Winter in the Park - Imperial Point Civic Association
Winter in the Park - Imperial Point Civic Association
Imperial Point Association Incorporating Coral Highlands, Westfield and Colonial Ridge Winter in the Park Upcoming Events Winter in the Park December 12, 2014 6:30-8:30 PM Dottie Mancini Park Friday, December 12th 6:30 - 8:30pm @ Dottie Mancini Park December 29th Please Note Bulk Trash South of 62nd St. instead of December 25th December 31st Ring in the New Year with the City of Fort Lauderdale January 6, 2015 City Commission Meeting January 12, 2015 - FREE PIZZA! Imperial Point General Meeting Broward Health Imperial Point Auditorium 7:00 PM January 20th 6:30 PM Imperial Point Board Meeting Broward Health Imperial Point All are welcome. HM GRAPHIC DESIGN | MORE INFO ON PAGE 17 FREE for BHIP es Employe and (with ID) on Associati Members ADMISS $10 per f ION amily a moneta ry d the Pantry onation to OR (minimum $10) 10 non peOR rishable f ood items for The Pantr y. Official Publication Of The Imperial Point Association Inc. | December 2014 / January 2015 Visit for more information SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Please recycle this paper Angler Lawn & Landscape, Inc. 7IOL,?CAB<ILBII> $;GCFS!BCLIJL;=NIL Selling? Buying? Call Your Imperial Point Resident - Realtor Broker Associate Install Hedges Install Trees Debris Removal Install Grass Tree Trimming & Removal Install Rocks & Stones Stump Grinding Install Mulch Sprinkler Repair Outdoor Lighting Fence Repair Fertilize Grass 954-448-6394 Pat O’Loughlin Free Lawn Analysis Serving The Greater Fort Lauderale Area Since 1995 Direct: 954.298.2527 [email protected] Margaret Matinale Licensed and Insured Monthly Lawn Service Hedge Trimming & Removal Helping families be healthier for over 10 years! Fax: 954.771.7367 945 East Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 PHONE 954.938.4321 1730 E. Commercial Blvd. (just west of 18th Ave across from CVS & Staples) PLEASE REMEMBER TO RECYCLE HELP THE ENVIRONMENT AND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD Linda Nugent, our neighbor, has put numerous hours into making sure that Imperial Point received our fair share of funds awarded by the City for “Green Your Routine” which is our recycling initiative. This is a big job and we so appreciate what she has accomplished. This year she raised $1699.65 which all goes back into improvement of our community. Congratulations Linda! Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran Church School and Early Childhood Center 1901 East Commercial Boulevard * Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 * 954-‐772-‐5468 Now Enrolling Infants through Grade 8 Holiday Service Schedule Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24 at 5:30 and 7:30 pm Traditional Service with Communion and Candle Lighting Ceremony Christmas Day Thursday, December 25 at 10:00 am A Festival Christmas Day Communion Service New Year’s Eve Wednesday, December 31 at 7:00 pm 2 A Special Service with Communion 2015-‐2016 UPCOMING EVENTS Kindergarten Roundup Thursday, January 8 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm Call 954-‐772-‐5468 by Monday, January 5 to reserve your space OPEN HOUSE Saturday, January 17 from 8:30 – 11:30 am We accept Step Up for Students grades K-‐8 Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran School and Learning Center admits students of any race, or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at our school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of our educational policies and other school administered programs. SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 Imperial Point Association - October/November 2014 3 Team Renner Fitness Goals Fulfilled Since 2006 BRETT RENNER NSCA-CSCS MAX ZASLAVSKY LIVE LIFE SMILING General & Cosmetic Dentistry Bleaching • Dermal Fillers • Root Canals • Implants • Sedation • Botox $75 New Patient Special Do your body a favor this Holiday Season, and commit to pursuing a more healthy lifestyle for a specified amount of time. Make yourself accountable to a friend or spouse for this time commitment. I personally promise that if you stick to a program, you’ll get so much satisfaction you’ll wonder what took you so long. This year, make a concerted effort to be one of those people that sticks around after the ‘New Year’s Resolutioners’ have already given up and gone home – you’ll be happy you did. Work with me this year, and I’ll make your 2015 goals, my 2015 goals. For questions, guidance or to schedule an appointment, call me at The Fitness Clinic – (815) 994-1026. Exam, Xrays & Cleaning All PPO Insurances Welcome Max A. Zaslavsky, DMD Emergencies Always Welcome Saturday Appointments Available Se Habla Español Dedicated • Certified • Ingenious • Committed (815) 994-1026 Train to Maintain or Train like a Sports Star… Your Choice, My Mission – let’s Get Started Soccer-Specific Fitness and Training As a lifelong athlete and elite level soccer player, fitness is an integral part of who I am. I am a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a personal trainer, based at The Fitness Clinic in the Imperial Square Shopping Plaza. I work with my personal clients daily, helping them to achieve their individual goals to become the best possible versions of themselves. In athletics, it is of the utmost importance to have a comprehensive training program which not only includes the elements of cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, plyometrics, flexibility, and balance, but the creative skill to combine the best elements of each for a sport-specific outcome, and I pride myself on expanding my training knowledge and acumen to help others develop the way I trained myself. It is my passion for athletics and fitness which compels me to want to help young people on their journey to becoming better athletes on and off the field, and my commitment to hard work in academics as well. I can help the elite soccer athlete seeking sport-specific training, and the aspiring athlete seeking to become elite. I have the creativity to help them leave a plateau or break a barrier and perform at their highest levels. When can we meet to talk soccer and training? CReDeNTIAlS: 2 time IHSSCA first team all sectional • Illinois Olympic Development Program 3 time NCIC first team all conference selection • State Select Team 2003 Kishwaukee College Team MVP 2004 • Dixon High School second all-time assists 4 year letter winner Dixon High School Soccer Team BS Criminology and Sociology with Honors The Fitness Clinic Gym at Imperial Square Shopping Plaza • 954.491.3544 6451 North Federal Highway, Suite 129 • Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 DOZENS OF AMAZING CRUISE LINE CHOICES, HUNDREDS OF CRUISE SHIP EXPERIENCES & A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES. Our goal is to help every patient realize their maximum potential by spending quality ‘one-on-one’ time and using current, comprehensive plans of care that meet their specific needs. Extraordinary Europe Sale February 1 - 28. Take advantage of great specials like onboard cash credit & more! Learn more at our Cruise Night on February 11 at 6:30pm (954) 956 9061 5975 N. Federal Highway, #123, Ft. Lauderdale 4 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 5 President’s Message THE IMPERIAL POINT ENTRANCEWAY IMPROVEMENT TEAM Dear Neighbors, Another year and lots of activities in our Neighborhood. My wish is that more of you get involved in 2015 and help us with your ideas of more that can be accomplished. I hope you have noticed our Habitat Gardens in the Entranceway on Federal Highway and Imperial Point Drive. We have applied for our official certification from the National Wildlife Federation. We should have the signs up soon. A big thank you to Paramount Concrete who helped us with the Bird Baths, the City Parks Department, Father and Sons Sprinklers and all the volunteers who did the planting. The Butterflies came immediately as we were planting and have remained. What a sight to see if you sit on my Bench. Fall Harvest Picnic was another big success with new restaurants and more entertainment. If you weren’t there, you missed a great event in our newly renovated Park. Winter in the Park is December 12th from 6:30-8:30, note the time change. Again, some different entertainment and the ride on the horse drawn wagon around the Park. We invite you to decorate your houses in this area and win the prize for the best decorated home on the route. Don’t forget the Little Free Library in the Park. You Got Books? Donate your already read books for someone else to enjoy. Leave one, take one, donate many. This is a good addition to our Park. You will find your Membership Card in a self addressed envelope in this edition. Membership begins in January, you can also pay by pay pal on our web site. Let’s have a good membership Year. Our General meeting is January 12th at 7:00 PM at Broward Health Imperial Point. Come join us for a Pizza Party and hear plans for the New Year. It is also time for election of officers, so if you would like to join the Board, please call Sue Fuhr,954-776-6770. We will again invite our elected officials. Don’t forget to bring a donation or some nonperishable items for The Pantry of Broward to Winter in the Park. This organization is important to our City and to those Seniors who need this assistance. I wish each of you a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season and a wonderful 2015. See you at Winter in the Park. Betty Shelley Imperial Point Association President Sincerely Betty Shelley PHOTO: Betty with her Grandson Yonnie and Son-in-law Alan at Fall Harvest. Thanks to all who participated to improve our entranceway in compliance with the National Wildlife Federation certification guideline effort! We have submitted our application, purchased signs and will keep you posted! Betty Shelley, Susan Filippone, Ron Filippone, Bonnie Burke, Loretta Boyd, Linda Nugent, Connie Brandt, Kimberly Pearson, Matthew Pearson, Lorraine Verano, Jeff Cole, Bob Collier, Chuck Hunziker, Jared Dawson Jeremy Wright and Tommy Schuchard - Public Works WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH THE UPKEEP OF THIS PROJECT. If you are a student or a scout in need of community hours or just an invested neighbor, please contact Betty Shelley at (954) 938-9230. 6 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 7 IMPERIAL SQUARE GLOWS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! IMPERIAL SQUARE glows for the holidays. TEE-JAY THAI SUSHI brings a new glow to the shopping center with a enchanting new Asian interior design that is so spectacular it will make you want to bring the whole neighborhood to enjoy the Asian ambience and the awesome Asian cuisine. The restaurant glows in rich colors of orange, red, with a glimmering creamy onyx sushi bar that energizes the atmosphere surrounding the mesmerizing salt water fish tank at the entrance. PANERA BREAD AND BAKERY has a new Fall Holiday menu with a Turkey Cranberry Flatbread. Open more hours from 6 am to 10 pm Monday thru Saturday and Sunday 7 am to 9 pm. MOOMOO YOGURT has new Fall holiday flavors to delight the whole family. SMASHBURGER is a favorite of the whole family with the best Angus burgers in town as well as great salads, milkshakes, and those delicious garlic rosemary Smashfries. SWAMI JUICE introduced cold pressed organic coffee known as SWAMI BREW. It is so..awesome everyone is talking about its rich flavor. JR JEWELERS is glowing with brilliant holiday gifts for the special people in your life. Come see all the new holiday items Jo and Bob have collected for you this season. BELLA ME BOUTIQUE is all decked out for the holidays with dazzling gifts and clothes for the holidays. Everything is affordable ! VIRGILIUS MEN’S AND WOMEN’S FASHIONS is filled with the holiday spirit and some wonderful holiday shirts, slacks, jackets and suits for the man in your life. IN SYNC SALON & SPA is here to make you glow for the holidays. Their staff knows just how to make you look and feel your best. GOLDEN CLIPPER OLD FASHIONED BARBER SHOP is here to keep the men in your life looking great. HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES are available at all the Imperial Square shops. FEDEX OFFICE is ready to ship your gifts! WHERE SKIN CARE GOES BEYOND YOUR FACE Get the Results You Want and Need É Within a Time that Fits Your Busy Schedule LEARNING EXPRESS TOYS is so enchanting this time of year with special gifts to delight and educate at the same time. It has wonderful crafts to keep family busy during the holidays. Come and get into the holiday spirit early by finding that perfect toy or craft that will make the holidays glow for the children in your life. SCUBA NETWORK has scuba and snorkeling equipment for the whole family at discount prices, servicing of equipment and dive travel. With over 20 years experience and thousands of completed certifications with a professional and informative staff to serve you. $59 Consultation, Skin Analysis, and 50 Minute Treatment $39 GRAND OPENING PRICE EXPEDIA CRUISESHIP CENTER has some spectacular deals on cruises to delight the entire family. Come talk to Kevin and Jennifer and they will find you the perfect vacation. GNC NUTRITION is ready to help you with all your health and wellness needs. FITNESS CLINIC & GYM has monthly memberships and personal trainers to get you into shape. The gym has new equipment that is state of the art! HEARING CENTER of BROWARD, BRICKELL CHIROPRACTIC & WEIGHT WATCHERS are ready to serve your health needs. EXECUTIVE DRY CLEARNERS & LAUNDRY will keep your wardrobe beautiful for the holidays. Special Offer Expires 9/30/2014 954.909.3553 EFFICIENT AFFORDABLE RESULTS CLASSIC DECORATIVE HARDWARE and MELTINI KITCHEN AND BATH have great holiday ideas for the home. SPRINT has the iphone6 and all the others too with great rates for service. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM IMPERIAL SQUARE. LINDA POSEY 8 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 9 News from the Library IF THERE WAS ONE FOOd LImITINg YOuR HEALTH… WOuLd YOu WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT WAS? IMPERIAL POINT BRANCH, 5985 N. Federal Highway • 954-357-6530 #1 New Year’s Resolution – Lose Weight and get into Shape Many people take this time of year to reevaluate their health and try to improve their lives. All not too often, people begin with good intentions but quickly hit a wall or a huge plateau. Around that same time that person gets frustrated and slips back into bad habits. Why do these walls and plateaus come up for us? Have you ever heard yourself or a friend or family member say, “I’m sticking to the same diet and exercise plan and I have not lost any weight in weeks. I’m so frustrated.” The answer may be simpler than originally thought. Your Healthy Food may Not Be digesting Properly Digestion breaks food down into simple components (micro nutrients) which can easily be absorbed and utilized nutritionally. The immune system “recognizes” these micro nutrients as beneficial once they are absorbed into the bloodstream and does not react against them. If your body is not able to fully digest foods they maintain as a macro nutrient when it gets absorbed into the bloodstream and the body does NOT “recognize” them as beneficial and thus mounts a defense reaction against them. This is termed a Food Sensitivity which can result in a variety of symptoms including weight imbalance. How Can I determine if I have Food Sensitivities A simple 5-10 minute evaluation and blood test will give us your individualized results in 48-72 hours. You will be given a variety of foods to eat and not to eat along with a step by step program and process to make the transition. You will have a Certified Natural Chef at your disposal for guidance and help. There will be follow up visits with the doctor every 30-60-90 days to evaluate your progression. The fee is affordable and we work with most insurances. Your greatest gift To You Is YOu. Taking care of yourself and making any improvements toward better health is never a bad or negative thing. It is, however, hard work. If it were easy to be healthy and well balanced…everyone would do it and be it. Contact Dr. Kim at Dynamic Chiropractic today to determine if there is a simple solution to your health related problems. 1730 E Commercial Blvd * 954-938-4321 Proudly announces the 13th Annual Holiday Toy Drive Today to December 18th bring 2 unwrapped toys to Dynamic Chiropractic and receive a chiropractic consultation, exam, and any necessary x-rays (It is suggested to bring 2 toys at a $15 value) All toys are delivered personally to the needy children of Pahokee by the doctor and staff 10 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 11 SGT. DARREN OGDEN NEEDS OUR HELP Darren is a 41 year old husband and father of three boys. Darren had a routine physical 6 years ago that would forever change his life. After several follow –up doctor visits he was diagnosed with Marginal Zone Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This rare type of lymphoma is classified as an indolent, or slow growing blood cancer. While this lymphoma can be managed with routine chemotherapy regimens, it is very difficult to cure. Over the course of the six years Darren has had to undergo different chemotherapy treatments knowing this would not cure him but rather extend his life as the cancer would continue to grow. In January 2014 Darren successfully completed his most recent chemotherapy. In the following months the critical blood numbers that are affected by his lymphoma began to drop quicker than planned. Darren’s oncologist recommended an appointment at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL for a bone marrow transplant consultation. Prior to the appointment there were questions of whether Darren would be a candidate however, that anxiety was quickly alleviated when Darren was told he was a perfect candidate for the procedure. Your 2015 Resolutions! Commit to a Reasonable Time Frame… By Brett Renner, Personal Trainer, NSCA-CSCS As the holidays approach, so do opportunities to overindulge and get sidetracked from a diet plan or exercise regimen. As a personal trainer, I’ve seen people flood into gyms after every New Year, eager to burn off the extra pounds gained during the holidays. Most gym-goers have seen this surge of people in early January and it becomes a topic of conversation, “How long do you think they’ll last this year?” The truth is that as a society, we’ve become so used to instant gratification we become quickly discouraged when things don’t go our way within a relatively short amount of time. Speaking from my personal experience in fitness and my collegiate soccer program, becoming healthy and establishing a regular gym routine is not something done overnight. The point here is this; patience and hard work are required to see results. This can be a cold hard truth to some people, but when starting a workout program with my own clients and assessing their stated goals, I have to be realistic and tell them exactly what is expected if they want to see those goals achieved. Don’t make procrastination a self-indulgence, get an early start on your Resolutions and increase your odds for success. One of the first things I usually say is to give it time, and I’m not talking about just two weeks and giving it up. I’m talking about starting with a solid 12 weeks of consistent exercise at a proper intensity, and then I could guarantee that regardless of your current state of fitness, you would see significant progress within the first three months. Being that most people aren’t willing to commit to anything for longer than a couple of weeks, the best intentioned New Year’s Resolutions quickly go by the wayside – only about 8% will actually achieve their 2015 goals. Whether or not you’ve been guilty of this in the past, anytime you want to set a goal for yourself give it a reasonable amount of time to work; otherwise you’ll never know your true capabilities. I’ve seen some really amazing transformations - people who didn’t think they could ever develop and look the way they do now. Do your body a favor this Holiday Season, if you’re thinking about pursuing a more healthy lifestyle commit to whatever you’re going to do for a specified amount of time. Making yourself accountable to a friend or spouse for this time commitment also helps the process, so take that leap this year and commit to becoming a healthier version of yourself. I personally promise that if you stick to a program, you’ll get so much satisfaction out of it you’ll wonder what took you so long. This year, make a concerted effort to be one of those people that sticks around after the ‘New Year’s Resolutioners’ have already given up and gone home – you’ll be happy you did. For questions or guidance, call me at The Fitness Clinic – (815) 994-1026. Darren was given the rare benefit of a few months of planning before this chapter of the fight would begin. Darren plans to start the transplant process in January 2015 with approximately three months of chemotherapy at home in South Florida. These three months will be followed by the bone marrow transplant at Moffitt Cancer Center and a long, critical recovery process that requires him to stay in or around Moffitt for a minimum of four months post-transplant. He will have a team of twenty doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to make this transplant possible and lead him to good health. Darren’s transplant doctor said he could expect the typical recovery process to be between 6-12 months after his transplant before returning to work and other daily activities barring no serious complications. Darren and his family are very thankful for this tremendous opportunity for a cure and ability to resume a normal life. With the guidance, faith and strength from God and his transplant team Darren believes that he will be cured. To donate to Sgt. Ogden’s recovery please visit the website or by mail please send to: Sgt. Darren Ogden 5401 NW 100 Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33076 12 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 13 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Equine-Assisted Therapies of South Florida Equine-Assisted Therapies of South Florida is a non-profit organization founded in 1982 located in Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek. Formerly known as Horses and the Handicapped, Equine-Assisted Therapies of South Florida is dedicated to providing therapeutic riding and equine-activities to children and adults with special needs so that they may improve physically, mentally and emotionally. Hello Neighbors! ‘Tis the season to be thankful for family, friends and all of the wonderful things life has to offer. I, personally, am very thankful for all of our local businesses who enhanced our 14th Annual Fall Harvest Picnic with wonderful raffle prizes. The generosity was overwhelming! We are very proud to offer a variety of programs and opportunities to not just our riders, but everyone that walks through our doors-horse and human alike. Our barn is a place where people come to heal, learn and to make friends that last a lifetime. With the help of our horse herd, volunteers and staff members, we serve 118 riders including child and adults in the Palm Beach, Broward, MiamiDade and Port St. Lucie counties. Please support our local businesses as they support us! This will continue to keep our neighborhood thriving. As always, I am receptive to your thoughts, ideas and ways to improve our newsletter. Please feel free to contact me. Have a very Happy Holiday Season and a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year. We are excited to be hosting our 12th Annual Meggan Morency Memorial Horse show on December 13th, 2014 at 10 am at our Vegso Family Arena in Tradewinds Park. This event is the conclusion to our fall session and will showcase our rider’s impressive skills to the audience. It is a fun family day for the riders and our community. This event is offered at no cost to attendees. The horse show also serves as a kickoff to our 5th Annual Wild West Night. The Wild West Night is a one-of-a-kind fundraiser hosted at Ron Bergeron’s Green Glades Ranch on February 28th, 2015 at 7 pm. This event will feature live music, casino style entertainment and BBQ catering by Mississippi Sweets. This year’s Wild West Night will include a special performance by country singer and songwriter Josh Turner. Tickets are $100 and can be purchased online. All funds raised from the 12th Annual Meggan Morency Memorial Horse Show and the 5th Annual Wild West Night provide scholarships for our riders so they may benefit from our therapeutic programs. To learn more about our events, who we are or how to get involved, please contact Justine at 954-974-2007 or visit us at Are you thinking about selling your home? In today's economy you need a real estate professional more then ever. Please call for a complimentary on-site evaluation today, and allow me to present our proven Marketing Plan. We get results! For all your real estate needs Richard Masterson, Jr. CRS, e-PRO, CLHMS 954-205-7067 | [email protected] 14 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Bonnie Burke • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BATTERY SQUARE $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE BELLA ME WOMEN’S BOUTIQUE $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE BONEFISH GRILL $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE BURGERS & SUDS $20 GIFT CERTIFICATE CARRABBA’S ITALIAN GRILL $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE CASA FRIDA $30 GIFT CERTIFICATE DUFFY’S DINER BREAKFAST SPECIAL FOR TWO DYNAMIC CHIROPRACTIC 1 HOUR MASSAGE DYNAMIC CHIROPRACTIC 1 HOUR MASSAGE EXECUTIVE CLEANERS $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE GOLDEN CLIPPER - ONE FREE HAIRCUT GOLDEN CLIPPER - ONE FREE HAIRCUT IN-SYNC HAIRCUT AND BLOW DRY W/MICHAEL IN-SYNC DEEP CLEANSING FACIAL W/GAIL J.P. CHOCOLATE SHOPPE $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE J.R. JEWELERS $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE LA BAMBA RESTAURANT $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE LA CREPE RESTAURANT $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE MULLIGAN’S BEACH HOUSE BAR & GRILL $25 GIFT CERT NU-YU ANTI AGING FACIAL NU-YU ANTI AGING MASSAGE NU-YU ANTI AGING MASSAGE SEILER ANIMAL HOSPITAL BASKET & HEALTH CARE $300 SWAMI JUICE $30 GIFT CERTIFICATE THE FACE PLACE $30 GIFT CERTIFICATE THE FACE PLACE $30 GIFT CERTIFICATE THE FITNESS CLINIC 1 MO FREE GYM AND 4 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS THE FITNESS CLINIC 1 MO FREE GYM AND 4 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS VIRGILIUS MENS APPAREL $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE Imperial Point Association!! South Florida’s Largest Selection of... Statues Birdbaths Tree Rings Fountains Indoor Furniture Planters Decor Blocks Patio Stones Pedestals Tile Table Sets MasterCard, VISA and Discover cards Accepted 1620 S. Dixie Highway, Pompano Beach, FL Ph. 954-946-3923 • Fax: 954-946.7712 Check out our NEW website to see current happenings, pay your dues and other services for Imperial Point Residents Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 15 HEATHER POMPER BRINKWORTH On November 18, 2014 Heather Brinkworth and the newly re-elected board members were sworn in at Dillard High School, in the large auditorium, 2501 NW 11 Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Thank you, District 3 Voters! Broward County voters came out to the polls and overwhelmingly supported the School Board’s bond referendum on November 4th. District 3 schools are slated for some much needed repairs. I will have updates regarding our District 3 schools in the future. To learn more about the bond referendum, visit IN AND AROUND DISTRICT 3 1. On September 4th members of the Middle River Terrace Neighborhood Association lead a troop of Fort Lauderdale High students on a planting project along the school’s perimeter fence. MRTNA donated funds the City of Fort Lauderdale grants them each year for “Green Your Routine” projects, 20% of which must be used for sustainability projects. This year MRTNA funds were donated to the Fort Lauderdale High students to plant and maintain bougainvillea along the fence on the east side of the school for enhanced beautification and security. 2. Robert Todd, Music Teacher for Bayview Elem. has been named the 2015 Music Educator of the Year by the Florida Music Educators Associations. Congratulations Mr. Todd, the entire Bayview family is very proud of you! 3. New River Middle unveiled their new school logo, designed by Guy Harvey, on September 30th, and it is fantastic (see the District 3 website under photo gallery). The Davie-based Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation is partnering with NRMS to enhance its marine science magnet program. “Shark Ambassador” Jessica Vaughn spoke to the students. Thank you, Guy Harvey! 4. The Flying L’s have returned to glory by sweeping this year’s District 11-3A Swimming and Diving Championships!! Congratulations to the boys and girls on Coach Deb Cavanaugh’s Swim Team!! With the swimming, diving and coaching talent on this team we will be hearing a lot more of them in the future. Congratulations Flying L’s!! 5. Five Broward County Public School students penned winning essays and were selected to represent South Florida Cares on October 24 - 25, 2014, during the Oprah Winfrey – Create the Life You Want Tour. South Florida Cares is a part of the National Cares Mentoring Project lead by Susan Taylor, former editor-in-chief of Essence Magazine. The students are Lovensky Desamour and Jayla Webster of Whiddon Rogers; Deneil Johnson and Michael Webster of Seagull School and Makayla Francis of Hallandale Adult. Their winning essays were selected from a pool of more than 300 respondents. Superintendent Robert Runcie and the students were introduced by Oprah Winfrey and their essays featured during the conference. They also met privately with Oprah Winfrey back stage. 6. On October 29th the City of Fort Lauderdale Emergency Management and Domestic Preparedness Bureau, partnering with Broward County Public Schools, conducted Hands-Only™ CPR training for approximately 75 Stranahan High students who learned CPR to the beat of Staying Alive. 7. Northeast High School held its 3rd Annual STEAM Ideas Festival on November 13th.The idea of the festival is to engage the community to act with compassion, creativity and critical thinking to fuel problem-solving using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. This event benefits all Oakland Park schools including Lloyd Estates, North Andrews Gardens, Floranada & Rickards 8. On Dec 6, 2014 the McNab Elem PTA will receive a brand new car donated by business partners Robert Serpentini and his son, Bobby Serpentini, owners of Performance Nissan as a fundraising prize. The presentation will be at McNab’s Breakfast with Santa, with the raffle winner being selected on May 30th, 2015 at McNab’s Family Fun Day. Tickets will be $10 and available at various business partner locations around town. Thank you to the Serpentinis’ and Performance Nissan!!! AS YOU CAN SEE THERE IS A LOT HAPPENING IN DISTRICT 3!!!! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at my office, 754-321-2003. I am always happy to assist in answering your questions and finding appropriate School Board staff to address your concerns. Heather Pomper Brinkworth Telephone: 754-321-2003 • [email protected] • Web: 16 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Happenings Winter in the Park December 12, 2014 6:30-8:30 PM Dottie Mancini Park Come join us for a Holiday Get together with lots of activities Bring a donation or a non perishable item for The Pantry of Broward. This a worthwhile group that helps Seniors & Grandparents helping grandchildren This affair is co sponsored with Broward Health Imperial Point. Hope to see you & even take a ride on a horse drawn carriage through the Neighborhood. December 31st New Years Eve Ring in the New Year with the City of Fort Lauderdale January 1,2015 Happy New Year January 6, 2015 City Commission Meeting January 12,2015 Imperial Point General Meeting Broward Health Imperial Point Auditorium 7:00 PM Come and join us, hear the Speakers Give us you suggestions. Dec 17th Happy Hanukkah Dec 25th Merry Christmas December 29th Please Note Bulk Trash South of 62nd St. instead of Dec 25th January 20th 6:30 PM Imperial Point Board Meeting Broward Health Imperial Point All are welcome. IMPERIAL GENERAPLOINT ASSOC. MEETING The assoc iati holding o on will be ur Gen Meeting on Janua eral ry 12, 201 at BHIP, B 5 ro Imperial P ward Health oint Hosp ital at 7p.m. This is a very importan re-affirm t meeting to bo and addre ard members ss is the neigh sues facing borhood PIZZA WIL . L Please sa BE SERVED!!!! ve the da te and come ou t to supp o rt our neighborh ood. Beginning august 1st, Fort lauderdale is moving to a new phone number for non-emergency public safety calls. new non-emergency phone numBer call: ( 954 ) 764-help Please use this number only if you require non-emergency police or fire services. For all other City of Fort Lauderdale inquiries, please call the 24-hour Customer Service Center at 954-828-8000 or visit In an emergency, please call 911 H H H Code Violation Hotline Reminder H H H Please be advised that the Code Violation Hotline is provided as a service to Imperial Point Homeowners Association Members. If you are currently not a member, you can call the City of Fort Lauderdale Code Enforcement Office at 954-764-HELP Important Phone Numbers Animal Control 954.359.1313 Building Department 954.828.5191 Cable Tv (Comcast) 954.252.1937 City Commissioners 954.828.5004 City Hall (General Info) 954.828.5000 Code Violations (see Hotline) 954.828.5207 Dead Animal (Road Kill) 954.828.8000 Executive Airport Hotline 954.828.6666 Fire Department (non-emergency) 954.828.6800 Florida Department of Health - Broward County 954.467.4000 Graffiti Hotline 954.828.6402 Hazardous Waste 954.765.4999 Hotline (Imperial Point)954.776.2810 Library (Imperial Point Branch)954.492.1881 Mayor’s Office 954.828.5003 Mosquito Control (Broward) 954-765-4062 Parks and Rec (Playground)954.828.7275 Police and Fire Emergency 911 Police (Non-Emergency) 954.764.HELP Power Outages 800.4OUTAGE Recycling954.828.8000 Signs (Median)954.847.2600 Streets (Potholes, etc.)954.828.8000 Streetlights954.797.5000 Traffic Engineering 954.828.5761 Traffic Signals (Malfunctions)954.847.2600 Trash (Bulk, Carts, etc.)954.828.8000 Trees (Severely Trimmed)954.828.5200 Trees (Swales/Medians)954.828.7275 Utilities 954.828.8000 Utilities Billing 954.828.5150 Zoning Information 954.828.5203 When you are not sure of the correct city department, call the main number at 954.828.5000 Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 17 FORT LAUDERDALE CONSIDERED A TOP 10 BIRD FRIENDLY CITY Our community flies high when it comes to preservation and protecting our urban habitats as per a report in the Birds and Blooms Magazine. The recognition stems from the City of Fort Lauderdale participating in the National Wildlife Federation’s Community Programs for habitat creation and preservation efforts. This is our motivation for enhancing and certifying our Entrance Way. Compliments of Betty Pastore, Association Member and Neighbor Why is my dog so frightened ofCats loud noises Heartworm Disease in such as thunder, firecrackers and loud vehicles? What are Feline Heartworms? Heartworms are blood-borne parasites called Dirofilria immitis that reside in the heart or adjacent large blood vessels of infected animals. The female worm is 6 to 14 inches long and 1/8 inch wide. The male is about half the size of the female. Heartworm disease is much more common in dogs than cats. However, recent studies of cats with heart and respiratory disease have found an incidence of heartworms that is far greater than previously thought. What is the life cycle of Feline Heartworms? The life cycle of the heartworm is complex and requires two host animals in order to complete it. Heartworms require the mosquito as an intermediate hose and as many as 30 species of mosquitoes can act as this host and transmit heartworms. Mosquitoes ingest immature heartworm larvae, called microfilariae, by feeding on an infected cat or more commonly, an infected dog. The microfilariae develop further for 10 to 30 days in the mosquitoes gut and then enter its mouthparts. When an infected mosquito bites a cat, it injects infective larvae into the cat. The larvae migrate and mature for several months, ending up in the right side of the heart and pulmonary arteries. They mature into adult heartworms capable of reproduction about six months from the time they enter the cat. How do I know if my cat has heartworms? One of the most challenging aspects of diagnosing feline heartworm disease is that there are no specific clinical signs. The most common signs are a sudden onset of coughing and rapid breathing (signs that can also be caused by several other diseases). Other clinical signs are collapse, dyspnea, vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, blindness, tachycardia, syncope, lethargy, anorexia, weight loss and sudden death. There are several methods used in diagnosing heartworms. Unfortunately, no one method is 100% reliable so a combination of tests is often needed. Can my cat be treated for Heartworms? There is no drug approved for treating heartworms in cats. Veterinarians generally treat the symptoms of heartworm disease and hope the cat outlives the worms (heartworms live in a cat for about two to three years). Is there a way to prevent heartworms? Yes! Veterinarians strongly recommend that all cats receive year-round monthly heartworm prevention. The reasons that heartworm prevention is recommended for all cats are: 1.Diagnostic Difficulty 2.Unknown Incidence 3.There is no treatment 4.Prevention is safe and easy 5.Indoor cats can get heartworms too. MOLDY SIDEWALKS GIVING YOU A PROBLEM?? Moldy sidewalks can be alleviated by a product called “Wet & Forget” that is mixed with water and can be sprayed onto the sidewalks, buildings and wood surfaces having mold and mildew on them. The mold/mildew stain will disappear over time fading away leaving the original surface color. This is better than using bleach or chlorine as these chemicals have a tendency to deteriorate the concrete. If the sidewalk stain is from well water irrigating the lawns, Marine Rust Removal can be used to remove the iron off of the sidewalks. The most effective rust removal from well water is to use a polymer chemical that precipitates the iron out of the well water before it is sprayed onto the lawns and over sprayed onto the sidewalks and buildings. Compliments of Ralph Zeltman, IP Board Member and Great Neighbor! 18 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Seiler Animal Hospital carries a product for the prevention of feline heartworms. Revolution is a topical treatment that should be used once a month for the prevention of heartworms, fleas and certain intestinal parasites. Stop in and enter your pet’s name in our drawing for a free box of Revolution (a value of over $100)! Please feel free to call us at 954-942-5955 for more information. Courtesy of Douglas A Thieme, DVM Seiler Animal Hospital 2650 NE 57th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 19 BROWARd HEALTH ImPERIAL POINT RECEIVES PATHWAY TO EXCELLENCE® dESIgNATION Fort Lauderdale, Fla. – Broward Health Imperial Point (BHIP) has achieved the Pathway to Excellence® designation by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the world’s largest and most prestigious nurse credentialing organization and a subsidiary of the American Nurses Association (ANA). According to the ANCC, BHIP is one of only five hospitals in the state of Florida to receive this designation. The Pathway to Excellence designation identifies the elements of work environments where nurses can flourish. The designation substantiates the professional satisfaction of nurses at BHIP and identifies it as one of the best places to work. “This designation confirms Broward Health Imperial Point has elite nurses who ensure excellence in care every day for every patient,” said Sandra Todd-Atkinson, chief nursing officer. “By providing a nurturing environment for our nurses, and allowing them to control their own practice, they’re encouraged to reach their full professional potential while providing safe and compassionate care. The Pathway to Excellence designation is granted based on the confirmed presence of characteristics known as “The Pathway to Excellence Criteria.” For an organization to earn the Pathway to Excellence distinction, it must successfully undergo a thorough review process that documents foundational quality initiatives in creating a positive work environment — as defined by nurses and supported by research. These initiatives must be present in the facility’s practices, policies, and culture. Nurses in the organization verify the presence of the criteria in the organization through participation in a completely confidential online survey. BUILDING a FOUNDATION for LIFE We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Join us for Open House! As a Pathway to Excellence® designated organization, BHIP is committed to nurses, to what nurses identify as important to their practice, and to valuing nurses’ contributions in the workplace. This designation confirms to the public that nurses working at BHIP know their efforts are supported. The honor encourages other nurses to join their colleagues in this desirable and nurturing environment. Broward Health, providing service for more than 75 years, is a nationally recognized system in South Florida that offers world-class healthcare to all. Broward Health includes Broward Health Medical Center, Broward Health North, Broward Health Imperial Point, Broward Health Coral Springs, Chris Evert Children’s Hospital, Broward Health Weston, Broward Health Community Health Services, Broward Health Physician Group, Broward Health International, Broward Health UrgentCareandBrowardHealthFoundation.Formore information, visit THE PLACE FOR EXCELLENCE IN NURSING CARE So Excellent, We’re One of Five! Broward Health Imperial Point has achieved the Pathways to Excellence® designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), becoming just the fifth hospital in the state of Florida to receive the distinction. The ANCC’s Pathways to Excellence® designation is earned by healthcare organizations that create work environments where nurses can excel in their practice. The designation demonstrates the professional satisfaction of nurses and identifies best places to work. In its excellence to serve Broward Health’s mission, Broward Health Imperial Point received the Pathways to Excellence® designation in October 2014. J a n u a r y 2 4, 20 1 5 a t 1 0: 0 0 A M P K 2 - 5 t h G ra de RSVP: 954.771.7700 • 20 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association 6401 N. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 21 Ask Lori…Parrish on Appraisal Where are My Exemptions on the Tax Bill? Dear Lori: I bought and moved into my first home in March 2014. I filed for Homestead Exemption at one of your community outreach events and was told my application has been approved. I just received my 2014 tax bill and can’t understand where the Homestead T. Williams, Century Village (via email) and Senior Exemptions are listed? Our office receives numerous calls every year asking us to confirm property tax exemptions on tax bills. Please be advised that the Property Appraiser’s Office does not set or collect taxes. We simply assess property for tax purposes and grant exemptions to qualified individuals. The property tax bills are mailed by the Broward County Records, Taxes & Treasury Division on or before November 1, of each year to more than 400,000 property owners. All qualified Florida residents are entitled to a Homestead Exemption on their homes, condominiums, co-op apartments, and certain mobile home lots. To qualify for Homestead, you must own and occupy the property as your primary residence on January 1. By Florida law, all assessments and exemptions are based upon the status of the property on January 1. Because you purchased and/or moved into your property after January 1, 2014, you have been approved for Homestead Exemption for 2015. The tax bill you have just received is for tax year 2014. If the former owners of your new home where entitled to and received Homestead or any other exemption on January 1, 2014, you will inherit these exemptions on your 2014 property tax bill. These 2014 exemptions will automatically expire at the end of 2014 and the Save Our Homes value will be brought up to just value. Your new 2015 Homestead Exemption will be reflected next year on all 2015 property records, notices and tax bills. Please remember any additional property tax exemptions, such as the Low-Income Senior, Widow/Widower, Disability or Veteran’s Exemptions will be applied to your 2015 property tax bill. Current exemptions are not listed individually on the property tax bill. Rather, they are valued together and listed under the column titled “Exemptions” on your tax bill. Your tax bill is calculated by multiplying the sum of the various tax rates by your taxable value and then adding on your non-ad valorem fees. Remember: By law, January 1 of each year is the date on which the permanent residence is determined and qualified exemptions are granted. Should you have questions regarding property tax payment options, please visitwww.broward. org/recordstaxestreasury, or call the Broward County Call Center at 954.831.4000. If you need more information about your property tax assessment and exemptions, please visit our website at or contact our office directly at 954.357.6830. Sincerely, Lori Parrish, CFA SGT. HELLER – Fort Lauderdale Police Dept. Unfortunately, the holiday season provides opportunities that normally wouldn’t be there for thieves. By simply following the below recommendations, folks can avoid becoming a victim. • Keep all exterior doors locked. This includes side garage doors and interior garage doors leading into the house. • Close and lock all windows. Even if you are going away for just a few minutes. • Keep the outside of your home well lit. (Driveways, garages, and front entry ways). • Displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through doors or windows of your home. • If you are going out, even during the day, leave a light on, or have a radio or television on so the house appears occupied. • If you go away for the holidays, try to keep your homes appearance as “lived in” with automatic timers for lights and the radio or T.V. Ensure someone is watching your home and picking up all items left outside. • Be aware that sometimes criminals will pose as couriers delivering gifts to case your home or to commit a crime. You do not have to open the door. Ask for identification or other delivery options if you feel unsure of the person’s identity. • Also be aware of scams that criminals commit to take advantage of people’s generosity during the holidays. This goes for any person asking for donations, soliciting money via phone, text, email or letter. • After the holidays, don’t advertise gifts received by leaving the boxes left out for garbage collection. Destroy boxes and place in a sealed, non-clear garbage bag. I look forward to working with you and your community. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. [email protected] Follow our office at: If you have a question for Lori, please email her at [email protected] or write to her at the Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office, 115 South Andrews Avenue, Room 111, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. 22 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 23 CALENDARS Get Ready for a Fort Lauderdale Holiday Spectacular! DECEMBER 2014 Signature Events Highlight Our Seasonal Celebration of the Season There is no better place to be during the holidays than right here in the City of Fort Lauderdale! Our outstanding lineup of events features live entertainment, spectacular illumination, colorful pageantry and magnificent decorations and displays. Join us on Tuesday, December 2nd from 5 - 10 pm for the 52nd Christmas on Las Olas! This one-of-a-kind holiday celebration transforms venerable Las Olas Boulevard into a winter wonderland complete with local choirs, strolling carolers, ice skating, and a snow mountain for kids of all ages. The excitement continues on Friday, December 5th at 5:30 pm when historic Sistrunk Boulevard comes alive at the annual “Light Up Sistrunk” event. This holiday spectacular features a free toy giveaway, kids zone with real snow, photos with Santa, and the lighting of a gigantic holiday tree. John P. “Jack” Seiler Mayor Our holiday celebration hits high gear on Saturday night, December 13th, with the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade. Now in its 43rd year, this extraordinary event captures the imagination of our residents and visitors with creatively decorated and magnificently illuminated vessels cruising along the New River and Intracoastal Waterways. Billed as the “Greatest Show on H2O,” the boat parade draws 1 million spectators to our shores for an enchanted evening on the water that truly symbolizes the spirit and tradition of the season. We culminate the holiday season in grand fashion with the Fort Lauderdale Orange Bowl Downtown Countdown, a spectacular New Year’s Eve celebration along SW 2nd Street that draws hundreds of thousands of locals and visitors to our City. The event showcases Fort Lauderdale to a global audience, strengthens our reputation as a must-see destination, and generate millions for our local economy. All of these events are made possible through the participation and generous support of the local business community. From automotive dealers, banks, beverage companies, and entertainment venues, to hotels, restaurants, and media outlets, sponsorships help minimize our costs and allow us to bring you a variety of high profile special events that build community, enhance tourism, foster neighborhood spirit, and enrich quality of life. But what truly makes these events so special is the tremendous support they receive from all of you – our neighbors. This holiday season, I offer my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued participation, dedication, and involvement in all of our City programs, activities, and initiatives. You are the heart and soul of our community and your passion and commitment shine brightly as we continue to work together to create a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable City. SUNDAY In 2015, we will build upon our momentum and achieve even greater heights working together as a diverse community united behind a collective long-term vision with no neighborhood left behind. By doing so, together, we will make Fort Lauderdale an even better place to live, work, play, visit and raise a family. 1 31 Remembrance Day Light up Sistrunk 5:00 8 9 10 THURSDAY 4 Garbage,Recycle 16 17 FRIDAY 5 11 SATURDAY 6 Hazardous Waste Tamarac 9-2PM. 6011 Nob Hill Rd Garbage, Yard Waste 12 13 Garbage,Yard Waste Nutcracker Broward Center Winter in the Park Dottie Mancini Park 6:00-8:30 PM 18 19 20 26 27 Council of Civic Assoc. 7:00 City Hall Winterfest Boat Parade Hanukkah Commission meeting Garbage,Recycle 21 22 23 Winter begins 24 Christmas Eve Garbage,Recycle 29 28 30 31 Garbage,Yard Waste 25 Christmas Day Please note no Bulk Trash South of 62nd 1 Boxing Day Kwanzaa Bulk Trash North of 62nd 2 3 New Year’s Eve Garbage, Recycle BULK TRASH South of 62nd JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY 27 MONDAY 28 TUESDAY 29 WEDNESDAY 30 4 5 THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 3 9 10 16 17 Commissioner Roberts Pre Agenda Garbage,Yard Waste Garbage,Recycle 6 7 8 Commission Meeting Garbage,Recycle 11 12 Garbage, Recycle General Meeting BHIP 7:00 PM Garbage,Yard Waste 13 14 18 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Pre Agenda 26 Garbage,Recycle 15 Council of Civic Assoc. 7:00 City Hall Feb/Mar Newsletter due Garbage,Yard Waste Garbage,Recycle Garbage,Recycle SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association 3 2 15 14 25 WEDNESDAY Farmers Market, BHIP 10-2PM 7 Pearl Harbor Enjoy the holidays! John P. “Jack” Seiler .... Mayor 24 TUESDAY Garbage,Recycle During this season of promise and opportunity, I encourage all of us to rededicate ourselves to helping those in need. By sharing the gifts of service, friendship, kindness and compassion, we can spread the true holiday spirit and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. As the New Year approaches, we look ahead with great anticipation and optimism. The national accolades Fort Lauderdale continues to receive in key economic, sustainability, transportation, and quality of life categories are a clear indication of our City’s strength and confidence moving forward. MONDAY 20 21 22 Commission Meeting Imperial Point Commission meeting Board Meeting BHIP 6:30 PM Bulk Trash South 27 29 28 Garbage,Yard Waste 23 24 Bulk Trash North 30 31 Garbage,Yard Waste Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 25 COmmISSIONER BRuCE g. ROBERTS HOLIdAY mESSAgE: The Holiday Season is right around the corner so I would like to wish you all a safe and family-filled time. Our District continues to grow with new neighbors, projects and enhancements. I have seen first-hand how neighborhoods are working together with the City to solve problems, share ideas and sponsor events. We truly appreciate the opportunity to work with and serve you, as we find solutions that will allow the City to remain one of the most beautiful and best cities in which to live, work, play and raise a family. Be safe and let us all welcome 2015 with high spirits, a vision for the future and a pride in our home - Fort Lauderdale! ALL ABOARd FLORIdA: On October 30, 2014, Broward County Mayor Barbara Sharief, City of Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler and other dignitaries joined All Aboard Florida to mark the start of construction for All Aboard Florida’s downtown Fort Lauderdale station. The existing building was demolished so construction on the nearly 60,000 square foot station and platform can begin. This represents the first groundbreaking for one of its three South Florida stations along the Miami-to-Orlando corridor and is the latest announcement in a series of significant milestones as plans for the highly-anticipated project move full steam ahead. The Fort Lauderdale station will be located on 4.8 acres of land adjacent to the Florida East Coast Railway (FEC) corridor on NW 2nd Avenue, between Broward Boulevard and NW 4th Street. Located at the northern end of downtown Fort Lauderdale, the station will stimulate a currently underutilized area, driving new visitors into downtown and the surrounding cultural, economic and shopping destinations. It should also be noted that All Aboard Florida and the Broward Metropolitan Organization (MPO) have dedicated funds and will construct “Quiet Zones” at FEC crossings. A1A gREENWAY PROJECT uPdATE: Some key items from the project to-date are Sunrise to 18th: • Constructionofthreebeachaccessopeningstofacilitatebeachre-nourishmenthasbegun. • Decorativewall(concreteblocks&reinforcement)andfooterconstructionhasbegunfrom9thstreettothe front of Birch State Park. • Conduitshavebeeninstalledandcontinuetobeinstalledforthewalllighting,pedestrianlightingandsignals. • Fourofthesevendrilledshaftshavebeeninstalledforthemastarmfoundations. • Drainageinstallationisongoing-Northwestendoftheproject. • Utility adjustmentsareongoingbyTECO&CityofFt.Laud. • NochangestotheMaintenanceofTraffic(MOT)pattern. SEASONAL HIgH TIdES: Flooding in low-lying areas is more likely in the fall months, as the close proximity of the moon, high tides, rising sea levels and inclement weather conditions combine to exacerbate flooding risks. As a coastal community with numerous low-lying areas and 300 miles of canal coastline, Fort Lauderdale neighbors are advised to be especially vigilant during the months of October and November. While the City maintains an extensive storm water master plan and is instituting both aggressive maintenance and innovative adaptation solutions to address drainage, including the installation of tidal valves, the location and natural geography of the City makes neighborhoods susceptible to flooding. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is offering the City grant funds in the mount of $700,000 for additional valves. Visit for important information regarding seasonal high tides. To report flooding in your area, please call 954-828-8000. EVENTS: Light up Sistrunk: SavethedatefortheannualLightUpSistrunkevent,whichwillstartat5p.m.onFriday,December5, on Sistrunk Boulevard, between NW 9th Avenue and NW 12th Avenue. Bring the whole family to experience this exciting event that will feature music, live entertainment, food, vendors, kids’ activities and more. Look for details about Light UpSistrunkontheCity’swebsiteinthecomingweeks.Ifyouwouldliketoparticipateasavendororsponsor,please call 954-828-4742. Winterfest Boat Parade: Mark your calendar- the Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade sets sail on the New River on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. Visit the Winterfest Boat Parade website to find out everything you need to know about this spectacular signature Fort Lauderdale event! OFFICE CONTACT: RobbiUptegrove–954-828-5033;email:[email protected] In addition to hosting two pre-agenda meetings twice a month, I am also available to attend your HOA meetings to update your neighborhood on what is going on in the City as well as answer any questions/concerns you may have. Please contact Robbi to schedule. EmAIL LIST: If you would like to be on our email list so that you receive information pertaining to the City – especially District 1 (i.e. news releases, meeting notices, events), please let Robbi know and she will add you. A1A from Oakland Blvd to City Limits: • 30%ofthedesignhasbeenreviewedwithrecommendationsonincludingraisedcrosswalks. • AllofthepinksignaturesidewalkontheGaltwillberetained. • RetainthesignaturecrosswalksontheGalt. • SomesignedagreementsfortheparkingimprovementsattheShoppeshavebeenobtained. • Expect60%ofthedesigntobereviewedbytheendofNovember. NOVA HELPS BuILd COmmuNITY: The City of Fort Lauderdale issued a call for volunteers for a recent Adopt-A-Neighbor event to assist a local homeowner with property improvements. The response from the City’s neighbors, local businesses, and community organizations was tremendous, but there was one group of zealous students that really embraced thespiritofvolunteerism!NovaSoutheasternUniversity’sOfficeofStudentLeadershipandCivicEngagementrecruited somanyvolunteersthattheCity’sNeighborVolunteerOfficecreated“NovaSoutheasternUniversityDayofService.” APP FOR EmERgENCY NOTIFICATIONS: The City of Fort Lauderdale uses CodeRED® to send emergency notifications to registered phone numbers. In the event of an evacuation notice, utility outage, water main break, flood, or other emergency situation, the system will deliver a recorded message to an individual, an answering machine or to voicemail. Residents and businesses are encouraged to sign up for CodeRED®, registration is free and personal information will be kept confidential. CodeRED® now also features a free mobile alert app, which can deliver messages directly to your smartphone. NOmINATE A NEIgHBOR: The City is now accepting nominations for the 2014-2015 Citizens’ Committee of Recognition Awards. Visit for details and a nomination packet. Nominations are due by 5 p.m. on Friday,December12,2014.Formoreinformation,[email protected]. 26 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 27 ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Peter & Barbara Abrams Fredericka Achin Kathryn Adams Stacie Adler & Charles Capone Alex & Karin Alfaro Marie & Joe Alicata Kathy & Bill Allen James & Catherine Amos William & Lisa Anderson Theodore April & James Murphy John & Rozann Arena Amy Arnold & Eric Rogell Ann Marie & Paul Astles Richard & Beverly Atkinson Michael Avitable & Greg Arcari Paul Ayala & Bruce Aaron Alejandro & Nancy Bacigalupi Donica Balamut Don & Sandra Banaszak Janice Banken Jessica & David Banks Joe & Jackie Barber Walter Baronowski & Marita Murrman Bruce & Karen Barrett Catherine Bassett Lenn Bell & Hugo Gonzalez Jwalanaiah & Poorhima Bellur Ron & Alice Benjamin Marie & Bradley Bennett Andrea Birnhak & Rod Zamora Rick & Tamela Biro Robert & Sandra Blaikie Diane & Dan Blankstrom Maxine Boggy Joe Bolton & Sergey Kogan Christine Boniello Carl Booker & David Lasalandra William Borawski Michel Boulerice Hugh & Loretta Boyd Gene & Sheila Brady Peter & Connie Brandt Craig & Susan Breckenridge Jack Brennan & Joeseph Bolzau John & Susan Bridgman Pam Brierley & Tammy Brierley Allen Bright Timothy Brittsan Carolyn Brown & Edward Marciniak Steven Brown Carlos Brunet Chuck & Nancy Bryant Sam Budyszewick & Julio MoralesBudyszwick Sarah & Christian Buenano Maureen Buffington Jerrold Burden Les Burleson Gina & Juan Carlos Cabrera Patty Caliendo Edenil Camara & Rebecca Rosado Patricia Camp & Carol Cleaver Arthur Campbell Margaret Campoli Kathleen Cannon Christine Carlisle Darlene & Ron Carlson Mark & Marielle Carlson Chris & Barbara Carney 28 F. Gordon Carpenter, Jr. Sharon & Barry Caso Maryann Chalkley Naomi Charboneau David & Elizabeth Cherres Ashley & David Christiana Cynthia & Robert Chruszczyk Laura & Jeffrey Clark Jack Clements & Edward Casey Andrew Cohen Elinis & Kaya Colak Jeff Cole Robert Collier, MD & Charles Hunziker James Collins Kimberly Colvin Laurence Combrouze Richard Comeau & Rienaldo DaSilva Harold & Joanne Connors, Jr. David & Mary Anne Cooley Gwen Copeland Sylvio Cote Cynthia & Robert Coyle Mary & Walter Craig Thomas Craterfield & Dennis Chartier Amy & Don Cumming Hillary & Steven Daigle James & Kathleen Dailey Diego & Conchi Dana David Deacle & Barbara Dee-Deacle Pam & Ralph Dearden Jim Demarest Tom & Judy Dempsey Jane DePadro Frank & Betty DeRosa Rick DeRosia Frank DesLongchamps & Laurence Cohen Timothy Desmond & Richard Guerette Nancy Dew & Robert Goodson Louise & Michael Diamond Michael DiDonna Gergana & Paulin Dimitrola Mark & Bonnie Dissette Scott Docherty & David Nida Pietro & Natalie Dodero Mary Ann & Bill & Monica Dorsel Maged Habib Doss Robert Duglin & Paul Pham Kimberly Durham Robert Durham Richard & Nicole Duskin Brenda Eadie & Debby Oissan Federico Echegaray Joseph & Susan El Sheikh Marcie Ellberger Steve & Vickie Estler Carol Everson Alan Falcone Michael Fegley Ron & Susan Filippone Jill & Adam Fine Carey & Ellen Fischer Ken & Joyce Fix Andrew & Christina Flick Stephen Fogel & Flora McQueen Keith & Janet Forsgren Jim Frank & Fernando Menendez Ken & Rita Frantz Stephen Fredrickson Frederick Freese Henry Fricke Gary Friedman & Scott Hilliman Sue Fuhr Jim & Kay Galuppi Jennifer Ganary Jose & Chris Garcia Ray Gardner & Michael (Mike) Adams Margie & Bob Garland Christopher Gauldin & Douglas James Gerike Jeff & Linda Gerum Robin & Tammy Gipps John & Cindy Gomez Dan & Melissa Gomez Mark & Grace Goodman Jane & Michel Goodrich Karen & Mike Gouveia Linda Grabowski & Kalissa Grabowski Henry Grant Grace & Walter Grecz Nate & Jocelyn Greenstein Kathy Gregory-Guinn & Richard Guinn John & Jan Grimsley Karl Gross & Ed Norris Jean & Marie-Louise Guerin Paul Guzzardo & Murray Lichtenstein John & Virginia Hackett Loretta Hackett Patricia Hale Pete & Jodi Hamill Phil & Susanne Hamilton Donna Hamilton Michael & Marcia Hammar Sean Harding & Alexandra Simon William & Leslie Harley Dick Haslam Mark & Michelle Hawthorn Cornelious Heathwood & William Mull Ellie Hedges Theresa & Christopher Herman Phyllis Hickman Mario & Martha Hidalgo Joyce Hill Bonnie Hodges Michael Houghtaling & Thomas Wilson James & Shari Hoy John Husted Janet & Ralph Hutchins Lynn & David Hutchinson Lisa Illerhag & Pablo Espinal Gordon & Barbara Innes Eloy & Susan Jaen, Jr. Mary Jeu de Vine Charlie Johnston Kathy & Bradley Jones Rachel Jordan Chris & Shannon June Allan Jurchen Chris & Tammy Jurvic Lidette Kafka Dolores Kaminski & Pierre Riviere Marty Kaplan & Al Hamilton Jean Karle Charles & Karoline Kasper Lori & Jonny Katz Helen Kavanaugh Jonathan Keith & Tracey Keller-Keith Randall & Darlene Kierce Keith Kleiman Rob & Kris Klein Brenda & George Kolos James Kotz & Bonnie Bolinger Catherine Kozol Jim & Laurie Kunkel Michael Labinski & Joseph DeMasi Stephen Laforte Sonya Lambert & Adele Spallone Denise Lampert Anna & JR Laraway Kathy LaSalle John Lelecas Linda Lemay & Don Lemay Joseph Lentz & Allan Sugar Charlotte Lescher Jacques & Wilhalmena Levin Edward & Maureen Liquori Mark & Elizabeth Lister Anna & Michael Littlejohn Michael & Jennifer Longo David Lowe & Jim Friedrichs Nancy Lozito Ron & Jackie Ludwig Steven & Nancy Lukas Malcolm & Marci MacInnes Sachiko Magner Chris & Diane Maholm Jami & Thomas Mahon Dino & Lucille Mainolfi Veronica & Scott Majewski Terry & Toby Manke John & Frederica Marschall Fran & John Martin Joe & Susan Massaro Margaret Matinale Michael Matos Michael Matrone & Alma Smith Robert & Suzanne Mayo Tennina McAnany & Diane Fatkin Edward McCloskey & Kathleen Petrouske Donald McCord Donna & Jack McDonough Michael McGovern Barbara McKeon Dennis Melucci Alan & Jill Mendel Leonard & Ann Mercer Pat & Bill Meyers Dorothy Miceli Anthony & Brandi Michaels Patricia Middleton Alice Miller Eugene & Linda Monaco Luis Montanez Nicholas Monteleone Carol Montiel Carlos Moran & Steve Hickman Dee Moustakas & Carolyn Martinez Erin & Daniel Mullen John & Fran Muller Bruce & Susan Muntz Russ & Georgia Murphy Gayle & Howard Nelson Jenifer & Jeff NeSmith Damon & Kathleen Newquist Madeleine Niedan Karee & Brad Norton Linda Nugent Patty O’Brien & Carole Smith SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Andrzej Obszanski & Jolanta Jaskolska Elizabeth O’Donnell-Payne Tara O’Leary John & Dolores Oliver Susan & Steve O’Malley Gary & Elizabeth Ordelheide Brad & Karen Orlosky Linda Orsetti Philip Orsi Jerry Oshinski & Terry Colli Jill & Brett Paden Renata & Richard Palermo Linda Palmeri Kristen & Joseph Pangia Natalie & Henry Parcinski Keith & Theresa Parmenter June Parney Mario Parodi & Roberta Dodero Betty Pastore & Bonnie Burke Kelly & Mark Paterson Doug & Jennifer Peacock Liz & Rich Pecororo Michael Penrod & John Slater George Perez William Perkins & Robert Goodman John Petersen & Shelagh Wilmott Bernie & Rita Petreccia Barbara Pickens Andrew Pickens Joseph & M.K. Piechura Ronald & Shirley Pierce Sarah & Troy Pierce Linda & Larry Posey James Price & Cheryl Rimel Jacquline Puga Jesus Quintero & Maria Chavez Michael & Dorothy Raimondi Linley Ray Jassamine & Jim Redington Gary & Cheryl Rhoads Robert & Christine Ribeiro Timothy Ridley & Edward Saa Aaron Ritter Bruce & Scharlene Roberts Betty Robertson Dick Robison Irving Rodriguez & Maria Perez Michael Roe & Robert Fabian Dave & Vicki Rosenthal Donald Roth & Bruce Horn Eloise Ruby Julie Ruffolo Raymond Rupinski & Glenn Addis John Sabia & Johanne Sabia Anthony Samuels Jon & Talia Sandola Bryan & Gillian Sayles Raymond Schreiber Scott Schwab & Mark Messinger Mark & Jaclyn Schweiger Gregory & Mary Jane Schweiger Denise & Leonard Scinto Mark Seckinger Alan & Bonnie Shapiro David Shapiro & Nancy Morgan-Shapiro Hugh & Karen Sharkey Pamela Sheley Betty Shelley Dobrina & Dimitar Shishkov Donna Shubert & William Yanicki Alan Silva & Ed Coyle-Barranco Phyllis Skelly Ian Michael & Cynthia Slagle Gerald Slakoff Scott & Lisa Slinko Warren Smiley, III Joan & Paul Smith Glynn & Kathleen Smith Randy Smith & Jamie Edgemon-Smith Eugene Smith & David Moon Allan Snyder Janice Soderlund Gee Sandra & Donald Spence Tom & Pat Spies Richard & Bonnie St. John Mary Steckbeck Richard & Martha Steinkamp Steve & Elise Stimpson Betty Strohmeier Einar Strom Chevas Sudlow Kenji & Yumiko Takahashi Richard & Rebecca Taranto Richard Taylor Bill & Cathy Thixton Raymond Thompson Richard & Maggie Tilelli Robert & Denise Tomlinson Marshall & Courtney Trace Jack Trautman Virginia & Ben Treiber Chris & Cydney Ulrich Robert & Carol Ungerer Lorraine Urbanek Graciela Valdes Lori Van Gils Barbara Van Voast Salomon Vas Dias & Meryl Klein Dean & Ilene Vaughan Cari Vazquez Pedro & Kathy Vazquez Lorraine & Bill Verano Virgil & Earleen Virga Thomas Vokes & Robert Hamilton Al & Annie Walleser Lee Walter & Hector Martinez Andrea Ward Laura Watson John Watt & Zhenya Bonchuk Ronald Webb Sondra Weiss-Goldman & Evan Goldman Leslie White & Anna White Douglas White Barry Willbrant & David Pickering Richard & Lynette Williams Gail Williams Alan & Sherry Williamson John & Lisa Wilson Don & Jo Ann Winsett Monica Wirth Bryan & Kathryn Wisner Thomas Wolf & Fernando Rodrigues Richard & Yvonne Womack Don & Gail Wright Amy & Matt Wright Zhu Chin George & Zhu Shan Michael Xiong Tom Zaccardo William Zachacki Ed & Judith Zaparaniuk Reid & Ellen Zavell Walter & Antonia (Toni) Zelasko Ralph & Joline Zeltman Keith Zeman Laura & Robert Ziegler Michael Ziel Ted & Elizabeth Ziel Suzanne Zimmer Margaret ZInni Jurgen & Sabine Zoellter Natalie Zorovich Renata Zuk Steve Zunt & Oscar Mejias MEMBERSHIP FORM Civic Association Name:________________________________________________________________________ Name: Address: ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: (________) ___________________________ Email: ____________________________ I’d like to volunteer for Imperial Point Association Yes _____ No ______ Please make checks payable to Imperial Point Association, Inc. 6278 North Federal Hwy, PMB 321 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308-1916 Credit Card & PayPal Payments may be made online at Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 29 Time for a Financial Checkup A new grandchild arrives. Your son moves across the country for his new job. The family home requires more maintenance than your travel-intensive lifestyle allows. A health challenge arises. Whatever the reason, expenses that significantly affect your long-term finances should trigger a meeting with your Financial Advisor. What to expect from a financial checkup At McKinnon Wealth Management, we can help you explore ways to support your new plans and model how certain changes could affect your future income. And even if starting a new business, for example, was part of your retirement plans all along, you’ll want to work with your Financial Advisor to make sure the assumptions you made are in line with the financial reality. Be prepared for whatever life throws your way Of course, special circumstances aren’t the only reason to review your retirement finances. The regular checkups with your Financial Advisor that were part of your working years should continue during retirement — and may even be more important. “You can verify that everything is going according to plan and adjust if it isn’t,” says Donna Peterson, Senior Vice President in Retail Retirement at Wells Fargo. “Your Financial Advisor can also remind you about upcoming deadlines. Is it time to start drawing Social Security, taking required minimum distributions or getting legacy plans in order?” You’ll also want to catch and manage any divergences from your retirement strategy that you might not otherwise have noticed, particularly in expenses and investments. “Some retirees find that their spending increases in the early years of retirement instead of decreasing as they try new activities,” Peterson notes. • Increasing medical costs • Caring for an elderly parent • Helping a child or grandchild afford • And more Conversely, you may discover you have budgeted more than you are actually spending, which means you’re holding more cash than you intended. At a checkup, your Financial Advisor can review your discretionary income allotment and portfolio allocations with you. You may decide to reduce the amount you’re drawing from your portfolio, or take advantage of the opportunity to boost your retirement lifestyle. Your Financial Advisor will also ask about any life events that may affect your finances. That new granddaughter may prompt not only changes to your estate plans but also an increase in your travel budget if her parents reside elsewhere — or you may choose to purchase a home near the newly expanded family. All these decisions should be made in the context of your larger retirement goals, but they may also involve practicalities that your Financial Advisor can help you think through. “Relocation is not just about finding a new home and moving,” Peterson points out. “It also means finding everything from a new social structure to new doctors.” Our unique Envision® process helps you identify your top priority goals and develop a plan designed to help you live your life the way you want. It also offers you the flexibility to adjust your priorities to account for any of life’s changes, such as: higher education To find out how the Envision process can help ensure your investment plan keeps pace with your life, please contact me today. Envision® is a registered service mark of Wells Fargo & Company and used under license. How often is ‘regularly’? 500 West Cypress Creek Road Suite 420 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 954-634-4042· 888-276-0188 [email protected] Some retirees plan a checkup each November before they take required minimum distributions from their IRAs and 401(k)s. Others choose an annual meeting during the first quarter of the year, before tax deadlines. Many retirees use their birth date as a reminder to check in with their Financial Advisor. No matter when you choose to hold a regular meeting, you can always conduct an additional checkup whenever a change occurs in your life. Regardless which approach you choose, talking with your Financial Advisor regularly can keep you confident about your financial reality — whatever surprises retirement has in store. McKinnon Wealth Management is not a legal or tax advisor. Matt Wright is a Partner and Senior Financial Advisor with McKinnon Wealth Management in Ft. Lauderdale. He may be reached at 954-634-4042 or [email protected] Visit him online at Or find him on LinkedIn: 30 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Investment and Insurance Products: ►NOT FDIC Insured ► NO Bank Guarantee ► MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-‐dealer and a separate non-‐bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 31 Port Everglades and the Panama Canal Expansion By State Representative George Moraitis Recently, I was part of a delegation of the Southern Legislative Conference to travel to Panama to observe for ourselves the Panama Canal expansion projects. Our visit included briefings by the Panama Canal Authority and a tour of the Canal. It was explained how the improvements at the Panama Canal will facilitate the transfer of cargo between Asia and the United States to become more effective and more efficient. As a result, the improvements at the Panama Canal will not only significantly increase the volume of trade between Asia and the United States but will also substantially increase the volume of trade reaching the Gulf of Mexico and our Atlantic Coast ports. One of the purposes of the tour was to demonstrate the need for Southern ports to continue essential infrastructure enhancements to be able to accommodate larger vessels and expanded cargo volumes that will arrive after the completion of the Panama Canal projects. I am well aware of the tremendous opportunities that the expansion of the Panama Canal presents to South Florida, and that is why my top priority has been to make sure that Port Everglades receives the necessary funding to make critical improvements and maintain its high standard of quality. Port Everglades is one of the most dynamic drivers of economic growth in our region, directly contributing to the employment of over 201,000 Floridians. This is why I worked during the 2014 Legislative Session to secure funding to continue the work we have begun in order to further expand the port as we prepare for the widening of the Panama Canal scheduled for completion in 2016. I am pleased to report that for the years 2014 and 2015 the Legislature appropriated over $48 million to continue improvements at Port Everglades including the expansion of the south cargo piers in the turning notch. This funding, as well as future allocations, will help ensure that Port Everglades remains a world class port ready to take advantage of the generational opportunity that the expansion of the Panama Canal provides. In closing, I would like to wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. George Moratis Frankel Unveils Legislation to Provide Resources to Student Veterans at Roundtable with Local Colleges & Universities Frankel’s bipartisan Veterans Education Empowerment Act would establish resource centers for student veterans Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) today hosted a roundtable at Florida Atlantic University with local colleges and universities about resources available to student veterans in South Florida. Frankel focused on the Veterans Education Empowerment Act, legislation that would allow the Department of Education to help establish veteran student centers. “Veterans have stood up for us, now it’s time for us to stand up for them,” said Congresswoman Frankel. “Creating on-campus communities for student veterans will help ease the transition from military to student life by providing networking opportunities, assistance with federal benefits, and career services.” The Veterans Education Empowerment Act, bipartisan legislation Frankel introduced with Congressmen Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) and Mark Takano (CA-14), creates a grant program through the Department of Education for colleges and universities to implement veteran student centers. Institutions enrolling more than 15,000 students, where more than one percent of students are veterans, would be eligible for these grants and would be capped at $500,000 per school. These centers would help student veterans obtain federal and state benefits, succeed in school, and find a job after graduation. In Palm Beach and Broward Counties, Florida Atlantic University, Nova Southeastern University, Palm Beach State University, and Broward College would all be eligible for the Department of Education grants. continued on opposite page 32 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Update from Your County Commissioner CHIP LAMARCA Port Everglades Port Everglades exceeded one-million TEUs for the first time in the port’s history. TEUs are 20-foot equivalent unit containers, the standard measurement for cargo containers. “This is a huge accomplishment for our seaport and a credit to our customers who continued to build their businesses through the global recession with an eye towards the future,” said Port Everglades Chief Executive & Port Director Steven Cernak. Passenger moves at Port Everglades topped 4 million in fiscal year 2014, with a record 3.88 million multi-day moves and 121,321 daily moves, according to preliminary statistics. Port officials attribute the increase to more cruise ships sailing during the summer and cruise lines offering more 4-and 5-night sailing itineraries. The Port’s 20-Year Master/ Vision Plan estimates that Port Everglades will reach 5.6 million cruise passenger moves by the year 2033. The cruise industry at Port Everglades accounts for more than 5,000 direct jobs and nearly $1.7 billion in annual economic activity. Park Discounts for Veterans Easterlin and Quiet Waters parks are offering special discounts throughout November for all active-duty and honorably discharged veterans or reserve units of the United State Armed Forces or National Guard. For more info, call Easterlin at 954357-5190 or Quiet Waters at 954-357-5100. Broward 100 - Celebrating the Art of Community There are more than 200 sanctioned events celebrating Broward County. Calendar listings include performing, visual and culinary arts, music, film and photography, festivals, literary events, lectures, and family events by County agencies, municipalities and community partners. Members of the community are encouraged to submit events for sanction by Broward 100. These outstanding opportunities to celebrate art, culture and history will be promoted through various sources by the Broward Cultural Division. State Road A1A Reconstruction Project from Sunrise Boulevard to NE 18th Street The Florida Department of Transportation is constructing improvements that include constructing a wide beachfront promenade on the east side of A1A, which consist of a paver sidewalk, installing a decorative sea wall with accent lighting, constructing a raised median in front of Birch State Park, constructing median islands and left turn lanes in the residential section, installing a new underground drainage system, relocating underground utilities, adjusting manhole covers, restoring beach showers, installing decorative, turtle-friendly pedestrian lighting on both sides of A1A, and installing signalized pedestrian crosswalks at Birch State Park, NE 15th Court and NE 17th Street. Cost/Completion: $11.8 million. Completion is expected in late 2015. If there is anything that we can do to assist you with your vision for a better Broward, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 954.357.7004 or by email at [email protected]. As always, it is an honor to serve you. Best wishes for the Holiday Season. I look forward to serving the residents of Imperial Point these next four years. Best regards, Lois Frankel continued... The Veterans Education Empowerment Act has been endorsed by over a dozen veteran service organizations including the Student Veterans of America, the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Mission United, and Veterans Trust. OFFICE OF REP. LOIS FRANKEL FLORIDA’S 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT - Contact: Jemma York, (202) 225-9890 office, (202) 714-7184 cell Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 33 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, BROWARD COUNTY Eat healthy over the holidays The arrival of holiday season means your social calendar may be jammed with parties, family gatherings, faith-based events and other festivities. But celebrating doesn’t have to mean overeating, excessive drinking or adding extra pounds around the midsection. “With some planning, smarts and a bit of self-control, you can have a fantastic time without overindulging,” says Dr. Paula Thaqi, Director of the Florida Department of Health in Broward County. NEWS FROM FORT LAUDERDALE CHILDREN’S THEATRE Come join the fun at Fort Lauderdale Children’s Theatre, celebrating our 63rd Season of teaching the art of life through the magic of theatre! Our Quarter 2 theatre classes, which include classes in theatre arts, dance for musical theatre, improv, and more are in full swing, both at our Galleria location and at our exciting new location, The Sagemont School in Weston. Quarter 3 enrollment is open now. Check out our wide selection of classes at so your children can join the fun! Tickets available at Next up is “A Christmas Carol” in December, followed by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s long-running Broadway hit, “Cats,” in March; “The Wiz” in May; and Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” in the summer. All auditions are open and can be found on our website. Sign up for our e-mail list so you don’t miss out. With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, don’t forget to buy your tickets for “A Christmas Carol,” it’s a show you won’t want to miss. Performed at our intimate Galleria studio theatre December 12-22, it will set the tone for a wonderful holiday season. Tickets available at Finally, if you shop on Amazon, please consider signing up for the “Amazon Smile” program and designating Fort Lauderdale Children’s Theatre as your charity. Then, every time you buy something, go to Amazon Smile to buy it and FLCT will get a percentage! It takes only a minute to sign up and it costs nothing. Thank-you for supporting the arts in your community! Check our website often because you won’t want to miss a single one of our fantastic upcoming productions. See you at the theatre! 954 763-6882 In keeping with Florida’s “Healthiest Weight” initiative, here are 10 tips for healthy holiday eating: 1. Don’t deny yourself. It’s OK to indulge a little. Skipping the fun food and drinks will increase your desire to binge. 2. Don’t go to a large dinner on an empty stomach. Eat a healthy breakfast or lunch with fruits and vegetables, plus protein such as tuna salad, nuts, eggs, yogurt or cheese. 3. View holiday events as less about food and more about spending time with family and friends. 4. If it won’t insult the hosts, bring a healthy dish to share. That gives you a treat if the other food is waist-busting. Also, make baked goods healthier by using whole grains and applesauce in place of white flour and oil. 5. At the buffet, sample your favorite foods and pass up the rest. Also, let others be first in line. Eating last means you’ll be less tempted for seconds. 6. If you are not truly hungry and are just tempted by sight and smell, try nibbling on small portions of favorite foods. 7. Set a mental goal of filling half your plate with fruits and veggies, one-quarter with protein and one-quarter with whole grains. 8. Walk away from the buffet table to mingle while you eat. Eat slowly and savor every bite. Hang out with the talkers, not the eaters. 9. Hold off for a bit on getting seconds. Our bodies may take 20 minutes after eating to feel full. Give yourself that time. 10.Drinking water with food helps you feel fuller, quicker. Also, limit alcohol, which has calories and can lower your will power. If you overdo it, a nice walk can help you feel better. The next day, get back on track with healthy and delicious meals. More information: Florida Department of Health: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): From BOB LaMENDOLA, Florida Department of Health in Broward County 34 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 35 Support Our Sponsors A VERY FINE FOuRTEEN! On Saturday, October 18th, perfect weather brought us together for our 14th annual Fall Harvest Picnic and attendance was impressive. It is our sincere hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did! providers, were welcoming greeters, and worked efficiently to get everyone set-up for the samplings through the food line. Well done and we are truly grateful for your care, concern, and energetic approach to this endeavor ~ “Dynamic Duo!” AnoteworthythankstoZHENYABONCHUK,BRUCEMUNTZ,andJOYCESKELLY,forassistingourTreasurer,JIMDEMAREST,atthe entrance/admission area. The entrance always bustles with enthusiasm from our volunteers who “check-in” members for free admission. There were forty-three new or renewed memberships on picnic day! Thank you all for keeping the flow going! A Community Service Table equipped with First Aid was created at the entrance to the park and manned by our friends and neighbors,PATHALEandLINDANUGENT.LindacreatedImperialPointT-shirtsthatwereforsaleandshealsosetuptheRecycleBins throughout the park. Thank you, Linda, for ALL you do and get done!!! ToouroneofakindPresident,BETTYSHELLEY;Treasurer,JIMDEMAREST;RecordingSecretary,SUEFUHR;andDirectors,LORETTA BOYD,BONNIEBURKENewsletterEditor,LAURACLARK,BRANDIMICHAELS,HOWARDNELSON,STEVEO’MALLEY,JULIERUFFALO,JOHN WATT, and RALPH ZELTMAN, it is indeed a pleasure and an honor to be associated with each and every one of you. So happy you’re on Board! ToOurADDITIONALVOLUNTEERS~Itwasourpleasuretowelcomeallofyouwhoeitherliveinourneighborhoodorwhoarefriends or relatives of those who do. We were so happy to either have met, seen again and worked together with MIKE MATOS, WILLIE MATOS, DANAPOLLITT,LORRAINEVERANO,andJACKIELUDWIG.Thankyouforyourtime,energy,andhardwork.MuchappreciationtoHELEN HARUBENofPhotographybyHelen&RayforherbeautifulFallHarvestphotographsincludedinthisedition. To JOHN WATT ~ A special thanks for bringing the Car Show to our picnic. Certainly all will agree that you took that ball and ran all the way with it! Your ideas are novel and the Car Show was truly a hit! From your creation of the preliminary emailed rosters (to assist in keeping us all informed), together with your creation of the Flyers for Picnic, Car Show, membership, and so much more, all I can say is “Wow”. It is obvious you spend countless hours to help all of us and our neighbors and we thank you. This year, at the start of our Picnic and in recognition of the recently renovated “Boundless” Dottie Mancini Park, the Pledge of Allegiancewasrecitedandledbyyouthvolunteers,KATHARINA,SOFIE,andERIKAHOLUBECK.LOUISEDIAMONDbroughtherdaughter, MADELINE DIAMOND, to sing our National Anthem. It made for a great beginning and was beautifully done gals! Youth volunteer, DANNY PARMENTER, was the flag holder. Thank you all for your special participation. ToSUEFUHR~Aspecialthanksagainforcreatingthemanybeautifulcenterpiecesonthetables.Sueisalsoourbeloved“Popcorn Maven” during the festivities and she does an amazing job of “keepin’ it poppin’” and available on demand for all! Many thanks to all the entries in our FIRST EVER CAR SHOW!! The cars were fantastic. A huge thank you to Steve Coccaro of Murray’s Speed and Custom for providing the $50 grand prize gift certificate, promoting our event, and the t-shirts! Special thanks to Rob Comito of Lou Scalia’s Awards for creating and donating the awesome “Best in Show” plaque!! ToJULIERUFFALO~Aspecialthankstoyouforyournovelideasandrecommendations,aswellasyourmonitoring/updatingour Social Media. Additionally, your donation of the refreshing “Onli” soft drinks on picnic day was really refreshing. To STEVE O’MALLEY and JOHN WATT ~ a special thanks for contacting, meeting, and following up with our local restaurant managers who provided food ~ you take our breath away with your tireless diligence! ToBONNIEBURKEandLORETTABOYD~Averysuccessfulteamastheyvisitedwithandsecuredraffleitemsfromvariouslocal businesses and manned the raffle tables with LYDIA PRICE, VICKY ROSENTHAL, and DONNA CINCI together with student volunteers. The raffle display attracted many and some became very happy winners! Please see BONNIE’S “Editor’s Letter” listing the many contributors to our raffle. We are very thankful to our local businesses. To VICKI ROSENTHAL ~ A sincere thank you from me personally for collecting the names of all who volunteered while I manned the south gate and then took over “ticketing and admission” at the food court for Donna (thanks to you, Donna!) Great job, Vicky, ~ you covered it very well, indeed! ToOurNeighbors,BILLandKATHYTHIXTON,whoofferedtobeourwonderfulhostandhostessattheFoodCourt.Togetherwith volunteers they arranged tables under the canopies in the morning, attached signs overhead to indicate spaces for the restaurant/ 36 visit for more info Our 2014 car show participants were: Rusty Evans 1969 Nova SS – Best in Show Jeff Carroll 1972 Triumph TR-6 – 3rd Place Justin KoellerTriumphTR-6&BMWM3 Lee Ehret 1970 Chevy Chevelle Rick Palermo 1969 Camaro SS DinoManolfo1996Camaro&1976Corvette Tom Spies 2006 Chevy SSR Ron Ludwig 2014 Corvette Ed Liquori 1957 Chevy Belair – 2nd Place Betty Roschman 1968 Mustang Shelby – 4th place RichMagner1969ChevyChevelle Phil Lipscomb 1965 Chevy Impala SS Barbara Rinalli 1986 Corvette Convertible MikeBailey1961ChevyCorvette John Watt 1969 Chevy Camaro SS Convertible Dave Rosenthal 2014 BMW 328i ToLITTLECRITTERSPETTINGZOO&PONYRIDES~ NANCYDeVEAUGH,Owner,ALISONDeVEAUGH,MILIKREED,CASEYANDERSONandTAYLORTHOMAS,wethankyouagainforbookingthis datetobewithus~alwaysatreat!AspecialthankyoutoBoardMemberLAURACLARKforyoureffortshereandforreduxofthe volunteer signup sheet you created. Thanks for improving the process! Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 37 Support Our Sponsors A VERY FINE FOURTEEN! YARD Our WASTE Support Sponsors In a designated area we dubbed “FOR THE HEALTH OF IT”, tables under canopies were sponsored by: Cedar-Sage Massage, BILL SHELLEY; Dynamic Chiropractic Dr. KIM RUBY; The Face Place VALERIE BERNARD; Envision Eye Care DR. PAM EBMEIER, JULIE ENGER; The Fitness Center ERIK BLEEKER, MSPT; BRETT RENNER, NSCA-CSCS; JOE DEVLIN, Living Testimonial; Juice Plus+ KAREN ORLOSKY. Barry University “Healthy Hearts” volunteers attended to take blood pressure, measure BMI, and answer questions. They are members of Sigma Theta Tau Lambda Chi, the Honor Society of Nursing: LOLITA McCARTHY, PhD, RN; RONICA SUBRAMONEY, PhD, CCRN; INDRA HERSHORIN, PhD, RN, CNE; LAUREN SCHWAL, RN-BC, MSN; MUREEN SHAW, DNP, FNP-BC; and JACQUIE MARSHALL, MS, MPH, RN; SUZANNE JAFFE and ONIDIS LOPEZ Additional tables under canopies also included: Got Smiles Photo Booth, STEPHANIE BADILLO and MALIA CASSON; Caricature Artist, WENDY REINGOLD; and Mary Kay Cosmetics, ELIZABETH LeCHERRES and YOLY LEON Face painting by SABRINA CENTENO and PATRICIA CLARK and tattoos were applied by NIKKI HORTEN was fun stuff for sure and thanks, gals! My nephew, DAVID OLMO, JR. and my husband, RON FILIPPONE, attended to DJ and assisted with the breakdown of the park afterwards. The band, “SUNDAYS AT 5”, comprised of members DONNA COLLINS, CARMEN SMITH, ROB SMITH, and TIM SMITH, offered solid performances of so many of our favorite hits! Really appreciate hearing “live” music in our park and thank you all for sharing your great talent! ELITE FORCE MARTIAL ARTS provided a table manned by JENNIFER MARIANI, Instructor, MAURICA NEILLE, and TIMOTHY NEILLE, offered promo items and the students performed an exhibition of their art. Great Job! To our wonderful COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, the fine young adult volunteers are truly an asset to the community and should be proud for responding to our need. Thank you so much for your cheerful, eager participation and please keep up your community involvement and spirit no matter where life takes you. It is IMPORTANT and YOU MATTER! CARDINAL GIBBONS HIGH SCHOOL, CRYSTAL LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL, and SAINT COLEMAN SCHOOL were represented by the following students: ROBERT MI, AUSTIN CINCI, SABRINA CENTENO, JULIE PIEDRA, HUDSON COLDREN, CALLAWAY DEPENBROCK, MORGAN COLDREN, KALYN MOSSOROFO, MARISSA MOSSOROFO, SAVANNAH STECKBECK, LAUREN LANGEN, SHELBY LANGEN, JESSIE SQUADRITO, LIA FRONTE, LIZZY CINCI, JACOB COOPER, MATTHEW MEY, CASSIE NOONALL, IZABELLA MAINOLFI, BAILEY MAHOLM, DARA URBINA, GABBY KAHUILA, OLIVIA MOORE, JAMIE PARMENTER, JOE BETTERIDGE, MADELINE DIAMOND, NIKKI HORTEN, PATRICIA CLARK, SOPHIA QUINTERO, JULIA QUINTERO, and DANNY PARMENTER To each and every one of our hardworking volunteers ~ we are sure it soon became obvious how very much you were needed. Please know we truly cherish all of you and hope you’ll join us again at the next picnic or another of our scheduled events throughout the year. “Whew, great job, crew!” AND THAT’S NOT ALL . . . FORT LAUDERDALE FIRE DEPARTMENT was on hand and we welcomed Acting Battalion Chief STEPHEN GOLLAN; L35 Lieutenant KURT PHILLIPSON; Driver Engineer J.D. RUST; and Firefighter DENNIS ABRAMS; R35 Crew Chief JORGE NAPLES and Firefighter JOHN BOURGEOIS. We also welcomed Fire Marshall JEFF LUCAS, Captain RONALD TETREAULT, and Fire Inspector JASON MILLER. A fine representative crew, indeed! We are also privileged to have had the “first” public demonstration of the newly acquired “FAUX HOUSE”, a big rig trailered in providing a “faux fire” environment to educate how to survive a fire situation. It was remarkable, exciting, and great to be the debut site! Thank you so much to you all! Fort Lauderdale Mounted Police Officer CHUCK SIERRA again shared his time mounted upon his trusty and beautiful steed, “El Capitan”, a registered 16 hand Palomino quarter horse. What a show to behold as the majestic animal danced to the band’s performance of “LaBamba”! Fantastic and a delight as always to see you both! Thank you. Thanks to Police Captain FRANK SOUSA of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department for installation of the lighted city message board located on 62nd Street announcing our event. To Broward Health/Imperial Point Medical Center (BHIP) Facilities Manager, STEVE FREDRICKSON, we so appreciated your furnishing of the tables and chairs used by our Board Members at the entrance and for all the ice needed to keep the drinks cold! To the Medical Center Staff Members, TONY EDWARDS, DELROY GORDON, and PETER GUARDINO thank you for the delivering the tables, chairs, and ice and for picking up all afterwards. Additionally, you guys bringing and installing the generator for extra power needed for the popcorn machine was great! Your kind help is so wonderful and always appreciated greatly! Special thanks to the Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Fort Lauderdale, for doing a great job maintaining Dottie Mancini Park. We were happy and grateful to see THOMAS SCHUCHARD once again! The parks department again purchased and donated fifty (50) assorted trees that were offered free to homeowners for the taking. Very nicely done! We are so pleased again to have welcomed our County Commissioner, CHIP LaMARCA, and Fort Lauderdale City Commissioner BRUCE ROBERTS who represents District I, and is our neighbor. Always a pleasure to see you both! FOOD COURT PROVIDERS We truly appreciate your participation and thank you for your generous contributions! ANTHONY’S COAL-FIRED PIZZA (Servers JENNIFER LINDQUIST and JESSICA FREEDMAN, Manager); BELLA ROMA; CROISSANT’LICIOUS, Master Baker FRANCOIS DESTENAY and CHEF REMI COULON; partnered with MICHAEL’S CAFÉ (Servers DEE ZINKE and LILLY BERRIOS); DAIRY QUEEN; JIMMY JOHN’S GOURMET SANDWICHES (Servers SHAWN SHAFFER, ERIC SKAMARYCZ, and KARLIE CAUCCI); McNAB DOCKSIDE (Server TREVOR DILLON): MOE’S SOUTHWEST GRILL (Servers HOLLY BERNS and VINCENT BOWE); OLIVE GARDEN; POMPANO PIZZA (Servers/ Owners FERNANDO and CARINA, together with their young son, MATEO); RED LOBSTER (Servers NATALIE CASTRO and LISA DYKSTRA); SMOKEY BONES; SUBWAY (Cookies served by our neighbor, SCOTT TRAVIS); and VITO’S GOURMET PIZZA (Joe Shane, Owner/Manager) Everyone eagerly anticipates this event and it’s nice to know we can rely upon our local neighborhood purveyors to furnish the delights we have become so spoiled with over the years! Our Fall Harvest Picnic takes time and dedicated individuals not only to plan, coordinate, sponsor, donate, advertise, set up, run, break down, etc., but also to realize the grand attendance we so hope for and look forward to each year. Please know whatever you did, wherever you were, and because you came to appreciate the fun, food, camaraderie, and community spirit that is uniquely ours, you are valued tremendously! See ya’ Fondly, Susan Filippone Corresponding Secretary P.S. Regrets to anyone there without mention! 38 visit for more info MO PHOTORE S PAGE 4 ON 1 Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 39 Imperial Point Association Mailing Address: Support Our Sponsors PMB 321, 6278 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308-1916 Support Our Sponsorscontinued A VERY FINE FOURTEEN.... The Imperial Point Association wishes to thank these members who give so generously of their time to support our neighborhood, Our hats off to them! Officers: President Betty Shelley 954.938.9230 [email protected] Vice President Open Treasurer Jim Demarest 954-647-4713 Corresponding Secretary Susan Filippone 954-491-0880 Recording Secretary Sue Fuhr 954-776-6770 Directors (alphabetical order) Bonnie Burke 954-551-6629 [email protected] Laura Clark 954-673-4343 Susan Filippone 954-491-0880 Brandi Michaels 954-614-9120 Howard Nelson 954-938-0449 Steve O’Malley 954-295-6958 Julie [email protected] Ralph Zeltman 954-771-9838 Advertising Betty Shelley 954-938-9230 [email protected] Web Site Director John Watt 954-931-4795 Editor Bonnie Burke 954-551-6629 [email protected] Executive Airport Steve O’Malley 954-295-6958 Code Hotline 954-776-2810 Membership Open New Neighbors/Welcome Committee Open Pet Registrar Linda Nugent 954-772-8730 Newsletter Delivery If you find a vehicle parked on the side of the roadway and it has the special IPA parking permit on the dashboard, please allow the vehicle to remain there for 15 to 30 minutes so newsletter delivery can be completed much more quickly. Thank you for your cooperation. Advertising Rates: SIZE B/W COLOR WIDTH x HEIGHT 1/8 page (3.5x2) .........$50 ................... $75 1/4 page (3.5x4.75) ....$85 ................. $110 1/3 page (7.5x3) .........$110 ............... $135 1/2 page (7.5x4) .........$150 ............... $200 Full page (7.5x10).......$260 ............... $400 Back page .................$350 ............... $450 Self printed insert ...............................$310 IPA printed insert ................................$400 40 10% discount for three or more ads. Payment is due in full at time of placement of ad (prior to printing). We are a volunteer organization. We pride ourselves in assembling and promoting the finest community newspaper possible. Should an error occur or an omission take place, our policy for making correction/restitution will be the following: when a “camera ready” advertisement is to be printed in exchange for remuneration to the Association, we will, at the Advertiser’s request, (A) rerun the advertisement in the following issue free of charge, or (B) refund the Advertiser the cost of the advertisement. Other contents published in the newsletter that may contain errors or omissions will be corrected in the following issue. The deadline for advertising in the February/March issue is March 16th. Contact Betty at 954.938.9230. visit for more info Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 41 Support Our Sponsors YARD WASTE PET PARADE 2014 Support Our Sponsors Our Imperial Point Association has become very well known for our Pet Parade held on the Imperial Point Hospital grounds at NE 22nd Ave., Ft. Lauderdale. Thank You, Broward Health Imperial Point for your generosity, the use of your chairs and tables for our exhibits, and the use of your grounds. Diane Sedberry and Susan Muntz of the Ft. Lauderdale Doberman Rescue League presented a wonderful demonstration on Obedience by the Ft. Lauderdale Doberman Rescue League Drill Team. They also offered information on training your dog, All Breeds Obedience Classes. Not just Dobermans! Visit their website at: or on facebook. Feel free to call Diane at 954-946-4100 . Both Diane and Susan have been competing with their dogs in American Kennel Club events throughout the state of Florida. Their dogs hold titles in Advanced Obedience. They are well experienced dog handlers. Special thanks to Scott Schenck and his Doberman Heidi for their exciting demonstration with the Frisbee discs. Lots of fun and exercise for both! Marian from Seiler Animal Hospital supports our neighborhood and Pet Parade every year offering information on pet care along with handing out gifts. Thank you Marian and Seiler Animal Hospital! Marian can be reached at 954-491-1222. For more information on the Seiler Animal Hospital visit: Two special guests from the City of Pompano Beach Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Department School for Dogs and People, Lisa Hamburg and Julie Cook, joined us to demonstrate K9 Nose Work for dogs. This is a game that dogs and people can play together with no obedience training. They learn to identify target odors used in National Competition. Any dog can play! All based on rewards and reinforcement. Their classes take place at McNab Park, 2250 East Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach. For more information, call 954-415-8132 or 954-786-4111 Once again we paraded around the neighborhood showing off our wonderful well socialized pets. Most impressive! Everyone picked up after them. Thanks for everyone’s cooperation! An assortment of doughnuts and cinnamon rolls were donated by Bruce & Sue Muntz, for all the dog handlers, along with plenty of fresh bottled water offered by the Imperial Point Association. Many thanks to our President, Betty Shelley, Pet Registrar, Linda Nugent and our News Letter Editor, Bonnie Burke. Thanks to all who participated! See you next year! Note: If you are a member of the Imperial Point Association please remember to register your pet. You can do this online at: or fill out a form from your newsletter. If you are not a member of the association, please consider joining. You can easily join online at http://www. If you are thinking of adding a new member to your home, please adopt or foster a pet. Our rescues have so many wonderful dogs and cats looking for a forever home. Regards, Bruce Muntz 42 visit for more info Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 43 Midcentury classic home has been meticulously restored to capture an era, the bathrooms are a masterpiece showcasing, the original tile professionally polished and sealed. Open and bright living room with dining combination, gas line has been set up with an automatic generator to run the entire home, neutral tile throughout, the gardens create a tropical paradise throughout the entire home, highlighting the natural space while giving maximum privacy. ` OFFERED AT $399,000 Located in Beautiful Imperial Point area, this single family home features; upgraded kitchen with custom built cabinets, stainless steel appliances, bathrooms have been fully remodeled with designer vanities, marble showers, brand new floors, master bedroom includes a large sitting area with fantastic pool views, cabana bath, Silhouette blinds and custom blinds, all impact resistant windows and doors, newer roof and a/c, spacious pool area ideal for entertainment.. ` OFFERED AT $469,000 WELCOME YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS! PENDING SALE $479,000 5471 NE 21St TER. 3BD / 2BATH SOLD $479,000 2144 NE 61ST CT. 3BD / 2BATH SOLD $525,000 6601 NE 21ST LN 3BD / BATH SOLD $443,500 5490 NE 21ST 3BD / 2BATH IMPERIAL POINT AND SURROUNDING AREA Real Estate Market Update. I am thrilled to see the incredible demand for real estate in the Imperial Point area, as of today there are approximately 171 SOLD and PENDING SALES for the year 2014. It is in great part YOUR hard work as a homeowner that has helped us to continue to attract a very large audience, your beautiful homes and pride in ownership shows everywhere in the community, thus making the sale of any home in the area a great privilege to be part of. Not to mention making your zip code 33308 one of the most searched zip codes in TRULIA & ZILLOW. JUST LISTED This month you will get a special picture preview of the beautiful Key West style estate located on 61st court. Priced at $1,490,000. As the New Year approaches and our market crosses into new heights we look forward to a bright new 2015. Wishing you and your loved ones an incredible new year. Thank you for a wonderful 2014 and all the great opportunities to be part of your community. Looking forward to the New Year, as the great Frank Sinatra once said “the best is yet to come” Sincerely, JUAN NORIEGA 954-812-8662 CELL Magnificent estate nestled in a double corner lot, completely rebuilt in 2004, with impeccable craftsmanship, featuring handcrafted staircase, galvanized metal roof, gourmet kitchen, formal living room and dining area, porcelain tile throughout, family room with wet bar & powder room, tropical pool area, the second floor showcases one of a kind master en-suite, with stunning rosewood hardwood floors, master bathroom is a masterpiece, marble walls, Jacuzzi tub, custom built hardware and vanity. IMPERIAL POINT MASTERPIECE OFFERED AT $1,490,000 RE/MAX PREFERRED [email protected] 2810 E OAKLAND PARK BLVD. FORT LAUDERDALE FL. 33306 44 SEARCH FOR Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 45 We Create Smiles! Andrew E. Bertnolli,DDS,LLC General Family Dentistry Imperial Point Neighborhood Specialists Now Ð in 2014 THEN Ð HG 1962 in Life Magazine Preventive & Maintenance Cosmetic & restorative Dentistry Avg Home Price is $383,368 at 11/14, up 8.51%,from $353,301 in 2013 Sales Price/Sq. Ft. = $206.60 at 11/14 up from $192.60 in 2013 Seasons Greetings! Avg Sales Price/List Price is very strong at 96% 76 Homes sold as of Nov, projected total of 91 for 2014, versus 85 in 2013 We Provide Clients a Significant Edge in the Market Precision Pricing Customized Marketing Unsurpassed Research & Analysis Tech Savvy GARY LANHAM GROUP New Hours: MoN & Tues 7:30AM - 3PM weD & THurs 7:30AM - 1PM CloseD FriDAy Gary Lanham Associate Broker Office 965.545.5550 Cell 954.695.6518 [email protected] 1507 east Commercial Blvd. Fort laud, Fl 33334 (west of CVs at 15th Avenue) Call 954.771.7100 Your ad could be here! SEE PAGE 6 FOR MORE INFO OR CALL BETTY AT 954.938.9230 First Choice Renovations Inc. Invest In Your Home Today! Before 99 After! 46 Baths d nse Lice # CBC Specializing in... We just installed a new energy saving comfort system for your neighbor! We can help you reduce your utility bills too! • Masonry • Kitchens/Countertops th Wi e t • Wall Texturing va Greg Beach, President no e R w. • Bathrooms/Shower Enclosures ww • Crown Molding & Trim • Fixtures & Fans • Wood Floors & Tile • Recessed Lighting • Exterior/Interior Painting • Exterior Curb Appeal • Impact Windows & Doors • Extensions & Additions Additions We custom build... to your needs! red su & In 28 125 The deadline for advertising in the February/March issue is March 14th. Contact Betty Shelley at 954.938.9230. om .c Us 954.275.3585 SeArCH FOr Imperial Point Neighborhood Association Imperial Point Association - December 2014 / January 2015 47 48 SeArCH FOr Imperial Point Neighborhood Association
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Imperial Point Association
For information, contact the Florida Department of Health in Broward at 954-762-3649 or