international modern art - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
international modern art - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
a u ct i o n 8 0 0 • ma rch 2 0 0 9 modern art bruun rasmussen modern art + design design auction 800 copenhagen auc ti o n 800 copenhagen modern art + design a u c t ion 800 copenhagen monday 9 march tuesday 6 pm international modern art 1 - 127 10 march 1 pm surrealism contemporary art 128 - 182 183 - 342 classic modern art prints tribal art silver jewellery and watches 343 395 434 446 468 decorative art furniture and design 495 - 524 525 - 615 wednesday 11 march 1 pm - 394 433 445 467 494 wednesday 11 march 6 pm modern art + design auction 9 - 11 march 2009 preview wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday 4 5 6 7 8 9 march march march march march march 4 1 1 11 11 11 pm pm pm am am am - 8 5 5 4 4 1 pm pm pm pm pm pm Please note that parking is no longer available in the courtyard in Bredgade. For convenience, the opening hours of the preview on Wednesday 4 March has been moved to 4-8 PM to facilitate parking in the area. Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 [email protected] · modern art + design au k t ion 800 københavn mandag 9. marts kl. 18 tirsdag 10. marts international nutidskunst 1 - 127 kl. 13 onsdag 11. marts surrealisme nutidskunst 128 - 182 183 - 342 kl. 13 klassisk modernisme grafik etnografica sølv smykker og armbåndsure 343 395 434 446 468 onsdag - 394 433 445 467 494 11. marts kl. 18 kunsthåndværk 495 - 524 udvalgte møbler og design 525 - 615 modern art + design auktion 9 - 11 marts 2009 eftersyn onsdag torsdag fredag lørdag søndag 4 5 6 7 8 marts marts marts marts marts mandag 9 marts kl. kl. kl. kl. kl. 16 13 13 11 11 - 20 17 17 16 16 kl. 11 - 13 Bemærk venligst, at det ikke længere er muligt at parkere i gården i Bredgade. Til gengæld er tidspunktet på eftersynets åbningsdag onsdag den 4. marts rykket til kl. 16-20, således at det vil være lettere at finde parkering. Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 [email protected] · Velkommen til årets første auktion over moderne kunst og design i Bredgade Som noget nyt er moderne malerier, møbelklassikerne og kunsthåndværket samlet i ét auktionskatalog. Et særligt fokus på auktionen er surrealisme, idet to danske pionerer udi surrealistisk kunst – Wilhelm Freddie og Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen – begge ville være fyldt 100 år i 2009. Vi er glade for at kunne præsentere et udvalg, der bl.a. tæller en fremragende, tidlig og hidtil ubeskrevet komposition af Wilhelm Freddie fra 1934. I det hele taget finder man i nærværende katalog værker fra de fleste af Freddies forskellige perioder: fra de illusionistiske billeder i perioden 1934-46 over de såkaldte esoteriske værker fra 1947-53 til de mere ekspressive billeder fra 1950’erne og frem. Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen præsenteres ligeledes i et varieret udvalg, der suppleres med gode værker af navne som Erik Ortvad, Rita Kerrn-Larsen, Erik Olson, Harry Carlsson, Elsa Thoresen m.fl. Derudover vil man på eftersynets vægge – som altid – kunne møde et righoldigt udvalg af værker af højeste kvalitet inden for områderne klassisk dansk modernisme, CoBrA og nutidskunst. Blandt de absolutte hovedværker skal især Franciska Clausens ”Baren” fra 1927 fremhæves. Clausen var i 1920’erne en del af den europæiske konstruktivistiske avantgarde, og ”Baren” betragtes som et hovedværk i hendes puristiske fase. I kategorien design står professor Kaare Klint centralt, blandt andet i kraft af flere stole og sofaer med smukt patineret originalt nigerskind. Et fornemt udvalg af Wegner-stole, som f.eks. den eftertragtede ”Swivel chair” fra 1955, akkompagneres af et rent museumsstykke i form af en unika sofagruppe, der er tegnet af Arne Jacobsen som en del af den oprindelige indretning til Rothenborgs hus i Klampenborg fra 1929-30. Dette møblement, der har været i familiens eje indtil nu, er et sjældent dansk udtryk for en international funkismøbelstil, og det fremstår, omend slidt, stadig i original stand. Bruun Rasmussen åbner nyt domicil i Århus Bruun Rasmussen indledte det nye år med en række ændringer. Først og fremmest er det jyske hovedsæde på Pedersholm i Vejle flyttet til Århus. Her danner de store moderne lokaler på Søren Frichs Vej 34, 8230 Åbyhøj, nu ramme om virksomhedens auktioner i Jylland, der fremover kun benytter internettet som salgskanal. Telefonnummeret hertil er: + 45 8818 1100. Bruun Rasmussen udvider i Københavns Nordhavn Desuden har Bruun Rasmussen udvidet faciliteterne i Københavns Nordhavn, således at det eksisterende domicil i Utzons bygning i Sundkrogsgade 30 suppleres med yderligere 4000 m2 lokaler på Baltikavej 10, 2100 København Ø, i umiddelbar nærhed. Telefonnummeret hertil er: +45 8818 1111. Læs mere om det jyske hovedsæde i Århus og de nye lokaler i Nordhavnen på side (394). Ændring af købersalær Pr. 1. januar har Bruun Rasmussen ændret købersalæret til 24 % (ekskl. moms). Salærændringen gælder alle køb på husets auktioner, både på de traditionelle auktioner og på net-auktionerne. Der vil fortsat ikke blive beregnet hammerslagsgebyr. Se købskonditionerne på side (402). Ny afhentningspolitik Bruun Rasmussen har indført nye regler for afhentning af auktionsvarer. Det betyder, at emner købt på denne auktion skal være betalt og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest mandag den 30. marts. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 125 kr. pr. emne, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. emne pr. påbegyndt uge. Har De ikke mulighed for afhentning inden for dette tidsrum, kan De bestille transport eller forsendelse via hjemmesiden, dog allersenest mandag den 30. marts. Welcome to this year’s premiere modern art and design auction in Bredgade As a new feature, modern paintings, furniture classics and decorative art will all be presented in the same auction catalogue The art of Surrealism plays a prominent role in the auction in March with a special tribute to two pioneering Danish Surrealists – Wilhelm Freddie and Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen – whose centennial we celebrate in 2009. It is our great pleasure to present a catalogue that includes an outstanding and as yet unknown early work by Wilhelm Freddie from 1934. The featured collection of works by Freddie is representative of his oeuvre: from his illusionist of 1934-36, to his esoteric period of 1947-46, and finally his expressive painting period beginning in the1950’s. Vilhelm Bjerke-Petersen is also widely represented. Other featured artists include Erik Ortvad, Rita Kerrn- Larsen, Erik Olson, Harry Carlsson, and Elsa Thoresen. The salon walls in Bredgade will exhibit illustrious collections of artworks characteristic of classic Danish Modernism, the CoBrA movement and contemporary art. Among the preeminent principal works is “Baren” (‘The Bar’) by Franciska Clausen from 1927. Clausen was a proponent of the European Constructivist avant-garde in the 1920’s, and “Baren” is considered a seminal work of her ‘purist phase’. Professor Kaare Klint is well represented in the design section with several of his chairs and sofas with original Niger hide upholstery which has retained its wonderful vintage patina. Also being offered is a fine selection of Hans Wegner chairs, including the much sought-after office chair from 1955, internationally known as ‘The Swivel Chair’. In addition, the auction includes a museum-quality, “one-off” sofa set designed by Arne Jacobsen. The set was commissioned as part of the original furnishing for the Rothenborg home in Klampenborg in 1929-30, and has been in the possession of the family since. It is an exceptional example of a uniquely Danish interpretation of 1930’s international modernist Functionalism. Bruun Rasmussen opens new offices in Århus Bruun Rasmussen has welcomed in the new season with a few changes to its organisation. The main office in Jutland has been relocated from Pedersholm in Vejle to Aarhus where spacious modern premises at No. 34D, Søren Frichs Vej, 8230 Åbyhøj, now serve as the preview showrooms of the Jutland auctions, which will now only be featured online. The telephone number is: + 45 8818 1100. Bruun Rasmussen expands in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn Bruun Rasmussen has furthermore expanded its facilities in the Copenhagen docklands, Nordhavn, to supplement its existing premises in the Utzon-designed building located at No. 30, Sundkrogsgade with a further 4000 m2 at the nearby No. 10, Baltikavej, 2100 Copenhagen. The telephone number is: +45 8818 1111. Read more about the new Jutland head office and the new Copenhagen premises on page (395). Change in buyer’s premium As of 1 January 2009, Bruun Rasmussen has changed its buyer’s premium to 24% (excluding VAT). The change in rate applies to all purchases at Bruun Rasmussen auctions, both those conducted in the salesroom and online. Our policy of not charging a hammer fee will remain in place. See conditions of purchase on page (404). New item collection policy Bruun Rasmussen has introduced a new set of rules for the collection of purchased items. These imply that items bought at the upcoming auction must be paid for and collected at No. 33, Bredgade by Monday 30 March. Items that have not been claimed will be transferred to our storage facilities at No.10, Baltikavej in the Copenhagen docklands, Nordhavn. Liability and expenses related to the transfer lie with the buyer. The transfer fee is DKK 125 per item and the storage fee is DKK 100 per lot per initiated week. If you are prevented from collecting your items within the stated timeframe, you can order transport or shipment via the auction house website until 30 March. department of modern art Peter Christmas-Møller 8818 1004 [email protected] Niels Raben 8818 1181 [email protected] Niels Boe Hauggaard-Nielsen 8818 1182 [email protected] Nadia Leander Gottlieb 8818 1183 [email protected] Peter Beck – Aarhus 8818 1186 [email protected] Frederik Bruun Rasmussen 8818 1003 [email protected] international modern art monday 9 march 6 pm lot 1 - 127 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 1 1 CD VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. 1893, d. 1950 Still life. Cagnes c. 1923. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 65 x 70 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 € 5.400-6.700 2 CD J . F. W I L L U MS E N b. 1863, d. 1958 "Naturens Skjolder. Bjergene med de tre farver" (The Blotches of Nature. The mountains in three colours). Preliminary work. Signed J.F.W. 1936. Oil on canvas. 45 x 55 cm. Literature: Vilhelm Wanscher: "J.F. Willumsen. Danske Kunstnere XIV", Copenhagen 1937, the final version ill. p. 73: J.F. Willumsen's Museum (Inv. no. 116). Provenance: Private Collection, Norway. DKK 40.000-50.000 € 5.400-6.700 2 10 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 3 3 CD SAMUEL JOENSEN-MIKINES b. 1906, d. 1979 Figures by the sea. Signed S. J-Mikines. Oil on canvas. 95 x 126 cm. Exhibited: Gentofte Kommune 1977, cat. no. 40. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 11 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 4 4 CD SAMUEL JOENSEN-MIKINES b. 1906, d. 1979 Whale killing scene, the Faroe Islands. Signed S.J.-Mikines 58. Oil on canvas. 65 x 80 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 5 CD JOHANNES S. KJARVAL b. 1885, d. 1972 Icelandic landscape. Signed J.S. Kjarval. Oil on canvas. 90 x 80 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 5 12 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 6 6 CD JÓN STEFÁNSSON b. 1881, d. 1962 Landscape, Iceland. Signed Jon Stefansson. Oil on canvas. 70 x 100 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 13 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 7 8 CD VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. 1893, d. 1950 7 KARL ISAKSON b. 1878, d. 1922 Still life. On the reverse inscribed: Painted by K. Isakson, verified by Viggo Madsen, Aage Roose. Oil on canvas. 64 x 71 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 14 "Siddende model (Hustruen Yrsa)" (Seated model, the artist's wife Yrsa), 1947. Signed on the reverse of the original canvas VL 47, signature not visible due to relining. Oil on canvas. 121 x 90 cm. Literature: Preben Wilmann and Marianne Brøns: "Lundstrøm", Copenhagen1977, mentioned p. 394, cat. no. 411. Literature: The periodical "Kunst", no. 2, October 1956, ill. on the cover. Exhibited: Mindeudstillingen, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen; Århus and Oslo 1951, cat. no. 146. DKK 300.000-350.000 / € 40.000-47.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 8 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 15 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 9 9 CD NIELS LARSEN STEVNS b. 1864, d. 1941 "Isefjorden Solskin. Baad i Forgrunden" (The Ise inlet. Sunshine. Boat in the Foreground), 1915. Signed N. Stevns. Oil on canvas. 58 x 76 cm. Exhibited: Stockholm, 1919. Exhibited: "Maleren Niels Larsen Stevns Mindeudstilling", Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen, 1947. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 35. Provenance: Art dealer Christian Larsen, Copenhagen. Provenance: Editor Kai Svarre. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 16 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 10 10 CD JOHANNES S. KJARVAL b. 1885, d. 1972 "Svínahraun Lava Field", Iceland 1937-38. Signed J. S. Kjarval. Oil on canvas. 105 x 146 cm. Literature: Kristín G. Gudnadottir et al: "Kjarval", Reykjavik 2005, ill. full page p. 295. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 17 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 11 11 CD VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. 1893, d. 1950 "Opstilling på et hvidt klæde. Tre gule frugter og en petroleumslampe. Grøn baggrund" (Still life on white cloth. Three yellow fruits and a kerosene lamp. Green background). Signed VL 23. Oil on canvas. 51 x 60 cm. Literature: Preben Wilmann og Marianne Brøns: "Lundstrøm", no. 111. Provenance: Grosserer Chr. Tetzen-Lund. Provenance: Professor Oluf Thomsen. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 18 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 12 12 KARL ISAKSON b. 1878, d. 1922 Still life with a geranium. Signed KI 1918. Oil on canvas. 54 x 61 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 14. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 42. Provenance: Editor Kai Svarre. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 19 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 13 CD ROBERT STORM PETERSEN b.1882, d. 1949 "Nat" (Circus poster). Signed Storm P. 1935; titled on the stretcher. Oil on canvas. 81 x 65 cm. Literature: Frithiof Brandt: "Robert Storm Petersen - Malerier og tegninger", Copenhagen 1951, ill. full page p. 398. Titled here: "Plakat" (Poster). Literature: Jens Bing: "Maleren Storm P.", Storm P.-Museet, Copenhagen 1985, cat. 119, ill. full page in colours. Jens Bing writes (translated from the original danish text): “With Cirkusplakat and the previous painting Cirkus, both from 1935, Storm found a way to give his predilection for the circus artistic form. This was also when he eliminated human figures from his Montmartre streetscapes in order to guide the eye into the depth of the perspective. Framed by the tall walls the scene could be perceived as a stage set if it were not the case that his intention was to, instead evoke thoughts amidst a void (cf the mention of fig. 114). As if calling on cause and effect humans appearing in circus motifs were now given prominence. Rather than giving importance to the performing artists in the ring he spotlighted the peculiar individuals that are symbolically positioned in a shady nowhere between light and darkness. It is as if Storm sought to reconcile a sense of inner conflict by painting circus images that now allowed him to mask himself as a clown. Cirkusplakat depicts three figures of which one, the woman dressed in blue, smiles at the onlooker with a sweeping gesture drawing attention to herself as if she were the reason d'être for the painting. Below a clown sits masked with tragedy and between them Storm himself is depicted in the image of the white clown with a mask that resembles the one he wore in 1921 (see photo under the description of fig. 118). Storm did not seek to indicate a connection between the figures. Seen as tentative exponents of the soul of circus, they are oriented in different directions and rendered wearing individual masks. Storm associated the circus with potent life. Nonetheless, sensualism and melancholy would follow in tandem. And precisely because he used masks to express life in all its aspects this allowed him to seek their extreme. These were the psychological realms in which the clown was given such prominence that Storm personally, in camouflage, would place himself within two counterpols between which his intentions would only prevail if the colours were enhanced to their vivid extreme”. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 20 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 13 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 21 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 14 14 CD J . F. W I L L U MS E N b. 1863, d. 1958 Michelle Bourret dancing. Signed JFW 1932. Oil on canvas. 74 x 50 cm. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 22 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 15 MAX KLINGER b. 1857, d. 1920 "Badendes Mädchen, sich im Wasser spiegelnd", 1896/97. Stamped signed MK. AKT.CES von H. Gladenbeck und Sohn. Berlin-Friedrichshagen. Copyright. 3/. Bronze. H. 151. Literature: A. E. Seeman: "Max Klinger. Bestandskatalog der Bildwerke, Gemälde und Zeichnungen im Museum der bildenen Künste Leipzig", no. A 7b. The sculpture was executed in 5 copies in agreement with Max Klinger, all in natural size. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 15 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 23 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 16 16 CD WIM OEPTS b. 1904, d. 1987 View of Saint Tropez, France, c. 1947. Signed Oepts. Oil on canvas. 47 x 59 cm. Provenance: Gift from the artist to the present owner's late mother. The artist and the present owner's family lived together for some time around 1947 in a small artists' collective in Saint Tropez. Not previously offered for sale. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 24 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 17 17 CD JEAN DUFY b. 1888, d. 1964 "L'Écuyère". Signed Jean Dufy 30. Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Sweden. Acquired at auction in London immediately after World War II. The work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné of Jean Dufy's work, currently under preparation by Jacques Bailly. Certificate (No. 4080) by Jacques Bailly enclosed. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 25 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 18 18 CD J . F. W I L L U MS E N b. 1863, d. 1958 "Solopgang, Chamonixdalen" (Sunrise, the Chamonix Valley). Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 50 x 62 cm. Exhibited: "Willumsens udstilling", Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen, 1923, cat. no. 170. Provenance: Aage Jacobæus' Collection. DKK 175.000-200.000 / € 23.000-27.000 26 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 19 19 CD HELENE SCHJERFBECK b. 1862, d. 1946 A portrait of a young woman in a blue dress. Signed H. S. and with dedication: "Á Ulla Stenman". Charcoal and washed watercolour on paper. Visible size 44 x 35 cm. Provenance: Art dealer Stenman's collection. The portrait representing a young woman in a blue dress with white collar has been painted on yellowed lithography paper. Behind the sheet a part of Helene Schjerfbeck's lithograph "At the Hearth" is seen. It was printed in 1938-39 (see Helene Schjerfbeck, The Finnish National Gallery Atheneum, 1992, p. 260, no. 424). Therefore this pastel could not be executed until 1938. Ulla (Putte) Stenman (later Ulla Fock) may refer to Gösta Stenman's daughter. However, in another of Schjerfbeck's portraits of Ulla Fock (1943) she looks quite different (see image Helene Schjerfbeck, The Finnish National Gallery Ateneum, 1992, p. 96, nr 476). The stylized portrait with charcoal and washed watercolour manner is fairly typical for Helene Schjerfbeck. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 27 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 20 20 CD OLLE HJORTZBERG b. 1872, d. 1959 "Venus". Signed Olle Hjortzberg 1908. Oil on canvas. 104 x 86 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 28 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 21 21 CD NILS VON DARDEL b. 1888, d. 1942 "Näcken", 1934. Unsigned. Marked on the stretcher: "Näcken oljemålning av Nils Dardel intygas, Thora Dardel Hamilton, Kersö 9.6.1963". Oil on canvas. 80 x 100 cm. Literature: Karl Asplund: "Nils Dardel II - De senare åren", SAK publ. LXVII, Stockholm 1958, ment. p. 264. Exhibited: "Nils Dardel Minneutställning", Lijevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm 1955, cat. no. 247. Provenance: Mrs. Ingrid Ekwall, the artist daughter. Ethereal beings, and above all the Näcken (Nix) have been interpreted by several famous Swedish artists over the years, most famously by Ernst Joseph in his Näcken rendition from 1884. Dardel’s Nix departs from the image tipical in National-Romance and the realm of the myth. Rather, here we encounter a simple yet expressive rendition of the fiddler, who according to legend, would lure maidens and swain to their death with his tunes. The fiddler is here depicted playing a guitar rather than a fiddle. The Näcken draws poignantly BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 on the disturbed image of insanity since the music of the Nix could drive listeners out of their mind. Dardel has opted to do away with [compositional, tran.] props, which enhances the impression that the story is set somewhere beyond the realm of reality. Should one examine the body of work created by the artist around the time the Näcken was painted, one would learn that several of the motifs were influenced by Surrealism, which was the leading art movement in Paris between 1910 and the 1930s. Surrealism would look beyond logic and the artists had a penchant for dreamlike realms. Karl Asplund describes the Näcken as a “detached fantasy” [Asplund p. 180] and states that the painting is twinned with a symbolic and melancholic composition. Dardel explored the potential of Surrealism but never subscribed to a school of thinking. He found his own way, a fact to which his many different styles bear witness. One of his personal mottos was: “Why not the opposite?” (CB). DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 29 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 22 22 CD HENRY HEERUP b. 1907, d. sst. 1993 Ornamental composition. Signed Heerup 45. Oil on canvas. 48 x 65 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. Acquired by the present owner directly from the artist and not previously offered for sale. On the stretcher the painting is marked "Albert Mertz: Sommer Graavejr, 1937 II" and it is indicated that the painting was exhibited at Corner- og Høstudstillingen, Copenhagen 1942, cat. no. 102. As seen elsewhere Heerup probably executed his motive on a canvas previously used by his friend and artist colleague Albert Mertz. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 30 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 23 23 CD KAREL APPEL b. 1921, d. 2006 Composition, c. 1973. Signed Appel. Oil on canvas. 55 x 38 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 31 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 24 25 32 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 26 24 CD MOGENS BALLE 26 CD ASGER JORN b. 1921, d. 1988 b. 1914, d. 1973 Composition. Signed MB. Oil on canvas. 81 x 100 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 Composition, 1945. Signed Jorn. Oil on canvas. 48 x 41 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Jorn in Scandinavia 1930-53", no. 370. Exhibited: "Asger Jorn", Arken Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, Denmark, September - January 2003; Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, Holland February - April 2003; Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Germany, May - August 2003, cat. no. 34. Provenance: Mrs. Kirsten Lyngborg the artist's first wife. DKK 300.000-350.000 / € 40.000-47.000 25 CD ELSE ALFELT b. 1910, d. 1974 Composition, 1942-43. Unsigned. Oil on plywood. 102 x 93 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 33 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 27 27 CD EJLER BILLE b. 1910, d. 2004 "Figurligt" (Figuratively), 1960. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 48 x 40 cm. DKK 225.000 / € 30.000 34 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 28 28 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 "Pays à l'Aube". Signed Corneille '55. Oil on canvas. 61 x 81 cm. Provenance: Galerie Craven, Paris. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 35 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 29 29 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 “Spil i gult” (Play in yellow), 1975. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 100 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: “Egill Jacobsen 2”, no. 1975/28. Exhibited: Galerie Mark, Zürich, 1975. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 36 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 30 30 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "Fantasiens oase" (Oasis of Fantasy), 1974. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 117 x 89 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 2", no. 1974/35. Exhibited: Galerie Mark, Zürich, 1975. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 37 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 31 31 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "Treenighed" (Trinity), 1974. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 42 x 65 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 2", no. 1974/14. Exhibited: Den Haag, 1978. Exhibited: Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen 1979. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 32 CD KAREL APPEL b. 1921, d. 2006 Composition with figure. Signed Appel. Oil on paper laid down on canvas. 43 x 29 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 38 32 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 33 33 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 "Turkis - Fugl" (Turquoise - Bird), 1984. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 81 x 70 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 39 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 34 34 CD ERIK ORTVAD b. 1917, d. 2008 "København" (Copenhagen), 1951. Signed E.O; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 98 cm. Literature: Lars Kærulf Møller [Ed.]: "Erik Ortvad", 1997, ill. in colours p. 44 with the year 1950 and size 97 x 102 cm. DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 40 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 35 35 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 Composition, 1946. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 100 x 69 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Jorn in Scandinavia 19301953", no. 450. Provenance: Ole Reimers' Collection, Copenhagen. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 41 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 36 36 CD MOGENS BALLE b. 1921, d. 1988 "Optaget" (Occupied), 1974-75. Signed MB; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 81 x 100 cm. DKK 80.000 / € 11.000 42 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 37 37 CD HENRY HEERUP b.1907, d. 1993 Portrait of art historian Ide Løppenthin. Signed Heerup 46. Oil on canvas. 140 x 99 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner. Not previously offered for sale. The painting is inspired by the artist's infatuation with the ravishing female art historian, who was a devout Catholic and therefore impenetrable to pre-nuptial BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 romantic liaison. As she sits writing under a tree in the foreground of the painting, onlookers are treated to an intimate glimpse of her pink underwear, which is mirrored in the equally pink rainbow in the background. Here we also find Heerup's alter ego - the goblin - in front of the Basilica of Saint Peter, humorously rendered in negotiations with an angel on the virtues of his woman of choice, according to the story told of the painting. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 43 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 38 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 "Flaskens ånd" (The Genie in the bottle), 1984. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 160 x 206 cm. DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 38 44 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 45 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 39 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 "Blue shadow", 1971. Signed Jorn; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 54 x 65 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Asger Jorn: The final years 19651973", no. 1905. Exhibited: "Asger Jorn: Recent paintings", Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, June - July 1971, cat. no. 4. Exhibited: "Jorn", Lens Fine Art, Antwerpen, December 1972 - January 1973, cat. no. 4. Provenance: Galerie Frahm, Copenhagen. DKK 750.000 / € 101.000 46 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 39 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 47 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 40 40 CD ANTON ROOSKENS b. 1906, d. 1976 "Visage et oiseau", Opus No. 167. Signed Rooskens 67. Oil on canvas. 120 x 100 cm. DKK 175.000-200.000 / € 23.000-27.000 48 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 41 41 CD KAREL APPEL b. 1921, d. 2006 Composition with a figure, c. 1973. Signed Appel. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 49 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 42 42 CD JEAN-MICHEL ATLAN b. 1913, d. 1960 Composition. Signed Atlan 49. Crayon on paper. 58 x 44 cm. Literature: Jacques Polieri: "Atlan. Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre complet", no. 1046. Exhibited: "IIIe Hommage à Atlan", Corner, Copenhagen, 1982, cat. no. 14. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 50 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 43 43 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 Fantasy animals. Signed Jorn 46. Oil on insulite. 71 x 59 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Asger Jorn: Jorn in Scandinavia 1930-1953", no. 504. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 51 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 44 44 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 "Femme hellenique et printaniére". Signed Corneille 88; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 55 x 65 cm. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 52 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 45 45 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "Grønt i rødt rum" (Green in red room), 1981. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 73 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 53 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 46 - verso 46 CD EJLER BILLE b. 1910, d. 2004 "Composition with a mask". Signed and titled on a label on the reverse. Painted recto et verso. Oil on canvas. Visible size 126 x 100 cm. Provenance: Architect Robert Dahlmann Olsen, Dragør, Denmark. Self-contained forms in gay intense colours are fundamental elements of Ejler Bille's idiom. His paintings are a game to the eye. A game where the eye follows the organic merry figures that seem to jump from the canvas in a wealth of colours, leading the eye from one corner to another and back again until it finally settles on a little colour spot. Ejler Bille's paintings are the outcome of a long process. The canvas was more or less modelled by his brush and in the end, a number of figures were created, appearing alive on the canvas and bringing life to new neighboring. His paintings are thus a cosmos of life, colour and figures. DKK 1.200.000-1.500.000 / € 161.000-201.000 54 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 46 - recto BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 55 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 47 47 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "Månemaske" (Moon Mask), 1967. Signed on the reverse EJ. Oil on canvas. 65 x 42 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 2", no. 1967/7. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 56 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 48 48 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 Mask composition, 1947. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 64 x 76 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 1", no. 1947/12. DKK 200.000-250.000 / € 27.000-34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 57 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 49 49 CD EJLER BILLE b. 1910, d. 2004 Composition, c. 1965-70. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 38 x 52 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 58 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 50 50 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 "Rives et acces", 1998-2002. Signed Alechinsky; signed, titled and dated on the stretcher. Acrylic on paper with aquatint laid down on canvas. 150 x 100 cm. DKK 350.000 / € 47.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 59 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 51 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 "Stjerneleg" (Star Game), 1987. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 206 x 290 cm. Exhibited: Museum Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen, Holland, ill. in the cat. DKK 1.000.000-1.200.000 / € 134.000-161.000 51 60 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 61 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 52 52 CD EJLER BILLE b. 1910, d. 2004 Composition, 1954. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 69 x 62 cm. Exhibited: "Pittsburgh International", Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, USA, 1955, cat. no. 23. Provenance: Barrister Anker Rasmussen, Copenhagen. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. Ejler Bille develops his own idiom in the 1940's following extensive style experimentation in the 1930's. Bille composes his paintings by adding one little coloursaturated field after the other to create a painterly, condensed micro-cosmos. In his book "Ejler Bille" (Copenhagen, 1961), Poul Vad offers the following 62 description of the artist's work in the 1950's: "He thought he had reached as far as he possibly could in rendering painterly intensity, but he now understood that he could slowly and tirelessly focus on a painting and energise it further without a loss of spontaneity. Bille’s work in these, his most mature, years was characterised by an ever-deeper absorption in his endeavour to explore colour and the opportunities they offer and of the ever-growing need to create an image where each square centimetre is fully charged with painterly colouristic power and thus offering artistic imagery of evermore intense expression". DKK 400.000-500.000 / € 54.000-67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 53 53 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 "La Victoire de Tollund", N.Y. 1979. Signed Alechinsky; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on paper laid down on canvas. 100 x 153 cm. DKK 400.000-500.000 / € 54.000-67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 63 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 54 54 CD ANTON ROOSKENS b. 1906, d. 1976 Composition. Signed Rooskens 65. Indicated on the reverse Anton Rooskens, C. Krusemanstraat 18, Amsterdam. Oil on canvas. 200 x 140 cm. Exhibited: "Atelier", Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1965. Exhibited: "Anton Rooskens", De Jong-Bergers, Maastricht, 1965. Exhibited: "Anton Rooskens", Stedelijk Museum, Roermond, 1965. Exhibited: "Gäste aus Amsterdam", Freie Gruppe Hofheim, Frankfurt, 1965. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 64 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 55 55 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 "Beruset foredragsholder" (Inebriated lecturer), 1957. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 50 x 65 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Asger Jorn: The Crucial Years: 1954-1964", no. 1072. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 65 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 56 56 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "1 rødt og grønt" (In red and green), 1951. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 45 x 67 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: "Egill Jacobsen 1", no. 1951/4. Exhibited: Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen 1979. DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 66 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 57 57 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 Red mask, 1977. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 80 x 65 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 67 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 58 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 "Blå sejler og Columbus" (Blue sailor and Columbus), 1991. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 206 x 290 cm. DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 68 58 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 69 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 59 59 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 "Happy mask, green, yellow and red", 1964. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 98 x 80 cm. Exhibited: “Cobra”, Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Caracas, 1984, cat. no. 140, ill. Provenance: Karel P. van Stuijvenberg, Caracas. In the revised catalogue of Egill Jacobsen's work Per Hovdenakk writes: "The idea behind using the mask in the composition of a painting is to provide the colours with a supporting structure, in order to create a rhythmical basis for the disposition of the colours. For Egill 70 Jacobsen, the mask cannot be associated with one single physiognomy in particular; the mask is rather the face of all faces. The mask should not hide the face behind, as the Carnival mask does, but rather should express and make things visible. The mask is a sign, a synthesis. The basic forms of the mask consist in quick curves, oblique verticals and floating triangles. The elements are painted with the colours still visible in the brushstrokes. At times, the mask resembles rhythmical exercises in the geometry of spontaneity". DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 60 60 CD EJLER BILL b. 1910, d. 2004 "Med rødt som dominant" (With red as the dominant), 1983. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse Ejler Bille Ubud Bali. Oil on canvas. 65 x 54 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 71 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 61 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 "Det grønne billede" ("Le pays vert"/"Grønt land"/"Kosmisk landskab"/"Grøn Jorn"), 1942. Signed Asger; signed and dated on the reverse. Executed in Nørre Lyngby at Mrs. Purkjær's residence, summer 1942. Oil on canvas. 80 x 100 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins: "Jorn in Scandinavia: 1930-1953", no. 263, fig. 47, ill. full page in colours p. 58, mentioned p. 93. Literature: Jan Zibrandsen: "Moderne dansk maleri", 1948, ill. p. 265. Literature: Robert Dahlmann Olsen [text]: "Danish abstract art", exhibition catalogue, 1964, ill. p. 46. Literature: "Asger Jorn: Papirer", exhibition catalogue, Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, February - March 1964, the work mentioned in the introduction with the title "Kosmisk landskab". Literature: Robert Dahlmann Olsen: "RødgrønJorn", Grafodan, 1977, mentioned in detail pp. 16-29 and ill. p. 14. Literature: Troels Andersen: "Asger Jorn: En biografi. Årene 1914-53", 1994, ill. full page in colours p. 90. Exhibited: "Jubilæumsudstilling: De fire kunstnere", Silkeborg, Denmark, September 1949, cat. no. 101. Titled: "Det grønne billede". Exhibited: "Asger Jorn", Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, April - May 1958, cat. no. 4. Titled: "Le pays vert". Exhibited: "Jorn", Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, February 1965. Titled: "Grønt land". Exhibited: Nikolaj, Copenhagen, 1981-82, cat. no. 64. Exhibited: "Asger Jorn: Skelet og krop", Carl-Henning Pedersen & Else Alfelts Museum, Herning, September 2007 - January 2008, cat. no. 20, ill. full page in colours p. 19. Provenance: Architect Robert Dahlmann Olsen, Dragør, Denmark. DKK 1.500.000 / € 201.000 72 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 61 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 73 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 62 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 "Fugl der iagttager en flok pjatterøve: uartige billeder No. 3" (A bird observing a flock of dumbuggers: naughty pictures, No. 3", 1955. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. Literature: Guy Atkins & Troels Andersen: "Asger Jorn: Revised supplement to the oeuvre catalogue of his paintings from 1930-1973", no. S.91. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 62 63 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 "Stjernefigur" (Star figure), 1957. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 69 x 61 cm. DKK 125.000-150.000 € 17.000-20.000 63 74 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 64 64 CD KAREL APPEL b. 1921, d. 2006 "Sitting Woman", 1986. Signed Appel. (Reg. # NY 385). Oil on canvas. 153 x 122 cm. Provenance: Nova Spectra Gallery, Den Haag, Holland. . DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 75 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 65 CD MOGENS BALLE b. 1921, d. 1988 Composition. Signed MB. Oil on masonite. Visible size 69 x 62 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 66 CD CARL OTTO HULTÉN b. 1916 "At bolla med månsken". Signed C.O. Hulten. Oil on canvas. 47 x 69 cm. Exhibited: "Vandra och forvandla", Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, 1978. Exhibited: Malmö Konsthall, 1982, cat. no. 165. Provenance: Galerie Bel'Art, Stockholm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 65 66 76 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 67 CD HENRY HEERUP b. 1907, d.1993 Man sitting in a car. Signed Heerup. Granite. Remains of original hand colouring. H. 22 cm. L. 20 cm. W. 16 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 68 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 67 Horse and rider. Signed Asger J - 44. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Visible size 36 x 51 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 68 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 77 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 69 69 CD ASGER JORN 70 CD CONSTANT b. 1914, d. 1973 b. 1920, d. 2005 Composition. Signed Jorn 51. Mixed media on paper. Sheet size 43,5 x 58,5 cm. Provenance: The Collection of Sam Francis. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 Composition. With dedication: "Pour Mme L.... avec mon amitié". Signed Constant 74. Oil on paper. Visible size 43 x 56 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Paris. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 70 78 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 71 71 ERIK ORTVAD b. 1917, d. 2008 Composition. Signed E.O. 43. Oil on compoboard. 71 x 83 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 79 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 72 72 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Langebrobillede (Langebro painting), 1953. Signed Hornung; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 79 x 112 cm. Exhibited: Købestævnet, Fredericia, 1953. Exhibited: "Ung dansk kunst", 1954. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 80 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 73 73 CD RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 Composition, 1958. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 65 x 90 cm. Provenance: Acquired from art dealer Edvard Brink by the present owner in 1958. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 81 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 74 74 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Composition. Signed Hornung 50. Oil on canvas. 80 x 110 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 82 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 75 75 CD SERGE POLIAKOFF b. 1900, d. 1969 Composition, c. 1947/48. Signed Serge Poliakoff. Indicated on the reverse N. 10. Oil on canvas. 76 x 58 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 83 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 76 76 CD RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 Untitled, 1956. Signed on the reverse Richard Mortensen. Oil on canvas. 66 x 95 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Afklaringens år 1940-1958. Besættelse og rekonstruktion", fig. 781. Provenance: Anna and Kresten Krestensen's Collection. DKK 60.000-70.000 / € 8.000-9.400 84 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 77 77 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 "Goyabillede I" (Goya painting I), Ajaccio 1959. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 97 x 130 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Ting og tegn, billeddel II", no. 25 ill. p. 27. Exhibited: "Å-udstillingen", September-November 1962. DKK 350.000-400.000 / € 47.000-54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 85 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 78 78 CD RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 Botanic composition, 1937. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 95 x 72 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Richard Mortensen: Ungdomsårene 1930-1940", fig. no. 297 a, ill. p. 253. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 86 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 79 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 Construction. c. 1951. Signed RJ, 134. Black painted iron. H. 47 cm. L. 34 cm. D. 31 cm. During Robert Jacobsen's stay in Paris in the 1950’s, the artist offers a new approach to the heavy tradition of massive sculptural presence to give his artworks the character of three-dimensional figures penned in space. With these stringent forms rendered in black, Jacobsen placed himself centrally on the international art scene and became one of the most successful of the circle of artists devoted to Concretism at Galerie Denise René. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 79 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 87 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 80 80 CD VICTOR VASARELY b. 1908, d. 1997 Composition, c. 1950-55. Unsigned. Cut-out collage and gouache on cardboard. Visible size 52 x 36 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. Gift from the artist directly to the present owner. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 88 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 81 81 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Composition. Signed Hornung Dec. 1949. Oil on canvas. 93 x 65 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 89 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 82 CD FRANCISKA CLAUSEN b. 1899, d. 1986 "Baren" (Le Bar). Paris. Signed F. Clausen 1927. Oil on canvas. 90 x 57 cm. Literature: Finn Terman Frederiksen: "Franciska Clausen. Udlandsårene 1899-1931", ill. p. 94. Literature: Troels Andersen og Gynther Hansen: "Franciska Clausen", ill. p. 60. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 21. Exhibited: "L'altra metà del'Avantgardia 1910-1940", Milano, Palazzo Reale, February-May, 1980; Roma, Palazzo Esposizioni, July-August, 1980; Stockholm, Kulturhuset, February-May, 1981, cat. no. 6. Exhibited: "De Danske", Liljevalchs, Stockholm, 1984, cat. no. 31b. Exhibited: Sophienholm. Exhibited: Fyns Kunstmuseum, Odense, June-August, 1985. Exhibited: "Franciska Clausen 1899-1986. Ukendte og kendte forarbejder og malerier", BaneGården. Kunst & Kultur, Aabenraa, September-October, 2004, cat. no. 39, ill. in cat. p. 19. Also used as back cover illustration to the catalogue. In an art historical perspective, Franciska Clausen is the first Danish proponent of machine-inspired Constructivism. She drew inspiration for this new artistic vernacular from her encounter with the European avant-garde of the 1920s when she was tutored by, among others, Laszlo Moholy Nagy and later Ferdinand Léger, the latter of whom also became a great source of personal inspiration for the artist. Franciska Clausen achieved marked recognition while attending Ferdinand Léger’s art school in the early 90 1920s. The first art critic to make reference to Franciska Clausen in an international context was French art critic Maurice Raynals. In 1924 he wrote in the Parisian newspaper L’Intransigeant: “A number of Ferdinand Léger’s pupils... and Franciska Clausen... are proof that the artist youth of Scandinavia has finally reacted against the pictorial smudge of Post-Impressionism. Their paintings are clear and accomplished. Their intentions manifestly reflect an aesthetic consciousness guided by a permeation of contemporary trends as much as their superb esteem for the spirit of tradition.” With this exhibition Franciska Clausen set out the vernacular of geometric form and machine aesthetics that came to shape her artistic oeuvre, a style known as Purism. Like Constructivism, Purism was an artistic expression that focused on modern industrial mechanics, pure and simplified elements, geometric shapes and a defined use of pure colour. But whereas Constructivism gave emphasis to austere composition and the machine, Purism favoured rhythm and a systematic approach that rendered the painting a musical character. “Baren (‘The Bar’), which I painted in 1927, is consciously construed to reflect the elementary essence of geometrical shape. When a dot expands itself, it will by virtue of its nature become a line; in other words a dot followed by a dot and yet another dot. Likewise, a line – or a line followed by a line and another line and yet another line – will become a surface; and in turn a surface will become a form.” Finn Terman Frederiksen characterises the painting in mention (Baren from 1927) as Franciska Clausen’s: “most influential work in a (Purist) context”. DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 82 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 91 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 83 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 Two constructions, c. 1950. One signed RJ. One unsigned. Black painted iron. 25 x 13 x 13 cm and 30 x 15 x 15 cm. (2). Exhibited: "Robert Jacobsens arbejder 1932-1992", Fyns Kunstmuseum, Odense, Denmark, May-September 1992, cat. no. 7. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 83 92 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 84 84 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 "Englerup. Opus 9", 1978. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Ting og tegn, billeddel II", no. 491 ill. p. 346. Exhibited: "Den Frie Udstilling", Copenhagen, FebruaryMarch, 1982, cat. no. 106. DKK 300.000-350.000 / € 40.000-47.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 93 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 85 85 CD VICTOR VASARELY b. 1908, d. 1997 Composition, c. 1950-55. Signed Vasarely. Cut-out collage on cardboard. Visible size 64 x 49 cm. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. Gift from the artist directly to the present owner. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 94 86 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 "Opus 11", 1980-81. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 240 x 195 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Ting og tegn, billeddel II", no. 513 ill. p. 365. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 86 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 95 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 87 87 CD RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 "Opus 2, no. 2", Surèsnes 1946-47. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 92 x 64 cm. Literature: Jan Würtz Frandsen: "Afklaringens år 19401958. Besættelse og rekonstruktion", fig. 406, ill. p. 351. Exhibited: "Les réalités nouvelles", July-August 1948. Exhibited: Grønningen, Copenhagen, January-February 1949. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 96 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 88 88 CD ALBERTO MAGNELLI b. 1888, d. 1971 Composition. Signed Magnelli 42. Oil on canvas. 81 x 99 cm. Literature: Maisonnier no. 532. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 97 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 89 89 CD FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER b. 1928, d. 2000 "Nana Hyaku Mizu", 1966-1972. Portfolio with 7 sheets. All signed Hundertwasser. Regentag, 165/200 and 1966, 1967, 1968, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 and 1972 resp. Printed by Nakamura Hanga Kobo, Tokyo and Uchida Kogei Kobo, Kyoto. Published 1973 by Gruener Janura AG, Glarus/Schweiz. Japanese woodcuts in c. 20 colours. Sheet sizes 25,5 x 33 cm; 35,5 x 52,2 cm; 35 x 43 cm; 32 x 41,5 cm; 36,5 x 26 cm; 31,2 x 24 cm and 43 x 55,5 cm resp. (7). 98 Literature: HWG/Werkverzeichnis no. 22/603A - "Sonnenuntergang" (Sunset); 32/551A - "Die Nachbarn I Spiralsonne und Mondhaus" (Spiralsun and moonhouse - The neighbours); 33/563A - "Brillen im kleinen Gesicht" (Spectacles in the small face); 37/637A "Wartende Häuser" (Waiting houses); 38/487A - "Kleiner Palast der Krankheit" (Little palace of illness); 55/470A - "Relations of a spider"; 59/475A - "Rain of blood is falling into the garden". DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 89 89 89 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 99 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 90 CD LYNN CHADWICK b. 1914, d. 2003 "Conjunction XV". Stamped Chadwick 1970, 602, 4/6. Bronze. H. 138 cm. Literature: Farr & Chadwick no. 602. In 1952, Lynn Chadwick along with seven other young sculptors, including Reg Butler, Bernard Meadows and Eduardo Paolozzi, were selected to represent Britain at the Venice Biennale. Although they each only exhibited few artworks, the international art world soon recognised that a new style of sculpture had been born. Only four years after the exhibition, Lynn Chadwick received his first major accolade when in 1956 he received the Venice Biennale Sculptor's Award in front of legends such as Alberto Giacometti. Lynn Chadwick's first sculptures were mobiles that were inspired by Alexander Calder's famous metal mobiles and which paid tribute to his own masterly craftsmanship. Through the 1960s, 1970s and right up until the 1990s, Chadwick continued to innovate and develop his art, from the mobile to the 'stabile', to establish an idiom that reflects the shapes of nature - with humans and animals taking centre stage. Apart from the technical aspect of his work, Chadwick found important to reflect the fundamentials of life, such as representing animal images in various attack situations or in states of repression. In his representation of human form, Chadwick explores the relationship between individuals, their movement, interaction and sexuality. This sculpture from 1970 entitled "Conjunction XV" shows the interaction between male and female. Farr & Chadwick p. 13: "This more naturalistic treatment of parts of the female body appears in the early 'Elektras' and 'Two Sitting Figures', where the breasts and abdomen are tenderly modelled, and sharply emphasize the femininity of these figures when seen in consort with there male counterparts". The title "Conjunction XV" emphasises the interaction and synergy between the two figures that face each other closely with their arms stretched out. DKK 1.600.000-1.800.000 / € 214.000-241.000 100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 90 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 101 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 91 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Art-Me II", 1994. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 190 x 165 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark. In the early years of the 1990s - with the Choros paintings (1991) and the Arvtager ('Heir') series (1992) Michael Kvium started to define what has become his hallmark: images embodied by abnormal beings in absurd, grotesque or sombre situations. During this period, the artist also introduced his blindness theme using the international symbol of the visually impaired: three black dots on a yellow background. This evocative painting from 1994 depicts a person who, in reference to the title, is no doubt the artist himself. Hands tied behind his back using the artist's characteristic bandages, he stares into the emblem of blindness. Perhaps Michael Kvium, who in his works never spares himself, seeks to convey that he and his art are just as blind and paralysed as the world and humanity at large that he seeks to challenge. DKK 500.000-600.000 / € 67.000-80.000 102 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 91 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 103 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 92 92 CD JOHN KØRNER b. 1967 "YLE", 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 150 x 120 cm. Provenance: Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen. DKK 200.000-250.000 / € 27.000-34.000 104 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 93 93 CD PER KIRKEBY b. 1938 "Uden Titel" (Untitled), 1984. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 116 x 95 cm. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 105 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 94 94 CD FRANS WIDERBERG b. 1934 Horse and rider. Signed FW. Oil on canvas. 104 x 155 cm. Provenance: Galleri Christian Dam, Copenhagen. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 95 CD TAL R b. 1967 "Flovmand" (Bashful). Signed T.R. 08. Decorated, glazed ceramics on a lead stand. H. 72 cm. W. 35 cm. D. 35 cm. DKK 160.000-180.000 / € 21.000-24.000 95 106 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 96 96 CD KASPAR BONNÉN b. 1968 Interior. Signed on the reverse Kaspar Bonnén 2003. Oil on canvas. 200 x 240 cm. Provenance: Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 107 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 97 97 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Triptykon" (Triptych), 1979. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. Total 112 x 140 cm. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 108 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 98 98 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 Tripartite composition. Unsigned. Oil on three canvases. Total 60 x 180 cm. DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 109 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 99 CD CÉSAR b. 1921, d. 1998 Compression. Signed César. Compression of Carlsberg Hof VM 1986 tops, mounted on a white painted board with pencil drawing. 50 x 40 x 4 cm. DKK 80.000 / € 11.000 99 100 CD LUCIO FONTANA b. 1899, d. 1968 Composition. Signed Fontana 53. Pen on paper. Sheet size 28 x 22 cm. Provenance: Galerie Mathias Fels, Paris. Provenance: Galerie Bleue, Stockholm. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 100 110 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 101 101 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Sort/hvidt maleri" (Black/white painting), 1996. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 140 x 120 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen. DKK 350.000-400.000 / € 47.000-54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 111 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 102 102 CD HELMUT STURM b. 1932 Composition. Signed H. St. 77. Oil on canvas. 100 x 120 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 112 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 103 103 CD JOHN KØRNER b. 1967 "Captain", 2004. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 113 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 104 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Forbindelse, Arvtagerbillede" (Connection, Heir painting), 1992. Signed titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 140 x 195 cm. Provenance: Franz Pedersens Kunsthandel, Horsens, Denmark. In his book "Michael Kvium - Malerier og motiver", Copenhagen 2001, p. 106, Lennart Gottlieb writes: "In 1992 Kvium's exhibition 'Arvtagerbilleder' was on display, showing the figurative paintings that followed the Chóros pictures. At the time, the artist explained that these Chóros pictures had given rise to the question: 'What is the most important thing that man can inherit and learn from history? In the search for an answer, a number of fundamental paintings followed which I could pass on!' Today he sees these paintings in the same way but he has now broadened the term 'Arvtagerbilleder', now counting among them 'almost every painting I make in '91, '92 and '93'. He also points out a more specific incentive for wanting to pass something on, i.e. the birth of his son, Jonathan, in 1990. With these pictures, the 'Arvtagerbilleder', he tried to create paintings that contained all the big questions in life, which he believed his son might also ask himself one day. These paintings were thus “an inheritance to the future from the past". DKK 600.000-800.000 / € 80.000-107.000 104 114 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 115 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 105 105 CD JOHN KØRNER b. 1967 "Slap 'A" (Relax), 1998. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 120 x 160 cm. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 116 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 106 106 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "En depressionsscene" (A depression scene), 1987. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 165 x 130 cm. Literature: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium. Malerier og motiver", Copenhagen 2001, ill. full page in colours p. 48. Provenance: On loan to Kunstmuseet Trapholt, Kolding, Denmark, 2005-2009. Provenance: On loan to Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, Sorø (VKS dep. no. PD 18). Provenance: Kirsten and Palle Dige's Collection. Provenance: Galleri Prag, Copenhagen. DKK 350.000 / € 47.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 117 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 107 107 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Livogdødelleringentingtil" (Lifeordeathornothingmore), 1991. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on three canvases. Total 30 x 112 cm. Provenance: Galleri Specta, Århus. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 108 118 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 109 108 PREBEN HORNUNG CD b. 1919, d. 1989 "Sergels fugle" (Sergel’s birds), 1973. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 156 x 125 cm. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 109 CD ARNE HAUGEN SØRENSEN b. 1932 "Rød fugl imellem to katte" (Red bird between two cats), 1991. Signed Sørensen; titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 120 x 120 cm. Provenance: Galleri Torso, Odense, Denmark. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 119 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 110 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Outline painting I", 1998. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 200 x 150 cm. Literature: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium. Malerier og motiver", ill. p. 168. Exhibited: "Michael Kvium. Jaywalking Eyes", ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, January- April 2006, ill. in cat. p. 35 and on the cover. Provenance: DCA Gallery, New York. "Outline painting I" was the designated icon of the exhibition entitled "Michael Kvium. Jaywalking Eyes" at ARoS Aarhus Art Museum (2006). A large image of the painting was shown on the facade of the museum building. It featured on the cover of the catalogue for the exhibition. The painting also featured in folders, postcards and banners advertising the exhibition. A copy of the catalogue is included, with the following dedication: "Til dig med det røde kærligst Kvium" [For you with the red, withlove Kvium] is included. DKK 750.000 / € 101.000 120 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 110 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 121 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 111 111 LIU YAOXIAN b. 1964 "Water series A-9", 2007. Signed Liu Yaoxian; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 190 x 150 cm. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 122 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 112 112 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 "Beautiful girl as flower", 1986. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 70 x 100 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 € 20.000-27.000 113 ZI PENG b. 1982 "Flowers of the Motherland". Signed Zi Peng 06.7.1. Oil on canvas. 160 x 145 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 113 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 123 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 114 114 CD SIMON KEENLEYSIDE b. 1975 "Things behind the sun", 2004. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 157 x 183 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 124 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 115 115 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Limelight Bastard", 2006. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 160 x 140 cm. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 125 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 116 116 CD KURT TRAMPEDACH b. 1943 Guitarist, Rome 1969. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 110 x 140 cm. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 126 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 117 117 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Portræt af en selvmorder" (Portrait of a suicide), 1985. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 140 x 140 cm. Provenance: On loan to Kunstmuseet Trapholt, Kolding, Denmark, 2005-2009. Provenance: On loan to Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, Sorø, Denmark (VKS Dep. nr. PD 32). Provenance: Kirsten and Palle Dige's Collection. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 127 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 118 118 CD SIMON KEENLEYSIDE b. 1975 "I ain't got no home in this world anymore". Signed on the reverse Simon Keenleyside 2005. Oil on canvas. 137 x 152 cm. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 128 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 119 119 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Yellow Sock Painting", 1998. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 190 x 190 cm. Following the "Circus Humanus" exhibition at Aarhus Art Museum in 1997 - and not least the sculpture entitled "Social Sculpture", which consisted of floating and entangled naked bodies rendered in rubber - Michael Kvium created a series of large paintings on the same theme, including "Circus Humanus III", which was acquired by the Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond). The painting "Yellow Socks Painting" shows (parts of) nine of the artist's characteristic androgynous human figures levitating or descending in BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 an open space that transcends the boundaries of the canvas. Several of the figures are depicted entering the picture while others are exiting in a way that suggests that what we are really seeing is a very small and random excerpt of an, in principle, endless and absurd existential situation. The painting in question is, as is so often the case with the artist, a very direct and confrontational comment on the human condition and our deeds and ill deeds. However, the painting is not without clemency or humour. We are as humans, despite our apparent lack of greater purpose and free will, socially interdependent and all in the same boat. DKK 400.000-500.000 / € 54.000-67.000 129 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 120 130 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 120 120 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Pos. drawing / Neg. drawing", 1997. Unsigned recto, not examined verso. Drawing charcoal on paper and white chalk on black paper resp. Sheet sizes each 240 x 150 cm. (2). DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 131 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 121 121 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 "Kind noch nicht begraben". Signed Lemmerz 2003. Mixed media on canvas. 145 x 198 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 132 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 122 122 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 "Hungerneger mit Mickey Mouse, Bronze", 20022004. Unsigned. Drawing charcoal on canvas. 205 x 257,5 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark. The motive is related to the artist's bronze sculpture "Monument for Africa", 2007, cast in an edition of 3. Specimen 1/3 was sold at Bruun Rasmussen in 2008. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 133 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 123 123 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Organisk form" (Organic form), 1963. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 134 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 124 124 CD KURT TRAMPEDACH b. 1943 Dancing dog. Signed KT 83. Oil on cardboard laid down on canvas. 100 x 70 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 135 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 125 125 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 "Too much sunshine", New York City 1970. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 102 x 127 cm. DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 136 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 126 126 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 "Sixteen in Love", Spring 1977. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 76 x 102 cm. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 137 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 127 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Blinde tegninger" (Blind drawings), 1994. All 22 signed and dated on the reverse. Mixed media on paper. Sheet sizes each 24,5 x 24,5 cm. (22) All sheets with individual titles: "Værdighed" (Dignity), "Behændighed" (Ingenuity), "Samhørighed" (Solidarity), "Tålmodighed" (Patience), "Ædruelighed" (Sobriety), "Renhed" (Purity), "Ydmyghed" (Humility), "Ærlighed" (Honesty), "Åbenhed" (Openness), "Storhed" (Greatness), "Oprigtighed" (Sincerity), "Gæstfrihed" (Hospitality), "Mulighed" (Possibility), "Sundhed" (Healthiness), "Færdighed" (Skill), "Foretagsomhed" (Initiative), "Saglighed" (Objectivity), "Bevidsthed" (Consciousness), "Tryghed" (Safety), "Sandhed" (Truth), "Beskedenhed" (Modesty), "Stolthed" (Pride). Provenance: Franz Pedersens Kunsthandel, Horsens, Denmark. DKK 175.000-200.000 / € 23.000-27.000 127 138 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 127 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 139 INTERNATIONAL MODERN ART 127 140 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 surrealism tuesday 10 march 1 pm lot 128 - 182 SURREALISM 128 128 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Omfavnelse" (Embrace). Surrealistic figure composition. Signed vilh. bjerke-petersen.-39. Oil on canvas. 80 x 55 cm. DKK 30.000-50.000 / € 4.000-6.700 142 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 129 129 CD ERIK ORTVAD b. 1917, d. 2008 "Skibbrud" (Shipwreck). Surrealistic landscape. Signed on the reverse Erik Ortvad 1937. Oil on canvas. 65 x 90 cm. Literature: Lars Kærulf Møller (ed): "Erik Ortvad", 1997, ill. p. 16. Exhibited: Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling, CopenDKK 40.000 / € 5.400 hagen, 1937. 130 CD ELSA THORESEN b. 1906 Composition with bird and butterfly. Signed E. Thoresen. Oil on board. 27 x 22 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 130 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 143 SURREALISM 131 131 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Surrealistic composition. Signed Freddie nov. 46. Oil on board. 22 x 28 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 132 144 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 133 133 CD HARRY CARLSSON b. 1891, d. 1968 132 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Portræt" (Portrait). Signed Freddie juni 1943. Oil on canvas. 35 x 50 cm. Exhibited: "Freddie", Acoris, The Surrealist Centre, London 1972. Exhibited: "Freddie", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 16. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 "Chanson d'amour". Signed Harry Carlsson 32. Oil on canvas. 105 x 87 cm. Literature: Poul Gammelbo: "Harry Carlsson", Cras, 1973. Literature: S. Saabye: "Den glemte surrealist", no. 53. Exhibited: "Harry Carlsson & Freddie. Surrealisme 1934", Kunsthallen, Copenhagen, 1934, cat. no. 13, ill. in the cat. Exhibited: "Exhibition of Paintings by Harry Carlsson", The Arts Club of Chicago, 1936, cat. no. 4. DKK 70.000 / € 9.400 145 SURREALISM 134 134 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Eruption-Vinter" (Eruption-Winter), 1941. Surrealistic figure composition. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 116 x 71 cm. Exhibited: "Nordisk Kunst", Aarhus, 1941, cat. no. 3. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 146 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 135 135 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Drømmens Land" (Dreamland), 1946. Signed Freddie. Wax colour on canvas. 41 x 33 cm. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Konsthallen, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden 1967. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1968. Exhibited: "Retrospective Freddie", Acoris The Surrealist Art Center, London 1972. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 Exhibited: Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; Århus Kunstmuseum and Amos Anderson Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1974-75. Exhibited: Basel International Art Fair 1976. Exhibited: "Separat udstilling Wilhelm Freddie. En enestående samling til et enestående museum", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 18. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 147 SURREALISM 136 CD HANS HENRIK LERFELDT b. 1946, d. 1989 136 "Postkort landskab (Postcard landscape)", 1978. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 73 x 60 cm. Provenance: Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen. DKK 25.000-30.000 € 3.400-4.000 137 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Vulkansk tilstand" (Volcanic condition). Signed v.b.-p.-34. Indian ink on paper. Visible size 47 x 59 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 137 148 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 138 138 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Selvportræt" (Self portait). Signed Freddie. Oil on canvas. 42 x 42 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 € 3.400-4.000 139 CD ELSA THORESEN b. 1906 Composition. Signed E. Thoresen. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 139 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 149 SURREALISM 140 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Surrealistic composition. Signed Freddie 34. Oil on canvas. 90 x 100 cm. Wilhelm Freddie was the first Danish Surrealist. He introduced the Danish public to the vernacular of Surrealism for the very first time at the exhibition Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling in 1930. He did so with the painting "Frihed, lighed og broderskab" (Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood), which due to its very evocative Surrealism, soon became the most controversial work of the exhibition. The painting marked the dawn of Freddie's Surrealist universe in which dreams, fantasies and subconscious sexual urges became defining forces in pivotal works of societal critique. Like other artworks from this period, the painting in question from 1934 is a deeply complex work that confronts its audience with a realm that may seem impossible to decipher. Nonetheless, the intention may have been that the painting should elude dissection altogether, and rather be perceived as an artistic and poetic means of expression - a work open to perplexing and irrational interpretation. With the words of Symbolist artist Paul Gauguin: "Mediating attributes, established symbols, would only make the canvas freeze in motion to become a harbour of melancholy, and the issue would no longer be a poem". Not previously offered for sale. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 150 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 140 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 151 SURREALISM 141 141 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Composition. Signed Freddie 52. Oil on canvas. 24 x 33 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 142 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Portrait. Signed Freddie dec. 1950. Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 142 152 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 143 143 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Kvinde i interiør" (Woman in interior). Signed Freddie marts 47. Oil on masonite. 46 x 38 cm. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Konsthallen, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden 1967. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1968. Exhibited: "Separat udstilling Wilhelm Freddie. En enestående samling til et enestående museum", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 18. DKK 80.000 / € 11.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 153 SURREALISM 144 144 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Sfinx". Signed Freddie 47, 5/6. Polished brass. H. 28 cm. W. 31 cm. L. 56 cm. Literature: Rolf Læssøe: "Wilhelm Freddie", fig. 105, ill. p. 147. Literature: Jens JørgenThorsen, 1972, ill. p. 38. Similar specimen exhibited: Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, 1984, cat. no. 94. Similar specimen exhibited: "Freddie", Statens Museum for Kunst, September- October 1989; Liljevalchs Konsthal, Stockholm 1989-90, cat. no. 80, ill. in the cat. p. 59. Similar specimen exhibited: Veksølund, 1987, cat. no. 21, ill. in the cat. p. 19. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 145 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Leda og svanen" (Leda and the swan). Signed Freddie 81 and on the reverse Wilhelm Freddie 81. Assemblage in plexiglass box. H. 51 cm. W. 51 cm. D. 13 cm. Exhibited: "Freddie", Statens Museum for Kunst, September - October, 1989; Liljevalchs Konsthal, Stockholm, 1989-90, cat. no. 137. Exhibited: Veksølund, 1987, cat. no. 36. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Galerie 19002000, Paris, April 1990, ill. in the cat. p. 73. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 145 154 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 146 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 146 "Nature morte", 1927. Signed Freddie. Tempera on masonite. 128 x 58 cm. Exhibited: "Separat udstilling Wilhelm Freddie. En enestående samling til et enestående museum", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 15. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 155 SURREALISM 147 147 ESAIAS THORÉN 148 CD WALDEMAR LORENTZON b. 1901, d. 1981 b. 1899, d. 1984 Nature morte. Signed E. Thorén 31. Oil on canvas. 27 x 41 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 "Scen från Provence" (Scenery from Provence), 1955. Signed Lorentz. Oil on canvas. 33 x 42 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 148 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 149 149 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 The light buoy, c. 1940's. Signed Freddie. Oil on masonite with applications. 85 x 62 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 157 SURREALISM 150 150 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Figures at the beach. Signed v.b.p. 36. Oil on canvas. 75 x 100 cm. Exhibited: Arnbaks Kunsthandel, Copenhagen 1936, no. 14. Provenance: J. Boldsen's Collection. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 158 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 151 151 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Aften" (Evening). Signed Freddie juli 1943. Oil on canvas. 80 x 60 cm. Literature: Rolf Læssøe: "Wilhelm Freddie", ill. fig. 64, p. 100. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Konsthallen, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden 1967. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1968. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 Exhibited: "Retrospective Freddie", Acoris The Surrealist Art Center, London 1972. Exhibited: Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; Århus Kunstmuseum and Amos Anderson Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1974-75. Exhibited: Basel International Art Fair 1976. Exhibited: "Separat udstilling Wilhelm Freddie. En enestående samling til et enestående museum", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 17. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 159 SURREALISM 152 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Maleri beregnet til eksekution i effigie" (Painting intended for execution in effigy). Signed Freddie feb. 52; signed and dated on the reverse. Dedication on the stretcher. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. Exhibited: "Phases. L'experience continue 1952-1988", Musée des BeauxArts, Le Havre, 1988, cat. no. 53. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Galerie 1900-2000, Paris, 1990, ill. in the cat. p. 65. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 153 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Fält mod havet II". Signed v.b.p.55. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 152 153 160 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 154 154 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Det sorte æg" (The Black Egg). Signed Freddie 51; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas, oval. 97 x 73 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 155 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Surrealistic composition. Signed v.b.p. 47. Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 155 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 161 SURREALISM 156 CD ERIK OLSON b. 1901, d. 1986 "Gryning - Variation". Signed Erik Olson 1935. Oil on canvas. 130 x 81 cm. Literature: Konst i svenska hem II, Göteborg 1943, ill. p. 218, (collection 218). Literature: Jan Torsten Ahlstrand mfl.: "Erik Olson - en sökares vandring", Mjellby konstgård 2001, no. 42, p. 36. Exhibited: "Halmstadgruppen", Liljevalchs konsthall, Stockholm 1939, cat. no. 468, ill. p. 43. Provenance: Mrs. Ruth Öhrling, Stockholm. The Halmstad Group of surrealists reached their height around the time they celebrated their 10th anniversary at Liljevalchs konsthall in Stockholm in 1939. Erik Olson, especially, collaborated with Danish surrealists. He studied under Léger in Paris, but left the city in 1935 for Copenhagen. He lived in Denmark between 1935 and 44. During the Nazi-German occupation [194045, tran.], he painted anti-fascist motifs. He found inspiration for his surrealist paintings in Tanguy, Dalì and de Chirico. He started creating variations on the dawn theme in 1934. In a letter to Axel Olson dated December 1934 he wrote about the motif: “I have painted one of the Blaavand ideas and feel liberated. The painting has come to mark a journey from assumed reality to a realm of dreams where I can feel entirely at home. That is how it should be; you should only paint when you have visions. I am working with pure colours from the tube and have achieved the vividness of light I have so long sought. I am comfortable with the technique and I think the painting is set to become an adventure in the world of dreams - the way it should be.” The painting from Blaavand, the popular holiday town in North Jutland, is rendered in a peculiar colour palette where the clear coral colours and opal colours are contrasted by the hews of the background space. The motif includes gastropods, wide sweeping sandy beaches, and blue sea. It calls on an intangible, ethereal sense of dreaminess. Even Essaias Thorén has created variations that recall this painting, such as Vila ('Rest') from 1939. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 162 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 163 SURREALISM 157 CD RITA KERNN-LARSEN b. 1904, d. 1998 "Mummy", 1933-34. Signed rk-l. Oil on canvas. 120 x 76 cm. Literature: Birgit Hessellund: "Rita KernnLarsen - En international dansk surrealist", Randers Kunstmuseum 1995, ill. p. 18. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 158 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Surrealistic composition. Signed v.b.-p.45. Oil on masonite. 50 x 61 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 159 CD RITA KERNN-LARSEN b. 1904, d. 1998 157 "Dansen i Ørkenen" (The Dance in the Desert), 1937/1985. Signed RKL. Oil on canvas. 84 x 61 cm. The original painting from 1937 has been lost. The present painting was repainted by the artist in 1985. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 158 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 159 160 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Femme". Signed v.b.p 44/33. Oil on masonite. 38 x 46 cm. Provenance: The artist Esaias Thorén. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 160 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 165 SURREALISM 161 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 A woman in a landscape. Signed v.b.p. 36. Oil on canvas. 74 x 60 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 162 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 161 "Färgernas födelse i landskabet" (The Birth of Colours in the Landscape). Sign. v.b.-p. 46. Oil on masonite. 65 x 81 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 162 166 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 163 163 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Bella donna". Signed Freddie 53. Oil on canvas. 81 x 58 cm. Exhibited: Spiralen, 1953, cat. no. 23. Exhibited: "Vandreutstilling. Provinsen", 1953. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 164 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Flower composition, night. Signed v. b.-p. 46. Oil on masonite. 54 x 65 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 167 SURREALISM 165 CD HANS HENRIK LERFELDT b. 1946, d. 1989 "It's a blue world around us". Signed Lerfeldt 83. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Sheet size 45,5 x 31 cm. Literature: Hans Henrik Lerfeldt: "Blue World: og en samtale med Christian Kampmann", Copenhagen, 1985, no. 87, ill. p. 109. Exhibited: Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum, Tønder, March - April, 1985. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 166 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 165 "Liggende kvinde" (Reclining woman), 1963. Indistinctly signed Freddie with dedication. Collage. Visible size 23 x 30 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 166 168 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 167 167 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Surrealistic composition. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 78 x 99 cm. Enclosed: Original blue framing lists, painted by the artist. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 168 CD HANS HENRIK LERFELDT b. 1946, d. 1989 "Siegfrieds død" (The Death of Siegfried). Signed on the reverse Hans Henrik Lerfeldt 1973 and Lerfeldt. Stamped Galleri 38. Oil on board. 40 x 30 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, April May, 1990, cat. no. 15. Provenance: Birthe & Walther Ibsen, Hobro. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 168 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 169 SURREALISM 169 169 CD HANS HENRIK LERFELDT b. 1946, d. 1989 Surrealistic portrait of a girl. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 97 x 81 cm. Provenance: The estate of the artist. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 170 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Surrealistic composition. Signed v.b.-p.-45. Oil on masonite. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 170 170 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 171 CD ERIK OLSON b. 1901, d. 1986 "Kain och Abel" (Cain and Abel). Signed Erik Olson 1942. Oil on canvas. 78 x 67 cm. DKK 45.000 / € 6.000 172 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Two girls, c. 1930's. Signed Freddie. Modification. Oil on canvas. 59 x 78 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 171 172 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 171 SURREALISM 173 173 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Les Amies, Verdelot", 1965. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 89 x 116 cm. Exhibited: Galerie de L'Université, Paris, 1965. Exhibited: Jysk Kunstgalerie, Den Frie Udstilling, Copenhagen. Exhibited: Louisiana, Humlebæk, 1965. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Konsthallen, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden 1967. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1968. Exhibited: Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; Århus Kunstmuseum and Amos Anderson Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1974-75, cat. no. 71. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 174 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 Composition. Signed v.b.p.-55. Oil on canvas. 46 x 38 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 172 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 175 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 175 "De forelskede" (The lovers). Signed Freddie 62 and on the reverse Wilhelm Freddie 62. Oil and collage on board. 61 x 65 cm. Literature: Edouard Jaguer: "Wilhelm Freddie", Copenhagen, 1969, ill. p. 84. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Konsthallen, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden 1967. Exhibited: "Wilhelm Freddie", Lunds Konsthall, Sweden 1968. Exhibited: "Retrospective Freddie", Acoris The Surrealist Art Center, London 1972. Exhibited: Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; Århus Kunstmuseum and Amos Anderson Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1974-75. Exhibited: "Separat udstilling Wilhelm Freddie. En enestående samling til et enestående museum", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1979, ill. in the cat. p. 21. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 176 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Portrait d'une Femme", 1964. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse Wilhelm Freddie, Verdelot 1964. Oil on canvas. 81 x 65 cm. Exhibited: "Freddie", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, January-March, 1997, cat. no. 17. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 173 SURREALISM 177 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Siddende dame" (Sitting lady). Signed Freddie 63. Assemblage. 54 x 35 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 178 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 177 "On the Sunny Side of the Street", 1958. Signed Freddie; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 65 x 81 cm. Literature: Rolf Læssøe: "Wilhelm Freddie", Copenhagen, p. 185: The painting can be seen in the background of the photograph from the exhibition in June 1959. Exhibited: Galerie Birch, Copenhagen, June 1959. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 178 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 179 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Min sekretær" (My secretary). Signed Freddie 69; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 81 x 65 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 180 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 "Babydoll". Signed Freddie 64; signed, titled and dated on the reverse Wilhelm Freddie Verdelot 1964. Oil on canvas. 65 x 81 cm. Exhibited: Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; Århus Kunstmuseum and Amos Anderson Taidemuseo, Helsinki, Finland 1974-75. cat. no. 66. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 179 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 175 SURREALISM 181 181 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Utslag". Signed v.b.p. 54. Oil on canvas. 81 x 100 cm. Exhibited: "Rörelser i Nordisk Konst under 1900-talet", Dansmuseet, Stockholm, April - May 2001, cat. no. 78. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 182 CD VILHELM BJERKE-PETERSEN b. 1909, d. 1957 "Farvebevægelse i sne" (Colour movement in snow). Signed monogram 22-133. Indian ink, watercolour and pencil on paper. Sheet size 42 x 52 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 182 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 contemporary art tuesday 10 march lot 183 - 342 CONTEMPORARY ART 183 Eight works by Paul Gadegaard from a private collection At this auction, we take special pleasure in presenting Paul Gadegaard, one of the leading “konkrete” artists within Danish art. The selected works for sale represent his artistic development towards a modern, non-figurative vernacular. The 1940s marked Paul Gadegaard’s formative years as an artist. In 194445, he studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm under Otte Sköld. In 1946, he followed Vilhelm Lundstrøm’s classes at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen before travelling to Paris where he became a student of the Cubist artist André Lhote. 178 A proponent of geometrical abstract art, Gadegaard became part of the “Linien II” circle of artists in 1949. This movement included Preben Hornung, Gunnar Aagaard Andersen, Richard Mortensen, and Robert Jacobsen among others. An interesting feature of the selected works is how they illustrate a progressive strategy of decomposition whereby the recognisable motif is dissolved. The painting "Havemøbler" (‘Garden Furniture’) (1945/48) balances on a knife-edge between a recognizable motif and pure abstraction. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 184 184 CD PAUL GADEGAARD 183 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Self portrait. Signed Gadegaard 43. Oil on canvas. 42 x 36 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 b. 1920, d. 1996 Garden furniture. Signed Gadegaard 48 and on the reverse Paul Gadegaard Stockholm 1945. Oil on canvas. 73 x 100 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 179 CONTEMPORARY ART 185 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Woman in a an urban landscape. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 89 x 61 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 185 186 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Seated female model. Signed Gadegaard and on the reverse Gadegaard, Paris 17/10-46. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 186 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 187 187 PAUL GADEGAARD CD b. 1920, d. 1996 Four dancers. Signed Gadegaard 47. Oil on canvas. 81 x 141 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 188 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 "Liggende kvinde" (Female model). Signed Gadegaard and on the reverse Paul Gadegaard Paris 18/12-46. Oil on canvas. 46 x 57 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 188 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 181 CONTEMPORARY ART 189 189 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Dancer. Indistinct signature. Oil on canvas. 147 x 114 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 182 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 190 190 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Composition, 1955. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 72 x 92 cm. Provenance: Kunstnernes Kunsthandel, Copenhagen. DKK 30.000-35.000 / € 4.000-4.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 183 CONTEMPORARY ART 191 191 CD IB GEERTSEN b. 1919 Yellow-red mobile. Unsigned. Painted metal. 140 x 120 x 60 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 192 CD RICHARD MORTENSEN 192 b. 1910, d. 1993 Composition. Signed Mortensen 59, with indistinct dedication. Crayon and pencil on paper. Sheet size 40 x 55 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 193 CD PAUL GADEGAARD b. 1920, d. 1996 Composition, 1963. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on board. 60 x 73 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 193 184 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 194 CD FRANCISKA CLAUSEN b. 1899, d. 1986 "Contrastes des formes", Paris 1927. Unsigned. Gouache on paper. 49 x 34 cm. Exhibited: "Konkret. Rörelser i nordisk konst under 1900-tallet", Dansmuseet, Stockholm, April-May 2001. Provenance: "Konkret Kunst", Kunsthallen, auction 513, August 2000, cat. no. 65. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 194 195 195 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 Sculpture. Signed RJ. Black painted iron. H. 21 cm. DKK 35.000-40.000 / € 4.700-5.400 196 CD OLE SCHWALBE b. 1929, d. 1990 "Studie Muzeul Satului". Signed on the reverse Schwalbe 68 Bucuresti. Oil on canvas. 55 x 51 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 196 185 CONTEMPORARY ART 197 198 197 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 Composition. Signed Mortensen 12-XII-91. Collage. Sheet size 76 x 56 cm. DKK 18.000 / € 2.400 198 CD HELGE ERNST b. 1916, d. 1991 "Fragment", 1988. Signed HE; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 88 x 47 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 199 RICHARD MORTENSEN b. 1910, d. 1993 Composition. Signed Mortensen 5-XII-91. Collage. 76 x 56 cm. Literature: "Richard Mortensen Collages 199091", Copenhagen, 1992. DKK 18.000 / € 2.400 199 186 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 200 200 CD JEAN DEYROLLE b. 1911, d. 1967 "Marcouf". Opus 765, Gordes 1964. Signed J. Deyrolle. Tempera on canvas. 60 x 81 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle. Catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 19441967", no. 64.16. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 201 CD MOGENS ANDERSEN b. 1916, d. 2003 "Automne", 1959. Signed Mogens Andersen; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 201 187 CONTEMPORARY ART 202 CD GEORGES TERZIAN b. 1935 "Le Cornet". Signed G. Terzian. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 203 CD MENACHEM HELHOLZ-OR b. 1911 Geometric urban landscape, c. 1950. Signed Helholz-Or. Oil on canvas. 47 x 55 cm. Provenance: The artist's estate. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 202 203 188 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 204 204 JEAN DEYROLLE b. 1911, d. 1967 "Nounat". Opus 802, Gordes 1965. Signed J. Deyrolle. Oil and tempera on canvas. 73 x 100 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 1944-1967", no. 65.20. Exhibited: Galerie Hybler, Copenhagen, 1965, no. 26, ill. in the catalogue. Provenance: Galerie Denise René, Paris. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 205 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 Figure. Unsigned. Green patinated bronze. H. 57 cm. W. 60 cm. D. 33 cm. The figure is cast in an edition of six copies, individually patinated. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 205 189 CONTEMPORARY ART 206 206 CD KNUD NIELSEN b. 1916, d. 2008 Composition, 1954. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 102 x 140 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 207 CD JEAN DEYROLLE b. 1911, d. 1967 "Blue". Opus 139, Gordes 1948. Signed J. Deyrolle. Oil on plywood. 46 x 38 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle. Catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 1944-1967", no. 48.29. Exhibited: Galerie Denise René, Paris, 1948. Exhibited: Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome and "Art Club", Milano, 1953, cat. no. 10, ill. Exhibited: "Vor Tids Kunst 5", Kunstbygningen, Odense, 1963, cat. no. 17, ill. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 23. Exhibited: "Foraarsudstillingen", 11 peintures de Deyrolle, Odense, 1969, cat. no. 14, ill. Exhibited: "21 peintures de Deyrolle", Sophienholm, 1969, ill. Provenance: Dr. Erik Andreasen's Collection. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 207 190 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 208 208 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Indtryk fra gaden" (Impression from the street). Signed Hornung 66. Mixed media on paper laid down on board. 148 x 311 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 209 CD KARL ÅGE RIGET b. 1933, d. 2001 Sculpture. Signed KR 97, 4/6. Brass. Mounted on a base of black painted metal. H. 34 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 209 191 CONTEMPORARY ART 210 CD ERIK ORTVAD b. 1917, d. 2008 Composition. Signed on the reverse Erik Ortvad 2002. Oil on canvas. 88 x 84 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 211 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 210 Composition. Signed Carl-Henning Pedersen Djerba 1979. Watercolour on paper. Sheet size 56 x 76 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 212 CD HENRY HEERUP b. 1907, d. 1993 Bird picking berries. Signed Heerup 64. Oil on board, original hand painted frame. 42 x 62 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 211 213 CD KAREL APPEL b. 1921, d. 2006 Figure. Signed Appel 77, 239/300. From the box "Kijk Leef Speel met Karel Appel". Published by Galerie Nova Spectra Gravenhage. Relief of painted wood. 48 x 51 x 4 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 212 192 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 213 214 214 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 Bird. Stamp signed Corneille, 48/100, 2005. Patinated bronze. H. 47 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 215 CD LUCEBERT b. 1924, d. 1994 Figure composition. Signed Lucebert 89. Mixed media on paper. Visible size 68 x 49 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 215 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 193 CONTEMPORARY ART 216 217 216 CD ASGER JORN 217 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 b. 1914, d. 1973 "Pigen i ilden" (The girl in the fire), 1939. Signed Asger J. Pencil on parchment paper. Sheet size 17 x 22 cm. Provenance: Present from the artist to H.C. Bärenholdt. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 "Pigen i ilden" (The girl in the fire), 1938. Unsigned. Pencil, indian ink, crayon and watercolour on parchment paper. Sheet size 34 x 25,5 cm. Provenance: Kirsten Lyngborg, Asger Jorn's wife of first marriage. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 218 CD EUGÈNE BRANDS b. 1913 218 194 "Playing child / Spelend Kind", 1968. Cat. no. 5015. Signed Brands. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Sheet size 47 x 41 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 221 219 220 219 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN 220 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 b. 1913, d. 2007 Boat with three figures. Signed chp 1994 EA. Green patinated bronze. H. 8 cm. L. 15,5 cm. D. 3 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 Slejpner with rider. Signed CHP, 2002, 10/35. Black patinated bronze. H. 23,5 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 221 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 Figure. Signed chp 1995 EA. Black patinated bronze. H. 18 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 222 CD ERIK ORTVAD b. 1917, d. 2008 Composition. Signed on the reverse Erik Ortvad 2002. Oil on canvas. 88 x 84 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 222 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 195 CONTEMPORARY ART 223 224 223 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN 224 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 b. 1913, d. 2007 "Struktuur", Den Haag, Holland. Signed chp 2001; signed, titled and marked on the reverse 5/10 E.A. Relief of glazed earthenware. Unique. 49 x 49 x 2 cm. Provenance: Professor Henk Trumpie, Belgium. "Struktuur", Den Haag, Holland. Signed chp 2001; signed, titled and marked on the reverse 10/10 E.A. Relief of glazed earthenware. Unique. 49 x 49 x 2 cm. Provenance: Professor Henk Trumpie, Belgium. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 The ceramic reliefs were made by the artist during his stay at the ceramic workshop Struktuur 68, Den Haag, Holland in 2001. Here the artist completed his monumental work - "The Oblisk" - revealed in connection with his 90 Year anniversary in 2003. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 225 196 225 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 Cat. Signed Corneille 98, 25/40. Polychrome painted ceramics. 53 x 72 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 226 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 228 228 227 226 CD KAREL APPEL 228 CD CORNEILLE b. 1921, d. 2006 b. 1922 "Dancing girl". Signed Appel, 122/499. Stamped Reflex Modern Art Gallery. Polychrome painted earthenware. H. 30 cm. W. 20 cm. D. 10 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 Composition. Signed Corneille '75. Indian ink and watercolour on paper. Sheet size 29,5 x 21 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 227 MOGENS BALLE CD 229 CD JACQUES DOUCET b. 1924, d. 1994 b. 1921, d. 1988 "Slukket", 1968. Signed MB. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 Composition. Signed. Doucet. Oil and mixed media on paper. Visible size 42 x 54 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 229 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 197 CONTEMPORARY ART 230 230 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 Pinocchio. Signed Corneille 73-89. Hand coloured lithograph. Visible size 68 x 98 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 231 231 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 Untitled. Signed Corneille. Mirror with frame of polychrome painted wood. 90 x 65 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 232 CD CORNEILLE b. 1922 "Femme au coussin-oiseau". Signed Corneille, 24 Juin '90. Gouache and pastel on paper. Visible size 54 x 46 cm. Enclosed: Certificate signed Corneille and N. BeverlooCorneille 13-5-08. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 198 232 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 These sculptures were executed during Carl-Henning Pedersen's stay at the ceramic workshop Struktuur 68, Den Haag, Holland in relation to the artist's decoration of the pyramid at CarlHenning Pedersen & Else Alfelt's Museum. The pyramid is part of the museum extension inaugurated in connection with Carl-Henning Pedersen's 80 years Anniversary in 1993. 233 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. 2007 Mask figure, 1992. White glazed stoneware. Unique. H. 22 cm. Provenance: Professor Henk Trumpie, Belgium. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 233 234 CD CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN b. 1913, d. sst. 2007 Figure, 1992. White glazed stoneware. Unique. H. 28 cm. Provenance: Professor Henk Trumpie, Belgium. DKK 25.000-30.000 / €3.400-4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 234 199 CONTEMPORARY ART 235 235 CD WILIAM SKOTTE OLSEN b. 1945, d. 2005 Composition with figures, c. 1967. Unsigned. Oil on canvas, original hand painted frame. 85 x 100 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 236 CD SVEND WIIG HANSEN b. 1922, d. 1997 Composition. Signed on the reverse Svend. With dedication. Oil on canvas. 82 x 64 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 236 200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 237 CD SVEND WIIG HANSEN b. 1922, d. 1997 Figure composition, 1986. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 52 x 42 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 238 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Model", 2007. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 75 x 115 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 237 238 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 201 CONTEMPORARY ART 239 239 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Farvel" (Goodbye), 2000. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on two canvases. Total 165 x 250 cm. (2) DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 240 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 240 202 "Venner jeg Synger endnu" (Friends I'm still singing), 1975. Signed RJ. Iron. H. 43 cm. L. 29 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 239 241 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Uden titel" (No title), 1990. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 170 x 140 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 241 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 203 CONTEMPORARY ART 242 CD JEAN DEYROLLE b. 1911, d. 1967 242 "Jeoire". Opus 699, Gordes 1962. Signed J. Deyrolle; titled on the reverse. Tempera on canvas. 92 x 65 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle. Catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 1944-1967", no. 62.10. Literature: Berlingske Aftenavis, Copenhagen, October 20, 1962. Exhibited: Galerie Hybler, Copenhagen 1962. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 243 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 243 204 "Parret" (The couple), c. 1970. Signed RJ. Iron. H. 21 cm. L. 31 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 244 244 CD PREBEN HORNUNG 245 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1919, d. 1989 b. 1957 "Skitse" (Sketch), 1983. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 70 x 97 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 "Hunde 2" (Dogs 2), 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 150 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 245 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 205 CONTEMPORARY ART 246 246 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Atelierbillede (Studio painting). Signed monogram. Oil on canvas. 112 x 79 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 247 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Atelierbillede (Studio painting). Signed monogram. Oil on canvas. 112 x 79 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 206 248 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 "Non-Violence", 1962. Unsigned. Patinated iron mounted on board. H. 25 cm. W. 31 cm. D. 15 cm. Exhibited: "Robert Jacobsen", The Cisterns in Søndermarken and Frederiksberg Slot, May - June 1996, cat. no. 31, ill. p. 27 in the catalogue. Provenance: Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 247 248 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 207 CONTEMPORARY ART 249 249 CD WALASSE TING 250 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 b. 1929 Two women with flowers, c. 1989. Signed with the artist's red stamp. Acrylic on rice paper. Sheet size 21,5 x 30 cm. Unframed. Provenance: The Collection of Sam Francis. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 Woman with flower, c. 1989. Signed with the artist's red stamp. Acrylic on rice paper. Sheet size 35 x 47 cm. Unframed. Provenance: The Collection of Sam Francis. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 250 208 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 251 CD SVEND WIIG HANSEN b. 1922, d. 1997 Portrait, 1948. Signed SWH; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 40 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 252 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Hunde 1" (Dogs 1), 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 150 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 251 252 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 209 CONTEMPORARY ART 253 254 253 CD KEHNET NIELSEN b. 1947 "Sao Paolo", 2001. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 100 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 254 CD KURT TRAMPEDACH b. 1943 "Annette". Signed Kurt 89. Mixed media on paper. Sheet size 76 x 58 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 255 MILTON RESNICK b. 1917, d. 2004 "Brndo", 1982. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on corrugated cardboard. 102 x 76 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 255 210 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 256 256 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Composition. Signed monogram 66; signed, dated and marked Aalborg, nr. 3 on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 52 x 77 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 257 257 CD ANDERS TINSBO b. 1938, d. 1994 "Glæden" (The Joy), 1975. Bronze mounted on a black painted base. H. 66 cm. (Base H. 75 cm.) Total 141 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 211 CONTEMPORARY ART 258 CD JEAN DEYROLLE b. 1911, d. 1967 258 "Hadrien". Opus 622, Paris 1960. Signed J. Deyrolle; signed and titled on the reverse. Tempera on canvas. 73 x 54 cm. Literature: Georges Richar-Rivier: "Deyrolle catalogue raisonné oeuvre peint 1944-1967", Paris 1992, no. 60.01. Exhibited: Musée Municipal, Saint-Paul-deVence, 1968. Exhibited: Basel Art 5' 74, ill. in the cat. Exhibited: Galerie Mark, Zürich, 1976, ill. in the cat. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 259 259 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 Tree themes, 1969. Two compositions. Both signed monogram; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 27,5 x 46 cm each. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 259 212 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 260 260 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Opstilling til London" (Still life for London), 1978. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 130 x 93 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 213 CONTEMPORARY ART 261 261 CD HANS VOIGT STEFFENSEN b. 1941 "Landskab" (Scenery), 1998. Signed H. Voigt Steffensen; signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 120 x 150 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 263 262 CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Solstrejf i haven" (Sun in the garden), 1976. Signed monogram and on the reverse Hornung. Oil on canvas. 45 x 37 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 262 214 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 263 CD AMEDEO GENNARELLI Bust of a young girl. Signed A. Gennarelli. Bronze. Stamped with foundry mark: "Cire perdue A.G. Paris". H. 38 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 264 CD HELGE ERNST b. 1916, d. 1991 "Udsigt, Rom" (Prospect, Rome), 1987. Signed HE; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 81 x 60 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 265 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Model", 2007. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 95 x 120 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 264 265 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 215 CONTEMPORARY ART 266 266 CD ERIK A. FRANDSEN b. 1957 "Beuys i Sibirien" (Beuys in Siberia), 1985. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 145 x 175 cm. Exhibited: "Grevinde Danner billeder / Malerier fra det tabte Paradis", Værkstedet Værst, Copenhagen, 1983. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 267 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Hund 4" (Dog 4), 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 150 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 267 216 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 268 268 CD JENS BIRKEMOSE b. 1943 Composition. Signed on the reverse J. Birkemose. Oil on board. 220 x 159 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 269 CD ERLING JØRGENSEN b. 1905, d. 1977 Composition. Signed Erling Jørgensen 55. Oil on canvas. 72 x 100 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1970, cat. no. 28. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 269 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 217 CONTEMPORARY ART 270 CD EUGÈNE DE SALA b. 1899, d. 1987 Still life with jug and bottles. Signed de Sala. Oil on board. 50 x 100 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 270 271 CD MOGENS ANDERSEN b. 1916, d. 2003 Composition, 1948. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 73 x 92 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 271 272 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 Composition. Signed Rob. Jacobsen. Gouache and watercolour on paper laid down on canvas. 63 x 47 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 272 218 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 273 273 CD MARIO SIRONI b. 1885, d. 1961 "Composizione" (Composition), 1950. Signed Sironi; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Tempera on paper laid down on canvas. 35 x 51 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 274 CD PAUL WUNDERLICH 274 b. 1927 "Frau am Tisch". Signed Paul Wunderlich 68. Airbrush og mixed media on cardboard. 69 x 90 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 275 CD KURT R. HOFFMANN SONDERBORG b. 1923 Composition. Signed Sonderborg, 19.II.89. Indian ink on paper. 39 x 48 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 275 219 CONTEMPORARY ART 276 CD ERIK DIETMAN b. 1937 "Dream. L'art Hain or, l'art en sort, l'art ensor, l'aharend saur". Signed Dietman 77. Mixed media on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. Exhibited: "Passion. Birthe og Niels Rokkedals samling", Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring, March-April 2003; Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, July-September 2003, ill. in cat. p. 121. Provenance: The Collection of Birthe and Niels Rokkedal. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 277 CD ERIK DIETMAN b. 1937 "Luve, Love, Laugh, Live". Signed Dietman 72. Mixed media with applications and electrical installation on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 276 277 220 278 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 278 CD ERIK DIETMAN b. 1937 "Contact". Signed Erik Dietman 77. Mixed media and electrical installations on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. Exhibited: "Passion. Birthe og Niels Rokkedals samling", Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring, MarchApril 2003; Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, July-September 2003, ill. in the cat. p. 120. Provenance: The Collection of Birthe and Niels Rokkedal. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 279 CD ALBERT MERTZ b. 1920, d. 1990 "Den uartige drengs stol" (The naughty boy's chair), 1929. Unsigned. Painted, modified children's chair. H. 106 cm. W. 40 cm. D. 45 cm. Exhibited: "Total Mertz", Nikolaj Københavns Kommunes Udstillingsbygning, Februar-April, 1999. Exhibited: Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum. Provenance: Kirsten and Axel P. Nielsen's Collection no. 314. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 279 280 CD ALBERT MERTZ b. 1920, d. 1990 "Luk op" (Open up), 1960. Unsigned. Mixed media. H. 18 cm. W. 44 cm. D. 25 cm. Exhibited: "Total Mertz", Nikolaj Københavns Kommunes Udstillingsbygning, February-April, 1999, ill. in the cat. p. 125. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 280 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 221 CONTEMPORARY ART 281 CD DANIEL SPOERRI b. 1930 Titres: Daniel: "I. Danseur étoile. Chouette aveugle"/ Claude: "La ficelle du Marabout". Signed Daniel Spoerri 1974, Claude Toray. Assemblage in plexiglass box. 77 x 58 x 18 cm. Exhibited: "Passion. Birthe og Niels Rokkedals samling", Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring, March-April 2003; Sophienholm, Kgs. Lyngby, July-September 2003, ill. in the cat. p. 112. Provenance: The Collection of Birthe and Niels Rokkedal. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 282 CD BEN VAUTIER b. 1935 "Ciel - Terre", 1978. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Mixed media on veneer. 35 x 45 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 281 283 CD ERIK DIETMAN b. 1937 282 222 Composition, 1977. Signed and dated on the reverse. Mixed media and electrical installation on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. Provenance: The Collection of Birthe and Niels Rokkedal. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 284 CD DANIEL SPOERRI b. 1930 "Nicky Langhase", 1979. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Wooden box with mumified hare and collage. 80 x 57 x 13 cm. Provenance: Kirsten and Axel P. Nielsen's Collection. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 285 CD JEAN TINGUELY b. 1925, d. 1991 "Cher Knud". Signed Jean 8 IV 1973. Mixed media and collage on paper. 24 x 17 cm. Provenance: Letter to Knud W. Jensen, founder of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 284 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 283 285 223 CONTEMPORARY ART 286 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 Study for the painting "Patent no. III" a. o. Signed Kvium 87. Pencil and watercolour on paper. Sheet size 31,5 x 21 cm. The painting "Patent no. III" is in the collection of Horsens Kunstmuseum, Denmark, and ill. in: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium - Malerier og motiver", Copenhagen 2001, p. 69. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 286 287 287 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 Study for "Patent serien" (The patent series) a. o. Signed Kvium 87. Pencil and watercolour on paper. Sheet size 21 x 29,5 cm. The paintings "Patent no. I, II, III, IV" are in the collection of Horsens Kunstmuseum, Denmark, and ill. in: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium - Malerier og motiver", Copenhagen 2001, p. 69. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 288 CD MICHAEL KVIUM 288 b. 1955 "Cirkus Humanum". Studies for paintings. Signed Kvium 96. Pencil on paper. Sheet size 29,5 x 42 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 289 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Victory / Upside down-me / Caleidoscope-me / Hand in hand". Studies for paintings. Signed Kvium 95. Pencil on paper. Sheet size 29,5 x 42 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 289 224 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 290 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Souvenir", 1987. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 46 x 46 cm. Literature: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium - Malerier og motiver", Copenhagen 2001, ill. p. 67. The painting is part of a series of nine paintings. Two of these are in the collection of ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum; one is in the collection of Kunsten Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum. Provenance: Kirsten and Palle Dige's Collection. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 290 291 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 Three figure compositions. Each signed Kvium 84. Pencil on paper. Sheet sizes each 39,5 x 29 cm. (3). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 291 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 291 291 225 CONTEMPORARY ART 292 292 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Rørende maleri" (Touching painting), 2000. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on two canvases. Total 23 x 40 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 293 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 293 226 Man and woman. Unsigned. Sculptures composed of carved aircrete, partly painted with glue and pencil. Indistinctly titled on the reverse. H. 177 cm. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 294 CD SVEN DALSGAARD b. 1914, d. 1999 "Hjulmageren" (Wheel repairer). Signed Sven Dalsgaard, C075. Sculpture of patinated iron. H. 188 cm. Literature: Sven Dalsgaard: "Varekatalog: Alt dette - og mere til - har jeg lavet - 1929-1976", ill. p. [138]. Exhibited: "Retrospektiv", Randers Kunstmuseum, MarchApril 1975, cat. no. 265. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 295 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Drowning joke II", 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 40 x 40 cm. Provenance: Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens, Denmark. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 294 295 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 227 CONTEMPORARY ART 296 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 "Utopia". Signed C. Lemmerz 06. Drawing charcoal on paper. Sheet size 125 x 175 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 296 297 CD BJARNE MELGAARD b. 1967 Figure composition. Signed Melgaard 2000. Pastel on paper. Sheet size 70 x 100 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 297 298 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 "Wald / Blue wood". Signed Lemmerz. Mixed media on canvas. 145 x 190 cm. Provenance: Galleri Franz Pedersen, Horsens, Denmark. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 298 228 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 299 299 CD LARS NØRGÅRD b. 1956 "En opblæst hattenål” ( A conceited hatpin), 2002. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 250 x 250 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 300 CD ERIK A. FRANDSEN b. 1957 Composition. Unsigned. Oil on perforated canvas. 190 x 160 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 300 229 CONTEMPORARY ART 301 CD ESKE KATH b. 1975 "Disintegration-Volcano", 2003. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil and collage on canvas. 160 x 125 cm. Provenance: Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 302 CD HUSKMITNAVN b. 1975 Green portrait. Signed HuskMitNavn 06. Collage, pencil and crayon on cardboard. Visible size 48 x 38 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 303 SHEPARD FAIREY/ OBEY b. 1970 "Gimme Da Loot". Signed Shepard Fairey 04 and in stencil Obey. Mixed media on LP record cover. 31 x 30,5 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 301 302 230 303 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 304 CD HUSKMITNAVN b. 1975 A man and a smurf. Signed HuskMitNavn 08. Oil on canvas. 120 x 100 cm. Exhibited: Volta4, Basel, Switzerland, June 2008. Provenance: V1 Gallery, Copenhagen. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 305 CD TRINE BOESEN b. 1972 "Escape", 2005. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Mixed media on canvas. 60 x 60 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 304 306 306 CD JULIE NORD b. 1970 "The Island", 2000. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Indian ink on paper. Sheet size 36 x 75 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 305 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 231 CONTEMPORARY ART 307 307 CD PETER MARTENSEN b. 1953 "The Crowd", 2008. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 80 x 100 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 308 CD HANS HENRIK LERFELDT b. 1946, d. 1989 Model. Signed Lerfeldt 83. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Visible size 30 x 22 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 308 232 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 309 309 CD POUL ANKER BECH b. 1942 Interior with a man watching a slide show. Signed Bech 81. Oil on canvas. 71 x 93 cm. Exhibited: "Å- Udstillingen", 1981, cat. no. 3. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 310 310 CD FERNANDEZ ARMAN b. 1928, d. 2005 Camera. Signed Arman, 45/95. Bronze. H. 31 cm. W. 22 cm. D. 56 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 233 CONTEMPORARY ART 311 311 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Blindt perspektiv" (Blind perspective), 1995. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 36 x 44 cm. Provenance: Franz Pedersens Kunsthandel, Horsens, Denmark. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 312 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 Organic composition. Signed Kvium 89. Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas. 44 x 61 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 312 234 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 313 CD SVEND WIIG HANSEN b. 1922, d. 1997 "Grædende sky" (Weeping cloud). Signed Wiig Hansen 1968; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 314 CD POUL ISBAK b. 1943 Wavy form, 1978. Signed PI 78. Marble. 15 x 46 x 39 cm. Provenance: Galerie Birch, Copenhagen. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 313 315 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Får fra siden" (Sheep from the side). Signed on the reverse Lise Malinovsky 92. Oil on canvas. 75 x 125 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 314 315 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 235 CONTEMPORARY ART 317 316 CD JOHN KØRNER b. 1967 "Construction sets Aventure Chimique", 2003. Crayon and watercolour on print. Sheet size 290 x 80 cm. Provenance: Galleri Christina Wilson, Copenhagen. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 316 236 318 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 317 CD FREDERICH SCHRÖDERSONNENSTERN b. 1892, d. 1982 "Das Volksbegluckungswunderhemd, oder die Mondmoralische Vogelscheuche". Signed F.S. Sonnenstern 1958. Crayon and pencil on paper. Sheet size 72 x 51 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 318 CD FREDERICH SCHRÖDERSONNENSTERN b. 1892, d. 1982 "Die Göttin, Der Flug". Signed F.S. Sonnenstern 1958. Crayon and pencil on paper. Sheet size 50 x 73 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 319 319 CD PAUL WUNDERLICH b. 1927 "Torso with Heart", 1970. Signed Paul Wunderlich. Oil on canvas. 130 x 97 cm. DKK 80.000 / € 10.500 320 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 Composition. Signed with the artist's red stamp. Watercolour on paper. 46 x 58 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 320 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 237 CONTEMPORARY ART 321 321 CD ROEL FRANKOT b. 1911, d. 1986 "Vreemde ont möeting", 1966. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 120 x 200 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 322 CD JØRGEN HAUGEN SØRENSEN PETER LAUTROP GIOVANNI MELONI Composition. Signed Jørgen Haugen Sørensen, Lautrop, Meloni 1976. Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas. 150 x 254 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 322 238 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 323 CD KURT TRAMPEDACH b. 1943 "Pays Basque, Sare". Signed Trampedach - 88. Mixed media on cardboard laid down on canvas. 34 x 46 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 323 324 324 CD ROBERT JACOBSEN b. 1912, d. 1993 "Undertrykkelse" (Supression), 1970. Signed RJ. Iron. H. 24 cm. L. 23 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 325 * CD PREBEN HORNUNG b. 1919, d. 1989 "Slagtekrop" (Carcass), 1968. Signed monogram; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 112 x 79 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 325 239 CONTEMPORARY ART 326 CD JENS BIRKEMOSE b. 1943 Composition, 1985. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 128 x 96 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 327 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Den andalusiske hund" (The Andalusian dog), 1987. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 215 x 285 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 326 327 240 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 328 328 CD SVEND WIIG HANSEN b. 1922, d. 1997 Figure composition, 1987. Signed and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 62 x 74 cm. Provenance: Galleri Torso, Odense, Denmark. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 329 CD KURT TRAMPEDACH b. 1943 "Louise 13 år" (Louise 13 years old). Unsigned. Mixed media with dried flowers and applied hair. Sheet size 29,5 x 20,5 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 329 330 CD PIERRE TAL-COAT b. 1905, d. 1985 Composition. Signed Tal-Coat. Watercolour on paper. 14 x 37 cm. Exhibited: "Tal-Coat Exhibition", Galerie Berthet-Aittouares, Paris. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 330 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 241 CONTEMPORARY ART 331 331 CD FREDE CHRISTOFFERSEN b. 1919, d. 1987 "Aften" (Evening). Signed FC 60; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 60 x 100 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 332 CD LISE MALINOVSKY 333 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 b. 1957 "Retrato No. 2", 2007. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 95 x 95 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 "Retrato No. 3", 2007. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 95 x 95 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 332 333 242 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 334 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1957 "Stol og komfur" (Chair and stove), 1998. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 180 x 140 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 334 335 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 Two birds, c. 1989. Signed with the artist's red stamp. Acrylic on rice paper. Sheet size 36 x 48,5 cm. Unframed. Provenance: The Collection of Sam Francis. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 335 336 CD WALASSE TING b. 1929 Two women in green, c. 1989. Signed with the artist's red stamp. Acrylic on rice paper. Sheet size 23 x 21 cm. Unframed. Provenance: The Collection of Sam Francis. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 336 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 243 CONTEMPORARY ART 337 337 CD EGON MATHIESEN 338 SALAH TAHER b. 1907, d. 1976 b. 1911, d. 2007 "To cyklister" (Two cyclists), 1952. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. oil on canvas. 100 x 131. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 Motif with two women. Signed Salah Taher. Oil on board. 50 x 40 cm. Enclosed: Certificate from AICA Egypt. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 338 339 244 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 340 339 CD JØRGEN NASH 340 CD LISE MALINOVSKY b. 1920, d. 2004 b. 1957 "Ett Drömhus" (A Dreamhouse). Signed Nash 70; signed, titled and dated on the reverse Jørgen Nash Drakabygget 1970. Oil on canvas. 55 x 46 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 "Dobbelt maleri" (Double painting), 2004. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on two canvases. 130 x 200 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 341 CD CLIFFORD WRIGHT b. 1919, d. 1999 Scenery with people. Signed monogram. Oil on canvas. 90 x 131 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 341 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 245 CONTEMPORARY ART 342 342 342 CD JENS BIRKEMOSE b. 1943 Tivoli ballet poster sketches. One signed B. 85. Oil on paper laid down on canvas. Each 90 x 62 cm. (4). DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 342 246 342 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 classic modern art wednesday 11 march 1 pm lot 343 - 394 CLASSIC MODERN ART 343 CD NIELS LERGAARD b. 1893, d. 1982 View over the sea, Bornholm. Signed Niels Lergaard. Oil on canvas. 48 x 57 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 343 344 CD JENS SØNDERGAARD b. 1895, d. 1957 Summer landscape. Signed Jens Søndergaard. Oil on canvas. 80 x 98 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 344 248 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 345 345 CD JENS SØNDERGAARD b. 1895, d. 1957 "Høstlandskab" (Harvest landscape). Signed Jens Søndergaard 35. Oil on canvas. 88 x 102 cm. Exhibition label on the stretcher. DKK 35.000-40.000 € 4.700-5.400 346 CD ERIK HOPPE b. 1896, d. 1968 Scenery from Søndermarken. Signed Hoppe. Oil on canvas. 50 x 60 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 346 249 CLASSIC MODERN ART 347 CD SVEND ENGELUND b. 1908, d. 2007 Still life. Signed SE 82. Oil on canvas. 28 x 50 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 348 CD JACK KAMPMANN b. 1914, d. 1989 347 "Kirken på Mikines" (The church on Mikines), the Faroe Islands. Signed Jack Kampmann. Oil on canvas. 54 x 65 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 349 CD EMIL GREGERSEN b. 1921, d. 1993 Composition. Unsigned. Oil on board. 37 x 56 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 348 350 CD SØREN HJORTH-NIELSEN b. 1901, d. 1983 "Enghaveplads", 1938-40. Signed HN. Oil on canvas. 80 x 100 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1972, cat. no. 55. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 351 CD FOLMER BENDTSEN b. 1907, d. 1993 349 250 Winterday at Nørrebro. Signed Folmer Bendtsen 57. Oil on canvas. 81 x 100 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 350 351 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 251 CLASSIC MODERN ART 352 352 CD JENS SØNDERGAARD b. 1895, d. 1957 Summer landscape with cyclists, Bovbjerg. Signed Jens Søndergaard 47. Oil on canvas. 83 x 95 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 353 CD EDVARD WEIE b. 1879, d. 1943 Forest, Autumn. Signed E.W. Oil on canvas. 71 x 85 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 353 252 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 354 354 CD OLUF HØST b. 1884, d. 1966 "Brændehuggere, Bognemark" (Wood cutters, Bognemark). Signed OH. Oil on canvas. 46 x 55 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 355 CD JENS SØNDERGAARD b. 1895, d. 1957 Coastal scenery with two figures. Signed Jens Søndergaard, with dedication. Oil on canvas. 55 x 62 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 355 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 253 CLASSIC MODERN ART 356 356 SAMUEL JOENSEN-MIKINES CD b. 1906, d. 1979 Landscape, Bornholm. Signed S. J-Mikines 69. Oil on canvas. 65 x 80 cm. DKK 35.000 / € 4.700 357 CD AMARIEL NORDOY b. 1945 "Morgenlys. Mikladal" (Morning light, Mikladal), the Faroe Islands. Signed Nordoy 99. Oil on canvas. 65 x 76 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 357 254 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 358 358 CD ÁSGRÍMUR JÓNSSON b. 1876, d. 1958 Landscape, Iceland. Signed Asgr. J. 1915. Oil on canvas laid down on board. Visible size 27 x 48 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 359 CD JÚLÍANA SVEINSDÓTTIR b. 1889, d. 1966 From The Vestmanna Islands, Iceland. Signed Juliana Sveinsdottir 61. Oil on canvas. 100 x 85 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1963, cat. no. 69. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 359 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 255 CLASSIC MODERN ART 360 360 CD J . F. W I L L U MS E N b. 1863, d. 1958 "Bjerglandskab" (Mountain scenery). Signed JFW 27 juli 1914. Crayon and pencil on paper. Visible size 42 x 52 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 114. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 361 CD JEAN OSOUF b. 1898, d. 1996 Standing girl. Signed J. Osouf. Stamped Cire perdue, Bisceglia, Paris. Bronze. H. 110 cm. Exhibited: "Kay Christensen - Jean Osouf", Henning Larsens Kunsthandel, Copenhagen, May 1962, ill. in the exhibition catalogue. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 361 256 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 362 CD GERHARD HENNING b. 1880, d. 1967 Head, female. Signed Henning 29 IV. Bronze. Base of marble. H. 28 cm. Literature: Peter Hertz: "Billedhuggeren Gerhard Henning", ill. p. 207. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 363 CD HANS ØLLGAARD b. 1911, d. 1969 Botanical composition, 1936. Signed on an exhibition label Hans Øllgaard. Oil on canvas. 98 x 110 cm. Exhibited: Label on the reverse marked FF 36. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 362 363 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 257 CLASSIC MODERN ART 364 364 HARALD GIERSING b. 1881, d. 1927 "Udsigt over Valdals gartneri" (View over Valdal's market garden), 1926. Unsigned. Oil on board. 63 x 72 cm. Exhibited: "Harald Giersing Mindeudstilling", Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1927, cat. no. 360. Exhibited: Helsinki, May, 1928. Exhibited: "Det danske Kunststævne", Forum, 1929, cat. no. 20. Exhibited: "Giersing Udstillingen", Stockholm, November, 1958; Copenhagen, December, 1958, cat. no. 92. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 6. Provenance: Besse Giersing, the artist's wife. Provenance: Editor Kai Svarre. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 365 CD OLAF RUDE b. 1886, d. 1957 365 258 Landscape, Tuscany, 1920. Signed Olaf Rude. Oil on canvas. 30 x 40 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 366 366 CD JOHANNES LARSEN b. 1867, d. 1961 A flock of shelducks at sea. Signed JL 43. Oil on canvas. 60 x 84 cm. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 367 POUL S. CHRISTIANSEN b. 1855, d. 1933 Udsigt over Lyngby sø (View over Lyngby lake). Signed monogram 1927. Oil on canvas. 68 x 83 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 1. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1968, cat. no. 49. Exhibited: Fyns Stiftsmuseum, 1968. DKK 10.000-15.000 € 1.300-2.000 367 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 259 CLASSIC MODERN ART 368 368 JENS ADOLF JERICHAU b. 1890, d. 1916 Drageløven (The Dragon Lion), 1915. Signed Jerichau. Oil on canvas. 27 x 27 cm. Included in the Jens Adolf Jerichau archives at Silkeborg Kunstmuseum. Provenance: The artist's family, by descent. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 369 JENS ADOLF JERICHAU b. 1890, d. 1916 Portrait of a young boy. Signed Jerichau, 30-6-10 Kerteminde. Oil on canvas. 29 x 22 cm. Included in the Jens Adolf Jerichau archives at Silkeborg Kunstmuseum. Provenance: The artist's family, by descent. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 369 260 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 370 370 JENS ADOLF JERICHAU b. 1890, d. 1916 Landscape with two figures. Signed J.A. Jerichau and 1916 J.A. Jerichau Paris. Oil on canvas. 38 x 45 cm. Included in the Jens Adolf Jerichau archives at Silkeborg Kunstmuseum. Provenance: The artist's family, by descent. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 261 CLASSIC MODERN ART 371 371 CD OLUF HØST b. 1884, d. 1966 Bognemark, Bornholm. Unsigned. Certified on the reverse by the artist's son Niels Høst. Oil on canvas. 29 x 46 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 372 CD OLUF HØST b. 1884, d. 1966 Landscape, Bornholm. Signed OH. Oil on canvas. 51 x 56 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 372 262 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 373 373 CD ERIK HOPPE 374 CD OLAF RUDE b. 1896, d. 1968 b. 1886, d. 1957 Summer day in Søndermarken. Signed Hoppe. Oil on canvas. 50 x 60 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 8. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 "Havudsigt" (Sea view), Bornholm. Signed Olaf Rude 41. Oil on canvas. 81 x 117 cm. Exhibited: "Olaf Rudes retrospektive udstilling", Charlottenborg, 1945. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 374 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 263 CLASSIC MODERN ART 375 376 264 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 377 375 CD HANS SCHERFIG 377 CD HANS SCHERFIG b. 1905, d. 1979 b. 1905, d. 1979 Six compositions with animals, mounted in one frame. Unsigned. Gouache on paper. Visible sizes each 22 x 29 cm. (6). DKK 40.000-60.000 / € 5.400-8.000 "Ensomt næsehorn" (Lonely rhinoceros). Signed Scherfig 1966. Tempera on masonite. 90 x 140 cm. Literature: Lena Lamberth (red): "Scherfig katalog: Samlet fortegnelse over Hans Scherfigs billedkunst 1905-1979", 2006, no. 687, ill. in colours p. 146. Exhibited: "Corner", Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1966, cat. no. 232. Exhibited: 2. Biennale der Ostseeländer, Rostock, 1967, cat. no. 47. Probably exhibited at: "Corner", Retrospective exhibition, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1981, cat. no. 332 titled "Næsehorn i gult landskab". DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 376 CD HANS SCHERFIG b. 1905, d. 1979 Leda and the Swan, 1956. Unsigned. Hinterglass painting. Tempera on glass. 42 x 52 cm. Literature: Lene Lamberth (red): "Scherfig katalog", 2006, no. 477, ill. p. 114. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 265 CLASSIC MODERN ART 378 378 CD JENS SØNDERGAARD b. 1895, d. 1957 Landscape, Thy. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 80 cm. Exhibited: "Jens Søndergaard", Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark 1993, cat. no. 12. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 379 CD POUL EKELUND b. 1921, d. 1976 379 266 "Landskab, forår" (Landscape, spring), 1973. Signed Ekelund. Oil on canvas. 60 x 65 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 380 380 CD OLAF RUDE 381 CD OLAF RUDE b. 1886, d. 1957 b. 1886, d. 1957 A sea view, Bornholm. Signed Olaf Rude. Oil on canvas. 73 x 100 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 The artist's studio with a sea view. Signed Olaf Rude 24. Oil on canvas. 69 x 80 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 381 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 267 CLASSIC MODERN ART 382 382 CD OLAF RUDE b. 1886, d. 1957 "Markfelter" (Fields), Bornholm. Signed Olaf Rude 32. Oil on canvas. 98 x 132 cm. Exhibited: "Olaf Rudes retrospektive udstilling", Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1945. Exhibited: "Olaf Rude. Retrospektiv", Storstrøms Kunstmuseum, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Bornholms Kunstmuseum, March - October 2005, cat. no. 51. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 383 268 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 384 383 SVEND ENGELUND CD b. 1908, d. 2007 Fields. Signed SE 63. Oil on board. 34 x 63 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 384 CD ALBERT BERTELSEN b. 1921 "Kirken i Norge" (The church in Norway), 1975-76. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 100 x 110 cm. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 269 CLASSIC MODERN ART 385 386 385 CD ROBERT STORM PETERSEN 387 STEPHAN SINDING b. 1882, d. 1949 b. 1846, d. 1922 A couple, c. 1920. Unsigned. Oil on canvas laid down on cardboard. Visible size 40 x 34 cm. The painting has been examined and dated by the Director of The Storm P. Museum, Jens Bing. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 "To mennesker" (Two figures) 1889. Signed St: Sinding, P. Carved white marble. H. 25 cm. W. 20 cm. L. 30 cm. DKK 15.000-25.000 / € 2.000-3.400 386 CD NIELS LARSEN STEVNS b. 1864, d. 1941 "H.C. Andersen på Ridetur under Besøget i Portugal" (H.C. Andersen riding during the visit in Portugal), 1930. Sketch for the decorations in Odense - Not carried out. Unsigned. Watercolour and pencil on paper. Sheet size 38 x 40 cm. Exhibited: "Niels Larsen Stevns Mindeudstilling", Den Frie Udstilling, 1947. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 97. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 387 270 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 388 388 CD VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. 1893, d. 1950 Bathing scene, 1919/20. Painted in "crumpled style" above the packing case picture "Det første Bud" (W&B 35). Signed on the reverse VL 18. Oil on veneer. 73 x 110 cm. Literature: Preben Wilmann & Marianne Brøns: "Lundstrøm", 1977, cat. no. 54, ill. p. 87. Exhibited: "De 4", Klingens Udstilling, Den Frie, Copenhagen, January 1921, probably cat. no. 76: "Komposition med to Kvinder"; or KE 1921? Exhibited: "Den krøllede Lundstrøm", Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, March - May 1981, cat. no. 11. Provenance: Dorte Lundstrøm, daughter of the artist. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 389 CD JOHANNES C. BJERG b. 1886, d. 1955 "Knælende Salome" (Kneeling Salome). Stamped Johannes C. Bjerg 1918, edition 1/1. Stamped DK. Patinated bronze. H. 37 cm. Exhibited: "To venner", Nivågaard, 1995, ill. in the cat. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 389 271 CLASSIC MODERN ART 390 390 390 390 CD WILHELM FREDDIE b. 1909, d. 1995 Four early works. All certified on the reverse by the artist's brother Knud Henry Carlsen, one with inscription on the reverse 1923. Oil on canvas and oil on board. Resp. 51 x 46 cm., 57 x 45 cm., 27 x 37 and 25 x 33 cm. (4). DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 390 272 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 391 391 CD EDVARD WEIE b. 1879, d. 1943 Interior with mother and child. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 37 x 57 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, 1967, cat. no. 37. DKK 30.000-35.000 / € 4.000-4.700 392 CD EGILL JACOBSEN b. 1910, d. 1998 “At Damhussøen”, Copenhagen. Scenery with houses. Signed on the reverse EJ 1931. Oil on canvas. 33 x 48 cm. Literature: Per Hovdenakk: “Egill Jacobsen 2”, ill. p. 104.. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 392 273 CLASSIC MODERN ART 393 393 CD VILHELM LUNDSTRØM b. 1893, d. 1950 Children on a raft. Signed VL. Oil on canvas. 65 x 100 cm. Enclosed: Letter from Marianne Brøns confirming the attribution to Vilhelm Lundstrøm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 394 CD OLAF RUDE b. 1886, d. 1957 Forest, Bornholm. Signed Olaf Rude. Oil on canvas. 89 x 116 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 394 274 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 prints wednesday 11 march lot 395 - 433 PRINTS 395 395 395 CD MARC CHAGALL b. 1887, d. 1985 "Les Ateliers de Chagall", 1976. Book with text by Robert Marteau including five lithographs and two woodcuts. The frontispiece lithograph signed Marc Chagall 232/250. Printed on Arches wove paper and in original cardboard box covered with grey cloth, printed in gold on the spine. Published by Fernand Mourlot, Paris. Sheet sizes 44,5 x 32 cm. The signed lithograph separately framed. (2). Literature: Sorlier no. 899. Literature: Cramer no. 101. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 396 HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC b. 1864, d. 1901 "A L'Opera, Madame Caron dans Faust", 1893. Signed in the print and signed monogram with artist red stamp. Numbered 11. Edition 100. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 38,1 x 28,2 cm. Literature: Adriani no. 54. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 396 276 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 397 397 CD MARC CHAGALL b. 1887, d. 1985 "Sirène au poète". Signed Marc Chagall, 147/150. Published by Mourlot. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 66 x 50 cm. Literature: Sorlier no. CS 27. DKK 80.000 / € 11.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 277 PRINTS 398 398 CD GEORG BASELITZ, PER KIRKEBY, JÖRG IMMENDORFF, MARKUS LÜPERTZ, A.O. "Erste Konzentration. Mappe III", 1982. All sheets signed and numbered 4/50. Published by Michael Werner, Köln in 50 numbered copies and eight copies roman numbered. Portfolio with 12 graphic works in woodcut, linocut, lithograph, etching and silkscreen. Sheet sizes 65 x 50 cm. The book "Erste Konzentration", Maximilian Verlag, Sabine Knust, München 1982, enclosed. Literature: Jahn no. 399 and 419 (Baselitz). Andersen no. 333 and 334 (Kirkeby). DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 399 SAM FRANCIS b. 1923, d. 1994 Composition, 1990. Signed Sam Francis, 47/50. Printed by George Page. Published by the Litho Shop. Lithograph in colours. 117,5 x 76,2 cm. Unframed. Literature: Lembark: L. 284. SF. 343. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 399 278 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 400 CD FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER b. 1928, d. 2000 "La Barca - Regentag / Slow travel under the sun". Signed Hundertwasser B/78/251, 683, Ca' Vallesina 1969 Mendocino 1968. Printed by Studio Quattro, Campalto-Venice, metal embossings by Giorgio Verrati, Venice-Mestre. Published by Felix Landau, Los Angeles. Silkscreen in 10 colours with metal embossings in seven colours. Sheet size 76 x 56 cm. Literature: Koschatzky HWG 40, Werkverzeichnis 683. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 400 401 CD FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER b. 1928, d. 2000 "One of five seamen / Il marinaio". Signed Hundertwasser, Campalto 10 July 1975, 74/250. Printed by Studio Quattro, Venice-Mestre, metal embossings by Multigraphic, Venice. Published by Gruener Janura AG, Glarus/Switzerland. Silkscreen in 18 colours with metal embossing in two colours. Sheet size 90 x 60 cm. Literature: Koschatzky HWG 66, Werkverzeichnis 748. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 401 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 279 PRINTS 404 402 CD JOAN MIRÓ b. 1893, d. 1983 402 "Affiche pour l'exposition ‘Miro’. Musée d'art Moderne, Céret", 1977. Signed Miro, 26/50. Published by Musée d'art Moderne. Printed by Arte Adrien Maeght, Paris. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 75,5 x 55,5 cm. Literature: Cramer: "Miro Lithographe VI", no. 1120. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 403 CD MAURICE ESTÈVE b. 1904, d. 2001 "Grisande", 1966. Signed Estève, 54/100. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 68 x 52 cm. Literature: Prudhomme-Estève & Moestrup no. 39. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 404 CD JOAN MIRÓ b. 1893, d. 1983 Composition, 1981. Signed Miró, 74/150. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 34 x 25,5 cm. Literature: Cramer: "Miró Lithographe VI", no. 1262. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 403 280 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 405 405 CD JOAN MIRÓ 406 SAM FRANCIS b. 1893, d. 1983 b. 1923, d. 1994 "Ursule Hisse les Cornes de la Biche", 1975. Signed Miro, 7/75. Published by Georges Fall, Paris. Printed by Arte Adrien Maeght, Paris. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 57 x 87,5 cm. Literature: Cramer: "Miró Lithographe V ", no. 1082. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 "Smoke sulfur", 1973. Signed Sam Francis, 4/30. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 64,8 x 85,7 cm. Unframed. Literature: Lembark SF 183 L 166. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 406 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 281 PRINTS 407 408 407 CD FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER b. 1928, d. 2000 "Good Morning City", 1969-70. Signed Friedensreich. Printed by Studio Quattro, Campalto-Venice and Lino Coin. Published by Dorothea Leonhart, Münich. Silkscreen in 10 colours with metal embossing in eight colours. Sheet size 84 x 55,5 cm. Literature: Koschatzky HWG 41, Werkverzeichnis 686. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 408 SAM FRANCIS b. 1923, d. 1994 Composition, 1984. Signed Sam Francis, 21/29. Printed by Jacob Samuel, California. Published by The Litho Shop, California. Aquatint in colours. Sheet size 88,3 x 48,3 cm. Unframed. Literature: Lembark SFE 014 I 47. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 409 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 409 282 Composition. Signed Alechinsky 1991 F, 61/99. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 79 x 110 cm. DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 411 410 410 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY 411 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 b. 1927 "Reponse muette". Signed Alechinsky 1989, 44/70. With dedication. Aquatint in colours. Sheet size 180 x 90 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 "Ou êtes-vous?". Signed Alechinsky 1988, 51/70. Aquatint in colours. Sheet size 188 x 94 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 412 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 "Articles suivis sur aquarellade". Signed Alechinsky 1978, 13/30. Aquatint etching and watercolour on Japan paper. Sheet size 62 x 92 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 412 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 283 PRINTS 413 CD PABLO PICASSO b. 1881, d. 1973 "Page de Croquis (Têtes d'Enfants et de Chevaux)", December 4 1945. Signed Picasso 13/50. Lithograph. Sheet size 33 x 44,5 cm. Literature: Bloch no. 381, ill. p. 108. DKK 20.000-25.000 € 2.700-3.400 413 414 CD ASGER JORN b. 1914, d. 1973 "Salaud solaire" from the "Schweizer Suite". Signed Jorn 53, 38/50. Printed by Graf-Presse, Munich. Published by Edition Van de Loo, Munich 1961. Etching. Sheet size 38 x 27,5 cm. Literature: Van de Loo no. 157. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 414 415 SAM FRANCIS b. 1923, d. 1994 Untitled, 1979. Signed Sam Francis, 7/30. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 74,9 x 105,4 cm. Unframed. Literature: Lembark SF 310 L 236. DKK 18.000 / € 2.400 415 284 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 416 416 CD PABLO PICASSO b. 1881, d. 1973 "Francoise sur fond gris", 1950. Signed Picasso, 13/50. Lithograph on blue-grey Ingres Canson paper applied to Arches paper. Sheet size 74 x 55,2 cm. Literature: Mourlot no. 195. Literature: Bloch no. 681. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 285 PRINTS 417 ALEXANDER CALDER b. 1898, d. 1976 Composition. Signed Calder, 57/100. Lithograph in colours. Sheet size 60 x 77 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 417 418 CD BRAM BOGART 419 CD BRAM BOGART b. 1921 b. 1921 Composition. Signed Bram Bogart 89, 77/99. Aquagravure in colours. Sheet size 96 x 97 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 Composition. Signed Bram Bogart, e.a., 16/20. Aquagravure in colours. Sheet size 110 x 81 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 418 286 419 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 420 420 420 420 420 CD VICTOR VASARELY b. 1908, d. 1997 Graphic portfolio with 12 sheets, 1955. All sheets signed Vasarely, 29 and A-J resp. Silkscreen and pochoir on paper. Printed at L'Atelier d'Arcay. Published by Éditions Denise René, Paris in an edition of 100. Sheet sizes each 66 x 51 cm. In original portfolio. (12). BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 The following titles are enclosed in the portfolio: "Garam" (1948), "Akka" (1949), "Zaïra" (1950), "Donan" (1950), "Pamir" (1951), "Luberon" (1951), "Senanque" (1952), "Darjiling" (1952), "Kandahar" (1953), "Orom" (1953), "Zsolt" (1953) and "Keryado" (1954). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 287 PRINTS 421 421 CD PIERRE ALECHINSKY b. 1927 Composition. Signed Alechinsky 1978, 54/60. Aquatint and etching in colours. Sheet size 63 x 100 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 422 CD FRIEDENSREICH HUNDERTWASSER b. 1928, d. 2000 "Blutregenfieberhaus" (Blood garden house). Signed Hundertwasser 76/200, 463A Vienna 14 february 1975. Printed by T. Matsouka Surishi, Uchida Kogei Kobo, Kyoto and Matashiro Uchikawa Surishi, Tokyo 1973. Published by Gruener Janura AG, Glarus/Switzerland. Woodcut in colours. Sheet size 54 x 43 cm. Literature: Koschatzky HWG 63, Werkverzeichnis 463A. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 422 288 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 423 SAM FRANCIS b. 1923, d. 1994 Portfolio with seven lithographs in colours, 1973-1984. All sheets signed Sam Francis, H.C. 4/20. Published by Éditions Daniel Papierski, Paris. Printed by l'Atelier Gardner Lithograph, Buena Park, California, 1992. Sheet sizes 76 x 56 cm. (7). DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 423 424 SAM FRANCIS b. 1923, d. 1994 Composition, 1984. Signed Sam Francis, TP. Edition 250. Printed by George Page at the Litho Shop, California. Published by Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Offset lithograph in colours. Sheet size 101,9 x 71,4 cm. Unframed. Literature: Lembark SF 272 / L 263. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 424 289 PRINTS 425 CD MARC CHAGALL b. 1887, d. 1985 “Gentleman in the livingroom”. Signed Marc Chagall and stamp signed M. Chagall. Aquatint. Sheet size 35,5 x 27,5 cm. Unframed. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 425 426 CD HENRY MOORE b. 1898, d. 1986 426 290 "Two reclining figures", 1973. Signed Moore, 82/100. Lithograph in colours. Visible size 64 x 51 cm. Literature: Cramer no. 308. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 427 427 427 427 427 427 427 CD MICHAEL KVIUM b. 1955 "Kunsten til sygdom" (Art to disease), 1992. Seven compositions. Signed Kvium 92, 1/25. Aquatint etchings. Sheet size 32,2 x 48. Unframed. (7). Literature: "Michael Kvium. Det trykgrafiske værk 1979-2006" no. EC 031-037. DKK 60.000-75.000 / € 8.000-10.000 427 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 291 PRINTS 429 428 428 CD BANKSY b. 1975 "Queen Vic", 2003. Signed in the print Banksy, numbered in pencil 458/500. Silkscreen in colours. Visible size 69 x 49 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 429 FAILE b. 1999 "Girls". Signed in the print Faile. Acrylic paint and silkscreen on paper. Sheet size 126 x 96,5 cm. Unframed. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000 430 430 CD WOLFGANG TILLMANS b. 1968 "Pumpkin, Tomato and Pomme Grande". Signed on the reverse Wolfgang Tillmans. Edition 6/10+1. C-print. Visible size 40 x 30 cm. Provenance: Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 431 CD CHRISTIAN LEMMERZ b. 1959 "Iraq". Signed Lemmerz 05. Ink-jet print, ed. 1/15. 140,5 x 100,5 cm. Provenance: Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 431 292 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 432 ROY LICHTENSTEIN b. 1923, d. 1997 "As I opened Fire ...". Triptych. One sheet signed Roy Lichtenstein. Offset lithograph in colours. Each 64 x 52 cm. (3). Literature: Corlett App. 5. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 433 ANDY WARHOL b. 1930, d. 1987 432 "Self-Portrait", 1978. Signed Andy Warhol. Published to coincide with the Warhol exhibition at the Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, 1978. Edition approx. 300. Screenprint in colours on wallpaper. Sheet size 104 x 71,5 cm. Unframed. Literature: Feldman & Schellmann no. 156 A. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 432 432 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 433 293 department of modern design Peter Christmas-Møller 8818 1004 [email protected] Peter Kjelgaard 8818 1191 [email protected] Ole Ravn 8818 1192 [email protected] Amalie Hansen 8818 1194 [email protected] Alexa Bruun Rasmussen 8818 1165 [email protected] Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen 8818 1174 [email protected] Heidi Schophuus Jensen 8818 1163 [email protected] Kristian Haagen 8818 1168 [email protected] Peter Beck – Aarhus 8818 1186 [email protected] Peter Tholstrup – Aarhus 8818 1195 [email protected] Frederik Bruun Rasmussen 8818 1003 [email protected] tribal art wednesday 11 march lot 434 - 445 TRIBAL ART 434 Antelope antler of carved and patinated wood. "Tjiwara". Bambara/Mali. H. incl plith 128,5 cm. Provenance: Hans Hess, Basel - Switzerland. Maria Wyss, Basel Switzerland. With label underneath plinth. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 435 Helmet mask of carved, patinated and partly painted wood. Kwese, Congo. H. incl. plinth 50 cm. Provenance: Originates from a German private collection. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 434 296 435 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 436 436 Two small Ibeji figures. Yoruba, Nigeria. Carved and patinated wood. H. 22 and 23 cm. (2). DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 437 437 "Mwei maske". Latmul, the middle Sepic region. New Guinea. L. 68,5 cm. Provenance: Reverse with label; "Maske aus Neu-Guinea dorf Timbanko (oberer Sepik) ex. Slg. Jentsch Köln. Exped: 1995/60". DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 438 Edan figures of bronze, Nigeria. H. incl. plinth 22 cm. Provenance: The collection of Lau Sunde. DKK 8.000-12.000 / € 1.100-1.600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 438 297 TRIBAL ART 439 Flute of carved and patinated wood, the Mossi people. Burkina Faso. H. incl. plinth 60 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 440 Mask of oxidised metal. Senufo, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire). H. incl. plinth 34 cm. Provenance: The Budrose Collection, Boston, USA. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 441 Helmet mask of carved and patinated wood. Bundu mask. Mende people, Sierra Leone. H. incl. plinth 61 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 439 440 298 441 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 442 Agere Ifa. Yoruba, West Africa. Figure in the shape of rider, carved and patinated wood. First third of 20th Century. H. 26,5. L. 22 cm. Literature: William Fagg: "Yoruba, sculpture of West Africa", New York, 1982, ill. p. 154 plate 51. Literature: Henry John Drewal & John Pemberton: "Yoruba, Nine Centuries of African Art and thought", New York, 1989, ill. p. 113 and 114. Literature: Hans Witte: "A closer Look. Local styles in Yoruba Art Collection of the African Museum Berg en Dal", 2004. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 442 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 299 TRIBAL ART 443 Figure group of polychrome painted and carved wood. Yoruba, Nigeria. H. 68 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 443 444 444 Yaka figure of carved and light patinated wood. Appliquéd with attire and back equipment of plaited plant fibres. Stomach with fetish compartment, eyes mounted with glass (one missing), Congo. H. 32 cm. Provenance: Architect and artist Berndt Helleberg, bought by the present owner from his collection. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 445 Yoruba fetich of carved wood, winded with fabric and string, inside with laced relics. Nigeria. H. incl. plinth of wengé 23,5 cm. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 300 445 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 silver wednesday 11 march lot 446 - 467 SILVER 446 KAY BOJESEN b. 1886, d. 1958 Sterling silver ice bucket and ice spoon with rosewood tray. Handle and top of lid with cane. Stamped KBS. Total weight 1002 gr. Total H. 23,5 cm. DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 447 KAY BOJESEN b. 1886, d. 1958 A pair of three-armed sterling silver candlesticks, round base with everted rim, candlesticks with adjustable heights. Stamped KBS. Total weight 1299 gr. H. 8 cm. (2). DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 446 447 448 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 Sterling silver mocha service. Comprising mochapot, sugar bowl and cream jug. Handle on mocha pot with weave. Lids with tops of bone. Just A, design no. 2488. Weight 810 gr. H. 7. - 20 gr. (3). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 448 448 302 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 449 449 KAY BOJESEN b. 1886, d. 1958 "Grand Prix". Sterling cutlery. Stamped KBS. Weight 2935 gr. (68). Comprising: 8 fish knives 8 fish forks 8 dinner forks 8 luncheon forks 8 dinner spoons 8 coffee spoons 1 oyster fork 2 lobster forks 1 fish serving set 1 potato spoon 1 meat fork 1 large cold cut fork 1 small cold cut fork 1 jam spoon BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 1 butter knife 2 serving spoons 1 cold cut server 2 cold cut forks with thread handle 2 jelly spoons 1 small whisk Literature: Henrik Sten Møller; "Den Legende Mand Kay Bojesen", ill. p. 20 and 28. Literature: Esbjørn Hiort: "Modern Danish Silver", ill. p. 44-46. This cutlery is probably the most well-known silver design by Kay Bojesen, it got it's name 'Grand Prix' after winning a first price at the 9th "Triennale di Milan" in 1951. Kay Bojesen is perhaps mostly associated with wooden figures however his career began as a silversmith in 1910 at Georg Jensen. At the time his style was elaborate and very art noveau inspired, this later changed drastically when he went to Germany and there became inspired by modern functionalism. DKK 35.000-40.000 / € 4.700-5.400 303 SILVER 451 450 GEORG JENSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 450 304 Hammered sterling silver centre piece. Coiled stem. Decorated with grapes. Georg Jensen, 1933-1944, design no. 263 B. Weight 554 gr. H. 19 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 451 451 GEORG JENSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 Oval hammered sterling silver fruitbowl. Four handles with grapes and leaves. Pierced foliage stem. Oval profiled foot. Georg Jensen, 1925-1932, design no. 296 A. Weight 2040 gr. L. 37 cm. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 305 SILVER 452 JOHAN ROHDE 452 b. 1856, d. 1935 "Acorn". Sterling silver cutlery. Georg Jensen, 19451951 and after 1945. Weight excluding pieces with steel blades 4273 gr. (137). Comprising: 16 dinner knives 16 dinner forks 16 dinner spoons 16 luncheon knives 16 luncheon forks 16 dessert spoons 16 pastry forks 16 coffee spoons 1 small sauce spoon 2 sauce spoons 1 carving set 1 cake knife 2 potato spoons 1 jam spoon DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 453 MOGENS BALLIN b. 1871, d. 1914 Silver art nouveau vase with stylized flowers in relief. Stamped monogram. Weight 869 gr. H. 26 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 453 306 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 454 454 GEORG JENSEN 455 MOGENS BJØRN-ANDERSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 "Magnolia". Sterling silver coffee- and tea service. Comprising coffee pot, tea pot, cream jug and sugar bowl. Lids in shape of stylized flower buds, handles of carved ivory. Georg Jensen 1945-1951, design no. 2D and 2C. Total weight 1880 gr. H. 7 - 21 cm. (4). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 b. 1911 Sterling silver tray, slightly hammered. Ends with sweeping handles. Stamped monogram MBA, Birkerød, Denmark. Weight 1844 gr. H. 3 cm. W. 35,4 cm. L. 54 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 455 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 307 SILVER 456 GEORG JENSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 Six hammered sterling silver plates. Georg Jensen, 1945-1951, design no. 210 F. Weight 3630 gr. Diam. 26,5 cm. (6). DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 456 457 GEORG JENSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 "Continental". Hammered sterling silver cutlery. Georg Jensen, after 1945. Weight excluding pieces with steel blades 3387 gr. (106). 12 dinner forks 12 dinner knives 12 dinner spoons 12 lucheon forks 12 dessert spoons 12 pastry forks 12 coffee spoons 1 compote spoon 1 pie server 1 pie knife 1 large server 1 herring fork 6 fruit knives 1 bottle opener 4 cold cutsforks 1 meat fork 2 sauce spoons 2 potato spoons 1 salad serving spoon DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 308 457 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 458 458 KAY BOJESEN b. 1886, d. 1958 Sterling silver mochapot, sugar bowl and cream jug. Handles and lid with ebony. Stamped KBS. Total weight 753 gr. H. 6,5 - 14,5 cm. (3). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 459 459 GEORG JENSEN 460 KAY BOJESEN b. 1866, d. 1935 b. 1886, d. 1958 Slightly hammered sterling silver tea pot. Lid and handle with ebony. Georg Jensen, 1915-1930. Made before 1919. Design no. 88 (stamped 180). Weight 657 gr. H. 15. L. 27 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 Seven sets of sterling silver salt and pepper settings. Comprising peppermills and salt basins, inside with blue enamel. Stamped KBS. Weight incl. grinders 660 gr. H. 1,5. - 6,5 cm. (14). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 460 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 309 SILVER 461 KAY FISKER b. 1893, d. 1965 Sterling silver water jug, smooth, pear shaped with rounded handle. Marked Kay Fisker, M9 (1962) C, 1 L (liter), A. Michelsen. Weight 648 gr. H. 24,5 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 461 462 KAY BOJESEN b. 1886, d. 1958 "Grand Prix". Sterling silver cutlery. Stamped KBS. Weight not counting pieces with steel blades 1657 gr. (43). 6 dinner knives 6 dinner forks 1 dinner spoon 7 luncheon knives 7 luncheon forks 7 dessert spoons 2 butter knives 1 sauce spoon 2 cold cut forks with thread handle 1 meat fork 1 cream spoon 1 mayonaise spoon 1 potato spoon DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 310 462 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 463 463 JENS H. QUISTGAARD 464 b. 1919 "Tjørn". Sterling silver cutlery. IHQ, Dansk Sterling Denmark. Weight not counting pieces with steel blades 1940 gr. (64). 12 dinner knives 12 dinner forks 12 dinner spoons 12 luncheon forks 12 tea spoons 2 meat forks 2 serving spoons 464 SVEND WEIHRAUCH b. 1899, d. 1962 This cutlery manufactured in sterling silver is a refined edition of Quistgaard's much-coveted steel cutlery by the same name. The last mentioned was marketed in the USA under the name "Thistle" and was internationally acclaimed. The silver edition was only made in a short period around 1960. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 Art Deco sterling silver tea service. Comprising tea pot with rechaud, sugar bowl, cream jug, milk jug, tea sieve with holder and dish. Top and handles of bone. Hingelberg Aarhus, resp. 1940-1948 and 1948-1971. Total weight 2586 gr. H. 4,5. - 17 cm. (6). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 311 SILVER 465 GUNDORPH ALBERTUS b. 1887, d. 1969 "Kaktus". Sterling silver cutlery. Georg Jensen, after 1945. Weight excluding pieces with steel blades 3189 gr. (92). 12 dinner knives 12 dinner forks 12 luncheon knives 12 luncheon forks 12 dessert spoons 12 fish knives 6 butter knives 12 tea spoons 1 potato spoon 1 meat fork DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 465 466 SIGVARD BERNADOTTE b. 1907, d. 2002 Sterling silver cocktail mixer, enchased with "Harlequin" pattern. Georg Jensen, 1933-1944, design no. 819 B. Weight 560 gr. H. 18 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 467 HANS HANSEN Hammered sterling silver bowl. Inward folded top rim. Stamped Hans Hansen, anno 1939. Weight 1044 gr. H. 9. Diam. 25,5 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 466 467 312 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 jewellery watches wednesday 11 march lot 468 - 494 JEWELLERY 468 468 NANNA DITZEL b. 1923, d. 2005 A jewellery set comprising a bracelet and a necklace of sterling silver. Design no. 106. L. 20 and 43 cm. Georg Jensen after 1945. (2). DKK 6.000 / € 800 314 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 469 469 HENNING KOPPEL b. 1918, d. 1981 A jewellery set comprising a bracelet and a necklace of sterling silver. Design no. 88 and 88A. L. 20.5 and 43 cm. Georg Jensen after 1945. (2). DKK 8.000 / € 1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 315 JEWELLERY 470 472 471 473 470 GEORG JENSEN b. 1866, d. 1935 A pearl and diamond bracelet set with cultured pearls and older brilliant- and single-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Pearl diam. app. 4.5 mm. L. 18 cm. 1933-44. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 471 NANNA DITZEL b. 1923, d. 2005 A brooch of 18k gold. Design no. 1337B. Designed in 1963. Georg Jensen after 1945. DKK 4.000 / € 540 316 472 OLE BENT PETERSEN b. 1938, d. 1998 A brooch of 18k satinated gold. L. 10 cm. Stamped Ole Bent Petersen. Circa 1960-70. DKK 6.000 / € 800 473 ASTRID FOG b. 1911, d. 1993 A bracelet of sterling silver. Design no. 195. L. 21.5 cm. Georg Jensen after 1945. DKK 5.000 / € 670 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 475 474 474 475 Urban Jürgensen gentleman's wristwatch of platinum. Model ref. 2. Automatic movement with perpetual calendar (day, date and month) and moonphase. Hand decorated silver dial with typical Urban Jürgensen hands and black Roman hour markers. Original Urban Jürgensen crocodile strap with folding buckle. Case diameter ca. 38 mm. Box and certificate from 2002 included. Reference 2 of platinum was only produced in 50 pieces and is one of the most epic models from Urban Jürgensen. This particular watch has number 22. DKK 200.000-250.000 / € 27.000-34.000 Urban Jürgensen gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold, ref. 3. Automatic movement with perpetual calendar. Date, day, month, moon phase and power reserve indicators. Guilloche decorated silver dial with typical Urban Jürgensen hands of gold and black Roman hourmarkers. Solid caseback of 18 ct. gold. Original unused Urban Jürgensen crocodile strap with ardillon buckle of 18 ct. gold. Case diameter 38 mm. 1997. Refernce 2 of gold was only produced in 50 pieces. Watch is unused, New Old Stock. DKK 200.000-250.000 / € 27.000-34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 317 WATCHES 476 477 476 Rolex gentleman's wristwatch of 18 c. gold. Model Cellini "King Midas". Mechanical movement with manual winding. Golden dial with black baton hands and hour markers. Depressed winding crown at left side of the case. Black Hirsch leather strap with gold plated ardillion buckle. Case width 28 mm. Original certificate and translation folder included. 1980. Rolex Cellini "King Midas" has a distinct design and differs from any other Rolex model ever produced. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 318 477 Rolex gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Oyster Perpetual, ref. 1002. Automatic chronometer certified movement. Grey dial with baton hands and hour markers.Oyster bracelet ref. 78350/19 with 557 end pieces. Original certificate, sales receipt, translation booklet and two service receipts included. 1977. The watch was bought at authorized Rolex dealer Klarlund in 1977. Latest authorized service was 2004. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 480 479 478 479 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of steel, model Portofino. Automatic movement with date. Grey dial with baton hands and hour markers. Original IWC crown. Unoriginal strap with IWC ardillon buckle of steel. Case diameter c. 33 mm. 1980-90. DKK 6.000 / € 800 478 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of gold, model Electronic. Electronic movement with date, calibre C.750. Champagne coloured dial with baton hands and hour markers. Case width c. 38 mm. 1970ies. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 480 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Automatic movement with date. Silvered dial with baton hands and hour markers. Exchanged central seconds hand. Original IWC crown. Case diameter c. 35 mm. 1960ies. DKK 4.000-6.000 / € 540-800 319 WATCHES 482 481 482 481 Rolex gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. whitegold. Model Daytona, ref. 116519. Automatic movement with chronograph. White dial with baton hands and Arabic hourmarkers. Original Rolex crocodile strap with Rolex folding clasp of 18 ct. whitegold. Case diameter 40 mm. Original box included. C. 2002. DKK 65.000-70.000 / € 8.700-9.400 320 Omega gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Speedmaster Professsional, ref. 145.022. Mechanical movement with manual winding and chronograph, calibre 861. Black dial with baton hands and hourmarkers. Original bracelet ref. 1039 with ref. 516 endpieces. Clasp indicated '3 68'. Case diameter c. 41 mm. 1968. This watch was bought on Greenland in 1968 where the owner worked for an American oil company. Crystal is original with Omega logo in the middle. Bracelet clasp has a very light engraving "Chris" which easily can be polished off. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 484 483 483 484 Rolex gentleman's wristwatch of whitegold, model Day-Date, ref. 1803. Automatic movement with day and date function. Silvered dial with baton hands and hour markers. Original black strap with Rolex ardillon buckle of steel. Case diameter 36 mm. C. 1962-63. The whitegold version is rarer than the yellow gold version. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 Rolex gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model GMTMaster II. Automatic chronometer certified movement with date and GMT-function. Black dial with so-called Mercedes hands and combined cirkular, baton and arrow hourmarkers. Bi-rotating 24-hour bezel with black/red insert. Oyster bracelet ref. 78790 with 501B endpieces. Case diameter 40 mm. 1998-99. No box, nor certificate. DKK 16.000 / € 2.100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 321 WATCHES 486 485 486 485 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model Small Portuguese, ref. 3531-001. Automatic movement, calibre 891/2. Light dial with feuille hands and raised Arabic hour markers. Caseback with sapphire crystal. Original brown crocodile IWC strap with IWC ardillon buckle of 18 ct. gold. Case diameter c. 35 mm. Original certificate and box from 1998 included. Small Portuguese was introduced in 1993 and uses a modified Jaeger-LeCoultre calibre 891. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 322 Glashütte Original gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model PanoMaticLunar. Automatic movement with so-called "Panoramic date" and moonphase. Light dial with decentered time and small seconds. Alpha hands and baton hour markers. Caseback with sapphire crystal. Original black crocodile strap with folding clasp of 18 ct. gold. Original box included. Case diameter c. 40 mm. 2002. The Glashütte Original originates from the former Eastgerman town Glashütte. The history of the company originates from 1845. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 488 487 487 488 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of golf. Automatic movement, calibre 89. Silvered dial with baton hands and combined arrow and Arabic hour markers. Exchanged unsigned winding crown. Caseback of steel. Case diameter c. 35 mm. 1960ies. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100 IWC gentleman's wristwatch of gold plated steel, ref. 347. Automatic movement with date, calibre 8531. Light dial with golden dauphine hands and baton hour markers. Unoriginal crown of gold plated steel. Case diameter c. 34 mm. 1950ies. DKK 4.000-6.000 / € 540-800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 323 WATCHES 490 489 490 489 Bvlgari gentleman's wristwatch of gold. Model Diagono Scuba. Automatic movement with chronograph. Black dial with arrow hands and combined cirkular and Arabic hourmarkers. Original Bvlgari rubberstrap with folding buckle of 18 ct. gold. Case diameter ca. 38 mm. Box and certificates from 2003 included. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 324 Bvlgari gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model Diagono Scuba GMT. Automatic movement with date and GMT-function. Black dial with index and baton hands. Combined cirkular and Arabic hour markers. Date at "6" and central secondary/GMT hand. Bracelet of 18ct. gold with hidden folding clasp. Turnable bezel of 18c. gold. Certificate, extra bracelet link and original sales receipt from 2003 included. Serviced in Dec. 2008. Case diameter c. 38 mm. DKK 60.000-70.000 / € 8.000-9.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 491 492 492 491 Bvlgari gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model Assioma. Automatic movement with chronograph and date. Champagne colored dial with baton hands and combined Arabic and baton hourmarkers. Original Bvlgari brown crocodile strap with folding buckle of 18 ct. gold. Case width ca. 35 mm. Original box and certificate from 2005 included. DKK 35.000-40.000 / € 4.700-5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 Breitling gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model Chronomat Evolution, ref. C13358. Automatic chronometer certified movement with date and chronograph function. Black dial with baton hands an gold Roman hour markers. Turnable bezel, chronograph button and winding crown of gold. Original calf strap with Breitling folding clasp of steel. Double boxset, certificate from 2007 and chronometer certificate included. Case diameter c. 44 mm. Watch is originally bought at authorized Breitling dealer, Hvelplund. DKK 18.000 / € 2.400 325 WATCHES 494 493 494 493 Girard-Perregaux gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model Vintage 1999. Automatic movement with chronograph. Light dial with alpha hands and raised Arabic hourmarkers. Original brown crocodile Girard-Perregaux strap with original Girard-Perregaux ardillon buckle. Original boks included. Case width 32 mm. 2000. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 326 Girard-Perregaux gentleman's wristwatch of 18 ct. gold. Model (World Wide Time Control), ref. 49850. Automatic movement with date, power reserve and worldtime. Light dial with feuille hands and combined cirkular and baton hourmarkers. Small constant seconds at "9"-marker and power reserve indicator at "5"-marker. Inner turnable bezel with cities of he world, controlled via crown at left side of the case. Original brown crocodile Girard-Perregaux strap with ardillon buckle of 18 ct. gold. Case diameter ca. 41 mm. Box and certificates from 2007 included. This particular watch appears almost new. DKK 50.000-55.000 / € 6.700-7.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 decorative art wednesday 11 march 6 pm lot 495 - 524 DECORATIVE ART 495 CD KNUD ANDERSEN Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with celadon glaze. Stamped Royal Copenhagen, 2900/1. Lid and stand of patinated bronze. Both stamped Kgl. P. and monogram KA for Knud Andersen. H. incl. lid and mounting 27 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 495 496 496 ROYAL COPENHAGEN Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with green and bluish grey glaze, blue and brown elements. Stamped Royal Copenhagen 32. Lid of patinated bronze. H. incl. lid 13 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 497 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 A patinated bronze vase. Stamped monogram Just A, Denmark B 130. H. 21,5 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 497 328 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 498 CD CARL HALIER AND KNUD ANDERSEN Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with sung glaze. Signed monogram CH, Royal Copenhagen. Lid and stand of patinated bronze, stamped Royal Copenhagen and monogram KA for Knud Andersen. H. incl. lid and stand 30 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 498 499 499 TINOS A pair of lid bowls of patinated bronze. Lid of green patinated bronze. Signed Tinos, Ægte bronze, Made in Denmark. H. 14. Diam. 17 cm. (2). DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 329 DECORATIVE ART 500 501 500 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 Bowl of patinated bronze mounted on four small feet. Stamped monogram, 146. H. 18 cm. Diam. 30 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 501 TINOS A pair of bronze bowls in fluted style. Innerside patinated in green. Stamped Tinos, Ægte bronze, Made in Denmark. H. 5,5 cm. Diam. 29,5 cm. (2). DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 502 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 502 330 A pair of table lamps of patinated diskometal, 12-sided corpus. Stamped monogram, 2256. H. incl. mounting 53 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 503 CD CARL HALIER AND KNUD ANDERSEN Lid vase of stoneware decorated with oxblood glaze. Signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen. Lid of patinated bronze. Stamped monogram KA for Knud Andersen. H. incl. lid 25 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 503 504 504 PATRICK NORDSTRÖM b. 1870, d. 1929 Small lid vase of stoneware, decorated with light spotted glaze with green elements. Signed monogram, 4-12 1919, Royal Copenhagen. Lid of patinated copper with stylized flowers. Stamped 4-12 1919, Royal Copenhagen. H. incl. lid 12 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 505 505 CD NILS THORSSON AND KNUD ANDERSEN Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with dark blue glaze. Signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen. Lid of patinated bronze, stamped Royal Copenhagen and monogram KA for Knud Andersen, Royal Copenhagen. H. incl. lid 18 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 331 DECORATIVE ART 506 PATRICK NORDSTRÖM b. 1870, d. 1929 Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with green and greyish glaze. Signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen, 5-12 1919. Lid of patinated bronze. Stamped monogram Kgl. P. H. incl. lid 15 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 506 507 507 CD CARL HALIER b. 1873, d. 1948 Lamp of stoneware, decorated with oxblood glaze. Stand and mounting of patinated bronze. Unsigned, Royal Copenhagen. Stand signed monogram KA for Knud Andersen. H. incl. stand and mounting 52 cm. Diam. 22 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 508 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 A pair of table lamps of dark patinated diskometal. Sockets of dark bakelite. Stamped monogram Just A, 1860. H. incl. mounting 49 cm. (2). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 332 508 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 510 PATRICK NORDSTRÖM AND GEORG THYLSTRUP Four-sided bowl of stoneware. Decorated with green glaze with grey elements. Stand of patinated bronze. Both signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen 22-11 1918, IIII. H. incl. stand 13 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 511 PATRICK NORDSTRÖM b. 1870, d. 1929 Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with greenish harefur glaze. Signed monogram, 28-2 1922, Royal Copenhagen. Lid of patinated copper. Stamped 49, Royal Copenhagen. H. incl. lid 16 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 509 512 CD CARL HALIER AND KNUD ANDERSEN 509 KRESTEN BLOCH AND KNUD ANDERSEN CD Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with oxblood glaze. Signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen. Lid and stand of patinated bronze. Signed monogram KA for Knud Andersen, Royal Copenhagen. H. incl. stand and lid 27 cm. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 510 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 511 Lid vase of stoneware, decorated with oxblood glaze. Signed monogram, Royal Copenhagen. Lid of patinated bronze, stamped monogram KA for Knud Andersen, Royal Copenhagen. H. incl. lid 13 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 512 333 DECORATIVE ART 513 * AXEL SALTO b. 1889, d. 1961 Gourd shaped stoneware vase decorated with bluish grey glaze. Signed Salto, Royal Copenhagen. H. 28 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 514 * AXEL SALTO b. 1889, d. 1961 Vase of stoneware with fruits and leaves, decorated with brown and greenish glaze. Signed Salto, Royal Copenhagen. H. 15 cm. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 513 514 334 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 515 515 AXEL SALTO b. 1889, d. 1961 "Fetishvasen" (The Fetish vase). Signed Salto, Royal Copenhagen. Large sculptural vase of stoneware, decorated with oxblood glaze with green elements. H. 52 cm. Literature: Axel Salto: "Den spirende stil", ill. p. 78. Literature: Pierre Lübecker: "Salto", 1952, ill. full-page. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 335 DECORATIVE ART 516 516 CD JEANNE GRUT b. 1927 "Blue fish". Large wall relief of faience. Decorated with blue glaze. Royal Copenhagen. L. 110 cm. Literature: Leif Lautrup-Larsen: "Stentøj: Den Kongelige Porcelænsfabrik", 2007 s. 259-260. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 517 CD ALEV SIESBYE b. 1938 Large bowl of stoneware decorated with blue and light blue glaze. Signed Alev 89. Unique. H. 25 cm. Diam. 40 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 517 336 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 518 518 CD ALEV SIESBYE b. 1938 Large bowl of stoneware decorated with blue andbrown glaze. Signed Alev 89. Unique. H. 24 cm. Diam. 40 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 519 PAOLO VENINI b. 1895, d. 1959 "Fazzoletti". Vase of clear and white glass in latticino technique. Made by Venini, Murano, ca. 1950-1960s. Original Paper label from Venini. H. 28,5 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 519 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 337 DECORATIVE ART 520 520 CD ALEV SIESBYE b. 1938 Large bowl of stoneware. Partly decorated with brown and white glaze in organic pattern. Signed Alev, Royal Copenhagen. H. 27 cm. Diam. 45 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 521 521 JUST ANDERSEN b. 1884, d. 1943 A pair of table lamps of patinated diskometal. Stamped monogram, 1632. H. incl. mounting 43 cm. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 522 CD AXEL SALTO b. 1889, d. 1961 Conical shaped vase of stoneware. Modeled with barley straw in relief and decorated with grey glaze with green flecks. Made at Carl Halier's studio. Signed Salto 1930. H. 38 cm. Lower diam. 27 cm. DKK 12.000 / € 1.600 522 338 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 523 523 CD PER WEISS b. 1953 Colossal vase of stoneware with organic windings, decorated with red, black and brownish-white glaze. Upper rim with stamped signature. Unique. H. 115 cm. Diam. ca. 65 cm. Acquired directly from the artist and not previously offered for sale. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 339 DECORATIVE ART 524 524 CD BODIL MANZ b. 1943 Large oval shaped bowl of thin porcelain, decorated with geometrical pattern in black on white ground. Sign. Bodil Manz with monogram. Unique. H. 23. L. 47 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 340 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 international design wednesday 11 march lot 525 - 615 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 525 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-Septima 5". Pendant with seven shades of clear glass, alternate frosted fields. Manufactured from 1931 by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 49 cm. Literature: "Light Years Ahead", ill. pp 237 - 239. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 526 POUL KJÆRHOLM 525 b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-61". Square coffee table with frame of chromed steel and top of Porsgrunn marble with fossils. Manufactured and stamped by E. Kold Christensen. H. 32 cm. W. 80 cm. L. 80 cm. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 526 342 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 527 527 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-80". Daybed with frame of chromed steel. Plate of grey painted wood. Original cushion upholstered with patinated natural tan leather, upholstered by Ivan Schlechter. Manufactured by E. Kold Christensen. L. 190 cm. Upholsterer Ivan Schlechter made all the leather work for E. Kold Christensen. Aquired by current owner circa 1959, not stamped. DKK 70.000-100.000 / € 9.400-13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 343 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 528 528 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-40". Square table. Cubus frame of steel. Top with grey coloured leather. Manufactured in 1992 by Fritz Hansen, stamped. H. 70 cm. L. 140 cm. W. 140 cm. Literature: "Poul Kjæholm", Arkitektens Forlag, 1999, ill. p. 132-133. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 530 344 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 529 529 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-Cascade". 15 armed chandelier in three storeys with frame of brass and socket holders of brown bakelite, 2/1 shades of frosted glass. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. H. 100. Diam. 104 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 530 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-11". Set of eight armchairs. Back of ash. Frame of stainless steel. Seat with black leather. Manufactured and stamped by Fritz Hansen. (8). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 530 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 345 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 531 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-Artichoke". Pendant of copper. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 60 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 531 532 532 JENS H. QUISTGAARD b. 1919 "Stokkestolen". A pair of easy chairs. Frame of chromed steel and rosewood. Back, seat and loose cushion upholstered with original patinated black leather. Coffee table with top of rosewood, frame and inlays of chromed steel. Manufactured by Nissen, Langaa. H. 47 cm. L. 78 cm. W. 78 cm. (3). DKK 40.000-60.000 / € 5.400-8.000 346 532 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 533 533 BODIL KJÆR 534 BODIL KJÆR b. 1932 b. 1932 Freestanding desk of rosewood with frame of chromed steel. Top with four integrated drawers. Manufactured by E. Pedersen & Søn. H. 71 cm. W. 100 cm. L. 200 cm. This larger version of the table was made by special order only. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 Daybed with five sections/cushions upholstered with green patinated suede leather. Model 82, serial S.C. 70. Designed 1959. Manufactured from 1961 by Denbo. H. 38 cm. W. 80 cm. L. 205 cm. During her stay in Boston, USA Bodil Kjær designed the daybed for a museum. The idea was that up to five visitors could sit each on a separate section, not being interrupted by the others. In the USA, the daybed was manufactured by C.I. Designs, Boston 1959. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 534 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 347 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 535 535 HANS HARTI Sculptural chaise longue upholstered with original black wool, tapering legs of oak. Manufactured by Eugen Schmidt, Germany ca. 1950s. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 536 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-0". Easychair. Laminated black painted wood. Plate with signature and number 386 engraved. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. Poul Kjærholm designed "PK-0" for Fritz Hansen in 1952. The chair was only produced in 1997 in a limited edition of 600. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 348 536 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 537 GRETE JALK b. 1920 Laminated chair of oak. Model PJ 9/1. Manufactured by P. Jeppesen, Store Heddinge, 1963. From the original production of 300 pieces. Literature: Charlotte & Peter Fiell: "1000 Chairs", 1997, ill. p. 380. Noritsugu Oda: "Danish Chairs", 1999, ill. p. 159. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 537 538 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Hammock Chair". Chaise longue of mahogany with flag halyard. Model GE-2. Manufactured by Getama. L. 183 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 538 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 349 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 540 539 541 MICHELE DE LUCCHI b. 1951 539 GEORGE J. SOWDEN b. 1942 "Palace". Armchair of lacquered laminate. Designed 1983. Manufactured by Memphis. DKK 6.000 / € 800 540 PETER SHIRE b. 1947 "Peninsula". Desk with frame of lacquered metal tube and laminate, top of glass. Designed 1982. Manufactured by Memphis. H. 75 cm. W. 90 cm. L. 150 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 "Transit". Trolley with frame of chromed and lacquered metal. Mounted with casters. Two shelfes of glass. Designed 1983. Manufactured by Memphis. H. 73 cm. W. 59 cm. L. 100 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 542 ITALIAN DESIGN, STYLE OF GIO PONTI Living room suite consisting of a pair of easy chairs and a two-seater sofa. Easy chairs upholstered with white and turquoise wool, black tapering legs with shoes of brass. Sofa also with white and turquoise wool and black tapering legs. Probably manufactured in the 1950s. Sofa L. 146 cm. (3). DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 542 541 350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 543 543 MICHELE DE LUCCHI b. 1951 "First". Set of five chairs with metallic lacquered steel tube frame. Back and armrests of blue and black lacquered plastic. Designed 1983. Manufactured by Memphis. (5). DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 544 MICHELE DE LUCCHI 544 b. 1951 "Burgundy". Rectangular dining table with frame of blue lacquered steel tube. Top of laminate lacquered in black and grey, rail with geometric pattern in black and white. Designed 1985. Manufactured by Memphis. H. 72 cm. W. 105 cm. L. 155 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 542 545 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 351 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 545 GEORGE J. SOWDEN b. 1942 "D'Antibes". Tall cabinet of polychrome lacquered laminate. Designed 1981. Manufactured by Memphis. H. 160 cm. W. 60 cm. D. 40 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000 546 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-4/3 Table lamp". Frame of browned brass. Top shade of yellow/white lacquered metal. Middle- and bottom shade of opal glass. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. H. 53 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 546 547 BERNT b. 1937 Stool of rosewood and woven cane. Made by Wørts, cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. H. 41. W. 45. L. 45 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 547 548 MOGENS KOCH b. 1898, d. 1992 Cabinet for drawings of solid mahogany. Front with nine drawers. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. H. 81 cm. W. 76 cm. D. 54 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 548 352 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 549 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 549 "PH-Four shade lamp". 4/3,5/3 pendant with socket holder of bakelite. Shades of yellow painted frosted glass. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 33 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 550 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 Hans J. Wegner: "Bukkestolen". Easy chair with frame of oak. Seat and back with brown canvas. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen. Literature: Grete Jalk [ed.]: "40 Years of Danish Furniture Design", vol. 4, ill. pp. 90-91. Presented at the Copenhagen Cabinetmaker's Guild exhibtion in 1959. Here, six chairs were on display - four in canvas, one in cane and one in leather. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 550 353 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 551 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Valet Chair". Frame of oak, seat of teak, storage space underneath. Model JH-540. Designed 1953. Made and stamped by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 552 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Cowhorn Chair". Set of four chairs with frame of oak, back with visible joints. Seat upholstered with purple coloured wool. Model JH-505. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, with metal tag. (4). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 551 552 354 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 553 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Swivel Chair". Back- and armrest of teak, frame of chromed steel. Seat upolstered with patinated natural leather. Leather damaged. Designed 1955. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen. Literature: "Dansk kunsthåndværker leksikon", vol. 2, 1978, ill. p. 621. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 554 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 553 Cross-leg dining table with flip-down leaves. Top and leaves of teak. Curving legs of beech, stretchers of brass. Model AT-314. Manufactured by Andreas Tuck. H. 72 cm. L. 190/310 cm. W. 106 cm. DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 555 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Cowhorn Chair". Set of four chairs with frame of teak, back with visible joints. Seat upholstered with purple coloured wool. Model JH-505. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, with metal tag. (4). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 554 555 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 355 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 556 557 556 FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 "NV-45". Easy chair with frame of rosewood. Seat, back and loose cushion upholstered with sand coloured wool. Made by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder, Copenhagen. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 557 MOGENS LASSEN b. 1901, d. 1987 "The Egyptian Table". Circular coffee table of rosewood. Brass mounting. Made by A. J. Iversen cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. Original paper label. H. 54 cm. Diam. 85 cm. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 558 FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 "NV-45". Easy chair of rosewood. Upholstered in seat, back and loose cushion with black leather. Made and stamped by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder, Copenhagen. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 356 558 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 559 560 559 * OLE WANSCHER b. 1903, d. 1985 Set of four arm chairs, frame of rosewood. Seat upholstered with green wool. Designed 1954. Made by cabinetmaker A. J. Iversen. (4). DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 560 * FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 "Judas table". Oval dining table of rosewood with extension, two addition leaves. Made and stamped by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder, Copenhagen. H. 72 cm. W. 120 cm. L. 180/220 cm. DKK 35.000-40.000 / € 4.700-5.400 357 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 562 561 561 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-8/6 The Tennis Lamp". Large wire-mounted pendant of copper with top shade's middle section with sandblasted glass. Manufactured since 1927 by Louis Poulsen to a.o. the KB Hall, Copenhagen in 1938. Diam. 85 cm. Literature: "Light Years Ahead", pp. 168-169 and 231-233. Originally wire-mounted for diagonal suspension. The lower shade with a cut off to shed the mimimum possible direct light. Later lower shade of aluminum now mounted for horizontal suspension. . DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 562 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-8/6 The Tennis Lamp". Large wire-mounted pendant of copper with top shade's middle section with sandblasted glass. Manufactured since 1927 by Louis Poulsen to a.o. the KB Hall, Copenhagen in 1938. Diam. 85 cm. Originally wire-mounted for diagonal suspension. The lower shade with a cut off to shed the mimimum possible direct light. Later lower shade of aluminum now mounted for horizontal suspension. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 563 ARNE JACOBSEN b. 1902, d. 1971 "The Egg Chair". Easy chair with profiled aluminum base. Upholstered with cognac coloured patinated leather. Model 3317. Manufactured in 1966 by Fritz Hansen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 358 563 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 564 HANS J. WEGNER 564 b. 1914, d. 2007 "Swivel Chair". Back of mahogany. Frame of steel. Later casters of black plastic. Seat upolstered with brown coloured leather. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen. Literature: "Dansk Litteratur: "Dansk Kunsthåndværker Leksikon", vol. 2, 1978, ill. p. 621. Literature: Dansk Design Center: "Hans J. Wegner: En Stolemager", 1989, ill. p. 56-57. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 565 FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 Freestanding desk. Top, drop-leaf and drawer section of rosewood. Frame of anodized steel with rosewood "shoes". Front with two drawers, handles of brass. Manufactured by Bovirke, ca. 1956. H. 74 cm. W. 85 cm. L. 140 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 565 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 359 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 566 * POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-22". Easy chair. Stainless steel and cane. Designed 1955. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen 2003. Showroom sample. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300 566 567 567 * POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-22". A pair of easy chairs. Stainless steel and cane. Designed 1955. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. (2). Showroom sample. ID-numbers included. DKK 16.000-20.000 / € 2.100-2.700 568 360 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 568 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-24". Chaise longue with frame of stainless steel. Seat and back with cane. Headrest upholstered with black leather. Designed 1965. Manufactured in 2001 by Fritz Hansen. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 569 569 ARNE JACOBSEN 570 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1902, d. 1971 b. 1914, d. 2007 "The Egg Chair" and stool. Easy chair and stool with steel- and aluminum base. Upholstered with natural coloured leather. Model 3317 and 3127. Manufactured in 1997 by Fritz Hansen. (2). DKK 35.000-40.000 / € 4.700-5.400 Easy chair. “Flag halyard”. Original green painted steel frame and chromed steel. Shoes of black rubber. Model GE-225. Manufactured by Getama, Gedsted. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 570 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 361 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 571 571 ILLUM WIKKELSØ b. 1919, d. 1999 Easy chair with stool. Pyramid shaped legs of rosewood. Upholstery with patinated brown leather. Model V11. Manufactured by Holger Christiansen, Aarhus. (2). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 572 572 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-3/2". Oblique reading lamp with duco-lacquered stand, socket holder of brown bakelite. Shades of yellow painted frosted glass. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. H. 152 cm. Sold on behalf of "Landsforeningen Forsøgs-dyernes Værn". ("The National Association of Protection of Laboratory Animals"). DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 362 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 573 ARNE NORELL b. 1917, d. 1971 "Ari". A pair of easy chairs with frame of chromed steel. Loose cushion in seat and back upholstered with brown leather. Manufactured by Norell AB, Sweden. (2). DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700 573 574 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-80". Daybed with frame of chromed steel. Plate of grey painted wood. Cushion upholstered with original brown patinated leather and buttons. Manufactured and stamped by E. Kold Christensen. L. 190 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 574 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 363 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 575 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-31/2". Freestanding two-seater sofa with frame of stainless steel. Sides, back and loose cushions upholstered with red coloured leather. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. L. 135 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 576 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-31/3". Freestanding three-seater sofa with frame of stainless steel. Sides, back and loose cushions upholstered with red coloured leather. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. L. 200 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 575 576 577 POUL KJÆRHOLM b. 1929, d. 1980 "PK-31/2". Freestanding two-seater sofa with frame of stainless steel. Sides, back and loose cushions upholstered with red coloured leather. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. L.135 cm. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 364 577 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 578 CD ARNE JACOBSEN b. 1902, d. 1971 A unique 1930s modernism living room suite consisting of a three-seater sofa, two matching easy chairs together with a coffee table. Sofa and easy chairs with cube shaped frame, rounded corners at front, mounted on dark stained wooden blocks. Frames upholstered with original patinated natural leather. Loose cushions in seat, back and sides upholstered with original sand coloured linen. Rectangular coffee table with rounded corners. Sofa: L. 190 cm. Coffetable: H. 46. cm W. 60 cm. L. 105 cm. (4). Literature: Carsten Thau & Kjeld Vindum: Arkitektens Forlag, København, 1998, "Jacobsen" pp. 220-221. This living room suite was designed and made for the Rothenborg house. The Rothenborg house has been dubbed the Haus Tugendhat of Arne Jacobsen, constructed in 192930 it was one the first examples of a truly modern home in Scandinavia, with an expression liberated from historicism and in tune with the ideals of Le Corbusier. The interior was designed in close cooperation with Mrs Rothenborg, whom both had the means and a vivid interest in modernism, that allowed Arne jacobsen here to create one of the first modern functionalistic interiors in Denmark. Provenance.: The Rothenborg family and then by descent to grandson. DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 365 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 578 366 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 578 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 367 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 579 VERNER PANTON b. 1926, d. 1998 "Fun 3 DM, Shell Lamp". Large lamp with white ceiling plate, from which three clusters with metal chains mounted with circular mother-of-pearl shells. Manufactured by Lüber, Schweiz. H. 200. Diam. 50 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 580 ARNE JACOBSEN b. 1902, d. 1971 "The Egg Chair". Easy chair with profiled aluminum base. Upholstered with cognac coloured patinated leather. Model 3317. Manufactured 1966 by Fritz Hansen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 581 ARNE JACOBSEN b. 1902, d. 1971 579 368 "The Egg Chair". Easy chair with profiled aluminum base. Upholstered with cognac coloured patinated leather. Model 3317. Manufactured in 1966 by Fritz Hansen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 581 580 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 369 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 582 FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 "Judas Table". Oval dining table of rosewood. Top with circular inlays of silver. Two extension leaves. Made by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder, Copenhagen. H. 72 cm. W. 140 cm. L. 200/310 cm. DKK 75.000 / € 10.000 582 370 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 583 FINN JUHL b. 1912, d. 1989 "The Egyptian Chair". A set of ten side chairs. Frame of rosewood. Seat and back upholstered with original patinated reddish brown leather. Made and stamped by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder. (10). DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 583 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 371 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 584 OLE WANSCHER b. 1903, d. 1985 "Egyptian Stool". A pair of rosewood folding stools, seat upholstered with black Niger leather. Made by cabinetmaker A.J. Iversen. (2). Presented at The Copenhagen Cabinetmakers' Guild Exhibition, 1957. Literature: Grete Jalk [Red.]: "40 years of Danish Furniture Design", vol. IV, p. 20-21. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 584 372 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 585 KAARE KLINT AND EDVARD KINDT-LARSEN A pair of "Mix" easy chairs. Frame of mahogany. Sides, seat, back and loose cushions upholstered with patinated red leather, fitted with brass nails. Model 4396. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers Copenhagen, with paper label. (2). DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 585 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 373 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 586 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 Hans J. Wegner: "Bukkestolen". Rare easy chair with frame of oak. Seat and back with thick patinated natural leather. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen with rare metal tag stamped "HJ, Johannes Hansen, Cabinetmaker, Copenhagen, Denmark. Design: H. J. Wegner". Literature: Grete Jalk [ed.]: "40 Years of Danish Furniture Design", vol. 4, ill. pp. 90-91.This is probably the actual chair presented at the Copenhagen Cabinetmaker's Guild Exhibtion in 1959. Here six chairs were on display, of this four in canvas, one in cane and one in leather. DKK 50.000-60.000 / € 6.700-8.000 586 374 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 587 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Two sectional sofa units. Legs of Cuban mahogany, seat and back upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather. Designed 1933. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. L. Each. 91 cm. (2). Literature: Grete Jalk [Ed.]: "40 Years of Danish Furniture Design", vol. 4, pp. 212-214. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 587 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 375 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 588 KAARE KLINT 589 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 b. 1888, d. 1954 "The Red Chair". A pair of arm chairs. Frame of Cuban mahogany with profiled legs. Seat and back upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather, fitted with brass nails. Made by Rud. Rasmussen cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. (2). KK label # 11172. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 "The Red Chair". A set of eight side chairs. Frame of Cuban mahogany with profiled legs. Seat and back upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather, fitted with brass nails. Made by Rud. Rasmussen cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. (8). KK label # 10847, 10954, 11172 DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 588 376 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 589 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 377 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 590 RUD. RASMUSSEN A pair of easy chairs with rounded back and curving sides. Upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather, tapering legs of Cuban mahogany. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers 1940s, with paper label. (2). Made in small number by special order for the boardroom of danish shipbuilder Burmeister & Wain. Paper label #15679. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 591 KAARE KLINT AND EDVARD KINDT-LARSEN A "Mix" easy chair of mahogany. Upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather, fittet with brass nails. Model 4396. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 590 591 378 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 592 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Three-seater sofa with cross-leg frame of Cuban mahogany. Upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather. Edges with brass nails. Model 4118. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. L. 200 cm. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 592 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 379 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 593 593 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Two-seater sofa with cross-leg frame of mahogany. Seat and back upholstered with original patinated natural leather. Model no. 4118. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. L. 134 cm. DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000 594 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 "The Red Chair". Side chair with frame of mahogany. Seat and back upholstered with patinated natural Niger leather. Edges fitted with brass nails. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. Paper label KK # 14976. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300 594 595 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Dining table of solid Cuban mahogany with profiled legs and six additional leaves of pine. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. H. 74 cm. W. 122 cm. L. 122/422 cm. KK label # 11592. DKK 8.000-12.000 / € 1.100-1.600 595 380 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 596 596 KAARE KLINT 597 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 b. 1888, d. 1954 Three-seater sofa with cross-leg frame of Cuban mahogany. Upholstered with original patinated natural Niger leather. Model 4118. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. L. 200 cm. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 Sideboard of Cuban mahogany. Front with two sliding doors on brass rollers, behind which several drawers. Sides with handles of brass. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen ca. 1930. H. 96 cm. D. 60 cm. L. 153 cm. Label KK # 11051. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 597 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 381 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 598 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-2/2". Low miniature with stand and switchhouse of patinated brass, socket holder of brown bakelite and shades of yellow frosted glass. Manufactured ca. 1933 by Louis Poulsen. H. 32 cm. Literature: "Light Years Ahead", illustrated p. 185. DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 599 ANDREAS HANSEN b. 1936 Tall writing desk of rosewood. Top of black leather, storage space underneath. Front with five drawers, each with profiles. Made by Cabinetmaker Thorald Madsen. H. 122 cm. W. 90 cm. D. 50 cm. DKK 15.000-18.000 / € 2.000-2.400 598 599 600 BØRGE MOGENSEN b. 1914, d. 1972 Highback wingchair. Legs of mahogany. Sides, seat, back and loose cushions upholstered with brown patinated leather. Model 2204. Manufactured by Fredericia Stolefabrik. DKK 12.000-15.000 / € 1.600-2.000 600 382 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 601 601 POUL HENNINGSEN 602 MOGENS KOCH b. 1894, d. 1967 b. 1898, d. 1992 "PH-Cascade". Nine-armed chandelier with frame of browned brass and socket holders of brown bakelite, with 1/1 shades of amber coloured glass. Manufactured by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 68 cm. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 Wall unit of mahogany. Consisting of three cabinets, one display cabinet and five book cases, three narrow. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen with paper label. H. 76 cm. W. 76/50,5 cm. D. 36/27 cm. (9). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 602 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 383 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 603 CARL BRUMMER, ATTRIBUTED A pair of Arts & Crafts armchairs. Frame of solid Cuban mahogny with curving legs, back and sides. Sides with slats and back with carved ornament. Seat and back upholstered with black fabric. (2). DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700 604 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 603 "The Red Chair". A set of four armchairs with frame of mahogany. Upholstered with black horse hair, edgdings of black leather. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. (4). DKK 25.000 / € 3.400 605 GRETE JALK b. 1920 Three-seater sofa with legs of mahogany. Upholstered with black horse hair, edges of black leather. Made by Vagn Nielsen. L. 212 cm. DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600 604 605 384 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 606 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-5/5". Pendant with socket holder of brass marked "Pat. Appl.", shades of copper/bronze. Manufactured 1927 - 1928 by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 50 cm. DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 607 FRITS HENNINGSEN b. 1889, d. 1965 Living room suite. Consisting of three-seater sofa, a pair of armchairs and a circular coffee table. Sofa and armchairs with frame of Cuban mahogany. Sides and back with woven cane, seat upholstered with black horsehair. Coffee table of solid Cuban mahogany with raised edge, mounted on threeleg foot with brass feet. Made and designed by cabinetmaker Frits Henningsen. Sofa: L. 210 cm. Coffee table: H. 58 cm. Diam. 84 cm. (4) . DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400 606 607 607 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 385 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 608 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "Valet Chair". Frame of oak, seat of teak, storage space underneath. Model JH-540. Designed 1953. Made by cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, Copenhagen, with metal tag. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 609 HANS J. WEGNER b. 1914, d. 2007 "The Chair through the Ages". Six armchairs showing Wegner’s work within the same theme. Set includes antique "chinese" chair and Wegner’s two versions of a chinese chair as well as the the more freely formed wishbone chair and "The Chair". Frames of oak, ash, cherry wood, beech and dark stained beech. Seats with woven cane, paper cord and lose leather cushion. Made by Cabinetmaker Johannes Hansen, Carl Hansen, Fritz Hansen and unknown. (6). The set was used in an exhibtion on Wegner´s work. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700 608 609 386 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 610 EJNER LARSEN AND AXEL BENDER MADSEN "Metropolitan". Armchair with frame of teak, seat and back upholstered with light coloured patinated leather. Designed 1959. Made by Willy Beck cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. Upholstered by saddlemaker Dahlmann. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 610 611 ARNE JACOBSEN b. 1902, d. 1971 "The Egg Chair". Easy chair with profiled aluminum base. Upholstered with cognac coloured patinated leather. Model 3317. Manufactured by Fritz Hansen. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 611 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 387 INTERNATIONAL DESIGN 612 THORALD MADSEN Freestanding cabinet of lemon wood, tapering legs with shoes of rosewood. Top with raised edge. Front with two doors with inlays of rosewood around keyhole. Interior with adjustable shelves and trays. H. 212 cm. D. 35 cm. W. 80 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 613 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Freestanding three-seater sofa with mahogany frame. Sides, back and seat upholstered with red patinated leather fitted with brass nails. Model 5011. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. L. 195 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 612 613 388 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 614 POUL HENNINGSEN b. 1894, d. 1967 "PH-Fourshade lamp". 4/4,5/4 pendant with bayonet sockethouse of browned brass, bronze/bronze shades of copper. Manufactured 1931 - 1933 by Louis Poulsen. Diam. 43 cm. Literature: "Light Years Ahead", ill. and p. 242. DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 614 615 KAARE KLINT b. 1888, d. 1954 Dining room suite consisting of six sidechairs and a circular dining table. Chairs with frame of mahogany, profiled legs, upholstered with patinated red leather fitted with brass nails. Dining table of solid mahogany with extension leaves. Made by Rud. Rasmussen Cabinetmakers, Copenhagen. Table: H. 75 cm. Diam. 124 cm. L. incl. leaves 364 cm. (7). DKK 40.000-50.000 / € 5.400-6.700 615 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 800 389 index A G C Albertus, Gundorph 465 Alechinsky, Pierre 50, 53 409, 410, 411, 412, 421 Alfelt, Else 25 Andersen, Just 448, 497 500, 502, 508, 521 Andersen, Knud 495, 498 503, 505, 509, 512 Andersen, Mogens 201, 271 Appel, Karel 23, 32 41, 64, 213, 226 Arman, Fernandez 310 Atlan, Jean-Michel 42 B Calder, Alexander 417 Gadegaard, Paul Carlsson, Harry 133 184, 185, 186, 187 César, 99 188, 189, 190, 193 Chadwick, Lynn 90 Geertsen, Ib 191 Gennarelli, Amedeo 263 Giersing, Harald 364 Gregersen, Emil 349 Grut, Jeanne 516 Chagall, Marc 395, 397, 425 Christiansen, Poul S. 367 Christoffersen, Frede 331 Clausen, Franciska 24, 36, 65, 227 82, 194 Constant, 70 Corneille, 28, 44, 214 225, 228, 230, 231, 232 D Dalsgaard, Sven 294 Dardel, Nils von 21 Deyrolle, Jean Balle, Mogens 200 204, 207, 242, 258 Ballin, Mogens 453 Dietman, Erik 276, 277, 278, 283 Banksy, 428 Ditzel, Nanna 468, 471 Baselitz, Georg 398 Bech, Poul Anker 309 Bendtsen, Folmer 351 Bernadotte, Sigvard 466 Bernt, 547 Bertelsen, Albert 384 Bille, Ejler 27, 46, 49, 52, 60 Birkemose, Jens 268, 326, 342 Doucet, Jacques 229 Dufy, Jean 17 E Ekelund, Poul Engelund, Svend Ernst, Helge Estève, Maurice 379 347, 383 198, 264 403 389 Faile, 429 Bjerke-Petersen, Vilhelm 128 Fairey / Obey, Shepard 303 461 134, 137, 150, 153, 155 Fisker, Kay 158, 160, 161, 162, 164 Fog, Astrid 473 167, 170, 174, 181, 182 Fontana, Lucio 100 455 Bloch, Kresten 509 Boesen, Trine 305 Bogart, Bram 418, 419 Bojesen, Kay 446, 447 H Halier, Carl 498, 503, 507, 512 Hansen, Andreas 599 Hansen, Hans 467 Harti, Hans 535 Haugen Sørensen, Arne 109 Haugen Sørensen, Jørgen 322 Heerup, Henry 22, 37, 67, 212 Helholz-Or, Menachem 203 Henning, Gerhard 362 Henningsen, Frits 607 Henningsen, Poul 525, 529 531, 546, 549, 561, 562 572, 598, 601, 606, 614 Hjorth-Nielsen, Søren Francis, Sam 399, 406 408, 415, 423, 424 Frandsen, Erik A. 266, 300 20 Hoppe, Erik 346, 373 Hornung, Preben 97, 108, 123, 208 244, 246, 247, 256 259, 260, 262, 325 Hultén, Carl Otto 66 Hundertwasser, Friedensreich 89 Frankot, Roel 321 HuskMitNavn, Freddie, Wilhelm 131 Høst, Oluf 400, 401, 407, 422 132, 135, 138, 140, 141 449, 458, 460, 462 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 Bonnén, Kaspar 96 149, 151, 152, 154, 163 Immendorff, Jörg Brands, Eugène 218 166, 172, 173, 175, 176 Isakson, Karl Brummer attributed, Carl 603 177, 178, 179, 180, 390 Isbak, Poul 390 72, 74, 81 350 Hjortzberg, Olle F Bjerg, Johannes C. Bjørn-Andersen, Mogens 183 302, 304 354, 371, 372 I 398 7, 12 314 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 index J Kvium, Michael 73, 76 104, 106, 107, 110, 115 77, 78, 84, 86 578, 580, 581, 611 117, 119, 120, 127, 286 87, 192, 197, 199 29, 30, 31, 45, 47 287, 288, 289, 290, 291 292, 295, 311, 312, 427 Jacobsen, Egill Mortensen, Richard 563, 569 Jacobsen, Arne 91, 98, 101 48, 56, 57, 59, 392 N Nash, Jørgen 339 Nielsen, Kehnet 253 Nielsen, Knud 206 Nord, Julie 306 610 Nordoy, Amariel 357 Larsen, Johannes 366 Nordström, Patrick 504 Lassen, Mogens 557 Jerichau, Jens Adolf 368, 369, 370 Lautrop, Peter 322 Joensen-Mikines, Samuel 3, 4, 356 Lemmerz, Christian Jacobsen, Robert 79 83, 195, 205, 240 243, 248, 272, 324 Jalk, Grete 537, 605 Jensen, Georg 450, 451 454, 456, 457, 459, 470 Jónsson, Ásgrímur Jorn, Asger 358 26, 35 39, 43, 55, 61, 62 68, 69, 216, 217, 414 Juhl, Finn 556, 558 560, 565, 582, 583 Jørgensen, Erling 269 K Kampmann, Jack 348 Kath, Eske 301 Keenleyside, Simon Kernn-Larsen, Rita Kindt-Larsen, Edvard Kirkeby, Per Kjarval, Johannes S. 114, 118 L Larsen Stevns, Niels Larsen, Ejner 293, 296, 298, 431 Lerfeldt, Hans Henrik 573 Nørgård, Lars 299 O 136, 165 Oepts, Wim 16 168, 169, 308 Olson, Erik 156, 171 Lergaard, Niels 343 Lichtenstein, Roy 432 Lorentzon, Waldemar 148 Lucchi, Michele De 506, 510, 511 Norell, Arne 541, 543, 544 Ortvad, Erik 34, 71, 129, 210, 222 Osouf, Jean 361 P Lucebert, 215 Panton, Verner Lundstrøm, Vilhelm 1, 8 Pedersen, Carl-Henning 33, 38, 51 Lüpertz, Markus 58, 63, 211, 219, 220 398 221, 223, 224, 233, 234 M Peng, Zi 610 585, 591 Poliakoff, Serge 93, 398 Magnelli, Alberto 528, 530, 536, 566, 567 568, 574, 575, 576, 577 15 585, 587, 588, 589 Malinovsky, Lise 245, 252, 265, 267, 315 327, 332, 333, 334, 340 472 413, 416 75 Ponti style of, Gio 542 Q Quistgaard, Jens H. 463, 532 Manz, Bodil 524 R Martensen, Peter 307 R, Tal Mathiesen, Egon 337 Rasmussen, Rud. 590 Melgaard, Bjarne 297 Resnick, Milton 255 Meloni, Giovanni 322 Riget, Karl Åge 209 Rohde, Johan 452 Mertz, Albert 596, 597, 604, 613, 615 Miró, Joan BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 238, 239, 241 591, 592, 593, 594, 595 469 88 548, 602 113 Petersen, Ole Bent 612 5, 10 579 11, 388, 393 Madsen, Thorald 526, 527 Koppel, Henning 121, 122 Madsen, Axel Bender Kjærholm, Poul Koch, Mogens 9, 386 157, 159 533, 534 Klint, Kaare 92, 103, 105, 316 Picasso, Pablo Kjær, Bodil Klinger, Max Kørner, John 279, 280 402, 404, 405 95 Rooskens, Anton Mogensen, Børge 600 Rude, Olaf Moore, Henry 426 40, 54 365, 374 380, 381, 382, 394 391 index S V Sala, Eugène de 270 Salto, Axel 513, 514, 515, 522 Scherfig, Hans 375, 376, 377 Schjerfbeck, Helene 19 Schröder-Sonnenstern, Friedrich 317, 318 Schwalbe, Ole 196 Shire, Peter 540 Siesbye, Alev 517, 518, 520 Sinding, Stephan Abel 387 Sironi, Mario 273 Skotte Olsen, Wiliam 235 Sonderborg, Kurt R. Hoffmann 275 Sowden, George J. 539, 545 Spoerri, Daniel 281, 284 Stefánsson, Jón 6 Storm Petersen, Robert 13, 385 Sturm, Helmut 102 Sveinsdóttir, Júlíana 359 Søndergaard, Jens 344 345, 352, 355, 378 T 338 Tal-Coat, Pierre 330 Terzian, Georges 202 Thorén, Esaias 147 Thoresen, Elsa 130, 139 Thorsson, Nils 505 Thylstrup, Georg 510 Tillmans, Wolfgang 430 Ting, Walasse Venini, Paolo 519 Voigt Steffensen, Hans 261 W Wanscher, Ole 559, 584 Warhol, Andy 433 Wegner, Hans J. 538, 550 551, 552, 553, 554, 555 564, 570, 586, 608, 609 Weie, Edvard 353, 391 Weihrauch, Svend 464 Weiss, Per 523 Widerberg, Frans Wiig Hansen, Svend 94 236, 237 251, 313, 328 Wikkelsø, Illum 571 Willumsen, J. F 2, 14, 18, 360 Wright, Clifford 341 Wunderlich, Paul 274, 319 Y 111 Ø Øllgaard, Hans 363 249, 250, 320, 335, 336 285 Tinos 499, 501 Tinsbo, Anders 257 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 396 Trampedach, Kurt 116 392 282 112, 125, 126 Tinguely, Jean 80, 85, 420 Vautier, Ben Yaoxian, Liu Taher, Salah Vasarely, Victor 124, 254, 323, 329 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 katalog i s e r i n gspr i n c i pp e r e x pla n at i o n of catalog u i n g pr i n c i pl e s Forklaring vedr. kunstnernavne i katalogerne Explanation of names of artists used in the catalogues Jens Juel: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Et originalt arbej de af kunstneren, for hvis ægthed Bruun Rasmussen indestår i henhold til købskonditioner § 9. Jens Juel: In our opinion, an original work by the artist the genuiness and authenticity of which is guaranteed by Bruun Rasmussen according to the Conditions of purchase § 9. Nedennævnte forbehold ved katalogiseringer er foretaget efter vor bedste overbevisning og tjener som vejledning for køber, men kan ikke gøres til genstand for reklamationer. Below cataloguing reservations are made according to the best of Bruun Rasmussen's knowledge. They are for guidance only and cannot be subject to claims. Jens Juel tilskrevet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Værket er sandsynligvis fra kunst-nerens tid og muligvis udført af denne. Jens Juel tilskrevet (ascribed to): In our opinion, pro bably a work of the period of the artist, and possibly executed by the artist. Jens Juel's atelier/skole/værksted: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Udført under kunstnerens indflydelse og antagelig fra dennes tid. Jens Juel's atelier (studio)/skole (school)/værksted (workshop): In our opinion, a work made under the influence of the artist, and probably of his period. Jens Juel, (?): I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kan være udført af kunstneren eller en senere kopi efter kunstneren. Jens Juel, (?): In our opinion, possibly a work by the artist, or a (later) copy of the artist’s work. Jens Juel, kopi efter/Jens Juel's stil/Jens Juel efterfølger: I henhold til vor opfattelse: En senere gentagelse eller i stil med kunstneren. ?: Yderligere forbehold for den i kataloget angivne beskrivelse. Sign.: Efter vor overbevisning original signatur af kunst neren. Betegnet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kunstnersignatur er gengivet, men ikke nødvendigvis udført af kunstneren. Hvis ingen signatur nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antagelig usigneret arbejde Hvis ingen aldersangivelse nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om et antageligt nyere eller helt moderne arbejde U.r.: Uden ramme. Jens Juel, kopi efter (copy after)/Jens Juel's stil (style of)/ Jens Juel efterfølger (follower of) : In our opinion, a later copy of a work by the artist or in the artist's style. ?: The catalogue description is subject to further reservations. Sign.: In our opinion, the work has been signed by the artist. Betegnet (bears the signature): In our opinion, the inscription may be by a hand other than that of the artist. If no signature is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently unsigned. If no date is mentioned in the catalogue the work is apparently from the last century or of comparratively resent date. U.r.: Unframed. No compensation is given should the frame be damaged. For beskadigelse af ramme ydes ingen kompensation. Ovenstående beskrivelse er Bruun Rasmussens opfattelse og tjener som vejledning for køber. Det er ikke nogen garanti. Køber skal selv overbevise sig om de forskellige katalognumres autencitet og kondition. Above description is a statement of opinion by Bruun Rasmussen and is to be considered only as guidance to the buyer and not as a statement of fact. The buyer is to satisfy himself of the authenticity and the condition of the works of art. Forkortelser: Abb.: = Fuld moms L. = Længde =Copy-Dan = Full VAT L. = Length =Droit de Suite B. = Bredde * CD W. = Width sst. = Samme sted H. = Højde sst. = Same place H. = Height Diam.=Diameter D. =Dybde Diam.=Diameter D. =Depth * CD BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 393 Bruun Rasmussen åbner nyt domicil i Århus Umiddelbart efter afslutningen af auktionen i januar på Pedersholm i Vejle gik Bruun Rasmussen i gang med at flytte sit jyske hovedsæde til Søren Frichs Vej 34 i Århus. Her vil de store, lyse og moderne lokaler danne rammerne for virksomhedens fremtidige auktioner i Jylland, som udelukkende vil benytte nettet som salgskanal. Dette tiltag sker i naturlig forlængelse af auktionshusets fortsatte indsats for at styrke net-auktionerne sideløbende med de traditionelle auktioner, som fremover alene vil finde sted i Bredgade i København. Allerede i 2001 åbnede Bruun Rasmussen et indleveringskontor i Århus, og siden da har interessen været støt stigende. Det har længe været et ønske f ysisk at kunne præsentere Bruun Rasmussens store kvalitetsudbud i landets næststørste by – det er nu til fulde blevet muligt: Det smukke højloftede lokale på grænsen til Åbyhøj har tidligere huset Aarhus Maskinfabrik og er en del af den istandsatte Frichspark, der administreres af byggeselskabet Olav de Linde. Frichsparken udmærker sig ved sin centrale placering ved Ringgaden – tæt på Århus centrum og med lette tilkørselsforhold fra motorvejen. Net-auktionerne nyder stor bevågenhed fra ind- og ikke mindst udland, der tegner sig for næsten halvdelen af auktionskøbene her. De effekter, der skønnes bedre solgt via en traditionel salgskanal, vil blive fragtet til København og solgt fra lokalerne i Bredgade. Vi glæder os til at kunne byde nye såvel som gamle kunder velkommen til den store åbningsdag lørdag den 21. marts, hvor der vil være fremvisning, festligheder og forfriskninger for alle. På vil programmet for dagen snart annonceres. Udvidelsen i Københavns Nordhavn Desuden har Bruun Rasmussen udvidet faciliteterne i Københavns Nordhavn, således at domicilet i Utzons visionære byggeri i Sundkrogsgade 30 suppleres af yderligere 4000 kvadratmeter nye lokaler på Baltikavej 10, der nu huser Bruun Rasmussens afdelinger for bøger, frimærker, mønter og vin samt Bruun Rasmussen Properties og vores nye lager. 394 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 Bruun Rasmussen opens a new domicile in Aarhus Following the conclusion of the January’s classic auction at Pedersholm Manor in Vejle, Bruun Rasmussen relocated its Jutland head office to spacious and modern premises at Søren Frichs Vej 34D in Aarhus. The new premises will serve as the setting for the company's future auctions in Jutland which will use the internet as its exclusive sales outlet. This initiative is implemented as a natural extension of the auction house's continued effort to strengthen the online auctions concurrently with the classic auctions which, henceforth, will take place only in Bredgade in Copenhagen. Bruun Rasmussen opened an office for consignments in Aarhus, as early as 2001, and since then Bruun Rasmussen has met with steadily increasing interest from the people of Aarhus and environs. It has long been a crucial ambition to be able to present Bruun Rasmussen's wide selection of high quality artefacts in Denmark's second largest city – and this is now fully accomplished: The beautiful high-ceilinged premises located at the city boundary between Aarhus and Åbyhøj are the former premises of the Aarhus Engineering Company. The new Jutland head office is part of the renovated Frichspark managed by the building society of Olav de Linde. Frichspark is distinguished by its central location near the Ring Road – close to Aarhus city centre and easily accessible from the freeway. The online auctions are followed very closely, not least abroad – international customers account for almost half of all auction purchases. The items that are considered to do better at classic auctions will be shipped to Copenhagen where they will be sold from our Bredgade premises. We look forward to welcoming new and regular clients to the grand opening on Saturday 21 March when there will be a presentation in addition to festivities and refreshments for all. The program of the day will be announced on our website New premises in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn Bruun Rasmussen has furthermore expanded its facilities in the Copenhagen docklands, Nordhavn, so that the main offices in the visionary building designed by Utzon and located at No. 30, Sundkrogsgade will be supplemented with a further 4000 m2 of new studio space at No 10, Baltikavej, which currently houses our department for books, stamps, coins and wine in addition to Bruun Rasmussen Properties and our new storage facility. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 395 International Auction Spring 2009 Fritz Petzholdt: Italian landscape with two shepherds hunting. Oil on canvas. 58 x 75 cm. Estimated: DKK 150.000./€ 20.000 For our major spring auction in April we seek fine antique paintings, furniture, porcelain, oriental decorative art, silverware and jewellery, etc. Our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus are open for consignment on all weekdays. The highest expertise, focused marketing and a global client portfolio all help secure top-market international prices at Bruun Rasmussen auctions. For further information and appointments for valuation by our experts, please contact +45 8818 1111. 396 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 International Auction Russian sale - Spring 2009 Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanoff-Belsky: Winter view with children by a sledge. Oil on canvas. 70 x 80 cm. Estimated: DKK 400.000./€ 53.500 russian valuation event Russian art and antiques remain highly desirable commodities in the international market. Tuesday 3 March a Russian valuation event will take place at Sundkrogsgade 30, Copenhagen Ø, from 2 to 5 pm, where art expert Elena Nesterova, professor at St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, will attend. For further information, please visit, write us an e-mail at [email protected] or call +45 8818 1111. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 397 398 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 HEAVEN MUST BE A TWO-STAR DESTINATION COMPARED WITH SONEVA SONEVA KIRI, THAILAND · GRUNDAREAL: 4-8.000 m2 · bolig: op til 1.600 m2 · OPFØRT: 2008/09 I ALT 21 LUKSUS FERIEVILLAER FRA US$ 4.500.000 · telefon 2424 9898 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 399 400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 dueholt - landlig idyl både sommer og vinter Saksholmvej 8 · 4683 rønnede · GRUNDAREAL: 25 ha · bolig: 280 m2 · værksted/carport: 30/27 m2 DKK 12.000.000 · telefon 2040 4747 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 401 købsko n d i t i o n e r § 1. Budgivning Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. For at kunne byde på online auktioner kræves forudgående registrering af byders betalingskort- / kreditkortoplysninger. § 2. Betaling For numre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 30% i auktionsomkostninger inklusive afgift. Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 24%, beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke numre der sælges til fuldmoms fremgår af katalog og hjemmeside med stjerne (*). Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor Bruun Rasmussen oplyse deres SE-/CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 100.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På online auktioner trækkes købesummen på de af byderen oplyste kort- og kontooplysninger i forbindelse med at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter 402 på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. Fortrydelsesret For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler 24% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1. Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætningsafgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 5. Afgiftsbetaling A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 § 6. Udlevering Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. Forsendelse Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. Kunstnerafgift til Copy-Da n CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos køber af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copy-Dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunst værk, når hammerslagsprisen overstiger DKK 1.802: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 0 og DKK 300.472 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 300.472 og DKK 1.201.887 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 1.201.887 og DKK 2.103.302 med tillæg af auktions omkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 2.103.302 og DKK 3.004.718 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK 3.004.718 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% ekskl. afgift Copy-Dan afgiften kan ikke overstige DKK 93.146 for det enkelte kunstværk. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb eller kræve erstatning kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering og/eller erstatning fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen (datoen for genstandens overlevering), og, i tilfælde af annullering, af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret og køber kan ikke kræve erstatning efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter, eller b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for Bruun Rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder § 9. Eksporttilladelse Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. Beskrivelse af emner Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Konditionsrapporter Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). 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Bankforbindelse Bankers Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK virksomhedsregistrering business registration CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 moms og k u n st n e rafg i ft vat a n d copy - d a n i n format i o n standard auktionsomkostninger BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 30% - brugt moms 25% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. 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Reducerede auktionsomkostninger 24% BUYER’S REDUCED premium 20% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1.Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 1.Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 20% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 20% in buyer’s premium only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 20% only. 3. 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Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 20%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. 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Undertegnede har udfyldt ovennævnte med de ønskede oplysninger, samt har accepteret købskonditionerne. The undersigned has supplied the required information and agrees to be bound by the conditions of purchase. Signatur: * ................................................................................. B.R. kunde-nr. Client No.: ....................................................... Jeg ønsker at modtage salgsresultater på de emner jeg har budt på via email I wish to receive sales results on the items I have been bidding on via e-mail dagligt every day efter auktion after the auction på e-mail adressen on this e-mail address: ................................................................................................ Auktion nr auction no: Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Lot. No.Description Bud kr. Bid DKK 800 Max +15% +25% B R UUN R AS MU S S E N k un staukt i o n er A / S Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 · [email protected] · " Fortsættes næste side Please turn over BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 411 komm i ss i o n sb u d comm i ss i o n b i d sbr e d ga d e Katalog nr. Beskrivelse Lot. No.Description Auktion nr auction no: 412 Bud kr. Bid DKK Max +15% +25% 800 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 FIRE GODE BØGER FRA BRUUN RASMUSSEN PUBLISHING Nyhed Antikguiden Hammersalg, stilhistorie og leksikon Bruun Rasmussens nye Antikguide bygger på Gorm Benzons klassiske antikvitetshåndbog, som er udvidet med nye opslag, en illustreret stilhistorie samt 400 farveillustrationer af antikviteter og samlerobjekter, der alle er forsynet med hammerslag. Bogen, som rummer ca. 4.000 opslag fordelt på 664 sider, er redigeret af Gert Posselt og Michael Fornitz og udgivet i samarbejde med Gyldendal. Værket på væggen Et kunsthistorisk essay om Asger Jorns Dragørværk I ly af natten den 20. maj 1964 malede Asger Jorn et stort bevinget væsen på en nøgen entrévæg i Dragør. Vægmaleriet blev skabt efter en festlig aften og var en fødselsdagsgave til ejeren af huset, Jorns nære ven Robert Dahlmann Olsen, der bl.a. var arkitekt, redaktør og kunstskribent. Levende fortalt af museumsinspektør Tine Blicher-Moritz. Bogen koster 399 kr. og kan købes i alle landets boghandlere fra den 29. oktober, eller bestilles på Bogen koster 149 kr. og kan købes i alle landets boghandlere, eller bestilles på Moderne dansk møbeldesign Fra billedhilsen til postkort Tendenser, hammerslag og historie Postkortets historie i Danmark Professorerne Per H. Hansen og Klaus Petersen, der begge selv samler på danske møbelklassikere, er forfatterne bag værket Moderne dansk møbeldesign, der er udgivet i samarbejde med Gyldendal. Værket, der er på 328 sider, gennemgår den danske møbeldesignhistorie samt tendenserne inden for prisudviklingen i hammerslag på moderne danske møbelklassikere. Tre af Danmarks førende postkortsamlere, Henrik Selsøe Sørensen, Claus Boie og Gorm Christensen, giver i dette omfangsrige værk på 400 sider læseren en detaljeret indføring i postkortets historiske udvikling, fra de første billedhilsner og frem til postkortets guldalder i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. Bogen, der er rigt illustreret med flere hundrede postkort, giver en prisguide som hjælp til hvad postkort er værd. Bogen koster 349 kr. og kan købes i alle landets boghandlere, eller bestilles på Bogen koster 399 kr. og kan købes i alle landets boghandlere, eller bestilles på BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 413 MONDAY, APRIL 20TH 2009 – HÔTEL MARCEL DASSAULT 7, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées – Paris – France RAOUL DUFY (1877-1953), REGATE, gouache and watercolour on paper laid on canvas, signed lower right, 109 x 138 cm. Provenance: Gérard Oury Collection. Est.: `250 / 350 000 Inquiries: Violaine de La Brosse-Ferrand, +33 (0)1 42 99 20 32, [email protected] 414 BRUUN RASMUSSEN bredgade AUcTION 800 Hôtel Marcel Dassault s 7, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées 75008 PARIS s Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 99 20 20 s Fax : +33 (0)1 42 99 20 21 s [email protected] MAISON DE VENTE AUX ENCHÈRES - AGRÉMENT N° 2001-005 MODERN ART BRUUN RASMUSSEN IS A MEMBER OF “INTERNATIONAL AUCTIONEERS” STOCKHOLM COPENHAGEN COLOGNE PARIS NEW YORK VIENNA ZURICH 8 leading auction houses in eight countries 350 000 clients worldwide 200 experts in 35 different specialities MILAN HEAD OFFICE Tel +41 22 310 21 80 Fax +41 22 810 06 30 [email protected] SWANN BUKOWSKIS DOROTHEUM ARTCURIAL BRIEST-POULAIN-F.TAJAN BRUUN RASMUSSEN LEMPERTZ KOLLER PORRO & C. 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