Sunday Sessions Details - ICNA


Sunday Sessions Details - ICNA
Sunday, May 24 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Main Hall
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Parenting: The Coolness of Our Eyes
“The Best Among You The One Who is Most God-Conscious”
“... I guarantee Paradise for him”
“Teen Rebellion: Causes and Solutions”
Community Series
Imam & Community Education
Character Series
Gentleness in Islam Imam Hamad Chebli
Breaking Free of Arrogance Sheikh Hafiz Inayatullah
The Energizer Bunny: How NOT to Dr. Emad Hamdeh
Get Burned Out in Islamic Activism
Br. Ermin Sinanovic Dr. Zahid Bukhari
Br. Joshua Salaam Dr. Timur Yuskaev
Rooms 327-328
Rooms 324-326
Spanish Session - Part 2
Una Luz en el Desierto
Arabic/English ILF Session
Viviendo el Ejemplo del Mensajero de Alá Br. Hermano Hernan
(paz y bendiciones sean con Él) Guadalupe
How did our beloved Rasoolullah deal Dr. Mamadou Oury Barry
with those who hated him and Dr. Abu Zayd
the mission of his Prophethood?
Rooms 321-323
Art Series
How to Grow as an Artist Br. Faraz Khan
(Interactive Workshop)
Rooms 318-320
Current Challenges and Proposed Solutions Dr. Anis Ahmad
Rooms 337-338
If Only I Knew Arabic Language
Don’t miss this! Come, experience the amazing results within
90 minutes! This course employs NLP techniques where concepts
are taught through body language, drawings, without resorting
to translation. By Ustadh Mohammad Ibrahim Ali
Room 329
Rooms 301-303
Leadership Recognition Lunch
Career Fair (Sunday 3 pm - 5 pm)
You Are Invited!
Industries Being Represented
Keynote Speakers:
Sh. Omar Suleiman
Dr. Altaf Husain
Please RSVP:
Mohsin Ansari (410-845-1084) Event Coordinator
Hamid Siddiqui (516-852-8555) Convention Chair
$50 / person
Rooms 339-342 (Sunday 12 noon - 2 pm)
Imam Khalid Griggs
Sh. Abdelrahman Murphy
Dr. Suzy Ismail
Information TECH
State / Federal Jobs
Skill Trade
Allied Healthcare
Political Activism
Fire Department
Police Department
Biomedical ENGR
College APP Counseling
High School Counseling
Prof Accounting
Green Jobs
Public Health
Medical School
Dental School
Attorney at Law
Social Services
Resume Building
Interview Skills
Islamic Scholar
Medical School
Held Near Registration Area (Sunday 3 pm - 5 pm)
Sunday, May 24 | 11:45 am - 1:15 pm
Main Hall
11:45 pm - 1:15 pm
Sisters’ Only Session
The Art of Marriage
Today’s Muslimah, Inspiration and Destination
ILF Series
Never Give Up! Dr. Altaf Husain
Lessons from the Farewall Hajj Dr. Farhan Abdul Azeez
Seek to Obey Sh. Abdul Nasir Jangda
Dr. Suzy Ismail
Sr. Abeer Sher
Marital Series
Fiqh of Love
Selection of a Prospective Spouse Sh. Ali Suleiman Ali
What’s Permissible Post-Nikkah but Pre-Marriage? Sh. Yasir Birjas
Brief Sketch of Prophet’s Family Life Dr. Jamal Badawi
Rooms 307, 308, 309, 310
Rooms 301-303
Parenting Series
Innovative Parenting and Counseling Techniques for Teenagers
New Muslim / Revert Stories
Untold Stories: Reflections from Reverted Muslims
Know Your Teen and Their Environment Imam Daud Haqq
From Knowledge to Conviction Chaplain Sohaib Sultan
Positive & Negative Parenting Behaviors Dr. Ahmad Ansari
How the Prophet (peace be upon him) Sr. Katherine Roman
inspired me to adtopt Islam Sr. Essma Bengabsia
as my way of life Br. Roberto Tapia
Rooms 327-328
Rooms 314-317
Spiritual Series
Q&A with ICNA Shariah Council
O Allah! Help me to be with You Sh. Mokhtar Maghraoui
as if I see Your Infinite Beauty
Sh. Abdool Rahman Khan
Dr. Daoud Nassimi
Imam Hafiz Zafeer Ali
Sh. Hafiz Inayatullah
Rooms 337-338
Rooms 321-323
Seerah Series
Media Workshop
Contemporary Approaches Dr. Emad Hamdeh
to Understanding the Sunnah Dr. Jonathan Brown
Rooms 324-326
Finance Series
Real State Investments and Financial Planning
Halal Investing in Distressed Properties Br. Shomail Malik
Investment & Financial Planning Br. Nabeel Abdul Khaliq
Allah has Permitted Trading & Forbidden Riba Imam Mohamed Magid
Rooms 331-332
How to deal with the Rising Tide
of Islamophobia?
Harnessing the Power of Media
to Build Awareness for Our Causes
Imam Rauf Zaman
Sh. Ali Suleiman Ali
Imam Khalid Griggs
Dr. Abdul Jabbar
Dr. Ahmadullah Siddiqi
Dr. Zahid Bukhari
Room 329
Muslims Around the World Series
Relief in the Sub-Continent
Service in Islam Has No Boundaries
Changing the World Through Education
Importance of Islamic Education
HHRD: What Your Investment Has Accomplished
Rooms 318-320
Imam Johari Abdul-Malik
Br. Ishtiaq Gondal
Zia Ur Rehman
Dr. Farrukh Raza
Sunday, May 24 | 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Main Hall
1:45 pm - 2:30 pm
Camali Live Kids Show
Skits and Nasheeds for Young Children
The Significance of Surah Al-Kawther
“Indeed, We Have Granted You, Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan
[O Muhammad] ...”
Rooms 307, 308, 309, 310
Character Series
Qualities for Eternal Success
Hypocracy: “When He Speaks, He Lies…” Imam Rauf Zaman
Overlooking Faults, Forgiving Lapses Dr. Daoud Nassimi
Truthfulness Guides to Absolute Piety Dr. Mohammad Yunus
Freedom of Speech OR Freedom to Insult Dr. Zahid Parvez
Changing Landscape: The Recent Tragic Events Dr. Talat Sultan
Rise of Hate Speech and Our Response Imam Talib Adbur-Rashid
Rooms 301-303
Community Series
Boycott Divestment Sanction (BDS) Campaign
AMP Ramadan Date Boycott Sr. Kristin Szremski
No Way to Treat a Child/G4S Sr. Laila El Haddad
Rooms 327-328
Rooms 318-320
Parenting Series
Practical Tips for Effective Parenting
Muslims Around The World Series
The Poorest Muslims in the West: Haiti and Mexico
Prophetic Parenting Dr. Emad Hamdeh
Growing up Online: Br. Joshua Salaam
Parenting the Internet Generation
Do Your Share
HHRD in Haiti and Mexico
Why Should We Care?
Rooms 337-338
Rooms 321-323
History Series
Education Series
Our Legacy
The Impact of the Mongol Invasions Dr. Yahya Michot
Islamic Spain: The Epitome Dr. Jonathan Brown
of Muslim Culture
Rooms 324-326
MCNA Kids Activities
All Day Saturday and Sunday!
Mad Science Show, Lectures, Face Painting,
Animal Exhibit, Workshops, Quizzes & Prizes
See Full Program on Page 37
Rooms 346-350
Community Series
Understanding Islamophobia and Our Response
The Four Imams
The Books of Ahadith - A True Treasure
Sheikh Yasir Birjas
Br. Qasim Mazhar
Sr. Nahela Morales
Br. Javaid Siddiqi
Imam Hafiz Zafeer Ali
Room 329
Iqamah is 10 minutes after Adhan.
Allow yourself time for wadhu.
Arrive on time!
Sunday, May 24 | 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Main Hall
3:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Bringing Change
Strength Through Diversity: Uniting the Muslim Voice in America
Tearful Eyes - Heavy Responsibility of Being a Witness
“There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab except by Taqwa”
ILF Series
History and Biography of Sahih Compilers
The Life of Imam Muslim Dr. Abu Zayd
The Life Of Imam Al-Bukhari Imam Mohamed Magid
The Life of Imam Al-Nawa-wi Chaplain Sohaib Sultan
Br. Nihad Awad
Dr. Jamal Badawi
Dr. Jonathan Brown
Marital Series
Enhancing Our Marital Relationships
Your Spouse Knows You the Best! Imam Safi Khan
Rights of Spouses Sh. Ali Suleiman Ali
How to Win Heart of Your Spouse Dr. Suzy Ismail
Rooms 314-317
Rooms 301-303
Character Series
Qualities for Eternal Success
Finance Series
Grow & Invest Your Money - The Sharia Way
Do Good Deeds Sincerely and Moderately Br. Qasim Mazhar
Five before Five Dr. Anis Ahmad
Say What is Good or Keep Quiet Dr. Farhan Abdul Azeez
Rooms 327-328
Rooms 318-320
Spiritual Series
Matters of the Heart Sh. Mokhtar Maghraoui
Rooms 337-338
Spoken Word Competition
Open Mic / Poetry Jam
Come listen to poetry about our beloved Rasulullah SAW
and his life and teachings. Register ahead of this session
to present in this competition. No registration needed to attend.
Rooms 321-323
Seerah Series
About Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
“Mirror for his Brother...” Sh,. Hafiz Inayatullah
How He (pbuh) Looked? Imam Yaseen Sheikh
Teaching by Examples Sh. Abdul Nasir Jangda
Rooms 324-326
Sisters Only - Urdu Session
The Fragrance of Faith
‫اِیمآن کِی ُخو ْشبُو‬
‫ عصری مسائل اور انکے حل‬- ‫تربیت اوالد‬
Finance and Socially Responsible Investing. Br. Joshua Brockwell
Islamic Home Finance: What’s the difference? Br. Amjad Quadri
A Sharia Compliant Investing Br. Owaiz M. Dadabhoy
Sr. Kulsoom Siddiqi
Sr. Sadia Salman
Rooms 307, 308, 309, 310
Parenting Series
The best gift from a Father to his child is education and upbringing
Parenting Lessons from Saahaba and Tabeeen
Discover the Leader Within - A Personal
Empowerment, Emotional Mastery, Goal setting
Dr. Rida Beshir
Ustadh Ibrahim Ali
Room 329
Career Fair (3 pm - 5 pm)
Industries Represented: Chaplaincy, Biomedical ENGR, College APP
Counseling, High School Counseling, Prof Accounting, Green Jobs, Public
Health, Medical School, Dental School Pharmaceuticals, Attorney at
Law, Psychology, Social Services, Resume Building , Interview Skills,
Pharmacy, Islamic Scholar , Medical School and Many More!
Held Near Registration Area
Sunday, May 24 | 5:30 pm - 11:30 pm
Main Hall
5:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Main Hall
10:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Keynote Session: Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him )
He was Extremely Keen for your Success!
ICNA: Celebrating Five Decades of Service
On the Footsteps of the Prophet (pbuh)
Muslim Superheroes
“My Master, I appeal to You of my weakness...”
Sh. Abdool Rahman Khan
Br. Naeem Baig
Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan
Sh. Omar Suleiman
Entertainment Session
Youth Inspiration
Spoken Word / Poetry
Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir
Ibrahim Jaaber
Mohamed Tall
Native Deen Group
(Joshua Salaam, Naeem Muhammad, Abdul-Malik Ahmad)
Arabic Session
Bangla Session
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
The Role Model for the People of All Trades Mawlana Tariq Monawar
Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Imam Abu Samiha
An Eternal Charter of Social Justice Sirajul Islam
Dr. Mohammad Ahmad Hasan Qatanani Dr. Hammoud Alsilwi
Sh. Abdelrahman Mohamed Br. Khaled Lamada
Rooms 307-310 (9:00 pm to 11 pm)
Rooms 301-303 (9:00 pm to 11 pm)
Urdu Session
3( ‫خوف خدا ہر نیکی کی بنیاد ہے‬
‫تقوی کے تقاضے‬
‫قو انفسكم و اهـليكم نارا‬
‫اسالم اور اس کا خاندانی نظام‬
Imam Hafiz Zafeer Ali
Sh. Hafiz Inayatullah
Sh. Yusuf Islahi
Give us your feedback
via the mobile app About > Feedback
Rooms 314-317 (9:00 pm to 11 pm)
Rooms 339-342
9:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Matrimonial - Match-Making Session
To attend, you must be registered in Room 335 on the registration level of the Convention Center
prior to this session. All individuals looking to get married should be accompanied with a wali.
If you do not have a wali, consult the Matrimonial volunteers and they will help you.