CATARACT DR. SHAHID WAHAB LEARNING OBJECTIVES Describe the anatomy of lens Identify and classify different types of cataract Evaluate the patient preoperatively by different investigation Enlist the types of cataract surgery Discuss its management, postoperative complications and visual rehabilitation Any opacity in the lens and its capsule is called a CATARACT Symptoms depends upon the type of the .cataract Normal crystalline lens is transparent biconvex structure responsible for approx: 20 Diopters of refractive power. It develops from surface ectoderm: Capsule. Zonule. Lens Epithelium. Cortex. Nucleus. ANATOMY OF LENS Age related cataract Morphological classification 1. Sub Capsular. a) Anterior. b) Posterior. 2. Nuclear. 3. Cortical. Immature Mature Hyper mature, wrinkling in anterior capsule Morgagnion, hypermature cataract in which lens liquefies and sinks inferiorly. NUCLEAR CATARACT Diabetic snowflake cataract is characteristic, Myotonia dystrophy. Atopic dermatitis shield like cataract 1. Vossius ring (iris imprint on anterior capsule). 2. Direct penetrating injury. 3. Ionizing radiation to ocular tumor. Infra red radiation in glass blower industry 1. Steroids. 2. Chlorpromazine. 3. Amiodarone. 4. Gold salts. 5. Allopurinall. 6. Busulphan. o o o Chronic anterior uveitis. Acute congestive glaucoma. High myopia. o Retinitis Pigmentosa . Indication of Urgery: 1. 2. 3. Visual improvement. Medical indication phacolytic glaucoma, phacomorphic glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy for laser treatment. Cosmetic indication. RAPD never occurs due to cataract. Presence of RAPD means poor Dacryocystitis, blephritis, conjunctivitis, entropion, ectropion, dry eye may lead to endophthalmitis and are contraindicated for cataract surgery. Indicate corneal endothelial decompensation and surgeon should not attempt for Phaco. Shallow anterior chamber can render cataract surgery difficult. Pseudoexfloation indicate weak zonules. Poor red reflex makes capsulorhexis difficult and staining of anterior capsule is required. Nuclear cataract requires more Phaco power. ARMD and other retinal pathologies should be noted and told to the patient about visual prognosis.: 1. 2. Keratomatry 3. IOL for calculation Corneal formula curvatures ( A – Constant, AC RETRO-BULBAR BLOCK. 1. Sub-tenon block. 2. Topical and intracameral anesthesia. 3. Surface anesthesia. Extra capsular, cataract extraction (ECCE) Phacoemulsification. Phacoaspiration PHACOEMULSIFATION TYPES OF IOL: Anterior chamber Posterior chamber • Cililary body fixation Ultra Sound “ A “ Scan for Depth) axial length • Standard P C IOL • Foldable IOL • Multifocal IOL COMPLICATIONS: • OPERATIVE: • Rupture of posterior capsule. • Posterior loss of lens fragments. • Posterior dislocation of IOL. • Endothelium damage • Supra choroidal hemorrhage. • COMPLICATIONS: • POST OPERATIVE : • Corneal edema. • Iris prolapse. • PCO. • Induced astigmatism • Acute post operative endophthalmitis. CONGENITAL CATARACT: • Occuar in 3 in 10000 live births. • CAUSES: • METABOLIC: • Galactosemia. • Galactokinase deficiency. • Lowe’s syndrome . • CONGENITAL • Occuar in 3 in 10000 live births. CATARACT: • CAUSES: • METABOLIC: • Galactosemia. • Galactokinase deficiency. • Lowe’s syndrome . 1. Cataract if very dense so that examination with indirect ophthalmoscopy is not possible go for surgery. If lens opacity is insignificant surgery can be deferred. 2. Ocular pathologies associated with congenital cataract are corneal clouding, microophthalmos, glaucoma, PHPV, chorioretinitis, rubella. TORCH Serological test. Urinalysis for reducing substance after drinking milk (Galactosemia). FBS, serum calcium and phosphorus level. Referral to paeds doctor. TIMING OF SURGERY: Bilateral dense cataract requires early surgery after six weeks of age to prevent amblyopia Bilateral partial cataract can be deferred at a later age. Unilateral dense cataract urgent surgery is needed. POST OPERATIVE COMPLICATION: PCO. Proliferation of lens epithelium. Glaucoma. Retinal detachment Density . SPECTACLES very helpful in children with bilateral aphakia. CONTACT LENS good for unilateral aphakia. IOL: Implantation is usually advisable after 3 years of age. OCCLUSION: Of good eye for amblyopia treatment THANK YOU