Open Standard file - Soil and Mulch Producer News
Open Standard file - Soil and Mulch Producer News
Vol. VII No. 1 January / February 2013 BU YE 20 R 1 ISS S’ G 3 UE UID E Surplus and Scarcity of Trees in Southeast B ob Abt describes the timber situation in some parts of the southeastern United States as both a “wall of wood” and a “famine.” While that may at first sound contradictory and somewhat incongruous, Abt explains that the glut of trees in both Georgia and South Carolina — which he describes as the two worst-case scenario states and two of the most important timber states —are sawtimber, which, due to the recession and the slowdown in the housing and construction markets, have remained unharvested. Meanwhile, the failure to plant new trees has resulted in a famine of smaller trees for the pulp, paper, mulch and energy industries, which have been forced to use larger trees — generally chip-n-saw trees of up to 13 inches in diameter — to meet demand. “First, plant a lot of trees, then stop planting trees. Next, have a big housing recession when all those trees we planted reach sawtimber size, then start using biomass when the trees we didn’t plant reach pulpwood size,” he says in explaining the current situation. Abt, professor of natural resource economics and management in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University, runs various supply-and-demand scenarios for both the traditional timber industry and the energy industry. “My history is working on timber supply for traditional By p.j. heller industry,” Abt says. “The last decade has been focused on what happens to the resource with an additional energy demand including both the carbon and the timber supply consequences.” A report on Bioenergy Demand and the Southern Forest Resource, presented at the annual Mulch & Soil Council meeting in late 2012, concluded that the planting peak in the 1980s and the economic recession in 2010 resulted in some states having “both a timber famine and a wall-of-wood.” The study was funded by the Southern Resource Assessment Consortium at NC State University, composed of traditional wood product companies as well as half a dozen firms tied to the energy industry. “The debate is interesting,” says Abt, the co-director of the consortium. “If you own timberland, you want as much demand as possible. If you use wood, you want as little extra demand as possible. We have members on both sides of that market.” Abt’s research indicates that there are a variety of factors — both known and unknown — which will impact the wood industry and prices in the years ahead. “Predicting timber supply isn’t all that difficult . . . but it’s impossible to get a clear handle on future demand,” he says. “Timber demand is tied to housing and the overall economy and not even the Nobel Prize-winning macro economists know how to predict business cycles.” While traditional industry demand is tied to business cycles, the growing need for pellets to feed biomass plants both domestically and abroad is tied to U.S. and EU bioenergy policy. Pellets compete for the same forest resource as paper mills, whose demand has remained strong through the recession. Abt predicts that even if the U.S. housing market comes back strong, prices for sawtimber will not increase as much as people expect due to the excess supply of trees. “The huge bubble of older trees sitting out there means that even when demand for housing goes up, you still have more supply sitting out Continued on page 3 Feedand Continuous Production externally adjustable breaKaWay torque limiter We’ve designed the new Morbark® 3800XL Wood Hog to be the best horizontal grinder on the market. It will dramatically increase your production capacity and operating efficiency, so you can fill your pockets as fast as it fills your trucks. • MoreProductive– A larger, more aggressive hammermill and independent drive motors on the feed-wheel and belt-chain result in a continuous feed with higher production, greater fuel efficiency, and a more consistent end product. • MoreConvenient – The Morbark Integrated Control System allows you to maximize production and keep the belt full with just an occasional tweak of your thumb. And you can conveniently service the grates and hammers while standing up, with plenty of headroom and space to work. • MoreReliable – The 3800XL is protected from foreign objects by the best solution available: an externally adjustable breakaway torque limiter that releases instantly when overloaded without stalling the engine; this significantly reduces potential damage and decreases downtime. The Morbark® 3800XL Wood Hog is part of a full line of heavy-duty industrial grinders from the leader in the industry. Learn more about our machines and our extensive product support network at SEE THE Full linE AT WWW.MORBARK.COM AvAilABlE 6MOdElS Building EquipmEnt that CrEatEs OppOrtunitiEs Info Request #100 2 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 Soil Soil & PUBLICATION STAFF Continued from page 1 Publisher / Editor Rick Downing Subscription / Circulation Donna Downing Contributing Editors / Writers P.J. Heller Sandy Woodthorpe Production & Layout Barb Fontanelle Christine Pavelka Editorial, Circulation & Advertising Office 6075 Hopkins Road Mentor, OH 44060 Ph: 440-257-6453 Fax: 440-257-6459 Email: [email protected] Advertising Sales Rick Downing For subscription information, please call 440-257-6453. Soil & Mulch Producer News is published quarterly by Downing & Associates. Reproductions or transmission of Soil & Mulch Producer News, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Annual subscription rate in the U.S. is $19.95. Outside of the U.S. add $10.00 ($29.95). Contact our office or mail the subscription form with payment. Copyright 2013 by Downing & Associates © Mulch Producer NEWS Surplus and Scarcity of Trees in Southeast Mulch Producer NEWS Printed on 10% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper & there waiting for that demand,” he explains. “So that’s going to dampen that recovery. Prices will certainly go up, but they won’t go up as much as you would normally expect. “In some places, we have a 40 percent increase in the sawtimber inventory over the last decade projected,” he says. “If demand comes back, prices will go up. But because we have this glut of big trees sitting out there, this excess supply will dampen the price.” Prices for sawtimber fell 40 percent between 2007 and 2011, according to market analyst Forest2Market. It notes that sawtimber harvests have been depressed since 2007 which will likely continue through the middle of this decade. “Assuming that the housing market slowly recovers over the next few years and tops out at 1.2 million housing starts by 2014, the U.S. South will have built up approximately 80 million tons of softwood sawtimber inventory over and above the 80 million tons currently being harvested,” it reported. “If we simply harvest at a rate that gets us back to 1.2 million housing starts by 2014, the southern landowner will still have grown enough trees to support a lumber industry twice its size.” Indications are that the housing market is on an upswing, with new home construction in 2012 rising 28 percent, according to the Census Bureau. In December, builders broke ground on the most new housing developments in four years. Even with continued growth, however, the housing market is expected to remain below its pre-recession rate. Abt says that one possible game changer for sawtimber demand might be Continued on page 4 [email protected] Info Request #164 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 3 Soil & Mulch Producer NEWS Surplus and Scarcity of Trees in Southeast Continued from page 3 [email protected] [email protected] Info Request #119 4 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 a shift in sawmill capacity from British Columbia, where beetle kills have left that area with excess capacity relative to the resource base. Other companies could also see expansion opportunities given the South’s growing inventory of low-priced sawtimber. The number of sawmills in the South has declined by about one-third since 1995, although the remaining mills have been able to meet previous capacity by becoming larger and more efficient. Klausner Trading International, a softwood timber manufacturer headquartered in Austria, has announced plans to build a $110 million mill in North Carolina. The company operates two mills in Germany which produce approximately 2 million cubic meters of sawn goods annually. Unconfirmed reports say Klausner is in talks to open two other mills in the southern U.S. Abt says projecting out 10 to 20 years, he remains concerned about the timber situation. “I’m worried that even when demand comes back, sawtimber prices will remain depressed and people who are harvesting trees may choose not to replant because they’re not getting the revenues they were expecting,” he says. “So I’m worried there will be a continued depression in planting even when housing comes back.” Others, however, take a different position. Wood Markets predicts an overall tightening of the global timber market, resulting in new high prices this year for lumber and panel and record high prices for lumber in 2014. “With the expectation of strong growth in U.S. housing starts over the next five years, combined with a better balance in the housing inventory and a recovering economy, the U.S. supply chain is expected to become overwhelmed at times during the next five years, allowing wood products prices to soar,” it predicts. “While there are a number of assumptions that are required to maintain steady economic growth, a strong wood products recovery amidst a tightening timber and mill supply base is still expected,” it says. As the housing market rebounds, prices for chip-n-saw could increase, putting it out of reach of the pulp and paper markets. That, in turn, could result in upward price pressure on small trees sought by the pulp, pellet and mulch industries. “In the short term, I don’t expect there to be much planting because there’s not many people final harvesting sawtimber trees,” Abt says. “That gives us a whole decade of not very many people planting trees which are the trees that the pulp industry uses and the pellet people use and the mulch people use. So now they’re competing for a resource. Domestic demand for small trees didn’t go down. And now there’s this new demand for small trees for pellets for the EU. “We’re not planting and demand isn’t going away,” he adds. “We don’t have many small trees in the pipeline.” In the European Union, there is already a shortage of small trees being used by pellet producers, Abt reports. The EU has set a goal of having 20 percent of its energy generated from renewable sources by 2020. Half of that is expected to come from biomass energy plants utilizing wood, waste and agricultural crops and residues. Pellet capacity in the Southeast is 5 million green tons annually, of which three-quarters or more goes to meet EU demand, Abt says. “This isn’t something that might happen,” he says. “It’s something that’s already happening.” Some analysts estimate that over the next decade, 80 million tons per year of North American wood will be made into utility grade pellets for export. “One of the fastest growing renewable energy sectors in the United States is the utility grade wood pellet export market,” according to Poyry, a global consulting and engineering company. “Global consumption of wood pellets is expected to increase from the current 15 million tons per year to 27.5 million Continued on page 6 COMPLETE SYSTEMS: bulk in-feed, bagging, palletizing and wrapping/stretch hooding • Fewer wear parts • Faster bag change-over time • Easy to run, easy to maintain • Consistent, accurate product dosing BULK HOPPER HIGH SPEED PALLETIZING T S T FF6A o t p u = -28 BsPM per 2 4 bag ulch 23cum. fint.umte! PALLET WRAPPING • Easy to run, easy to maintain • FAST – up to 34 BPM • Exclusive MaxFill™ – up to 30% more chute volume • 50% fewer wear parts • Consistent, accurate product dosing ut • 200% faster bag change-over time • Complete systems: bulk in-feed, palletizing Check O Our NewE • Exclusive JamControl™ filled bag jam detection and wrapping/stretch hooding Call For Details: 800.927.4674 E WEBSIT © 2011 Hamer, LLC. All rights reserved. Info Request #107 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 5 Soil & Mulch Producer NEWS Buy Sell Consign Used - Wood & Greenwaste Recycling Equipment Machines Nationwide (866) 227-2244 Surplus and Scarcity of Trees in Southeast Continued from page 4 1999 Diamond Z 1352B, 860HP………..$165,500 Tub Grinders 1997 Toro Progrind 5000, 650 HP...........$99,000 1995 Morbark 1300, 800HP ...................$135,000 1998 EarthSaver P13, 650HP……...…..$140,000 1998 Morbark 1300, 860HP……………..$187,500 Horizontal Grinders 1997 Fecon MZA3250, 325HP…..…...…..$34,500 1995 Maxigrind 460G, 460HP……...........$80,000 2000 Bandit Beast 3680, 500HP………...$97,500 2001 Bandit Beast 3680, 500HP..…...…$110,000 tons per year by 2015 and to 46 million tons per year by 2020.” That feedstock could prove vital for new biomass plants. In the UK, banks have been unwilling to finance biomass facilities which do not have a secure source of material. “It is going to be a really fierce marketplace – we can only see the wood prices going up,” said environmental consultant Guy Evans. “I think the plant which will be the most secure is the one that can be flexible in the fuels they take. Others may struggle.” If competition for resources drives prices up, biomass plants might simply begin looking elsewhere for their energy sources. The bottom line is it’s not likely you’re going to build a whole new energy industry off a feedstock and not impact the current users, Abt says. “A primary question at this point continues to be the level of competition for raw material and the resulting impact on all product prices, which could affect the global competitiveness of the traditional industries,” notes a report on Recession Effects on the Forests and Forest Products Industries of the South. “Additionally, differences in the values and employment for producing traditional wood products such as lumber and paper versus wood pellets and other bioenergy products could affect the value-added impacts to the regional economy substantially.” As for Abt, he says that despite an uncertain future, “It’s a good time to be planting trees.” 2009 Vermeer HG6000, 630HP…………$265,000 2008 Peterson 4710 (CA pmt),765HP…$305,000 Screening Equipment 1998 Re-Tech Elim III 6’ x 27’ Trommel..$77,500 2002 CBI Galaxy Star Screen……………$92,500 See Our Complete Listing Online @ attention: readers! Would you like more information about products and equipment advertised in this issue? If so, please complete the Equipment Locator Service form located between pages 12 & 13 and fax to 440-257-6459. Info Request #163 Screen/Mix Soils & Compost World’s Largest Windrow Turner www.a scan for video ALLU Composting Tools Windrow Turners & Screener Crushers • Track driven straddle type windrow turner • Create 10’x26’ windrows with no flails or paddles • 6000 cu. yards/hour turning capacity • Available to fit EVERY machine • High production even with wet muddy materials • 5/8” & 1” Screening size with replaceable hammers ALLU Group, Inc. | Info Call: 1-800-939-2558 | Email: [email protected] Info Request #128 6 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 2013 NEWS BUYERS’ GUIDE Directory CATEGORY LISTINGS Bagging & Packaging Systems Amadas Industries Hamer LLC Lachenmeier ApS Premier Tech Chronos Rethceif Packaging Rotochopper Inc Wonder Tote Biodegradable Plastics (Bags) Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd BASF Corp / Biodegradables Biogroup USA (BioBag) Ecosafe Zero Waste Heritage Bag Co. Nature Friendly Products Northern Technologies Intl Corp- Natur-Tec® Coloring Systems & Colorants American Colors Inc Amerimulch CMC Mulch Colorants Colorbiotics EarthShades Florida Coastal Colors Nature’s Reflections Rotochopper Inc. T.H. Glennon Co. Inc Compost Covers & Erosion Containment Systems CV Compost Filtrexx International Gore Cover Systems Managed Organic Recycling Inc Poly-Flex Inc Compost Turners ALLU Group Inc Apollo Equipment Farmer Automatic of America HCL Machine Works Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc Resource Recovery Systems Intl SCARAB Mfg Vermeer Corp Dust & Odor Control Equipment & Products Buffalo Turbine Dust Control Technology Odotech Inc OMI Industries Fabric Buildings Calhoun Super Structures Ltd ClearSpan Fabric Structures Guard-All Building Solutions Legacy Building Solutions Natural Light Fabric Structures, LLC Food Waste Containers BiobiN®™ North America Durabac Inc Ecosafe Zero Waste Food Waste Recycling Systems EC All Ltd / Big Hanna Ensol Waste Mgmt FOR Solutions Green Mountain Technologies Grinders, Chippers, Shredders & Pelletizers Bandit Industries Inc Continental Biomass Industries CW Mill Equipment Co. / HogZilla Grinders Diamond Z Mfg Doppstadt US Fecon Inc Komptech USA Inc Morbark Inc Peterson Pacific Corp RAYCO Manufacturing Rotochopper Inc Screen USA Inc Sundance Grinders LLC Universal Refiner Corp Vermeer Corporation Warren & Baerg Mfg West Salem Machinery Loaders (Skid Steer & Wheel) Apollo Equipment Bobcat Company Caterpillar Inc Mixing & Spreading Equipment Brodie Ag and Industrial Inc Patz Corporation Roto-Mix LLC Supreme International Monitoring / Measuring Systems & Software Green Mountain Technologies REOTEMP Instrument Corp Sage Metering Inc Spectrum Technologies, Inc Mulch Blower Trucks Express Blower, Inc Finn Corporation Peterson Pacific Corporation Packaging Products & Services Balcan Plastics / First Film Extruding Nature’s Choice Peel Plastic Products Trinity Packaging Corp Plastic Removal Systems Airlift Separator / Hawker Corp Apollo Equipment January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 7 2013 Screening Equipment & Plants ALLU Group Inc Amadas Industries Apollo Equipment Continental Biomass Industries Doppstadt US EZ-Screen / Argus Industrial Company Fecon Inc Hein, Lehmann US LLC Komptech USA Inc McCloskey Intl. Ltd Orbit Screens, Inc Premier Tech Chronos REMU USA Inc Screen Machine Inds. Screen USA Inc Terra Select Inc West Salem Machinery Vermeer Corp BUYERS’ GUIDE Soil, Mulch, Compost & Peat Producers (Bulk & Bagged) Amerigrow Recycling ASB Greenworld, Inc Austin Wood Recycling Ltd Cedar Grove Composting Corbitt Manufacturing Ecco Recycling & Energy Corp Florida Mulch Inc Forestry Resources, Inc Garick LLC GRO-WELL Brands Harvest Garden Pro K&B Landscape Supplies Inc Lane Forest Products Miller Companies LC Mulch Manufacturing Nature’s Choice Inc Pellets Ohio Mulch Supply Oldcastle Inc Organix Supply Inc Phillips Bark Processing Company, Inc Rexius, Inc Southern Mulch LLC Sun Gro Horticulture Superior Cedar Products Inc Suwannee River Mulch Swanson Bark & Wood Products The Mulch Masters Waupaca Northwoods Inc Stacking Conveyors Continental Biomass Industries EZ-Screen / Argus Industrial Company McCloskey Intl. Ltd Patz Corporation Premier Tech Chronos to Profits Affordable 5 ton or less Turn-Key Pellet Solutions PowerPellet ™ systems are the complete, turn-key solution for small pelletizing runs, turning your off-season wood scrap into profits! PowerPellet ™ Phone: (812) 200-2061 Systems from Vecoplan Midwest Info Request #177 8 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 Screen Machine Industries, Inc Screen USA Inc Trade Associations & Organizations Association of Compost Producers Biodegradable Products Institute Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Assoc. Composting Council of Canada Mulch & Soil Council Organics Materials Review Institute U.S. Composting Council Transport Trailers & Automatic Floor Systems Apollo Equipment Hallco Industries Inc Keith Mfg Co. SmithCo Side-Dump Trailers Travis Body & Trailer Inc. Trinity Trailer Mfg Inc Used Equipment Sales Apollo Equipment EarthSaver Equipment Peninsula Equipment Wear Parts & Replacement Screens CBT Wear Parts Inc CW Mill Equipment Co. / ArmorHog Grinder Wear Parts Inc Info Request #170 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 9 2013 A Airlift Separator / Hawker Corp 2111 Prairie Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 345-9085 [email protected] Jimmy Smith, Mfr. Rep. Innovation from Airlift Separator - a system for reducing plastic and other lightweight materials from compost and urban organic waste. Airlift Separators are used by recycling centers, municipal organic waste facilities, and private compost and mulch manufacturers, reclaiming urban green waste and recycled wood as marketable compost and mulch. BUYERS’ GUIDE Company Index Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd Moncton, NB Canada (800) 551-7225 ALLU Group Inc. 700 Huyler St. Teterboro, NJ 07608 (800) 939-2558 [email protected] ALLU Finland Ltd. designs, manufactures and markets products with the ALLU trademark for environmental care, improving recycling methods and the processing of different materials. Our main products are Screener Crushers, Stabilisation Systems and compacting plates. See ad on pg 6 Amadas Industries 1100 Holland Rd. Suffolk, VA 23434 (757) 539-0231 [email protected] Tiny Andrews, Inds. Sales Mgr. Amadas Industries’ current product lines include pull-type and self-propelled peanut combines, peanut diggers, Reel Rain® irrigators, cotton stalk puller/choppers, round cotton module handlers and a line of industrial equipment for both the horticultural and recycling industries. See ad on pg 21 [email protected] Info Request #151 10 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 American Colors P.O. Box 915926 Longwood, FL 32791-5926 (407) 788-9133 [email protected] Buss Wible 909 Tennessee Blvd. Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 443-0345 [email protected] Jim Hallock The landscape industry demands systems that are dependable, durable, and color consistent from batch to batch. And, today, these systems must be economical. Our water-based dispersions offer the industry a vast selection of vibrant colors with excellent binding characteristics that will enhance the beauty of any landscape. 2013 A Continued Amerigrow Delray Beach, FL (800) 860-8238 BUYERS’ GUIDE ASB Greenworld, Inc. Valdosta, GA (877) 476-4444 Association of Compost Producers Julian, CA (619) 992-8389 Austin Wood Recycling Ltd Austin, TX (512) 243-1212 Amerimulch 2055 Enterprise Pkwy. Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 425-4244 [email protected] Rocky Hatfield, Inside Sales Amerimulch® provides landscape coatings and technology for the production of profitable, in-demand color-enriched mulches. Our colorants are formulated for superior bonding, coating and coverage and our equipment is designed for producers who want simple, effective, high-volume production. Take the next step in landscape coatings and technology with Amerimulch. Apollo Equipment 2062 – 20th Ave. SE Largo, FL 33771 (800) 982-2844 [email protected] Wayne Brown, Exec. VP Global wood waste recycling equipment brokers assisting buyers and sellers to meet their future production and operating needs. Exceptional marketing services through our premiere website, equipment specialists and multiple channels including our massive database of over 7500 end users ensure a very positive purchase or sale. B Balcan Plastics / First Film Extruding Saint Leonard, QC Canada (877) 422-5226 Biodegradable Products Institute New York, NY (888) 274-5646 BIOgroupUSA, Inc. / BioBag Palm Harbor, FL (727) 789-1646 Bobcat Company West Fargo, ND (800) 743-4340 Buffalo Turbine 180 Zoar Valley Rd. Springville, NY 14141 (716) 592-2700 [email protected] C Calhoun Super Structures Ltd Tara, ON Canada (800) 265-3994 CMC Mulch Colorants 1246 Maidencreek Rd. Fleetwood, PA 19522 (610) 926-0984 [email protected] Charmaine Lopes, Sales Custom Milling & Consulting, Inc. has designed a premium line of mulch colorants with unsurpassed color consistency and stability. CMC combines the most lightfast pigments with a superior additive package and processes this mixture through our custom grinding and dispersing system. Innovative technology for superior quality with CMC Mulch Colorants! Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Assoc. St. Albert, AB Canada (780) 460-8280 Bandit Industries Inc 6750 Millbrook Rd. Remus, MI 49340 (800) 952-0178 [email protected] Regional Sales Manager Bandit Industries is a leading manufacturer of equipment for the logging, tree service, biomass, land clearing and wood waste recycling industries. Bandit offers a complete line of hand-fed wood chippers, stump grinders, whole tree chippers, forestry mowers and horizontal grinders. Over 50,000 Bandit machines have been sold in more than 50 countries. BASF Corp / Biodegradables Wyandotte, MI BiobiN®™ North America Chester, PA (855) 874-2235 Caterpillar Inc. Peoria, IL (309) 675-1000 CBT Wear Parts Inc. Richland Center, WI (888) 228-3625 Cedar Grove Composting Maple Valley, WA (877) 764-5748 ClearSpan Fabric Structures 1395 John Fitch Blvd. South Windsor, CT 06074 (866) 643-1010 See ad pg 21 Colorbiotics 1725 Dayton Ave. Ames, Iowa 50010 (888) 663-6980 Colorbiotics is an independent business unit of Becker Underwood, an international developer of bioagronomic and specialty products founded in 1982. Colorbiotics is also an industry leader in the research, development, production, sale, and support of colorants and coloring systems for a variety of applications. See ad on pg 20 Composting Council of Canada Toronto, ON Canada (877) 571-4769 Continental Biomass Industries Newton, NH (603) 382-0556 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 11 2013 C Continued CV Compost Charlotte, VT (877) 406-2398 CW Mill Equipment Co / ArmorHog 14 Commerce Dr Sabetha, KS 66534 (800) 743-3491 [email protected] Brian Bergman, Parts Sales ArmorHog® is focused on providing top quality, high performance, custom made, long-life hammermill screens, tips, hammers, and other replacement parts for all brands and models of industrial grinders. Our tips are made using a unique blend of carbide called NitroGrit™, a proprietary blend of carbide found to best suit grinding applications. See ad on pg 4 CW Mill Equipment Co / HogZilla Grinders 14 Commerce Dr Sabetha, KS 66534 (800) 743-3491 [email protected] Tim Wenger, President/Sales Mgr Diesel or electric powered HogZilla® MONSTER Tub & Horizontal Grinders ranging from 565-2000HP. Options including selfpropelled track drive and self-loading units available. HogZilla® MONSTER Grinders provide the highest production rates for solid waste reduction, wood recycling, land clearing, construction demolition, mulch production, tire processing, or any other tough grinding application. See ad on pg 4 12 Soil & Mulch Producer News D BUYERS’ GUIDE Diamond Z / Rule Steel 11299 Bass Lane Caldwell, ID 83605 (208) 585-2929 [email protected] Pat Crawford, VP Products Diamond Z is a manufacturer of industrial waste reduction products including both tub and horizontal grinders. We offer a complete line of both tub and horizontal grinders ranging in sizes from 30,000 to 180,000 lbs and in horse powers from 440 to over 2400. All our models are available with either diesel or electric power, track stationary or wheel mounted. Doppstadt US 1265 Lear Industrial Parkway Avon, OH 44011 (440) 937-3225 DoppstadtUS is committed to bringing the superior design, engineering and performance of Doppstadt brand recycling and processing equipment to the American marketplace. All Doppstadt manufactured products are built with precision German engineering, to provide the finest quality machinery available to the industry. See ad on pg 13 Durabac Inc. Granby, QC Canada (800) 565-1723 Dust Control Technology Peoria, IL (800) 707-2204 January / February 2013 E EarthSaver Equipment P.O. Box 8898 Kalispell, MT 59904 (406) 752-6290 [email protected] See ad on pg 6 EarthShades Cincinnati, OH (513) 271-3375 Ecosafe Zero Waste Surrey, BC Canada (604) 560-5133 Ensol Waste Mgmt Mississauga, ON Canada (647) 977-1128 Express Blower, Inc Eugene, OR (800) 285-7227 EZ-Screen / Argus Industrial Company Pontiac, MI (248) 745-5828 EC All Ltd / Big Hanna 8656 Rockridge Ct Macedonia, OH 44056 (612) 237-0831 [email protected] Eskil Eriksson, President Big Hanna is a Swedish, on-site, invessel, aerobic composting machine. The automated, continuous process produces pathogen free, ready compost from food wastes, including fish, meat and dairy solids. Big Hanna can operate in warm and cold climates, indoors and outdoors. Capacities range from 330 to 2,600 lbs. per week. Ecco Recycling & Energy Corp 10114 24th St SE Calgary, AB T2C 3X7 Canada (403) 720-3851 [email protected] Ian Traquair, Mgr Chipping Operation ECCO CHIPS™ is an environmentally friendly wook mulch product manufactured for the landscaping industry by ECCO Waste System Ltd. from post-consumer waste wood. It is much longer lasting than bark mulches and retains its color indefinitely. F Farmer Automatic of America PO Box 39 Register, GA 30452 (916) 681-2763 [email protected] David Leavell, Sales & Mktg Mgr Aggero, LLC is the new name in poultry waste management by Farmer Automatic of America Inc. Continuing to engineer and manufacture of the most innovative composting equipment in the US today with over 30 years of experience. “Our Innovation Is Your Success!” Fecon Inc. Lebanon, OH (800) 528-3113 ATTENTION Readers! Schedule your 4-color logo/photo listing in our 2014 Buyers’ Guide Issue! Cost is only $195, and your listing will reach over 5,500 industry businesses. To purchase a listing, call 440-257-6453. Shred. Shred It. Shred. It. n It. Screen It. Shred It.It. Grind Screen. ShredIt.It. Grind Screen It. Screen It. Shred It.It. Grind Screen. Screen It. Grind It. ShredIt.It. Grind Screen It. Grind. Screen. Slow speed for low wear and low fuel consumption increases your profit per yard. ShredIt.It. Grind Screen It. Screen It. Grind It. Grind. Unparalleled separation performance packed into a small footprint. Grind It. Grind SOrT. SOrT. Upswing hammermill effectively grinds even the wettest material with less horsepower. Compost and Mulch Conquered. 440-937-3225 Info Request #129 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 13 2013 BUYERS’ GUIDE F Continued Filtrexx International 35481 Grafton Eastern Rd. Grafton, OH 44044 (440) 926-2607 [email protected] Kristin Nix, Marketing/Outreach Filtrexx is a proven technology that can be used in 100 sediment and erosion control applications, as well as agricultural applications. Filtrexx® SiltSoxx™ and GardenSoxx® use locally made, annually renewable, biobased, recycled compost and other organic products, contained by a USA manufactured mesh containment system. Add value to your compost! FOR Solutions (973) 945-9150 GRO-WELL Brands Tempe, AZ Forestry Resources, Inc. Fort Myers, FL 866-GoMulch Green Mountain Technologies Bainbridge Island, WA (802) 368-7291 H G Florida Coastal Colors W Melbourne, FL (321) 288-5856 Garick LLC 13600 Broadway Ave. Cleveland, OH 44129 (800) 242-7425 [email protected] Bob Schanz, VP Operations Garick, LLC provides portable grinding and screening services. Our mobile crews work to reduce woodwaste volumes, create usable materials, and increase value by separating and sizing. Servicing compost and recycling yards, landscape contractors, plant nurseries and growers, construction and demolition, pallet, crate, and storm clean-up, sawmill and wood manufacturers. Grinder Wear Parts Inc. 2062 – 20th Ave SE Largo, FL 33771 (800) 827-0401 [email protected] Wayne Brown, Executive VP Factory direct tub and horizontal grinder wear parts manufactured at our facilities on both coasts, Florida and Oregon. Over 15 years experience delivering wear parts for most every grinder assisted by our knowledgeable sales and manufacturing staff. If you need to improve your operating costs then you need to contact us for your wear parts: tips, bolts, nuts, hammers, screens, cutter bars, wear plates and much more! Florida Mulch Inc. St Cloud, FL (407) 891-8400 Gore Cover Systems Newark, DE (888) 914-4673 West Coast (971) 344-0001 East Coast (770) 433-2670 Finn Corporation Fairfield, OH (800) 543-7166 EQUIPMENT / PRODUCT SHOWCASE compost turner - for windrow - Pull-Type, PTO Driven, Heavy Duty [email protected] www. Manufactured and sold by Dos Palos, CA 93620 • 209-392-6103 email: [email protected] Info Request #106 14 Soil & Mulch Producer News Guard-All Building Solutions Dallas, TX (877) 397-1594 January / February 2013 Sell Your Used Equipment with a Classified Ad in S&MP News. For More Information, Call 440-257-6453. HALLCO Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 505 Tillamook, OR 97141 (800) 542-5526 [email protected] Hallco Industries, Inc. designs and manufactures a full line of bulk materials handling solutions for trucks, trailers and stationary conveyor/bin systems. The original LIVE FLOORS® systems are hydraulically powered and are comprised of a series of deck slats that move in sequence to both load and unload quickly and completely. See ad on pg 15 Hamer LLC 14650 28th Ave. N Plymouth, MN 55447 800-927-4674 [email protected] Hamer products offer faster, more accurate packaging while keeping designs simple, robust and easy to maintain. From our first Hamer product launched in 1927 through our complete line of bagging products and systems, our greatest resource for product innovation has always been our customers. See ad on pg 5 Harvest Garden Pro Milford, DE (800) 235-7645 2013 H Continued HCL Machine Works 15142 Merrill Ave. Dos Palos, CA 93620 (209) 392-6103 [email protected] See ad on pg 14 Hein, Lehmann US LLC Alpharetta, GA (678) 566-1987 Heritage Bag Co. Carrollton, TX (800) 527-2247 Hy-Tech Mushroom Compost, Inc. P.O. Box 390 West Grove, PA 19390 (610) 331-1849 [email protected] Lisa Van Houten See ad on pg 14 K BUYERS’ GUIDE K&B Landscape Supplies Inc. Deland, FL (800) 330-8816 L Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc. Tampico, IL (800) 689-0714 Miller Companies LC Hyrum, UT (435) 245-3157 Keith Mfg Co. Madras, OR (541) 475-3802 Komptech USA Inc. 10855 Dover St. Ste 1000 Westminster, CO 80021 (720) 890-9090 [email protected] Komptech is a leading international technology supplier of machinery and systems for the mechanical and mechanical‑biological treatment of solid waste and for the treatment of biomass as a renewable energy source. See ad on pg 23 Lachenmeier 3640 W. Lake Ave. Glenview, IL 60026 (724) 288-8445 [email protected] Jeff Lukan, National Sales Mgr Lachenmeier’s Stretch Hooding Systems: Reduces packaging cost for palletized loads, provides five sided protection, great for outdoor storage, improves load stability, reduces cost of ownership, etc. Contact Lachenmeier to learn more about other valuable benefits our stretch hooding systems provide. Lane Forest Products Eugene, OR (888) 345-9085 Legacy Building Solutions South Haven, MN (320) 259-7126 THE ORIGINAL ® LIVE FLOORS Morbark Inc. 8507 S. Winn Rd. Winn, MI 48896 (800) 831-0042 Morbark builds equipment that creates opportunities in the forestry, recycling, sawmill, bio-energy, and tree care markets. Morbark equipment helps customers harvest, process, and convert wood and other organic materials into valuable, useful, and environmentally sound products. See ad on pg 2 SYSTEM. SINCE 1976. M Mulch & Soil Council 7809 FM 179 Shallowater, TX 79363 (806) 832-1810 [email protected] Robert LaGasse, Exec. Dir. i-SERIES DRIVES THE “NEW STANDARD” FOR DRIVE UNITS Internally sealed for prolonged drive unit life The next innovation from Hallco Industries, our new i-Series drive units feature: • Anodizedaluminummanifolds* • Internallysealedcylinderbarrels • Additionalmanifold/shaftborewearrings WOOD & EARTH SOLUTIONS WASTE & RECYCLING SOLUTIONS • Optimizedseallifeincorrosiveenvironments •Additionalwearringsaddedtotheheadmanifold/shaft boreprovidingreplaceablewearsurfaces • Protectionfromroadsaltandothercorrosivedebris • Prolongeddriveunitlife Available on i-2000, i-3000, i-4000 and i-6000 drives AGRICULTURE SOLUTIONS PAPER SHREDDING SOLUTIONS *AnodizedmanifoldsarestandardontheI-6000seriesandoptionalforI-2000,I-3000 & I-4000 series USA MADE HALLCO INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O. Box 505, Tillamook, OR 97141, USA 800-542-5526 WWW.HALLCOINDUSTRIES.COM ©2012 Hallco Industries Inc., LIVE FLOORS is a registered trademark of Hallco Industries, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Info Request #165 McCloskey International 1 McCloskey Rd. Otonabee-South Monaghan Ontario, CANADA K9J 0G6 (705) 295-4925 [email protected] Julie Andras, Marketing Mgr McCloskey International leads the screening and crushing industry with a complete line of equipment including trommels, stacking conveyors, crushers, and vibrating screeners. Built with power and durability as standards, every product is field-tested before being deployed in a wide range of industries including compost screening, landscaping and wood recycling. Mulch Manufacturing Reynoldsburg, OH (614) 864-4004 N Natural Light Fabric Structures, LLC Jordan, MN (888) 708-3272 Nature Friendly Products Beachwood, OH (800) 321-4804 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 15 2013 BUYERS’ GUIDE N Continued Organics Materials Review Institute Eugene, OR (541) 343-7600 Nature’s Reflections Reynoldsburg, OH (866) 466-9134 Organix Supply Inc. Platteville, CO (303) 659-6003 Natur-Tec® – Northern Technologies Intl Corp Circle Pines, MN (763) 404-8700 Patz Corporation Pound, WI (920) 897-2251 Nature’s Choice Inc. Glennville, GA (912) 645-3518 O Odotech Inc. Montreal, QC Canada (514) 340-5250 Ohio Mulch Supply Columbus, OH (614) 863-0445 P Peel Plastic Products Brampton, ON Canada (905) 456-3660 Peninsula Equipment Lakeland, FL (888) 387-6500 Rethceif Packaging Ossian, IN (866) 298-1876 Rexius, Inc. Eugene, OR (888) 4-REXIUS Premier Tech Chronos 1, Avenue Premier Rivière-du-Loup, QC G5R 6C1 Canada (418) 868-8324 [email protected] Premier Tech Chronos is recognized worldwide for its innovative solutions and unique way of designing state-of-the-art packaging equipment. Our dynamic team is constantly aware of the soil and mulch industry growth, providing you with engineering excellence and solutions that will fit your specific needs. See ad on pg 24 R Oldcastle Inc. Atlanta, GA (800) 899-8455 OMI Industries Long Grove, IL (800) 662-6367 Orbit Screens, Inc. P.O. Box 345 Delhi, Iowa 52223 (563) 922-9230 [email protected] Brad Schnittjer Our customers have found “Orbital Action” screening plants to be: Portable, Affordable, Versatile, Durable, Reliable and above all PROFITABLE. They handle materials others cannot and make sorting materials into usable and/or saleable inventory easier with minimal set-up and minimal maintenance. See ad on pg 22 16 Soil & Mulch Producer News Peterson Pacific Corp. P.O. Box 40490 Eugene OR 97404-0082 (541) 689-6520 In 1990, Peterson developed its first wood waste recycling machine. Continuous development of wood grinders, with production rates up to 150 tons per hour. With our line of blower trucks, Peterson has extended its reach into the soil erosion and landscape markets, building trucks designed for distributing bark, mulch, compost and soil amendments. See ad on pg 18 Phillips Bark Processing Company, Inc. Brookhaven, MS (601) 833-7858 Poly-Flex Inc. Grand Prairie, TX (888) 765-9359 January / February 2013 Rayco Manufacturing, Inc. 4255 Lincoln Way East Wooster, OH 44691-8601 (800) 392-2686 [email protected] Dispose of waste wood without breaking the bank. RAYCO’s new line of compact, horizontal grinders creates an affordable solution to your waste wood needs. See ad on pg 19 REMU USA Inc. Old Orchard Beach, ME (888) 600-0018 REOTEMP Instrument Corp San Diego, CA (858) 784-0710 Resource Recovery Sys. Intl. Sterling, CO (970) 522-0663 Rotochopper Inc. 217 West St. St. Martin, MN 56376 (320) 548-3586 [email protected] Rotochopper designs, builds, and supports a complete line-up of horizontal grinders, wood chip processors, asphalt shingle grinders, and mobile bagging systems. Our commitment to “Perfect In One Pass” finished product quality has led to several innovations, including several industry firsts, patented features, and unique machines. See ad on pg 9 S SCARAB Mfg 1475 County Rd. W White Deer, TX 79097 (806) 883-7621 [email protected] Tiffany Reid, Marketing Manager SCARAB designs a machine to fit you. Models accommodate 6 - 27 foot windrows (self propelled straddle type and pull-behind). Both hydraulic and belt driven machines are offered. Patented independent suspension and track design that “floats” the machine across varying terrain. Multiple drive system options. Six drum sizes, eight flai designs and multiple configurations. 2013 S Continued Screen Machine Industries 10685 Columbus Pkwy. Etna, Ohio 43062 (800) 837-3344 [email protected] Screen Machine Industries is an American manufacturer of portable machinery dedicated to material crushing, screening, recycling and stockpiling. Founded in 1966, our headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Our product line consists of heavy-duty Trommels, Screening and Shredding Plants, Stacking Conveyors, Spyders, Scalpers and Jaw/Impact Crushers. See ad on pg 3 BUYERS’ GUIDE Sun Gro Horticulture Bellevue, WA (425) 641-7577 Travis Body & Trailer Inc. Houston, TX (800) 535-4372 Trinity Packaging Corp. Armonk, NY (914) 273-4111 Sundance Grinders LLC Newton, KS (800) 570-3551 [email protected] For over three decades Sundance has addressed the needs of small to medium sized biomass and recycling operations by supplying versatile, dependable, and affordable grinding equipment. A Sundance horizontal grinder is an ideal solution for mulching, composting, landscaping, agriculture, forestry, and C&D operations. Superior Cedar Products Inc. Carney, MI (906) 639-2104 Screen USA Inc. 1772 Corn Rd. Smyrna, GA 30080 (770) 433-2440 [email protected] SCREEN USA manufacturers a full line of screening equipment, able to satisfy the diverse demands of the modern operation. In addition to our trommels, shakers and shredding equipment, SCREEN USA has perfected the screening of high moisture compost and organic materials with the TORNADO STAR SCREENERS, available in various sizes. See ad on pg 22 SmithCo Side-Dump Trailers Le Mars, IA (800) 779-8099 Southern Mulch LLC Port Allen, LA (225) 383-4646 The Mulch Masters Raleigh, NC (919) 676-0031 Supreme International Ltd Wetaskiwin, AB Canada (800) 563-2038 T T.H. Glennon Co. Inc. Salisbury, MA (978) 465-7222 Terra Select Inc. Orem, UT (888) 540-6779 Warren & Baerg Mfg 39950 Road 108 Dinuba, CA 93618 (559) 591-6790 [email protected] Randy Baerg, President Waupaca Northwoods Inc Waupaca, WI (800) 365-4032 Trinity Trailer Mfg Inc. Boise, ID (800) 235-6577 U U.S. Composting Council Ronkonkoma, NY (631) 737-4931 Universal Refiner Corporation Montesano, WA (800) 277-8068 V Suwannee River Mulch Cross City, FL (800) 985-9939 Swanson Bark & Wood Products Longview, WA (800) 762-2319 W Vecoplan Midwest P.O. Box 86 Floyds Knobs, IN 47119 (812) 923-4992 Vecoplan Midwest’s PowerPellet™ systems are the complete, turn-key solution from small pelletizing runs, turning your offseason wood scrap into profits! See ad on pg 8 Vermeer Corporation Pella, IA (641) 628-3141 West Salem Machinery P.O. Box 5288 Salem, OR 97304 (800) 722-3530 [email protected] West Salem Machinery offers a broad range of screening and size reduction machinery, providing you with the right piece of machinery for your needs. WSM delivers mill-duty machinery and systems, from small horizontal grinders, to massive wood/bark hogs, to high volume screening/ grinding systems, that are built to perform and built to last. See ad on pg 10 Wonder Tote 28 Aero Rd. NE Calgary, AB T2E 8P6 Canada 855-3-wonder [email protected] Rob Mudd, Managing Director Wondering how to create new profitable revenue? Delivering your bulk materials direct to consumer in Wondertotes is the future. Our system supplies the Tote bags, On-line store, P.O.P. materials, Marketing support and in some cities our Nationwide Big Box wholesale account. This is not a franchise, entry into our system is inexpensive and lucrative. January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 17 Make Mountains of Mulch High volume mulch producers know that when they have taken care of the logistics of a mulching operation, they need the power, reliability, and quality that only a Peterson horizontal grinder can provide. • Caterpillar power from 475 to 1200hp • Over 500 yards per hour output capacity • Lowest cost per ton output No matter what your grinding application, Peterson’s horizontal grinders can get you the volume and productivity that you demand. For more information about Peterson products, call Peterson at 800.269.6520 or visit us at today! 2710C 4700B 4800E 5000H 5710C • PO BOX 40490 • Eugene, OR 97404 800-269-6520 • Info Request #127 18 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 6750B BTR Soil Georgia Forestry Industry Earns Dollars and Jobs for Georgia A study by the Georgia Institute of Technology for the Georgia Forestry Commission indicates that in 2011, economic activity generated by the Georgia forestry industry topped $25 billion in output and provided 118,459 jobs. The report shows that between 2010 and 2011: • Revenue generated directly by the forestry industry rose 4 percent to $15.1 billion. • Forest industry workers earned $2.9 billion in wages and salaries, up 13.3 percent. • Georgia’s forest industry directly employed 46,378 people, up 6.8 percent, the first upward trend in four years. • Georgia’s pulp and paper industry continued to dominate all sectors within the forest industry (over forest management/logging; lumber and wood preservation; veneer, plywood, and engineered wood; and secondary products) in revenue output, employment and compensation. • The industry generated more than $487 million in revenues for the state budget in 2011. According to Georgia Forestry Commission Director Robert Farris, information from their recent mill survey indicates this trend has continued through 2012, and that Georgia’s position as a national forestry leader will remain strong in the years ahead. & Mulch Producer NEWS New $1.6 Million Pilot Plant in California Converts Waste to Energy M ARINA, CA—An article posted on reports that a $1.6 million waste-tobiofuels plant will begin operating soon near Monterey. The plant, located at Monterey Regional Solid Waste Management District’s Peninsula site was built by Zero Waste Energy. The facility is housed in a building designed to handle about 5,000 tons of waste a year, with expansion possible. The composting process is expected to produce enough biofuel to generate electricity –100 kilowatts per day—to sell to a nearby wastewater treatment plant operated by the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency. Food waste, primarily from hotels, restaurants and universities in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, will be combined with collected yard waste to make 65 tons of feedstock per day. The facility employs a leading edge, three-week composting process that involves applying special bacteria to the mix of food scraps and yard waste to promote anaerobic digestion. This so-called “dry” process was developed in Europe. Some 30 plants using this technology are being considered or are already being built in other parts of California, including San Jose, South San Francisco and Oxnard. Monterey’s Solid Waste District began composting four years ago after being approached by area hotels with the idea. Last year, about 2,600 tons of food waste was collected. Horizontal Grinders Just Became Affordable Long Beach, NY Uses Christmas Trees to Hold Sand L ONG BEACH, N.Y.—The Public Works Department here found a way to recycle thousands of Christmas trees and help restore the protective sand dunes that were washed away by Hurricane Sandy, according to an article in the New York Times. During the storm, waves washed away about half a million cubic yards of sand, Long Beach officials say. Now, even modestly bad weather will kick up enough wave action to put shoreline residents at risk. The Christmas trees -- about 3,000 in all – mostly came from residential curbside collections. Arranged perpendicularly to the water, tops facing the surf, the trees act as buffers against the waves. Plus, they catch sand, gradually allowing the dunes to accumulate. Eventually, naturally grasses, which hold the sand in place, can grow again. It can take two to three years for dunes to become fully reestablished after a major storm. Other localities in New York and New Jersey have adopted the idea, while parks along the North Carolina and Florida coasts have been using Christmas trees to restore sand dunes for years. And, in southern Louisiana, the trees are woven into fences and used to block dangerous levels of saltwater from flowing into coastal wetlands. D i s p o s e o f w a s t e w o o d w i t h o u t b r e a k i n g t h e b a n k ! R AY C O ’ s n e w l i n e o f c o m pact, horizontal grinders creates an affordable solution to your waste-wood needs. The highly productive RH1754 introduces a new class of compact pantone pantone 485 1235 horizontal grinders that are truly mobile, compact machines designed to grind pallets, green-waste, lumber scraps, construction debris, and sawmill waste while minimizing the expense and hassle of large units. Finally… t h e r e i s a h o r i z o n t a l g r i n d e r w i t h i n r e a c h o f t h e s m a l l c o n t r a c t o r. C o n t a c t y o u r a u t h o r i z e d R AY C O d e a l e r f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r call 800.392.2686 for a dealer near you. : 800.392.2686 pantone 485 Info Request #160 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 19 INNOVATION • SERVICE • SUPPORT • PRODUCTS Personal Service. We Deliver. Colorbiotics® brings everything together to help you succeed. In addition to providing quality colorants and innovative equipment, we’re committed to helping your business succeed with ongoing training, unmatched tech support, on-site service and personal assistance from your Colorbiotics team. We know the future of your operation is important to you. That’s why we’re actively developing new products and equipment today to help you grow and profit for tomorrow. Colorbiotics delivers the Complete Package — every time; every order. The Complete Package. 888.663.6980 | Colorbiotics and the Colorbiotics logo are trademarks of Becker Underwood in the U.S. and / or other countries. © 2013 Colorbiotics. All Rights Reserved. Info Request #116 SMPN_CB_Ad_Personal_Service_13-01.indd 1 20 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 12/26/12 9:45 AM Soil & Mulch Producer NEWS Report Assesses State of Information on Nation’s Wood-to-Energy Sector E ven with sound information it is difficult to make good decisions; without it, bad outcomes are likely. That is why the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (the Endowment) convened a group of experts in Washington, DC, in October 2012, to assess information for the U.S. woodto-energy sector. Wood-to-energy, the most ancient of fuels to meet human needs, in its modern form can yield thermal (heating), combined heat and power (steam, heat, and electricity), chilling, or even liquid transportation fuels. Benefits of the wood-to-energy sector include domestic energy from a renewable resource; reduced environmental impact over fossil fuels; family-supporting jobs; retaining energy dollars locally, and providing markets for low-value wood fiber to help sustain forest health. “In 2010 the Endowment and our partners at the USDA Forest Service and Natural Resources Canada invested in the creation of a database to track the state of wood-to-energy systems across the continent. The result was Wood2Energy.” says Endowment President Carlton Owen. “As this sector has rapidly evolved we felt we needed to review all sources of information.” The results of the October convening have been released in the form of a brief report – “The State of Information Databases Tracking Wood-to-Energy Facilities.” The goal of this review was to ensure that industry, decision-makers, investors, and the public have the best, most up-to-date information on this industry. “In short, what we found is that there are a myriad of databases – both public and private ones accessible for a fee – that track some segment of the sector. None, however, approached completeness nor fully met growing needs. All agreed that was the most holistic and complete, but that, it too, needs scrubbing and enhancements,” said Owen. As a result the Endowment is working with a team of contractors to test improvements in The project began with a pilot phase, starting first with the northeast region of the U.S., where wood-to-energy projects are common. OHIO COMPOST OPERATOR EDUCATION COURSE Shisler Center, OARDC/OSU • March 26-27, 2013 • Wooster, Ohio This 2-day course is designed for commercial scale facilities and covers compost principles, site design and operation, regulations, marketing and more. For more information, go to or contact Mary Wicks at 330-202-3533 or [email protected]. fabric structures Sustainable Design-Build Solutions FINANCE SOLUTIONS TERMS UP TO 7 YEARS RATES AS LOW AS 0% LIMITED TIME OFFER. SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. Compost buildings Compost covers Waste storage liners & covers Non-woven geo-textile underliners Call one of our ClearSpan specialists at 1.866.643.1010 or visit us at Info Request #166 Info Request #142 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 21 Soil & Mulch Producer NEWS [email protected] Morbark, Inc. Acquires Boxer Equipment from Mertz Manufacturing M orbark®, Inc., a manufacturer of tree care, sawmill, recycling, forestry and biomass chipping, and grinding equipment, announced recently that it has completed the acquisition of Boxer Equipment, a product line of Mertz Manufacturing, LLC (Mertz), that manufactures and globally markets a full line of compact utility loaders (also known as mini-skid steers) and attachments. As part of the transaction, Morbark has acquired all product designs, intellectual property and manufacturing tools, as well as existing parts, completed units and other inventory. According to Morbark, the Boxer acquisition will enable the company to continue to solidify it’s strategy to build equipment that creates opportunities for their customers, dealer network and employees. The company stated that this acquisition will also allow them to expand their market presence and current equipment offerings to a broader range of industries and end users, including, but not limited to, landscapers, irrigation and trenching contractors, property owners, and general contractors of all sizes. Manufacturing of the Boxer Equipment line, attachments and aftermarket parts, is currently being moved to Morbark’s 1.1 million-squarefoot factory and corporate headquarters in Winn, Michigan. Info Request #105 Info Request #117 22 Soil & Mulch Producer News January / February 2013 The High Torque = High Profits The Crambo dual shaft shredder The Terminator single shaft shredder The Topturn is world getting greener compost turner Dual Power = Low Cost The Cribus Hybrid drum screen The Multistar Hybrid star screen The Hurrikan Hybrid wind sifter We make technology for a better environment, with performance and efficiency features others often imitate but never equal. Our build quality and innovations lead the industry, so you can lead yours. p 720-890-9090 | f 720-890-5907 | e [email protected] [email protected] w w. k o m p t e c h u s a . c o m Info Request #123 January / February 2013 Soil & Mulch Producer News 23 6075 Hopkins Road • Mentor, OH 44060 Ph: 440-257-6453 • Fax: 440-257-6459 Email: [email protected] VOL. VII NO. 1 JAN / FEB 2013 Inside This Issue 2013 buyers’ guide ISSUE Surplus and Scarcity of Trees in Southeast PAGE 1 New $1.6 Million Pilot Plant in California Converts Waste to Energy PAGE 19 Long Beach, NY Uses Christmas Trees to Hold Sand PAGE 19 Report Assesses State of Information on Nation’s Wood-to-Energy Sector PAGE 21 Info Request #119 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Mentor, OH Permit No. 2
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