Velo Voice Volume 3 Number 7 August 1983
Velo Voice Volume 3 Number 7 August 1983
25C --ft"'~- GJ-WO:.:.. * NOTIC E * On Monday evening Oc t o ber 10t h a t 7 : 45 in the Natio nal Pa r k Service Headquarters, 1100 Oh io Drive, Was h ., DC (Hains Poi n t, East Potoma c Park) t he Nat iona l Capital Velo Club, Inc., will h o ld i t s annual meeting and general elec tion . Th is is a very impor~ tant meeting for all club members as it affects t h e g overning of the club. At this time Alan Rashid is lo o king i n to rewriting t h e club ' s constitution and it is possible that thi s will be ready in draft form by the meeting . If not, when it is ready we will have another meeting to vote on the constitution. Two of the important chang es will be: 1) Narrowing down t h e governing body to 5 o f ficers -- President, VicePresident, S ecretary , Treasurer and Racing Team Director/Head Coach. Each officer on the executive committee g overning the club wilI have added responsibilities suc h as sponsorsh ip, race promotion , training races, reimbursment, fund raising , club communication. etc., etc. Positions such as area reps; membership cha irperson, newsletter editor, publicity chairperson and NCO promoter will still receive FREE membership and entry in all NCVC functions except fund raisers. 2) The 5 executive committee members will serve for 2 years. Also on the ag enda - - review of training races, pla ns for winter clinics, next year training races, team selection, 1984 club goals and volunteers. VELoVEDllCE VE LOVOICE is t h e monthly newsletter . of NCVC , Inc ., a non-profit e~ucational a nd service org anization s upported by memberships, pro g r am fees and contributions . A s ub s cription to VELOVOICE is included wit h members h ip . ***** ****************************** * Jim Mon t g omery Rob Lea Jerry Nug ent Andy Ge l latly VELOVOIC E ED ITORS Les Tou a rt (703)690- 3 32 8 Sue Anne Tou a rt 8 3 0 4 Bark Tree Ct . Spring field , VA 22153 Th e Editors welcome articles , accounts of races , reproducible p h oto g rap h s, comments and sugg e s tions. "Letters to the Edit o r" are also welcome and should b e sig ned. Persona l advertisement s to buy sell or s wap items a re printed' free for NCVC me mbers . Co mmerci a l a dvertising rates are as follo ws : $40 p er p ag e $ 20 per 1/2 pag e $ 1 0 per 1/4 page A 1 5% discount app lies to ads plac ed in two or mo re consecutive issues. All materials must be received by ~he Editors by t he 20t h o f the mo nth i n order t o appear i n t h e f ort h co mi ng issue u nles s p rio r arr ang e ment s a r e made. NCVC OFFICERS President: Mike Butler Vice President: . Fred Kelley Secretary: Alan Rashid Treasurer: Ken McCormick D.C. Rider Rep: Ken Jacobson Maryland Rider Rep: Tim Lung Virginia Rider Rep: Ed Cottrell Membership Secretary: Mary Pelz Head Coach: Jim Montgomery NCVC Has Four Nationa l Chamnio ns 588-2087 588-9024 - --229-0346 725-7078 739-6220 435-5620 471-7656 Committee Chairpersons Club Sponsorship: Ken Jacobson Club Publicity: Larry Black NCO: Don Carrick Greenbelt Training Series: Larry Black Thursday Training Series: Ken McCormick Vetera n Roa d Veteran Kilo Veteran Pursuit Masters Purs uit Intermedi a te Ro a d ********* *************************** .~ 11825 fn id D rive Potomac, MD 20854 ('3 0 1) 2 99 -85 6 1 THE POTOMAC PEDDLER Keep your bike looki n g li ke new all year l ong with ..... SIMICHROME POLIS H_ In addition t o regul ar ma intenance, keep in g y our b ik e' s components loo k ing like n ew improve s appe ar anc e and can raise the market v alue of your machine. Unlike inf e ri or polishes, SIMIC HROME won't damage expe n s i ve fin i shes. It buffs easily, l eaving a transparent film that retards tarnishing. A little goes a long way, so pick up yo ur tube today!!! 50 gram tube $2.85 Also, REG Waterbottle and Alloy Cage Ki t s, complete with all mounting hardware, just $4.99 Don't forget THE POTOMAC PEDDLER also has the lowest prices in the area on Campagnolo components!!!!!! Month of July--Race Results Shady Grove Series: A Kennedy Montgomery Cimermanis Gerard 5. P . LeMair 5. F. Kelley Class 1 . D. 2 . M. 3. B. 4. C. 4. B. B Farrell Booska Elves Young Lomax Class 1 . J. 2. L. 2. L. 4. E. 5. D. Class 1 . D. 1. M. 3. C. 4 . P. 5. J. D Fishman Ehredt White Bittenger Lindeman Class 1. M. 2. J. 3. L. 4. S . C Freeman Mocca Kni ght Draper Carrick Greenbelt Series: Class 1. L. 2. s. 3. E. 4. R. 5. A. A Cimermanis Downing Cottrell Taylor Guerra Cl ass 1. J. 2. J . 3. R. 3. R. 5a E. B Hanlin Wil s on Bombha Fennell Polley Cl ass 1. L. 2. G. 3. E. 4. J. 4. D. 4. D. C Kni ght Blacetti Draper Sc haffer Arion Dir Class 1 . K. 2. J. 3. W. 4. N. 5. M. D Teal Guthrie Coombe Bombha Lewis McLean Series: Class 1. C. 2. R. 3. S. 4. M. 5. F. A Meerman Schnette Gerard Kennedy Kelley Class 1. B. 2. J. 3. M. 4. A. B Elves Hanlin Newland Schaef Class 1. A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. K. 5. K. D Toohey Racklein Regan Kubat Hickerson THE TURKEY DIED I am writing this with some deep regrets . Thi~ is the 1st year since 1980 that the Turke y Run Road Race will not occur . I sent in the ap plication during the last week of July as I felt that this was plenty a dequate to g et thing s moving for early October. I had talked to the Park personnel in early June before the VA/DC Districts and was told that September or October would be no problem to use the course. I was g lad to see the application come back approved for October 9 and signed by . the Superintendant . I had chasen this date due to a full p ersonal and race calendar in September and one of my major sp onsors wi ll be out of town in t h e mi ddle of S eptember. In the letter i t s t a te d to call and set up an app ointment to fina lize everything and upon calling I was told by the s ecretary that I should chang e the date since October was going to be out. She said that it would have to be September or November -- this was on August 18, 1983. Af ter so me t h ought and c h ecking , I d ecid e d to cancel . I felt I could not g et it operational in September even if the calendar was more agreeable. Hopefully next year I can try to set something up earlier before I s tart g etting double messages from t h e Park Service. Ben Williams 6. C. 7. T. 8. P. 9. E. 10. M. Hoven Mattes LeMair Cottrell Pugh 5. R. Hammer 6. R. Chastain 7. B. Lomax 8. M. Booska ---- The Huffman Press * printing & publishing 805 N. Royal Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 «U\MlllbllrN WllTIHI TIHIE lllC W1HIEElbllE N.C.V.C. continues to have a major problem . Lack of personnel to run a club this size. All but t'MJ of the club's officers are racers ard the two who do not qualify as racers end up beinJ over'MJrked a.rd burnt-out. We have 3 traininJ races a W2ek fran May thru Septerrber ard Ken "Runitall" McCormick is the only one willing to run races. Ed Cottrell, Jim Montganery, Alan Rashid a.rd Rebecca Montganery W2re going crazy trying to get the Virginia race off the ground and race (which is their primary function) at the same time. As always, ROAD GUARDS are still after all these years a problem are at least a headache •••.•• W'.)rd is we may have to give up a race next year, which means less income to reimburse you •••..• plus there's no training like racing .••• So if you'd like to help out or think you'd like to help out get in touch with Pres. Butler. We need you. your wife, g irlfrierd, boyfr ierd, brother, sister, neigtbor, uncle, aunt or anyone willinJ to contribute to a thankless job of running training races ••.•••• I kno.v it's only August but if you really want a thankless job, paying $1 a rronth (in membership) ard free rides ard admission to N.C. v.c. Races and functions, think about serving as an of ficer in the National Capital Velo Club, Inc., W2 need a few goa3 men, no that's the Marines, NCVC needs as many good persons W2 can get ••.••••. Now to give thanks where it's due, BOB ELVES and LEON MOORE for canputerizing our membership (though a bit late, Rosters are available -- contact the newsletter editor or check at the club races). I also noticed ADRIEN ROI'HSCHILD servinJ as a regular road guard on Tuesday night;,s at Westgate. If q_he can safeguard her husband (Kenny in the A class race) row aboot your wife, husbard, girlfriend or boyfriend? THANKS FDLKS! The club recognizes a.rd appreciates your efforts. · OK enoogh begginJ, let's see what hap- , pened in July? JIM MJN'IGOMERY kept ; his record, a National Championship jersey every year since turning a Vet. This year he proved that he is the greatest veteran rider of all time by beating one of America's all time greats, John "I Hate to Lose" Howard. I guess Jim hates to lose worse than Howard or really wanted a 5th jersey. Jim also won medals on the track in everything he rode. ROB LEA, 2nd in the T. T. , 3rd on the rocd, retained his titles by collecting National Championship jersies in the Kilo ard Pursuit again. JERRY NUGENT 2nd in the T. T. , 4th on the road, retained his National Pursuit Championship title ard taking a bronze in his first Points race, with a 2nd in the Kilo. GJRDY HOLTER1AN took advantage of the situation and rode unbeaten winning 7 races in Milwaukee. OOB SCHNEIIBR, 4th in the Natz Road Race was never worse than 2nd in Milwaukee, 3 wins and 4 seconds. MIKE PUGH finished 17th overall at the PAN AM road trials. IXlN CARRICK nipped BULLE'IMAN BUTLER for 4th at Shady Grove in Butler's "C" class debut. TRACEY STILLER, woo is our racingest member, continues her top placings all over the Midwest alOnJ with teammate CARJL ADDY, including a flying start lap record at Indy = 23. 08. MARY PELZ broke her own 10 mile T. T. record by ll seconds riding a 25:04. This time made the Pelz happier as her previous record time was 1 secord faster than the legerdary Mij i Reoch. JULIE PAUL and exNCVC ED SLAUGHTER canpeted in the World University Games. Ed getting sane good T.V. exposure. Vickie Brown is recovering quite well since being hit by a car in Allentown. Vickie is back on her bike, but still needs another operation for her wrist ard she still has some glass (from the windshield she W2nt through) which neEds to be removed fran her body. In August FRED KELIEY and CHRIS GERNER will beat JILL ANIBRSON and JOHN GRIECE in th= race to the altar making 1983 NCVC' s marryingest year in historv, a gram total of 3 with 4 rronths to go. I have a feeling that there will be at l east one more before the year is over . Also, WJrd is ANDY GELLATLY dominated the Little Red Zinger. AUBREY GJRDON gave NCVC its first Friday night victory at Trexlertown on the 19th winning the Point to Point. ***************** Club Rosters have been printed up. If y ou would like to receive one, and have not already done so, notify the editors. ***************** UNITED STATES CYCLING FEDERATION VIRGINIA/WASHINGTON D.C. DISTRICT 36 1983 DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULTS TRACK SENIOR MEN KILOMETE R ( 1) Chris Bod ycombe (2) Mike Pugh (3) Mark Rickey PURSUIT (1) Mike Pugh (2) Steven Gerard (3) Ke nneth Jacpbson MATCH SPRINTS (1) Chris Bodycombe (2) Steven Gerard (3) Ross Ruske POINTS RACE (1) Mike Pugh (2) Steven Gerard (3) Kenneth Jacobson JUN IOR MEN KILOMETER ( 1) Bobby Bowen (2) Gordan Holterma n Jr. (3) Eric Koehn PURSUIT Ci) Gordan Holterman Jr. (2) Bobby Bowen (3) Eric Koehn MATCH SPR INTS (1) Bobby Bowen (2) Eric Koehn (3) Gordan Holterman Jr. POINTS RACE (1) Bobby Bowen (2) Gordan Holterman Jr. (3) Eric Koehn MIDGET BOYS (1) Jonathan Vaughan INTERMEDIATE BOYS (1) Andrew Gellatly TIME TRIAL SENIORS 1) Roger Friend (2) Charles Gillis (3) Mike Pugh (4) Roy Morris (5) Peter Roussos JUNIOR MEN Cl) John Pimblett (2) Gordan Holterman Jr. (3) Gregory Pellegrino (lf) Eric Koehn 55.42 56.5 7 5 7.33 5 7 .so 59.53 WOMEN Eleanor Braun (2) Sandy Doyle (3) Rebecca Price-Wilkin (1) 1: 04 .39 1:05.40 VETERAN (1) Erik Anderson (2) Ronald Whitenack (3) Shelton Williams 28.53 29.19 29.30 29.57 58.26 1:00.42 1:02.12 ROAD JUNIOR MEN (1) Gordan Holterman Jr. (2) Morris Hoven (3) Randolph Ruffin (4) Eric Koehn SENIORS 1) Paul Willebeek-Lemait (2) Glenn Miller (3) David Andrews Charles Kulp (5) Roger Friend (Lf) VETERAN MEN 45 to 54 (1) Paul Didier (2) Gerald M. Teeuwen (3) Grant Gellatly VETERAN 55 & OVER (1) Rudi Schuster VETERAN MEN 34 to 44 (1) James Montgomery (2) Ronald Whitenack (3) Gijlio Porta VETERAN WOMEN (1) Beth Palmore (2) Barbara Buckingham b)Bc1v w,l/;o,¥1_> MIDGET BOYS (1) Jo~than Vaughan (2) James Nowell INTERMEDIATE BOYS (1) Andrew Gellatly (2) Douglas Morris (3) Andrew Schaaf WOMEN ROAD (1) Eleanor Braun (2) Ann Sirothiak (3) Sandy Poyle RESULTS OF DIS TRICT 15 TIME TRIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS June 12, 1983 . Federalsbur g, MD 40 km. 4 qualify for Nationals. Senior Men 58:38.l 1. Fred Kelle y 58:58.l 2. Shawn Downing 59:55.4 3. Dave Edinberg Senior Women 40 km. 2 qualify for Nationals. 1. 2. 3. Wendy Yachimowicz 1:05:48.5 Mary Pelz 1:06:07.3 Tracy Lea 1:10:28.4 20 km. 3 qualify for Nationals. Junior Men 30:02.3 1. Philippe Hensel 30:46 . 9 2. David Pedersen 30:56.6 3. David Sprinkle Junior Women 20 km. No minimum QT. 37:51. 7 1 . Susan Helmstadt~r (QT 1; 0 l: 0 0) (QT 1 : 0 8 : 0 0 ) (QT 32: 00) Qualifies for Nationals. 40 km. Not a qualifying race for the Veterans Nationals. Veteran Men 58:06.2 * 1. Rob Lea 1:01:52.9 2. James Haddock 1:02 : 16.9 3. Bobby Phillips * Fastest time in any Class RESULTS OF DISTRICT 15 ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Held June 4, 1983, SENIOR MEN 1. 2. 3. 49 miles , 2:27. 1. 11 started. Susan Helmstadter, Newa rk , DE . 32 1/2 miles, 1:35. 8 miles, 27 minutes. 3 qualify. PBC 7 started. All qualify. Stephen Shenk, Clarksville, MD. NCVC Jim Walters, Baltimore, MD. Chesapeake Wheelrnen Ken Fears, Chevy Chase, MD. College Park Bicycle Club MIDGET GIRL - Qualifies - 1. VETERANS-35 49 miles. Marina Shellhaas, Rockville, MD. Do not have time. 6 started. Robert Lea , Queen Anne, MD. NCVC James Haddock, Silver Spring, MD. NCVC Laurence Dieren, Millersville, MD. Chesapeake Wheelmen VETERANS-45 1. 2. 3. 3 qualify. Mark Shellhaas, Rockville, MD. NCVC Ben Platt, Crofton, MD. College Park Bicycle Club Paul Walters III, Baltimore, MD. Chesapeake Wheelmen MIDGET BOYS 1. 2. 3. 6 started. David Pedersen, Bethesda, MD. NCVC Greg Swinand , Silver Spring, MD. NCVC David Darcy, Westminster, MD. Unattached INTERMED IATE BOYS 1. 2. 3. 2 qualify. 57 Mil es , 2:48 (?). JUNIOR WOMAN - Qualifies - 1. 2. 3. 34 started. Mary Pelz, Takoma Park, MD. NCVC Wendy Yachimowi cz, Towson, MD. Chesapeake Wheelmen Julie Paul, Chevy Chase, MD. NCVC JUNIOR MEN 1. 2. 3 .. 4 qualify. John Holmes, Cockeysville, MD. Citius Shawn Downing, Severna Park, MD . NCVC Matthew McGoey , College Park, MD . NCVC SENIOR WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 106 miles, 4:33. Hydes, Maryland 41 miles, 1:51. 5 started. Jerry Nugent, Bowie, MD. NCVC Guenter Baartz, Joppa, MD. Chesapeqke Wheelrnen Frank Pedersen, Bethesda, MD. NCVC NCVC RESULTS OF DISTRICT 15 TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS June 1, 1983. Lehigh County Velodrome. Medals to first three places. SENIOR MEN'S PURSUIT 1. Matthew McGoey -·s : 19 .1 2. Fred Kelley 5:19.5 AQ 3. Michael Kep~edy 5:23.4 SENIOR MEN'S SPRINTS 1. Michael Kennedy Q 2. Adam Tasca 3. Reeves Taylor SENIOR WOMEN'S SPRINTS 1. Mary Pelz Q 2. Jill Anderson 3. Julie Paul JUNIOR MEN'S KILOMETER 1. David Pedersen 1:19.0 2. Greg Swinand 1:21 . 7 3. Paul Swinand 1:24.0 JUNIOR MEN'S SPRINTS 1. David Pedersen Q 2. Greg Swinand Q 3. Paul Swinand INTERMEDIATE BOYS' OMNIUM 1. Andrew Elsberg Q "Q" Trexlertown, Pennsylvania = qualifies for Nationals. SENIOR MEN'S KILOMETER 1:.14. 3 1. Matthew McGoey 2. Michael Kennedy 1:15.8 3. John Holmes 1:16.6 SENIOR MEN'S POINTS RACE 1. Matthew McGoey Q 2. John Holmes Q 3. Fred Kelley SENIOR WOMEN'S PURSUIT 1. Jill Anderson 4:40.2 SENIOR WOMEN'S POINTS RACE 1. Mary Pelz Q 2. Julie Paul Q 3. Jill Anderson JUNIOR MEN'S PURSUIT 1. David Pedersen 4:08.9 2. Greg Swinand 4:16.5 3. Paul Swinand 4:19.1 JUNIOR MEN'S POINTS RACE 1. Greg Swinand Q 2. Paul Swinand Q JUNIOR WOMEN'S OMNIUM 1. Susan Helmstadter Q Iia --~ · 83~6 velo sport SW 40 Street. Suite B Miami, r1or1d&.J:>t» GOOD STUFF ALAN MARCOSSON 3448 WARREN ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44111 (216) 251-2050 CYCLING CLOTHES NCVC Jerseys $ 25 Skinsuits $45 Lycra Shorts $ 25 Wool Ti ghts $ 35 etc ••• Custom designs, fitting no problem. Lettering available. ~rices are also postage paid. 1983 OFFICIAL *** SPONSOR NCVC . . NCVC NEWSLETTER FIRST CLASS MAIL 8304 Bark Tree Court Springfield, VA 22153 PETER P.O. BOX 2123 APO SWAN CLM> NY IZl941Z13 PLEASE RUSH TIME SENSITIVE PUBLICATION!!!!!!
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