V E L O V O I C E A JOURNAL OF BICYCIH RACING IN THE NATION'S CAPITAL RACER'S WORLD L %. A meeting of the race team will be held at the National Park Headquaters Building at Hains Point Park on April 12, at 7:45 PM. He will be speaking about several race strategies including effective blocking techniques and leading out. And, the A&B team will be named. To be considered for the team, you need first to join NCVC. Then you should submit a resume to Mike Butler(636 Huston Avenue, Box 106, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912). If you are not among the top 3 wheelie award winners, you need to write Mike a letter describing your strengths and weaknesses and tell him why you should be on the team. He's also willing to listen to your ideas and you can call him at 588-2087. Mike also sent VeloVoice a copy of his'year end memo to Ken Jacobson. Here are the highlights. The team entered 367 races and came in the top ten places in 169 races; in the top five in 126, and in the top 3 in 89 races. And there were 37 first place finishes. Paul Didier won the Masters men's Criterium champion and Chris Bodycome and Mike Dirian won the senior men's tandem track sprints silver medal. Gunter Thomas and Paul Swinand scored in the 11th Masters men's road race and the 13th Junior men's road race, respectively. There are many people to be proud of at the District level. Mary Pelz, Mike Kennedy, Mike Pug, and THE BIG WHEELIE Spring and a new season are here and I do hope that 1985 will be full of success for you and thus the club. Well, let's see what has been going on this winter? The Banquet. It was o.k.; the food was great and that Ken McCormick can cook. Most of the awards recipients weren't there: two I know have moved to New England, one was visiting his home in Guyana, another left an hour earlier to go skiing, and the rest I don't know about. But those who attended had a good time. Here's the news among the racers. Mike Kennedy is still debating the extent of his commitment to racing this year. Mary Pelz is planning to go to Florida and Texas this year, and she made a contact with someone who was interested in sponsorship. No promises but she—with help from hubby Mike Butler—has submitted a proposal to National Tyres. In the meantime, Mike B. was asked by another interested party and also one of NCVC's sponsors to find out what it had cost riders to race during 1984. He got in touch with ten NCVC racers and five non-NCVC racers. Now guess how many replied and then guess how many were from NCVC. Give up? The answers are none and five, not one, that's right not one NCVC member bothered to reply, unless you count exNCVC member Gunther Thomas, who is now an associate. Now tell me what is the incentive to help out or what? But he was so Pi, I mean Teed off that he was talking about and I quote, no I'd better not, let's just say he was upset. If all the races and tours planned come off, this will be quite an exciting year. In Maryland, the District championships are scheduled for June 3 thru 16. The tracks will be scheduled for a date before June 3rd, so that we can have a rain date, and we hope it does not clash with a major race. Congrats to the Blacks, that is Larry, Linda, and David—there is a baby girl in the family. Oh! the rumour mill has it that Shawn Dowling is back with his old club, Chesapeake Wheelman, and that they are soliciting for a support team to back him up. How about the attention cycling received due to that blood doping stuff. Rebecca Twigg, Oh no! not Becky; I know a lot of folks were crushed by that news, "anybody but Rebecca." Just goes to show you...Oh!, I'd like to invite our many new friends and organizers, well not exactly new, but here's an invitation to submit your race schedule to our newsletter, since you guys stole all our races we're not able to put on a training race series or otherwise. I'm only kidding; you guys didn't really steal anything, but please use our newsletter to promote races. I also heard something about a criterium circuit VELOVOICE ^ Velovoice is the monthly newsletter of NCVC, Inc., a non— profit educational and service organization supported by memberships, program fees and contributions. A subscription to Velovoice is included with membership. Velovoice welcomes articles, photographs, and letters. Velovoice is edited by: Richard Moss 3102 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20010 202-462-1045 ADVERTISING RATES Velovoice circulates to more than 200 bicycle racers and enthusiasts in the Washington, DC area. Classified advertisements in Velovoice cost $5.00 for three lines, approximately 15 words. Members of NCVC may advertise personal bicycling articles without charge. Display advertising costs $15 per quarter page; $27.50 per half page; and $50.00 per full page. Advertising copy must be received by the 15th of the month. SPONSORS Velovoice serves the National Capital Velo Club. The club's sponsors are Metropolis Bike and Scooter, Mel Pinto Imports, Bianchi and Castelli. The The Huffman press prints VeloVoice and supports its production costs NCVC OFFICERS President: Ken Jacobson 996-6585 V.P: Gunter Thomas 365-5631 Secretary: Tim Lung 739-6220 Treas.: K. McCormick 725-7078 Membership: Leon Moore 946-2985 Team Dir.: M. Butler 588-2087 VA Rider Rep.: T. Mattes 689-0293 MD Rider Rep.: F. Kelly 588-9024 NCO Chair: Don Carrick 588-4337 JOIN NCVC! RENEW FOR NEXT SEASON! N«TICJNPH_ CfiPITftL VELO CL PO BOX 14004, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STATION, WASHINGTON, DC 2CC04 * • • 1985 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION N C V C New Regular_ $15.00 Family $20,001 Associate_ $15.0 Renewal An Associate nember «ay participate in all Club a tivities to the extent allowed in USCF rules, but nay not repr sent the Club in USCF open races. PLEASE PRINT NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONEJ BIRTH DATE USCF LICENSE * CLASS CATEGORY USCF OFFICIALS LICENSE I CATEGORY I recognize that I say be called upon to assist with Club activ ties and an willing to help in the following areas: ROAD GUARD RACE OFFICIATING RACE PROMOTING TELEPHONING NEWSLETTER ORGANIZE CLUB RIDES HOUSING FOR RIDERS TRANSPORTATION TO RACES In consideration of the acceptance of sty application for sembe ship, I hereby agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws the NATIONAL CAPITAL VELO CLUB, INC., and hereby waive, releas and forever discharge any and all right and claims for person injury or property damage I nay have against said club or any its officers, while participating in any activity sponsored said Club. SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN Nail check, payable to NCVC INC., and application to: Leon Moore 4012 Wexford Dr. Kensington, MD 20895 CLUB SPONSORS :: BIANCHI BICYCLES :: CASTELLI CLOTHING :: KEL PINTO IMPORTS : :: METROPOLIS BIKE AND SCOOTER :: RACERS WORLD Mike Zoeller took golds a: silvers among the seniors, ima the Juniors, Phillip Hense Joey Wilson, and Reon Fogg to either golds, silvers, < bronzes. And at the Masters Pai Didier and Gunter Thomas eai earned a gold. EQUIPMENT and a very fast time at the District T T. 4) Greg Swinand- 126 pts. He has come of age this year to spearhead the strongest Jr. team on the East Coast. He gave NCVC its first victory of 1984. 3) Mary Pelz- 133 pts. The reigning gueen of MD/DE racers, took to the track this year and had a very impressive season. 2) Paul Swinand- 148 pts. The other twin, who ended the year in grand style in his new home state. He went from 8th place in July to 2nd overall. 1) Mike Pugh-224 pts. This area's most talented young racer, was without a doubt the most impressive NCVC racer this year, with 76 points over the second place finisher, scoring both on the road and the track. K E E P I N G FIT A n u m b e r o f NCVC m e m b e r s have e x p r e s s e d i n t e r e s t i n leading rides for club. B e g i n n i n g F e b r u a r y 1 NCVC will h a v e a HOTLINE for weekend r i d e s . A n y o n e who wants to lead a ride s h o u l d c a l l 301 946 2985 b y 6 PM o n F r i d a y before the r i d e and l e a v e a m e s sage g i v i n g the r i d e l e a d e r ' s name, phone, starting time, s t a r t i n g place, dist a n c e a n d mph p a c e . For starting places use the PPTC R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l , a b i k e s h o p , or e x p e c t t o be c a l l e d for d i r e c t i o n s . Aft e r 8 PM o n F r i d a y s a 1 5 t o 20 s e c o n d t a p e o n 3 0 1 946 2 9 8 5 will list rides on S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y . Leon Moore A n u m b e r of l e t t e r s have appeared in B r i t i s h cycl i n g m a g a z i n e s from reade r s who h a v e h a d cranks break. A n u m b e r of t h e s e readers had the crank break at the pedal. These l e t t e r s appeared both in CYCLING ( J u n e - J u l y ) a n d i n CYCLING WORLD ( A u g u s t 8 4 ) . The e d i t o r s of CYCLING WORLD a n d b u i l d e r s Ron K i t c h i n g and H o l d s w o r t h y a t t r i b u t e may of t h e p e d a l b r e a k s to t h e a b s e n c e of t h o s e t h i n TA p e d a l w a s h e r s b e t w e e n t h e p e d a l and crank. All interviewed seem t o a g r e e t h a t this t h i n s t e e l w a s h e r h a s an i m p o r t a n t r o l e to play in ' p r e v e n t i o n of s c o r i n g a n d subsequent stress patterns'. They q u o t e one e x - T o u r de F r a n c e p r o f e s s i o n a l who c l a i m s t o h a v e b r o k e n 15 c r a n k s in his lifetime. This pro c l a i m s not to have had a f a i l u r e on a c r a n k ' f i t t e d with p e d a l w a s h e r s from when i t was n e w ' . The English seem to believe these washers are important. On t h e o t h e r end of the crank the English e d i t o r s believe that breakage here i s p r i m a r l y due to o v e r t i g h t i n g of t h e s t e e l b o l t a g a i n s t a b r i t t l e aluminum crank arm. The e d i t o r s of CYCLING WORLD c l a i m t h e TA crank bolt tool is useful because its short length prevents overtighting that s e t s up u n n e s s a r y stresses. IN T H E C L U B S All racers are invited to the NCVC Spring Championship on Sunday April 14, 1985 at 10:00. The first event at 11 will be a time trial, followed at noon by A, B and citizens races. At 2:00 PM there will races for children and youth. These races are sponsored by NCVC, the NBS Bicycle Club, and the Montgomery Recreation Department. Lisa Cooper will provide a map to the race site at the Bureau of Standards if you send her a SASE and note to 14904 Talking Rock Court, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20807. WABA is holding its annual Bike-A— Thon and NCVC members are welcome to participate. The event is a fund— raiser for the <n American Cancer society, and it puts bikers in a good light with the community. Ellen Jones is co-ordinating the event for WABA. She says individuals need to find sponsors who will make a donation to the society. Ms. Jones Can answer questions at 393-2556. Oh, there's a prize for the person or team who raises the most money for the American Cancer Society. FROM THE EDITOR dollars, and better chances at sponsor-ships. Try bringing in new members, and there may be a set of training tires for you, if you pull in more than anyone else in a single month. Talk to the folks on ATB's and the tri— athletes too. The National Capital Open is only a few weeks off and I'm certain that Don Carrick is gearing up for the event. He can use help from all of us and each club member can play a role. Don's number is 588-4337. Along with the Open, the folks at Metropolis and Mel Pinto are organizing training clinics. The last word was that one of the technical support people from Campy would be here for the clinics. It's a good time to stop in at our club sponsor's shops and find out more about the event. While Kenny has been in New Zealand, the Tuesday night group has been watching over routine club business and thinking about the future of the NCVC. Lot's of ideas floating around, from various kinds of mergers(a topic no one really wants to pursue too much) to aggressive membership drives. More members mean more The Wheelie being built in Baltimore, with lights for night racing and all. Your Prez is spending the 1st quarter in New Zealand again this year and a very ad-hoc executive committee is planning for the NCO and training clinics and lots of promotion so people in DC will know about NCVC. For the rest of you, until next time, keep pushing on those weights, riding that fixed gear and dreaminq of the 1985 season. LETTERS Garry Rumbaugh, our District 15 Representative, is looking into the formation of a District 15 or State Bicycle Association a la the one in Colarado....He also spoke of a commitment from Baltimore city officials to build a one mile criterium course with banked turns, inner loops and night lights. From me—a big thank you with much appreciation to everyone who helped in 1984. Especially my friends and riders who helped sharpen my senses, and to Jim Montgomery for his ever present examples. I thank Fred and Ned of Alpine Cycles who were there when I needed them most. I am am grateful to our sponsors Mel Pinto and Metropolis, who provided support in 1984. To all I wish a successful year, and a as they say in France, "Aloha" Gunther F. Thomas ^ W B ffl m THE C H O I C E OF C H A M P I O N S W H O DEMAND PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE. B E C A U S E . . . NO OTHER FRAME IS BUILT .tf^k. QUITE LIKE AN ALAN. A v a i l a b l e at: s^ Bicycle Pro S h o p 3413 M St. MW... The Bike Shop At Key Bridge Bicycle Village 2860 Annandale Rd. Falls Church. Va. 22042 3 3 7 - 0 3 1 1 5 3 4 - 7 3 7 0 WINNERS < , A record crowd at the club banquet Dec. 8, was treated to good food, plentiful beer and the presentation of awards to the sponsors, top racers and the volunteers who are the backbone of the club. Thanks to Larry Black and Mike Butler for running the program, and Ken McCormick for the setting up and cleaning up arrangements. Most importantly, the banquet gave the club and especially the racing team an opportunity to show their appreciation to the sponsors: Mel Pinto Imports who was represented by Mrs. Pinto and Tod Craven, and Metropolis Bike and Scooter. The banquet was concluded with videotapes showings of the NCOand previously televised coverage of international races. Following is a list of the awards given: Presenter-Chris Bodycombe, Silver Medalist at the Track Nationals: 1) The Touarts; for a job well done in being the main link of communication, by producing the Velo Voice, with much help from Shawn Brooks. 2) Leon Moore; for an outstanding job as membership secretary for the past 2 years. Presenter- Mike Pugh;the best racer in 1984 from D.C./VA. 3) Adams Bike Shop; for sponsoring the Shady Grove Training Races. 4) Potomac Peddlers; for thi' promotion of the monthly time trials from which NCVC benefits. Presenter- Mary Pelz, won every title at the 1984 MD/DE District Championships. 5) Lisa Cooper-first year NCVC member who, from the beginning asked "What can I do for the club ?" Lisa ended up promoting the messengers race at the NCO and was responsible Scor Shady Grove's Sponsorship and played a very important role in the promoting of the training races. 6) Ken McCormick-For being Ken McCormick, in running Shady Grove, Montgomery County Citizens Races, last year and this year's banquet. Presenter-Phillipe Hensel, MD/DE Time Trial Junior Champion. 7) Don Carrick-Mr. NCO, for the promotion of the NCO. 8) Ken Jacobson-For obtaining the biggest sponsorship package ever for NCVC. 9) Mel Pinto Imports- *• For continuous support of NCVC and the sport of cycling by sponsoring not only the club but NCO. 10) Metropolis Bike and Scooter-For their second year of sponsoring NCVC. Wheelie Cup Awards Presenter-Jim Montgomery, Nation's outstanding Veteran Racer. Most Improved-Joe Wilson. Last year he could not stay on the bike to finish a race. This year, riding half a season in the U.S. and half in Italy, he managed to finish 12th in the Wheelie Standings with 44 points, which included a very impress win at the Tour de Moor and a Silver Medal at t District Championships. Top Ten : 10) Aubrey Gordon-55 pt Impressive at the track both Trexlertown PA and Kessina NY. First NCVC member to compete in th Olympics. 10) Phillipe Hensel- 55 A very talented racer, competing his first ful year, he retained his t as Jr. T T Champion and a Bronze in the Road Ra 9) Chris Hoven-60 pts. Did most of his racing < Jr. Worlds Trials and Training Camp and some ! Races. 8) Shawn Downing-73 pts. First year as Cat. II, he came on strong towarc the end of the season t< finish in the top 3 in some important races. 7) Paul Didier-77 pts. Brought pride to the cli as the National Criterii Champion and Virginia Road Champion in his agi category. 6) Mike Kennedy- 94 pts The best all around rid in MD/DE, Track Champio: and silver in the Road and T T. Along with Mik he dominated racing on Tuesday Nights at the track. 5; Gunther Thomas-yb pt Gunther was so impressi last year that he was recruited by the strong est Vet. team in the U. this year. He had sever wins in the Master Cat. Century Road Club of America Road Race Morristown , NJ $200. Sr. 3 G 4 f. Runn c/o Kopp's Cycle 4 3 Witherspoon So. Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 924-1052 April 14 Commonwealth Cycle Sport Classic Triangle, VA $2,000. All Classes Den Williams 14701 Darbydale Ave. Woodbridge, VA 22193 (703) 670-2665 April 19 & 20 Flex-Bon Classic Ft. Myers, FL $5,000. All Cla asses Ed Benjamin 1941 Courtney Dr. Ft. Myers, FL 33901 (813) 936-1771 April 20 Dilworth Natural Light Criterium Charlotte, NC $1,025. All Classes Pete Heyd 1G52 Dilworth Rd - W Charlotte, NC 28203 April 20 3rd Annual Newark Bicycle Classic Newark, DE $2,500. A H Classes Eric Conrad P.O. Box 9583 Newark, DE 19714 (302) 453-9326 April 21. Durham Downtown Criterium Durham, NC $2,000. All Classes April 2I Coca-Cola Cycling Classic Plymouth, MA $1,000. All Classes Donna Rogers 218 Dacian Ave. Durham, NC 27701 (919) 632-8222 Bill Sykes 48 Sandwich St. Plymouth, MA 02360 (617) 746-4554 May 4 Century Road Club of America Road Race Morristown, NJ $200. Sr. II & III F. Kuhn c/o Kopp's Cycle 43 Witherspoon So. (609) 924-1052 May 4 3rd Southeastern Norfolk, VA United States Cycling Championship All Classes Peter Teeuwen 1339 Graydon Ave. Norfolk, VA 23507 (804) 625-2749 A 1 14 $3,500. RACES April 21 Miayata Challenge 2 Man Time Trial 100 mile Stockton, NJ April 21 Cyclone St. Petersburg, FL April 21 1985 Cosmic Spring Time Trial. Series Lancaster, PA April 21 National Capital Open (NCO) April 26 $100. All Classes Merchandise Trophy F. Kuhn c/o Kopp's Cycle 43 Witherspoon So. Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 924-1052 All Classes Bill Humphries c/o Whirlwing Production Box 76297 St. Petersburg, FL 33734 $100. All Classes Penn B. Glazier 625 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-1023 Washington, D.C. $10,000. All Classes National Capital Velo CI Don Carrick, NCO Chairma 413 Hamilton Ave. Silver Springs, MD 20901 (301) 588-4337 Coors Pro-Am Bicycle Classic Charlotte, NC $3,000- Pro-Am I & II Brenda Paul 11420 Kingfisher Dr. Pineville, NC 28134 (704) 541-0773 April 27 Tour De Moore Road Race Southern Pines, NC $4,000. All Classes Bruce Cunningham 1165 E. Massachusetts Av Southern Pines, NC 28387 (919) 692-7315 April 21 Cosmic Spring Time Trial Series Lancaster, PA $100. All Classes Penn B, Glazier 625 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-1023 Anri 1 1 "? POP n»p> fnnrs Flnrftnnfi. SP sssn. ai i ri anc«c May 5 2nd Greenbrier Mall Classic Chesapeake, VA May 5 Tour of Flemington Flemington, NJ May 7 Time Trial Series Raritan, NJ May 10-12 Pepsi Twilight Criterium Athens, GA May 10-12 Jocelyn Lovell Stage Race May 10 $1,500. $2,000. All Classes Peter Teeuwen 13 39 Graydon Ave. Norfolk, VA 2 3 507 (804) 625-2749 All Classes Lloyd Rake RD |2, Box 5 Kedsland Avenue Titusville, NJ 08560 All Classes Joe Saling 44 North Ave. Bridgewater, NJ 08807 $10,000. All Classes Gene Dixon 257 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601 (404) 353-8356 Somerville, NJ Donation to Lovell Fund All Classes F. Kuhn c/'c Kopp'u Cycle 43 Witherspoon Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 924-1052 Old Hampton Criterium Bicycle Race Hampton, VA $2,000. All Classes Edward Long, Jr . 233 Chickamauga Pike Hampton, VA 23669 (804) 851-7658 May 11 Ladies Day Somerset County, NJ Woman A s B Steve Payne 9 Stanford Dr. , 2A Bridgewater, NJ 08807 May 11 Beach Criterium Virginia Beach, VA $7,500. All Classes David Puckett 940 Gates Ave. C-5 Norfolk, VA 23517 (804) 625-5226 May 12 Cosmic Spring Time Trial Series Lancaster, PA $100. All Classes Penn B. Glazier 625 W. Chestnut St. Lancaster, PA 17603 (717) 291-1023 May 1.2 Ghent Criterium Norfolk, VA (7-Rlpupn fun Series! $7,500. All Classes Peter Teeuwen 1984 OFFICIAL S P O N S O R SPONSOR SPONSOR M E T W W O U S B E L L S I D I C I N E L L I R O S S I N S H I M A N O B I A N C H I D E S C E N T E C A S T E L L I C A M P A G N O L O PLUS M A N Y O T H E R N A M E B R A N D S S P E C I A L I Z E D B e f o r e Y o u B u y A n y w h e r e Else Give Us a C h a n c e t o Help Y o u w i t h Y o u r Cycling N e e d s . Call A b o u t O u r PPTC " M e m b e r M o n t h l y S p e c i a l s " METROPOLIS W o u l d Like t o B e Y o u r C o m p l e t e C y c l i n g S h o p . W e Can Fit Y o u F r o m H e a d t o T o e a n d W h e e l t o W h e e l . 719 8th Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 2Vi Blocks from Eastern Market Metro Station 5 4 3 - 8 9 0 0 O N CAPITOL HILL METROPOLIS SPECIALS FOR NCVC MEMBERS Puch Starleicht, 59cm with Shimano Durace thru out, Reynold 531 frame and fork USUAL PRICE NCVC MEMBER PRICE $1199 $750 Bianchi Super Leggera, 55cm and 57cm Campy SR reduced, Pantograhped, Cloumbus SL/SP frame $1595 $1295 Rossin 56cm(c-c) Columbus SL Road frame, chrome fork, and right stay $489 $370 Bianchi Pro 58cm(c-top) Ishiwata DB thruout, short WB, tight criterium and road $299 $240 Campy Nuovo Record Brakeset Campy Nuovo Record Hubset 36°, 6 speed Sidi Shoes C a t e y e Solar Cyclo-Computer Pro Jerseys NCVC Team Clothing in stock $90 $60 $62 $52 25% off Sale for in-stock items and NCVC Members Only a D i O A O i a A •> VELOVOICE 3102 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20010 FIRST CUSS MAIL 1° » . - P ^
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