VBS Wilderness Escape - St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church


VBS Wilderness Escape - St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church
VBS Wilderness
Page 5
Your Story-God's Story
Page 7
Are We Welcoming Visitors?
Page 8
First Communion
Page 14
National Youth Gathering
St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church
July 2014
A Note From the Pastor
important and so receive it with joy and thanksgiving. It seems
that high school graduation has become the rite of passage from
childhood to adulthood for our time. So what is the purpose of
confirmation here and now?
Education is still the key element in confirmation - teaching the
basics of the faith to each new generation. It is now a time of
preparation for becoming a “voting member” of the congregation.
Oh yes, and the source of acolytes and crucifiers. Regrettably,
confirmation is more and more seen as an intrusion into an
already busy and crowded family schedule. Thus there is less
and less parental support for it. Pastors and education
committees struggle to find a time for confirmation that does not
conflict with the multitude of activities taking place almost 24/7.
All this rambling has brought us back to the original question “What are we going to do with confirmation this fall?” Permit me
to suggest the following for your consideration: The purpose of
confirmation is educational. It is to provide youth an opportunity
to learn about the beliefs and practices of the faith and to have a
As I sought to discern the direction of my sermon for Sunday,
safe place to explore and question their faith. It also provides the
grace and love or fire and brimstone, my quiet reflection was
opportunity to experience service and active participation in the
destroyed by the dreaded and feared “C” question - “What are we life of the congregation. Those who complete confirmation will
going to do with confirmation this fall?” Confirmation has
become “confirmed voting members” of the congregation.
wandered across the theological and liturgical landscape looking Those who do not take part in confirmation or complete its
for a home longer than the Israelites in the Wilderness. Once an requirements will continue to be “baptized” members of the
exasperated theologian stated, “Confirmation is a rite
looking for a reason”. Now Pastor Kimberly was
inquiring about its home at St. Stephen’s.
What’s Wrong with this Rite?
In an age when young boys were apprenticed at
twelve or thirteen, it may well have marked a life
passage from childhood to adulthood. Today that could mean
confirmation taking place in one’s twenties. This “coming of age”
idea continues even today. For many, confirmation is seen as
that moment when parents are released from the promises they
made at their child’s baptism and the child assumes responsibility
for his/her faith life. Thus many parents feel it is no longer
necessary to “push” their child to be involved in church.
In an age when education of the young increasingly took place
outside the home, it was the means of conveying the “true” faith
to the young. It was for many of my generation the hoop one had
to jump through in order to receive Holy Communion. One must
clearly discern the nature and meaning of Holy Communion so as
not to receive it in an unworthy manner! In a very positive way,
confirmation lifted up the Lutheran emphasis on learning. The
importance of the “priesthood of all believers” calls for each
believer to know the teachings and practices of the faith and not
just the clergy.
Today we commune children at a very young age having learned
that even young children can understand that Holy Communion is
2 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
congregations with all its rights and privileges but not “voting
members” with its benefits. Thus, the congregation will be
responsible for providing a confirmation program for 6th through
8th grade youth at a day and time that best fits with the
congregation’s programing. Attendance and participation in the
program will be the responsibility of the parents and students.
The Rite of Confirmation is a privilege and not a right. That’s what
has been wrong with the Rite - seeing it as a right rather than a
I would like to know what you think about the Rite of
Confirmation. So drop me an email or a note with your thoughts
and comments.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Herb
[email protected]
If you want to start a subscription to the newsletter, or
save paper and change your subscription to online only,
please contact Kayla Householder at
[email protected] to be added to the appropriate
Council Updates
Your Story-God's Story
St. Stephen's Own Designer
Are We Welcoming Towards
St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church
4600 Fulton Drive NW
Canton, Ohio 44718
Phone: 330.492.4591
Fax: 330.492.8794
[email protected]
Our Purpose and Mission is to help you
experience God's love so that you can live
more freely, fully, and faithfully.
Our Vision is to be an exceptionally
First Communion
Birthday & Prayer Lists
dynamic community of believers, committed
to sharing Christ's love so that the kingdom
of this earth more closely resembles the
Kingdom of Heaven.
The Congregation
Senior Pastor
The Rev. Dr. Bruce R. Roth
Associate Pastor
The Rev. Kimberly A. Vaughn
National Youth Gathering
Visitation Pastor
The Rev. Herbert S. Garnes III
Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. Ned J. McMillen
Doug Downie
Rachel Hall
Allie Harpster
Attendance & Giving
Marie Herncane
Kayla Householder
Kathy Miller
Susan Rusinoff
Bob Shope
Article Submission Do you have an idea for an article or want to write one?
Please contact Kayla Householder at [email protected]. We are always
accepting article submissions; however, it is not guaranteed to be printed based on
content and submission date.
A/V Director
Parish Secretary
Director of Lay Ministry
VIP and Children's Choir Director
Parish Communicator
Nursery Attendant
Facility Manager
Cliff Varian
The Gathering Worship Leader
Patti Wolfe
Parish Administrator
Church Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
July 2014
grows, more people must become involved in
leadership. There is a comfort level at the size
of church to which we’ve become accustomed.
Consent Agenda
There is a resistance to change, fueled in part
just because change is tough, but also loss of
Minutes of the April meeting were approved
with no additions or corrections. The April 2014 control is perceived as part of change. Several
Parish Administrator’s report was reviewed by members felt that many of the suggestions in
the book have already been done, for example,
Steve Nielsen. Attendance and contributions
ChristCare groups. As the church grows larger,
numbers were good this month. We ended
it must grow smaller through small groups.
April with a positive cash flow of $1112 and
Something with less structure and rigidity than
YTD a positive cash flow of $21,939. The
ChristCare seems more appealing.
Capital Appeal donations fell short of the
monthly mortgage payment again this month,
Chapter 2: Barriers to Growth
with the $2000 cushion we made the payment.
The letters to Capital Appeal pledgers have
We are not located in a growing community
been sent, either thanking donors for fulfilling
anymore. Jackson Township is slated to
their commitment and encouraging them to
decrease over the next 10 years. Do we have a
continue giving beyond the end of the
clear sense of our identity and of our mission
campaign, or informing them that the campaign priorities and how are we living into that
officially ends in June and of the balance
mission? We have been a part of the NEOS
initiative “The Journey Forward”, a strategic
remaining on their pledge.
planning task force that will help us identify our
No weddings or baptisms since last meeting.
mission and priorities. Meeting planned for
Pastor Bruce officiated at the internment of
May 13 will begin to wrap up their work. Do we
Alex and Doris Zenovic on May 10. A New
have a call to live beyond ourselves? What is
Member class was held on May 3 and nine new
the vision for the congregation? There are
members were received on May 4. Jeff Musser
several pieces, including communication,
made the motion to approve the consent
preaching, and education, that will get the
agenda. Passed unanimously.
congregation on the same page with respect to
vision. Why do we need to grow? Are we just
Discussion regarding the resolution
about growing the numbers or are we
utilizing Raising the Roof book by Alice
Mann from the Alban Institute chapters 1-3. ministering to those in need? Relevance –
What difference does church make in our lives?
Chapter 1: Changing Size
Other barriers mentioned:
The following insights were noted: Regardless
• Overall, people are skeptical of religion
of the direction we go, we need strong
and the Bible
leadership and strategic planning. We must
• Worship times overlapping makes parking
have trust in our leadership. As the church
a problem
• Are we making visitors a priority?
• Visitors’ parking spaces not clearly visible
• More training for greeters to help make
visitors feel more welcome. Phrases like “I
don’t think I know you. My name is ___ and
you are?”
• Nametags/welcome packets for visitors/
permanent nametags for members
• What is a Lutheran?
• Our worship style/hymns
• Why is our congregation's demographic
so white?
• Money
If you wish to read Council minutes in detail,
they are located in the Holy Grounds Café.
Staffing for growth was briefly discussed. By
the numbers we are understaffed on the
programmatic side. Pastor Bruce noted that
Allie Harpster actually wears two hats and
serves in both support and program. When
questioned on what additional staffing is
needed, members suggested that a full-time
education person who would serve adults,
children and youth might be what we need.
In the essence of time, there was no discussion
on the attendance charts or the congregation
trend report. It was recommended that we pick
up at this point in the agenda at June’s
Committee Report/Action Items
In the essence of time, there were no
committee reports. Thanks to Kayla
Householder for the new format for the weekly
Pew Review.
Meeting adjourned at 8.57 PM. Next regularly
scheduled Council meeting will be Monday,
June 9, 2014, in the conference room.
St. Stephen Members,
I would like to thank you for my graduation
gift, and the book of devotions is a nice
way to start each day. I appreciate your
kindness and support.
Jon Kampfer
4 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
Members of St. Stephen,
Thank you so much St. Stephens for both
graduation and birthday cards! Also for the
devotional; I use it daily!
Thank you,
Rachel R Walton
I am positive that your prayers, cards, and
the people who called helped me
immensely. I especially want to thank the
pastors for taking time to call the first night
of synod. It was a very stressful time, and
their visitations meant a great deal to me.
In Christian Love,
Sandie Kramer
“So, what’s your story?” That sounds like a line one would hear
at a fancy mixer event. It can be the innocent question of one
seeking to befriend you or of one trying to figure your motives.
We all have stories, and all of our stories – good or bad – make
up the narrative of our lives. Some of our stories are colorful, and
lead to a colorful narrative. As a pastor, I get to hear some of
these colorful narratives when loved ones are celebrated, as well
as heart-breaking stories full of struggle.
As followers in Jesus Christ, we believe that our individual stories
are threads woven into God’s great Story – a narrative whose
beginning and end are written in God’s loving hand. God’s story
is a story of creating, calling, covenanting, remembering,
redeeming and sanctifying. So, if our stories are threads in God’s
great story, how do they fit into God’s divine Story? Can we see
the connection?
Beginning this Fall we will all have an opportunity to explore
God’s Story through an all-congregation campaign called The
Story (of course!).
What’s The Story?
The Story is an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a
novel....For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged
Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully
and engage with it more easily….The Story is a powerful way to
engage entire congregations in Bible reading like never before.
As The Story brings the Bible to life, the broad scope of God’s
message will penetrate hearts. People of all ages will be swept
up in the story of God’s love and God’s plan for their
lives.” (www.thestory.com)
Then, beginning September 14th, every age group will be
engaged in learning the same lesson. Adults will meet in small
groups with study guides for them. High school youth and
Confirmation students will meet using teen resources. Sunday
school classes will meet using the children’s materials. Each age
group will have their specific materials but all will be on the same
lesson from The Story for that day. Also, the sermons and hymns
will tie into The Story lesson each of the 31 weeks. (Please note
that on certain Sundays we will break from the Story-line for
special events (Christmas Cantata/Pageant, Palm Sunday,
Easter, etc.). A calendar of the 31 lessons will be posted soon.
What if I miss a week?
The 31 lessons are selected specifically to point learners to God’s
redemptive narrative, and each week connects together;
however, we are planning monthly “Story Recaps”, where we can
gather together, share and get caught up on The Story.
We invite you to join us in discovering God’s Story, and by so
doing, discovering your place and story in this divine Story. We
pray that you will become a transformed, engaged reader of the
Bible. Invite your friends and family to join us in this exciting
The Story covers 31 bible stories in chronological order, taken
from both the Old and New Testaments. There are Story books
for all ages, complete with 31 lesson plans, worship and
preaching materials. Participants may order materials through the
So, what’s your story?
church office, if they wish to have their own copies.
What will it look like?
First, we will kickoff The Story with both our annual Sunday
School Rally Day and our 2nd annual ELCA Day of Service on
September 7th. There will be a joint outdoor worship service that
*We are currently seeking volunteers to lead a small group for The Story.
Please sign up on the bulletin board or contact the church office for more
July 2014
St. Stephen's Own Designer
This month's spotlight is on Lois Cunningham. She
designed and made the green altar paraments that
will be displayed all summer season. Lois has been
sewing since she was only sixteen years old, and
she even makes her own clothes!
How did she get started sewing the church
What is the process she goes through in
designing the paraments?
Lois is first asked by the Pastor to create something
with a specific church season in mind. Lois does
research and crafts a design. She meets with the
Pastor to see if her design is approved before she
starts sewing. She then creates a pattern to follow
and goes fabric shopping. She buys most of her
fabric from JoAnn Fabrics unless she cannot find
what she is looking for, then she orders online. Lois'
hand cuts every piece based off of her pattern, and
then machine stitches the pieces together.
She actually did not start designing the paraments
first. She started with creating the banners in the
Family Life Center. Cliff Varian had asked about
making banners for the Family Life Center, and
someone asked Lois if she would. The rest is
history! She created the St. Stephen banner located She has created several things for the church, as
in the Narthex and, all of the banners in the Family
well as personal items and keeps all of them in a
Life Center, and the red and green altar paraments. book. If you are ever interested in seeing some of
the other things Lois has made, ask to see her little
black book of designs.
Tree and Bench Dedications
On July 20, at the end of the 8:00 am service, we will have a
procession outdoors for some special dedications. All are
welcome to join us at 9:00 am in front of the church. The
following dedications will be made:
In loving memory of Kathy Kamerer Mautz, by her brother, Jeff
In loving memory of Dave Johns, gift given by generous donors.
In loving memory of David Johns, by the office staff and pastors.
In loving memory of Arthur P. Gebhard, by his son, Jeff Gebhard.
6 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
People of St. Stephen
Sunday School Volunteers Needed
We are still in need of several more volunteers to serve as Sunday school
teachers and/or assistants. Our students benefit greatly from having caring adults
listen to them and model Christian behavior, and each of you have the ability to
have a significant impact in the lives of our youth. Since we will use The Story this
year, the lessons are all laid out and easy to follow! Even if you do not want to
commit to the entire year, we need fill-ins as well. If you are interested in serving in
this ministry, please contact Cheryl Lepkowski at 330.499.1733 or Denielle
Colando at 330.834.3090.
Favorite Hymns and
Summer Worship 8:00 am
and 10:30 am Services
Samuel Benedict
Thanks to everyone who turned in the
titles of their favorite hymns! There
were 153 favorite hymns submitted
from the 8:00 & 10:30 services.
Some of them have been sung
recently and we will sing at least three
of them each Sunday during the
summer. Be sure to be at worship
each week to sing your favorites!
Others will be used in the Fall and the
favorite Christmas ones used during
the holidays. Starting June 22, we will
use ELW setting 10 which uses
familiar hymn tunes for the liturgy.
The hymn of praise and the offertory
will also be from the favorite hymns
Rylie Buso
Top 15 Hymns:
First Communion
Congratulations to all those who received
their First Holy Communion on
June 8, 2014 !
Caiden Balash
Kylie Balash
Tanner Buso
1. A Mighty Fortress
Foster Camp
2. Amazing Grace
Emma Fox
3. Beautiful Savior
Sarah Hall
4. Holy, Holy, Holy
Andrew Heck
5. How Great Thou Art
Holden Nist
6. I Love to Tell the Story
Karson Roggenburk
7. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Aaron Salazar
8. Earth and All Stars
Jonathan Salazar
9. Borning Cry
Aidan Smith
10. Crown Him with Many
Tristan Swallen
11. Here I Am Lord
12. Lift High the Cross
13. The Church’s One
14. Take My Life and Let it Be
15. Thine Is the Glory
July 2014
Are we welcoming towards Visitors?
walked into this huge building one Sunday
morning, confused as to where to go. Some
helpful woman at the Welcome Center greeted me
and directed me where to go for service. I shook
the greeter’s hand, took a bulletin from the usher
and chose a seat. Everyone met and talked
amongst themselves, but no one welcomed me or
introduced himself or herself. I stumbled through
service not knowing what to do, but was happy to
see a smiling face during the sharing of peace. The
sermon was enjoyable; the pastor spoke with great
enthusiasm. We sang the last song, and were
dismissed. I had hoped to socialize and meet a few
people sitting around me, but they got up and
quickly left without acknowledging me in any way. It
had been a while since I had been in the church
setting and I was nervous about coming back. I
was surrounded by friendly people; yet I walked
away feeling alone.
This is one of several stories we have recently
heard by visitors of our congregation. These are not
all coming back from one specific service, but all
three services. Sometimes you are caught up in the
fellowship of the church, with people you already
know, that you forget to think about how an outsider
must feel. Is our church welcoming to those who
have been burned by a church before? Is it
welcoming to people who have been away from a
church for a while and are looking for a way back?
What about people from different nationalities or
backgrounds than us? Are we quick to point a
finger, or do we extend a hand and introduce
What would happen if Mathew, the tax collector,
visited St. Stephen? Would we welcome prophets,
lepers, eunuchs, the Samaritan woman, or would we
ignore them because they are misfits? What if Jesus
himself were to walk through the door one Sunday
and go to one of our services? Would we welcome
him and say, “Hello, I am (insert name) and I do not
think I have met you yet” or would we say “excuse
me, I come here every Sunday and you are in my
We need to recognize that the church is going to
attract people from all walks of life. We need to be
friendly and inviting to everyone. Matthew was a
misfit, and so was John. If everyone isn’t welcome,
Jesus isn’t either. He himself said, "What you do to
the least, you do to me" (Matthew 25:40). We
welcome Jesus by welcoming every one that walks
into St. Stephen.
Try to keep this in mind on Sunday mornings.
Introduce yourself to people you do not know. Come
early before service and stay late to socialize with
people; that is why we have our Holy Grounds Café!
Help us show that this is not only a place where love
lives, but show we can share that love with members
and visitors alike! What would our church look like if
we embraced everyone as Jesus did? How could our
church grow and move forward? What new ministries
could we create? How could we help spread the word
and God’s love to others around the community?
8 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
Congratulations to Robert and Abbie Scott on the birth
of their twin girls, Ava Marie and Reagan Leigh. Ava
and Reagan are also the great-grandchildren of George
and Lois Piggott.
Mary Jo
Prayer List
If you are in need of prayer or would like to be a member of the Prayer Chain, please
contact Elaine Begalke-Rigsby at 330.705.5357 or [email protected]. The following
names were added to the Prayer List this month:
Illona Aleman
Ashley Klein Burkart
Julie Crissinger
Charles Dawes
Doemel Family
Elaine Edwards
Kim Gardner
Brian Hartley Family
Deborah Hickman
Diane Horman
Evelyn Kaufman
Lorenz Family
Maille Family
Brady Marsland
Sandy Murdock
Nartley Family
Chris Peters
Reinhardt Family
Rennecker Family
David Risaliti
Scott Family
Mindy Smith
Christopher Teter
JoAnn Tonir
Sympathies of the congregation are
extended to the Lorenz family. Tom
Lorenz entered the Church Triumphant
Tuesday, June 17.
Sympathies of the congregation are
extended to the Doemel family. Susan
Doemel entered the Church
Triumphant Sunday, June 15.
Sympathies of the congregation are
extended to the friends and family of
Chip Rennecker. Chip entered the
Church Triumphant Friday, May 30.
Steve Weaver
July 2014
his year was Jen Fickeisen’s
first time as the Vacation
Bible School coordinator, and
she did an outstanding job!
We had roughly eighty kids pile into
the Family Life Center during the
week of Vacation Bible School. The
kids were divided into the twelve
tribes of Israel and traveled
throughout the week together. They
learned all about how God provides,
from a well-known bible hero, Moses.
Day 1 The bible story was from
Exodus 14:1-15:21: the Israelites
cross the Red Sea. The key verse
from Exodus 3:12: “God answered. ‘I
will be with you.’” During Tribe Time
the kids shared the times or places
they were glad that God was with
them. In Moses’ tent they escaped
from Egypt and crossed the Red Sea
to dry land.
Day 2 The kid’s favorite bible story
came from Exodus 16, where God
10 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
provides manna and quail in the
desert. The key verse was from
Matthew 6:8, “For your Father knows
exactly what you need even before
you ask him!” During Tribe Time the
kids wrote their needs and discovered
that God knows their hearts like no
one else! In Moses’ tent they had a
comical guest, Shawn Billker, whined
about being hungry and chowed
down on quail and manna.
Day 3 The kids were more than
excited to start the day! They already
had a few favorite songs, and were
energized at 9 am, ready to hear
more from Moses! The bible story
was from Exodus 17:8-16 when Israel
defeats the Amalekites. The key
verse was from Philippians 4:13, “For
I can do everything through Christ,
who gives me strength.” During Tribe
Time they explored how God gives
them strength. In Moses’ tent they
were split into groups of three to have
one ‘Moses’ hold a heavy mini-staff
and learn about the Amalekites’ battle
with Israel.
Day 4 The kids were excited to
come back to see the friends they
made, and looked forward to the ice
cream social that night. The key bible
story was about Passover, from
Exodus 12:1-30. The key verse was
from Jeremiah 30:11, “’For I am with
you and will save you,’ says the
Lord.” In Tribe Time the kids talked
about the surprising way Jesus
washes away their sins. In Moses’
tent they painted on their tribe doors
and prayed for their family as they
learned about Passover. During the
ice cream social that night, the kids
performed a few songs, had a trivia
game against the audience and won!
Day 5 The kids learned about God
giving us the Ten Commandments in
Exodus 20. The key bible verse was
from Psalm 16:7, “I will bless the
Lord who guides me.” In Tribe Time
they experienced what it means to
have God guide them through life. In
Moses’ tent they watched Moses
lead someone around scary traps
and they talked about obeying God’s
Ten Commandments.
After a week spent at St. Stephen
traveling in their twelve tribes, the
kids learned how to trust God!
Outside of the lessons each day,
there were two marvelous things
taking place. One was how eager the
children were to pray each day. The
day started out with a morning prayer,
a prayer at snack time, and a closing
prayer. By Friday, the prayer line was
so long that it took a few minutes to
get through all of them! Sure, several
of them stumbled over the Lord’s
prayer (I heard about ten different
child versions throughout the week),
but they were excited to lead the
prayer! It was amazing how thrilled
and eager they were and how one
child fed off of the previous child’s
prayer! If you did not get a chance to
experience any of them, a few are
posted on our Facebook page.
The second marvelous thing that
happened at VBS was their mission
outreach for the year, God’s Global
Barnyard. This is through the ELCA’s
Good Gifts that helps special families
located in the U.S. or abroad. The
purpose of God’s Global Barnyard is
to raise funds to provide animals to
families in need. There are different
monetary amounts per animal based
on what you wish to donate. At the
beginning of the week their goal was
to raise enough funds to provide an
entire farm, which costs $715. By the
end of the week the kids at
VBS raised $524.70. Since
they were a little short of their
goal, we challenged the
congregation on Sunday, and
raised a grand total of
$1,733.24! With that money,
and a few other generous
donations we received, we
were able to purchase three
farms for families in need!
Overall, it was a great
experience for the kids, as well
as the volunteers, to see how
God is working in and through
July 2014
The Service Committee
The Service Committee is creating a business
service directory for the members of St.
Stephen. They would like to fill it with the
names and services offered by our members
and those whom our members recommend. It
is easy to be included! You may place your
card in the offering plate or drop off the
information in the office. They just need your
type of business, product or service, name,
address, phone number, email and if you are a
member. This is FREE to SSMLC members;
and non-members and friends may list their
business for a $5.00 fee. Business cards may
be included for a charge of $5.00 per card; this
applies to members and non-members. Please
send in your payment with your information.
There will be cards to fill out in the office. We
are hoping to have the directory completed this
fall, so please submit that information by
August 1. Feel free to let us know if you have
any suggestions or recommendations for the
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Bridge of Faith
All are invited to join the Prayer Shawl Ministry, which meets year-round to knit prayer
shawls at 9:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month. Our next meeting is Thursday,
July 17. Knowing how to knit is not required. We can teach you! For additional information,
please contact Thelma Mattes at 330.477.3641 or Donna Woodhall at 330.492.2552.
Won't you consider being a part of this wonderful ministry?
Bridge of Faith is a fellowship group
that meets in the SSMLC Holy
Grounds Café to play the game of
bridge on the second Tuesday of each
month. Our next meeting will be on
Tuesday, July 8, at 10 a.m. If you love
the game of bridge, or if you'd just like
to learn how to play, please join us.
For more information, please contact
the church office at 330.492.4591.
The Quilters meet at the church to create quilts for Lutheran World Relief every Monday
from 1- 3 pm. If you are interested in quilting, please join us. For more information about
this group, please contact Nancy Schoenbaum at 330.493.1386. We hope to see you this
Habitat for Humanity
Thank you to all of the workers and food prep volunteers that we had in June. We have
another work day coming up this month. On Saturday, August 9 they will work on interior
painting. You can also help build the Habitat house by taking a tag from our dollhouse
and making a monetary donation. Donations can be made by writing a check to St.
Stephen Martyr with "Habitat for Humanity" on the memo line. For more information,
contact Bill Miller at 330.452.2417.
Good News and Good Times committee is hosting a
"Cornival" at the Varian Farm on August 24! There will be
corn themed games for people of all ages, crafts for the
kids, and plenty of corn themed food! If you have any
questions about this event
or wish to volunteer,
please contact Virginia
Meisenhelter at
12 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
Merry Widows
The Merry Widows will NOT meet
during July due to the holiday. The
group will resume meeting in August.
Please contact Lois Cunningham at
330.494.5913 or
[email protected] if you have
any questions about this group.
God's Work. Our Hands.
The ELCA has been a church deeply rooted in faith and in sharing
its passion for making positive changes in the world. All ELCA
congregations are called to take
part in a dedicated day of service
on Sunday, September 7, which will
be known as God's Work, Our
Hands Sunday. Please mark the
date on your calendars now!
If you would like to purchase a shirt
for $10, please fill out an order form
passed out in the weekly
announcements, and return it to the
church office by July 20.
Mulching Volunteers Needed
We are seeking volunteers to assist with mulching
Centering Prayer
For the summer, in addition to our Centering Prayer and discussion we will
do a short DVD series, The Practice that Brings the Fruit of Centering
Prayer to Life. If you have been thinking about joining our group or are
free Wednesdays at 2 pm in the summer this is would be a good time to
join us! Here is our upcoming schedule:
around the St. Stephen flower beds. There will be a
light top coating of mulch placed around the church
foundation. Please bring a change of clothes and a
tool to help spread the mulch. We appreciate any and
all help on July 13 after the 9:15 am and 10:30 am
services that Sunday. For any questions or more
information, contact Bob Shope in the church office at
330.492.4591. Thank you, and we hope to see you
July 9- "The Prayer of Forgiveness", the key to liberation of our inner
July 23- "The Human Condition", the pursuit of happiness; where it
cannot be found
Aug 6- "The Welcoming Prayer", a method of consenting to God's
presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events
and situations in daily life
Please contact Barb Tolliver at 330.923.4546 if you plan on attending or
for more information.
Ladies Night Out
All St. Stephen women
and their friends are
invited to join the Ladies
Night Out group for dinner
at Bravo on July 21, at
6:30 pm. If you plan to
attend, please RSVP to
Carol Ballentine at
330.477.5931 by July 20.
This month's outreach activity will be donations for the
military through Aultman Hospice.
We are seeking volunteers to help maintain the landscaping around
Small Group Leaders
We are currently seeking volunteers to lead a small
group for The Story. It will only be for 31 weeks, and
there is an easy to follow lesson guide. The beauty of
leading a small group is that you can chose the time
and day that best fits your schedule! If you have any
questions or would like to
look over the lesson
guide, please contact the
church office at
330.492.4591. If you are
interested in leading a
group through The Story,
please sign up on the
bulletin board in the
the church. If you enjoy gardening and wish to help keep the
SSMLC property looking great, please contact Bob Shope at
330.492.4591 to "Adopt-A-Bed." Adopting-A-Bed typically requires
about 6 hours of your time throughout the year. It consists of
weeding, mulching and trimming a small plot that has been
assigned to you each spring and tending to the weeds throughout
the summer and fall. Thanks again to all who currently maintain a
landscaping plot!
UrbanArk Volunteers Needed
St. Stephen is responsible for serving the evening meal at First Lutheran Church
(909 E. Tusc in Canton) on the second Sunday of even-numbered months. The
meal is served at 5 p.m., following worship. Several volunteers are needed to assist
with the August meal. If you can help prepare/serve the meal and/or you would like
to donate items for the meal, please contact Ed and Andrea Kelly, who have
graciously agreed to serve as our meal ministry coordinators, at 330.705.8783.
UrbanArk Food
Pantry Collection
Please remember UrbanArk's Food
Pantry when you are grocery shopping
this month. On Sunday, July 13, we will
collect pre-packaged meals, such as
Hamburger Helper. Please place
donations in the UrbanArk bins located
behind the Welcome Center.
July 2014
National Youth
Every three years, the ELCA hosts a HUGE youth gathering, in attendance with
approximately 40,000 youth and adults. The Gathering has been a time of
practicing faith, beginning life-long friendships with people from other places,
exploring the host city, great speakers, worship, dances, etc.
Because of the incredible response to the shift towards service in the previous two gatherings, the organizers
decided to continue the work, this time in Detroit, Michigan. The theme is "Rise Up Together:". Detroit once
boasted a population of 1.8 million, but now, the city is home to just over 700,000. Detroit has known death and
resurrection throughout its history and is now at a critical point. Detroit can rise again from the ashes. God is
calling us to rise up together, in Detroit and everywhere!
The Gathering planners have developed 12 monthly pre-gathering sessions for congregations, beginning in June
2014. If you missed the first meeting, it is okay because commitment forms are not due until August 15, 2014.
Attendance at each monthly meeting is strongly encouraged, where we will discuss important topics to prepare for
Detroit in 2015. We'll need to begin discussing fundraisers specifically for the Gathering as well.
If you did not attend the first meeting, but plan on going to the Gathering, please notify Pastor Kimberly or Kayla
Householder at 330.492.4591 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure you are not too far behind on information.
Mission Support 2013
We recently received this thank you letter from Interim
Bishop, Rev. Marcus Miller.
St. Paul writes to the church at Ephesus, "I have
heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love
toward all the saints, and for this reason I do not
cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my
prayers". (Ephesians 1:15)
I remember each congregation of our Northeastern
Ohio Synod often in my prayers and give thanks to
you for your generous gifts for mission support that
enables the Gospel to be heard in many different
places, for persons to be trained for ministry and
service, for youth to discover an ever deepening faith,
and for seniors to be able to dwell in a warm
environment of love and peace.
Please extend my gratitude to your entire
congregation for their response to our work together
in Christ.
Sincerely, in Christ,
The Rev. Marcus Miller
Interim Bishop
14 The SSMLC Monthly • www.wherelovelives.org
St. Stephen Stats
From the Parish Administrator
Average weekly attendance for May, 2014 was
258. Average weekly attendance for May, 2013
was 308. May Total C&B was $37,110.17,
compared to Budget of $45,780.02, creating a
deficit of ($8,669.85) (less was given than was
budgeted). Total C&B includes loose offering,
rent, and other miscellaneous giving. The church
had a total negative cash flow for May 2014 in
the amount of ($7,830.71). The church had a
total positive cash flow for YTD in 2014 in the
amount of $10,521.39.
We have paid our Benevolence payments to the Synod in full.
Capital Appeal Update: 144 giving units have pledged - $809,239.30
Total funds received as of 05/31/2014 - $749,954.64
Thank you for your faithful support of our many ministries!
Online Giving
Options Available
Did you know St. Stephen
offers an electronic option
for making both regular
and special offerings? If
you would like to make an
additional contribution this
month, or if you are
looking for a more
convenient way to make
regular offerings, we
encourage you to look into
online giving.
Contributions can be
debited automatically from
your checking or savings
account or processed
using your credit or debit
card. You can even direct
your offering to
a specific ministry area,
such as Capital Appeal or
World Hunger.
To give online, please visit
and click on "Giving" in
the left-hand navigation
menu. If you have any
questions about online
giving, please call the
church office at
Thank you to everyone
who has supported St.
Stephen this year by
giving of their time,
talents, prayers and
financial contributions.
Your support of our
mission is greatly
July 2014
St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church
4600 Fulton Drive NW
Canton, Ohio 44718
Phone: 330.492.4591
Fax: 330.492.8794
[email protected]
Sunday Morning
8:00 am - The Heritage (A traditional service)
9:15 am - The Gathering (A contemporary service)
10:30 am - The Celebration (A traditional service)
Holy Grounds Café: 8:45 - 10:45 am
Adult Bible Study: 9:15 am
Our Purpose and Mission is to help you experience God's love so that you can live more freely, fully, and faithfully.
Our Vision is to be an exceptionally dynamic community of believers, committed to sharing Christ's love so that the kingdom of
this earth more closely resembles the Kingdom of Heaven.