Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Sunday, April 19, 2015 “To move closer to God in all that we do” Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Regular Mass Schedule Week Day Monday - Friday 6:30 am & 8:15 am Saturday 8:15 am Weekend Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 10:15 am (Gym) 11:30 am Third Sunday of Easter Thus it is written that the Christ Reconciliation Every Saturday after the 8:15am Mass would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. Luke 24:35-48 Page 232 2 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church The Church continues to celebrate the Feast of Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus. In every Easter Gospel reading, there is a point being made about the Resurrection. In today’s Gospel, there are two points the author makes. First, Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises made by God to His people. In the Gospel reading, Jesus says: “that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” In our First Reading, Peter says the same thing: “God has brought to fulfillment what he announced beforehand through the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer.” Jesus is the Promised One, the fulfillment of the promises and the hopes of His people. Second, the Resurrection of Jesus is an event that really happened. Jesus is truly risen from the dead, He is alive and with us, and we can be in relationship with Him. Jesus is not a ghost, as some of the disciples think. No, Jesus is a real person, different from us as risen, but a real person. “Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and blood as you can see I have.” He also makes the point about the reality of His Resurrection even further by eating a piece of fish. Ghosts don’t eat food, persons eat food. Jesus is a real person, different from us as risen, but a real person. Lastly, an expectation Jesus has for all His disciples, for all who have celebrated the Feast of Easter: “You are witnesses of these things.” We are the people who witness to the reality of the Lord’s Resurrection in our day. The question for us is, how? We witness to the reality of the Resurrection first by the lives we live, we live as the Lord has taught us. Easter Blessings, Fr. Sheridan April 20-25 Mon 6:30AM 8:15AM Tues. 6:30AM 8:15AM Wed . 6:30AM 8:15AM Thur 6:30AM 8:15AM Fri. 6:30AM 8:15AM + + + + + + + + + + Purgatorial Society Marge Herguth People of the Parish Souls in Purgatory Joan Lawrence Grace Chen-McClone People of the Parish Doris Ausbrook Peter Gritis Souls in Purgatory Sat. 8:15AM + Elaine Strnad Vigil 5:00PM + John Rosean April 26 8:00AM 9:30AM + + + + + 10:15AM + 11:30AM + Florence Schaffenegger Rev Theodore Hesburgh Carolyn Welch Bill Campbell Meyer, Takarchik and Ruhala Families People of the Parish Rose Marie Lentini + Deceased L Living Stewardship Report Sunday April 12, 2015 Collected at Church $10,432.00 Thank you for supporting your Church! Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Page 332 3 Speaking of Liturgy Our Lady of Tepeyac High School’s 20th Annual Scholarship Benefit ¡Creemos! • We Believe Friday • April 24th, 2015 • 6-11 pm Tickets $125 Tepeyac’s mission is to help our girls strengthen their faith and academics through community. Our girls struggle against odds most of us could never imagine, yet 100% of our graduates go on to college. We empower young women to believe in themselves and teach them that their voices matter. We have given over $405,000 in financial aid this year. Far too many girls would be unable to benefit from the value of a Catholic education without this assistance. We are having a Grand Raffle featuring three amazing trips: Three nights at the Ritz-Carlton, Aruba. Airfare for two included. A weekend in Las Vegas at The Cosmopolitan. Airfare included. A downtown weekend at the Westin River North Chicago and Gift Certificate for Riva Restaurant. $20 ea. or $100 for 6 tickets Buy benefit and raffle tickets or donate online: www.ourladyoftepeyac.org or mail your check to: Our Lady of Tepeyac High School 2228 S. Whipple St. Chicago, IL 60623 For more information please contact: April Dumas at 773 -522-0023, ext. 211 or e-mail at adumasourladyoftepeyac.org. Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day When Christina, a single mother, left the Army after multiple deployments, she needed a way to support her family. Within a month, Catholic Charities helped her land a job as a customer service supervisor. She was one of 9,107 veterans we served last year. Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help veterans with housing, counseling, and job placement. Learn more at www.catholiccharities.net. “Charity, patience, and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others.” Pope Francis .Third Sunday of Easter A reflection from a book by theologian Jack Shea: One evening, late at night, Jesus appeared to one of the disciples and sat down with him. “I have been with you now for some time, and you are wondering if it is all worth it, aren’t you?” “Jesus , you walk too fast: I can’t keep up.” “Better to be out of breath behind me than ahead of everyone else, Jesus said.” “I want a moderate master so I can be a better disciple.” “My friend, why live out of something as small as you are? Love Me because I am large enough to betray! …. So are you going to stick around?” “Where will I go? You have the words of eternal life. Will you stick around with someone like me?” For a long time there were no words, only the silence of communication. The disciple closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, Jesus was gone. But, there was such an incredible lightness to his being, such a revitalization of his heart, that the disciple knew where He had vanished to! WORD: Holy Listening Each week we gather to relax and listen to a short passage from scripture, reflect on God’s word, respond in prayer, and rest in God’s presence. The scripture passages are taken from the Sunday Gospel to support our journey. This ancient but simple process allows God’s word to touch us in our daily lives and transform our hearts. When: Saturdays 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. On-going . Where: The “Upper Room” Second floor at the SFX Parish Office Small groups offer a valuable way to enrich our faith and provide us with companionship for our journey. There is no need to commit to every Saturday, come when your schedule permits. Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Page 432 4 Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 5 St. Vincent de Paul News If your loved one is no longer in the service, please let the parish office know so that we can update our list of military personnel. Jason Harlan - Grandson of Joe Ficek Rev. John Barkemeyer - Son of Hank & Germaine Brian Walsh-Nephew of Peg McIntyre Jesse Goutier-Cousin of Chris, Michael & Laura Farina Shane Lawson-Cousin of Kari Clarke Brian Krupp-Cousin of Jim Krupp Scott Horst-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Koop Tracy Hanson-Friend of Jim & Kathleen Krupp Stephen Thale-Grandson of Jim & Frances Thale K Anniston-Grand-Nephew of Nancy Graham Lt. Cmndr. Andrew A. Nelson (USN/USMC)-Son of David Nelson David Lore Mayo-Friend of Carpenter Family John Smeeton-Son of Andrea & Jack Sweeten Richard Linehan-Son of Richard & Elaine Linehan Jonathan O’Dell-Great-grandson of Marion & Mike Eberle John Wesley Hobbs-nephew of the Weschler’s Jeff Groom-nephew of Louise Sanborn PFC Joseph Devroy-grandson of Marlene Devroy Sgt. Daniel Koch-brother of Laura Koch Family & Friends of Bob & Jean Quinn James Harrison—great grandson of Thea & Vito Vitale Luke Stensberg—friend of the Revords Lt. Peter Finley Adams USMC—grandson of Diana Madden Art Knurenko—friend of Watson Family Brandon Galgay-friend of the Matt Revord family Tom Smith—nephew of John & Mary Smith John Robbins—nephew of John & Mary Smith Spc. James Kerls—son of Bob & Karen Kerls Lt. Michael Scott (USN)-nephew of the Scott family Will McCarthy USMC-son of Kathy & Mike McCarthy James Earp USN-family of Anita O’Neill Romario Meza, USA,-grandson of Mike & Kathy Bliss On April 19, the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Chicago is holding a fund raiser at Drury Lane in Oak Brook. Tickets are available for this event at a cost of $75 per person. They are also holding a raffle for a brand new Chrysler 200. Tickets for this raffle are $25 each. Only 4,000 tickets will be sold so your chances of winning the car are much greater than most raffles. If anyone is interested in either attending this fund raiser or buying a raffle ticket, please go the Society link at: http://svdpbenefit.org All of the proceeds from this fund raiser will be directed to the local conferences to be used to assist those in need in each parish. None of the profits will be used as administrative costs. Also, a benefactor has agreed to match the profit amount so, your dollar donated through ticket sales or raffle tickets purchased will be doubled. If anyone is interested in joining the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Francis Xavier Parish, please contact President Marty Fernholz @ 847-256-7191 boys in the picture: L to R Charlie Clarke, Colin Van Balen, Colin Richards, Austin Eichenlaub SFX Eagle Scouts Four graduates from the SFX Class of 2011 have earned their Eagle Scout Award. Court of Honor ceremonies were recently held for Colin Van Balen, Austin, Eichenlaub and Charlie Clarke from Troop 11 and Colin Richards from Troop 5. Congratulations! Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Dr. & Mrs. Gary Fahrenbach Mrs. Loretta Ebert Ms. Margaret Foley & William Hough Mr. & Mrs. Vito Vitale Mrs. Sam Odishoo Mr. & Mrs. Keith McMahon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorman Katie & Maggie Bielinski in memory of Margaret “Granny” McPhillips Mr. Daniel Coha Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Malloy Mrs. Ann Higgins in memory of Thomas Higgins Mr. & Mrs. A. Haszlakiewicz David Long & Terra McClory Mrs. Jean Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Marguerite Mr. John Krupka Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Merriott Mrs. Marie Covers Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McGreal Mr. & Mrs. John Glunz Mr. & Mrs. John Graham Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lawler Audile Fortman in memory of David Fortman Mary Alice Houlihan in memory of Daniel Houlihan Mr. & Mrs. Frank Candioto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hickman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ambrose Mr. & Mrs. Peter ORourke Mr. Marion Brink Mrs. Paul Stinneford Mr. & Mrs. James Graham Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wright Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lewis Ms. Kathryn Haines Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McBride Mr. & Mrs. Duane Ware Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tucek Mr. & Mrs. Louis Glunz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Obrien Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spence Mr. Christopher Hart & Dr. Stephanie Shors Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Nicklin Mr. & Mrs. John Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fernholz Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ryczek Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rucker Mrs. Mary McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Pat Dolan 6 4 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carroll Mrs. Thomas Pasko in memory of Tom Pesko Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Myszkowski Elaine Vogel in memory of Raymond Vogel Mrs. Keith Lewis Mrs. Abdon Bray Mr. & Mrs. Jerzy Krolikowski Ms. Ellen Beyer Mr. & Mrs. William Burgess Hon. & Mrs. Brian Duff Mrs. Norma Egmon Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Holleran Millie McManus Judy & Bill Pietrowicz in memory of Brian J. Pietrowicz Mary & Bill Fausone in memory of Brice Fausone Barbara & Ray Eichenlaub in memory of Kay & Harry Holman David Ford Family in memory of Dr. William F. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bishop Linda & Bill McGuire in memory of Anne & Tony Cowel and Marge & Gene McGuire Alicia Resnick in memory of Patricia Tyler Pederson Mr & Mrs. Gerald Malloy Thank you for all your generous flower donations that made our Church look so beautiful for the Easter Season. And thank you to the people who did all the work decorating. Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Spring Cleaning? St. Thomas Cantebury Haiti is again looking for shoes, towels, and sheets of any size and color. St. Thomas of Canterbury Currently Needs Unused travel or sample-sized ‘personal care items’ such as: Shampoo, conditioner, combs, brushes, hand lotion, 9 7 Dry Goods Beans Mac Cheese Crackers Beans Pasta Ramen Noodles Rice Powdered Milk Creamer Cookies Cereal Toothpaste Enfamil Diapers Sizes 3, 4 & 5 Canned Goods Tuna Fruit Corn Vegetables Soups Canned Meats Green Beans Peanut Butter If you don’t have time to shop, we can shop for you. Make a check out to St. Thomas of Canterbury and put Food Pantry in the memo line. Thank you! Lip balm, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, deodorant Soap, disposable razors, shave cream, washcloths, Pre-moisten towelettes , feminine hygiene products, facial tissues and bathroom tissue. These donations can be left in the baskets in our Sharing Corner in the back of the Church. Thanks so much for your generosity! St. Francis Xavier Pastoral Council The SFX Pastoral Council is seeking new members for this fall. The council serves as an advisory board to our pastor, Father Sheridan. The term is a 3 year commitment and members meet once a month between September and June. It is a great way to get involved in this wonderful parish! If you are interested, please email the current Council Chair, Mary Claire Belton, at @hotmail.com. Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 8 The St Francis Women’s Book Club Book: When: Where: Reviewer: Hostesses: "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova April 21, 2015 at 9:30 A.M. Mallinckrodt Community Center Dolores Maatman Chris Porter and Nancy McGowan Still Alice is a novel about Alice Howland, a cognitive psychology professor at Harvard, who finds out at age fifty that she has Alzheimer’s disease. Alice is not only a celebrated professor at the height of her career, but is also a world-renowned expert in linguistics. She is happily married with three adult children. Her story begins with some minor but nagging forgetfulness, including forgetting names, words in conversation and where she put her Blackberry. She then has an incident in which she goes on her daily run and becomes confused as to where she is. Alice decides to consult a neurologist, who gives her the devastating diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. The book tells of Alice’s struggle to maintain her independence and lifestyle as she deals with her increasing forgetfulness and confusion. She initially is unable to share the diagnosis with her husband, who is a biologist and somewhat absorbed in his research. When she is finally able to break the news to him, he has a hard time believing her and asks the neurologist to do genetic testing to confirm his diagnosis. The testing confirms the bad news and, in addition, the neurologist tells them that her early-onset Alzheimer’s disease has a strong genetic linkage, which adds to their concerns. This book has been made into a current movie in which Julianna Moore has won the Oscar for Best Actress. Schedule of Events For the Week GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at 2:45pm, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois. Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this celebration should contact their Parish Secretary to register 847-256-4250. Registration ends May 29th. Sunday, April 19 Anointing of the Sick Masses: 8a, 10:15a, 11:30a. Monday, April 20 7:30p Pastoral Council U Tuesday, April 21 7p Faith Alive FE Wednesday, 22 7p Choir Practice C Thursday, April 23 7p Bereavement Speaker X Friday, April 24 8:30p Emotions Anonymous U Saturday, April 25 9:00a WORD Sunday, April 26 U Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 9 Important information regarding communion visits and pastoral care of the sick for the homebound and hospitalized. Please read carefully. Your spiritual needs are very important to the staff at St. Francis. To insure that you received the desired spiritual care if you are hospitalized or homebound with illness, please assist us by providing us with the following. Hospital: If you would like anointing prior to a scheduled surgery, please call the parish office to schedule an anointing with a priest. You may also receive anointing at the hospital when there is an emergency. When you are admitted to the hospital it is critical that you or a loved one identifies your religious affiliation, your parish name and your desire for pastoral care and communion visits. The patient may also call the Ministry of Care line to request communion at the hospital. A minister of care will make sure the hospital is informed of this request. Homebound: Trained ministers of Care are available to bring communion to our parish sick and homebound. Ministers also visit local assisted living and nursing care homes. To schedule a visit, please call the Ministry of Care line at: 847 256-2273 press 0 and a Minister of Care will return your call. Ministry of Care Visits Sunday, April 26 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is dedicated to helping the poor and others who have come upon difficult times. As Vincentians, we serve those in need through one-on-one counseling, as well as providing financial and other help to those who have fallen on hard times. If you or someone you know wishes to meet with us, please contact the parish office at 847-2564250 and ask for extension 44 and leave a short message. We will respond as soon as possible. All Inquiries will be treated in the strictest of confidence. The St. Francis Xavier Parish Peace & Justice Ministry has a new website! Visit www.sfxpeaceandjustice.org for information regarding current peace & justice events, resources and links to other organizations. After 8:00 Mass Hospital M. Cordell*+ M Watts G Cannon R Doran K Tyrrell B Weir Mather Home M Demetrio 10:00am Mather Pavillion After 9:30 Mass Home Kelly/Stauber** J Gillard + I Meyer D Miller B Rieckhoff + J Stahl G Wright Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors Schedule — April 26 5:00 pm Pablo Petrozzi Katherine Buehler John Holton Jim Grant Jennifer Grant Kathleen O’Brien John Smith Colleen Bradley Anne Brennan 8:00 am 9:30am Peggy Martin Kathleen Tyrrell Terry Porter Carol DeSmul Colleen Reese Bill Kelly Nancy Lou Kelly Julie Stahl Cathy Cerone Lou Glunz Debbie Miller Barbara Eichenlaub Greg Hadley Syndy Sampson Art McGivern Marylin Weber Paul Meyers Colleen Reese 10:15am Cathy Burgeson Mary Lawlor Francisco Leon 11:30 noon Carmel Cowan Kay Malm Anne Malueg Abigail Foerstner Richard Pope Therese Lysaught Ted Buenger Millie McManus Dan Kelly Jr Welcome to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church TELEPHONE NUMBERS: CHURCH: 9th Street and Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091 SCHOOL: 808 Linden Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091 SCHOOL WEB: sfx-school.org PARISH OFFICE: 524 9th Street, Wilmette, IL 60091 PARISH WEBSITE: www.sfxparish.org EMAIL: [email protected] Parish Offices: 847-256-4250 Parish Fax: 847-256-4254 Parish School: 847-256-0644 Ministry of Care: 847-256-CARE (847-256-2273) Pastoral & Support STAFF Rev. William J. Sheridan, Pastor Rev. Edward F. Harne , Pastor Emeritus Rev. Richard J. Jakubik, Resident Robert & Karen Kerls, Deacon Couple Dr. Pa y Jane Pelton, Pastoral Associate Sr. Mary Ann Casey, OP, Director, PREP Program Mary Therese Laird, Youth Minister (ACTION) Andrea Hug, Director, Ministry of Care Kieran Lyons, Director of Faith Forma on Colleen Barre , School Principal Jo Ebert, Director of Music Judy Krugman, Vito Vitale, Organists Director of Children’s Choir Sheldon Moore, Business Manager Marge Kaup, School Business Office Manager Marilyn Smith, Parish Secretary Sara Crome, Secretary Dani Froelich, Administra ve Assistant PREP Program Darek Bukowski, Maintenance Tadeusz Odbierzychleb, Maintenance Mary Clare Belton, Chairperson, Parish Pastoral Council Ray Gass, Sara Crome, Sharing Parish-Chicago St. Thomas of Canterbury Jeff Later, Betsy Later, Sharing Parish-Hai Immaculee Concep on Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-9:00pm Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm Sunday- Closed A er Hours Emergency Assistance: 847-256-0709 Society of St. Vincent de Paul For assistance call 847-256-4250 Ex. 44 BAPTISM: 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements and to register for a preparation session. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays after the 8:15 Mass. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Should be arranged at least four months in advance. Call the Parish for details. PARISH REGISTRATION: Registration Forms available in vestibule of Church, at the Parish Office or from our Website. INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address St. Francis Xavier # 000145 524 9th St. Wilmette, IL 60091 Contact person: Marilyn Smith 847-256-4250 Software: Win 7m MSPub 2003, Adobe Acrobat X Printer: Number of pages transmitted: )(6-8-JL; 2 ad pages) Day & time of transmission: Wednesday am