2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships 17


2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships 17
2015 Australian Gymnastics
17 - 30 May
Hisense Arena, Melbourne Park
Bulletin #3 – March
Accreditation Collection .......................................................................................... 3
Anti-Match Fixing Policy.......................................................................................... 3
Coaches .................................................................................................................... 4
Communications ...................................................................................................... 5
Competition: Entries - Provisional.......................................................................... 6
Competition Equipment ........................................................................................... 6
Competition: Provisional Schedule ........................................................................ 6
Competition: Venue ................................................................................................. 7
Closing Parties ......................................................................................................... 8
Event T-shirt ........................................................................................................... 10
Event Tickets .......................................................................................................... 11
Meetings.................................................................................................................. 12
Medical .................................................................................................................... 14
Medal Engraving..................................................................................................... 15
Merchandise ........................................................................................................... 16
Music Submission Guidelines .............................................................................. 17
Photography ........................................................................................................... 19
School Bookings .................................................................................................... 20
Storage .................................................................................................................... 20
Training: Podium .................................................................................................... 21
Training: Venue and Schedule .............................................................................. 21
Trampoline Spotters Course ................................................................................. 21
Volunteers............................................................................................................... 22
Vendors ................................................................................................................... 23
MAG Information .................................................................................................... 24
WAG Information .................................................................................................... 24
RG Information ....................................................................................................... 25
Event T-shirt Order Form ....................................................................................... 26
Accreditation Collection From .............................................................................. 27
Farewell Breakfast Tickets – MAG & WAG ........................................................... 30
Closing Party Tickets – RG, TRP & ACR .............................................................. 31
What’s next? ........................................................................................................... 32
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................... 32
Accreditation Collection
Accreditation must be worn AT ALL TIMES to ensure access to training venues, the
competition floor, ceremonies and social events. Lost accreditations are to be
reported to the championships office immediately. Replacement accreditations can
be arranged and will be issued at a cost of $20.
Each state is required to allocate a time to collect their accreditations, pre-ordered
event t-shirts, closing party tickets and athlete gifts from the championship office.
Please find attached an accreditation collection form. This form is to be returned to
Renata Perini with definitive entries on Wednesday 15th April. The collection
schedule will be sent out to all states at the beginning of May. A reminder, first come
first served.
Anti-Match Fixing Policy
All competitors and officials are bound by the Gymnastics Australia Anti-Match Fixing
Policy. Any competitor or official infringing this policy, or refusing to cooperate with
investigations will be disqualified and subject to any sanction(s) brought down by
government authorities.
As a result of the implementation of the policy, all officials involved in the 2015
Australian Championships are required to complete the National Integrity of Sport
Unit’s Education Program to ensure they are aware of responsible behaviour in
relation to sports integrity issues including sports betting.
The Education Program is accessible from the Department of Regional Australia,
Local Government, Arts and Sport website, through the following link:
To access the program:
1. Click on the link above
2. Select the ‘Get Started’ option on the front page
3. Create an account - Don’t forget to allocate ‘gymnastics’ as your chosen sport
4. You can now start the course!
It is important to note that initially participants will only be able to see the first
module, with each subsequent model becoming visible once the current module is
complete. It is essential that you correctly complete the creation of a new account to
ensure Gymnastics Australia can track who has completed the program by allocating
gymnastics as your chosen sport. On completion please forward a copy of the
email you receive to [email protected]
It is a condition of entry and participation in Gymnastics Australia events that
competitors and officials and any support personnel agree to abide by the GA AntiMatch fixing policy, the Drugs policy and GA’s integrity guidelines which may be
found on line at www.gymnastics.org.au/aboutus
Ceremonies and Functions
More details for the event ceremonies and functions will be confirmed in later editions of
the Bulletin. Planning is currently underway for the following:
Opening ceremony – Monday 18 May, before session 1 begins
All week 1 and 2 athletes will be invited to be a part of the opening ceremony
Awards ceremonies
o Friday 22 May
o Friday 29 May
Week 1 Closing Party, Venue TBC
o MAG Breakfast – Saturday 23 May
o WAG Breakfast – Sunday 24 May
Week 2 Closing Party – Saturday 30 May
Opening Ceremony
An official opening ceremony will be held on Monday 18th May. All week 1 and week 2, if
they are available, athletes are invited to be a part of the ceremony. Further details will
be in the April bulletin. The athletes will be required to be wearing the State Tracksuit.
Men’s & Women’s Artistic
Due to the participation of multiple Gymsports during each session of the competition
there will be limited seating available for coaches. Each team will have seating
available for 2 coaches. Additional coaches may assist with preparation of
equipment but must move off the competition floor once this is completed. We ask
everyone’s assistance in this area as we need to ensure that the competition area is
kept as clear as possible, to ensure the safety and free movement of athletes.
Gymnastics Australia takes great pleasure in providing this information to assist you in
preparing your team for the 2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships.
Championships bulletins will be issued monthly in the lead up to the competition and will
be supplemented by news releases as required. Should you have any questions
regarding the event, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do all that we can
to assist.
Level 2
375 Albert Road
Albert Park
Victoria 3206
03 8698 9714
03 8698 9799
[email protected]
The team at Gymnastics Australia wishes you all the best for your preparations and
state competition seasons. You have our assurance that we are committed to
providing you with a high quality event that will be a memorable and worthwhile part
of your gymnastics journey.
NEW Championship Office Number:
0417 470 808
Competition: Entries
Gymnastics Australia will be accepting competition entries in accordance with the
National Events Entry Policy. The updated policy will be made available publically
available shortly through the Gymnastics Australia website.
Entry closing dates:
Provisional Entry Closing Date:
Definitive Entry Closing Date:
Wednesday 18 March 2015
Wednesday 15 April 2015
Event Entry costs (GA registered athlete members):
Provisional Entry Fee
$20.00 (per individual)
Definitive Entry Fee
$145.00 (per individual)
Total Entry Fee
$165.00 (per individual)
Extra Divisions
$33.00 (per individual Rhythmic & Trampoline)
Competition: Entries - Provisional
Provisional entries for the Australian Gymnastics Championships are due on
Wednesday 18 March 2015. All provisional entries are to be processed through
Gymnastics Online. Manual entries will not be accepted.
All provisional entries need to be submitted in accordance with the standard GA
processes, National Events Entry Policy and relevant Technical Regulations Part B.
Please ensure that when you submit event entries you are logged in as a state
Payment for the provisional entries will also be processed by Gymnastics Online.
One of the following credit cards will be required for processing the entries:
MasterCard or Visa. A confirmation email will be set to you immediately after the
entries have been processed to confirm payment. At the same time, GA will receive
an email advice that your State has completed the provisional entries. GA will
forward Tax Invoices to State Associations after the close of entries
Competition Equipment
The competition equipment suppliers have been finalised. At the 2015 Australian
Gymnastics Championships the equipment will be supplied by Janssen-Fritsen and
Competition: Provisional Schedule
The draft competition schedule is now available via the competition web page.
http://ausgymnasticschamps.com.au/schedule/ The event runs over two weeks –
from Monday 18 May to Saturday 30 May. These dates are inclusive of training,
competition, awards ceremonies, technical forums and social functions.
Please note changes to the schedule may occur therefore continue to check the
event website for the most up to date version. There have been some amendments
to the schedule since the last Bulletin.
Competition: Venue
The Hisense Arena located in the beautiful Melbourne and Olympic Parks prescient
is the Competition and Training Venue for the 2015 Australian Gymnastics
Hisense Arena,
Melbourne & Olympic Parks
Olympic Boulevard, Melbourne
Holding over 1600 spectators and encompassing a competition hall and a training
hall the venue is one of the World’s premier sporting venue.
Public Transport
Getting to Hisense Arena at Melbourne Park is easy. Public transport is the quickest
way to get to and from the venue.
Train stations within easy walking distance Train stations within easy walking
distance – Richmond, Jolimont, Flinders Street
Tram s topping at Hisense Arena (stop 7B) – Tram 70 (Wattle Park)
Bus routes with stops within easy walking distance
 Bus 605 (City – Gardenvale) stops on Olympic Boulevard;
 Bus 246 (Latrobe Uni – Elsternwick Station) stops at cnr Olympic Boulevard
and Punt Road
For more information including timetables, fares and maps visit Public Transport
Victoria or call 1800 800 007
Closing Parties
Week 1 Breakfast
Two Breakfasts will be held this year for all week 1 athletes. Tickets will be $35 each
and will include a full buffet breakfast. The venue is still TBC and will be announced
in the April bulletin. The breakfasts will run from 8:00 – 11:00am
o MAG Saturday 23 May
o WAG Sunday 24 May
States must complete the booking form and return it by 1 May 2015 to
[email protected].
Week 2 Closing Party
This year the closing party will be Glow in the Dark themed! The closing party will
be held on Saturday 30 May from 8:00 – 11:00pm in the Eastern Lounge at Hisense
Arena. Tickets are $35 each. Please see attached ticket form. Finger food and drinks
will be provided. Please not that this is a drug and alcohol free event. States must
complete the booking form and return it by 1 May 2015 to
[email protected]
Glow in the dark items will be available for purchase from the GA stand in the main
foyer during the championships. Items that will be for sale include;
Wrist bands
Body Paint
Dates to Remember
Here are some important dates to remember and lock into your calendar:
Provisional Entry
Definitive Entry
T-Shirt Order Form
Music Submission
MAG/WAG Farewell Breakfast
RG, TRP & ACR Closing Party
Accreditation Pick Up Form
Wednesday 18 March
Wednesday 15 April
Friday 17 April
Friday 17 April
Friday 1 May
Friday 1 May
Event T-shirt
Gymnastics Australia is offering a 2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships event
t-shirt. They will be available through pre-order and will be given to states when they
collect their accreditations at Nationals. Please see below for a mock-up of how the
t-shirt will look. As we are printing all athletes’ names onto the back, we will be taking
the names from the definitive entries only. Any changes after this date cannot be
made. Please find the order form attached. Please check with your state as to
whether they are placing a group order, if they are not, you can place an individual
Event Tickets
As a valued member of Gymnastics Australia we are delighted to offer all clubs
access to discounted tickets to the 2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships. You
are encouraged to sell tickets to members, family and friends of your club and make
a group booking through our website. There are also club rewards including online
training sessions for clubs who purchase 30+ tickets, the more tickets you book the
more rewards you can receive.
Clubs will have access to a special booking system accessed through
Clubs will receive more information about rewards and the booking process shortly.
Please contact your club for special club discount tickets. General public tickets will
be on sale from 1 April.
Monday 18th May will be a free sessions. Everyone is welcome to join us for the
opening ceremony prior to session 1.
Public Ticketek Price
Premium Session
$ 90.00
1 Day Pass
General Admission
Monday 18 (as only 1 session)
General Admission +
Premium Sessions
General Admission
General Admission
General Admission
Week 1 Pass
General Admission
Week 2 Pass
General Admission
Super Saturday (23 May)
Double Header Saturday (two
sessions - 17 & 18)
Sunday 24 (as only 1 session session 17)
2 Day Pass
Premium Sessions:
Wednesday 20 May
Friday 22 May
Saturday 23 May
Sunday 24 May
Friday 29 May
Session 7
Session 13
Session 15
Session 18
Session 29
2:2 or 1:3
Sunday 17 May
Monday 18 May
1:00 – 2:00pm
Meeting Type
Advanced Silver Judges Course (exam to
take place on the morning of Monday 18th)
MAG Open Forum - All interested individuals
for MAG may attend
Sunday 17 May
Monday 18 May
4:00 – 7:00pm
11:30am – 2:00pm
Meeting Type
International Judges Meeting
National Levels Judges Meeting
Monday 25 May
10:30 – 12 noon
Monday 25 May
12:30 – 2:00pm
Monday 25 May
2:30 – 5:00pm
Meeting Type
Technical Meeting – mandatory for all State
Technical Directors and State Judging
Coordinators, or their delegates.
Elite Coaches meeting –for all coaches of
Level 9 Junior, Junior and Senior Athletes
Judges Meeting – mandatory for all State
judges who wish to officiate at this event
Tuesday 26 May
3:00 – 5:00pm
Friday 29 May
10:00 – 11:00am
Meeting Type
Judges Meeting - Trampoline Gymnastics
Judges Briefing
2016 National Events Judge Supply - State
Judge Coordinators, State Team Managers
Thursday 28 May
Mid-Morning - TBC
Meeting Type
Judges Meeting - Acro Gymnastics Judges
Please not these meeting are subject to change. Any changes will be advertised in
future bulletins or via daily newsletters during the Championships.
High Performance – Pathways Forum
Gymnastics Australia will be presenting a forum on the developments made in the
Pathways area over the past 12 months. These two forums will be held
 Wednesday 20th May from 5:00 – 6:00pm
 Thursday 28th May from 5:00 – 6:00pm
All interested parents, coaches and administrators are welcome to attend. This
forum will be of interest to those who are currently involved in the High Performance
pathway or those who are not involved in the High Performacne area.
The session will cover:
 The GA Pathways overview and philosophy – key strategies
 The schedule and role of Team Future activities each year,
 The development and implementation of IDEAL skills curriculums for MAG/
 The role of the Spin to Win program in:
o Identifying and developing young talent
o Facilitating the transfer of talented athletes who are transitioning from
their current gymsport
More information will follow in the April Bulletin. To express your interest in attending
one of these sessions, please email Jo Richards [email protected]
Medical Personnel
During competition and training, a doctor and/or physiotherapist will be in
For further Medical assistance outside training and competition times, the GA
medical team of Dr Don McIntosh and Dr Kathy Yu will facilitate appointments at an
appropriate medical centre.
Normal fees apply when attending a Medical Centre. Please ensure that each
person has his or her Medicare information. Details of the local hospital are:
St Vincent’s Hospital
59 Victoria Parade
Fitzroy VIC 3065
Ph.: (03) 9288 2211
24 Hour Emergency Department: Ph.: (03) 9288 2211
All persons associated with the competition must be aware of their Medicare Number
and Club Managers/chaperones are to have a list of the relevant numbers when
seeking any medical attention.
Medical Support for State Teams
The championships will be an opportunity for gymnasts to showcase their best
performances. Health care is an important part of their preparation and maintenance.
This includes hydration, nutrition, sleep, as well as prevention and management of
their injuries. Gymnasts will benefit from having a dedicated medical professional as
a member of the traveling team to manage muscle aches and pains, preventative
taping, and stretching and massage.
Many States and gymsports already know how good it is to have a physiotherapist or
massage therapist who is part of the team and focused on the team members. Every
year the teams who do not bring their own medical staff are the ones with a high rate
of injury during competition. We would like to encourage all States to arrange
medical coverage for their representative gymnasts so that they can perform at their
highest level.
Medical Clearance
Each State Association must provide written advice to the Competition Manager that
all athletes under their control have been declared fit prior to commencing the
competition training. This must be submitted at the Orientation Meeting. Regulations
regarding athletes withdrawn due to injury are available in “point 6” of the “National
Event Entry Policy”.
Medicare Numbers
States are required to supply Medicare numbers for all competitors and officials
attending the event. These numbers are to be entered in iMIS at the time of
Definitive Entries. These numbers will be held by the medical personnel so that
treatment during the competition can be bulk billed. This has been organised to help
keep medical costs down and to support our medical personnel working at the event.
Medal Engraving
Medal engraving will be available during the following times;
Thursday 21 May from 8.30-10.00pm
Sunday 24 May from 11.30-1.00pm
Friday 29 May from 8.30-10.00pm
Saturday 30 May from 2.00-4.00pm
Please not these times are subject to change. Any changes will be advertised in
future bulletins or via daily newsletters during the Championships.
Each medal will cost $10 to have engraved. There will be a choice of 3 fonts for you
to choose from.
Special event merchandise memorabilia will be available for purchase at the
Championships in the main foyer. Don’t miss out; there will be no pre-ordering
available so remember to visit the Official merchandise stand. Below is some of the
merchandise that will be available.
Music Submission Guidelines
All optional floor music for the competition must be submitted on USB Flash at the
same time as definitive entries. The deadline for GA to receive competition music by
mail is Friday 17th April.
Music flash drives must be mailed to:
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships – Music Submission
Sports House - Level 2/ 375 Albert Rd
Albert Park, Victoria, Australia, 3206
States must also ensure an Audio CD copy of music is made available at the event
in case of technical difficulties.
Please use the best quality uncompressed music files possible. Wav files are
preferred (see wav properties below). If your music is burned from an Audio CD,
please save it as a .wav file (instructions below). If your original music is a computer
file, that can be saved and sent in as it is.
Properties of the Wav File are
Sample Rate: 44.1kHz, Bit Rate: 1411kbps, Bit Depth: 16bit, Stereo, PCM
Audio CD to Data File Instructions
Please use the WAV file type. Put your Audio CD into your computer’s CD/DVD drive
and use a program to copy the music to your computer’s hard drive.
Using Windows Media Player 11
Check Tools/Options/Rip Music/Format: set to WAV (Lossless) and take note of “Rip
music to this location” or use the “Change” button to set your own location.
Then “OK”
Click Rip
Click Start Rip
Using ITunes
To change settings, click Edit/Preferences/Advanced/Importing and Import using
WAV Encoder and Setting Custom
Sample Rate 44.100 kHz, Sample Size 16‐bit, Channels Stereo. Then “OK” and
Click Audio CD
Click Import CD
The files will end up in your iTunes Music folder
(find it at Edit/Preferences/Advanced/General)
Using Exact Audio Copy
• Click WAV
Please avoid using mp3. If mp3 is used, make sure the properties are: 44.1kHz,
320kbps, CBR, Stereo. When naming, include all details in the file name and not in
the tags.
Naming Files
Please name files using the following formats:
WG gymnasts:
Name – State Level
e.g. Jane Smith – NSW IP 8
RG gymnasts:
Name – State Level Apparatus
e.g. Sammy Smithson – VIC L7 Hoop
ACR gymnasts:
First Names – State Level Type
e.g. Debbie Fiona – WA L9 Dynamic
Please label the folders or the USB drive that contain all the music files with the
State and Gymsport type.
National Squad Benefits
National Squad member benefits entitle athlete’s parents free entry for two people to
the Australian Gymnastics Championships, for the sessions the National Squad
athlete is competing in only. As the ticketing to the event is being done through a
ticketing agency, parents will be sent wristbands for the qualification events prior to
the event. These wristbands must be used for entry & will only be issued once,
separate tickets or replacement wristbands will not be issued. Should athletes qualify
for finals subsequent wristbands for these sessions will be placed in the state pigeon
holes for parents to collect from their state team management.
Orientation Meeting
Monday 18 May
Monday 25 May
Tuesday 26 May
Thursday 28 May
*approx. time which will be confirmed once definitive entries have been received
School Bookings
Gymnastics Australia aims to engage as many Victorian school children as Hisense
Arena will fit. Students and teachers are invited to be apart of the incredible event
that is, the 2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships. This event will showcase
the strength, grace and coordination of Australia's best gymnasts as they strive for
state victory and individual triumph.
 some of Australia's best gymnasts performing live
 athletes competing in Men's Artistic, Women's Artistic, Rhythmic, Trampoline
and Acrobatic Gymnastics.
Participate in:
 fun-filled 30 minute LaunchPad gymnastics sessions
 heart-pumping 30 minute AEROSkools sessions
 in-seat arena activities including flashmobs and chairobics
Gymnastics workshops will run daily on;
Tuesday 19 May – Friday 22 May
Tuesday 26 May – Friday 29 May
If you know of a teacher or school that may be looking for further information and
prices please email have them contact Renata Perini, National Events Coordinator.
[email protected]
There are no facilities at the venue for judges to store and leave personal items.
Judges are encouraged to bring as little property as possible and if required, to keep
it with them at all times.
Training: Podium
Monday 18 May
8:00 – 10:00am
10:00 – 12:00pm
12:00 -2:00pm
2:00 – 4:00pm
WAG Junior and International Level 10
WAG Senior International
MAG Level 10 & Senior International
WAG Level 10 & + MAG Level 9 O & U
Monday 25 May
6:00 – 9:00pm
6:00 – 9:00pm
TRP/DMT Senior, Junior & Youth
RG Snr & Jnr
Tuesday 26 May
5:00 – 6:30pm
TRP/DMT Senior, Junior & Youth (approx.)
Wednesday 27 May
12:00 – 1:30pm
DMT Senior, Junior & Youth (approx.)
5:00 – 6:30pm
TRP Senior, Junior & Youth (approx.)
Thursday 28 May
5:00 – 6:30pm
ACR International 11-16; 12-18; 13-19 & Snr (approx)
Training: Venue and Schedule
Training will be training made available in the Tennis Centre and a comprehensive
training schedule will be developed. It will be released direct to the States before the end
of March and also published in Bulletin 4.
Trampoline Spotters Course
Gymnastics Australia is looking for volunteers to be spotters during the Trampoline
sessions at the Australian Championships. We will be running two spotter’s courses
in the lead up and would like everyone who wishes to be a spotter to attend one of
the following courses. These courses will be open to anyone and will be free of
Course dates are still being confirmed, one will be held in March the other in April /
May. The courses will be held at BTYC Gymnastics and Cheltenham Youth Club.
More details will be released shortly.
If you wish to be a spotter, please fill out the volunteer form on the event website
Gymnastics Australia is looking to recruit a volunteer workforce to help deliver the
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships. Five Gymsports will be showcased at
Hisense Arena, which will be transformed into something truly amazing as we see
the Gymnasts on the Road to Rio.
We would love to hear about you! We are looking for cheerful and hardworking
individuals with a passion for volunteering, community events or gymnastics. This is
a great opportunity cannot be missed!
The Australian Championships Volunteer Program
The Australian Championships Volunteer Program aims to recruit a team of dynamic
volunteers to assist in the planning and delivery of the event.
There are a wide range of roles available in a number of different areas. Where
possible we will try and allocate you to your preferred role.
Championship Time volunteers will be assigned to a specific department but may
undertake numerous roles within their championship area, subject to their skills,
affinity and availability.
Our Volunteer benefits
 A unique opportunity that is fun, worthwhile and rewarding
 Opportunity to experience a national gymnastics event first-hand
 Opportunity to connect with likeminded people
 Opportunity to be involved with future national and international events
 Real, ‘hands on’ work experience in a high-energy, enjoyable environment
 Event accreditation (complimentary access on your days off)
 Event hospitality (when you work across meal breaks)
 Event pin
 Volunteer uniform
 2015 Australian Championships participation certificate
 Updating points (for Gymnastics Australia Technical Members)
 Personal reference letters from 2015 Australian Championships volunteer
program (on request as deemed appropriate)
Volunteer Now!
To nominate to volunteer at the 2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships, please
complete form on the event website.
A volunteer roaster will be developed and released closer to the event. Your
application will be acknowledged within two working days of receipt via email.
If you have any further questions please contact;
Renata Perini, National Events Coordinator.
A number of companies will be holding vendor stalls during the 2015 Australian
Gymnastics Championships. They will be located in the main foyer of Hisense
Arena. Make sure you go and check them out for some great bargains!
MAG Information
Uniform Requirements
No uniform other than the official State Team uniform is to be worn during the 2015
Australian Gymnastics Championships. ie no HPC or other club uniforms are to be
worn on the competition floor at any stage of the event.
WAG Information
Uniform Requirements
Please refer to each Gymsports 2015 Technical Regulations for additional
RG Information
Routine Sheets guidelines
Each state should provide one copy of each routine for each athlete.
- sort your sheets in the order of the draw
- one paper clip / dog clip per level
- one plastic sleeve per level
Sheets can then be handed in at orientation.
2015 Gala performance
This year RG will showcase the beauty of our sport through a gala performance as
part of session32, which is Level 10 finals. States are asked to nominate up to
three performances to be part of this gala by emailing the Technical Director,
Virginia Elliott [email protected] by May 10.
The Nomination should indicate the name/s of the individual athlete/group and the
type of routine e.g. ribbon, ball junior group, AGG;.
The performance can be from any level and creativity is encouraged. Individual
performances are limited to 1 min 30 and groups to 2 min 30. The Commission will
make a final selection of performances for this session by May 15, and states will
be notified prior to Nationals. For ideas about the style of a gala routine, look on
youtube for similar gala performances.
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Event T-shirt Order Form
Contact Name________________________________________________________
Contact Number______________________________________________________
Email Address________________________________________________________
Kids Sizes
Adult Sizes (Sizes are unisex)
Event T-
Payment Method
Please circle the appropriate card:
(made payable to Gymnastics Australia)
Card Number ________________________________________________Expire Date_________________
Name on Card_____________________________________________________________________
Please send your completed order to Renata Perini by Friday 17th Aril 2015!
[email protected]
Gymnastics Australia
Renata Perini - Event T-shirt Order
Sports House Level 2, 375 Albert Road
Albert Park, VIC, 3206
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Accreditation Collection From
State_____________________ State Contact Name_________________________
Contact Number _____________________________________________________
Email Address________________________________________________________
Please indicate your preferred times for a nominated person from your state to come
to the Choffice to pick up your Australian Championships packs. The nominated
person may be the same person across all Gymsports. Pick up times will be
allocated using the first form returned, first allocated policy and final confirmation will
be emailed to states.
The Australian Championships packs will include;
 Accreditations
 Events T-shirts
 Athletes Gift Bags
 Closing Party Tickets
Indicate your preferred time(s) to pick up your accreditation packs on Monday 18th
List whom will pick up your accreditation packs
Contact Name_________________________ Contact Number_________________
Indicate your preferred time(s) to pick up your accreditation packs on Monday 18th
List whom will pick up your accreditation packs
Contact Name_______________________ Contact Number___________________
Indicate your preferred time(s) to pick up your accreditation packs on Monday 25th
List whom will pick up your accreditation packs
Contact Name_______________________ Contact Number___________________
Indicate your preferred time(s) to pick up your accreditation packs on Tuesday 26th
List whom will pick up your accreditation packs
Contact Name_______________________ Contact Number___________________
Indicate your preferred time(s) to pick up your accreditation packs on Thursday 27th
May. If you wish to pick up your accreditations on Monday 25th May please not this
can only happen AFTER 4pm. Please indicate of this form if you would like Monday
pick up.
List whom will pick up your accreditation packs
Contact Name_______________________ Contact Number___________________
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Farewell Breakfast Tickets – MAG & WAG
Contact Name_______________________________
Contact Number_________________________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________________
Please tick;
 MAG Breakfast – Saturday 23 May
 WAG Breakfast – Sunday 24 May
Number of Tickets Required ____________________________ @ $35 each
Total $__________________
Payment Method
Please circle the appropriate card:
Cheque (made payable to Gymnastics Australia)
Card Number _____________________________________________________________________
Expire Date_______________________
Name on Card_____________________________________________________________________
Tickets will be available for collection by the State Team Delegate from
the Choffice when they pick up accreditations.
Please return your completed form to [email protected] by
Friday 1 May
2015 Australian Gymnastics Championships
Closing Party Tickets – RG, TRP & ACR
Gymsport _______________________
Contact Name__________________________________________________
Contact Number_________________________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________________
Number of Tickets Required ____________________________ @ $35 each
Total $__________________
Payment Method
Please circle the appropriate card:
Cheque (made payable to Gymnastics Australia)
Card Number _____________________________________________________________________
Expire Date_______________________
Name on Card_____________________________________________________________________
Tickets will be available for collection by the State Team Delegate from
the Choffice when they pick up accreditations.
Please return your completed form to [email protected] by
Friday 1 May
What’s next?
Event information will be communicated through monthly event bulletins. The
release dates are as follows:
April – Bulletin #4
May – Competition Work Order
This document should be read in conjunction with the relevant Gymsports’ Australian
Levels Program Manuals and any other relevant Gymsport manual. This may
include but is not limited to the technical regulations and FIG code of points. All
information in this document is subject to change. GA encourages all users to
regularly check the website for updates. In the event of a conflict between this
document, and any other GA documents GA reserves the right to have the final
ruling. If such a ruling is needed GA will publish any alterations.