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National -~-~ Ca ital ~ p Velo Club`s Poolesville - Home
The ~ National -~-~ Ca pital ~ Velo Club's ~ Volume XVII Number 2 May, 1996 Bruce's Dominican Diary 01996 Bruce Oliver I competed in the Vuelta Independencia Nacional, the national stage race of the Dominican Republic, in 1991 and 1992. By late 1995, enough time had passed to let me forget what a bad idea it was to race in the Dominican Republic, so I started to recruit a team for the 1996 version of the event, which had been placed on the UCI International Calendar, and rated 2.5. Over the next several months, I recruited a composite four-man team to ride in NCVC colors in the Vuelta. While it was decidedly not a Masters event, I wanted all of the members of my team to be Masters. Dave Wilson, 42, of the HDK team from the Tidewater azea of Virginia was my first recnut. Ex-NCVC and ex-Vuelta-rider Casey King, 34, now of Tucson, insisted on being the second recnut. Marc Plourde, 41, of Richmond's St. Mary's Hospital Team was the fourth. A few weeks before the event, Casey left a message telling me he was going to Europe instead. After some scrambling, Dave Wilson and I recruited 38-year-old Matt Robins, a Cat. 1 racer from near Richmond, who rides unattached. Fred Rodriguez of Metropolis, who should know better from his experience as our 1992 Vuelta mechanic, agreed to come along as the team mechanic. 'Iliirty teams and a few independent riders participated in the race, for a total of 130 starters. There were teams from England, Germany, Switzerland, Cua~ao, Puerto Rico, Grand Cayman, Martinique and the U.S., as well the Dominican National Team and numerous regional Dominican teams. The U.S. teams were Team Buffalo, Sony Music(NYC), Breakaway (NYC), Fsso(NYC) and Casati(NYC). Sunday, February 18, 11 P.M. I arrive at the Santo Domingo airport with my wife Shansee Dominican Diary, page 3 Part One of Two Parts Next Club Meeting Monday June 3, 1996 7:30-9:00 Clara Barton Center 75~' and MacArthur BIVC~ Poolesville Scorches Local Riders Bill Luecke Record-breaking heat might have kept a few riders away from the second annual Poolesville Road Race, but 230 riders made the trip. NCVC rewazded them with a smoothly run race that tried hard to stay on time. Promoter Tom Snyder called on club members for help, and they responded. The road guard crises of last yeaz were only a memory. It was still cool when the Senior 1/2/3 and the Category 4 rolled out of the parking lot at Poolesville High School. The sun god would save his wrath for the older riders. In the Senior 1/2/3 race, despite a pace that shot a number of riders out the back, no breakaway could really make a go of it. It remained for recent Blacksburg, VA emigrant Brian Szabos to jump away from the field to a rapidly dying breakaway in the final 2 km. He powered on through that Glen Echo, MD Tall Tales of the Big Chainring self-destructing group to hold off the hard charging field by the slimmest of margins. That's a trick he won't be able to pull again. The finish of the category 4 race was marred when a truck pulling a bass boat managed to elude the race cazavan and insert itself into the field on the final climb. In the category 5 race, solo artist Cazlo Fragiacomo repeated the tactic that he perfected at the Columbia Spring Classic, as he simply motored away from the I.ette~s 2 field to win. The pavement was shimmerLooking.~ack :2 ing, and the temperature was pushFrom the tViike 4 ing 95F when the officials called June Calegdar. 6 the Master 30+ and Master 40+ fields out from under the shelter of the high school awning. The junior Member..: Roster ; 10 .ree Poolesville, page 9 Volume XVII Number 2 NCVC Officers President /Team Director Mike Butler 301 58 Letters to the Editor Vice President /Race Captain Bruce Oliver 703 31 Secretary Tom Snyder 301 96 Treasurer Jeanne Walsh 307 49 Rider Representatives John Epting 202 364 Bill Luecke 703 698 Cary Bland 301 657 Peter Snran 717 765 Bill Luecke 703 Hi Mike: I noticed with interest that 15years ago VeloVoice reported that I placed 5th in the 1980 District Time Trials. Actually .....I won it, with a time of 55 and change. Larry Black was second, 3 minutes back. That Time Trial was one of my best efforts, and I still remember the feeling. By the way, the event was held on the eastern shore, I believe on Rt. 213 South of Centerville Md. That win was my 6th in Time Trialing at the District championships. Cheers Rick Barnett Team Captains Bruce Oliver 202 462-661 Cat III Cat IV Team Coordinators Women: Mike Butler 301 588-208. Juniors: Bruce Oliver 202 462-661 ~ USCF District Representative Md/De G. Teeuwen 804 547-790'. DCNA The National Capital Velo Club, Inc, established in 7 970, is an amateur bicycle racing club, dedicated to the promotion of the sport of bicycle racing and the devebpment and enhancement of amateur bicycle racers. NCVC is a nonprofd organization governed by volunteer members. Send Change of Address To NCVC VeloVoice c/o Bill Luecke 7316 Allan Ave Falls Church, VA 22046 or e-mail to [email protected] All contents copyright The National Capital Velo Club, except where assigned to individual authors. The VeloVoice is edited and published nearly every month during the racing season by: Bill Luecke 7316 Allan Ave Falls Church, VA 22046 [email protected] (703) 698-9315 The VeloVoice accepts advertising from NCVC members, without charge. Check out NCVC's online mailing list! To subscribe send the following message: subscribe ncvc end to [email protected] s~~ 2 [Editor's Note: I misread the article in "Ramblin with the Big Wheelie." The Big Wheelie actually announced that Rick had been fifth in the Senior National TT at one point. I regret the error. I would like to thank the NCVC menbers for their support the last two years. Unfortunately, I will not be re❑ewing my membership with the team for 1996. I hope to continue the friendships with everyone and will see you all out on the rides. Mark Mense. Apologies I am truly sorry for the delay in publishing the VeloVoice this year. The responsibility lies entirely with me Bill Luecke Looking Back One Year Ago April 1995 John Epting won the Master 40+ race at the New Kent Rough Ride May 1995 Bruce Oliver won the Master 40+ race at the Columbia Spring Classic, and Peter Reynolds won the Cat 1V race. Five Years Ago April 1991 Matt McGoey scored 10th overall in Coors Cyclefest Stage Race in F1orida. The VeloVoice reported on Bruce Oliver's Valentine's Day engagement to his future wife, Shannon (how romantic!) There were the first inklings of a race at Democracy Plaza in Bethesda. Ten Years Ago April 1986 The Velo Voice announced the NCVC A Team: Tracey Stiller, Mike Pugh, Aubrey Gordon, Shawn Downing, Hans Pieper, Phillipe Hensel, Jim Ridge, and Cary Bland. Fifteen Years Ago April 1981 Jim Montgomery won the March Greenbelt L.ow Gear series (A Class) and took home the $15 first prize He also won the Sr 1-2-3 race at Druid Hill beating Tom Prehn.... May 1981 NCVC riders Jim Montgomery was 1st and Rob Lea 2nd in the Veterans category of the National Capital Open. Montgomery's luck ran out later in the day, when he crashed in the Senior event Volume XVII Number 2 3 May, 1996 Dominican Diary non, her -best friend Ellen and Shannon's sister Clarida. Our plane is an hour late and there is no one at the airport to meet us and shepherd us through the teeming masses of baggage guys. Baggage guys grab your luggage, drag it to your taxi and pressure you to give them every bill that you have that is less than a $20 by way of a tip. I secretly begin to suspect that the race has been canceled, but that they have forgotten to tell me -- I decline to share this suspicion with the others in my party. We finally arrive at the Hotel Hispanola. However, the reservations are screwed up and we end up with the right number of rooms (at the sister Hotel Santo Domingo across the street) only after a great deal of unpleasantness in which I elect to participate only minimally. Monday, February 19, A.M. After breakfast, Iride my bike to the velodrome where the Dominican Cycling Federation has its offices. I am relieved to learn that there is a race after all. I even get the race schedule I had been asking for over the previous three months. I learn that someone had come to pick us up from the airport, but had left because they didn't see us right away. Tuesday, February 20, 11 P.M. The team arrives at the Santo Domingo airport an hour late. I arranged to have the Federation bus pick me up at 9:30 P.M. so I could make sure that they would stay until the team arrived; but the Federation driver went to the Hotel Santo Domingo(we had moved back to the Hispanola). I wasn't there and they went to the airport without me. I try to call the airline to find out when the plane is expected to arrive, but the offices are all closed. I stay near the phone at the hotel and wait While I wait, I look at the information sheet that I had prepared for the team and notice that I included the wrong telephone number for the Hotel Hispanola. The travel agent had given me the first three digits from the hotel's fax number and the last four digits from the hotel's number. At least the team has the right hotel name. 12:30 A.M., still waiting by the phone. Fred finally calls. One of the baggage guys at the airport was resourceful enough to look up the telephone number for the hotel (he earned his fortune in ups). I tell Fred to go to the Hotel Comodoro, the hotel for all foreign teams. I tell him that the hotel will be about $29 per night, per room, and that they should expect to pay $25-30 for tine taxi from the airport. All members of the team have decided that, in the future, they will not accept any telephone calls from me after September. Wednesday, February 21. After breakfast, I meet the team at the Comodoro. The rules have changed and the hotel is now free for two nights before the race and one night after. The guys seem to feel better about things. We suit up and ride our bikes to the velodrome. We ride endless banked laps under the hot sun. Cool. We learned that the prologue will be a onekilometer time trial on the velodrome, and that each team will select just one rider to do the event. While I feel I am a born kilo man, the consensus seems to favor my selecting Matt to ride the prologue. Later that day, I leave Shannon, Ellen and Clarida at the Hispanola and move into the Comodoro with the team. That evening, I attend the organizational meeting for the race. For the first time ever we have to produce our international licenses. I'm glad I pushed everyone to get their international licenses and to have the USCF issue letters of good standing. Riders whose paperwork is not in order will have until the third stage to ~X ~t or ~ booted. All members of the team have decided in the futures Will not accept any The meeting is full of yelling and complaining in many languages. The event that, the / must be run under new UCI rules that conflict with how the race has been run for yeazs. te~ephOne ~~~S frim For example, teams must feed from the support trucks -- no motorcycles will be allowed. The procedure will be for a rider to raise his hand, for the commissar to notify the team vehicle and for the team vehicle to come up to the field. However, without radios, this procedure is expected to be very difficult. The English and German team directors can hardly believe that they will run an international stage race without radios. The meeting takes forever, and I return to the Comodoro exhausted, well after midnight. I feel better about the decision to let Matt be our kilo man the next morning. Thursday, February 22, 9 A.M., Prologue, 1 lan. The one-kilometer prologue is run two at a time, pursuit style, for the sole purpose of deternuning who will begin the first stage in the yellow leader's jersey. Matt starts slowly but finishes fast, for a very respectable fifth place. A Puerto Rican track rider (he medaled in the points race at the PanAm Games) wins the right to wear the first leader's jersey. Back to the hotel for lunch. 3 P.M., Stage 1 (Santo Domingo Circuit Race), 100 km. We ride to the velodrome where the race is rumored to start. Then we ride in traffic, following riders who don't know where me after September. continued on page 5 Volume XVII Number 2 4 May, 1996 From the ~e There's a rumour that I've been heard humming - "If you see me riding down the street and I start to smile each time we meet, I'm riding aMerlin" - to the tune of Dionne Warwick's hit "Walk On By," -It's not true. For you youngsters, Dionne Warwick did have a very successful singing career before she got into Psychic 'I'V. Well the season is on the way, and folks are doing all right considering the winter we had, I guess we all had the same winter, $ 0f but somehow some of us were more productive. I lrnow some of my comments will be old news, but I believe in giving credit where it's due CtOr How about the Big O showing he is called the Big O. He was back in the D.R [editor's note, see his Dominican Diary on page 1] tivs year with his Over-the-Hill crew. They kicked Butt. Word is those mega Turbo workouts over the winter and hair-raising pace of the stage race are working. Other word is that since he saw the Butler Cup, donated by Pete Swan, on display at Metropolis in Shirlington, he wants to add another Bruce Oliver name plate to it. At Quantico he was second in the field sprint to finish 3rd in the 35+ youngsters. The next day with John Epting`s help, he lapped the field for his first win of the year. John was in his element at Charles City, where he rode away from his break away partners to win solo. I was on hand Some Word Wisdom from the Team Dire BICYCLE RACING CAN BE A PAINFUL EXPERIENCE SPORTS MASSAGE HELPS EASE THE PAIN SPORTS MASSAGE DEEP MUSCLE TECHNIQUES STRESS REDUCTION Cary C. Bland 15% Discount NCVC Members AMTA Certified Sports Massage Therapist SPECIALIZING IN MASSAGE FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE GIVE YOUR BODY A FIGHTING CHANCE TREAT IT RIGHT...WITH SPORTS MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT 301/657-2908 at Columbia to see these two in action. John E took off from the gun and was soon joined by Fd Cottrell and another rider. Captain Bruce, with the help of Rick Barnett,Peter Nye and crew, kept the pack in check, while John rode to 2nd place. Peter and Rick positioned the Big O to win the field sprint unchallenged. Meanwhile, our NY crew is not only finishing races in April, but winning and placing. Our Pennsylvania crew have not been as fortunate. Dr. J (Brian Johnston) went down hard at 'I~ckahoe, breaking both wrists. Here's hoping he has a speedy recovery. CLOTHING: here's how it works. If you have prepaid, you must call and let me know that you will attend the next meeting, and I will bring it. If you haven't prepaid, same deal; call me first, and bring a check to the meeting. It's best to call is between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m.. If you leave a message, don't do a Mike Butler imitation: speak slowly and don't pick up speed as you leave your telephone number. RACE RESULTS. Please read the few instructions on the sheet: sepazate sheets for separate months, no June/July. One for June and One for July. If you aze guessing at the entry fee, guess on the low side. Most important, I need to know YOUR NAME. When reporting Team work, feel free to suggest points from 1-5, and remember it's a suggestion, not a guarantee. KUDOS for the super team work by Ed Ayres, who drove Brian Johnston, all the way to Pa., only to get home later to discover that he had a slight concussion himself. The excitement of driving Dr. J's machine had nothing to do with it. Also to Tom Snyder for pulling off another Poolesville Road Race. [editor's note: hopefully next issue we'll have a more complete thankyou to all the volunteers] Speaking of The Snyder, his C~clocross racing off season must be paying off, as word is he was besides himself at Columbia, taking two primes and finishing 9th. Jeff Fritz is joining the promotion team and getting his feet wet at the IBM race in August. Let's extend the same helpful hand so his first experience could be a good one. Remember, if you don't call us, we'll call you. N1vIORS? yep NCVC actually has two of them this yeaz, and they are new to the sport and will need your help. Welcome to Solomon Bergen-Bartel and Adam Framton. I've informed them of our warm and friendly tradition and our reputation of building contenders. CLUB MEETINGS. Bring your stuff to sell or exchange, if all you guys are shy, maybe we can just display your merchandise with a suggested price or not, and have folks check it out. So until next time, Remember, You aze what you train. See you on June 3rd. Volume XVII Number 2 Dominican Diary the race is. Dave and I get separated from the others, and someone in a pickup truck does a quick U-turn in heavy tr~c to show us the way to the course. We find it and sign in. Marc and Matt amve shortly after. It's hot, polluted, and the race starts late. The course is a divided, curving section of sixlane urban highway with a viaduct hill and Utums at both ends. The finish line is the same as the finish for the final stage. The race starts fast and rolls petty well. A three-man break quickly gets a gap and takes the first Meta Volante (hot spots sprint). Then it starts to rain at one end of the course but not the other. It's slippery. Then it pours on the whole course. The race continues, but the storm sewers are plugged and the water is really starting to rise. Pretty soon, the water in some places is bottom-bracket deep -and still rising. The three-man group is still away, but the race is becoming completely ridiculous. Dave is using a deep dish Zipp front wheel and he is getting buffeted by the waves. My pedals plow through the water like paddle wheels. The local kids are loving it. At the start-finish line, the officials blow whistles and yell something that sounds like there is only one more lap to go. We continue for several more laps. A huge burst of wind blows the field sideways about five feet. No one falls, but I pop my foot out of the pedal and onto the ground to stay upright. About a lap later, they end the race, after only 10 of the 16 scheduled laps. Matt, Dave, Mazc and I all finish in the same time as the field. Friday, February 23, 9 A.M., Stage 2(Santo Domingo - La Romana) 120 km. Late start -big surprise -- and we blast out of town in what was traditionally the first stage. My plan is to try to be a player in the Meta Volante sprints (there aze three in each stage), so I stay close to the front. As we get within a few miles of the first sprint, I am poised near the front. A small move slips off the front. I bet that it will be caught, and that it will be the next move that counts. I lose the bet. The group takes all the Meta Volante points, and stays away for the rest of the day. As expected, it is impossible for our team vehicle to make it to the field. Dave and Matt each slip back into the cazavan to get bottles. They return without any trouble, but we tell Matt that, as the protected guy, he is forbidden ever to do that again. With about 20 miles to go, the road dips, goes over a bridge, and then rises again. I remember that stretch of road from previous Vueltas, but this time the surface seems like it has been subject to mortar attack. We bounce down 5 May, 1996 from page 3 and then bounce up. I have a nice rhythm going up the other side and am overtaking other riders. Then I start to bog down. I sift back through the field and then off the back. I struggle to stay close but cannot -- I am alone except for our team truck that is protecting me from the reaz. Riders who needed wheel changes because of the rough stuff blast by me; I try to draft them and can't. Buses and trucks slowly pass me and I can't hold onto them either. I struggle in my small chainring to keep up 16-17 mph on the flat. I start to feel the chills ~ ?m of overheating. I conclude that I have ~ completely underestimated the race and overestimated the effectiveness of IDng my basement training -- and that I really such as a bike racer. It takes forever to get to the finish line. I cross more than five minutes after the leaders. Only after I get off my bike and start to collapse in the shade do I realize that my brake has been jammed tighfly against my front wheel ever since the rough section of road. I'm still really tired, but I'm no longer sure that I really suck. The front group was never caught, but Matt was frisky enough to gain about 30 seconds on the field in a small group and Dave and Marc both finished in a small group about 15 seconds ahead of the field, but were credited with the same time as the rest of the field. I am completely dead. At our hotel (Tio [Uncle] Tom's Cabanas), I fall onto my bed and don't move until we take the Federadon bus to dinner, after which I collapse on the bed again. Saturday, February 24, Stage 3(L,a Romana -Santo Domingo) 120 km. We arrive at the start well after the posted start time, comfortable Clara Barton Center, 75th that we are still well before and MacArthur Blvd, Glen the actual start. The UCI Echo, M D Commissar, however, forbids us to sign in. He appears to 7:30-9:OOPM want to gain some control April 8 over this event. Most of the other foreign teams also miss May 6 the sign-in. Again, the race blasts out June 3 of town. These guys have no respect for the miles. We July 1 head right back to the stretch August 5 of bad road that gave me so much trouble the day before. September 9 Coming out of that rough dip, the pace is screaming, but all October 7 still really tired, but I m no er sure that I really suck Handy Clip-n-Save Guide to the Meetings continued on page 8 Volume XVII Number 2 6 May, 1996 Local Racing Local Racing Local Racing Local Racing Local Raci l~~g Local Race Results Heritage Park TT ~~U1.i~./1.7 02-Jun 03-Jun Race for Pulaski David Scharff 410 685 7003 JMU Stage Rxe-Grit Fred Miller 804 977-1870 Betsy King Camp 08-Jun Master Regional 02-Jun C 08-Jun 09-Jun 09-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 16-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 29-Jun 29-Jun 410 744 5385 Summer Cycling Classic Dave Venable 804 838-7127 Summer Cycling Classic Dave Venable 804 838-7127 Bike Doctor Crit Mike Davis 301 843 1518 District 20 Road Champs 410 964 5575 Goochland RR Bill Malone 804 762-8966 Fathers Day Crit Stephan Yencha 301 294 3815 Severna Paiic Criterium Rick Carter 410 280 1438 District 20 Criterium Doug Willier 202 986 2488 VA State Games Mike Ache Andrews AFB Cll~~~Ser 29-Jun 30-Jun 30-Jun 04-Jul FSVS Crit Doug Squires 302 652 0393 VA State TT Tom Ozomski 804 357-0936 Emory Hill Crit Gary Cnunlish 302 654 3562 Dash for Cash Chris Henry (301)439 8471 Apri126, 1996 1 2 3 4 5 Roger Friend Brett Clare Robert Pawlak Mike Dovin David Little 1 2 3 4 5 8 John Epting Jim Laurent Raiph Olinger Barry Rumsey Randy Thrasher Ed Caldeira 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Michael Dovin Simon Walker James Marsh Chazles Moore Ron Barnhart Jeff Fritz Rick Cotton 1 2 3 4 5 W.B. Henry David Nesbitt Fred Porter Don Goodspeed John Hughes 1 2 3 4 5 Pat Caldeira Jennifer Carter M Hancock Jennifer Swager Ruth Stometta MASTERS 30+ SprinUPowerBar Snow Valley Team Interne Snow Valley Chesapeake MASTERS 40+ NCVCMetropolis PDO Velo 31:00.00 Bicycle Place Chesapeake DC Velo Club NCVGMetropolis SENIOR 2/3 Snow Valley Snow Valley Patuxent Velo Bicycle Place Everfast Velo NCVC Metropolis NCVCMetropolis SENIOR 4/5 Patuxent Velo Team FacttemelMCl Patuxent Velo PDO Velo 31:52.00 SPBRC 31:57.00 WOMEN NCVGMetropolis Bicycle Place Unattached Sister Cycies Sprint/PowerBaz 28:21.00 29:59.00 30:1430 30:27.00 30:46.00 30.20.20 31:26.00 31:37.00 31:51.20 33:51.10 28:14.90 28:21.40 29:27.00 29:28.00 29:40.60 30:39.10 30:50.60 30:11.00 30:55.50 31:17.90 32:07.00 35:09.40 35:14.00 35:31.00 35:38.00 Battle of Manassas Criterium 4/27/96 Battlefield Business Park, Manassas, VA Whole Wheel Velo Club A 0.9 mile loop with two 90degree toms Senior I/213 35 laps in 1:17 25.Smph $1300/20 places 63 riders 1 Chris Kent MVGBicycle Place 2 Tim Hancock MVGBicycle Place 3 Erik Christenson Unattached 4 Ed Sheppazd Era Cycling 5 Dazren 7iron Bike Doctor 6 James Tydesley ABRT Snow Valley 7 Terry Ashby Richmond Velo Sport 8 Matt Trandoc Team Richmond 9 J. Dean Rittenhouse Christiana 10 Shane Groth University Cycle Senior 3!4 251aps $800/15 places 71 riders 1 Dazren Jiron DDA Cycling Bike Doctor 2 Fsic Auger Tidewater Bicycle Assn 3 David Osborne Team Aggress 4 Tod Schmidt Outback 5 Mazk Nioll Allegheny Cycling Association 6 Mazk Kerlin 7 Chris Larsen 8 Joe Wilson 9 Matt Trandoc 10 Ken Hall Team Aggress ABRT Snow Valley Christian Sports International Team Richmond Whole Wheel Velo Club Category 4/5 15 laps $600/15 places 69 riders 1 Mike Krawczel Potomac Racing Club Intercon 2 Mazk Dimino DDA Cycling Bike Doctor 3 Joseph Jefferson Antietem Velo 4 Lake Mysko ABRT Snow Valley 5 Steven Dontigny Whole Wheel Velo Club 6 Mike Krotine LECA Chevrolet/LA Sheiriffs 7 Scott Wttidey Unattached 8 Ryan Fogg Team Agg~ss 9 Matt Braun Team Extreme MCI 10 Greg Hunt Unattached 15 Adam Coon NCVC/Metropolis 1 2 3 4 5 Category 5 15 laps 5 places 24 riders Kin Man RAD Roy Smith Blue Ridge Bicycle Club Allen Weber ABRT Snow Valley Eric Lindez ABRT Snow Valley Louis Picciano Whole Wheel Velo Club 1 2 3 4 5 Women 201aps $400/10 places 14 riders Kathryn Wilder MVGBicycle Place Cory Marshall-Bemis First State Velo Sport Chazlotte Miller Tidewater Bicycle Assn Maori Hazker Rock Creek Racers City Bikes Stacy Cramp ABRT Snow Valley Junior 15 laps $100/5 places 4 riders 1 Zach Zimmerman Team Richmond Master 30+ 251aps $700/10 56 riders 1 David Osborne Team Aggress 2 h'fichael Price Fast State Velo Sport 3 Gene Petcella VC Baltimore Race Pace 4 Grant Soma ABRT Snow Valley 5 Ted Inoue Mainline Flyers 6 Ron Bryan Beltway Bicycle Club Gold's Gym 7 Toe Deazon ABRT Snow Valley 8 Rick Schenck Virginia Velo Club 9 Erich Smith Old Capitol Velo 10 Mazk Smith ABRT Snow Valley 11 Channing Houston NCVC/M~ropolis Master 40+ 20 laps $300/10 places 24 riders 1 Paul Curley World TEAM 2 Doug Rike Whole Whcel Velo Club 3 Wesley Wilmer Blue Ridge Bicycle Club 4 Allen Slaughter MVGBicycle Place 5 Reeves Taylor MVGBicycle Place 6 Phil Hepburn Beltway Bicycle Club Gold's Gym 7 David Swager Team Richmond 8 Tim Lung Anaetem Velo 9 Ed Bums Tioga Velo 10 Pete Kelsey Team Horizon Racing Club Volume XVII Number 2 May, 1996 ~ ocal Racin Local Racin Local Racin Local Racin Local Raci Go Baby Time Trial April 20, 1996 Cazoline County, VA Presented by Sister Cycles From: Mary Reynolds [email protected]> Distance: 10 miles Women 20-29 1 Janet Gazdner 3023 Women 30-39 1 Paula Patrick 28:24 2 Nancy Ellis 2930 Men 20-29 1 Michael Schlitzer 25:00 2 Stefan Yencha 25:30 Men 30-39 1 Richard Cotton 22:43 2 Robert Pawlak 22:52 3 Scott Ellis 24:11 4 Michael Paul 24:12 Men 40-49 1 Jim Laurent 22:52 2 Mazc Plourde 3 Dave Swager 23:14 4 Joe Dietrich 24:01 Men 50+ 1 Bill Putt 24:32 Charles City Road Race 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 i 4!13/96 Pro 1, 2, 3, Nima Ebrahimnejad, Chisholm Cat 3, 30+ Bill Collins, VA Beach Velo John Allen, The Sports Team Bob Collins, VA Beach Velo Keith Danes, BCRC Dazren Jiron, Bike Doctor Cat 4,5 Scoaie Weiss, unatt. Kevin Dintino, PDO Velo John Gaudio, Commonwealth Cyclery Gary Brown, Montgomery County Velo James Eicher, unatt. Masters 40+ John Epting, NCVC Jim Dunham, Tri Power Ed Cottrell, Team Richmond Mark Plourde, Team Richmond Robert Wooding, MVC Master 50+ Bobby Phillips, Somerset John Hackett, MVC James Youngblood, DC Velo Howazd Gutgesell, MVC Mike Kaspereck, Unazt. Women Open Sazah Grier, MCV Fmily Wilson, MCV Mary Beth Grier, MCV Cazoi Hansen, HCC Debbie Thum,Evolution Junior Tim Brooks Extreme Criterium New Kent Road Race 4/14/96 Men Pro 1, 2, 3 Stephan Wazd, Navigators Robert Woodings, Master Plus Matt Robins, Unatt. Rod Meyers, Navigators Don Mills, Specialty Mens 3, 30+ Bob Collins, Va Beach Velo Bill Collins, Va Beach Velo Matt Boobaz, SRP/Merlin Eric Williams, BBC Men 4,5 Jason Bradley, Express John Papmwsld,Scott Bikyle Flyers Gary Brown, Montgomery County Velo Tom McGuire,PDO Mike Cummings, THR Men 40+ Mazk Plourde, Midlothian Velo Micheal Roche, WWR John Hackett, MVC Ron Whiteneck, TRVS Jun Laurnet, PDO Womens Open Sarah Grier, MCV Mary Beth Grier, MCV Michelle Bote, Evolution Camilla Buchanan, TBA Chazlotte Miller, TBA The Hump Race III Mt Airy, Maryland 4/13/96 Velo Club Baltimore Course: A five mile circuit with two 39x19 climbs and a high speed, winding downhill. All the fields shaztered. Category 1/2/3 55 mi in 3:13 $300/8 places 58 riders 1 John Strain One Plus 2 Elliot Hubbard One Plus 3 James Marsh Patuxent Velo Club 4 Joe Bazemore DC Velo G7ub 5 Jon Wirsing ABRT Snow Valley Category 4 45 mi in ]:59 $200/5 places 30 riders 1 Doug Weeks MVC Bicycle Place 2 Robert Post Quaker City Wheelmen Montgomery Velo Club 3 Andrew Hong Team Extreme 4 Matt Braun 5 David Campbell College Park Master 30+ 45 mi in 1:59 $200/5 34 riders Halters 1 Mick Le Toumeaux ABRT Snow Valley 2 Joe Deazon Wooden Wheels 3 Bill Breslin Team Horizon Racing Club 4 Jeff Trammell DC Velo Club 5 Mazk Neff Master 40+ 40 mi in 1:46 $200/5 33 rides 1 Scott Haverstick Red Rose Rockets 2 Richazd Wolf Wooden Wheels 3 Barry Free Red Rose Rockets 4 John Cox Chesapeake Wheelmen 5 Brett Lunger Fast State Velo Sport Mazch 31, 1996 Savage NID Results cauusy two wheel [email protected] Master 35+ 18 miles $200/ 7 places 1 Gene Pehella VC Baltimore Race Pace 2 David Osborne Team Aggress 3 Phil Hepburn Beitway BC Gold's Gym 4 Carl Westergren Indian River 5 Chris Henry Team Aggress 6 Shuaib Dawkins NCVC Metropolis Category 4/5 18 miles $300/10 places 1 FJ Hughes Bike Doctor 2 Chris Woltanads South Mountain Velo Club 3 Anton Quist College Pazk College Pazk 4 Robert Tiemo ABRT Snow Valley 5 Cazlos Goncaives Ultimate Burrito Brothers Senior Z3 27 miles $40U/10 places 1 Joe Baremoie DC Velo Club 2 Phillip Riggio Chesapeake Wheelmen 3 Zach Leonard VC Baltimore Race Pace 4 Doug Davies Chesapeake Wheelmen 5 Mazk MiklogovichNCVC 6 Mazk Nioll Allegheny Cycling Assn. 7 Chris Strader ABRT Snow Valley 8 Shane Groth University Cycle 9 Jason Stevenson LlltimatelBurrito Brothers 10 David Osborne Team Aggess Master 45+ 18 miles $200/7 places 1 Bruce Oliver NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 2 Ralph Olinger MVC Bicycle Place 3 Peter Nye NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 4 Myron Le6~an NCVC Metropolis 5 Richard Schiesz ABRT Snow Valley 6 Hank Banta NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 7 James Youngblood DC Velo Club Women 13.5 miles $200!5 places 1 Diane Blackburn KHS 2 Pat Caldeira NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 3 Sheba Farrin Rock CreEk Raoets Ciry Bikes 4 Mata Lang Rock Creek Racers City Bikes S Kinga Rode The Bildngs Chesapeake Road Race 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 Men 1-3 $400/5 places 801an Elliot Hubbard Team One Plus Jonathan Wirsing Team Snow Valley Kyle Smith Team One Plus Kevin Brouone Navigators Erik Christensen ERA Cycling Men 4,5 $300/5 places 601an Steve Potter Tony Corley Luke Mysko Team Snow Valley Doug Weeks David Campbell Master 35+ $350!5 places 80}~n David Osborne Team Aggress Joe Hamilton Bobby Phillips Somerset Wheelman Rod Myers Navigators Bill Breslin Wooden Wheels Women Open $300/5 places (Fresca Womes's Regional Event) Laura Van Gilder FSVS Volume XVII Number 2 May, 1996 Local Racing Local Racing Local Racing Local Racing Local Raci ~ 2 Kathryn Wilder MVC Bicycle Place 3 Cory Marshall-Bemis FSVS 4 Lorie Stxuzik FSVS 5 Jennifer Carter MVC Bicycle Place Jefferson Cup Road Race II March 31, 1996 Carters Bridge, VA Bill Henderson [email protected] Pro,1,2,3 Matt Decanio(GS MengonilUS National) Roger Friend (SprinUPowerBaz) Billy Peazlman (Fuji Racing) Bill Collins(Va Beach Velo) Justin O'Malley (Ultimaze) Cat 4,5 Doug Weeks (Maryland Velo Club) James Steams (Team Smiley) Scottie Wiess (unattached) Chris Liesfeld (Commonwealth Cycling) James Clazke(OCV) Women Sarah Grier(MVC Sports Medicine) Emily Wilson (MVC Sports Medicine) Mary Beth Grier(MVC Sports Medicine) Camilla Buchanan (TBA) Nancy Ellis(THR) Jefferson Cup Road Race I Chazlottesville, VA March 10, 1996 Pro,1,2,3 i R Muoio Sprint/PowerBaz 2 Zach Browne Ultimate 3 Roger Friend Sprint/PowerBaz(*1st 35+) 4 Bill McCazrick SRP Racing 5 Brian Mazchionini MCUTeam Extreme The caz 4,5 race saw many attacks by Scott Paisley(SprinUPowerBaz) but nobody else was willing to work, so the race ended in a field sprint won handily by Mike Sternis (Team Smiley). Category 4,5 1 Michael Stemis Team Smiley 2 Andrew Hong Montgomery Velo Club 3 Ben Nielsen Blue Ridge BC 4 Ewell Nichols Potomac Racing 5 Robert Tierno Beltway Bike Club 13 Adam Coon NCVGMetropolis Steven Second at Tour de M~ Bruce Oliver 'Ilse 45+ race was aggressive from the gun, with NCVC represented in nearly every move. After numerous attacks and counter-attacks, I soloed away from the field on one of the rolling climbs about 8 miles in. With my team support behind, I found a strong rhythm and managed to get out of sight. At one point, I could just see one rider trying to bridge, but he never got close enough to slow down for. Eventually, the rough roads, wind and rolling hills, combined with an upcoming $50 prime line, took their toll — I was caught right after the prime line after about 15-18 solo miles. The attacks continued. Mario Steven soloed briefly. After he was caught, John made his strongest attack of the day and went clear of the field, without Patrick Gellineau,(Somerset) who had been his shadow all day. Darrell (Vruegdenhill)jumped up to John. Then Patrick made his move. Mario was half on and half off his wheel (screening me from the wheel), and I was on Mario's wheel. I yelled at Mario to take the wheel and we had a train following Patrick. Icould see that we were dragging the whole field up to the break, so I backed off gently, and cut Patrick and Mario loose (even though I knew I was probably giving the win to Patrick). They quickly joined the two already up the road. Chip Berezny(LWA)was at the front and frustrated. He couldn't get across himself (I was glued to him) and the field (with my assistance) refused to organize a chase. I wanted to get across in the worst way but, with two teammates in the break, I couldn't very well join the break unless someone gave me a ride. No one would, or could. At the finish, Patrick took the uphill sprint from Mario, and John, who is still suffering from fracturing his pelvis in December, really suffers when he tries to make quick accelerations (no shame involved). At the field sprint, I ran out of wheels to follow too early as people faded way too far from the line. I was forced to start my sprint eazlier than I would have liked and was passed by three riders. from page 5 of us get through it pretty much unscathed. Again, we can't get fed from the truck. This time, I drop back and back and back and back to our truck. Jose, our Dominican helper, hands me two bottles. I scream, "quatro! quatro!," (four, four) so I can get bottles for everyone. I'm only doing this once. As I start to work my way back to the field, someone at the front attacks, and picks up the pace to 30+ mph. It is a long, ugly jam to get back on. With about 30 km. to go, Matt is in h~ouble. He is sick and weak. I cnrise with him, giving him a reliable wheel to draft. As we get closer to the finish, our position near the back of the field seems to precarious, so I drag Matt up into a better position. That turns out to be a good thing because the field become single file for most of the time after we move up. Then, as we get within a few kilometers of the finish, the field accelerated to a shredding pace. Dave and Mazc managed to sneak a few second by being on the right side of a late split. Matt and I followed wheels and finished in the field, no real time lost. My rear wheel is rubbing against the brake again, but not like yesterday. I would prefer not to be doing this extra strength training. [to be continued] There were several reports of a comment overheard in the peleton, something like, "Here we travel all the way to North Carolina to race, and NCVC is STII.L controlling the field." 1. David Grice 2(tie)Roger Friend Masters 35+ Fuji Racing 3prinUPowerBaz 2(tie)Billy Pearlman Fuji Racing 4. Jeff Austin Bike Source S.lohn Allen Fuji Racing Masters 45+ 1. Patick Gellineau Somerset Wheelmen 2. Mario Steven NCVC 3. Danyl Vreugdentril Scott-BikeKyle 4. John Epting NCVC 5. Chip Berezny Bike Lim 6. Bobby Phillips Somerset Wheelmen 7. Richard Pfleiderer Snow Valley 8. Bruce Oliver NCVC 9. Christopher PlumerAllstars May, 1996 9 Volume XVII Number 2 Local Racin Local Racin Local Racin Local Racin Local Raci Poolesville old-guys were content to roll along for the first lap. At the start of the second of 71aps, a small breakaway rolled off the front. Most of the field shrugged it off, but it contained representatives from all the major teams, except FSVS. In the sweltering heat, the remaining ABRT/ Snow Valley and NCVC/Metropolis riders decided that a little blocking would slow the pace down, and make for cooler riding. In no time, the break had build a two minute lead, and the peloton was racing for sixth place. Ken Ha11(Whole Wheel VC)dropped his breakaway companions on the final climb to take the victory. In the Master 40+ race, NCVC hard-man John Epting displayed the form that won him the District 20 Master 40+ time trial the week before. With two Downington Bike riders off the front, he bridged to the first, who offered no help in chasing his teammate down. Lap after lap, Epting towed the rider closer to his teazrunate. The lawn-chair directeur sportifs at the finish line predicted disaster for NCVC--a two against one sprint seemed a likely outcome. Fortunately, no one told Epting that, and he caught and dropped the second Downington rider at the base of the final climb. Poolesville Road Race 5/19/96 Poolesville, MD Course: An 11.3km loop with one short stair step climb Category 1/2/3 901an $500/10 places 70 riders 1 Brian Szabos East Coasters 2 Mike Auger Tidewater Bicycle Assn 3 Doug Davies Chesapeake / Sisson's 4 Matt Bazkley DC Velo Club 5 Chris Schmidt Ultimate / Butrito Brothers 6 Chris Hardee Ultimaze / Buaito Brothers 7 Carey Steelman VC Baltimore Race Pace S Justin O'Malley Ultimate /Burrito Brothers 9 Chris Danaceau PRC/InterCon 10 Todd Roberts Beltway BC/Gold's Gym Category 4 681vn $250/8 places —40 riders 1 Doug Weeks MVG Bicycle Place 2 Ryan Fogg Team Aggress 3 Ramon Benitez VC Baltimore Race Pace 4 Mike Krotine Chevrolet/LA Shecriffs 5 John Riley Unattached 6 William Jackson Pilot 6 7 Brett Wilhelm Unlmown 8 Seth Turner Unione Sportiva Coppis Women 571an $105/5 places 13 riders 1 Sandra Sewazd PRC/InterCon 2 MaryBeth Cochran First State Velo Sport 3 Cory Mazshall-Bemis Fist State VS 4 Lori Stnuik First State Velo Sport 5 Marni Hazker Rock Creek Racers Ciry Bikes Master 40+ 681an $200/8 places 30 riders 1 John Epting NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 2 Bill Kinney BBC Downington Bike 3 Albert Bold BBC Downington Bike 4 Mario Steven NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 5 Cmegory Smith Ultimate Burrito Brothers 6 Reeves Taylor MVGBicycle Place 7 &ett Longer Fust State Velo Sport 8 Bruce Oliver NCVC Metropolis Bicycles Master 30+ 801an $30018 places 31 riders 1 Ken Hall Whole Wheel Velo Club 2 Bill Breslin Wooden Wheels 3 Brett Claze ABRT Snow Valley 4 Mazk Neff DC Velo Club 5 Ed Ayres NCVC Metropolis Bicycles 6 Paul Mittelstadt Twin Peaks 7 Ch. Houston NCVC Mehropolis Bicycles 8 Paul Loveme South Mountain Velo Club Category 5 571an —40 riders 1 Cazlo Fragiacomo Unattached 2 Jack Colcord Unattached 3 Paul Tyrrell Unattached 4 Greg Devilry Chameleon Club 5 Anthony Tammazro Unattached District 20 Time Trial Results Master 30+ 1 Wazson, Greg None 00:55:11 2 Claze, Brett Snow Valley 00:56:51 3 Breslin, Bill WWR 00:57:07 Master 35+ 1 Pazr, Brian Bicycle Place 00:55:32 2 Dovin, M. Snow Valley 00:5721 3 Schuette, R. None 00:58:10 Master 40+ 1 Thrasher, R. DC Velo Club 01:00:55 2 Brown, Kevin Chesapeake 01:01:21 3 Christian, M WWR 01:0135 5 Gallagher, G NCVC 01:03:10 6 Caldeira, Ed NCVC 01:03:10 Master 45+ 1 Epting, JohnNCVC 00:56:41 2 Olinger, R Bicycle Place 00:57:26 00:59:10 3 Finbloom, D. None 01:01:05 5 Lehhnan, Myron NCVC 01:03:55 9 Scanlon, Kerry NCVC 01:04:39 NCVC 10 Nye,Peter Master 50+ 00:58:10 WWR 1 Errickson, W 2 Chelucci, Jack F. 3 Phillips, Bobbie VJWR 00:59:50 00:59:58 Master 55+ NCVC 01:01:55 NC`VC 01:02:40 None 01:09:01 Master 60+ 1 Kjelleren, Donald FSVS 01:08.29 2 Swift, James Pax Velo 01:16:14 3 Betuends, Paul O. None 01:24:06 Senior 1/2/3 1 Foley, Skip Intercon 00:51:59 2 Walker, Simon Snow Valley 00:53:10 3 Wirsing, Jon Snow Valley 00:53:50 17 Cotton, Richard NCVC 00:58:30 00:59:57 24 Fritz, Jeffrey S. NCVC 01:01:58 31 C:oodwin, David NCVC Category 4/5 00:57:17 Pax Velo 1 Henry, W Burt Snow Valley 00:58:53 2 Mangum, Scott Team F~ctreme OQ:58:58 3 Nesbitt, D. Women 01:00:39 NCVC 1 Caldeira, Pat 1 Banta, Hank 2 Green, Bradford 3 Hancock, Roger 2 Gyory, Dana M. Snow Valley 3 Dudas, DeborahBike Doctor 01:00:45 01:01:23 1996 W Virginia US Olympic Trials Martinsburg Time Trial Women Length: 21.00 Miles From: [email protected] (A1 MacDonald) 46:44.97 1 Man Holden Vanwood 46:51.01 2 Rebecca Twigg USPS @6.04 3 Linda Bren~man Chevrolet/Klein 47:04.96 C~ 19.99 47:33.17 4 Alison DunlopVanwood @48.20 47:48.53 5 Kazen Kurreck Chevrolet/Klein @1:03.56 53:49.15 40 Pat Catdeita NCVC/Metropolis @7:04.18 1996 NCVC Membership List & 5/22/96 Address Rt 2, Box 175-B Pilot Mountain ,NC 921 N. Longfellow St Arlington ,Va 120 Center Dr. Bethesda ,MD 6460 32nd St, Nw Washington ,Dc 2725 Washington Ave Chevy Chase ,Md 305 E. Luray Ave Alexandria ,Va 15780 Bushy Park Rd Woodbine ,MD 4408 Leland St Chevy Chase ,Md 10037 Oakton Terrace Rd Oakton ,VA 9036 Saffron Lane Silver Spring ,Md Zip 27041 22205 20814 20015 20815 22301 21797 20815 22124 20901 (703) 538-4091 (301) 718 0857 (202)966-0898 (301)588-0184 (703)683 1188 (301)831-0111 (301)657-2908 703 281 1044 (301)588-2087 1814 Harewood Ln Crofton ,MD 21114 1814 Harewood Ln Crofton ,MD 21114 104-08 34th Ave Corona ,Ny 11368 2853 Ontario, N.W.#303 Washington ,Dc 20009 3023 Strathmeade St. Falls Church ,Va 22042 8112 Old Georgetown Rd Bethesda ,MD 20814 315 Madison St, N.W. Washington ,Dc 20011 19515 Smith Circle Ashburn ,Va 22011 5245 42nd St NW WASHINGTON ,DC 20015 2747 Unicorn Lane, N.W. Washington ,DC 20015 15106-A Frederick Rd #175 Rockville ,Md 20850 4103 Woodbine Chevy Chase ,Md 20815 3411 36th St NW Washington ,DC 20016 1945 Belmont Ridge Ct RESTON ,VA 22091 8029 Wellington Rd Alexandria ,VA 22308 2802 W. George Mason Dr Falls Church ,Va 22042 134-36 158th St Jamaica (Queens),Ny 11434 2325 42nd St, N.W. #303 Washington ,Dc 20007 1332 Wallach Place Washington ,Dc 20009 507 N Monroe St. Arlington ,VA 22201 3001 Park Center Dr #1011 Alexandria ,VA 22302 108 Granada Ave Anapolis ,Md 21401 6406 Connecticut NW #408 Washington ,DC20015 2363 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg ,Pa 17201 20310 Marketree Place Gaithersburg ,Md 20879 6506 Bellamine Court Mclean ,Va 22101 9708 Parkwood Drive Bethesda ,Md 20814 914 Saddleback Ct. Mclean ,Va 22102 (410) 721-4397 (410) 721-4397 (718)803-2683 (202)667-7451 (703)598-4387 (301) 718-2912 (202)882-2849 (703) 729-0910 (202)462-7842 (202) 364-6579 (301)977-8904 (301)656-1310 (202)966 3411 (703)264-5869 (703)660 9376 (703)536-2471 (718)341-2819 (202)965-8918 (202)232-5899 (202)778 9179 703 998 2362 (301)585-8157 (202)237 7283 (717)261-1739 (301)417-9408 (703)893-9533 (301)493-8343 (703) 790-5792 955 26th St. NW #207 Washington ,DC 18912 Marsh Hawk Lane Gaithersburg ,Md 4119 Illinois Ave, N.W. Washington ,Dc 7316 Allan Ave Falls Church ,Va 8403 Galveston Road Silver Spring ,Md 2930 Macomb St, N.W. Washington ,Dc 3821 Monte Vista Place Alexandria ,Va 1429 N. Astor St Milwaukee ,Wi (202) 338-0959 (301)869-7855 (202)829 5765 (703)698-9315 (301)565-8288 (703)739 5473 (703)799-8025 (414)224-7369 - Name Armstrong, Tracey Arnade, Tim Ayres, Edward J. Banta, Hank Barnett, Richard Bergen-Bartel, Solomon Black, Larry Bland, Cary Boucher, Timothy Butler Pelz, Michael Mary Caldeira, Edward Caldeira, Patricia Chong Tenn, Chris Cline, James P. Coon, Adam R. Cotton, Rick Dawkins, Shuaib Didier, Paul Dodge, Bob Epting, John Eshleman, Gary Flannery, Judith Frampton, Adam Fritz, JefF Gallagher, Gregory Goodwin, Jr, David N. Gordon, Aubrey Granade, Doug Greene, Dr. Bradford Harris, David Highberger, Dick Houston, Channing Jalali, Conrad Johnston, Dr. Brian Kelley, Thomas "T.J." Kenner, Robert P. Kleinrock, Jeff Laboudigue, Jean-Claude R. Lehtman, Myron S. Lenz, Paul Lewis, Gerald Luecke, William Marshall, Lauriston Matyas, Attila Mccormick, KEN Meany, David 20037 20879 20001 22046 20910 20008 22309 53202 Phone Miklosovich, Mark Monterosa, Rick Montgomery, Jim Nixon, Randall Nye, Esq., Peter Oliver, Bruce Palmer, Mark Pessotto, Alessandro Pinto, Mel Prehn, Thomas Putnam, Stephen Ramsey, Scott S. Read, Rev. Harry A. Cooke Reynolds, Peter H. Skillman, Keith Snyder, Thomas Stein, Richard M. Stevens, Peter &Barbara Storm, Brian T. Swan, Peter Symons, Colin Toledano, Joel Volberg, Frank Walsh, Jeanne M. Ward, Oliver Washington, Mason Washington, Tem Watts, Jeffrey P. Weil, Caroline Whitestone, David E. Whitney, Henry M. Williams, Mark Wilson, Scott Woodard, Kenneth Zeldin, Michael Zoeller, Mike 14504 Lloyd Ct Haymarket ,VA 934 Park Ave Herndon ,Va 1257 Wilshire Dr Herndon ,Va 2800 Rt. 32 Po Box 70 West Friendship ,Md 2301 S Jeff Davis Hwy #1129 Arlington ,VA 2006 Carriage Court Vienna ,Va 226 N. Edison St Arlington ,Va 5409 Nibud Ct Rockville ,MD P.O. Box 2198 Falls Church ,Va 442 Marine St Boulder ,Co PO Box 127 Thomas ,VW 1304 N. Taylor St Arlington ,Va 4004 N. Garland St. Alexandria ,Va 102 East Del Ray Ave Alexandria ,Va 300 E. Windsor Ave Alexandria ,Va 19914 Buhrstone Dr. Gaithersburg ,Md PO Box 12273 ARLINGTON ,VA 9412 Holbrook Lane Potomac ,Md 120 1/2 Fifth Ave Chambersburg ,Pa Usag, Attn: Library Fort Ritchie ,Md 20188 Braeton Bay Terr #2 Ashburn ,VA 1711 Massachusetts Ave #631 Washington ,DC 111 Pommander Walk Alexandria ,Va 8602 Woodland Manor Dr. Laurel ,Md 9501 49th Place College Park ,Md 8632 Vernon Ave Alexandria ,VA 1608 N. Cleveland St. Arlington ,VA 3284 South Utah St. Arlington ,VA 2725 Washington Ave Chevy Chase ,MD 7027 Spaniel Road Springfield ,VA 9158 Rothbury Dr, Rm 119 Gaithersburg ,MD 419 E King St Shippensburg ,PA 83436 Montgomery Run Rd Ellicott City ,MD 3701 Massachusetts NW #603 Washington ,DC 3131 Tennyson St., N.W. Washington ,DC 3901 Conn. Ave, NW #505 Washington ,DC 22069 22070 22070 21794 22202 22181 22203 20852 22042 80302 26292 22201 22304 22301 22301 20879 22209 20854 17201 21719 22011 20036 22314 20724 20840 22309 22201 22206 20815 22153 20879 17257 21043 20016 20015 20008 (703)481-151 (703)471-765 (410)442-219 (703)418-171 (703) 319-963 (703) 522-832 (301)493-925 (703)534-258 (303)473-000 304 463 469 (703)276-667 (703) 370-665 (703)683-442 (703)836-808 (301)963-248 (703) 280-463 WK(202)523-121 (717)261-049 (717) 765-496 703 729 133 202 797 048 (703)548-608 (301)490-593 (301)474-323 (703) 799-127 (703)243-750 (703) 379-705 (301)588 018 (703)644-086 (717)530-956 (410)461-405 (202) 364 521 (202)686-354 (202) 244-233 ~ ~,, P ■ V ~ V ` C ~ P1"'OLI~ t0 SpOl?,~S01"' The Re~n's Best Cyclists A Partnership For The 90's ;APITOL HILL•709 8th St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003•(202)543-8900 3NIRLINGTON •4056 S. 281h Street, Arlington, VA 22206•(703)671-1700 9t~OZZ dA `u~~Tnu~ Sll~d and u~iiH 9I ~L uotsiniQ a~to~ ojan qn~ oian je~id~~ ~uor~~N Ana d6~~r~ ~n~ w~o~ /n~e/aN I/V 'dw~6q r~o~ ~ro~.sna~ op wi ~~ ~~ nia
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