Tri-California`s request to change the dates of the Triathlon at Pacific


Tri-California`s request to change the dates of the Triathlon at Pacific
Agenda No. 6C
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300 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, California 93950
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
Donald Mothershead, Senior Recreation Coordinator
November 4, 2015
Tri-California’s request to change the for the
Triathlon at Pacific Grove
The action qualifies for a Class 1 Exemption for existing facilities, Section
15301: action involves negligible or no expansion of use.
Approve Tri-California’s request to hold the 2016 Triathlon at Pacific Grove on June 10-12, 2016
and approve the requested June dates through 2020.
Tri-California Events, inc. has operated the Triathlon in Pacific Grove on the second weekend in
September for more than 15 years.
Each year the event draws approximately 1,200-1,500 athletes and thousands of spectators to
Pacific Grove. As a private, for-profit business, Tri-California operates several events in Central
and Northern California. Tri-California pays for all City services, in addition to the set contract
fees for the utilization of city streets and parks.
Tri-California Events, Inc. currently has an agreement with the City to operate the Triathlon in
Pacific Grove, which expires in September 2021. After 15-years of operating in September, TriCalifornia requests this date change due to increased competition with similar events in southern
California and Hawaii. These competing events have caused a decline in participation in Pacific
Grove over the past few years. Additionally, Tri-California operates the San Francisco Giants
Run, and has been requested to produce the Giants’ event at A.T. &T. Park on September 11th,
The Recreation Board, at its Special meeting on October 20, 2015 unanimously recommended
City Council approve the requested date change.
Additionally, Tri-California Events, Inc. requests the following June dates for future years:
June 9-11
June 8-10
June 7-9
June 12-14
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City Parks are available on these dates and there are no known conflicts. Additionally, no other
Special Events are planned in June. With City Council approval, staff will place these dates on
city calendars.
The action qualifies for a Class 1 Exemption for existing facilities in accord with CEQA
Guidelines Section 15301. The action involves negligible or no expansion of an existing use.
Each year, the Triathlon in Pacific Grove generates approximately $14,000-$15,000 to the City in
event fees and also pays direct costs for City services. The even has a positive effect on
Transient Occupancy Tax and Sales Tax revenue. The existing contract requires Tri-California
Events, Inc., to pay a flat fee per participant, as follows:
 $13.00 per person for years 2015 and 2016
 $13.50 per person for years 2017 through 2020
Terry Davis, a Pacific Grove resident and Tri-California Events President, reports the event
generates over $200,000 of business to the area. Chamber of Commerce President Moe Ammar
confirms the event is the single largest economic event each year and that virtually all hotel
rooms have been booked for the Triathlon weekend. In addition, Tri-California Events makes
contributions to community organizations that volunteer to help coordinate the event.
1. Choose alternate dates, or maintain the September event schedule.
 Tri California Events, Inc. request for a date change, dated October 8th, 2015 (email)
 Chamber of Commerce, President’s email request to approve the date change.
 Contract Agreement with Tri-California Events, Inc. and the City of Pacific Grove
Donald Mothershead
Thomas Frutchey
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