The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” St Peters Celebrates Founders Day WEEK 5 TERM 1, 25 FEBRUARY 2016 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 26 February 8:05am-3:10pm Year 9 Inspire & Odyssey Day 8:30am-8:50am Junior School Solo Concert, Belfield Hall 8:30am-3:10pm Year 6 Teambuilding Day, PAC/ Middle School Classrooms Boarder Focus Weekend 3:30pm-5:00pm Band Instrument Maintainence Workshop, Band and Orchestra Rooms 6:00pm-8:30pm QGSSSA Swim Meet 7:00 pm-9:00 pm Music Support Group Meet and Greet, PAC Amphitheatre 7:00pm-9:30pm Year 12 Drama Excursion - The Secret River, The Playhouse Theatre Saturday 27 February Boarder Focus Weekend 7:00am-6:00pm BWPI Water Polo 7:00am-12:00pm QGSSSA - Softball (Years 10-12) 8:00am-5:30pm AIC Cricket & Volleyball (Round 4) Sunday 28 February Boarder Focus Weekend Boarder Theme Park Visit (Wet ‘n’ Wild) 1:00pm-5:00pm Year 8 Arts Kaleidoscope Auditions, Theatrette Monday 29 February Pictured (clockwise from top left): Wolf Stuetzel presents Dr Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School, with one of his photographic prints; Nkosana Mafico; Pastor Michael Mayer; and Pastor Reini Mayer. Last Friday, Senior School students joined staff, SPOSA members and special guests at the Performing Arts Centre to celebrate Founders Day. Reini Mayer (past Chaplain), Jan Hogarth (SPOSA President) and Nkosana Mafico (Old Scholar) gave presentations on behalf of SPOSA, and Dr Adam Forsyth was farewelled and gifted a framed photograph taken by Wolf Stuetzel, teacher. We wish Dr Forsyth every blessing in his new appointment, and thank our SPOSA special guests for attending our celebrations. Social Justice Week 8:10am-3:00pm Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 6:00pm-7:30pm 9ABCD Ironbark Parent Information Evening, PAC Theatrette Tuesday 1 March Social Justice Week 8:10am-3:00pm Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 8:30am-10:00 am Year 1 Storytelling by Sue Robin, Classrooms 3:30pm-5:00pm Year 8 Arts Kaleidoscope Auditions, Theatrette 6:00pm-8:00pm Junior High PSG Meeting, P&F Centre (top floor) Wednesday 2 March IN THIS ISSUE // Head of College...................................2 // Deputy Head of College ......................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Around the School ..............................3 // Junior School.......................................4 // Middle School......................................5 // Senior School.......................................6 // Boarding..............................................7 // Music ..................................................7 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12)........................9 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................11 // Primary Sport....................................13 // Directory............................................13 Social Justice Week 8:00am-2:45pm Year 10 - Justice Studies Excursion, Magistrates Court & Police Museum 8:10am-3:00pm Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 11:00am-1:00pm Year 11 IB & 12 IB Art Excursion, Gallery of Modern Art 12:20pm-1:10pm Community Focus Day 6:30pm-8:00pm Teen Triple P Program, P&F Centre (top floor) 7:00pm-9:00pm Boarder Parent Support Group (BPSG) Teleconference 7:00pm-8:00pm German Exchange Program Information Evening, St Peters Staff Common Room Thursday 3 March Social Justice Week 8:00am-3:00pm AIC Swimming Championships, Sleeman Sports Complex, Chandler 8:10am-3:00pm Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 8:20am-9:30am Junior School PSG Meeting, Junior School, Library Verandah Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy HEAD OF COLLEGE Staffing changes are a regular part of life in any school. In this edition of The Rock, I write to let you know that Mr Wayne Gauld has announced his retirement as Head of Middle School. Mr Gauld will finish at St Peters Lutheran College at the end of this school year after 18 years of wonderful service to our community; and to the students, staff and parents of the Middle School in particular. I wish him and his family every blessing for the future, and I know that we will have many opportunities to say farewell, and to thank him for his service to the College. Advertising to fill the leadership vacancy in the Middle School will occur in Term 2 / 2016. It is hoped to be able to have a six-month handover period prior to Mr Gauld’s departure. Last Friday, we farewelled Dr Adam Forsyth from his role as Head of Senior School. Dr Forsyth will take up his role as Deputy Headmaster at The Hutchens School in Hobart next week. Interviews for a replacement have been conducted and an announcement will be made to the community with regards to the new appointee. As a College, we have put interim measures into place. For parents and students, the first point of call remains the same i.e. teaching staff, Year Level Coordinators or the Luther House office of the Senior School. Finally, I can report to the community that a record number of students sat for the Year 7/2017 Academic Scholarship Test earlier this week. I look forward to receiving the results from the external provider (ACER), and to allocating scholarships based on academic merit. Other General Scholarships are also offered throughout the year in areas such as music. Information is available from the Enrolments Department. MINISTRY For the next Semester, we have two special guests from Germany who are working closely with the Chaplaincy Team. At the moment, they are mainly working in the Senior School and Junior High areas, but they will be doing some work in Prep, Junior School and Out of School Hours Care as well. They are from the Lutheran Church in Germany and their presence is a witness to the international connectedness of our school and church. I have asked them to introduce themselves to you here. Have a blessed week. Pastor Thomas BÖhmert, Senior Chaplain Adrian Wiles, Head of College DEPUTY HEAD OF COLLEGE Uniform Reminder St Peters uniform symbolises our school culture, spirit and traditions. We expect the St Peters student body to make a full commitment to their contribution to the College through their tone and dress standards. The elements of the uniform we would like to focus on this week are earrings, makeup and school bags. Earrings and Makeup • Earrings: Girls only may wear a pair of small plain gold or silver matching studs/sleepers; only one per ear and in the lower part of the globe. Pearls, euroballs, diamantes/stones earrings are not permitted; and • Makeup: Students are not to wear any make-up unless approval has been granted by the relevant Head of Sub-School. Documentation from a medical practitioner may be required. School Bags The St Peters school bag is to be used to and from school. This can be either the back pack or duffle bag. The school sports bag is to be used for PE/HPE and when representing St Peters off school grounds. Non-St Peters bags are not permitted. Drop off and Pick up around St Peters Lutheran College Grounds For the safety of all students on campus, I remind parents/guardians to follow the below guidelines when driving and parking around the College. When driving in and around the school, it is important to follow these key safety tips: • Parents and visitors are asked to set down and pick up students outside the College grounds. These restrictions apply from 7.00am to 8.15am and again between 2.30pm to 3.30pm. The below locations are not set down/pick up zones: 1. Ross Roy visitors parking; 2. College Bus Stop; 3. Area immediately behind Chapel and beside Boys Boarding; 4. 25m pool carpark; and 5. Juniors School Staff lower carpark, near Stolz Oval. • The general speed limit on campus is strictly 25kph. While driving past the Prep School the speed limit is 10kph (which is just above quick walking pace); • Inside the grounds, at all times, drivers are to follow the road rules, signs and directions as they would on any public road. ‘No standing’ and ‘parking’ signs have been placed to treat specific risks. Never double park or park in ‘no stopping’ zones; • Several areas on the roads throughout the College have been designated as high traffic pedestrian zones. These areas are indicated by a large painted red area within a yellow border. When approaching any of these zones, please be very cautious and aware that pedestrians may wish to cross and that they have right of way; and • Students are not permitted to drive through the College grounds at any time. Hi, we’re Deborah and Daniel from Germany where we’re studying Religious Education and Parish Work. As part of our studies we have to complete an internship. We thought it would be a little bit boring to do this in our familiar environment in Moritzburg, Germany. So now we’re here at St Peters in Brisbane for the next six months to work together with the chaplaincy team, looking around, learning more about you and your school and working with the students of St Peters. We hope we will have a good time here and we will bring some ideas, games and music, for lunch time groups, St Peters@6 and other opportunities. We both love music and play the guitar and piano. We also are keen to learn about the Australian way of schooling, to improve our English and get to know Australia a little. You can find us in chapels, lunch groups, in boarding and sometimes in CS classrooms. We will mostly work from the Ministry Centre. Please say hello – we are always happy to chat to you. Daniel and Deborah, Chaplaincy Interns We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Lisa Delaney, Deputy Head of College 2 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 AROUND THE SCHOOL Junior High Parent Gatherings Support the Senior Robotics Team with travel expenses to Leipzig, Germany to participate in the RoboCup International Competition in June and July. Please hop on board and purchase hot cross buns this Easter! Monday 29 February, 8.20 – 9.30am, P&F Centre (top floor) *Gluten Free and Fruitless buns are available* Community Grant Program P&F Meeting Cafe 45 / Middle School Monday 7 March, 7.00–8:30pm, P&F Centre (top floor) Volunteers needed for Grandstand Café (Years 5 – 8) & Café 45 (Years 8 - 12) Community Grant Program Round 2 applications will be launched and the P&F Committee extend a special invitation to representatives from each of the Parent Support Groups to join us. Please call Deb Grading on 3377 6245 or Nicky Hughes on 3377 6248. Replies to Nicky Hughes on or 3377 6248 Each year, the Community Grant Program provides funding to the Parent Support Groups who are seeking to develop and improve the educational experiences of St Peters students. For an application form or any queries please contact Nicky Hughes [email protected] Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer Volunteers needed for the Junior School, Grandstand and Café 45 tuckshop on a monthly, fortnightly or weekly basis. ST PETERS PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer Like us at: IS ON FACEBOOK Thursdays, 8:00am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre This group meets every Thursday term time. All parents and community members are welcome. Please contact Sandie Fraser [email protected] or Jo Potts joandchris@bigpond. com for further information. Like the St Peters PAC on Facebook to find out what’s happening WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Access previous issues of the Rock on the Publications page of St Peters’ website. Apple ITunes Google Play 3 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 JUNIOR SCHOOL Head of Junior School Junior School Parent Gatherings Thursday 3 March Junior School Library verandah, 8.20am – 9.30am WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Open communication between home and school is vital to the success of a child’s education and here at St Peters we value this and actively seek to work together. During the course of Term 1, much time is spent in Junior School communicating our goals and aspirations for 2016 and setting routines to support these. Last week we held our parent information evenings which gave specific information to our parent community about what will be happening in classrooms as far as curriculum delivery, delivery of pastoral care, routines, procedures communication etc. The theme for the evening was 21st Century learners. We spoke about the changing face of education and how we set up students to navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving world. It is not just children who must be kept current - teachers too are constantly being challenged to remain upskilled in their professions. Timely, research based professional development and learning opportunities are vital for our teachers. One way teachers are working this year is through project work. There are three major projects running with some staff from Prep to Year 6. The Prep Teaching Team is very excited to be involved in one of these as an action research project. I spoke to the Prep teachers this week about their goals for this project. What is the project about? This project centres around the development of children’s oral language and how this impacts on their ability to learn to read and write. Current research indicates that there is a clear and direct link between children’s oral language capacity and the development of their core skills in both reading and writing. As teachers of young children we are very interested in developing our knowledge and skills around children’s oral language development so that we can ensure their print based literacy skills are well supported by a strong oral language base. Click here to see our publications Why this topic for the project? Research indicates that communication and language difficulties are increasing in young children. There are a number of complex factors contributing to this. Some of the general societal issues related to this include a rise in use of technology and less family time for conversations. One of our aims for the project is to ensure that children are given as much opportunity as possible to engage in sustained and extended conversations with peers, adults and families. We also aim to model extensive vocabulary and conversational skills. How can parents be involved? COMMUNITY RUN CLUB YEARS 7–12 STUDENTS, PARENTS & STAFF BEGINS FRIDAY 5 FEBRUARY MEET AT DOHLER BUS STOP, 6:30AM Across the year we plan to involve parents in a number of different ways. For Term 1 we have initiated our Tuesday Chat morning. From 8:00-8:15 on Tuesday mornings Prep classes will have a variety of activities in classrooms that will support children’s oral language and communication skills. If you have time to come in and engage with these, your support would be very much appreciated. It can be challenging to encourage some children to be involved in sustained conversation and we appreciate your patience and persistence to ensure best outcomes. Other children, of course, would happily chat all day, and it is great for peers to see this model of extended conversation as well. As our project develops we will inform you of other ways you could be involved. We look forward to many shared events where we can all highlight the skills of excellent communication, conversation and language use. Meet Thursdays, 8:00am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre Pam Carden, Head of Junior School 4 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 MIDDLE SCHOOL Head of Middle School It is with much delight that I announce some wonderful news regarding two of our Middle School Staff members. Congratulations to both Mrs Lauren Coote and Mrs Aurelie Hough, who are both due to have babies at around the same time in July. They will both work up until the end of Semester 1 before they go on maternity leave for the rest of this year. Wayne Gauld, Head of Middle School Middle School Parent Gatherings Tuesday 8 March, 8.20 – 9.30am, P&F Centre (top floor) All welcome Year 5 News Robotics Takes Off Year 5 students have been busily engaged with their unit of inquiry about Who We Are. Last week, we had a visit from four senior school students who shared some of the ways in which they were using their gifts and talents to serve others. Sanha runs a club at St Peters called Student Alliance involving teachers and students with the aim of creating a positive and safe community. Tara and Lily travelled to an indigenous community to help with construction projects and to find out about their culture and way of life. James was organising a student music festival to give students the chance to showcase their musical talents and raise money for charitable causes. The speakers were all fantastic and we hope that some of the Year 5 students have been inspired to take action themselves. Action can be as simple as helping those around you when the need arises. Action can also be carefully planned, sustained and improved over time. If you feel that your son or daughter has taken some positive action as a result of our unit of inquiry, please encourage them to share this with the class. We’d love to hear about it! At the moment, students will be researching a significant person who they feel has had a positive influence on the lives of others. They are encouraged to conduct some research and reading at home, however, the majority of this task should be completed at school. We look forward to sharing what we have learned with parents and other students when we send out invitations later on this term. We have had our final Let’s Chat session this week. Please discuss the content with your child and encourage them to ask questions. Students have found the sessions informative and helpful, with many sharing that they felt more comfortable and reassured at the end of session 1. This year, record numbers of students have joined lunchtime robotics clubs. With almost 100 students signed up to take part in learning about designing, building and programming robots, MSO7 is a hive of activity. Students in the Middle School work on their robots at Wednesday lunchtimes, while Years 7-12 use Thursday lunchtimes. We are exploring using some time after school to allow available students the chance to further their robotics development. In Mathematics, we’ll be concentrating on operations and problem solving over the next few weeks. Get busy learning those times tables, working on turn arounds and brushing up on speed and accuracy. Students are working towards the RoboCup and First Tech Challenge robotics competitions that will take place later in the year. The addition of a Cubicon 3D printer in MSO7 means that students are now more easily able to custom build components. Look out for some wild designs in the near future! Students who wish to print 3D components will need to produce an STL file. They can create components in Tinkercad (free online), Autocad (free download from IT department) or any other 3D design software. Year 5 Teachers Simon Canfield, Exceptional Learners Year 6 News The Year 6 students have had a busy week. We had our second session of ‘Let’s Chat’ on human reproduction. We again encourage parents to be open to discussion about what students have taken away from these sessions. Children thoroughly enjoyed the ‘Start Smart’ workshop. This gave students an opportunity to learn about financial goal setting, earning money and are now excited about making their savings goals a reality! Students are working hard on their first major assignments in English and in our Unit of Inquiry. During this time, it is particularly important for students to develop the use of their diary as a management tool to help them organise their time and work effectively. Students are given plenty of time in class for the construction of their assignments, but we encourage students to do additional research and may need time to publish their work at home. Friday 26 February is Leadership Day, where all students will participate in teambuilding and leadership activities. Lunch will be provided by the College. It will be a sausage sizzle (beef sausage on bread). Children will need to bring their own morning tea, hat, water bottle and iPad. Year 6 Teachers 5 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 SENIOR SCHOOL Deputy Head of Senior School In recent weeks, Elevate Education have run a number of workshops and information sessions for students, staff and parents in the Senior School. A number of resources have been provided online for students (and parents) to assist in the ongoing development of study skills and assessment preparation. Below is an excerpt from the Elevate website, with some timely advice for parents. It’s quite common to find that by Week 3 or 4, students are losing the initial surge of motivation found at the start of the year. When it comes to motivation, there are three kinds of student: 1. Fully Motivated Students 2. Somewhat Motivated Students 3. Completely Unmotivated Students The challenge for parents is how to respond to the category your child belongs to. Fully Motivated Students Your student has a clear idea as to what he or she wants to do after Year 12, has a course mapped out, and knows exactly what marks need to be achieved to reach that goal. Students with highly clarified and defined long and short term goals tend to be highly motivated, and do not usually require any external encouragement to keep them on course. What can you do? Because your child has the motivation to work, your key challenge is ensuring they do not burn out through the course of the year. High school is a marathon, not a sprint. Simple questions like “how are you finding the workload at the moment” particularly around exam time will give you a great deal of insight into how they are coping. Somewhat Motivated Students These students tend to know what ‘sort’ of career they want after high school, or university/ TAFE, but don’t really know with all that much certainty. For example, they will often be tossing up between two courses, or will want to study a particular course, but have a limited understanding of what the course actually requires and looks like. What can you do? These students require goal clarification. As they already tend to have broad or poorly defined goals, you have something to work with. Options include getting students to read through university handbooks (available online at all university websites), as this gives them a clear picture as to whether their general post-high school goal is what they thought it was. They also require a serious discussion, which can be with parents, or parents and the school careers Mr David Rushmore, Deputy Head of Senior School coordinator, about the grades required in their subjects to generate the entrance score they need for their goal. If their current grades have them on a trajectory which will miss out on this entrance score, this often serves as a motivating wake-up call to increase their efforts with study. Unmotivated Students Unmotivated students tend to lack motivation due to a lack of direction for their careers after high school. They generally don’t know what they want to do when they graduate, whether it be going to university, TAFE, or work placement. As a result when they sit down to study they tend to become overwhelmed with a sense of apathy. What can you do? These students tend to lack even an ill-defined goal, so the best we can do to get them motivated is help them form a goal to begin with. This will involve getting them passionate about a type of career or vocation that they can see themselves doing after high school. There are many ways to get this process started. Some of the easiest involve taking your son or daughter to university open days, where they can see university pathways mapped out, and experience a tangible taste of university life. I would even suggest having them sitting in on a university lecture if possible. Other options include having them sit down and speak with your friends and colleagues who work in different industries. For example, if a friend of yours works in an engineering firm, and your son finds maths to be one of his stronger subjects, having the two sit down and discuss what it is like to work in the industry will potentially sow the seeds of a more specific and defined goal, i.e. to get into engineering at The University of Queensland, later down the track. This then opens the goal-defining strategies of the second tier students, and finally clears the way for your son or daughter to achieve an intrinsic level of motivation. Karl Langer Library UQ, QUT or Griffith University Library Memberships Years 11 and 12 students UQ, QUT and Griffith University Libraries provide a number of services to Years 11 and 12 students. Information on how to become a member is available on the Langer Library web page at http:// libguides.stpeters.qld. Researchhelp Please read carefully each University’s Borrowing Guides and the Terms and Conditions and see the Langer Library staff for any assistance. Jan Lewis, Langer Library Year 12 Parents & Guardians Social Evening Friday 18 March, 6.00 – 8.00pm, Hundred Acre Bar (Indooroopilly and Carawa Street, St Lucia) Join other Year 12 parents and guardians for a social drink. Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer For further information please visit A reminder that there are a number of support services available for Senior School Students. Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s engagement or motivation at school (or with homework), please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator (Year 10 – Mrs Rachael Turnbull, Year 11 – Mr Mark Manson and Year 12 Ms Bronwyn Jamieson). We also have a wonderful Career Counsellor (Mrs Jacqui Estevao) and Student Counsellors (Mrs Judy Vudulich, Dr Matt O’Conner and Dr Ellie Keane) all of who have much experience in assisting students struggling with motivation. You Might Like Read about the Robotics Club on page 5… Like us at: 6 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 SENIOR SCHOOL Social Justice Group Raise Awareness for the Homeless Social Justice Week starts on Monday 29 February with some great activities, speakers and events to raise awareness on the issues and effects of Homelessness particularly in our local area. To promote the week, the Social Justice members with the help of Ms Foley and Ms Braby dished out free Soup to students in the College. They all enjoyed a cup of hot vegetable soup and took away some information about the Sleep Out that we are having at the Chapel Forecourt next Friday 4 March. Students will be involved for the evening, listening to guest speakers; making cardboard shelters, and simulation games designed to break open the issue of the homeless. The event is on at 3.30pm until 7.30pm (Years 5-9) and until BOARDING Year 12 Boarders Enjoy a Night Out at South Bank 8.00am Saturday 5 March (Years 10-12). Please contact Ms Braby if you would like to participate [email protected]. Next week, we will also collect donations for the Homeless. Could students please bring in any of the following: Food items; towels (new or good quality); sanitary items; deodorant and toiletries (even small bottles left over from hotel rooms). There will be a donation box at the Chapel Forecourt from Monday. Thank you for your help. We particularly thank Year 5 who have been doing a wonderful job coming along to promote the week and Louis Bellamywells for giving up his lunchtime to help senior students with the soup. Bus Tickets Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. Angela Braby, Teacher MUSIC St Peters Band Camp at QCCC Brookfield Last weekend, Symphonic Winds, Wind Ensemble and Drum Line ventured out to the QCCC Brookfield camp site for their annual marathon music making session. Over 100 students participated in tutorials, sectionals and rehearsals that culminated in a performance for parents in the PAC Auditorium. This was a wonderful opportunity to hone their skills in a relaxed but concentrated burst of intense practice sessions. Students and staff had the opportunity to make new friends and interact with like-minded musicians from all year levels. Social highlights included the newspaper fashion show and the Hawaiian themed dress up day. Students were fortunate to participate in tutorials with some of Brisbane’s finest musicians. Symphonic Winds were treated to a Marching Band Masterclass with our own resident military marching maestro, Mr Grant Mason, whilst Drum Line worked with specialist Mr Wesley Ong to develop some intricate manoeuvers involving precision and musical excellence. St Peters Old Scholars Joe Holownia and Carla Wright graciously provided musical assistance whilst reliving their fond Band Camp memories. All students participated with enthusiasm and dedication, upholding the proud St Peters tradition of acceptance and cooperation to make the 2016 Band Camp a roaring success. A special mention must go to Carolyn, Murray and the QCCC staff that worked tirelessly to ensure the camp ran smoothly. Thank you to St Peters staff for their support and care for every student on camp. See more photos of Band Camp via St Peters App photo galleries... Mr Grantley Sutch, Head of Bands 7 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 MUSIC St Peters Music Support Group and Meet Greet Join us for a relaxed social evening You are invited to attend the St Peters Music Support Group AGM ••• Tuesday 15 March, 6:30pm, Performing Arts Centre The following positions become vacant at the commencement of each year. • President • Vice-President • Secretary • Treasurer • Publicity Officer • Ensemble Co-ordinators: 1. Choral 2. Strings 3. Bands 4. Middle School 5. Junior School Nominations accepted prior to AGM.Submissions by email to: [email protected] will be accepted, with hard copies to be made available on the evening of the meeting. Any queries please contact the MSG President, Sam Fielder [email protected] Meet the music staff and families of those involved in music at St Peters Friday 26th February 6.30pm PAC Amphitheatre Bring a plate to share BYO drinks Tea and coffee will be provided Meet Thursdays, 8:00am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre For more information contact Sam Fielder [email protected] The St Peters Music Support Group (MSG) is a fellowship of parents that plays an integral part in the College community. Our purpose is to support our children’s cultural and spiritual development through their participation in the St Peters music programs and to support the music department staff. Like us at: WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Access previous issues of the Rock on the Publications page of St Peters’ website. 7.00PM SAT 12 MAR 2016 St Peters Performing Arts Centre Lambert Road, Indooroopilly tickets $40 at 2016 Signature ST PETERS LUTHERAN COLLEGE CONCERT SERIES 8 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] AIC Cricket and Volleyball Despite our best efforts, results for last weekend’s cricket and volleyball fixtures were a little one-sided, with St Laurence’s managing to steal aggregate points across most matches. Nevertheless, a number of teams were competitive and fought hard to steal victory in 9B, 8A and 3rds VI Volleyball and the 2nd XI and 3rd XI Cricket. Congratulations to these teams. Building partnerships appeared to be the ‘Achilles Heel’ for cricket, whilst our serve receive errors were too costly on the volleyball court. I encourage all boys to focus on simple steps to improve in these critical domains, and to continue to work hard and have fun at this week’s training sessions. Round 4 action this weekend (27 February) is against St Patrick’s College. The draw can be accessed on the St Peters App or portal, and also over the coming pages of this bulletin. Clashes of Commitments Wednesday 2 March, 6:00pm, Thiele House (room TH8) All football parents are invited to attend. Office bearers will be elected and the agenda for supported initiatives (fund raising and the Awards Dinner) will be set. The St Peters sport program for 2016 is ramping up with training for both in-season and pre-season sports now underway. It is important that students attend training sessions for their chosen sports so they can improve fitness, refine sport-specific skills and improve team cohesion. Students playing multiple sports should remember that in season sports take priority for training. If clashes occur with training or other commitments, please contact Mr Bradforde in Sports House. AIC Swimming Coordinator: Mr Peter Dawson [email protected] This Friday evening (26 February), the AIC swim team will compete in a QGSSSA Swim Meet at St Peters 50m pool. Since this is the final opportunity for race practice before next week’s AIC Swimming Championships at Chandler, it is compulsary for aspiring swimmers to attend. The meet begins with an all ages warm up at 3:30pm and will conclude by 7:30pm. Coaches and coordinators will pick the strongest team for the AIC Championships after this meet, so that St Peters can achieve maximum points on the day. The entire AIC Swim team will travel and sit together for the AIC Championships next Thursday 3 March. The team will be supported by all Years 10 and 11 boys and senior male school leaders. Good luck to all o four swimmers. AIC Rugby and Football Pre-season Trainings continue this week and will continue for the remainder of the term for those students interested in conditioning their skills and fitness for the upcoming season in Term 2. Any students who are interested in playing and have not yet attended training, you are most welcome as we are still looking for more players for the upcoming AIC season. Students should contact the relevant coordinator this week. Please see the following tables for training times, venues and coordinators. AIC Rugby Pre-Season Coordinator: Mr Paul Galland [email protected] Monday Wednesday 6:15 - 7:30am 3:30 - 5:00pm Friday Open Squad (Mayer) Open Squad (ISHS) Years 7 – 12 (Mayer) Open Squad (Mayer) Years 4 – 6 Rookies to Reds* 3:15 – 4:30pm (Stolz) *Please note: Years 4 – 6 students will need to register for the Rookies to Reds program via the email sent from Mr Dawson last week. Aic Football Pre-Season St Peters Run Club It’s fantastic to see the increasing number of students attending our Cross Country and running club sessions each week. Remember, running is a discipline that improves with consistent practice and greatly assists in developing a base fitness level that is useful in all sports. I encourage all boys to make use of the Run Club of Friday mornings. These sessions are available to everyone in the St Peters community – students, parents and teachers alike. There are additional Cross Country training sessions available during the week and I encourage any boys interested to attend these as well. All details are on the St Peters App. I look forward to welcoming even more of our St Peters community to these enjoyable sessions. COMMUNITY RUN CLUB YEARS 7–12 STUDENTS, PARENTS & STAFF Coordinator: Mr Fady Ibrahim [email protected] Monday 6:15 - 7:30am 3:30 - 5:00pm Goalkeeper Training (Stolz) Beginners: 3:45pm Advanced: 4:15pm Wednesday Friday 1sts Dev. Squad (Harts Rd Oval) 1sts Dev. Squad (Harts Rd Oval) Years 5,6 (Stolz) Years 7,8,9 (Stolz)* Years 7 – 9 (ISHS) Year 10 (Stolz) 3rds / 4ths (ISHS) *Please note: The Friday morning session is for those Years 7 – 9 boys who cannot attend the Wednesday evening session due to other cocurricular commitments. BEGINS FRIDAY 5 FEBRUARY MEET AT DOHLER BUS STOP, 6:30AM Boys Sport Find Boys Sport draws on page 10… 9 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] AIC Cricket Round 4, St Peters Lutheran College vs St Patrick’s College, Saturday 27 March • Players should be at grounds 45 minutes before game (7:30am arrival for 8:15am game); and • Players must wear St Peters Cricket uniform (St Peters shirt and long white cricket pants). Team Opposition Away / Home Time Format Location 1st’s SPC 1st’s Home 9.30–5.15 50 overs Mayer Oval: St Peters 2nd’s SPC 2nd’s Home 1.00–5.30 35 overs Stolz Oval: St Peters 3rd’s SPC 3rd’s Home 1.00–5.30 35 overs Indooroopilly SHS (Synth) 4th’s SPC 4ths Home 1:00-5:30 35 overs Fig Tree Pocket SS (Synth) 10A’s SPC 10A’s Home 8.15–12.45 35 overs Stolz Oval: St Peters 10B’s SPC 10B’s Home 7:30–11.30 35 overs Indooroopilly SHS (Turf) 9A’s PADUA 9’s Away 8:00–11.30 25 overs Gibson Park South Oval (Turf) 8A’s SPC 8A’s Away 1:00-5:30 30 overs Curlew Oval 1 (turf) 8B’s SPC 8B’s Away 1:00-5:30 30 overs Curlew Oval 2 (turf) 7A’s SPC 7A’s Away 1:00-5:30 30 overs Curlew Oval 3 (turf) 7B’s SPC 7B’s Away 8:15-12:45 30 overs Curlew Oval 3 (turf) 7C’s PADUA 7C’s Away 8:15-12:30 T20 overs ARC Hill Park (Synth) 6A’s SPC 6A’s Home 8:00-12:00 25 overs Indooroopilly SHS (Synth) 6B’s SPC 6B’s Home 8:00-12:00 25 overs Milton SS Oval 5A’s SPC 5A’s Away 8:00-12:00 25 overs Norris Road State School Oval (Synth) 5B’s SPC 5B’s Away 8:00-12:00 25 overs Bracken Ridge State School Oval (Synth) 5C’s PAD 5C Green Away 8:00-11:00 T20 overs Melrose Park West • ARC Hill Park: Goss Road, Virginia • Bracken Ridge State School: Tomah Road, Bracken Ridge • Curlew Oval: Curlew Street, Shornclilffe • Fig Tree Pocket SS: 72 Cubberla Street, Fig Tree Pocket • Gibson Park South: Theodore Street, Stafford • Indooroopilly SHS: entry via Indooroopilly Road, Indooroopilly • Melrose Park West: Roseleigh Street, Wolloowin • Milton SS: Baroona Road, Milton • Norris Road State School: Norris Road, Bracken Ridge • St Peters: entry via Indooroopilly Road, Indooroopilly Please take note of the starting time and the address of the home or away venue. AIC Volleyball Round 4, St Peters Lutheran College vs St Patrick’s College, Saturday 27 March • Players should be at the courts 30 minutes before their game; • Players must wear the full St Peters Volleyball uniform with number; and • Students must complete duty requirements every Saturday as advised by their coach or coordinator. This commitment may vary from week to week. Volleyball at St Peters Gym Time Court 1 Time Court 2 8.00am 11B 8.00am 4ths 9.00am 3rd VI 9.00am 10C v 9C* 10.00am 11A 10.00am 10B 11.00am 2nd VI 11.00am 10A 12:00pm 1st VI Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play St Peters Gym: Enter off Lambert Road, Indooroopilly Please note: * 9C change in game time and will play at home. Volleyball at St Patrick’s Time Court 1 Time Court 2 8.00am 8C 8.00am 7C 9.00am 8B 9.00am 7B 10.00am 8A 10.00am 7A 11.00am 9A** 11.00am 9B You Might Like Read about the Robotics Club on page 5… St Patrick’s College Gym: Callan Centre: Yundah Street, Shorncliffe Please note: ** 9A change in game time: 11.00am start. 10 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinator, Lisa Dighton phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] ‘Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. The potential for greatness lives within each of us.’ – Wilma Rudolph Swimming Coordinators: Mr Peter Dawson [email protected] and Miss Emy Huntsman [email protected] Well done to all of the girls who have been attending training and who competed at the Friday night Swim Meet at the Valley Pool. It was wonderful to see some new faces both at training and at the meet and to see our girls working hard to improve their performance. At Friday nights meet, many girls set new personal bests. Congratulations girls! Keep up the wonderful work! With the QGSSSA Championships only a couple of weeks away, we need all girls to be present at training and the Friday night meets. We also require more girls to get involved. Please remember that, at this point in the season, Monday and Wednesday morning swimming training takes priority over all other training. St Peters wants to go three in a row in taking out the QGSSSA Championships and we need you all to make this happen, so please get involved! Friday 26 February: St Peters Invitational Swim Meet (compulsory), 4.30 – 7.00pm (warm up 4.30pm), 50m Pool. Students are encouraged to attend two morning sessions per week along with the Friday night meets. Please remember that training is on at the following times: Monday Thursday 6:00-7:30am 25m Pool 3:30-4:30pm *50M Pool Wednesday Thursday 50m Pool (breakfast provided) Friday Friday Night Meets start in Week 2 (5 February) *50M Pool *50M Pool *Please note that afternoon sessions are available should you not be able to attend a morning session. Afternoon sessions will be charged. Softball Cross Country Coordinator: Mr Damian Hanley [email protected] Congratulations to our Senior A Softball team who walked away with a double victory on Saturday, defeating BSHS 7-4 and St Hilda’s 10-5. The hard work these girls have been putting in at training, was evident in all aspects of their game play. We look forward to another competitive weekend of Softball. Draw: Saturday 26 February Opens 7.30 – 8.35 am 8.50 – 9.55am V St M (16) v SH (15) 10.10 – 11.15am Senior A v St A (15) Senior B1 v BGGS1 (10) V St Peters B2 (9) Senior B2 V BGGS2 (9) v St Peters B1 (9) Water Polo Coordinator: Miss Lisa Dighton [email protected] Well done to all girls who have attended one or more of our Cross Country sessions. With Cross Country trials only a few weeks away, now is the time to start training and get your fitness level up. If you are yet to join the St Peters Run Club on Friday morning, we encourage you to do so. Not only is it a great way to start your day and improve your fitness, but it is awesome to be able to run with your friends and enjoy the social benefits whilst being active! Dates to Remember: Cross Country meets this term, Tuesday 15 March and Tuesday 22 March Contact: Miss Lisa Dighton [email protected] and Mrs Elaine Ripamonti [email protected] Monday Draw: Saturday 26 February Team Opponent Cap Colour Time Venue U12A BGGS Burgundy 8.00am Stuartholme 2 U12B MBC - 1 White 10.40am Stuartholme 1 U13B MSM Burgundy 11.20am Stuartholme 1 U14B St Margarets Burgundy 4.00pm Musgrave U15B Stuartholme Burgundy 11.20am St Ritas U16B MSM Burgundy 12.40pm Somerville U18B Open St Rita’s White 4.40pm Somerville 6:307:15am 3:305:00pm Cross Country Wednesday Friday Cross Country Run Club* Cross Country Cross Country All sessions: Meet at the top of the stairs to Harts Road Oval across from the bus shelter. *Please note that Run Club is be available to the entire St Peters community - parents, teachers and students. 11 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinator, Lisa Dighton phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] “Good players inspire themselves, great players inspire others.” – Anon Pre-Season Training for Autumn Fixtures: Basketball, Football and Touch COMMUNITY RUN CLUB Training for all teams has commenced. YEARS 7–12 STUDENTS, PARENTS & STAFF Basketball Coordinator: Mr David Rushmore [email protected] Training: Monday 6:30-7:30am 3:30-5:00pm 10A (Venue TBC) 10B (Outside Courts 1) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OPENS (Gym) 7A/7B (Outside Courts 1) Senior A (Outside Courts 2) Senior B1 (Outside Courts 1) Senior B2 (Outside Courts 2) 9A/9B (Outside Courts 1) 10B (Outside Courts 2) Friday Fixtures Trials begin Week 7 (11 March) 8A/8B (Outside Courts 1) 9A/9B (Outside Courts 2) 7A/7B (Outside Courts 1) Senior A (Outside Courts 2) OPENS (Venue TBC) 8A/8B (Outside Courts 1) 10A (Outside Courts 1) BEGINS FRIDAY 5 FEBRUARY MEET AT DOHLER BUS STOP, 6:30AM Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Football Coordinator: Mrs K Schreiber [email protected] Football is in full swing for pre-season training. Thank you to all of the girls who have attended and to those parents and students who have emailed us when you could not attend. Over the next couple of weeks, coaches will consider how they will form teams. It is important that you attend training and if you cannot attend, that you communicate thisto the Football coordinator. Trials Trial matches against BGGS will take place on 4 March. Training: Monday 6:15-7:30am (Gym 6:307:30am) 3:30-5:00pm (Gym 3:304:30pm) Opens & Seniors (Harts Rd Oval) Junior A/B (Taringa Rovers) Wednesday Friday Opens & Seniors (Stolz) Junior A/B (Taringa Rovers) Friday Fixtures Trials begin Week 7 (11 March) Opens (Gym) WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Coordinator: Mr Mark Manson [email protected] Training: Monday 3:30-5:00pm (Gym 3:304:30pm) Thursday Junior to Senior second hand uniforms are available in limited sizes and stock from the Community Hub group. See Jo on Thursdays (8.00am – 12.00pm) at the P&F Centre (top floor) or contact Nicky Hughes on 3377 6248. Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer Touch 6:30-7:30am Second Hand Uniforms Friday All teams Mayer Oval (Term 2 or once fixtures begin) All teams (except Opens) Mayer Oval Opens (Stolz Oval) All teams (except Opens) Mayer Oval Opens (Harts Road Oval) Friday Fixtures Trials begin Week 7 (11 March) Click here to see our publications 12 // THE ROCK 25 FEB 2016 PRIMARY SPORT Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: [email protected] “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Anon Boys and Girls Swimming The Primary Swimming Squad (Years 4–6 boys and girls) will train on Monday and Wednesday morning (6:00am - 7:30am). All students are welcome to come to Primary Swimming Training and compete at the lead up meets. A team will be selected to compete at the Inter Lutheran and AIC Boys Swimming Carnival. Training is on Monday morning, 6:00am – 7:30am (25m Pool) and Wednesday morning, 6:00am – 7:30am (25m Pool). • 26 February: Boys AIC Years 5-12 Meet (St Peters 50m Pool – Part of QGSSSA Meet); • 2 March: Primary Girls Years 4–6 (St Peters 25m Pool); • 3 March: Boys AIC (Years 5-12) Swimming Championships (Chandler); and • 7 March: Primary (Years 4–6) Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival (St Peters 50m). Boys Cricket Years 4– 6 boys are now playing in the AIC Competition. Training will continue on Wednesday afternoon (3:30pm-5:00pm) at the cricket nets and during Sport for Life time on Friday. Girls Club Netball This year, St Peters will enter teams in the Western Districts Netball Association (WDNA). Payment and further sign-on information will soon be sent out to all girls involved. Training will continue on Friday afternoon this week and starting next week (Wednesday 2 March) will also be on Wednesday afternoon 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Harts Road Courts. Years 4–6 Run Club Years 4–6 Run Club has begun! All runners are to meet the InTraining running coaches at the Junior School Undercroft at 3:15pm and have their name marked off the roll. The training sessions will take place on Indooroopilly High School Ovals or at Robinson Park. All students will walk together to and from the training sessions. Training will be offered three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Students will need to be picked up by parents at the Junior School Undercroft at 4:15pm. Term 2 Boys Pre-Season Training Sport for Life! The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program is for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement AIC and Primary Girls Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 4-6. Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Training starts Weeks 4 and 5 Apple ITunes Years 5 and 6 boys do not need to have previously signed on. Showing up to training will count as their sign on. Google Play Football (Soccer) Pre-Season COMMUNITY RUN CLUB Years 5 and 6: Fridays, 6:15am – 7:30am, meet at Stolz (Junior School) Oval. Rugby Pre-Season – Rookies To Reds Program YEARS 7–12 STUDENTS, PARENTS & STAFF Years 5 and 6: Fridays, 3:15pm – 4:30pm, meet at Stolz (Junior School) Oval. Chess Pre-Season Years 5 and 6: Starts Thursday 25 February (continues every Thursday afternoon), 4:00 – 5:00pm, meet at B2 Classroom. HPE Dates Term 1 • Swimming: Wednesday 27 January – Friday 4 March • Cross Country: Monday 7 March – Monday 21 March MEET AT DOHLER BUS STOP, 6:30AM IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • [email protected] Years 10-12 3377 6562 • [email protected] Enrolments 3377 6236 • [email protected] Years 7-9 3377 6503 • [email protected] Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209 Years 5-6 3377 6123 • [email protected] Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 P-4 3377 6565 • [email protected] Leave Approval • [email protected] Click here to view the complete contact list 13 // THE ROCK 25 FEBRUARY 2016
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