September 20, 2015 - St. Theodore Catholic Church
September 20, 2015 - St. Theodore Catholic Church
St. Theodore Catholic Church 785 Sam Houston Jones Parkway Lake Charles, LA 70611 P.O. Box 12726 Lake Charles, LA 70612 337.855.6662 Fr. John Huckaby, Pastor [email protected] Deacon Leo Hebert [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Anticipated……….4:30 PM Sunday ……………..8:30 & 10:30 AM Sunday Life Teen Mass…….5:30 PM Monday………………………..6:15 AM Tuesday……………………….8:30 AM Wednesday…………………...6:15 AM Thursday School Mass…….8:30 AM Friday………………………...12:05 PM Saturday………………………8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday………………...3:15-4:15 PM Sunday………………….7:45-8:15 AM 9:45-10:15 AM 4:30-5:15 PM Weekdays by appointment CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday—Thursday 9:00 AM—4:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM—2:00PM Closed for lunch 12:00—1:00PM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact Pastor Six Months in Advance of Wedding Date SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal Prep Classes are held the last Sunday of the month at 2pm. Contact Church Office to register. * [email protected] Trustees: Mr. Timothy Aguillard Ms. Mary Jane Vaughn DID YOU KNOW??? Church Office (337) 855-6662; Church Fax (337) 855-6663 Mrs. Kathie Snider, Bookkeeper Mrs. Ruthie Singer, Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Priscilla Thibodeaux, Ministry of Parish Secretary Ms. Barbara Cox, Receptionist & Minister of Hospitality Youth Ministry Office (337) 855-4401 Mrs. Laura Adams Fisher, Life Teen and Youth Ministry Mr. Evan Pickle, Junior High Minister CCD Office (337) 515-8699 Mrs. Sherry Livingston, CCD Coordinator Ms. Sandi Robinson, CCD Assistant Coordinator St. Theodore Finance Council Mr. Timothy Aguillard, Trustee and Secretary Mr. Rufus Fruge Mrs. Gwen Himel, Vice-Chair Fr. John Huckaby, Chair Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Sr. Catherine Leroux, S.E., Pastoral Council Representative Mrs. Kathie Snider, St. Theodore Bookkeeper Mr. Vic Stelly Ms. Mary Jane Vaughn, Trustee. St. Theodore Pastoral Council Mr. Timothy Aguillard, Trustee Mrs. Jennifer Bellon, Holy Family Catholic School Principal Ms. Cherryle Fruge, OFS, Secretary and Social Justice Commission Animator Ms. Patricia Fox, Evangelization Commission Animator Mr. Ron Guillory, Religious Education Commission Animator Deacon Leo Hebert Fr. John Huckaby, Chair Mrs. Gwen Himel, Finance Council Representative Sr. Catherine Leroux, S.E., Vice-Chair Mr. James Oliver Ms. Theresa “Boo” Stutes, Prayer and Worship Commission Animator Ms. Mary Jane Vaughn, Trustee. St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School (337) 855-9465 Jennifer Bellon, Principal St. Louis Catholic High School (337) 436-7275 Deacon Christopher Fontenot, Principal Mr. James Burnham, School Board Representative If you have made an ACTS retreat and would like to be added to the St. Theodore ACTS email list, please contact Sheree Richey at [email protected]. Thank you !! for your OFFERTORY September 13, 2015 Catholic University $ 18,385.24 $ 1,705.28 Automatic transfers are available for offertory. Please contact the office for details. When moving Church parishes, please remember to notify your previous parish. St. Henry Catholic Church is having a Garage Sale!!! Friday, October 2nd & Saturday, October 3rd @ 7AM-12PM. Garage Sale will be held in the Parish Community Center (behind the church). For further information call 337-912-2185. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church will hold its annual bazaar on October 10-11, 2015. Food, fun, & games will be available on site. A first communion rosary for one of our adult parishioners has been lost, possibly in the church. If anyone has found a rosary, please contact Barbara Cox in the church office at 855-6662. The Bishop’s Annual Gala is December 12, 2015. Tickets, which are now available, are $125 each and a table for 10 can be purchased for $1,250. They can be picked up in the Church office or at the Chancery Building at 414 Iris Street, or at Crossroads Bookstore, and on the website of the Diocese at To buy tickets on the website, using your credit card or e-check, click on the “Support the Diocese” button on the front page. Then, click on “Bishop’s Gala Tickets” and follow the easy instructions. The Nelson Riddle Orchestra will provide the entertainment for the Bishop’s Gala on Saturday, Dec. 12, in the Lake Charles Civic Center. This Orchestra is generally considered the "World's Most Recorded Orchestra" having recorded with Frank Sinatra, Nat "King" Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Rosemary Clooney, Peggy Lee, Judy Garland, Dean Martin, Barbra Streisand, Linda Ronstadt and many others. The Orchestra is currently directed by Nelson's son Christopher and will be joined by vocalist Bryan Anthony for a Centennial Celebration of the musical collaboration of Sinatra and Riddle. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP If you or someone you know has experienced the death of a loved one, you may want to consider participating in the five week program at Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Ave Maria Hall on Mondays beginning September 21st. They start at 5pm. Please call the Cathedral church office and let the receptionist know if you are planning to attend so enough hand outs will be available. Contact Sr. Jeannette if you have any questions at 436-7251. Dear Parishioners: Today we celebrate “Catechetical Sunday” throughout the United States of America. This is a day to remember that all of us, through our Baptism into Christ, share in the mission of his Church – to go and make disciples of all nations, to teach them everything that He has handed on to us, and to baptize them in the name of the Holy Trinity (see Mt 28:19-20). The theme this year is “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person”, which is central to our faith and life as Catholics. Each person, from the moment we are conceived in the womb and given an immortal soul by our loving God – until the moment that we draw our last breath – has inherent dignity, value, worth, and rights simply because of our humanity, which is created in the image and likeness of God (see Gn 1:26-27). One of the primary ways we safeguard the dignity of others is to instruct them in the Faith, to prepare them for the sacraments, and to bring them to Christ and his Church so that they may come to believe and be saved. It is fitting then, that Catechetical Sunday is also the day to commission our St. Theodore men and women who are serving in our CCD and Life Teen programs. In a vital way, they assist our parents, who are the first and most important teachers of the faith to their children. MONDAY 9/21 St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 Mt 9:9-13 6:15 AM - Mass 6:30 PM - SALT - Sirach 7:00 PM - AA Meeting TUESDAY 9/22 Ez 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20 Lk 8:19-21 8:30 AM - Mass 6:00 PM - “Be A Man” Men’s Fellowship Group 6:00 PM - Women of Faith 7:00 PM - 10:30 Choir Practice Here at St. Theodore, 100 catechists, aides, hall monitors, small group facilitators, and core team members assist us in providing religious instruction and sacramental preparation to 500 WEDNESDAY 9/23 Saint Pius of youth on Wednesdays and Sundays. We commission them today at the 10:30 Mass with Pietrelcina, Priest (Memorial) gratitude to God for their ministry on behalf of our families. Ez 9:5-9 Lk 9:1-6 In addition to the students in our CCD, Life Teen, and Holy Family Catholic School, our mandate to “make disciples” includes outreach to those who are not yet Catholic but hear the invitation to come home. Therefore, on this Catechetical Sunday, we are pleased to begin a new year of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). RCIA prepares unbaptized adults (and children over age 7) for Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. They are called Catechumens. RCIA also assists Candidates who are already validly baptized, but not Catholic, to complete their Initiation into the Church, which culminates at Easter with Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Today at the 8:30 Mass, we welcome our Catechumens and Candidates with special prayers. So far, 15 Catechumens (unbaptized) and 10 Candidates (baptized but not yet Catholic) are preparing for full Initiation next Easter. Moreover, 15 Catholic adults who have not yet received all three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) are preparing to complete their Initiation in the next year. We are grateful to God for their “yes” to His call to come home to the Catholic Church, and we give thanks for the catechists and sponsors who are generously giving of their time to journey with our Catechumens and Candidates toward Easter. Go, make disciples, teach them, and baptize them! Whether it’s through our CCD and Life Teen programs, Holy Family Catholic School, RCIA, the upcoming Symbolon series for adults, our Be A Man or Women of Faith groups, Catechesis for All, Children’s Church, Study and Learn Together (SALT), ACTS, Cursillo, Faith Renewal, or the Secular Franciscan Order, St. Theodore has much to celebrate on this Catechetical Sunday. May God bless all of those who share their gifts of Faith in these ministries. Blessings, Fr. Huckaby 6:15 AM - Mass 4:00 - CCD 5:30 - CCD 7:00 - CCD 7:00 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting (Church) 7:00—KC’s Family Social THURSDAY 9/24 Hg 1:1-8 Lk 9:7-9 8:30 AM - School Mass 6:00 PM - Troubadour Choir FRIDAY 9/25 Hg 2:1-9 Lk 9:18-22 12:05 PM - Mass SATURDAY 9/26 Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a Lk 9:43b-45 8:30 AM - Mass 4:30 PM - Mass 7:00 PM– Lifeteen outside movie night SUNDAY 9/27 26th Sunday in Ordinary Times Nm 11:25-29 Jas 5:1-6, Mk 9:38-43,45,47-48 8:30AM - Mass 10:30AM - Mass 2:00 PM - Baptismal Prep ClassDoyle’s Place 5:30PM - Mass 6:30PM—Lifeteen CELEBRANTS LECTORS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS SEPTEMBER 26TH & 27TH BEN MCDANIEL 1 PHYLLIS LANE 5 RAY LEJEUNE ETHAN ELLIOTT 4:30 MASS-FR. PIRARO 2 8:30 MASS-FR. HUCKABY 10:30 MASS-FR. PIRARO 5:30 MASS-FR. HUCKABY LINDA SONNIER 6 PRIS LEJEUNE DANA MANINT 3 CHRISTINA SPIKES 7 CYNTHIA MCCOWN DALLAS CONNER 4 MARGIE CASTILLE* 8 GLORIA HENRY RUTH MCDANIEL 1 JUDE CHANTLIN 5 JUANITA MALLETE ANDREW ALMAGUER SYLVIA DEL CARMEN DUHON 2 SANDI ROBINSON 6 VIRGINIA THIBODEAUX MATTHEW ALMAGUER 3 KAREN GUILLORY 7 BUD BARLOW LAYLA LEBEOUF 4 FR. HUCKABY 8 MABEL BAILEY CHRISTY MOORE CLARK 1 DRU SONNIER 5 JANET LOWERY TYLER GILL SHEREE RICHEY 2 MARIA FOGAL 6 JESSICA GILL CHLOEY SIMMONS 3 FREDERICKA GORUM 7 WANDA DURAN 4 DENNIS THERIOT DEBBIE HOGAN* 8 SANDRA OGEA MADISON MURPHY 1 SHERYL MILANOWSKI 5 SHIRLENE MILLER LIAM THOMPSON TAYLOR SOILEAU 2 DAVID MESSINA 6 TOMMY HANKS MATTHEW BAGGETTE 3 SELENE LANDRY 7 LISA DEVILLE CALEB BAGGETE 4 FR. HUCKABY 8 RACHELLIA SONNIER MINISTRIES,ORGANIZATIONS, & RELIGIOUS LIFE ACTS Core Team—Danny Landry, Facilitator 661-1280 Carolyn Dupont, Co Facilitator 515-8920 Altar Servers—Jack & Jessica Wilson [email protected] Altar Society—Sylvia Lavergne 842-3528 Angel Gabriel - Ashley Carrier 304-5810 Be A Man Prayer Group—James Oliver 526-6006 Scott Bridges 912-2843 Bereavement Support Group—Beverly Barbery 526-2558 Margie Castille 426-7860 Catholic Committee on Scouting—Susan Fontenot 905-2812 Catholic Daughters—Janet Lowery 217-0755 Jr. CDA—Jennifer Foreman 217-3258 Catholics in Action—Beverly Barbery 526-2558 CFA (Catechesis for All) Cherryle Fruge, SFO 438-2720 Charismatic—Judy Marcantel 855-9647 Children’s Church—Renee McCall 526-9071 Church Décor—Jan Reeves/Theresa Stutes 660-5196 Community Chest 855-4602 Creighton Model Fertility Care—Bonnie Kron 377-7953 Cub Scouts—Russ Dawdy 532-2013 Divine Mercy—Dorothy Hebert 853-1621 Eucharistic Adoration—Mary Hebert & Penny Gallow 433-5683 Extraordinary Ministers—Stan Shreve 794-3323 Feeding the Grieving Souls—Jackie Breaux, Priscilla Ardoin, Sue Crochet Food For the Poor—Kirk Guillory 217-0741 Garden Ministry—Jan Reeves 660-5196 Greeters & Ushers—Gary Ash 725-3979 Knights of Columbus #3622—Mike Fruge 580-6456 K.C. Hall Rental—Mike Fruge 580-6456 Lector Coordinator—Sylvia Del Carmen Duhon 526-8963 Mission Coordinator—Pat Fox 842-4289 Music Ministries—Christy Almaguer, Dir. 263-3288 Resurrection Choir—Peggy Guillory 855-4324 Guitar Choir—Russ Dawdy 532-2013 Life Teen Choir—Robby Alleman 884-6822 New Life Counseling—Pregnant? Need to Talk? 474-7003 Prayer Ministry—Kathy Grob 217-2504 Radio Maria—Denise Smith 292-4984 Respect Life Ministry—Andy & Rachellia Sonnier 526-5947 R.C.I.A.—Gary & Susan Courrege 855-2078 Rosary Makers Guild—Joyce Mattix 855-2328 Karen Guillory 855-6307 S.A.L.T.—Cherryle Fruge, SFO 438-2720 Secular Franciscan Order—Cherryle Fruge, OFS 438-2720 Ultreya/Women’s Cursillo—Angela Patton 855-2022 Ushers - Boo Stutes 794-0523 Please Pray for the Sick Connie Bankston Jamie Barlow Joe & Melba Bellomo Sadie Bond Marvin Breaux Sheila Brock Stephen Broussard* Danny Buller Luke Burnham Caprice Bush* Bryleigh Charles Billie Chavanne Helen Dardeau B.J. & Mary DeGeyter Jim Dennis Sam Desantos Carolyn Duhon* Karen Edgerton Clarence Ethridge Meghan Ethridge Dale Fontenot Georgie Fontenot Jude Fontenot Nancy Fuller Jean Gill Gary Grob* Tammy Grove* Layna Guidry Cassandra Guillory Chloe Guillory* Mary Guillory Nila Halloran Butch Halphin Angela Hebert* Jean & Darlene Hebert Ken Higginbotham* Pat Johnson Randy Kotara D.L. Laster Doc & Doris Latham* Kenneth J. Lavergne Arville LeJeune Pris LeJeune Ronnie Lejeune Mike Lester Shirley Louviere Melanie Lupo Danny Mallette Gerald Mallette Adley Grace Martin Linda Mathis* Danny Matte Eula Matte Sue & Sarah Mattix* Madolyn McCoy Roxanne McCain* Maureen McCown Ruth McDaniel Cindy McElhaney* Brenda McGee Mary Jane & Tony Meche Rosa Meche Marie Moore* Rachel Mashall Moss Billy Navarre Addie Phillips Yvonne Picou* Thomas Polk Alfred Pousson Tricia Reed Dale & Mark Reichley* Maureen Roe John Sabriquze* Bill & Lillie Savant and Family Sarah Savell* Jaxon Sellers Tommy Singer Linda Solis Glenn & Amanda Sonnier Faye Swickard John & Nora Theriot* Brenda Thibodeaux Eva Thompson Nora Tramuta Richard Tramuta* Bob & Cynthia Vasquez Roger Webb* BAPTISMAL PREP Baptismal Prep Classes are held the last Sunday of each month. The next Baptismal Class is September 27th @ 2PM in Doyle’s Place This class is for PARENTS who need to schedule a Baptism in the upcoming months. It is also for anyone who will be a GODPARENT and needs certification. Please contact the Church office for registration information. Did you know there is a changing table in the Main Restroom of the church ? For CCD resources, See Under “Religious Education” Email:[email protected] CCD/ PREP ALL PARENTS OF 8TH GR STUDENTS MUST MEET IN THE CHURCH AT 7PM THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE IS NOVEMBER 18-22ND, 2015. THE REGISTRATION FORMS ARE IN THE CHURCH OFFICE. SPOTS ARE LIMITED!! CONTACT [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 8th gr. students will go straight to their classroom. Assessments and rally/retreat options will be discussed. Other important dates: • Sept. 30, 2nd grade parent meeting 4pm or 5:30 pm • Oct. 7, 2nd grade parent meeting 4pm or 5:30 pm • Oct. 7, Baby Bottle collection to help with Gabriel’s Project and New Life Counseling REGISTER NOW FOR: AN EVENING OF REFLECTION FOR MEN “Mercy Me: Preparing for the Upcoming Year of Mercy by Making Peace with One’s Own Self” Presented by Mr. Keith Faul with Fr. Whitney Miller on Tuesday, September 29th. @ 6pm CONTACT the RETREAT CENTER @ 855-1232 for more information and Deadlines. Also see the website Women’s Day of Reflection @ St. Charles Center “Prepare Your Hear for the Year of Mercy: Walk Humbly With Your God” (Micah 6:8) As way of preparation for a Jubilee of Mercy as announced by Pope Francis, we are inviting the women of our diocese to gather for a Day of Reflection on this spiritual theme of mercy and the call to “walk humbly with God”. Presenter, Pat Fox, a convert from the Baptist faith, will share how God’s mercy is a sustaining power in her life, and how this Spirit led her home to the Church. Fr. Whitney Miller will offer confession, and the day will conclude with the celebration of the Eucharist. Donation is $25.00. Saturday, October 24th. 9am to 3pm. Used but Working iphones, itouch, or I pads to be used in Lifeteen small groups.(just need to be able to connect to WIFI) • used Xbox 360 games •Used wii U & games for the youth house • White Christmas Lights • Extension cord (2) View Glad Tidings Via streaming Video on the Diocesan website: under the Resources Tab. Look for the current and the archived shows. Or WATCH it every Sunday Morning at 6am on KPLC TV. Join EWTN for Pope Francis’ visit to the United States. Watch LIVE coverage of the Holy Father’s Masses, national addresses and the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. EWTN will be there every step of the way so you don’t miss a moment! Visit for more information and up-to-date schedules and online streaming. Here are just a few items from his schedule. Pope Francis visit begins in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 4pm when he arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews. On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 9:15 am there will be a White House welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama, followed by a Midday Prayer with U.S. Bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral and at 4:15 pm the Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. STEWARDSHIP “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (MARK 9:35) Jesus teaches us that we are called to serve one another. Sacrifice is not a word that many people like to hear. We think it means that we must give up something that we want. However, the literal meaning of sacrifice is “to make holy,” from the words “sacer”= sacred and “facere” = to make. In other words, we make our lives holy by sharing our gifs in the service of God. MASS INTENTIONS MONDAY, 9/21: 6:15 AM - JOY GASPARD & FAMILY TUESDAY, 9/22 : 8:30 AM - GEORGE & MARTINA CONRAD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WEDNESDAY, 9/23: 6:15 AM - MR & MRS JOHN GASPARD & FAMILY THURSDAY, 9/24 : 8:30 AM - ERIC STUTES & AUDREY STOUTE by Richard & Becky; ALINE & CARL DOWDEN by Sylvia Vidrine; STANLEY VAUGHN MEMORIAL ANNIVERSARY MASS; FELICIE & TONY ABATE, ELLIOTT COLEMAN, BRADLEY & NELLIE STUTES by family & friends FRIDAY, 9/25: 12:05 PM - E J GASPARD SATURDAY, 9/26: (8:30 AM ) - LUDREN REED by Julianna Manuel; (4:30 PM) - MISSY STEWART BIRTHDAY by Allen & Gwen Himel; RONNIE LEJEUNE & FAMILY, PERCY ARMENTOR, ROBERTA, JOHN, CHARLES REDLICH, ALICE DESORMEAUX by Gilderie Armentor; JOYCE GUILLORY & LAWRENCE FONTENOT by family; MR & MRS EDDIE DUPFRENE by Ronald & Sue Boullion; MARTIN & GRACIE TORRES SUNDAY, 9/27 (8:30 AM) - MASS FOR THE PEOPLE; (10:30 AM) - ERIC STUTES & AUDREY STOUTE by Richard & Becky Stutes; MARY JOYCE RICHARD by Richard & Becky Stutes; (5:30) MARIA FRANK NGUYEN; RUBY DUFRENE by Ken & Rose Higginbotham; MADDOX JULIAN RIDER by Rusty & Patsy Rider “Families of the Earth” Family Fest 2015 Sponsored by The Diocese of Lake Charles Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry *Mass & Adoration *Talks & Activities *Live Music *Carnival & Outdoor Games *Inflatable Jumps & Slides *Concession Stand Saturday, October 7 10:30-8:00pm St. Theresa Catholic Church-Carlyss, LA Tickets $15/$20 day of event (Family Ticket $40, advanced purchase required-6 person max) The next MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST is Friday, October 2nd—It begins with Mass @ 6:30am in the Cathedral followed by breakfast and lecture by the Bishop in the Ave Maria Hall. To register please call Gaynell at the Diocese office at 439-7400. ROSARY GUILD The St. Theodore Rosary Guild meets twice a month on the first and third Tuesdays at 9am in the conference room of the church office. They ship rosaries to missions and provide rosaries for various ministries and events. If you would like to support this ministry donations are welcome to cover the cost of the shipping overseas and beads and supplies are always needed. Holy Family Catholic School Office: 855-9465 SCHOOL MASS is on Thursday @ 8:30am The next WOMEN’S PRAYER LUNCHEON is Wednesday, October 7th. This year’s topic is “The letter to the Hebrews”. For registration please mail a check for $15 made out to the Diocese of Lake Charles, mail it to: DIOCESE OF LAKE CHARLES/ ATTN: GAYNELL CARRIER/P. O. BOX LAKE CHARLES LA, 70602. Please enclose a self –addressed and STAMPED ENVELOPE . The Bishop asks you to PLEASE PREPARE BY READING Chapter 1:1-4. THANK YOU! To all parishioners who so generously donate BEANS every month for Catholic Charities’ Monthly Grocery Distribution The next distribution date is OCTOBER 16TH Holy Family Catholic School held a Lucky Socks for Luke Fundraiser to benefit the Burnham Family. The school successfully raised over $1,000! Please remember to drop your beans off in the baskets provided at the entrance of the church before Donna Moe, our volunteer for this ministry, makes the monthly pick-up and delivery. Please continue to pray with us for his family. Picture: Some of our Sixth Graders showing their support for Luke. Custom Blinds • Ceramic Tile All Types of Flooring • Awnings, Shutters “OUR FOCUS IS CUSTOMER SERVICE” 337.478.6700 • 3019 Kirkman • NAVARRA’S Jewelry & Gifts 337-433-3637 1435 Sam Houston Jones Pkwy Ste. 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College St. Lake Charles 337-474-9998 COMMERCIAL AIR CONDITIONING Lake Charles * Lafayette * Beaumont State Architectural Certified with a limited 30 year warranty Starting at $5a m1on.6th7 PHONE 477-0097 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 1878 Sam Houson Jones Pkwy. • Moss Bluff, LA 337-905-0591 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 2203 Sampson Westlake ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 502-4144 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Tammy Veillon, REALTOR® Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 002164 St Theodore Church (B) A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 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