
Issue 14
Ms Lindy Hunt
Deputy Principal:
Mr Leigh Rowney
“Learning is our priority”
Captains and prefects inducted.
At our last formal assembly the new
school leaders for 2015 were inducted.
They ran their first formal assembly and
have since represented the school at the
Remembrance Day service at Scone.
6545 1455
6545 3269
PO BOX 285
SCONE 2337
The P & C
Association meets
at 7.00 pm in the
Library at Scone
High School, every
fourth Tuesday in
the month
For more
regarding the
P & C Association,
please contact
the President,
Raelee Smith,
on 6545 2864
For more
regarding the
canteen, please
contact the
Tonia Barton, on
6545 1008
Congratulations for Jake Speck.
Jake is in Year 9 and was recently
nominated by the Upper Hunter Shire
Council for a state wide award within the
Tidy Towns competition. He was
nominated for community service by a
young person under 25 years. Last
weekend, Jake travelled to Nundle to be
part of the awards ceremony where he
was runner up in his category for NSW.
This is an amazing achievement and we
congratulate Jake.
In 2013 in October, Scone High hosted
the Rural Women’s Gathering. The
organising team were awarded with first
place for their contribution to rural
communities through this project. Our
school was intimately involved in the
project, with many of our teachers and
students, helping with workshops, sound
and lighting, venue and food in the lead
up to and through out the weekend with
the event happening primarily at our
school. So, it is congratulations all round!
17th November 2014
Congratulations to our Year 12
A number of year 12 students applied for
universities that offer the opportunity.
Students must have selected that
university as their first preference on
their UAC applications and sometimes
there are determining factors, for
example, have to obtain a certain ATAR,
and they have entry BEFORE the HSC
results are published.
We have received recent notification and
would like to congratulate the following
students who have been selected at the
following universities.
Southern Cross Uni - Chloe Brooks
Charles Sturt Uni – Orange
- Casey Bretherton and Brianna Frost
Charles Sturt Uni – Albury
– Lauren Eccles
Charles Sturt Uni – Bathurst
– Matthew Winter, Sharon Atkinson and
Ainsleigh Crisp
Charles Sturt Uni – Wagga
– Sharon Atkinson and Brianna Frost.
We are still to be advised of the UNE
offers and look forward to informing you
of more student successes very soon.
Jake Speck receiving his award
“”Learning is our priority”
Procedures for Year 10.
All of Year 10 have completed their end-of-year
examinations and many are preparing to go out onto
work experience during the next few weeks. Others
have gain fulltime employment and apprenticeships
and are therefore permitted to leave school early.
Keep drinking water in this hot weather.
Please ensure that your student has a water bottle and
that they bring it to school every day, especially
during this very hot weather. We have plenty of
bubblers at school if they need to refill them. The
canteen also has water for sale and if bus students
need some to take home, they can purchase it at the
front office.
However, they must have a note from their employer
stating the date their employment starts and a note
from their parents, seeking permission to leave
school. This must be presented to me for approval.
Student travelling on buses.
Students who travel on school buses do so from home
to school and return. When they get to school,
students are to enter the playground immediately.
Some students have not been doing this and are
putting themselves in danger by wandering off
towards the highway etc. Please reinforce with your
student that once they arrive at school, they are to
enter the gates and remain at school throughout the
school day. This way they are safe and supervised at
all times.
ALL Year 10 students have to sign out by Tuesday
16th December as we have to re-enter all of their
different information and details for Year 11 into the
various computer systems. They are also asked to
settle any fees they have owing as part of this
process. All students have a copy of the BLUE
leavers’ form and attached are details of fees
outstanding if applicable.
Dropping things off to your student.
If your student has forgotten something or has to have
something dropped to them at school, we ask that
parents please bring it to the front office, or meet
their student at the front office. We have had some
people visiting, who aren’t associated with our
school, hanging around at the front of the school. So
for safety of students, we ask that all parents follow
this please.
All students who are returning to school, regardless
of which school, are to complete the Board of Studies
ALL MY OWN WORK online exercise BEFORE
16th December 2014. Students are to organise this
with Mrs Frost in the Library.
Are you purchasing new shoes for 2015.
Please see acceptable shoes for Scone High School below. Canvas shoes and multi coloured shoes are not
acceptable for regular school uniform days ie. Monday and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. If you are purchasing
new shoes during the holidays, please adhere to these guidelines so that all students met Work Health and Safety
standards and can participate in practical classes.
“”Learning is our priority”
SRC runs Mental Health Awareness Workshops
with Years 7 and 8 students
On Thursday 30th October the Student Representative
Council (SRC) conducted workshops with Year 7 and
Year 8 students to draw awareness to topics such as
depression, anxiety and bullying.
GRIP Leadership Conference
The Captains and Vice Captains of Scone High
School for 2015 were given the opportunity to attend
the 2014 GRIP Student Leadership Conference at
Tamworth War Memorial Town Hall on Wednesday
29th October.
The SRC formed three groups, each addressing a
separate issue in the form of a presentation that was
approximately 20 minutes in length and included a
PowerPoint presentation and film clip. The SRC also
provided each student with two brochures addressing
depression, anxiety and bullying, as well as providing
a bookmark containing a list of useful phone numbers
and websites for young people.
The GRIP Student Leadership Conference is unique
in that it concentrates specifically on training student
leaders for their role as SCHOOL LEADERS. The
style, topics, and content of this conference all focus
on what the students can do RIGHT NOW. The goal
is that the student leaders will leave the conference
with a clear vision, a solid understanding and dozens
of ideas for their time as a leader.
The students were given the opportunity to attend
workshop focusing on making the most of leadership
opportunities, how to maximise the impact of your
events, how to maximise the impact of your
communication, how to lead in different situations,
and how leaders can maintain momentum.
The SRC would like to thank all of the Year 7 and
Year 8 students who participated in the workshops.
Your attention and behaviour were both excellent.
Ms Carter
SRC Coordinator
The students found this to be a very worthwhile
experience and would like to thank Mr Garland for
taking them to the conference.
Taylah Rossington, Hollie Collison, Mr Ronan
McGuiness, Tom Darlington, Lucy Kemp,
Sophie Dawson & Ianna Malcolm
“”Learning is our priority”
Fashions on the field
On Tuesday 4 of November, Scone High School had its annual Fashions on the Field where students and
teachers come to school dressed for the Melbourne Cup. Between gold coin donations, barbeque, soft drinks,
lollies and the newly released milkshakes the SRC raised $650 for Friendly Faces Helping Hands. Friendly
Faces Helping Hands is an organisation who helps link rural communities to major hospitals, health facilities
and resources in cities, they also give information and support to country people going through a traumatic
At lunch the best dressed competition was on, with Miss Carrigan, Mr Newling and Mr Dransfield judging
some of the outstanding outfits of the day. The male best dressed of Year 7-8 went to Max Thackary (Year 7)
and the female was Cassie Reid (Year 8). The next competition was Year 9-10 best dressed and the female
went to Georgia Hillsley (Year 9) and the male was Campbell Jones (Year 10). Year 11 best dressed was next
with some great dresses and suits but at the end it was Tighe Goring for the male and Emma Campbell for the
female. The next three awards were for those costumes that were a bit more creative, with Johno Carter taking
out the first one with his jockey costume. Secondly was Jackson Cook with his amazing full body morph suit
with moustache and finally with his great impression of a females clothing for race day was Joel Rowland who
the judges claimed looked like a female from behind with his dress and heels. Last but not least were the best
dressed staff, Mr Hill had male best dressed in the bag as soon as he arrived with his dress hat and tie. Miss
Davis won best female dressed and Mrs Smith got an encouragement award. The whole competition couldn’t
have taken place if it weren’t for all the great businesses around Scone donating prizes for all the winners. The
SRC would like to acknowledge the generous donations made by Scone RSL Restaurant, Discount Chemist,
Phama Save Chemist, Asser House, Ruby’s Girl, Cross Country Café, the Vouge Café, Glowing Body &
Beauty and Scone High School Canteen.
The day ran great and a lot of money was raised for a great cause.
Jake Speck
Tighe Goring, Campbell Jones, Jackson Cook
Emma Campbell & Johno Carter
Judges: Mr Newling,
Mr Dransfield & Ms Carrigan
Mr Hill, Miss Davis
& Mrs Smith
“”Learning is our priority”
Fashions on the Field 2014
“”Learning is our priority”
The following student’s achievements were acknowledged at the recent formal assembly.
Bronze Merit Certificates: Indyana Taylor, Max Thackeray, Ashleigh Wright, Blair Jackson, Phoebe Weatherley
For Excellent effort in Geography and English: Matilda Jones, Chloe Russell
For consistent effort: Kayley Kennedy, Josh Surowski
For improved attitude and commitment to her work in Geography: Makayla King
For excellent application in a range of activities in Technology Mandatory: Adam McKee
For excellent application in Technology Mandatory: Bobbie-Lee Carter, Camilla Swain
For consistent effort across a range of subject areas: Amelia Meier, Luke Ihle, Liam Moore, Nick Wagner
For working well in English: Angelica Vickers, Madison Townson
For an improved approach to learning: Jack Moores
For improved attitude and work ethic in Geography: Amber Mazzone
School Service Award for representing the school in the community for Hat Day: Jake Speck, Kirsten Smith,
Nick Crackett, Gabrielle Vickers
For dedication to her study of Drama: Lucy Brazell, Kim Page
For consistent effort in English: Liam Grimshaw
For consistent effort in Geography: Tegan Tickner, Emily Towler
For pleasing effort in Music: Chloe Ducey
For her dance performance on assembly: Kiah Eeeles
For excellent work in Visual Arts: Taylah Tromp
For commitment to his studies: Liam Ervine
For improved attitude and effort in some subjects: Dylan Sansom
For consistent effort in Advanced English: Samantha Hallett, Stevie Wilson
For consistent effort in English Studies: Emily Moore, Jack Burraston, Shiane Taylor
For a positive approach to English: Chris Hallett
For consistent effort across all areas of the English course: Elodi Turri
For achieving at a high level in English Standard: Codie Muddiman
Certificate of Credit – Blair Jackson (Yr 7), Brianna Denley (Yr 9), Robert Hannah (Yr 9)
Certificate of Proficiency – Lucy Brazell (Yr 9), Kirsten Smith (Yr 9)
Certificate of participation – Luke Kennedy (Yr 11)
SCHOOL SERVICE AWARDS – For helping with Leadership Day
Year 7 – Cooper Clothier, Blair Jackson, Matilda Jones, Jacob Page, Darcy Pittman, Travis Smith,
Mady Thomas, Ashleigh Wright, Kristina Wright
Year 8 – Grace Coombes, Kiahara Duncan, Chloe Flanagan, Josh Hallett, Amelia Meier, Jonathon McMahon,
Jacob Moore, Sarah Saunders, Hannah Rando, Cassandra Reid, Angelia Vickers, Jessica Walmsley
Year 9 – Ben Crackett , Nick Crackett, Tom Farley, Kayla Flaherty, Campbell Jeffries, Campbell Murray,
Kim Page, Kirsten Smith, Jake Speck, Gabby Vickers
Year 10 – Joel Bates, Georgia Coombes, Campbell Jones, Ryam Jones, Rachel Pittman, Isaac Smith,
Teegan Tickner
Year 11 – Vivien Carstens, Rebecca Aboozaid, Tom Darlington, Caleb Kaney, Nat Ryan, Elodi Turri,
Scott Wharton
“”Learning is our priority”
Scone High School BYOD Policy
At the end of 2013 the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) finalised the Digital Education
Revolution 5 year program which involved the allocation of laptops to all students in years 9 – 12. This
year no laptops will be provided by the DEC and therefore Scone High School will be moving towards the
BYOD (Bring your own device) system. What this means is that students in Years 7 – 12 may choose to
bring a device to school to support their learning. However, it is not mandatory for students bring a device
and none will be disadvantaged by not doing so. As well as this, the use of laptops in the classroom is
completely at the teacher’s discretion.
The information below outlines minimum specifications and the types of devices that will be allowed here
at school. Students in Year 10, 11 & 12 will keep their current devices until they leave Year 12. However,
if a student is using a DER laptop but would like to start using a BYOD machine instead, we ask that they
return their DER device so that it may become available for someone who currently does not have one.
What is BYOD (Bring your own device)?
Essentially students bring a device (if they choose) and are able to connect to the DEC wireless and use the device in
their class, if the teacher chooses to do so.
What is a permitted device?
 Any piece of technology which can access the internet through the school’s wi-fi network.
Examples include: Laptop, iPad, Android Tablet and iPad Mini.
 Due to the schools policy on the use of phones in classrooms, smartphones are not included in the
list of acceptable devices for learning.
What questions should you ask your vendor when purchasing a BYOD?
 Does it have 5GHz wireless?
 Does it have Windows 7 or 8 (preferable but iOS and Android are acceptable)?
 Will the battery last for a whole school day (no charging facilities at school)?
 What physical protection is available for transportation in a school bag?
 Does warranty cover accidental damage or damage caused through negligence?
What will the school provide?
 The school will provide access to a filtered internet service accessed with setup support, BUT we
will not provide printing from BYOD devices.
What are the structures?
 The DEC and SHS will not accept any liability for the theft, damage or loss of any student’s
device. Students who bring their own devices onto school sites do so at their own risk.
 DER’s remain covered by the charter of use and maintained by the TSO for 2014
 BYOD License will be issued to applicants that complete the BYOD Student Agreement and are
revoked if the device is used contrary to the agreement.
 Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of their devices including data protection and
battery charging and SHS will not provide hardware or technical support for devices.
Further information is available on the Scone High website including additional specifications,
links to DEC preferred vendors and a list of commonly asked questions.
“”Learning is our priority”
SHS Bring Your Own Device Student Agreement Policy 2014
Students who wish to take advantage of the BYOD policy must read this agreement in the company of an adult unless
otherwise excused by the principal. This page is to be signed and returned to the school. By signing at the bottom of
this page students agree to the following behaviours in exchange for a BYOD License:
 I agree that my use of the Department’s internet will be primarily for learning.
 I agree to only ever use my own portal/internet log-in details and never share those with others.
 I agree to not hack or bypass any hardware and software security implemented by the Department or my
 I agree to not use BYOD to knowingly search for, link to, access or send anything that is;
 Offensive/Inappropriate
 threatening
 abusive
 defamatory
 considered bullying behaviour
 I agree to report inappropriate behaviour and material to my teacher.
 I agree to stay safe by not giving out my personal information to strangers.
 I understand that my activity on the internet is recorded and these records may be used in investigations,
court proceedings or for other legal reasons.
 I acknowledge that the school cannot be held responsible for any damage to or theft of my device.
 I agree that use of my device during school activities is at the direction of the teacher.
 I understand that not abiding by the school BYOD rules will result in the loss of my BYOD
I __________________________
Student Name (Print Neatly)
in the presence of :
Parent/Carer Name (Print)
acknowledge that I will adhere to and uphold the conditions of the BYOD policy as set out above
Student Signature
Parent/Carer Signature
Roll Class ___________
Year Group___________
Date: ___/___/____
When completed – please hand in to Mr Westbury/ Mr Carter in the Library.
“”Learning is our priority”
ALL STUDENTS NEED: Ruler, pens, pencils, eraser, calculator and mathematical instruments.
Year 7 is a standard pack as students do not have elective subjects. Standard book packs are available from
the School Canteen for $50. Calculators are $30 if purchased with a book pack ($80 total)
Year 8 to 10 students should place their order at the Canteen.
ALL STATIONERY MUST BE A4 SIZE except for Visual Arts sketchbooks which should be A3 (these are kept in the
classroom so students don’t need to carry them to and from school
Calculators, Text Protects and special grid books are available at the Canteen.
2 x 128 stapled
2 x 128 stapled
2 x 128 stapled
2 x 128 stapled
1 x 238 5 mm Grid
1 x 238 5 mm Grid
1 x 238 5 mm Grid
1 x 238 5 mm Grid
1 x 192 bound
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 192 stapled
1 x 192 bound
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 bound
1 x 192 stapled
1 x 192stapled
1 x A4 folder
1 x A4 folder
A4 display folder
with A4 paper
with A4 paper
1 x 64 Manuscript
1 x sketchbook A3
1 x sketchbook A3
1 x sketchbook A3
1 x sketchbook A3
1 x 2B pencil
1 x 2B/3B pencil
1 x 2B/3B pencil
1 x 2B/3B pencil
1 x 6B pencil
1 x 6B pencil
1 x 6B pencil
1 x 6B pencil
1 x plastic eraser
1 x plastic eraser
1 x plastic eraser
1 x plastic eraser
2 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
1 x A4 display folder.
1 x A4 display folder.
Food Tech
Food Tech
+ A4 lined paper
+ A4 lined paper
1 x A4 Book
1 x A4 Book
(approx 40 sheets)
(approx 40 sheets)
A4 Display folder
A4 Display folder
A4 lined paper
A4 lined paper
Industrial Arts
Industrial Arts
1 x A4 Display
1 x A4 Display
1 x 192 bound
1 x 128 bound
1 x A4 displayfolder. 1 x A4 displayfolder.
1 x 96 stapled
1 x 96 stapled
1 x 192 bound
1 x 128 stapled
1 x A4 display folder 1 x A4 display folder
1 x A4 display folder 1 x A4 display folder
Drawing Instruments
1 x A4 display folder 1 x A4 display folder
1 x A4 display folder 1 x A4 display folder
1 x A4 display folder 1 x A4 display folder
1 x A4 display folder
1 x A4 display folder
with lined paper
with lined paper
1 x A4 Drama book
1 x A4 Drama book
1 x 128 stapled
1 x 128 stapled
2 x A4 display folder 2 x A4 display folder
Year 11 & 12 – Folders/A4 paper/Plastic Sleeves/Dividers. See individual subject teachers or Year Adviser
for more detailed information on organisation, note taking,
record-keeping and summarising your work
for revision.
“”Learning is our priority”
Scone High School considers the wearing of a full school uniform a major factor in promoting and maintaining
school tone. The community of Scone High School encourages the wearing of school uniform for the following
It unites the student body;
Demonstrates pride in the school and
Discourages discrimination on social grounds.
If the uniform cannot be worn on any particular day, a note should be supplied to the Deputy Principal on that
day. Students who do not wear the school uniform and who do not provide a note may be excluded from
representing the school and placed on a half lunch detention.
Students are encouraged to wear predominantly blue hats/caps for sun protection. Caps are not to be worn in
buildings and should be removed and placed in school bags before classes.
The uniform for Scone High School is as follows:
Boys – Years 7 - 10
Grey shorts or long trousers
Blue button through collared shirt
White or grey socks
Black leather shoes (riding boots are
acceptable given our rural location)
Navy blue jumper/polar fleece, sloppy joe or
school tracksuit top.
Boys – Years 11 & 12
Grey shorts or long trousers
White button through collared shirt
White or grey socks
Black leather shoes (riding boots are acceptable
given our rural location)
Navy blue jumper/polar fleece, sloppy joe or
school tracksuit top
Girls - Years 7 - 10
Checked skirt – short or long or
Navy pants
Blue button through collared shirt or blouse
Navy blue jumper/polar fleece, sloppy joe or
school tracksuit top.
White socks or navy or black stockings
Black shoes
Girls - Years 11 & 12
Checked skirt – short or long or
Navy pants
White button through collared shirt or blouse
Navy blue jumper/polar fleece, sloppy joe or
school tracksuit top.
White socks or navy stockings
Black shoes
Sport and PE Uniform
Navy shorts or tracksuit pants
Blue polo shirt, including blue representative shirt
White socks
Joggers (note: leather shoes are to be worn in practical classes on sports days)
School tracksuits may be worn on sports day
Sports uniform is worn on sporting excursions
School blazers are available for formal functions and students are encouraged to wear the formal uniform
(white shirt, with tie and trousers or skirt) when representing the school at various functions.
Families can purchase a school blazer at Farrams, but they will need to be ordered.
The school has a set of blazers for students who represent the school. A $25 refundable deposit is required.
Bookings can be made through the front office.
* Optional – school tie, can be purchased at front office for $20
Please note: Covered, solid leather shoes are required for all practical classes.