“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita Mi ritrovai per una selva
“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita Mi ritrovai per una selva
ANNA and WIDERMOS looking for an extended single window concept towards the needs of the trade “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita Mi ritrovai per una selva obscura Ché la diritta era smarrita” Elements of building Roeland van Bockel 8 July 2015 A NETWORK TO ASSIST THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DIRECTIVE 2010/65/EU Virtualisation supply chain 6 EU Law: thou shalt build Customs Reporting digital Veterinary Phytosanitairy Harmonisation Fishery Maritime * ♫♬ Immigration ** Reporting once Port *** Health … ♫♬ Requirements ….. * = Maritime Safety, Vessel Traffic Service, Coastguard ** = Seaport Police, Border Police, Coastguard, Marine *** = Harbour Master, Port Authority, Waste Collection Reporting once Building MSW SHIPPER PCS M2M GUI TRANSPORTER FORWARDER Multiple use Customs Veterinary Phytosanitairy Fishery Immigration M2M Port SSN national EU INFO STRUCTURE MSW2MSW ….. Health Maritime TERMINAL OPERATOR Maritime Safety, Vessel Traffic Service, Environment monitoring Security Waste MORE EU SSN Reporting once Integrating logistics SHIPPER PCS M2M GUI TRANSPORTER FORWARDER Multiple use Customs Veterinary Phytosanitairy Fishery TERMINAL OPERATOR EU INFO STRUCTURE (EXTENDED) SINGLE WINDOW Immigration M2M ….. Port Health Maritime SSN national Maritime Safety, Vessel Traffic Service, Environment monitoring Security Waste MORE EU SSN Scenarios Single Window 1. Expanded utilisation of the current MSW framework solely within and for maritime processes, both for administrations and business; 2. “Re-utilisation” of the MSW infrastructure for other transport modes, paying attention to the interfaces between transport modes as far as possible; 3. Shift in focus to concentrate on the movement of the goods rather than just the transport mode whereby trade is central. Scoping Single Window 1. B2A Reporting formalities + underlying processes based on same data 2. Involve port, coastal state obligations + flag state, - facilitating effective monitoring of vessels 3. Focus on Trade facilitation 4. Involve all stakeholders. 5. Define roles + responsibilities movement of goods. 6. Adjust to requirements and ambitions of both administrations and business. 7. Remove current legal and organisational barriers administrations. Concept Single Window Paradigm shift : 1. Perceive SW as a data platform instead of merely from a transport perspective. 1. Data inform every point of the SW and the foundation of the service being provided. 1. SW is not from a hub in a network of transport modes but rather a hub relating the movement of cargo. Future proof Single Window 1. Reuse/optimalisation of data (quality) 2. Less is more – data reporting should be as limited as possible 3. All Transport modules involved – logistics 4. Cargo data included 5. Clear identification of the government role 6. Development of a One Stop Shop approach. Corridor Single Window Thanks for your attention www.annamsw.eu