August 2016 Newsletter - Gold Canyon United Methodist Church
August 2016 Newsletter - Gold Canyon United Methodist Church
Office Address: 6640 S. Kings Ranch Road Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Phone: (480) 982‐3776 Church E‐Mail: churchoffi[email protected] Fred Steinberg, Senior Pastor Pastor’s E‐Mail: [email protected] Prayer Chain: [email protected] Website: AUGUST 2016 Vol. 29 F T P : A er purchasing the Red Sage property, the Administra ve Council voted to rename the building the “Missions Center.” We are currently working with architect Ray Eynon to remodel the building to be er suit our needs. Some of the equipment and furnishings in the building are being sold and the proceeds will be used to help with the remodel. Evalua on of the cooking equipment has caused the Trustees to decide to remove all of it because most of it had been poorly maintained. This will allow for more food bank and church storage in the rear part of the building. The air condi oning units on the roof and the walk‐in freezer and refrigerator units need to be serviced and someone has said they will take care of this cost. We will redesign the sea ng areas to create four mee ng spaces. A lobby will be created for food bank clients. Several storage areas will be created to house ministry supplies. This will require installing some new walls and doors in various parts of the building. We are also planning on tearing out the soffits and reinstalling the drop down ceiling since it is badly stained. This will make the mee ng rooms feel more open and usable. Already we have seen a huge improvement in the appearance of the landscape around the property because of the hard work of several volunteers. Weeds have been eliminated and trees have been trimmed. Debris on the parking lot has been cleaned up. A big thanks to those who worked in No. 8 the heat to make the property look much be er. It is wonderful to think about what new ministries we might be able to do because of the Missions Center. I will see you Sunday. Grace and peace, “Our ministry to the poor becomes a means of grace by which God does His work of holiness in us. It becomes a way by which God perfects us in His love and makes us Christ-like.” ~ John Wesley ~ “Following Jesus, Serving Others” Gold Canyon United Methodist Church C E by Katharine Keller “Our Mission is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ by studying and living the Word.” S S F J W Now that school is about to begin, we would like children who will be star ng 1st grade to move to the next class with Ms. Schenck and Ms. Moore in the Emmaus Room beginning August 7th. Students who will be star ng 4th grade should move to the Sea of Galilee Room with Ms. Katharine and Ms. Jan during the 9:30am hour. R W : J ? Join us for the Flat Jesus Party on Sunday, October 2 from 2:00pm—3:00pm. We’ll have snacks, a video and hopefully some “live” stories from all of you who took him all over the world! Even if you haven’t par cipated, it will be fun to see and hear tales from His adventures! If your child has turned 3 AND IS TOILET‐ TRAINED, he or she may move to the Preschool/ Kindergarten classroom. P C Our Chris an midweek program for 1st–6th graders will meet on Wednesdays beginning September 28th from 5:00pm—7:00pm. This program includes Bible lessons, ac vi es and badge work, dinner and music. The program usually ends the beginning of May with a week off here and there for holidays. Be sure to check out the Kidz Kanyon Facebook page that highlights our GCUMC Children’s Program and learn about upcoming events! Please contact Katharine if you are interested in enrolling your child and she’ll make sure they are registered. This program is open to those not a ending our church, so invite a friend! O F “T J M B T A DISCIPLE! If you haven’t taken a DISCIPLE class, why not start in September? It takes commitment to be part of a small group that’s serious about disciplined study, but you will be rewarded with rich fellowship, Bible knowledge, and deepening faith. The DISCIPLE curriculum offers five 32‐week studies and includes personal study assignments, video lessons, and group discussion to enrich your understanding of God’s Word. The first year has par cipants reading most of the Bible while subsequent years concentrate on smaller units arranged according to themes. “Into ! ” Our next outdoor “flick” is on Fri., 9/23 at 7:00pm. The movie will be the newest version of “The Jungle Book!” Bring a chair and a friend and enjoy the fellowship… and some popcorn! 2 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church the Word, Into the World” covers Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Acts, “Remember Who You Are” includes The Prophets and The Le ers of Paul, and “Under the Tree of Life” focuses on The Wri ngs, John, and Revela on. A er taking the first year survey a person is free to enroll in any of the other studies without regard to the sequence. DISCIPLE I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study is being offered Tuesday a ernoons at 4:00pm star ng October 4th with Facilitators, Sue & Duane Vorseth. DISCIPLE 2: Into the Word, Into the World is being offered Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm star ng September 28th with Facilitator, Suzanne Cherry. The clean‐up took us 4 years. We followed Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace process. It seemed like a long me when we were going through it, but looking back it feels like no me at all. This process is not a get rich quick scheme. Financial Peace University covers more than just debt payoff. We will be hi ng on all the topics to truly have financial peace. These will include: rela onships and money, budge ng, insurance, college and re rement, stewardship, and more. This class teaches God’s ways of handling money. Gold Canyon United Methodist Church will be hos ng Financial Peace University Mondays, Sept. 26th–Nov. 21st at 6:00pm. Childcare and scholarships will be available. You can sign up at the front desk or contact me at [email protected] / (480) 277‐5894. DISCIPLE 3: “Remember Who You Are” is being offered Monday a ernoons at 1:00pm star ng September 26 with Facilitator, Rev. Fay Quanstrom. Katelin Kalik Financial Peace University Coordinator My name is Katelin and I'm going to talk about money. I know it is “taboo,” but how can we learn from each other if no one is willing to talk about it? This year’s Harvest Fes val is scheduled for Sunday, 10/30 from 3:00pm—5:00pm. I can admit years ago I messed up BIG me when it came to money. It took my husband and I four years to make “the mess.” It totaled $148,000 of consumer debt. That is not coun ng our mortgage. We were right out of college with entry level jobs. We had student loans, credit cards, two car loans, and the list goes on. The American dream had become the American nightmare. Every dollar we made seemed to go right back out and our paychecks never seemed to last the month. We were living paycheck to paycheck and were one emergency away from disaster. Vendor Booths: Along with games, food, music and hopefully the mechanical bull again, you will have the opportunity to have a booth and sell handmade items, such as homemade jams and jellies, cookies, any type of artwork, jewelry, handmade sewn items, etc. Table Registra on Forms will be available September 1st. We should be able to provide a sheltered area for your table or a canopy. If you have any ques ons, please contact Katharine in the Church Office. Then it happened. The floor fell out from under us. We were both working at the same company and they went out of business. We were both laid off on the same day. It was our wake up call. We were sick and red of being sick and red. 3 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church P DO NOT G from 8:00am–4:00pm taking applica ons for financial assistance. Every Communion Sunday gi s to the Pastor’s Discre onary Fund are received and channeled to genuine needs. In addi on, our volunteers work with Genesis Project, feeding the homeless, with Hope Haven, mentoring and sheltering those fleeing abuse, and other agencies whose programs address specific needs. Your gi s to established ministries through GCUMC make helpful assistance available. The Chris an life is one of generosity, but helping should be done wisely, “decently and in order,” in the Bible’s words. ! To do good without doing harm… what kind of oxymoron is this? How could doing good be harmful to either the giver or the receiver? All kinds of hazard of harm exist in mission work. Good inten ons are not enough to create a posi ve impact on the recipient’s life. Chari es acknowledge that Hai ’s chronic subsistence situa on has developed in the wake of a century of good inten ons by those who meant to help, but actually incen vized wai ng for the next “help” to arrive. Be a generous giver—but be a wise giver— direc ng your gi s to our ministries rather than to ad hoc requests. What about within our own community? You see a person standing on the corner with a sign declaring need. You are touched by the person’s appearance and willingness to ask for help from strangers, so you roll down your window and pass cash to this person. You then move on feeling as though you’ve made someone’s life a bit be er... but have you? While passing by that same corner a few days later, and again the following week, you see that same person is again standing with a sign. Is that person acutely needy or is standing with a sign their “occupa on”? How has the money you and others handed them improved their life? What about at church? Let’s say that a er worship, perhaps during coffee hour, someone describes to you their dire circumstances—perhaps it’s an empty gas tank, an unfilled prescrip on, an overdue u lity payment. Do you reach into your pocket and give to the person or not? Please do not! We have many ministries that address these sorts of needs, but the requests need to go through proper channels. Ad hoc solicita on and ad hoc giving disrupt and subvert our established ministries and encourage more direct requests. Among the many scammers these days are those who prey on people’s Chris an generosity as they are leaving worship. Be alert to this unfortunate fact, and direct the person to our many helping ministries. P S I Join Uncommon Grace at the 10:50am Praise & Worship Service on Sunday mornings and together we’ll li our heart, soul and spirit… You’ll be sure to leave the service feeling upli ed and energized! Every weekday the Food Bank is open from 8:30am–12:00pm responding to food assistance requests. Every weekday the Church Office is open 4 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church GCUMC Youth Group News By Beth Steinberg, Youth Director Y S P S R Our team of 13 youth and 4 adults arrived safely back from our service project in Los Angeles, CA. What an incredible experience we had! We did a variety of jobs from working in a soup kitchen, to bagging clothes in a thri shop to gardening in a local school. We even had an evening worship service on the roof of a building in Skid Row! In the fall, our shareholders will receive a le er from the youth who par cipated on the trip. This le er will tell about their experiences and how the service project touched their lives. Here is one of the notes from the youth who a ended: "I would like to thank all of you for suppor ng us for the trip. It really helped me connect with God and strengthen my faith. I am so thankful for everything that I have, because what I witnessed at Skid Row was not good. I saw people sleeping on the bare ground with nothing. It felt so awesome to be able to brighten their day. I will never forget the happiness we gave them when we served them food, played games and got to learn about their life stories." Sincerely, Peter Wehle (age 14) A big thank you to our church family for giving us the opportunity to go on this service project! Love and Blessings, Beth A S B S Sundays at 9:30am in the Educa on Bldg. Crea ve Bible lessons & discussions! G G TOP GOLF—Gilbert Bring membership card or buy one for $5 Cost $20—$25 Sun., 8/14 YOUTH GROUP 6:30pm—8:30pm Education Bldg Sun., 8/21 YOUTH GROUP 6:30pm—8:30pm Education Bldg Wed., 8/28 YOUTH GROUP 6:30pm—8:30pm Education Bldg (7th—12th Grades) Sundays 6:30pm–8:30pm in the Educa on Bldg. Fun, faith‐based programs and fellowship! C Sun., 8/7 C (7th—12th Grades) Y 2016 Y 5 3:00pm Meet at GCUMC, OR 3:30pm Meet at Top Golf 6:00pm Approximate return (youth will text when they’re on the way back) Gold Canyon United Methodist Church M N as I appreciate her excellent piano playing, I sure miss her great voice in the Choir! Sadly, as you all know by now, Nancy has re red from being one of our regular pianists. Hopefully, we will have her play preludes on occasion for us. by Douglas J. Benton I am wri ng this in July and it is just plain hot! I keep reminding myself, however, that you cannot shovel sunshine! No, that doesn’t help. It’s s ll just plain hot, and don’t give me “yeah, but it’s a dry heat!” If the truth be known, I am a much bigger wuss in the winter when it’s cold than I am in the summer with the heat! Actually, so far, we’ve only had 18 days of 110º+. Of course, it’s July 14, so we will certainly have, uh, many more! On behalf of Cindy Hoff, our Associate Director of Special Music, who schedules soloists, small ensembles, etc. for Offertories and Special Music, we thank all who have given their me and talents to sing at these special mes to enhance our worship. If you would like to sing for Offertories, give Cindy a note and she will audi on you. Thank you, Cindy, for your great work! We all appreciate it!!! Thank you, Choir, for your tremendous work this past year! I know next year will even be be er, more fun, and more sense of accomplishment making great music for our Lord and for our church! Thank you!!! Our Canyon Carillon handbell Choir has become one of the best church bell teams I have ever worked with! They are ringing at a level now that very few church bellchoirs ever achieve. Many just like to ring – all the me! Last month we had a quartet ring, and we will have another quartet ring in church in August. They have also rung at Bashas for the Salva on Army, and were even asked to help another church bell choir, who were missing a few ringers, for a recording session of a choral piece with bells. Thank you all for your energy, obvious enjoyment of ringing, and for sharing your substan al talents with us this year. I can’t wait ll we get the full group back together again this fall! The Choir is taking the month of August off to rest the voices in prepara on for a fantas c year of great singing beginning in September. If you have ever thought of singing with us, please act on that thought! Our first rehearsal in the fall will be on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 6:50 pm. Come see what the fun is all about! No audi on, we just ask that you are able to sing on pitch and read music at least a li le. It’s my job to do everything else! We do sing at both the 8:00 and 9:30 services, but the Choir leaves a er singing the Anthem in the 9:30 service. Looking ahead, our 15th Annual Christmas Concerts are scheduled for Saturday, December 10, at 3:00 and 6:00 pm. This being our 15th year I am “pulling out all the stops” planning some very special music for our concerts this year! If you would like to sing with us, but don’t feel you can commit to Sundays, sing with us for the Christmas Concerts. We will rehearse on Saturdays from 9:30‐Noon beginning on October 15. If you would like to join us, let me know. I want to extend my grateful apprecia on to our fabulous Librarians, Janice & Paul Workman, who very diligently make sure everyone has music, a folder, and goodies on Sunday morning between services, as there is simply not enough me to go to the pa o to socialize with the congrega on before going in for the 9:30am service. Maintaining our Choral Library truly is a big job, and I cannot thank them enough for their great work! Also on Sunday mornings, Lee Dunning and Clara D’Angelo have stepped up to put away anthems and do the Library work when the Workmans are out of town. This is a big help! Everyone in the Choir truly has a “servant’s heart,” but these folks are excep onal... Thank you! Pipes for the Organ Fund: I made a big mistake! I put an extra “0” at the end of a $500 gi adding it as $5000. I said we were well over $50,000 but, in fact, we are well over $45,000 which is s ll very good. Our total goal is $250,000 to add four sets of actual windblown pipes, including the blower, wind trunks, reservoir, etc. plus voicing the pipes, and bringing all the speakers from our Rodgers organ down to spread in amongst the pipe work. All of the these will be located against the back wall behind the Choir and Handbells, finally re‐voicing the en re instrument together as one cohesive unit. The end result will be a big (not loud like it can be now!), full sound with an incredible color pallet that will have the capacity to play pre y much any organ music wri en. I am hoping to completely fund this project by August of Also, I cannot say enough about our fabulous pianists: Linda Jones, Marty Robison and Nancy Virden! In addi on to being great musicians, they are also very dear friends and help to keep our Music Ministries Program running in high gear! As many of you know, Linda has had some health issues recently, but we hope she will be able to return again soon. In the mean me, we all keep her in our prayers. Marty keeps plugging away with excellent music and sensi ve accompaniments! As much 6 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 2017. It will take a year to design and manufacture the pipe work, façade, winding, etc. and at least 2 full weeks to install and voice. So, God willing, the Organ will be complete and func oning by fall of 2018. Many of you are dona ng weekly to our Organ Fund, and I can’t thank you enough! Many have also donated substan al amounts to this fund annually. I know this project will be completed in God’s good me, and am very much looking forward to the end result! I know how fantas c it will be, and I can’t wait to share that with you! Love and blessings to all, Doug Director of Music Ministries Our church has been blessed with the purchase of the Red Sage Restaurant and property. The intended uses are for the food bank, extra mee ng rooms and more parking spaces to accommodate worshipers in the winter months. The new property will be referred to as the “Missions Center”. The first step is to select an architect to redesign the floor plan to best accommodate our church’s needs. Once that has been accomplished with the approval of the assigned interior spaces, a contractor will be selected and the project will begin to move forward. The first phase and most immediate need is the demoli on of the interior, and then the construc on of the food bank. Progress in that direc on will depend upon the funds that are available and labor to complete the project. Target date for comple on of that phase is the first part of next year. We ask that you prayerfully consider what is needed and in what capacity you are willing to help. Monetary dona ons are being accepted and labor volunteers are being recruited. Because our church members are very mission oriented, this project can be accomplished in a mely manner. With this in mind the food bank could be moved there and in opera on as early as the first couple months of 2017. 7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pe on, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6 If you or someone you know within or beyond our parish would like a friendly visit, a listening ear or a home‐cooked meal, please let us know. Caring for others in the GCUMC fellowship of believers is shared by clergy & lay caregivers. Rev. Fred Steinberg, Sr. Pastor Rev. Bob Deits, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Fay Quanstrom, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Joel Hurley, Assoc. Pastor Stephen Ministers, highly‐trained lay people, provide quality, confiden al, Christ‐centered support to persons experiencing grief, illness, divorce and other difficul es. Trained Lay Congrega onal Care Ministers (CCMs) share a ministry of loving spiritual care: visits, prayer, Holy Communion, music, meals, errands and more. You are invited to join the Congrega onal Care or Stephen Ministries by contac ng one of the Pastors. Gold Canyon United Methodist Church P C C Joel Hurley, Pastoral Team Coordinator Four pastors are on‐call to make visits to members and friends of Gold Canyon UMC. Please feel free to call the church office at (480)982‐3776 and one of the pastors will respond to your request. A er hours, you may call or email one of the pastors directly: Rev. Fred Steinberg, Sr. Pastor M [email protected] 480.982.3776 M …is a support group for caregivers of Ahlzheimers and other demen a disease pa ents and meets on the 2nd & 4th Friday each month at 10:00am in the Educa on Building. Join us! For more info, contact Jeane e Lunstead at (480)671‐9888 or the Church Office. Rev. Bob Deits, Assoc. [email protected] 602.615.6634 Rev. Fay Quanstrom, Assoc. [email protected] 480.458.8420 C S …provides spiritual support, love, friendship and a helping hand to cancer pa ents, caregivers and their families. Although May 25th was their last weekly mee ng un l the fall, contact Dee Ashe at (480)924‐ 5483, (480)685‐7175, or [email protected] if you have ques ons or need support during our summer break. Rev. Joel Hurley, Assoc. [email protected] 602.291.0464 If you know someone in the congrega on who is hospitalized, ill at home and/or needs the prayers of the community, please let one of the pastors or the church office know so they can be included on the prayer list. G T D S …is for those who have experienced a major loss such as the death of a loved one or divorce. The leader of the group, Rev. Bob Deits, has been working extensively with these issues for 36 years and addressed them in his book, Life a er Loss, now in its 5th edi on. The 6th edi on will be coming out in Spring 2017 and chronicles the loss of his wife, June. Please accept Bob’s invita on to a end the Grief Support group he leads every Monday from 1:00pm—2:00pm in the Educa on Building. For ques ons or if you wish to speak with Bob privately, you may call him at (602)615‐6634. W My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me; I cannot choose the colors God works so steadily. Ofttimes God weaves in sorrow and I in foolish pride, forget He sees the upper and I the underside. Not until the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why. P The dark threads are as needful in the Weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern God has planned. C M Prayer requests may be emailed to [email protected]. ~ Author Unknown ~ 8 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church G O Fay Quanstrom, Associate Pastor Our own Pete and Nancy Denman spent ten days in Costa Rica serving with Rice and Beans Ministry in July. Their visit reminds us that the work of this ministry among the poorest in Costa Rica con nues throughout the year. People‐to‐people ac vi es reach into the neighborhoods. Volunteers par cipate with the staff in prayer circles, food distribu on, Vaca on Bible Schools, home improvements, and youth camps to bring the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ to individuals and families. The photo to the right shows a mother and her children who have just received a bag of rice, beans, masa, and powdered milk. While walking through neighborhoods like in the photographs below, you discover surprising welcomes, warm smiles, and heartbreaking needs. Have you considered being part of the 2017 Mission Work Trip scheduled for January 21—28, 2017? Please pray about the possibility of joining this heart‐enlarging experience and talk with Fay Quanstrom to reserve your spot on the team! GCUMC G M P GCUMC concentrates our giving and involvement in these world areas: Rice and Beans Ministry, Costa Rica Fellowman Interna onal, Honduras PET (Personal Energy Transporta on), over 100 countries Global Missions Advance needs 9 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church by Kim Shroyer on behalf of the Stephen Ministry Team Pastor John Ortberg in The Me I Want to Be: Becoming God’s Best Version of You, sends a powerful message: “Never worry alone.” When anxiety grabs my mind, it is self‐perpetua ng. Worrisome thoughts reproduce faster than rabbits, so one of the most powerful ways to stop the spiral of worry is simply to disclose my worry to a friend... The simple act of reassurance from another human being [becomes] a tool of the Spirit to cast out fear—because peace and fear are both contagious.” L This year, 2016, has been quite a year hasn’t it? Even if you aren’t an individual who spends a large part of your day with your a en ons fixed to a television, radio, computer or some other form of informa on dispensing media, you cannot avoid hearing and knowing there is a lot going on in the world. It can’t be said be er than that. If now is one of those mes when you could use a confiden al Chris an to provide some reassurance and listen as you disclose a li le worry, consider reques ng a Stephen Minister. In the United States in par cular we are fully aware that it is an important elec on year, and there is unrest around our country. If you’re like me, even though some of the barrage of informa on we are hit with daily may not directly be pointed toward you, you find that it affects you. It can evoke strong emo ons of sadness, anger, passion, or discontent – and if we’re not careful it can leave us with an overwhelming sense that there isn’t a lot of hope. We can allow informa on overload to cloud our vision of what is important, and to cloud the truth. Email: [email protected] Phone: (480)283‐4861 You can also check the box beside “Desire a Stephen Minister” on the Sunday morning a endance pad. “Ah Lord God! It is you who made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” The truth is, some mes we need to pull ourselves back and regain some perspec ve. We need to look around us, at our daily interac ons and rela onships, the ones we have control over. When we pause, observe and really see what our daily rela onships are all about, we can almost always regain our perspec ve and hope. We quickly recognize that there is more good than bad, more spiritual than evil in those around us. ~ Jeremiah 32:17 (NRSV) ~ When we focus on ourselves, and what we exude, we realize we can make a difference. When we act like a Chris an, making who we are clear to those around us, we are astounded by the results. When we love others and portray God’s message, even in the face of nega vity and adversity, hope lives. A Chris an young man posted a video last week in the a ermath of a tragedy. It quickly went viral and when I last saw, it had almost 4 million views. His most resounding, cri cal message was “I refuse to see hate live, while love dies.” I, for one, agree with him and refuse, as well. But I also know that in reality, it’s some mes difficult to not worry and to maintain hope, depending upon what is going on in our lives and what we see around us. 10 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church by Jane Hayes SCRIP B V F Volunteer Coordinator W D Y W S H ? Overwork is a malady affec ng many. Passion for people can seduce us into thinking we should do more. When we see lives that have been changed, we become excited and see results that are rewarding. And yet, we can see that the more we do, the more we realize there is to be done This can be you caught on a treadmill. Overwork can be an incurable illness. In an a empt to find our personal iden ty and success, we can a empt to make our mark and find personal iden ty and success. Time to be certain our goals and mo ves are clear and honoring God. Ministries need not be for us , but rather for God and the needs of others. It is always a good idea to ask ourselves why we are working so hard. Myths about “Doing More”: Doing more is doing be er. I will be more fulfilled. God’s kingdom will be in be er shape. People will like me more. God will be impressed and He expects more. I can rest later. I will never burn out. ~ Excerpts from The Volunteer by Doug Fagerstrom *** Greeters Needed *** *** Communion Servers Needed *** Pastor Fred and Katharine will be happy to set periodic training dates… just call the Church Office! Have you shopped at the new Fry’s Marketplace at Signal Bu e and Guadalupe yet? It is something to see the next me you are shopping for food, clothes and incidentals! Bashas’, Fry’s and help non‐profit organiza ons—like GCUMC—by giving us a rebate on purchases. The Bashas & Fry’s Shoppers cards must be obtained from and/or be connected to GCUMC. We have already raised over $160,000 from the grocery store programs — and who doesn’t shop on Amazon! What an EASY way to support our Bus & Van Ministry expenses, such as gas, licenses, insurance and maintenance! The next item we need is a covered structure to help protect the vehicles from the Arizona sun and heat and that goal will be soon realized. If you haven’t already joined the SCRIP Program, are asking those of you who shop at Bashas’ or Fry’s to visit the Welcome Center between worship services on Sunday morning, the church office during the week, or from Be y Rolley (480)380‐0147 to learn how you can par cipate. donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the GCUMC SCRIP Bus & Van Fund whenever you shop on AmazonSmile—same selec on— same prices! Just go to: h ps:// ch/86‐0621002 Bashas’ (6% rebate) Community Support Cards can be purchased (cash or check) from the church in denomina ons of $20, $50 or $100, and used at all AZ store loca ons, including AJ’s Fine Foods and Food City. When the card balance gets low (shown on store receipt), you can reload it at the Customer Service Desk or at the register before your order is rung up (up to $500) using cash, credit/debit card. Fry’s VIP Card (up to 3% rebate) Register your VIP card online with GCUMC’s affilia on #80092, or you can come to the Church Office and we’ll be glad to help. (Remember to renew your Fry's VIP card each August!) To become involved in any of the volunteer roles listed in this newsle er, or any others at GCUMC, please contact the Church Office and we’ll connect you with the appropriate individual! It all adds up… and the best thing is that it doesn’t cost you a penny to par cipate… It’s a WIN‐WIN situa on! 11 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church LOCAL MISSIONS & OUTREACH Is God calling you to step forward and become more involved in outreach to our local community? LOCAL MISSIONS – Provides supplemental funding for all Local Missions Ministries. Supports special requests from the pastor and church staff for youth, educa on and outreach programs and projects. Contact Cole e Bos (480)983‐2517 ANGEL TREE – Christmas ministry that provides food, clothing and gi s for families with school‐aged children. Contact church office (480)982‐3776 CITRUS GLEANING – Collects seasonal citrus fruit to support local food banks. (Jan–March) Contact church office (480)982‐3776 FOOD BANK – Provides emergency food support for local residents and the homeless. To make a dona on or volunteer contact church office (480)982‐3776 GENESIS PROJECT – Provides meals for homeless and needy in Apache Junc on and Gold Canyon. Contact church office (480)982‐3776 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – Assists low income families build & purchase decent, affordable homes. Contact Joe and Maureen Morton (602)284‐2826 HONEY DO MINISTRY – Provides skilled handyman services at no cost. Contact lynnelake@a .net OPEN BOOKS / OPEN HEARTS – Children’s book ministry for families with school‐aged children. To make a financial dona on or volunteer contact church office (480)982‐3776 ST. ANDREW’S CLINIC – Supports families in Sonora, Mexico seeking medical care in Nogales, AZ. Contact Gail Crawford (480)268‐0918 SIDEWALK CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES – Brings ac ve, engaging lessons about Christ’s love to children in Apache Junc on neighborhoods. To volunteer contact the church office (480)982‐ 3776 SOFIE’S START – Provides emergency household needs and mentoring to help families get back on their feet. To make a furniture or home goods dona on, or to recommend someone needing help contact Diana Linton (480)229‐0706 or Earl Beasley (602)384‐3074 STITCHES UNLIMITED – Makes quilts and afghans for adults in nursing homes, skilled nursing facili es, children in crisis shelters, or families in need. Contact church office (480)982‐3776 Keep our readers current on your Ministry/Mission area and submit your RoadRunner ar cle by the deadline! 12 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church Country News from Bob I am so proud to be an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church! We are free to differ in our views about anything—and do. But we hold each other in respect and love as a spiritual family. It reminds me of some of the conflicts of percep on between Peter and Paul, who some mes embarrassed the early Chris ans by the intensity of their arguments. Nevertheless, they were united in their commitment and devo on to Jesus. It seems to me that we have a unique opportunity to be agents of grace in this world of violence, hate and bigotry. The mixed up young man who shot and killed three police officers in Baton Rouge said before his rampage that “injus ce must be dealt with by violence.” How wrong could one person have been? Jesus showed us that injus ce, persecu on, prejudice and the violence of others must be met with graciousness and understanding. It is the only approach that can change anything for the good. The signs of police and community members in Cleveland coming together, some of the greatest athletes in the world (all black) standing together and calling for peace and a heightened awareness across the country that we are one na on of one people give us reason for hope and a direc on to move. I hope that United Methodists across the country will not only pray for hope and progress in unity, but lead the way by word and ac ons. Peace and joy, Bob Deits (By the way, weekly Country Western worship services begin August 28 and don’t stop un l June 2017… Y’all come, ya hear?!?) O W ’ F R ! Our Fall Women’s Retreat is only one overnight and being held at a new loca on— The Spirit of the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree—beginning on Sat., 9/17 at 9:00am, and ending on 9/18 at noon. We can’t say enough about this Retreat Center that offers all the ameni es and a beau ful se ng to make our me together memorable! The theme is “Walk Worthy” and the $130 cost covers lodging, three excellent buffet meals, conference room and chapel use, and materials. The beau ful spacious rooms are double‐ occupancy and each room has its own balcony or pa o… and all linens and towels are provided! There’s a pool and Jacuzzi, and a labyrinth and pathways to walk—all nestled amid the splendor of the Sonoran Desert. To register, please use the form on the next page of this newsle er, or pick one up from the Welcome Center Church Office. The sign‐up deadline is 9/1, so please register as soon as possible; a $50 non‐refundable deposit is required to save your space. If you can’t go, but wish to sponsor someone else, please contact Katharine Keller in the office. More details on the retreat will be shared upon registra on. 13 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 14 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church H YOU S U O GCUMC D Y ? Join the other GCUMC a endees who are already using our online GCUMC Church Directory, AccessACS, the database maintained at GCUMC. Accessible from any computer via the Internet (and there’s also a free correla ng “ChurchLife” App for smart phones), you can find contact informa on for other GCUMC a endees. Best of all, it’s much more up‐to‐date than our former paper directory, and a great way to communicate within our church family! How do I sign up? To log‐in to AccessACS, you must have an email address on file in the Church Office. To confirm you have an email address on file with us and get set‐up to use AccessACS for the first me, send an email to ChurchOffi[email protected]. We’ll then send you a confirma on email with the login instruc ons. Once you’ve received your confirma on email, to access ACS from your home, just follow the instruc ons contained in the email… and you’re in! Upon log‐in, you’ll be on a webpage called My Dashboard. You are encouraged to play around and explore various headings at the top: HOME—> I want to view... Available Small Groups My Complete Profile: Contains subcategories of My Profile which is your contact informa on on record Personal Info: When viewing your personal profile, please check for errors. It would be helpful if you would check the informa on for each member of your family for accuracy, par cularly grown children who may have moved away from our geographic area or be away at school. Please make necessary correc ons by clicking on the pencil icon. A window will appear where you can type your corrected informa on. When finished click on SUBMIT. Correc ons will be submi ed to the Administrator in the church office; a er changes are verified, you profile will be updated. Serving, and Groups Available Serving Opportuni es takes you to the SERVING tab where various GCUMC serving areas are listed. My Giving History takes you to where you can easily check your contribu on history HOME—> My Profile My Profile where you can verify and/or correct your contact informa on and see a list of other family members My Connec ons (not currently used) My Giving History My Pledge History: Where you can check your pledge informa on & status HOME—> My Account where you can add/edit your contact informa on and/or password HOME—> I’m interested in… where you can check the box(es) indica ng your areas of interest. HOME—> Search is where you can type in a por on of the first and last name to locate contact informa on of an individual. Please note that the GCUMC Member Directory is defaulted to include 15 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church the same informa on that has historically appeared in our printed Directory (i.e., name, address, phone number and email address). However, once you log‐in, you can change what informa on of yours is displayed using the Home/My Account/ Personal Preferences tabs HOME—> My Groups is where the groups in which you are involved are listed DIRECTORIES: To search for a member, type in their last name (or a por on thereof) and given name or nickname (goes by) and click Search. The contact informa on for the person you entered will appear. Under the Directories tab, you can view the church directories two ways. You can view records sorted as individuals or grouped as families. Make your selec on and click on Preview. The online directory will appear. You can print the directory if you choose to or save a copy to your home computer. THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT! The free Church Life App is available for your smart phone! From this app, you can call/text fellow church members, view map direc ons to friend’s homes, make a contribu on, register for events and view the church calendar. If you would like to have the Church Directory available on your phone, please follow the instruc ons on the next page: IPHONE: Go to App Store and download the ACS ChurchLife App Use the same login info as you did on your computer DROID: Go to the and download the ACS ChurchLife App, and then login Please always remember: NO financial informa on is available or displayed on AccessACS, ONLY GCUMC a endees have access to this directory, and All a endees have control over what contact informa on of theirs is included in the Directory Eventually we will have the ability to register for classes and events, allowing us to serve others more effec vely. More informa on will con nue to be available in the coming months to help you get connected! If you have any ques ons, we are here to help! In His Service, Riechia Ralston, GCUMC Office Manager 16 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church Wed Aug 17 Thu Aug 18 Fri Aug 19 Sun Aug 21 C BP ER KR NAR SoGR = = = = = C Back Patio Emmaus Rm Koinonia Rm Noah’s Ark Rm Sea of Galilee Rm K EB K MR S YR = = = = = Education Bldg Kitchen Music Rm Sanctuary Youth Rm Mon Aug 22 Tue Aug 23 (This calendar is subject to change; For more info, visit or call the Church Office) Mon Aug 1 Wed Aug 3 Thu Aug 4 Fri Aug 5 Sun Aug 7 Mon Aug 8 Tue Aug 9 Wed Aug 10 Thu Aug 11 Fri Aug 12 Sun Aug 14 Mon Aug 15 9:30am 1pm 3pm 7pm 7pm 9:30am 9am 6pm 5:30pm 8am 8am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:50am 10:50am 11am 6:30pm 9:30am 1pm 7pm 7pm 9am 9:30am 6pm 10am 5:30pm 8am 8am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:50am 10:50am 6:30pm 9:30am 1pm 3pm 7pm Wed Aug 24 Thu Aug 25 Fri Aug 26 Bible Banter (Offsite) Grief Support Mtg (SoGR) Stephen Ministry (ER) Al-Anon (SoGR) CoDA Mtg (ER) Music Library Activities (MR) Prayer Shawl Ministry (SoGR) Choir Rehearsal (MR) AA (ER) Sunday Morning Bible Study (ER) Traditional Worship (S) Uncommon Grace Rehearsal (KR) Children Sunday School (EB) Traditional Worship (S) Youth Participate in Worship (S) Praise Worship (KR) Pre-K Children's Sunday School (NAR) "Being Methodist" Class (ER) Youth Group (7th-12th); (YR/ER/K) Bible Banter (Offsite) Grief Support Mtg (SoGR) Al-Anon (SoGR) CoDA Mtg (ER) Stitches Unlimited (ER/SoGR) Music Library Activities (MR) Choir Rehearsal (MR) Mind Menders (ER) AA (ER) Sunday Morning Bible Study (ER) Traditional Worship (S) Uncommon Grace Rehearsal (KR) Children & Youth Sunday School (EB) Traditional Worship (S) Praise Worship (KR) Pre-K Children's Sunday School (NAR) Youth Group (7th-12th); (YR/ER/K) Bible Banter (Offsite) Grief Support Mtg (SoGR) Stephen Ministry (ER) Al-Anon (SoGR) Sun Aug 28 Mon Aug 29 Tue Aug 30 Wed Aug 31 17 7pm 9:30am 9am 6pm 5:30pm 8am 8am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:50am 10:50am 6:30pm 9:30am 1pm 7pm 7pm 9am 5:30pm 6pm 9:30am 6pm 10am 5:30pm 8am 8am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:50am 10:50am 5pm 6:30pm 9:30am 1pm 6:30pm 7pm 7pm All day 5:30pm 8:30am 9:30am CoDA Mtg (ER) Music Library Activities (MR) Prayer Shawl Ministry (SoGR) Choir Rehearsal (MR) AA (ER) Sunday Morning Bible Study (ER) Traditional Worship (S) Uncommon Grace Rehearsal (KR) Children & Youth Sunday School (EB) Traditional Worship (S) Praise Worship (KR) Pre-K Children's Sunday School (NAR) Youth Group (7th-12th); (YR/ER/K) Bible Banter (Offsite) Grief Support Mtg (SoGR) Al-Anon (SoGR) CoDA Mtg (ER) Stitches Unlimited (ER/SoGR) Houser Gang Rehearsal (KR) Trustee Mtg (Pastor Fred's Ofc) Music Library Activities (MR) Choir Rehearsal (MR) Mind Menders (ER) AA (ER) Sunday Morning Bible Study (ER) Traditional Worship (S) Uncommon Grace Rehearsal (KR) Children & Youth Sunday School (EB) Traditional Worship (S) Praise Worship (KR) Pre-K Children's Sunday School (NAR) Country Worship w/ The Housers (KR) Youth Group (7th-12th); (YR/ER/K) Bible Banter (Offsite) Grief Support Mtg (SoGR) Ad Council Mtg (KR) Al-Anon (SoGR) CoDA Mtg (ER) Polling Place Precinct #48 (KR) One in the Spirit/Houser Rehearsal (KR) Newsletter Team (MR) Music Library Activities (MR) Gold Canyon United Methodist Church August Celebrations Happy Birthday! Arquisch, Rosemary 08/01 Ballard, David 08/01 Crosswhite, Carol 08/01 Larrew, Duane 08/01 Nuss, Kathy 08/01 Tufte, Wanda 08/01 Klaers, Mary 08/02 Morris, Claudia 08/02 Vagnier, Barb 08/02 Snyder, Toby 08/03 Adkins, George 08/04 Gloss, Marlene 08/04 Hodges, Shirley 08/04 Ofstedahl, Sherrill (Sherrie) 08/04 Walker, Linda 08/04 Fuerherm, Roy 08/05 Little, Margaret (Margie) 08/05 Nelimark, MD, Robert (Bob) 08/05 Nelimark, Susan (Sue) 08/05 Barnes, Dick 08/06 Storley, LeRoy 08/06 Fitzgerald, Ashton 08/07 Johnson, Joe 08/07 Klaers, Nicholas (Nick) 08/07 Mintert, Frank 08/07 Hall, Lindsey 08/08 Johnson, Pete 08/09 Laich, Evelyn (Flossie) 08/09 Moore, Wendy 08/09 Ramsey, Bill 08/09 Browne, Kimberly (Kim) 08/10 Hughes, Stephen 08/10 Renfer, Paul 08/10 Criswell, E G (Cris) 08/11 Kellough, Marilyn 08/11 Wilke, Barbara 08/11 Burzlaff, David 08/12 Ervin, Jo Ann 08/12 Hayes, Jane 08/12 Kies, David (Dave) 08/12 Mintert, Zenith 08/12 O'Donnell, Cheryl 08/12 Jelinek, Don 08/13 Wiff, Tom 08/13 Adams, Markee 08/14 Bennett, Ruth 08/14 French, Jerri 08/14 Galbraith, Toni 08/14 Gregg, Bill 08/15 Halverson, Judy 08/15 Miller, Roger 08/15 Cline, Donald 08/16 Hurley, Donna 08/16 Lilly, Sue 08/16 Lindaman, Don 08/16 Atkinson, Judy 08/17 Bentley, Martha 08/17 Butler, Joan 08/17 Butterbrodt, Sandra 08/17 Vander Stoep, Karen 08/17 Edwards, William (Bill) 08/18 Hick, Adrian 08/18 Aspenson, Rosemary 08/19 Hall, Richard (Rick) 08/19 McClure, Bob 08/19 Nuss, John 08/19 Bogle, Evelyn (Evie) 08/20 Bos, Sara 08/20 Fitzgerald, Chris 08/20 Jones, Tara 08/20 Deits, Bob 08/22 DeVries, Deanna 08/22 Gingrich, Sharron 08/22 Linton, John 08/22 Schultheiss, Patricia 08/22 Vagnier, Mike 08/22 Welker, June 08/22 Braathen, Florence (Flo) 08/23 Hahn, Jan 08/23 Hochhalter, DeMaris 08/23 Jones, Linda 08/23 Osborn, Barbara 08/23 Steinkruger, Terry 08/23 Taylor, Jim 08/23 Adamski, Carol 08/24 Brogren, Ann 08/24 Rasmussen, Diane 08/24 Sunderland, Lois 08/24 Toole, Donna 08/24 Fuerherm, Donna 08/25 Johnson, Mark 08/25 Sheridan, Robert (Bob) 08/25 Winter, Karen 08/25 DuPont, Gene 08/26 Svoboda, Ronald (Ron) 08/27 Wiff, Bette 08/27 Huffman, Eugene (Gene) 08/28 Rodgers, Barb 08/28 Thibodeau, Landyn 08/28 Zieglowsky, James 08/28 Burt, Carolyn 08/29 Cascaden, Brian 08/29 Creel, Cherie 08/29 Sauerbrunn, Gary 08/29 Sweeney, Kenneth (Ken) 08/29 Bentley, Ann-Marie 08/30 Fendley, Penny 08/30 Hare, Robert (Bob) 08/30 Jacobsen, Robert (Bob) 08/31 Johnson, Glenn 08/31 Tambke, Norma 08/31 Toppin, James 08/31 Williams, Sandra (Sandy) 08/31 18 Happy Anniversary! Luse, Robert (Bob) & Carol 08/01 Myers, Robert & Mary Catherine 08/01 Rosenberg, Joe & Rose 08/01 Larson, Craig & Sharon 08/03 Cascaden, Brian & Lisa 08/04 Petticrew, Keith & Nancy 08/04 Tabor, Lynn & Ilene 08/05 Gray, Daniel (Dan) & Phyllis 08/08 Graham, Richard (Rich) & Claudia 08/09 Goodrich, Bud & Wozniak, Carolyn 08/10 Kies, David (Dave) & Sherry 08/10 Nelimark, Bob & Sue 08/10 Fabish, Paul & Kathy 08/11 Ralston, Tim & Riechia 08/11 LaViolette, John & Carol Ann 08/12 Schiager, Roger & Donna 08/13 Quanstrom, Wally & Fay 08/14 Barnett, Duane & Karen 08/16 Hughes, William & Kathryn 08/16 Mulhair, Bob & Delna 08/17 Jones, Morgan & Linda 08/18 Anderson, Don & Beth 08/19 Graba, Joseph (Joe) & Sylvia 08/19 Renfer, Paul & Patricia 08/19 Wilson, Don & Peg 08/21 Burzlaff, David & Julie 08/22 Heyse, Ray & Jan 08/22 Hulett, Gordon & Audrey 08/22 Annin, Frank & Karin 08/23 Cowles, James & Elizabeth 08/23 Gale, Richard (Dick) & Betty 08/23 Hall, Richard (Rick) & Cheryl 08/23 Svoboda, Richard & Beverly 08/23 Sheridan, Michael & Valerie 08/24 Robison, Tom &Marty 08/25 Russell, Bob & Nancy 08/25 Confer, Terry & Lynne 08/26 Johnson, Pete & Kathleen (Kay) 08/26 Ancell, Bob & Alyce 08/27 Hick, Adrian & Pam Ryan-Hick 08/27 Behan, Jack & Connie 08/28 Cook, Lynn & Kay 08/28 Fyfe, Bill & Angie 08/28 Kresge, Willard & Betty 08/28 Aspenson, Orland & Rosemary 08/29 Eby, Erwin & Shirley 08/29 McGinness, Patrick & Anne 08/29 Eshelman, Skip & Myrna 08/30 McMahon, Mike & Shirley 08/30 Beebe, Bill & Kathy 08/31 Jameson, James (Jim) & Suzanne 08/31 McBride, Woodrow (Gene) & Paula 08/31 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church D A Let no debt remain outstanding except the con nuing debt to love one another… Romans 13:8 (NIV) JUNE 2013 2013 General Building 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 Worship Worship Worship General Building General Building General Building All All All Worship All 1st 15975 15810 525 15752 7549 556 20185 18531 617 20839 7935 686 2nd 0919 4455 593 12000 3327 537 12497 3768 627 10677 4405 711 3rd 11004 3379 49 12923 6570 522 15741 5892 501 15553 16455 691 4th 7399 2353 516 8521 2660 468 9432 3285 632 8925 2263 790 5th 6699 3090 508 7200 2640 485 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ TOTAL 50895 29087 2291 56396 22746 2568 57855 31476 2377 55995 31058 2878 Electronic giving is a great way to make contribu ons! If you use any type of electronic payment system to sa sfy your pledge and you change your pledge, remember you must also make the change to your electronic payment provider. Forms are available in the Church Office or can be emailed to you. Want to give back to GCUMC beyond your pledge to the General Budget or the Building Fund? Below are some items that will be er enable us to fulfill our mission as a church: Bus/Van Garage Food Bank Building — $350,000 ($120,000 given) Playground — $20,000‐40,000 Stained Glass for upper Sanctuary windows — $105,000 ($3,000 per panel) Building Fund Loan Payoff (2015: Prepaid $100,000) Organ Pipes W GCUMC L If you think we may have your missing item, stop by the Church Office and check out the “Lost & Found” box! I ! Gone for the Summer? Watch the 8:00am & 9:30am services live by going to a few minutes before service! Click on “Watch” and “Search Events & Accounts…” and type in “Gold Canyon United Methodist Church” Select GCUMC under “Accounts” You can also view past services on the webpage! D September Roadrunner — 8am, Monday, 8/8/2016 Weekly Bulle n — 12pm Wednesdays Flower Orders — 12pm Wednesdays to be listed that week GCUMC Publica ons are brought to you by Riechia Ralston, Dee Ashe, the Roadrunner Assembly Team and Mailing Coordinator, the Friday Bulle n Assembly Team… and many other treasured volunteers! 19 Gold Canyon United Methodist Church 6640 S Kings Ranch Road, Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Phone: 480‐982‐3776 Fax: 480‐671‐0028 Email: churchoffi[email protected] Web: Non‐Profit Organiza on U.S. Postage PAID Apache Junc on, Arizona Permit No. 64 GCUMC Staff Senior Pastor Fred A. Steinberg Associate Pastor Bob Deits Associate Pastor Fay Quanstrom Associate Pastor Joel Hurley Dir. of Education Katharine Keller [email protected] Dir. of Music Ministries Douglas J. Benton [email protected] Assoc. Dir. of Music David Ballard [email protected] Assoc. Dir. of Music Cynthia Hoff [email protected] Dir. of Youth Ministries Beth Steinberg Office Manager Riechia Ralston [email protected] Admin. Associate Dee Ashe Facility Care Taker Rick Ceynar Financial Secretary Georgia Kirkpatrick Nursery Care Giver Sherry Hussein Parish Nurse TBN Pianists Treasurer Carol Ballard Linda Jones Marty Robison Cris Criswell Volunteer Coordinator Jane Hayes E-mail Prayer Chain [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Return ServiceResident Requested Addressee or Current [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sunday School Schedule Children’s Sunday School classes begin in the Worship Service with their families. Children are led to their classrooms a er the Children’s Sermon. @goldcanyonUMC Please help GCUMC Save Postage! Make the switch and receive your Roadrunner Newsle er by email! You can even have it sent to mul ple emails in the same household! Just fill out the below and place your completed form in the offering plate, mail it to us, or turn it into the church office. You can also email your request to churchoffi[email protected]. Adult Fellowship Class Children Youth (7th—12th grade) Children Worship Schedule 8:00am & 9:30am TRADITIONAL ~ Sanctuary 1. Name______________________________________ and E‐Mail_____________________________________ 2. 8:00am 9:30am 9:30am 10:50am 10:50am PRAISE ~ Koinonia Room 5:00pm Name______________________________________ and E‐Mail_____________________________________ COUNTRY ~ Koinonia Room (Last Sunday of the month only in June, July & August) Childcare Provided at ALL Services 20
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