June 2009 Bulletin


June 2009 Bulletin
Volume 6, Issue 4
June 2009
Executive Director’s Comments
s the school year comes to close and I
reflect back on the past ten months, a
number of highlights for the NSSAF come to
mind. Here’s a list of a few of them:
 The championships in the Junior and
Senior High were outstanding. This is a credit
to the many host school organizations and
tournament directors who go out of their way
to create lifelong memories.
 The Junior High/Middle School festivals
were very well received by our members. Students experienced
sports such as mountain biking, curling, 3-on-3 hockey, badminton,
table tennis, cheerleading, rugby, etc. Many thanks to the
Department of Health Promotion and Protection who have decided
to fund this program for the next two years.
 The Celebration of School Sport was another highlight of the year
for the NSSAF. One-hundred forty-seven schools were present at
the luncheon. Many thanks for our table sponsors, schools and
NSSAF partners for this great event.
 The NSSAF Football League is growing and now stands at 17
 Cheerleading has been given a big safety boost by the Department
of Education who will be assisting the NSSAF in providing mats
Citation Award Presentation
River Hebert’s Rick Rhodes (l) and Peter Spicer
NSSAF June 2009 News
for competition as well as enhancing the coaching certification
program with guest technicians.
 The Coach Education program is moving along nicely under the
direction of our Coach Education Coordinator, Ron O’Flaherty and
Liz Pace of HPP. The Department of Education funded program
‘Keeping the School in School Sport’ has been a success with
results being felt in many areas of coach education this past year.
 The new website is now one year old and has been a tremendous
tool in increasing the communication among member schools and
the general public as well.
 Work will begin shortly on the translation of the NSSAF Handbook
into French. Next year NSSAF documents and memos will be
available in both languages as well.
In the final analysis, the success of the NSSAF is due to the
sacrifice and hard work of administrators, teacher advisors, coaches
and community coaches in our member schools. Their dedication to
improving and enhancing the sporting experiences of our studentathletes should not go unnoticed.
On behalf of the Board of Governors of the NSSAF, I want to wish
you a safe and restful summer. Remember, you all make a difference.
Tom Fahie
Inside This Issue:
Executive Director’s Comments . ................................................. 1
Registration Reminder ................................................................ 2
Important Dates for 2009-2010 .................................................. 2
David Higgins’ Retirement .......................................................... 2
Hockey Summit ........................................................................... 2
Junior High/Middle School Sport Festivals . ................................. 2
Champions Declared ................................................................... 3
Student Accident insurance Gold Plan ........................................ 3
Acadia Academic All-Star Program . ............................................ 3
Junior High/Middle School Champions Declared . ....................... 5
Fair Play Award Recipients 2008-2009 . ...................................... 5
Past Chairs of the NSSAF Board of Governors . ........................... 5
Congratulations to Provincial Hosts ............................................ 7
Good Sport Award Recipients 2008-2009 ................................... 9
Registration Reminder
egistration forms for 2009-2010 have been sent to all
member schools and are due June 26th. If you haven’t
already done so, please fill out the registration form and
return as soon as possible.
Important Dates for Fall 2009
Start-up dates for practices/games for 2009–2010:
1st Game
no earlier than:
no earlier than:
August 15th
3rd Day of School
August 15th
3rd Day of School
3rd Day of School
September 11th
3rd Day of School
September 11th
Cross Country
3rd Day of School
September 11th
3rd Day of School
September 18th
September 11th
October 9th
Board of Governors’ Meeting — September 11th
Baseball Declaration Form Deadline — September 11th
NSSAF Registration Fee Deadline — September 15th
Soccer Declaration Form Deadline — September 18th
District Coordinators’ Workshop — September 17th – 18th
Golf Regionals Must Be Completed — September 21st
Baseball Regionals Must Be Completed — September 28th
Golf Championship — Eden Golf Course — September 28th
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4:29 PM
David Higgins’ Retirement
his year marks the end of the teaching career of David Higgins,
long-time teacher and Vice Principal at Cobequid Educational
Centre. Dave was also a valued member of the Board of Governors,
rising to the position of Chair in 2003. Dave also served as the first
Commissioner of Football when the NSSAFFL became a truly provincial
league. Best wishes from all of us go out the Dave and his family as he
celebrates this milestone in his life.
Hockey Summit
meeting of league coordinators and representatives took place on
Thursday, June 11th at Cobequid Educational Centre. The purpose
of the meeting was to find ways to increase communication within
and between the various leagues in the province. Reg Bezanson, longtime hockey coach and league coordinator in the Metro High School
Athletic Association will be the first Commissioner of the sport.
Junior High/Middle School Sport Festivals
he Department of Health Promotion and Protection has extended
the funding for this worthwhile program for another two years.
The festivals are designed to bring students from three or more schools
together for activities designed for maximum participation. For more
information, please go to our website’s front page.
Page 1
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NSSAF June 2009 News
Champions Declared
Student Accident Insurance Gold Plan
Rugby Boys North Nova Education Centre
Halifax West High School
Girls North Nova Education Centre
Halifax West High School
Fast Pitch
Div. 1Boys
Hants East Rural High School
Avon View High School
Northumberland Reg. High School Cobequid Educational Centre
Div. 1Boys
Div. 3Boys
Halifax West High School
South Colchester Academy
Ecole N.D.A.
New Germany Rural High School
Amherst Regional High School
Northeast Kings Education Centre
Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Inverness Ed Centre/Academy
very eligible child attending public school in
Nova Scotia is automatically covered by the
School Insurance Program’s basic student accident
plan. Over the years there has been a need by some
families to purchase the gold plan option, which
extends most benefits of the basic insurance to include all activities,
24/7, even holidays and summer vacations. Because of the increase in
benefits of the gold plan, the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation
recommends coverage to those students that are sports-minded. To
get information on coverage, how to make a claim, claim forms and
how to purchase the gold plan, please go to www.sip.ca. The deadline
to purchase the gold plan is November 28, 2009. Please go to the SIP
site for more information – www.sip.ca.
Track & Field
JuniorBoys Hebbville Academy
Girls Astral Drive Junior High School
Saint Andrew Jr. High School
Whycocomagh Education Centre
Park View Education Centre
Cobequid Educational Centre
Dartmouth High School
Park View Education Centre
Acadia Academic All-Star Program
Park View Education Centre
Park View Education Centre
Yarmouth Mem. Cons. High School
North Nova Education Centre
chools wishing to take part in this program for this
school year are asked to submit the names of studentathletes in Grades 10, 11, and 12 who have achieved an
average of 85 percent. Deadline for submission is July
10th to [email protected]. The form is available on our website
under “Forms”. Plaques and certificates will be distributed in the fall
by Acadia.
Overall Award
Jr. High Hebbville Academy
Div. 1 Park View Education Centre
Div. 2 Barrington Mun. High School
Div. 3 Halifax Grammar School
Div. 4 Oxford Regional High School
NSSAF June 2009 News
Truro Junior High School
Cobequid Educational Centre
Central Kings Rural High School
Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Lunenburg Jr/Sr High School
The Management and
staff of the 80 Needs Stores
throughout Nova Scotia
are proud to support all
Nova Scotia student athletes
through our sponsorship of
the Nova Scotia School
Athletic Federation.
NSSAF June 2009 News
Junior High/Middle School Champions Declared
Past Chairs of the NSSAF Board of Governors
Western Region
Yarmouth Junior High School
Boys West Hants Middle School
Girls Barrington Municipal High School West Hants Middle School
Fair Play Award Recipients 2008-2009
Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
Junior High/Middle School
West Hants Middle School
Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Senior High School
Pugwash District High School
Halifax Regional School Board
Junior High/Middle School
Five Bridges Junior High School
s David Higgins retires, we thought it might be interesting to
publish a list of past and present Chairs of the NSSAF.
Reg Gunn
Gint MacKenzie
Lloyd Gillis
Mike MacKinnon
Al Peppard
Hayes MacNeil
Doug Stockman
Frank Smith
Gerald Giddens
Joe Metz
Joe Feeney
David Allen
Mike MacDougall
Tom McGlone
Keith MacKenzie
Phonse Gillis
Steven Simpson
Erica Bawn
Dave Higgins
Gary Clarke
Gary Walker
(Northumberland) 1969-1972
(Highland) 1972-1973
(Northumberland) 1973-1975
(Highland) 1975-1976
(Western) 1976-77
(Highland) 1977-79
(Western) 1979-81
(Capital) 1981-83
(Western) 1983-85
(Highland) 1985-87
(Western) 1987-89
(Western) 1989-91
(Highland) 1991-93
(Capital) 1993-95
(Northumberland) 1995-97
(Northumberland) 1997-99
(Western) 1999-01
(Western) 2001-03
(Northumberland) 2003-05
(Northumberland) 2005-07
(Capital) 2007-09
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Official Communications
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NSSAF June 2009 News
the NS
tions to
tes, the coache
and the many volunteers that
help make sch
ool athletics s
uch a
The Department of Health Promotion and Protection
is a proud supporter of school athletics across the province.
NSSAF June 2009 News
Congratulations to Provincial Hosts
he NSSAF would like to thank all of the schools who hosted
Provincial Championships during the past year. It takes a lot of
work to organize an event that your school is also competing in and the
Federation appreciates all of the efforts of Principals, teachers, coaches
and volunteers in making each championship memorable.
The Federation would also like to thank the schools who hosted
Regional and District Championships as well. Your contribution is very
much appreciated by all.
Cross Country
Tier 1
Tier 2
Division 1 Boys
Division 1 Girls
Division 2 Boys
Division 2 Girls
Division 3 Boys
Division 3 Girls
Division 4 Boys
Division 4 Girls
J.V. Boys
J.V. Girls
Division 1 Boys
Division 1 Girls
Division 2 Boys
Division 2 Girls
Division 3 Boys
Division 3 Girls
Division 4 Boys
Division 4 Girls
Hants North Rural High School
Cobequid Educational School
Citadel High School
Citadel High School
CP Allen High School
Park View Education Centre
Halifax West High School
South Colchester Academy
Breton Education Centre
Bridgetown Regional High School
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Pugwash District High School
Cape Breton Highlands Academy
Amherst Regional High School
Northumberland Regional High School
Citadel High School
Cobequid Educational Centre
Ecole secondaire de Par-en-Bas
South Colchester Academy
Inverness Education Centre/Academy
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Cape Breton Highlands Academy
Ecole Beau-Port
Division 1 Boys
Division 1 Girls
Division 2 Boys
Division 2 Girls
Division 3 Boys
Division 3 Girls
Division 4 Boys
Division 4 Girls
J.V. Boys
J.V. Girls
Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Table Tennis
Fast Pitch
Division 1 Boys
Division 1 Girls
Division 1 Boys
Division 1 Girls
Division 3 Boys
Division 3 Girls
Track & Field
Auburn Drive High School
Oxford Regional High School
Sydney Academy
Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School
Central Kings Rural High School
Breton Education Centre
St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Springhilll Jr/Sr High School
North Queens Rural High School
Pugwash District High School
Citadel High School
Horton High School
Memorial High School
Northeast Kings Education Centre
Ecole N.D.A.
King’s-Edgehill School
Cole Harbour District High School
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Cobequid Educational Centre
Auburn Drive High School
Musquodoboit Rural High School
Avon View High School
Hants East Rural High School
Barrington Municipal High School
Millwood High School
Sackville High School
Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
New Germany Rural High School
Lockview High School
Halifax West High School
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NSSAF June 2009 News
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NSSAF June 2009 News
Good Sport Award Recipients 2008-2009
A.J. Smeltzer Junior High School
Annapolis Royal Reg Academy
Astral Drive Junior High School
Baddeck Academy
Bayview Education Centre
Berwick & District School
Bicentennial School
Bridgetown Reg High School
Central Colchester Jr High School
Cunard Jr High School
Digby Regional High School
Duncan MacMillan High School
E.B. Chandler Junior High School
East Richmond Education Centre
Eastern Passage Ed Centre
Elizabeth Sutherland School
Eric Graves Junior High School
Evangeline Middle School
Gaetz Brook Junior High School
Guysborough Academy
Harold T. Barrett Jr High School
Hebbville Academy
Highland Con Middle School
King’s Edgehill School
Leslie Thomas Junior High School
Mulgrave Memorial Ed Centre
Musquodoboit Rural High School
New Glasgow Jr High School
New Ross Consolidated School
North Queens Rural High School
Parrsboro Regional High School
Pine Ridge Middle School
Pugwash District High School
Ridgecliff Middle School
River Hebert District High School
Riverside Education Centre
Ross Road School
Shelburne Regional High School
South Colchester Academy
South Queens Junior High School
Springhill Jr/Sr High School
St. Andrew Junior High School
St. Mary’s Academy
Sydney Mines Junior High School
Tamarac Education Centre
Thorburn Consolidated School
Truro Junior High School
West Richmond Education Centre
Whitney Pier Mem Jr High School
Whycocomagh Education Centre
Morgan Forbes
Laura Lowe
Sara Lausch
Sarah MacKay
Joanna Clark
Hannah Burke
Kathleen MacKinnon
Kaylin Mann
Rachel Wright
Rachel Hammond
Nicole Wagner
Courtney Hubley
Paige Lewis
Holly Wilkie
Savannah DeWolfe
Shayna MacLean
Jessica Sabean
Madison Miller
Carleigh Milligan
Mary Beth Connolly
Lauren Hughes
Caitlin Foote
Veronica Deno
Isabelle Bouwman
Danielle Eustace
Ben Hoskins
David Wright
Luke Ehler
Fraser MacIver
Kayle Cameron
Brandon Marshall
Mark Tremaine
Cody Keagan
Brandon Shute
Travis Comeau
Colton Farris
Daniel Kenney
Andrew Skinner
Colton Burke
Conor McVarnock
Jason-Percy Fletcher
Lee Gaetz
John Deacon
Justin Graham
Grant Jamieson
Brandon Revels
Nigel Getson
Brett Connors
Ngarryen Darrell
Patrick O’Brien
Allison MacAskill
Fawn Logan-Young
Norah Quirk
Taryn Fudge
Danielle Wamboldt
Brianna Smith
Molly Thomson
Sarah Cameron
Jenna Ellis
Amanda Mollon
Spencer Coulstring
Kristine Barrett
Marina King
Kelsi Barr
Kelsey Lohnes
Melissa Mills
Courtney Scott
Mackayla Laing
Kelsey O’Toole
Jessica Grant
Emily Enfield
Brett McCavour
Carmen Marchand
Allie MacIntyre
Hayley Wilson
Bryce Knott
Matthew Davis
Alex LeFave
Mitchell Walker
Kyle Weare
Patrick Morris
Mackenzie Windsor
Alex Mundle
Alex Burke
Brandon McLellan
Stephen Pierre
Mike Gilmore
Garrett VanBuskirk
Jonathan Crouse
Josh Mitton
Ryan Hutton
Samuel D.J. Vautour
Devan Mills
Brendan MacNeil
Connor Hartigan
Sean Robertson
Joshua Turple
Wendell Landry
Matthew Brown
Jesse MacLean
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School Athletic
Celebration of
School Sport
Over 40,000 student-athletes participate
annually in school sport programs throughout
the province. Volunteer teacher and
community coaches, under the direction of the
school principal, provide leadership in
nineteen different sports offered by the
Studies show that students who participate in
school activities are:
• less likely to be discipline problems.
• more likely to exhibit good
attendance behaviour.
• more likely to graduate.
• more likely to be successful in later life.
To celebrate participation, fair play and service
to school sport and to reinforce the significant
role interscholastic athletics plays in education,
the Federation annually organizes the
Celebration of School Sport.
Each school selected a female and a male
student-athlete and a coach -- “who exemplify
the qualities the NSSAF strives to develop
through participation in school sport. They are
true examples of good sportsmanship, they
demonstrate respect for others and they are our
“best” students and teacher-coaches”.
A representative junior female and male
student-athlete, senior female and male
student-athlete and a coach were chosen to sit
at the head table and speak on behalf of all
student-athletes and coaches in attendance.
They were presented with certificates during
the awards ceremony.
Guest speaker Lisa Ross’ message of the
importance of dedication and hard work
combined with studies was well received by all.
(left to right): Nicholas Roberts, Bible Hill Junior High School,
Junior Male Exemplary Participation Award Recipient, Brian
Heaney, Athletic Director, Acadia University.
(left to right): Menderia Smith, St. Patrick’s-Alexandra
School, Junior Female Exemplary Participation Award
Recipient, Brian Heaney, Athletic Director, Acadia University.
(left to right): Taylor MacLellan, Breton Education Centre,
Senior Male Exemplary Participation Award Recipient,
Dr. Don Wescott, President, Doctors Nova Scotia.
(left to right): Heidi King, Eastern Shore District High School,
Senior Female Exemplary Participation Award Recipient,
Dr. Don Wescott, President, Doctors Nova Scotia.
Awards 2008-2009
Female Recipients:
Morgan Forbes......................................A.J. Smeltzer Junior High School
Samantha Landry..................................Amherst Regional High School
Katina Gennette......................................Annapolis Royal Regional Academy
Lindsay Weidhaas.................................Annapolis West Education Centre
Rachel Scott...........................................Armbrae Academy
Taylor Armstrong...................................Astral Drive Junior High School
Rebecca Sweet......................................Auburn Drive High School
Samantha Silver.....................................Avon View High School
Brooke Greenwood................................Barrington Municipal High School
Abby Corkum.........................................Bayview Community School
Erica MacIsaac.......................................Bayview Education Centre
Erin Ring.................................................Bedford Academy
Sadie Woodworth..................................Berwick & District School
Alyssa Dillon...........................................Bible Hill Junior High School
Megan Smith.........................................Bicentennial School
Joanna Gallant.......................................Breton Education Centre
Sarah Campbell......................................Bridgetown Regional High School
Laura Murray.........................................Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Hannah Bower.......................................Brookside Junior High School
Alysha Roberts.......................................Caledonia Junior High School
Amie LeBlanc.........................................Canso Academy
Michelle Smith.......................................Cape Breton Highlands Academy
Morgan Gillis..........................................Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre
Alison Hennigar.....................................Cavalier Drive School
Rachel Wright........................................Central Colchester Junior High School
Robyn McNeill.......................................Central Kings Rural High School
Candace Higney.....................................Centre Consolidated School
Lisa Murphy...........................................Charles P. Allen High School
Anna von Maltzahn................................Citadel High School
Amy Thompson.....................................Clayton Park Junior High School
Katelyn Munro.......................................Cobequid Educational Centre
Patricia Stokdijk.....................................Colchester Christian Academy
Dyana Rayner.........................................Cole Harbour District High School
Dee Dee Festeryga.................................Cornwallis Junior High School
Lori Nicholson........................................Cunard Junior High School
Lee Anne Graham..................................Dalbrae Academy
Michelle Pegg.........................................Dartmouth High School
Lynn Wall................................................Digby Regional High School
Lindy MacDonald...................................Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Alexa d’Entremont.................................Drumlin Heights Community School
Sarah Atkinson.......................................Duncan MacMillan High School
Chauntelle Melong.................................East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Justyne Martell.......................................East Richmond Education Centre
Savannah DeWolfe................................Eastern Passage Education Centre
Heidi King...............................................Eastern Shore District High School
Sarah Jackson.......................................Ecole acadienne de Truro
Chantal Beauchamp..............................Ecole Beaubassin
Janelle Samson......................................Ecole du Carrefour
Marielle Deveau.....................................Ecole N.D.A.
Allison Field............................................Elizabeth Sutherland School
Hannah Stegen......................................Ellenvale Junior High School
Nadia Junus...........................................Eric Graves Memorial Junior High School
Candace Smith.......................................Evangeline Middle School
Jenna Faulkner.......................................Fairview Junior High School
Aleah Brown...........................................Five Bridges Junior High School
Maggie Assaff........................................Forest Heights Community School
Courtney Turner.....................................Gaetz Brook Junior High School
Kenzie MacPhee....................................Georges P. Vanier Junior High School
Ellen Parker............................................Gorsebrook Junior High School
Danielle Landry......................................Graham Creighton Junior High School
Katie MacIsaac.......................................Guysborough Academy
Emily McCormick..................................Halifax Grammar School
Sarah Currie...........................................Halifax West High School
Jennah Miller..........................................Hants East Rural High School
Kayla Patterson......................................Hants North Rural High School
Katie Redden..........................................Hantsport School
Jennifer Warren.....................................Harold T. Barrett Junior High School
Breanna Haley........................................Hebbville Academy
Emily Henneberry..................................Herring Cove Junior High School
Vicki Oliver..............................................Highland Consolidated Middle School
Jillian Green............................................Highland Park Junior High School
Arielle Lewis...........................................Holy Angels High School
Rania Fashir............................................Holy Angels High School
Heidi Stirling...........................................Horton High School
Leah MacDonnell...................................Inverness Education Centre/Academy
Stephanie Smith....................................Islands Consolidated School
Sandra Kitan...........................................J.L. Ilsley High School
Treaunti Smith........................................John Martin Junior High School
Rebecca Mosher....................................King’s-Edgehill School
Linnea Fritz-Watson...............................Landmark East School
Danielle Eustace.....................................Leslie Thomas Junior High School
Sarah Smith...........................................Liverpool Regional High School
Chelsea Dash.........................................Lockeport Regional High School
Madison Boyd........................................Lockview High School
Emily Pottie............................................Lunenburg Jr/Sr High School
Jessica Boone........................................Madeline Symonds Middle School
Kaitlin Smith...........................................Maple Grove Education Centre
Margaret Neville.....................................Memorial High School
Lindsay Roy...........................................Middleton Regional High School
Danielle MacDougall..............................Millwood High School
Shelby Cole............................................Musquodoboit Rural High School
Hannah Cook.........................................New Germany Rural High School
Sarah Myers...........................................New Glasgow Junior High School
Taryn Fudge............................................New Ross Consolidated School
Courtney Nicholson...............................North Colchester High School
Katelyn Lewis.........................................North Nova Education Centre
Jessica Westhaver.................................North Queens Rural High School
Mishelle Melvin......................................Northeast Kings Education Centre
Emily Stinson.........................................Northumberland Regional High School
Megan Graves........................................Oxford Regional High School
Leah Hartnett..........................................Oxford School
A.J. (Alexandrea Joan) Hire..................Oyster Pond Academy
Alison Creaser........................................Park View Education Centre
Hanna Warren........................................Parrsboro Regional High School
Paige Fraser............................................Pictou Academy
Chelce Cyr..............................................Pine Ridge Middle School
Brooke Martin........................................Prince Andrew High School
Emily Piggott..........................................Prince Arthur Junior High School
Jordan Stewart.......................................Pugwash District High School
Lauren Sampson...................................Richmond Academy
Courtney Masey.....................................Ridgecliff Middle School
Rebecca LeBlanc...................................River Hebert District High School
Laura Kennedy.......................................Riverview Rural High School
Kristine Barrett.......................................Ross Road School
Halie MacDonald....................................Sackville Heights Junior High School
Mary Mitchell.........................................Sackville High School
Jessie MacInnis.....................................Sacred Heart School of Halifax
Christina Redmond...............................Sacred Heart School of Halifax
Kayla Boyd..............................................Shelburne Regional High School
Kathryn MacPhee..................................Sherwood Park Education Centre
Shannon Chapman................................Sir John A. Macdonald High School
Kaitlyn Everson......................................Sir Robert Borden Junior High School
Bailey Campbell.....................................South Colchester Academy
Jaime Kelley...........................................South Queens Junior High School
Sonya MacDonald.................................Springhill Jr/Sr High School
Hannah Fiander......................................St. Agnes Junior High School
Jean MacEachern..................................St. Andrew Junior School
Brittany MacDonald...............................St. Mary’s Academy
Paige Manzer.........................................St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Menderia Smith.....................................St. Patrick’s-Alexandra School
Solange Landry......................................Strait Area Education & Recreation Centre
Annalise Morrison.................................Sydney Academy
Rebeka Pero...........................................Sydney Mines Junior High School
Alyson MacIver......................................Tamarac Education Centre
Shelby Park............................................Thorburn Consolidated School
Lindsey Denny.......................................Trenton Middle School
Jillian Nolan............................................Truro Junior High School
Bryanna Noade......................................Uniacke District School
Alicia Wesley..........................................West Colchester Consolidated School
Ashley Boyd...........................................West Hants Middle School
Hilary Alain.............................................West Kings District High School
Jessica Williams....................................West Pictou Consolidated School
Megan Gurney.......................................West Richmond Education Centre
Jane MacAulay.......................................Whycocomagh Education Centre
Madeline Kennie....................................Wolfville School
Melissa Barron.......................................Yarmouth Junior High School
Male Recipients:
Ben Hoskins...........................................A.J. Smeltzer Junior High School
Jared Gogan...........................................Amherst Regional High School
Desmond Chantiam...............................Annapolis Royal Regional Academy
Phillip Messenger...................................Annapolis West Education Centre
Alex Morzycki.........................................Armbrae Academy
Luke Ehler...............................................Astral Drive Junior High School
Jonathan Bienko.....................................Auburn Drive High School
Curtis Broussard....................................Avon View High School
Jacob Pierce...........................................Barrington Municipal High School
Nicholas Dimmell...................................Bayview Community School
Shawn Campbell....................................Bayview Education Centre
Luke Burke..............................................Bedford Academy
Matthew Margeson................................Berwick & District School
Nicholas Roberts....................................Bible Hill Junior High School
Nick Cochkanoff.....................................Bicentennial School
Taylor MacLellan....................................Breton Education Centre
Seth Warren............................................Bridgetown Regional High School
Matt Snyder............................................Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Tyler Rudolph.........................................Brookside Junior High School
Drew Crowther.......................................Caledonia Junior High School
Chayne Greencorn.................................Canso Academy
Jordan Bishop........................................Cape Breton Highlands Academy
Brayden Doucet......................................Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre
Chris Johns.............................................Cavalier Drive School
Brandon Shute.......................................Central Colchester Junior High School
Jeremy Shepherd...................................Central Kings Rural High School
Cody Lowe..............................................Centre Consolidated School
Cory Brown.............................................Charles P. Allen High School
Erik Merchant.........................................Citadel High School
Zachary Sellars.......................................Clayton Park Junior High School
Ryan MacIntyre......................................Cobequid Educational Centre
Jordan Bokma........................................Colchester Christian Academy
Deven Spencer.......................................Cole Harbour District High School
Mitchell Folkins.......................................Cornwallis Junior High School
Donald Smith..........................................Cunard Junior High School
Josh Campbell........................................Dalbrae Academy
Neill Spencer...........................................Dartmouth High School
Corey Saulnier........................................Digby Regional High School
Stewart MacDougall..............................Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Taylor Corning........................................Drumlin Heights Community School
Kyle Findlay.............................................Duncan MacMillan High School
Alexander Rodgers................................East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Steven Campbell....................................East Richmond Education Centre
Nic Merry................................................Eastern Passage Education Centre
Graeme Mullins......................................Eastern Shore District High School
Kristen O’Brian.......................................Ecole acadienne de Truro
Claude Moulaison..................................Ecole Beaubassin
Marc Mallet.............................................Ecole du Carrefour
Corey Timmons......................................Ecole N.D.A.
Patrick McNamara.................................Elizabeth Sutherland School
Brian Francis...........................................Ellenvale Junior High School
Ben Slaunwhite......................................Eric Graves Memorial Junior High School
Jack Forsyth...........................................Evangeline Middle School
Bradley Long..........................................Fairview Junior High School
Tyler Mathieu..........................................Five Bridges Junior High School
Kristofer Coolen......................................Forest Heights Community School
Jun Sub Jung.........................................Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart
Evan Broussard......................................Gaetz Brook Junior High School
Alex Taylor..............................................Georges P. Vanier Junior High School
Bennett Gaskin.......................................Gorsebrook Junior High School
Alan Schneider.......................................Graham Creighton Junior High School
Alex Connolly..........................................Guysborough Academy
Ben Jain..................................................Halifax Grammar School
Costa Zafiris............................................Halifax West High School
Josh Hilton..............................................Hants East Rural High School
Aulay Wiseman......................................Hants North Rural High School
Dylan Carey.............................................Hantsport School
Kyle MacDonald.....................................Harold T. Barrett Junior High School
Gavin Cameron.......................................Hebbville Academy
Connor Miller..........................................Herring Cove Junior High School
Cory Fraser.............................................Highland Consolidated Middle School
Kadeem Adams......................................Highland Park Junior High School
Will Taylor...............................................Horton High School
Logan Taylor...........................................Inverness Education Centre/Academy
Bradley Crocker......................................Islands Consolidated School
Alex Filmore............................................J.L. Ilsley High School
Moreldo Downey....................................John Martin Junior High School
Michal Racek..........................................King’s-Edgehill School
Maxwell MacDonald..............................Landmark East School
Patrick O’Brien........................................Leslie Thomas Junior High School
Jeffrey Murray........................................Liverpool Regional High School
Ryan McCrory........................................Lockeport Regional High School
Owen Ribeiro..........................................Lockview High School
Ben Bailey...............................................Lunenburg Jr/Sr High School
Chris Haley..............................................Madeline Symonds Middle School
Nick Butt.................................................Maple Grove Education Centre
Justin Brewer.........................................Memorial High School
Mitchell Parker.......................................Middleton Regional High School
Nick Moore.............................................Millwood High School
Tim Larkin...............................................Musquodoboit Rural High School
Lukas Wentzell.......................................New Germany Rural High School
David Benoit...........................................New Glasgow Junior High School
Logan Lohnes........................................New Ross Consolidated School
Devin Cameron.......................................North Colchester High School
Josh Bennett...........................................North Nova Education Centre
Lucas Boyle............................................North Queens Rural High School
Ian Manning...........................................Northeast Kings Education Centre
Ryan Sloan.............................................Northumberland Regional High School
Nick Dormiedy........................................Oxford RegionalHigh School
Rawad El-Tawil.......................................Oxford School
Malcolm Jennex.....................................Oyster Pond Academy
Josh Young.............................................Park View Education Centre
Garrett Clarke..........................................Parrsboro Regional High School
Tim Clarke...............................................Pictou Academy
Alec Armstrong......................................Pine Ridge Middle School
Adam Mayo............................................Prince Andrew High School
Jacob Moore..........................................Prince Arthur Junior High School
Josh Kennedy.........................................Pugwash District High School
Gage Burke.............................................Richmond Academy
Michael Soley.........................................Ridgecliff Middle School
Blaine McIver..........................................River Hebert District High School
Colin Poushay........................................Riverview Rural High School
A’dre Fraser............................................Ross Road School
Shawn Lucas..........................................Sackville Heights Junior High School
Mark Bradbury.......................................Sackville High School
Jesse Siegel............................................Shelburne Regional High School
Ryan MacPhee.......................................Sherwood Park Education Centre
Mac Caverhill-Ellis..................................Sir John A. Macdonald High School
Brandon Hughes....................................Sir Robert Borden Junior High School
Ian Shupe................................................South Colchester Academy
Cameron McLennan..............................South Queens Junior High School
Matthew Ellis..........................................Springhill Jr/Sr High School
Jordan Giffin...........................................St. Agnes Junior High School
Mike Tate.................................................St. Andrew Junior School
Devin Kaiser............................................St. Mary’s Academy
Chad Lombard.......................................St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Thomas Ly..............................................St. Patrick’s-Alexandra School
Angus MacIsaac.....................................Strait Area Education & Recreation Centre
Josh Martin.............................................Sydney Academy
Shane McLean.......................................Sydney Mines Junior High School
Mitchell MacCuspic................................Tamarac Education Centre
Daniel Thomsen.....................................Thorburn Consolidated School
Riley Bennett...........................................Trenton Middle School
Peter Millman.........................................Truro Junior High School
Alex Sauson-Woloshyn.........................Uniacke District School
Dean Dillman..........................................West Colchester Consolidated School
John-Paul Primeau................................West Hants Middle School
Robert Nichols........................................West Kings District High School
Nick Faulkner..........................................West Pictou Consolidated School
Devin DeCoste........................................West Richmond Education Centre
Jesse MacLean.......................................Whycocomagh Education Centre
Curtis Bawn............................................Wolfville School
Adam Barnett..........................................Yarmouth Junior High School
Table Partners:
Annapolis Valley Regional School Board
Avon View High School
Charles P. Allen High School
Chignecto-Central Regional School Board
Citadel High School
Colchester Christian Academy
Cole Harbour District High School
Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
Coach Recipients:
Chris MacCormack................................A.J. Smeltzer Junior High School
Bill Murphy.............................................Amherst Regional High School
Gary Walsh.............................................Annapolis Royal Regional Academy
Paul Coady..............................................Annapolis West Education Centre
Jamie McGinnis.....................................Armbrae Academy
John MacLean........................................Astral Drive Junior High School
Steve Greer.............................................Auburn Drive High School
Siu Lung Che..........................................Avon View High School
Bob Malay...............................................Barrington Municipal High School
Jonathan Chiasson................................Bayview Community School
Bernard Cameron...................................Bayview Education Centre
Jonathan Bell..........................................Bedford Academy
Kent MacLeod........................................Bible Hill Junior High School
Emily MacDougall..................................Bicentennial School
Darnell Young.........................................Breton Education Centre
Jonny Marshall.......................................Bridgetown Regional High School
Deanna Rawding....................................Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School
Todd Armstrong.....................................Brookside Junior High School
Aaron Jackson........................................Caledonia Junior High School
Clarissa Grover.......................................Canso Academy
Kristen Ross...........................................Cape Breton Highlands Academy
Jason McDaniel......................................Cape Breton Highlands Education Centre
John Gray...............................................Cavalier Drive School
Mark Langley..........................................Central Colchester Junior High School
Mike Landry............................................Central Kings Rural High School
Paul Tanner.............................................Centre Consolidated School
Paul Mansfield........................................Charles P. Allen High School
Chris Sutton............................................Citadel High School
Grant Davy..............................................Clayton Park Junior High School
Jeff MacKinnon......................................Cobequid Educational Centre
Evelyn Bokma.........................................Colchester Christian Academy
Reg Bezanson........................................Cole Harbour District High School
Scott MacRae.........................................Cornwallis Junior High School
Suzanne Edmonds.................................Cunard Junior High School
Paul Brown.............................................Dalbrae Academy
Wendy MacKay......................................Dartmouth High School
Charlotte Frankland................................Digby Regional High School
Donald Campbell....................................Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Jamie Benham.......................................Drumlin Heights Community School
Anthony McInnis....................................Duncan MacMillan High School
Jason Fraser...........................................East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy
Robert MacDonald.................................East Richmond Education Centre
Derek Bridgehouse................................Eastern Passage Education Centre
Ken Ervanowitz.......................................Eastern Shore District High School
Guy Roy..................................................Ecole acadienne de Truro
Guy Fortin...............................................Ecole Beaubassin
Jean-Claude Gallant...............................Ecole du Carrefour
Gilles Gosselin........................................Ecole N.D.A.
Wayne Ritcey..........................................Elizabeth Sutherland School
Stephen Larisey......................................Ellenvale Junior High School
Paul Ingram............................................Eric Graves Memorial Junior High School
Bobby Smith...........................................Evangeline Middle School
Colin Piccott............................................Fairview Junior High School
Ashton Roy.............................................Five Bridges Junior High School
Lee Laliberte...........................................Forest Heights Community School
Peter Moores..........................................Fountain Academy of the Sacred Heart
Damian Lukenda....................................Gaetz Brook Junior High School
David McNutt..........................................Georges P. Vanier Junior High School
Janet Wells.............................................Gorsebrook Junior High School
Danny Castillo.........................................Graham Creighton Junior High School
Martha Kelly............................................Guysborough Academy
Michael Peterson...................................Halifax Grammar School
Frank Hubley...........................................Halifax West High School
Trevor Comeau.......................................Hants East Rural High School
Scott Gibbs.............................................Hants North Rural High School
Don Bureaux...........................................Hantsport School
Kim Haslam............................................Harold T. Barrett Junior High School
Kevin Corbett..........................................Hebbville Academy
Stephanie Coffill.....................................Herring Cove Junior High School
Jill Ryan...................................................Highland Consolidated Middle School
Sean Fleming..........................................Highland Park Junior High School
Amanda Chiasson..................................Holy Angels High School
Barry Leslie.............................................Horton High School
Willie Joe Sofan......................................Inverness Education Centre/Academy
Steve Lombard.......................................Islands Consolidated School
George MacPherson..............................J.L. Ilsley High School
Sarah Miles.............................................John Martin Junior High School
Guy Payne...............................................King’s-Edgehill School
Francis Brown........................................Landmark East School
Jamie Dixon............................................Leslie Thomas Junior High School
Harry Phinney.........................................Liverpool Regional High School
Andrew Blades.......................................Lockeport Regional High School
Bruce Chanter.........................................Lockview High School
Kara Gallacher........................................Lunenburg Jr/Sr High School
Greg Doyle..............................................Madeline Symonds Middle School
Bob Comeau...........................................Maple Grove Education Centre
Ryan Hawboldt.......................................Memorial High School
Scott Caldwell.........................................Middleton Regional High School
Angela Dale.............................................Millwood High School
Mike Carew.............................................Musquodoboit Rural High School
Marcus Noel...........................................New Germany Rural High School
Dennis Benoit.........................................New Glasgow Junior High School
Melissa Willman.....................................New Ross Consolidated School
Kim Baldwin...........................................North Colchester High School
Andrew Francis......................................North Nova Education Centre
John Inkpen............................................North Queens Rural High School
Gary MacDougal....................................Northeast Kings Education Centre
Kent Cruickshank...................................Northumberland Regional High School
Alfred King..............................................Oxford Regional High School
Dan Fournier...........................................Oxford School
Dave Roberts..........................................Oyster Pond Academy
Dean McDow..........................................Park View Education Centre
Bliss Walton............................................Parrsboro Regional High School
Preston Burton.......................................Pictou Academy
Jen Keddy...............................................Pine Ridge Middle School
Cheryl Kielbratowski..............................Prince Andrew High School
Michael McLeod.....................................Prince Arthur Junior High School
Ben Robichaud.......................................Pugwash District High School
Deanna Martell.......................................Richmond Academy
Martin DeLeon........................................Ridgecliff Middle School
Lindsay Clarke........................................Riverview Rural High School
Alana Conrad..........................................Ross Road School
Donni Leslie............................................Sackville Heights Junior High School
Rob Morgan...........................................Sackville High School
Kathryn Caiger........................................Sacred Heart School of Halifax
Mario Amoroso......................................Shelburne Regional High School
Chris MacPhee.......................................Sherwood Park Education Centre
Cindy Dockrill.........................................Sir John A. Macdonald High School
Dan Fraser..............................................Sir Robert Borden Junior High School
Peter Hunt...............................................South Colchester Academy
Tom Manley............................................South Queens Junior High School
Charles Ellis............................................Springhill Jr/Sr High School
Matthew Landry.....................................St. Agnes Junior High School
Gary Waterman......................................St. Andrew Junior School
Steve Atkins............................................St. Mary’s Bay Academy
Emily Schafflick......................................St. Patrick’s-Alexandra School
Cyril Gillis................................................Strait Area Education & Recreation Centre
Patrice Neville.........................................Sydney Academy
Trent Austen...........................................Tamarac Education Centre
Jill Boudreau...........................................Thorburn Consolidated School
John Clarke.............................................Trenton Middle School
Thomas Shreve......................................Truro Junior High School
Laurel Conrad.........................................Uniacke District School
Holly MacCallum....................................West Colchester Consolidated School
Nadine Brown.........................................West Hants Middle School
Dave Johnson........................................West Kings District High School
John Sperdakes.....................................West Pictou Consolidated School
Ryan Fougere.........................................West Richmond Education Centre
Peter Wilson...........................................Whycocomagh Education Centre
John Gordon..........................................Wolfville School
Joel Durling............................................Yarmouth Junior High School
Dartmouth High School
Department of Education
Department of Health Promotion & Protection
Digby Local, NSTU
Eastern Shore District High School
Ecole Beaubassin
Halifax Regional School Board
Halifax West High School
J.L. Ilsley High School
Kings Local, NSTU
Lockview High School
Metro High School Athletic Association
Prince Andrew High School
Sackville High School
Sir John A. Macdonald High School
Trade Centre Limited
Tri-County Regional School Board
Wolfville School
(left to right): Stephanie Coffill, Herring Cove Junior High
School, Outstanding Service Award Recipient, Carla
Alexander, Administrative Assistant, Needs Convenience.
NSSAF June 2009 News
Boys’ Rugby Provincials
– Avon View High School –
Boys’ Softball Provincials
– Bridgewater Jr/Sr High School –
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NSSAF June 2009 News
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NSSAF June 2009 News
Doctors Nova Scotia is proud to partner
with the Nova Scotia School Athletic
Federation in bringing sports to schools.
Doctors Nova Scotia is the professional association
representing all doctors in the province. Committed to
ensuring high quality health care is accessible to all Nova
Scotians, the association’s mission is “to maintain the
integrity and honour of the medical profession, to
represent all members equitably, and to promote high
quality health care and disease prevention in Nova Scotia.”
Current initiatives of Doctors Nova Scotia include
educating the public on healthy lifestyle choices
in the areas of:
•physical activity
•smoking cessation
•flu immunization
•Pap tests