4 - International Relations Council
4 - International Relations Council
1f••••• •. 4•.• ~ •••• Jt& "';'.49• .•••..I •• · ~ ••• ' ...• The Reagan administration .. iwelcomes the opportunity to Improve relations, bet en the United States and South Africa ... Let us then build on these shared interests and let us talk as trie. ds of the differences ----netween us. Most importantly,t,et this be the new beginning of mutual trust and c~nfi~enco ~etwe~~ the United States and South Africa'j' d lIke MinIster Botha, who are getting together gain. »r= R,eagan and South Afri a: All Carrots, No Sticks <.1/), ! •. .-" . DEN CAPITALIST LOGS must get a beating s6,- stand firm or you're gonna feed the worms. The struggle must (~ontinue until those CAPITALIST DOGS GET BEA'J:EN.Until the ph'tlosophy that holds one race supBrior over another is permanantl:r decredited and abandoned, HE. SAY UAR! Everyday and ._'EVERYWHERE THE;~ HILL BE HAR! Evoryone is crying out for peace, few lre crying out for Lawrence conta~t: ,r Stu Shafer (911) 749-4538 ~ick Paretsky (~13) R41-9631 K.~. ~a.N\<>:t ~c\l s) '6~ l-1~.;~\ JUS'1'ICE. HE DON'T \,1ANT NO PEACE! VIE 1:J ANT EQ,UALRIGHTS AND JUSTICE! I FaR CARpOOL INFO: rAJO Fo~ e Y K-\,\.S.A + JotnJje.t\ow~ Gracia t The COnPORATERULING CLASS DON"'TCARE FOR YOUAND THEY DON'"TCARE FOR ME viE have no sympathy for them. '.VEare vrha't He are,so vrhen their walls of' oppression topples down on them \'lE v.IILL HAVEANO STIIPATHYand the CORPORATERULING CLASS reconizes this and. they ~:row in the '\ process of strengthening their alliances and increasing their oppression of you and me .One such effort at strengtling their alliance v1ill take place 011 the fourteenth of September in ,(.C. 1'10.. The vile life form knovm as an Ambassasdor for the racist .~overnment of South Africa will be in K.C.Mo..' COt-lT~t-l a~NT Assoclaled 8l.jl1-6862,61f. -3J15 Pre •• President Re~gan meets with South Africa's Pik Bot ne. the lirst African forei(Jn minister to visit the Reagan White House. Orl September 14, 1981 Donald B. Sole, the South Afri~an ambaSS]dOr to the United States will be speakina at n:l0 pm in the .RegenCy Ballroom of the Hilton Plaza Inn, 45th and Main, Kansas City, Missouri. His appearance is sponsored by the International Relations Council. A ~itywide coalition is forminq to express opposition to apa.rthel~d .. in South African 9.nd., Sole's apoear ance in Kansas Cit¥.~ Wqq~d like you to joiD us.