirth So if you’re interested please contact Jan Johnson, [email protected], or me, [email protected]. At this stage we will be very casual and if you would rather make something else or learn a new technique, please let us know what you would like to do. Thanks, Candy Crain Rummage Sale: The rummage sale is LIBRARY here! Doors for the sale will open at 5:30 to give you plenty of time to shop for all of the amazing treasures we have collected. Bring a large tote bag to carry all of your new treasures home. We are still looking for 1 or 2 more large vans or SUVs to transport all of the treasures on Thursday afternoon. The library will NOT be “open for business” in December. Please check your due dates and return checked out books and CDs in January. If Santa was good to you and you want to pass on the “giving” in January, please bring donations in double bags so we can easily transport them. Mary Mulcahey [email protected] The Book-Loving Babes: Starlene Boyer [email protected] 707-239-0096 Jane Reyes [email protected] 949-742-0892 Sharon Jaeger [email protected] 949-582-2239 New Friendship Group Forming: Jan Johnson and Candy Crain would like to form a group or two small groups that will be project based…day and/or evening. The first thing we thought would be fun is to make a bag. I have several patterns and books that we can choose from so I’m sure you can find one you like. If there is anything in particular that you want to work on, please let one of know. I’m pretty flexible as to availability and will start out meeting at my house unless we outgrow it. Request: Please donate your vases to the guild. The type of vases we are looking for are 11" or so tall that looks like the picture. Please give them to Sandy Corbin or Kathleen Walker. These will be used as a fundraiser for the guild. Thanks, Sandy and Kathleen Door Prizes: This month Door Prizes came from Hoffman Fabrics (2 fat quarter rolls), Quilt in a Day (patterns), Kaufman Fabrics (charm pack and 2 fat 8ths rolls), Quilt Cupboard (2 panels for baby quilts), Buttonwillow designs (2 patterns), Bits & Pieces (2 patterns), Road to California (3 day pass), Moore’s (2 fat quarter packs), Flying Geese (2 gift cards), Orange Quilt Bee (2 gift cards) 2014-2015 Block of the Month Quilts: Treasurer's Report BCBQ Profit & Loss Statement 10/1/15 to 9/30/16 Current Month 10/31/2015 Balance Forward BCQG Gen-l Bus Fund BCBQ All CD Accounts BCQG Maximizer Account Special Events Funds Total Balance Forward Income Block Party Membership Philanthropy Welcoming Workshops Total Income Expenses Facilities Operations Philanthropy Programs Treasurer Total Expenses Net Inc./Exp. Gen'l Acct Advance to Tea & Tour Other Income Quilt Show Current Year Income CD Account Interest Income Maximizer Interest Income Fiscal Year 15-16 10/1/15 to 9/30/15 5,947.68 10,009.07 23,871.71 5,000.00 44,828.46 75.00 4,520.00 100.00 20.00 1,920.00 6,635.00 6,635.00 5,947.68 10,009.07 23,871.71 5,000.00 44,828.46 75.00 4,520.00 100.00 20.00 1,920.00 6,635.00 920.00 1,646.00 22.12 53.09 35.00 2,676.21 - 920.00 1,646.00 22,012.00 53.09 35.00 2,676.21 3,958.79 3,989.79 0.61 0.61 14,710.26 10,009.64 23,872.32 5,596.32 54,188.54 14,710.26 10,009.64 23,872.32 5,596.32 54,188.54 - Transfers: To: BCQG Gen'l Fund From: BCQG Maximizer Account Current Balance: BCQG Gen-l Bus. Fund BCBQ All CD Accounts BCQG Maximizer Account Special Events Funds Total Current Balance Respectfully submitted Candy Crain, treasurer PLACES TO GO AND THINGS TO DO………….. Ready for a Road Trip? The Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds keeps us posted on what’s happening in Southern California. Here are some SHOWS and SHOP HOPS coming up… JANUARY 21 – 24 ROAD TO CALIFORNIA (Ontario) $15 9-6 (Sun. 10-3:30) Hundreds of quilts, hundreds of vendors, classes and food! ROAD TO CALIFORNIA QUILT SHOW Bus Sponsored by Surfside Quilters Guild The Surfside Quilters Guild bus to Road2CA will be heading out on Thursday, January 21, 2016. Registration forms will be available at the December & January Beach Cities guild meetings. The cost is $35.00 and if paying by check it must be made out to Surfside Quilters Guild (spelled out). Reservations will be on a first come first seated basis. If we fill the 47-seat bus, we'll try to get a bigger one if we have more people who want to go with us. Maggie Bell [email protected] FEBRUARY 13 – 14 SOUTH BAY Q.G. Quilt Show (Torrance) $10 10-4 27 – Mar. 6 MARCH 4–5 5–6 SAN DIEGO CRUISIN QUILTERS (Shop Hop) 10 shops DESERT GUILDS QUILT SHOW (Palm Springs) $7 10-5 FRIENDSHIP SQUARE Q.G. Quilt Show (La Habra) $7 10-5 The holidays are fast approaching and sometimes our quilting has to take a backseat to our other commitments. Yes, there is a life outside of quilting!!! We would like to wish you and your families a Happy, Safe and Healthy Holiday Season. See you in 2016…. SCCQG Chairs - Sandy Corbin and Marianne Cunningham