The Rock 04 August 2016 - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” St Peters You’ve Got Talent WEEK 4 TERM 3, 28 JULY 2016 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 5 August Last Friday, St Peters students took to the stage to perform in annual competition St Peters You’ve Got Talent (SPYGT). Congratulations to Sarah Deeb, who won the top prize on the night. Well done to all students who showcased their talents at the event. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra visit and homestay, PAC Year 12 IB Mock Exams 8:00am-5:00pm QGSSSA Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships, Moreton Bay College 8:05am-3:10pm Jeans for Genes Day 8:30am-12:25pm Year 5 Coding & Robotics Incursion, Flexible Learning Room 12:00pm-5:00pm James Morrison Workshop, PAC Auditorium 4:00 pm-5:30pm AIC Junior Basketball (Round 3) 6:00pm-10:00pm Middle School Dance, SPLC Gym Saturday 6 August Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra visit and homestay, PAC Year 12 IB Mock Exams 8:00am-12:00pm AIC Cross Country Championships, Limestone Park 8:00am-2:00pm BSRA Rowing Regatta, Kawana 8:00am-1:00pm QGSSSA Hockey, Netball, Tennis and Volleyball 1:00pm-4:00pm James Morrison Concert Rehearsals and sound check, PAC Auditorium 7:00pm-10:00pm St Peters Signature Series Concert #3: James Morrision Concert, PAC Auditorium Sunday 7 August Year 12 IB Mock Exams 12:00pm-5:00pm VAPar Drama: Macbeth Rehearsals, PAC Auditorium 5:00pm-8:30pm Evensong and Chorale in Concert Rehearsal and Concert, St John’s Cathedral Monday 8 August THE See more photos of SPYGT via St Peters App photo galleries… JAMES MORRISON QUINTET Signature ST PETERS LUTHERAN COLLEGE CONCERT SERIES St Peters Performing Arts Centre 7.00pm Saturday 6 August Refreshments served at 6.00pm CLICK HERE TO BOOK Junior High Week Year 12 IB Mock Exams 8:05am-8:35am Year 12 QTAC Information Session, PAC Auditorium 9:30am-3:30pm Years 11 and 12 Business Excursion, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary 10:20am-2:30pm Year 10 Food Studies Excursion, Muu’oz, West End 6:30pm-8:30pm SPOSA Committee Meeting, SPOSA Centre 6:30pm-8:00pm Year 12 QCAA Music Concert, PAC Auditorium Tuesday 9 August Junior High Week Year 12 IB Mock Exams 8:05am-3:10pm Year 10 Geography Coasts Excursion, Point Danger to Kirra Beach 8:30am-10:30am Year 7 and 8 Immunisation, Cafe 45 11:00am-12:30pm Year 12 Marine Science Coral Reefs Lecture, SC7 5:00pm-8:30pm Years 11 and 12 Helping Hands, Kenmore Wednesday 10 August IN THIS ISSUE EKKA Show Day Junior High Week Year 12 IB Mock Exams Thursday 11 August // Head of College...................................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Around School.....................................3 // The Arts...............................................3 // Junior School.......................................4 // Middle School......................................5 // Junior High...........................................6 // Senior School.......................................7 // Boys Sport (Years 5-12)........................8 // Girls Sport (Years 7-12)........................9 // Primary Sport....................................10 // Directory............................................10 Junior High Week Year 12 IB Mock Exams 8:15am-10:00am Years 7 – 9 Motivational Media Presentation: Everyday Heros, PAC Auditorium 8:35am-12:25pm Year 11 Geography City Farm, Northey Street City Farm, Windsor 2:00pm-3:00pm Year 5 Introduction to Mindfulness for Parents, P&F Centre (top floor) Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy HEAD OF COLLEGE SPYGT Triumph Congratulations to all students who bravely entered this year’s St Peters You’ve Got Talent (SPYGT). To our College Captains and the organising committee: congratulations for the program that has run over two weeks, and for the final last Friday evening. The amazing talent among the eight finalists was appreciated by a 600-strong audience. The evening showcased one of the strengths of our community. I congratulate Sarah Deeb, winner for this year. Thanks also to the Signature performers, including a very talented staff ‘combo’. Accreditation Every six years, all non-government schools in Queensland undertake an accreditation process through the Non State Schools Accreditation Authority. The process is nearing completion for St Peters Indooroopilly, and the final session is scheduled for the end of August. This is an important process, as we must be accredited to receive Commonwealth and State funding. The good news is that we are close to signing off on all aspects of compliance, and the hope is that this work can be completed prior to our final presentation in August. We are also at the final point of accreditation for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IBPYP). The last school visit will be held next week, and this should complete a process that has spanned more than two years. NAPLAN At the time of writing this article, we are awaiting the release of NAPLAN results for 2016. I will have more to say about this matter in the coming weeks. Parents should receive their children’s results during this week. Adrian Wiles, Head of College Robotics News Last Friday, St Peters Robotics students competed at the Brisbane Regional RoboCup Competition at BBC. Congratulations to all students for improving their skills at this friendly competition. We congratulate team ‘Cal-Yo’, who placing first in the Senior Rescue Competition; team ‘Static’, who placed first in the Junior Rescue Competition; and team ‘Super 6s’, who placed second in the Junior Rescue Competition. Three robot soccer teams also took part. We look forward to seeing them develop their skills in this new application. Out next competition is in two weeks at the State RoboCup Competition, 13-14th of August at UQ. Go Team! Simon Canfield and Meg Foley, Exceptional Learners MINISTRY Winning the Ultimate Prize Run in such a way as to get the prize! 1 Corinthians 9:24 My favourite Olympic moment is from the 2000 Olympics in Sydney when Cathy Freeman won gold on the track in the 400m. Freeman was the hometown hero and overwhelming favourite. Just days before, she stood with the Olympic torch amid a spectacular cascade of water to light the Olympic flame, which nearly went out due to a technical hitch. A few days later, Freeman came out wearing her body suit and did what she did best – run fast. She won, before slumping to the track with a look of bewilderment as to what she had just achieved – for her people, her nation, and herself. Then, with the pressure lifted, she bounded joyfully around the stadium with the Australian and Aboriginal flags, dancing with delight. She inspired a nation, uniting indigenous and non-indigenous people with pride and joy. Running the race; winning the prize. It is a metaphor for the whole of life. Will we make it through to the end? Will we win? Will we be dancing with delight at the end? The Apostle Paul used the image of running in the Games to describe the Christian life. It’s such a great metaphor because life is not always easy – it’s not all running downhill with a tail-wind. We run and we receive the crown of glory; the gift of eternal life, through Jesus who has run this race and won the victory for us. When Jesus rose from the dead the victory over death was complete; sin had been dealt with and the devil defeated. Paul urges us not to give up when things get tough because Jesus has won the prize for us. Paul and his readers knew well the image of the athlete and the race, having been in Corinth when the Isthmian Games were held. The Isthmian Games were one of four ancient Greek athletic competitions. Along with the Nemean, Pythian and Olympic Games these were the Pan-Hellenic Games. Athletes competed in the nude and received wreaths made from laurel, pine and even wild celery! Paul’s life and ministry testified to Jesus as the one who has won the victory for us and shares the prize with all who follow him, through the suffering of this life, through death and to eternal life with him. Paul encourages us all to persevere in our journey through life, keeping faith in God; trusting in his leading; giving our best each day; and running to win the ultimate prize. As you watch the Olympics, may you remember the race of your life and that Jesus has won the victory over sin, death and the devil and he shares this victory and its spoils with you! Pastor Matt Wilksch, Chaplain 2 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 THE ARTS Capture Closes Friday 5 August Email your photograghs to [email protected]. Scale Free Network Art and Science This project will be in the Performing Arts Centre (upper level) on 11 and 12 August. Image courtesy Charlotte Watson (Year 11) Lens Studio Photography Thursdays, 3.30-5.00pm, CVC1, three sessions 4, 11 and 18 August for Years 7-12 students This free workshop is a perfect opportunity to learn new camera skills and create images for Capture Competition. SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 5.30PM, ST PETERS PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE Design, Drama, Fashion, Film & Television, Media, Music and Visual Art Your own camera is helpful but not essential. Register by email: [email protected] Julie Seidel, Curriculum Leaders – The Arts CLICK HERE TO BOOK Like us at: Drama News AROUND SCHOOL Future Problem Solving News Macbeth, which will be showcased at VAPar, has two weeks of rehearsals to go. The cast is working hard on rehearsing their scenes to perfection with director Mr Nick Trethan. Costume Designer, Mrs Gibson, has fitted the cast and students excited about their performance on Saturday 20 August. The performance will be pieced together on the Performing Arts Auditorium stage at their rehearsal on 6 August. Old Scholar Credits Drama as an Inspiration I recently caught up with Old Scholar, Hilde Hooper (2005), at a 1920’s-themed lawn party celebrating the Miss Fisher Exhibition at Oueensland Government House. Hilde works for QUT and will be at Government House for the next two months as a program officer. Her job includes organising a program of events to showcase 1920’s clothing by Marion Boyce from the successful ABC show. Hilde credits her love of history and drama studies at St Peters for her success. Kerri Mecklem, Drama Teacher Years 5 – 10 Future Problem Solving (FPS) students have been focusing on completing their national qualifying booklet. Success at this competition qualifies FPS students for a spot in the National Finals in Melbourne. 81 St Peters students will compete for this opportunity. St Peters also has an adult team: Mrs Austin, Mrs Batchelor, Mr Canfield and Mrs Belchamber (former St Peters staff member, now at Pacific Lutheran College). Results will be forthcoming in three weeks. I wish all teams the best of luck. Simon Canfield, Exceptional Learners 3 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 JUNIOR SCHOOL Head of Junior High Junior School Gathering Multicultural Week Tuesday 18 August, 8:20am, Junior School Library Deck Nicky Hughes, Community Liaison Officer: 3377 6248 St Peters Book Club Please contact Michelle Twohig to join: [email protected] Last week was filled with special activities and experiences for everyone. There was plenty of variety on offer, and I am sure everyone has come away learning something new and are richer in their understanding of diversity. ‘You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.’ – C.S. Lewis I particularly thank the Multicultural committee in the Senior School; classroom teachers who supported the children’s learning throughout the week; class parents, and representatives and other parents who supported events, in particular the tasting plate on Friday. For many, this was the highlight of the week! Jeans for Genes Day Tomorrow, we will commemorate the annual Jeans for Genes Day by allowing students, staff and parents to wear jeans to school. Jeans for Genes proudly supports Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI). Your contribution directly enables the dedicated scientists at CMRI to continue to fight childhood diseases and genetic disorders. Students can wear denim jeans with their regular College sports shirt and tracksuit top, socks and joggers. If they have HPE lessons or are involved in Sport for Life, they need to change into their sports shorts for this. A $2 donation to wear denim jeans will go directly to the CMRI. If parents would also like to donate, you can do so at reception or assembly. Bushdance Committee Meeting Round 2 The Community Grant Program provides funding to parent support groups to improve the educational experiences of St Peters students. The Program gdistributes $75,000 to parent groups annually. In 2016, there are two rounds of funding with $37,500 available in each round. Closing date: 26 August Work from our first Bushdance meeting has begun. The logo has been designed, stalls have been allocated to year levels, parents have agreed to be their year level representatives and much of the background work is already in the pipeline. Below is an outline of this information. Further details about how you can help with the evening will be available shortly. Community Grants Year Level Stall /Items Prep Drinks Year 1 BBQ Year 2 Mystery Bags/Fairy Floss Year 3 Baked Goods Year 4 Raffle/Glow Items/Preserves Contact Nicky Hughes 3377 6248 or [email protected] Keep up to date with The next Bushdance meeting Other Coffee Van/ Photo Booth will take place on Thursday, 18 August at 8.30am. As the weather is chilly at this time of the year, we will continue to meet inside the Library. Wellness It is important for teachers and parents to keep our students focused. We have had a very busy term so far and many children, parents and teachers have succumbed to illness. If your child is not well, I recommend they have a day at home to recover so as not to compromise their health or the health of their peers and teachers. Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Pam Carden, Head of Junior School 4 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 6 News Year 5 News Year 5 Camp Woodrow Library Bake Sale for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation Year 6 have immersed themselves in their Unit of Inquiry focusing on migrant stories. Students have interviewed people who have migrated to Australia and listened to their diverse and thought provoking stories. Empathy is a life skill, and trying to understand what it feels like to ‘walk a mile in another person’s shoes’ is a valuable experience. We look forward to the oral presentations of these stories next week. Boy Overboard, a novel by Morris Gleitzman, has enthralled students. Some teachers believe this novel should be compulsory reading. There have been interesting questions and discussions in the classrooms around some challenging issues presented by this text. Last week, Year 6 enjoyed a visit from the author of Pookie Aleera is not my Boyfriend, Steven Herrick. It was an entertaining and humourous presentation. We still do not know who Cameron is fond of! Mr Herrick hinted at Selina, but would make no guarantees. We look forward to Jeans for Genes day on Friday. Year 6 Teachers Abseiling; bushwalking; kayaking; building bridges; making paper fashions; playing games; cleaning up; high and low ropes; and team building games: Year 5 has had a busy time at camp! Thank you to the Year 5 team for their support. Special thanks to our parent volunteers: Kathryn Morris, Marcus Brennan, Ian Cunningham and Rob Catchpoole. We overcame many challenges and our fears – Annabel We discovered new species of fish – Tobias I discovered the difference between toadpoles and tadpoles – Conall I made lots of new friends – Poppy I did things I have never done before – William Australian Maths and ICAS English Competitions This week is also proving to be busy with the Australian Maths Competition and the ICAS English competition for students who have nominated to sit them. Coding and Robotics Workshop Year 5 Morning Tea Monday 8 August, 8:00am, 100 Acre Bar (St Lucia Golf Links) On Friday, Year 5 students will attend a coding and robotics workshop as part of our Science, Technology and Mathematics curriculum. In keeping with our Unit of Inquiry about animal adaptations, students will study how different robots move. In particular, robots which employ ‘bio-mimicry’, like the robotic caterpillar, and a six-legged critter. Middle School students Sam Giles (6B) and Dom Morton (5C) put their thoughts into action this week, instigating a successful Bake Sale to raise funds for Woodrow Library’s Indigenous Literacy Foundation project. With the help of Year 6 students Erica Tuesley, Caitlin Middelberg and Matilda Bishop, along with many others, they encouraged students from across Years 5 and 6 to ‘bake and buy’, all for a great cause! It was wonderful to see our community come together to raise more money for the ILF. Great Book Week Swap (Week 7) We need your good-quality books for our Great Book Swap in Week 7. We’d like all books by the start of Week 6 so we can get organised. We ask that books be suitable for readers aged 10-14. Thank you! The Books Rock Café Our next guests at The Books Rock Café are Dylan Aberdeen (5D) and Toby Heytman (5C). Congratulations. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Morning Tea for a takeaway hot chocolate and marshmallows. Remember to invite a friend to join you. Christina Wheeler Middle School Teacher-Librarian Bus Tickets Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. Year 5 Teachers Year 6 Morning Tea Tuesday 9 August, 8:00am, 100 Acre Bar (St Lucia Golf Links) 5 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 JUNIOR HIGH Head of Junior High Junior High Week Ironbark 2017 Next week, we will celebrate Junior High Week. This is a wonderful celebration of the students and staff who make our sub-school so special. Thank you to parents who attended the 2017 Ironbark Information sessions held on Monday. For those unable to attend, the Selection Form and PowerPoint are available on the Year 8 page of the portal. To the Junior High staff: I thank you for the countless ways you go the extra mile to give our students the support and care they need. To Junior High students: I am proud of the way you ‘leap into life’ and enthusiastically participate in activities. At our recent Athletics Carnival, participation was excellent. I am proud of the way you care about each other and our community by giving up your time to volunteer and by using your gifts to help those in our local and global community who are struggling. I am also proud of the way you ‘bounce back’ from the challenges you are sometimes faced with, learning from your mistakes and working together towards a brighter future. Congratulations This year, a number of our students elected to sit the 2016 Digital Technologies ICAS Competition. Well done to all these students. Your results will be handed out this week. Special congratulations to Nicholas Axelsen, whose results put him in the top 8% of Year 8 participants in Australia. Motivational Media Selection forms are due back on Friday 19 August. Please remember to include as much information as possible regarding your preferences. Slides 36, 38 and 39 of the PowerPoint address preferences, sport, and music events. Thank you to parents Sandie Fraser and Jo Potts for attending the meetings. Sandie and Jo are part of Community Hub, a parent support group that is a great source of information about Ironbark. A weekly Drop In group gathers on Thursday mornings at the P&F centre. Information is also information on the Ironbark tab of the portal. In the Parent and Student Information section, the 2016 Ironbark Booklet includes a day-by-day breakdown of the program and a packing list. Years 7 and 8 Vaccinations Boostrix ( Tetanus,Diptheria and Whooping Cough) Tuesday 9 August, 8:30 – 10:30am, Café 45 Mark Rigby, Nurse Junior High News See page 6 for important information about NAPLAN results and 2017 subject selections Ironbark is a compulsory part of the St Peters experience and all students should attend. Please contact us if you have concerns about your child’s participation. Trish Allen, Head of Junior High Next Thursday, Junior High students will see the Motivational Program Everyday Heroes. P&F Meeting Monday 5 September, 7.00pm, P&F Centre (top floor) The annual Motivational Media program is an integral part of our Junior High Pastoral Care Program and follow-on Form Class activities will address program content. More information can be found at: Like us Agenda items to Nicky Hughes on [email protected] or 3377 6248 by 26 August. Ironbark An Opportunity to Overcome Challenges and Learn About Yourself With Year 8 parents attending Ironbark Information sessions on Monday, students are now considering the most suitable time to take part in Year 9. A compulsory part of the Year 9 program, Ironbark presents students with challenges that push boundaries, build resilience and help them learn about themselves. Some challenges are known before they go, like the high ropes and hike, but others are only faced once actually finding themselves living in a dormitory setting or working with animals. Some activities I found challenging at Ironbark included Jacobs Ladder. This is an activity where you have to climb up the tower of logs and it is connected by two wires either side. The logs sway and are about 1 m apart in height. The goal is to reach the top. In my group, we found it extremely difficult as the first person has to make the daring decision to stand up and reach the next rung and try not to fall off. The second person would try and stand on the other two people’s legs and the third would hold onto the two people and try to pull themselves up which is probably the hardest. Overall this was a lot of fun and we learnt that you have to work as a team and everybody has to work hard to achieve the overall goal. My group did not make it to the top but we reached the 4th rung and were very proud of our effort and knew that we all gave it our best. Even though it looked impossible at the start, we did it. – Tara Edwards 9D Before going to Ironbark there was only one thing I was worried about… Hike. I had heard so many rumours and stories that it was near impossible due to the extremely long and steep hills. But after completing it, it was nowhere near as bad as what people made it out to be, and even though it did challenge, me it was really a great experience that I will never forget. – Ruby Johnston 9C Ironbark sounded like a five-week long prison beforehand, but once I got there I realised that it wasn’t that bad. There were countless challenges and at times I felt absolutely pathetic, but by the end I felt like I could do anything. Ironbark is a lot like many things in life: it may seem tough at first but then you realise you might as well do your best to enjoy it.– Samuel Vainikka 9B was going in the second group and the first group were telling stories about it not being that enjoyable, it began to worry a lot of us. After completing Cronins and Survival, it ended up being one of the most memorable and enjoyable parts of Ironbark which I will remember for the rest of my life.– Estella Abrahams 9C Initially Ironbark was like a big monster creeping up to my feet. But we played games on the bus and that slightly helped the anxiety. It did get more challenging and I found hike difficult. I got a lot of support from friends who helped me through hike and now they are my friends for life. – Aryaman Sud 9C Ironbark Date Selection forms are due for return to Junior High Reception by Friday 19 August. Please remember to preference all the dates 1-5. Anne Tetley-Jones, Year 9 Coordinator At the start of Ironbark, I was a little worried and anxious about Cronins and Survival. As I 6 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 SENIOR SCHOOL Student Leadership Application Process Applications for the 2016/17 Senior School Student Leadership positions closed last Friday. To assist students with their applications and to develop a greater understanding of leadership philosophies, a series of Leadership Breakfasts were organised. Guest speakers included: Mr Adrian Wiles, Harriet Horsfall (QUT, Rhodes Scholar), Mrs Lisa Delany, Mr Mark Manson and the 2016 Student Leadership group. These focused on specific and varying leadership messages and were well received. It is great to see that so many students want to give back to the school through servant leadership opportunities. As a result of nominations, the remainder of Term 3 will be dedicated to short-listing via application reviews, interviews and peer speeches. This process will conclude on 19 August (School Captains and Vice Captains) and 2 September (all other positions). Karl Langer Library Anita Heiss Author Event Congratulations to applicatns. I wish each student well on their journey. Should you have any further queries, please contact me on 33776594 or via email [email protected] Joel Butler, Deputy Head of Senior School Academic News NAPLAN 2016 Last week, St Peters received the individual student NAPLAN reports from ACARA. These reports are for students who sat the NAPLAN examination in May. This week, reports were sorted and prepared for mailing. Please contact the school if you have not received your child’s report by the end of next week. 2017 SUBJECT SELECTION Students moving into Years 7, 9, 10 and 11 in 2017 need to select their 2017 subjects by 19 August. St Peters uses internet-based software to assist with the collection of student subject preferences. Each student should have received their own login details for this software, called Web Preferences, via email. Parents were also sent a copy of the email. Ms Kelly Fox (Years 7-9 Curriculum Coordinator) has spoken with Years 6 and 8 students at Year Level Assemblies to explain the subject selection process. Mr Simeon Milner (Years 10-12 Curriculum Coordinator) will speak at a Year 9 Assembly to help this group of students understand the requirements for Year 10 2017. He will also provide a few tips on how to select the right subjects for next year. SET Plan meetings are scheduled for 3.30 to 6.00pm on 15–18 August in Theile House. These interviews are only for students who will move into Year 11 next year. A SET Plan interview is compulsory for all Year 10 students. Parents are encouraged to attend with their son or daughter. There is no need to book a time for the interview. There will be a number of staff each afternoon, which should facilitate short waiting times. Further details relating to subjects and the specific requirements for each year level is available in the relevant Course Planning Guides (CPG). The CPGs can be found on the portal under the relevant sub school page. Helping Hand Van Year 12 students Juliana, Lily, Mackenzie and Sophie, gave up their Tuesday night to help distribute toiletry donations from the Helping Hands van in Ipswich. Helping Hands provides food, warm drinks, clothing and toiletries to people experiencing homelessness in Ipswich. Students were able to witness gratitude for small items such as deodorant, sanitary items and toothpaste. They will participate again next Tuesday. Any student who is interested in getting involved at any stage, or would like to donate goods (deodorant and female sanitary items are in demand) please contact Meg Foley [email protected] Meg Foley, Teacher Friday 26 August, 7:00pm, The Retro Bar Kenmore Contact: Sarah Learmonth 0438 117 249 Jan Lewis, Langer Library Year 12 Students: Gap Year in 2017 Luminate Open Night, Wednesday 17 August from 7-8:30pm, Nazareth Lutheran Church, Woolloongabba. Peter MacDonald, Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation Year 11 Parent Gathering The Indigenous Literacy Fundraising event with author Anita Heiss was a great success. Anita’s talk was inspiring, humorous and motivating. Over 45 parents, guests and staff participated in the literature quizzes and book swapping. Thanks to Deep Grey for the prize vouchers. Not only did we have fun, but we raised over $516 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Year 10 Morning Tea Luminate is a year of Christian discipleship for young adults that will change their life! It’s a year to dive into God’s word and embark on a faith adventure with a group of like-minded young adults... It’s a year of asking the tough questions and discovering more about God, the world and yourself. You will meet the Luminate team, hear first-hand what the year is like and consider what it might look like for you. RSVP through our Facebook event page or at [email protected] or 07 3511 4080. There may be an opportunity to complete the practical component of the year at St Peters. Please talk to Pastor Thomas Böhmert. Bus Tickets Thursday 11 August, 8:00am, 100 Acre Bar (St Lucia Golf Links) Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. 7 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] AIC Tennis Click here to access this week’s draws Students and parents should refer to the St Peters App and portal for the most up-tp-date information about upcoming events, training times and other information. Students who wish to represent St Peters must commit to their sport team from this point forward. I look forward to cheering on our sportsmen at the Cross Country track and on the courts in the weeks ahead. Cross Country Coordinator: Mrs Kerry Schreiber [email protected] The 2016 Cross Country season will culminate in the AIC Cross Country Championships this Saturday, 6 August at Limestone Park, Ipswich. The season has attracted the largest squad of St Peters runners ever, and I credit boys and their supporters for the spirit within the squad. Information about the Championship was emailed earlier this week. Please refer to this email for details of the weekend’s races. At the Championship, we may field 12 runners in each age group. This year, we are thrilled to have easily achieved this quota! All boys selected as reserves have been contacted via email. These boys are valued members of the squad and are required to participate in all lead up events and activities, as well as attend the Championships – they may be called upon to represent the College on the day. Important information: • Team breakfast: Friday, 7:00am, P&F Centre (presentation and team talk); • Years 5 – 12 squad members (including reserves) to be at the Middle School Bus stop at 7:00am on Saturday 6 August to travel out to Ipswich as a team; • Events Program can be found in the squad email and on the St Peters App; and • A small team presentation and awards will conclude the day at 12:45pm under the St Peters Tent. Boys will then return to the College via bus, which should arrive back at around 1.30pm. AIC Basketball Coordinator: Mr Paul Galland [email protected] Basketball players should attend regular training sessions with their squad members ahead of the upcoming AIC season. Inter-school basketball trials were held last week and players have been selected into preliminary teams ahead of the first AIC practice game against St Edmunds next Saturday, 13 August. Draw details will be available next week on the St Peters App. These teams are preliminary at this stage, and final selections are dependent on attitude, attendance and performance at training and upcoming trial games. Coordinator: Mr Stuart Delaney [email protected] The AIC Tennis season looks promising, with great attendance and commitment by all boys across Years 7 – 12 at training and the recent Inter-school trials. Tennis teams for Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 3rds, 2nds and 1sts IV have now been finalised and players have been notified of their selection. As part of the tennis pre-season preparation, an ‘A teams’ trial match has been arranged versus Marist Ashgrove this Thursday, 4:00 – 6:00pm. Games will be played at the UQ courts and St Peters Lohe Street courts. Relevant details have been emailed to players and parents. All teams will participate in a full trial fixture against St Edmunds next Saturday 13 August. Years 7–9 teams will play AWAY at St Edmunds whilst St Peters will host Years 10–Opens teams games. The final draw will be posted on the St Peters App and portal early next week. I wish all tennis players the best with these upcoming trials and with the commencement of their AIC season. Term 3 Sport Clashes If clashes of committments occurs, boys should communicate with coordinators of their selected sports so that arrangements can be made to best accommodate all students. With clear communication and planning, clashes can be easily managed. If there are any major issues, please come to Sports House and see Mr Bradforde. BOYS AIC Athletics Athletics AIC Training Coordinator: Mr Matt Bradforde [email protected] AIC Athletics training has begun and boys who wish to represent the College should incorporate pre-season training into their schedules (wherever this does not clash with in-season commitments). The training for all track and field events will now be over three days, and will follow the schedule below. Please take note of travel arrangements provided for Tuesday afternoon trainings at the UQ Track. AIC Athletics meets will commence from 9 September, which means we have some valuable time to build strong foundations for the athletics season this year. Day and Time Events Venue Monday 3:30 – 5:00pm Throws events (Javelin, Discus, Shot Put) Middle Distance (800m, 1500m) St Peters Mayer ovals (meet at Café 45) Tuesday 3:30 - 5:15pm Jumps (Triple, Long, High) Sprints (100m, 200m, 400m) Hurdles UQ Track (meet at Middle School bus stop)* Wednesday 3:30 – 5:00pm All events: Jumps, Throws, Sprints, Middle Distance, Hurdles Mayer and ISHS ovals (meet at Café 45) *Students will be transported to and from UQ Like us MON, TUES AND WED AFTERNOON TRAININGS Athletics is a priority sport in Term 4 as a part of the AIC Competition. Pre-season trainings have begun and occur on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at various locations. Please check your emails for more information. Keep up to date with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play 8 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinator, Lisa Dighton phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] Athletics Click here to access this week’s draws Last Saturday, our Hockey, Netball, Tennis and Volleyball teams took on St Hildas. Our supporters were loud and proud, cheering on another impressive round of girls sport. Our Open teams enjoyed wins, and there were significant victories recorded across each of the sports. I congratulate all teams on their performances. Winter Fixtures: Netball, Hockey, Volleyball and Tennis I wish all teams the best of luck as they take on Ipswich Girls Grammar School in Round 4. For draw details, click on the button above or refer to the St Peters App. Netball Coordinator: Miss Ashleigh Walters [email protected] For their final home game until September, the netballers pulled out all the stops against St Hilda’s, winning nine out of 10 games. The round featured the largest margins yet, including a 48 goal win for the Senior A team. An enthusiastic crowd supporters cheered our Opens to a 61-20 win. Thank you to supporters. This weekend, we will play AWAY at Ipswich Netball Association. Volleyball Coordinators: Miss Lisa Dighton [email protected] This Friday 5 August, Friday night Athletics meets will commence at the UQ Athletics Track between 4:00 – 7.30pm. All girls will be transported to UQ by bus, which will depart the College from Harts Road Bus Stop immediately after school. Parents, please collect girls from the track. Refer to the St Peters App for details. Friday night meets provide competition experience to girls. These meets will inform Athletics team selection. Girls must attend a minimum of four meets throughout the season. Preference will be given to girls who are committed attendees at training and meets. During the meet, it is important that girls ensure they keep staff aware of their movements, times and results in their events, so that an accurate record can be kept. All girls received an email earlier in the week with sign-up details for this Friday’s Meet. For further information about Athletics, please contact Miss Dighton. Coordinator: Ms Emy Huntsman [email protected] On Saturday, our Volleyball played their final at-home game at home for the season. They celebrated with a sausage sizzle, pancakes and baked goods stall. Thank you to our stall contributors and game supporters. Highlights included a student-supporters tunnel to welcome the Senior A and Open teams onto the court, setting the girls up for their dominating 3-0 wins. The game of the round was 10A’s, who came back from a set down to win 25-23 in the final set. All teams continue to improve and we came away with seven wins from 12 games. I look forward to our first AWAY game at Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School on Saturday. I wish Years 10 and 11 girls, who will play in the Senior School’s Cup competition next weekend, the very best. Tennis Coordinator: Mrs Deb Wilson [email protected] Three out of three! Tennis girls played well against a tough St Hilda’s team. A special mention to Annie Wikman, who played with a sore ankle, and others with various illnesses and injuries who continued to play solidly. I wish the girls well for upcoming matches. I look forward to some great games against Ipswich Girls Grammar next week. Rhythmic Gymnastics Coordinator: Mrs Gabrielle Baker [email protected] I wish all our Rhythmic Gymnasts the best of luck for the QGSSSA Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships tomorrow. I hope you have an amazing day and enjoy the experience. Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Like us St Peters Book Club Please contact Michelle Twohig to join: [email protected] ‘You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.’ – C.S. Lewis 9 // THE ROCK 4 AUG 2016 PRIMARY SPORT Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: [email protected] “Even miracles take a little time.” – Fairy Godmother (Cinderella) Term 3 Dates • Metro Meets Girls Athletics: Tuesday 9 August • Primary Inter Lutheran Athletics Carnival: Wednesday 31 August • Year 4/5/6 HPE Dance Spectacular: Wednesday 14 September Click here to access this week's draws Primary Athletics Training Athletics training will be offered to team members in preparation for the Inter Lutheran Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 31 August. Training will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at the Junior School Oval beginning in Week 4. Years 5 and 6 AIC Cross Country Training All Years 5 and 6 boys on the AIC Cross Country team have been sent emails about training and competition dates. Boys are encouraged to attend training as much as possible. Good luck to all students competing in the AIC Cross Country Championships this Saturday at Limestone Park. AIC Boys Basketball and Tennis AIC Basketball training will be on Wednesday afternoons and games will be played on Friday afternoons. Information will be sent to all boys every Tuesday. There will be a bus for players to and from AWAY games. Tennis training will be held in Sport for Life (Friday, Periods 7 and 8) each week throughout Term 3. Round 1 of the AIC Tennis Season will be on Saturday 20 August. Girls Club Netball This year, St Peters will enter seven teams in the Western Districts Netball Association (WDNA). Training will continue on Wednesday afternoons (3:30 – 5:00pm) and Friday afternoon (3:30 – 4:30pm) at Harts Road Courts. Game Times: • St Peters 1: 12yrs, 10:20am; • St Peters 2: 12yrs, 10:20am; • St Peters 3: 11yrs, 9:10am; • St Peters 4: 11yrs, 9:10am; • *St Peters 5: 10yrs, 8:00am (this time may change to 10:20am during the season); • St Peters 6: 9yrs, 8:00am; and • St Peters 7: 9yrs, 8:00am. The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program is for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement AIC and Primary Girls Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 4-6. Middle School HPE *St Peters 5 10yrs team should regularly check the online draw for game time confirmation Students can access court numbers for Saturday games on the WDNA Website: To access the court allocations for weekly games, please follow the steps below. • 1. Western District Netball Association website; • 2. Go to the COMPETITIONS tab at the top of the page; • 3. FIXTURES AND RESULTS; and • 4. Select the correct age and division from the GRADE drop down menu. Keep up to date with Sport with Sport for Life! HPE Dates Term 3 • Court Games: Monday 25 July – Friday 12 August • Hip Hop: Monday 15 August – Wednesday 14 September St Peters Movie Club Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Tuesday 16 August, movie and time still TBC IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • [email protected] Years 10-12 3377 6562 • [email protected] Enrolments 3377 6236 • [email protected] Years 7-9 3377 6503 • [email protected] Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209 Years 5-6 3377 6123 • [email protected] Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 P-4 3377 6565 • [email protected] Leave Approval • [email protected] Click here to view the complete contact list 10 // THE ROCK 4 AUGUST 2016
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