Fall - kasfaa


Fall - kasfaa
Fall 2006
Vo l u m e 1 5 N u m b e r 7
K A S FA A F a l l
Drawbridge Inn
Ft. Mitchell, KY
Oct. 18–20
Kentucky Counselor
Wo r k s h o p
Va r i o u s l o c a t i o n s
N o v. 6 – 1 7
College Goal Sunday
Jan. 28
S A S FA A A n n u a l
Renaissance Hotel
N a s h v i l l e , Te n n .
Feb. 11–14
K A S FA A S p r i n g
Holiday Inn,
University Plaza
Bowling Green
April 11–13
N A S FA A A n n u a l
Wa s h i n g t o n D. C .
July 8–11
Greetings, KASFAA Colleagues! I hope everyone
had an enjoyable summer and survived fall
registration. Please take a few moments to review
the 2006-2007 Executive Board and Committee
Chairs. Each of them has dedicated time and
energy to their respected KASFAA position.
During our transition meeting, we prepared your
railcars at the Embassy Suites in Lexington for
your ride on the KASFAA EXPRESS.We held our
first board meeting in July at the Drawbridge, Ft.
Mitchell. Board members shared their goals for the
upcoming year.
I am very excited about working with this board of great KASFAA leaders.
For information regarding the Fall conference, go to the KASFAA website.
The conference’s theme is “A Winning T.E.A.M (Together Everyone Accomplishes
More).The conference will have a sports theme; wear your favorite sport apparel
throughout the conference. Bryan and his team are planning a great conference!
We are happy to have Kathie Makowski back to give us our Federal Update,
as well other federal sessions.We are planning some fun activities. Remember,
register for the conference online at www.kasfaa.com.
Not only do we have the conference right around the corner we also
have other KASFAA training and events planned. Rhonda, Lissa, and site
coordinators are busy planning the High School Counselors Workshops,
which will be held throughout November. Cindy and her committee are
working hard on NASFAA Training.This year’s training will be on Verification,
our trainers will be Pat Arauz and Victoria Owens. If you have not already
done so, mark your calendars and complete the volunteer form for College
Goal Sunday on Jan. 28, 2007.
I attended the SASFAA board meeting in Nashville, site of the SASFAA
conference Feb. 11–13, 2007. Our very own Michael Morgan will be
the conference chair. Finally, I want to thank you for your support and
encouragement. I like forward to working with you as continue service
students throughout Kentucky
— Runan Pendergrast
Fall 2006
Editorial Note:
We encourage letters to the editor, original articles, photographs, announcements and reports. Items of interest are gladly accepted
and can be given to any member of the newsletter committee.
Contact the editor for questions, rates and insertion dates. The KASFAA Newsletter is published three times a year.
April Kendrick
1805 Woodfield Road
Louisville, KY 40220
502.415.2727 mobile
502.409.7862 office
502.409.7902 fax
[email protected]
Newsletter Committee:
Terri Parchment, edamerica, 615.969.6794, [email protected]
Crystal Dempsey-Gillum, KHEAA/The Student Loan People, 502.696.7581, [email protected]
Graphic design/layout services provided by KHEAA/The Student Loan People
Fall 2006
Financial Aid shouldn’t be the thing
keeping students up at night.
Financial Aid partnerships. Students have enough on their minds, without having to worry about financial
aid. That’s where we come in. U.S. Bank is your perfect lending partner, with compatible systems, a full range
of loans, and counseling for student borrowers. And, our 40 years in the business and personal service means
you can count on a hassle-free loan experience for you… and your students. So they can spend their time
learning about other important things. Like Chemistry.
Student Banking. One of our Five Star services.
How many stars does your bank have?
usbank.com/studentloans | Student Loan Center 800-242-1200
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Fall 2006
Fall 2006
from around
Ke n t u c k y
Melton takes new position
Nancy Melton, Director of Financial Aid at Alice Lloyd College, will be taking a new position at the
Frontier Nursing Service as the Director of Financial Aid. She is excited about this new position and looks
forward to living closer to her two-month-old grandson and his parents. She and her husband Bill will
reside in Berea.
Osborne returns to classroom
Kurt Osborne, Director of Financial Aid at Kentucky Weleyan College, will be returning to the
classroom to teach high school students.Teaching is Kurt’s true passion, and he is excited about this new
Dailey joins Student Loan Funding
Wendi Dailey has joined Student Loan Funding as Regional Account Executive.
NASFAA recognizes regional leaders
NASFAA recognized regional leaders who demonstrated high integrity, leadership, and contributed and
supported the goals and objectives of the association. While these awards are presented at the respective
regional association conferences throughout the year, the recipients were announced at the NASFAA
Conference: SASFAA - David Cecil, Transylvania University.
Holder named Associate Director
Sabrina Holder is the new Associate Director of Financial Aid at Bluegrass Community and
Technical College.
Stevens joins Financial Aid staff
Jeanine Stevens has joined the Financial Aid staff at Morehead State University as Process Specialist
for Verification and Overawards.
New email
New email address for Kitty Hall at US Bank is [email protected]
Laura Geiser, Sullivan University, and Kevin Jones were married in Gatlinburg on June 10, 2006.
Laura’s new email is [email protected]
Katie Valentine, Midway College, and Bill Conrad were married on July 8, 2006. Katie’s new email is
[email protected]
Fall 2006
From Coast to Coast.
Great News! Edamerica is now offering GradPLUS loans.
GradPLUS gives
graduate and professional students a viable alternative to private loans. Best of all,
students are the borrowers – not parents. And Edamerica’s GradPLUS features a
fixed rate of 7.5%, even while in school. That’s the Edamerica difference.
High approval rates
Low fixed interest rate
Fixed monthly payments
.25% auto-debit rate reduction
No payments while in school
Edamerica’s GradPLUS borrowers receive an immediate 1% interest
rate reduction. The standard GradPLUS interest rate is 8.5% versus
7.5% for Edamerica’s GradPLUS, effective for 2006/07.
800.337.1009 • www.edamerica.net
Heather Boutell, left, and Joy Riddle
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
Boutell awards Bellarmine student $500
Each year, KASFAA recognizes the Past President
“If it weren’t for financial aid, I would
by awarding a $500 scholarship to a student
from the Past President’s college or university.
not be able to achieve my goals in life.”
The scholarship, entitled the Starr Scholarship,
– Cory Feger
was named to honor KASFAA Past President and
national financial aid leader Elinor Starr, former
Director of Financial Aid at Spalding University.
Past President Heather Boutell awarded Cory
Feger, a junior at Bellarmine University, the Starr
Award. Cory Feger is a physical therapy major and
is from Louisville. Cory was selected because he
has been an active student on campus, working
in the admissions office giving campus tours and
participating in intramural athletics. Cory has also
met with donors to the University expressing his
appreciation for scholarship funding. Recently,
Cory traveled to the state legislature to talk
with state leaders about the importance of KTG
funding. Cory has been a great example of how
financial aid, from federal, state and institutional
resources can make a difference in a student’s
“If it weren’t for financial aid, I would not be able
to achieve my goals in life. For that, I am grateful. P a s t P r e s i d e n t H e a t h e r B o u t e l l a w a r d s S t a r r
Thanks to KASFAA for providing a scholarship for S c h o l a r s h i p t o B e l l a r m i n e s t u d e n t C o r y F e g e r.
me,” Feger said.
attended the
S A S FA A Tr a n s i t i o n
meeting in St.
Petersburg, Fla.
F r o m t o p r o w,
Michael Morgan,
Runan Pendegrast,
Shelley Parks,
Heather Boutell,
April Kendrick and
Sandy Neel.
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
We’re from the government.
And we’re here to help you.
From state grants and KEES to Stafford and
PLUS loans, we handle them all. Anytime you
have questions or need technical assistance,
give us a call. That’s what we’re here for. Call
800.928.8926 or visit kheaa.com.
Fall 2006
KASFAA Bylaw changes as of July 2006
Article I.
B. Officers
The elected officers of the Corporation shall be the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary,
and Treasurer, to be elected annually. The President-Elect shall serve one year in that position, a second year as
President, and a third year as immediate Past-President. The Vice- President shall serve a one-year term. The
Secretary and Treasurer shall serve two-year terms.
Article II
C. Nominating Committee
The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee composed of the Past- President as chairperson and
sector representation. The Nominating Committee shall ascertain that nominees for each office are qualified to
serve and are able and willing to faithfully discharge the duties of their prospective offices. The chairperson of
this Committee shall present the Committee’s Slate of Nominees 30 days prior to the election.
Kaelin awarded Vescio service honor
Leslie Kaelin of the University of Louisville School of Medicine was
awarded the Herb Vescio Distinguished Service Award.Three KASFAA
members were also named honorary life time members at KASFAA’s
spring conference. Rosemary Ewen, Harold Stice and Dr. Joe McCormick
were commemorated for their service and dedication to KASFAA.
Previous Herb Vescio Distinguished Service award winners are:
Dave Cecil,Transylvania University, 2005
Rhonda Swim, Morehead State University, 2004
Nimmi Wiggins, University of Kentucky, 2003
Marilyn Clark-Watkins ,Western Kentucky University, 2002
Ron Duvall, KHEAA, 2001
Tim Rhodes, Morehead State University 2000
Susan Luhman, Eastern Kentucky University, 1999
Judith Deines, Jefferson Community College, 1998
Barbara Smith, Asbury College, 1997
Barbara Scheidt, Western Kentucky University, 1996
Peggy Fain,Transylvania University, 1995
Paul Borden, KHEAA, 1994
Bobby Halsey, University of Kentucky, 1993
Joyce Bryan, KHEAA, 1992
Charles Vinson, Murray State University, 1991
Connie Williams, Georgetown College, 1990
Lee Watkins, Western Kentucky University, 1989
Johnny McDougal, Murray State University, 1988
Blake Tanner, University of Louisville, 1987
Leslie Kaelin
Fall 2006
Pledge for the Children
We accept the responsibility for our college students, who eat only gripos and drink sodas,
Who like to be hugged,
Who stomp in and out of our offices and have bad days,
Who sneak up the back stairs with out an escort to visit during no visiting hours,
Who put the answers to the exam on two way pagers and cell phones,
Who can never find the right computer to print out their mid-term exams.
And we accept responsibility for those,
Who stare at photographers and read letters from behind razor wire and steel bars,
Who only see mother for only a few moments after school and before bed time if at all,
Who can not afford to get a new pair of boots to protect their feet in the ice and snow,
Who never counted apples or smelled apple pie fresh out of the oven,
Who are born in places, in places and in other places, we tell ourselves don’t exist,
Who are homeless and jobless because they choose to be?
Who sleep in places in places and in other places, where we wouldn’t be caught dead,
Who never left the hood except for the all too familiar taxi to the jail house,
Who thought that school was a place that they could be anything they wanted to be,
Who never go to the zoo, amusement parks or for a swim,
Who have people to aspire to be like those who just got out of the joint, and that’s a good thing?
Who live in an x-rated, nudity, violence and adult situations world.
We accept responsibility for our children,
Who bring us tears and smiles and fistfuls of Cherokee Roses,
Who sleep with the dog and flush goldfish,
Who hug us in a rush and forget their lunch money,
Who just hang out and catch a bullet in the back for just being Black,
Who are felons before they learn their ABC’s,
Who are prosecuted as adults before puberty begins,
Who cover themselves with Neosporin and band-aids and sing off key,
Who slurp their spaghetti a single noodle at a time.
Fall 2006
And we further accept responsibility for those,
Who never get a dessert, which have no safe pillow to carry around with them,
Who watch their parents who watch them die,
Who can’t find bread to live,
Who don’t have any rooms to clean up,
Whose picture is not on anyone’s walls or mantles,
Who boogieman, candyman and monsters are real,
We accept the responsibility for our children,
Who do not have allowances to spend,
Who throw tantrums in the grocery store, church and the parking lot,
Who pick at their food and feed it to the dog under the table,
Who like video games rather than ghost stories, checkers or Uno,
Who put dirty clothes on the floor in the corner of the room and never clean the tub,
Who get a visit from the tooth fairy when darkness falls,
Who don’t like to be kissed in front of the other school kids or in public,
Who can’t sit still in church, temple, mass or during mid-week prayer service,
Whose tears are real and whose laughter is sweet,
Whose smiles will embrace you like a warm old blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and make you cry.
And we accept responsibility for those, whose nightmares come in the daytime,
Who will eat anything they can get,
Who have never been to a dentist,
Who are not on the favorite uncle or aunt list,
Who stomach’s growl from hunger and who cry themselves to sleep even though it’s the middle of the day,
Who live and move, but have no being.
We accept responsibility for children who want to be carried and for those who must, for those we never
give up on and for those, and those, and those who will grab the hand of anybody who will offer it.
Extend your hand and change the world.
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
New Executive Director appointed
The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority/Student Loan People Board
of Directors selected Mr. Edward J. Cunningham as Executive Director and Chief
Executive Officer at a special meeting June 30. Mr. Cunningham is an accomplished
executive with extensive experience in financial services management, asset
financing, loan servicing, loan operations, and marketing. His emphasis will be on
team building, leadership, and public realtions while building lasting and supportive
client, third-party, and coworker relations.
Mr. Cunningham brings a level of experience and management expertise that
complements the dedicated and loyal staff already at KHEAA and The Student Loan
People. Most recently he has been employed at AES-PHEAA, which is one of the
nation’s largest administrators of grant, scholarship, and loan programs and a respected guarantor, lender,
and servicer. During his tenure at AES-PHEAA, he held various positions including Senior Executive; First Vice
President, Education Services Group; and Vice President, Loan Division. He also held positions with the Iowa
Student Loan Liquidity Corporation as Executive Director. He is a retired Command Reenlistment Sergeant
Major for the U.S.Army Reserves, where he served as an instructor for interpersonal communications and
human relations.
Loan Operations
KHEAA guarantee volume continues to increase.At the end of June 2006, KHEAA’s volume, including
Consolidation Loans, increased by 13.7% to $1.37 billion compared to the previous fiscal year. When
consolidations are excluded, the increase is 6.5%.
Graduate and professional students who wish to electronically apply for a Federal PLUS Loan may now do
so through KHEAA’s website www.kheaa.com. Since PLUS Loans require a credit check, students may obtain
PLUS Loan pre-approval by clicking on the Zip Decision logo.To electronically sign a Master Promissory Note for
a Federal PLUS Loan, students may click on “eSign Your MPN.” Federal PLUS Loans for graduate and professional
students cannot be guaranteed until July 1, 2006; however, schools may direct students to “Zip Decision” and
“eSign Your MPN” to ensure the proper verification and documentation are in place to allow the PLUS Loan to
be instantly guaranteed. For more information, contact KHEAA 800-617-2699.
Student Aid
KHEAA disbursed $178.2 million in state aid during FY 2006, an 8 percent increase over last year.
College Access Program (CAP) Grant maximum award amounts for the 2006-2007 academic year will
increase from $1,700 to $1,900.The KTG maximum awards will increase from $2,800 to $2,900 based on
new data KHEAA received regarding the full-time-equivalent calculation.
Two changes to the Early Childhood Development Scholarship (ECDS) regulations beginning with the
2006-07 academic year will:
• Increase the maximum award amount from $1,400 to $1,800.
• Require completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Fall 2006
Franklin Circuit Court Judge Roger Crittenden issued a ruling in the KAPT lawsuit on April 14.The ruling
stated (1) the transfer of $13.7 million from the KAPT Program Fund to the state’s General Fund required
by the 2005 state budget bill was unconstitutional and (2) the repeal of KRS 393.015, which provided the
backing of the Unclaimed Property Fund for KAPT tuition contract obligations, could not apply to current
KAPT contract holders, and the Commonwealth must fulfill the tuition payment obligation of all current
KAPT contract holders. KAPT purchasers were sent a letter from KAPT Board Chair Jim Jackson advising
them of the ruling.
KAPT recently implemented a new ACH option for benefit payments to schools and account owners. For
FY 2006, KAPT has disbursed $1.5 million in benefits on behalf of 325 students.
The Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust (KESPT) launched the KESPT Futuretrust® cash rebate
program on April 17. KESPT account owners may now:
• Receive cash rebates for purchases at more than 500 online stores, including Apple,Target, Circuit City,
Best Buy,The Gap, and eToys, among many others.
• Apply for a KESPT/Futuretrust MasterCard®, which can be used at millions of retail outlets to receive a
minimum 1% cash rebate on all card purchases.
When rebates total $25, the money will be automatically swept into an investment in the KESPT account.
Survey shows Kentucky doing good job with student aid
Kentucky received good marks in an annual survey of state-sponsored student financial aid programs.
The survey, conducted each year by the National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs
(NASSGAP), covered the 2004–2005 academic year.
NASSGAP looked at need-based grants, merit-based KEES, and other state aid administered by KHEAA.
Kentucky ranked:
• Second, behind only Georgia, in the number of awards per full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment
• Fourth in estimated undergraduate grant dollars per undergraduate FTE, behind South Carolina, Georgia,
and New York.
• Sixth in total grant dollars per population.
• Sixth in total grant dollars per population aged 18–24.
• Eighth in total state grant expenditures as a percentage of higher education operating expenses.
• Eleventh in need-based undergraduate grants per undergraduate FTE.
The entire report is available at www.nassgap.org.
Electronic award notice and payment planner
KHEAA and The Student Loan People contracted with Overture Technology to produce an electronic
award notice and payment planner for use by schools.These services are being provided to schools at no
cost and are available for the 2006-2007 award year.
To promote creation of new GoHigherKY.org (GHK) accounts, monthly drawings are being held to give
away an iPod shuffle to a student who set up a new account during the previous month. Over 30,000 new
accounts have been created on GHK since it went live in June 2004.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has issued a contract and work has begun on the
Individual Learning Plan (ILP) component of GHK. KDE anticipates an August 2006 go-live date.All students
in Kentucky will be required to set up a GHK account in middle school beginning next year.
Xap Corporation, which designed and operates GHK, is working with a third party to set up the
electronic transcript process with school districts and STI, a company that manages Kentucky’s K-12 school
data software, to develop a process to load and transmit data to colleges. Staff hopes to have some pilot
schools using the process by this fall.
Staff is scheduling a third series of hands-on training workshops in computer labs across Kentucky to
teach middle and high school counselors and GEAR UP and TRIO personnel about GoHigher modules.
Fall 2006
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Fall 2006
Message from SASFAA:
Mark your calendars
The 2006-2007 Conference Committee members invite you to this year’s
conference held February 11th-14th, 2007 at the fabulous Renaissance Hotel
located in downtown Nashville,Tennessee. Reservations may be made directly through the Renaissance
hotel at 1-800-327-6618 or 615-255-8400. Simply let the hotel staff know you are with the “SASFAA
Conference” to receive the conference rate. For those who prefer the internet you may reserve your
room online at this link: http://marriott.com/property/propertypage/bnash?groupCode=safsafa&app=res
Single and double rooms are available at $139.00 per night. Triple and quad rooms are available at
$149 per night. The committee is working hard to put together a conference you will not soon forget.
Additional information, including a more detailed agenda and conference registration form, will be posted
to the SASFAA web site at www.sasfaa.org through the Conferences section in late October.
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact one of the following Conference Committee
Alabama Representative
Florida Representative
Georgia Representative
Kentucky Representative
Mississippi Representative
North Carolina Representative
Tennessee Representative
South Carolina Representative
Virginia Representative
Hotel Liaison
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Lender Liaison
Conference Chair
Membership Chair
Diversity Chair
Andrew Weaver
Brenda Brown
Deborah H. Clark
Chris Tolson
Laura Diven-Brown
Dana Kelly
Sara Reese
Jeffrey Dennis
Brad Barnett
Ron Gambill
Karen Hauser
Sandra Neel
Todd Woodlee
Michael Morgan
Soraya Welden
Heather Boutell
Keith Reeves
Janet Sain
University of Alabama-Huntsville
University of Miami- School of Law
Atlanta Technical College
Campbellsville University
University of Mississippi
High Point University
Aquinas College Primetime
Southern Wesleyan University
James Madison University
Vanderbilt University
University of Tennessee-Martin
Education Finance Partners
Meridian Community College (ex-officio)
Bellarmine University (ex-officio)
Clemson University (ex-officio)
SunTrust Education Loans (ex-officio)
Mark your Calendars and get ready:This is one conference you will not want to miss.
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
Convenience. Availability. Access.
Student Loan Funding is an innovative
solution provider offering a suite of
online products that streamline the Buchholz
financial aid process:
• Your Electronic AwardSM provides
interactive online award letters that allow
families to complete the award process
in a single online session.
• Ask an eCounselor provides a link on
your web page that filters questions by
topic and forwards to the appropriate
financial aid counselor.
• Your eNewsletter allows you to tailor
messages to actively update students
and parents.
• Online Lender List displays your preferred
lenders electronically, allowing students
and parents to choose the lender that
meets their needs.
Brought to you by
Fall 2006
August 2006
Greetings KASFAA Member!
The Program Committee would like to invite you to join
the KASFAA TEAM and attend the fall KASFAA conference,
“Together Everyone Accomplishes More.”The conference
will be held October 18-20, 2006 in Fort Mitchell at The
Drawbridge Inn. Prior to the conference on Wednesday,
KASFAA is pleased to host the U.S. Department of Education
Federal Training Workshop on The HERA Act from 9 a.m.
– 5 p.m.. A separate registration will be required for this
training and more information will be provided and posted
to the KASFAA website once it is finalized with the U.S.
Department of Education.
The program committee has been working to provide an innovative and informative conference that
will appeal to everyone from new aid officers to seasoned veterans.The breakout sessions on Thursday
will cover areas of policies, procedures and people, preparing you for service from the front line to
administrative leadership. For more information on the action-packed conference, please see the enclosed
tentative agenda.
New KASFAA members are also invited to attend the New Member Luncheon on Wednesday, October
20th.You will have an opportunity to meet the KASFAA Executive Board, along with other new members
to KASFAA. If you plan to attend this event, please contact Morgan Kells at [email protected] by
Friday, October 6th.
A conference is not complete without the opportunity for fellowship with other members.
Conference registration and exhibits will open at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 20th. This fall’s
opening session will begin with the conference overview and President’s Dinner at 6:30 p.m., following
the Federal Training Workshop on Wednesday evening.The President’s Dinner will be held at The
Drawbridge Inn with food, fun, and entertainment! The Thursday Banquet will be held off site with more
information to be provided at a later date and we hope to close the conference Friday morning with
an inspirational speaker. As mentioned above, the conference theme is centered around teamwork and
as part of a sports team theme; plan to wear your favorite sports team apparel throughout the entire
conference, high school, college, or professional teams.
So join the KASFAA Team this fall: make your reservations today. Hotel reservations must be made
by Sunday, September 17, 2006. Contact The Drawbridge Inn at (inside Ky.) 1-800-352-9866 & (outside
Ky.) 1-800-354-9793.The conference group rate is $72/night plus tax for single or double occupancy.
Conference rate includes parking: please mention our group name KASFAA.
The Fall Conference registration deadline is September 29, 2006.You will be able to register online at
www.kasfaa.com beginning September 1, 2006. Please check the website for Conference and additional
We look forward to seeing you in Fort Mitchell!
Runan Pendergrast
KASFAA President
Bryan Erslan
Fall Program Chair
Fall 2006
Tentative Schedule
TUESDAY, October 17, 2006
3 – 6 p.m.
Executive Board Meeting
7– ????
Dinner/Packet Stuffing
WEDNESDAY, October 18, 2006
8:00 – 9:00
Program Committee / Executive Board Breakfast
9:00 – 4:00
Federal HERA Act Training – Separate registration required with E.D.11:00 – 2:00
Exhibit Setup
12:00 – 1:30
New Member Luncheon
2:00 – 6:00
2:00 – 6:00
Exhibits Open
4:00 – 5:00
6:30 – ????
Conference Overview / Opening Session/ Presidents Dinner
THURSDAY, October 19, 2006
8:00 – 10:30
Late Registration
8:00 – 9:00
Breakfast / SASFAA Update
9:15 – 10:15
Federal Update
10:15 – 11:30
Exhibits Open
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:30
Sector Meetings – Discussion on HERA Act
Public 2-Year; Public 4-Year; Private; Proprietary; Lender and Agency
11:45 – 1:15
Luncheon/ Business Meeting/Sector Report
1:15 – 4:00
Exhibits Open
1:30 – 2:30
Concurrent Sessions
1. Managers Training, How to Manage Your T.E.A.M.
3. Alternative loans
4. R2T4 on the Web
2:45 – 3:45
Concurrent Sessions
1. Presenting a Positive Image
2. Diversity Discussion – Panel of Students
3. Grad PLUS loan – Credit Score / Managing Student Debt
4. Mid-level Excel
3:45 – 4:00
4:00 – 5:00
Concurrent Sessions
1. Early Awareness – Access Programs
2. Understanding IRS 529 Plans
3. VA / VR / WIA
4. Zip loan processing
6:30 – ?????
Banquet & Entertainment
FRIDAY, October 20, 2006
8:00 – 9:00
8:45 – 9:30
KHEAA Update
9:45 – 10:30
HERA Act Recap:
10:30 – 11:30
Closing Session / Speaker /Adjourn
Fall 2006
We’re driven to be the most trusted lender by
FAAs, students and parents. We’re driven to offer a
better understanding of what our partners need to
succeed and what students deserve to go further in life.
Ultimately, what drives us is the same thing that drives
FAAs to help their students access a higher education.
Contact Mike Seiler at 615.310.0205 or mseiler @ sssc.com
mantra_flyer_v1.indd 1
7/28/2006 2:32:40 PM
Fall 2006
KASFAA Counselor Workshop Schedule
Nov. Big Sandy Comm. & Tech College
Prestonsburg Campus
Post Secondary Education Bldg.
Room 131
Nov. Union College
Patridge Student Center
Conference Rooms A, B & C
Fall 2006
Denise Trusty
Phone (606) 218-2060, ext. 67174
FAX (606) 886-6943
[email protected]
Sue Buttery
Phone (606) 546-1224
FAX (606) 546-1667
[email protected]
Denise Trusty, Director of FA
Big Sandy Comm. & Tech College
One Bert T. Combs Drive
Prestonsburg, KY 41653
Sue Buttery,
Assoc. Dean of Adm. & FA
Union College
310 College Street
Barbourville, KY 40906
Madisonville Community College Sherry Hewell
John H. Gray Building
Phone (270) 824-8666
Multipurpose Room
FAX (270) 824-1864
[email protected]
Murray State University
Charles Vinson
Curris Center
Phone (270) 809-2546
Barkley Room
(ask for Diane Blakely)
FAX (270) 809-3116
[email protected]
Bowling Green Technical College Rick Wilson
Main Campus
Phone (270) 901-1004
Building F Meeting Room
FAX (270) 901-1144
RickW. [email protected]
University of Louisville
Becky Carson
Shelby Campus
Phone (502) 852-5517
Founders Union 218 A-B
FAX (502) 852-0182
[email protected]
Georgetown College
Rhyan Conyers
Conference Center – Banquet
Phone (502) 863-8027
FAX (502) 868-7733
[email protected]
400 E. College Street
Georgetown, KY 40324
Thomas More College
Kristina Watkins
Holbrook Student Center
Phone (859) 344-3506
Steigerwald Hall
FAX (859) 344-3638
[email protected]
Morehead State University
Jessica Adkins
Adron Doran University Center
Phone (606) 783-2011
Crager Room, Third Floor
FAX (606) 783-2293
[email protected]
Sherry Hewell
Madisonville Community College
2000 College Drive
Madisonville, KY 42431
Charles Vinson, Director SFA
Murray State University
B2 Sparks Hall
Murray, KY 42071
Rick Wilson, Director FA
Bowling Green Technical College
1845 Loop Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Becky Carson
9001 Shelbyville Road
110 Founders Union Bldg.
Louisville, KY 40222
Rhyan Conyers, Director SFP
Georgetown College
400 E. College Street
Georgetown, KY 40324
Kristina Watkins, Asst. Director FA
Thomas More College
333 Thomas More Parkway
Crestview Hills, KY 41017
Jessica Adkins, Scholarships
Morehead State University
Enrollment Services Center
100 Admissions Center
Morehead, KY 40351
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
2 0 0 6 – 2 0 0 7 K A S FA A E x e c u t i v e B o a r d
Runan Pendergrast, Bluegrass
Community & Technical College
President Elect
Bryan Erslan, Berea College
Past President
Shelley Park, Eastern Kentucky University
Vice President of Training
Rick Wilson, Bowling Green Technical College
Karyan Yates, Eastern Kentucky University
Jennifer Cosens, KHEAA
Board of Directors
Public Four Year
Pat Arauz, University of Louisville
Lender Representative
Rosemary Tutt, National Education
Agency Representative
Jennifer Long, KHEAA
Proprietary Representative
Laura Jones, Sullivan University
Private Representative
Katie Conrad, Midway College
Two–Year Public
Kathy Hodges, Elizabethtown Community
& Technical College
Committee Chairs
Fall Program Chair
Bryan Erslan, Berea College
Spring Program Chair
Wendi Dailey, Student Loan Funding
Robin Buckholz, KHEAA
Laura Keown, Centre College
Articles and Bylaws
Karyn Yates, Eastern Kentucky University
Heather Boutell, Bellarmine College
Terri Parchment, edamerica
College Goal Sunday
Betty Parke, Eastern Kentucky University
Lisa Schrenger, Jefferson Community and
Technical College
Diversity Concerns
Toya Flanagan, Jefferson Community and
Technical College
Legislative Issues
Dave Cecil,Transylvania University
Long Range Planning
Anthony Bowles, AmSouth Bank
April Kendrick, Nelnet
Public Relations/Financial Aid Awareness
Aaron Gabehart, Campbellsville University
High School Counselor Training
Rhonda Bryant, University of
Lissa Caldwell, KHEAA and The Student Loan
Heather Boutell, Bellarmine University
NASFAA Training
Cindy Burnette, Western Kentucky University
Support Staff Workshop
Gina Kuzuoka, Spalding
Membership/Partnership Program
Morgan Kells, Southwestern
Chester Priest, KHEAA
Website Technology
Jason Tretter,The Student Loan People
Fall 2006
Kim Brown
Director of Student Financial Services
Midwestern University
“USA Funds is a true partner in our
efforts to offer a comprehensive
financial-literacy program
to our students.”
We’re now using USA Funds® Life Skills®’ graduate and
professional materials as an enrollment-management tool.
These materials support our efforts to demonstrate how
much we care about our students’ success in both their
financial and personal lives while attending Midwestern
University. Everyone on campus, from admissions to student
services, is enthused about how we are enhancing our services
to students.
USA Funds has taken our enrollment-management endeavor to a new level of sophistication and professionalism. I can
always count on USA Funds to be there for Midwestern
To learn more about USA Funds Life Skills, call Lisa Stephens toll-free
(866) 497-USAF, Ext. 8778, or visit www.usafunds.org.
Fall 2006
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1805 Woodfield Rd
Louisville, KY 40220
April Kendrick
KASFAA Newsletter Editor
Fall 2006