The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock - St Peters Lutheran College
The Rock Matthew 16:18 “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Success at National RoboCup Competition WEEK 1 TERM 4, 8 OCTOBER 2015 WHAT’S ON Please check the online calendar for the most up-to-date details Friday 9 October 4:00pm-7:30pm AIC Track & Field Meet, QSAC, Nathan Simon Canfield, Exceptional Learners Saturday 10 October 8:00am-5:00pm MSW Cricket 6:00pm-9:00pm Boarder Invitational Dance, Cafe 45 Sunday 11 October Boarder Invitational Touch Football Carnival, Mayer Oval Monday 12 October 6:00pm-8:00pm SPOSA Committee Meeting, Ross Roy Boardroom 7:00pm-8:30pm P&F Committee Meeting, P&F Centre – top floor Tuesday 13 October 8:05am-8:45am 2016 Student Leaders Installation, PAC Auditorium 8:20am-9:30am Middle School Parent Support Group Gathering, P&F Centre – top floor 8:30am-2:00pm Year 4 - Commissariat Store, 115 William Street, Brisbane 8:30am-4:00pm Years 10 to 12 - The Integrity Symposium, Queensland Conservatorium, Southbank Congratulations to the Senior Robocup team for placing second at the Australian National RoboCup Challenge in Adelaide over the holidays. The St Peters team comprised Years 10 and 11 students: Alyssa Pang, Lachlan Teale, Joshua Robinson, Declan Kemp and Mack Salisbury. The challenge included 36 teams in the Secondary Rescue competition and comprised teams from Australia, China, Korea and Croatia. In their first National Competition, the St Peters team managed to keep in the top few teams through each of the five preliminary rounds of competition and made it through to the grand final round. They had to complete three more courses against the top teams, which tested the team’s design, strategy and programming. Overall, they placed second, an outstanding achievement. The team received positive feedback from judges about their outstanding teamwork and meticulously detailed journal. They were also praised for their mentorship of younger students. The team have their sights set on the RoboCup International Competition in Leipzig, Germany next July. 10:30am-3:10pm Year 11 - Art Workshop, St Peters and Queensland Art Gallery, Southbank 3:30pm-7:00pm Parent Teacher Interviews, Years 7–10, Dohler Building Wednesday 14 October 8:10am-3:10pm Legal Court Visit, Year 11, Supreme and District Courts, Brisbane 3:30pm-7:30pm AIC Water Polo 6:00pm-7:45pm Year 10 - Inter-School Reader’s Cup Competition, Stuartholme Thursday 15 October 7:45am-12:00pm Community Hub Group, P&F Centre – top floor 8:05am-9:15am Year 9 Brainstorm Presentation - IN THIS ISSUE Cheap Thrills 8:20am-9:30am Senior School Parent Support Group Gathering, P&F – top floor // Head of College...................................2 // Ministry...............................................2 // Around the School...............................3 // Boarding..............................................3 // Junior School.......................................4 // Middle School......................................5 // Visual Art.............................................5 // Junior High ..........................................7 // Senior School.......................................7 // Music ..................................................8 // Senior School.......................................7 // Boys Sport (Years 8-12)........................9 // Girls Sport (Years 8-12)......................10 // Primary Sport....................................12 // Directory............................................12 10:45am-12:45pm 2016 Prep Orientation Day, Prep Centre 4:00pm-7:00pm MLTAQ Year 10 Immersion afternoon, Theile Building 6:00pm-7:45pm Year 8 - Inter-School Reader’s Cup Competition, Corinda State High School, 46 Pratten Street, Corinda Click here to view St Peters’ Privacy Policy HEAD OF COLLEGE At this time in the cycle of any school, we are engaged with finishing off one school year and beginning the next. These last few months are no different – timetabling, budgeting, enrolments and staffing for 2016, and more importantly, working with every student as they successfully finish off this year at St Peters. To our parents, many thanks as you support the school in the activities that help us celebrate as a community. To our staff, thank you for your tireless energy and work – you are truly appreciated. In recent days, Ms Jenny Winn (Director of Teaching and Learning) has accepted the role as Head of Moreton Bay College. This is wonderful news for Jenny and for her future career, but it is an announcement tinged with sadness for our immediate St Peters Lutheran College community. On your behalf, I wish Jenny every blessing for the future and I thank her for her outstanding service to St Peters over many years. I know that there will be ample opportunities for us to farewell Jenny in the coming weeks and months. A national advertising campaign will commence this weekend to find a suitable replacement. Leave in Term 4 In Term 4, College Council has granted some extended leave to me after four years at the St Peters helm. In quick succession, I will be attending the International Baccalaureate Heads Conference in The Hague, celebrating with old scholars at their 70th Anniversary Reunion weekend in Hamburg, and visiting our three St Peters Indooroopilly and Springfield sister schools in Germany and France. Once these commitment are over, my wife and I will be taking personal leave prior to returning for the beginning of the 2016 school year. During my leave of absence, Deputy Head of College Mrs Lisa Delaney will be Acting Head of College. All activities of my office will continue unabated – including the strategic planning and budgetary processes. My leave begins on 21 October and a return to work is scheduled for Monday 11 January 2016. Adrian Wiles, Head of College DATE CLAIMER QUEENSLAND POPS ORCHESTRA SATURDAY 24 OCTOBER 7.30PM PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE ST PETERS INDOOROOPILLY an initiative of Toowong Rotary Club supporting Hummingbird House, a hospice for terminally ill children Book at: Community Grants Program All groups who applied for the Community Grant Round 2, 2015 will have received an email to notify you of the outcome of your application. Please contact me if you have any queries [email protected] Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer Thursdays, 7.45am – 12.00pm, P&F Centre This group meets every Thursday term. All parents and community are welcome to join us for a coffee, chat and craft. Warm welcome to the new families to St Peters Lutheran College. Please contact Sandie Fraser on sanrobfraser@ or Jo Potts on [email protected] for further information. Support Junior High Purchase your 2015/16 Entertainment Book! MINISTRY Building Faith in Children and Teens Four Ways What sort of a young person do you want to help your daughter or son to be? Our children actually pick up very clearly what they see modelled in us – thoughts, actions, feelings, fears, strengths. They’ve picked this up from the womb onwards. How you see the world and deal with things impacts your children. How do we consciously build up a good faith in our children? How do we show that life is good, that there is a way through, that they are loved no matter what, that God cares for them and has good plans for them? 1. Caring Conversations. Be alert and sensitive to the questions or comments that come up in the car, or at the dinner table, or just before bed. Those little questions are very important. Take the opportunity to respond. Our values and faith are passed on to the next generation through supportive conversations. 2. Family Rituals and Traditions. How do you celebrate birthdays; the end of the week; what do you do together that connects you with extended family and friends and with God? Practices and traditions communicate meaning, values and relationships that exist between people and with God. 3. Serving others together provides an opportunity for the children to see their parents’ gifts, faith and values in action. How does your family reach out to help others? 4. Devotions. A simple family practice could include the Faith 5. Sharing a high point and a low point from the day, a Bible reading, talking about what that might say to our highs and lows, brief prayers and a blessing. Pastor Michael Mayer, Indooroopilly Chaplain St Peters MARKETPLACE An online forum for announcements, items for sale (with the exception of second hand School uniforms and text books), wanted ads, give-aways and carpooling. Bus Tickets Gap/Ashgrove Brisbane Bus Lines Run 10 trip, 20 trip and Term passes are now available at St Peters' Business Office. 2 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 AROUND THE SCHOOL News from P&F General Meeting Monday 12 October, 7.00pm P&F Centre (top floor) We welcome all parents and friends of St Peters Lutheran College. Email agenda items to Catherine Burnie [email protected] Nicky Hughes Community Liaison Officer TheJoyProject_PostcardFrontART.pdf 1 18/09/2014 Shop 45 will be closed next Monday 12 October and Tuesday 13 October for stocktake. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will reopen on Thursday 15 October and trade as normal from 7:45am – 4:00pm. Please note that in term 4, Shop 45 will also be open each Friday during term time, for your convenience. SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS OF ST PETERS EVENTS & ACTIVITIES St Peters thanks our sponsors and supporters. These sponsors generously support St Peters to provide the best education possible to our community. We ask you to show your appreciation by supporting them. GOLD SPONSOR Junior School Bush Dance Fiona Bassingthwaighte & Donna Gordon, Shop45 Managers 10:12 am WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? C M Y TheJoyProject_PostcardFrontART.pdf 1 18/09/2014 10:12 am CM MY CY CMY K SILVER SPONSOR C M Junior School Bush Dance Y CM MY CY CMY K Check out for all sorts of information on living here in Brisbane. Access previous issues of The Rock on the Publications page of St Peters’ website. BOARDING Congratulations to our Year 10 boarders Jangala, Mel, Murray and Sharnell for making the finals in the Year 10 Dance Off! You rocked! Jeyakumar and Vidya Janakaraj All Clear Printing Terry and Glenys Donohue f45 Photography The Social Justice Group Book Drive Kim Holman, Girls’ Boarding Coordinator Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation is a charity in Australia dedicated to raising national language, literacy and numeracy standards, especially in remote and marginalized communities. St Peters students showed their support by donating large number of books which will help close the indigenous literacy gap. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Twelve boxes of books for young people will be delivered to the organisation in Sydney. A special thank you to Ms Foley for the organisation of this Book Drive. Angela Braby, Teacher 3 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 JUNIOR SCHOOL Bush Dance Thanks What an amazing evening our annual Bushdance, held at the end of last term turned out to be. The threat of rain earlier in the day did not dampen spirits as the parent volunteers soldiered on to ensure all was well set up. The students were adorned in checks, denim, hats and boots, and it was fabulous to witness the sea of dancers all enjoying themselves in presenting to their parents the fabulous skills they have learned and later dancing with mums and dads. I hope that everyone had a great evening, not only watching your children dancing, but also being involved yourselves in a few favourites including Boot Scootin’. The staff, particularly Mrs Hannah for her work this term ensuring the children’s dance skills were polished and ready to present, Mr Glass for his work during the evening as our MC, Mrs Ripamonti for the everyday communication between home and school and work that was so necessary behind the scenes, must be commended for their efforts. Thanks must also go to Ms Nicky Hughes, Community Liaison Officer who assisted in the coordination between the College and the parent community. Thanks to our Junior School Parents Pupil Free Day: Monday 19 Oct Monday 19 October is a pupil free day. The Junior School Staff will be involved in a professional learning day with other teachers from Lutheran schools in our Brisbane West cluster. OSHC will operate. Welcome to Term 4 I trust that you and your family have had a relaxing and rejuvenating break wherever that may have been, and that you are ready for a new school term. The children have spent today discussing their highlights of their Spring holidays, and also looking at what learning experiences in which they will be involved throughout the course of this term’s studies. The Junior School parent calendar outlines the major events happening for Junior School families so please use this as a guide throughout the term. Obviously updates and other date claimers will come through as the term progresses, but hopefully the major events have now been noted on this document. As it is shaping up to be a very busy term for everyone, we ask that you keep this as a reference guide handy for you and your family. I look forward to seeing you at the many upcoming events that take place throughout Term 4. Staffing For more photos of the Junior School Bush Dance, see p.12 of the October issue of Plus Ultra, out on Friday! *images by f45 Photography The support from a wide range of people enabled everyone to enjoy the evening. Members of our fabulous Junior School Parent Support Group worked tirelessly and humbly to bring the evening together, led by each year level representative who ably co-ordinated the activities in their particular area. The generosity of our community always amazes me. Not only was everyone willing to participate, but the donations of food, drinks, prizes and most importantly time and effort really highlighted the true nature of the event. The success and positive culture of any school is largely dependent on the people that it is made up of. In the St Peters Junior School we are lucky to have the dedication and support of so many of our parents who are involved in the school on a daily basis. The success of our annual bush dance is just one example of how the power of generosity, spirit and enthusiasm from our parent body is alive and well in our Junior School. There have been many, many hours spent behind the scenes to ensure the evening ran smoothly, was fun-filled, safe and inclusive, and well catered for. To everyone who contributed to the organisation and involvement in this event, we say THANK YOU! Each and every day, parents in the Junior School show their support by offering their time to help in classrooms, organising sausage sizzles and pizza days, preparing and serving at Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, attending chapels and assemblies, taking photos, attending Support Group meetings, and the list goes on. We acknowledge that our school is a better place because of your commitment and continued support. Over the holidays our HPE teacher, Mr Cameron Glass was married. If you see Cameron over the next few weeks, please congratulate both he and Jess on their wedding. We welcome Mrs Lisa Wyatt to the Junior School for Term 4. Lisa has returned from maternity leave and will be assisting Mrs Dew in the Learning Support area three days a week. Swimming is the major focus for our PE lessons this term, commencing this week, so the children will need to bring their swimming gear. A letter outlining specific days was sent home at the end of last term. WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Click here to see our publications Pam Carden, Head of Junior School 4 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL Year 5 News Wow! We have already reached Term 4. We hope that everyone has enjoyed a relaxing break with their families and look forward to a productive end to the year. Thank you to all family members who attended the student portfolio conferences at the end of Term 3. It was fantastic to see students taking such pride in their achievements and to hear such supportive comments from parents. We look forward to helping students with their learning goals again this term. If you missed the opportunity to see your child’s portfolio, please feel free to contact your class teacher to arrange this. This term we will be wrapping up our unit on How We Organise Ourselves in response to bushfires and floods by putting together emergency kits and plans for our families. Our next Unit of Inquiry will be about How We Express Ourselves with a focus on poetry and dramatic performance, so start looking for poems that inspire, amuse or evoke an emotional response in your reading! Our current Mathematics focus is area and perimeter. We’ll be doing further investigation into spatial mathematics including the use of scale, co-ordinates and manipulating shapes as the term progresses. In Christian studies we will investigate Christian values and ethical decision making. Our Science focus will be on states of matter, something that we will relate back to our flood and fire inquiries! Middle School Parent Gathering Tuesday 13 October and Tuesday 10 November, from 8.00am, P&F Centre. Information on social gatherings for year levels to follow next term. VISUAL ART Congratulations to Rachel Abrahams (Year 8) who is a finalist at the Silk Cut Awards, Melbourne. This is a national competition that promotes the use of silk cut products and relief printing. Year 5 Teachers Year 6 News The students in Year 6 have returned back to school with enthusiasm to begin their final term as Middle School students! The finish line is now in sight for them, and with a busy, fun-filled term ahead, it is important that everyone comes to school each day organised and ready to do their best. For the first few weeks this term, we will be finishing off our “Sharing the Planet” unit, which will culminate in the Exhibition Showcase early in Week 4. The children have all been hard at work, researching issues within their chosen country since last term, so it will be wonderful to see their research and ideas continue to develop over the coming weeks. We also have the Canberra Tour coming up, so this term is certainly shaping up to be great. More information regarding the tour will be given out in the coming weeks. We look forward to working with you this term to ensure it is a successful one. Art Workshop Year 6 Teachers Woodrow Library Year 6 Literature Circles Starts Tuesday 13 October and runs for four weeks Tuesdays, 3.30 - 4.30pm, CVC 6. To register email [email protected] Year 6 students have just begun their Literature Circles unit as part of their English classes. Five titles have been chosen and it is very exciting to hear so many students excited about starting their novels. Each week, students from all classes who are reading the same text come together and discuss many elements of the novel, allowing them to share their insights and questions. Once finished, we encourage students to try one of the other titles in the program as they’re all excellent reads. Support Junior High Purchase your 2015/16 Entertainment Book! The Books Rock Cafe Next week’s guests at The Books Rock Cafe are sisters Jessica (6C) and Hayley (5D) Bryant (6C) who have been helping each other select amazing fiction. Congratulations! We’ll see you at Morning Tea on Wednesday for a ‘Hot Chocolate and Hot Books’ Morning Tea! Happy reading! Christina Wheeler, Middle School Teacher-Librarian Click here to order or contact: Alison Arnold [email protected] or 0733776503 5 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 JUNIOR HIGH Head of Junior High Welcome to Term 4, it promises to be a busy and action packed end of year. There was a great deal of excitement and energy in the air on Tuesday morning as students caught up on their holiday adventures. Year 7s were also excited about brand new lockers that arrived over the break and three of our Junior High classrooms have brand new furniture. We are very appreciative of the hard work of our Works Department for overseeing the deliveries and instalments and we look forward to settling in over the next few weeks. Term 4 Date Claimers: Week 2 • Parent Teacher Interviews: Tuesday 13 October; • Brainstorm Productions ‘Cheap Thrills’: Thursday 15 October – Year 9 only; and • QGSSSA Athletics: Friday 16 October – Junior High girls attend as supporters. Normal lessons for boys. Week 3 • Student Free Day (Verification Day): Monday 19 October; and • Semester 2 AIC / QGSSSA Photo Day: Thursday 22 October. Week 4 • AIC Athletics: Wednesday 28 October – boys attend as supporters.Normal lessons for girls; • Inspire Program for Years 8 and 9 girls: Thursday 29 October – Normal lessons for Years 8 and 9 boys; • Parent Symposium: Thursday 29 October, 7:00pm, Chapel. Parents encouraged to attend; • Odyssey Program for Years 8 and 9 boys: Friday 30 October – Normal lessons for Years 8 and 9 girls; and • Junior High Familiarisation Day: Saturday 31 October, 9:00 -11:00am – Junior High Captains and volunteers required. Week 5 • Year 8 Immunisations: Wednesday 4 November; and • 9JK Ironbark Graduation: Saturday 7 November. Week 6 • 9LM Ironbark Departure: Tuesday 10 November. Week 8 • Junior High Presentation Morning: Thursday 26 November, 8:30am. Week 9 • Last day of school for Junior High: Tuesday 1 December. Year 9 Ironbark Departure On Tuesday morning we farewelled 9J and 9K as they left on their Ironbark adventure. A reminder to parents that, generally, an Indooroopilly staff member travels to Ironbark each week so if you have any items that need to be delivered please call or drop them into Junior High Reception and we might be able to deliver them. QGSSSA Athletics Friday 16 October On Friday 16 October, Junior High girls will attend the QGSSSA Athletics Day as both supporters and competitors.Acting as supporters on these days is extremely important as this is part of a student’s co-curricular requirement and reflects the quality of their school spirit. It means a lot to the athletics team to have supporters on the day. Non competitors wear their normal summer dress on this day along with their formal hat. Girls will need to take a water bottle, sunscreen, snacks and lunch with them. A canteen is also accessible on the day but should not be relied upon as the only source of food. Attendance for students is compulsory - if your child is unwell on this day they will require a medical certificate. More information will be provided by the Sports Department. Junior High Boys will have normal lessons on this day. Pre-Service Teachers A number of Junior High classes will have pre-service teachers attached to them this term. Gaining work experience ‘in the field’ is a mandatory part of teacher training and involves a number of stages or blocks of time. Pre-Service teachers work through stages from spending time purely observing classes up to ‘internships’ where they are given provisional teacher registration and are able to teach, assess and report on units of work without the presence of a supervisor. Throughout all of these stages pre-service teachers are supervised, monitored and work closely with experienced teachers. Your child will be able to tell you if they have a pre-service teacher and should you have any queries or concerns please contact the supervising teacher involved (i.e. your child’s subject teacher). Uniform Reminder It appears that many of our girls have grown a number of inches since first term and it is now time to check hem lines of dresses. Girls’ dresses should be worn at knee length and we ask parents to assist us by having the hems lowered where necessary. Also, I would like to remind girls that in order to avoid embarrassment and to maintain the ‘conservative & modest’ nature of our uniform they are required to wear appropriate coloured underwear under their white dresses. Parent Teacher Interviews Next Tuesday 13 October we will hold our Years 8-10 Parent-Teacher Interview Evening in Dohler classrooms. These interviews are a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet with their student’s teachers and discuss progress, areas requiring attention and strategies for ongoing improvement. These evenings are an important and effective way of parents meeting numerous teachers in a short time. We acknowledge that not all families will be able to be catered for in the one evening and remind parents that they are also able to contact teachers at any time throughout the year Junior High Parent Gathering Thursday 29 October, 8.00am, P&F Centre Information on social gatherings for year levels to follow next term. Year 8 morning tea date set for Friday 16 October, 100 Acre Bar from drop off to last coffee. RSVP to Catherine Burnie [email protected] via email or telephone should they have any questions or concerns. Brainstorm Productions ‘Cheap Thrills’ Next Thursday, Year 9 students will view the production ‘Cheap Thrills’. This is part of our Pastoral Care program and is educational theatre that tackles the consequences of risk taking and substance abuse. Cheap Thrills Educational Theatre covers • Risk Taking; • Substance Abuse; • Alcohol; • Drugs; • Cigarettes; • Safe Partying; • Choices; and • Consequences. Trish Allen, Head of Junior High Inspire for Girls In-School workshop for Adolescent Girls Thursday 29 October Click here for full program details Odyssey Program In-School workshop for Adolescent Boys Friday 30 October Click here for full program details from Junior High Year 8 news on page 7… 6 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 JUNIOR HIGH 8A Fundraise for Guide Dogs Queensland During October, 8A will raise money for Guide Dogs Queensland. There are many items for sale and every dollar donated going directly to Gudie Dogs Queensland. ST PETERS PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE IS ON FACEBOOK Did you know… it costs more than $30,000 to train and place each Guide Dog? GDQ’s mission is to equip, empower & educate blind or vision impaired Queenslanders. GDQ receives no Government funding towards their Guide Dog training program so every dollar helps. 8A students will be selling merchandise at morning tea and lunch times throughout October. Merchandise can also be located at JH reception. Please help support 8A in their efforts to raise awareness and money for this great cause. Visit to find out more. Like the St Peters PAC on Facebook to find out what’s happening Thank you for your support! 8A students Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45-4pm. SENIOR SCHOOL Head of Senior School Leaders Installation and Year 12 Pre-Valedictory Function Next Tuesday, new Year 11 Captains and Prefects will be installed and will take over formal leadership from the Year 12’s. This allows Year 12 students time to finish their year without the extra responsibility that comes with formal leadership positions. The new Year 11 Captains and Prefects will be presented their leadership badge in a ceremony at the Performing Arts Centre. Parents should have received an invitation to this event last term. The ceremony will begin at approximately 8.10am and will be followed by a morning tea for parents and new leaders in the servery outside the PAC. Our new leaders will have their first taste of responsibility on Saturday October 17 at the Year 12 Pre-Valedictory Dinner Function, when they assist guiding vehicles through the College into the Chapel Forecourt. There, the Year 12 students will alight from their vehicles to attend the pre-function in Café 45, to which Year 12 parents and their guests are invited to attend. All others who are interested are welcome to watch the arrivals parade from the Chapel Forecourt area. Athletics Championships and Girls/Boys Day The Associated Independent Colleges (AIC) and Queensland Girls Senior School Sports Association (QGSSSA) Athletics Carnivals are held annually in Term 4. Year 10 students must attend these carnivals as supporters and as such, transport will be provided to and from the venue during regular school hours. The QGSSSA carnival is on Friday 16 October. All Year 10 girls are expected to attend, whilst all Year 10 boys attend school as usual to participate in ‘Boys Day’; a program of activities organised and coordinated by Year Level Coordinator, Mr Manson. The AIC carnival is on Wednesday 28 October. All Year 10 boys are expected to attend, whilst all Year 10 girls will attend school as usual to participate in ‘Girls Day’; a program of activities also organised and coordinated by Mr Manson. Should your son or daughter not be able to support either of their sport days for any reason, please advise Attendance via phone (3377 6562) or email [email protected]. Karl Langer Library There are lots of exciting things happening during Term 4, but we will start with the October Inter-school Reader’s Cup Competitions. We have two teams competing in the Open event: Years 11 and 12 in the first week, closely followed by the Years 7–10 events. We will again host the Year 9 competition. Over the holidays, we added over 100 new eBooks to our OverDrive system for general reading and assignments. Check them out here: and click on the eBook tab. Dr Adam Forsyth, Head of Senior School Senior School Parent Gathering Thursday 15 October, from 8.00am, P&F Centre. Year 11 Parents Year 12 Parent Dinner Calling for volunteers to assist with the Year 12 Dinner on Saturday 17 October at the Performing Arts Centre. Please contact Nicky Hughes [email protected] Saturday 17 October Click here for more information Jan Lewis, Langer Library 7 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 MUSIC Director of Music This break has been busy for many music staff and students. Mr David Deacon directed the symphony orchestra in Southern Cross Soloists’ 9th Music School. Several St Peters students participated in the one week intensive musical training that brought together over 70 regional Queensland and Brisbane musicians at the Performing Artcs Centre. Ms Jenny Flottmann was involved in the Australasian Double Reed Society national conference and competition that took place at the Performing Arts Centre. This high profile annual event gathered double reed enthusiasts for two days of workshops, concerts and competitions. Ten St Peters musicians attended State Honours Ensemble Program at the Queensland Conservatorium. Nicola Robinson, one of our new music prefects, has written a report sharing with us her experience in this exciting camp. The music department has been very active over the past two weeks! Ms Garrett and I attended the biennial Australian Society for Music Education in Adelaide. Altogether there were around 300 delegates coming from all over Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and Asia. The overarching theme this year is “Music – Educating for Life” and there is a strong emphasis on music advocacy in all the keynote speeches. Dr Anita Collins from Canberra presented a compelling case for why music is vital in our lives. I strongly recommend our parents to watch Dr Collins’ TEDx Talk on “What if every child had access to music education from birth?” Review of Mahler’s Rückert Lieder and his Sixth Symphony Throughout our music calendar, there are numerous performance opportunities for students to share their music with others as a team. Our Eisteddfod offers a platform for students to practice how to perform as a soloist in front of a supportive audience. Students can build on their self-confidence and learn how to overcome fears through performance. It is also good preparation for students who are sitting their AMEB exams or who would like to present what they have achieved this year in a public forum. I warmly encourage students to participate in this rewarding event. For booking information, please click here Applications close on Friday, 16 October. As a part of the 50th anniversary of Toowong Rotary Club celebration, Queensland Pops Orchestra, featuring soloists Jason Barry-Smith and Katie Stenzel, will present a concert in our PAC on Saturday, 24 October. Their conductor, Mr Patrick Pickett, has invited some St Peters instrumentalists and singers to perform alongside with their professional musicians on this special occasion. This is an invaluable opportunity for our aspiring youngsters to play/ sing with an established professional ensemble. This Gala variety show will feature the winner of our Performer of the Year Concerto Competition, Nicholas Margarit, playing the first movement of Schumann’s Piano Concerto Op. 54 and will conclude with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture. Please come and support our musicians! Tickets can be purchased here Southern Cross Soloists National Youth Music School Concerto Competition Recital Thursday 8 October, 3:30pm, St Peters Auditorium David Deacon, Head of Strings For many, Mahler is an acquired taste due to the complexity of his works. However, anybody who attended the night’s concert as their first ever symphony experience would have become an immediate fan of the great composer. The symphony consists of four movements, the first being likened to a funeral march. The second and third movements are livelier with the third movement, scherzo, bringing a lighter feeling to the piece. This lesser known work features three fff hammer blows towards the end of the final movement which rival the cannon blasts in Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture. The symphony showcased marvellous solo playing, particularly from principal horn, Malcolm Stewart, principal clarinet, Irit Silver and tuba, Thomas Allely. Fortunately, Simone Young will return to Brisbane in July 2016 to conduct Mahler’s 4th symphony with Queensland Symphony Orchestra. Review of SHEP Dr Nelson Wu, Director of Music St Peters Music Students attended the Southern Cross Soloists Music School during the holidays which was held in our very own Performing Arts Centre. The new building was the perfect venue for the intense camp which included 7-8 hours of rehearsals, musicianship classes, body percussion and team building exercises each day. Students enjoyed boarding on campus and also the great food organised in the school dining hall. The camp concluded with a Finale Concert which included performances from the String Orchestra, Concert Band, Choir, Stage Band and Symphony Orchestra. On 12 September, 2015, world renowned Australian conductor Simone Young came together with fellow Australian and St Peters alumnus, soprano Lisa Gasteen and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra to present Mahler’s Rückert Lieder and his Sixth Symphony. Playing to a capacity crowd in QPAC’s Concert Hall, Young and Gasteen were welcomed by an exuberant audience. The five poems by Friedrich Rückert set to music by Mahler allowed Gasteen to highlight her vocal prowess, particularly in the softer passages. The orchestral accompaniment of the five pieces was brilliantly executed by the musicians and the hypnotic conclusion of the final song left the audience wanting more. It wasn’t until the house lights were turned on that the crowd reluctantly left for interval. Each year, St Peters hosts a recital held by some of the National Youth Concerto Finalists. This free concert is always inspirational and is open for all to attend. Violinists Sarah Chang and Emmalene Huning will be performing a variety of challenging repertoire so please bring along family and friends. David Deacon, Head of Strings Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play 870 high school students from all across the state arrived at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music on 1October for four days of intensive music rehearsals and concerts as part of the State Honours Ensemble Program. The program is an annual event. School music and instrumental teachers from all across the state are encouraged to nominate students to be selected for this program. Ten St Peters students were selected to participate: Laura Davis (clarinet, Year 11), Sam Doherty (trumpet, Year 12), Benjamin Haselgrove (oboe, Year 10), Liam Hinde (euphonium, Year 10), Jonah Jacobsen (French horn, Year 10), Jack Payne (tuba, Year 11), Nicola Robinson (French horn, Year 11), Tarja Walsh (Flute, Year 10), Tomas Williams (Trumpet, Year 12), and Hannah Wilson (voice, Year 12). The students participated in a number of instrumental and vocal ensembles. Of the 13 ensembles, two required an audition namely the Tommy Tycho Big Band and the Peter Sculthorpe Symphony Orchestra. I was fortunate to have successfully auditioned for a place in the inaugural Peter Sculthorpe Symphony Orchestra. Participants worked under world renowned conductors from the USA, Canada and Australia. Each ensemble presented a concert consisting of three to five pieces to showcase the work they had completed over the last three days. It was great to work alongside so many talented students in such a great venue as the Conservatorium. Nicola Robinson, Music Prefect 8 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 BOYS SPORT (YEARS 5–12) Boys Sport Coordinator, Matt Bradforde phone: 3377 6234 mobile: 0434 072 059 email: [email protected] Welcome to the final term of AIC Sport in 2015. Before we look forward, it would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the close of the AIC Basketball and Tennis seasons that wrapped up in the final weeks of Term 3. St Peters Basketballers finished the season with some close and competitive results, in fact a number of exciting games came down to the final shots! Well done to the 1st V, 3rds and 10A teams who all secured a win against Padua in the last round. In terms of overall results, a special congratulations to our 1st V team who finished tied second in the AIC Basketball aggregate for 2015 – an outstanding achievement to the players and coaches Josh Culverhouse and Charlie Brown. To all other players and coaches, well done and thank you for your efforts this season. We hope you enjoyed the Basketball breakup on Wednesday, and look forward to inviting all boys back to St Peters Basketball next year to build on our results. AIC Water Polo Due to limited availability of pools across the Colleges of the AIC Competition, it is disappointing to announce that the AIC Water Polo competition will no longer be going ahead for 2015. This is sad news for those boys looking to represent St Peters this year, but it is hoped that the situation will be rectified so that the competition can resume in 2016. Rowing State Titles St Peters Tennis players, and their coaches and supporters, continued their run of success in the final week of the competition to finish as the Overall Aggregate AIC Tennis Champion College for the fourth year in a row! Congratulations to all our players and coaches, in particular Head Coach Mark Lewis, Assistant Head Coach Brett Jones and Coordinator Mr Stuart Delaney – a fantastic reward to all for your hard work and hours devoted to training. In addition to St Peters’s overall aggregate result, congratulations must also go to the 1st IV, 2nds, 3rds, 11A, 9A, 9B and 8B teams who were successful in securing Premierships in their respective age groups. These young men will be acknowledged on assembly later this term. Well done boys, you have done the St Peters community proud and we look forward to another strong tennis season in 2016. Athletics The AIC Athletics coordinators are Mr Matt Bradforde [email protected] and Mr Andrew Carey [email protected] The AIC Athletics season continues this Friday evening (9 Oct) with the second practice meet for Years 5 – 12 at Queensland State Athletic Centre (QSAC) on Kessels Road, Nathan. With only three more practice meets until the AIC Championship, attendance and this event (and scheduled training sessions) is vital if students are hoping to make the final AIC Athletics Squad. All details for this Friday’s practice meet, including event times and rotations, can be found on the St Peters portal and app. Transport for students will be provided to and from the event, and students can also be picked up after the conclusion of their final event from QSAC if desired – please notify a staff member or coach if this is the case. Please refer to the calendar of important dates below for specific training times, locations and other upcoming meets: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 October LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY Tuesday 6 7 Athletics Training UQ Track 3:30-5:30pm (transport provided) 8 Athletics Training St Peters 3:15-5:00pm 9 AIC Boys Meet 2 QSAC (Years 5-6: 2pm-5pm) (Years 7-Open 3:30-8:30pm) 12 Athletics Training UQ Track 3:30-5:30pm (transport provided) 13 14 Athletics Training St Peters 3:15-5:00pm 15 16 AIC Boys Meet 3 QSAC (Years 5-6: 2pm-5pm) (Years 7-Open 3:30-8:30pm) 19 Student Free Day Athletics Training UQ Track 9:00-11:30am 20 21 Athletics Training St Peters 3:15-5:00pm 22 23 AIC Boys Meet 4 UQ Track (Years 5-6: 2pm-5pm) (Years 7-Open 3:30-8:30pm) 26 AIC Athletics Championships DAY 1 QSAC 2:00 – 6:00pm 27 Relay Practice & invited athletes UQ Track 3:30 – 4:30pm 28 AIC Athletics Championships DAY 2 QSAC (all day) 29 30 Like us at: Congratulations goes to Lachlan Bridge, Wilson Conn, Liam Bridge and Morgan Hodgson who represented St Peters Lutheran College at the State Rowing Championships in Rockhampton during the September Holidays. For a full wrap up of the Championships please see the article in the Girls Sport Section and the attached photos of the boys in action. Keep up to date with Sport with Download with Apple ITunes Google Play Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45-4pm. 9 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] Our final QGSSSA Athletics competition will take place over the coming weeks. This is the last big sporting event of the year. Well done to all girls who have kept their training up over the holidays. We look forward to our final practice competition this Friday evening, Friday 9 October. Please remember that this meet is compulsory if you wish to be considered for our final team to compete at the championships on Friday 16 October. During the holidays, selected rowers participated in the State Championships in Rockhampton. They represented the college with pride. Congratulations to those who competed. Thank you to Jon Trovas, Monique Fulcher and all parents who helped our students have such a rewarding experience. This Saturday is the start of our 2015-2016 Water Polo season. We hope all girls enjoy their first round of games, particularly those of you who might be playing for the very first time. Thanks to our Water Polo Coordinator, Elaine Ripamonti, who has been working throughout the holidays to ensure that we are ready for the start of our official season. The other main sports on offer to girls in Term 4 are Badminton for all years and Softball for Years 7 – 9. Both sports have started training this week and have a few competition days coming up later in the term. We hope all girls have been getting back into the swing of training this week and please check the St Peters portal and App for confirmation of all training times. Whilst some girls at St Peters may not be directly participating in ‘sport’ this term we sincerely hope all girls are being physically active. This is particularly important when it comes to exam time. Physical activity is extremely good for mental health and for concentration. Finally, it is great to see so many of our senior girls involved in coaching sports and we hope this continues for many years. Thank you to all coordinators, coaches, girls and parents for your support in Term 4 and may you all enjoy your sport this term. Rowing Coordinator: Mrs Lynne Rech [email protected] While all St Peters students were enjoying a well-earned break selected rowers were representing the College at the State Championships in Rockhampton. Taylor McCarthy Smith was one of the athletes of the regatta with four wins from five events; Brisbane U16 quad, U16 single, Year 10 double and Year 10 four. So a huge congratulations to Taylor for such an outstanding championship. Overall St Peters placed fourth in the school rankings with the following students/crews gaining finals berths and places: Girls 1st Place • Year 10 single scull: Taylor McCarthy-Smith; • Year 10 double scull: Taylor McCarthy Smith, Genna Fulcher; and • Year 10 four: Zoe Meredith, Caitlin Hildebrand, Phoebe Lawrie, Genna Fulcher, Taylor McCarthy-Smith. Other placings Year 10 four: second: Laura Robinson, Laura Blazek, Isabelle Furrer, Anneka Smith, Jemima Lockie; Year 9 quad scull: sixth: Abbey James, Jessica Korganow, Phoebe Fleming, Ebony Seabrook, Toyah Robinson; Open 8: fourth: Zoe Meredith, Caitlin Hildebrand, Phoebe Lawrie, Genna Fulcher, Taylor McCarthy-Smith, Isabelle Furrer, Anneka Smith, Jemima Lockie, Sam Petrie Boys Athletics Coordinators: Mrs Kerry Schreiber and Mrs Susannah Treschman [email protected] Our final warm up meet for the 2015 QGSSSA Athletics season is on Friday 9 October. It is compulsory. We will make final team selections and nominate our team based on this meet (taking into account results from Term 3) for the Championships next Friday 16 October. If you cannot make this meet you must email [email protected] and discuss this with us at Sports House. All meet details are on the St Peters portal and App. The event is at 4.00pm until approximately 8.00pm (the last event starts at 7.50pm) at the UQ Athletics Track. Buses will leave the St Peters bus stop at 3.20pm and parents can collect students from the track. A bus will be provided for boarders. All girls in the 2015 team (including reserves) will receive a letter with all details on Friday afternoon at the final meet. On QGSSSA day, a bus will leave the St Peters bus stop at 6.15am and our return to school at approximately 4.30pm. Please remember to bring nutritious food, water and sun protection. Girls need to wear the St Peters Athletics singlet (no. 11 is on the front and back). Please bring any equipment you need, such as running spikes. Our coaches will attend to assist with warm up and events. Finally, our team will be cheered on from the stands by girls in Years 7 – 10. St Peters is one of the host schools for the QGSSSA Athletics competition and so we will ask some girls from Year 10, as well as our 2016 leaders, to assist. Selected students will receive letters with the information and there will be a 6.30am departure from St Peters bus stop next Friday for these students. Thank you in advance for all of the help provided by these students and please remember to wear your formal school uniform with pride. Finally, we would like to thank our Athletics Captains for 2015: Ivie Vallance and Kathleen Mallyon, and our Vice-Captain: Natasha Innes and Georgia Mehmet for their leadership and ability to inspire the girls in our Athletics team. We wish all girls competing the best of luck for the final weeks of the 2015 season. Open single scull: fourth Lachlan Bridge; Year 10 Single scull: fifth Wilsen Conn; Year 10 double scull: eighth Wilsen Conn, Liam Bridge; and Open double scull: eighth Lachlan Bridge, Morgan Hodgson. Girls who want to be in our 2015 4x100m relay teams need to attend change over practice on Thursday lunch (12.30– 1.05pm) at Mayer Oval. Lynne Rech, Rowing Coordinator Girls Sport Find more Girls Sport on page 11… Friday 9 October is our final and compulsory Athletics warm up meet at UQ Athletics Track 4.00–7.30pm. 10 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 GIRLS SPORT (YEARS 7–12) Girls Sport Coordinators, Susannah Treschman and Kerry Schreiber phone: 3377 6218 email: [email protected] Badminton St Peters Coordinator: Mrs Evelin Cutts [email protected] Badminton training is now underway. Please check the St Peters portal and App for all training times. It is extremely important that you do your best to attend your allocated sessions and particularly make use to the lunchtimes provided as we know that this is a busy time of term after school. Competition days for Badminton are Saturday 24 October and Saturday 31 October. MARKETPLACE Water Polo Coordinator: Mrs Elaine Ripamonti [email protected] Welcome to the Girls Water Polo Season. Over the school holidays all girls and parents have been emailed relevant information including training times and changes to pool venues. Please find the draw for this week. A reminder to all girls to be punctual for your game and ensure you arrive at the game/venue 30 minutes prior to the schedule game time. This is an important time for you to meet with your coach for your team talk and warm up. All the best to all our girls this week as training commences and for their first game this Saturday. Go Saints! Team Opponent Cap Colour Time Venue U12A Mermaids White 8.00am Stuartholme 2 U12B Mermaids Burgundy 9.20am Stuartholme 2 U13B Moreton Bay College - MBC Burgundy 12.00pm Stuartholme 2 U14B Barracudas White 4.40pm Musgrave U15B Somerville White 8.40am St Ritas U15C Mt St Michaels - MSM Burgundy 10.00am Musgrave U16B Moreton Bay College - MBC White 2.00pm Somerville Pool U18B Open Somerville White 4.40pm Somerville Pool U18C Somerville White 2.40pm Stuartholme 1 Mrs Elaine Ripamonti, Girls Water Polo Coordinator An online forum for announcements, items for sale (with the exception of second hand School uniforms and text books), wanted ads, give-aways and carpooling. WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Access previous issues of The Rock on the Publications page of St Peters’ website. Junior Softball (Years 7 – 9) Coordinator: Mr Jeremy Lohe [email protected] Congratulations to all girls who have made our Junior Softball teams in Years 7 – 9. Training is now underway so please check the St Peters portal and App for all training details. For your information games are played in Term 4 on Tuesday 27 October, Thursday 29 October, Wednesday 4 November, Friday 6 November from 3:00 – 6:00pm. Buses will be provided to and from the venue, Downey Park on these competition days. Like us at: Student registrations close on Friday 16 October. ST PETERS EISTEDDFOD Click here to book tickets SATURDAY 8 NOVEMBER 9:00AM - 4:00PM 11 // THE ROCK 8 OCT 2015 PRIMARY SPORT Primary Sport Coordinator, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email: [email protected] “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Anon Term 4 Sport As term 4 progresses the sporting focus will turn to 2016. Opportunities for Years 4–6 boys and girls to become involved in sports that will be played in Term 1 2016 will be presented. This is particularly relevant to current Year 6 boys who will be entering the 12/13yrs AIC Boys Competition and the Year 6 Girls who will be entering the QGSSSA Competition. As always, all students are encouraged to play as much sport as possible. Emails with all the details will be sent to students and parents. St Peters Western (SPW) Swimming Squad All boys and girls interested in swimming training are welcome to attend SPW squad training (this is not school training) after school Monday-Thursday. Students will be placed into a training group at their first session. With four ability groups available, all students will be catered for. Primary Girls Basketball Summer Season The Primary Girls Basketball Summer Season is underway. Training will be on Wednesday afternoon, 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Harts Road Courts. Training Times • Primary Girls Basketball Summer Season: Harts Road Courts, 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Middle School HPE HPE Dates Term 4 • Swimming: Tuesday 6 October – Tuesday 1 December; and • Years 4–6 Swimming Carnival: Friday 13 November 1:15pm – 3:00pm. WHERE CAN I FIND THE ROCK ONLINE? Sport for Life! The Sport for Life! program was developed and implemented in 2006 for students in Years 5-7. The focus of the program is for all individuals to participate and have fun in sporting based activities. The Recreational Sport Program will enable students to learn new skills in a particular activity. Students will take part in a different activity for each of the first four weeks of Term 1 and Term 2. In addition to this, structured Sport Development activities will run throughout the year. This will be done during the last four weeks of each term and allow students to practice fundamental sporting skills, including kicking, striking, throwing and catching. This program encourages students to be active, have fun and improve coordination skills, further building their confidence. These sessions are organised to supplement AIC and Primary Girls Sporting competition that is available for students in Years 4-6. Keep up to date with Sport with Access previous issues of the Rock on the Publications page of St Peters’ website. Support Junior High Purchase your 2015/16 Entertainment Book! Download with Apple ITunes Google Play IMPORTANT CONTACTS ATTENDANCE CONTACTS Reception 3377 6222 • [email protected] Years 10-12 3377 6562 • [email protected] Enrolments 3377 6236 • [email protected] Years 7-9 3377 6503 • [email protected] Finance Office 3377 6277 • Shop45 3377 6209 Years 5-6 3377 6123 • [email protected] Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900 P-4 3377 6565 • [email protected] Leave Approval • [email protected] Click here to view the complete contact list 12 // THE ROCK 8 OCTOBER 2015
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