Vermilion, United Chur - United Church of Christ, Congregational


Vermilion, United Chur - United Church of Christ, Congregational
United Church of Christ
September 2013
Worship Hours and
9:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m.
Sunday School : During Worship
8:30-1:30 p.m.
vermilionuccc@centurytel. Net
900 State St., P.O. Box 228, Vermilion, OH
Mission Statement: “We the members of the United Church of
Christ, Congregational, Vermilion, strive to love, serve, and
grow as we live God’s message in our families, our church, our
community, and our world, now and forever more.”
Mondays- 10:00 a.m.-Study Group
Mondays- 7:00 p.m. Fellowship Group- Acts
Septemebr 1-
Rev. Bob Richardson
Judy Klucas
Fin. Secretary
Jim Innes
Jennifer Smith
Youth Director
Morgen Baker
Christian Education
Shelly Innes
Developmental Nursery School
Cecily Musser
Mobile Meals/ Vermilion Pantry
Choir Director
Corey Knick
Dr. Ted Williams
September 2-
9:00 mission
Labor Day! Office is Closed!
September 15-
Rally Day!
New Member Orientation
September 17- Annual Fall Potluck- “Michael Moore”
September 18- 10:00 a.m. Prayer Group
September 19
Ucc hosts Vermilion Ministerial Assoc.
September 20-
10:00-11:30 –Pantry
September 22September 24-
Acolyte Class Gathering
Confirmtation Class Gathering
Coffee Hour: Rachel Circle
Like us on Facebook!
Vermilion, United Church of Christ,
Visit our website at:
General Fund –
7/1/13 Balance
July Income
Member Giving
Other Sources
$ 15,016.17
$ 12,316.25
$ 2,669.92
July Expenditures
7/30/13 Balance
Be sure to “Like” us on FacebookWe know, you want a LOVE
button! Vermilion United
Church of Christ, Congregational!
Boy Scout Troop #447 is selling
birdseed once again!
25 lbs. of Deluxe Bird Seed is
$15.00/25 lbs. of Black oil
Sunflower seed $17.00
Call Larry Howell, Scout Master at
967-7828. We will DELIVER!
Community News
The Vermilion Minibus is
available to take any senior
citizen or disabled person
throughout Erie County and
ten miles beyond, including Vermilion
citizens living in Lorain County. To
schedule a ride, call 855-626-0482. The
bus runs between 6:00 am and 4:30 pm
five days a week. Each trip costs $1.50.
Our church has a long
history of caring for
our community, and an
even longer legacy of
caring for those who
are part of our church family who find themselves
in a time of need. Toward this end, we are
continuing to accept donations of gift cards from
local merchants (gas, food, entertainment, etc.)
that can be given as a small measure of hope in
difficult times. If you would like to donate a gift
card, please obtain it and give it to Pastor Bob,
the church office, or place it in the offering plate.
In addition, we have a Helping Hand Fund
which allows us to help with specific financial
emergencies which may arise in the lives of our
families. If you would like to contribute to this
fund, please make your check payable to the
church, and note that it is for the Helping Hand
Fund. Thank you for continuing to support our
families who are such a vital part of our
Contacting Pastor Bob
Address - 1419 Sanford St.
Home Phone - 963-6675
Cell Phone - (484) 597-0173
(this has not changed)
Email – [email protected]
(this has not changed)
Skype – brich948
weekly sermons from Pastor Bob can be
found on line at
Please keep our service
men and women in your
thoughts and prayers.
Andrew T. Wilson
USS John S. McCain (DDG-56)
FPO-AP 96672-1274
PFC Kevin (& Keri) Dillman
4636A Redwood Street, SW
McChord AFB
Washington, 98349
Adopt A Highway!
Clean up date for Adopt A Highway is
coming fast!
*Friday, Oct. 4th, 9:00 a.m., Judy Klucas is
the leader this day, 967-5266.
Put these dates on your calendar so you
can take a walk with your friends and clean
the community. Call Jon for details.
Many thanks to the keyboard
players for the 9:00 summer
services: Leslie Ennis, Judy Riddle
Somers, Jennifer Bertoni, Mary
Hook, Molly Romp, and Karen
Dillman (guitar).
A Shout out to Jon Reising
for washing the church
sign! Thank you!
A Shout Out to Dave Rathbun for trimming the
roses under the sign! Thank you!
A Shout Out to Judy Klucas for all the hours she
puts into the office to keep things straight! 
A Shout Out to all of the Summer Sunday School
teachers: Jayne Flemister, Krista Peters, Karen
Rossi, Judy Klucas, Karen Howell, Julie Wilson,
and Ginger Cutcher.
A Shout Out to Jim Jones for the set up for all the
9:00 services.
Drug Abuse Prevention Project:
Letter forms are still
available to contact your state
legislators about the need to
pass H.B. 176 (the Medicaid
Expansion Bill) in Ohio. They
are available in the church
office or in fellowship hall
during coffee hour.
We also have e-mail addresses for
Vermilion City School Board Members to let them
know that we want to see funding in the schools
for drug prevention programs and counselors.
Youth are taking deadly risks by trying drugs.
They need ongoing support to make right
Your mission committee feels we should try to
help this situation any way we can.
UC3-411 - Have
you been attending
worship and want
to know more about
this congregation,
or the United
Church of Christ?
Thinking about membership, but have
questions? Want to meet some others
who may be asking the same questions,
or pondering becoming more involved in
the ministry and fellowship of this
dynamic congregation? If so, plan on
staying for a brief gathering here in the
sanctuary following worship
From your Diaconate Committee:
Special bulletin covers can be ordered in
memory, or in honor of someone or a special
Here's how it works:
Order online with the church secretary a
minimum of 2 weeks before, by an individual, or
group associated with the church.
Orders and billing will be handled by the church
This is trial program by Diaconate, ending on
December 31. At that time it will be evaluated.
A Quick Note to Gmail Users
If you use a gmail account to
receive our E-News, please be sure to
add our
address [email protected] to
your primary tab, or drag and drop the
email of our E-news into your primary
tab. (Otherwise, we'll only show up in
your promotions tab.)
Each Monday 10:00am
We’re back - beginning September 9 –
we will be taking a 12 week in-depth look
at the Gospel of John. To do this we will be
using one of the Disciple Course miniseries studies. This means you’ll need to
purchase a book and read and reflect
daily. (Cost of the book is $15. They are at
church and will be available on the first
day of class. Or see Pastor Bob for one
beforehand if you want to get stated
reading. As always, if the cost is a barrier
to your participation, speak with Pastor
Bob and we’ll take care of it for you. Your
participation is far more important and
valuable to you and the church then the
cost of the book.)
Mondays, 7:00 – 8:00pm
We’re back - beginning September 9. Plan
to join with us as we continue to prayerfully
read through the book of Acts, listening for
what God is saying to us today through
these ancient words. Some weeks we’ll
cover a whole chapter, some weeks only a
few verses. You can jump in anytime your
schedule allows. In addition to our study
time, we also spend time in prayer with and
for one another, and then take the name of
our prayer partner with us, praying for
them through the week, knowing as we do
that someone is praying for us. Join us, and
invite your friends.
Beginning Wednesday,
September 4, at 1:00pm
HEAR GOD’S VOICE? – as opposed
to our own voice telling us what we
want to hear, or someone else’s voice
telling what they want us to do? How do we
discern God’s voice among the cacophony of
voices we hear and the plethora of choices ever
before us? It can be confusing and disconcerting.
To help us better understand – and listen – for
God’s voice in our lives, we’re starting a small
group that will meet on Wednesdays at 1:00,
beginning September 4. We’ll meet for about an
hour a week for approximately 6 weeks, and then
listen to what we hear God is leading us to do
from there.
Do We Miss You?
From the Moderator
I have been in the choir for many years. Over
the years I realize I have a habit of looking for the
people in my congregation. They are all in their
favorite seats. If they are not there, do I miss
them? You bet I do! Awhile back one of our
ministers (and I can't remember which one)
suggested that we change our seats and sit in a
different place each week. That went over like a
sore thumb. Thank goodness we didn't continue
to do that. I would never know where my
friends were and if they were there at all. Also
over the years we have had to say goodbye to
many of our dear friends, most recently
"Nuggie." It will be comforting to look over to the
left of the choir, third row back and know she is
in heaven and watching over us all. So, next
time you can't make it to church please know that
I will miss you and pray that you are all
right. I will hope to see you next Sunday. If you
are not there, I will miss you!
Your Mission Committee at work:
Disbursement of monies were made to the
following charities:
Blessing House: $300
Blessing House is a safe place for children to
stay while their families are going through difficult
times .
Hope Children's Fund: $400
The Hope Children's Fund provides housing
and schooling for young people in Kenya. At the
present time there are 79 ranging in age from
4 to 22
Wolff Foundation: $300
The Wolff Foundation provides grants to
seminary students from our conference who are
called to ordained ministry in the United Church
of Christ.
Sunset Shores Retreat Center
Yes, your retreat center property is still there!
Take a look:
Meeting space indoors and outdoors
Picnic tables, grills, fire rings
Shade and sun
Views of the lake
Beach - when conditions are right
Outdoor chapel
Peace and quiet
Opportunities to help
You can stop in any time but if you want to plan
an activity, please call Pat Zimmerman to be
sure another group has not already reserved
the place. The big house is heated and
available all year. The cottage by the lake will
close by October 15.
First gathering –
Sunday, September 22, following
We’re forming a new acolyte class for all
children in grades 4, 5 or older who want to
take part. To get things rolling, and to
decide what is the best time to meet, we’re
getting all children and parents together
for a brief meeting in the church lounge on
Sunday, September 22, following worship.
Please tell Al Smith, Pastor Bob, or the
church office that you plan to be with us for
this interesting and exciting experience.
First Gathering
Sunday, September 29, following
It’s been a while since we’ve offered the
confirmation class experience here, so
we’re welcoming all youth in grades 8, 9 or
older who want to take part. Our first
gathering will be on Sunday, September
29, in the church lounge following worship.
At this time we’ll explain more of what we’ll
be doing, and decide on when is a good
time to meet together regularly. As such it
will be helpful for both youth and parents to
attend together this one time. Please tell
Pastor Bob or call the church office to let
us know of your desire to take part in this
wonderful faith enriching experience.
Mark Your Calendars!
The third Tuesday in September is the
Annual Fall Potluck!
The musical program will be
Michael Moore
More details will be forthcoming!
See Shirley Lehky for information!