Stelrad Radiator Specification
Stelrad Radiator Specification
COMMERCIAL RETAIL HEALTHCARE EDUCATION TRANSPORTATION Stelrad Radiator Specification technical guide StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 1 08/09/2014 14:01 Supporting your system design through innovation and technical excellence Offering the knowledge, expertise and technical know-how that our specification partners need is essential in delivering an exceptional package of support. Combining this with innovative products, individual solutions and superior logistics means that we provide our specification partners with a unique proposition; one that delivers outstanding products alongside technical expertise and solutions designed just for your project. Our aim is to help you to deliver superior environmental solutions that optimise building performance. We do this by providing you with a package of tools, support, products, manufacturing and innovation that only Stelrad can deliver. Flat Vertical Line Vertical Flat Horizontal Line Horizontal Line Perimeter StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 1 08/09/2014 14:01 There’s much more to Stelrad l Dedicated Specification Support and Technical teams l Individual services to suit your project needs l Range of specification tools l A range of BIM object tools l Short lead times and delivered direct to site l Products individually labelled for building location l CPD’s (continuous professional development) Slim Tube Parallel Slim Tube Horizontal Contents Flat 3 Line 9 Slim Tube 15 Oval 25 Radical 29 Technical Info 47 Oval Vertical Oval Horizontal Radical StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 2 08/09/2014 14:01 Stelrad Planar flat horizontal K1 40 Δt FH11 Height Length mm Sections Height 300 500 1000 1400 2000 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 15 30 42 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 400 Flat 500 600 300 400 500 700 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 3 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) Heat output Length mm Watts Btu/hr 500 600 3 K2 176 1000 351 491 1400 702 2000 187 400 281 375 600 468 800 562 1000 655 1200 749 843 1400 936 1600 232 1800 347 463 2000 579 400 695 600 811 800 926 1042 1000 1158 1200 272 409 1400 545 1600 681 1800 818 954 2000 1091 2200 1227 2400 1363 2600 Heat output Heat output Watts Btu/hr Watts Btu/hr 235 600 1197 1677 2394 638 960 1279 1598 1917 2236 2557 2876 3195 791 1184 1580 1975 2371 2767 3160 3555 3951 929 1396 1861 2325 2790 3254 3721 4186 4650 348 469 695 657 973 938 1390 352 250 528 376 705 501 880 1056 626 1233 751 1408 876 1585 1761 1002 422 1127 634 1252 844 1055 310 1266 464 1477 619 1689 1900 774 2111 929 489 1084 733 978 1238 1222 1393 1467 1548 1711 1955 1702 2200 1858 2444 2013 802 1187 1601 2371 2242 3320 3201 4742 1202 853 1802 1283 2404 1710 3004 3604 2137 4206 2563 4806 2990 5408 6008 3420 1439 3846 2162 4273 2881 3601 1058 4321 1584 5041 2113 5763 6483 2642 7202 3171 1669 3700 2501 3336 4225 4170 4754 5005 5283 5839 6671 5812 7506 6341 8341 6871 K1 40 ∆tΔt 30 (65/55/20°C) K2 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Heat output Heat output Heat output Watts Btu/hr Watts Btu/hr Watts Btu/hr Watts Btu/hr 176 600 351 1197121 491 702 187 281 375 468 562 655 749 843 936 232 347 463 579 695 811 926 1042 1158 1274 1390 1505 242 1677338 2395483 638129 194 960 258 1279322 1598387 451 1917 516 2236580 2558645 160 2877 239 3196319 791399 478 1185 558 1580638 1976717 797 2372 187 2767282 3161375 469 3556 563 3952657 4346751 845 4742 938 5135 121 413 242 824 1154 338 1648 483 439 129 661 880 194 1100 258 1320 322 1539 387 1761 1980 451 2200 516 545 580 815 1088 645 1360 160 1632 239 1905 319 2175 2448 399 2720 478 640 961 558 1281 638 1601 717 1921 2240 797 2562 877 2882 957 3202 1036 413 239 478 670 957 243 364 485 606 727 849 970 1091 1212 290 436 581 727 872 1017 1163 1308 1453 337 505 673 842 1010 1178 1346 1515 1683 824 1155 1649 439 661 881 1100 1320 1540 1761 1981 2201 545 816 1088 1360 1633 1905 2176 2448 2721 2992 3265 3535 2800 2168 7394 1621 5531 1116 3808 3000 2321 7924 1737 5926 1196 4080 400 364 1242 272 929 187 640 600 547 1867 409 1396 282 961 800 729 2488 545 1861 375 1281 1000 911 3109 681 2326 469 1601 1200 1093 3730 818 2790 563 1921 1400 1275 4352 954 3255 657 2241 1600 1458 4976 1091 3722 751 2563 1800 1640 5597 1227 4187 845 2883 2000 1822 6218 1363 4651 938 3203 2200 2005 6840 1499 5115 1032 3521 2400 2168 7461 1635 5579 1126 3841 2600 2368 8081 1772 6046 1220 4163 2800 2550 8708 1908 6511 1314 4483 3000 2734 9329 2044 6975 1407 4802 400 415 1417 311 1060 214 730 600 623 2125 466 1589 321 1094 800 830 2833 621 2119 428 1459 1000 1038 3542 776 2649 535 1824 1200 1246 4250 932 3179 641 2189 1400 1453 4958 1087 3709 748 2554 1600 1661 5667 1242 4239 855 2918 1800 1868 6375 1398 4768 962 3283 2000 2076 7083 1553 5298 1069 3648 817 1632 2286 3265 828 1241 1655 2068 2481 2896 3309 3723 4136 991 1488 1984 2479 2975 3470 3968 4463 4959 1149 1722 2297 2871 3446 4020 4593 5168 5742 ∆t50 is the UK’s industry standard for heating outputs, which has an operating temperature of 75/65/20°C if you have a low temperature heat source you may wish to consider ∆t40 or ∆t30 output. 08/09/2014 14:02 flat horizontal K1 K2 30 Δt 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) FH22 Sections 15 30 42 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 Heat output Height Watts Btu/hr 176 351 491 702 187 281 375 468 562 655 749 843 936 232 347 463 579 695 811 926 1042 1158 272 409 545 681 818 954 1091 1227 1363 600 1197 1677 2394 638 960 1279 1598 1917 2236 2557 2876 3195 791 1184 1580 1975 2371 2767 3160 3555 3951 929 1396 1861 2325 2790 3254 3721 4186 4650 300 400 500 Heat output Length mm Watts Btu/hr 500 348 1000 695 9731400 13902000 352 400 528 600 705 880800 1056 1000 1233 14081200 15851400 1761 1600 422 1800 634 8442000 1055 400 1266 600 1477 1689800 1900 1000 2111 4891200 7331400 9781600 1222 14671800 17112000 19552200 2200 24442400 2600 600 700 K1 1187 2371 3320 4742 1202 1802 2404 3004 3604 4206 4806 5408 6008 1439 2162 2881 3601 4321 5041 5763 6483 7202 1669 2501 3336 4170 5005 5839 6671 7506 8341 Heat output Watts Btu/hr 465 1587 929 3171 1301 4440 1858 6341 471 1608 706 2410 942 3215 1177 4017 1412 4819 1648 5625 1883 6427 2119 7232 2354 8034 564 1925 847 2891 1129 3853 1411 4816 1693 5778 1975 6741 2258 7707 2540 8669 2822 9631 3105 10595 3386 11556 3668 12518 K2 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Heat output Heat output Heat output Btu/hr Watts WattsBtu/hr Btu/hr Watts Btu/hrWatts 121 242 338 483 129 194 258 322 387 451 516 580 645 160 239 319 399 478 558 638 717 797 187 282 375 469 563 657 751 845 938 348 695 973 1390 352 528 705 880 1056 1233 1408 1585 1761 422 634 844 1055 1266 1477 1689 1900 2111 2322 2533 2744 413 824 1154 1648 439 661 880 1100 1320 1539 1761 1980 2200 545 815 1088 1360 1632 1905 2175 2448 2720 640 961 1281 1601 1921 2240 2562 2882 3202 1187 239 478 3321670 4743957 243 1202 364 1802485 2405606 727 3005 849 3605970 1091 4207 1212 4807 290 5410436 6010581 727 1440 872 2162 1017 1163 2882 1308 3602 1453 4322337 5042505 673 5765 842 6484 1010 1178 7204 1346 7922 1515 8462 1683 2372 9364 239 817 817 478 1632 2286670 3265957 828 243 1241 364 1655 2068485 2481 606 2896 3309727 3723849 4136 970 991 1091 1488 19841212 2479 290 2975 436 3470 3968581 4463 727 4959 1149872 17221017 22971163 2871 34461308 40201453 45931599 5168 57421744 5950 1890 6447 1633 2287 3266 828 1241 1656 2069 2482 2897 3310 3725 4138 991 1489 1984 2480 2976 Flat r 3471 3969 4465 4960 5454 2800 3950 13486 2955 10084 2035 6943 3000 4234 14448 3166 10803 2180 7438 400 654 2232 489 1670 337 1150 600 980 3345 733 2502 505 1723 800 1307 4461 978 3337 673 2297 1000 1634 5577 1222 4171 842 2872 1200 1961 6693 1467 5006 1010 3447 1400 2288 7809 1711 5841 1178 4022 1600 2614 8922 1955 6673 1346 4595 1800 2941 10038 2200 7508 1515 5169 2000 3268 11154 2444 8343 1683 5744 2200 3594 12269 2689 9175 1851 6317 2400 3922 13386 2934 10010 2020 6892 2600 4249 14502 3178 10842 2188 7465 2800 4576 15613 3422 11676 2356 8039 3000 4901 16729 3667 12511 2525 8614 400 739 2522 546 1861 381 1282 600 1095 3736 819 2794 564 1924 800 1460 4980 1092 3725 752 2565 1000 1824 6224 1365 4656 939 3206 1200 2189 7469 1637 5586 1127 3846 1400 2554 8713 1910 6517 1332 4487 1600 2919 9960 2184 7450 1503 5130 1800 3284 11205 2456 8381 1691 5770 2000 3649 12449 2729 9312 1879 6411 ∆t50 is the UK’s industry standard for heating outputs, which has an operating temperature of 75/65/20°C if you have a low temperature heat source you may wish to consider ∆t40 or ∆t30 output. 4 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 4 08/09/2014 14:02 EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type FH11 FH22 Height 300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700 W/m at 75/65/20 469 629 774 911 1038 929 1177 1411 1634 1848 n-coefficients 1.30 1.29 1.28 1.27 1.27 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 2.09 2.95 3.80 4.66 5.51 3.51 4.92 6.33 7.74 9.15 Weight (kg/m) 11.88 16.13 20.39 24.65 28.91 19.60 26.40 33.20 40.00 46.80 Water Contents (l/m) 1.89 2.34 2.80 3.25 3.77 3.70 4.67 5.63 6.60 7.63 Wall to tap centre (mm) 54 54 54 54 54 76 76 76 76 76 Flat Horizontal mounting brackets FH11 and FH22 (400, 500 & 600mm) 17 31 17 31 All dimensions in mm. Floor mounting brackets available. FH11 and FH22 (300mm) 125 225 325 425 H 155 255 355 455 I 173 273 373 473 15 15 15 Flat Horizontal floor supports C L 5 400 500 – 1100 1200 1400 – 1800 2000 – 3000 H Number 300 C 117 150 2pc 250 250 250 500 E – – – – L/2+17 L 400 500 – 1100 1200 1400 – 1800 H Number 3pc 2pc 2000 3pc B G A 107 I 77 107 D 77 107 12 C 77 - H 77 F 12 C E 12 B 444 A 344 I 244 G D 144 F D 12 E 416 H 316 G 216 F - E 44 C A 16 44 I 16 44 D 16 44 31 B 16 B H A 31 17 G 600 A 500 I 400 D 300 17 E mm B mm H mm G mm E Flat Dimensions D E 15 L D C H 2200 2400 2600 4pc 2800 3000 5pc 600 C 117 150 250 250 700 D – – – – 750 817 250 850 750 817 250 850 E – – – – – – – – – L/2+17 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 5 08/09/2014 14:02 A FH11 and FH22 lug positions All dimensions in mm. FH11 Dimensions Dimensions mm A A D D FH22 Panel Height D mm mm mm A 400mm 117 A 400 – 1100mm 133 300 155 A 500 – 1100mm 150 A 1200 – 3000mm 267 400 255 A 1200 – 2000mm 283 B All 60 500 355 B All 60 600 455 C 1800 – 3000mm 17 B B 400 - 1100 LONG A 1200 - 1700 LONG A = = D B 1800 - 3000 LONG Flat wall mounting information A FH11 C FH22 Flat All dimensions in mm. Flat bracket position A = Closest to Wall B = Furthest from Wall 54 (R) A { (R) = Recommended Mounting Position B{ (R) A { Flat piping options Pressure drops B{ 76 (R) A { 86 125 68 B{ 100 90 139 54 (2.13) 86 (3.38) 76 (R) A { 125 68 (2.68) 100 (3.94) B{ 90 139 100000 PRESSURE DROP Pa 10000 FH11 1000 100 10 FH22 10 100 1000 FLOW RATE Kg/hr 6 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 6 08/09/2014 14:02 flat vertical Stelrad Planar Vertical K2 40 Height 18001800 2000 2000 2200 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 2200 Heat output Watts Btu/hr UIN 12 500 15 18 600 21 700 12 15 400 18 500 21 12 600 15 700 18 21 400 1476 30182204 30182205 1845 30182206 2214 30182207 30202204 2583 30202205 1584 30202206 30202207 1980 30222204 2376 30222205 30222206 2772 30222207 1692 1104 500 2115 400 5036 1104 3767 1380 62954709 1656 5651 7554 1932 6592 1185 88134043 1481 5053 5405 1777 6064 2073 67567075 1266 4318 8107 1582 5398 1898 94586477 2215 7557 5773 Flat 2200 1582 5398 1380 1932 1185 1481 1777 2073 (55/45/20°C) Heat outputHeat output Btu/hr Watts Watts Btu/hr 760 950 1140 1330 816 1020 1224 1428 871 1089 1307 1525 760 2594 3242 950 3890 1140 4539 2783 1330 3479 816 4175 4871 1020 2973 1224 3716 4460 1428 5203 871 2594 3242 3890 4539 2783 3479 4175 4871 2973 1089 3716 600 2538 8660 1898 6477 1307 4460 700 2961 10103 2215 7557 1525 5203 Length 2000 1266 3767 30182204 30182205 4709 30182206 5651 30182207 30202204 6592 30202205 4043 30202206 30202207 5053 30222204 6064 30222205 30222206 7075 30222207 4318 1656 7216 K2 Weights & Measures 1800 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) Heat output Heat output WattsUIN Btu/hrBtu/hr Watts Length Sections Length mm mm Height Height 3030Δt∆t Δt 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) FV22 Wall to tap Dry Water Surface EN 442 Certification Data centre weight content - CETIAT area tested in accordance with BS EN 442 mm in 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.6 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.6 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.6 mm 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Kg m2/m Litres 42.12 Type 6.36 52.65 7.95 Height 63.18 9.54 W/m at 75/65/20 73.71 11.13 46.56 7.08 n-coefficients 58.20 8.85 69.84 10.62 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 81.48 12.39 Weight (kg/m) 50.64 8.04 63.30 Contents10.05 Water (l/m) 75.96 12.06 Wall to tap centre (mm) 88.62 14.07 11.96 14.95 17.94 20.93 15.10 18.87 22.64 26.42 15.46 19.30 23.16 27.02 FV22 1800 2000 2200 3690 3960 4230 1.32 1.33 1.33 29.90 37.74 38.66 105.30 116.40 126.60 15.90 17.70 20.10 77 77 77 129 Flat Vertical mounting brackets Height H2 H3 H4 mm mm mm mm 1800 70 830 1590 2000 70 930 1790 2200 70 1030 1990 28 Flat Vertical wall EN 442 Certification Data – CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 mounting information K2 Type 102 Height W/m at 75/65/20 n-coefficients Heated Surface Area (m2/m) Weight (kg/m) Water Contents (l/m) Wall to tap centre (mm) All dimensions in mm. H4 1800 3690 1.32 29.90 105.30 15.90 77 2000 3960 1.33 37.74 116.40 17.70 77 28 2200 4230 1.33 38.66 126.60 20.10 77 H3 H2 Comes complete with Stelrad’s class leading safety bracket. 28 50 77 7 28 LENGTH - 56 LENGTH StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 7 08/09/2014 14:02 Flat piping options Pressure drops 10000 1000 Flat PRESSURE DROP Pa FV22 100 10 100 1000 FLOW RATE Kg/hr 8 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 8 08/09/2014 14:02 Line Horizontal LH11 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Length mm 500 235 802 176 600 121 413 300 1000 469 1601 351 1197 242 824 1400 657 2242 491 1677 338 1155 2000 938 3201 702 2395 483 1649 400 298 1017 223 761 153 524 600 448 1529 335 1144 231 787 600 Line 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) Height 500 800 597 2038 447 1524 307 1049 1000 746 2546 558 1904 384 1311 1200 895 3055 669 2285 461 1573 1400 1044 3563 781 2665 538 1835 1600 1194 4075 893 3048 615 2099 1800 1343 4584 1005 3429 692 2361 2000 1492 5092 1116 3809 768 2622 400 348 1188 260 888 179 612 600 522 1782 390 1333 269 918 800 696 2375 521 1777 358 1223 1000 870 2969 651 2221 448 1529 1200 1044 3563 781 2665 538 1835 1400 1218 4157 911 3109 627 2141 1600 1392 4751 1041 3554 717 2447 1800 1566 5345 1171 3998 806 2753 2000 1740 5939 1302 4442 896 3058 LH22 Height Length mm 500 300 500 600 9 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 449 335 231 1532 1148 788 1000 898 3064 671 2291 462 1577 1400 1257 4289 940 3208 647 2208 2000 1796 6128 1343 4583 924 3155 400 555 1894 415 1417 286 976 600 833 2843 623 2127 429 1464 800 1110 3788 830 2834 572 1951 1000 1388 4737 1038 3543 715 2440 1200 1666 5686 1246 4253 858 2928 1400 1943 6631 1453 4960 1001 3415 1600 2221 7580 1661 5670 1144 3904 1800 2498 8526 1869 6377 1286 4391 2000 2776 9474 2076 7087 1430 4879 400 640 2184 479 1634 330 1125 600 961 3280 719 2453 495 1689 800 1281 4372 958 3270 660 2252 1000 1601 5464 1198 4087 825 2814 1200 1921 6556 1437 4904 989 3377 1400 2241 7649 1676 5721 1154 3939 1600 2562 8744 1916 6541 1319 4503 1800 2882 9836 2156 7358 1484 5066 2000 3202 10928 2395 8174 1649 5628 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 9 08/09/2014 14:02 EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type LH11 LH22 Height 300 500 600 300 500 600 W/m at 75/65/20 470 746 870 898 1388 1634 1.32 n-coefficients 1.26 1.28 1.28 1.30 1.31 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 2.09 3.80 4.66 3.51 6.33 7.74 Weight (kg/m) 14.13 20.23 24.27 19.30 32.03 38.40 6.20 Water Contents (l/m) 1.81 2.77 3.23 3.10 5.17 Wall to tap centre (mm) 54 54 54 – – – Floor standing – – – 76 76 76 Line Horizontal 300mm, 500mm & 600mm wall mounting information LH22 LH11 All dimensions in mm. Floor mounting brackets available. 63 Line 102 76 54 88 127 Radiator length: 400 to 1600mm (in 200mm steps) LH11 and LH22 lug positions 3rd lug in rad center (LH11 + 17mm) All dimensions in mm. A Length LH11 LH22 mm mm 400mm 117 133 500 – 1100mm 150 133 283 267 1200 – 1600mm 1800 – 2000mm Radiator length: 1800 to 2000mm 3rd lug in rad. centre* *LH11 + 17mm Radiator length: 400 to 1600mm (in 200mm steps) 10 3rd lug in rad center (LH11 + 17mm) StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 10 08/09/2014 14:02 Line Horizontal piping options Pressure drops 100000 PRESSURE DROP Pa 10000 LH11 1000 Line 100 10 LH22 10 100 1000 FLOW RATE Kg/hr 11 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 11 08/09/2014 14:02 LV20 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Height Length mm 1600 300 693 2365 518 1769 357 1218 500 1155 3942 864 2949 595 2030 600 1386 4730 1037 3538 714 2436 1800 2000 2200 300 760 2594 568 1940 391 1336 500 1266 4321 947 3232 652 2225 600 1519 5184 1136 3878 782 2670 300 824 2812 616 2104 424 1448 500 1374 4689 1028 3508 708 2415 600 1649 5628 1233 4210 849 2898 300 887 3027 663 2264 457 1559 500 1479 5048 1106 3776 762 2600 600 1775 6058 1328 4531 914 3120 LV22 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Height Length mm 400 1476 5036 1104 3767 760 2594 1800 500 1845 6295 1380 4709 950 3242 2000 2200 600 2214 7554 1656 5651 1140 3890 700 2583 8813 1932 6592 1330 4539 400 1588 5405 1188 4043 818 2784 500 1980 6756 1481 5053 1020 3479 600 2376 8107 1777 6064 1224 4175 700 2772 9458 2073 7075 1428 4871 300 1269 4330 949 3239 654 2230 400 1692 5773 1266 4318 871 2973 500 2115 7216 1582 5398 1089 3716 600 2538 8660 1898 6477 1307 4460 Line Line vertical EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type LV20 LV22 Height 1600 1800 2000 2200 1800 2000 2200 W/m at 75/65/20 2310 2532 2748 2958 3690 3960 4230 n-coefficients 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.32 1.33 1.33 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 7.33 8.25 9.17 10.09 29.90 37.74 38.66 Weight (kg/m) 77.70 86.70 95.40 105.60 105.30 116.40 126.60 Water Contents (l/m) 14.10 16.20 18.30 20.10 15.90 17.70 20.10 Wall to tap centre (mm) 65 65 65 65 77 77 77 12 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 12 08/09/2014 14:02 102 102 77 129 Line Vertical mounted brackets 77 104 77 Line Vertical wall mounting information 102 28 28 All dimensions in mm. 129 129 104 H4 102 104 28 102 77 LV20 28 77 LV22 28 28 28 50 Height H2 H3 H4 mm mm mm mm 1600 70 730 1390 1800 70 830 1590 2000 70 930 1790 2200 70 1030 1990 56 65 77 H3 28 28 28 H2 77 65 77 Line Vertical piping options 50 50 56 56 65 28 28 Line 50 56 65 77 28 65 77 Pressure drops 28 77 28 50 50 56 56 65 10000 PRESSURE DROP Pa LV20 LV22 1000 100 10 100 1000 FLOW RATE Kg/hr 13 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 13 08/09/2014 14:02 200 Line perimeter LO LINE LP21 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Height Length mm 500 242 826 181 618 125 425 200 1000 483 1648 361 1233 249 849 1400 676 2307 506 1726 348 1188 2000 966 3297 723 2466 497 1698 LP22 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Length mm 500 307 1048 230 784 158 540 200 1000 614 2096 459 1567 316 1079 1400 860 2935 643 2196 443 1512 2000 1228 4191 919 3135 632 2158 200 Height LP21 LP22 Height 200 200 W/m at 75/65/20 483 614 1.29 n-coefficients 1.31 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 1.51 2.10 Weight (kg/m) 12.14 13.15 2.70 2.64 - - Floor standing 76 76 200 Water Contents (l/m) Wall to tap centre (mm) 200 Type Line EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 LP22 150 Line Perimeter Lo Line floor mounting information LP22 200 LP21 102 All dimensions in mm. LP21 102 Line Perimeter Lo Line panel information Floor mounting bracket comes as standard (200mm only) 14 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 14 08/09/2014 14:02 Line Perimeter Lo Line piping options PRESSURE DROP Pa Pressure drops Slim Tube 2 2 LP21 2 LP22 FLOW RATE Kg/hr LP21 2 15 LP22 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 15 08/09/2014 14:02 STS Height 440 588 736 Length mm 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 500 382 1303 286 975 197 671 600 458 1563 343 1169 236 805 700 535 1825 400 1365 276 940 800 611 2085 457 1559 315 1074 900 688 2347 515 1756 354 1209 1000 764 2607 571 1950 393 1342 1100 840 2866 628 2144 433 1476 1200 917 3129 686 2340 472 1611 1400 1070 3651 800 2731 551 1880 1600 1222 4169 914 3119 629 2147 1800 1375.2 4692 1029 3510 708 2416 2000 1528 5214 1143 3900 787 2685 2200 1681 5736 1257 4290 866 2954 2400 1834 6258 1372 4681 945 3223 2600 1986 6776 1486 5069 1023 3490 2800 2139 7298 1600 5459 1102 3759 3000 2292 7820 1714 5850 1180 4027 500 500 1706 374 1276 258 879 600 599 2044 448 1529 308 1053 700 699 2385 523 1784 360 1228 800 799 2726 598 2039 411 1404 900 899 3067 672 2294 463 1580 1000 999 3409 747 2550 514 1755 1100 1099 3750 822 2805 566 1931 1200 1199 4091 897 3060 617 2107 1400 1399 4773 1046 3570 720 2458 1600 1598 5452 1195 4078 823 2808 1800 1798 6135 1345 4589 926 3159 2000 1998 6817 1495 5099 1029 3511 2200 2198 7500 1644 5610 1132 3862 2400 2398 8182 1794 6120 1235 4214 2600 2597 8861 1943 6628 1337 4563 2800 2797 9543 2092 7138 1440 4915 3000 2997 10226 2242 7649 1543 5266 500 606 2068 453 1547 312 1065 600 727 2481 544 1855 374 1277 700 848 2893 634 2164 437 1490 800 970 3310 726 2476 500 1704 900 1091 3722 816 2784 562 1917 1000 1212 4135 907 3093 624 2130 1100 1333 4548 997 3402 686 2342 1200 1454 4961 1088 3711 749 2555 1400 1697 5790 1269 4331 874 2982 1600 1939 6616 1450 4949 999 3407 1800 2182 7445 1632 5569 1124 3834 2000 2424 8271 1813 6186 1248 4259 2200 2666 9096 1994 6804 1373 4685 2400 2909 9926 2176 7424 1498 5112 2600 3151 10751 2357 8042 1623 5537 2800 3394 11580 2539 8662 1748 5964 3000 3636 12406 2720 9280 1873 6389 Slim Tube Slim TUBE SINGLE Please note: All products over 2 metres wide will take 6 weeks to be delivered from date of order. When this product is ordered it cannot be cancelled. 16 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 16 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube single, double and perimeter EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type STS Height 440 588 736 W/m at 75/65/20 764 999 1212 n-coefficients 1.27 1.29 1.29 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 4.9 6.58 6.92 Weight (kg/m) 18.23 25.01 31.98 Water Contents (l/m) 2.68 3.54 4.43 Wall to tap centre (mm) 44 44 44 Slim Tube Single fixing positions All dimensions in mm. 128 L = 1600-3000 L = 500-1400 M8 2 150 150 Slim Tube Single wall mounting information 150 40 Slim Tube H = 440-736 M8 150 70 40 45 60 15 60 65 D2 (5.90) 15 D 50 27D2 10 27 80 45 45 DI 60 All dimensions in mm. 30 45 10 From wall to centre of connections D2 mm mm mm 9 44 69 Slim Tube Single 50 10 35 40 From wall to centre of connections D1 D DI 70min Type From back of radiator to wall D 15 17 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 17 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube Single mounting positions All dimensions in mm. 100 Must be specified at time of ordering as they are securely welded during manufacture. 150 150 70 Floor mounting brackets illustration. This is a made to order product and once ordered it cannot be cancelled. Slim Tube Slim Tube Single piping options 18 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 18 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim TUBE DOUBLE STD Height Slim Tube 440 588 736 Length mm 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 500 673 2296 503 1718 347 1183 600 808 2757 604 2062 416 1420 700 942 3214 705 2404 485 1655 800 1077 3675 806 2749 555 1892 900 1211 4132 906 3091 624 2128 1000 1346 4593 1007 3435 693 2365 1100 1481 5053 1108 3780 763 2602 1200 1615 5510 1208 4122 832 2838 1400 1884 6428 1409 4808 970 3311 1600 2154 7349 1611 5497 1109 3785 1800 2423 8267 1812 6184 1248 4258 2000 2692 9185 2014 6870 1386 4730 2200 2961 10103 2215 7557 1525 5203 2400 3230 11021 2416 8244 1663 5676 2600 3500 11942 2618 8933 1803 6150 2800 3769 12860 2819 9619 1941 6623 3000 4038 13778 3020 10306 2080 7095 500 827 2822 619 2111 426 1453 600 992 3385 742 2532 511 1743 700 1158 3951 866 2955 596 2035 800 1323 4514 990 3377 681 2325 900 1489 5080 1114 3800 767 2616 1000 1654 5643 1237 4221 852 2906 1100 1819 6206 1361 4642 937 3196 1200 1985 6773 1485 5066 1022 3488 1400 2316 7902 1732 5911 1193 4070 1600 2646 9028 1979 6753 1363 4649 1800 2977 10158 2227 7598 1533 5231 2000 3308 11287 2474 8443 1704 5813 2200 3639 12416 2722 9287 1874 6394 2400 3970 13546 2970 10132 2045 6976 2600 4300 14672 3216 10974 2215 7556 2800 4631 15801 3464 11819 2385 8138 3000 4962 16930 3712 12664 2555 8719 500 1046 3569 782 2670 539 1838 600 1255 4282 939 3203 646 2205 700 1464 4995 1095 3736 754 2573 800 1674 5712 1252 4272 862 2942 900 1883 6425 1408 4806 970 3309 1000 2092 7138 1565 5339 1077 3676 1100 2301 7851 1721 5873 1185 4043 1200 2510 8564 1877 6406 1293 4411 1400 2929 9994 2191 7475 1508 5147 1600 3347 11420 2504 8542 1724 5881 1800 3766 12850 2817 9611 1939 6618 2000 4184 14276 3130 10678 2155 7352 2200 4602 15702 3442 11745 2370 8087 2400 5021 17132 3756 12814 2586 8823 2600 5439 18558 4068 13881 2801 9557 2800 5858 19987 4382 14951 3017 10294 3000 6276 21414 4694 16017 3232 11028 Please note: All products over 2 metres wide will take 6 weeks to be delivered from date of order. When this product is ordered it cannot be cancelled. 19 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 19 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube single, double and perimeter EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type STD Height 440 588 736 W/m at 75/65/20 1346 1654 2092 n-coefficients 1.31 1.34 1.34 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 7.71 10.37 11.06 Weight (kg/m) 32.79 45.01 57.44 Water Contents (l/m) 5.31 7.09 8.86 Wall to tap centre (mm) 94 94 94 Slim Tube Double fixing positions L = 500-1400 L = 1600-3000 All dimensions in mm. 150 Slim Tube 150 150 110 150 40 20 H = 414-736 60 M8 150 18 55 Slim Tube Double wall mounting information D2 15 D 50 27D2 27 80 45 45 DI 10 All dimensions in mm. 30 45 10 Slim Tube Double From wall to centre of connections D1 mm mm mm 27 94 119 50 10 From wall to centre of connections D2 35 40 From back of radiator to wall D D DI 70min Type 15 20 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 20 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube Double mounting positions All dimensions in mm. 100 Must be specified at time of ordering as they are securely welded during manufacture. 150 150 70 120 Floor mounting brackets illustration. This is a made to order product and once ordered it cannot be cancelled. Slim Tube Slim Tube Double piping options Slim TUBE Vertical STV 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Height Length mm 1800 440 780 2661 583 1991 402 1371 588 1040 3548 778 2654 536 1827 736 1300 4436 972 3318 670 2284 440 870 2968 651 2220 448 1529 588 1160 3958 868 2961 597 2038 736 1450 4947 1085 3701 747 2548 2000 Slim Tube Vertical EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 21 Type STV Height 1800 2000 W/m at 75/65/20 1770 1972 n-coefficients 1.31 1.31 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 3.95 4.36 Weight (kg/m) 45.14 49.77 Water Contents (l/m) 9.68 10.64 Wall to tap centre (mm) 44 44 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 21 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube Vertical fixing positions 107 107 115 115 107 20 H = 1800-2000 All dimensions in mm. 18 115 55 Slim Tube Vertical wall mounting information 50 D2 D2 27 15 D DI 27 10 80 45 45 All dimensions in mm. Hardware pack includes air vents, saddle clips & branding clips. 30 45 10 From wall to centre of connections D2 mm mm mm 25 44 70 50 35 DI D Slim Tube From wall to centre of connections D1 70min Slim Tube Vertical From back of radiator to wall D 40 Type Slim Tube Double piping options 22 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 22 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim TUBE Parallel 50 (1.97) 10 (0.39) 27 (1.06) D2 45 (1.77) STP 10 (0.39) 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Height Length mm 320 872 2975 652 2225 449 1532 1800 440 1199 4091 897 3060 617 2107 35 (1.38) 40 (1.57) 50 (1.97) 80 DI (3.15) D 30 (1.18) 45 (1.77) D2 DI 2000 D 70min (2.76) 27 (1.06) 45 (1.77) 15 (0.59) 520 1417 4835 1060 3616 730 2490 640 1744 5951 1305 4451 898 3065 320 978 3337 732 2496 504 1719 440 1344 4586 1005 3430 692 2362 520 1589 5422 1189 4055 818 2792 640 1956 6674 1463 4992 1007 3437 Slim Tube Parallel EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Slim Tube Type STP Height 1800 2000 W/m at 75/65/20 2725 3056 n-coefficients 1.30 1.31 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 6.9 7.65 Weight (kg/m) 77.81 78.5 Water Contents (l/m) 17.5 19.25 Wall to tap centre (mm) 50 50 Slim Tube Parallel fixing positions 44 All dimensions in mm. D All dimensions in mm. 30 45 Front face from finished wall D D1 D2 mm mm mm 35 50 130 50 35 40 Connection centres from finished wall DI 23 80 D 70min Slim Parallel D2 DI 27 10 Back face to finished wall Type 10 45 D2 Slim Tube Parallel wall mounting information 50 27 45 15 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 23 08/09/2014 14:02 Slim Tube Parallel piping options STL Height 144 292 Length mm 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 800 530 1808 396 1353 273 931 1000 663 2262 496 1692 341 1165 1200 796 2716 595 2032 410 1399 1400 928 3166 694 2368 478 1631 1600 1061 3620 794 2708 546 1864 1800 1193 4071 892 3045 614 2096 2000 1326 4524 992 3384 683 2330 2200 1459 4978 1091 3724 751 2564 800 898 3064 672 2292 462 1578 1000 1122 3828 839 2864 578 1972 1200 1346 4593 1007 3435 693 2365 1400 1571 5360 1175 4009 809 2761 1600 1795 6125 1343 4581 924 3154 1800 2020 6892 1511 5155 1040 3550 2000 2244 7657 1679 5727 1156 3943 2200 2468 8421 1846 6299 1271 4337 Slim Tube Slim TUBE PERIMETER LO LINE Please note: All products over 2 metres wide will take 6 weeks to be delivered from date of order. When this product is ordered it cannot be cancelled. Slim Tube Perimeter Lo Line EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type STP Height 144 292 W/m at 75/65/20 663 1122 n-coefficients 1.23 1.28 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 2.47 5.12 Weight (kg/m) 12.57 25.05 Water Contents (l/m) 1.77 3.57 Wall to tap centre (mm) 44 94 24 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 24 08/09/2014 14:02 M8 128 110 Slim Tube Perimeter Lo Line fixing positions 20 All dimensions in mm. L = 800-1400 L = 1600-2200 18 55 40 H= 144-292 H = 141 60 60 L = 800-2200 150 40 150 150 150 150 *Welded-on foot supports recommended 150 Slim Tube Perimeter Lo Line mounting positions All dimensions in mm. 100 Must be specified at time of ordering as they are securely welded during manufacture. 150 150 70 This is a made to order product and once ordered it cannot be cancelled. 120 Oval Floor mounting brackets illustration. Slim Tube Perimeter Lo Line wall mounting information D2 DI 15 50 27 10 80 45 D 10D2 All dimensions in mm. 30 45 10 15 Slim Tube Double From wall to centre of connections D1 From wall to centre of connections D2 mm mm mm 27 94 119 50 35 40 From back of radiator to wall D DI D 70min Type Slim Tube Perimeter Lo Line piping options 25 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 25 08/09/2014 14:02 2 T2 Height 300 500 600 750 T4 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) T3 Length mm Columns Heat output Watts Btu/hr 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 444 3 288 983 215 735 148 506 628 3 416 1420 311 1062 214 731 858 3 576 1966 431 1470 297 1012 1042 3 704 2403 527 1797 363 1237 1272 3 864 2949 646 2206 445 1519 1456 3 992 3386 742 2533 511 1744 1870 3 1280 4369 957 3268 659 2250 444 4 377 1287 282 962 194 663 628 4 545 1860 408 1391 281 958 858 4 754 2573 564 1925 388 1325 1042 4 922 3147 690 2354 475 1621 127 2 4 1131 3860 846 2887 582 1988 628 2 499 1703 373 1274 257 877 858 2 691 2358 517 1764 356 1215 1042 2 845 2884 632 2157 435 1485 1272 2 1037 3539 776 2647 534 1823 444 3 464 1584 347 1185 239 816 628 3 671 2290 502 1713 346 1179 858 3 929 3171 695 2372 478 1633 1042 3 1135 3874 849 2898 585 1995 1272 3 1393 4754 1042 3556 717 2448 1456 3 1600 5461 1197 4085 824 2812 1870 3 2064 7044 1544 5269 1063 3628 444 4 608 2075 455 1552 313 1069 628 4 879 3000 657 2244 453 1545 858 4 1217 4154 910 3107 627 2139 1042 4 1487 5075 1112 3796 766 2614 1272 4 1825 6229 1365 4659 940 3208 628 2 589 2010 441 1504 303 1035 858 2 815 2782 610 2081 420 1433 142 2 997 3403 746 2545 513 1752 1272 2 1223 4174 915 3122 630 2150 444 3 548 1870 410 1399 282 963 628 3 792 2703 592 2022 408 1392 858 3 1096 3741 820 2798 564 1926 1042 3 1340 4573 1002 3421 690 2355 1272 3 1644 5611 1230 4197 847 2890 1456 3 1888 6444 1412 4820 972 3319 1870 3 2436 8314 1822 6219 1255 4282 444 4 718 2451 537 1833 370 1262 628 4 1037 3539 776 2647 534 1823 858 4 1436 4901 1074 3666 740 2524 1042 4 1756 5993 1313 4483 904 3087 1272 4 2155 7355 1612 5502 1110 3788 858 3 1337 4563 1000 3413 689 2350 1042 3 1635 5580 1223 4174 842 2874 1272 3 2006 6846 1500 5121 1033 3526 1456 3 2303 7860 1723 5879 1186 4048 1870 3 2972 10143 2223 7587 1531 5224 444 4 877 2993 656 2239 452 1541 628 4 1266 4321 947 3232 652 2225 858 4 1753 5983 1311 4475 903 3081 1042 4 2143 7314 1603 5471 1104 3767 1272 4 2630 8976 1967 6714 1354 4623 Oval oval horizontal 26 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 26 08/09/2014 14:02 Blank plugs EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type 2 Columns Height 500 3 Columns 600 4 Columns 300 500 600 750 300 500 600 750 W/m at 75/65/20 835 985 696 1122 1324 1615 911 1469 1734 2117 n-coefficients 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.27 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 1.52 1.96 1.52 2.39 3.04 3.7 1.96 3.26 4.13 5 Weight (kg/m) 17.39 21.74 15.22 26.09 30.43 36.96 21.74 36.96 43.48 54.35 Water Contents (l/m) 10.87 13.04 13.04 17.39 19.57 23.91 15.22 21.74 26.09 30.43 Wall to tap centre (mm) 54 / 59 54 / 59 73 / 78 73 / 78 73 / 78 73 / 78 91 / 96 91 / 96 91 / 96 91 / 96 alve installation Angle valve (not included) Typical valve installation BSP 1/2” 12.7 Typical valve installation Note: Factory fitted bushes are we Oval Horizontal typical valve installation Blank plugs The air vent 12.7 If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) pl BSP 1/2” Blank plugs The air vent 12.7 BSP 1/2” Suitable for TBOB+BO The air vent 12.7 All dimensions in mm. BSP 1/2” Angle valve (not included) Angle valve (not included) Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded in place and not removable. If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please note that the radiator MUST be inverted. Typical bracket installation 1/2” 12.7 Angle valveBSP (not included) BSP valve 1/2” 12.7 Angle (not included) BSP 1/2” 12.7 Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded in place and not removable. If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please note that the radiator MUST be inverted. BSP 1/2” 12.7 Angle valve (not included) D2 Oval Horizontal typical bracket installation Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded in place and not removable. WA All dimensions in mm. Suitable for TBOB+BOE CONNECTION ONLY If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please note that the radiator MUST be inverted. BSP 1/2” 12.7 Clamp Suitable for TBOB+BOE CONNECTION ONLY Oval Measurements using 10mm hes are welded in place and not removable. CVDthe Brackets Slot site End) please note that radiator MUST be inverted. Add 5mm if using 15mm Slot WA D r TBOB+BOE CONNECTION ONLY 2 Col 23 Typical bracket installation No. of sections bracket Typical 0 – 23 installation 24 – 41 Brackets and Clamps Required D2 54 85 4 3 Col 23 73 123 6 4 Col 23 91 159 WA D2 Optional Extra Floor Fixing Kit Optional Extra Floor Fixing Kit Bracket D2 Clamp D WA 150mm recommended minimum Optional Extra Floor Fixing Kit Clamp Bracket Oval Horizontal optional floor Bracket mounting brackets D D Floor stands 150mm recommended minimum 130 - 190 150mm recommended minimum 130 - 190 Floor stands PRESSURE DROP Pa All dimensions in mm. Pressure drops 55mm 100 - 150mm Floor stands 130 - 190 27 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 27 85mm FLOW RATE 1/h 08/09/2014 14:02 oval vertical T2 Height 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Length mm Columns 352 2 868 2962 649 2216 447 1526 444 2 1116 3809 835 2849 575 1962 352 2 966 3297 723 2466 497 1698 444 2 1242 4239 929 3171 640 2183 352 2 1197 4085 895 3056 616 2104 444 2 1539 5253 1151 3929 793 2705 1800 2000 2500 Typical Typical valve valve ii EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Blank plugs Blank plugs Type 2 Columns Height 1800 2000 2500 W/m at 75/65/20 2696 3000 3717 n-coefficients 1.31 1.31 1.3 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 6.09 6.74 8.48 Weight (kg/m) 58.7 65.22 80.43 Water Contents (l/m) 32.61 36.96 44.72 Wall to tap centre (mm) 54 / 59 54 / 59 54 / 59 Angle valve (not included) Angle valve (not included) Typical valve installation BSP 1/2” 12.7 BSP 1/2” 12.7 Oval Vertical typical valve installation Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded The air vent 12.7 Note:(Top Factory fitted bushes End) are welded installing TBOE Bottom Opposite please BSP 1/2” If If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please Oval Blank plugs All dimensions in mm. Suitable for TBOB+BOE CO Suitable for TBOB+BOE CO Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded in place and not removable. If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please note that the radiator MUST be inverted. Angle valve (not included) Angle valve (not included) Typical Typical bracket bracket installation installation BSP 1/2” 12.7 BSP 1/2” 12.7 Note: Factory fitted bushes are welded in place and not removable. If installing TBOE (Top Bottom Opposite End) please note that the radiator MUST be inverted. D2 D2 Oval Vertical typical bracket installation WA ONLY Suitable for TBOB+BOE CONNECTION WA All dimensions in mm. Clamp Clamp Measurements using 10mm CVD Brackets Slot Add 5mm if using 15mm Slot 2 Col WA D D2 23 54 85 Typical bracket Brackets and Clamps Required installation No. of sections D2 4 Optional Extra Floor Fixing Kit Bracket Bracket 0 – 23 WA Clamp D D 150mm recommended 150mm recommended minimum minimum Bracket 28 Floor stands D StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 28 150mm recommended minimum 130 - 190 08/09/2014 14:02 OE CONNECTION ONLY Oval Vertical optional floor Optional Extra mounting brackets Floor Fixing Kit All dimensions in mm. 55mm 100 - 150mm 85mm Floor stands 130 - 190 PRESSURE DROP Pa Energy Saving - Radical Pressure drops FLOW RATE 1/h 29 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 29 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ Improves energy efficiency and comfort whilst reducing bills. A radiator that produces more comfort at less cost A radiator that reduces energy bills by up to 10.5% Raising comfort levels with more radiant heat The power we use in buildings accounts for 40% of global consumption. And that has a massive impact on the environment. But with smarter energy management, our buildings can emit up to 60% less CO2. That’s something the European Union are moving towards, by making energy consumption standards stricter. Your choice of radiator determines how comfortable the heating in your home feels. And how much that comfort costs. You know how a draught free room at 20°C can still feel uncomfortable? A radiator that delivers more heat, more efficiently. That’s why we’ve developed Stelrad Radical, the energy saving radiator. It produces more radiant heat than traditional radiators - saving energy while raising comfort levels. At less cost to the user, and to the environment. That’s a Radical step forward. •Thanks to the controlled flow of our unique direct intake technology, the water in the front panel reaches a temperature up to 50% higher than in a traditional radiator •The Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator reaches its maximum temperature 23% faster than a traditional radiator •It reaches its optimum performance level while a traditional heater is still heating up •After only 2 minutes it offers up to 50% more radiant heat Radiant heat heats up the room, furniture and people, and is reflected back to create a more comfortable feeling similar to the rays of the sun. And standing in the sun always feels much warmer, even if the surrounding temperature is no higher than in the shadow - because it is radiant heat. Energy Saving - Radical At Stelrad, we believe the heating industry has a major role to play, by developing systems that work so efficiently that they produce more heat at lower temperatures. •The energy saving radiant heat of the Stelrad Radical will soon fix that. And with the outstanding energy efficiency delivered by its preset valve, it reduces your bills by up to 10.5%, too. Domestic heating is usually based on convection and radiation. With convection heating, hot air rises from the heating elements, cools down, descends via the wall and is heated again. With radiant heating, infrared radiation is sent directly around the room regardless of airflows like wind or drafts. •With higher radiant heat, the feeling of 20°C can be achieved at a lower temperature setting The Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator’s unique and innovative technology raises comfort levels. And by working more efficiently, it reduces energy bills - with a saving of up to 10.5%. 30 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 30 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ t P1 K1 P+ K2 K1 Wall to tap centre mm 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 Wall to46tap centre 46 mm 6262626262626246 6246 6246 6246 6246 6246 6246 626246 6246 6246 6262626262626262626262626262626262626262626231 626262- 300 500 600 P+ 1000 51 51 51400 51500 51 51600 51400 51 500 51 51600 51 51 51 51 51 Wall to Length 51tap centre mm 51 mm 51 1000 7351 7351 400 7351 7351500 7351600 7351 7351700 7351800 7351 900 7351 51 731000 7351 1200 7351 51 731400 7351 1600 7351 51 731800 7351 2000 7351 400 7351 7351500 7351600 7351 7351700 7351800 7351 900 7351 51 731000 7351 1100 7351 51 731200 7351 1400 7351 51 731600 7351 1800 7351 2000 7351 7351 7351 7351 7351 7351 Angle Straight Wall to tap centre 10mm UIN mm 33111010S 35110410S 35110510S 35110610S 36110410S 36110510S 36110610S Height 300 500 600 Straight 10mm UIN 33221010S 35220410S 35220510S 35220610S 35220710S 35220810S 35220910S 35221010S 35221210S 35221410S 35221610S 35221810S 35222010S 36220410S 36220510S 36220610S 36220710S 36220810S 36220910S 36221010S 36221110S 36221210S 36221410S 36221610S 36221810S 36222010S 62 62 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 31 62 73 73 73 Wall to tap Straight 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) centre 15mm UIN 15mm UIN Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 33111010A 62 33111015S 73 33111015A 509 1737 381 1299 262 894 62 35110410A 62 62 35110510A 62 35110610A 62 62 36110410A 62 36110510A 62 36110610A 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 Angle 6210mm UIN 62 33221010A 62 62 35220410A 62 62 35220510A 62 35220610A 62 35220710A 62 62 35220810A 62 35220910A 62 62 35221010A 62 35221210A 62 35221410A 62 62 35221610A 62 35221810A 62 62 35222010A 62 36220410A 62 62 36220510A 62 36220610A 62 36220710A 62 62 36220810A 62 36220910A 62 62 36221010A 62 36221110A 62 36221210A 62 62 36221410A 62 36221610A 62 62 36221810A 62 36222010A 62 62 62 62 62 62 73 35110415S 73 73 35110515S 73 35110615S 73 73 36110415S 73 36110515S 73 36110615S 73 73 73 73 73 73 Straight73 15mm UIN73 73 33221015S 73 73 35220415S 73 73 35220515S 73 35220615S 73 35220715S 73 73 35220815S 73 35220915S 73 73 35221015S 73 35221215S 73 35221415S 73 73 35221615S 73 35221815S 73 73 35222015S 73 36220415S 73 73 36220515S 73 36220615S 73 36220715S 73 73 36220815S 73 36220915S 73 73 36221015S 73 36221115S 73 36221215S 73 73 36221415S 73 36221615S 73 73 36221815S 73 36222015S 73 73 73 73 73 73 35110415A 333 1136 249 850 171 585 35110515A 417 1423 312 1064 215 733 35110615A 500 1706 374 1276 258 879 36110415A 392 1338 293 1000 202 689 36110515A 490 1672 367 1251 252 861 36110615A 588 2006 440 1501 303 1033 10mm UIN K2 K2 Energy Saving - Radical WallLength to tap centre mm mm Height 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) mm Angle 50 ∆t (75/65/20°C) 40 ∆t (65/55/20°C) 30 ∆t (55/45/20°C) 15mm UIN Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr Heat output Watts Btu/hr 33221015A 933 3,183 698 2381 480 35220415A 560 1911 419 1429 288 984 35220515A 701 2392 524 1789 361 1232 35220615A 841 2869 629 2146 433 1478 35220715A 981 3347 734 2504 505 1724 35220815A 1121 3825 839 2861 577 1970 35220915A 1261 4303 943 3218 649 2216 35221015A 1401 4780 1048 3576 722 2462 35221215A 1681 5736 1257 4290 866 2954 35221415A 1961 6691 1467 5005 1010 3446 35221615A 2242 7650 1677 5722 1155 3940 35221815A 2522 8605 1886 6437 1299 4432 35222015A 2802 9560 2096 7151 1443 4924 36220415A 647 2208 484 1651 333 1137 36220515A 809 2760 605 2065 417 1422 36220615A 970 3310 726 2476 500 1704 36220715A 1132 3862 847 2889 583 1989 36220815A 1294 4415 968 3303 666 2274 36220915A 1455 4964 1088 3713 749 2557 36221015A 1617 5517 1210 4127 833 2841 36221115A 1779 6070 1331 4540 916 3126 36221215A 1940 6619 1451 4951 999 3409 36221415A 2264 7725 1693 5778 1166 3978 36221615A 2587 8827 1935 6602 1332 4546 36221815A 2911 9932 2177 7429 1499 5115 36222015A 3234 11034 2419 8254 1666 5683 Angle 1639 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ Each code includes the radiator of choice, with a hydro block and coupling piece. 2 hydro blocks are available; either straight configuration for pipes coming from the floor or angle configuration for pipes coming from the wall. 2 coupling pieces are available, either 10mm or 15mm to connect the H Block to flow and return pipe. EN 442 Certification Data - CETIAT tested in accordance with BS EN 442 Type Height K1 300 500 K2 600 300 500 600 1617 509 833 980 933 1401 n-coefficients 1.32 1.30 1.29 1.30 1.30 1.30 Heated Surface Area (m²/m) 2.09 3.80 4.66 3.51 6.33 7.74 Weight (kg/m) 9.31 16.24 19.70 16.50 27.17 32.50 Water Contents (l/m) 1.89 2.80 3.25 3.70 5.83 6.90 Energy Saving - Radical W/m at 75/65/20 32 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 32 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ Simple and efficient installation across the whole system. K1 - right K2 - left SECTION 2" FRONT 25 25 SECTION 1 1 25 SECTION ½“ FRONT K2 front elevation 2" K1 front elevation K2 - right Energy Saving - Radical ¾” 50 2x ¾” 50 L/2 L/2 L Radiator on short bracket side K2 K1 Radiator on long bracket side K1 K2 83 61 94 61 51 33 124 100 73 62 135 100 84 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 33 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ Radical fixing positions A K1 L A 400 117 500 – 1100 150 85 117 150 85 A 400 500-1100 60 L A L: 400-1600 A A A A A 85 85 85 60 85 60 K2 133 L A 133 L A 400 133 267 400 133 500-1100 133 500 – 1100 133 267 ** 1200-1600 267 1200 – 1600 267 3rd. lug in radiator centre 1800 –** 2000 267** 1800-2000 ** 267 (half length) ** 3rd. lug in radiator centre (half length) ** 3rd. lug in radiator centre (half length) Energy Saving - Radical L 400 00-1100 00-1600 0-2000 ** L: 400-1600 L: 400-1600 L/2 A A L/2 A 85 60 85 85 85 A L: 1800-2000 L: 1800-2000 34 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 34 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ Up to 50% more radiant heat means more comfort - at a lower cost These thermal images demonstrate the improved radiant heat of the Stelrad Radical radiator. • In a traditional radiator the heat generated consists, on average, of 80% convection heat and 20% radiant heat - limiting the feeling of warmth • The Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator increases radiant heat by up to 50% The measurements show that the Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator offers 1.5 times more radiant capacity at 50% of the nominal flow (which offers 90% of the nominal heat output) compared to a traditional radiator. So depending on the radiator size and type it is compared to, the Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator offers up to 50% more radiant heat. Energy Saving - Radical At 8 minutes, with 50% of nominal flow Supported by a RIBA & CIBSE CPD programme CPD Stelrad are certified as a member of the RIBA and CIBSE CPD Providers Network. This means we can provide RIBA and CIBSE approved CPD material to architects and other specifiers. An hour-long programme delivered by a member of the Stelrad team delivers information on every aspect of the Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator and its application Energy savings tested, assessed and declared by KIWA Kiwa is a highly respected Pan European institute providing internationally recognized declaration services for systems and products. As an independent expert, Kiwa also carries out specialist testing, and the Kiwa Gas Technology division has rigorously trialled the Stelrad Radical radiator to assess and declared its energy saving performance Compatibility The Stelrad Radical radiator is compatible with the following: • Gas boilers • Electric boilers At 8 minutes with nominal flow • Solar PV • Ground source heat pumps (GSHP) • Air source heat pumps (ASHP) So the comfortable feeling of a room at 20ºC is achieved at a setting of 1 degree less (or even lower). • Biomass installations Test conditions: radiator K2, height 600mm, length 1000mm, temperatures 70/55/20°C. 35 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 35 08/09/2014 14:02 Radical™ A radiator that heats the room, not the wall Fully compatible with renewable energy resources Traditional radiators are as warm at the back as they are at the front. So valuable energy is wasted, as the heat goes into and through the wall. The Stelrad Radical energy saving radiator is perfectly suited for both solo and multiple heating installations. It can be connected to a modulating gas or fuel burner and is compatible with all kinds of low temperature systems, such as heat pumps, solar cells and biomass installations. The unique and innovative technology of the Stelrad Radical radiator changes all that. The flow connection to the front panel and the return connection into the back ensures that you feel warmer, faster. And thanks to the higher radiation from the front panel, the back panel is much cooler than with other radiators. So up to 9% less radiant heat is lost through the back of the radiator. That’s not just good for comfort levels. It also means the heating system is more efficient, which reduces bills - and CO2 emissions. Less heat lost into the wall Fast, convenient and flexible fitting Faster heating means less CO2 - and lower energy bills Higher radiant heat levels and front panel temperatures combine with other benefits to reduce bills and CO2 emissions. Heating up fully in less time Thanks to its unique flow pattern, heat up times are dramatically shorter for the Stelrad Radical compared to a traditional radiator. Angle H Block Hot water is directed into and around the front panel. In a traditional radiator the water flow divides in parallel to front and back panel. 2. Distribution of hot water Radical radiator Hot water rises in one water channel and is distributed equally over the front panel. A unique system then directs it to the back panel where it is spread equally over the back panel water channels. Straight H Block with couplings Energy Saving - Radical 1. Directed flow 3. Faster heat up Standard radiator The front panel of the Stelrad Radical radiator reaches a temperature of 62.5°C after 8.5 minutes. At that time, the front panel of a traditional radiator is at 59.3°C. It only reaches its maximum temperature after 11 minutes, by which time the Stelrad Radical has already been operating at maximum for 2.5 minutes. Simple and quick to connect with Hydro Block (H Block) 36 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 36 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Preset thermostatic valve The thermostatic valve regulates the water supply in the radiator. This valve is preset in the factory according to the radiator’s size, which guarantees optimum efficiency. Simple and quick to connect with Hydro Block (H Block) Technical data With the 3⁄4” male thread, the H Block’s central connection means you can connect pipes directly to the Stelrad Radical radiator with additional couplers. This reduces the risk of leaks and improves the installation speed. • Valve stroke limiter The H Block connects the radiator to the flow and return pipe and has a built-in drain off function, valve isolator and a lock shield for ease of installation and servicing. • Two H Block configurations are available: with straight connections for pipes coming from the floor or angle connections for pipes coming from the wall. Energy Saving - Radical Thermostatic head with build-in sensor • The H Block pack also includes a choice of coupling pieces to connect the H Block to the pipes - either 10mm or 15mm. • Setting range 6°C to 28°C (43°F to 82°F) • Setting numbers 1 to 5 Central connection The connection coupling of the Stelrad Radical is located in the middle of the radiator. This means that the location of the connection no longer depends on the length of the radiator, so pipes can be laid down early in the project with no need to know the size of the radiator. • ❄Frost protection 6°C (43°F) • Max. sensor temperature 50°C (122°F) • Hysteresis 0.3 K • Water temperature influence 0.7 K • Differential pressure influence 0.3 K • Closing time 24 minutes Thermostatic label Installers should order a completed unit based on the appropriate H Block variation. Left or right side valve position The Stelrad Radical radiator’s valve can be mounted on either the left or right side without having to adjust the supply and return pipes. (K2 only). 37 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 37 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Height Type 300 K1 500 K2 600 K1 K2 K1 K2 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2.5 600 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 400 Every Stelrad Radical radiator is equipped with a preset valve, which enhances the efficiency of the system and reduces energy consumption. 500 700 5.5 2.5 5.5 2.5 This valve is preset in order to control the water flow, producing maximum efficiency at optimum temperature - and is an essential element in the Stelrad Radical energy saving design. 800 5.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 900 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 2.5 4.5 1000 You can recognise the setting by the coloured valve closure (yellow, white, red, black or blue). The default setting is matched to the heat output of the radiator at system temperatures of both 70/55/20°C and 55/45/20°C. 5.5 5.5 5.5 2.5 1100 2.5 1200 2.5 4.5 2.5 4.5 1400 2.5 4.5 2.5 6 2.5 6 4.5 8 2.5 6 4.5 8 4.5 8 4.5 8 1600 2.5 2.5 1800 2000 2.5 4.5 The benefits • No extra adjustment time during installation • Optimal water flow in the radiator • Higher efficiency of the condensing boiler through lower return temperatures • Environmentally friendly • Lower energy costs • Compliance with Rule EnEV for hydraulic balance 4361 4360 4360 4360 4360 5.5 2.5 4.5 6 8 Energy Saving - Radical Preset valves environmentally friendly and energy efficient Factory presetting conditions: - heat outputs at 70/55/20ºC (∆t = 15°C ) - pressure drop ∆p = 100mbar For other system conditions, the valve can be readjusted (or replaced) according to preset tables 4360 and 4361 (using preset key - part of the hardware pack). In one pipe systems the valve must be fully opened (position 8). 38 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 38 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Valve re-adjustment Fine tuning valve 4361 Max. 2 K presetting 7200 6800 6500 5300 4800 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 8 8 8 1800 8 7 8 8 6 7 7 1600 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 6 1400 3 1 1 1200 900 1000 800 700 600 500 250 400 200 50 100 150 . Q [W ] 300 4361 D t [K] Dp [mbar] 10 50 1 3 3 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 15 100 150 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 3 5 6 6 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 8 8 7 8 8 50 1 1 1 3 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 20 100 150 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 5 5 3 3 4 6 6 5 6 7 8 8 8 6 7 7 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 3 1 1 6 6 7 7 8 4 5 5 6 6 3 3 4 5 6 8 6 6 40 50 100 150 8 8 7 7 8 8 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 Energy Saving - Radical 100 mbar = 10kPA = 1mWS Example: 5.5 - Target: presetting - Given: - RADICAL radiator: K1, Height 600, Length 700 - factory fitted valve: 4361 - preset: - at 75/65/20°C - 776 Watt >>> 8 5.5 - ∆ t = 10°C (=75-65) - pressure drop: - ∆ p = 100mbar - selected tuning range: - 2K (see table) - Solution: presetting according to table 4361: 8 Valve needs to be re-adjusted to setting 8 39 4361 4361 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 39 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Valve re-adjustment Standard valve 4360 Max. 2 K presetting 7200 6800 6500 5300 4800 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 900 1000 700 800 600 500 400 300 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 4 5 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 5 5 6 6 3 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 8 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 100 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 150 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 20 50 100 150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 5 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 6 6 7 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 8 5 5 6 4 4 5 8 6 6 5 5 7 8 6 7 8 1 40 50 100 150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 3 2 2 2 4 5 3 3 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 4 4 5 5 6 3 3 4 4 5 . Q [W ] 250 200 4360 D t [K] Dp [mbar] 10 50 100 150 50 15 8 2.5 4.5 Energy Saving - Radical 100 mbar = 10kPA = 1mWS Example: 4.5 - Target: presetting - Given: - RADICAL radiator: K2, Height 600, Length 1200 - factory fitted valve: 4360 - preset: - 60/40/20°C - 997 Watt - pressure drop: - ∆ p = 100mbar - selected tuning range - 2K (see table) - SOLUTION: PRESETTING ACCORDING TO TABLE 4360: >>> “2” 4.5 6 “2“ 4360 4360 8 40 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 40 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Pressure drop diagram Fine tuning valve 4361 Radiators without connection accessories Information supplied by Heimeier p-band [xp] 2,0 K 5.5 30 300 20 200 Pressure loss ∆p [kPa] Energy Saving - Radical 7 8 100 3 30 2 20 1 10 0,5 5 0,3 3 0,2 2 0,1 3 5 10 20 50 30 100 200 Fine presetting Thermostatic insert 1 p-band xp2,0 K 6 5 50 Radiator with integrated valves without connection fitting p-band 3 4 5 2 Thermostatic insert and thermostatic head 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kv -Value [m3/h] 0,05 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,10 0,11 0,12 Kv -Value [m3/h] 0,06 0,06 0,08 0,09 0,11 0,15 0,18 0,26 kvs-Value [m3/h] 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,10 300 1 500 Pressure loss ∆p [mbar] Fine presetting 10 Permissible operating temperature Permissible operating pressure TB * ) [°C] PB [bar] Flow tolerance 42 ± [%] 42 37 36 35 32 EMO 1/3 EMO EIB/LON 0,14 xp1,0 K 120 0,12 0,17 Permissible differential pressure at which the valve still closes ∆p [bar] 10 4,0 2,7 3,5 0,25 0,50 30 10 *) With protective cap or actuator 100°C Calculation example Target: Given: Solution: Setting range Heat flow Temperature spread Pressure loss, radiator, with integrated valves Mass flow rate · Q ∆t ∆pv · m = 350 W = 15 K (65/50 °C) = 32 mbar · 350 Q = = = 20 kg/h c ˙ ∆t 1,163 ˙15 Setting from d At p-band At p-band 41 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 41 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Pressure drop diagram Standard valve 4360 Radiators without connection accessories p-band[xp] 2,0 K 30 300 20 200 p-band K v value [m3/h] p-band xp2,0 K K v value [m3/h] 3 4 5 6 7 8 100 50 3 30 2 20 1 10 0,5 5 0,3 3 0,2 2 0,1 3 5 20 10 50 30 100 200 Presetting Thermostatic insert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 300 1 500 2.5 ∆p [mbar ] ∆p [kPa] Pressure loss Thermostatic insert and thermostatic head 2 5 2 Radiator with integrated valves without connection fitting 1 Pressure loss Presetting 10 Permissible operating temperature Permissible operating pressure TB * ) [°C] PB [bar] 120 10 Permissible differential pressure at which the valve still closes ∆p [bar] EMO 1/3 EMO EIB/LON 4.5 Energy Saving - Radical Information supplied by Heimeier k vsvalue [m3/h] Flow tolerance ± [%] *) With protective cap or actuator 100 °C. Calculation example Target: Setting range G iven: Heat f low Temperature spread Pressure loss, radiator with integrated valves Solution: Mass flow rate 6 · Q = 1135 W ∆t = 15 K (65/50 ° C) ∆pv = 30 mbar · 1135 Q · m = = = 65 kg/h 1,163 ˙15 c ˙ ∆t 8 42 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 42 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Radical mounting template Using the mounting template for the bottom connection of Radical radiators offers important advantages during the installation, e.g. leak testing the system without a mounted radiator. The mounting template replaces the radiator during the installation, which reduces the total installing cost. Finishing tasks such as painting, tiling and applying wallpaper no longer require the removal and remounting of the radiator. The radiator is mounted after all the finishing work, which guarantees a pristine condition on commissioning. The mounting template consists of a bridging piece with 2 connections of 3⁄4” external thread on a centre distance of 50mm. As the wall distance depends on the radiator type, the mounting template offers multiple positions according to the available brackets. Energy Saving - Radical 35-115mm ? 115-155mm UIN: 9223 43 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 43 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Radical mounting template 1 2 3 5 4 nce the concrete floor is O finished the L-shaped part (and the extension) can be removed in order to paint, tile, to apply wallpaper. ATTENTION: the bridging part must remain on the plumbing to prevent pollution of the tubes. ATTENTION: the mounting template has a ¾” ext eurocone thread, for radiators with a ½” INT bottom connection, a ½” EXT x ¾” EXT piece is necessary. Mount the brackets against the wall and remove the bridging part before the radiator can be installed. Note: Brackets should be mounted before removal of the bridging part, to eliminate any possibility of pollution. For 1⁄2” INT - bottom connection (right, centre or left) Energy Saving - Radical onnect the plumbing C to the template and conduct the leak test. To mount of the template on the wall, the plumbing should have the correct wall distance. The mounting template can be used for tubes coming from the floor, as well as for tubes coming from the wall. 3/4 || 3/4 || XXXXX 3/4 || 44 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 44 08/09/2014 14:03 Radical™ Radical Hydro Block connections 2-pipe connections for bottom connection (¾” EXT Eurocone or ½” INT): • Lock function • Straight or angular version • Maximum operating temperature: 90°C • Casing in white high performance plastic (similar to RAL 9016) • Maximum operating pressure: 6 bar For ¾” EXT Eurocone bottom connection (centre): ¾" ¾" 50 ¾" 32 58 Energy Saving - Radical ¾" UIN: 10mm 363000210A ¾" 26 50 UIN: 15mm 363000215A - angular version - with drain - not included 50 50 - parts unlock drain function UIN: 10mm 363000210S 50 UIN: 15mm 363000215S - straight version - with drain - not included 50 - parts unlock drain function 45 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 45 08/09/2014 14:03 We have it covered 2 year warranty on all commercial condensing boilers EVOMAX IMAX XTRA EVOMOD 30 - 150 kW 80 - 560 kW 250 - 1000 kW - Wall hung - Robust and light aluminium silicon alloy heat exchanger - Up to 110% part load efficiency - High 5:1 turndown - Low NOx emissions <40mg/kWh for all natural gas models - Quality product through design, component selection and proving - LPG models 30 - 80 kW - Built in hours run and frost protection - Simple controls interface with large backlit display - Optional frame and header kits - Compact for easy installation - Remote indication and 0-10 volt operation standard - ECA listed - Floor standing - Robust and light aluminium silicon alloy heat exchanger - In-built commissioning and fault diagnostics - Low NOx emissions <40mg/kWh - Compact size – small footprint - High 5:1 turndown - Up to 107.5% net efficiency (fully condensing) - Fits through standard doorways - Remote indication and 0-10 volt operation standard - ECA listed For more information contact Ideal Commercial Heating: - Floor standing - Stainless steel heat exchanger - Modular boiler benefits: - Heat maintained during service - Easier installation as lighter, smaller parts - High modulation & close load matching (5:1 up to 20:1) - Low NOx emissions (<40mg/kWh) - Module sequencing as standard - Single flue, system gas & electrical connections - Quality product through design, component selection and proving - Compact & minimum floor area - Assembled & site assembly capability - Remote indication and 0-10 volt operation standard - ECA listed T: 01482 492251 E: [email protected] WWW.IDEALCOMMERCIALHEATING.COM StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 46 46 08/09/2014 14:03 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Many technical features are constant across the Stelrad ranges, as outlined here - apart from the Radical Energy Saving Radiator, which has its own technical information pages. Each section’s introduction page provides you with any further technical information specific to the Technical Information ranges included. Extra performance to guaranteed standards Superb quality from design to installation Stelrad combine the most sophisticated production resources in Europe with substantial investment in testing and verification of performance data - which has helped us create high output radiators delivering heating performance that exceeds expectation. ∆t °C Operating Factor ∆t 5 0.050 10 10 0.123 20 15 0.209 30 20 0.304 40 Our radiators are specifically designed to minimise any movement, providing a tight, professional fit, that will remain in place, even after storage, transit and installation. Convectors are precision welded directly onto the waterways for greater efficiency and economy, with flexible connection options °F for the highest of Operating Factor commercial and 0.057 domestic application 0.142 specifications. 0.348 25 0.406 50 0.466 30 0.515 60 0.590 35 0.629 70 0.721 40 0.748 80 0.858 45 0.872 90 1.000 50 1.000 100 1.147 55 1.132 110 1.298 60 1.267 120 1.454 65 1.406 130 1.613 70 1.549 150 1.776 75 1.694 - - Example: Exact output at Δ∆t50 = 2000 Btu/hr Output at Δ∆t30 = 2000 x 0.515 = 1030 Btu/hr More choice for application flexibility A range of models provide extra sizing flexibility and covers a multitude of application requirements, including those where there are installation difficulties or where wall space is at a premium. 47 0.240 Stelrad radiators are manufactured under ISO 9001 quality systems in the UK and every one comes wrapped in robust, practical packaging that will keep the product pristine, right through to installation. This clever packaging design allows installation to be completed prior to removal. Temperature table For systems not operating at ∆t50 the factors in the table below should be applied. The output of a given radiator can be obtained by multiplying the quoted ∆t50 output by the operating factor. Conversely, to derive a non ∆t50 output, divide the heat output required by the relevant operation factor. This ‘∆t50 equivalent output’ can then be used to select a radiator from the standard tables. StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 47 08/09/2014 14:03 Testing and operating pressures Maximum Operating Temperature Flat 10.5 bar 8.0 bar 95OC Line 10.5 bar 8.0 bar 95OC Radical 10.5 bar 8.0 bar 95OC Slim Tube 6.0 bar 4.6 bar 120OC Oval 12 bar 120OC 15.6 bar All conform to BS EN 442 Connections Flat* 4 x 1⁄2” Line* 4 x 1⁄2” Radical* 2 x 1⁄2” Slim Tube 2 x 1⁄2” Oval 2 x 1⁄2” * 3⁄4” valve adaptor is also available Applications Stelrad radiators are suitable for two pipe installations. For single pipe applications, it is advisable to use diversion tees in the pipework, as this will assist in obtaining design performance from the radiators. Although our radiators are suitable for Microbore pipework, the back tappings make them unsuitable for twin entry valves. Installation Everything required for installation can be found within each radiator’s packaging. Brackets are of a strong design, with open top and deep slots, which facilitate easy and secure installation. Plastic inserts seat the radiator precisely on the bracket minimising expansion and contraction noise. The neat nickelplated plug and vent provide a watertight joint, whilst complementing the superior finish. To facilitate easy one off replacement, nickel-plated brass extension pieces are also available, complete with sealing washer, in 20mm, 30mm and 40mm options. Recommended height from the floor to the base of the radiator is 150mm minimum. This allows adequate airflow when the radiator is placed on the bracket. Caution When designing for domestic systems we recommend that the Stelrad radiators are only used in heating systems complying with British Standard Code of Practice for Central Heating for Domestic Premises BS EN 12828:2003 and BS EN 12831:2003. Single feed, direct cylinders are not recommended as should interchange of water occur, fresh aerated water would enter the heating system, resulting in corrosion. Water treatment On completion of the installation, the system should be properly flushed and filled in accordance with the British Standard Code of Practice BS 7593:2006 for the Treatment of Water in Domestic Hot Water Central Heating Systems, Part L of Building Regulations and Good Practice Guidance for Scotland. After installation of a new Stelrad radiator the central heating system should be cleaned and flushed with cleaner to remove existing contaminants, flux residue and other installation debris which, if left, can cause damage to the new radiator. Afterwards, treat the system with an inhibitor to ensure long term protection against corrosion and limescale. A comprehensive range of quality chemicals including inhibitors, cleaners, leak sealers and noise reducers that protect and maintain central heating systems can be obtained from: Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd The Heath Business & Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4QX Tel: 01928 588 330 (UK) Technical Information Model Test Operating Pressure Pressure Fernox - Cookson Electronics, Forsyth Road, Sheerwater, Woking, Surrey GU21 5RZ Two coat paint process Each Stelrad radiator is subjected to a multi stage cleaning process before the paint is applied. This involves several rinsing stages, including an iron phosphate and demineralisation rinse. The first coat of paint is applied by electrophoresis and the radiator is then stoved and cooled. The second powder coat in warm white (RAL 9016) is applied and the radiator goes through a final curing stage. It is then allowed to cool, prior to packaging. 48 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 48 08/09/2014 14:03 BIM OHSAS 18001 Occupational Heath and Safety Management ISO 9001 Quality Management ISO 14001 Environmental Management Stelrad Radiators Head Office: Stelrad House, Marriott Road, Mexborough, Rotherham S64 8BN London Office The Building Centre Store Street, London WC1E 7BT [email protected] 01709 578950 StelradTecSpec_LEE.indd 49 08/09/2014 14:03
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