October 2015 Resident Newsletter
October 2015 Resident Newsletter
THE GROVER NEWS “FOR THE GROVE FAMILY, BY THE GROVE FAMILY” OCTOBER 2015 It’s October already and only two months left in 2015. My how time flies!! The second phase construction has started the paving process and streets are taking shape. It’s really looking good (see map and pictures further in newsletter). After the construction and dust has been completed, we will have new lights, benches refinished, and painting in pavilion done around the lake. Our Comedy Mystery Theater was a great success with standing room only in clubhouse. The cast was great with a little adlibbing in some spots. The audience (deputies as they were called) were really into their part and had a lot of laughs. Rose Jordan and Althia Fox would like to thank our cast and all the people who came to see the performance. Also, a thank you to Susan Rowlett (Understudy) and John Stetz (video) for stepping in and helping at the last minute. Our snowbirds are slowly coming back and it’s great to see them again. They will be seeing a lot of new faces and homes that have arrived since they left. Our Labor Day Celebration was another success with a full club house even though it came a downpour of rain as everyone was arriving. Our menu of bratwurst, hot dogs, baked beans, salads, desserts was enjoyed by all. Afterwards, several enjoyed the music by the pool (see more in newsletter). Movie night started the first Thursday with “Gone Fishn’”. Everyone was laughing and enjoying the popcorn and drink. We will have “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken” for this month. Wii Bowling practice produced 6 teams of 4 people. Several people knew how to bowl and others quickly learned. If your not on a team come and cheer them on. Line dancing started back and several new residents came to join us. We only reviewed dances that we had already learned. Don’t forget you can purchase a gate remote from Patrick at the office. This month look for our luau fish fry with prizes and raffles, meet & greet breakfast, Halloween golf cart race and party with prizes. Hope everyone is enjoying the football games and all our activities at the clubhouse. Althia Fox, editor Newsletter Information NOTE, please submit by the 20th any information, visits, deaths, sickness, classified (grove residences please), to be placed in the newsletter. Please contact the editor (Althia Fox) at 943-6608, [email protected], drop off the information at 8490 Carriage Way, or suggestion box. Suggestion Box Suggestion Box, located in the Clubhouse, is to be used to deposit: Suggestions, Newsletter info, Letters to the Committee, etc. All letters must be signed and dated or they will not be honored. Office of The Grove Patrick Etheridge (Sales Manager) Patty Etheridge (Office Manager) Jodie Sharp 8647 Arlington Dr. Foley, Al 36535 Phone: 251-971-1033 Fax: 251-971-1036 After Hours 251-231-5454 Attention: There is a slot in the mail room to where checks can be deposited after hour. Also, Office will not be signing for packages as of 7/13/15. See Patrick for gate remote if you would like to purchase. MAP AND PICTURES OF OUR NEW PHASE II Middle of phase II Left on Pondview Dr. Entrance to Phase II on Castle Dr It’s beginning to look like Fall! We love our new scarecrows. Thank you to Bobbi and Karole for the cuties and for sharing your talent. Street signs clubhouse entrance Schools collects Box Tops for education. The box tops help provide materials such as library books, musical instruments and other items that have been cut by the education system. This is a wonderful program that helps our schools. If you are interested in helping, we would greatly appreciate it. You just cut the box top of products such as cereal, muffin mix, cake mixes and other supplies and bring to the office. Above is what the Box tops look like. Thank you in advance and Thank you for all those who think of our kids and donate. Kaden and Ashton Etheridge love collecting and turning them in. Please see the below map for directions around Baldwin County SOCIAL COMMITTEE Barbara Orefice Barbara Shipley Althia Fox Lou Orefice Doug Corporaal Joanne Smith (Treasurer) 910-690-9026 [email protected] 943-5855 [email protected] 943-6608 [email protected] 424-2240 [email protected] resigned on 7/9/15 970-1862 dougjoanne/[email protected] SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT The 2015 committee, Barbara Orefice, Barbara Shipley, & Althia Fox meet on Sept 15. We discussed our trivia menus for Oct. with Stan doing his beef stew for the 6th and hot dogs. bratwurst. & kraut for the 20 th. Leave October breakfast with same menu. Get napkins for everyday use. Have a signup sheet for Birthday Pizza Bash, so to have an idea of how much to purchase. Talk about luau fish fry. Getting pork butts for raffle, prizes for hula hoop, best dressed man & woman, & other prize, where to purchase fish & supplies, and menu. Meeting adjourned WELCOME COMMITTEE by Kathy Olewiler You may have noticed new faces in the Grove over the past month or so. Well, here are the new residents that have recently moved in. Please take a moment to say hi and welcome them to our community. Martha Lauser Lot 38 Chuck & Beverly Morgan Lot 138 Judith Laub Lot 5 Stephen & Barbara Delbuono Lot 153 John & Josalea Rensel Lot 37 Robin Podawiltz Lot 41 Rick & Barbara Daniels Lot 49 We are excited to add these seniors to the Grove family. Our date for the Meet & Greet Breakfast is Oct. 16 @ 8:30 a.m. It gives you a chance to meet all the new residents. This will be our last Meet & Greet of the year. Your Welcome Team NEW RESIDENTS Mike & Yvonne Eberly, 8671 Arlington Dr. Lot #1, moved from Indiana for warmer climate and great people. Mike was an engineer and Yvonne was a bank manager. They have 4 children, 2 grandchildren and 1 great grandbaby. You may see Yvonne with the two pets Foose & Emma walking around the Grove. Their hobbies are reading, yard work and motorcycles. NEW RESIDENTS Dave & Susan Rochette with Maisy, 8862 Edgewater St, Lot 23, moved from their full time RV of 14 years to the Grove, said it was time for a change. Dave was a Logistic Engineer and Susan was a social worker. They have 2 boys and 1 perfect grandson. No hobbies at this time just enjoying Maisy and relaxing. Note: For new residents If you would like something like this published about yourself please see Kathy Olewiler or Althia Fox. EMERGENCY 911 CONTACT NUMBERS IN BALDWIN COUNTY Baldwin Co. Sheriff 972-6802 Foley Police 952-4010 Fire Dept. 911 Business 943-1266 South Baldwin Hospital (Foley) 949-3400 Hurricane Emergency Preparedness (AEMA) 205-280-2200 or 1-800-2060816 Riviera Utilities Automated Power Outage 943-4999 SICK LIST “Get Well Wishes to All” Diane Blackmon’s daughter had surgery***Janet Johnson had surgery***Marie Michaels has been sick***Annie Dunn in hospital IN MEMORIAN Ruth Ann Nelson’s younger brother died in Florida***Diana Nichols father died***Dave Steele’s mother died in Ohio BIRTHDAYS Sue Ruth Ann Jean Dave Connie Karen Frohnapfel Nelson Brown Steele Boots Storie 10/02 10/02 10/04 10/05 10/05 10/08 Cynthia Bobbie Elizabeth Doug Rosemary Silvia Traylor Kelsey Smith Gustafson 10/11 10/12 10/19 10/20 10/21 “Wishing you many more” WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Donald Roger Jim Rick Tom Harvey Carole Katherine Sally Barbara Ruby Connie Ingraham Whitehead Bethune Daniels Tomlinson Boots 10/07 10/15 10/15 10/23 10/25 10/28 “Congratulations to you both VISITS/VACATIONS/ETC. Karen & Randy Kalin had her son and grandchildren visit them from Texas. Rick & Barbara Daniels had her daughters & grandchildren to surprise her for a visit. Fran Lowry went to visit her granddaughter in Arizona Jim & Sally Bethune went to visit family. Stan & Joan Lieser had a visit from daughter, Donna Patterson. Waldon & Patricia Loving had friends in for a visit. ACTIVITIES A MAIN Bulletin Board resides in the Club House. A WHITE Notice board greets you at the Club House entrance. Additional notices may be posted at the mail-box kiosk. The Carnival Cruise for The Grover’s has been cancelled for January 3rd First Thursday in month @ 6:00 pm For the first showing there was a great turn-out. The showing of “Going Fishn” was very funny with a lot of laughter. Around 20 bags of popcorn were sold for a $1. Our next show will be “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken” with Don Knotts, since its Halloween month and our $1 popcorn & drink. Show starts at 6:00 1st Thursday of each month. We do need suggestions of what you would like to see. So please put your movie title or type of movie in the suggestion box at the clubhouse. GAMING GALS September games were great. We played "Say Anything" and got to discuss a lot! One discussion was ladies intimates’ apparel and one of the interesting conclusions was that guys were lucky they do not have to wear them. We are still in need of a volunteer for October’s game, just let me know if you can host it and I'll get the communications out (and if you don't have games, I have more to choose from). Right now we are meeting at someone’s house for games & lunch. If it gets larger we will have to meet at the clubhouse. Please call Bunny Ziska if you would like to join. Thought you might enjoy a couple photos from the games. All for now, Bunny Enjoying a light lunch and games COMEDY MYSTERY THEATER PRODUCTION Our Deputies Our cast Our play “Eat, Drink, Be Married” was a great success. We have had great reviews and asking about another play. Our cast members were so happy that we had a standing room only audience. We had such fun and may I say a lot of adlibbing. A lot of laughing and wondering who done it. Our cast consisted of Blackjack White (Merv Olewiler), Deputy Samantha Stone (Rose Jordan), Virgen White (Althia Fox), EZ Ryder (Randy Kalin), Rev. Hal Fyre (Bill Cole), Dee Vorst (Carole Deer), Rock King ( Don Roberts), Ruby Lipps (Joyce Roberts), Ace Spader (Jim Bethune), Mae B. Wilde (Bunny Ziska). Our understudy was Susan Rowlett, Music by Don Fox, and Video by John Stetz. Thank you to all who came, to the cast for their performance, and to all who helped put this performance on. Note: Our video was not of good quality which we were unhappy about. Our cast was so hoping to see themselves perform. BIRTHDAY PIZZA BASH Last Sunday in month at 5:00 pm Last month started our Pizza back for the birthdays in the month. We have started a signup sheet so we will know how much to purchase. The signup sheet will be in the clubhouse approximately a week before the bash. So please sign up before the birthday pizza bash. Come and join the celebration. Note: On Sept 27 our birthday pizza bash had a good crowd even thou it was raining and football games. Everyone welcomed the pizza back and good response from our sign-up sheet. Thanks to everyone. Celebrating the Birthday Pizza Bash LABOR DAY CELEBRATION We had another great turnout for this celebration with over 80 people showing up through the downpour of rain. Stan Lieser led us in prayer before eating. Hot dogs, bratwurst, kraut, baked beans, slaw, pasta salads, deviled eggs, potato salad, fruit salad, and desserts was the menu for the day and was enjoyed by all. Don Fox was our D.J. for the evening. Some were sitting outside around the pool listening & dancing to the music. Talking, socializing, and enjoying the food BIG BREAKFAST 3 SATURDAY BETWEEN 8 & 9 A.M. Our breakfast was held on Sept 19 and was enjoyed by several people including some new residents. We had sausage, spam, sausage gravy, egg casserole, , pancakes, biscuit, coffee and orange juice. Our next breakfast will be on Oct. 17, so please come and join us. RD Everyone enjoying eating the big breakfast on Sept 19th WII BOWLING Every Wednesday @ 3:00 to 5:00 pm in clubhouse We have 6 teams with 4 people to a team. Each team has chosen their name and shirt color. Unfortunately we had a problem with the TV or WII on the 23rd and we had to cancel that day and we were having such a good time. We made up for that day and our next one scheduled for the 30 th was a success. Will post on board the winning teams for each week and next month we will post all weekly winners in newsletter. Our winning team for the 29th was: Sunshine (team 6) with 566 and Gutterballs (Team 2) with 504 Our teams are as follows: Pink ladies (team 1) –Patricia L, Kathy O, Carole D., Susan R***Gutterballs (team 2) – Pam S., Mike H., Joyce R., Daniel L.** Spare Time (team 3) – Ron R, Sharon H, Jack H, Laura L***Blue Bayou (team 4) – Dianne N, Bunny Z, Ron P, Rosemary G***Classy Ladies (team 5) – Sue H, Rose J, Patty B, Dianne P***Sunshine (team 6) – Merv O, Althia F, Kenny B, Joe Z Come and cheer your team and have some fun. MORNING COFFEE Every morning at 6:30 a.m. Please note that morning coffee has changed to 6:30 instead of 7:00 For you early risers you can stop by the clubhouse and have coffee with the other early risers. Sit around, drink some coffee, discuss events around the area, find a new restaurant, etc. A lot of good company so come and join in every morning at 6:30 am. POTLUCK Last Saturday of each month at 5:00 p.m. You never know what might be on the menu for this night. So bring a dish to share and see if dinner fits your appetite. Note: Only a few showed up and brought dishes. We are hoping more will be showing up this month. YARD OF THE MONTH September Yards of the Month were Mike & Yvonne Eberly 8671 Arlington Dr. Lot #1 Jack & Sue Hodson 18156 Millspring Dr. Lot 113 Please look for the Yard of the Month signs in the winning yard for each month. Your yards are beautiful. Good Job. BONFIRE AT THE PAVILLION Every Thursday night at 5:00 pm Cooler weather is here. When started it will be every Thursday night at 5:00 with the weather permitting. Just check the bulletin board in the clubhouse and mail box board for a notice of when it will start. Bring your lawn chair, beverage of your choosing, food if you like. So come enjoy some relaxing and fun time around the fire, maybe even roast a weenie or marshmallow. See you at the pavilion. POKER Every Wednesday & Saturday at 12:30 pm Come have some good clean fun with the guys. They have a great time sitting and talking while trying to outplay the other guy’s hand. Even the women are welcome and if you don’t know how to play they will teach you. Several newcomer’s have joined the fun. LINE DANCING Every other Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Would you like to learn some line dancing steps? Come join us and we will give you instructions and teach you the steps. We only teach one new dance at a time until the class is comfortable with it. Hope to see you at the Clubhouse for some dancing. Note: On Sept. 10th we had quite a turnout with past and new dancers showing up. Rose went thru the steps we had learned and really danced us thru 5 dances. We were a little tired and she apologized later for putting too much on us. On Sept. 24 We had several attending with Rose doing the Cupid Shuffle, Ms. Jody’s Thang, & Smooth. Since we did so good on those dances she asked about doing another called Suds in the Bucket line and contra, which we said yes. Great to see some of our past dancers back. Our Grove line dancers CHAIR EXERCISE Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 10:00 a.m. This exercise is for weight reduction, strength, & agility. The exercise is contained to sitting in a chair and doing a nonstrenuous exercise for about 1 hour. Everyone is welcome to attend including the men. The more the merrier. We have fun, so come join us at the Clubhouse. Note: The girls have a new tape that they are trying. It works on your abbs while sitting. They are still doing the old ones. So come exercise with them. Good coordination CANASTA Every night at 7:00 p.m. except on nights of other activities Several ladies and men meet at the clubhouse to play this card game. If you don’t know how to play they will be glad to teach you. So come join them. BINGO nd Every 2 & 4 th Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Bring your nickels and join us for some fun. We do a 3 game with 3-4 rounds. It will cost you a nickel a card and if you bingo you get the pot for that round (divided if more than one bingo’s). The last round is a cover all and the winner gets the whole pot. So come join us for some fun. Note: Sept 8th- Bingo was enjoyed by all with a lot of winner’s. We had 4 games of 3 with the last one being a coverall. Sept 22nd – Another great bingo with Karole calling and another round of winners 8th (L-R) Barbara D, Dianne P, Althia F, 22nd (l-R) Kathy W, Roger W, Mike H, Janice C, Margie S, Linda L, Ben S, Judy H, Mary H, Althia F, Barbara S Joyce S, Bob S., Bob H, & Bobbie T. WATER AEROBICS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY @ 9:00 A.M. Our tape is working out fine, but we only have a few people showing up. The one’s who do exercise say it is quite a work out. Some of the ladies also join the chair exercise after water aerobics. If you want to work on those arthritis pains come join us. Note: Thanks to the Office for turning the heater on since the water was getting a little cool. The water is nice and we still have a few ladies exercising on Monday, Wednesday, & Fridays depending on the weather. POLISH POKER 4TH Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm This is a game to have your laughing box ready for some great laughs and fun. If you don’t know how to play it’s easy to learn and they will teach you. Don’t forget your nickels. TRIVIA Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Come join us and bring your thinking cap. Your playing against the other tables, so don’t say your answer to loud. The questions can be from sports, music, movies, history, etc. We have changed the time for eating to 5:45 until 6:15 p.m. This gives time for the kitchen to be cleaned before trivia. See you at Trivia. Note: 1st-We had a great crowd for the BBQ & slaw sandwich with chips. Tom had a few questions that stumped a few tables. Everyone was having fun with table 2 coming in 1st and table 4 coming in 2nd. 15th – We had a bigger crowd for this trivia with a lot of new residents coming. Great to see new residents attending the activities. Our food was a taco salad which everyone said was good. We even ran out of chips since we didn’t anticipate that many people eating but got more. Tom again asked some tough questions with table 3 first and table 6 second Table 2 First Place (9-1) Table 3 Second Place (9-15) Margie & Tom relaxing & talking Table 4 Second Place (9-1) Table 6 First Place (9-15) Discussing the answer KARAOKE Second Saturday at 6:00 p.m. If you like to sing, would prefer to sing along or just sit and listen then come to karaoke. Sometimes we have a performance by Pat Brehm that everyone has been enjoying. You need to come and see for yourself. Note: Everyone was enjoying themselves by singing along We had several singers, Don R, Joyce, Randy K, Mike H, Stan L, Donna P, and Pat B doing her skit. We had a full house and a lot of new residents attending Everyone relaxing, singing along and listening to the singers HAPPY HOUR First Friday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Bring appetizers or snacks to share, along with the beverage of your choice. Enjoy relaxing, meeting new residents, catching up on the news, new places to go, etc. In other words ENJOY. NOTE: A great turnout. We kept putting tables together. The appetizers & desserts were very good. A lot of different conversation and a lot of laughter. . Enjoying the fellowship CRAFTY NEWS OPEN CRAFT: Time was changed for the 7th because of Labor Day Celebration. A lot more people showed up with their different crafts to work on. Glad to see new residents showing up. The Oct 5th open craft will be back to regular time, 1:00 pm. Even if you don’t have a craft, come, sit, talk, and maybe learn a new craft. CRAFT CLASS: On the 21st Bobbie and Karole showed us how to make a fabric pumpkin. So easy to make and there were so many different designs. They were all beautiful and Bobbie had made several for the clubhouse decorations. So check them out. This month we will be shown a wooden bow machine so we can make our own bows (always wanted to learn how). So signup if you would like to be in this class ICE CREAM SOCIAL Every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. If you enjoy ice cream and like mingling, come join in. Note: There is a donation basket to cover the buying of ice cream and toppings. Having a great turnout and some new faces. So come & enjoy ice cream every Sunday at 6:00 in the clubhouse. BUNKO CLUB 1st & 3rd Thursday of Month @ 1:00 Bunko is played in the clubhouse at 1:30pm and the cost is $3.The awards are as follow: Most Bongo’s 50% - Most wins 30% - Most losses 10% - name out of hat 10%. See you there. NOTE: Sept 14 At our first bunko game we only had 2 tables but everyone enjoyed themselves. The winners were: Most bunkos-Carole Deer ** Most wins-Barbara S ** Most lossesPatricia L ** Drawing –Kathy O Sept. 30: Because of the rain we didn’t have enough to play so it was cancelled. . Barbara S, Carole D, Patricia L, Kathy O. NOTE: . LADIES LUNCHEON Second Tuesday meet in Clubhouse at 11 a.m. By Jeanne Pingleton The ladies went to El Paso Restaurant for lunch in September. Had a good time. We had two new ladies to join our group. We missed some of our regular ladies who didn't attend. The food was good and the service was very good. In October, we will be going to Live Bait for lunch in Orange Beach. If you have a place to eat in mind, just let me know and I will contact them and see if they can accommodate a large group. I'm sorry that all of us who had a birthday didn't get anything from El Paso. They only give it on the date, not the month. Hope to see you at the next luncheon. Bring a friend or visitor. They are welcome. So be at the club house at 11 am. Stay safe and God bless. Jeanne Pingleton Note: Sorry no pictures were taken. MEN’S BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON Breakfast 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:45 a.m. Luncheon 2nd Tuesday at 11:10 a.m. Curt Shipley On Sept 3rd around nine men went to Biscuit King and enjoyed the good food & those famous ugly biscuits. They are so good. So go and check them out. They are located off of 181 just look for the signs. Sept 17th we went to breakfast at The Derailed Restaurant since Bill’s on the Beach had not started breakfast. It is a fun place to go and see all the old stuff and maybe eat in the rail car. The food is very good and they also serve lunch & dinner. Sept. 9 the men’s luncheon was at Baumhowers and the food was excellent. It’s located at the Warf with a view of the intercostal waterway. Our breakfast places to go this month are: 1st – Magnolia Blossom, 15th – Grits N Gravy, - 29th – Summerdale Diner. Our lunch is going to be at Kravers on Hwy 181 in Daphne. Please see sign-up sheets in clubhouse and join us for some good food and company. * NOTES* DONATION BASKET On the special occasions (ie: trivia, breakfast, pizza, etc.) when the Social Committee has food the donation basket is set out. This money is to cover the cost of the food that is prepared and to provide us with money for future events, supplies, & repairs for you. Just to clarify for some, your money for your lot rent does not cover the events that the Social Committee has. So please make a donation when you eat. Thank you. NOTE: This month our (residents) refrigerator in the clubhouse was repaired from this donation. So thank everyone who has donated to the basket. RECYCLE CAN There is a recycle can located between clubhouse and pool for aluminum only, if anyone would like to recycle. Please have your cans rinsed out before placing in can STOP SIGNS AND SPEED LIMIT Just a reminder: please watch for the trucks coming & going at the back gate. There are more golf carts, walkers and bike riders on the streets especially in the mornings & afternoons. So please watch your speed and the stop signs. GARBAGE PICK-UP Every Monday Afternoon Please have you garbage can ready for pick-up at side of driveway. If possible please put your can and/or trash out on Monday. We have a lot of potential lookers driving thru on week-ends and it would look more presentable if they didn’t see the trash by the curb. Thank you. LAWNS MOWED Every Tuesday (weather permitting) The grass mowers are starting early in the morning on Tuesday’s, so please have items in way of mowers picked up. GATES CLOSE AT 5:30 PM AND RE-OPENS AT 6:00 AM. Note: A remote is available at the office if you would like to purchase one. The back gate will also be closed at 5:30 and not open on week-ends unless the construction workers are still in back. ANIMAL OWNERS Pet Owners: please pick up your pets waste and discard no matter where. We are seeing and told of several pet’s waste on the back trail and around people’s yard. No one wants to step in it or run over it. The plastic bags can be purchased at the Dollar Tree for $1 for 3-4 rolls or use grocery bags. We all thank you. THE GROVE RESIDENTS DIRECTORY The price of the new directories are $3.00 each. There are still some directories left if you would still like to purchase one or maybe an extra one. There are a lot of new residents and if you haven’t gotten one please contact Althia Fox at 251-943-6608 or Barbara Orefice at 18233 Millspring to purchase. GOLFERS A special for the The Grove golfers: 18 holes with cart for $43.00 at the Glen Lakes Golf Club 9530 Clubhouse Dr, Foley, AL 36535-9326 (251) 955-1220 HURRICANE PREPARENESS Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit: 1.Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food 2.Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both 3.Flashlight and extra batteries 4.First aid kit 5.Whistle to signal for help 6.Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place 7.Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities 8.Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food) 9.Local maps Additional Items to Consider Adding to an Emergency Supply Kit: 1.Prescription medications and glasses Infant formula and diapers 2.Pet food and extra water for your pet 3.Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container 4.Cash or traveler’s checks and change 5.Emergency reference material such as a first aid book or information Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person. 6.Complete change of clothing including a long sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes. Consider additional clothing if you live in a cold-weather climate. 7.Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners. 8.Fire Extinguisher 9.Matches in a waterproof container 10.Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items 11.Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels Paper and pencil Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children CLASSIFIED Mary Kay Lynda Royal 770-366-1571 [email protected] Palm Tree Trimming 251-600-9955 251-600-9956 251-600-9957 HOME: 251-955-1171 House Cleaning Carol Lot 157 334-328-9740 Foley Public Library Notary services 943-7665 (verify hours & price) Gutters cleaned or House Washing Call Doug Corporaal 597-3957 Elk Cookbook for Sale 5$ Barb Shipley 943-5855 If anyone would like to put an ad in the newsletter please contact me or email [email protected] EVENTS AROUND THE AREA FOLEY – ROBERTSDALE – LOXLEY – FAIRHOPE- BILOXI 10/01/2015 • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Chicago Street Supper Club Wolf Bay Lodge 10/01/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Fish Fry at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Bon Secour 10/01/2015 • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Weeks Bay Explorer Cruise Weeks Bay Marina 10/01/2015 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Alligator Alley Adventure 10/01/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Weeks Bay Sunset Cruise Weeks Bay Marina 10/02/2015 • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Weeks Bay Explorer Cruise Weeks Bay Marina 10/02/2015 * 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 PM Fish Fry @Foley United Methodist Church 10/03/2015 • 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Alabama Festival of Flavor Historic Downtown Foley 10/03/2015 • 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM2nd Annual Gulf Coast Gospel Jubilee Foley Sports Complex 10/03/2015 • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Weeks Bay Explorer Cruise 10/03/2015 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Alabama Coastal Bird Fest: Alligator Alley Adventure 10/03/2015 • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Coastal Alabama Farmers and Fishermans Market 10/03/2015 • 8:45 AM - 6:00 PM Tour of Foley’s Historic Churches Foley Soccer Fields 10/07/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Ladies Wine and Drive Golf Clinic Glen Lakes Golf Course 10/08/2015 • 10:00 AM 44th Annual National Shrimp Festival Main Public Beach 10/09/2015 • 10:00 AM 44th Annual National Shrimp Festival Main Public Beach 10/10/2015 • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Baldwin County Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting Foley Public Library Upstairs Meeting Room 10/10/2015 • 10:00 AM 44th Annual National Shrimp Festival Main Public Beach 10/10/2015 • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Colonial Isle Dauphine Fort Gaines Historic Site 10/11/2015 • 10:00 AM 44th Annual National Shrimp Festival Main Public Beach 10/14/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Ladies Wine and Drive Golf Clinic Glen Lakes Golf Course 10/16/2015 • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Foley Native Songwriters at Copper Kettle Tea Bar 10/17/2015 • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pumpkin Play Day Graham Creek Nature Preserve 10/17/2015 • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Corpse Crawl Graham Creek Nature Preserve 10/17/2015 • 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM 4th Annual Car Show Benefit Fundraiser Foley Assembly of God 10/21/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Ladies Wine and Drive Golf Clinic Glen Lakes Golf Course 10/23/2015 • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Graham Creek Nature Preserve’s Haunted Hay Ride 10/23/2015 • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes South Baldwin Community Theater 10/24/2015 • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Graham Creek Nature Preserve’s Haunted Hay Ride EVENTS AROUND THE AREA (cont’d) 10/24/2015 • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Second Annual Halloween Extravaganza Foley Public Library 10/24/2015 • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes South Baldwin Community Theater 10/25/2015 • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes South Baldwin Community Theater 10/28/2015 • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Ladies Wine and Drive Golf Clinic Glen Lakes Golf Course 10/29/2015 • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Uptown Foley Halloween Party Downtown 10/30/2015 • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Graham Creek Nature Preserve’s Haunted Hay Ride 10/30/2015 • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes South Baldwin Community Theater 10/31/2015 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Elberta German Sausage Festival Municipal Park 10/31/2015 • 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Graham Creek Nature Preserve’s Haunted Hay Ride 10/31/2015 • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes South Baldwin Community Theater CASINOS 10/02/2015 - 8pm - ,RICK SPRINGFIELD- Beau Rivage Casino 10/02/2015 - 8pm - THE JACKSONSIP Casino Resort & Spa, Studio A 10/03/2015- 8pm - CHUBBY CHECKER Golden Nugget 10/04/2015 - 10/11/2015-Check website for complete schedule of events-19TH ANNUAL CRUISIN' THE COAST 10/09/2015 - 10/10/2015 -8pm--BEACH BOYS- Beau Rivage Casino 10/09/2015 8pm - HERMAN'S HERMITS STARRING PETE NOONE- Hard Rock Casino, 10/09/2015- 8pm-- SHADOWS OF THE 60S- Island View Casino Resort 10/10/2015- 8pm - HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS - IP Casino Resport Spa 10/10/2015 - 8pm - TOMMY JAMES & THE SHONDELLS - Island View Casino Resort 10/16/2015 -8pm - STYX - IP Casino Resort & Spa 10/16/2015 -8pm - MONTGOMERY GENTRY - Beau Rivage 10/23/2015 8pm - AMERICA - IP Casino Resort & Spa 10/23/2015 -8pm - LEANN RIMES -Beau Rivage 10/23/2015 -8pm - RALPHIE MAY - Hard Rock Casino 10/24/2015 8pm - TESLA - IP Casino Resort & Spa 10/30/2015 -8pm - BOZ SCAGGS - IP Casino Resort & Spa, 10/30/2015 - 8pm - ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW - Hard Rock Casino 10/31/2015 - 8pm - MARILYN MANSON - Hard Rock Casino CRIMSON TIDE SCHEDULE