HOLIDAY - Livigno
HOLIDAY - Livigno
HOLIDAY 2015-2016 THE PLACE FOR HEAVENLY HOLIDAYS... ...We’re talking about active holidays here - that’s what we specialise in! Livigno has grown into the alpine station where holidays and sports come together. Mountain biking, skiing, walking, cross-country, Nordic walking, hiking - there’s something for everyone. And it’s all in an unmatched, uncontaminated environment comprising age-old woods, crystal-clear streams, vast and flowerdotted pastures. This paradise is waiting for you - so come to “Little Tibet” to relax and get back in shape. Livigno is the magical place for people who choose the best. Luca Moretti APT Livigno President’s P.S. - That’s awesome! is our special section on Livigno’s anecdotes and curiosities. WOW! THAT’S AWESOME PHOTO CREDITS AQUAGRANDA - APT LIVIGNO - E.BEVILACQUA - F.BORGA - BURTON CREW - P. DONATSCH BYLINE SWISS - C.FREEMAN M.GREBER - GRUPPO FOLK - HM&C - M.GALLI - A.INCONTRI - A.LOCATELLI - G.MENEGHELLO - L.MERISIO - NEXT LEVEL NEW SKI SCHOOL - K. POLZER - M.TONIOLO - R.TRABUCCHI - B.WOLINSKI II 1 SUMMER MTB Hiking Famiglia And much more... Summer Summer Landscape 2 4 6 10 14 18 20 WINTER 22 Ski 24 And much more... Winter 30 Winter Landscape 32 ALL YEAR 34 Shopping Food & Wine Culture & Traditions Pool & Fitness Night Life Business 36 38 40 42 44 46 HOSPITALITY 48 Comunìn Pemont Centro Plàn da Sora Saròch Forcola Teòla Trepalle Ostaria General Terms & Conditions Livigno Map How to reach Livigno 58 76 88 98 110 122 138 150 156 166 168 3 SUMMER Enjoy your holiday next to the neighbouring Stelvio National Park and Swiss National Park. These nature reserves are home to the mountains circling Livigno, Italy’s “Little Tibet”, and are the ideal starting point for excursions into an intact natural environment, with its alpine flora and fauna, massive glaciers, and endless pine forests that cover every inch of the Alps. 4 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 5 TRAILS AND... ENDLESS PLEASURE! LIVIGNO IS THE MOUNTAIN BIKE ALPINE CAPITAL. ! TH WOW AT’S AW Livigno has built a reputation as Europe’s mountainbike capital. People call it “Europe’s Whistler”, recalling the paradise of American bike riders. Just look at the figures: 3200 km of roads and paths, most of them GPS-mapped, in the gorgeous Alta Rezia. E ESOM e websit On the an find t you c .i e ik b livigno t Bike o abou f in e h all t ents, Apartm & ls e t ho ent pointm p a , k oo road b about e news h t ll a and World. Bike’s 6 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 7 16 ACCOMMODATION WITH SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR BIKERS AND THEIR MTBS! - Safe storage - Garage - Bike wash - Laundry service - Biker breakfast - Guided trips - GPS data and maps - Bars and drinks - Info points And Flow Country routes are available for anyone simply looking for the pleasure of MTB pedalling. Devised with world MTB icon Hans Rey, these routes are less strenuous than crosscountry and easier than freeriding. When you come to Livigno, just bring your bike - we’ll take care of the rest! 8 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 9 FOR THE TRIAL! HEADING T’S WOW! THA AWESOME gno Visitors to Livi on a day can’t miss out National at the Stelvio reatest Park, Italy’s g historic park. MAKE IT HAPPEN IN LIVIGNO! Livigno is the “Little Tibet”, the mountain you’ve always dreamt of. Here in the land of enchanted parks and reserves you can indulge in countless activities immersed in nature. Enjoy a day of hiking; or, if you’re up to it, go for a completely safe guided high-altitude trek of a day or more between Valtellina and Engadina. 10 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 11 But don’t forget the fabulous bike&pedestrian path that snakes around the whole town - it’s one of Europe’s highest and every day you can see athletes and amateurs running, biking or just walking. While you’re here, have a go at Nordic Walking: it’s new and it’s for everyone, from kids to seniors. It’s great for keeping in shape, since you can train your entire body and circulatory without overdoing it. HIKING & TREKKING WITH LIVIGNO CARD The Alpine Guides have helped to devise routes and excursions for every taste and every physique: from easy half-day outings to almost sky-high excursions. Get your Livigno Card at hotels and apartments partner or ask for more information at the APT offices. 12 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 13 E AWESOM THAT’S WOW! s of al Wood ic g a M In the ely Daü , the lov Livigno dren on the chil ll a s it a aw sual r an unu fo y a d li ho green p in the e e d t e day s the s and in g in d n u surro les... f fairy ta magic o A HOLIDAY TAILORED TO CHILDREN ON HOLIDAY IN LIVIGNO: A FAMILY EXPERIENCE. There are thousands of activities designed for families and their children where you can explore this unique valley and its beauty, the intact landscape, the mountain huts and the many traditions handed down from one generation to the next. Children will enjoy unforgettable moments, on their own or with Mum and Dad, always surrounded by nature. Spending summer in Livigno is to rediscover the pleasure of spending time in nature. 14 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 15 22 H O T E L S & A PA R T M E N T S STRUCTURES WITH SPECIAL SERVICES TO LIVE YOUR FAMILY HOLIDAYS AT ITS BEST! - Structures for the care of kids - Laundry service - Baby menu - Play area - Info point - Buggy, bikes with babies chairs, backpacks, slides - Conventions with fun parks (Kinder Club and Larix Park) - On request baby sitting and podiatrist (for a fee) Livigno Card is the ideal solution for our guests, as it grants access to all the daily activities drawn up in collaboration with the local tourist board, APT Livigno. Some examples: from gastronomic tours to adventure parks, excursions on the smugglers’ paths and biking tours, up to mountain huts and dairy farms. 16 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 17 E AWESOM THAT’S WOW! s, ew activitie Discover n g Golf Trainin such as the g new, excitin Area or the e: s on the lak water sport on, m August starting fro ng oose amo you can ch nd , kayak, sta windsurfing er etc… Furth up paddle, T n at the AP informat io ices. Livigno off A MOUNTAINS OF EMOTIONS! IN LIVIGNO YOU’RE SPOILT FOR CHOICE! Not only MTB, hiking and trekking, but also treks and climbs with the Alpine Guides, horse riding, paragliding, golf and tennis: Livigno is the home of all sports. The most courageous ones will be the first to practice water sports on the lake of Livigno, such as windsurfing, kayak, stand up paddle and kitesurfing, or to explore the high ropes at Larix Park – fully immersed in a wonderful alpine forest. The more curious can’t miss out on a trip outdoors with the Bernina Express, one of the few and the steepest natural-grip railways in the world. GOLF TRAINING AREA 18 M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 19 Base cartografica Charta Itinerum Regione Lombardia ALL THE TREKKING ROUTES IN YOUR POCKET! Sentieri Alta Valtellina rilevati con strumentazione DGPS Sentieri Svizzeri derivati dalla banca dati Go Walk Live a safe MTB and trekking experience in Alta Valtellina 1500 km of GPS routes 150 routes selected on the 2 Guides 2700 road signs 110 notice boards 3000 areas of interest 900 kmq extension of territory Get your info at the APT Livigno tourism offices 6 Maps Proiezione UTM WGS84 Zona 32N; Elissoide WGS84 (C) Comunità Montana Alta Valtellina Tutti i diritti sono riservati Realizzazione cartografica: Comunità Montana Alta Valtellina, ufficio Sit 20 2 Guides M T B | H I K I N G & T R E K K I N G | FA M I LY | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . S U M M E R | S U M M E R L A N D S C A P E | S K I | A N D M U C H M O R E . . . W I N T E R Piano d’Iniziativa Comunitaria Interreg IIIA Italia - Svizzera, Progetto Charta Itinerum – “Alpi Senza Frontiere “ Dati elaborati e aggiornati dalla Comunità Montana Alta Valtellina anno 2009”. WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 21 WINTER This is where snow lives - on the smooth slopes of this valley made just for skiing. Thanks to Livigno’s geographical position, the season starts earlier than in most other alpine resorts. 22 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 23 SNOW LIVES HERE THAT’S WHY SNOW FANS CHOOSE LIVIGNO. The fastest and most modern facilities, over 115 km of perfectly maintained pistes and slopes for all tastes. That’s why skiing is better in Livigno - and you’ll always come back for more! In the valley there are also a good 30 km of constantly travelled slopes, available free of charge to sprint-ski lovers. Easy or more technically challenging kilometres to cover in an open valley that always catches the sun. E AWESOM THAT’S WOW! ast of at le y a t s a Book and a hotel in s t h 4 nig rtment an apa in s t h 15 7 nig brer 20 th Novem 8 15 from 2 ber 20 th Decem to 19 th pril m9 A o r f d n a the 16 and st May 20 1 to s! is on u skipass ns on: onditio c d n a Info .eu livigno 24 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 25 10 HOTELS&APARTMENTS STRUCTURES WITH SPECIAL SERVICES FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY ACTIVE HOLIDAYS! - Deposit for winter and summer equipment - Workshop for small repairs - Active breakfast - Info point - Bus service - Laundry service - Conventions with ski schools and MTB and trekking guides - Convention with fi tness and swimming pools - On request massages (for a fee) Livigno means not only slopes: Italy’s best snowpark is also located here. On the “Little Tibet” slopes there will be fun for everyone! Each year Livigno organises and hosts a wide and varied range of internationally renowned events of every winter discipline, starting from crosscountry skiing in December to spectacular freeski jumps in the snow castle. 26 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 27 KINDERGARTEN For the young guests there is a holiday of fun and games, with fun activities like snow tubing, inflatable toys, kid’s club, skating, excursion with snow rackets and much more… In Livigno, the more than 150 ski instructors – many of them former athletes and national instructors – are all qualified by the Scuola Sci Italiana: a guarantee of professionality and experience, based on high competences in every discipline. That’s why our schools are always in the lead providing specific programmes for kids and disabled persons. 28 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 29 MORE THAN JUST SKIING... LIVIGNO AND ITS CHOICE OF LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES. Not only skiing… Winter in Livigno is enchanting: white mountains, animals foot prints in the snow, the dry air. Enjoy the silence broken by animal call sounds, while the water is gurgling under the iced surface of the mountain river. Rediscover the happiness of a snowball fight, or the lightness of a sledge ride. From snowshoes to horse riding, many are the activities proposed for adults and kids, for both the one who would like to spend some relaxing hours, or those who are looking for excitment and a shot of adrenaline. In Livigno you will find everything which means fun on the snow!! 30 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 31 ALL THE SKI AREAS IN YOUR POCKET! FREE WI-FI in different parts of the ski area Experience the passion for skiing and find the slopes most suited to you! 115 km ski slopes 6 telecabine 13 chairlifts 11 ski lifts 47300 persons per hour 30 km tourism Nordic ski slopes 10 km competitive Nordic ski slopes 10 km pedestrian walkway © Copyright by Associazione Skipass Livigno Tutti i diritti riservati Find out more at the Skipass and APT Livigno offices. Pocket Map Price list 32 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 33 ALL YEAR There is a different Livigno for every season and every age. Livigno has become one of the most famous localities in the Alps and always provides a good excuse for a few days’ holiday: duty-free shopping, well-being and relaxation in Europe’s largest wellness centre, and then renowned restaurants, coffee shops, pubs and happy-hour bars. And naturally there is the discovery of an age-old Alpine tradition, that still has all the intense fl avours of once upon a time in store for you. 34 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 35 LIVIGNO MOUNTAIN SHOPPING LIVIGNO IS THE MOST POCKETFRIENDLY PLACE TO LIVE OUT YOUR DREAMS. T’S WOW! THA Livigno is home to Italy’s biggest high-altitude shopping centre: 250 shops, all strictly duty-free. This makes Livigno a dream come true: dozens of flagship stores, with exclusive brands and shops with a variety of choices, away from the traffic and crowds. As Livigno is a duty-free area, its prices are unbeatable. The most enticing products? Women’s and men’s clothing and accessories, watches, tobacco and cigars, wines and spirits and perfumes and HiTech. Your holiday in Livigno looks better than ever. AWESOME Ask for the pping Mountain Sho tourist Guide at the opping offices: your sh sier! will be even ea 36 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 37 UNMISTAKABLE MOUNTAIN FLAVOURS ! TH WOW AW AT’S EVERY RESTAURANT IS BRIMMING WITH THE ATMOSPHERE OF THIS AGE-OLD BORDERLAND. E ESOM ical our typ le p m ciatt! Sa r the S o f k s ...A heat cuisine buckw e r a t l Sciat h loca led wit il f , s r fritte ied in and fr e s e e h c oil. boiling Here, the food and wine tradition still champions the unmistakable mountain flavours. At the Dairy and the high-altitude mountain huts you can enjoy genuine, wholesome old-style products - fresh milk, cream, cheese - that are best enjoyed in the mountain, in the brisk Alpine air, during your blissful holiday. Many packages have been designed also for the autumn season: when the colours deepen, and the cuisine turns to mushrooms, pumpkin, apples, game and chestnuts. LATTERIA LIVIGNO At Livigno’s Dairy you can see the various stages of milk processing through large windows or with guided tours. In the welcoming “stue” (rooms), you can sample all of the products and learn more about Livigno’s farming history. Don’t forget to visit the Diorama Alpino exhibition. Info: 38 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 39 WOW! THAT’S AWESOME k you can pic From 2011 l a ic molog up the “Ety ry ical dictiona ethnografh f o cts of the diale Trepalle”, Livigno and on of over a compilati s dedicated 3.000 page phing the to photogra ry and roots, histo . local identity TRADITION IN TIME LIVIGNO’S PROUD TRADITIONS. In today’s world, where tourism doesn’t necessarily equate to deep-rooted origins, Livigno is very proud of its traditions. The “Little Tibet” is a place of age-old traditions that return every season to bring back the magic of ages gone by, where the people’s passionate bond with their land relives in the events and shows that bring back the rites of the Alpine culture, from the “Festa del Costume Livignasco” to the “Contrade Trophy”. 40 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 41 POOL&FITNESS UP HIGH! AQUAGRANDA LIVIGNO... YOUR FITNESS EXPERIENCE AT HIGH ALTITUDE! AWESOM WOW! THAT’S Livigno, as we all know, is an open-air gym ideal for all sports, because the training at high altitude is dope free and improves the aerobic capacity. But the big news of the season 2014/2015 is the reopening of the center Aquagranda! Athletes wishing to train at high altitude, or sportsmen and women who believe that sport contributes to the well-being of the body, will find a fitness room of 350 square meters, completely equipped with Technogym machines and a semi-Olympic swimming pool built with Myrtha technology. E the Aquagranda is the early name for se Spöl spring, who ards the waters flow tow ere to the river Inn, from th en on to Danube and th the Black Sea. 42 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 43 LIVIGNO BY NIGHT! T’S WOW! THA NO LIVIGNO, NO PARTY! THIS IS WHERE EVERY NIGHT IS TRULY SPECIAL. AWESOME o th gust Livign On 10 Au atmosphere brings the e localities of the Alpin turies ago of two cen t as the nigh back to life h torches, flickers wit d candles. bonfires an 44 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER Livigno nights are alive with lights, music and lots of fun for kids and adults alike. At every sunset “Little Tibet” comes to life with a new après-ski event: happy hour, Alpine food and drink, typical dinners served in the mountain huts, gatherings and theme shows organized in Pláza Plachéda, breweries, night clubs and more! If you like staying out well into the wee small hours with your friends, then take your pick of whatever you want to do! | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 45 PLÁZA PLACHÉDA A TRULY COMPETITIVE OFFER! Livigno has the ideal structures to cater for business meetings: the Pláza Plachéda centre is the perfect place for conferences, workshops, conventions or company events. Two large rooms, differing in size, state-of-the art communication devices, customisable settings, display equipment, hospitality desks, direct cooperation with the APT staff - all of this gives Livigno’s business offer a highly competitive edge. PLÁZA PLACHÉDA, Convention and exhibition centre opened in 2005. Plenary Room: 900 persons. Conference Room: 150 persons. Free Wi-Fi area. Info: 46 MTB | HIKING & TREKKING | FAMILY | AND MUCH MORE... SUMMER | SUMMER LANDSCAPE | SKI | AND MUCH MORE... WINTER WINTER LANDSCAPE | SHOPPING | FOOD & WINE | C U LT U R E & T R A D I T I O N S | POOL&FITNESS | NIGHT LIFE | BUSINESS 47 HOSPITALITY Livigno means professionalism and a warm welcome to you and your family. All accommodation is situated along the Spöl valley and the Village is divided into 8 districts, which makes it easy for you to find your way! 48 49
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