FAITH CONNECTION January 2016 New Year, New Possibilities The angel Gabriel assured Mary that "nothing will be impossible with God". As we begin a new calendar year, prepare for the congregational annual meeting and continue to follow Jesus, we too need to be reminded that "nothing will be impossible with God". One of the helpful insights I gained in my training as an Intentional Interim pastor is that systems, or congregations, are more open during the time of transition. During this transitional time, it will be good to reflect on some of the habits or traditions at Faith and wonder together if these traditions still make sense, if they still serve a purpose or if some things need to be redeveloped. Often "traditions" are not consciously created, rather they evolve because something needs to be accomplished, that happens and then whatever was done to accomplish the task, evolves into a "tradition", the "way we do things". It is good from time to time to reflect on the way we do things to ask questions and reflect. What are your thoughts? Faith will also be welcoming new members in January and as we reflect on how things are done now, it may also be a good time to hear the voices of newcomers who have fresh perspective and new ideas and energy. Most important will be the continued focus on what it is God would have us do now at this time and this place as God continues to make all things new. I think the following prayer written by ELCA Pastor Ted Schroeder communicates a similar idea: Lord, we come into your presence seeking a gracious blessing. But we dare to ask for an outrageous portion of your grace. We ask that you not simply equip us, but that you chase us out into your world. Make us people of vision who look not in but out, not backward but forward, not down but up, not at what cannot be done but at what might be accomplished by your Spirit. Make us those who seek narrow paths instead of wide and easy ways, sending us new places instead of resting places, starts instead of finishes, horizons instead of waysides, tomorrows instead of yesterdays. Give us running shoes instead of slippers, alarm clocks instead of sleep switches, accelerators instead of brakes, sailboats instead of sand castles. Make us startle even ourselves with the power that you give. For all we do is moved by your breath, enveloped by your Spirit, filled with the wind of Your grace, and resounding to your glory and not ours. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen God's Peace, Pastor Gisele P.S. Thank you for sharing your Christmas joy with us; your kind words, beautiful cards and thoughtful gifts reflected the true LIGHT. We are blessed and so thankful to be part of this community. Pastor Gisele & Tim WORSHIP TIMES 8:00 a.m. Traditional 10:30 a.m. Voices of Praise 9:15 Education Hour Coffee Fellowship Come and Join Us New Member Sunday—January 17th If you are interested in joining Faith Luthern please contact the office. The Annual Meeting of Faith Lutheran Church Will be held on February 7, 2016 immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service. We strongly encourage all members of Faith to attend! Annual Reports will be in the Narthex for you to pick up mid– January. Parish Education & Youth News On January 10th we will begin our new rotation, “John the Baptist, Preparing for the Light.” Throughout this rotation the children will learn about John the Baptist, the one who prepares the way for the Light of the World. They will follow John’s life from the foretelling in Isaiah’s prophecy to Jesus’ baptism. Workshops include Art, Movie, Cooking, and Bible Variety. We are still in need of teachers for the Bible Variety workshop in the upcoming rotation beginning on January 10th. If you are interested in teaching the Bible Variety workshop either the primary or intermediate classes please contact Megan Sterzinger at [email protected] ASAP. In December we collected Sunday School offering for ELCA World Hunger, we collected $29.50!! Our 7th Grade Confirmation Class also went on a shopping trip in early December to buy gifts for Homme Home. It was a wonderful month of giving for the youth at Faith! Confirmation News: On January 10th we will be having Acolyte training between the services. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade confirmation classes will all be participation in this training along with their parents. 7th Grade Parents: We have received the registrations for Confirmation Camp. Look for info about Confirmation Camp in the mail in the next few weeks. Thank you to all who volunteered to teach in our January rotation. The donation of your time and talent is greatly appreciated! FLY News and Upcoming Events Check out the Faith Lutheran Church FaceBook page for pictures from many of our meetings and events. December was another busy month for the Faith Lutheran Youth. On Wednesday, December 2, eleven youth, Kim and Pastor Gisele helped prepare, serve and clean up after the Fellowship Dinner at St. Vincent DePaul for our December Service Project. Over 60 members of the Marshfield community in need attended dinner that evening. On Wednesday, December 16, we gathered for O Come All Ye Faith Lutheran Youth. We enjoyed supper together and participated in a Bible Study on some of the modern day misconceptions about the Christmas story. FLY wrapped up the year with a Holiday Gathering on December 29 (after a slight reschedule due to some snow). We enjoyed bowling (congrats McKensie on high score), a pizza supper (thank you Sue Vrana and Lisa Behling), a Christmas Mug gift exchange and some games. We had a great time and were thrilled to have some past members of FLY come and join us! Thanks to everyone that helped support our Faith Lutheran Youth in 2015 – it was truly an awesome year! Coming Up Wednesday, January 6 – Our first FLY Meeting of 2016 will include supper at 6:00 PM and our Bible Study theme is Fear Factor: FLY Edition. We will begin work in January on our February Youth Sunday Service, present the Candlelight Dinner (see info on the Dinner in this newsletter) and enjoy some time “brushing up” on our curling skills on January 24. Don’t forget our meetings on the first and third Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. Youth in Grades 7-8 make sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, February 27 for ChristJam 2016 (the Middle School Youth Gathering) in Rice Lake. We are about 200 days away from leaving for Mission Trip 2016 from July 23-29. Candlelight Dinner: Mark your calendars. Chef Joel Olson will be joining the youth again this year for our Annual Candlelight Dinner. It will be held on Sunday evening, January 18. A great menu is planned. Joel will be offering some special cooking classes on Saturday as well. See pg 3. NOTE FROM THE TREASURER: General giving thru Dec 28th 2015 $325,806.64 2015 budgeted general giving 332,384.44 Deficit for 2015 (6,577.80) Loan draws thru December Electrical Roof Parking lot Total loan draw thus far July thru Dec payments Balance 12/28/15 $13,331.00 14,154.26 20,200.00 47,685.26 (11,801.40) $35,883.86 If you can, please contribute towards the capital improvements by putting money in the blue envelopes noted “capital improvements.” The sooner we can pay down the debt the less strain we put on the general fund. Thank you in advance and thank you to those who have already contributed. God’s peace, Bill Olsen, Treasurer. Faith Lutheran Youth Candlelight Dinner January 17, 2016 6:00 p.m. Menu : Classic Caesar Salad with Parmesan Touilles, Open-Faced Pork Tenderloin and Mushroom Wellingtons with Port Sauce; Potato Gratin and Braised Winter Vegetables, Caramelized Apple Mouse with Cinnamon Crisps and Candied Cranberries. Wine, Water, Coffee Tickets are $20 and will be available on Sundays. Call church office for more info. Cooking Classes with Chef Joel Olson International Soups and Sandwiches (Adult Class) Saturday Jan 16th -- 9:30 a.m.-Noon Cuban Black Bean Soup with Crispy Onion Rings and Lime Cream & Classic Cuban Sandwiches (with pork, ham, cheese and pickles); Tuscan Onion Soup & Roasted Tomato, Goat Cheese and Bacon Panini; Avoglemono Soup (Greek Lemon and Chicken Soup) & Grilled Greek Vegetable Sandwish with Olive and Feta Vinaigrette. Class Cost: $60 Teen Ravioli Party (Teen Class—ages 13-17) Saturday Jan 16th -- 1:30-3:30 p.m. Teens join Chef Joel learning how to make egg pasta dough from scratch and then prepare delicious fresh Ravioli with these three different fillings: Three Cheese; Roasted Butternut Squash; and Spinach and Feta. Two different sauces will also be prepared: Marinara Sauce and Alfredo Sauce. Class Cost: $40 Sign-up with Joel at [email protected] or call church office. Proceeds benefit Faith Lutheran Youth The Faith Lutheran Book Club plans to discuss "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd on Jan 18, 2016 at 7 PM at the home of Jean Swenson. Facilitator is Pat Anderson. SOS Treasurer The Soup or Socks board is looking to fill the Treasurer position. Bill Crist has served as our treasurer but has expressed the need to resign. He would train whoever steps forward so they could take over the job soon… no later than October 1, 2016. Please contact Bill—715-387-6848, Christine—715-387-3502 or Cheryl at SOS—715-387-1796 if you think you might be able to fill the position. Christine Stromme How to Contact Us Office Hours: 9-3 M-TH Church Office—715-387-3757 Pastor Gisele Berninghaus (387-3757) [email protected] Dar Schubert, Secretary (387-3757) [email protected] Beth Behnke-Seper, Director of Music [email protected] Roger Keller, Choir Director [email protected] Megan Sterzinger, Parish Education [email protected] Kim Vrana, Youth Director [email protected] Website [email protected] Woman of the ELCA Next Planning meeting is Monday, January 11th at 6:30 pm. Our Thankoffering service will be held on February 28, 2016 and we need volunteers to greet, usher, and lector. Contact Karen at 715-387-4230. Empty Bowls A Fundraiser for Soup or Socks 11 am—2 pm March 12 at the Hotel Marshfield Call Christine at 715-387-3502 for more details. Sewers Needed Quilt block pieces are in narthex for those who would like to pick up a set to sew together for Piece Corps. Info on meetings cancelled due to inclement weather conditions: Check our Facebook page or listen to the local radio station [WDLB 1450 AM] Altar Care Needs As we walk into church, on a Sunday morning, the altar area is inviting and the Supper is ready. The area is welcoming us to join in prayer, to hear the Word and to share in the Lord’s Supper. This is the worship space we look to, for our encounter with the Holy One. The Altar Teams, as servants of God, assist in creating a climate of worship for you. The teams are the ones responsible for preparing the chancel area for worship, setting up for communion and doing all of those things that make the area inviting. Do we take it for granted that all will be ready when we come to worship? Sorry to say we are suffering a shortage of people on the monthly teams. As I write this we need 10 people to fill out the various teams. Oct. has no one. The commitment is for one month serving with two others. Come, serve the Lord and join this dedicated group of people. A sign-up sheet is in the narthex. Questions call Sharon Tyrolt Automatic Giving Consider signing up with your bank for automatic giving for 2016. You can set it up for free and your offerings can be automatically deposited into the Faith Lutheran account on whatever schedule works for you. Check with your bank to see what they need. Some only need the church’s name. Others need our account and routing number. Call the office for more information. Council Highlights for December meeting: Update on membership changes Update on nominations for 2016 council members Approve designation of Christmas Offerings to Transitional House and Malawi Reviewed 2016 Budget Proposal "Thank you to all who gave gifts to the people listed on our Operation Christmas Tree. It may have been a record number of people with 91 requests given to us by Lutheran Social Services and Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services. Kim Vrana's office was piled high with gifts. Your generosity made a Joyous Christmas for many people."