KASFAA Newsletter
KASFAA Newsletter
K A S FA A NEWSL E T T E R Summer 2008 Vo l u m e 1 5 N u m b e r 1 3 Upcoming Events 2008 N A S FA A Annual Conference Orlando, FL July 6 -9 K A S FA A Fall Conference Holiday Inn, Hurstbourne Park way Louisville O c t o b e r 8 -1 0 2009 S A S FA A Annual Conference Sheraton Convention C e n t e r, Myrtle Beach, SC F e b r u a r y 8 -11 K A S FA A Spring Conference Holiday Inn, Cincinnati Airport E r l a n g e r, K Y KASFAA A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT The Spring Conference went off without a hitch in April. Chester and Angie, along with the entire program committee, did an outstanding job carrying out the conference. Thanks to all of you for your hard work. All of the sessions were very well attended, the magician was very entertaining and what can you say about the Cornhole Tournament? That turned out to be a great event, especially since the winning team was Jason Tretter of KHEAA/The Student Loan People and me! Aaron and others that served as tournament officials did an outstanding job. Well, we have seen some major changes come about this year in the financial aid industry; however, it appears that we will be able to balance our books this year and KASFAA continues to be a very strong organization. One of my goals was to make sure that KASFAA remained in solid fiscal shape and that has been done thanks to so many board members and committee chairs being creative and cost-conscious with all of the programs that the association has provided throughout the year. Thanks to all of you! In future years, we need to continue to focus on the primary purpose of KASFAA and that is to provide outstanding training events along with promoting the many financial aid programs to Kentuckians across the Commonwealth. I can’t believe that my year as President is coming to an end. This year has flown by; however, let me again thank all of you for the opportunity to serve KASFAA as President. It has been an honor and privilege to work with so many of you. A special thanks to the executive board and committee chairs. You have been great to work with this year and I appreciate all of your time and energy that you have devoted to KASFAA. Our association is in great hands as Jennifer Cosens leads us in 2008-09. As always, if I can be of any assistance, please call me at 859-985-3313. — Bryan Erslan 1 Summer 2008 Editorial Note We encourage letters to the editor, original articles, photographs, announcements and reports. Items of interest are gladly accepted and can be given to any member of the Newsletter Committee. Contact the editor for questions, rates and insertion dates. The KASFAA Newsletter is published three times a year. Editor April Kendrick Tretter 1805 Woodfield Rd. Louisville, KY 40220 [email protected] KASFAA 2 Summer 2008 Consolidation &B?KCPGA?L4RWJC *n keeping with our school-centric philosophy, Edamerica supports the financial aid community in your efforts to educate students about consolidation. We commend your desire to do what’s best for your students. Edamerica has provided student loan consolidation products since 1990. If consolidation is the right choice for borrowers, Edamerica has the right benefits. We offer debt management counseling, life-of-loan servicing and combined billing. Edamerican consolidation means 0LCJM?L MLCJCLBCP MLCJMUKMLRFJWN?WKCLR No fees. Combined billing. 1.25% interest rate reduction*. *1% interest rate reduction after 24 consecutive payments, and 0.25% reduction for using auto-debit. 800.337.1009 w w w. e d a m e r i c a . n e t KASFAA 3 Summer 2008 K News NEW from around Kentucky Movers and Shakers Kathy Hodges retires from Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. Michael Barlow is the new Financial Aid Director at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. Ron McMakin retires from National City Up c o m i n g E ve n t s A MESSAGE D e De Dear KASFAA Friends, When it was time for me to pass the Gavel to Heather after my term as President, T most thought it would never happen, that I would just keep it and remain as President alon for Life….Well that didn’t happen and the transition took place for a new beginning…. plan 2 0 0 a4new chapter well new beginnings happen all the time and with that said….I’m starting I in my life….Retirement……I plan on leaving National City at the end of the month….. Winn NASFAA Conference March 31st will be my last day…. This was not an easy decision as I truly love my job you h M i n n e a p o l i s, M N and working with the best Schools and Students in Kentucky, but after nearly 40 years speak Ju ly 1 8 - 2 1 on the job, I want to spend more time with my family and friends……Thank you for all had a of your support over the years as your Lender and as your KASFAA Past President……I about KASFAA Fa l l will tell you that the latter will always be a high point in my professional life…..The next Rhond Conference few years will be a Challenge for our Profession but I know we can work In fact theParents, whole and conference O wmake e n sitb o r o for our Institutions, KASFAA president and not fee Students….I wish everyone success and until we see each other again may God hold you in the palm of his hand October 20-22 Congratulations to our new and keep you safe and happy…..Thank you again for the most wonderful memories anyone could ever have Pendergrast, Lissa Caldwell, Ro — Ron McMakin 2005 congratulate Sandy Neel on b everyone that our own April K SASFAA Conference editor. Way to go, Sandy and A Atlanta, GA executive board meeting in B February 13-16 this has been representing KA Most people thought Heath C o l l e g e G o a l S u n d ay …as part of its 2008-2009 team. Go to would keep it forever, but, like Statewide www.kasfaa.com/about_committees.html pass it along. I know she will February 20 to volunteer to be a member of a KASFAA continue to grow under her le committee. thank everyone for this past y K A S FA A S p r i n g Look for the “Go for the Goal!” logo and This has been an experienc Conference help KASFAA score a Hat Trick (that 3 goals, the KASFAA Executive Board, Louisville in soccer lingo). worked hard in 2003-2004 to What do soccer and KASFAA have in common, you ask? A p r i l 2 0 - 2 2 to be Past President, I look for NASFAA Conference wonderful organization. TEAM WORK – A volunteer organization like KASFAA hasNto ewhave Yo rgreat k , Nteamwork. Y GOALS – We need these to help keep us moving forward. J u ly 3 - 6 KASFAA Needs YOU! KASFAA POSITIONS – We have lots of positions to fill with wonderful members like you! 1 Please volunteer to help fill these positions today! KASFAA 4 Summer 2008 KASFAA 5 Summer 2008 KASFAA Spring Conference KASFAA 6 Summer 2008 KASFAA 7 Summer 2008 at your at your serviceservice at your service at your service at your service w w w.slxpress.com From Regional, School and Borrower support, Student Loan Xpress® is at your service. We offer a level of customized service that is right in line with what you should Xpect from the best. Give us a call today at 1.866.759.7737 and we’ll show you what we mean. At Your Service Your KASFAA Student Loan Xpert Regional VP Kelly Beals 866.511.3929 [email protected] Student Loan Xpress is a FFELP lender utilizing Fifth Third Bank as its eligible lender trustee. Student Loan Xpress, logo and Xpect More are registered service marks of Student Loan Xpress, Inc. CIT is a registered service mark of CIT Group Inc. Student Loan Xpress is a member company of CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT). © 2007 Student Loan Xpress, Inc. All Rights Reserved. At Fifth Third, we recognize how hard you work to help your students and families move forward with their We’re moving ahead with you. education, and we’re moving ahead with you. To learn more, contact your Fifth Third Education Lending Account Executive, Marion Shute at [email protected]. Fifth Third and Fifth Third Bank are registered service marks of Fifth Third Bancorp. Member FDIC. KASFAA 8 Summer 2008 We’ll bend over backward to help. Turn to us. From state grants and KEES to Stafford and PLUS loans, we handle them all. Anytime you have questions or need technical assistance, give us a call. That’s what we’re here for. Call 800.928.8926 or visit kheaa.com. KENTUCKY 2008 Thanks to the College Goal Sunday committee, all the site coordinators, presenters and volunteers who made our workshops so successful! 2008 statewide CGS Numbers Frankfort hosts CGS Number of students present 765 FRANKFORT — A nontraditional student won the $500 scholarship given away through a random drawing for participants at the College Goal Sunday session at the KHEAA office on January 27. Lori Prewitt, a stay-at-home mom with three kids, will enroll at Eastern Kentucky University in the fall to pursue a second bachelor’s degree. “I’m ecstatic,” said Prewitt, who calls herself the CEO of the Prewitt household.“This will come in very handy driving that two-hour commute.” Between 115 and 130 people attended the Frankfort session that provides free help with filling out the FAFSA.Thirteen financial aid professionals were on hand. “This was the first year that people took advantage of having help putting the information into the computer,” site coordinator Ken Rollins said. “Next year we hope to double the amount of computers.” KHEAA staff were joined by Laura Keown of Centre College, Adrian Parrish of Kentucky State University and Wendi Dailey of Sallie Mae also helped. KASFAA Number of students + parents + family members 1,986 Number of KASFAA volunteers 189 $500 Scholarships awarded 20 10 Summer 2008 Lifetime Achievement Awards Feel like you’ve been working at your desk so long that your chair has submitted a vacation request? Nelnet offers a range of products and services designed to make your office more efficient so that you can better serve your students. We customize solutions to meet your needs, empowering you to reach your goals. TO SEE HOW WE CAN HELP, CALL 1.800.268.7256 OR VISIT CAMPUSSOLUTIONS.NET. ©2007 Nelnet, Inc. All rights reserved. Nelnet is a registered service mark of Nelnet, Inc. Federal Loans Private Loans Life of Loan Servicing Scholarships Actively Managed Payment Plans Scholarship, Work Study & Form Automation Software Loan Processing Systems Kathy Hodges We’ll help your students do the right thing. The best way to fund a college education is to take advantage of as much free money – scholarships and grants – as possible and then use low-cost Federal Stafford Loans. Expect more value with a Stafford Loan from Regions Bank®. Money-saving borrower benefits on Stafford Loans When you get a Stafford Loan from Regions Bank you can take advantage of the following benefits: • ZERO origination fees • A 7% loan credit after the first 36 on-time payments* • Upromise Loan LinkSM Call 1-800-858-7822 or visit regions.com for more information. Kitty Hall KASFAA The amount of Federal Stafford Loan funds you will receive is established by your school based on criteria defined by the federal government. * Terms and conditions apply. To qualify for the 7% loan credit, the borrower must sign up on Manage Your LoansSM, prior to entering repayment, to receive account information by e-mail and make the first 36 payments by the due dates as initially scheduled. Loan credit borrower benefit is based on the original principal loan amount (less cancellations, refunds and returns). Borrower benefits are effective for loans owned and serviced by Sallie Mae and first disbursed 7/1/07-6/30/08. Regions Bank is a Member FDIC. Upromise and Upromise Loan Link are service marks or registered service marks of Upromise, Inc. Sallie Mae is a registered service mark and Manage Your Loans is a service mark of Sallie Mae,Inc. 11SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Sallie Mae, Inc., are not sponsored by or agencies Summer of the2008 United States of America. ©2007 by Sallie Mae, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8/07. REG-006 KASFAA 12 Summer 2008 College Goal Sunday winners announced Ashland Hallie Cook Barbourville Kayla N. Brock Bowling Green Sam Kendrick South Oldham Samantha Farmer Thomas More Zachary C. Mullen KENTUCKY 2008 Campbellsville Stephen B. McDaniel Elizabethtown Adnan M. Hamdan Frankfort Lori R. Prewitt Hazard Tommy A. Donaldson Hopkinsville Kendra R. Farmer Lexington LeAndra K. Longoria Louisville - JCTC Maricela Guerra Louisville - Male DiannaHope Madisonville Benjamin Noel Morehead Ethan D. Fryman Owensboro Hannah L. Greer Paducah Justin D. Young Prestonsburg Nathan Ross Richmond William K. Dawson Somerset Nakeisha S.Wilson KASFAA 13 Summer 2008 Update May 2008 Student Aid Legislation Three student aid-related bills passed during the 2008 session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Senate Bill 2 provides a new KEES supplemental award for students who are eligible for the free and reduced-price lunch program and who make qualifying scores on Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. Beginning with the 2008-2009 academic year, eligible students who make a 3 or 5, respectively, on AP or IB exams will receive a $200 supplemental award.A 4 (AP) or 6 (IB) score is awarded $250, and a 5 (AP) or 7 (IB) score is awarded $300.There is no limit to the number of supplemental awards a student can receive. Senate Bill 75 changes the KEES renewal award eligibility for college students at completion of their sophomore year. Currently, students must have a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) at the end of their sophomore year to retain their full KEES award. Students who first enroll in 2009-2010 or later, have between a 2.5 and 3.0 GPA at the end of their sophomore year, and are considered “on-track to graduate” at their institution will retain their full KEES award.“On-track to graduate” is defined in the legislation as hours earned compared to the number of hours needed to complete a bachelor’s degree by the end of eight academic terms (or 10 terms for a program that requires five years of study). Institutions are required to report students’“on-track to graduate” status as part of their KEES reporting beginning with the 2010-2011 academic year. House Bill 694 changes the accreditation requirements for institutions that participate in the Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG) program. Beginning with the 2011-2012 academic year, KTG-participating institutions must be either accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) or approved through a new certification process that will be administered by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. Students attending an institution prior to 2011-2012 that does not meet the new criteria will be grandfathered in to receive KTG through the 2013-2014 academic year. Student Aid Update At the end of the third quarter, KHEAA had disbursed over $187.2 million (or 96%) of a $195.5 million appropriation in 11 student financial aid programs. KEES, CAP, and KTG represent 91% of the funds disbursed. The process of awarding state grants for the 2008-2009 year began April 17. Funds for CAP were exhausted April 24.At the end of April, 84% of KTG over-award amounts had been awarded. It is anticipated funds for the KTG program will last until July. The 2008-2009 Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship recipients have been selected from high school applicants.This federally-funded program provides scholarships to academically talented high school seniors and GED graduates who show promise of continued excellence in postsecondary education. From the 1,477 applications received by KHEAA this year, 84 high school seniors were selected with 19 of them being first-generation college students. Six additional scholarships will be awarded to GED graduates in July. Student Loan Guarantees At the end of the third quarter, KHEAA had guaranteed $1.02 billion in Stafford, PLUS, and Consolidation Loans. KASFAA 14 Summer 2008 Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust KESPT account owners can now rebalance their investments online. KESPT’s website, www.kysaves. com, was the first TIAA-CREF state site to receive the enhancement. If account owners want to transfer funds from one investment option to another, they can now make that change online in addition to calling the service center. Transcript Exchange System KHEAA and The Student Loan People are pleased to announce the implementation of the Transcript Exchange System through the GoHigherKY.org website. From the GoHigherKY.org website, high school counselors and college administrators can electronically send and receive transcripts for one or many students at a time; and students can request their high school transcript be sent to Kentucky colleges and universities. Colleges that are currently participating include Bellarmine University, Big Sandy Community and Technical College, Brescia University, Gateway Community and Technical College, Jefferson Community and Technical College, Kentucky State University, Midway College, Northern Kentucky University,Thomas More College, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and the University of the Cumberlands. Over 20 high schools are participating at this time. School Training Videos New school training videos continue to be added to KHEAA’s website. Recent additions include: Financial Aid 101 Completing the FAFSA R2T4 Freeing Yourself from the Emotional Traps at Work NSLDS:Aggregate Reporting A video titled “What a Mess! The Hidden Benefits of Disorder” will be available in June. New Outreach Counselor Summer Gortney is the new outreach counselor for the West Central Kentucky region, which includes Allen, Barren, Bullitt, Clinton, Cumberland, Edmonson, Green, Hardin, LaRue, Meade, Metcalfe, Monroe, Nelson, and Spencer counties. She was most recently the outreach services assistance and has been with KHEAA and The Student Loan People for three years. Gortney KASFAA 15 Summer 2008 Everyone should have the chance to grow into a dream. Buchholz Maidlow Dolan As a financial aid advisor, you’re dedicated to helping students go farther in life. To learn how we can help students both plan and pay for college and how Upromise® can help, visit SallieMae.com/schools. Sallie Mae and Sallie Mae Education Trust are registered service marks and Champions for Higher Education is a service mark of Sallie Mae, Inc. Student Loan Funding is a service mark of Student Loan Funding Resources, LLC. Upromise and the Upromise logo are registered service marks of Upromise, Inc. SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries are not sponsored by or agencies of the Unites States of America. Sallie Mae, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of SLM Corporation. © 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. All rights reserved. JP_290 8/07 290_Astronaut Ad for Kentucky KA1 1 8/17/2007 12:00:31 PM 2007–2008 KASFAA Executive Board Board of Directors President Bryan Erslan, Berea College President Elect Jennifer Cosens, KHEAA Past President Runan Pendergrast, Bluegrass Community and Technical College Vice President of Training Cindy Burnette,Western Kentucky University Secretary Karyn Yates, Eastern Kentucky University Treasurer Andrea Spry,Transylvania University Public Four Year Penny Asalon, Northern Kentucky University Lender Representative Michael Morgan, EdAmerica Agency Representative Jennifer Long Eastman, KHEAA Proprietary Representative Laura Jones, Sullivan University Private Representative Katie Conrad, Midway College Two–Year Public Victoria Owens, Jefferson Community and Technical College Committee Chairs Archivist/Historian Laura Keown, Centre College Articles and Bylaws Karyn Yates, Eastern Kentucky University Awards Chris Tolsen, Campbellsville University Budget/Finance Charles Vinson, Murray State University College Goal Sunday Aaron Gabehart, Campbellsville University Lisa Schrenger, Jefferson Community and Technical College Diversity Concerns Gina Kuzuoka, Spalding University High School Counselor Training Rhonda Bryant, University of Kentucky Lissa Caldwell, KHEAA and The Student Loan People Legislative Issues Dave Cecil,Transylvania University Long Range Planning Anthony Bowles, AmSouth Bank Membership/Partnership Program Theresa Hulsey, PNC Bank NASFAA Training KASFAA Steve Allen, University of the Cumberlands Newsletter April Kendrick Tretter, Nominations Runan Pendergrast, Bluegrass Community and Technical College Professional Development Scholarship Cindy Burnette, Western Kentucky University Program (Fall) Shelley Park, Eastern Kentucky University Margie Childress, Somerset Community College Program (Spring) Chester Priest, KHEAA Angie Black, University of Louisville Public Relations Rick Wilson, Bowling Green Community and Technical College Support Staff Workshop Chuck Anderson, Hazard Community and Technical College Vendor/Sponsor Marion Shute, Fifth Third Bank Website Technology Jason Tretter,The Student Loan People 17 Summer 2008 ©2007 Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates Helping you do what you do best: help students succeed. We get it. Our easy-to-use suite of online products, backed up by personal service and support, minimizes complexity so you have more time to spend with your students. Learn about our industry-leading initiatives, default prevention efforts and more by calling 866-464-7855 or visiting mygreatlakes.org. AD-018 USA Funds KY B&W AD 12/3/07 2:50 PM Page 1 William Province Medical Student Indiana University School of Medicine “USA Funds is helping me pursue my dream.” It’s one of my goals in medicine to offer free health-care services to Hispanic residents in the Indianapolis area who need them. To help me accomplish that goal, I wanted to take advantage of a special MBA program for medical students. When the letter arrived telling me I qualified for USA Funds® Access to Education scholarship, it was the answer to my prayers. The scholarship is helping to relieve some of the financial burden of the MBA program and allowing me to pursue my dream. To learn more about how USA Funds helps students pursue their dreams, call Lisa Stephens toll-free (866) 497-USAF, Ext. 8778, or visit www.usafunds.org. April Kendrick Tretter KASFAA Newsletter Editor 1805 Woodfield Road Louisville, KY 40220 KASFAA 20 Summer 2008
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