The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church…” St Peters' Students Achieve QCAA Glory Three of St Peters Lutheran College’s 2014 graduates were recently recognised as among the best in the state at the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s (QCAA) Queensland Certificate of Education Achievement Awards. Samuel Naylor received the Highest Achievement in the International Baccalaureate Award whilst Tamara Bohler and Joshua Sutton both received Distinguished Academic Achievers Awards. St Peters Lutheran College Head of College, Mr Adrian Wiles was excited by the news. “These awards recognise the hard work of our students, our teachers and our staff,” Mr Wiles said. “We know that St Peters has prepared our 2014 cohort well for university and beyond.” The QCAA’s inaugural Queensland Certificate of Education Achievement Awards are a positive way to celebrate the academic successes of Queensland’s Year 12 students. Summary of Prize Winners Academic Achievements: WEEK 6 TERM 1, 5 MARCH 2015 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 6 March 7:00am-3:00pm Year 11 Marine Science - Marine Biology Excursion, Underwater World, Mooloolaba 11:40am-2:00pm Queensland Police Service International Women’s Day function - Chorale Performance, Pullman Hotel, corner of Ann and Roma Streets, Brisbane 12:20pm-3:10pm Year 12 - Coffee Training, St Peters Tech Kitchen) 12:20pm-1:10pm Years 7 to 12 - Chinese New Year, Chapel Forecourt 3:30pm-5:00pm Band Instrument Maintainence Workshop, PAC Band Room, Theatrette 8:00pm-3:00pm Year 10 - Engineering Challenge, University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus Saturday 7 March AIC Cricket & Volleyball - Round 5, St Peters and Marist Ashgrove BWPI - Waterpolo 7:00am-12:00pm QGSSSA Softball - Round 5, Downey Park Softball Association 10:00am-6:00pm St Peters Soloists,Tchaikovsky Strings, Perlman Strings Weekend Day Camp, PAC Audtorium, Orchestra Room, Band Room Sunday 8 March 10:00am-4:00pm St Peters Soloists,Tchaikovsky Strings, Perlman Strings Weekend Day Camp, PAC Audtorium, Orchestra Room, Band Room 4:00pm-5:00pm Senior Strings Concert, PAC Audtorium, Orchestra Room, Band Room Monday 9 March Samuel Naylor • IB45 (Perfect score in International Baccalaureate Diploma) • Recipient of University of Queensland Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship • QCAA Highest Achievement in the International Baccalaureate Award • St Peters Lutheran College International Baccalaureate Dux Tamara Bohler • OP1 • Recipient Tuckwell Scholarship - Australian National University • QCAA Distinguished Academic Achievers Award • St Peters Lutheran College Queensland Certificate of Education Dux Joshua Sutton • OP1 • Recipient of University of Queensland Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship • QCAA Distinguished Academic Achievers Award Look out for Swimming Championship Reports next week IN THIS ISSUE // Head of College...................................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Directory..............................................2 // Around the School...............................3 // Academic Matters...............................4 // Careers................................................4 // Junior School.......................................5 // Middle School......................................6 // Junior High...........................................7 // Senior School.......................................8 // Boarding..............................................8 // Music...................................................9 // The Arts...............................................9 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12)......................10 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................12 // Primary Sport....................................14 Academic Week 7:00am-5:00pm Prep - Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre) 8:05am-3:10pm Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival, Years 4-6, St Peters 50m Pool) 12:20pm-1:00pm Career Guest Speaker: Biomedical Research/Women in Science, Jennifer Stow, Career Centre) 12:20pm-1:00pm Career Guest Speaker: Medical Research, Karen Moritz, Career Centre 3:15pm-6:00pm Year 12 Economics Reserve Bank Lecture, Brisbane Gilrs Grammar School, Spring Hill 6:00pm-8:00pm SPOSA Committee Meeting, Ross Roy Boardroom Tuesday 10 March Academic Week Years 10-12 Literature Presentation - David Stavanger 7:00am-5:00pm Prep - Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 8:20am-9:30am Middle School Parent Support Group Gathering, P&F (top floor) 9:00am-10:00am Year 1 - Pirate Drama, Belfield Hall 6:30pm-8:00pm Triple P Seminar - Raising Competent Teenagers, P&F Centre (top level) Wednesday 11 March Academic Week 7:00am-5:00pm Prep - Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 12:20pm-1:10pm Community Focus Day - Red Earth Immerison Program Fundraiser, Chapel Forecourt 12:20pm-1:10pm Community Focus Day - Social Justice Purple Bake Sale Fundraiser and Badge Design Competition, Chapel Forecourt and Middle School Undercroft Thursday 12 March Academic Week 7:00am-5:00pm Prep - Henny Penny Hatchlings, Prep Centre 7:45am-12:00pm Community Hub Group, P&F Centre, Top Floor) 7:00pm-8:30pm Ensemble Nobiles from Leipzig Concert, St Peters Chapel Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy HEAD OF COLLEGE This week we will celebrate with our young people in many areas of the College. The interschool swimming carnivals (AIC and QGSSSA) are being held, the various sporting competitions roll on, and we have celebrated with three students from the Year 12 Class of 2014 on being recognised for their academic excellence by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). With only 33 students from across the State receiving awards, the outcomes placed St Peters as the equal top school with St Joseph’s Gregory Terrace – recognition that should not go unheralded. I was also pleased to note the visiting international musicians who are working with our students either in person or via interactive video-link. Meanwhile in the Junior and Middle Schools, many educational activities are under way and I look forward to joining with the children and staff for the Year 5 Showcase and the Year 3 Expo in the coming days. It is a pleasure to know that all of these educational activities are highlights that dot our calendar, and they are important yet diverse learning experiences that are celebrated at St Peters. Next week, we welcome Pastor Thomas Bohmert to our Ministry Team. Pastor Thomas has a history of work in parishes throughout Australia, including in Central Australia. He has also spent seven years as Chaplain at Luther College in Melbourne, and he is a qualified teacher having taught in Melbourne and in South Australia. We will formally welcome Pastor Thomas and his wife Lyn to the College on Monday 16 March at the Junior High Worship Service (8.05am). WHERE DO I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? You can access The Rock on the Publications page on the St Peters website. Bus Tickets Available Now Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. Adrian Wiles, Head of College MINISTRY International Women’s Day is celebrated across Australia this Sunday. It coincides with the ecumenical World Day of Prayer, which was called the “Women’s World Day of Prayer” and is celebrated on the first Friday in March. Why women’s day and prayer? Why not men’s day you may ask as a modern person of the western world? For many centuries women fought for equal rights, the right to education, the right to vote, the right to equal pay, the right to be treated with respect by men – and the list goes on. In many countries, women continue this fight. In a rising number of countries, men deny women the rights they have previously held. Some men in government or faith leaders are convinced that women’s role is subordinate to men and to bear and raise children. So, women’s day and women’s prayer has not lost anything of its relevance even in our modern world. In the Hebrew Bible (the ‘old’ Testament) we find stories of women who had the courage to challenge the norms of society or became strong leaders (e.g. Exodus 2:1-10; Judges 4-5). Jesus related to women in a way which was unacceptable at his time and was criticised for it strongly, even by his disciples . Even though the apostle Paul understood that women played the major part in raising and teaching children and thus passing on the stories of faith to the next generation, he denied women to the right to teach publicly. He forgot to mention the women who supported the ministry of Jesus or led faith communities (Luke 8:2-3;Acts 16). Women were the last one under the cross and the first to witness to the empty tomb (Matthew 27:55/28: 5-10). The risen Christ even tasked the women to share the gospel with the ‘brothers’ – a note which Paul left out altogether in his own account of (only male) resurrection witnesses (1.Cor. 15:3-8). Today we stand in the tradition of those who faithfully walked in the footsteps of Christ. We are called to listen to him who allowed women to become disciples and walked with the men, sharing Gods love in a radical way that crossed over borders and reached beyond humanmade boundaries. To follow Christ is a gift and a challenge. Together we are invited to pray for Gods people around the world. Together we are challenged to break down man-made walls of separation and to reach beyond human-made boundaries. Even today it can be scary to walk the untrodden path, because it is often the ‘not done’ thing and may provoke resentment. It requires time and commitment to reach out, to listen to the afflicted and to share the message of hope and peace. Together we can make a difference. Through us, men and women, God will transform lives, lighten the burden of many and change the face of this world that it becomes a more humane place for all to live with respect and dignity and in peace. May the World Day of Prayer serve as a reminder and as an invitation to participate in Christ’s ministry to serve and pray for all Gods people. Pastor Silke Moolman, Chaplain IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • [email protected] Years 10-12 3377 6562 • [email protected] Enrolments 3377 6236 • [email protected] Years 7-9 3377 6503 • [email protected] Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209 Years 5-6 3377 6123 • [email protected] Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 P-4 3377 6565 • [email protected] Leave Approval • [email protected] Click here to view the complete contact list 2 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 AROUND THE SCHOOL Latest News P&F Meeting Thank you to all who attended the P&F meeting. To view the minutes click here Nicky Hughes, Community Liaison Community Grant Program Community Grant Program Round 1 2015 applications are now open. Each year the Community Grant Program provides funding to the Parent Support Groups who are seeking to develop and improve the educational experiences of students of St Peters. Any queries please contact Nicky Hughes on [email protected] Winter Uniforms With only three weeks to go until the Easter break, we encourage you to purchase your winter uniform before Term 2. Shop45 will be closed over the school holidays so please ensure you have organised your uniforms prior. The winter uniform – including the blazer and tie – is worn from the first day of Term 2. SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS OF ST PETERS EVENTS & ACTIVITIES St Peters thanks our sponsors and supporters. These sponsors generously support St Peters to provide the best education possible to our community. We ask you to show your appreciation by supporting them. SPONSOR Melbourne Cup Luncheon 2014 and Chorus of Comedy 2015 Shop45 Opening Hours for Terms 2 and 3 Shop 45 will close every Wednesday and Friday in Terms 2 and Term 3 until Term 4 when the Shop will be closed on Wednesday only. Shop 45 will open in Term 2 and Term 3 from 7:45am– 4pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Award Blazers Family & General Dentistry Dr Angus Quinn Dr Brent Evans Ms Toni Marr P: 07 3870 8811 A: 215 Hawken Drive, St Lucia Q 4067 W: Preferred provider for BUPA, MBP, TUH, CBHS & HCF. Blazers are not being accepted for award embroidery any longer this term. A date will be confirmed in Term 4 for you to bring blazers in for further award embroidery. Award embroidery on blazers is only carried out in the summer terms to ensure you will be wearing your blazer from the first day of Term 2. Second Hand Blazers Cafe 45 / Middle School We are always looking for wonderful parents to assist the staff at the Cafes with serving our students. If you are able to assist with Tuckshop in the Junior School, Grandstand Café or Café 45 please contact Deb Grading or click here to register on Volunteer Spot. Please contact Debra Grading, Café and Tuckshop Manager, regarding Tuckshop rosters. P: 33776243 E: [email protected] Shop 45 can now buy your secondhand blazers. Shop 45 will purchase Girl’s 8–12 and Boy’s 9–12 for $47.50, and Girl’s 14–24 and Boy’s 13–32 for $55.00. The Blazers will become the property of Shop 45, and be on-sold for $95 and $110 respectively. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the Shop 45 staff. Blazers must be the Trutex brand; drycleaned; and in good condition (no rips, tears, stains and all buttons attached). Please note that Trutex Blazers in the ‘cherry’ colour, dating back several years, cannot be accepted. For further enquiries, please contact us (07) 3377 6209. Of course, you continue to have the option of selling and buying second-hand Blazers through Fiona Bassingthwaighte and Donna Gordon Managers Shop 45 For Parents and Friends of St Peters Meet every Thursday 7.30am–midday, P&F Centre (top floor) Please join us this Thursday 5 March for yoga, cake, craft and conversation, not exclusively in that order! Jo Potts [email protected] and Sandie Fraser [email protected] 3 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 ACADEMIC MATTERS During this term students in Year 10 will work through a series of career development activities to assist them in Term 3 when they must make decisions regarding their future program of study. Students in lower year levels should also be considering their future study options. Over the following weeks the various pathways available for students to study in Years 11 and 12 will be highlighted. To commence, below is an outline of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) pathways. St Peters offers a wide range of subjects to cater for multiple pathways within the QCAA program. The QCAA program offers a range of ‘end points’, including preparation for further study or to prepare students for employment on completing school. An English subject is compulsory and it is advisable for students to study a Mathematics subject. Beyond this there is great flexibility for students to elect to study subjects of their choosing. In Queensland, externally moderated school‑based assessment is used rather than an external examination system used in most other Australian states or in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do over a two-year period, though in most subjects Year 12 work is used for summative purposes. Assessing students over time allows teachers to give timely and comprehensive feedback to students about how to improve their knowledge and understanding, and to help them achieve the highest standards they can within their own capabilities. In the Queensland system, assessment programs are determined within schools and are an integral part of teaching and learning. Teachers develop work programs using syllabuses approved by the QCAA which prescribe content and achievement standards for Queensland schools. Achievement standards are fixed reference points used to describe how well students have achieved the objectives in senior syllabuses. Teachers are responsible for designing assessment programs and making judgments about the standards achieved by their students. These judgments are based on evidence in student’s folio of assessment tasks. Through a process of external moderation, the Queensland system ensures that students are treated fairly and standards are comparable across all schools for all students. Authority subjects, subjects contributing to the Overall Position (OP), are moderated by subject panels, which are staffed by experienced practising teachers. These panels provide advice to schools and review schools' implementation of the syllabus - including whether teachers are making comparable judgments about the standards being achieved by students. A panel's work includes reviewing sample student folios submitted by schools. Authority-registered subjects are moderated through a combination of internal reviews, moderation meetings and QCAA-conducted external reviews. The following link will take you to a number of QCAA resources that provide further information about the Queensland System of School Based Assessment. In particular the "School Based Assessment: The Queensland System” booklet describes the philosophy and evolution of school-based assessment in Queensland and argues for its continuation in an Australian curriculum. The topic for next week will be the calculation of the Overall Position (OP) and Field Positions (FPs). Jennifer Winn, Director Teaching & Learning Bus Tickets Available Now Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office, located behind the Performing Arts Centre. Passes are based on a $5.00 per trip fare. *Please note that casual tickets and cash handling on the bus is unavailable. CAREERS This week I have emailed to students and parents a copy of the Options Career Information Bulletins which the college subscribes to. It offers a wealth of information vital to assist students in their career exploration. Research supports early commencement of career exploration and planning so please feel free to share and discuss the options with your children of all ages. The career talks have been most informative. Unfortunately, despite utilising various modes of reminding students, some students are still emailing reporting that they “forgot”, thereby missing a session of interest to them. Any assistance you can provide in ensuring your child is aware of talks of interest to them, encouraging their attendance on the nominated day, will be greatly appreciated. PHARMACY – Ms Cathie Reid An engaging speaker, Cathie Reid came to divulge the story of her career in pharmacy. The talk mainly followed her progression from working weekends at a local pharmacist, to studying Pharmacy at university and then eventually establishing her own series of drugs companies. She advised us to work primarily on our areas of talent, as these would be the places where we'd be likely to excel. Her speech taught us that what may seem a very specialised subject with one particular end job can in fact open up many possibilities.– Alice Doyle, Year 11 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY – Dr Anabela Novas On Thursday I was fortunate enough to listen to Exercise Physiologist, Ms Anabela Novas. I gained an understanding of what was involved in the exercise physiology and the course requirements needed during university. It was interesting to learn about a new career option I hadn't previously known about, especially because I'm still weighing up my 'options' before the QTAC deadline later this year. I believe more exposure to different careers will help me make a decision in the near future. – Joel Chandler, Year 12 Career Talks for Next Week • Medical Research by Assoc. Professor Karen Moritz, Monday 9 March, Careers Centre – Lunchtime; and • Hydrobiology by Ross Smith, Friday 13 March Period 8, Theatrette. Jacquelene Estevao, Careers Counsellor 4 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 JUNIOR SCHOOL Drinks at Dusk Junior School Parent Support Group Social Evening The Junior School Parent Support Group’s Drinks at Dusk held last Thursday was a relaxed, informal time where parents could enjoy each other’s company without the rigours of drop off or pick up. It was great to see many new parent faces to our Junior School community as well as those familiar ones too. Staff also attended with Mr Wiles, Ms Nicky Hughes and teachers were among those who enjoyed a casual chat on the library deck. Sincere thanks go to Nicky for her organisation of this successful event. Schools Clean Up Day / Clean Up Australia Day 2015 marks 25 years of Australians participating in Clean Up Australia Day, initiated by Sydney yachtsman Ian Kiernan and friend Kim McKay. Currently over 36 million people from 120 countries annually take part in Clean Up programs around the world inspired by Australia’s example. On Friday the Junior School students became a part of this worldwide environmental action group when they participated very enthusiastically in Schools Clean Up Day. Learning about sustainability and how to protect and care for their local and global environment is a cross-curricula priority of the Australian Curriculum, actioned every day at SPLC as the students make responsible choices with rubbish disposal, recycle paper in their classrooms and participate in community events such Clean Up Day. Thanks to our hard-working cleaning staff and works crew our school grounds are always immaculate, so the students did a great job of locating and unearthing an assortment of rubbish! Pam Carden, Head of Junior School Year 4 Camp Date Change Like us at: We have been in contact with Luther Heights, Coolum and have set a new date for the Year 4 camp. The Year 4s will now be attending camp on Monday, 27 and Tuesday 28 April (Week 2, Term 2). This will give us the first week back after the Easter holidays to renew the children’s enthusiasm and finalise any last minute details prior to departure. 5 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 5 News Year 6 News This week, Christine Bongers will visit Year 5 classes to give us some tips on planning and writing compelling narratives! Christine is a highly regarded Australian author and students are looking forward to hearing her ideas and sharing their work with her. We have all been working busily in Year 6 and it is hard to believe that we have already passed the half way mark for Term 1! Next week we will prepare for our upcoming “Where We Are in Place and Time” unit of inquiry with a visit to St Helena Island. Students will explore the way a nation’s past can influence its present and future. Initially we will explore the secondary colonies founded after the arrival of Europeans in Australia. Then students will follow the trails forged by explorers and pioneers and explore the lasting cultural legacy of the gold rushes and Eureka Stockade. We are all busily preparing to share our learning with parents, staff and other classes on Friday March 6. Parents are warmly invited to come and find out about some of the significant people we’ve studies and the ways in which they have used their talents to make a difference in the lives of others. Year 5 Teachers The students have been working on their first assessment pieces for the year and have now completed half of their task for English. They have been studying the personality traits of a character of their choice from the novel ‘Pookie Aleera is not my Boyfriend’ and will complete the second part of the assignment this week. Throughout the week, we also had the privilege of participating in the first of what will be a two-part Writers’ Workshop with well-known author, James Moloney. Students enjoyed learning more about writing and editing narratives in the eighty-minute workshops. We are looking forward to the second round of workshops which will take place in Week 9. In the upcoming weeks, Year 6 students will be learning about ways in which they can use their iPad in a safe and healthy manner. Key safety tips will be discussed in the classroom and we would encourage you to speak to your children about them and implement them at home when possible. Year 6 Teachers Woodrow Library Term 1 Author Visits and opportunity to buy books from the authors The next few weeks are busy ones for the Woodrow Library with a range of authors visiting with Years 5-7 students. We are pleased to be able to offer a book ordering service for some of these authors. Year 7 students will having a series of two Writers Workshops with acclaimed author, Brian Falkner. Students wishing to order his books can do so by clicking here (Use the code: STP199). Students can order online, or collect a form from us and return it with the payment. Christina Wheeler, Middle School Teacher-Librarian In addition to their Writers Workshops with Christine Bongers, Year 5 students will have an author visit with Mark Greenwood in Week 7. They are able to order his picture books by collecting an order form from the Library or by following the link in an email sent to all Year 5 students this week. Please note that the deadline for all orders is Tuesday 17 March. Happy reading! Middle School Parent Gatherings Tuesday 10 March, 8.00am–9.30am, P&F Centre (top floor) Please join Mr Wayne Gauld, Head of Middle School; Mr Peter Dawson, Head of Primary Sport and Mr Nelson Wu, Director of Music. Join us for a quick coffee, chat and look at the year ahead. 6 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 JUNIOR HIGH Head of Junior High National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence On Friday 20 March (Week 8) the College will participate in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. We encourage students to support this day by wearing ‘orange’. Students are allowed to wear their HPE shorts to and from school with a plain orange t-shirt, orange socks, orange ribbons etc. Students will participate in a variety of activities in their pastoral care lessons related to this topic over coming weeks. In particular students will be shown the website www.bullyingnoway. where there are great resources for parents and students to be found. For parents these resources include: Facts • What is bullying (including cyberbullying)? • Why does bullying happen? My child is being bullied • What are the signs that a child might be being bullied? • Tips to help your child if they are being bullied. My child has been bullying • What are the signs that a child might be bullying others? • Tips to help your child if they are bullying other children. Ì Health Centre Vaccination Reminder Wednesday 18 March, 8:30am – 10:30am The first Brisbane City Council Immunisation Clinic for Year 8 students will be held at the College on Wednesday 18 March. Please return consent forms if you have not done so already. Vaccinations cannot be administered without a signed consent form. Consent forms can be returned to Junior High reception. Mark Rigby, Senior Registered Nurse My child has seen bullying take place • Tips to help your child if they have seen bullying take place. Who should I tell? • What should I say to the school? • What can I expect the school to do? • Where else can I get support? For students resources include what to do if: • I’m being bullying • I’ve been called a bully • Someone I know is being bullied If you haven’t already subscribed to Michael Grose’s Parenting Ideas website I would encourage you to do so. Michael publishes information sheets with great ideas to support parents with the difficult job of parenting. We also endeavour to put links to his ‘INSIGHTS’ articles on the Junior High page of the portal. This week we’ve put up two ‘INSIGHTS’ articles: • Bully-Proofing kids • Keeping kids safe in a Cyber World Parents and students are also encouraged to familiarise themselves with the government website ACORN – Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network This tool allows the public to securely report instances of cybercrime – including cyber bullying. Road Safety Over half of our students in Junior High walk along Harts Road on their way to and from school. In recent years the Brisbane City Council installed a ‘safety zone’ half way up Harts Road for students to cross at. Students are encouraged to use this safety zone rather than cross at the roundabout on the corner. Date Claimers Please mark your calendars • Junior High Disco – Years 7-9 Tuesday 31 March 7-9pm – more information to come • Year 7 Camp – More information to come. Please contact Mr Bygraves ASAP if you foresee any challenges with your child’s attendance. »» 7A-7E Monday 25 May – Wednesday 27 May »» 7F-7K Wednesday 27 May – 29 May Trish Allen, Head of Junior High Triple P Seminars Triple P seminars last 90 minutes and you can do one, two or all three in the series. They target everyday concerns, such as how to encourage responsible behaviour, improve family relationships, deal with independence or manage problems at school or with friends. They are also an excellent opportunity for you to discuss thoughts and ideas with other parents. The seminars are not meant to “fix” all the challenges that you may have, instead they are designed to give you some tips and new ways to think about your parenting that can help you develop strong relationships with your teenager. These seminars are suitable for parents who are having mild to moderate difficulties with their teenager. Raising Competent Teenagers: Tuesday, 10 March 6:30pm – 8:00pm Getting Teenagers Connected: Tuesday 17 March 6:30pm – 8:00pm Seminars are a open to all St Peters parents with children aged 13-17, and will be held at the St Peters P&F Centre (top level). RSVP to Jane Corrie: [email protected] Please indicate which seminars you will be attending (all, Seminar 1, 2 or 3). *Limited bookings available 7 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL Head of Senior School Outstanding Academic Achievement Last Saturday, the inaugural QCE Achievement Awards ceremony was held. “The QCE Achievement Awards recognise and reward Queensland’s top performing students for outstanding academic achievement in their senior school studies. It is anticipated that the awards will become a prestigious annual event on Queensland’s education calendar with new categories introduced over coming years. The inaugural QCE Achievement Awards are for students who graduated from Year 12 with a QCE at a Queensland school in 2014” (QCAA, 2015). It was extremely pleasing to have three of our class of 2014 receive awards at this prestigious ceremony; we know the parents of these students are extremely proud and we, as a school, are equally proud of their outstanding achievements. The students who received awards were: Tamara Bohler and Joshua Sutton received Distinguished Academic Achievers awards Sam Naylor received the Highest Achievement in the International Baccalaureate The Distinguished Academic Achiever Awards presented to Tamara Bohler and Josh Sutton placed them in the State’s top 26 students from a cohort of approximately 50,000 students and Sam Naylor’s Highest Achievement in the International Baccalaureate award was awarded to only 4 students in the state who received a perfect IB score of 45. St Peters was the equal top school with three students receiving awards. I hope the Class of 2015 are inspired by these outstanding results and I look forward to seeing more of our students being acknowledged for their hard work and dedication to their studies in the future. Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School Ì Senior School Parent Gatherings Watch this space for year level social gatherings toward the end of this term! Year 11 Parents Coffee Morning Come and share a coffee with other Year 11 parents Friday 20 March, from 8.00am, Hundred Acre Bar, St Lucia Hope to see you there! Cathy Howarth, Year 11 representative [email protected] Health Centre Vaccination Reminder Wednesday 18 March, 8:30am – 10:30am The first Brisbane City Council Immunisation Clinic for Year 10 students will be held at the college on Wednesday 18 March. Please return consent forms if you have not done so already. Vaccinations cannot be administered without a signed consent form. Consent forms can be returned to Junior High reception. Mark Rigby, Senior Registered Nurse BOARDING Boarders have enjoyed an action-packed Boarder Focus Weekend, tubing at Wet n Wild; busting moves at the Boarder Dance; as well as playing hard in weekend sports such as AIC Volleyball. The World’s Greatest Shave On Friday 13 March, Year 10 Student, Evie Sines, will shed her locks for The World's Greatest Shave. Her aim is to raise $5000, an amount that would fund 41 days of research into blood cancers. How can you support her efforts? Evie and fellow Year 10 students will collect donations during lunchtimes, form class times and via donation boxes at the Junior High and Senior School Receptions. There will also be a special collection at next week’s Senior School Chapel (Tuesday 10 March). For more information, or to get involved with this campaign, please email [email protected] Julia Wright, Curriculum Assistant Christian Studies and Service Learning Bus Tickets Available Now Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. 8 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 MUSIC THE ARTS St Peters' Hosts Independent Primary School Heads of Australia Meeting St Peters Lutheran College hosted Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) meeting at the Performing Arts Centre last Friday, 27 February. This important gathering comprises of approximately 80 Primary/Junior Heads and Deputies from many of Queensland's Independent Schools and Colleges. The St Peters String Quartet, consisting of Lachlan Huang, Annabelle Lee, Harry Swainston and Erna Lai, performed admirably for our guests during the reception. We currently have three string quartets working on developing their chamber music skills with Dr Nelson Wu and Mr David Deacon. We hope our wider community will hear more from these groups soon! Nelson Wu, Director of Music Capture 4 weeks to go! Keep sending in your Capture entries. Year 8 Kaleidoscope Charlotte Watson’s beautiful image should motivate everyone to submit a photograph. Entries must be submitted by the final day of Term 1 to [email protected] Julie Seidel Curriculum Leader – The Arts Meet and Greet In what has become the traditional way to start the year, last Friday night the families from the music community were joined by Mr Adrian Wiles - Head of College, Dr Nelson Wu - Director of Music, Music Department staff and 2014 MSG Committee members for a social evening to introduce music staff to the music community. The Music Support Group have found this evening extremely beneficial as families who are new to music may ask questions and mingle with other families and staff in a relaxed social way before things really kick off for the year. On behalf of the 2014 MSG Committee, I would like to thank everyone for attending on Friday night and especially thank those College staff members who gave of their own personal time to ensure that this function was a success. Here’s to another success year of music at St Peters! Sandie Fraser, President – St Peters Music Support Group Tribes Congratulations to all students who have applied to be part of the cast of Kaleidoscope 2015 – Tribes! You should all have now received your letter of acceptance as members of the cast. If you have not received a letter, please email Mrs Hill [email protected] If you would like to be involved in Kaleidoscope and have not applied, please come to PAC Reception and ask for Mrs Taylor. Christine Taylor, Head of Choirs Term 1 Trading Hours Shop 45 is open Mondays, Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays 7:45am-4:00pm of Term 1. Drama News "I really liked the ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ performance. I thought the way they made it into a 70’s modern play was great! It was a funny performance, definitely making Shakespeare’s play more interesting and fun to watch for viewers that are younger." – Lauren Robinson On 24 February, 45 excited Year 9 Drama students attended La Boite’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Live theatre is a vital component of the drama curriculum. Students learn valuable skills: theatre etiquette and observation skills necessary in a live show. Most now realise the difference between being a 'viewer' who just watches passively to being an audience member who interacts with the actor via their responses (applauding, gasping, laughing etc.) to the show. Students were delighted to be acknowledged with “St Peter’s Rocks” by Old Scholar Kathryn Marquet during the actor’s discussion after the show. Kathryn played Hermia, one of the Lovers and Snug the Mechanical. Kieran Law (also an Old Scholar) played Lysander, Kathryn’s love interest, and Nick Bottom, a Mechanical. I was impressed with the enthusiasm that students had in listening to the actors answering their numerous questions after the show. Ms Kerri Mecklem, Teacher 9 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] AIC Cricket and Volleyball Last weekend a number of our junior volleyball teams achieved their first wins of the season – Well done to Years 9C, 8B and 8C teams. Our 2nd VI and 3rd VI teams also put on dominant performances against St Pat’s on the court, playing some quality volleyball. More importantly, it is great to see the development of our teams and students really trying to apply team structures which are leading to improved team and individual performances. I commend all players for their contribution to this success. Results for cricket this weekend were unfortunately one-sided, with St Pats dominating across most matches. Although a number of teams found themselves in a competitive position against their opposition, our mighty 3rd XI were the only team to walk away with a winning result. Batting appeared to be the ‘Achilles Heel’ for St Peters Cricket so I encourage all boys to put in their best effort at this week’s training with the bat in hand. With only three weekends left of fixtures, I encourage all families to head down to this weekend’s games to support their sons and respective teams. All AIC Cricket players (Years 5 – 12) and parents/guardians are invited Sunday 22 March, 4:30pm (for a 5.00pm start) – 9:30pm, Hillstone, St Lucia (Grandview Room) Round Five action is against Marist College this weekend 7 March. The draw is on page 12, and can also be accessed easily on the St Peters App or School portal. AIC Swimming This week is the climax of the AIC Swimming Season, with the annual carnival to be held on Thursday. Huge crowds will be in attendance at Chandler pool to support our swim team and as one of the dominant swimming schools in the country, we expect top three finishes in a number of races. A full wrap of the AIC carnival will occur in next week’s bulletin. I congratulate all swimmers on their efforts this season and look forward to witnessing some excellent performances on Thursday. All payments can be made through the parent portal or the Business Office by Thursday 12 March. Booking forms are available via the St Peters App and portal and should be returned to Sports House. AIC Rugby and Football (Soccer) Pre-season Trainings continue for all Year 5 – 12 students as scheduled this week and we look forward to welcoming some sunnier weather this Friday morning. Trainings will continue for the remainder of the term for those students interested in conditioning their skills and fitness for the upcoming season in Term 2. Any students who are interested in playing and have not yet attended training, you are most welcome as we are still looking for more players for the upcoming AIC season. In the coming weeks, trial games will commence for both football and rugby with games against Padua College and Churchie not too far away. These games, times and teams will be confirmed in the coming weeks with the relevant students. It is vitally important that any student who would like to represent St Peters in football or rugby and has not attended pre-season training must communicate their intentions with the respective coordinator in the coming days. AIC Football Coordinator: Mr Fady Ibrahim [email protected] AIC Rugby Coordinator: Mr Lath Stewart [email protected] Wednesday 11 March, 5:30 – 6:30pm (after training), St Peters Lutheran College P&F Centre (above the canteen on the main oval) For catering purposes, please RSVP to Kerry-Anne Cameron [email protected] Football Fiesta will take place on Wednesday 11 March. This event will consist of a football clinic and is compulsory for all St Peters Year 5-12 boys and Year 7-12 girls who will play football for the College this year. Players from all teams are expected to attend as all other training (morning and afternoon) will be cancelled and the Football Fiesta will take its place. Cost is free. Please bring full playing gear, boots, shin pads and water bottle. BBQ and drinks will follow. Keep up to date with Sport with The coaching clinic will be run by Remo Buess and assisted by St Peters coaches Boys Sport Download with Find Boys Sport Cricket and Volleyball draws, and Rugby Clinic details on page 11… Apple ITunes Google Play 10 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] AIC Cricket Round 5, St Peters Lutheran College vs Marist Brothers Ashgrove, Saturday 7 March • Players should be at grounds 40 minutes before game; and • Players must wear St Peters Cricket Uniform (St Peters shirt and long white cricket pants). Cricket at St Peters Lutheran College Team Time Venue Location 9A 8:15am – 12:45pm (30 overs) Mayer Oval (turf) St Peters - Enter off Indooroopilly Rd, Indooroopilly 9B 8:15am – 12:45pm (30 overs) Stolz Oval (turf) St Peters – Enter off Lambert Rd, Indooroopilly 8A 1:00pm – 5:30pm (30 overs) Mayer Oval (turf) St Peters - Enter off Indooroopilly Rd, Indooroopilly 7A 1:00pm – 5:30pm (30 overs) Stolz Oval (turf) St Peters – Enter off Lambert Rd, Indooroopilly 7B 8:15am – 12:45pm (30 overs) Graceville Oval 2 (turf) Graceville Memorial Park. Enter off Plumridge St, Graceville 5A 8:15am – 12:45pm (30 Overs) Indooroopilly SHS (synthetic) ISHS - Lambert Rd, Indooroopilly 5B 8:15am – 12:45pm (30 overs) Jindalee State School Oval (synthetic) Wongaburra Street, Jindalee All Years 5 and 6 Boys who are interested in progressing their rugby skills for the AIC Season are invited ●●● Please bring Rugby jersey and shorts, football boots, mouthguard, and water bottle. Food provided for all in attendance. There will also be prizes and give-aways up for grabs! Cost is free Cricket at Marist Brothers Ashgrove Team Time Venue Location 1st XI 9:30am - 5:15pm (50 Overs) McMahon Oval (turf) 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove 2nd XI 1:00pm – 5:30pm (35 Overs) Cameron Oval (turf) 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove 3rd XI 1:00pm – 5:30pm (35 Overs) Hayden Oval (turf) 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove 4ths XI 1:00pm – 5:30pm (35 Overs) Mt Maria Playing Fields (synthetic) Mott St, Gaythorne 10A 8:15am - 12:45pm (35 Overs) Cameron Oval (turf) 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove 10B 8:15am – 12:45pm (35 Overs) Hayden Oval (turf) 142 Frasers Rd, Ashgrove 6A 8:00am – 11.30am (30 Overs) Des Connor Fields Flat 5 Grevillea Rd, Ashgrove 6B 8:00am – 11.30am (30 Overs) Des Connor Fields Flat 6 Grevillea Rd, Ashgrove *Please note: 6A and 6B games will start earlier due to ground availability. AIC Volleyball Round 5, St Peters Lutheran College vs Marist Brothers Ashgrove, Saturday 7 March • Players should be at the courts 30 minutes before their game; • Players must be wearing full St Peters Volleyball Uniform (with number); and • Students are expected to complete duty and BBQ requirements every Saturday as advised by their coach or coordinator. The time may vary from week to week. Volleyball at St Peter’s Lutheran College Gym Volleyball at Marist Brothers Gym Time Court 1 Time Court 2 Time Court 1 Time Court 2 8.00am 8C 8.00am 7C 8.00am 11B 8.00am 9D 9.00am 8B 9.00am 7B 9.00am 3rd VI 9.00am 10C 10.00am 8A 10.00am 7A 10.00am 11A 10.00am 10B 11.00am 9B 11.00am 9C 11.00am 2nd VI 11.00am 10A 12.00pm 9A St Peter’s Gym: Enter off Lambert Rd, Indooroopilly 12:00pm 1st VI Marist Brothers Gym Venue: 142 Frasers Road, Ashgrove We expect all Years 7 – 10 rugby players who are available to attend and looking to represent St Peters in Rugby this AIC Season. It is a great opportunity to develop team cohesion, individual skills and set structures at a first class facility on the Sunshine Coast. ●●● Cost is $175 (includes transport, accommodation, food and prizes for the trip). Further information can be found on the portal or please contact Mr Lath Stewart [email protected] Bus Tickets Available Now Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. 11 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] Swimming Keep up to date with Sport with Coordinator: Mrs Trish Russell [email protected] and Mr Peter Dawson [email protected] Congratulations to the St Peters QGSSSA Swim Team for their outstanding efforts at the Championships on Wednesday. The result reflects a committed season and the girls all performed admirably, representing their school with pride. Every single girl on our QGSSSA team contributed to the overall result, from the individual swimmers to the relay swimmers and the reserves, you all played a very important role. Thank you to all of you for your attendance at training and meets over the season, this commitment is reflected in the final result, well done! A final thank you to Mrs Russell, Mr Dawson, Mr Haug, Mr Bohl and Mr Boxall for all of their hard work over the season. Softball Coordinator: Mr Jeremey Lohe [email protected] The last weekend of the Senior Softball Season is upon us. Good luck to the Senior A’s who go into their last game looking for a potential premiership. The Softball Breakup for all teams and coaches is on this Saturday 7 March. All girls are asked to be at Downey Park, Diamond 18, at 10.10am to cheer for the Senior A’s in their final game of the season. This will be followed by presentations and lunch at 11.30am, with an expected finish of 12.15pm. Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Thank you to Mr Lohe for all of his help, organisation and dedication over the season. All of our Softball coaches have also done an outstanding job this season, thank you. Water Polo Bus Tickets Available Now Coordinator: Elaine Ripamonti [email protected] Like Swimming and Softball, Water Polo is coming into its last weeks, with finals just around the corner. Good luck to all of the girls competing this weekend. Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run Saturday 7 March – Water Polo Draw: Team Opponent Cap Colour Time Venue U13A Stuartholme Burgundy 8.00am Valley Street U13B Somerville Burgundy 10.00am Musgrave Pool U14B Rivercity Burgundy 12.00pm Valley Street U15B St Ritas White 8.40am St Ritas U15C Warriors Black White 2.00pm Somerville Pool U16B St Margarets White White 10.40am St Ritas Brigidine White 5.20pm Somerville Pool U18A Open U18C 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. Like us at: BYE Cross Country Coordinators: Mrs Kerry Schreiber and Mrs Susannah Treschman [email protected] Tuesday 17 March BSHS Cross Country Meet at Yeronga: Buses leave at school 3.15pm and departs Yeronga at 5.15pm. It is really important you do your best to attend this meet in order to get a base time over the 3km distance. Please note: if you play Autumn sports, Basketball, Football and Touch, this is the only Cross Country meet you can make this term so do your best to attend. WHERE DO I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Monday 23 March BGGS Cross Country Meet at Fig Tree Pocket: Buses leave school at 3.15pm and depart Fig Tree Pocket at 5.15pm. For more information about Cross Country and to be part of the QGSSSA team for 2015, please email [email protected]. Girls Sport Find Girls Sport Autumn Fixtures for Basketball, Football and Touch on page 13… You can access recent issues of The Rock on the Publications page on the St Peters website. 12 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] Autumn Fixtures – Basketball, Football and Touch Autumn Fixtures begin next Friday, 13 March with home games vs Moreton Bay College. Please note Year 8 and Junior fixtures are being played on Monday 16 for all sports instead. Looking Ahead There are also changes to Round 2, Friday 20 March, vs St Hilda’s with these fixtures being played predominantly on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 during training times, details to follow next week. St Peters MARKETPLACE Basketball Coordinator: Mr David Rushmore [email protected] Trial Games Friday 6 March – 7A, 8A, 9A, 10A, SENIOR As and OPENS vs Somerville House, played at Somerville House Gymnasium. See the draw for game times below. Buses will depart from the internal bus shelter at 3.15pm and aim to return to school by 6.30pm. Team Venue Time Opens Somerville House, Sports Complex Gate 11, #4 Stephens Road, South Brisbane 5.00pm Snr A Somerville House, Sports Complex Gate 11, #4 Stephens Road, South Brisbane 4.00pm 10A Somerville House, Foundation Building, Gate 1 Graham St, South Brisbane 5.00pm 9A Somerville House, Foundation Building, Gate 1 Graham St, South Brisbane 5.00pm 8A Somerville House, Foundation Building, Gate 1 Graham St, South Brisbane 4:00pm 7A Somerville House, Foundation Building, Gate 1 Graham St, South Brisbane 4:00pm Football Coordinator: Mr Fady Ibrahim [email protected] • Friday 6 March – OPENS and SENIOR A vs Somerville House, played at Easts Football Club, East Brisbane. Buses will leave the bus shelter at 3.15pm and aim to return to school by 5.30pm; and • Friday 6 March – JUNIOR 1 and JUNIOR 2 vs Somerville House, played at Taringa Rovers Football Club at 4pm – 5.15pm. Touch Coordinator: Mr Mark Manson [email protected] • Friday 6 March – OPENS, SENIOR A, 10 A, 9A, 8A, 7A vs Somerville House at O’Grady Park, Fairfield. Buses will leave the bus shelter at 3.15pm and aim to return to school by 5.30pm; and • Friday 6 March – all other teams vs Somerville House played at 4 – 5.00pm, see location of game in table below. Harts Road Oval 7B 8B Mayer Oval Senior B 10B 9B Rowing Coordinator: Mrs Lynne Rech [email protected] Myth: Who can row? Answer: You can Row! An online forum for announcements, items for sale (with the exception of second hand School uniforms and text books), wanted ads, give-aways and carpooling. Click here to wander the online marketplace Cafe 45 / Middle School We are always looking for wonderful parents to assist the staff at the Cafes with serving our students. If you are able to assist with Tuckshop in the Junior School, Grandstand Café or Café 45 please contact Deb Grading or click here to register on Volunteer Spot. Please contact Debra Grading, Café and Tuckshop Manager, regarding Tuckshop rosters. P: 33776243 E: [email protected] For more myths and legends and to meet this week’s rowing hero, please see Rowing on the St Peters portal. 13 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015 PRIMARY SPORT Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: [email protected] “I learned a man’s gotta be a lot tougher then the timber he’s cutting.” – Johnny Cash Inter Lutheran Swimming Congratulations to the Years 4–6 students who will represent St Peters on Monday 9 March at the Primary Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival. The team has been working hard at training and it will be good to see the Primary Squad swimming strongly. Years 4–6 Run Club All interested Cross Country Runners are invited to attend Run Club as part of Cross Country pre-season training. Run Club is a great way for students to improve running technique and build cardiovascular endurance. Run Club will be run at the following times: • Monday afternoon: 3:30pm-4:30pm, meet at top of steps to Harts Road Oval; and • Friday Afternoon: 3:30pm-4:30pm, meet at top of steps to Harts Road Oval. InTraining Running will be directing both sessions. Runners will return to the Middle School Bus Shelter following the training session. Boys and Girls Swimming Primary Boys and Girls school swimming training has now concluded. Boys Cricket Years 5 and 6 boys are now playing in the AIC Competition. Training has begun and will continue on Wednesday afternoon (3:30pm-5:00pm) at the cricket nets and during Sport for Life time on Friday. For more information please contact St Peters Boys Sports Coordinator, Mr Matt Bradforde. Girls Club Netball The planned Trial Weekends on Saturday 7 and 14 March have been revised into ‘paper trials.’ This will mean the St Peters Netball teams will not play until Round 1 of the WDNA Competition on Saturday 21 March. This is good news as it provides all teams two extra weeks of training before their first game. Girls must make the $100 season payment by Tuesday 3 March. Forms have been given to the girls and are also on the portal. Girls are reminded that they will now train twice a week at Harts Road Courts. • Wednesday afternoon: 3:30pm – 5:00pm; and • Friday morning: 6:30am – 7:30am. Swimming Primary (Years 4–6) Inter Lutheran Swimming Carnival: 9 March – St Peters 50m pool Training Times AIC Cricket • Wednesday afternoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm → Mayer Oval Nets; and • Sport for Life (Periods 7 and 8) 1:50pm – 3:30pm Mayer Oval Nets. Primary Girls Netball • Friday morning 6:30am – 7:30am, Harts Road Courts; and • Wednesday afternoon 3:30pm – 5:00pm, Harts Road Courts. Sport for Life! The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program is for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement AIC and Primary Girls Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 4-6. Middle School HPE All students will be involved in swimming during Term 1. Students are required to wear the St Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students have also been asked to bring along fins (flippers). These are required to assist with drill work in developing the stroke of the students. A towel is also required. Any student, for any reason unable to participate in swimming will be required to bring a note. If they are unable to participate for multiple HPE lessons they will require a doctor’s certificate. Students have also been reminded that they are to bring a water bottle and are required to wear their hat to and from lessons. Following the Swimming Unit students will begin a Cross Country Unit for the remainder of the term. HPE Dates Term 1 Swimming Monday 2 February – Friday 6 March Run Club Cross Country Monday and Friday afternoons,3:30pm – 4:30pm, meet at top of steps to Harts Road Oval. Monday 9 March – Monday 30 March 14 // THE ROCK 5 MAR 2015
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