July 31, 2016 - St. Theodore Catholic Church
July 31, 2016 - St. Theodore Catholic Church
785 Sam Houston Jones Parkway Lake Charles, LA 70611 P.O. Box 12726 Lake Charles, LA 70612 337.855.6662 Fr. John Huckaby, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Leo Hebert [email protected] www.mossbluffcatholic.org • [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Anticipated…....4:30 PM Sunday ………..8:30 & 10:30 AM Sunday Life Teen Mass….5:30 PM Monday………………....6:15 AM Tuesday……………...….8:30 AM Wednesday……………...6:15 AM Thursday School Mass….8:30 AM Friday…………………..12:05 PM Saturday…………...……8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday…………...3:15-4:15 PM Sunday…………….7:45-8:15 AM 9:45-10:15 AM 4:30-5:15 PM Weekdays by appointment CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM—2:00PM Closed for lunch 12:00—1:00PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact Pastor Six Months in Advance of Wedding Date. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal Prep Classes are held the last Sunday of the month at 2pm. Contact Church Office to register. Our Mission Statement: Anchored in Jesus Christ and centered on the Holy Eucharist, Saint Theodore Catholic Church is a beacon of hope in the Moss Bluff community through prayer, spiritual formation, evangelization and service to all God’s people. Trustees: Mrs. Gwen Himel Mr. Vic Stelly Church Office (337) 855-6662; Church Fax (337) 855-6663 Mrs. Kathie Snider, Bookkeeper Mrs. Ruthie Singer, Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Priscilla Thibodeaux, Ministry of Parish Secretary Ms. Barbara Cox, Receptionist & Minister of Hospitality Youth Ministry Office (337) 855-4401 Mrs. Laura Adams Fisher, Life Teen and Youth Ministry Mr. Evan Pickle, Junior High Minister CCD Office (337) 515-8699 Mrs. Sherry Livingston, CCD Coordinator Ms. Sandi Robinson, CCD Assistant Coordinator St. Theodore Finance Council Mr. Timothy Aguillard Mr. Rufus Fruge Mrs. Gwen Himel, Trustee Fr. John Huckaby, Chair Sr. Catherine Leroux, S.E., Pastoral Council Representative Mrs. Kathie Snider, St. Theodore Bookkeeper Mr. Vic Stelly, Trustee Mrs. Missy Stewart Sara Roberts St. Theodore Pastoral Council Mrs. Jennifer Bellon, Holy Family Catholic School Principal Ms. Cherryle Fruge, OFS, Secretary and Social Justice Commission Animator Mr. Ron Guillory, Religious Education Commission Animator Deacon Leo Hebert Fr. John Huckaby, Chair Mrs. Gwen Himel, Finance Council Representative Sr. Catherine Leroux, S.E., Vice-Chair Mr. James Oliver Ms. Theresa “Boo” Stutes, Prayer and Worship Commission Animator Ms. Mary Jane Vaughn Mr. Vic Stelly St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School (337) 855-9465 Jennifer Bellon, Principal St. Louis Catholic High School (337) 436-7275 Deacon Christopher Fontenot, Principal Mr. James Burnham, School Board Representative Mrs. Kimberlee Gazzolo, School Board Superintendant Thank you!!! for your OFFERTORY July 24, 2016 $ 17,886.00 Automatic transfers are available for offertory. Please contact the office for details. When moving Church parishes, please remember to notify your previous parish. To our newest registered parishioners & those visiting welcome. May you find faith, fellowship, love, and peace. Online Registration for CCD, LifeTeen, & Confirmation is now available. Fees are due upon registering online. Sr. Cathy will offer the August Bible Series beginning August 3rd. Registration is WORLD YOUTH DAY necessary for planning. Contact the 2016 church office to sign up. The deadline is August 1st. Join various families of the diocese for the Pilgrimage The Symbolon Series to Poland and Rome for World Youth Day, July starts 25August 5, 2016. For moreMonday, September 12th. Symbolon is a ground new series that unveils information contactbreaking www.holytravels.org/wyd or at the (877) beauty454-7469 and brilliance of Catholicism. It will be & ask for Kayla or Heidi Guidryon@ Monday evenings from 6-7:45pm is and will run untilnow. 337-912-1502. Registration taking place October 10th @ the Activity Center. It will continue its series on sessions 6-10. Workbooks are $15 but if you already have your workbook from the previous sessions there is NO registration Fee. You can call the front office to register or go online at: http://mossbluffcatholic.org/symbolon San Damiano Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order will NOT meet in August. Meetings will resume on September 11th in @ St. Philip Neri @ 1pm. Join us for the first annual Priests vs. Seminarians Kickball Summer Classic! Fr. Jeffrey Starkovich and a team of priests will compete against Trey Ange and the diocesan seminarians in a competitive game of kickball to support the priests retirement and seminary education funds. Join us August 6th @ 10am at the Lake Charles Multi-Sports Complex at 3200 Power Center Pkwy. Tickets are available at the gate for a @10 suggested donation. Want to keep up with the Capital Campaign progress? You can visit: http://campaign.lcdiocese.org/ Online Giving is now available on the campaign website for your convenience. Dear Parishioners: As we enjoy the remaining weeks of Summer, I give thanks to God for all that our parish has done since school let out in May – the Men’s ACTS retreat; preparation for the Women’s ACTS retreat scheduled for August 25-28; Cursillo retreats; Vacation Bible School; the Junior CDA Garage Sale; the Diocese of Lake Charles Capital Campaign; the Altar Society Raffle; the beautiful prayer service for Grayce LaRocca; Altar Server trainings; EDGE middle school hangouts; the Christian Leadership Institute for 130 youth; the Catholic Daughters Le Chapeux event; the Knights of Columbus Trash Bash; the Gabriel Project success stories with two families; the Summer Reflection Series with Sr. Catherine Leroux, which continues August 3rd; plus time spent planning for Holy Family Catholic School’s opening on August 17th; the new CCD program year that begins August 24th; the new Life Teen year that begins September 11th; the Fall Symbolon Series Part II that begins September 12th, and the new RCIA year that begins on September 18th. All of this – plus the other ministries that quietly keep going all year long – are what makes St. Theodore Catholic Church the vibrant, faith-filled community that it is. I could not be more proud to call it home. Some upcoming events: This Wednesday, August 3rd, the Youth Ministry will be going to Artesian Springs. See Laura Fisher for details. That evening, the Holy Family Catholic School PTC will meet at 5:30 p.m. This Saturday, August 6th, the priests of the Diocese will take on the Seminarians in a kickball tournament at the Lake Charles Multi-Sports Complex, 3200 Power Center Parkway. Suggested donation is $10.00 with children entering for free. Proceeds will benefit the Priest Retirement Fund and the Seminarian Education Fund. Also at 10 am on Saturday, the Catholics In Action ministry to our homebound parishioners resumes their monthly meetings in the Conference Room. On Wednesday, August 10th in the morning, Holy Family will host a meet and greet for families at the school. That evening at 5:30 p.m., Seminarian Trey Ange will be ordained Deacon at OLQH at 6 p.m. On Thursday, August 11th, St. Theodore and Moss Bluff United Methodist Church will co-host the annual back-to-school barbeque luncheon for all faculty and staff of Moss Bluff’s public and parochial schools. We look forward to working with their new Pastor Mark Bray and other men and women of faith throughout our community to express our gratitude and appreciation for those who help to educate and form our children throughout the school year. Special thanks to our Be A Man group and the Knights of Columbus for helping to cook and serve. On Saturday, August 13th, we will host the CCD in-service for all new and returning catechists and aides. We will begin with Mass at 8:30 a.m. followed by a morning and early afternoon filled with information and resources to prepare for another wonderful year of the Diocese’s largest religious education program. We still need catechists and aides, so it’s not too late to put your gifts in the service of our families in CCD. On Sunday, August 14th, after the 10:30 A.M. Mass, the Be A Man group will host a coffee/donut social to let parishioners know about the group and how the men of our parish can help to support one another in the quest to be Godly men, spiritual leaders, and true husbands and fathers in their families. The group is open to both married and unmarried men and includes food, fellowship, and formation each Tuesday night beginning at 6 p.m. in the Activity Center. Be watching the bulletin for other ministry post-summer start-ups very soon. If you are new to our parish, we invite you to come join us in one or more of our ministries – get to know some amazing people of faith, help to bring Christ to our community – and soon you’ll realize that you’re right at home. St. Theodore, pray for us. Fr. Huckaby MONDAY 8/1—Jer 28:1-17; Mt 14:13-21 6:15 AM—Mass 7:00 PM—AA Meeting TUESDAY 8/2—St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop & St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest—Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Mt 14:22-36 8:30 AM– Mass 9:00 AM—Rosary Guild 3:00 PM—High School Hangout 6:00 PM—“Be A Man” Men’s Fellowship Group (@ Activity Center) WEDNESDAY 8/3—Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28 6:15 AM—Mass 9:00 AM—Artesian Springs Lake Trip (Youth Trip) 6:00pm—Troubadour Choir 6:00 PM—Summer Reflection Series THURSDAY 8/4—Jer 31:31-34; Mt 16:13-23 8:30 AM– Mass 6:00 PM—Catechesis For All (CFA) 6:30 PM—KC Business Meeting FRIDAY 8/5—The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major— Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Mt 16:24-28 12:05 PM– Mass SATURDAY 8/6—Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Lk 9:28b-36 8:30 AM—Mass 10:00 AM—CIA Meeting 10:00 AM—Seminarians Vs. Priest Kickball Tournament 4:30 PM– Mass SUNDAY 8/7—19th Sunday in Ordinary Time— Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12; Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 8:30 AM—Mass 10:30 AM—Mass 2:00 PM—Jr. CDA Meeting (@ Enrichment Bldg) 5:30 PM—Mass No Meetings in the Month of July: CDA & Altar Society CCD– PREP ST THEODORE CCD MINISTRY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS ! See www.mossbluffcatholic.org Under “Religious Education” Email:[email protected] *Training available, August 13, 2016, 8:20am-2:30pm Online registration for children gr. 1-8, mossbluffcatholic.org WE NEED VOLUNTEERS CATECHISTSAIDES4pm= 1 needed 4pm= 1 needed 5:30pm= 2 needed 5:30pm= 0 needed 7pm= 6 needed 7pm= 2 needed (able to teach too) FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL OR TEXT SHERRY AT 515-8699 OR EMAIL to [email protected] *1 DVD player *1 Rolling TV cart *1 six foot HDMI cord *3, 12ft. Multi-plug extension cords Keynote Speaker CCD begins Wednesday, August 24 CCD WISH LIST ! Tuesday, October 4th Lake Charles Civic Center Doors & Silent Auction Open @ 6pm. Online Registration Now Available Sunday, August 21st Parent Orientation @ 6:45 in the church TICKET INFORMATION: Email: [email protected] 337.474.7003 LifeTeen Fee: $40.00 Confirmation & Retreat Fee: $120 First Life Night Sunday, September 11th @ 7pm Find event forms online @mossbluffcatholic.org/youth-ministry Keep up with us on Instagram @Sttheo_Lifeteen Be A Man group is hosting a coffee and donut social after 10:30am Mass on August 14th in the Activity Center. MONDAY, 8/1: 6:15 AM - RUBY ARDOIN by Rita Carrier TUESDAY, 8//2: 8:30 AM - STANLEY & BEVERLY CHOTIN SR by Stephanie Davis WEDNESDAY, 8./3: 6:15 AM - SARA MARTIN THURSDAY, 8/4: 8:30 AM - BRADLEY & NELLIE STUTES by Family & Friends; *GWEN CROFT; *EMILY TRAHAN; *ALLIE TRAHAN; *JOY GASPARD & FAMILY; *FRED ARDOIN JR by Rita Carrier FRIDAY, 8/5: 12:05 PM - DR & MRS G A VARINO SATURDAY, 8/6 : (8:30 AM) -ALL LIVING & DECEASED ALTAR SOCIETY MEMBERS; (4:30 PM) - TAMMY GROVE by Mandy & Jack Robichaux; *RONNIE LEJEUNE & FAMILY; *KENNY LOANE; *RAGAN GASPARD & FAMILY; *TARRY FRANCK; *BILLIE CHAVANNE; *MAUDRY CONNER by Paula Oliver; *TAMMY LAFLEUR by Jeff & Angela Patton SUNDAY, 8/7: (8:30 AM) - GEORGE CONRAD by Martina; (10:30 AM) - CADE HIMEL BIRTHDAY by Allen & Gwen Himel; (5:30 PM) - MASS FOR THE PEOPLE *Intentions after the asterisk will be sent to the Diocese. Trey Ange will be ordained transitional deacon Wednesday, August 10th @ 6PM in Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church in Lake Charles. His reception following the ceremony will be at their Family Life Community Center. Donations are now being accepted for food and flowers. Contact Elaine Trahan @ 474-0178 or email [email protected] for contributions or details. The following Position is available for the upcoming year 2016-2017: Extended Care Worker for after school care If interested please call the school office @ 855-9465 or email: [email protected] Seats available in Pre-K for the 2016-2017 school year. Scholarships are available. If you wish to give him a gift, he has a wish list at Crossroads Bookstore on West Prien Lake Road in Lake Charles. St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School is now accepting applications for the Nonpublic Schools Early Childhood Development Program (NSECD). If you or someone you know has a 4 year old, The Nonpublic Schools Early Childhood Development Program provides low-income families the opportunity to attend state-approved private preschools and child care centers. The program serves more than 1,000 preschool children annually, providing six hours of daily instruction. Applications can be picked up in the school office. Patricia Ann Quebodeaux School will resume Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Please Pray for the Sick Walker Alvey Jody Anderson Dannie Ardoin Sandra Ardoin Sheila Ardoin Edwina Ash* Gary Ash* Vicki Bailey Jamie Barlow* Karen Cradeur Bellard Lori Benoit Colsten Boudreaux Jennifer Broussard Stephen Broussard* Wayne Broussard Amos Buller Luke Burnham Caprice Bush* Becky Ash Cart Ernie & Joyce Cart Richard Cole Ricky Cole Jaline Cormier Marsha Cormier Karen Crader Dolores Daigle Judy Daigle Christa Darbonne Billy David Dave Davis Beryl Deshotel Tyler Willis Deyarmin Craig Doucet* Lance Doxey George Duhon Randolph & Bernice Ebarbe Onelia Favilla Georgie Fontenot Gerald Fontenot Jude Fontenot Kenneth & Geneva Fontenot Doris Fruge Joseph Maxwell Fuselier Nicolas Fuselier Allen Gardiner & Family Herbert & Wilma Gilbeaux Kathy Grob* Cassandra Guillory* Chloe Guillory* Anna Marie Hayes Angela Hebert* Beulah Hebert Samuel Hicks* Ken Higginbotham* Bobby & Sally Hoffpauir Mary Hollier Janet Hufstetlier Denise Hughes Randy Hull* Tom Hunt Donald Johnson Sandy Landry Grayce LaRacca DL Laster Doc & Doris Latham* Mike Lester Ed Liptak Nanette Lonkowski Danny Mallette Gerald Mallette Gerald Manuel Paul Manuel Mike Martin Linda Mathis* Sue & Sarah Mattix* Kenny McCain Renee McCall Kade McCain Skylar McCain Roxanne McCain* Cindy McElhaney* Bobby McGraw Mark Menard Marilyn Meshell Marie Moore* Addie Naquin Shannon Noda Andy Ogea* Dempsey & Shirley Pappion Mike Parker Sue Parker* Debra Parks CELEBRANTS AUGUST 6TH & 7TH 4:30 MASS-FR. MILLER & Yvonne Picou* Fr. Don Piraro Shayla Prejean Milford Primeaux Maria Puig Jean Reed Tricia Reed* Chad Reeves Donna Reeves Mark Reichley* Hubert Riggs Belinda Rivers Robert Rivers Nooney Roberts Grayce Romero* Laskie & Cleo Rougeau John Sabriquze* Sarah Savell* Gilbert Sonnier Annette St. Romain Cori Sudderth Jan Suydam John & Nora Theriot* David Thibodeaux Eva Thompson* Todd Talbot Allen Trahan Anna Grace Trahan Richard Tramuta* Helen Veillon Roger Webb* Larry White This list has been recently purged of names submitted more than four months ago. If you see a name here that can be taken off, or feel a name is missing, please call the office. Anytime you would like to add a sick person to the list, please call the office @ 855-6662. LECTORS 10:30 MASS-FR. HUCKABY 5:30 MASS-FR. HUCKABY ACTS Core Team— Danny Landry, Facilitator 661-1280 Sheree Richey, Co Facilitator 249-6566 Altar Servers—Tebble Robertson 274-1196 Altar Society— Jennifer Ardoin 302-6645 Angel Gabriel— Ashley Carrier 304-5810 & Allison Walker 274-4475 Be A Man Prayer Group— Jeff Dupont 855-8670 & Shannon Ledoux 302-4555 Catholic Committee on Scouting— Susan Fontenot 905-2812 Catholic Daughters— Janet Lowery 217-0755 Jr. CDA— Jennifer Foreman 217-3258 Catholics in Action— Beverly Barbery 526-2558 CFA (Catechesis for All)— Cherryle Fruge, SFO 438-2720 Children’s Church— Renee McCall 526-9071 Church Décor & Garden—Theresa “Boo” Stutes 794-0523 Community Chest 855-4602 Creighton Model Fertility Care— Bonnie Kron (By Appt.) 377-7953 Divine Mercy— Dorothy Hebert 853-1621 Eucharistic Adoration— Mary Hebert & Penny Gallow 433-5683 Extraordinary Ministers— Stan Shreve 794-3323 Feeding the Grieving Souls— Jackie Breaux, Priscilla Ardoin, & Sue Crochet Food For the Poor— Kirk Guillory 217-0741 Greeters & Ushers— Gary Ash 725-3979 & Boo Stutes 794-0523 JPIC—Kennedy Picard, Jr. Animator [email protected] Knights of Columbus #3622— Ben McDaniel 436-4262 K.C. Hall Rental— Mike Fruge 853-9151 Lector Coordinator— Sylvia Del Carmen Duhon 526-8963 Mission Coordinator— Pat Fox 842-4289 Music Ministries— Christy Almaguer, Dir. 263-3288 Resurrection Choir— Peggy Guillory 274-4460 Guitar Choir— Tom Brandow 274-5279 Lay Carmelites—Ruth McDaniel 526-3085 Life Teen Choir— Robby Alleman 884-6822 New Life Counseling— Pregnant? Need to Talk? 474-7003 Prayer Blanket Ministry —Margie Castille 426-7860 Prayer Ministry— Newellyn “Nooney” Roberts 855-4457 Priest Vocation—Rev. Jeff Starkovich Radio Maria— Denise Smith 292-4984 Regnum Christi— Respect Life Ministry— Andy & Rachellia Sonnier 526-5947 R.C.I.A.— Gary & Susan Courrege 855-2078 Rosary Guild— Joyce Mattix 855-2328 & Karen Guillory 855-6307 S.A.L.T.— Cherryle Fruge, OFS 438-2720 Secular Franciscan Order— Cherryle Fruge, OFS 438-2720 Sisters of Emanuel—Sr. Cathy and Sr. Claire Ultreya/Women’s Cursillo— Angela Patton 274-4292 Women Of Faith—Cindy Wilks 660-1911 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS TRUDY BASS 1 GLORIA HENRY 5 DEACON LEO HEBERT INDIA PRIMEAUX SYLVIA DEL CARMEN DUHON 2 PATTY BROWN 6 JOANNA GUILLORY DANIEL DUQUE 3 ROSE HIGGINBOTHAM 7 LINDA SONNIER DC. LEO HEBERT 8:30 MASS-FR. MILLER MINISTRIES,ORGANIZATIONS, & RELIGIOUS LIFE 4 FR. WHITNEY MILLER 8 MARGIE CASTILLE SR. CLAIRE PELLERIN 1 JUANITA MALLETTE 5 JAMES MISTRETTA SR. CATHERINE LEROUX 2 MARTINA CONRAD 6 ELAINE ABSHIRE 3 VIRGINIA THIBODEAUX 7 GWEN HIMEL 4 LAYLA LEBEOUF FR. WHITNEY MILLER 8 JANIE JACOBSON DENISE SMITH 1 TRENT CLARK 5 **NEED VOLUNTEER** HUNTER DAWDY BUD BARLOW 2 BRENDA MCCAIN 6 SHEILA POUSSON ALEX GOTTE 3 SHEREE RICHEY 7 FREDERICKA GORUM JOHN PATTON 4 FR. HUCKABY 8 JENNY ARDOIN JANET LOWERY 1 DENISE SMITH 5 **NEED VOLUNTEER** ALEX LILES 2 SARAH ELFERT 6 MILTON HEBERT JR. 3 CHARLES WOODARD 7 USHARY BELLARD FR. HUCKABY 8 CINDY ROBBINS 4 REGAN ROWLAND NAVARRA’S Jewelry & Gifts 337-433-3637 You Have A Voice. Designer Lines Available: You Have A Choice. MICHAEL KORS • BANANA REPUBLIC GUESS • TOMMY HILFIGER NIKE • WILEY X CANDIES • NINE WEST • • 1025 Ryan Street • Visit Us Today! 4315 Lake Street, Ste. 2 Health/Fitness Center • www.navarras.com Short Stay Keith Menard, O.D. Introducing Patrick Fontenot, O.D. 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