The Time is NOW — YOU Can Make a Difference!


The Time is NOW — YOU Can Make a Difference!
Volunteer Leadership — Something for Everyone! PAGE 10
The Time is NOW —
YOU Can Make a Difference!
5 Lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy
Small business owners affected by Hurricane Sandy learned some hard lessons on what’s
necessary to bounce back from a disaster. What did the brutal storm teach us and
how can your practice be prepared for major hurricanes in the future?
Accept extreme weather as the
new reality and have disaster
preparation and business
continuity plans ready before the
weatherman’s forecast.
How long can your practice last with
doors closed? Keep an emergency
fund to help your practice survive a
couple days of business closures.
Back up your data regularly and
keep important documents in a
weather-proof safe. Also keep
copies of important records at a
secure offsite location.
Your business continuity plan
should include details such as
practice location alternatives,
out-of-region backup suppliers
and employee emergency contacts.
Communicate with your insurance agent annually to
reveiw your coverage details. Ask about additional
coverages that may be right for your practice. Being
prepared can make the difference.
Call today to speak to a licensed
agent about your practice’s
hurricane protection coverage.
2 | • SUMMER 2015
Dennis Head
Director of Sales, Central Florida
[email protected]
President’s Message
Venturing Outside Your Office
ur profession is one
that is unique in many
ways. Most of us are able
to work independently and
prefer it that way. Others
choose to work under the
flag of a corporate entity.
Either is fine really. Our right
to practice and maintain
autonomy over procedures
and scope of practice
procedures is protected by
law, for now. If we want it
to stay that way it is time
for us to venture outside the
Dr. Jeffrey J. Sevor, DMD
friendly confines (apologies
to long suffering Cubs fans)
of our cozy offices and volunteer for something.
Volunteerism in our profession is at an all-time low, yet
it has never been more critical for the survival of our
profession. The first area where volunteerism is needed is in
organized dentistry. There are many levels and facets to get
involved in that will help assure our profession’s integrity
is maintained. Do understand that we are under constant
attack. While you may have your head down knocking out
those lovely elective restorations, there are forces at work
trying to convince lawmakers, rule makers, and the general
public that undertrained dentists are more than capable of
doing your job for you. Included in this list would be foreign
trained dentists, who every year attempt legislatively to
eliminate the two year US training requirement prior to
sitting for the Florida Board; and mid-level providers, who
are touted by the Pew Foundation, as the cure for all of
dentistry’s underserved needs in the State of Florida. In like
manner, dental hygiene groups also present themselves as
an answer to treating the underserved.
How can you make a difference? Glad you asked. First,
with regards to organized dentistry, you can get involved
in the legislative action process. Volunteer to become a
Legislative Contact Dentist*. Contribute to FDAPAC and
ADPAC. I have to tell you the amounts contributed by
dentists to our own political PACs are minimal …. This is
an embarrassment! It is unfortunate that our PAC
contributions (as dentists) have to be voluntary. The
Florida Bar, for example, has mandatory PAC contributions
as part of their Bar dues. And you wonder why lawyers are
always kicking our butts? So when I see some of you spend
more money on a bottle of wine than you contribute to
your own profession’s survival, it perplexes me, more than
a little. Get involved in the upcoming election cycle with
dental friendly candidates. Hint: Do some research. The
best candidates are not always Republican candidates.
If you get the chance thank FDA President Elect Bill D’Auito.
Through deft maneuvering and expert lobbying he
convinced Nova Southeastern University to scrap plans for
the first mid-level provider training program in the state.
You can help by volunteering to treat the disadvantaged.
This is important for several reasons. First, we need to
give back to the less fortunate. That goes without saying.
Second, and just as important, are the three words of
poison: Access to Care. This is the mantra that every special
interest group out there uses to “beat us over the head”.
We, as dentists, actually have a lot of care available that
is under-utilized by those in need. Unfortunately, when
progressive groups like the Kellogg and Pew Foundations
rattle their billions of dollars in the faces of our legislators,
they tend to take notice. Right or wrong, that is how the
system is wired. An example of how things can go awry
occurred in the state of Minnesota, where there is a 3% tax
levied against all dental services to pay for underserved
dental care. Additionally, we should be concerned with
Governor Scott’s reversal of his position on Medicaid
expansion. Don’t we lobby every year in Tallahassee for
expansion of Medicaid dental care? The answer is an
emphatic yes!! This has been an issue every Dentists’ Day
on the Hill since the beginning. In choosing our candidates
we need to consider those who will serve our best interests.
The same 10% of dentists in the CFDDA consistently
shoulder the load for the rest of us. It is time for all dentists
to step forward and get involved and bring fresh ideas and
contributions to our profession. I would like to “strongly
encourage” all to step outside the box and contribute for the
good of our profession. I promise you will find it rewarding
and also provide a sense of unity. Giving back to our
profession and giving to your fellow man carries its own set
of rewards to help counterbalance those tough days after a
difficult veneer preparation or restorative challenge.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve and represent our
great organization.
Dr. Jeff Sevor
2015-2016 CFDDA President
* See page 7
SUMMER 2015 • | 3
Trustee Report
On May 15-16, 2015, the FDA Board
of Trustees met in Tampa. There was a
presentation directed by Moore Public
Relations on the effective interview.
We received details on all media
forms for interview. The presentation
included a discussion on the interview
of Dr. Bill D’Aiuto, FDA Second Vice
James Antoon, DMD
Howard Pranikoff, DDS
Bernie Kahn, DDS
Alternate Trustee
John Cordoba, DDS
Alternate Trustee
FDA Executive Director, Drew Eason,
reported on the following: the FLA
MOM event scheduled in Jacksonville
in 2016, an analysis for Florida’s
Action for Oral Health from the
ADA’s Health Policy Institute, a
new FDA blog, “Beyond the Bite,”
which is open to our contribution, a
successful Signing Day event at UF
with 100% submitting applications
for membership, and successful
membership numbers for last year,
(ahead of the strategic plan goal).
The FDA budget was passed with
a net increase of $5.00 per active
member in dues. The FDA Foundation
(FDAF) budget was reviewed, as well.
We voted to continue to support the
Florida Medical Association and
the Florida Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry’s lawsuit addressing Florida’s
Medicaid failure to comply with federal
access requirements. This issue affects
our members who are Medicaid or
potential Medicaid providers and their
patients. The BOT voted to spend up to
$10,000 for court costs.
Resolutions were submitted by the
FDA Strategic Planning Task Group
regarding effectiveness of Councils
and Committees. The Task Group
responded to FDA HOD concerns
about low attendance and reduced
Council and Committee actions. They
considered responses from Council and
Committee Chairs and BOT Liaisons
from last November. The BOT made
several recommendations that will be
presented to the FDA HOD in June.
The FDA has operated from the current buildings for decades
without major improvements or expansion. The FDA Building
Task Group is reviewing advice from professional consultants
and will make recommendations to the BOT this year.
A resolution was submitted to establish dual membership for
current ADA members who are enrolled in another state. Dues
would be $100.00. Component membership in Florida would
not be required.
The BOT approved several FDA Bylaws revisions and the Work
Groups Manual submitted by the Council on Ethics, Bylaws, and
Judicial Affairs. Resolutions will now go to the FDA HOD in June.
The BOT approved a resolution to pay malpractice insurance
for new dental school grads in Florida. This coverage will be
limited to the first year of practice and only to those applying
for coverage through FDA Services. The cost of this new
member benefit is minimal and it will hopefully increase
FDA membership.
FDA Officer Appointments for 2015-2016 were announced
as follows:
Office of President: Dr. Ralph Attanasi, II
Office of President-Elect: Dr. Bill D’Aiuto
Office of First Vice President: Dr. Mike Eggnatz
Office of Second Vice President: Dr. Jolene Paramore
Office of Secretary: Dr. Rudy Liddell
Dr. James Paladino was elected Vice-Chair to the Council on
Financial Affairs. Dr. Suzy Thiems-Heflin has been reappointed
to Chair, Committee on Leadership Development. Drs. Howard
Pranikoff and Bill D’Aiuto will become Class A Directors of
FDA Services, Inc., with Dr. Pranikoff being elected Vice-Chair.
There was a resolution to rescind the strategic planning
policy. The Board now considers strategic plan compliance
and updates at each BOT meeting. The Board Development
Meeting will be moved to August to save money.
The BOT voted in favor of a resolution submitted by the
CFDDA regarding specialty license plates. The proposal calls
for the FDA to study potential benefits of creating a State
of Florida specialty automobile license plate to promote the
importance of dental health in Florida and report its findings to
the January 2016 HOD.
The BOT voted in favor of the Task Groups report on
“medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws” (MRONJ).
The report recommends that patients at risk for MRONJ be
evaluated by a dentist before beginning treatment.
It was resolved that the FDA Speaker of the House invite the
deans of the three Florida dental schools to speak at the HOD
and to meet with each other at the Florida Dental Convention
(FDC). The Board recommended that FDA staff survey faculty
at the three dental schools to see if there would be an interest
in a University Affairs Committee that would allow faculty to
meet at FDC each year to discuss mutual interests.
The BOT proposed a resolution that requests the FDA HOD to
consider establishing a Campaign Fund to provide financial
assistance to FDA members running for ADA elective office.
Respectfully submitted,
Bernie Kahn, DDS
SUMMER 2015 • | 5
BOD Report
The Florida Board of Dentistry
(BOD) met in Gainesville on
Friday, May 29, 2015.
The Florida Dental Association
(FDA) was represented by FDA
BOD Liaison Dr. Don Ilkka and
FDA Lobbyist Casey Stoutamire.
Other FDA members in
attendance included: Dr. Rick
Stevenson (FDA President),
Dr. Bert Hughes, Dr. Andy
Brown, and Dr. Mark Romer.
Dr. Isabel Garcia, Dean of the
Dr. Donald Ilkka, DMD
University of Florida College
BOD Liaison
of Dentistry, attended with
many UFCD students. Also, in attendance were numerous
dental assisting and dental hygiene students from Santa Fe
Community College.
Nine out of eleven BOD members were present: Dr. Bill
Kochenour, Chair, Dr. Leonard Britten, Vice Chair, Dr. Dan
Gesek, Dr. Robert Perdomo, Dr. T.J. Tejera, Dr. Joe Thomas,
hygienists, Ms. Catherine Cabazon and Ms. Angie Sissine,
and consumer member, Mr. Tim Pyle. Dr. Wade Winker and
Mr. Anthony Martini were absent.
The BOD took the following actions on May 29:
Reports by BOD members
• Dr. Kochenour gave a report on the American Association
of Dental Boards (AADB). At a recent meeting in Chicago,
this group discussed impaired practitioners and how
different state BODs handle this issue. Dr. Winker
attended this meeting and spoke on Florida’s Professional
Resource Network (PRN) and the success the state had
with this program. Dr. Winker was also nominated to go
up the ladder on the AADB’s Board of Directors. FDA
Member, Dr. Eva Ackley, was named President-Elect.
• Ms. Sue Foster informed the members that the State
Surgeon General requested the BOD designate or accept
volunteers for a dentistry strategic planning committee
for future planning of the profession, telehealth issues,
ethics issues, etc. Dr. Kochenour stated that no task force
would be created right now because many BOD members
serve on national boards and associations so they are well
informed on future trends. He will reconsider creating a
task force in the future if the need arises.
Report by the Council on Dental Hygiene
Ms. Cabazon, Chair of the Council, reported on the items
acted upon by the Council on its May 18th conference call:
• The BOD approved the Council’s recommendation to
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lower Dental Hygiene licensure and renewal fees, as
recommended by the Budget Task Force. (Rules 64B515.006, 15.008, 15.009, 15.012, 15.0121).
• The Council recommended changes to Rule 64B5-2.0135,
under Dental Hygiene Examination, to take out references
to NERB since its name has changed and replace it with
its new name, the Commission on Dental Competency
Assessments (CDCA). However, per BOD Attorney,
Mr. David Flynn’s recommendation this issue was sent
to the Rules Committee for further review. Mr. Flynn was
hesitant to change the name of the entity administering
the exam in the rule because the contract Florida is
currently under has NERB listed as the entity
administering the exam. This rule will be changed, but
the BOD needs to determine the best verbiage.
• Rule 64B5-2.0144, Licensure Requirements for Dental
Hygiene Applicants from Unaccredited Dental Schools
or Colleges. Ms. Cabazon reported the Florida Dental
Hygiene Association (FDHA) has put together a task
force to look at this rule and make recommendations to
update, streamline, and condense the remedial course
requirements. Currently, only one program offers the
remedial course, Palm Beach State College, and it
frequently cancels the course due to a low number of
participants. This leads to hygiene applicants to request
a waiver from the BOD to allow them to take the exam
without completing the remedial course since the course
isn’t being offered.
• Ms. Cabazon reported that Ms. Sissine will be working
with Mr. Flynn to update rules relating to authorization
for remediable tasks to clarify the 13 month and 2 year
rules relating to dental charting.
Rules Report
Mr. David Flynn, BOD Attorney, gave a rules report:
• Rule 64B5-17.002, Written Dental Records: Minimum
Content, Retention, is now effective. Mr. Flynn worked
with the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee
(JAPC) on their approval of the rule; specifically (Section 9)
pro bono dental events. Mr. Flynn recommended
seeking legislation that would put the language of this
subsection into statute. After much discussion by BOD
members, this issue was sent to the Rules Committee
for further discussion.
Application Revisions
• The BOD approved changes to the applications for
the Health Access Dental License Application due to
NERB changing its name to the Commission on Dental
Letter from the FDA - 2016 Mission of Mercy:
• Dr. Brown presented a second letter to the BOD for its
approval. The BOD congratulated the FDA on its effort
and approved the request.
• Mr. Flynn stated he would move forward with putting
the contents of the request in rule. Mr. Flynn has been
directed to draft the rule and bring it back to the full
BOD for approval. The rule will specify the BOD has no
liability and will set up criteria for out-of-state licensees
to participate in events such as MOMs. (E.g. clear and
active license in another state.) Mr. Flynn will attempt
to draft the rule very narrowly so that other programs
cannot use out-of-state licensees under this rule, while
staying within the confines of the recent Supreme Court
decision regarding the North Carolina Dental Board and
the Federal Trade Commission.
Request from FreeD.O.M. Clinic, USA, Inc.
• This clinic submitted a letter requesting approval for
out-of-state dentists to participate in an event they are
having in July 2015. This is the first time this organization
will be holding this event in Florida. However, its parent
organization has held events in other states. The BOD
denied the request, at this time, because there was not
enough time to ensure that out-of-state dentists would be
properly screened and the public may not be adequately
protected. The BOD suggested that this group contact
the Florida Dental Association to find Florida licensed
dentists willing to volunteer.
CE Changes for Retired Dentists
• Dr. Robert Dreyfus appeared before the BOD and
renewed his request to change the CE requirements
for retired dentists practicing in indigent dental clinics.
The BOD unanimously denied this request.
Disciplinary Cases
• There were six disciplinary cases and four voluntary
relinquishments at this meeting. One voluntary
relinquishment was that of Dr. Howard Schneider, a
pediatric dentist from Jacksonville. Dr. Schneider was
not at the meeting, but several members of the media
were in attendance. There were several below
standard of care cases presented and some dealt
with substance abuse.
• There was no action taken or any discussion on the FDA’s
Restorative Functions Dental Auxiliaries proposals.
If you have never attended a BOD, take the opportunity and see
the work of the BOD. It is much better to be a spectator than a
participant in BOD disciplinary cases.
The next BOD meeting is Friday, August 21, 2015,
at 7:30 a.m. at the Safety Harbor Resort and Spa.
2016 Annual Meeting
April 14-16, 2016
Orlando World Center Marriott
$189.00/per night
Details in the CFDDA
Fall Newsletter.
Dr. Laurence J. Dario
For Dentists/Hygienists:
will present:
Dr. Jeffrey Sevor
• The History of
will present:
Dental Implants
• Naked Gums – Part Deux
• Connecting Dental Implants
Only If You Can Handle
to Natural Teeth
the Truth
• Treatment Planning
Difficult Cases
Friday Evening – A Fun
Casino Night!
The Florida Dental Association Legislative Contact Dentist
(LCD) program is essential to building strong relationships
with Senate and House members and educating them
on the FDA’s legislative priorities. As a result of the 2014
elections, there are many newly elected legislators who
will need a contact dentist. The goal is to have at least
one contact dentist for every legislator. Please review
the list of legislators below who do NOT have an LCD.
Please contact the FDA Governmental Affairs Office,
800-326-0051 if you would like to serve as an LCD for
any of the legislators below.
• District 10 Rep. Elizabeth Porter (R-Lake City)
• District 27 Rep. David Santiago (R-Deltona)
• District 34 Rep. Jimmie Smith (R-Lecanto)
• District 35 Rep. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill)
• District 42 Rep. Mike La Rosa (R-St. Cloud)
• District 43 Rep. John Cortes (D-Kissimmee)
• District 96 Rep. Kristin Jacobs (D-Pompano Beach)
• District 102 Rep. Sharon Prichett (D-Miramar)
• District 107 Rep. Barbara Watson (D-Miami Gardens)
• District 108 Rep. Daphne Campbell (D-Miami Shores)
• District 109 Rep. Cynthia Stafford (D-Opa Locka)
• District 120 Rep. Holly Raschein (R-Key Largo)
SUMMER 2015 • | 7
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The Time is Now — We Need YOU!
Submitted by Dr.
Christopher J. Cowell
Volunteerism … it’s
the lifeblood of any
healthy organization.
Without it, we don’t
have anything.
With it, we have the
potential for anything
and everything.
truly ground-breaking ways to help our society
and combat these threats. Throughout all of them,
it took people who cared enough to get involved
and make a difference.
The biggest thing I want to impress upon my peers is
when it comes to raising your hand to volunteer, to
take time to find one or two things that you like doing
to help us all make a difference. Not everyone likes
to serve on a Board, or travel for a weekend meeting,
or be involved in topics that bore us. Service to our
profession can mean so much more than that. There
are so many ways we can each get involved at some
small level to collectively put our efforts in a forward
motion. Things as simple as going to an affiliate
meeting to show support and be a part of the body of
organized dentistry. It can be volunteering some time
to assist association staff, anything and any amount of
time shows support to our profession.
So why do I volunteer
in our dental
associations? It all
began with how I was
Christopher J. Cowell
raised. I was brought
up understanding
that it is part of my duty to be an active participant in
those areas of my life that have meaning. It was just
Thinking about how I may help inspire others to
the expected thing to do. Not everyone feels that way
become involved at some level, I recall two situations
and I get that. We all have busy lives that pull at us in
in my life that have helped shape me in my decision
many directions. But why did I choose my profession
to be a major area of service in my life? Good question. making. The first came about when I got to know a
politician I met in Tallahassee,
Maybe it’s because I feel like there
Rep. Joyce Cusack. I met her at the
is a sense of urgency, or security; or There are so many ways
FDA’s Dentists’ Day on the Hill.
simply because dentistry is a field
She was a new legislator from my
that I understand well. Perhaps, it’s
town and in our meeting I heard her
as simple as I enjoy volunteering.
at some small level to
use the phrase, “I am here to make a
I have a need to want to see my
difference.” That phrase has always
profession become the best it can
stuck with me. I would always leave
be and, like many dentists, I am a
in a forward motion.
my conversations with her saying,
bit of a perfectionist. I like having
“Keep making a difference!” The second inspiration I
problems to solve. I also like the relationships that I
got was through my parish priest, Fr. David Suellau.
have made with my dental colleagues. I can honestly
When he really wanted to make a difference and
say I have forged some very strong friendships with
motivate the congregation, he would end his sermon
some great people while doing service for dentistry.
with the phrase, “Think about it … pray about it,
and why not do something about it.”
But, I think the most important reason I volunteer is
because there is a need. There is a big need for us to
So my charge to you my colleagues is that “our
make dentistry a great profession. Throughout the
profession needs you in whatever way you can help,
17 years that I have been involved in the tripartite
system of organized dentistry I have seen many areas think about it, pray about it, and why not do something
about it to help make a difference in our profession.”
of how our profession is shaped and assimilated to
Please take a moment and complete the CFDDA Area
work in our society. There have been many threats
of Interest Form located on the next page of this
to how we do our job. Through collaboration, our
newsletter. The time is now — we need you!
leaders in the dental field have come up with some
SUMMER 2015 • | 9
I am interested in and would like to learn more about:
______Dental Students
______Grass Roots Efforts
______Peer Review
______Dental Health
______Volunteer Dentistry
Yes, I may in the future be interested in serving as or on:
______A CFDDA Line Officer
______An FDA Delegate/Alternate Delegate
______The FDA Board of Trustees
______The ADA Delegation
FDA Councils:
______The FDA Council on Dental Benefits
______The FDA Council on Financial Affairs
______The FDA Council on Dental Education & Licensure
______The FDA Council on Membership
______The FDA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs
______The FDA Council on the New Dentist
(This is a short term group of FDA House of Delegates or Board of
Trustees or grass roots members with expertise in a specific area. They collect data and offer solutions to the Board and House.)
FDA Committees:
______Audit Committee
______Conventions and Continuing Education
______Governmental Action
______Leadership Development
______FDA Services, Inc.
______Florida Dental Health Foundation
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________________
My affiliate association is:
_____Alachua County Dental Association
_____Brevard County Dental Society
_____Dental Society of Greater Orlando
_____Lake County Dental Association
_____Marion County Dental Association
_____Volusia/Flagler Dental Association
Return to: CFDDA, 800 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803 Fax: 407-895-9712
Email: [email protected]
Someone will contact you to discuss involvement and assist in finding
those certain areas that appeal to you most. Thank you.
10 | • SUMMER 2015
2015-2016 Leadership
The following individuals have made a commitment to the association and its members.
We thank you for “raising your hand” to volunteer in these leadership positions.
Central Florida District Dental Association Officers
Dr. Jeffrey Sevor, President
Dr. Lee Anne Keough, President Elect
Dr. Bryan Bergens, First Vice President
Dr. Dan Crofton, Second Vice President
Dr. Craig Kara, Secretary
Dr. Gary Altschuler, Immediate Past Pres.
Dr. Christopher Cowell, Treasurer
407-647-2295 352-351-5588 386-258-2213 407-257-6695 321-777-2981 352-371-4141 386-734-8585 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Trustees to the Florida Dental Association
Dr. James Antoon, Trustee
Dr. Howard Pranikoff, Trustee
Dr. Bernie Kahn, Alternate Trustee
Dr. John Cordoba, Alternate Trustee
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Affiliate Delegates to the CFDDA Executive Council
Dr. Wade Townsend
Brevard County Dental Society – open
Dr. Scott Cohen
Lake County Dental Association – open
Dr. Juddson Reed
Volusia Flagler County Dental Association – open
[email protected]
Alachua County Dental Assn.
[email protected]
Dental Society of Greater Orlando
[email protected] County Dental Assn.
Affiliate Presidents
Alachua County Dental Association
Brevard County Dental Society
Dental Society of Greater Orlando
Lake County Dental Association
Marion County Dental Association
Volusia Flagler County Dental Assn.
Dr. Samuel Markham
Dr. Jonathan Calderon
Dr. Scott Cohen
Dr. Robert Pellosie
Dr. Daniel Weldon
Dr. Scott Lawson
FDA Officer Representative
C. William D’Auito, President Elect
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
FDA Council Representatives
Council on Dental Care and Benefits – Dr. Craig Kara
Council on Dental Education and Licensure – Dr. Christopher Cowell
Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs – Dr. Jay “Drew” Johnson
Council on Financial Affairs – Dr. James Paladino
Council on Membership - Dr. J. Edward Kennedy
Council on the New Dentist – Dr. Sandeep Rawal
Governmental Action Committee – Dr. Jason Larkin
FDA Services, Inc. Board – Dr. James Paladino
FDAPAC – Dr. E. Donald Thomas
FDC and Continuing Education Committee – Dr. Bertram Hughes, Chair
Leadership Development Committee – Dr. Suzi Thiems-Heflin, Chair
SUMMER 2015 • | 11
2015-2016 Leadership
CFDDA Delegates/Alternate Delegates to the FDA
Dr. Jeff Sevor (Delegation Co-Chair)
Dr. Lee Anne Keough
Alachua (3)
Dr. Samuel Markham
Dr. James Paladino
Dr. Wade Townsend (Delegation Co-Chair)
Alachua (3)
Dr. Gary Altschuler
Dr. Bertram Hughes
Dr. Suzi Thiems-Heflin
Brevard (3)
Dr. Curtis Hill
Dr. Drew Johnson
Dr. Craig Kara
Brevard (3)
Dr. Mitch Barlow
Dr. Jerry Bird
Dr. Tony Sidor
Greater Orlando (9)
Dr. Scott Cohen
Dr. Chris Cowell
Dr. Dan Crofton
Dr. Jim Flatley
Dr. Tom Holehouse
Dr. Lucien Johnson, III
Dr. Bernard Kahn
Dr. Ed Kennedy
Dr. Tony Wong
Greater Orlando (9)
Dr. Bryant Anderson
Dr. Jason Battle
Dr. John Beattie
Dr. Kevin Bonn
Dr. John Cordoba
Dr. Katie Miller
Dr. Evelyn Ortiz-Castillo
Dr. Don Thomas
Dr. Brett Zak
Lake (1)
Dr. Joseph Richardson
Lake (1)
Marion (1)
Dr. Scott Jackson
Marion (1)
Dr. Jamie Amir
Volusia Flagler (3)
Dr. Scott Lawson
Dr. Rod MacIntyre
Dr. Oscar Morejon
Volusia Flagler (3)
Dr. Jason Larkin
Dr. Sandeep Patel
ADA Delegation -17th District – Florida Representatives
Dr. C. William D’Auito
Dr. James Antoon
Dr. John Cordoba
Dr. Bertram Hughes
Dr. Suzi Thiems-Heflin Dr. James Paladino
Dr. Jerry Bird
Dr. Christopher Cowell
12 | • SUMMER 2015
Automatic At Large Delegate
At Large Delegate (Vice Chair)
At Large Alternate Delegate
At Large Alternate Delegate
At Large Alternate Delegate
At Large Alternate Delegate
Component Designated Delegate
Component Designated Alternate Delegate
CFDDA 2015 Annual Meeting
If you missed this one … you missed a good one!
Thank you to all who came out and attended this outstanding
meeting at the Hammock Beach Resort, April 23-25.
2014-2015 CFDDA President
Dr. Gary Altschuler
Job well done!
SUMMER 2015 • | 13
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… We do.
Do youVbelieve
in working
Years of Giving to the Profession
Two CFDDA Members Recognized at Florida Dental Convention
June 20, 2015
Dr. Donald Clay Erbes was the
Dr. Don Ilkka received an FDA
recipient of the J. Leon Schwartz
Special Recognition Award for his
Lifetime Service Award. Dr. Erbes
dedication to the profession. He
has held leadership positions
is the 17th District Representative
at all levels, including CFDDA
to the ADA Council on Ethics,
President, 2002-2003. He has also
Bylaws and Judicial Affairs, the
served as a CFDDA delegate
FDA Liaison to the Florida Board
to the FDA, approach
FDA Trustee,
and an FDA Audit
• This client-centric
allows us to focus solely on TheofMedical
Alternate Delegate to the ADA.
Committee Member. Dr. Ilkka was
Group (Physicians and their practices).
At the affiliate level, Dr. Erbes
CFDDA President, 2000-2001 and
was President
of the Lake County Dental
• We’ve worked in the medical industry for many years and have developed many
County Dental Association. He has been an active
Association. Dr. Ilkka was an FDA Alternate Trustee
at the UF
College of Dentistry and in 1992
for two years, an FDA Trustee for 12 years, and served
received the Excellence in Teaching and Service for 10
on the ADA Delegation. Dr. Ilkka has provided free
how to help
get less
the fortunate
deal done.
years.•At We
the state
level, Dr.your
the 2006
to those
for many years at the
FDA Leadership Award, the 2011 FDA Service Award
St. Luke’s Dental and Medical Clinic, which he
• selected
This kind
and easier
get business done,
and was
of the Year
2012. it faster,founded
and to
How is that Smarter?
giving you back valuable time (and who doesn’t need more time?!).
Congratulations to both of these CFDDA Members for volunteering
to you.
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14 | • SUMMER 2015
The Florida
ental Convention
CFDDA Volunteer Leadership at Work at FDC
➊ Dr. Gerald Bird, FDAPAC Chair, welcomes everyone to the FDA Legislative Reception. ➋ CFDDA Delegation. ➌ Dr. Jeff Sevor, CFDDA Delegation Co-Chair,
speaks to proposed resolution. ➍ Dr. Craig Kara and Dr. Dan Crofton discuss issues before the 2nd Session of the FDA HOD. ➎ Dr. Bill D’Auito, FDA President Elect,
listens intently during the CFDDA Breakfast Caucus. ➏ Dr. Lucien Johnson, III, Chair, FDA Credentialing Committee, declares a quorum. ➐ Dr. Wade Townsend, CFDDA
Delegation Co-Chair, consults with FDA Attorney, Graham Nicol. ➑ Dr. Lee Anne Keough and other members of the CFDDA Delegation cast their ballots.
SUMMER 2015 • | 15
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Dipping Your Toe, Raising Your hand, Stepping Up…
Any of these will work!
Marlinda Fulton
CFDDA Executive
I have had the great fortune to work
with dentists for many years and in
many different capacities. Throughout
my career it has always been the
volunteer dentists for any given
project, clinic, association, you name
it, that have impressed me with the
importance and dedication they place
on their profession. These are the two
common threads that in essence bind
these volunteers who work diligently
towards preserving their profession.
The Central Florida District Dental
Association (CFDDA) ceases to function without our
leadership volunteers. Every volunteer dentist serving
on a council, committee, the delegation, and at the local
affiliate level works as a whole to make the CFDDA a
functioning and vital component to the Florida Dental
Association and the American Dental Association. It is
truly, The Power of Three.
One of my goals as your executive director is to ensure
all CFDDA volunteer leaders understand what their
job or position entails. The CFDDA office is here to
lend support, provide assistance, and answer your
questions. In addition, another resource for information
is the volunteer leadership presently serving; look no
further than pages 11-12 of this newsletter. Any of these
members will be happy to answer your questions if you
are interested in getting involved in organized dentistry.
Choose your idiom, they all work. But most importantly,
choose organized dentistry. The time is now to volunteer
and lead the way for those who will follow you in the
Did You Forget?
Please take a moment to complete
the CFDDA Area of Interest Form
on page 10.
Important Dates
August 21, 2015
Florida Board of Dentistry
Safety Harbor Resort & Spa
September 18, 2015
CFDDA Strategic Planning Session
Orlando, FL
November 5-10, 2015 ADA-America's Dental Meeting
Washington, D.C.
November 20, 2015
Florida Board of Dentistry
Orlando Marriott, Lake Mary
January 16, 2016
CFDDA HOD Meeting/Caucus
Orlando, FL
January 22-23, 2016
Tampa, FL
February 3, 2016
Dentists’ Day on the Hill
Tallahassee, FL
April 14-16, 2016
Orlando World Center Marriott
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SUMMER 2015 • | 17
UF Signing Day – 100% Onboard!
The University of Florida held
its Signing Day on May 13th in
conjunction with the dental college
graduation rehearsal. Signing Day
is an opportunity for graduating
dental students (D4s) to make
a smooth transition into active
ADA membership. Drew Eason, Executive Director, Florida
Dental Association, briefly addressed the graduating class
and encouraged everyone to sign up. It worked! 100% of the
graduating class completed an application and as a result
of this, the American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
donated $500.00 to the UF Chapter. Kerry Gomez-Rios, FDA
Director of Member Relations, Marlinda Fulton, Executive
Director, Central Florida District Dental Association,
Dr. Matthew Waite, West Coast District Dental Association
Member and FDA Services, Inc. were there to provide
assistance and answer questions. Congratulations to
Dr. Tejan Elmariah, winner of the $50.00 American Express
gift card donated by the CFDDA.
CFDDA Welcomes New Members
March 7, 2015 – June 2, 2015
We recognize the following new members for their
commitment to join the tripartite and welcome them to
the Central Florida District Dental Association:
• Edwin Acosta, Clermont
• Ruben Borrero-Serrano,
• Lina Cortes, Orlando
• Michael Freeman, Sanford
• Mary Gharagozloo,
• Darline Harper, Kissimmee
• Andrea Irarrazabal,
• Maximllian Iurcovic,
• Lauris Johnson,
• Carl Jones, Melbourne
• Justin Kindler, Pt. Orange
• Gabriel Nossa, Gainesville
• Chitra Nagaraj, Lady Lake
• Caroline Pawlak,
• Allyson Wolfersteig,
Ormond Beach
In Memoriam
Dr. Donald Keene, CFDDA President, 1993-1994,
passed away on April 22, 2015. Dr. Keene was a
member of the tripartite since 1966 and became an ADA
Life Member in 2004.
Dr. Jerry M. Denson, passed away on May 22, 2015.
Dr. Denson was a member of the tripartite since 1967
and became an ADA Life Member in 2001.
18 | • SUMMER 2015
CFDDA Welcomes New Dean at
UF College of Dentistry
From left: Kerry Gomez-Rios, FDA Dir. of Member Relations, Dr. Isabel
Garcia, Dean, UF College of Dentistry, and Marlinda Fulton, CFDDA
Executive Director at UF Signing Day.
Dr. Isabel Garcia joined the University of Florida College
of Dentistry this past February as the seventh permanent
dean. She was appointed in September 2014 while serving
as the deputy director of the National Institute of Dental
and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), a part of the National
Institutes of Health.
Dr. Garcia’s career spans 34 years in public health, clinical
practice, research, teaching, and administration at the local,
state, and national levels. Before joining NIDCR, Dr. Garcia
was a health scientist administrator at the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. Prior to her career in the
U.S. Public Health Service, she held local and state health
management positions in Virginia and Ohio and practiced
dentistry in Virginia.
Dr. Garcia received her Doctorate in Dental Surgery in 1980
from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master’s
Degree in Public Health from the University of Michigan
in 1988. She subsequently completed a residency in Dental
Public Health at the University of Michigan and a Fellowship
in Primary Care Policy from the U.S. Public Health Service.
Dr. Garcia is a a fellow of the American College of Dentists,
a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Public Health
(one of the nine specialties recognized by the American
Dental Association), and is an active member of the American
Dental Education Association, the International Association
for Dental Research, and the American Dental Association.
Like the CFDDA on Facebook
Classified Ads
the East Orlando area. Located off SR 50/East Colonial Dr. near the
University of Central Florida, Waterford Lake Plaza and Avalon Park.
About 3,000 SF available. Ample parking. Contact Minh at (407) 7332009 for further details.
DESIRABLE COLLEGE PARK LOCATION: Four operatory dental office
for sale. Some equipment. Location (3434 Edgewater Drive, Orlando,
32804) was a general dental office for 20+ years but would also make an
excellent specialist office. Each op wired for computers and plumbed for
nitrous. $240,000 Call Linn Pinder/James Midkiff at 407-647-2405.
Thrive Dentistry Onsite™ serving the Assisted Living/Memory Care
market exclusively is actively hiring part-time dentists and hygienists.
The established patient base is located in North Lake County. Grow with
us in meeting the needs of existing and new patients as we expand into
the Gainesville and South Lake County areas. Credentialed retired and
semi-retired are welcome. Please call: 352-729-2142 for an interview.
FLORIDA - Orlando/Daytona Beach/Jacksonville/Tampa/S. FL region:
Join our 60 office group practice. Flexible schedule. Top salaries. Training
and mentoring for new/recent graduates. Both General Dentists & all
Specialists needed. Fully digital offices. Call Dr. Andrew Greenberg
(407) 772-5120 (confidential), fax CV to (407) 786-8763, visit www. or e-mail to [email protected]
ASSOCIATESHIP opportunity for caring, competent, experienced
General Dentist in well established, high quality private practice in
beachside community near Melbourne, FL. Part-time (2-3 days/week)
with potential for up to 4 days. 7 operatories, computerized, digital
x-ray, flat screen TV’s. Email CV and contact info to beachassoc321@ or call (321) 431-2711.
ASSOCIATE DENTIST: We are a busy Palm Coast office seeking an
Associate Dentist to work Wednesdays (preferably) for extractions,
root canals, fillings, etc. Please submit resume for consideration via
fax to: (386) 445-0579.
NEED MELBOURNE: A great opportunity in 35 year old group
practices located in Ft. Pierce and Jensen for general dentist,
periodontist, pedodontist, oral surgeons, orthodontists, and endodontist.
Generous compensation with unlimited potential. Full or part time.
Call: Kelly Oliver at (954) 461-0172. Fax resume to (954) 678-9539.
Email: [email protected]
ASSOCIATE NEEDED: Excellent opportunity to join your fully
computerized open facility. Have fun and still make a living. Our SW
Orlando office has not and will not be affected by a slow economy.
Great compensation. Mature, and lively and always friendly team
members await your call. Call (407) 856-2555
or fax (407) 438-4863.
Professional Assistance
Problems with Drugs or Alcohol?
Alcoholism and drug addiction can touch any of us.
The Central Florida Well Being Committee is an
organization of dental professionals who can give complete
confidential assistance to members of the profession, their
spouses, and staff members. Anyone needing information
and/or help can anonymously contact:
Barton Blumberg, DMD (352) 446-7910
(private cell #)
CENTRAL FLORIDA: FT/PT General Dentist Needed. Contact Dr.
Jim Costello (352) 408-1400
PEDIATRIC OR GENERAL DENTIST - Great opportunity for a
motivated, hard worker who is willing to treat children ages 6-20 at
a busy office. You would be assisted by experienced staff. Located in
The Villages, FL, 20 miles south of Ocala. Full or part time (benefits
available). Pay is based on production. Contact Sandy at 352-748-9688
or fax resume to (352) 748-9687.
SUCCESSFUL DENTAL PRACTICE is in need of a part-time dentist
who is willing to work Thursdays and Fridays. We provide a full range
of dental services, including endodontics, restorative, implants, etc.
Our office is located in the Kissimmee area. We will prefer a dentist
who is bilingual (Spanish and English); but if you are not bilingual
we are willing to review your resume. The position is available
immediately. Licenses MUST be up to date in the state of Florida. If
you are interested, please e-mail your resume to [email protected].
PT DENTIST FOR BUSY PRACTICE. Fri and/or Sat. 9am-3pm
Competitive Compensation. Adults and/or Pedo. Call (321) 945 9545.
Fax: (407) 682 3367.
locations. Great pay. PT/FT. Benefits for FT. Ph: (321) 945 9545. Fax:
(407) 682 3367.
GENERAL DENTIST FT/PT. Established busy practice in The
Villages. Competitive pay, benefits for FT. Great opportunity for
aggressive experienced dentist. Lots of Prosth, Implants, Molar RCTS
and Molar Exts. Call 321-945-9545 Fax CV to 407-302-9799.
PEACE OF MIND WHILE AWAY - I am enthusiastic, competent, caring,
and an energetic individual with a willingness to contribute while you are
away. I will provide quality dentistry and exceed your expectations. I am
also willing to travel. Call Dr. Pearl Burns (407) 342-8765.
AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY: General Dentist interested in parttime 1-3 days a week in Orange, Seminole, Volusia or Flagler. Special
interests-able to perform all endo (including molar) some retreats
10+years limited to endo (part time). Contact Dr. Steven Serkin (386)
437-9621 or (407) 310-4843
in: Prosthodontics: C&B, Dentures (One Day), Fixed Dentures and
more. Surgical Skills: Full Mouth Extractions, Wisdom Teeth, Implant
Placement for Stabilized Dentures. Please contact me by phone (407)
304-0428 or email: [email protected].
maternity leave, or vacation. I will cover your office call Dr. Eddie
Waldheim (407) 619-2008.
TAKE SOME EXTRA DAYS OFF would you like to take some
extra days away from your office and feel covered for your patients?
Especially Thursdays and Fridays? Call Dr.
Bob Foster (407) 656-3880 or (407) 761-9824.
need office coverage during an illness,
vacation, or leave of absence call Dr. Alan
Guy (407) 831-6125
FOR SALE: Nitrous Oxide set-up, mobile
unit. 2 Nitrous 2 oxygen tanks, NCG
regulator, mask and scavenger system.
Call Dr. Bill Sayre (321) 253-1616
Evenings: (321) 504-4074
SUMMER 2015 • | 19
800 North Mills Avenue • Orlando, Florida 32803
President’s Message..................................................... 3
Trustee Report...............................................................5
BOD Report................................................................6-7
The Time is Now........................................................... 9
Area of Interest Form................................................. 10
2015-2016 Leadership............................................11-12
2016 CFDDA Annual Meeting................................... 13
Bloom where you have planted.
— Mother Jones
•Dr. Jeff Sevor,
•Dr. Lee Anne Keough,
President Elect
•Dr. Bryan Bergens,
First Vice President
•Dr. Dan Crofton,
Second Vice President
•Dr. Craig Kara,
•Dr. Gary Altschuler,
Immediate Past President
•Dr. Chris Cowell,
Marlinda Fulton,
Executive Director
Special Volunteer
Leadership Edition
VISION: Every dentist has ownership in a strong, unified
Central Florida District Dental Association.
MISSION: Central Florida District Dental Association serves
the Central Florida dental community by recruiting and
retaining all dentists, providing relevant and valuable services
that include education, political action, staff and practice
development professional interaction, promoting excellent
oral healthcare and high moral and ethical standards.
1,488* Members Strong
*Aptify Membership Data 6-24-15
July, August, September 2015
Dr. Ed Kennedy, Editor
This newsletter is published quarterly by the Central Florida District Dental Association, 800 North Mills Avenue, Orlando,
Florida 32803. Phone: 407-898-3481 • Fax: 407-895-9712. It is distributed to members of the district as a direct benefit of
membership. The views in editorials, news columns, articles and advertising are those of the authors and not necessarily those
of the editor, staff, or members of the Central Florida District Dental Association.