The country wh1ch is now the Central Afncan Repubhc was from 1903 to 1958 the French colony of Ubang Sha11 The ewplorer Savorgnan de Brazza extended F1ench 111f uence nor1h "Jf t1e Ubang1 nver 111 1887 and the town of BnngUI was fourded 111 1889 The Ffench temtorv of UilPe' Bangu1 WitS l:~rn-ed '" 1894 and the Shan area was occup1nri '" 1898 Altr.r tha failure of the French expedition to Fasi10(li1 on the N1fe ' " 1898 the frontter with Sudan was fixed on 21 Warch 1899 Ubang1 Shan. at f1rst part of the French Congo becan,e a colonv as from 1 July 1904 by a decree of 29 December 1903 tlnul1915 the stamps of French Conqo were used :here , from to 1922 11 shared w1th Child UBANGI-SHARI-CHAD OUBINGUI·CHARI·TCHAO Fronl Shn11 192 2 ,u1d 10 1936 ~tll) 'll'illO 1 Uhnll(J' fo Chit~l ' · s~;uos of still)ips were •11<1de for 1 B. UBANG I-SHARI . =. From 16 March 1936 to 1960 stamps of French Equatorial Afnca we•e used •n Ubang1 Sh~n C. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC The Central Afr~c ,u1 Rt:puhhc formerly Ubang•- Shan, was nt!<l!Pd ,,;. .tn ·•-•:oi'OtPOu;. ..,law on 1 December 1958 •Jc Sc3 Expert A.l.E.P. Expert honoraire pres la Cour d'Appel de Paris. 30 Avenue de I'Opera 75002 Paris France n° 21/3539 Nous, soussignes, Bernard et Pascal BEHR, certifions que le timbre photographie ci contre : Pays OUBANGUI N ° 57 b du catalogue Etat * 60 s/75c. violets/rose. Double surch. noire et rouge. TB. , est authentique, lors de l'Examen Paris, le 20/09/2013