2012 - Oct: Graduation Programme
2012 - Oct: Graduation Programme
October 2012 The University of Waikato The Crest Ko Te Tangata The outside red border – a stylised fern frond or pitau – symbolises new birth, growth, vitality, strength and achievement. Inside the border is the University’ss coat off arms. The open bookk surroun surrounded ded byy thee four stars of the he So Southern uthern Cross is a symbol of learning. arning. The crest design is in thee Uni University’s versity’s colours colo olou olours of black, red and nd d ggold. old. The University’s motto, Ko Te Tangata/ For the People, reflects our intrinsic belief that people are central to the institution and are its most valued resource. Waiata Waia Wa at a Ko K o Te Whare W Wānanga o Waikato Ko Te Whare re Wā Wānanga o Waikato e tū nei Tangata’ ‘Ko Ko te Ta ngaata’ te tohu Tīhei mauri ora!! Tīh Waikato te iwi; Waikato te awa; Taupiri te maunga; Tainui te waka. Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Ko Te Whare Wānanga nanga o Waikato e tū nei Ko te tino kaupapa he hora mātauranga mā ranga kki te ao. KŌKIRI! KŌK The U Th University i off Waikato Th s is the Un This U University niiverrsitty of Waikato ti tto you presenting ‘The People’ is the emblem Behold I live!! Waikato the people; Waikato the river Taupiri the sacred mountain; Tainui the canoe This is the University of Waikato presenting to you Its purpose, to spread enlightenment to the world. ONWARD!! Contents UNIVERSITY OFFICERS 2 WELCOME 3 CEREMONY SPEAKERS 4 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 5 HONORARY DOCTORATES 6 QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONFERRED TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE » TUESDAY 16 OCTOBER 2012 – 9.30AM M 8 CLAUDELANDS EVENT CENTREE 012 – 10AM » WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2012 14 012 – 2PM » WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER 2012 23 HILLARY SCHOLARS 30 QUALIFICATIONS PREVIOUSLY CO CONFERRED/AWARDED ON ERRED/AWARDED AWAR AWARDED W RDE WA DEED 32 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO ACADEMIC LEADERS MIC LE EADERS 51 SPEAKER PROFILES 54 5 4 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY IVERSITY 55 OUR COMMITMENT 56 CEREMONIAL TRADITIONS 57 'GOD DEFEND NEW ZEALAND' AND 'GAUDEAMUS' 58 HONORARY AWARDS DS 59 9 Due to the nature of the graduation ceremony it is often subject to last minute changes. This programme is deemed correct at time of print. The University of Waikato has made every effort to ensure accuracy. This publication uses vegetable based inks and environmentally responsible papers. The document is printed throughout on Media Satin, which is FSC® certified and from responsible sources, manufactured under ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 1 University Officers CHANCELLOR DEAN OF EDUCATION Rt Hon J Bolger ONZ Te Kura Toi Tangata PRO CHANCELLOR Professor R Moltzen TTC DipT BEd MEd PhD Waikato Dr B Linehan ED MB ChB Otago Dip Obst Auckland FRCPA DEAN OF LAW Te Wāhanga Ture VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor R Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor B Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York DEAN OF SC SCIENCE IEN NC & ENGINEERING DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor A Jones BSc Otago MScc PhD D Waikato DipT MRSNZ PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR (MĀORI)/DEAN MĀ ĀORI)/DEA AN LO OPMENT OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Te Tumuaki Māori/ Te Pua Wānangaa ki k te Ao A Professor L Smith BA MA PhD Auck uck DipT pTT DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) (ACTING) G) Te Kura Kete Aronui Dr D Lumsden BA(Hons) London on MA PhD Princeton DEAN OF COMPUTING UTIN NG & ENCES MATHEMATICAL SC SCIENCES Rorohiko me ngā Pūtaiao taiao Pāngarau Pāngara Professor G Holmes BSc(Hons) Sc(Hons) PhD Southhampton 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Te Mātaurang Mātaurangaa Pū Pūtaiao t me te Pūkaha Professor Clarkson Profe Pro rofessor ffe B Cl arkso BSc MSc DPhil Waikato DEAN DE AN N OF W WAIKATO AIKA MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Te R Raupapa Ra aupapa BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln Professor F Scrimgeour Scrim Hawai’i Melbourne College of Divinity PhD Haw wai’i B BD M Welcome It is a pleasure to be part of the University of Waikato graduation ceremonies to acknowledge the hard work and success of our graduates, and see the pride in our whanau and friends. As I travel throughout the country and around the world, it is always a delight to encounter Waikato graduates making a positive difference in their work places and communities. This reaffirms for me the fact that the University of Waikato provides students world-class tertiary and the skills to with h a world-cl -class tertia iary eeducation du competitive ssucceed ucceed in a very competi tivee world. we continue to A we approach our 50th anniversary, As aanni achievements build on b n earlier earlier aac ach achieveme h ents and enhance what we offer our o ur students students. I urge yo yyou ou to stay in touch once to help yyou leave vee us and nd rreturn ret help us celebrate our first half h alf century ntury tury ury in i 201 2014 2014. 1 graduating students and enjoy Cong Congratulations ngratulations to all grad ggradu this special thi th hiis h i sp spe pecial day. Rt Hon on n Jim B Bolger ONZ ON NZ Chancellor Chance llor University Univ vers of Waikato Waik Welcome to the University of Waikato graduation. It is always alw wayys a privilege pr vil ge to o host ho ost this t s special spec event where we acknowledge and celebrate our students’ successes. occasion thank family and suc se It is aalso an o casion to than friendss for years. frien f their th heir support pport during rin your university un Graduation especially proud of uatio is a time when n I ffeel ee es the University off W Waikato. what my job is th he U niveerssityy o aikato It rreinforces eiin nfo orcces w all about – leading an institution focused on providing each and every student with a world-class tertiary education that is relevant for today and for the future. University should be a challenge; it should test your thinking, build self-belief and provide you with unlimited ambition. I hope, once you leave us, you remember your university years as some of the best in your life and a time that prepared you for a fulfilling and exciting future. Professor Roy Crawford Vice-Chancellor University of Waikato GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 3 Ceremony Speakers The keynote and student speakers for the ceremonies are: TUESDAY 16 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, School of Māori & Pacific Development, Faculty of Science & Engineering and Waikato Management School Keynote Speaker: Jamie Tuuta Student Speaker: Korohere Crossley Bishop Lloyd Ngāpō WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER – 10AM (CLAUDELANDS (CLAUDELAN ANDS EVENT EVENT CEN CENTRE) CENT Ceremony for Faculty of Arts & Social ocial Sciences, Faculty of Computing & Ma Mat Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Education and Facultyy of SScience cience & Engineering Keynote Speakers: Campbell Smith ith Student Speaker: Cheryl Anne Wa Ware re WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER – 2PM 2PM (CLAUDELANDS UDELANDS DELANDS ELA AND DS EVENT EEV CENTRE) CENT CENTR Ceremony for Te Piringa - Faculty off Law, Law w, Schooll off Māori Mā i & Pacific P Development Deve D Develo and Waikato Management School Keynote Speaker: Roger Hill Student Speaker: Aliesha-Janee Moroney For brief biographies of the keynote speakers please see page 54. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Order of Proceedings TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE CLAUDELANDS EVENT CENTRE TUESDAY 16 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER » Pōwhiri » The assembly is requested to stand as the academic procession enters the event centre » After the pōwhiri the Chancellor will open the proceedings » The Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly » The keynote speaker will be introduced and will address the assembly » The Deans, or their representatives,, will present to the Chancellor for tthe conferment he confe erment of their qualifications, graduates tes ffrom om each Faculty/School of Study » The student speaker will be introduced ntroduced and address the assembly » Graduates will be invited onto o the marae ātea for a group photo » The proceedings will conclude with with a karakia whakawātea Following the marae ceremony, y, an invitation on is extended to all graduates and nd guests to join joi University staff in the marquee ee for refreshments. refreshments reshhm Mā te Mārie Mā te mārie a te Atua Tātou katoa e tīaki Māna anō e whakaū » A karanga will be performed to welcome the official party into the event centre » The proceedings will commence with a mihi » The New Zealand national anthem will be sung (page 58) » The Ch Chancellor will open the proceedings hancello w » The Vice-C Vice-Chancellor will address the assembly hanc » The keyno keynotee sp speaker will be introduced and will e the add aaddress the assembly asse Thee Deans will to the Chancellor for the » Th w present p conferment co onferment of ttheir qualifications, graduates from Faculty/School of Study ffr fro rom each Fac u » The stu student dent sspeaker will be introduced and address addre ess the th he assembly » T The proceedings pro roceedings will roc w conclude with poroporoāki a ppo rroporoāk » Thee assembly stand to sing Gaudeamus em will st (pagee 58) 58 5 ) » Official procession from the event centre Off » Graduates' procession from the event centre (please remain standing until the procession hhass left l ft the he event centre) ntre) Ō tātou ngākau ki te pai. Mā te Atua Tamaiti rā Mā te Wairua Tapu hoki Following ceremony, invitation is extended wing thee ceremo ny, an invi to all graduates and join University staff ll gradu an guests uests to jo forr refreshme refreshments. fo ts ei Rātou, Atua kotahi nei Tātou katoa Āmine GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 5 Honorary Doctorates An Honorary Doctorate is the most prestigious award that the University of Waikato can bestow. For their significant contribution to the University, the Waikato region and the wider New Zealand community, the University is pleased to award the following worthy recipients: DR ROGER HILL CONFERRED 17 OCTOBER The founder and managing director of Hill Laboratories, Dr Roger Hill has been a key contributor to the development of a reputable analytical industry in New Zealand. nd. After training raining as a chemist, chemist, Dr Hill and his wife Anne established ed a testing tes ngg servicess company p y in 1984, initially operating out of a small smal laboratory in Hamilton East. From these small beginnings, Hill Laboratories has grown to ggr become the country’s largestt pr privately-owned vately-owned wned ned commercial commerc comm omm e r laboratory, providing quality assurance s raance for New ew Zealand Z d exports expo ex and contributing to the targetedd and fertilisers, and efficient nt use of ferti fertilis erti with considerable flow-on environmental nmental benefits. beneefitts Dr Hill is a Fellow of the New Zealand Zealand Institute off Chemistry, h a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the New Zealand heemistrry Institute of Agricultural Science. MR CAMPBELL SMITH R CONFERRED 17 OCTOBER Artist and teacher Campbell Smith helped shape Hamilton’s current cultural identity. He is a former director of the city’s Art Gallery, and it is widelyy acknowledged that Mr Smith decision to mith played pla a key role ro e in the th decisio push for the river-facing museum that Hamilton has today. He is principally a wood engraver maker and ood engr ve and pprint m and his works rks capture the character off the cou country ry from farmers me to o gum-diggers, um- gers, rugby, Māori culture andd the h arts. They are held in public and private collections including ncluddi g Te Papa. Paap Mr Smith is also a poet and playwright. He has written 24 4 plays, pl many featuring prominent New Zealanders, and he has won many awards for his writing. In 2003 Mr Smith was recognised for his contribution to the arts when he was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit. 6 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Te Kohinga Mārama Marae 16 October 2012 Tuesday 16 October 2012 – 9.30am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Jane Amanda Furness, BEd, MSocSc, PGDipPsych(Com) Waikato Thesis Title: "The Contribution of Family Literacy Programmes to the Wellbeing of Individuals, Families and Communities” Sara Louise Kindon, BA(Hons) University of Durham United Kingdom, MA University of Waterloo Canada Thesis Title: “'Thinking-Through-Complicity' with Te Iwi o Ngāti Hauiti: Towards a Critical Use of Participatory Video for Research” Nēpia Mahuika, BA, BTchg, BA(Hons), MA Waikato Thesis Title: “'Kōrero Tuku Iho': Reconfiguring econfiguring Oral History and Oral Tradition” Tradition Waikaremoana Winifred Waitoki,i, BSocSc, Waikato BSocScc, BSocSc(Hons), BSocSc(Hons ons), MSocSc, PGDipPsyc PPGDipPsych(Clin) GDipPsy Thesis Title: “The Development and nd Evaluation Evaluation of a Cultural Competen Competencyy Tra Training Tr Programme for Psychologists Working with M Māori: āor : A Training Needs Analysis” MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Marion Tahana, with First Class Honours Hono nours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HO HONOURS ONOURS Dawn Elizabeth Kerrison, with Firstt Classs Honours, also l conferred f Bachelor Bachhelor o of Laws with Honours, with First Class Honours and Bachelor elo or of Arts A BACHELOR OF ARTS Alena Paula Elkington PPenelope Pene elop ope JJane Adelaide Caroline Wilson BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SCIENCEES Ngarangikamaea Barbara Erlbeck eck Louise Tala Tal Deborah Sinclair Sin Sepulona Iosua Stephen Christopher Sui Loong Wong Jaemie Elieta Laetitia Sheck Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E BACHELOR OF SOCIAL OCIAL WORK WOR Michelle Kiri Mohi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN PSYC PSYCHOLOGY OL Y (CLINICAL) (CL AL) Hannah Nicole Cleland GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N WRIT WRITING TING STUDIE STUDIES ES Robyn Suzanne Thomas 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO M Marizanne dde Bruin B i Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF ENGINEERING Papitha Cader, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Daryl Ann Ellis Maia Stephen Gibbs POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Aman Abid G Alsharif Lili Hu Faculty of Education ion DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Lesley Kay Rameka, CertMSt, DipT, pT T, MEd MEEd Waika Waikato to Thesis Title: “Te Whatu Kākahu: Assessment ssessment sessment in Kaupapa upapa ap pa Māori Early Eaa Childhood Childhoo Practice" MASTER OF EDUCATION Susan Mary Bewley, with Second Class sss Honours Ho ours Hono (first division) Ranapia Isaac, with First Emmett Maning M Manin ningg Ran Honours Class H Honourrs rs Susan Barbara Bleaken, with First Honours irst Class Hono ouurs o Kerry Kia Maia Cooper, with First Class Honours Hon Maryy Kiri-Rangiwhau Maika, with Second Class Ma Kiri iri--Rangiwhau R M Honours Hon nour (first first division) Katie Merepaea Dunn, with Second Class ass Honours Ho o (first division) LLysandra ysandra Marlane Stuart, with First Class Honours, Diploma in Education also awarded award rded Postgraduate Postgrad William Ian Flavell, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT O AND LEISURE SU SSTUDIES U S B Brockk Charles Ch l T Taylor Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Matthew Aaron Brown Aubrey Thomas Stothers thers BACHELOR OF TEACHING CHING Melanie Te Ngaehe Green Jalna Keriana Te Wawata Simmons Diane June Hobby Josephine Kathryn Jo osephiine Kat yn SSmith mith Natalie Karen Lynch Telayna Ngarama Tapene-Maoate POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Georgina Erana Davis Jodie Kay Morris, with Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Lance James Ngata GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 9 Tuesday 16 October 2012 – 9.30am Te Piringa - Faculty of Law BACHELOR OF LAWS Hemi Mahana Leef Jasmine Evelyn Morrison Shirlene Nita Taylor Ashleigh Tukutuku Turner, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours, with First Class Honours School of Māori & Pacific Development DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Korohere Crossley Bishop Lloyd Ngāpō, Ngāpō, BA, DipT, BA(Hons), MA Waikato Thesis Title: “Te Whare Tāhuhu Kōrero ōrero rero O Hauraki: Revitalising 'Traditional' 'Traditiona ' Māori Māo M Language of Hauraki” MASTER OF ARTS Robert Rutene Whakaangi Gabel,l, wit with ith First Class Honours Melis Melissa sa Sue-ann Marsh, Mars with Second Class Honours M division) (firstt di (firs vision) BACHELOR OF ARTS Kirimatao Tahnee Ahomiro, also awarded arrded Diploma in Law Whetukamokamo Whetukamo okamo Hapeta Douglas Hannah Casandra Attoinette Awatere Johanna Marama Lloyd Johan nna Tee Whetu W Mara Lauren Faith Bell-Kingi Jamie Jami iee Huia H Hu a Rolleston Rolles Rhema Vivienne Vivien vienne ne Jakeman Jakem POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN DEVELOPMENT EV VELOP STUDIES Rayna Anne Crymble, with Distinction inc A ieta Jei Waitoa, Alieta W with th Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MĀORI LANGUAGE/TE REO MĀORI Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Lydia Davis DIPLOMA IN MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Frances Aurora Elizabeth eth Borg 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Faculty of Science & Engineering MASTER OF SCIENCE Zhaodong Du, with Second Class Honours (first division) Olivia Anne Patty, with First Class Honours Judy Wiki Papa, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Yuan Dai Matthew Jacob Heward POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE T IN ENGINEERING G Reagan Jazmin Pontawe Waikato Management m nt Sch me School hool ool DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Yi An, MMS, PGDipAcc MMS Waikato katto Thesis Title: “Voluntary Disclosure off Intellectual Intelllectual Capital in Chinese (Mainland) (M (Mainla Mainl Companies” Heather Anne Came, BA, MA Canterbury, erbu buury, u y PG PGDipSocEnt GDipSocEn Waikato Thesis Title: “Institutional Racism sm and the hee Dynamics Dynam D mics of Privilegee in i Pub Public b Health” bl bli MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MINISTRATION N Romeo Espregante Udanga MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Lice Lewenigatu Kabasunakatuba-Dobui, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic Commerce BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT ANAGEME STUDIES W WITH ITH HO HONOURS ONOURS Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Anthea Maria Tuakanangaro, with First Class Honours GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 11 Tuesday 16 October 2012 – 9.30am Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS Sutema Isaako Keakea Gloria Raewyn Leota Joshua Kahu Nicholson, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Te Wairere Puawaitanga O Te Whakaaro Ngaia Summer Te Rairi Williams BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Josephine Veddel Te Amihi Gardiner ner Kipara Asaley A saley Nhlanhla Nhlanhla Kipa Ki Stephen Mark Hastings Whitney K hl LLouisa W Kahlea hitne Tamati Marie Keiha Hurinui BACHELOR OF TOURISM Ana Te Rira Huata POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EL ELECTRONIC ECTRONIC NIC C COMME COMMERC COMMERCE ME Sanaa Abid K Alsharif, with Distinction tion POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FIN FINANCE IN N CE NAN Abhishek Mukherjee POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN STRATEGIC C MANAG MANAGEM MANAGEMENT Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Luseane Tolisi Faletau Pole 12 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications to be conferred at Claudelands Event Centre 17 October 2012 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 10am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Jane Alexandra Cook, BA(Hons) Auckland Thesis Title: "Sex, Metaphysics, and Mental ‘Dis-ease’" Jinrui Li, BA Hebei Normal University China, MEd Waikato Thesis Title: “University Tutors' Beliefs About and Practices in Assessing Undergraduates’ Writing – A New Zealand Case Study” Hannah Lena Merdian, BSocSc(Hons) Waikato Thesis Title: "Offenders Who Use Child Sexual Exploitation Material: Development of an Integrated Model for Their Classification, Assessment, and Treatment" Derek Riley, BSocSc, MAppPsy Waikato terface: rface: Wellbeing W andd the th Role of Resilience Reesilienc aand Work-Life Balance" Thesis Title: "Work and Family Interface: D pSLT, MA(Applied) Waikato Jonathon Graham Ryan, BA, PGDipSLT, ndd the the Miscommunication of Referents by by Firs Fi First and Second Language Thesis Title: “Acts of Reference and Speakers of English” ippSocSc, BSocSc(Hons), Sc(Hons), (Hon Hons), MSocSc MSocS M cS Waikat MSo o Diane Marlene Thomson, GradDipSocSc, Waikato gation: attion: Effects off Visual Visua Context, Cont Contex Navigation Navigationn Mode, M and Gender" Thesis Title: "Human Visual Navigation: MASTER OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY O GY OLO Jing Yi Chan, with Second Class Honours onours (first division) H urs, also Mary Rosanne Clark, with First Classs Honou Honours, PPssycho yc ology awarded Postgraduate Certificatee in Psychology st Class Honours Ho onno ono o ours Maree Louise Cotton, with First Chelsea MacMillan, with First Class Honourss Maarrk Edward McHugh, McH Mark with Second Class Honours ( division)) (second division) ary Paki, Paak with Second Class Honours Helen Ma Mary divvision) sion)) (first division) van Lamoen, va Lamoen with First Class Honours Nils Karell van MASTER OF ARTS Freya Dorothy Ruth Hill, with First Class Honours Ho ours Athene Claire Jensen, with First Class Honours Cheryl Chery Anne An Ware, with wi First Class Honours Brend Robert West, with First Class Honours Brendan Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E MASTER OF ARTS (APPLIED) Yi-Pei Lin, with First Class Class Honours Ho ou st Class lass Hon Shunwen Lu, with First Honours, g p also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in eaching Second Language Teaching ose hine Norma Norma Thomas, Th mas, w ith First Class Honours Josephine with MASTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL ONMENTAL PLANNING Niall Anthony Baker Deborah Beverley erley Jane J ne Robertson MASTER OF MUSIC Craig Anthony Bradfield, with First Class Honours Maruata Alan Kelly, with Second Class Honours (second division) Ying-Te Liu, with First Class Honours Phillippa Mary Ulenberg, with First Class Honours Jeffery Stephen Wragg, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Irene Tatjana Lichtwark, with First Class Honours Kirstin Marie Thomson, with First Class Honours Yuanyuan Wu, with Second Class Honours (second division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Hollie Jane Jackson, with First Class Honours Graeme Richard Mackenzie, with First Class Honours Katrina Sorasti Stevenson, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES WITH HONOURS Lili Rose Bates, with First Class Honours 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Angelena Davies, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Kelly Maree Akehurst Rebecca Jane Attewell Hannah Barry Samuel Johnson Baxter Wen-Hsin Chang Wenxin Chen Kirsten Leanne Chisnall Natalie Lea Eichmann Micah Elizabeth Elder Kuang Gao Janet Muriel Gardner Scott Alexander Hamilton Laura Beth Harrison Wesley Kalam Hedder Joshua Phillip Hills Whitney Rahui Hippolite Andrew Peter Johnston Marissa Emma Kiekebosch Bo Kwang Kim Nitish Kumar Bo Li Erin Elizabeth McFarlane Kendyl Aimee Morris Qing Ni Leah Gail Lynette Nugent-Griffin Chloe Tracey Palmer, also awarded Graduate Certificate in Screen and Media Studies Phillip Gordon Pope Catherine Elizabeth Rowe Finian Patrick Scott Brendan Daniel Sheridan Cristine Thongkhamchanh t Tidavadee Tongd Tongdethsri h Am Tyler Ty e Chantelle Amy Vah V Seyed Sorous Soroush Vahhabi a Renee Susana Eliz Elizabeth Honey Vaioleti Melilin in inda n May Warner Warn Melinda B rryy Leon W Ba llia iam m Barry Williams Claire Louise Willi W a Claire Williamson, also conferred Bachelor Sport and Leis u Studies off Sport Leisure u Yi Xu You Xiaohui You o Yongzhee Zhao BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION NICATION ST STUDIES DIESS Blair Bruce Morpeth Kezia Beverley Rennie BACHELOR OF LIBERAL STUDIES Justin Zane Reynolds BACHELOR OF MUSIC US C Benjamin B j Matthew M Farn Powell P l Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Sarah Diantha Hillenbrand b d BACHELOR OF SOCIAL CIAL SCIENCES SCIENCES Nicole Denise Atkinson Brian James Bark es Nicole Elizabeth Bates Stephanie Kate Bish Amanda Jane Buckley Grace Joy Budenberg Oliver Bukasa Paige Jessica Campbell Francisca Alzira De Jesus Soares Rozentina Jap Dos Santos Roger Mitchell Foxley Chun Gao David Milton Greenslade Dalal Mohamud Hashi Seth James Heynes Amy Jayne Hodgson Robert James Hoy Sharmake Yusuf Ismail Je na Maria Jansen sen Jeena Yuwei Jiang Armaand Joubert Jou ert Armand enj Benjamin John Kiernan, aalso awarded Diploma in Management Lauren Frances King Haydn Clyde Korach Shahnesey Chevanya Dionne Korau April Iutita Lata Jing Li Lin Lin Christine Susan Lupton Ching Yin Man Michelle Tamahine Marsh Casey Ellen Mawer Lydia Maree McCormack Sarah Bridget Mills Sara Abdel Wahab Mirghani Mohammed GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 15 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 10am Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences continued BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES continued Sarah St Clair Moon Jessie June Muggeridge, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Anthropology Thivasha Naidoo Siobhan Pauline Dana O'Regan Cherie Susan Pepperell Timothy George Randall Samantha Petrea Read-Connor Brigid Frances Reilly Werner Simeona Reupena Marnie Shayne Rydon Martin Asher Smith Jenni Lynne Steadman Laura Jane Tabrum Yin Tian Aasta Camille Tippett David Lourens Vondervoort Sharon Mary Walcot-Wood y JJames Whyte Christian Myles ng Chao Xiang ca Z Zy Eleanor Veron Veronica Zyp BACHELOR OF TOURISM Esther Lyn Harrison Qio Qiong ong Huang POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EN ENGLISH NGLISH Gayle Martha King-Tamehana POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MUS M MUSIC SIC Edward Alexander King, with Distinction tio on POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN PSYC PSYCHOLOGY CHOLO CH OGY Fernanda Gillian Potgieter, withh Distinction Distinc POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN PUBLIC UBL BLIC PO POLICY CY Noel Martin Matea POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Yayu Zhu POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICAT CERTIFICATE IN N ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING LANNING G Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Toni Maria Johnston GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN ENV ENVIRONMENTAL RON NTAL PLA PLANNING ANN G Mark Peter Dobson ue Richard Arthur Doneghue Riaan n Van Der Merwe Me GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA A IN N FRE FRENCH ENCH H Helene Oehley GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Kathryn Anne Keereweer GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOLOGY Mayuresh Madhusudan Kalyankar GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HISTORY Benjamin Raymond Bayliss GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PSYCHOLOGY Anna Frael Sanz 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Brooke Courtney Pemberton GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN PUBLIC POLICY Michael Denis Morgan DIPLOMA IN ARTS Richard Martin Smith Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Samuel James Bartels, BCMS Waikato Thesis Title: “Development of Wireless reless Network Planning Software for Rural Community C Use” Scott Mckenzie Raynel, BCMS Waikato a kato Thesis Title: “Hidden Terminal Detection etection ection in Wide-Area 802.11 Wireless Networks” Networ N two Craig-Richard Taube-Schock, BSc, c, MSc MSc University of Calgary Canada Thesis Title: "Patterns of Change:: Can Modifiable Software oftware f Have High Couplin Coupling?” Coupli MASTER OF ENGINEERING Saurabh Ghanshyam Sathe MASTER OF SCIENCE Jinjin Ma, with First Class Honours Joseph Alexander Ross Maxime Georg Georges G ges Jean Marie Rouast, with First Class Honours Ho onourrss BACHELOR OF COMPUTING NG AND MATHEMATICAL ATHEMATICAL A AT THEMATICAL SCIE SCIEN SCIENCES N WITH HONOURS Bryce Liam Nemhauser, withh First Classs Honours Hon BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONO HONOURS N UR RS Luke Leonard Bjerring, with First Class Honours Nina Lopez, with First Class Honours Melissa M Elizabeth Sutjipto, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF COMPUTING OMPUT NG AND ND MATHEMAT MATHEMATICAL CAL SSCIENCES IENCES Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Ryan John McLaren Malcolm BACHELOR OF SCIENCE ENCE Mohammed Nasser A Almujil j Stephen Grant also awarded Gran Nancekivell, Nan kivell, als Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Science Brahim Freeh A Altamimi mimi Hyunwoo Hyyun nw o Park P rk Christopher John Beswick Suangsuda Pornsiripoj uan Alexander Justin Bunn Moana Jane Tangimataiti Hao Chen Zhou Yu George Ernest Hardy Fan Zhai Ahmed Al Ali Amit Kamble POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Anbarasi Ashokan Dimitrios Passias Amay Arun Dighe Ashish Saretia Dajiang Li Shaurya Dutt Singh Sisodia Gowthamvetriselvan Manivel GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 17 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 10am Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN Hanbin Wang GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Sam Hardy Christopher Martin Lorier DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Kyungno Lee Faculty of Education ion DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Hamish Robert Crocket, BA, BPhEd Ed O Otago, tago, GradDipT, dDipT, DipT, BSpLS(Hons) DipT BSpLS(H B BSpLS(Ho SpLS(H p Waikato Waikato o Thesis Title: “Playing with Ethics?: ?: A Fo Foucauldian ucauldiann Examination E atio of the Construct Con Construction struc of Ethical Subjectivities in Ultimate Frisbee” MASTER OF EDUCATION Kathleen Mary n Mar ryy Kaveney, with First Class Honours Nicholas Ralph Martin Bowskill, with First Class Honours Jacqueline Messam, with First Class Honours Jacqu quelinee A Anne Mess Jane Butcher, with First Class Honours Christina hristin tina na Helene Reymer, Reym with First Class Honours Sheridan Elissa Gray, with Second Honours ond Class Hon rs (first division) Ian Ia Craigg Wiseman, with wit First Class Honours Genevieve Rachael Dawn Hansen, sen with Second Class Honours (second division) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Stephen Gregory Atkins, kins with First Firs Class lass Honours, Honours H also awarded Postgraduate Diplomaa raduate Dipl in Educational Leadership, p with Distinction Carol Car Joy Jo Tebbutt, Tebbutt, with w First Firs Class Cla Honours, also awarded aw ard d Postgraduate ost ad e Diploma Dip om in Educational Leadership, with Distinction Tracey Carlyon, with Second Class Honours ono (first division) Thi Myy Du Dung Truong, with Seco Second Class Honours (firstt division) divisio Karen Lynette Douglas Gilby, Gi with First Class Honours urs Peter Colin Winslade Rhys Ngaone Kerapa, w with ith Second eco d Class Classs Honours (second division) MASTER OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Theresa Toia Caulcutt BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Ali Al Kadhi Bradey Grant Matthews Toby James Doyle Sarah Brenda Norrie Leonard Michael Martin Jayde Annika Stevenson 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF TEACHING Anna Kate Cleaver Hannah Grace Muir Maplesden Anita Marree Cooper Wes Mau Kimberlie Joy Cording Rebecca Anne Daly Jordan Errol Newlands, also conferred Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies Lianne Robyn Dudson Gina Ann Nichols Belinda Jane Elias Paula Buchanan Osborn Mary Frewen Carea Louise Philpott Martine Jane Greig Sharinpreet Singh Ark Jessie Jean Hewitt Stanley Rodger Jackson Southerwood Jennifer Hinekahukura Jacques, al also conferred o confe ferred Bachelor of Social Sciences Adele Louise Louis ise Taylor Tayl r Kelsie Alexandra MacKintosh Tarryn Whittock Whittock Michelle Tupp Tupper er Jordan Verity Malpas POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N EEDUCATION DUCATION Mary Therese Carroll-Jones Lucia Niurangii Shirley L ciaa Niurang Luc Sh r Rivers Jacqueline Helen Fitzgerald, with Distinction Disti t ction Anna Kuben Ann naa So Kub n Joan Mary Gibbons, with Distinctionn Lanelle Olandrea Olaandreea Tanangada, with Distinction Ellen Kiriwhakaangi Henry, with Distinction tinncction Virginia Maryy Tocher To T Rangitehau Ruth Hills, with Distinction stinction Rachael Torombe, with Distinction Rach hael To orombe wit or oro Anna Watson Maharaj Colleen Colleen en W Winis Thelma Anne Moke, with Distinction tinctio Omar Ahmad A Al Majed Gail Christine Pierce Michelle Anne Ballard Charles Rouikera Elkin David Conway Richard Colin Sheterline, with Distinction Jason Mark Elder, withh Distinction stin tion Carol with Distinction Caro Elizabeth El zabeth Simms, im Dis Robert Murray Gunn Elton Anthonyy Snell Veisinia Nau Kilikiti Gayleen Harrison en H rison Tarosa Tarosa Mark Peter Johnathan Penman Pes Wilson Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN EDUCATIONAL C TIO ONAL LEADERSHIP POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N LANGUAGE AGE A AND LITERACY EDUCATION DUCA ON Raella Donna Elizabeth Kahuroa, with Distinction Desmond esm Waita Yuanita-Marie Ngahuka King, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Steven Awel Awape Muirean Johanna Lucas, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Elizabeth Anne Haines, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Brendan Simon Doyle Andrew David Loveridge POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COUNSELLING Deirdre Anne Tollestrup GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 19 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 10am Faculty of Education continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Natasha Nicole Bol Marion Celine Audrey Chastelas Emerald Rose Clark Renee Joy Congreave Geraldine Hera Cunningham Sarah Jayne Edwards Jon William Galvin, also awardedd Graduate Graduatte Diploma in Engineering Brendon George Mudge, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Michael Pavarno, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Ralf Hermann Schwinn, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engineering Bruce James Siriett, James Sir Siriett also awarded Graduate Diploma in Engin Engineering e Kylie Sandra Gee Garth Raymond also awarded Graduate Raymo d SStimpson, ti Diploma in EEngineering ngine Julie Frances Hale Goran Gora G raa Surucic Kate Delcie Harvey Stephanie Romilda Steph hanie Rom mild lda Takarangi Lisa Kim Hopa Christy Christy Nikoraa Te Kurapa K Daniella Vibert Jordan Stacey Temple Staceey Jayne Tem Sta p Donna Maree Jordan Joseph J Josep John Ruatai Ruata Thompson Anju Kumar Maxwell Alexander Mackay CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT ENT IN FOUNDATION OU U UNDATION UNDA TION ST STUDIES UDIEESS Abdulmuhsn Abdullah Alzahrani rani CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY SITY PREPAR PREPARATION ARATIO ON Kent James Sutton Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Faculty of Sc Science ence & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Amanda Bean, BSc, MSc Sc Waikato Thesis Title: “Investigating ing the Anti-Inflammatory A i-Inflam to Activity ct vity of o Honey” oney” Lucy Jade Bridgman, BSc University of Southampton United Kingdom, MRes University of York United Kingdom Thesis Title: “Interactions tions Between etw en Ship Ship Rats Ra and House Ho ouse Mice” Micee” Mathew Hoani Cumming, BSc, MSc Massey Thesis Title: “Structural and Enzymatic Characterisation of Nucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolases from Trifolium Repens and Dolichos Biflorus” Md Anower Jabed, BSc Bangladesh Agricultural University Bangladesh, MSc Dong-eui University South Korea Thesis Title: “RNAi-Mediated Reduction of a Major Ruminant Specific Milk Allergen Using a Transgenic Mouse Model” Suzanne Margaret Lambie, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Soil Carbon Loss Under Pasture and Pine: Responses to Urine Addition” Malcolm McLeod, BSc, BSc(Hons) Victoria Thesis Title: "Soil and Permafrost Distribution, Soil Characterisation and Soil Vulnerability to Human Foot Trampling, Wright Valley, Antarctica” Asaku Simiong Openg, DST(DpEd), BEd University of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea, MEd University of New England Australia Thesis Title: “Developing Pre-Service Teacher Education in Environmental Education for Sustainability in Papua New Guinea” 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Kirsty Fiona Smith, BSc, MSc Victoria Thesis Title: “Use of Genetic Methods for Determining Patterns and Processes During Marine Biological Invasions” Emma Louise Summers, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “The DNA Binding Protein Lsr2 from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis” Emily Sherra Weeks, BSc(Hons) University of Massachusetts USA, MSc Massey Thesis Title: “Intensive Development of New Zealand’s Indigenous Grasslands: Rates of Change, Assessments of Vulnerability and Priorities for Protection” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Sean Christopher Nixon, with First Class Honours MASTER OF SCIENCE Rory Francis Bell, with Second Class ass Honours Honours (first division) Sebastien Olivier Claude Boulay, with witth First Class Honours Megan Tracy Brink, with First Class Honours sss Ho nours Rebecca Johanna Bylsma, with First st Class Class Honours ours Rebekah Jane Crosswell, with First Class Honours Claass H onours Anna A Shanti Sh i Lawle LLawless, s with First Class Honours Brennan Andrew with Second Class Andr w Mahoney, M Honours (first divis division) i Joshua Joshu Jo hua u Carl Mawer, Mawer, with First Class Honours Daniel Morrison, with First Class Honours Daniel Reece Mo or i Kirsty Myron, Kirstyy Jane My Ki yron with First Class Honours Sam m Rewi Pachal, Pa hal with w First Class Honours Maria Teresa Teresa Revell, Reve with First Class Honours Johanna Maria Duyvestyn, with First irst Class Cl Claass Honours Honours Benjamin n Joseph Joseep Robinson, with Second Class Honours (first division) Honour urss (fir (f irs irst rst st divisio Jackson Tai Efford, with First Class Honou Honours urrs urs rs Tiffany Tifffany Sharee SSh Smith, with First Class Honours Renee Abigail Foster, with Second ond Class Honours Hono ours rs (first division) Michael Miicha James Stewart Stewa Tayler, with First Class Honours C Honours Sharn Bernard Hainsworth Simon Taylor, Sim mon Nicholas Nicch Taylor with First Class Honours Daina Jenifer Harris, with First Class Honours Chelsea Joy Vickers, with First Class Honours Ch Nadine Aly Huitema, with First Class Honours Kirsty Anne Vincent, with First Class Honours Karl Gary Jager, with First Class Honours Yuan Wang, with Second Class Honours (first (firs division) div sion) Sean Curtis Jones, with First irst Class Clas Honours onou s Kerri Miriam Lanigan, with Honours th First Fi t Class C Ho Duncan Robert McKenzie Class enzie Law, Law with Second ec Honours (first division)) Tania Alice Law, with First rst Class Honours onours Wenjuan Yang, with W a Y it Second ond Class Cl Honours (second (s d division) d ion) Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Aaron John Christian Andersen, w with ith Second Sec econdd Class Honours (first division) Bin Zhang hang Keshi Keshi Zhang, with th Second ond Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF SCIENCE NCE (TECHNOLOGY) ECHNO OLOG Christina Sharon Strawbridge, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Caroline Frances Cave, with Second Class Honours (first division) Hamish Mark Liddell, with Second Class Honours (first division) Daniel Carl Searancke, with First Class Honours Bradley Logan Tong, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONOURS Kohji Muraoka, with First Class Honours Ivan Frederick Schroder, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Science GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 21 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 10am Faculty of Science & Engineering continued BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Ramsay Greening George Heemi Davis Michelle Christina Wymer Taranjeet Singh Thandal BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Galiya Akhmetova Yi-No Arnold Lang Daniel James Bennett Samantha Laurel Muir Lydia Lesley Lotu June Brooks Blair Robert Munro Yoori Cho Emma Ash Ashley-Rose hley-Rose Nelson Michael George Coe Timothy Norris Norr s Loren May Cresswell, also awarded ed Bachelor Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours, ours, with First Class Honours Matthew Dan Daniel Norton el N o Deborah Anne Eastwood Iraani Junee Hippolite Ivica I a Pavlinic Ellie-Mae Charlene Elli llie-Mae Cha rlen ne Phare Karl Karrl Gordon G SSchultz chu t Jay Tee W Wharau J Sheldon Sheldon T h Justine Sarah Kennedy BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (TECHNOLOGY) HN NOLO OGY) Matthew Bruce Graham Joseph h Brown Ismaill Yasin n Mire M Kelly Rose Carter Ho Ho Ying ngg Yuen Y Hui Li Soh POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN BIOLOGICAL LOGICA SCIENC SCIENCES SC NCES Vikas Kariyappa Chonira Emma Emm Narelle Joss POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Sreekala Ramachandran dran Nair POSTGRADUATE CER CERTIFICATE TIFICATE IN N CHEMISTRY MISTRY Mohammad Ishaq Azmi mi El-Khaeiry El-Khaei POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Anna Jane Hermanson n GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN CHEMISTRY Bhawanbir Singh GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONICS Kang Ren GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Nicolas James Koppel 22 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 2pm Te Piringa - Faculty of Law DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Hariati Binti Mansor, LLB(Hons) University of Warwick United Kingdom, LLM University of Malaya Malaysia Thesis Title: “Solvency, Company Directors’ Duties and The Problem of Process and Enforcement – A Comparative Study” MASTER OF LAWS Erin Juanita Dawn Baker, with Second Class Honours (first division) Kathrina Sofie Baur, with Second Class Honours (first division) Toni Maree Dobson, with First Class ass Honours Honours Megan Joan Miro Mitchell, with First Class Honours Jasper Jay Ysrael Racines Pierce, with First Class as Honours Melissa Rosemaree R semaree Smardon, with Second Class Honours (firs (firstt di division), also conferred Bachelor vi of Laws and Bachelor ache of Arts BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS H NOURS HON Brendan Colin Barrett, with First Class C Honours Laura Clews, with First Class Honours ours Nicholas Lindsay Feast, with First Class Class Honours, Honourrs, s, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Charles Andrew Gillard, with First Class ass sss Honours, Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies anagemen ent ntt Studie ies with Honours, with First Classs Honours and ndd awarded Graduate Diploma inn Public Policy Christine Chrisstine Liang, Liang, with w t Second Class Honours (first (fi stt division) (fir (f Claire Clairr Dawn McCool, McCo with First Class Honours McC Bradley Allan with Second Class Honours Alllan Pepper, Peep (first division), diivision on)) also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies with Honours, with Mana nagem meeent Studi men First First Class Cla las ass Honours Hono Daniel Daani aniel Martin Young, with First Class Honours Nan Rosengarten Jensen, with th First Class ass Honours Hono Zhi Jian Khong, with Second Class Honours urs (second eco on division), also conferred Bachelor l of Social Sciences Ammar Mazin Abdul Majeed M jeed Ayo Ayoub Coby Marie Daphne M rie Da hn Martell rtel Ibraheem Bahiss, also conferred Bachelor f el of Arts with Honours, with Second Class Clas Honours Hono (first division) and Bachelor achelor of Arts rts Theodora o Fipe Taleni Matalavea atalav Emma Marie Ball Roshani Chrishtinaa Blake, Bachelor Blak also conferred co onf chelorr of Management Studies dies Lucy Viktoria Cass Melissa Anne Choppin Murray James Clarke, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies Christopher tophe Jacob acob McCarty McCa Farah Azeema Mo Mohammed F h Azeem mme Robert Joseph Moore Keshni Keshni Lata ata Nandd Sharon Leigh O'Connor h Micheal John Oliver, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Anishka Krithika Prasad Logapragasam Pullar William Michael Eivers Louisa Anne Roe Miriam Lois Elliott Vanessa Nitasha Shankaran Sara-Jayne Gwenyth Dunseath Fisher Jonathan Brian Shaw, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Amanda Jew, also conferred Bachelor of Management Studies James Richard Swarbrick Andrea Sharee King Chuan Tian Rhianna Maggie Laybourn, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Roman Lemisio Vaihu, also conferred Bachelor of Arts Lisa Anne MacLennan GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 23 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E BACHELOR OF LAWS Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 2pm Te Piringa - Faculty of Law continued GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN DISPUTE RESOLUTION Kiriana Ramari Te Waiarangi Haami Janet Mary Martin Ross Harcourt Hargood GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LAW Mohammed Faisal A Alkahtani DIPLOMA IN LAW Navin Mohan Rajes School of Māori & Pa Pacific acific Developm Dev Development velop ellop MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC C FIC CIF C DEVEL DEVELOPMENT LOPMEN PME MENT NT Paora James Mato, with First Class ss Honours Honnours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS ONOURS Gemma Rangi Anderson, with Secondd Classs Honours (first division) Eric Te-Arik Te-Ariki ki Sav Savage, vag with Second Class Honours (first division) divis vision) i ) BACHELOR OF ARTS Louisa Jacky Te Awhina Kingg Priscilla PPris Mariee Paekau P Waikato Management School Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY LOSOPHY Harun, SE Hasanuddin University i i Indonesia, MAcc MA U University t off W Western A Australia Thesis Title: “Public Sector Account Accountingg R Reforms ms in the In Indonesian done Post-Suharto Po uharto Era” E Nirosha Udayangani Hewa Wella Wellalage, BSc(Hons) ge, BS ns National atiion University ersity of Ireland, la M MBA Keele el University United Kingdom Thesis Title: "Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of Sri Lankan Listed Companies 2006-2010” Mirrin Margaret Locke, BMS University ke, BM B Universityy off Canberra, C nberra ra, a MTrainDev MT TrainDev Griffith Gr ffith Unive University versiity Australia Aus A strrali Thesis Title: "Strategic i Pl Planning i andd M Managementt iin th the MIC M MICE CE SSector – A C Case St Study tudy off th the Auckland Region” 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Christopher Paul Aitchison Nigel Patrick Vernon Hunt, with Distinction David Lee Bardebes Grant Patrick Kedian Susan Jane Carter, with Distinction Michael Joseph Keller Paul Adrian Christey Heather Gay Leary Helen Jean Cook Sonya Lockyer, with Distinction Helen Louise Creagh, with Distinction Conan Patrick Magill Ajay Dheer Alex William Matheson Jayne Elizabeth Emerson John Charles William Miller, with Distinction Malcolm John Ferguson Tracyy Mulholland Jonathan Murray Gray, with Distinction inction Michelle Carol Carrol Murray, Murray with Distinction Anthony Francis Hanlon Julie Anne Pullm Pullman an Wayne Dominic Harden Eric Norman Schluter Schluter Tina Marama Harris-Ririnui Michael Torr Michae Mi Mic ichael e John To rr Troy Henriques Rohan Rohan Vohra Ro V Mark David Hosking, with Distinction c ion Zefei Zhou Zef Zh Z hou Vikas Xinyu Liang Yun Bai Ashley Samuel As shley leyy MacKenzie MacK M Hannah Margaret Clarke, with Distinction h Distinctio on n Yingfang Yingfa ang Miao Mi Mia iao o Xiangfei Cui Dongchen Ni Don D gche chen nN Pratik Narayan Ghare Ashna Rai Prakash As Ashn Prak Carol Paulina Guler Mendel Hongg Qin Qn Rohan Eapen Isaac Rastogi Deep D eep Rasto Daniel Ross Journeaux, with Distinction Shilpi Sharma Manjunath Krishnamurthy Weiheng Si Mathieu Leonelli Wang Fang Wan MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Pradtana Amornchat, with First Class C s Honours Hon Clare Elizabeth C izabe Old, d, withh First Class Clas Honours Chen Chen, with First Class lass Honours, Hon urs, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting, with Dist Distinction sti tion Helen Percy, with First Class Hele n Louise Pe cy, w Clas Honours Ebony Sarita De Thierry, with First Class Honours Pacco Lionel Siri, with Second Class Honours (first division), also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Jie Fang, with Second Class Honours (first division) Lee John Harrison, with Second Class Honours (second division) Peter Ze Huang, with Second Class Honours (second division) Miao Li, with First Class Honours Yafei Li Yuanyuan Li, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Yuanyuan Ren, with First Class Honours, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma Finance Pos stgrraduate Diplo oma in Finan nce Hayden James Harley Skiffington, with First Class Honours Krittinee Sriphayak, with Second Class Honours (first division) Yuewei Sun, also awarded Postgraduate Diploma in Finance Conrad Joseph Mason, with Second Class Honours (first division) GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 25 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MAN M MANAGEMENT A AGEMENT N NT Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 2pm Waikato Management School continued BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Candace Louise Barry, with First Class Honours Aliesha-Jane Moroney, with First Class Honours Hannah Louise Chitty, with First Class Honours Adam Allen Paul, with First Class Honours, also conferred Bachelor of Science Sangjun Do, with First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance Martyn Ross Jenkins-Lyttle, with First Class Honours Leah Ellen Pavitt, with Second Class Honours (first division) Boris Podrumac, with First Class Honours Shelby Marie Kaye, with Second Class Honours (first division) Daniel Henry Rasdall, with First Class Honours Shaneel Kavit Kumar, with Secondd Class Class Honours (first division) Armindeep Singh, Si gh, with w First Class Honours, also awarded Graduate Graduate Certificate in Economics Roxanne Low, with First Class Honours, nours, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance Financce Natasha Nat Joy SStubbing, tubbi with First Class Honours Chenyi Lu, with Second Class Honours nouurs (second division) Megan Leig Leigh Scott,, with First Class Honours igh Scot Lana L na Kimberley Lan Kimberley Weal, We with First Class Honours, also conferredd Ba Bachelor of Arts also o conferre c BACHELOR OF TOURISM WITH TH HH HONOURS ONOU URS RS Daniel Minh Dung Nguyen, with First st Class Classs Honours Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSI ANALYSIS SIS ISS Carolina Bernal Orozco Ankita Patel Ankitaa Navinchandra N Bradley Darren Berry Laurence Richmond LLau e James Richmo Stefan William Bright Tomaso o Rossi Ro s Keping Cai Daniel Scharnagl aniel Sch Cherie Irene Cavanagh Cheng Shen Ho Lam Chan Yanwen Shen Hsiang Ling Chen Daljit Dalj Singh Si gh Xuesi Chen Cassandra Cassand a Ane ne Suemai ue Matthew John Cunliffe ffe Bhuvaneswari Sukumar Bh e ri Sukum Zhe Dong Manh Tien Tran Sarah Catherine Frewen Sheree Vickers Sheree Kaye V ckers Lijia Guo Jingyi Wang Qinsi He Qi W Wang an Yidan Hu Qin Wang Wen Huang Wei Wu Zhao Ke Bingqing Xia Jie Liu Wei Xiong Qingwei Liu Fan Xu Feifei Long Tao Zhang Kelly Anthea Loudon Xinruo Zhang Admiral Munyaradzi Manganda Weiwei Miao Zhuanyi Zhou, also awarded Graduate Diploma in Finance Suneran Naidu, also conferred Bachelor of Science Minjiong Zhu Miaomiao Pan 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Sarah Ann Adams Anjelique Louise Jones Craig John Annandale Michelle Amy Frances Lamerton Robbie Ellen Fear Anna Renee McAdam Sui Mariana Fiaola Robert Carl Helsloot Morrison Deena Anne Hoyle Kelsey Beatrice Nebbeling Samuel Thomas Ikinofo Cameron Ian Pentecost Whitney Lee Joblin Sheree Rae Reading BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE William Ly Andrew Ge George Tod eorge Lugton L g Rennae Jasmine Myers Matthew Robert Toulson Rob rt T o Truc Thanh Nguyen Tracey June Adams Kwi-Han K i-H Kw Han Ko Samuel Matthew Aislabie Alicia Margaret Lancaster Aliciaa Margare et La n Ibrahim Rage Ali Susan Diane Baker Nicola Nicco Nicol co a Ann LLihou, hou, also awarded Graduate Certificate Certificatte in Accounting A Ac Peter Manning William Ball Yan Tao Liu L Joshua Wayne Barrett Clairee Janee M McGuinness cGuinne Philip Arepa Blake Rory Peter Rory Pe Pete eter ete te McNab McNa Jia Chen Meng Men Meng M eng Shanshan Chen Keegan Toa Mi Milford Sheldine Lee Christie William Cheyne Munro m JJames Cheyn Nathan Phillip Cohen James Richard Nguyen Lee Michael Colquhoun Jung-Ju Park Stephanie Catherine Fagan g Mala Patel Yuan Fang Julia ulia Rose Smallfield Sma el Jiayin Feng Michael Antonyy Spencer p Rupeng Gan Carolyn Jane Thomson yn Ja Thomson Meiqiong Gao Ryan Charles Vincent n Charle nc Stacey Jayne Gaustad Natasha Aroha Whitewood Brenton James Higgs Rebecca Wilson Rebecc Louise Lo se W ilsson Simon James Hoey-Burns Nicole Eloise Winter i Michael Curtis Holmes Montrose Peter Worth Serena Yvonne Hoult Xiaoyi Yu Amanda Rose Hunt Yang Yu Manpreet Kaur Lin Zhang Ramandeep Kaur Qian Zhang Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT N SSTUDIES NT TUDIES Sarah Louise Kippenberger BACHELOR OF TOURISM Tammy Alderson Vikram Singh Pawar Nicole Jenny De Veth Weijing Xiong James Ross Heffernan Liying Yan GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 27 Wednesday 17 October 2012 – 2pm Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING Guanxiong Cao Elizabeth Joyce Pitu, with Distinction Tingyu Du Li Zhao Jie Li POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Kholoud Moteb S Alotaibi, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N ENTR ENTREPRENEURSHIP PRENEURSHIP AND INNOVA INNOVATION NNO Barry Robert Ogilvie POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N FFINANCE NANCE Kalpana Shirish Vithani Yukun Yukun Zhu Ying Yun POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NH HUMAN UMAN RESOURCE SOU OU URCE RC CE MANAGE MANAGEMEN MA MANAGEMENT M MEN Ali Shaghath Alsagoor ik Satija, Satija, with with Distinction Vikas Leanne Hinemoa Howlett POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA A IN INTERNATIONAL ERNAT ER R RNATIONAL ONAL MAN MANAGEM MANAGEMENT NAGEEM M Rohit Gopi Nair, with Distinction on Lingyan Lingya Zhou POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MANAGEMENT ANAGEM AND SUSTAINABLITY UST TAIN Shanoj Subramanian Valiyara Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Bryce John Carter Chantelle Ngapo Cha tel e N gapo Zhenghua Chen Antony Wayne Northcott Antony Wa ne No ott Rosalie Diane Crawford ord Shameel Diploma in Arts Sh el Raizal zal Rauf, also so awarded awar Tina Lynn Jennen Nathan Ruffell an Aaron Aa uf Tracey Anne Kent POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA LOMA IN N MA MANAGEMENT ANAGEMEEN ENT SY SYSTEMS YSTEM MS Andrew Wilson Fung Meii Teng Lam POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Manu Bennur POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN THE MANAGEMENT OF NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS John de Senna, with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Saptarshi Choudhury Shiraz Saifee Soni Dingyuan Hu POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Xiaohua Fan 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Angela Wendy Brockwell Jenny Hui-Chi Ingram-Tung Scott Brent Castles Christopher Bruce Martin Michelle Joy Clark Jal Dinshaw Mehta Timothy James Clarkson Tracey Kathleen Warner Price Gavin John Gallot Vaughn David Rosedale Emma Catherine Harfield Hardeep Singh Thomas Matthew House POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Janine Mary Andrews Pravin Krishna Mudaliar Krisshna M d Alida Hendrika Clazina Boersma Timothy Davi David Peirce Pe r Jolene Kim Enoka Stephen Mich Michael el Pettigrew Pe Bhavesh Mohanlal Jhaveri POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE TE IIN MARK MARKETING ETING NG N Abdallah Aarab GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING O TING OUN Michael David Aitken, also awarded Graduate Grraduaate Certificate in Accounting Accountting GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN AGRIBUSI AGRIBUSINESS NESS Vineeth Vallath Ramachandran n Philip Ph hilip h il John ohn Wooding GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE CEE Junqi Wu Jie Zhang Zhan GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Rita Richard Deacon Xiao Xia Yang Ya g Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Feng Ge GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN MA MARKETING KETI Jodi Louise Kitchen GRADUATE DIPLOMA OMA IN N TOU TOURISM U AND D HO HOSPITALITY O MANAGEMENT AGEM NT Felicity Anne Spencer-Goodwin GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN FINANCE Greg Craig McAllister GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Kirsty Ellen Street GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MARKETING Amanda Isabel McArthur DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Qizhi Zhou DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT Steven Carlyle Robb GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 29 Hillary Scholars The Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme educates future leaders at the University of Waikato within the values of New Zealand’s greatest adventurer, Sir Edmund Hillary. Sir Edmund Hillary Scholars must excel in academia, leadership and sports or creative and performing arts. Various professional development opportunities and fees support are provided for Scholars. HILLARY SCHOLARS GRADUATING IN OCTOBER CEREMONIES Whetukamokamo Hapeta Douglas Sean Christopher Nixon Edward Alexander King Finian Patrick Pa ick Scott Tania Alice Law West Brendan Robert Robe bert W e Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E C O N F E R R E D AT C L A U D E L A N D S E V E N T C E N T R E Te Wairere Puawaitanga O Te Whakaano hak akaano Ngaia 2012 Hillary Scholars lars at the Gallagher Ga g Academy Acadeemy of Performing Arts, the he University iv of Waikato. 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Qualifications previously conferred/awarded at other ceremonies Conferred/Awarded 18 August 2004 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony held on 18 August 2004 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Simon John Eaddy, with Second Class Honours (first division) 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2012 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Ceremony held on 4 July 2012 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Caresse Alisha Toni Bucchan, with Second Class Honours (first division) Michaela Erin Cruden, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF MUSIC Viet Anh Vu, with First Class Honours ours MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES CES Yusuke Okuyama, with First Classs Honours Honours Damian James TTerrill, erril , with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH H HONOURS O OURS ON Ting-Chang Chen, with First Classs Honours Honour Jacob Paul Ngawaka, with First Class lass Honours Honours Garth arth hM Michael SSmith, mith, with Second Class Honours division) (first di (firs ivision) BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES C WITH CES W HONOURS Hannah May Helleur Hiscock, with First Firs irsst s Class Honours Eva Scheiwe, Scheiw we, wi with ith tth First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Liang Peng Er Erica Jane Warmington Waarm Andrea Turilli Hannah Mereraiha Meereraiha White Whit Alexandra Hiratau Edward Laura Alice Tupou Mitra Hossain Hazel H zel Patricia atr cia Van De Molen len Rachael Catherine Mayne Morne Venter Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN APP APPLIED LLINGUISTICS U UIST Roxanna Theresa Holmes, es, with th Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN SECO SECOND OND LA LANGUAGE ANGUA AGEE TE TEACHING EACH NG Daniel William Bentley, with Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC POLICY Christopher Desmond Hamilton GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCREEN AND MEDIA STUDIES Robert James Howitt Isaac Francis Smith DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL SCIENCES Nina Roera Maheaiterangi Rakei GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 33 Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2012 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences MASTER OF SCIENCE Jehan Shoie M Alallah BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Matthew Ryan Fraser BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING Waleed Khalid Hilal Al Harthy BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Travis Michael Brooking Rowan Gary SSchischka chisc POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN NC COMPUTER OMPUTEER R SCIE SCIENCE NC Mohammed Ayedh A Al Mutirui Xuyi X yi Liu Xuy Junan Liu GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER MPUTER GRAPHIC RAPHIC C DESIG D DESIGN Michael James McHugh Faculty of Education ation BACHELOR OF TEACHING G WITH HONOURS ONOU UR Susanna Maria Dirkie Theron, with Second Classs Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Eric Elder Stevens BACHELOR OF TEACHING EACHING Kim De Robillard Bouchet he Kate Marie O'Leary ar Cameron Stephen Holt Tina Purdie Tina Marie Pu die Pia Renee Knight Cherry Janet Smith Dallas Megan Limpuss Hannah Haannah Mereraiha Me eraih ha White Whitte Kristelle Margaret Takai Mafi POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Damian Lee Baker, with Distinction Dawn Cherie Lawrence, with Distinction Danielle Chapman Edith Joanne Painting-Davis, with Distinction Putiputi Clarke Melissa Jane Young, with Distinction Charmaine Katie Hawaikirangi 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Sebastian Olua Mugup POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES Nikki Leigh Renowden POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN TERTIARY TEACHING Pamela Margaret Foster Colin Ross McLeay GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING N SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD CH A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN EDUCATION Laurel Eden Rose Ellis Tania Rae Pitt-Gu Pitt-Guthrie h Aroha Riparata Jennings Janine Lesley Ann Raaff R Rajani Monica Lata Mei Fong Tan Carlin Joseph Linklater Marion Lowndes Taylor Mario Ma ri Grace Low n Dean Joseph Masters Lisa Gloria Walker Lisa Marie M Glo riaa W Emma Catherine McLachlan Nicola Nicol Nic o a Louise Walling Wal i Neil McMorran Carolyn Whatmough C rolyn Clare Wh Ca a Courtney Joy Moore Katiee Kohau Wynyard Wyny W DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Shem Wiremu Murray Te Piringa - Faculty ulty of Law BACHELOR OF LAWS WITH HONOURS Timothy Matthew Gibb, with First Class Honours Erika Lynn Roberson, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS AWS Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Jasper Jay Ysrael Racines Pierce GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN DIS DISPUTE UTE R RESOLUTION OL ON O Caroline Maree White GRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN N LAW Waleed Hammad S Alsanad DIPLOMA IN LAW Imogen Anne Gear GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 35 Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2012 School of Māori & Pacific Development MASTER OF ARTS Terri Ripeka Crawford, with First Class Honours MASTER OF MĀORI AND PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Demalalade Zuzule, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONOURS Samuel Tawhio Te Whare Kotua Hare, with Second Class Honours (first division) Harry John Midwood, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Melanie Ann Tahata DIPLOMA IN MĀORI AND PACIFIC ACIF C DEVE DEVELOPMENT LOPMENT OPMENT PM Rachelle Mere Forbes Pathways College CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT ENT IN EN EENGLISH NGLISSH LANGUAG LANGUAGE GE Level 1 – Elementary English 1 Abdulaziz Hamad Z Alajmi Quan Zhang Qu ng Hairong Mai Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Level 2 – Elementary English 2 Ahmed Hani A Almanea Yusaku Sueto Nahyan Mansoor Saleh Eidha Almenhali Daikichi Yamaguchi Jawaher Hassan Y Alshehri lshehri Hanqing Zhangg H nqi g Zha Xuelin Hu Level 3 – Intermediatee English 1 Sultan Mubarak I Albalawi awi Koji Ito Koj o Battal Shadad B Alkaddah Jia Jia Abdulrahman Saleh A Almulhim Allm lhim Ping Jiang Jiaang Abdullah Nuays S Almutairi Haimin min Ma Saleh Mohammad S Alnafeesah Seongkeun Park Faisal Abdulaziz A Alqubali Riho Sakurai Sultan Nemer D Alsubaie Yubo Sheng Byungkyu Chun Xinxin Sun Jiashun Cui Yian Wang Yandong Han Sugang Wu Xianzhen Huang Yong Yu Shohei Ishii Asaad Ziyadi 36 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Arief Andriyanto Achmadi Satoe Mochida Tariq Saleh A Al Mulhim Haruna Ota Abdullah Ali S Alahmadi Quang Hung Phung Mohammed Muneer S Alawami Quanhua Piao Khalaf Saud J Albogami Yuying Shen Abdulaziz Abdullah M Alshehri Shijie Shi Ammar Mubarak S Bamofleh Yan Shi He Chen Eizo Takasaki Jie Chen Mutsumi Tanaka T Jing Dong Xiumin Wang Ziyue Han Ting Xu Mengying Hu Yukari Yuka Yasuma Yongqiang Kou Boming B ming Yu Bo Shinya Kuwahara Ran R n Zhang Z Junnan Li Zehan Z haan Zhang Ze Xingli Li Di Zhao Zh hao Ting-Bao Lin Yue Zhao Jing Liu Xuli Zheng Zheeng Changhong Lu Yanchang Yan nchang ngg Zheng Z Level 5 – Upper Intermediatee English 1 Hossain Mohmed A Al Essa Satono no Kawamata aw wam Ayidh Mohammed F Alqahtani ni Yanyan Yanyan Li Namkang Chairungruang Lydia Stange L S Guida Isaura Da Conceicao Baris Araujo Haozhou Wang Yuan Gao Renru Wang Jing Guan Weidong Wang We on W ang Yue Guo Tengfei Xiangg Tengfei Xi Pengyi Han Ziqiang Zhao Zi gZ Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Liru Hou Level 6 – Upper Intermediate ediate EEnglish glish 2 Ayman Abdullah A Ankawi Ankaw Mengbi Li Feng Chen Zixing Ziixin ng Lin Ln Hongjing Gai Long Yang Level 7 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 1 Fei Chen Akram Omar H Hadi Yuchao Chen Feng Jiang Lun Cui Yizhou Li Yiming Ding Zhe Wang Level 8 – Advanced Academic and Literary English 2 Xiaolei Gong Lina Jin CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN FOUNDATION STUDIES Tzu-Jen Cheng GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 37 Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2012 Faculty of Science & Engineering DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY David William Bradley, BSc University of British Columbia, MSc University of Windsor Canada Thesis Title: “Evolutionary Significance and Conservation Implications of Vocal Dialects in North Island Kōkako (Callaeas wilsoni)” MASTER OF ENGINEERING Naser Fahad Albugami, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF SCIENCE April Christina Gibson, with Second nd Class Honours (first division) Diahanna Rachell Rachelle O'Callahan, with First Class Honours Zichun Jiang Abhilasha Sharma Sha ma BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING NG GW WITH ITH HON HONOURS ONOURS OUR OURS Sandeep Sharma, with Second Class ass H Honours onours (f (first first st divis division) on) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE James Guthrie Ferrier-Kerr Han Byeol Son H B S Craig Lindsay Hosking Lhani Kim m Voyle Voyyle Teruko Kaneko Bin Wei We Ngoc Anh Khoa Le POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN SCIENCE AND D TECH TECHNO TECHNOLOGY EDUCAT EDUCATION Andrew Ita Misitomu GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING Lisa Marie Gloria Walker Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICATE IN N ELECTRONICS CTRON CS Han Byeol Son Waikato Management nage tS School h l DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY OSO HY Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Elebiary, BCom, MBA Tanta University Egypt Thesis Title: “Drivers of Guest Loyalty in the Hotel Industry in New Zealand: The Role of Staff Loyalty, Service Quality, Guest Satisfaction and Commitment, and the Influence of Loyalty Programmes” MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Mark Anthony Saunders MASTER OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Ahmad Hamed J Alawfi, with Second Class Honours (second division) Eid Saud Aleid, with Second Class Honours (second division) Abdulrahman Salem Aldhabaan, with Second Class Honours (second division) Norah Nasser M Alkahtani 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Muteb Ghanam J Al Kahtani, with Second Class Honours (first division) Sun Hee Hwang, with First Class Honours Faisal Abdulmohsen A Alqahtani, with Second Class Honours (first division) Jun Ren, with First Class Honours Xin Chen Sean Arthur McKenna, with First Class Honours Mingyang Wang, with First Class Honours Roujun Dong, with First Class Honours Xun Yu, with Second Class Honours (second division) Ruifang Hu, with First Class Honours Yi Zhang, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES WITH HONOURS Junyu Pan, with Second Class Honours nours rs (first division) Amanda Christina Christin SSmith, with First Class Honours BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NALYSIS Nicholas Stanley Camp JJiayin Jiay iayin ayin iin n Dai BACHELOR OF COMMUNICATION A O ATIO ON STU STUDIES DIES ES John Aaron Lindeman BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC CO COMMERCE OMM MERCE Chung-Yen Yu BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT MENT STU STUDIES DIES DI E Anna Gao Yin Y Y Yu Timothy Matthew Gibb POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE CE Xin Chen Yin Yu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IIN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Xuanqi Liu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IPLOMA IIN INTE INTERNATIONAL AT NA AL MANAGEMENT AGEM T Jinrui Fu Ab Abhishek hishek Kum Kumar ar POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA PLOMA IN MA MANAGEMENT ANAGEMEEN ENT ST STUDIES TUD DIEES Rebecca Jane Culliford Clive William Morgan POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Anastasia Ponomareva POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Antony Kuruvilla Chakiath Roujun Dong POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC RELATIONS Sun Hee Hwang GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 39 Conferred/Awarded 4 July 2012 Waikato Management School continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Tehimana Ellis, with Distinction GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Amanda Rose Seabourne GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Owen Mitchell Chapman Samantha Hayley Stokes GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN STRATEGIC RATEGIC C MANAGE MANAGEMENT EMENT Heath Toia Henry CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT ENT Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Janelle Kimberly Pownceby 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Conferred/Awarded 22 August 2012 Degrees conferred and Diplomas and Certificates awarded at University of Waikato Council meeting held on 22 August 2012 Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences MASTER OF ARTS Yvette Gotanco Valderia, with Second Class Honours (first division) MASTER OF MUSIC Elizabeth Jane Woollacott, with Second Class Honours (second division) MASTER OF SOCIAL SCIENCES C S Hongthong Sirivath, with First Class ass Honours Honours BACHELOR OF ARTS Lisa Nicole Shaw BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCES N S NCE Nicolle Pamela Bunn Delta D ltaa Rose King K ngg Maximilian Nicolai Karl Doerner Reece Taylor Tayllor Wijohn W Wij POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN APP APPLIED PPL PPLLIED ED LINGUISTICS Amy Alinea McLachlan Coatsworth w POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA MA IN THE HE PRACTICE CE OF PS PSYCHOLOGY LOG Aimee Rebecca Harris POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC POLICY Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Emilie Mae Rice Faculty of Computi Computing ng & Ma Mathematical them ica Scien Sciences nces DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY SOPHY Anthony Martin Blake, ke, B BCMS(Hons) S(Hon ns Waikato Thesis Title: “Computing ting tthee Fas Fastt Fo Fourier ourierr Tr Transform nsforrm on SIM SIMD MD Mi Microprocessors” icropro essorrs” MASTER OF SCIENCE Muteeb Saad A Alahmari Feifei Lin Majed Abdullah R Alrowaily BACHELOR OF COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGN WITH HONOURS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH WHANGANUI SCHOOL OF DESIGN, (UCOL) Pascal Xiao Tian, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mohammed Falah M Alajmi Bruce John Turner Salem Hamad H Alshaiban GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 41 Conferred/Awarded 22 August 2012 Faculty of Computing & Mathematical Sciences continued POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vijayaraaghavan Balasubramanian Subbulakshmi Prabhu Sundararajan David Tara Murrell POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MATHEMATICS Solomone Tahamano Pule DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE Preva Wharerangi Barbarich Jackson kson Faculty of Education ion MASTER OF EDUCATION Homoud Mohammad A Alshammari, mari, with w Second ondd Class C Honours Honour Hono Hon (secondd div division) is MASTER OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP EA ADERSHIPP Lyn Maree Brassington, with First Class asss Honours Honnours Justin Anthony An nthony ny L Harper, with Second Class Honours division) Honouurs (se ((second econd ec eco co divi BACHELOR OF SPORT AND D LEISURE SSTU STUDIES UDIES Kieran Michael Frewen Takarawhira T awhiraa John Jo Henry Newman Ryan Geoffrey Meacheam Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF TEACHING Andrea Matariki Falwasser Yajun Wang Cheryl Marion Gray Charlynne Wohlers Cha yn e Sunette W hlers POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION Davene Clarke Michael ael G Gerald Gu Guttormson rm Darron James Cutler Tania Hinerehua Oxenham, Ta ia Michele Michel Hine hua Oxen with Distinction POSTGRADUATE DIPL DIPLOMA MA IN N ED EDUCATIONAL DUC TIONA AL LEA LEADERSHIP ADER RSH P Sharlene Marino Henare, with Distinction Amanda Ruth McGirr, with Distinction Melanie June Matareta Katu POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION Lynn Janette Fothergill, with Distinction Julia Dawn Robertson POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Tahu Potiki Cecil Erlbeck POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Abdullah Ali A Alqarni POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION Aleeshea Reid 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF TEACHING A ONE YEAR PROGRAMME IN SECONDARY, PRIMARY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Leslie Rafols de Guzman Gregory Michael Thomas Emily Jane Havard Paul Francis Tietjens Kate Victoria Mahon GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION STUDIES Pulip Lyokao DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION May Colleen Rudolph Te Piringa - Faculty ty yo off Law BACHELOR OF LAWS Ein Lai Jeremy Khoo School of Māori & Pa Pacific acif ific Developmen Development ent POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE CATE IN DE D DEVELOPMENT E OPMENT STU EVELO STUDIES UDIESS Maximilian Nicolai Karl Doerner er Pathways Collegee Level 1 – Elementaryy En English glish 1 Ahmed Mufeed E Abdulati du ati Mo amme ub A Als Waleed Mohammedayub Alsaati Thamer Ahamd A Alghamdi lghamdi A S Alzah i Ahmed Saleh F Alzahrani Halah Bakr F Alhajri elah Said S B arbashat Abdulelah Bakarbashat thi Saad Hammad A Alharthi R zheng Jiang Jia Renzheng Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Khalid Atiah A Allahyani h2 Level 2 – Elementaryy Eng English Mohammed D M Sh S Alajmi Louisia Bernadette Coloras Abdullah E R H E Alenezi Ali F H A J Ismaeel Maha Mubarak M Alkahtani Ahmed Abdullateef M Qugandi Saad Nasser M Alkahtani Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 Sultan Saleh A Aba Alkhayl Ahmad M M N Alotaibi Abdulaziz Hamad Z Alajmi Ibrahim Yasin Sulaiman Altarawni Mariam Mohammed Y Albarakaty Zijian Hua Ohud Fahhad F Alharbi Essa Yahya M Hussain Saad Nasser M Alkahtani Hankyul Jang Ahmed Hani A Almanea Setthakorn Jeamset Shada Mohammad A Almazroey Dae Hye Ko Nahyan Mansoor Saleh Eidha Almenhali Han Gyeol Lee Weaam Nasser A Almojel Qianru Liu GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 43 Conferred/Awarded 22 August 2012 Pathways College continued CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE continued Level 3 – Intermediate English 1 continued Ah Yoon Paik Runpu Xue Meichen Shen Daikichi Yamaguchi Yusaku Sueto Hao Yang Xiaofang Wei Hanqing Zhang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Chenying Wu Level 4 – Intermediate English 2 Sultan Mubarak I Albalawi Jun Li Battal Shadad B Alkaddah Fernando Linares Castro Linares C Abdulrahman Saleh A Almulhim Jie Lu Saleh Mohammad S Alnafeesah Fangda Fa g Lv Fangd Fang Sultan Nemer D Alsubaie Haimin Haim min Ma Youqi Bian Abdulaziz Rasheedi Abdu ulaziz Talat Talat A R Wen Cao Abdul Naqib Abdu Ab ul Rahman Rahman N aq Ahmad Mohammed Sarwar Guoqing Chen Yubo o Sheng Bin Cui Xinxin Sun n Bohua Cui Linhui Tang T Jiashun Cui Chen-An Cheen-An n Tsai T ai Yicen Fan Xiaoqian Xiao aoqi n Wang Yijing Gu Yian Y Wang ng Yandong Han Zheng Zheng Wang Wan Jue Hu Sugang Wu S Yijie Hu Zeming Wu Xianzhen Huang Jiacheng Xu Zhibo Huang Tianyi Tian i Yang Y ng Jia Jia Yong Yu Ping Jiang Jian Jia Zhang han Keisuke Kobori Yinan n Zhao Jingchao Li Level 5 – Upper Intermediate medi te English Englissh 1 Tariq Saleh A Al Mulhim Shinya hin Kuwahara Abdullah Ali S Alahmadi Qi Li Mohammed Muneer S Alawami Judy Lingawa Ugul Khalaf Saud J Albogami Chenwei Liu Ammar Mubarak S Bamofleh Jing Liu He Chen Changhong Lu Jing Dong Haruna Ota Haiyin Fu Xin Qin Xuwenqian Fu Yun Shen Yazeed Salahaldeen M Hajjar Yan Shi Mengying Hu Eizo Takasaki Yongqiang Kou Xing Tang 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Level 5 – Upper Intermediate English 1 continued Chan Wang Chi Yang Lu Wang Boming Yu Mengsha Wang Ran Zhang Xiumin Wang Zhu Zhu Ting Xu Level 6 – Upper Intermediate English 2 Youjie Chen Lu Liu Roman Gabrilyan Zihao Liu Jing Guan Danesh Kumar Lohana Pengyi Han Haozhou Wang W Yanyan Li Weidong Wan Wangg Chen Liu Haolin Yin CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT NT IN N FOUNDATION DATION ATION ATIO N STU ST STUD STUDIES D Tianran Cai Shuai Shu uaa Sun Hongyue Chen Wenbo Weenbbo Wang Natapol Maneechansuk Suyun Suyu yun Zhang Guanjie Peng Zhuding Zh Zheng hengg Osama Hasam M Shafei Jessica Lynn Te Arani Adams Wei Chang W Chiaa Cha Ana Ahio Jinyoung Choi ngg Ch hoi Sharina Ahmed Tin Yu Chu Chung C Eric Andrew Aiolupotea Bianca Cheyenne Gloria Clifford Hannah Leigh Alchin Laura Brodie Clifford Khaled Mohammad S Aljohani Jerrym Marino Coffey Christopher Thomas Allan Al n J J Wait Waitaoro or Cootes C te Samantha Ann Allison on Thomas Th s Chatchai tchai Cox William Junior Ranieraa A Andrews drews Nathan Lee Darlington an Le in n Matias Nicolas Antunezz Gonzalez Gonzale Alaynna Cheynne Davis Alaynna Chey nne D vis Michael Appleton Brad Robert Alan de Lisle Anita Marie Axcell Justinn Pheonix Levi P eo x Lev vi Dickinson n Alison Jean Baker Rachael Louise Dillon Morgan Jocelyn Benson Kathleen Jane Earley Natasha Grace Biggar Tanya Edwards Rainier Tuhana Blick Matthew Neal Egan Ruth Bowen Shannon Jessica Ensor Anthony Rueben Boyd Michaela Leigh Sydenham Evans Gabrielle Kiri-Marie Busby Krystal Genaia Ilatose Falepeau Jeremy James Cadman Emma Jayne Ferry-Parker Kaytee Isobel Campbell Nathan Daniel Forlong Parewhai Kathleen Hinehou Campbell-Seymour Samiuela Monu-He-Lotu Fuapoivaha Kate Jennifer Campin Andrea Maira Ngawai Galvin Samantha Jo Candy Kory Tyrone Gamble Yao Hui Chai Haylee Jane Leonie Terina Gardiner GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY SITY PREPARA PREPARATION RATION RA A N 45 Conferred/Awarded 22 August 2012 Pathways College continued Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued Olivia Frances Louise Gardner Ahmed Abdul Wahab Mirghani Mohammed Matthew Steven George Garrett Dannielle Maree Moloney David Michael Gaylard Nadine Hazel More Nicholas Joseph Giddy Zoe Diana Teresa Morehu Angela Danielle Jordan Gilmoure Brendan Patrick Murphy Kate Louise Goldsworthy Vinesoreka Janet Ramandeep Naila Jesse Foster Green Joelle Keelyy Nattrass J Jonathon Philip Hagan Christopher Christopheer James Jame Neal Shaquille Whaitiri Marie Hapuku Royce Nelson-Siataga-Albrett Nelson Siata Khym Nicole Hastings Lee Ming Benj Benjamin amin Ng Te Aroha Elizabeth Henare Michelle Deborah M h Mich Deborah Nielsen N Tuaine Tina Hill Imran Mohammad Imran n Moham maad Noori Ronja-Madleen Holz Niels Nieels Peter Ord Od Zeke Shannon Hoskins Chloe-Lee Chloee-Lee O'Rourke O'Rourk Philippa Anne Howe Steven Steve ve Timothy Timo othy O'Shaughnessy O Mohamed Hashi Jama Simoa Telesia Palaiti Tele lesia Liuakipouli Liu Ashleigh Kate Jeffrey Amber Lou Louise Loui se Parfitt se Parf Megan Mary Jeurissen Jignesh Jign nesh M Mahesh Parsot Ma Parso Toni Maree Johnston Brendon Paterson Brren ndon Kelton Pater Kendrex Raydon Kereopa-Woon oon Ma Penamante M Isabel bel Cruz C Cru Penama Leo Oliver Sewell King Grant Pennell Grant Malcolm Ma c Penne Tupuria James King Sotheara Xanthus Phork S Sothea Taryn Hera Raumati Kingi-Fletcher Ashwini Pillay Samantha Joy Ladbrook Wesley Pillay Laura Ann Lawson Janet Senetenari ane Sene ena i lupeli lup Pomate Jennifer Soana Leofo-Tinoifili Amanda Catherine Pratt Gideon-Paulo Letoga Anna Marie A Mar Pryde Chelsa Nicole Lork Ziahrr Pye Hugh Alexander William MacIntyre m MacIn yre Kim Quinlan Kim Teresa Q inlan Samantha Avalon Madden adde Aaron Raj Deepinder Kaur Mann Spoffit David Reid R d Monish Manohar Elliot Grace Ronayne Campbell David Maxwell Abby Elizabeth Ross Alice Hinetaha Moetu Rangiuia McLeod Melissa Anne Blanco Sadumiano Dominic Robert McManus Sarah Anne Saies Kaden Ray Meehan Preston Keeley Sam Courtenay Catherine Megson Grace Patricia Patience Sarsfield Nicholas Mellsop Adi Vani Rabo Sauturaga Matthew Peter Missen Karl Richard Scoble 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO CERTIFICATE OF UNIVERSITY PREPARATION continued Melissa Ingrid Scott Kurt Samuel Te Mokoroa Tudor-Hamiora Hayden Mark Seaton-Snowdon Isabella Tyrell Vishaal Kumar Sharma Edwina Helena Utanga Callum John Shaw Aaron Reece Vickers-Balks Mulowa Sikongo Dac Lan Vy Vo Nicole Rachel Silver Nicole Marie Voorend Mathias Richard Simonka Desiray Chrisanthemum Walker David Niza Dalitso Chikoma Simpemba Chelsea Te Pania Wallace Damanpreet Singh Nicole JJordan Wallace Harmanjit Singh Jade Samantha Samaantha Wallis Wa Grant Daniel Spicer Yi Wang Courtney Elizabeth Steel Peter John Wa Watson tson Daniel Shane Stieller Emma-Marie Ora M Mai Wharepouri Emm m Soana Taake Taliauli Mitchell Mittchell Edward Edward White W Fakaanaua Fisi'itotoa Tapaevalu Matthew Mattthew Blake Blake Wilson Wl Tanika Carrie Taylor Jason Wing Jas n Peter W ing Nicoshia Lelupetutasi Mariah Toailoa loa Georgina Mary Wootten Georr Georg M ary Gaynor G Ga Kayil Shashanee Te Iwa Toia Julian The Theodorus eodorrus Young Faculty of Science ce & Eng Engineering gine ineeering ring DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Y Sandra Viviana Valderrama Ortiz, errama O rtiz BSc Sc Los Los Andes Andes University Univ rsit y Columbia Co um ia Thesis Title: “Dialect Fo Formation rmat on iin Fragmented agmented PPopulations pu tio s of the En Endangered an ere North orth Island sla Kōkako (Callaeas wilsoni)” MASTER OF SCIENCE CE Ellison Giano Rebecca Katharine White, with First Class Honours Ying Qiao, with Second nd Class Cl s Honours Honnours (first division) Simon Simo on Douglas oug as Williams, Williamss, with with First F Class Honours BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING WITH HONOURS Nathan Jeffrey Young, with Second Class Honours (first division) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Sarah Anne Cameron Woo Rin Ko POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Emma Lesa Ruth May Carrad Inderpreet Kaur GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 47 Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S Lisa Kyle Pearson, BSc, MSc Waikato Thesis Title: “Sediment-Pore Water Chemistry of Taupo Volcanic Zone Lakes and the Effect Trophic State has on Exchange with the Water Column” Conferred/Awarded 22 August 2012 Waikato Management School DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Richard Tolentino Yao, BSc, MMS University of the Philippines, MSc Purdue University USA Thesis Title: “The Non-Market Value of Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand’s Planted Forests” MASTER OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Yao Chen, with Distinction Jigisha Patel Fan Cheng MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Jinrui Fu, with First Class Honourss Scholz Thomas Sch olz Chen Liu, with Second Class Honours ours (first division) Linjuan You, with First First Class Honours BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT NT SSTUDIES TUDIES WITH TH HONOURS HO HON HONO Seung Ah Hong, with Second Class ss Ho Honours nours (fi (first rst divisi di division) divisio on) BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ANALYSIS NA ALYSIS Fen Chen Oakes Joshua Wadee Oak ke Jiabin Chi Chao Xue Qiahang Huang Zhewei Zhewe ei Zhu BACHELOR OF ELECTRONIC NIC COMME COMMERCEE Abdulrahman Shoie M Alallah h Tara Sheree reee Wrigley Wrig Zhe Wang Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES Craig John Clarke Kirk Martin Johnston Kuang Gao Holly H lly Joanna Ross os Glenn Alexander Harden POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA PLOMA IIN ACCO ACCOUNTING NT G Jiajing Wang 48 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Jaser Mohammed S Alhawiti POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Craig John Clarke POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT Quentin Cyril Varcoe POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES Carl Richard Allwood GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING C NTING COU Paul George Farquhar GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN AGRIBUSINESS RIBU USINESS Stefan Yuwono GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ELECTRONIC CTRONIC C COMMERCE OMME OMMERCE MME Wesam Sameer M Khayat GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN FINANCE NANCE CEE Craig John Clarke GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN N HUMAN NR RESOURCE CE MANAGEME MANAGEMENT MA MAN ENT Tjitte Wybren Weistra GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Jaya Kanayalal Advani Q U A L I F I C AT I O N S P R E V I O U S LY C O N F E R R E D / AWA R D E D AT O T H E R C E R E M O N I E S GRADUATE CERTIFICATE FICATE IN N MARKETING RKETING Byron Peter Elliot GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 49 Q UA L I F I C AT I O N S TO B E CO N F E R R E D AT T E KO H I N G A M Ā R A M A M A R A E Congratulations to all University of Waikato Graduates University of Waikato Academic Leaders VICE-CHANCELLOR Professor Roy Crawford BSc(Hons) PhD DSc Belfast FIMechE FREng FIPENZ Professor Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, whose primary research interest has been in the mechanical properties and processing behaviour of plastics. Previously Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at Queen’s University, Belfast, with special responsibility for Research and Development, he has on-going research and business interests in New Zealand associated with the establishment of a new polymer research centre. He has published seven books, more than 270 papers and has been a member of numerous government panels and researchh grant committees in the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. e ing. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR R Professor Alister Jones BSc Otago MSc PhD Waikato DipT pTT MRSNZ MRSNZ Professor Jones was appointed De Deputy uty Vice-Chancellor c Chancello ce-Chancellor ellor in n 2011. He is the former Dean of Education and ndd was was previously iously Research Re Re h Professor Professor and an Director of the Wilf Malcolm Institute nstitute titutee of Educational Researchh at tthe Faculty of Education. He has managed that naged ged edd and d directed research projects prrojectts th have informed policy, curriculum inn New lum and teacher tea eaacher development d w Zealand Z and internationally. His mainn areas of research reessearch are curriculum, res curriculum cur iculum m teaching, teachi learning and assessment, particularly technology education. rticularly in science nce and technolo techn He has acted as an international consultant in curriculum ational onsu ulta rriculu and assessment ssess and building educational research the earch capability. bil y. In 2000, 000, he was was awarded aw NZ Science and Technology Medal for his significant nt contribution to the development of technology education both nationally and internationally. PRO VICE-CHANCELLOR ELLOR (MĀ (MĀORI)/ RI)/ V DEAN OF MĀORI & PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT Professor Linda Smith ith BA MA PhD Auck DipT Professor Smith (Ngāti Awa,, Ngāt Ngāti appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor āti A ti Porou) was as app ncello Māori at the University ty of Waikato aikato in 2007. 200 07. Professor ofesssor Smith Sm mith previously prevvio sly held eld the Chair in Education at The University of Auckland and was joint director of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (Horizons of Insight), the National Institute of Research Excellence in Māori Development and Advancement. Professor Smith’s PhD in education was conferred by The University of Auckland in 1996. Her work in the field of Māori education and indigenous people’s education generally, is renowned both here in New Zealand and internationally. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 51 University of Waikato Academic Leaders DEAN OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES (ACTING) Dr David Lumsden BA(Hons) London MA PhD Princeton David Lumsden has been a member of staff at this university since 1979. He has previously held the positions of Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Pro-Dean Graduate and Postgraduate, and Chairperson of the School of Social Sciences. He has published in the areas of the Philosophy of Language, particularly in relation to the theory of reference and pragmatics, and the Philosophy of Mind. DEAN OF COMPUTING & MATHEMATICAL ATHEMA ATICAL SCIE SCIENCES IENCES Professor Geoff Holmes BSc(Hons) PhD Southampton Professor Holmes gained an Honours nours ours Degree andd Doctorate Doctorate in i Mathem Mathematics matic from the University of Southampton position pton ton n in n the UK. K. Following ng a rresearch res po sittio in the engineering department att Cambridge Cam mbridge University, versity, y, he joined jjoin Waikato Waikato in 1987 as a lecturer in computer science, cience, ience, and rose osee upp the thee academic aac aca acade ranks. ranks. He H was appointed Dean of the Faculty ty of Computing ting & Mathema M Mathem Mathematical Science SSciences cien in 2008. His major research interest that rest st is in machine learning, a topic to opic th involves mathematics, statistics andd computer known c puter science. He is best comp b kkn know nationally and internationally applied machine ly for hiss contributions contri c ibutions to ap pplied m learning, deploying theoretical He is cal frameworks rkkss in practical practical situations. situat situati tio currently involved in collaborative to provide orative research withh local industry indus in automatic analysis of analytical tical testing ng procedur pprocedures. ro DEAN OF EDUCATION Professor Roger Moltzen TTC, DipT, BEd, MEd, d, PhD W Waikato ka Professor Roger Moltzen is a former school teacher and school principal. Prior to being appointed inte Deputy Deputy Dean ean of the Faculty cult y he was Chair Ch of the Department of Human He hass led numerous n Development Development and Counselling. un ing. H nu ou research and development contracts education, ment con tracts in bboth oth iinclusive clusive ed ucation, and and the education of gifted and talented students. His current research focuses on talent development acros across the lifespan. ifesspan. In 2005 5 he was wass awarded aw warrde the th Prime Prim me Minister’s Supreme Award for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO DEAN OF LAW Professor Bradford Morse BA Rutgers LLB British Columbia LLM York Professor Morse gained his Bachelor of Arts, with a major in History and Sociology from Rutgers College and Livingston College, Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA in 1972. In 1975 he gained his Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, and his Masters of Law in 1981 from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. Professor Morse was previously a Professor of Law at University of Ottawa, Canada, and has been a Barrister at Law and Solicitor, Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario), since 1979. DEAN OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING NEERING Professor Bruce Clarkson BSc MSc DPhil Waikato Professor Clarkson holds a BSc, MSc Scc (First ((F rst Class Honours) onours)) in Bi Biolo Biological B l Sciences Scien nce and a DPhil from the University off Waikato. Zealand Waikato. Hee worked for the t e New Ze alan Department of Scientific and Industrial Division and the then dustrial ustr al Research rch h (Botany (Bo Bot otany Div D v Land Resources) from 1981 to 1992 Research Institute 992 2 and an nd then the t Crown Cro rown o ow Rese Res In Institut nstit Landcare Research from 1992 to 1999, 999, 99, re returning to the Universityy in 2000. 2 200 His research interests include vegetation tation tion o change, on chaange, threatened plant autecology autecolog auteco auteec and restoration ecology. He was awarded Zealand’s arde rdded the he Loder Cup, New N Z Ze premier conservation award, in 2006 andd currently for currentlyy leads lead a Foundation Fou Foun Research Science and Technology on determining logy funded research rch programm programme o the best methods for restoring ng indigenous nou us biodiversity ity in cities. DEAN OF WAIKATO MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Professor Frank Scrimgeour BAgSc(Hons) Lincoln n PhD Hawai Hawai’i BD D Melbourne College of D Divinity vin ty Professor Scrimgeour holds a BAgSc with First Class Honours from Lincoln College, a PhD (Agricultural Resource Economics) from the University ricultural and R esou Econ micss) fro he U versity of Hawai'i and a BD from Melbourne Collegee of Div Divinity. has rom Melb rne Co vinit Previously viously he ha worked with NZ Meat and Wool Boards' Economic Leaders nd Woo Ec nom c Service, Ser vice, Christian Le aders Training College of Papua p New Guinea, and the Environment and Policyy Institute at the East West Wes Centre in Honolulu. Hono lu. His Hiss current cu urreent research ressea ch focuses ocusses on the economics of natural resources and the environment. t GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 53 Speaker Profiles TUESDAY 16 OCTOBER – 9.30AM (TE KOHINGA MĀRAMA MARAE) Keynote Speaker: Jamie Tuuta Jamie Tuuta is of Ngati Mutunga and Taranaki Iwi descent. He graduated from the University of Waikato with a Bachelor of Science. Jamie is currently the CEO of the Māori Trustee, director of Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd and Te Ohu Kaimoana Trustee Ltd, and chairman of the Ngati Mutunga ki Wharekauri Asset Holding Company. He has held a range of governance positions in the health, iwi development, fishing, agribusiness and investment sectors. He was the former chairman of the Taranaki based Māori agribusiness organisation Parininihi ki Waitotara Incorporation. He is also a member of the Government’s PEAK Group for Sustainable Land Management and the Investment Advisory Panel for the Primary Growth Partnership. Jamie is a member of the Institute of Directors and a recipient of the Sir Peter Blake Emerging Leadership Award. Student Speaker: Korohere Crossley – Doctor of Philosophy ssleyy Bishop Bish p Lloyd Ngāpō Ngāp Degree tto o be conferred cconf WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER – 10AM 10AM (CLAUDELANDS EVENT CENTRE) CEN CENT NT Keynote Speaker: Mr Campbell SSmith mith Mr Campbell Smith, MNZM, teacher, cher, e artist, poet er, et and playwright, playwrigh pplaywrig y wrig has served ser vedd the t Hamilton arts community for more than fifty years. Trained in New Zealand andd in London, L ndon he h taught art a in i local high schools, was a former director of the city’s Art Gallery and his own wood engravings. A book of nd found fo ound timee to create te h hi ow works – mostly m mo Mr Smith’s engravings called Liness of Light scenes ight contains ntains ains 110 110 New w Zealand Z sce scene celebrating Kiwi lifestyle, from farmers to gum-diggers, rugby, Māori has written 24 plays and won awards for ori ri culture culture and the arts. Mr Smith h wr w many of them. In 2010 Steele Roberts wood engravings that tell the nativity tss publ published lished his book of poems and w story – set in the Coromandel, creating ngg a unique un uniq que and New Zealand Zealaandd slant sslan sllan laant on a well-known story. Student Speaker: Cheryl Annee Ware Degree reeee to be ree b conferred conferred – Master Ma Mas Mas of Arts A WEDNESDAY 17 OCTOBER BER – 2PM M (CLAUDELANDS (C AU AN EVENT NT CENTRE) CEN Keynote Speaker: Dr Roger Hill ll Dr Roger Hill is the founder and managing director of Hill Laboratories, New Zealand’s largest privatelyowned commercial laboratory. Dr Hill initially trained as a chemist before establishing a small testing services company in 1984. Today, quality and contributes y Hill Laboratories provides p q y assurance for New Zealand exports p to the targeted and efficient of fertilisers. New Ze Zealand Institute ffi ent use se o rtili ers. Drr Hillll iis a Fellow of the he Ne d Ins titu of Chemistry, and a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science. His links with the University go years, andd Hill La Laboratories is a major graduates. o back over 30 3 yea bora ajor employer employer of Waikato W Student Speaker: Aleisha-Jane conferred Bachelorr oof Management ha-Jane Moroney Moroney Degree D re to be conf ed – Bac anageme Studies (Honours) 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO A Brief History of the University The University of Waikato had its genesis in 1956, when a small group of visionary individuals began working towards founding a university for the people of the South Auckland region. A college, a sub-branch of Auckland University, was established in 1959 and in 1965, after opening its doors in 1964, the University of Waikato was officially opened by the then Governor-General, Sir Bernard Fergusson (later Lord Ballantrae). From modest beginnings, on what was largely farmland and with a handful of temporary emporary buildings g and few staff, the University of Waikato o now has a student population of more than than 12,000, with more than 3,800 graduating each ch year. year. Today, the University employs about 2,000 0 aacademic 00 cademic and nd support staff, making a significant antt contribution contributio on to the local economy. The University has built research rcch quality quality to to be ranked No.3 in New Zealand and has has forged forged sstrong trong ro international links; 175 agreements been en nts have h signed with universities around the wo world. orld. Our Vision The overarching themes of our Vision are Excellence, Distinctiveness and International Connectedness; these drive the Un University of Waikato. W se We seee our distinctiveness in terms of three hree interdependent components; Sustainability, Māori and Leadership. Su staina Ourr rreal Ou ea distinctiveness comes in their in the context of our th irr synergy sy identity. ide entit y We are a New Zealand university, aware of our relevance un ivers responsibilities to the region, and aand nd res compete on an international stage. com mp THE CAMPUS Our Hamilton campus, with grounds covering eringg 63 hectares, continues to be a source of ccommunity om pride. The grounds include sports orts fields, walkways, wa kw way three lakes and extensive gardens. Maintenance nance of the beautiful grounds is a priority, along with developing the buildings to accommodate the University’s growingg needs. ne ds. The Hamilton campus is also home to the Gallagher Academy of Performing ming Arts, a high-technology h ghnolo y facility for the performance drama, music, ormance of dram m dance, and Māori kapaa haka and other cultural cultu al performing arts. It is also a vital teaching facility for the University and performance d a world-class orld-class pe erf man ncee venue, welcomed by Hamilton and the wider Waikato community who share it. The University of Waikato has a campus at Tauranga and a strong relationship with the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic. Collaborative arrangements include the sharing of resources and services and joint provision of professional development and training opportunities for staff. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 55 Our Commitment The University of Waikato is committed to delivering a world-class education and research portfolio, providing a full and dynamic university experience which is distinctive in character, and pursuing strong international links to advance knowledge. Strength in Numbers Through sustained research and the attraction of high levels of external funding from public sector and industry sources, we aim to maintain a highly competitive research profile. Our staff participate in a wide range of research consortia, clusters, and multi-institutional research teams locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. n tionallyy. We are well-placed to contribute to the local oca and national economies by enhancing business ness capability in the region and increasing opportunities ortunities for the commercialisation of intellectuall prop property. erty. The University of Waikato showed its strength by being ranked number 1 in the following subjects in th the Tertiary Education Commission’s Co mm m most recent Performance-Based Pe rfor Research Re seaar Fund. We play an essential leadership role prosperity o e in n the prosp perity of the Waikato, defined also in te terms tribal erms of the tri bal al boundaries of the 16 iwi affiliated ated to Te Rōpu ōpu Manukura. We sit at the heart off a community it of strong regional partnerships andd takee pride in serving the strengths and interests our region. ts of o ou ur re gion. We are committed to increasing reasing thee tertiary t tertia ry participation rate of our regional pop population ulati tio on overall as well as the proportions school portions off new n ol leavers and postgraduate students. We are also tudents. We e committed to ensuring the ongoing going relevance off the t programmes we offer and the effectiveness of our delivery of them. We foster a culture of internationalisation, measured through the diversity ty of our student s ent and staff st ff profiles, a long-standing pride in our reputation for the pastoral care of our international intern tion students, de and the measures wee take th through ough ccurriculum, cu programme design and our global networks g bal netwo ks and a d connections to international influences. natio l influ e From inception we have hav been bee at the the forefront refrontt of initiatives that support Māori aspirations. Sir Bernard Fergusson placed Waikato as “the first of the New Zealand universities to be planted right in the heart of traditionally Māori country”. Since our foundation, we have worked closely with local iwi, particularly Tainui, to make the University accessible to Māori students and to foster an environment of success. Today we are proud to have the highest proportion of Māori students of any New Zealand university. We are also proud of our evolution into a truly New Zealand institution supporting our country’s nation-building policies and reflecting our nation’s identity. 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO • Accounting Acc o Ac and Finance • Chemistry Ch em Journalism • Communications, C Co a Media Studies and • Computer Comput Science, Informa Information Technology, Informa Information Sciences • Ecology, Ecology, EEvolution Beha and Behaviour ecu • Molecular, Cellular and Whole Organism Biology • Music, Literary Arts and Other Arts • Pure P re and a App ied Mathematics Applied We are al o ranke also ranked #1 in Education hen Uni versity an when University and College of at scores aare combined. Education Waikato aikaato showed show wed impressive im numbers in its quality score for research over a wide range of subjects. We strengthened research performance in more than 85% of our subjects. The numbers reflect the quality of our academic staff and firmly establish Waikato as a top researchled university. The numbers also show that students at Waikato are taught by staff at the leading edge of their disciplines. Ceremonial Traditions Elements of university graduation ceremonies have evolved from the 12th century when the first universities emerged in Europe. The organisation of medieval universities was modelled on the established institutions of the day – the church, the monastery and the guild. Latin was the language used by medieval scholars, and it is from Latin that the words ‘university’ and ‘degree’ are derived. The Latin term universitas means a guild or union, and universities started as a scholastic guild – a self-constituted community of teachers and scholars. The word graduate comes from thee Latin word m th gradus, which means step. Admission missi n to study a bachelors degree was the first step step taken aken towards wards rds completing a university education. o . The The second step sttep ep was to become a ‘master’. Masters Master sterrs were M aster t of Arts graduates whose degreess lice licensed nsed them them to teach. The Chancellor, an officerr of tthe cathedral, he cath edral, ral originally granted teaching licences. s. University of Waikato Academic Dress Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor Black gown with red velvet facings and gold piping; three red velvet chevrons with gold piping on the sleeves; black with gold cord and tassel. Tudor bbonnet n Pro Chancellor Chan Black gown Black go ow with lining of gold satin; gold button bu utt and cord just above the sleeves which are lined with black slee vees w satin; sati n; black bla Tudor bonnet with gold cord an andd tassel. cor H D HonD CEREMONIAL ROBES AND ACADEMIC DRESS Red Re edd gow gown with black facings; black Tudor bonnet with gold cord and tassel. T Tu udor u bonne In the Middle Ages the corporate orporate existence exist ce of o universities was recognisedd and sanctioned by ancctio civil or ecclesiastical authority. ity. The regalia rega a worn wo by graduates and university staff today reflect this mix of medieval governance. Robes worn by the Chancellor resemble those worn by the Lord Chancellor of England. and academic and Graduates Gradua aca em mic staff wear gowns similar medieval mi r to the dress ss of of me die al clergy. Hoods are also fashioned on an everyday y y medieval garment, although though the coloured c oure lining ng was a later addition to indicate icate the wearer’s earer’s university ve and degree. DLit, DSc Crim Crimson mson gown; gow crimson hood with crimson lining; linin black Tudor bonnet with gold cord d and tassel. PhD, EdD and SJD Maroon gown; crimson hood with ccrimson m n lining; g; black Tudor bonnet. MPhil Phil B Black go gown; crimson h hood with crimson lining; lini g; black bla mortarboard. mortarb Note: Those who graduated with a DPhil priorr to 1992 pr 1992 92 are are entitled entitl to wear a black mortarboard t b d or a black bl k Tudor bonnet. Masters Black gown; gold hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. Bachelors with Honours Black gown; black hood with gold lining and gold border 5cm in width; black mortarboard. First Bachelors Black gown; black hood with gold lining; black mortarboard. GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 57 God Defend New Zealand E Ihowā Atua, God of Nations at Thy feet O ngā Iwi mātou rā In the bonds of love we meet Āta whakarongona; Hear our voices we entreat Me aroha noa God defend our free land Kia hua ko te pai; Guard Pacific’s Triple Star Kia tau tō atawhai; From the shafts of strife and war Manaakitia mai Make he her prais praises heard afar Aotearoa God defend def nd New w Zealand Gaudeamus Gaudeamus igitur Let L t us us then be b joyful jo oy Juvenues dum sumus while we are a yo yyoung Gaudeamus igitur then Let us th hen be b joyful Juvenues dum sumus while le we ar aare young Post jucundam juventutem m After of youth A fterr th tthe he pleasure o h Post molestam senectutem em After old age Aft the A he burden of o Nos habebit humus us The eart earth th w will have u Nos habebit humus The Th he earth will have us Vivat Academia! Long live the University! Vivant professores Long live the p professors! f Vivat Academia! Long live tthe he University! ni ity! Vivant professores! s! Long live professors! Lo ive thee profes ors! Vivat membrum quodlibet odlibet Long member g live eeveryy m mb Vivant membra quaelibet lib Long members Lo ng live all the m mbers Semper sint in flore re May they ever ver flo flourish uris Semper sint in floree May ourish M ayy they they eever ver flou rish h (Translation) 58 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO Honorary Awards HONORARY DOCTORATES 2011 Jools Topp MNZM 1999 Sir Douglas Arthur Montrose Graham KNZM 2011 Lynda Topp MNZM 1998 Paul Woodford Day 2011 Catherine Moana Dewes NZOM 1998 Kevin Roberts 2011 James Judd 1997 The Rt Rev Manuhuia Augustus Bennett ONZ CMG 2010 Jon Mayson CNZM 2010 Roka Pahewa Paora QSM 2010 Margaret Bedggood Mulgan QSO 2010 Max Martin Gibbs 2009 Dame Lynley Stuart Dodd DNZM 2009 Sir Wilson James Whinerayy KNZM OBE 2009 Hamish Keith OBE 2009 Peter Godfrey Scott Sergell MNZM MNZM 2009 Zena Daysh CNZM 2009 Hēni Materoa Sunderland 2008 Tessa Duder OBE 2008 Tīmoti Samuel Kāretu QSO O 2008 Rudolf Hendrik Kleinpaste 2008 Sir William Murray Gallagher KNZM KN NZM M MBE 2008 John Allan Gallagher CNZM NZM KStJ JP J 2008 Brian Richard Perry OBEE 2007 Diggeress Rangituatahi hi Te Kanawa CNZM QSO 1997 Hiko Hohepa 1997 The Hon Sir Peter Tapsell KNZM MBE 1996 Dame Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira CNZM DNZM 1996 Dame Dam me Kiri Tee Kanawa ONZ DBE AC Huirangi Eru Eruera 1995 Huirang e Waikerepuru Jeanette Kin Kingg 1995 Jeanett 1995 Wilfred Gordon 199 Gord Malcolm CBE 1995 Elizabeth Ursula 199 95 5 Elizabet hU s Alley 1994 Rachel 199 94 4 Charlotte Charlotte R ac Anwyl Wallace OBE 1994 Mauriohooho 199 94 4 Waea M Maurio 1994 4 Dame Malvina Ma vi Lorraine Major GNZM ONZ Z GN Z DBE Sir Edward Taihakurei Junior Durie 1994 The Th he Hon H Ho on Si o DNZM DNZ ZM ZM 1994 994 The Th Th he Hon Dame Silvia Rose Cartwright PCNZM CNZM DBE QSO Stafford CBE 1993 Donald onald Murray M St ary KG ONZ KBE KB B 2006 Sir Edmund Percival Hillary Mary Josephine Drayton DNZM MBE 1993 Dame Da Jos 2006 Bryan Charles Gould CNZM 1992 Edwin George Morgan 2006 Sir Howard Leslie Morrison OBE 1992 Janet Frame ONZ CBE 2006 Jeffrey Alexander Jones 1990 Norman William Kingsbury CNZM vidson 2006 Kenneth Owen A Arvidson 1987 The Hon on Sir ir Davidd Lance La ce Tompkins KNZM 2005 Margaret Mahyy ONZ 1986 Rangikaiamokura Wirihana Hetet ONZM Ra Wirih ehuia Milroy CNZM QSO O 2005 James Te Wharehuia 1986 Doro Dorothy Jessie OBE es Stafford O 2004 Hare Wakakarakaa Puke 1986 19 86 Dame Phyllis yllis Myra yra Guthardt Gutha DBE 2004 Apirana Tūāhae Mahuika 1985 Sir Donald Rees Llewellyn KNZM CBE tt QSO Q O 2004 Caroline Bennett 1984 Malcolm 19 984 4 Sir S Ross Ro s Ma alco olm JJansen an nseen KBE 2004 David Gordon Edgar QSO 1983 Henare Tuwhangai QSM 2004 The Hon Margaret Anne Wilson DCNZM 1982 Henry Rongomau Bennett CBE QSO 2003 Tui Adams 1980 Jack Stanford Allan MNZM 2002 Hirini Melbourne ONZM 1979 Frank Maine Bateson OBE 2002 Michael MacRae Hanna 1979 Dame Te Atairangikaahu ONZ DBE 2002 Michael King OBE 1971 Richard Bristowe Waddington 2002 Ida Margaret Gaskin CNZM 1971 Denis Rogers OBE 2001 Tim Finn OBE 1971 Donald Wilfred Arcus 2001 Neil Finn OBE 1969 Sir Arthur de Terrotte Nevill KBE CB 1999 Gerald David Gibb Bailey QSO 1968 Pei te Hurinui Jones 1999 Koro Tainui Wetere CBE 1967 Lord Ballantrae KT GCMG GCVO DSO OBE GRADUATION PROGRAMME OCTOBER 2012 59 Honorary Awards RECIPIENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO MEDAL 2012 Dame Jocelyn Barbara Fish DNZM, CBE 1997 Laurence John Denny 2010 Terry Healy MNZM 1995 Val Going 2009 Michael Law 1995 Sir Robert Arthur Owens KNZM CBE 2006 Paul Malcolm Dell 1995 Mary Gordon 2004 Jack Charles (Dufty) Wilson 1994 Sister Heeni Wharemaru 2003 Robert Barrington Grant 1994 Kenneth Eric Jury ONZM 2003 Marie Fenwick 1994 John Thomas Kneebone CMG 2002 Yolande Neilson 1994 Hare Wakakaraka Puke 2002 Jeremy Callaghan 1994 Eric Ashleyy Taylor 2000 Stafford John Smith 1994 Cecil Cecil Douglas Douglas Arcus 1999 Pam Banks 1994 Brian Richard Richard Perry OBE 1999 Jennifer Alexandra Alford Trevelyan Rogers QSO 1992 Anthony Tre v 1999 Ann MacKay EMERITUS PROFESSORS 2011 A. Barratt BA(Hons) MA Camb m MA Car mb PhD Tor FRHS MA DipEd PhD NZ 199 1993 9 J.E. Ritchie 93 Ritchie ONZM O FBPsS FNZPsS FNZ ZP FAAA 2011 W. B. Silvester BSc NZ MSc Auck uck PhD D Cant McLaren 1993 I.A. McL Lar MA NZ AM Chic PhD Well 2010 J. B. Ritchie BA MA NZ PhD hD Well OBE OBE JP 1993 B.S. Liley Lil Li Lile Liley l MSc NZ PhD R'dg FInstP CPhys CPh CP Phys Phy hy FNZIP FNZ 2010 D.I. Pool BA MA(Hons) N NZ PhD Aus FRSNZ hD Au FRSNZ FR R 2010 T.M. Reedy BA MA Auck PhD KNZM Ph Hawaii awaii K ZM 1991 1991 D.G. G. Bettison MA M PhD Rhodes 2009 P.H. Oettli BA NZ PhD D Auck 1990 1 R. Ziedins Zieedin MA PhD Melb 2009 E.L. Glynn BA MA Auck PhD Tor DipGr DipGrad ad Otago FNZPsS FRSNZ 1990 Ward BSc(Econ) Lond MLitt 199 9 0 J.T. W BSc(Ec Oxf O PhD Lond 2008 L.R. Foulds BSc MSc Auck PhD VirgPolyInst FTICA 1988 W.T. Roy MA L'now FRAS FRSA 2007 N. Alcorn QSO BA Well MA Cant PhD Calif DipEd Massey DipT FNZEAS asseyy Dip T FN AS 1988 J.D. McCraw MBE MSc NZ DSc Well FNZSSS CRSNZ W ll FNZ SSS C NZ 2007 G.M. Walker MA PhD h Glas l 1986 A. Z Zulauff DrRerNat 986 A DR t Mainz M i PhD Lond 2002 M.J. Selby BA(Hons) DipEd DS DSc (Hons) MA DipE Oxf DPhil Waikato to 1985 J.G. 19 .G. Pendergrast ndergrast MSc NZ PhD DIC Lond 1999 K.M. Mackay BSc Aberdd PPhD D Camb CChem FRSC FNZIC 1999 F.W. Marshall MA NZ DU AN DipdeCultFrCont Paris OPA 1999 B.V. Smith BCA Well ACA CMA 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 1981 G.J. Schmitt S tt CMG G MA BCom BCo NZ DPA Well FC FCA CMA AW MA 1980 P.W. Day MNZM MA NZ and Oxf HonD Waikato H nD Waika ato o HONORARY FELLOWS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO 2012 Ray Harlow 2002 Jill Mitchell 2011 Brian Silverstone 2002 Samuel Edwards 2010 Lyndsay Main 2000 Hugh Barr 2010 Derek W Smith 2000 Laurie Barber 2010 David Swain 2000 Peter Ramsay QSM 2008 David Taylor 2000 Margaret McLaren 2008 Alfred Sneyd 1999 Rachel Irwin 2008 Warren Hughes 1999 Barry Parsonson 2008 Ngaere Roberts 1997 Malcolm Carr 2007 Antony Millett Robeert Katterns Kat e 1994 Robert 2006 David Coy m 1994 Graham Lam Lamont 2006 Michael Hills ONZM 1994 Guyon Wel Wellss OBE 2002 Alan Hall Turn ner 1994 John Turner 2002 David Mitchell 199 94 Margare Ave A 1994 Margarett Avery The University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATO 0800 924 528 Email: [email protected] Website: www.waikato.ac.nz
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