Eico ST-84 Manual
Eico ST-84 Manual
STEREO PREAMPLIFIER MOD E L ST84 INSTRUCTION MANUAL ELECTRONIC 3300 NORTHERN INSTRUMENT CO. BLVD ., L. I. CITY I, INC . Y. N. --'--- ' _-:-.--_. '(ij' '-:;'" .-, -= fe ~='-' ~. · \~ '_ TABLE - e c ce ............f OF CONTENTS SEC T ION l. GE NERAL DESCRI P TION AND SPE CI FI CATIO NS 1- 1. Gene ral De s cr iption 1- 2. Featur e s 1- 3. Spe ci fi cati ons Page 2 2 3 SEC T ION II. ME CHANICAL INST AL LATION 2-1. Gene r a l. • • . . . • . • • . .. • . . . . . • . . . . .. • . . . . 3 2 - 2. Console Mounti ng 3 2-2(a). P r epa r a ti on 01 Unit 3 2- 2(b). P r epa r ati on 01 the Ca binet . • . . . • . . • •.. 3 2-2(c ). Mount ing the Unit . . • . •• . • • . .• . •• . .... 4 4- 16. Li st enin g to a Monophoni c Source Conne cted to Tape 2, Aux. 2, o r to AM IO 4- 17. Li s tening to a Ster eo phoni c Sou rce Conne cted to Tape 1 and 2, Aux. 1 an d 2, AM an d FM • . . • . . . • .• • . . . . . • . . 10 4- 18. Ma ki ng Re co r dings , 10 SEC TION V. MAINT E NANCE 5- 1. Gen e r a l 10 5- 2. Tr ouble -Sh ooti ng Pro ce dur e s 10 5-3 . Transfor me r Te mpe ratur e . . . • . . . . , . . , .11 SEC TION VI. E ICO' S SERVICE POLICy • . . . • . . . . . 14 SECTION VII. PARTS LIST 20 SE CT ION III. E LEC T RIC AL INSTALLA TIO N 3- 1. 3-2 . 3-3. 3- 4. 3-5. Input Conne ctions . . . . . .. . . . .. • •. . .. . • . . 4 Output Conne ctions . . . . .... . .. • .... . . . . . 5 Power Conne ctions 5 Hum Adju s t ment 6 Powe r Amp Lev el Adjustment •• . .• . . . .. .6 SEC TION IV. OPE RATION 4- 1. Pr eli mi nary 8 4- 2. SELECTO R Swit ch Ta ble 8 4- 3. MODE Swit ch T ab le • •.. ••.• • . • . . •. • •. . •8 4- 4. Le vel Con tro l 9 4- 5. Bal anc e Contro l. 9 4- 6. Lou dness Slide Swit ch 9 4- 7. Ba s s Contro l (CH. t and CH.2 ) 9 4- 8. T r eble Control (CH. I a nd CH. 2)• . • •. • •. .•9 4-9. Lo Filler Sli de Switc h . •.. • • . •• . • • . • • . • •9 4- 10. Hi Fi lt er Sli de Switch 9 4-1 1. Ta pe Monito r Slide Swit ch .. . ... • • . . . . •10 4- 12. Tap e Equali z ation Sli de Swit ch 10 4-1 3. Listeni ng to Phonograph 10 4- 14. Li st enin g to T ape De ck . .. .. . . . •. . .. . • 10 4- 15. Li st e ning to a Monophonic Sourc e Conne ct ed to Tape I, Aux. 1, or to Monophoni c FM Br oadcas t 10 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT co ., FIGURES SECTION I. GE NERA L DESCRIPTION AND SP EC I FIC AT IONS Fi g. I - I. ST - 84 P hoto , Fr ont SE CT ION III. E LEC T RIC AL INST AL LATI ON Fig. 3- 1. Rea r Pane l Conne cti on s Fig. 3- 2. Input Level Contro l Connec tio n Fig. 3-3. Power Amp Conne ction 5 7 7 SEC TION V. MAINTENANC E Fig. Fig . Fig. Fi g. Fi g. Fig. 5- I. 5- 2. 5-3. 5- 4. 5- 5. 5- 6. T r ouble-Shooti ng Ch ar t . . . • • . . . ... • 11 Voltage and Re s is tanc e Chart 12 Tub e La yout (Top Ch a s si s View) 13 Bottom Cha ssi s View . • . . • . . . • • .. .. 13 ST -8 4 SWit ching Table s .. . • . . . ... • . 18 ST - 84 Sche mati c Dia gr am . . • . .. . .. 19 IN C. 33-00 NORTHERN BLVD., L. I .C .1, N. Y. (O,ftIGH f C 19 1>1 H ICU O NI( I"'\U U""ENT ( O"""'.N 1'. l~•. PAGE 2 ~ ST-84 SECTION L GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS 1- 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Th e EICO Model ST84 is a co mple te high fid elit y stereoph oni c control ce nte r . It offe r s practically ev ery cont ro l and switching facili ty anyon e co uld want in a physical design adapt able to an y typ e of in stallation . With it you can se le ct , pr eamplify and cont r ol accu- I be con nected. P ermits the use of bo th a tu rntable and a record changer in the ins t allation . One pair presents 47K ohm loa d and th e other pair l OOK ohm load, to cover most popular cartridges. RIA A equalization. 2. Prov ision for connecting stereo tape hea ds . NARTB equ a li z atio n for 7-112 and 15, or 3-314 ips tape spe eds. 3. Stere o mi crophone inputs . rat el y, an y s te r eophonic sour ce, wheth er it be from tap e, di s c s or broadcasts. Faciliti es ar e co mprehe ns ive, includ ing t wo mag ph one inputs, a s e ven position mod e s el ector, tap e mon it or, a nd high and low frequ ency filt ers . E very control fa cility is both us eful and ef f ective. For a ll fun ctions of the preamp, a ll ty pes of di s tortion ar e down to 0.05% at all levels. Re gardless of price, no pr eamp ca n off er audibly lower distorti on. For all basic functions (ma g ph ono, tuner, tap e ), hum and noise is down to 0.05% or better, of the average program level. Pre s ent-day low lev el audio tubes e mplo y coiled hea t er co ns tr uc ti on and ar e far less susceptible to hum than they were ye a rs ago, when a de filament supply was the on ly answer fo r r eally low hum level. In the ST84, the total of hum and nois e is .0005 of th e av erag e program le ve l. If a dc filament supply were us ed , this figur e mi ght be redu ced to . 0003, hardly a signifi cant improvement. Furthermore, th er e is an un fortunate aspect t o a dc filament s upply that is not ge ner a lly r e aliz ed. If a heater-cathode sho rt should deve lop in one of th e tubes, hum will immediately be evident with an a - c filament supply and th e tube can ea s ily be spot t ed and replaced. If the same thing happen s with a d-c fil amen t su pply , no hum wi ll be evide nt ; howev er, th e ope r a ti ng bias of th e tub e will be changed by the presence of th e d c filamen t voltage at th e ca tho de and distortion will r esult, whi ch may not be immediat ely r ealized and will obvious ly be more difficult to track down. In the Model ST -8 4, an a- c filament supp ly is us ed, biased to a d-e potential to minimize s usc eptibility to a -c le aka ge, The ST 84 is s e lf-powered, for better performance and convenie nce . It uses a full-wave rectifi er tube po wer su pply. It works in conjunction with any high quality basic stereo power amplifi er, such as th e E ICO HF86, HF 87 and HF89, or with any two high qua lity pow er amplifiers such as th e EICO H F1 4, HF 22, HF30, HF35, HF50 and HF60. 1-2. FEATURES 1. Provision for two stereo phono car tridges to 4. High leve l input pairs fo r multip lex adaptor, preamplified and equa li zed tape, FM tuner , and AM tuner. 5. Versatile Mode Se le ct or chooses ster eo and stereo r ever s e functi ons. Positions for sum of channe l l and chan nel 2 inputs to channe l l output, and sum of channel l and channel 2 inputs to channel 2 output, used for stereo ba lancing. Positions fo r channe l 1 input to channel 1 and channel 2 outputs, chan ne l 2 input to channel l and channe l 2 outp uts, and for mono records, th e sum of channel l and channel 2 to chan ne l 1 and chan ne l 2 ou tputs, all for versati le mono playing. 6. Separate level a nd balance controls. 7. Switched high and lo w fr equency filter circuits permit e li mina ti on of rumble problem or scratch and di stortion when ne ed be . 80 Switched loudne s s compensation. 9. Tape monitor swit ch. 10. F e edback eq ualization, with fe edback around both preamplifier stages. High overload point. 11. Three-stage independent bass and tr eb le control ci r cuit s in each channel. They are of th e variable infle ction point, feedback type fo r exceptionall y low distortion an d the most desirable control character i s tic s. Th ese controls do not affe ct the volu me or interact with each other, and boost or cut at t he extremes of the audio r ange do not aff ect the mid -range. 12. Separate filament windings and hum balance controls fo r each channe l permit an optimum hum bala nce for ea ch channe l, r a th er than a compromise for both channe ls. 13. Unused inputs grounded by SE LECTO R switch to e liminate cross -talk, except for TAPE input s , since some tape machines are adversely aff e cted if playback outputs a re grounded during recording. ~ ST- 84 1-3. SPECIFICATIO NS Fr equency Response: ± 0. 3db 5-2 5,000 cps at any level up to 3V RMS out. (Measur ed from high level inp uts with level controls s et at maximum and tone contr ols e lect rically fla t.) Hum & Noise: Mag Phono and Tape Head: - 65db at 10mv in. Tun er, Ta pe, Aux.: - 75db at O.5V in. Sensiti vit y (mini mu m Ik e input for I V out. ): Mag Phonos : 1.6mv ; T ape Head: tmv Micr ophon e: 2.8mv High Lev e l Input s (tune r, tap e, aux.) : 0.1 7V l -'--- PAGE 3 easy interchanging of s ystem co mpone nts for co mpa r i s on. If antennas ar e strung ar ound th e back of th e console in which th e preamplifier is installed, a r range them s o th ey will not interfere with a ccess to the unit. 7. ACOUSTICAL ISOLATION: If pr ea mplifl er and sp eaker a r e installed in the same ca bine t (not r eco mm end ed), pr ovi de suffici en t s eparation to minimize m echanical speaker vibration r eaching th e preamplifier whi ch may result in mi croph oni cs and howling. The minimum separation is about on e foot . A baffle, usually the preamplifier mounting sh elf, sh ould be present between preamplifi er and speaker. In ext re me cases, it ma y be necessary to mount th e preamplifier on spon ge r ubber ~ads . 2- 2. CONSOL E MOUNTING 1M Dis tor ti on (60 and 7000 cps at 4: I ): 0. 04%at 2Vout. 2-2A. PREPARATION OF UNIT Harmoni c Distortion (20-20,000 cps ): 0.05% at2V out. Tone Control Range: At 10kc: 15db boo st, 15db cut ; At 50 cps : 15db boost, 15db cut Equali zati on: Phono - RlAA; Tape Head - NARTB for 15 ips and 7-1/2 ips, 3-3/4 ips Output to Tape Recorder Impedan ce: Sa me as sour ce (tuner, etc. ) feeding pr eamp Output to Main Amplifier Impeda nce : 8,000 oh ms 1. Turn unit ove r and loos en th e fr ont an d r ear pairs of s crews (4 in all) tha t fasten the bottom plate to th e s id e pi eces. Th en tur n th e unit ba ck right side up. 2. Re move th e 4 s cr ews, two on each side, t ha t fasten th e cove r to th e side pi eces. Remov e th e cov er a nd s et aside. 3. On the top side of th e cha s s i s , loos en a ll 4 screws (2 on each s id e) that fast en th e chas s i s to th e side pi eces. Tub es: 5- 12AX7/ECC83; 1- 6X4 Siz e: 5- 1/2" hi gh, 15-7/ 8" wid e, 8-3/4" deep Weight: 8-1/2 lbs, SECTION II. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 2- 1. GENERAL 1. Mount hori zont ally on a we ll -braced sh elf . The stock thi ckn ess of th e wood pan el may not exceed 3/4". 2. Do not r emove fee t for mountin g. Air must be allow ed to ente r through the perfor a ti ons in the botto m plat e to avoid ove r heating. 3. Any sh elf abov e the unit must be spaced away at lea s t 2 in ches. All ow at lea st a I- inch space on each side of th e unit. 4. Leave th e ba ck of th e cabine t e s senti all y open. 5. EASY ACCESS TO CONTROLS: Mount th e pre amp lifier at a height whi ch will permit eas y ma nipu la tion of the co ntro ls . 6. ACCESSIBILITY TO PARTS: Tubes ar e th e most fr equ ently r eplaced it ems in electronic equip me nt. If the preamplifier is installed in a conso le, sufficient space sh ou ld be a llot ed to r each and r emove any tube in the unit. Fu r th ermor e, input an d output terminal s of the preamplifi er should be ac cessible to permit 4. Push both s id e pi eces ba ck as far as they will go. The s crews that have been loos ened will move fr om the fr ont to th e r ear ends of th e slot s in th e cha s sis a nd th e bottom plate. Th en r e-tight enall th e s crews that have been loosen ed . Check to s eethatall th e tubes are prope rly seated in th eir sockets and th en r epla ce and r e-fa st en the cove r to th e s id e ext r us ions . 5. Deta ch all th e knobs from th e cont r oi shafts and th en r emove t he 4 s crews, (2 previously conce ale d by knobs and 2 in th e r ecessed ar ea) that fasten th e panel to th e chas si s . Wt the panel out over th e co ntrol shafts and set it as ide . Th e unit is now prepared for ca bi ne t insta Hatt on, 2-2B. P RE PARATI ON OF THE CABINET 1. Two templates a re provided, one fo r th e ca binet sh elf and th e oth e r for the cabi net pan e l, The sh elf te mp late is used to locate exactl y t wo holes th at a re to be drill ed in th e sh elf. The panel templa te is us ed to locate exact ly the r- equ lred r ectangula r cut - out. The two t emplat es mu st be us ed t ogether a s indi cated, a s the r e i s a n exa ct r el ationship be tween the locati ons of the s helf hoi es an d pane l cut -out . 2. To use th e sh elf te mplat e, cut it or fold it back exactly a long the dashed line that corresponds to the panel thi ckn ess. Remove th e sh elf fr om th e cabinet and lin e up th is da sh ed lin e on the te mpl at e with th e front edge of the sh elf, positionin g it al so a long the edge to l ea ve at least i - inch cl earance on each s id e. Tape the t e mplate in position an d use a center pun ch to mark th e ce nte r s of th e two hol es to be drilled. If mm ST- S4 I PAGE 4 th e s he lf can not be r e moved, place th e t e mplate in a s imilar manner on the to p si de of the shelf if th ere is r oom to drill from th e top side, or on th e und erside of sh elf if ther e is only r oom to dri ll from th e und er side. If th e t e mpla t e is us ed on t he unders ide of the s he lf, mark th e r ear edge of the sh elf a t the pot nts where th e ext ended heavy lin e s on th e templ at e hit the r ea r shelf edge. Afte r th e hol es ar e ce nt er - punc he d, r emove the t emplate and drill carefuliy th r ough th e punched cente r s to a diamet er of 1/4". If the sh elf has be en removed for th e drilling operati on, now r emount it. Finally, r eplace th e shelf-templat e in exa ctl y its former po sition on the to p -side of th e s helf an d tap e i t down. If the shelf te mplat e has been us ed on th e und er side of a stationary sh elf , now pla ce it on th e top -side of the sh elf using the marks on th e r ear edge of the sh e lf previous ly mad e, (In th e la tt er case, accu racy may be impr oved by cutting th etwo ho les out of th e sh ell -template with a r a zor blade an d then li ning up th e hol es in th e sh ell-template with the hol es in the sh elf ). 3.. To use th e pan el t e mp late, cut it or fold it ba ck exactl y along th e da sh ed line. This dashed lin e co r re sponds to the junction of th e top s ide of th e cabinet s he lf and the int erior side of th e wood panel. Positi on the pane l template ag ai n st th e inte r ior side of th e wood pane l so that the dash ed lin e r ests against the s he lf and the two heavy vertical lin es in the panel templat e meet with the two heavy horizontal lin es in th e sh elf t e mplates . Tape th e pa ne l template down a nd us e a ce nte r - punc h to mak e th e ce nte r s of th e four 3/ 8" hol es in the four co r ne rs of th e r ecta ngul ar cut -out s hown on th e te mplat e. Now r emove both te mplates and drill ca refull y th rough ea ch of th e four punched cent ers to a hol e diamet er of 3/S" . On the fr ont side of th e wood pane l s cribe a r ectangl e ext e r na ll y tangential to th e four drilled holes. Check th e height and width of th e r ec ta ng le again st th e pan el te mplate dimens ions. Th ese dim ensions sh ould not be exceede d. Now ca refull y cut out th e r ectangle with a sabre saw, using a s ma ll blad e to s ta r t accur at ely in th e 3/8" holes. Aft e r t he cut ti ng ope r a tion, an y r ough sp ots or excess mat er ial a long th e edge s of th e cut -out may be r emoved wit h a fil e. Finally, br ush or blowout a ll chips and sawdus t. 2-2 C. MOUNTING THE UNIT 1. Ins e r t t he unit f ro m the r ear of the ca binet, ca refully gui ding the co nt ro ls th rough the pan e l cut out. Cente r the unit in the cut -out an d r e- mount th e pan e l with th e four s crews pr evious ly r e moved. 2. From th e r ea r of th e ca binet, pull th e ampli fi er to war d you gently , until th e fr ont panel is flush a gains t th e wood panel. 3. Now place 5/S" flat washers against th e hea ds of th e two No.8 x 1- 3/4" scr ews provided a nd ins e rt th em fr om th e bottom side of th e s he lf into th e t wo hol es dri lled prevtously . It may be neces s ar y to s hift th e uni t s ligh tly to th e left or r ight in or der to afford cl ea r access for th e s cr ews. When both s cr ews ha ve cau ght, tighte n th em to s ecur e the un it to t he she lf. 4. Repla ce th e knob s previ ou sly r emoved on th e cont ro l shafts. SEC TION nr, E LEC T RICAL INSTALLATION 3- 1. INP UT CONNECTIONS Chan nels I and 2 ha ve 7 inputs eac h. Th e cha nne l l inputs a r e ide ntified by th e suffi x " 1" and are as fo ll ows : CH.I Low Lev el Inputs CH. I High Le vel Inputs PHONO A I PHONO B I MlC I TAPE HEAD I FM AUX. I TAPE I The cha nne l 2 inputs a r e id enti fi ed by th e suffix " 2" an d ar e as follows: CH. 2 Low Level Input s CH.2 High Lev el Inputs PHONO A 2 PHONO B 2 MIC 2 TAPE HEAD 2 AM AUX. 2 TAPE 2 All hi gh le vel inputs provid e th e same ga in a nd flat fr equ en cy r esponse. Low level inputs provide mu ch hi gher ga in and th e prescribed gain- fr equ en cy cha racteristics of RIAA for phono and NARTB for tape hea d. Monophoni c s ource s , s uch a s FM tuner, AM tun er, or monophonic phono ca rtr idge, a r e plu gged into Channel I inp uts. Stereophonic sources, s uch as ste r eo phono ca r t r idge , s te r eo ta pe heads, or FM, Mult ip l ex (MX) adapt or, a r e plugged in as follows : left chan ne l into channel l inputs; right channe l into channel 2 inputs. Selling th e SELECTOR s wit ch to FM-AM an d the MODE switch to STEREO or REVERSE take s care of feeding two normally monophoni c channel 1 inputs (F M tun er and AM tun er ) one to Channel I and th e othe r to cha nne l 2 for FM-AM simul cast stereo. I. PHONO: The PH. A Input jacks 1 and 2 and th e PH. B input jacks I and 2 permit th e use of two magn etic ca r t r idge s in your syste m. One ca r t r idge can b e a ste r eo ty pe an d the othe r monophoni c or both ca n be s t ereo.. One ca r t r idge ca n be in a turnta bl e, an d th e other in a r ecord changer or an ine xpe nsi ve phono for children's use. A monophoni c ca rtr idge is plugg ed into th e chann e l l inp ut only. When playi ng a monophoni c r ecord with a st e r eo ca r tr idge , s et the MODE s wit ch to th e MONO 1-2 posi tion, spe cifi cally int ended fo r thi s purpos e. In th e MONO 1- 2 position, the c han nel I and 2 inputs are fu ll y blen ded inte rna lly, an d th e bl end is fed to both amplifi ers . The purpose here is to ca nce l extraneou s verti ca l noi s e component s in the ca r tridge out put. When playing a monophoni c r ecord with a monophoni c ca r t r idge , s et th e MODE switch to MONO 1, th e normal monophonic position at whic h the chan ne l 1 input is fed to both amplUiers. ~ ST- 84 Th e loa d pr e s ent ed to the cartridge by th e PHONO A in put s is lOOK ohms. Th e load presente d to the ca rt r id ge by the P HONO Binputs is 47K ohms. Th e choi ce of load i mp edan ce permit s acco moda tion of mos t popul ar ca r t r idges. Most popular car tridg e s, in cluding a ll Shure a nd the Pi ck er in g 38 t A require 47K oh m load. Th e Pi ck er in g 3a OA, ho wev er , r e quir es lOOK oh m load. If the Wea ther s C501- Dcart r idge is used, co nnect a l aOK ohm r esistor in s e ries with it, fo ll owed by a 33K ohm re s i stor in shunt a cross the preamplifier input. Plug into PHO NO A inputs . This net work avoids overloading th e pr ea mplifi er whe n this cartr idge is I PAGE 5 Multiplex adaptor. Any a dapto r wi ll pr ovide a left cha nne l output a nd a right chan ne l output. Th e left channe l output is co nne cted to AUX. 1 a nd th e r ight cha nne l outp ut to AUX. 2. The co nnecti ons d escribed in 3 a bove sh all be made a lso. 6. TAPE : T he TAPE I and TAPE 2 input jacks permit s th e conne ction of a tape ma chine co m ple t e with pla yb a ck preamplifi ers . If th e ma chine provides s tereo pla yba ck , co nnect th e upp er tra ck out put to TAPE 1, an d the lo wer track outp ut to TAPE 2. If th e ma chine is of the monophoni c typ e, co nnect th e out put to TAPE L use d. 3-2. OUTPUT CONNE CTIONS 2. TAPE HEAD: Th e TAP E HEAD I & TAPE HEAD 2 inp ut jacks permit th e connection of a t ape deck ha vin g no pl ayba ck p r ea mplifier s to th e un it. T he tap e head s hould be of the conventiona l high imped an ce , high outp ut ty pe normally s u pplied in de ck s wit hout pl ayba ck elect ronics. If t he head i s of the stereo ty pe, con nect th e upp er track out pu t to TAPE HEAD 1 and the iower t r a ck output to T APE HEAD 2. If the head is of th e mon ophonic type , con nect t he output to TAPE HEAD L Th e load pre s ented to t he tape head by each inp ut is 1 me goh m. I. OUTP UTS TO TAPE RECORDER: Th e TAPE O UT CH.l a nd CH.2 ja cks per mit fe eding th e ch annell and channel 2 s ig na ls t o a ster eo tape r ecorder. With monoph oni c sour c e co nnected to a channel l input, th e TAPE OUT CR. I jack i s use d for f e eding out to a monaur al tape recor de r . Low- capa cit y s hie lded audio cables wit h RCA-typ e ph on o conn e cto r s a t the end ma y be us e d in len gths up to 20 ft. to conne ct eac h jack to the tape reco r der input s . Th e s ho r test pos sible lengths s hou ld a lways be us ed. Note t hat any inputs chosen by the SE LE CT OR switch fe ed out throug h th e se jacks . Outp ut s a r e not af fec ted by ba lanc e, level, t one co nt ro ls or fil ters. 3. MIC: Th e MIC 1 & MIC 2 input jacks pe rmit th e co nnection of a single or s t ereo pa i r o f dynami c, cerami c, or cry s t a l m ic ropho nes to your un it . If you have dyn a mi c mi cr oph on e s that can be connecte d fo r eithe r low or high output i m pe dance , us e the hig h output i m ped an ce co nnection. For a ste r eo pa ir of mi croph on e s , con nect the left microphone to MIC 1 a nd the right mi crop hon e to MIC 2. If a s ing le m icr oph on e is u s ed, con nec t it t o MIC 1 o r :MIC 2 and us e MODE switch setli ng MONO I or MONO 2 acco rdingly. Th e load pre s ente d to the mi croph on e by each mi c input i s 1 megoh m. 2. SIGNAL CONNEC T IONS T O MAIN POWER AMPLIFIERS: Th e PREAMP O UT CH. I an d CH.2 ja ck s a r e e ach conne ct ed to the in put of a ba si c po we r a mpli fi e r . Th e two basic a mpli fi ers ma y be s eparate or combined on one chassis. Low capacity s hie lde d aud io cables with RCA- typ e pho no co nnecto rs at t he ends s houl d be us ed in length s to 10 fe et norma ll y. If th e cable capacity is as low as 25mmfd per foot, len gth s up to 40 f eet ma y be use d if ne c e s s a r y. Howe ve r , the s hortest pos sibl e cable length should a lways be us ed. 4. T UNE RS: For FM- AM s i mulcast tun er -s or separate FM & AM tune rs, con nec t th e r egul a r F M audio outpu t to the FM inpu t ja ck and t he AM output to th e AM in pu t j a ck. Fo r FM Multiplex stereo tuners , including AM f a cilitie s or not, con nect th e left cha nne l out put to the FM input jack and th e ri ght chan ne l outpu t to the AM inpu t jack . If you have a non- s imulca s t FM-AM tune r , such as the E ICO HFT- 92, connect th e r egul ar au dio output to th e FM input. ja ck an d u s e the MODE s witc h sett ing MONO 1 for mono tuner li s t ening. If th e AM in put jack i s us ed, the n the MONO 2 s etting is co r rect. 5. FM MULTIP LE X ADAP TOR: Th e AUX. I a nd AUX. 2 inp ut ja ck s per mit the conne cti on of an FM II1YAC Hf Il1VAC,4UP IIJJ 0 IAMP 0 -uzii, H -GG IITVAC,Z.T5AMP IT:JJ SI ITCIlED MGRTHERI BLVD. U.C. I, U . PR£ UP GUTPUT ~ CH2 CHI ."" TAPE OUTPUT sr .. ~ CHl 3-3. PO WER CONNECT IONS The po wer co r ds of the ba s ic power a mp li fie rs , th e turnt a bl e, a nd the tune r ma y be insert e d in th e con ve nienc e outlet s p rovided on the r ear chass is apron. The r ec eptacle marked 117 VAC is intende d fo r us e pri ma r il y with a r ecord chang er or turntable and pr ovide s 117VAC r egardl es s of whethe r the po wer sw it ch of the prea mp lifie r i s turned on or off in o r de r to p r ot e ct th e r ecor d changer or tu r ntable m e ch a ni sm. The r e ce pta cle ma rked 117V AC SWIT CHED i s " li ve " or " de ad" dep ending on whether th e pr eamplifi er power swit ch is turne d on or off a nd i s inte nde d pri m arily for us e wit h the basi c po wer amp lifiers . T he r e commend ed m eth od is to plu g the line co r d of one ba si c power a mplif ier rn rn c ou • • Ai . AutZ • " Aut I • TAPE2 • T APE,(. CIlI Figu r e 3-1. Re ar Panel Conn e ctions ;;: 0 ~ 0 ~ c ~ • • .) CHAU El l c c (.- • • .'" ) 0 0 0 0 ~ CHAUIEL I ~ ST - 84 PAGE 6 into the 117VAC SWITCHED r e c eptacle of th e ST 84 and the line co rd of the othe r ba s ic power amplifier into ei the r convenience r e cepta cl e on th e fi rst powe r a mplifie r . Tuners and othe r devices whi ch may be turn ed on an d off wit h th e preampli fi e r power s wit ch sh ould be plugged in to the re maini ng r e c epta cl es on th e basic power a mplifiers. 3- 4. HUM ADJ USTMENT 1. AC LINE CORD ORIENTATION: ' Aft er checking th e preamplifier for proper ope ration make th e following contr ol s ettings which ho ld throughout th e proce s s of hum adjustment: SE LE CTOR swit ch at PHONO B, MODE s witc h a t STEREO, th e BA LANCE control a t 0, t he LE VE L cont ro l at 0, all swi t che s down (off) , both BASS cont r ols at 0, both TREBLE co ntr ols a t - 5. Th e pre amplifier sh ould be conne ct ed to the two basi c power a mplifiers whic h must in turn be connec te d to the t wo sp eaker syste ms. The two sp eaker sy st em must be in phase and placed near one anoth er (or this adjustment . Conne ct the line cords of th e two basi c powe r amplifi ers a s r e commended in POWER CONNECT IONS ab ove . Plug the preamplifier lin e co r d int o a Il7VAC wall outlet. Tou ch one end of a length of hook- up wir e to th e pr eamp chassis and chec k for a s pa rk when th e oth e r end i s tou ch ed t o a n unpainted cha s s i s poin t on both po wer amplifi er s . If a spark occu r s in e it he r case, r eve r se th e prong position of the line cor d plug for that power amplifi er . Now place your ear close to both louds peaker s a nd listen to the hum le vel. Re vers e th e prong position of th e pre a mplifie r line co r d plu g in th e wall outlet an d listen agai n. Choose th e pron g position giving the leas t hum. With th e SELECTOR switch, s ele ct a parti cu lar pie ce oC equipment, an d det ermin e th e inser ti on posi ti on oC its AC li ne co r d plug that r e s ult s in lea s t hum. Repea t this Cor e ve ry piece of equip me nt us ed with th e pr ea mplifie r . 2. HUM BALANCE: Separat e filamen t winding s an d hu m - balance co ntrols ar e provided Cor th e two cha nne ls , so that an opti mu m hum balan ce s ett ing can be found for each cha nne l, rathe r than a co mpro mise s etting for both cha nne ls . Conne ct th e phon ogr aph and lea ve it s hut - off with th e ton e arm at r est. Set the SELECTOR to th e PH. A o r P H. B position dep ending on whi ch inputs are used. Set th e MODE switch at MONO I, BALANCE at 0, LEVELat 10, BASS 1&2 at 0, TREBLE I & 2 at (a mplifier tu rn ed on) . Set all s lide sw itches at "off" (do wn). Adjust the cha nne l I hu m -balance cont rol (R-57 ) with a sc r e wdr ive r until the hu m hea r d fr om th e cha nne l 1 speaker is ata mini mum. No w se t th e MODE s witch at MONO 2 and adjust the channel 2 hum -balan ce con trol (R- 58) until th e hum heard Cram the cha nne l 2 s peaker is at a minimu m. See fi gu re 5-3 for th e loc ations of R57 and R58. ° 3. GRO UNDING: The ca use of phonog r aph hu m ma y be a met al pick-up a r m not grounded to the ca ble I shiel d (t ry a goo d s ing le ground connec tion to th e ca ble sh ield fr om tu rnta ble fr ame, pi ck-up arm, and cartr idge ca s e ), dir ect hum pi ck-up by t he magn eti c ca r t ridge fr om the r e cord pl a yer mot or (try using a r ubber ma t on th e tu r ntabl e to inc reas e th e s eparation of the pi ck-up f r om th e moto r ), or pi ck-up Cra m a power tran sfo rmer or other m agn etic fi eld in the vicinit y (try movin g phonograph away from suspe ct ed s ource). Che ck a l so that th e ph ono input cable shielding is grounde d to th e amplifi er chassi s at one point only, through th e s kir t of th e input connector where it plugs into th e a mplifi er . Finally, try a goo d building g r ound, su ch as a connection from a co ld wat er pipe t e rminated und er a ny sc rew head on the r ear apr on or bot tom plate of th e preamplifi er. Do not co nn e ct su ch a ground wi re to othe r components in th e sys te m. H possible, let eac h 'channe l be conn ected to the amplifier usin g a s eparat e s hi elded cable to th e a mplif ie r input. It is also desirable that th e ground leads on bo th cables not be conne cted together a t a ny po int - not ev en at th e car tr idg e . Howe ver, wit h s o me car t r idges , it will not be possible to do thi s . In thi s ca se, just di sre gar d this last instr uction. 3- 5. POWER AMP LEVE L ADJUSTMENT To permit simultaneous acco mo da tion of ve ry low output pi ck-ups and co m pa r a ti ve ly low s ensitivity power amplifi ers, the ST84 is design ed with high gain. As a consequen ce, it i s r equired tha t sho rted RCA -typ e phon o plu gs be insert ed into a ll unused low input jacks. Anoth er co ns eque nce of t he hi gh ga in, i s th at the input le vel cont r ol s of the as soci a te d po wer a mplifie rs mu s t be adjusted co r rectly. Adjustment is mad e by ju st tur ning th e input level c ont r ols o n the powe r a mpli fie rs to mini mu m . Usi ng a ster eo pick-up co nne ct ed nor ma ll y to you r preamp, pl ay a monoph on i c or ch est ra l r e cor ding. Tu rn the ST 84 BALANCE cont rol to and th e LE VE L cont r ol t o max imum. Set th e MODE s witch to ST EREO and turn upthe inputleve lcontrols of power a mp lifi er un ti l a vo lume as loud as you will eve r r e quire is r e a ch ed. Now yo u can adju s t th e LEV EL control s of th e preamp until th e desired listening le ve l is obtained. ° All E ICO s ingle and dua l pow er ampli fi ers ar e now provided with input level contr ols . Som e po we r amplifi ers of other man ufa cture do not ha ve level cont ro ls . You ma y wish to provide l eve l co nt rols in the latt er case if you ar e not using a low output pi ckup an d low -effic ie ncy loudspeak ers. This may be don e by mounting apai r of 500K ohm a ud io oot s in a small meta l utili ty cabi net 4" x 4" x 2" (Bud Model CU8 83) an d c onnecti ng it between th e ST 84 prea mp out put s a nd th e power a mplifier inputs. T he length of lead fr o m th e pots to th e power amp lifie rs s hou ld be a s s mall as possible. A sche mati c diagram of the connecti ons fro m one preamp output to one po we r a mp lifi er inpu t is shown be low. ~ ST- 84 TO ST- 84 OUTPUT PAGE 7 TO PWRAMP I NPUT ,, , I :' ,, \ I ~ I ...I::: 500K OHM POTENTIOMETER (VI EWED FROM SHAFT END) Figure 3-2 . Input Level Con trol Conne ction ['. , ell \ / I, I 'X, ' -.......... i , ' --J t TO POWER AMP I NOTE :DISCONNECT SHIELD ON PLUG IF POWER AMPS ARE ON SAME CHASSIS . TO POWER AMP 2 Figure 3- 3. Power Amp Connec tio n mm:J PAGE 8 I ST- 84 SECT ION IV. OPERATION as follows : LEVEL cont ro ls 1 & 2 at 0, BASS controls 1 & 2 a t 0, TREBLE co ntrols 1 & 2 at 0, LOUDNESS compensation swit ch at OFF. Turn the syste m on by s etting the POWER switch at ON. P lea s e not e that in the instructions that fo llow, it is assume d that a st er eo pickup and/or a st er eo tape head is being e mployed in the sy st e m. 4-1. PRE LIMINARY Be s ure all tubes are fi r mly s ea ted in their s ockets and that the tube shields a re maki ng good contact with their bas es. As initi al adjust ments , set these control s 4-2 . SELECTOR Swtt ch : Us ed to s elect any input or paIr of inputs a s follows : POSITION SOURCE INP UTS COMMENTS TAPE/ AUX. Pr e-am plifi ed tape TAPE 1 & TAPE 2 MX/ AUX. FM Mul tiplex Stereo MX 1 and MX 2 FM-AM FM tune r & AM tun er FM &AM TAPE HD. Ster eo tape head in dec k wit hout pr eamplifi er s TAPE HD. 1 & TAPE HD.2 PHONO A Stereo mag . phone cartridge PH. A 1 & PH. A 2 Set MODE Sw at MONO 1-2 to play mono rec or d PHONO B Ster eo mag. phono ca rtridge PH. B 1 & PH. B 2 Set MODE Swat MONO 1- 2 to play mono r e cord MIC Micr ophones MIC 1 & MIC 2 FM only with MODE sw, at MONO I, AM on ly with MODE sw at MONO 2. 4- 3. MODE Swit ch: Us ed to s elect mod e of ope r ation POSITION OPERATION COMMENTS CH. l plus CH.2 inpu ts blend ed out CH.l speake r For chec king left side of st e reo reproduction BAL 2 CH.l plus CH.2 inputs ble nde d out CH.2 s peaker For checking r ight s i de of st er eo reproduction STEREO CH.l inpu t out CH. 1 speake r CH.2 input out CH. 2 speaker Should normally giv e left s id e of pr ogram out of left speaker , and r ight side of program out of ri ght speaker . REVERSE CH. l input out CH.2 sp eaker CH.2 input out CH.l speaker Use if l eft s ide of program is co ming out of r ight speake r when s et a t STEREO. MONO 1 CH.l input out CH.l & 2 s peakers Us e for mono li s tening when sour ce is pla yed into CH.l inputs, except when playing mono re cords . With stereo ca rtr idge. MONO 2 CH.2 input out CH.l & CH.2 s peak ers Use for mono listeni ng when sou rce is played into CH.2 inputs, except when playing mono re co rds . With st er eo ca rtr idge. MONO 1- 2 CH.l plu s CH.2 inputs bl end ed out CH. l & 2 speakers Use d only when pla ying mono reco rd (with ster eo cartr idge ). BAL 1 ~ ST- 841 4-4. LEVEL CONTROL Use d to adjust th e listening level in both cha nne l s . (Th e BALANCE cont rol is ad justed af t er s et ting the LEVEL cont ro l. ) Substantial chang e s in LEVEL control s etting may r equire r e-setting the BALANCE cont ro l. Adjust th e output level controls in stereo hi gh level s our ce s (where present) to match th e sound level obta ined on phono, if possible . If any of th e high l ev el PAG E9 that clockwise r otation fr om th e mid-point (0 ) of eithe r control in cr eases (boosts) bass r esponse ; th e minus sign on th e left side indicates that co unter- clockwise rotation from the mid-point decreas es (cuts ) bass r espon s e. Th ere is no int eraction with th e TRE BLE cont r ol. Start all adjustments with thi s co nt rol s et a t th e mid-point (0), which is called th e "fl at " position since bass respons e is neither cut nor boo sted at this position. sour ce s canno t provide high enough output t o m at ch phono, s i mply s et th i s sour ce to maximum output . 4-8. TREBLE CONTROL CH. 1, TREBLE CONTROL CH. 2 (CONCENTRIC) 4-5. BALANCE CONTROL Use d to a chieve equal left and right side program level s in s tereo. Eff e ctive in mono to ce nter th e ap par ent source bet we en the speakers. Neither channel amplifier is favored (as to ga in ) at th e zero setting (mid- rotati on). As the contr ol is turned clo ckwise fr om ze r o, th e cha nne l 2 (right) speak er is made louder an d th e channe l l (left) speaker i s mad e softe r , while th e ove r a ll l evel r emain s ab out th e same. As th e con trol is tu rned counter - clockwise from z ero, th e chan ne l I (le ft) speaker i s made louder and th e channe l 2 (right) s peake r is made s oft er, while the overall level r emains about the s ame . If audible balan c e is not achi eved at th e 0 s etting of th e control, * the indication is th at th e s our ces fe edin g th e a mplifi e r ar e not equal. If th e s ource s have th eir own level cont r ols , such as FM o r AM tuners or Multiplex ada ptors, the n th ese level controls should be set at equa l out put by successiv e ly setti ng the MODE s wit ch at MONO 1 a nd MONO 2 while ad justing th e s ource level con t r ols for equa l output in both positions. Onc e the sour c e le vels have be en adjust ed, balance ca n be a chieved by switc hing the MODE sele cto r f r o m BAL 1 and BAL 2 while a dju sting th e BALANCE con trol for equal output fr om both channe l s at th e desired lev el. If one s peake r is a little more effic ient than th e othe r, or one power a mpli fi er i s more s ensitive th an th e other, cut down the ga in at th e mor e eff icient s yst em us ing th e level cont r ol on th at power amplifi er. *Wit h the pow er amp le vel controls set as in 3- 5 and th e LEVEL cont rol s et for a normal listening level . 4-6. LOUDNESS SLIDE SWITCH A cha racte r i sti c of human hearing is that sensiti vity to bass tones diminishe s more rapidly, as th e listening le vel i s lo wered, than s ensitivity to middle and hi gh frequ en cy to ne s . Many people find the audible lo ss of bass at low listening leve ls unsatisfying. Setting th e LO UDNESS slide sw itch to ON provides a co mpensating a mo unt of bass boos t a t low listening l evels. Do not leave the LOUDNESS switch a t ON when li st en ing a t normal volu me , sinc e th e amount of bass bo ost provid ed wi ll usually be exce ssiv e and unmusi cal. Some people pr efer not to use loudness compensa ti on at all, because it does not cor re spond to any natural li st en ing condition at a li ve performance. 4-7 . BASS CONTROL CH. 1, BASS CONTROL CH. 2 (CONCENTRIC) Th e plus sign on the right side of th e dial indi cates Th e plus sign on th e right s id e of th e dialindi cates that clockwise r otation from th e mid-point (0) of eithe r control incr-eases (boo sts) tr eble r esponse ; the minus sign indicat es that counter - cloc kwi se rot ation fr om the mid-point decrease s (cuts) tr eble r espons e. Th ere isno intera ction with th e BASS control. Start a ll adjustments with this control set at the mid-point (0), whi ch is called th e "fl at" position since tr eble is neither cut nor boosted at this position. Th e a m pli fie r ON-OFF power switch is gan ged with th e CH. 2 TREBLE cont ro l. Note the word " O F F " on the panel just beyond full-counter-clockwise rotati on . Th e plain circle s ymbol preceding it indicates that the power switch is ga nge d with th e CH. 2 cont ro l. Turn the amplifier off by turnin g th e CH.2 TREBLE control b eyond full counte r - clockwi se rotation until th e power switch cli cks to OFF. Turn th e amplifier on by turning th e CH.2 TREBLE cont rol cl ockwis e (r om OFF and setti ng it a t th e mid-point (0) or so me cus to mary setting of t he CH.2 TREBLE co nt rol you may us e . 4-9. LO FILTER SLIDE SWITCH Set to ON when it is de sired to cut low fr equency r esponse below 100 cps becau s e of r umble in a phonogr a ph or ev en in broadcast program material. Phonograph rumble i s usually at about 29 cps and may we ll not be dire ctly audibl e. Sometimes it can be at a much low er fr equency, whic h i s definit el y not dire ctly audible. Howev er, the eff ect of rumble can be heard eve n if th e rumble it s elf i s not. It manif est s it s elf by using up a mplifi e r po wer a t low fr equen ci e s a nd can even overload the a mpli fi er . If, at normal listening levels on phonogr aph, s etting th e LO FILTER to ON definitely r e sults i n "cleaner", le ss-distort ed sound, th e indicati on is that your phonograph s uffe r s from excessive rumble. Whether it is wor th doin g any thing ab out it, depends on th e installati on . If you have inexp ensi ve s peake r syste ms th at do not produc e substantial undi storted sound belo w 80 cy cles, you may just as well live with th e rumble and e li mina t e its bad effect s by using the WW filter. If you have made a conside rable in vestment in speakers, partly in order to obt ai n full, und istorted response below 80 cycles, you may not wan t to forego full ba ss r esponse. In the latt er case s , ha ve th e phonograph examined by a qualified servi ce man to see if th e rumble is cause d by a defect that can be r e me die d. 4-10. HI FILTER SLIDE SWITCH Set to ON when it is desired to cut hi gh frequ ency PAG E IO ~ ST -84 r es pons e above 5000 cps . Useful for minimi zing e xtra neou s noi s e when list enin g to narrow range AM broadcasting, for list ening to noi sy or worn re cords, and for r educi ng the annoyance of exces s ive distortion from any sourc e. 4-11. TAPE MONITOR SUDE SWITCH Useful with co mple te tape machin e s (including re co rd and playback e lec tronic s ) that provi de off - thetape monitor ing faciliti es whil e re cording. In this s itua tio n, s etting th e TAPE MONITOR sUde s witch to ON permits you to hear the program being r e cord ed directly fr om the tape. I 4-17. USTENING TO A STEREOPHONIC SOURCE CONNE CT E D TO TAPE I AND 2, AUX I AND 2, AM AND FM Set th e SELECTOR to TAPE, MX!AUX, or FM-AM r espe ctively. Set th e MODE swi t ch at STEREO or REVERSE. 4-18. MAKING RECORDINGS Tape r e cordings may be made by connec ting the r e corder to th e T AP E OUTPUT jacks. P lease note that r ec ordings cannot be made on tape de cks unless those de cks are equipped with the e le ctro nic s requir ed for re cord ing. 4-1 2. TAPE EQUA LI ZAT ION SLIDE SWIT CH Adjust s the equa li za ti on at the TAPE HD. pos ition of the SE LECT OR s wit ch a c co r ding to th e NARTB standard for the 7- 1/2 (and IS ) ips tape s peeds an d 3- 3/ 4 ips tape speeds. 4-1 3. USTE NING TO PHO NOGRAPH Set th e SELE CTOR switch t o PHONO (A or B) if you have a magneti c cartr idge, or a ce ra mic /c rystal cartr idge with adaptor s interpos ed betwe en the ca rt ri dg e ou tputs and th e MAG. PHONO I a nd 2 inputs. (The RIAA equa lizatton provid ed a tth e PHONO position is no w the int ernational standard in the r e cording in dustry for both monophonic and stereophoni c re cords and is also a ver y good co mpro mise for the most i mportant of the older monophoni c r e cord ing characte r isuc s . ) Set the SELECTOR s wit ch t o th e appropriate AUX if you ar e us ing a st er eo phonic ce ra mic/cry st al ca rtr idge conne cted to the AUX or TAP E pair of inputs . To play a s te reophonic re cor d, s et the MODE switch to ST EREO or REVERSE for ste reo listening. To play a monophoni c rec ord, the proc edure is exac tly the sa me, only the MODE switch r emains s et at the MONO 1.2 pos ttton, pr oviding th e identical signalin both channel s with mixing of the inputs for vertica l rumble cancellatton. 4-14. LISTENING TO TAPE DECK (di re ct con nection to tap e hea d) Set t he SELECTOR to TAPE . NARTBtape equa li - · za tion is provided in both channe ls for the tape s pee d sel e ct ed with ihe TA PE switch on th e fr ont pan el. One position is for 7-1 /2 ips tapes and the othe r for 3-3/ 4 ips tapes. The s e equali zations are the indus try standa rd for pre-r e cor ded s te reophonic and monophonic tapes. 4-1 5. LIST ENING TO A MONOPHO NIC SOURCE CONNEC TE D TO TAPE I , AUX I, OR TO MONOPHONIC FM BROADCAST Set th e SE LE CTOR to TAPE, MX! AUXor FM-AM r e spe cti vely a nd the MODE s witch to MONO I. 4-1 6. LISTENING TO A MONOPHONIC SOURCE CONNE CT E D TO TAPE 2, AUX 2, OR TO AM Set th e SE LECT OR to TAPE, MX!AUX, o r FM-AM r e spe cti vel y and th e MODE switch to MONO 2. SECTION V. MAINTENANCE 5- 1. GENERAL Your prea mplif i er shoul d require little . s er vi ce except fo r nor mal tube r eplacem ent. We re commend no substitutions for the tube type s used in thi s amplifi er except as s tated. All the tube types used ar e distributed natio nally , but r epl acem ents can be obtained dir e ctly fr om EICO if de sired. To faci litate s ervt ctng.remedtaj and tr ouble -shooting procedur es have be en provided in the TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART tha t follo ws. VO LTAGE and RESISTANCE CHARTS are a lso provi ded as a n ai d to locating defe cti ve co mponents . 5- 2. TROUBLE-SHOOTING PROCEDURES Set the SELECTOR swit ch at PHONO A o r B, whic hev e r is appro priat e, and the MODE s witch at ST EREO o r REVERSE . P la y a known hi gh qua li ty s te r eo re cording on the phonograph. If ther e is no output to one or both s peake rs, or if the output is low or audibly distort ed, pro ceed to the checks for those sy mpto ms . If the re i s e xce s s ive hum in the output, dis conne ct the appropri ate phono input cable fro m the preamp lifi er and shor t the phono input jac k at the chas s i s. If the hum disappears, the trouble is not in the amplifi er but in the phonograph or in the connection to the amplifier. In each ca se, chec k for the tr ouble in the preamplifi er channel which seems defe ctive. If both channel s are def e ctiv e, check the power suppl y.. The caus e of phonograph hum may be a metal pickup arm or motor not gro unded to the preamplifier chas s i s (run these ground leads dir ectly to the pre amplifier chas s is , not to the oute r bra id conductors of th e ph ono input cable s ), di r ect hum pi ck-up by the magneti c cartr idge fro m the r ecord playe r motor (try using a rubber mat on the turntable to incr ease the s eparation of the pic k-u p fr o m the motor ), or pick - up from a powe r transfor me r or other magentic field in the vi ci nity (try moving phonogr aph away fro m suspe ct ed sour c e). Ch e ck a ls o that th e phon o input ca ble s hie lding i s grounded to the a mplif i er chass is at one poi nt only, through the skirt of the input co nne ctor wher e it plugs into the amplifier . Finally, tr y a goo d building ground s uch as a co nnection from a co ld wat er pipe terminated under speaker terminal "G" on the ~ ST- 84 am plifi er . Do not conne ct such a ground wir e to othe r co mponents in the s yst em. If possible , le t eac h channe l be co nnec te d to the amplifie r us ing a s eparate shi elded cable to the amplifier Input , It is also desirabl e that the ground leads on both cabl es not be co nnected together at any point - not even at the car tr idge . However J with som e car tr idge s , it will not be possible to do this. In this case, just disr egar d thi s last in struction. Excessive hum on othe r inputs may be checked in a s imilar manner . Dis conne ct the input cable in que stion and short the parti cular input jack to the chas s is. If the hum disappears, the trouble i s exte rnal to the pre amplifier . Note that on all inputs , the braid of the input cable s hould co nnec t to the preamplifi er only through the skirt of the input connector. The caus e and remedi e s for the following s ymptoms ar e the n based on the as sumption that che cks made in the manner des c ribed above have eli minate d the pos sibility of the trouble being exte r nal to the preamplifier . IT the trouble is no output or low output, chec k AC si gnal volt ages and DC ope rati ng vo ltage s starting at the input and wor k st ep-by - st ep toward the output in eac h amplifi er. Set the LEVEL contro ls to maximum I PAGE 11 (10), th e BASS and TREBLE cont ro ls to th e ir mi d-point s (0), the SELECTOR switch to PHONO an d the MODE s wit ch to ST EREO or REVERSE. Us e a 1000 cycl e s inewave s ignal, such as supplied by the EICO 377 Sine & Squar e Wave Audio Gene rator. In additi on, us e a precision 100: 1 att enuator to pe rm it obtaining a le vel of 0.0032 volt f ed into the a ppropr iate PHONO A o r B input fr om an audio gene rat or output of 0. 32 volts, which can eas ily be measu red on the lowest AC volts range of your VTVM (also i mproves s ignal to hum from ge ne r a to r ). Us e a ht gh input t mpedanc e VTVM for a ll AC s ignal voltage measure ments; a VTVM or 20, 000 ohm/V YOM for DC volts measur e ments . IT the trouble i s an e xces s ive ly di stor ted output, try tube r ep lacem ent, s ignal tra cing, or proc eed dir e ctly to voltag e and resistanc e mea su rem ents. 5- 3. TRANSFORMER TEMPERATURE The transformer used in thi s unit run at a temp eratur e less than 1950F despite the fa ct that t he safety limit t s a t a mu ch higher 22 10F. Alt hou gh 1950 is cool for a transformer, it is ve ry hot to the touch. Tr ansformers which seem too hot when touched with the hand, are usually good and ar e ac tuall y not ove rheating. Fi g. 5-1. TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART SYMPTOM Pr eamplifie r caus es power line fus e to blow. CAUSE REMEDY Line co rd, J Ig, J20, primary or high voltage s e co ndary Windings of Tl incor rectly wired. Repair Pri./h. v , s e c. windings of T1 s horte d. Repla c e Open lead fr om 6V (gree n leads) winding of T I. 6V windin g (gre en lea ds ) of Tl open. Re pair Open lea d fr om 6V (brown leads ) wind in g of TI. 6V windi ng (br own lead s ) of Tl o pen. Repai r a) No voltage Defe cti ve V6 C31A shor ted inter nally or exte rna lly. Conne ction to ce nte r -t ap of high voltage winding of Tl is open. Repl a c e Re pla c e (or r epair ) Re pair b) Low voltage C3 1A O.K. but C31B or C31C short ed . C31A open or no co nnec tion Excess iv e cur re nt dra in in amplif ier Repl a ce Repla ce (or r epair) Repair c ) High voltage Tube s VI- V5 defe ctive or ove r - bia sed and not drawing normal cur re nt. Open R59, R60, R61 or R62 Rep a ir (or r epla c e) Short ed ,pot to chas s is thro ugh mounting s cr ews Mount s cre w head for pot bel ow chas s i s and not on top s urface of chass is . VI, V3, V5, V6 an d pil ot tube filame nt not li t. V2, V4 tube filaments not lit. Replac e Repl ab e DC voltage at V6 cal hode (pin 7) is inco rrect as s pe ci fi ed below. Fil am ents not at DC potenti al hum Repla ce mmJ PAGE 12 ST-84 I Fig. 5-2 . VOLTAGE & RESISTANCE CHART T UBE VI (ECC 83/ 12AX'7 ) V2 (ECC83/ 12AX7) V3,V4 (both EC C83 / 12AX7) V5 (ECC83/ 12AX'7) V6 6X4 PIN * OPERATING VOLTS (DC UNLES S NOTED) SIGNAL VOLTS (Ike) at 2V O UT OHMS (UNIT DISCONNECTE D FRO M P OWER) I 2 3 4&5 6 7 8 9 . 38 113 . 025 0 .014 0. 83 rn. (12VDC; 6VAC to pin 9) . 025 41 . 0032 0 .0038 0. 5 51K 1. 5M 1150 I 2 3 4&5 6 7 8 9 ' . 082 50 .026 0 0 1.83 fil. (12VDC ; 6VAC to pin 9) . 026 78 0 0 0.45 51K 1.5M 1150 I 2 3 4&5 6 7 8 9 3.2 0.47 0.32 ru, (12VDC; 6VAC t o pin 9) 0.47 140 0. 19 0 0. 19 1. 15 iiI. IIIK 470K 2. 2K I 2 3 4&5 6 7 8 9 2 140 0. 13 0.4 0.050 I. 25 ru, (12VDC ; 6VAC to pin 9) 2 140 0. 13 0.4 0.050 1. 25 iiI. 44K 260K IK I 2 3&4 5 6 7 265 VAC' 341K 113K 2300 ru, 355K 113K 2300 fil. 180 0 1.5 ru, (12VDC; 6VAC betwe en pins 3 & 4) 265 VAC' 345 23 1K 125K 2.2K 44K 260K IK 400 - 90 0 - - 400 -900 over 30K • = 60 cy cles All r e s istance measurem ents, except fro m pin 7 of V6 (6X4 re ctifier) are mad e with pin 7 of V6 grounded. All voltage and r esistance measur em ents ar e meas ur ed to chas si s with controls s et as fo llows: SELECTOR Swit ch to P HONO A, MODE swi tc h to MONO I , BALANCE contr ol at 0, LEVEL cont ro l a t 10, BASS I & 2 and TREB LE I & 2 co nt ro ls a ll at 0, a ll slide switch es down to off position. For voltage measurem ents as they appear in this chart, fe ed 0.0032 volts (3.2mv) Ike signal into the PHONO A l input only , sh orting out the PHONO A2 input. Voltage measurement s are mad e wit h a VTVM. Oper ating lin e voltag e at which voltage measurem ents are made is 117VAC, 60 cps . NOTE: ALL VOLTAGE & RESISTANCE VALUES MAY NORMALLY BE ± 20%. ~ ST - 84 12AX7 12AX7 V5 v3 1 PWR TRANS TI V6 6X4 V4 -~ I ZA X7 R5 8 CHAN.2 HUM SAL ...... , , R57 CHAN.I HUM SAL Figur e 5- 3. Tube Layout (Top Chassi s Vi ew) 12AX 7 HUM SAL CHAN.I 12AX7 J2AX 7 VI R57 V3 V5 C 31 • V2 12AX7 R58 CHAN. 2 V4 V6 12AX 7 6X4 HUM SA L Fig-ure 5- 4. Bott om Chass is Vie w FI IA .FUSE _ PAGE 14 mm.J SEC TION VI. EI CO'S SERVICE POUCY If you are expe r ie ncing troubl e that you cannot diagnose yours elf, you a re invit ed to a vail yourseU of th e EICO Se r vi ce Consultation Depa r t ment. The con sultant handling your inqui ry will make eve ry effor t to diagnos e the ca sue of you r parti cular difficulty based on th e informati on that ~ pr ovi de. Plea se be as thorough as pos sib le. In clude th e following infor mati on about your unit: a) Hav e you made a thorough check of th e wiring, checking also for cold so lder joints, or acci dental shorting between parts, or to chassis? (Check to see whet he r a ba r e wire or lead ext ends fa r enough to be s horted whe n th e bottom plat e is put on). b) Have you checked that th e proper tube or trans i sto r is in each socket, and a lso making pr oper contact in the s ocket ? Ar e all sh ields firmly in pl ace? c ) Does th e t r oub le occ ur at one time or one operati ng sit uation, but not at another time or oper ati ng s ituation? Be as s pecifi c as possibl e in this r espect. d) If the unit is of the t ype that invol ves alignm ent or cali br ati on, be as sp ec ific as possible as to wha t you ha ve done or not don e wit h regard to these r equirements . If th e unit incorpora tes tu ned cir cuit s stat ed to be facto ry pr e-aligned, did you cha nge any s ettings ? If so, what align m ent proced ur e did you us e ? e ) Ha ve you obse rved an y pecu larityabout a part ? If a pa rt appears cha r red or oth er wise damaged by e xces s ive h ea t, pl ease s a y so. If you th ink you have damaged a pa rti cular part in th e as s e mbly or wiring, please say so. In co njunction with th e s ymptoms, th e consu lt ant ma y be ab le to det er mi ne wheth er such a part is lik e ly to be defecti ve. /) Ha ve you gone through an y trou ble-shooting pr ocedu r e tha t may be provid ed ? If your manual includes a table of conta cts made at each switch positi on, ha ve you chec ked out th e swit ch es a cco r dingly (if the t rouble is such that doing thi s would be appropri at e )? Hav e you been able to make checks of th e ope r a ti ng voltages and /or r es is tan ce s , if th i s is a ppr opr ia te , and your man ua l provides a t able of voltages an d resist a nces ? What a r e the r esults of these chec ks ? Als o, ha ve you taken an y ot her troubl e -shooting approache s ? What hav e been th e r esults ? g) If this is high fidelity eq uipme nt, please s ta te th e typ e (magnetic, ce r a mic , cr ys ta l ) of phono car t r idge you ar e using an d/or th e make and mode l numbe r . Sta te th e mak e and model of your r ecord changer, or turntable a nd ton e a r m. Ar e the s peakers in th e same cabine t with you r e lect r oni c equipme nt? 'If so, des cribe the cabinet and th e pl ace me nt of the components . Plea se s tate th e make and model of your sp eaker s . ST-84 I In addition, li st a ny code numbers in r ed und er th e words INST RUCT ION MANUAL on the cove r of th e book pr ovid ed with your unit. If th e r e a re no r ed code numbe r s , st at e this specifically. If th e unit bears a s erial numb er, i t Is es senti a l th at you include this also. PARTS REPLACEMENT If it appea rs that a co mponen t is defective, and you desir e a r ep lace me ntfro m EICO, address your cor r esponden ce to our Customer Service Department. If you a re claimi ng the r ight to a no- charge r epl ace ment unde r the te r ms and conditi ons of th e war ranty, it is r equi r ed th at you s ha ll ha ve s e nt in the r egi s tr a ti on card within 10 days of th e da te of pur chas e, and that you s en d back th e def ective part tr an spo r ta ti on prepaid. EICO will make th e necessary r eplacement a t no cha rge for parts eli gib le und er th e -t e r m s and conditions of th e war r anty. In r et ur ning tube s , pack th em ver y ca refully to av oid br eak ag e in shipment. Br oken tubes will not be r eplaced. P lea s e r ead th e war ranty on th e subj ect of pa r ts eligible for repla ceme nt. Furth er info r ma tion r equired on a pa r t r etur ned to the factor y for a no- charge r ep la ce me nt under the terms an d conditi ons of the war ranty i s a s follows : a ) Model numb er an d s e ri al numb er, if. a ny, of unit. Als o any cod e numbers in r ed under th e words INSTRUCTION MANUAL on the cove r of th e book s upplied wit h the uni t. b) Stock numbe r and description of part as gi ve n on th e parts Its t. If the part is not li sted (of itself) in th e pa rts list, it means that th e part is int egral with a sub- assembly. If th e subassembly is not s ealed, and the def ective part is definite ly identified a nd ea s ily replaceable (not more than two connec tions ), you ma y r eques t r eplace ment for th e particular par t. If th e sub -asse mbly i s s eal ed, or if the def ecti ve pa r t is not defi nite ly id entifi ed or is not eas ily r ep lacea ble (more tha n two connections ), then r emove the s ub -asse mbly a nd r etur n it t o EICO (less any tube s ) for r epa ir or replace me nt, if your uni t is in wa r rant ee. If your unit is out of war rant ee, you ar e gen erall y ad vi s ed to or de r a r eplac e me nt sub- as s embly. c) De s c ribe as co mpletely a s pos sible th e na ture of th e def ect, or your r eason for r equir ing r eplace ment. FACTOR Y REPAIR SE RVICE EI CO maintains a Fact or y Re pa ir Service Depa r tment for in - wa r r anty or out -of- wa r r an ty r epair of EICO equi pme nt. It is intended to ser ve th os e custo mers who ar e not ad equate ly fa mi liar with ele ct r oni cs to mak e use of th e EICO Ser vi ce Consultation faci li ties , or whose diffi cnlfies ca nnot be s olv ed by cor r es ponde nce. For a ll out - of -warranty units, th er e is a minimum la bo r and handling fee. For th e Model ST - 84, thi s fee is $ 10.00. Charges for components r eplaced a r e additi onal to t he minimum fe e. For in -warranty completed ki t uni ts , ther e i s a mini mu m labor a nd handling fee. For th e Model ST -84, thi s fee i s $10. 00. Th ere i s no cha rge for a r epla ced defective par t provided that the terms a nd co nditions of th e war ranty for no cha rge r eplacement ar e not vio laied in th e judgement of EICO. For in- wa r r ant y factor y-wir ed uni ts, th ere is no labor an d hand lin g fee if the unit co mpli es with th e te r ms an d co nditions of the warr an t y in the judge m en t of EICO. Howev er, if the t er ms an d conditi ons of th e war r an ty ar e vi olat ed, then t her e will be cha rged to custome r a minimum labor and ha ndli ng fee plus th e co s t of parts r epla ced. In all cases , th e unit mus t be s ent to th e factory transportati on prepaid, and the unit will be r etur ned to th e cus to me r t ransport ati on co llect. Th e s ervices r e nde red for the minimum labor an d han dling fee are th e cor re ction of any minor wir ing e r r or s (not exte nsive cor rections or r e- wir ing), the lab or invol ved in r eplacing defecti ve parts, and any adjus t me nts , a li gn me nt, or cali bration pr o cedures th a t would normally be performed on a fa ct ory- Wired unit. Units not wired accor ding to instructions, or modified in an y wa y, or showing e vide nc e of th e use of acid co r e s old er, wi ll not be s ervi ced a nd wi ll be r eturned to th e cus tomer for thwith. Units r equ ir ing extensi ve co r r ections or r e- wiring will in cu r an additional labor charge which will be s e t by EICO. Th e cus to me r wi ll be inf ormed of this s it u ation an d written authorization from th e custo m er will be r equir ed befor e th e work i s done. Pleas e not e: min i mum labor an d handl ing fees are subject to r evision at a ny time. LOCAL REPAIR FACILITIES Out - of-warranty repa ir work ma y al so be performed by authori zed ser vice sta ti on s as we ll as th e EICO fa ct or y. A li st of authorized s er vice stations is pr-ovide d wit h th is man ua l. Th e r ost er of stations ma y cha nge fr om time to ti me, an d if cons ide r a ble time ha s e la p s ed si nc e you purchased your unit, you ar e advis ed to co ntactthe s tation you choose before s ending the unit to them fo r r epai r . Us e of a local s e r vi ce station will oft en r esu lt in fa s te r s ervice, a nd, usually, lowe r t ransportation cos ts. It is necessary that you comply with the Shipping Instructions th at follow when s ending in a unit for s e rvi ce. SHIP P ING INST RUCT IONS You a re s t rong ly advi s ed to r etain th e or igina l shipping ca r to n a nd inse r ts in th e case th a t r e-shipmen t ~ ST -84 I PAGE 15 is requir ed for s er vi ce or an y othe r purpose. The carton .~t:~8~;~8~::8~I:S:::S~::S~t;8~:~-="~t~s;l:at;8:::S;t:8:1is:. (11• • •• , . _. • • ' . • • • .- . • • • • , - ,. •• -[I] ma y be collaps ed, for s to r a ge in as small a space as ,..;. ~ THE E ICO WARRANTY ~ ..... possible . In very many ca s es, th e same carton is used 'j' ~ ~ for kit and fa ctory- wir e d units s o that the kit carton The E lectronic Ins t r u me nt Company, Inc., her e- :.,: will se rve for r e-shipment of the completed kit. (I) aft er r efer r ed to as EICO, warrants that, for a period (I) :.;.: of 90 days fr om the date of purchase, any E ICO kit will ~ (:I: To submit a unit for service, either t o th e fa ctory J!l4 be free of defects in par t s, and that an y E ICO factor y- ~L or an author ized ser vice s ta ti on, * fill out co mple te ly ~v, wir ed unit wi ll be fr ee of defects in parts and work - fr' the Ser vi ce Work Order form provided wit h the manual. ~~4 manahip. For an E ICO kit, E ICO I sobligation is li mit e d ~~.l Pack the unit ve ry ca r efull y, pref erably in th e or igina l lil' to those parts whi ch ar e returned transportation pre- lilt s hipping ca rton with th e original inser t s . :.;.~ paid to the factor y without fu r th er da mage , and in the :.,: (I) judgement of E ICO ar e either originally defective or (I) If thi s is not possible, us e a strong ove r s ize c ar ton, ;tZt: have be co me defe ctive in nor mal us e. For an E ICO preferably wood, a l.lowin g at le a s t 3 inches of r e s ilient factory -wired unit , E ICO' s obli gati on is limited to ~mt packin g mat erial su ch as shredded paper or exce ls io r , -r)' thos e part s, s ec ti ons , or the enti re unit which is re - ~~)' to be inserted between all sides of the unit and the .~t turn ed t ransportation prepaid to the factory without ~4 car-t on , Seal th e ca r ton with strong gummed paper tape furth er damag e, and in th e judgement of EICO are e it he r '(i)' or strong twin e, or both. Include th e Servi ce Work :~ originally def e ctive or ha ve b ec ome defective in norma l :-:*: Order in th e carton and in additi on, attach a tag to th e ro UH. 00 instrument on which is pri nted your name and address Th e warrant y does not app ly to any parts da mag ed and brief referen ce to the t r ouble exper ience d. Affix "FRAGILE " or "HANDLE WITH CARE " la be ls to at ~: in the cou rse of handling, ass embling, or wiring by the :ru: least four sides of th e ca r to n, or print th ese words ~m. custo mer J or damaged due to abnormal usage or in lar ge and cl ear with a bright co lor crayon. Ship by li)' vio lati on of inst ructions or r easonable practice, or lilt W fur th er damaged to a consequential degr ee in r eturn .~ prepaid Railway E xpress or parcel post to: ship ment. Furthermore, th e for egoing warranty is ~ .. Electronic Ins t r u me nt Co., Inc . ''' ('I'' made only to the or ig ina l cus to me r , and is and shall ~(Tl' be in li eu of all ot he r warranti es, whether expre s s ed 33-00 Nor ther n Blvd" ~: or implied, and of a ll ot her ob li gations or liabi litie s :00: Lon g Is land City 1, Ne w York Att ention: Servic e Depa r t ment ~lI.4 on the part of EICO, an d in no event shall EICO be li able W !J: for any anticipat ed profits, consequential damage s, Incl ude you r name and address on the out s ide of 'r~I~' los s of tim e, or ot her losses incur r e d by the cus to me r '(-I',' the carton. Return shipment will be made tr ans po r ta - ~ ;J in connection with th e pur chase or op eration of E ICO W products or components the r eof. W ti on charge s co llect. Note that a carri er cannot be lilt lilt held liable for damages in tr ansit, if packing, IN HIS W ~ OPINION, is in suffici ent. lilt The regi stration card, which acc ompani es ea ch '"4 E ICO kit or factor y-wired unit , mu st be filled in a nd '44 *Autho r ized s er vi c e stations a r e for out- of -warrant y r et urned to the company wit hin 10 day s aft er th e dat e u nit s only, un less th e s ta ti on is sp e cifically noted on :0;.: of purchase. This war rant y appli es only to registered :->: .f!), th e List of Authorized Servic e Stations to be auth ori zed J!l. units, fo r othe r work. :~: I J!l til' :*: til' :m m: ,,'J!l ·1 m J.. m: lit liJ liJ . 'X 'S':'S':'S:l'S';'=';'S'X 'S':I=';'=';'S'X 'S';'-: ,~IS,:,SIIil .:;<B-J PAGE 16 ST - 84 I SE CTION VII. PARTS LIST SYM.# STOCK* AM'T. C1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 C7,8 C9, 10 CII, 12 C 13, 14 C1 5, 16 C17 , 18 C 19, 20 C21, 22 C23, 24 C2 5, 26 C27 , 28 C29, 30 C3 1 C32 C33 C3 4 FI 22 5 17 22538 22 536 22 522 22520 22580 22 53 4 22517 20039 22 532 20057 22563 20039 24020 230 16 23028 20043 9 1002 92000 50020 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I I I I I 2 capacito r , di s c, . 025mf d (25K or 25,000mmf) GMV capacito r , di s c, 400mmf, 10% capacitor, di s c, 25mmf, 10% capac ito r , di s c, 330mmf , 10% capacitor, di s c, .00 12mfd (1.2K or 1200mmf ), 10% capac ito r, di s c, .2mfd, lOV capacitor, di s c, 68mmf, 10% capac itor, dis c, . 025mfd (25K or 2 5,000mmf) GMV ca pacitor , molded , .1 mfd, 400V, 10% capaci tor, di s c, .0015mf d (1. 5K or 1500mmf ), 10% capac ito r , mo ld ed, . 47mf d, 200V capacitor, di s c, .01mfd (10K or 10, 000m mf) 25V, 10% capacitor , mo lded, . 1I1]fd, 400V, 10% capac itor, elec., 2 x 20mfd, 400V + 2 x 40mfd, 350V ca pac ito r , elec., 30mfd, 400V capac itor, elec. , 10mfd, 150V capa ci tor , mold ed , . 03mfd, 600V fu s e, I Amp pilot li ght bulb, #47 ja ck, input, quadr upl e 500 18 2 ja ck, input, tr ip le 500 11 500 16 2975 1 29753 10428 10410 11526 10424 10407 10455 11512 11533 1152 3 11520 10435 1040 8 11532 10421 18068 18069 104 13 10417 10423 10431 10426 10410 18071 18096 10426 19016 10449 10400 10444 1045 1 10410 60 100 60 101 620 12 62014 620 12 2 2 2 I 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 I I 2 2 4 2 2 2 I I 2 2 2 I I I I I I 2 I 2 I I 2 3 jack, input , dual AC receptacle print ed ci rcuit, 7 lead s pr int ed cir cuit, 5 lead s r e si stor, 47K, 1/2W, 10% (ye llow, vio le t,orange ,silver) r es i s tor , l OOK, 1/2W, 10% (brown. black.ye llow.eflver -) r e s i stor,200K, 1/2W, 5% (r ed,b la ck, yell ow,gold) r es i s tor, 22K, 1/2 W, 10% (red,red,o range,silver) r es i s tor, 1M, 1/ 2W, 10% (brown.bla ck.gr ee n.sftve r ] r esisto r , L 5M, 1/2W, 10% (brown. gr-een. gr-een . atlver-) r es i s tor, 2400 , 1/2W, 5% (r ed ,yellow,red ,gold) r e si stor, 1200, 1/2 W, 5% (brown.r-ed .r-ed .gold) r es i stor, 68K, 1/2W, 5% (blue,gr ay ,o range, go ld) r es ist or, 40K, 1/2W, 5% (yellow,b lack,orange,go ld) resistor , 150K, 1/2 W, 10% (brown,g reen ,y e llow,silver) r esi s tor, 680K, 1/2W, 10% (b lue,grey,yello w,silver) resistor , 4M, 1/2W, 5% (ye llow,b lack,gree n,go ld) r esi stor, 6800 oh m, 1/2 W, 10% (blue,gray,red, s il ver ) pot en ti om e ter, 7 50K, dual pote ntiometer, 250K, dua l r e s i st or, 2.71(, 1/2W, 10% (r ed , vio let, red, s ilver ) ) r e si s tor,220K, l / ZW, 10% (r ed,red ,yello w,silver ) r esi stor, 2200 oh m, i/ zw, 10% (red, red,red,s ilver) r e s istor, 470K, l / ZW, 10% (yellow,violet, yell ow, si lver ) r es i s tor , 33K, l / ZW, 10% (orange,or ange,orange,silver) resistor, l OOK, 1/Zw, 10% (br -own.bla ck .yel low. ai lver ) poten ti om et er, 1M, concentric pot enti o met er, 500K, concentric , w/S PST sw itch and cover r e s istor, 33K, 1/2W, 10% (oran gc, oran ge,or an ge, s il ver ) potenti ometer , 100 ohm, WW r es i st or, 5600 oh m, 1/ 2W, 10% (gr een. b lue .z-ed.ailve r ) res istor, 10K, i/ zw, 10% (brown. black.o r ange.st tver ] r es i s tor, 1Z0K, l /ZW, 10% (br own. r-ed.yellow.a flver-) r esistor, 27K, i/ zw, 10% (r ed , viol et,or an ge, s il ver ) r esi st or, l OOK, l /Z W, 10% (br-own.black.yel low. at lve r -) switch, ro ta ry, 4 section sw it ch, rotary, 1 section switch, slide, DPDT switch, slide, 4P DT switch, s li de, DPDT switch, SPS T mount ed on R53 - 54 tr ansfo rmer, power terminal s tr ip , 1 pos t left te r- mina l s t rip, 1 post right II J1 ,2, 3, 4; J 5, 6,7, 8 J 9, 10, 11; 12, J1 3, 14 J1 5, 16; 17, 18 J1 9, 20 P C1,2 PC3 RI , 2 R3, 4 R5,6 J 7 , 8 R9, 10 Rl1, 12 R1 3,14 R15,1 6 R17, 18 R 19,20 R21, 22 R23,24,25, 26 R27,28 R29,30 R31, 32 R33-3 4 R35- 36 R 37, 38 R39, 40 R41,4 2,4 3,44 R45, 46 R47,48 R49, 50 R51- 52 R53- 54- S8 R55,56 R57, 58 R59, 60 R6 1 R62 R6 3 R64 SI S2 83, 4 S5 86, 7 S8 TI TBl,2 TB3, 4,5 3003 4 54000 5400 1 DESCRIPTION m I m ) /ST- 84 SECTIO N Vll P ARTS LIST I (Cont ' d.) SYM. ' STO CK' AM'T. TB6,7 , 8, 9,1 0 TB 11 TB 12, 13 T B14 T B15, 16 T B17 Vl,2 ,3,4,5 V6 X Fl XU XVl,2 XV3,4,5 XV6 54003 54006 54008 540 11 54014 54015 9003 4 90036 97800 977 12 97027 97025 97024 40000 4000 1 40007 40016 41008 41035 41047 41086 41090 4109 1 4 1096 41097 41099 41100 42000 4200 1 42002 42005 42007 42029 42055 43000 46011 500 12 50019 5002 1 530 47 530 48 53049 57000 58300 58303 58 408 58 410 584 12 58414 5850 1 80 119 81920 8 1175 8 1326 8 1327 8 1328 8 1329 8 1935 82 101 8953 7 89627 97300 977 17 66 107 66360 5 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 2 3 1 30 6 52 1 1 5 7 29 40 12 2 2 12 2 6 6 29 1 52 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 lengt h lengt h length length length length length 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 DESCRIPTION terminal strip, 2 post te rmina l st rip, 3 post 2 right terminal strip, 4 post termina l st rip, 1 post, dual upright te r minal strip, 3 post 2 left terminal strip, 3 post 2 left, with ground tu be, 12AX7/ EC C83/ 7025 tu be, 6X4 fus eholder pilot li ght ass embly so cket, 9 pin mini atur e with shi eld support s ock et, 9 pin miniature s ocket, 7 pin miniatur e nut, hex, No. 6- 32 nut, hex, 3/8" -32 nut, hex, No. 4-4 0 nut, hex, 1/ 2" for fusehold er s cre w, No. 6- 32 x 1/ 2, binding head s cr ew, No. 6, s elf tapping s crew, No.8 x 5/ 16, self tapping s crew, No. 6-32 x 5/ 16, binding head s crew , No. 4- 40 x 5/ 16, bin ding head s cre w, No. 4- 40 x 1/4, fl at head screw, No. 4-40 x 3/ 8, binding head , brass s crew, No. 6-32 x 5/ 16, binding he ad, brow n oxide s crew, No. 8-32 x 3/8, se lf thr eading, brown oxide s crew, No. 8-32 x l 3/ 4" washer, lock, 3/8" washer , fl at, 3/ 8" wash er , lo ck, No.6 wash er , fla t, No. 6 wash er, lock, No. 4 wash er, rubber, 1/2 " fo r fuseho lder washer, 5/8 ;' 0 .0. lug, ground, No.6 (DOt, plas ti c insulator for 500 11 (dual ja ck) ins u la to r for 500 18 (t ri ple jack) insulat or for 50020 (quadruple jack) knob, concentric , inner knob, co ncentric , oute r knob, dual lin e cor d s paghe tti, sma ll spagh etti, lar ge cable , 1 conducto r, bla ck cable , 4 conductor cable , 3 co nductor cable , 1 co nducto r, grey wir e pane1, (r ant cable c lamp, metal cable c la mp, plastic chas s is pane l, rear hood bottom pla te brac ket , side st ra in r e li ef s hiel d, pilot bu lb gl ue capsu le s hie ld fo r 9 pin s oc ket j ew e l, pilot bulb manual of instructi on (wir ed ) m anu a l of instru cti on (kit) PAGE 17 VI!!I!:l. SERVICE WORK ORDER Serial No. Model No. --------- Date -------- Indicate red code numbers (if any) under words "INSTRUCTION MANUAL" on cover of manual ----- Check one: Purchased as kit D Purchased factory-wired D Name ----------------------- Address ---------------------- Item (s) Returned: (specify any separately purchased accessories included in shipment, or any detachable parts normally supplied that are omitted) IU Z ... Q IU TroulJles and/or Repairs Required ---------------------- l- ce ~ ...o ~ IU IL e Z o ...ce ce Check one: Repair Unit & Bill D Send Quote Before Service ~ IU Check one: Warranty Privileges Claimed I- Yes 0 No D D If Warranty Privileges Are Claimed, Please Supply Information Required Below ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WARRANTY REPAffi REQUIRED INFORMATION Date of Purchase - - - - - - - Date Registration Card Mailed - - - - - - - Date Completed (if kit) Sales Slip (or facsimile thereof) enclosed Distributor Address I.E. 1368 Yes _ 0 No 0 -------------------------- --------------------------~ Electronic Instrument Co., Inc., 33-00 Northern Blvd., hI.C. 1, N.Y. ;;: f,1 ~ , co SECTION TAPE/AUX MX/AUX FM-AM TAPE HD. PHONOA PHONO B MIC N.C. 2-5,7- 12 4-5, 8-12 4-5, 9-12 5-6, 10- 12 1-7-8-9 10-12 1-8 -9 -10 1-7 -9-10 1-7-8-10 1-7-8-9 9-12 3- 10- 12 3- 4- 12 3-4-12 3-6 -12 2- 8-9 2-8-9 2-8 -9 2-8-9 INPUT A,G 4- 5 N.C. SELECTOR B,H 1-7- 8- 910-12 1-7-8-910-12 SWITCH SI :0; ~ ... " C, E 7-12 D, F 2-3-8-9 8-12 2-3 -8 2-8-9 <en • P' on , >-l cc • ... ~ g: ~. >-l ~ r0- O> SECTION MODE SELECTOR SWITCH S2 BAL.l BAL.2 STEREO REVERSE MONO 1 MONO 2 MONO 1-2 on , >-l ... co A 2-6 N.C. 2-6 N.C. N.C. 6-8 6-8 B 6-8 2-3-8 3-8 2-3 6-8 2-3-6 3-6 2-3-6 1) Entries are numbers of thos e switch co ntac ts which ar e connected togeth e r by the r otors at the particular position. NC means no connec tion. 2) On s chematic diagram, all s witch wafe r s in the maximum counte r - cloc kwi se position (TAPE / AUX and BAL. 1) as s e en from the front or shaft end. E:iImJ ST-84 1 PAGE 19 CII 330MtE 7-1~2 r -- -:-ll~S3A - ~ I I I I ~~~i O X R21 40 K 5% RI9 6 SK 5% 0 ~7 JI5 4 TAPEI I 2 6 • - , ~?~"k1 3 ~Pol2 5% MtE -, R32 RI7 1200 5% r -- 750K I.' I TAPE MONITOR SW JI6 I TAPE OUTPUTI 11 0 12~' 2 0 10. 3 ~ 04 ~ o °5 o 7 +T 6 I r - + -- - I 4Ji~MF II 12 I 0 0 2 9° / ' "---{ 0 0 7 I I I 00:: 04 5 6 R2 47 K J6 PHR2NO '---~----6-t-- ---' R4 lOOK J5 ... __' TAPE 10 ° 9° RIB 1200 5% ~~~ RI6 24 00 5% 5% 12 0 K 2 0 ..r-.. '~ '---------;;a7 8 0 7 06 r:I --i- f--+ - ::lI I I ~ Ii. HEAD 2 2" 3 PCI 6 t---'~ 7 r--..L. 0 .1 400V ~~ !::B JI7 ~ CH. I ~ OUTPUT r----' I I ,...... 21 __--"t-t----'-1 7j ' R53 500K TREBLE TI 5 I , I 3f-- I I I r - - -J I I I I ~J20 S;- I EUJ $ JI9 I II :Ji C34 -r- 0.03 . I I III~~~~~---' R52 1M BASS I I I I I I I I I V5 B 12AX7/E CCB3 y C30 0.1 R56 400V 33K 1 2 I I I L __ I ,. WHITEi"'o.",~--+-~~ BRN v I R54 500K TREBLE . F igur e 5-6. ST -84 Sche matic Diag r a m J RUMBLE FILTER SW I I I I SCRATCH I I / I I .b S7B / J 250 K I I I C24 V4 .0015 j" 12AX7/ECCB3 3 I 3 I I L ____ ..J ? JI8 CH.2 OUTPUT B R42 22 00 R46 4701< R48 33K 0C26 :£. f 2~ C28 0 .01 25V 2 Y C29 R55 33K R51 1M BASS c> °5 I 1 7 12AX7/ECCB3 .J6fli 04 C23 .0015 R50 y C22 R40 C20 0.1 lOOK 220K 0.025 I 400V 6!::-1f-+-----, V5 A I I R43 2200 y ~ II R47 33K I r.'~R=36::-1 I I ~ 9S7A / I CIB R41 2200 I sw IJ} 750K \ 2.7 K I I lCI5 1.0.2 I lOY LEVEL I CONTROL I 2~5V IS6A LOUONESS UlL.....<_:lJ tl R34 10- 1000S~ I R37 \ I C27 0.01 V On.: U. -, I~~F I I S4 B - t + +-f--;I+ - R6~ 2ooK .5% C21 0 .1 400 7 \ B CAONLANCE TROL I I R24 I50K R35 250K CI7 I+ I S5A I lOOK , I R331- 6 .8 K C25 0.47 R49 lOOK 1 B y OUTPUT S4A ~-jr I RI 471< R3 ." I ~/\~ , 4 ~ T\ 05 I Rl5 2400 5% II 10L QI.. ....-< °",3 3-3/4 I MXI hik I R31 6.8K R27 680K R25 I50 K R44 2200 S6B t ANOTHER PER FO R MAN C E PROVEN PROOUCT