How to set up and use the Acer A200 tablet v5a


How to set up and use the Acer A200 tablet v5a
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
Each Spire Portal tablet solution contains the following equipment in the case:
1) Acer A200 Tablet in its prop up cover
2) USB card reader 1 per tablet
3) Power cord for the tablet
4) Verizon MiFi hotspot device with marble base (creates a WiFi signal) 1 hotspot per every 5 tablets
How to set up the Acer tablet for your event:
1) Take the tablet out and fold the cover back on itself. There is a tab in the back of the case that will allow you to prop up
the tablet. (Case forms a triangle).
2) Take the MiFi device out of the case and attach it to the base.
3) Power up the MiFi device. (Be sure to power up the MiFi before powering up the tablet)
4) Set the MiFi device where it can easily obtain a cellular signal from Verizon. The MiFi and should be in close proximity
to the tablets. The MiFi device has about a 40’ range.
5) Plug the USB card reader into the USB port located on the left side of the tablet if it is propped up by the case.
6) Place the reader in a position best suited to you or your staff.
7) Power up the tablet by locating the power button on the left side of the tablet. The power button will be located in the
upper left hand corner of the propped up tablet. Press and hold the power button until you feel the tablet buzz, let go of
the button, and the tablet will power up. (Hold for approximately 5 seconds)
8) The tablet will power up to a screen with the date and time on the left and a “lock” symbol. Touch the “lock” icon and
swipe your finger to the right. This will unlock the tablet.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
Using the Tablet
1) When the tablet is unlocked, it will open up to the “Home” screen. On the “Home” screen you will see the Firefox icon
and the “ES3” icon and “Adobe Reader” on the left side of the page. Also look on the lower right hand corner of the
“Home” screen. You will see the current time and the WiFi signal icon as well as the battery icon in the lower right.
On the lower left corner you will see the “Back Arrow” icon and the “Home” button.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
2) Launch Firefox by touching the icon on the tablet desk top ( should be the home screen)
3) If the Spire Portal is not the home screen, touch the “Spire Portal” Bookmark
4) The Spire Portal website will launch.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
5) Make sure the USB card reader is plugged into the USB Port.
6) Touch the “Log On To Spire Portal” link
7) The log on box will launch as will a “Keyboard” icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
8) Touch the Keyboard”icon in the lower right hand corner (To the left of the time)
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
9) A menu will appear, you will need to “Turn Off” the setting for “Use physical keyboard” setting.
10) Touch the “On” button and slide it to the left to the “Off” position.
Turning the keyboard to Turning the keyboard to
the “OFF” position is
the “OFF” position is
best done with a light best done with a light
sweeping motion the
sweeping motion the
the left
the left
Turning the keyboard to
the “OFF” position is
best done with a light
sweeping motion the
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
11) Once you have the Keyboard turned “Off” Touch in the “Log On” box and enter your “User Name & “Password”
“ENTER” key
12) To enter numbers, touch the “Number Key” on the left side of the keyboard. To shift back to alpha characters, touch
the same key showing letters.
13) The easiest way to navigate between data fields is either touch the data field you want to add a value to, or use the
“Tab” button” to navigate.
14) Touch “OK” to proceed or touch the “Arrow key” on the right side of the keyboard to “Enter”
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
15) You have now successfully logged on to the Spire Portal. You are ready to start using the Spire Portal.
16) NOTE - You will not have to turn off the keyboard again unless you disconnect the card reader from the tablet
or you power down the tablet.
For additional information regarding the use of the Spire Portal , Please refer to the help guide named “Portal Help v4a.pdf
Located at under the “Help” link on the navigation bar.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
How to store a credit card
1) From the Spire Portal home screen, click on the “ Event ” icon
2) On the next screen, enter the bid # twice and enter the numerical portion of the card holders mailing address where the
statement is mailed to. If the mailing address is not correct, click into the zip code cell and correct the zip code.
Note - When entering the address
information, enter the numerical
portion where the credit card
statement is mail to. i.e.
if the the address is 123 Main St,
simply enter “123”.
If the zip code is different, just click
into the zip cell and enter the correct
zip code
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
3) When navigating to the different cells, the register
a guest for Quick CheckOut, use the “Tab” key to
navigate to the next cell.
Also use your finger to scroll the screen up to see the
address and zip code cell,
4) After you have entered all the information into the
screen click the “Check Bid Number” button to
5) In the next screen, swipe the guest's credit card through the card reader connected to the tablet.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
6) The Portal will read the card data and display this screen while
the card data is being stored for a brief moment.
7) The Portal will send the card data to a secure off site server (The
Portal never stores credit card information on the tablet or the
Spire Payment Servers).
9) When a card is stored successfully, the Portal will display a
verification screen confirming the card was stored successfully.
Never Use the
Back Button !
10) Click “Continue”
to check in your next guest.
11) If for some reason the card is not stored, the Portal will display a message advising you the card was not stored.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
12) If the Portal displays this message, click “Continue, re-enter the bid number, re-swipe the card and store the card
again. If the same message appears, again click “Continue” and ask the guest if they have a different card they would
like to use.
13) If the card reader can not read
the card, key the credit card
number in to the Portal.
14) In the screen enter the card
holders name and expiration
date from the card and click the
“StoreCredit Card” button.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
Sync 1 file recovery
1) After you have your guests check in, you will need to perform a Sync 1 to Auction!
2) Since the Spire Portal is a web based application, you will only need to obtain a Sync 1 from one of the tablets.
3) Touch the “Home” button and from the Spire Home screen, touch
“Sync 1” icon.
4) You will see a message in the lower right hand corner that the Sync 1
is downloading. (If any other dialog boxes appear, just touch the
screen anywhere outside of the dialog box to make it disappear).
5) Once the Sync 1 had completed down loading, you will see an arrow
pointing “Down” in the lower right hand corner next the time.
6) When the Sync 1 file has successfully downloaded, touch the “Home” icon which will take you to the “Home” screen.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
7) Insert your USB thumb drive into the tablet that you
downloaded the Sync 1 file to. Look for a dialog box to
appear showing the USB device is being recognized.
You will see this dialog box appear in the lower right hand
corner of the tablet. Once the USB device has been recognized, you
will see the USB icon in the tray in the lower right hand corner next to
the date.
8) Touch and launch “ES3” icon located on the tablet’s desktop.
9) ES3 should open to the “Download” file and you should see your Sync1 file, but if it did not touch
the “Download” option on the left hand column.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
10) Touch and hold your finger on
the Sync 1 file until it becomes
highlighted and has a “Check
Box” at the end of the file.
“Please Note, the Sync1 file is
time and date stamped”
11) Touch the “Copy” button.
12) look for the “Copy” icon to appear on
the side of the window to advise you
the copy process is complete.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
13) From the menu on the left,
touch “USB Storage”
14) Touch the “Paste” icon, and
the Sync 1 file will be copied to
your USB thumb drive.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
15) Once the file has copied to the USB drive, touch the “USB” icon at the lower left corner of the tablet. A window will
appear. Touch the “X” in the lower right hand corner of the window. This will gracefully close the connection to the
USB drive. It will now be safe to pul the USB from the tablet and complete the Sync 1 process.
Coping 167 bytes
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
How to safely close Firefox
1) When closing out of Firefox it is very important that you gracefully exit.
2) At the conclusion of your event or training session, any time you are done using the tablet follow these simple steps:
* From the Spire Portal home screen, locate the “Log Off” button on the tool bar. Touch the “Log Off” button.
* This will take you back to the Spire Portal Log On screen
* Touch the “Home” icon at the bottom left corner of the tablet screen; this will close Firefox and take you to the
tablet home screen.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
1) The venue where we are holding our event has a WiFi signal, how do I connect the tablet to the local WiFi
a) From the “Home” screen of the tablet, touch the 6 white blocks in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
b) A screen will appear filled with icons, swipe your finger across the screen to the left to move the screen to the next set
of icons.
c) From the second screen, locate the icon labeled “settings”.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
d) From the “Settings” screen, make sure the
menu is selected for WiFi on the left side of
the screen and locate the WiFi signal you
would like to access on the right.
e) Touch the WiFi signal you would like to
connect to.
f) If the WiFi signal is secured by a password enter that
password and then touch “Connect
g) The WiFi signal will be acquired and the when complete,
you will see the WiFi icon in the lower left hand corner of
the scr
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
2) I launched Firefox, but all I have is a white screen. How do I log onto the Portal?
a) First touch the address bar where the address is located.
b) The address will turn orange
c) Try touching from the list of
web addresses
d) That will take you back to the
Spire Portal login screen.
e) Try logging in, if successful
you are on your way. If you
are not able to log on go,
proceed to the step.
f) On the upper right hand
corner of the browser, you will
see 3 horizontal bars. Touch
the 3 bars and a menu will
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
g) Touch the “settings” option.
h) A new window will open,
swipe the screen in an
“Upward” motion to
scroll the screen up.
Locate the “Clear private
data” line. Touch “Clear
private data”.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
i) A new window will open. make sure all
the boxes are checked, then touch “Clear
j) Touch the “home” icon, and then relaunch
Firefox. If the screen is white, touch the address bar, turn it orange, and locate the address
and touch it.
k) You can also touch the address bar and back space the address to and navigate to the
l) If you continue to have problems, reboot the tablet, bring up Firefox and manually key in the web address of
m) If not resolved, call 1 (800) 545-0806 for support.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
3) I have tried booting up the tablets and the MiFi, and it seems like I am not connected to an internet signal
(WiFi), what do I need to do?
a) Power down the tablet and power up the MiFi device. Once the MiFi has been powered up, then power up the tablet.
The tablet will search for a recognized MiFi signal.
b) If rebooting does not resolve the problem, touch the six buttons on the upper right hand corner then locate the
“Settings” button. Go into “Settings” and make sure the WiFi setting is “On”.
c) Next, locate the MiFi signal and connect. The Security password is located on the bottom of the MiFi device.
4) I have the Sync 1 file on my thumb drive, but when I take it to Auction!, I don’t see where I can upload the Sync
1 file?
a) Sounds like you either do not have or have not entered the Spire Quick Checkout Key into Auction! to unlock that
functionality that will allow syncing between the Portal and Auction!
b) You will need to locate your Spire Quick Checkout Key or contact Auction Systems in order to obtain a ‘Spire Quick
Checkout Key.
c) Auction Systems can be contacted at (719) 584-5055 or paged at ( 719) 261-0678 * Please note if you are not in
support with Auction Systems, there will be a charge for the support call.
How To Set Up And Use The Acer A200 Tablet For Your Event
5) I was trying to log onto the Spire Portal, but as I was going to tap and enter the account number in to the log in
box, I accidentally touched outside the box and the screen turned white....How do I get the log in box back?
a) To get the Log In dialog box back, simply touch the “Back Arrow” at the bottom left hand corner of the tablet screen.
5) I have obtained the Sync1 file on my USB thumb drive, but it appears to have no data? Did my guests
information get stored?
a) First, the answer to the second question is “YES” your guests information is stored safely in the Spire Portal. I sound
like you may have missed a step in the Sync1 transfer process, or you may not have waited for all the data to be
copied to your USB thumb drive. Go ahead and insert your USB device in the tablet again and follow the steps
outlined in the Sync1 process outlined above. Be sure to wait until all the coping processes show complete and you
preview the file once it has been copied to your USB device.