August 28, 2016 - St. Thomas a`Becket Catholic Church


August 28, 2016 - St. Thomas a`Becket Catholic Church
555 S. Lilley Road, Canton, Michigan 48188
St. Thomas a’Becket Catholic Church
“We WELCOME all, WORSHIP together at the Eucharistic table,
and give WITNESS to Jesus Christ.”
August 28, 2016
Enrich Your
and Your Life!
Join us for
Couple’s Prayer!
Come join us for six
sessions to learn how to
improve your relationship with
each other and with God.
Over the six sessions you will
learn about different ways to start
praying together, the blessings
God is trying to bestow upon us,
and listen to guest couples
provide examples of how they
pray together. It is truly a life
changing experience that will
bring the relationship of you and
your spouse to a whole new level
of intimacy.
If you have been married for
one day or more, please join us
on Sunday mornings from 9:30
AM – 11:30 AM in the Adult Faith
Formation Room starting Sept.
11th. Don’t miss out on this
awesome experience even if you
have to miss a week.
Please sign up in the
Gathering Area today, or call the
Parish Office so we can setup the
room and prepare the materials
Any questions,
please contact Deacon Jim.
Join the Hand Bell Choir
The St. Thomas a’Becket
Hand Bell Choir is looking for
some additional ringers! If you
can read music, are high school
age or older, and are searching
for a new way to praise the Lord
during mass, consider joining
We practice Monday
through Easter, with scheduled
rings once a month and
commitments on Christmas Eve
and Easter morning.
Maybe you’ve had some
musical or instrumental training
but are not sure you could play
the bells. We will have the bells
set up after masses this weekend
in the Conference Room and
invite parish members to come
explore the bells and ask
Craighead at 734-516-9769 or
[email protected] for more
RCIA Begins September 19th
Are you an adult interested in becoming Catholic?
Interested in completing your sacraments? Are you
already Catholic and want to learn more about your
faith? Then the R.C.I.A. is for you!
Beginning September 19th we will meet at 7:00
PM in the Adult Faith Formation room to journey in
faith together. We will present a mature exploration of our Catholic
tradition - from Scripture to history to the sacraments. There will be
learning, discussion, sharing and prayer – welcoming new members as
we go along. We even have snacks!
Please call or e-mail me for more information – or just show up!
Deacon Jim 734-981-1333 or [email protected].
Let’s “Can” Hunger!
In this year of Mercy, Pope
Francis encourages all of us to live
MERCY, to Catholic Charities of
Southeast Michigan has designated
October 1, 2016, as MERCY in
ACTION Day throughout the entire
Archdiocese of Detroit.
St. Thomas a'Becket and St John
Neumann Catholic Churches are
sponsoring a CANTON
DRIVE, Let's "Can" Hunger! on
October 1st, with proceeds going to
Open Door Ministry, which provides
food for Canton's hungry.
Originally, we were going to have
a 5K run to raise funds, but because
of logistical and time constraints, our
first annual Canton Hunger Run 5K
will be held in 2017; instead, we are
doing the Canton Food Drive this
year. The food drive is a competition
between St. John Neumann and St.
Thomas a'Becket. Bragging rights
goes to the parish who fills their truck
with the most canned food and home
paper products! The true winners will
be the hungry of our local Canton
sign up to volunteer. You can select
your area of service via our home
webpage or facebook page at Our day will begin
here at 9 AM with Opening Prayer,
distribution of t-shirts, and a light
breakfast; then we get to work!
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Wow. Just wow. It has now been over two
weeks since we got back from World Youth
Day and I am still in shock at how amazing it
was. Every time I start talking about the trip
people ask, “So what was the best part? How
did it feel? How have you changed?” All I can
do is stutter because of how much happened.
I honestly don’t know how the trip changed
me, I just know that it did. Maybe it was being
with a group of 30 near-strangers almost 24/7
and coming out feeling like the oldest of friends. Maybe it was feeling a
connection to 2.6 million people all gathering for the literal love of Christ and
suddenly realizing that not only is God at our side, we have other Catholic
people who can reaffirm our faith without even knowing it. Something
switched in me during that trip, and I think the main effect is that I’m not
worried about what’s going to happen next anymore, I’m happy to just let God
work and take me where I am meant to be.
Now I have begun classes at Purdue University. Before the trip I
think I would have been scared to try and meet new people or join in the fun
of the activities. Now that I have had the experience of World Youth Day,
dancing and laughing and meeting with people from around the world that I
have very little chance of finding again, I know that I can connect with people
much more easily than I would ever have thought possible. I have so many
stories to share and so much more confidence because of my time at World
Youth Day.
The trip started with a tour of beautiful Krakow, a chance to explore
the city we would be sharing with millions of others just like us. The next days
were all a blur of faces and fun times. We went to the opening ceremonies,
we were lucky enough to be passing by the Pope’s route as he drove by, we
went to see a very well done rendition of the Living Stations of the Cross, and
of course we went to the vigil and Papal Mass. The vigil was a 12 mile hike to
the venue, then hours of amazing music, adoration, praise and worship, and
the opportunity to wander and meet as many people as possible who were
there. I met people from every corner of the world, everywhere from Panama
to Jamaica to China to Egypt to Ukraine and everywhere in between. I was in
pictures with people from Great Britain, Spain, and Australia all at once. It
was amazing how borders and differences vanished; we were all just children
of God happy to meet new people and celebrate Him.
I am so thankful for the
opportunity to take this trip and
for all of the people who made
this possible.
Thank you to
Stephanie and the other leaders
of the group. Thanks especially
to my family for supporting me
through the time up to the trip,
and thanks to all of the
parishioners for their prayers and
support throughout the trip.
Without you all this would never
have been possible.
555 S. Lilley Rd.,
Main Office:
Rel. Ed. Office:
Office Fax:
Canton, MI 48188
(734) 981-1333
(734) 981-6680
(734) 981-1481
Web Site:
Fr. Christopher Maus, Pastor
Fr. William Murphy, Weekend Assistant
James Ward, Deacon
Debbie Miller, Pastoral Associate
Betsy Crapps, Director
Anne Truax, Asst. Director
Stephanie Tierney, Director
Deacon Jim Ward, Director
Kevin Ryan, Dir. of Music and Liturgy
Janine Grady-Creedon, Associate Dir.
Grace Pellerito, Dir. Of Finance & Adm.
Barbara Palazzolo, Office Mgr./Editor
Pam Michels, Parish Secretary/website
Jennifer Monforton, Worship Coor.
Rick St. Peter, Maintenance
Mon., Wed, Fri. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(closed for lunch 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM)
Tues., and Thurs. Saturday:
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday - 4:30 PM
Sunday - 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & Noon
Holy Days - As Announced
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 AM
Saturdays at 3:00 PM, or by appointment
Celebrated Monthly - Must be
registered in parish at least
3 months prior to Baptism date Contact Debbie Miller
Contact the parish office.
All Saints Catholic School
48735 Warren,
Canton, MI 48187
(734) 459-2490
Ms. Kristen Strausbaugh, Principal
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Claudia Gering……………[email protected]
Joe Nader……….………[email protected]
Danielle Pusilo….…………[email protected]
Cristina Bailey………………[email protected]
Kathi Barker………………………[email protected]
Dan Garant……………… ...…[email protected]
Joe Kelly………………….………[email protected]
Elaine Taro ………………………[email protected]
Ann Conklin……………………[email protected]
Mary K Pannemann……[email protected]
Mike Pisano………………[email protected]
Karen Richter………………[email protected]
John Conklin………………[email protected]
Tim Kiernan ………………[email protected]
10 Reasons Why Men Need
A Get Away Weekend Retreat
All men of the Parish are invited
to attend the annual 2016 St.
Thomas a Becket Retreat Sept.
23rd - 25th, at the Saint Paul of
the Cross Passionist Retreat
Center, located on 35 beautiful
wooded acres in northwest Detroit.
This year’s theme is: “Abide in
Me: Choosing to Live Faithfully
in an Era of Chaos."
Here are 10 Reasons why YOU
need this weekend get-away:
If you haven’t made your pledge
to the 2016 CSA, please give serious
consideration to doing so very soon.
It would help us save postage on the
next mailing. Everyone’s support is
Even if you aren’t in a
position to pledge, it would still help
us to have your envelope with the
front filled out.
The 2016 CSA
Campaign is
Extra yellow CSA
envelopes are available in the
payments can also be made through
On Line Giving! Contact the office if
you need help setting this up.
Physical rest
Peace and restoration
Answers to a current pressing
life Issue
Renewing your relationship with
Release from tension or fear
God's help in making important
A new awareness of God's
unique love for you
Good food and good fellowship
Motivational spiritual talks
A rich blessing and a new start
Cost should not be a factor and
is left up to a suggested free-will
Please contact Dennis O'Beirne
at 734-981-1975 or Manny Colon at
734-981-6645 if you are interested.
Newcomers - we would love to
have you join us! Hope to see you
. With the end of summer fast
approaching, and the return to a
more regular schedule, perhaps
some of you are contemplating
stepping forward in some way to
serve our Parish. If so, we hope you
will consider joining our SVDP
You might think, "I could never do
that. I wouldn't know what to say to a
poor person. It would be too
remember that by virtue of our
baptism, we are called to reach out
to others in their need, to be Christ
for others, putting into practice the
corporal and spiritual works of
Our members come from many
walks of life - old, young, working,
retired. None of us consider
ourselves bursting with confidence or
eloquent words. We simply want to
help those in need. Our members
serve in many different capacities working on clothing drives, helping
with Christmas activities, assembling
food kits, keeping our finances in
order, making home visits, collecting
money in the top hats, delivering
food to the food bank, etc. Each of
us chooses the activities for which
we feel best suited. Some, who are
unable to be active or attend
meetings, support us with prayer.
We might see ourselves as
inadequate or unable to speak with
eloquence, but we can all be Christ
for others in some way. We do not
have to be extraordinary, just be
ourselves and trust that God will
bring about whatever is His will
through our actions.
Our first meeting this year will be
held on Thursday, Sept. 8th at 7PM.
St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us,
our benefactors and those we serve
$ $ $
Please don’t forget
the SVDP Top Hats
when you leave
Mass today ~
the need is great.
Thank you for your
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My little niece is always trying to
convince me that I “need” a dog. She
promises to come over and take care
of it for me when I’m at work. I’m
thinking it’s really about her wanting
the dog. But I toy with that idea
because they are such wonderful
companions. Some pet owners say
that ‘dog’ is ‘God’ spelled backwards
because supposedly dogs have that
beautiful gift of unconditional love.
I met a woman who has a service
dog who helps her emotionally
through his faithfulness and constant
presence by her side.
She has
certain commands to which the dog
responds which help her out of
situations that are fearful.
Recently there was another
woman I spent time with, who was
having dinner with her aunt. The
aunt went into the kitchen for
something and her pet dog followed
her. When she reached the kitchen,
she grabbed her chest and fell
She’d had a sudden
massive heart attack. The dog kept
licking the aunt’s face as she lay on
the floor. The aunt died a couple
minutes later and the niece said that
the little dog let out the strangest
guttural howl she’d ever heard. It
was really touching.
Dog’s have a beautiful capacity to
partner with human beings.
There is another woman in our
parish who is getting ready to receive
her service dog because she has
limited physical abilities. The dog
comes from Canine Partners for Life.
It’s good to know of such groups
because I’m sure others would
benefit from these beautiful well
trained animals to help them through
Sandwich Shop in Canton, there will
be a dine and donate dinner for
Canine Partners for Life. It’ll be on
September 16th from 5-8 PM. You
might want to support them by
Please continue to pray for the
many in our parish family who
depend on our support.
remember if you or someone you
know, could benefit from our parish
Meal Ministry, please let me know.
God’s peace, always Debbie
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
We are on Summer Vacation!
Informal get-togethers will be
planned, so please join the FB
group and/or the email group. Our
regular meetings will resume in
September. Please check the FB
page, email group or Chancellor for
more information.
Our Mom’s Group meets on the
2nd and 4th Thursdays of each
month from 9:30-11:00 AM in rooms
10-14 during the school year.
Childcare is provided free of charge.
New members are always welcome!
Please join our Facebook group
(Mom’s Group at St. Thomas a’
Becket) and our Gmail group to
connect with other Moms and keep
up to date on all our activities! Email
[email protected]
This weekend we welcome
the following children into the
Catholic Christian community:
SLAYTON, son of Steven and
Laura (Pino) Slayton, Godparents are Brent Mikulski and
Melissa Courtney.
Miller Taylor, III, and November
Mitchell. Godparents are Larry
and Laura Broyles.
daughter of Keven and Alison
(Morency) Tomasaitis. Godparents are Jeffrey Morency and
Michael Tomasaitis.
Justin and Allison (Hubble)
Purdy. Godparents are Gabriel
Hubble and Cheri Schafer.
Quilter’s Group
Join a fabulous
group of experienced
If you have
some sewing experience, but would like to try quilting,
join us! Experienced quilters will
help you get started in this exciting
craft! We’re not a ‘club’ - no fees just come in and work on your own
projects. Plus we make three quilts
to donate during the year, also.
The next Quilters meeting will
be Tuesday, August 30th from
6:00-8:00 PM in the Conf. Room.
We pray for the parents and
godparents, and for all who will be
there to nurture their faith as they
grow. Help them to realize that
they belong to the Lord, and teach
them what it means.
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Faith Formation
I pray all those kids who already
started school had a great first
week! Labor Day is almost here
and the fact that school is starting in
the public schools is becoming a
quick reality. I pray you have a
wonderful Labor Day and enjoy
your last few days of fun in the sun!
Can you spare 30 hours a year
to make a HUGE difference in the
lives of our kids? Teaching our
young people is vital for a vibrant
parish and we need your help to
share your love of the Lord. We
need teachers! Easy lesson plans
to follow each week.
contact Betsy for information at
[email protected] or call
the Faith Formation Office at 734981-6680
been set for our 8th graders!!! It will
be Saturday, April 1, 2017, at 10
AM. Please save the date!!!
Gospel Reading: Luke 14:1, 7-14
Key Passage: Jesus said, “But
when you give a banquet, invite the
poor, the crippled, the lame, and
the blind. And you will be blessed,
because they cannot repay you, for
you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Family Questions of the Week:
Adults: Has the hunger for status
and influence in the world around
you endangered your life as a
Children: Does it make you a better
person to be chosen first for a team
or some other honor? Why or why
Have a blessed week!
[email protected]
For the Kids:
What is the smartest state?
Alabama – it has 4 A’s and one B!
Half and Full Day Preschool,
Pre-K At All Saints!
Respect Life Sunday- October 2
“Moved by Mercy”
All Saints Catholic School is
excited to announce we are
currently accepting enrollment for
next year’s half-day and full-day
preschool and pre-kindergarten
programs. Designed to ignite a love
of faith and learning, all our early
childhood programs provide an
experience by engaging the whole
child in
learning experiences.
emerge as happy,
learners ready to succeed at every
stage in their education.
If you are looking for a half-day
or full-day, Catholic-based preschool or pre-kindergarten for your
son or daughter, come and
experience what a warm and
supportive Catholic community can
offer your family.
It’s coming! The Respect Life
Program begins anew each year on
Respect Life Sunday, the first
Sunday in October. The program is
highlighted in liturgies and marked by
special events in the parishes. The
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life
Activities publishes new materials
each year to call attention to
numerous human life issues. This
year Respect Life Sunday will be
October 2nd and we will have a
display in the gathering area after
each Mass. This year’s theme is
“Moved by Mercy.” We will have
available free items that will be
helpful in your mission to promote the
Culture of Life. This is not a
fundraiser. Although some of the
topics of the brochures deal with the
difficulties of our lives, this is a
celebration of the beauty of the life
God has given us, and our desire to
acknowledge its sacredness and live
out our lives with dignity in all its
phases from conception to natural
National Life Chain will take place
Sunday, October 2nd. Details will be
The Pro-Life Committee, and
anyone else who would like to join
us, will meet Saturday, September
10th, at 10:15 AM in our church south
parking lot to attend the Remembrance Service at Holy Sepulchre
returning we will meet at 1:00 to
finalize plans for Respect Life Month
which begins with Respect Life
Sunday (October 2nd). Mark these
dates on your calendars!
Youth Ministry
Bottle & Can Drive
Do you want to get rid of all
the empty bottles and cans from
your last family get together or
Graduation Party??
remember the bottle and can drive
is always going on here. Just bag
them up in a large garbage bag,
and leave them in the hallway by
the Youth Group Bulletin Board for
We appreciate your ongoing
support of this drive and have used
the funds for many conferences for
both the high school and now the
middle school group. We will make
home pick ups for large amounts just call Stephanie in the parish
office at 981-1333, x-21.
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
“Under His Wings”
AAA Pregnancy Resource Center
Fundraising Dinner
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Burton Manor in Livonia
Seating begins at 5:30 PM
Dinner and program—6:15-9:00 PM
Journey to Housing Celebrates
it’s Second Year of
Housing the Homeless
Most of us do not need a
dictionary to know the meaning of the
word Journey.
Basically, it is
movement from Point A to Point B,
and it can include many stops along
the way. For the homeless families
served by the St. Vincent de Paul
Journey to Housing Program, Point A
has been sleeping in a car, or living
6-8 people in a small motel room, or
staying as the unwelcome guests in
someone’s basement. Point B is not
only having a home that our families
can call their own, but becoming
financially independent to maintain
that home. The many stops along
the way include gaining employment,
learning how to manage a house-hold
budget, resolving unpaid traffic
violations that sometimes lead to jail
time, and the list of life-skills to be
learned goes on.
Since May 2014, twelve families
have been housed and supported by
the Journey to Housing Program.
Four families have successfully
exited the Program. Two of these
families are on the road to purchasing
their own homes.
The support
provided has included helping the
families locate suitable housing,
providing all move-in costs and
paying monthly
subsidies until such time as the family
can fund 100% of the rent independently, and providing weekly inhome case management. Other than
the case-management services, the
Journey to Housing Program is
operated 100% by volunteers. Any of
the JTHP volunteers will tell you, that
they are on journey, too – a journey
of hope and love.
Please join our journey. Support
our last fund-raisers this year:
An Evening of Hearts II – Friday,
November 4th.
H’ors d’oeuvres,
Beer/Wine, Dinner, Silent and Live
Auction for $75/person. Call Cecile
for more information – 313-550-5760
(an opportunity to make a financial gift will
be extended—dinner is complimentary)
Keynote Speaker Kirk Cameron
Food Assistance Available
Kirk is a TV and
producer, best known
for his childhood role
in Growing Pains, and
more recently the
films Fireproof and
Left Behind.
Know someone with limited
resources who is choosing between
necessities? The Supplemental
(SNAP) helps eligible individuals
and families including seniors to
save money on groceries to pay
bills, for medications, clothes, and
other necessities. Thanks in part to
generous support from the Walmart
Foundation, Catholic Charities of
Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is
helping residents of Oakland,
Macomb, and Wayne counties to
quickly learn if they are eligible and
Make a confidential call today to
learn if you are eligible and how to
enroll at 248-338-4250 ext. 3700!
Registration is required at:
For more info, call Peggy Roberts
at 734-425-8060
How to Register at
St. Thomas a’Becket
Are you new to St. Thomas
a’Becket and the Canton area?
Have you been coming here for a
while but have never officially
registered? Or maybe you’re a
guest and you like what you see
and want to join us?
If any of these describes you,
and you would like to become
members of the Parish, you will
need to make an appointment to
register. Simply call the office at
(734) 981-1333 and leave your
name and phone number, and a
staff person will call you back. They
will set up and appointment time
that’s convenient for you. It only
takes about 20 minutes to chat with
you and fill out the paperwork.
Maybe you can tell by reading
the Chancellor - this is a great
place to come together and
celebrate our Catholic Christian
lives through worship, fellowship
and the Eucharist, and we invite
you to be a part of it! New in the
area? Volunteering is the best way
to meet some really terrific people!
Join us on Facebook!
Our parish is in the process of
improving our social media
outreach. If you haven't
connected with us on Facebook
yet, we highly encourage
everyone to follow us. It's a great
way to keep in touch with our
parish community and stay up to
date on the latest news and
events here at St. Thomas. You
can find us on Facebook at St.
Thomas a'Becket Catholic
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Readings for the week of
August 28, 2016
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29
Ps 68:4-7, 10-11
Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a
Lk 14:1, 7-14
1 Cor 2:1-5
Ps 119:97-102
Mk 6:17-29
1 Cor 2:10b-16
Ps 145:8-14
Lk 4:31-37
1 Cor 3:1-9
Ps 33:12-15, 20-21
Lk 4:38-44
1 Cor 3:18-23
Ps 24:1-6
Lk 5:1-11
1 Cor 4:1-5
Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40
Lk 5:33-39
1 Cor 4:6b-15
Ps 145:17-21
Lk 6:1-5
Next Sunday:
Wis 9:13-18b
Ps 90:3-6, 12-17
Phlm 9-10, 12-17
Lk 14:25-33
God Bless All Our Service Men
and Women, including:
SSgt. Paul J. Abel
Col. Kenneth Amidon
Col. James J. Bailey
Spc. Anthony C. Barth
1st. Lt. Brad Bentlage
AME3 Richard C. Bernard
1st Lt. Randall Bittner
MS2 Christopher Boulton
Cpl. Mike Burton
PFC Jeremy Burton
Capt. Monica Bury
PO1 Marcus Carter
Sgt. Brian Chun-Ming
Capt. David Coogan
PFC Gregory Cox
PFC Mitchell Cox
Cpl. Chris Crocker
SSgt. Michael Cousins
CW3 Edward David
LCpl Matt Dozier
Capt. James R. Driver
Michael Driver
CWO Joseph Dziuban
Pvt.. Tyler Ehnis
FN Adam Farmer USN
PFC Terry D. Fichtner
PFC Timothy Fry
Spec. Joseph Furca
Lt. Brandon Granger
LCpl. Benjamin Howie
AO3 Joseph Hubel
LSSN Steven Hyland
Cpl. Timothy Iverson
Cpl. Junior Novas Jaquez
LCpl Michael Jacobs
Major Craig Jayson
LCpl Andrew Vincent JungKunz
Pvt. 2 Robert Kelly
1st Lt. Stephen J. Kilijanczyk
1st Lt. Daniel J. Mack
Lt. Luke Masiarak
CM Sgt. Brian McDermott
Christian Mejia
Cpl. Kyle David Mimnaugh
Sgt. Joseph M. Nelson USMC
Lt. Nicholas Norville
SSgt Melissa Ann Nyman
Michael Pelot
SN Alexander S. Petrarca
CW4 Stephen Piku, Jr.
Spec. Anthony Piotrowski
PFC Jesse Pointer
PFC Ryan Porter
L/Cpl Justin Purdy
Sr. AMN Addison W. Queen
David M. Rhein, SFC
Nelson Rodriguez, SFC
Sgt. Mark D. Rosiek Jr.
Spec. Michael Rusaki
Michael Sadler
Cpl. Todd F. Schuller
Capt. Thomas Scott
PFC Adam Seidl
SGT Eric Simoneaux
Sgt. Jason Simons
SN Jannel Skiver
Sgt. Nathan P. Smith
L/Cpl Mark A. Smith
L/Cpl Michael A. Smith
AMN Nathan Staugler
L/Cpl Richard Strayhan
Lt. Jeffrey Strohman
SSgt. Roger Thinel
PFC Derrik Trace
TSgt. Susan Van Vliet
Pvt. John Ward
Sgt. Jason Wilburn
NOTE: As military personnel return home, please call Parish office and notify us.
Future Baptism Schedule
August 14th and 28th at 1:30 PM
Meeting on Thurs., August 11th at 7 PM
September 11th and 25th at 1:30 PM
Meeting on Thurs., Sept. 8th at 7 PM
Please arrange for a babysitter
so you can attend the meeting,
which last about an hour and a half.
A Parent of child to be baptized must contact Debbie Miller at 981-1333 four
to six weeks before desired baptismal date. Family must be registered
In the parish at least three months prior to Baptism date.
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St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Week at a Glance
Monday, August 29, 2016
10:00 AM Gift Bible Study - Rm 16
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
9:30 AM Adoration in Chapel
6:00 PM Quilters - Conf. Rm.
7:00 PM Leadership Team - Rm. 16
7:00 PM Finance Council - Conf. Rm.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
6:30 PM Women of the Gospel CH Lg. Cry Rm.
Friday, September 2, 2016
9:45 PM Filipino Group Mtg.- Conf Rm
Saturday, September 3, 2016
3:00 PM Reconciliation
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Weekly Mass Intentions
Monday, August 29, 2016
9:00 AM Fausto Bugais
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
9:00 AM Bill Jenner
Ron Hauser
Pauline Cabrera
Fred Devantier
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
9:00 AM Dennis Keepen
Pauline Cabrera
Friday, September 2, 2016
9:00 AM People of the Parish
Martha Berdzinski
Saturday, September 3, 2016
4:30PM Theresa & Elizabeth
Barbara & Nicholas
Dolores Czarnick
Deborah Trahan
Sunday, September 4, 2016
8:00 AM Pauline Cabrera
10:00AM Edward & Kathryn Waltz
Kathy Francis
12:00 PM Azlee Allen
SVDP Food for Poor
Little Red Wagons
Most of the families we serve
receive food stamps. Food stamps
will not pay for any non-food items
such as toilet paper, paper towels,
cleaning products, laundry detergent, hand soap, tooth paste, tooth
brushes, hair brushes, combs,
bandages and diapers.
When you are shopping and
see a good sale on any of the above
items, please think about our
families who struggle just to get by.
As always, all canned and packaged
food items are greatly appreciated.
God bless you for all you do to
serve others.
Pray for the Sick
Please remember these people
who are sick and have asked
for our prayers:
Dan Ascensio
*Lorraine Boahbedason
Cathy Boyko
Nina Braun
Michael Brower
Jacob Brzustewicz
*Joe Bugais
Bonnie Carner
Marjorie Carmack
Maria Casbarian
*Joe Cook
Lori DeFour
Andy Dillon
*Sharon Doyle
Jannie Escobar
*Karen Gagne
Monica Guymer
*Sally Hallinan
Mary Ann Hamill
*Kittie Higgins
Luis Hiponia
*Mary Hoehn
Dave Horgan
*Wanda Houdek
Patsy Jean
*Bob Kowalczyk
Lisa Kozakowski
*Michael Krause
Paul Lucido
*Kathy Lynch
Marie Marcath
*Jackie Martin
*Kathleen McCann
Lillian Monaghan
Jerry O’Neill
Elaine O’Neill
Barb Peterson
Joseph Quinlan
Lisa Rowe
*Greg Rutkowski
Joseph Shaffer
Anna Sebastian
Cassandra Simpson
Giovanna Succurro
Nela Sta Maria
*Juanita Swatek
*Joseph Sweetman
Michelle Turner
*John Valchine
Sandi Wade
Gayle Weast
*Dolores Wells
Susan Wirth
Delores Zaremba
Michael Zidzik
Page 13
St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor
Liturgical Ministers for September 3 and 4, 2016
4:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
Fr. Chris Maus
Fr. William Murphy
Fr. Chris Maus
Fr. Chris Maus
Pam Rossi
Glenny Tjahjadi
Nancy Morency
Caroline Wetter
Claire Henshaw
Barb Schmid
Bob Wells
Lee Vargas
Catherine Kautz
Peter Caruana
Dylan Pusilo
Olivia Capilla
Parker Salowich
Olivia White
Gavin Olson
Andrew Hynek
Aaron Brizuela
Evelyn Antony
Team #12 Hulett
Team #2 O’Beirne
Team #7 Domka
Team #9 ‘Pez’
Mary Jo Raeck
Donna Katafiasz
Danielle Pusilo
Mike Goodhart
Bill and Mary
Des Ormeau
Toni O’Farrell
Glenny Tjahjadi
Vicki Wager
Bob Savage
Tim Queen
Ray Roche
If you are unable to walk up for communion,
please notify an usher and they will have a
Eucharistic Minister come to you.
Please DO NOT park
in the lane around the
building where there are
signs that say “No
Parking Fire Lane.”
This is the Fire Lane used
emergency and an ambulance/fire
truck is called. Last weekend three
people blocked traffic so you couldn’t
get through to the next parking lane
and it caused a lot of problems. Your
car can be ticketed or towed - or we
could get fined if Fire or Police cannot
get through.
Parking is available in the dentist’s
parking lot or across the street if our
lot is completely full.
Thank you.
Financial Statement
August 21, 2016
We wish to extend our
deepest sympathy and
prayers to the family and
friends of Marjorie Waite,
mother of Cindy Erikson;
and Colleen Olesky.
Weekly Budget
Sunday Collection
Loose Offerings
Online Giving
Total Collection 8-21-16
Eternal rest grant unto
them, Oh Lord, and let
perpetual light shine upon
YTD Budget
YTD Collections
No. Registered Fam.
No. of Env. Issued
No. of Env. Used
No. of Online Givers