Bilag 1 - Doffin
Bilag 1 - Doffin
Varekjøp bilag 1 Bilag 1 - Oppdragsgivers spesifikasjon 1 Anskaffelsen gjelder CDCF ved Havforskningsinstituttet ber på vegne av samarbeidspartner (CIP i Havanna, Cuba) om tilbud på nøkkelferdig oppdrettsanlegg (merdanlegg). Anlegget skal installeres på utvalgt lokalitet i Grisebukta, Cuba, klart for utsett av fisk. 1.1 Leveransen skal omfatte: 2 ringer med 50 meter omkrets med tilbehør Nøter med 5 meter dybde pluss kon, og i tillegg predatornett i henhold til punkt 1.3. i dette dokumentet. Bunnring, lodd eller lignende, iht lokalitetsforhold og leverandørens anbefaling. Fortøyningssystem iht lokalitetsforhold Annet utstyr iht spesifikasjon Frakt til havn i/ved Havana, Cuba Reisekostnader (inkludert fly, diett, hotellkostnader etc) Ledelse og sikring av montasje nær lokaliteten på Cuba Installasjon av anlegget på lokaliteten i Grisebukta Tilbudet skal gi en best mulig tilpasset teknisk løsning gitt de skisserte forhold og utfordringer. Dette vil bli grunnlag for evaluering av tilbudene. Se konkurransegrunnlag punkt 5. CIP skal stå for tollklarering og frakt av container(e) fra mottakshavn til monteringssted ved Grisebukta. Leverandøren skal stille med minimum 2 personer til å lede og gjennomføre montasje og installasjon. Det skal utarbeides en spesifikasjon over behov for cubansk assistanse ved montasje og installasjon som en del av tilbudet. Det kan ikke forutsettes at det vil være mulig å skaffe verktøy, reservedeler etc. på stedet/Cuba. Det må oppgis krav til trucker/traktorer og båt/kraner etc som skal skaffes tilveie av CIP. Parafer / Side 1 av 3 Varekjøp bilag 1 1.2 Spesielle forhold: Hurricanes (tropiske stormer) Grisebukta rammes av en tropisk storm i gjennomsnitt hvert 5 år. Stormene er av varierende styrke. De varierer også noe i vindretning. Lokaliteten antas å ligge i ”le” i mange tilfeller dvs at strøklengden er forholdsvis beskjeden. Tropiske stormer medfører vindpress, større bølger, ekstraordinære strømforhold og høyvann. De normale lokalitetsforhold antas ikke å representere store utfordringer i forhold til anleggsvalg. Leverandøren bes å vurdere anleggs- og fortøyningsløsning i forhold til en situasjon med tropisk storm og samtidig hvilke tiltak som anbefales iverksatt i storm-sesongen junioktober eller på kort sikt ved et varslet mulig direkte treff av en slik tropisk storm. Parafer / Side 2 av 3 Varekjøp bilag 1 1.3 Oversikt over nødvendige nøter og utstyr Komponenter Not 12 mm; 3 meter dyp konet m/dødfiskhov Not 18 mm; 5 meter dyp + kon for dødfiskhov Not 25,5 mm; 5 meter dyp + kon for dødfiskhov Fuglenett Predator not; dybde tilstrekkelig for dødfiskhov Kuleline Orkastnot Tau 18 mm Tau (tynt) Tau 12 mm Kulelodd Net Hooks Notvasker nedsenkbar Lys for feste på merder, evt. radarreflektor inkludert Skjørt til parasittbehandling; 5 m dyp Hover med langt skaft Liten våthov m/skaft (<500 liter) Parafer / Antall 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 200 2 400 16 16 1 2 1 3 1 Enhet pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs meter rull meter pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs pcs Kommentar Not impregnated Not impregnated Not impregnated "birdnet" Kraftig nylon (knutet) "Balline" "catch net" Beskrivelse Ved utsett av liten fisk rett i "stormerd" (event. splitt i to) mørk nottype mørk nottype Toppnett (skyggenetting ikke antatt nødvendig) Skal holde barracuda og mindre haier ute! Dvs god dimensjon For deling av not og trenging av fisk Tilpasset nøter - innfanging av fisk Standard dimensjon for innfesting av nøter Generelt Tilpasset strømforhold Opphengskroker rail "Net cleaner" Godkjent type "liner skirt" Krever kran el. bomløsning Enkel notvasker til rengjøring av notvegger Solcelle ok For parasittbehandling; tilpasses notstørrelse Uttak av fisk Liten våthov ved uttak slakt - sees i sammheng m/annet utstyr Side 3 av 3 De følgende sidene er utarbeidet av et eksternt selskap. Vi ønsker ikke at tilbydere kontakter dette selskapet direkte, og har derfor fjernet navnet på selskapet i dokumentet. 1.4 Evaluation of environmental data at Bahía de Cochinos As a part of the project “Development of Sustainable Marine Aquaculture in Cuba”, Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras (CIP), Havana, Cuba assisted by Centre for Development Cooperation in Fisheries (CDCF) / Institute of Marine Research in Norway (IMR) is planning to develop a marine fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) in Cuba. IMR has asked xxxx AS to assemble and evaluate existing data on the environmental conditions (e.g. currents, waves, wind, water depth and bottom conditions) in the chosen aquaculture site. The data assembled here will be the basis for calculations regarding the type and dimensions of mooring lines, nets and other components of the fish farm. All data are collected by others, and xxxx AS is not responsible for the quality of these data. THE FISH FARMING AREA The fish farm is to be situated in Bahía de Cochinos, on the south coast of Matanzas province in Cuba. The bay is approximately 25 km long and between 4 and 9 km wide, and is part of the Caribbean Sea (figure 1). The depths in the entrance of the bay are between 490 and 760 m. Central parts of the bay are more than 200 m deep in the outermost 22.5 km, but the bottom rises abruptly upwards close to shore on both the western and eastern side. 20 mi Figure 1. Overview of the area around Bahía de Cochinos on Cuba. Position of the planned fish farm is marked with a red dot. The map is generated in Google Maps ( 1 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE Bahía de Cochinos is approximately 5 km wide in the area planned for aquaculture. Preliminary plans include two floating rings with a circumference of 50 m each (diameter ca. 16 m). The rings will be placed along the western coast of the bay, approximately 4-500 m from the shoreline, on a rather shallow plateau (figure 2). The water depth under the fish farm will be approximately 20 to 30 m, but the bottom slopes abruptly down to more than 100 m immediately east of the fish farm. It is difficult to find depths from 20 to 40 m of little slope, that could be necessary for a symmetrical anchorage arrangement. The bottom in the planned position of the fish farm is according to Raúl Flores at CIP dominated by sand down to 10 m depth, and “rock lines” with sand between them between there and the edge of the plateau (attachment 5). The western side of Bahía de Cochinos has fringing coral reefs, but preliminary investigations show no coral reefs on the bottom at the position of the planned fish farm. 2000 ft Figure 2. Overview of the northwestern part of Bahía de Cochinos, with data on water depth in the bay. Approximate position of the planned fish farm is marked with a red dot. CURRENTS The following evaluations regarding water currents in the fish farming area is valid only outside the hurricane season (see the chapter “Hurricanes” below). Data Current measurements were carried out with two Sensordata SD-6000 current meters located at 5 and 15 m depth in position 22° 13.286' N / 81° 11.716' W (figure 2). Measurements were performed in the period January 15 to February 8 2013, with a time interval of 60 minutes between measurements. The results of the current measurements are summarized in table 1, and current speed through the measurement period is shown in figures 3 and 4. The mean current speed was 2.3 and 4.5 cm/s on 5 and 15 m depth respectively, while the maximum current speed was 10.6 and 20.0 cm/s at the same 2 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE depths. The predominant current direction was south-southeast to southeast at both 5 and 15 m depth, and the strongest current peaks were recorded towards south-southeast at both depths (figures 5 and 6). Current speeds higher than 10 cm/s were not recorded in any other direction than south-southeast and southeast. Figure 3. Current speed (cm/s) at 5 m depth in the period January 15 to February 8 2013 in the position of the planned fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos, Cuba. Figure 4. Current speed (cm/s) at 15 m depth in the period January 15 to February 8 2013 in the position of the planned fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos, Cuba. 3 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE Table 1. Mean and maximum current speed, main current direction (highest percentage of total flux) and direction of the highest recorded current speed in the period January 15 to February 8 2013 in the position of the planned fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos. Depth Mean current speed Max current speed Main direction Max current speed direction 5m 2.3 cm/s 10.6 cm/s SSE/SE SSE 15 m 4.5 cm/s 20.0 cm/s SSE/SE SSE 5m 5m Figure 5. Maximum current velocity (cm/s) and relative water flux (%) at 5 m depth at the position of the planned fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos in the period January 15 to February 8 2013. 15 m 15 m Figure 6. Maximum current velocity (cm/s) and relative water flux (%) at 15 m depth at the position of the planned fish farm in Bahía de Cochinos in the period January 15 to February 8 2013. 4 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE Evaluation The general impression is that the site was not exposed to strong currents during the period of measurements. The semi-diurnal range of the tide in the area is normally less than 50 cm, which indicates that tidal currents generally will be weak. Local pressure driven currents due to wind forcing water into the bay before releasing it will be close to negligible, due to the relatively short distance between the fish farm and the innermost point of the bay. During the rainy season (approximately May to October), spouts of heavy precipitation can lead to massive runoff of freshwater. This will have a marked effect on the stratification of the water column in near-coastal areas, but as no large rivers run into Bahía de Cochinos such episodes will not produce strong surface currents out of the bay. The main components of the total current system in the fish farm area will therefore most likely be windgenerated surface currents (predominantly from eastern and southern directions) and possibly residues of larger current systems in the Caribbean Sea south of Cuba. Both mean and maximum current speed were almost twice as high on 15 versus 5 m depth, but considering the short period of measurement we do not feel confident this will be the case across different seasons and weather conditions. Furthermore, three conditions are calling for caution when interpreting the results: 1) The measurements were done in a relatively calm time of the year on Cuba with regard to weather conditions, and maximum recorded wind in the 24 day period was 7 to 12 m/s. Data from the meteorological station at Playa Girón in Bahía de Cochinos show that average wind speed over the last 30 years have been highest in March and April in Bahía de Cochinos, but the average wind speed has been less than 4 m/s in all months throughout the year. As windgenerated surface currents could be a major component of the total current system in Bahía de Cochinos, one would expect that measurements made at different times of the year would yield somewhat different results. 2) The time interval between measurements was 60 minutes, whereas the standard for classifications of Norwegian fish farms is 10 minutes (NS 9415:2009). The risk of missing the highest current peaks increases with increasing measurement interval, and experience with different intervals indicate that a 60-minute interval measurement series probably will produce maximum recorded current speeds 15 to 20 % lower than 10 minute interval measurements. 3) The measurements were done over a relatively short period (24 days). This does not include a full lunar cycle, which is recommended for current measurements at marine aquaculture sites. The measurement period did however include a full moon, and should therefore have recorded any significant effect of the lunar cycle on the current system in the area. In light of the limitations of the available data, we recommend that mooring lines and other equipment at the planned fish farm are scaled to handle current speeds of up to 50 cm/s in the directions south-southeast and southeast, and 30 cm/s in all other directions, on both 5 and 15 m depth. WAVES The following evaluations regarding waves in the fish farming area are valid only outside the hurricane season (see the chapter “Hurricanes” below). Data Data from the meteorological station at Playa Girón in Bahía de Cochinos show that wind in the bay predominantly comes from the directional area northeast to southeast, with average wind speeds between 10 and 14 km/h (2.8 – 3.9 m/s) in different months. Professor Ida Mitrani at Centro de Fisica de la Atmosfera / Instituto de Meteorologia has estimated a maximum wave height (Hmax) in central parts of the bay of 3 m (attachments 2 & 3), which corresponds to a significant wave height (Hs) of 5 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE approximately 1.6 m. A more detailed estimation of the probability of different wave heights from different directions affecting the northwestern area of the bay is given in table 2 (Report from Mr. Abel Betanzos Vega, CIP). Table 2. Probability percentage for different wave heights generated by wind in the northwestern area of Bahía de Cochinos. From Vega (2013). Height of the wave N NE E SE S SW W NW 0.0 to 1.0 m 94 92 85 85 88 98 98 95 1.1 to 3.0 m 6 7 9 13 11 2 2 5 ≥ 3.0 m 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 Evaluation The fish farming site is located in the northwestern part of Bahía de Cochinos, which is exposed to winds across the Caribbean Sea from a southerly to southeasterly direction. Strong, prevailing winds across this open ocean area could build up waves of a considerable height, but such directionally stable winds are rare in this area. Strong winds in the open sea in the southern parts of the Caribbean Sea could also result in ocean waves hitting the fish farm area. A maximum wave height of 3 m seems reasonable from the directions northeast, east and south, but we recommend that mooring lines and other equipment at the planned fish farm are scaled to handle Hmax up to 3.5 m from southeast, corresponding to a Hs of approximately 1.85 m. This recommendation will not be valid for the hurricane season, see below. Apart from ocean waves and locally wind-generated waves, ship-generated waves will affect the fish farming site. Large ships will for the most part sail centrically through the bay, but it cannot be excluded that both large and fast-going vessels at times will pass quite close to the fish farm. This could result in waves of a considerable height hitting the fish farm, but ship-generated waves would in any case be smaller than the largest wind-generated waves coming from the same directions. HURRICANES Cuba is relatively frequently hit by hurricanes crossing the Atlantic Ocean into the Caribbean Sea from the east. From a total of 116 hurricanes recorded in the period 1880 through 2010, 25 affected Bahía de Cochinos directly, 20 of these with wind speeds between 118 – 177 km/h, two between 178 – 209 km/h, two between 210 – 250 km/h, and one >251 km/h (Vega 2013). Such wind speeds will cause a considerable pull on a marine fish farm, and could damage various equipment, move anchors and make mooring lines snap. Hurricanes could also cause unusually high waves and strong, local currents. Flying objects transported by the wind could also potentially damage the fish farm. The hurricane season in Cuba is from June to October, and August to October for hurricanes exceeding 150 km/h (Vega 2013). The extreme situations occurring during a hurricane is difficult to estimate, and we do not have sufficient experience to give exact recommendations of current and wave values during such events. For the equipment above the surface, the effect of the hurricane itself could probably be as strong as or stronger than the effect of the waves and currents it generates. EQUIPMENT There could be several different ways for suppliers of equipment to meet the challenge of fish farming in a hurricane-prone area. We challenge suppliers to find good solutions and ideas to solve this task, but make some general suggestions: 6 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 NOTE 1) The fish farm could be built to withstand a strong hurricane. This would probably require that the dimensions of mooring lines, anchors etc. would far exceed what is required by the “normal” current and wave exposures as evaluated above. 2) The fish farm could be secured on land or at bay during the hurricane season, and mooring lines, anchors and other equipment would then only have to be designed to handle the “normal” current and wave exposures as evaluated above. This would however require adjustment to a short production cycle. 3) The fish farm could be designed to be easily moved in case of a hurricane. Forecast of the hurricane track will be reasonably accurate 2-3 days before impact, and hurricanes will pass the actual area only about once every five years on average. Preferably, there should be as little fish as possible in the farm during the hurricane season if emergency arises. 4) The fish farm could be lowered in the sea during hurricanes? REFERENCES NORSK STANDARD NS 9415:2009. Flytende oppdrettsanlegg. Krav til lokalitetsundersøkelse, risikoanalyse, utforming, dimensjonering, utførelse, montering og drift. 2. utgave november 2009. Standard Norway, 100 pages (in Norwegian) VEGA, A. B. 2013. Other analyzes of marine currents and meteorological parameters, Cochinos Bay, Cuba. Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras (CIP), Report March 12, 2013. ATTACHMENTS 1) Vega 2013: Other analyzes of marine currents and meteorological parameters, Cochinos Bay, Cuba (6 pp.). 2) Oppsummering vedrørende lokalisering av anlegg i Grisebukten (2 pp.). 3) Oppsummering av “Grisebukta” som lokalitet til matfiskanlegg (2 pp.). 4) Statistical summary and figures of current measurements at 5m and 15 m depth (5 pp.). 5) Schematic drawing of the bottom conditions in the area under the planned fish farm, drawn by Raul Flores at CIP (1 pp.). Bergen, May 29, 2013 M.Sc. Cand. scient 7 Note Bahía de Cochinos 2013 Other analyzes of marine currents and meteorological parameters, Cochinos Bay, Cuba After obtaining the results of the current series by the program SD6000 (Norwegian), raw data were processed with the Cuban program COMAR. This was realize in order to filter the series by Doodson method to obtain the tidal and residual currents and other statistics. Analysis of marine currents in the level of 5 m. The tidal current level of 5 m showed movements in all directions, but closer to the shaft E - W and elongated in the axis N - S (principal axis direction of the bay). Its intensity shows low significance with a speed range from 0 to 4 cm / s (Fig. 1, left), low currents, the average speed of the tidal current, filtered, was 0.18 cm/s (Table 1), with very low directional stability index (3.44%) and poor correlation (R2 = -0.03) between the vectors u and v (Table 2). Figure 1. Marine currents roses in 16 bearings at 5 m depth Table 1. Statistical summary of the currents recorded in the level of 5 m. Tidal current (5m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Residual Current (5 m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Summary Current (5 m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Zonal Current -0.00 0.01 0.11 0.00 Zonal Current 0.67 0.62 0.79 0.03 Zonal Current 0.59 1.68 1.29 0.05 Southern current -0.01 0.04 0.19 0.01 Southern current -1.70 0.76 0.87 0.04 Southern current -1.63 2.30 1.52 0.06 Module of V 0.18 0.02 0.12 0.01 Module of V 1.97 0.82 0.91 0.04 Module of V 2.34 1.50 1.22 0.05 Table 2. Other statistical analysis of measurements of currents, depth of 5 m Other statistical analyses Covariance between u and v series Correlation between u and v series kinetic energy of the stationary movement kinetic energy of the non-stationary movement Energy reason (stationary/non-stationary) Total kinetic energy Vector module current mean Vector direction current mean Tidal current -0.00 cm/s R2 = -0.03; P< 0.05 0.00 erg 0.08% 0.02 erg 99.92% 0.00 0.02erg 0.01 cm/s 191.53 grades Residual Current -0.38 cm/s R2 = -0.56; P< 0.05 1.67 erg 70.75% 0.69 erg 29.25% 2.42 2.36 erg 1.83cm/s 158.51 grades Summary Current -0.71 cm/s R2 = -0.36; P< 0.05 1.50 erg 43.02% 1.99 erg 56.98% 0.76 3.49 erg 1.73cm/s 160.22 grades Directional stability index Variability speed module Stability of the speed module Median speed module Mode speed module Speed quadratic mean of the non stationary movement Speeds reason (not stationary/mean current) 3.44% 67.71% 32.29% 0.16 cm/s 0.11 cm/s 0.22 cm/s 35.12 92.57% 45.96% 54.04% 1.84m/s 1.58 cm/s 1.17 cm/s 0.64 74.04% 52.34% 47.66% 2.20 cm/s 1.92 cm/s 1.99cm/s 1.15 The results show a residual current hegemony (Fig. 1, center), predominantly in the SE - SSE and SSW directions, with average intensity of 1.97 cm/s (Table 1), greater directional stability index (92.57%) and the highest correlation (R 2 = -0.56) between the vectors u and v (Table 2). Although this result could be related to the predominance of the NE winds and the physicalgeographical area where measurements were made, to our knowledge, the residual current direction was determined by density or gradient currents, due to low surface salinities, with vertical stratification UPS 32 to 35 in the first 2 meters deep. The salinity decreases towards the north, where there are water by runoff and underground terrigenous discharge (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Horizontal distribution of surface salinity (0.50 m) Summary or total current, at 5 m (Fig. 1, right), showed a predominant direction SSE - SE, with mean value of 2.34 cm/s (Table 1), and directional stability index of 74.04% (Table 2), bolstered by the residual current. Analysis of marine currents in the level of 15 m. The tidal current (Fig. 3, left), at the level of 15 m, showed predominant directions in the directions NW-NNW (flow) and SE-SSE (reflux), with greater intensity than that in the level of 5 m. The average speed of the tidal current, filtered, was 2.49 cm/s (Table 3), with very low directional stability index (0.94%), and significant inverse correlation (R2 = -0.77) between the vectors u and v (Table 4). The residual current (Fig. 3, center), presented a predominance in the directions SE - SSE, with average intensity of 3.71 cm / s (Table 3), directional stability index (96.52%) and higher correlation (R2 = -0.87 ) between the vectors u and v (Table 4). The summary or total current (Fig. 3, right) showed a predominant direction SE - SSE mean value of 4.49 cm/s, greater than the average current at 5 m. The directional stability index was 76.60% (Table 4). Figure 3. Marine currents roses in 16 bearings, at 15 m depth Table 3. Statistical summary of the currents recorded in the level of 15 m. Tidal current (15 m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Residual Current (15 m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Summary Current (15 m) Mean value (cm/sec) Variance (cm2/sec2) Deviation (cm/sec) Standard error (cm/sec) Zonal Current 0 3.42 1.85 0.08 Zonal Current 2.12 1.23 1.11 0.05 Zonal Current 2.03 5.43 2.33 0.10 Southern current 0.02 7.01 2.65 0.11 Southern current -2.89 3.41 1.85 0.08 Southern current -2.78 11.69 3.42 0.14 Module of V 2.49 4.24 2.06 0.09 Module of V 3.71 3.70 1.92 0.08 Module of V 4.49 8.78 2.96 0.12 Table 4. Other statistical analysis of measurements of currents, depth of 15 m Other statistical analyses Covariance between u and v series Correlation between u and v series kinetic energy of the stationary movement kinetic energy of the nonstationary movement Energy reason (stationary / non-stationary) Total kinetic energy Vector module current mean Vector direction current mean Directional stability index Variability speed module Stability of the speed module Median speed module Mode speed module Tidal current -3.77 cm/sec R2 = -0.77; P< 0.05 0.00 erg 0.01% 5.21 erg 99.99% 0.00 5.21 erg 0.02 cm/sec 2.46 grades 0.94% 82.78% 17.22% 1.93 cm/sec 0.82 cm/sec Residual Current -1.79 cm/sec R2 = -0.87; P< 0.05 6.41 erg 73.40% 2.32 erg 26.60% 2.76 8.73 erg 3.58 cm/sec 143.73 grades 96.52% 51.90% 48.10% 3.37 cm/sec 2.69 cm/sec Summary Current -6.34 cm/sec R2 = -0.80; P< 0.05 5.93 erg 40.90% 5.21 erg 59.10% 0.69 14.49 erg 3.44 cm/sec 143.79 grades 76.60% 65.93% 34.07% 3.80 cm/sec 2.41 cm/sec Speed quadratic mean of the non stationary movement speeds reason (not stationary / means current) 3.23 cm/sec 138.79 2.15 cm/sec 0.60 4.14 cm/sec 1.20 In general, the current in the first 5 meters deep was influenced by the density differences that generated a movement of semi-estuarine circulation, at least for the NW area of the bay. At the level of 15 m it was found a greater effect of the tidal current, reversing current, prevailing residual current although. At both levels of depth, the maximum speed coincided with SE and SSE directions, reinforcing reflux. The graphic anomalies (Fig. 5), shows higher speed (positive anomalies or near the average) during the full moon (spring tides). Figure 5. Variation of the speed and direction of marine currents in standardized anomalies (5 m), and start of phases of the moon. 8 Crescent Moon 7 Full Moon Waning Moon 4 Speed Direction 6 5 3 2 4 3 1 2 0 1 -1 0 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 1 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253 271 289 307 325 343 361 379 397 415 433 451 469 487 505 523 541 559 Meteorological parameters From a total of 116 hurricanes from 1880 through 2010, 25 of them (22%) have directly affected the Cochinos Bay, 20 of them with categories of SS1 and SS2 (According to the Saffir-Simpson scale) with 118-177 km/h winds and 6 maximum intensity hurricane (SS3, SS4 and SS5), two SS3 category (winds of 178-209 km/h), two SS4 category (winds of 210-250 km/h) and one SS5 category (≥ 251 km/h). Recently, Gustav Hurricane (SS4), affected the western region on August 30, 2008 (Fig. 6 and 7), generating heavy rainfall that affected the salinity and hydrodynamic of Cochinos Bay. The center (eye) of this hurricane was localized in 160 km west of Cochinos Bay. Hurricane Gustav crossed transversely of the western region, with SS4 category, affecting the Cochinos Bay (Fig. 7) with tropical storm winds and waves of up to 1.25 m in height. The heavy rainfall (> 150 mm in 24 hours), generated strong runoff. Figures 6 The image shows the coverage area and the distribution of the rainfall (inches) and atmospheric pressure (millibars). Figure 7. The image shows the location of the eye of Hurricane Gustav (SS4), 159 km east of Cochinos Bay, the intensity of the wind and wave height reached in the bay. Table 5 Data averaged meteorological variables according to months, obtained from the meteorological station at Playa Girón (Cochinos Bay) Value means (30 years) Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec predominant wind (direction) NE ENE SE SE SE SE ESE ESE SE ENE NE NE wind speed (km/h) 11 13 14 14 13 12 11 11 11 10 12 12 Cold Fronts (number) 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Days with squalls 0 0 1 2 9 17 12 15 18 16 5 0 Days with fog 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Cloudiness (eighth) 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 Average rainfall (mm) 43 18 32 14 76 238 85 120 250 246 64 21 Relative humidity (%) 81 78 78 77 81 83 82 83 85 85 83 81 Average temperature (35 years) maximum air temperature 27.1 27.0 28.3 29.5 30.1 30.7 31.6 31.5 31.1 30.6 28.9 27.8 mean air temperature 21.4 21.2 23.0 24.4 25.9 26.5 27.0 26.8 26.3 25.5 23.5 21.9 minimum air temperature 15.9 15.4 17.4 18.8 21.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 21.5 19.2 16.8 Hurricanes (% occurrence 167 years) winds 100 to 150 km/h 0 0 0 0 0 3.6 3.6 10.7 14.3 13.7 0 0 winds 151 to 200 km/h 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 7.1 10.9 11.1 0 0 winds > 200 km/h 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 3.6 10.5 10.9 0 0 Table 6. Wave height and probability percentage (%) according to the direction of the waves generated by the wind, NW area of Cochinos Bay. Height of the wave N of 0.1 to 1.0 m of 1.1 to 3 m ≥3m NE E SE S SW W NW 94 92 85 85 88 98 6 7 9 13 11 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 98 95 2 5 0 0