Bonner Springs General Sales Tax Question Scheduled For April
Bonner Springs General Sales Tax Question Scheduled For April
OFFICIAL Publication for Wyandotte County THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 Price 25 Cents Volume LXX 24 Pages Number 09 Bonner Springs General Sales Tax Question Scheduled For April Mail-In Ballot Election The current 1⁄4 of one percent special sales tax passed by citizens in 2006 that was used to pay for the construction of the Bonner Springs Library will end December 31, 2016. The City Council determined to ask the voters to renew the 1⁄4 of one percent sales tax to be used for general operational needs. If approved, the total current City sales tax will not increase, rather it will remain at the current rate of one and three-fourths (1.75%) percent. A 1⁄4 of one percent sales tax equates to one penny for every $4 dollar purchase. The advantage of this sales tax to residents is that the cost would be shared by everyone that makes purchases in Bonner Springs creating a decreased dependence on property tax. To raise the same amount of funding using property taxes, they would need to be adjusted by approximately seven mills. Seven mills would equate to $120.75 a year based on a $150K home. The question to approve this sales tax is on a ballot all registered voters will receive in the mail. If approved, the 1⁄4 of one percent sales tax will be in place indefinitely and will ensure adequate funding levels for City operations. The Bonner Springs City Council approved the following question to be placed on the April 12, 2016 Special Mail-in Ballot Election: “Shall a City General Purpose Retailers’ Sales Tax in the amount of one- quarter of one percent (.25%) be levied in the City of Bonner Springs, Kansas, pursuant to Notices, Billing and Subscription Information Deadlines Billing Information For Guaranteed Publication: 10:00 a.m. Friday for publication in the next Thursday’s issue. For questions concerning costs, billing or proof of publication: For Late Notices, Corrections and/or Changes to currently running legals: 10:00 a.m. Monday for publication in that Thursday’s issue. Subscription Information The Echo will make every effort possible to accommodate late notices. To verify the date of first publication for a late notice, please call our scheduling line at (913) 724-3444. For all other matters call (913) 342-2444. Call (913) 342-2444 To order new subscriptions, submit changes of address or to cancel subscriptions: Call (913) 342-2444 or Fax Info to (913) 371-1055 Legal Notices To submit a legal notice for publication or to make corrections/changes in currently running legal notices: .Email: [email protected] For fastest service, please email new notices to: [email protected] the authority granted in K.S.A. 12-187, such general purpose sales tax will be a portion of the total retailer’ sales tax of one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) which will be levied by the City upon passage of this proposition, with such tax to be used for the general operational needs of the City to provide additional revenue as required to provide an adequate level of public services within the City. Such levy of tax to remain in effect for an indefinite period with collection to begin upon the repeal date of the current City Public Li- brary Special Purpose tax of one-quarter percent (.25%) established by Ordinance No. 2147. Yes or No.” If the above question is approved by the qualified voters of Bonner Springs, the City Council will consider an ordinance adopting the one-quarter cent sales tax. The current rate of 1.75% includes a .25% Special Library Tax which will be replaced with a general tax of the same amount, resulting in no increase in the rate. Upon approval of the establishment of the sales tax, the total sales tax would remain the same at: State of Kansas 6.5% Wyandotte County 1.0% Bonner Springs 1.75% Total9.25% Sales Tax Comparison - Value If you purchase an item for $100, you would currently pay $9.25 in sales tax. If this proposition is approved, that amount will remain the same. Residents having questions about the proposed one-quarter cent sales tax should contact the Finance Director or the City Clerk at 422-1020. Register Now for the 2016 Innovation Summit Periodical Postage Paid at Kansas City, Kansas Calling all current and future entrepreneurs. The deadline has been extended to register for Kansas City Kansas Community College’s 2016 Innovation Summit. Registration to pitch your idea, product or business in the Business Pitch Competition is absolutely free. Last year, winners received a combined $10,000 in prize money. To register for the 2016 Innovation Summit, purchase tickets, or for more information, visit the Innovation Summit’s website at This Start-up Fest is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 8 at KCKCC’s Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center, 6565 State Ave. The purpose of the Pitch Competition is to inspire entrepreneurs and educators to innovate as well as to connect with potential investors, organizations and the community. It is also an opportunity to mentor and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in Kansas City. The competition has a national platform to showcase participants’ business or product ideas. Friends, family and investors from throughout the United States can view a video of the pitch and cast their votes online. This provides a wider viewing audience for the product or service participants are presenting at the competition. Submissions for entry into the Pitch Competition must be received by March 4. Information is also available by calling 913-288-7571 or by email at [email protected]. Not yet an entrepreneur? The Innovation Summit is a great opportunity to take part in the Business Pitch Exhibit, ask entrepreneurs questions and consider investing in their ideas. Information is available on the Innovation Summit Start-up Fest Pitch Competition by visiting Page 2 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE The Wyandotte Echo IN THE MATTER OF THE COMER ESTATE BANK MIDWEST V. WARD (USPS 693-680) Official Paper of Wyandotte County, Kansas PUBLISHED THURSDAY Owned and Operated By M.R.P.P, INC. ROBERTA M. PETERSON PUBLISHER 340 N 18th St Kansas City, KS 66102 Classified Rates Upon Request Periodical Postage Paid at Kansas City, Kansas Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wyandotte Echo, 340 N. 18th St, Kansas City, KS 66102, P.O. Box 2305, Kansas City, Ks 66110. SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year........................$16.04 Single.................................25¢ IN THE MATTER OF THE BRYANT ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT In The Matter Of The Estate of MARGARET L. BRYANT, Decease Case No. 2016PR000032 Div: 10 K.S.A. Ch. 59 NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Kansas To All Persons Concerned: You are hereby notified that on February 16, 2016, a Petition was filed in this Court by JAMES P. BERGER, Executor named under the Last Will and Testament of MARGARET L. BRYANT, deceased, dated September 29, 2015, praying that the instrument attached thereto be admitted to probate and record as the Last Will and Testament of the decedent; that he be appointed Executor to serve without bond; be granted Letters Testamentary; and the following Kansas real estate owned by the decedent, situated in Wyandotte County, Kansas: Lot 109, FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS NO. 4, Lots 101 to 110 inclusive, an addition now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. be assigned in accordance with the terms of the Will. You are further advised under the provisions of the Kansas Simplified Estates Act the Court need not supervise administration of the Estate, and no notice of any action of the Executor or other proceedings in the administration will be given, except for notice of final settlement of decedent’s estate. You are required to file your written defenses hereto on or before March 15, 2016, at 9:30 o’clock a.m. in the District Court, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail herein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. All creditors of the decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within the latter of four months from the date of the first publication of this notice under K.S.A. 59-2236 and amendments hereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. JAMES P. BERGER, KS Bar #13105 BERGER ESTATE & ELDER LAW, P.A. 11233 Nall, Suite 140 Leawood, KS 66211 (913) 491-6332 [email protected] Attorney and Petitioner (First published 2-25-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of JANICE LEE COMER, Deceased. Case No. 2016PR000037 KSA Chapter 59 Division 10 NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on the date shown above, a Petition was filed in said Court by Daniel Everett Corner, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Janice Lee Corner, deceased, dated July 6, 1993, praying that the Will and statement filed with the Petition be admitted to probate and record, that Petitioner be appointed as Executor without bond, and that Petitioner be granted Letters Testamentary. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 11th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 o’clock am. of such day, in this Court, in the City of Kansas City in Wyandotte County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within four (4) months from the date of first publication of this Notice, as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Ann K. Colgan, #17690 Colgan Law Firm, LLC 202 Country Club Bank Building 11006 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS 66109 [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 913-721-9999 Fax: 913-721-9964 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER (First published 2-18-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE VELASCO/MATUS MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Marriage of: Ana Georgina VELASCO and Vicente RODRIGUEZ MATUS. Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 23. Case No. 16DM173 Division No. 2 NOTICE OF SUIT AND HEARING The State of Kansas to all persons who are or may be concerned: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Divorce has been filed in Wyandotte County by Ana Georgina Velasco against Vicente Rodriguez Matus. You are hereby required to plead to the Petition by the 18th of April, 2016, in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas. The above and foregoing action is set for hearing on the 19th day of April, 2016, in Division 2 of the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas, commencing at 9:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. You should be present lest judgment adverse to your interest be entered. Blanca Marin de Stevanov, #20093 Uptown Theater Bldg. 3700 Broadway, Ste. 350 Kansas City, MO 64111 TEL: (816) 931-7500 FAX: (816) 931-7511 [email protected] Attorney for Petitioner (First published 2-18-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT BANK MIDWEST, a division of NBH BANK, Case No. 2015-CV-000563 Plaintiff, Division No. 2 v. K.S.A. 60 ANTONIA M. WARD, et al., Mortgage Foreclosure Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County of Wyandotte, State of Kansas in a certain cause in said Court numbered 2015CV-000563, wherein the parties above-named were respectively plaintiff and defendants, and to me the undersigned Sheriff of said County, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 10:00 a.m., on the courthouse steps of the Wyandotte County Courthouse, to wit: LOT 13, IN BLOCK 2, LOMBARD PARK ADDITION, AN ADDITION NOW IN AND A PART OF KANSAS CITY, WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS, LESS THE SOUTH 10 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO 43RD AVENUE, TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION BY THE CITY OF KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. The commonly known address of the property is 2900 W. 43rd Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas SHERIFF OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS JAMES L. BAKER KS# 22420 1044 Main Street, Suite 500 Kansas City, MO 64105 Telephone: (816) 221-8855 Facsimile: (816) 221-7886 COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF, COMMUNITY AMERICA CREDIT UNION jimb@merrickbakerstrauss. com (First published 2-18-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 GOMEZ V. CORP IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS LILIANA S. GOMEZ, Plaintiff Case No 15CV1188 Division 7 vs. Phyllis Corp 3800 Strong Ave. Kansas City, Kansas Edgar Cano 5101 E. 30th Street Kansas City, MO 64128 Bernadino and Faviola Cano 512 Tauromee Kansas City, Kansas Melba Shirley 24675 Highway 1. Stover, MO 65078-1431 Wells Fargo 7419 Quivera Shawnee, Kansas Charles Shirley 410 N. N. Erie St. Wichita, KS 67214-4777 Charles Shirley, Jr. 3516 Spruce Ave. Kansas City, MO 64128-2768 Charles S. Shirley RR2, Ceder Ridge Stover, MO 810 S. W. Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64608 Samual Mendez 1016 Ridge Ave. Kansas City, KS 66101 NOTICE OF SUIT THE STATE OF KANSAS TO Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE PHYLLIS CORP AND ALL OTHER PERSONS WHO ARE OR MAY BE CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas by Liliana S. Gomez, praying for an order to quieting the title to the following described real estate: Lots 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32, Block 13 WEST ED ADDATION TO ARGENTINE, an addition now in and part of Kansas city, Wyandotte County, Kansas The petition further seeks an order holding the plaintiff be the owner of fee simple title to the above-described real estate, free of all right, title, and interest of the above named defendants, and all other persons who are or may be concerned, and that they and each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all right, title, interest, lien, estate or equity of redemption in or to the above-described real estate, of any part thereof. You are hereby require to plead to said petition on or before the 7th day of March, 2016, in said court, at Kansas City, Kansas. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said petition. LILIANA S. GOMEZ Plaintiff ALBERT E. GRAUBERGER - 6057 LION BUILDING - 819 N. 9TH Street (913) 621-6776 (913) 281-3048 Fax Attorney for Plaintiff (First published 2-18-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS MOORE appointed as Guardian ad Litem for the child. Each parent or other legal custodian of the child has the right to appear and be heard personally with or without an attorney. The court will appoint an attorney for a parent who is financially unable to hire an attorney. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT (First published 3-3-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOHNSON ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: JOHN D. JOHNSON, Deceased. Case No. 16P45 K.S.A. Chapter 59 NOTICE OF HEARING AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on the 19th day of February, 2016, a petition was filed in this Court by Delores J. Sneed, an heir, devisee and legatee, and executor named in the “Last Will and Testament” of John D. Johnson, deceased, dated the 19’ day of December, 2006, praying that the will filed with the petition be admitted to probate and record; petitioner be appointed as executor without bond; petitioner be granted Letters Testamentary. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 29th day of March, 2016, at 9:45 o’clock a.m. in the District Court, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within the latter four months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 592236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. DELORES J. SNEED, Petitioner APPROVED: DAVID K. DUCKERS, L.C. DAVID K. DUCKERS, #8265 748 Ann Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Phone: (913) 371-1930 Fax: (913) 371-0147 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER (First published 2-25-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-10-16 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTECOUNTY, KANSAS JUVENILE DEPARTMENT IN THE INTEREST OF: MEAH MOORE CASE NUMBER 2015JC0084 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION FOR CHILD IN NEED OF CARE TRIAL AND/OR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO: John Doe, and to all other persons who are or may be concerned: A PETITION has been filed in the Juvenile Department of the Wyandotte County District Court requesting that the Court find the above Children In Need Of Care because: (1) is without adequate parental care, control or subsistence and the condition is not due solely to the lack of financial means of the child’s parents or other custodian. (2) is without the care or control necessary for the child’s physical, mental or emotional health. A motion has been filed in the Juvenile Department of Wyandotte County District Court requesting that the Court find: JOHN DOE the alleged father of the above named minor child, to be an unfit parent and consider the above minor child to be adjudicated in need of care and permanently terminating the parental rights of the above named parent. You are required to appear before this Court on the 1st day of JUNE, 2016 at 1:30 PM or prior to that time file your written defenses to the pleading with the Clerk of this Court. If after a child has been adjudged to a Child In Need of Care, the Court finds a parent to be unfit, the Court may make an order permanently termination the parent rights. ELIZABETH MELLOR, an attorney, has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem for the child. Each parent or other legal custodian of the child has the right to appear and be heard personally with or without an attorney. The court will appoint an attorney for a parent who is financially unable to hire an attorney. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT (First published 3-3-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS GREEN IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS JUVENILE DEPARTMENT IN THE INTEREST OF: CASE NUMBER: 2014JC0299 A’Lice Green NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS TO; Charles Littlejohn and John Doe and to all other persons who are or may be concerned: A MOTION has been filed in the Juvenile Department of the Wyandotte County District Court requesting that the Court find: Charles Littlejohn and John Doe the natural parent of the above named minor child, to be an unfit parent and enter an order permanently terminating the parental rights of the above named parent. The above named minor child was found to be a Child in Need of Care on the 30th day of January, 2015. You are required to appear before this court on the 24th day of March, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. or prior to that time file your written defenses to the pleading with the Clerk of this Court. {GAL}, an attorney, has been MEETING NOTICE The Fairfax Drainage District Board of Directors will meet on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 8:00am instead of March 8, 2016. Fairfax Drainage District of Wyandotte County, KS 1620 Fairfax Trafficway Kansas City, KS 66115 913-321-2260 (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE ABSON MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Marriage To Shalise M. Abson, Case No. 16DM455 And Dion L. Abson, Division NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to: Dion L. Abson You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before April 13, 2016, which shall not be less than 41 days after first publication of the Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. Shalise M. Abson Petitioner Pro Se 6221 Georgia Avenue Kansas City, Kansas 66104 913-248-5010 Self-Represented Filing Party (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOHNSON/KING MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Marriage of Willie A. Johnson, Case No. 2015DM1965 And Anne M. King, Division 3 NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to: Anne M. King You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before April 13, 2016, which shall not be less than 41 days after first publication of the Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. Willie A. Johnson, Petitioner Pro Se 9421 Glenwood St. Overland Park, KS 66212 913-620-8722 Self-Represented Filing Party (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Wyandotte County District Court Civil Case Filings For 2/22/2016 to 2/26/2016 Date: 2/28/2016 Case Number 2016-CV-000152 2016-CV-000154 2016-CV-000156 2016-CV-000157 2016-CV-000158 2016-CV-000159 2016-CV-000160 2016-CV-000161 2016-CV-000162 2016-CV-000163 2016-CV-000164 2016-CV-000165 2016-CV-000166 2016-CV-000167 2016-CV-000168 2016-DM-000407 2016-DM-000408 2016-DM-000409 2016-DM-000410 2016-DM-000411 2016-DM-000412 2016-DM-000413 2016-DM-000414 2016-DM-000415 2016-DM-000416 2016-DM-000417 2016-DM-000418 2016-DM-000419 2016-DM-000420 2016-DM-000421 2016-DM-000422 2016-DM-000423 2016-DM-000424 2016-DM-000425 2016-DM-000426 2016-DM-000427 2016-DM-000428 2016-DM-000429 2016-DM-000430 2016-DM-000431 2016-DM-000432 2016-DM-000433 2016-DM-000434 2016-DM-000435 2016-DM-000436 2016-DM-000437 2016-DM-000438 2016-DM-000439 2016-DM-000440 2016-DM-000441 2016-DM-000442 2016-DM-000443 2016-DM-000444 2016-DM-000445 2016-DM-000446 2016-DM-000447 2016-DM-000448 2016-DM-000449 2016-DM-000450 2016-DM-000451 2016-DM-000452 2016-DM-000453 2016-DM-000454 2016-DM-000455 2016-DM-000456 2016-DM-000457 2016-DM-000458 2016-DM-000459 2016-DM-000460 2016-DM-000461 2016-DM-000462 2016-DM-000463 2016-DM-000464 2016-DM-000465 2016-DM-000466 2016-DM-000467 2016-DM-000468 2016-DM-000469 2016-DM-000470 2016-DM-000471 2016-DM-000472 2016-DM-000473 2016-DM-000474 2016-DM-000475 2016-DM-000476 2016-DM-000477 2016-DM-000478 2016-DM-000479 2016-DM-000480 2016-DM-000481 2016-DM-000482 2016-DM-000483 2016-DM-000484 2016-DM-000485 2016-DM-000486 2016-DM-000487 2016-DM-000488 2016-DM-000489 2016-DM-000490 2016-DM-000491 2016-DM-000492 2016-DM-000493 2016-DM-000494 2016-DM-000495 2016-DM-000496 2016-DM-000497 2016-DM-000498 2016-DM-000499 2016-DM-000500 2016-DM-000501 2016-DM-000502 2016-DM-000503 2016-DM-000504 2016-DM-000505 2016-DM-000506 2016-DM-000507 2016-DM-000508 2016-DM-000509 2016-DM-000510 2016-DM-000511 2016-DM-000512 2016-MV-000057 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Div. D03 D06 D07 D03 D02 D03 D09 D06 D07 D02 D03 D06 D07 D03 D02 D06 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D06 D10 D03 D01 D01 D02 D01 D01 D10 D01 D01 D01 D10 D10 D10 D10 D10 D02 D02 D07 D10 D10 D02 D01 D03 D01 D01 D01 D10 D01 D01 D01 D01 D10 D10 D10 D01 D10 D10 D01 D10 D06 D07 D02 D03 D03 D03 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D10 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D10 D10 D01 D10 D10 D10 D01 D10 D06 D10 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D02 D10 D10 D10 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D02 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 D10 D01 D03 Entitlement Nature of Action Plaintiff Attorney Mazuma Credit Union vs. Barbara J Freeman, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure James Baker Carl Ray Hoyt Jr Change of Name Other Nationstar Mortgage LLC vs. Sara Louise Turner, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Lauren Mann Veronica R. Sellers, et al. vs. Thomas Brooks Chartered Other Real Property Jere Sellers Ocwen Loan Servicing, et al. vs. Michael R Gravatt, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Gregory Rupard US Bank NA vs. Alice M Oropeza (Deceased) (Known and Unknown Heirs), et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Lauren Mann Mark T Salary vs. State of Kansas (60-1507) 60-1507 Pro Se Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Kimberly J Enriquez, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Gregory Rupard Gregory Rupard Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Loretta Johnson-McPhail, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Finance of America Reverse LLC vs. Nora Lee Mussmann (Deceased) (Known & Unknown Mortgage Heirs), Foreclosure et al. Lauren Mann Quindaro Homes Federal Credit Union vs. Noe Quadalupe Ramos-Hinojos Mortgage Foreclosure Gregory Goheen Household Finance Corporation III vs. Linda C Johnson, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Lauren Mann Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Suzanne J Hern, et al. Mortgage Foreclosure Wendy Green Sergeant's Pet Care Products Inc. vs. PM Contracting Inc Other Catherine Bell Rakesh Srivastava, et al. vs. State of Kansas KS Attorney General Employment Dispute-Other Albert Kuhl Cheryl Means, Petitioner vs. Leslie Steven Means, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Pro Se Clifton Hobbs, Petitioner vs. Monhoney Sims, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Christa Gumm, Petitioner vs. Richard Buck, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Shane Camp, Petitioner vs. John Hand, Respondent Protection from Stalking Pro Se Pro Se Maricels Contreras, Petitioner vs. Ramon Monreal, Respondent Protection from Abuse Melissa Bledsoe, Petitioner vs. Wendell Ferguson, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Pro Se Isabella A Jones, Petitioner vs. Eliza Ocanas, Respondent Protection from Abuse Ciera Rochelle Wallace, Petitioner vs. Rodney Larry Wallace, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Pro Se Janea Calis Black, Petitioner vs. Brandon Tillman, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Oscar Romero Garza, Petitioner vs. Perla Crystal Garza, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Kathryn Barnett State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Alex Crouch, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Sergio Garcia Lopez, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Robyn L Ayers-Chambers, Petitioner vs. Richard M Chambers, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Reginald Davis State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Davonte D Green, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Michael S Christopher, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Carrie A Christopher, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Antonio Alvarado, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jerry Hernandez, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Lindsey A Hanson, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Johnny P Henderson, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services Pro Se Nora E Ruano, Petitioner vs. Felix Rodriguez Duenez, Respondent Protection from Abuse Bianca M Williams, Petitioner vs. Joshua Washington Bell, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Caitlin Fine, Petitioner vs. Ariel Huffman, Respondent Protection from Stalking Pro Se Casondra E Eldred, Petitioner vs. Kevin Eldred, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Carnell Green, Petitioner vs. Latoya Green, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Jeffrey Leiker Nancy A Rogers, Petitioner vs. Harry G Rogers, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Vernon Lewis Megan Renee Sackuvich, Petitioner vs. Jerad Raymond Sackuvich, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Jeffrey Leiker Tyra A Sherman, Petitioner vs. Tracey Schoenberger, Respondent Protection from Stalking Pro Se Chasnye L Morris, Petitioner vs. Steven Whitehead, Respondent Protection from Abuse Pro Se Lashaun Davis, Petitioner vs. Freelon Davis, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Pro Se Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas Ex Rel et. al vs Misty D Stewart Paternity Daniel Herrera, Petitioner vs. Rosa Urena Madriz, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Kristin Jacobs Alexander Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas ex rel et al., Petitioners vs. Bakari S Whiting Respondent Paternity State of Kansas ex rel, et. al vs Juan Urbano, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jamika E Wedlow, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas ex rel et. al, Petitioners vs. Jamie L Peters, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas ex rel et. al Petitioners vs Lance L Starr, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. John P Redman, et al., Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Michael Ackles, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Juan Gonzales, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Laura Gonzales, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Amber Dabbs, Respondent State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Stephanie Espinoza, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. James Cheffen Jr, Respondent Paternity August Gaw, Petitioner vs. Kyaw Arr, Respondent Protection from Stalking Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Shay L Clay, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Derrick L Freeman, Respondent Paternity Curtis Walker, Petitioner vs. Raydale Hill, Respondent Protection from Stalking Pro Se Shalise M Abson, Petitioner vs. Dion L Abson, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Lindsay K Bruch-Haworth, Petitioner vs. Jason L Haworth, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Stanley McAfee Stanley McAfee Tiffany E Mendez, Petitioner vs. Alexander Gonzalo Mendez, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Rian Ankerholz Michael Lawrence Smith, Petitioner vs. Amber Marie Smith, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Sean Taylor Facklam, Petitioner vs. Chelsea Renee Vlasak, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Dwight Alexander Sylvia Lebaron-Ramos Fabiola Alvarado, Petitioner vs. Julio Cesar Gonzalez, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Romethel Byrd, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Spencer D Jones Jr, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Johnny P Mendez, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Kristina D Newson, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Javier A Robledo, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Benjamin M Reed, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Walter Remson II, Respondent State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Shampale O Williams, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jorge Rodriguez Jr, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Devin A McReynolds, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Leonard R Johnson III, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Julio C Jimenez, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Raymond D Langford, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Sandra Charles, Petitioner vs. Joe Wade, Respondent Protection from Stalking Jennifer Bierstine, Petitioner vs. Diego Chivalan Castro, Respondent Protection from Abuse Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Nicholas A Land, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas Ex Rel et al., Petitioner vs. Andrew E Davis, Respondent UIFSA State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Clarence Heron, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Angela L Lindsay-McCranie, Respondent Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Timothy W McCranie, Respondent Paternity Jacqueline T Blackburn, Petitioner vs. Yolanda Boyd, Respondent Protection from Abuse Ileanyss Collazo-Morales, Petitioner vs. Adermis Bonilacio Pastor Rodriguez, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Allen Russell Non Divorce-Visitation, Custody, Support Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Jennifer D Canady, Respondent State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Arrick Q Hill, et al., Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Larhon Cook, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Marcus A Harris, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jason Beebe, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jose Canan, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Ricky Campbell, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Ricky Cranford, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Dustin Allen, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. HT N Cooperwood, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Pro Se Ray S Rise, Petitioner vs. Katrina L Rise, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce Kurt Wesson, Petitioner vs. Jacqueline Milstead, Respondent Protection from Abuse Stacy Earnshaw, Petitioner vs. Zacharias Dizmang, Respondent Protection from Abuse Kathleen Allen, Petitioner vs. Corey Jones, Respondent Protection from Abuse State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Emmanuel M Green, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Silvia Corona, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Kara Brotherton, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Julius Bradley Jr, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jorge Arellano Vasquez, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jamal W Hudson, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Jeffrey Dehon Valerie Pulido, Petitioner vs. Ricardo Novo, Respondent Marriage Dissolution/Divorce State of Kansas ex rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Phillip Nimrod, Respondent Paternity Eric Lawrence State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jarrell D Jones, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services State of Kansas ex rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Kyle A Hatchel, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Obadiah Jones III, Respondent Paternity Kansas DCF Child Support Services State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Zacharias O Dizmang, Respondent Paternity La Shonda Hembry-Tribitt La Shonda Hembry-Tribitt State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jesus M Frye-Santoyo, Respondent Paternity State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Miguel Arreola, Respondent Paternity La Shonda Hembry-Tribitt Robert Vaughan, Petitioner vs. Alycia M Kind, Respondent Protection from Abuse State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Adrian Contreras, Respondent Paternity La Shonda Hembry-Tribitt Aristocrat Investigations vs no defendant Miscellaneous Other Geoffrey Hetley Page 3 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE WINSLOW ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF THE PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of MICHELE E. WINSLOW, Deceased Case No. 16P38 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Kansas To All Persons Concerned: You and each of you will take notice that on the 11th day of February, 2016, a Petition for Appointment of Administrator and Issuance of Letters of Administration under the Kansas Simplified Act was filed with the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas, on said date by STEVEN L. SMITH, on behalf of the Estate of Michele E. Winslow. All parties interested in said estate will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. STEVEN L. SMITH, Administrator for the Estate of MICHELE E. WINSLOW Submitted by: Donald Friend II, KS Bar #15549 Friend & Associates, LLC 4200 Somerset Drive, Suite 208 Prairie Village, KS 66208 (913) 213-5400 e-mail address: dfriend@ ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER (First published 2-25-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 Don’t Miss An Issue Call 342-2444 IN THE MATTER OF THE COTTOMS NAME CHANGE IN THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF Wyandotte COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF Serema Cottoms To Change His/Her Name to: Rema Ree Case No. 16CV123 Div. No. 3 PURSUANT TO K.S.A. CHAPTER 60 NOTICE OF HEARING PUBLICATION THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL WHO ARE OR MAY BE CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that Serema Cottoms [Petitioner’s Full Name], filed a Petition in the above court on the 12th day of February, 2016, requesting a judgment and order changing his/her name from Serema Cottoms to Rema Ree. The Petition will be heard in Wyandotte County District Court,701N7th St [Court address], Kansas [City], Kansas, on the 6th day of April, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. p.m. If you have any objection to the requested name change, you are required to file a responsive pleading on or before April 6th, 2016 in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgment and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner. Serema Cottoms Petitioner, Pro Se Serema Cottoms 3052 N58th St #34 Kansas City, KS 66104 Telephone Number: 202-4159900 Self-Represented Filing Party (First published 2-25-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 IN THE TWENTY-NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT, WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Parcels of Real Property: 4820 Parallel, 4832 Parallel and 4838 Parallel, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas 66104 Case No. 15CV1074 Division 7 Per K.S.A. Chapter 60 ACTION INVOLVING TITLE TO REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF SUIT [PUBLICATION] THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL WHO ARE OR MAY BE CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that H. Howard Hull, Jr., filed his Petition in the above court on November 18, 2015, praying for Declaratory Judgment to Quiet Title to the Real Estate described as: a. JW KERR ESTATE, LS,3.03A LS 1Ac 10.81AC 1&LS 1AC CONTG981 ACLS PTS SOLS LS 15X400FT STRIP LS 2.4AC, commonly known as 4820 Parallel Drive, Kansas City, Kansas. b. Beginning at a point 464.1 feet North and 191.5 feet east of the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1⁄4 of the Section 36, Township 10, Range 24, thence East 111 feet thence South 362.7 feet to the center line of the old Parallel Road, thence Southwesterly along said line 125.35 feet; thence North 421.6 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of Tract 7 of the J.W. Kerr Estate in Wyandotte County, Kansas. c. Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1⁄4 of the Southwest 1⁄4 of Section 36, Township 10, Range 24, thence North 464.1 feet, thence East 191.5 feet, thence South 421.6 feet to the center line of the old Parallel Road, thence Southwesterly along said line 92.1 feet to the intersection with the center line of the Victory Highway, (no old 40) thence West 110 feet more or less to the point of beginning; except the West 25 feet thereof to be used for road purposes, being a part of Tract 7 of the Subdivision of the J.W. Kerr Estate, a subdivision in Wyandotte County, Kansas. and that said Petitioner will be heard or assigned by the Court in Division 7, District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas, 710 N. 7th Street, Kansas City, Kansas 66101, on the 15th day of April, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. You are required to plead in response to the Petition or on or before April 15, 2016 [Date at least 41 days after first publication], in the Court at Wyandotte County, Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Please take notice and govern yourself accordingly. Kimberly J. Westhusing-Kass KBN 19438 Kass Legal Services, LLC 4707 College Blvd., Suite 208 Leawood, Kansas 66211 (816) 589-4785 (voice) (877) 820-5607 (fax) ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER H. HOWARD HULL, JR. (First published 2-25-16) 4t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 Don’t Miss An Issue Call 342-2444 to Subscribe Today! Page 4 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE IS USED IN THE SCHEDULING OF MOTIONS AND CONTEMPTS Hearing Officer (Post-Trial) Child Support Motions & Contempts Agency Motions & Contempts - A-He - Monday - 9:00 AM Agency Motions & Contempts - Hf-Me - Monday - 1:30 PM Agency Motions & Contempts - Mf-Z - Thursday - 9:00 AM Private Attorney Motions & Contempts A-L - Tuesday - 9:00 AM Private Attorney Motions & Contempts M-Z - Tuesday - 1:30 PM When the motion is filed by an agency, the motion date will be scheduled using the defendant’s last name. When the motion is filed by a private attorney, the motion date will be scheduled using the first letter of the attorney’s last name. Motions & Contempts set in assigned Divisions Divisions 11 & 12 First Monday of the Month at 1:30 PM Division 13 - Special Set only Division 3 - Second Friday of the Month at 9:00 AM Division 6 - Second Friday of the Month - DM Cases at 9:00 AM CV Cases at 10:00 AM Division 2 & 7 - Third Friday of the Month at 9:30 AM Division 1 - Fourth Friday of the Month at 9:30 AM Paternity Docket Division 10 - First & Third Wednesday at 9:00 AM Motions & Contempts Wyandotte County District Court Civil Settings List Hearings in Division D 02 on Friday, March 11, 2016 10:00:00AM Case Number 2015-CV-000117 Entitlement Stanley Register, et al. vs. Riverside Transport Inc Hearing Type: Summary Judgment Plaintiff Attorney J Stapleton Comment: MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Defense Attorney Melody Dickson Hearings in Division D 06 on Friday, March 11, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1999-DM-005238 Sharon R Widener, Petitioner vs. George W Templin, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Plaintiff Attorney Michael Redmon Defense Attorney 2001-DM-001770 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Darreyl L Johnson, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Status/review Dayna Terrell Jeffrey Leiker 2001-DM-003199 Tracy A Zambrano, Petitioner vs. Cesar Zambrano, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Terminate Child Support and Emancipate Child of the Marriage. 2004-DM-000001 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dorian C Banks, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion for Modification of Parenting Order. Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesKaren Shelor 2004-DM-004053 Elsa Briseno, Petitioner vs. Antonio Briseno, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Status/Review Michael Allen 2006-DM-001194 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Jesus D Barraza Jr, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesJeffrey Dehon Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion for Change of Residential Custody. 2008-DM-002320 David Kirkpatrick, Petitioner vs. Lisa Kirkpatrick, Respondent Judith Hedrick Lawrence Long W Zimmerman 2012-DM-001552 Anthony Leron Marshall Jr, Petitioner vs. Myra Unique Marshall, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: For review Robert De Coursey Pro Se 2012-DM-001747 Jennifer R Hauk, Petitioner vs. Clarence B Hauk II, Respondent Dennis Harris John Fresh David Fairbanks Lori Hoodenpyle Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Plaintiff's Motion to Change Custody. Comment: Really a status conference 2015-DM-002719 Ryan Albright, Petitioner vs. Amber Albright, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: 2015-DM-002892 Andrea Owens, Petitioner vs. Tyrone D Owens, Respondent Kathryn Barnett Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Page 5 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Hearings in Division on Friday, March 2016 9:00:00AM Hearings in Division D 02 D on06 Friday, February 19, 11, 2016 9:30:00AM Case Entitlement Case Number Number Entitlement Hearing HearingType: Type: Motion Motion Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Comment: DEFENDANT'S MOTION TO STRIKE OR LIMIT THE TESTIMONY OF PLAINTIFF'S NON-RETAINED Comment: Motion for Leave to File Amended Answer and Counter Petition for Decree of Divorce. MEDICAL EXPERT DR. ROBERT BEATTY AND MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT 2013-CV-001384 Leo W Wright vs. BNSF Railway Company Stephen ParkerNichols 2015-DM-002913 Derek L Goss, Petitioner vs. Carolyn M Goss, Respondent MichaelDavid Preston Michael Patrzykont Hearing Comment: DEFENDANT'S BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY'S MOTION IN LIMINE HearingType: Type: Motion Motion Comment: Respodent's Motion to Modify Ex Parte Orders. 2014-CV-000753 Dintino Sr Petitioner vs. Kansasvs. University Physicians Inc, etal. Ben Schmitt M Watson 2015-DM-003043 James Manuella Jasso, Juan Jasso, Respondent Philip Sedgwick Robert Laing Hearing Type: Comment: PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO VACATE AND SET ASIDE JOURNAL ENTRY OF DISMISSAL WITH Motion Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Modify or in the Alternative Terminate Temporary Orders. PREJUDICE (JUDGE THIS CASE DISMISSED FOR LACK OF PROSECUTION ON JANUARY 20, 2015) 2014-CV-001046 Tiffany Orr vs. Frank P Holladay MD, et al. Thomas Diehl Justin Fowler 2015-DM-003115 Albert T Detmer, Petitioner vs. Kelly L Detmer, Respondent Gerald Jeserich Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PLAINTIFF'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO MODIFY CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Allow Residential Service. 2014-CV-001226 Charles Aguilar, et al. vs. Barbara Jordan Lawrence Gepford 2016-DM-000295 Anthony Earl Novich Jr., Petitioner vs. Christy Dawn Novich, Respondent Michael Duma Hearing Type: Motion Comment: DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR EXTENSION TO RESPOND TO DISCOVERY Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Modify of Set Aside Ex Parte Temporary Orders. Leo Logan Robert Laing 2015-CV-000117 Melody Dickson Stanley Register, et al. vs. Riverside Transport Inc Hearing Type: Motion J Stapleton Comment: Defendant Riverside Transport, Inc.'s Motion for Summary Judgment Hearings in Division D 06 on Friday, March 11, 2016 10:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2015-CV-000212 Ally Financial Inc vs. Calvary Temple Pentecostal Church Inc, et al. 2012-CV-000536 Edmond L by Lynn, etal. vs. Casey DComment: Evans, etal. Hearing Type: Continued DEFAULT HEARING Agreement T CoxPlaintiff Attorney John Peterson Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Compel Discovery. 2015-CV-001072 21st Mortgage Corporation vs. James Wendt, et al. Michele O'Malley Defense Attorney Charles Lamb Hearing Type: Motion Comment: 2015-CV-000627 D C-M vs. D K F, et al. Carston Johannsen Sean McGrevey Hearing Type: Lisa Comment: SEPARATE DEFENDANT C.L.B'S MOTION TO TRANSFER VENUE AND SUGGESTIONS IN SUPPORT Continued by Agreement 2012-CV-001448 Hartzfield vs. Julie Berry-Buxton Thomas Rehorn (CONT'D FROM 01/15 DOCKET AT COUNSEL'S REQUEST) Hearing Type: Order In Aid of Execution Comment: 2015-CV-000739 MP Kansas LLC vs. Roger McCarville, et al. Chadler Colgan Hearing Type: Darrell Comment: FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT AGAINST ROGER MCCARVILLE Motion D Darr vs. Providence Medical 2015-CV-000674 CenterMOTION Inc Richard Budden Brent Wright Hearing Type: Jacquelyn MOTION FOR DEFAULT Motion Elaine Green vs. UnifiedComment: 2015-CV-000779 Government of WyCo/KCK, et al. JUDGMENT Curtis Holmes Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion to Amend Pleadings. 2015-CV-001130 Caring Hearts Personal Home Services Inc vs. Amerigroup Kansas Inc Thomas Rehorn Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION TO DISSOLVE RESTRAINING ORDER 2015-CV-000847 Erica Zamora vs. Prime Healthcare Services Inc, et al. John Kurtz Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Plaintiff's Motion to Amend Case Management Conference 2015-CV-001200 Maurice Zachary vs. Shawn Bright, et al. Michael KinderOrder. Hearing Type: Motion Comment: M. BROWN'S MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL 2015-CV-000926 First Federal Savings & Loan Bank vs. Heather JoAnn Johnson, et al. Jon Gilchrist Hearing Type:Norivet Motion Comment: Plaintiff's Motion to Extinguish Redemption Rights. 2015-DM-000109 Tapia, Petitioner vs. Jorge A Tapia-Murillo, Respondent Angela Trimble Hearing Type: Motion Comment: COLGAN'S MOTION FOR PERMISSIVE WITHDRAWAL in Division D 07 on Friday, March 11, 2016 Jeffrey 9:30:00AM 2015-DM-001362 Kimberley Holm, Petitioner vs. RonaldHearings Holm, Respondent Dehon Case Hearing NumberType: Entitlement Attorney Comment: PETTIONER'S MOTION TO COMPEL WITH NOTICEPlaintiff OF HEARING Motion 2007-DM-002481 Tony Kariuki, Petitioner vs. Judith M Kimatu, Respondent Gerald Jeserich Emily Short Henry Couchman Ronald Norwood Todd Scharnhorst Scott Ast Jonas Hummer Lisa Bolliger Ann Colgan Michael Mogenson Defense Attorney Michael Whitsitt Hearings in Division D 07 on Friday, March 11, 2016 9:30:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Comment: Respondent's Motion to Offset Garnishment Proceeds 2012-CV-001488 Michael Abrams Comment: DEFENDANTS’ UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Emmett V Jordan, etal. Hearing Type: Motion 2013-CV-000152 Nicole Parker, etal. vs. Joan M Greene Hearing Type: Motion 2014-CV-000784 Angelia Givens, etal. vs. Janice Witt, etal. Hearing Type: Motion 2014-CV-001131 Thomas Rehorn Comment: MOTION TO FILE ANSWER OUT OF TIME Gregory Leyh Michael Hughes James Hagerdon Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Hearing Type: Motion 2014-CV-001131 Philip Sedgwick Comment: MOTION TO AMEND PETITION TO SUBSTITUTE VALERIE PARKER Defense Attorney Pro Se Patrick Waters Comment: motion in opposition to defendant's response to plaintiff's motion to compel defendant to produce authorities Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Pro Se Patrick Waters Comment: MOTION I RESPONSE AND OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT'S RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL DEFENDANT TO PRODUCE AUTHORITIES 2014-CV-001131 Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Pro Se Patrick Waters Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION TO OBJECT TO PROPOSED JOURNAL ENTRY BY DEFENDANT RECEIVED 25 JANUARY, 2016 FOR "CASE DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE" 2014-CV-001131 Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Pro Se Patrick Waters Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO CLARIFY STANDING Hearing Type: Motion 2014-CV-001131 Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Hearing Type: Motion 2015-CV-000006 Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Fernando Rodriguez, et al. Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Pro Se Patrick Waters Dustin Stiles Jordan Schwartz Comment: Motion to Challenge Court's Jurisdiction Comment: Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO CLARIFY STANDING Page 6 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO 2014-CV-001131 Lawrence Goldblatt vs. Unified Government of WyCo/KCK Pro Se LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Hearing Type: Motion Comment:LEGAL MotionNOTICE to Challenge Court's Jurisdiction 2015-CV-000006 Wells Fargo Bank NA vs. Fernando Rodriguez, et al. Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing 2015-CV-000252 2015-CV-000422 2015-CV-000683 2015-CV-000908 Aunna Peoples Pro Se Kurt Brack Michelle Burge Gregory Whiston Peter Bieri Comment: Kevin Tubbesing vs. Robert Leland Speer, et al. Hearing Type: Motion Lauren Mann Comment: Brotherhood Bank & Trust vs. Joseph J Yarbrough, et al. Hearing Type: Motion Jordan Schwartz Comment: Motion for Summary Judgment Arthur L Smith vs. Deron K Jackson, et al. Hearing Type: Motion LEGAL NOTICE Dustin Stiles Comment: US Bank Trust NA vs. Cecil Taffe, et al. Hearing Type: Motion LEGAL NOTICE Thursday, Patrick Waters March 3, 2016 Comment: Joint Motion for Protective Order Hearings in Division D 07 on Friday, March 11, 2016 9:30:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2015-CV-001068 Security Bank of Kansas City vs. Tripwire Operations Group LLC, et al. Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion for Default Judgment Defense Attorney Matthew Peters 2015-CV-001151 Bank Midwest NA vs. RGM Properties LLC, et al. James Baker Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion for Default Judgment with Notice of Damages 2015-CV-001163 Carol C Boxberger vs. McGee Hauling Inc Larry Ehrlich Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Defendants' Motion to Consolidate and Memorandum in Support Thereof Brette Hart 2015-DM-001987 Megan B Randle-Robinson, Petitioner vs. Kerment A Robinson, Respondent Jo Butaud Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PETITIONER'S MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY Dwight Alexander 2016-CV-000029 State of Kansas ex rel (Forfeiture), et al. vs. $2650.00 In US Currency, M/l Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Motion for dismissal of claim Sara Washburn 2016-DM-000182 Michael A Griffith, Petitioner vs. Heidi Emmerich, Respondent Daniel Saathoff Stanley McAfee Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION TO MODIFY AND OR SET ASIDE EX PARTE TEMPORARY ORDERS; MOTION TO RELOCATE AND MOTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM Hearings in Division D 10 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement 2015-MV-000050 Melodie Crystal Rodriguez vs. Joshua Lee Soldanels Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 11/19/2015 JC DOCKET Plaintiff Attorney Angela Fitle Defense Attorney Hearings in Division D 10 on Friday, March 11, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2015-DM-002728 Cheyenne Williams, Petitioner vs. Jarrel Davis, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: motion to withdraw Plaintiff Attorney Angela Fitle Defense Attorney Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1998-DM-003810 Brandon Lee Camp, Petitioner vs. Sarah Tenile Camp, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 12/7/2015 JC DOCKET Plaintiff Attorney Court Trustee 2001-DM-000213 Steven Lee Garza, Petitioner vs. Steven Lee Garza, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee Defense Attorney Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2002-DM-003944 Heather A Hampton, Petitioner vs. Antonio Aguilar, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Plaintiff Attorney Court Trustee 2003-DM-000898 Lori Lyn Custer, Petitioner vs. Jason E Custer, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Kevin Cavanaugh 2003-DM-002524 Tammy Robinson, Petitioner vs. Larry D Robinson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2003-DM-002549 Denise Aseneth Olivias, etal., Petitioner vs. Martin Anthony Reyes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 11/19/2015 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2003-DM-002549 Denise Aseneth Olivias, etal., Petitioner vs. Martin Anthony Reyes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/21/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC Court Trustee Court Trustee Defense Attorney Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2003-DM-002549 Denise Aseneth Olivias, etal., Petitioner vs. Martin Anthony Reyes, Respondent Thursday, March 3, 2016 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 11/19/2015 JC DOCKET LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Court Trustee LEGAL NOTICE Page 7 LEGAL NOTICE 2003-DM-002549 Denise Aseneth Olivias, etal., Petitioner vs. Martin Anthony Reyes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/21/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2004-DM-001735 Maria I Garcia, Petitioner vs. Randy Lee Owens, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/11/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2004-DM-003723 Lynn Gene Fry, Petitioner vs. Lisa Marie Fry, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 11/19/2015 JC DOCKET Jeffrey Dehon 2006-DM-000783 Stacye L Hillman, Petitioner vs. William E Hillman Sr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 10/19/2015 JC DOCKET Pro Se 2007-DM-002311 Camilla R Price, etal., Petitioner vs. Michael C Price, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Brian Burge 2008-DM-000273 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Kyle R Gibson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 12/14/15 JC DOCKET Department for Children and Families Michael Redmon 2008-DM-001815 Nickie Ellen Green, Petitioner vs. Kwasi J Byrd, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2008-DM-002492 Patricia Ester, Petitioner vs. Johnny Lee Ester, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/1/16 JC DOCKET Sheryl Bussell 2008-DM-002516 Teresa A Becker, Petitioner vs. Michael T Becker, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Ann Colgan 2010-DM-000536 Katrina Kobe, Petitioner vs. Craig A Kobe, Respondent Michael Redmon Court Trustee Thomas De Coursey Dennis Harris Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Continued by Court Plaintiff Attorney 2010-DM-000894 Carl E Yost, Petitioner vs. Kathy A Yost, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court D Ball Court Trustee Kathryn Barnett Pro Se Comment: SHOW CAUSE 2010-DM-002320 John E Stafford Jr, Petitioner vs. Rebecca S Stafford, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET 2012-DM-002865 Malcolm Eldridge Norwood Jr, etal., Petitioner vs. Pashaia Brooks, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2012-DM-003346 Sheena LA Moulden, Petitioner vs. Ronnie L Fortner, Respondent Stanley McAfee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: RECALLED BW 2/18/16 2013-DM-000563 John Michael Young III, Petitioner vs. John Michael Young Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Robert Martinez Brandon Laster Comment: FROM 2/1/16 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-000646 Carmen Salazar, Petitioner vs. Antonio Salazar, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Pro Se Comment: FROM 1/11/2016 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-001384 Aiden Reed Matthew Calovich, et al., Petitioner vs. Aaron M Calovich, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Court Trustee Court Trustee Comment: FROM 10/19/2015 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-001395 Lisa P Gill, Petitioner vs. Alfred Gill III, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Michael Redmon Comment: FROM 2/1/16 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-000570 Rachel Robinson, Petitioner vs. Kyle J Cox, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Defense Attorney Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Larry Hoffman Comment: TO REVIEW AND MODIFY C/S 2013-DM-001919 Brian Stewart McClenahan Jr, a minor, by and through his next friend and Mother, Lisa Shatto Petitioners Brian Stewart McClenahan Sr, Respondent Jeffreyvs. Dehon Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET 2014-DM-000624 Sarah Gerber, Petitioner vs. Benjamin Gerber, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court 2015-DM-002933 Tiffany Simpson, Petitioner vs. Wymann I Simpson, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Court Trustee Comment: FROM 2/22/2016 JC DOCKET Pro Se Comment: FINAL HEARING FOR DIVORCE Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Stanley McAfee 2015-DM-002933 Tiffany Simpson, Petitioner vs. Wymann I Simpson, Respondent Page 8 Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Comment: FINAL HEARING FOR DIVORCE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Pro Se Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2000-DM-002731 Kimberly D Macey, Petitioner vs. Matthew A Macey, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: OASC Plaintiff Attorney Court Trustee 2000-DM-002731 Kimberly D Macey, Petitioner vs. Matthew A Macey, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/18/16 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2000-DM-004121 Glen J McKenna, Petitioner vs. Tanya L McKenna, Respondent Gerald Jeserich Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/11/2016 JC DOCKET 2003-DM-000320 Victoria Englehardt, etal., Petitioner vs. MIchael McGinnis, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: TO REVIEW AND MODIFY C/S Court Trustee 2003-DM-000455 Kenneth D Freemyer, Petitioner vs. Monica Freemyer, Respondent Michael Redmon Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/21/2016 JC DOCKET 2003-DM-002383 Jennifer Lynn Gallagher, Petitioner vs. Michael Dennis Gallagher, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2003-DM-002992 Dan Peters, Petitioner vs. Christy Marie Peters, Respondent Court Trustee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Defense Attorney Court Trustee Robert De Coursey Pro Se 2004-DM-001021 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Paul G Andre, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-001912 Veronica Salinas, Petitioner vs. Cesar Enrique Salinas, Respondent Court Trustee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2006-DM-002577 Monica C Perkins, Petitioner vs. Kevin B Perkins Sr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Court Trustee Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2006-DM-002649 Omar Rodriguez, Petitioner vs. Ivon Rodriguez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2007-DM-002827 Lisa A Rios, Petitioner vs. Michael J Rios, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Court Trustee Court Trustee Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2008-DM-001459 Sandralee Mansaw, Petitioner vs. Herman L Mansaw Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/11/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2011-DM-000056 Ignacio Hernandez, etal., Petitioner vs. Lourdes A Escamilla, Respondent Court Trustee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Robert De Coursey Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2011-DM-000928 Crystal D Smith, Petitioner vs. Phillip Smith, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Pro Se Comment: TO REVIEW AND MODIFY C/S 2012-DM-001539 Michelle R Gillespie, Petitioner vs. Kenneth C Gillespie II, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/18/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2012-DM-001760 Mackenzi Hutton, Petitioner vs. Travis Lee Quick, Respondent Jeffrey Leiker Hearing Type: Continued by Court Serena Hawkins Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2012-DM-002317 Jessica Whitlow, Petitioner vs. Erik S Whitlow, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2014-DM-003073 Araceli Rosales, Petitioner vs. Manuel Alexis Gurrola Limones, Respondent Court Trustee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Court Trustee Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET 2015-DM-002107 Raphael Pickens, Petitioner vs. Deanna Pickens, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Jeffrey Garrett Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET 2012-DM-002180 Fernando Ramirez, Petitioner vs. Shelley Ramirez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Defense Attorney Court Trustee Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney 2015-DM-002107 Raphael Pickens, Petitioner vs. Deanna Pickens, Respondent Thursday, MarchType: 3, 2016 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Continued by Court Comment: FROM 3/25/16 JC DOCKET LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Court Trustee LEGAL NOTICE Page 9 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1993-DM-001187 Ang Welch, etal., Petitioner vs. Angela Michelle Welch, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1994-DM-003709 Shawna Marie Clark, Petitioner vs. John Eugene Clark, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: E-FILED NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1998-DM-005072 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kevin W Dodd, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2000-DM-002319 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Ronnell Blackman, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2001-DM-004533 Amanda L Searles, et al., Petitioner vs. Jermaine R Barnett Sr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2002-DM-002094 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Mark Brown, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2003-DM-001780 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Willie L Bowles, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2003-DM-001780 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Willie L Bowles, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2004-DM-002876 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Marcus L Carson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement 2005-DM-002223 Jadda I Boarman, Petitioner vs. Hendre Benton, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2006-DM-000225 Social Rehabilitation Services, etal., Petitioner vs. Ronnie E Edwards, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2006-DM-000968 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Paulino A Franco, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2006-DM-002129 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Marcus L Carson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2006-DM-002131 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Marcus L Carson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-002132 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Marcus L Carson, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2008-DM-002447 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. David F Cheatom, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2010-DM-000143 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Hendre C Benton, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement 2010-DM-001916 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Stephan L Bowie, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2012-DM-000782 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Jerome R Birdsong Jr, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT Defense Attorney 2015-DM-000177 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Larry D Bush, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2015-DM-000751 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Katherine Adams, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2015-DM-000751 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Katherine Adams, Respondent Page 10Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Comment: CONTEMPT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement 1985-DM-000294 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. James L Madlock, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1990-DM-000166 State of Kansas, etal., Petitioner vs. Curtis L Martin, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesJo Butaud 1990-DM-004017 Kansas DCF Child Support Services St Of Ks Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. James L Madlock, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 1990-DM-005242 Quinique Ivory, et al., Petitioner vs. Allan J Ivory, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1992-DM-001845 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Gregory Miller, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 1993-DM-000583 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Frederick McCarty, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1993-DM-004447 Wendy Jones, Petitioner vs. Larry James, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1993-DM-004700 Gregory Manthe, Petitioner vs. Hwa Cha Manthe, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 1995-DM-005138 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Wayman L Miller, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1996-DM-001612 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Rickey L Milton, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney 1998-DM-000366 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Julius J Nave, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: E-FILED NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1999-DM-003451 Amie M Lowe, Petitioner vs. Thomas R Lowe, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1999-DM-004900 Corie A Mills, Petitioner vs. Richard A Mills, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Albert Grauberger 2003-DM-000402 State of Kansas, etal., Petitioner vs. Lamario D Myrick, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2004-DM-001804 Nicholas Ray Krueger, Petitioner vs. Tammy Lynn Krueger, Respondent Michael Redmon Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2004-DM-003227 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Frederick L McCarty, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2004-DM-003543 Nacole R Jasper, et al., Petitioner vs. Frederick L McCarty, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2005-DM-000521 Victoria Moss, Petitioner vs. Charles D Moss Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-000238 Shannon L McKelvin, Petitioner vs. Edward E McKelvin, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Ann Colgan 2007-DM-000692 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Darrell L Murray, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2008-DM-001656 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David R McDonald, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2010-DM-002538 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Frederick L McCarty, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2011-DM-000595 Erica White, Petitioner vs. Terry Lamont Mitchem Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2010-DM-002538 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. FrederickTHE L McCarty, Respondent Thursday, March 3, 2016 WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services LEGAL NOTICE Page 11 LEGAL NOTICE 2011-DM-000595 Erica White, Petitioner vs. Terry Lamont Mitchem Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, March 07, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement 2011-DM-002681 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Durand Terrell Nichols, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2012-DM-002030 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kareem J Owens, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: E-FILED NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2014-DM-000616 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. George J Landry, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2013-DM-002449 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Julius J Nave, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2015-DM-000192 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Estela Olguin Rodriguez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $300.00 Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2015-DM-002751 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Duone B Maxwell, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1988-DM-001497 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dion M Carter, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-001117 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Tyree Neeley Cole, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-000568 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Tyree J Neeley Cole, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1996-DM-001681 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Terrance W Austin, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1994-DM-002132 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kelvin R Burns, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1992-DM-004239 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Reginald E Garlington, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-002101 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Terry W Collins, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesCheryl Stewart Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-002986 Sherri Hernandez, Petitioner vs. Kelvin Burns, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1998-DM-001622 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Tyree J Neeley Cole, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1999-DM-001903 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Tyree J Neeley Cole, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2000-DM-001484 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kevin L Cole Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $200.00 Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesPro Se 2001-DM-003995 Sherri Marie Cross, Petitioner vs. Kenneth Wade Cross, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Ann Colgan 2001-DM-005012 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dion M Carter, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2002-DM-003289 Jackson County DFS, Petitioner vs. Wilfredo Dilullo, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2001-DM-005012 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dion M Carter, Respondent ECHO Page 12 THE WYANDOTTE Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2002-DM-003289 Jackson County DFS, Petitioner vs. Wilfredo Dilullo, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2002-DM-003476 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Terry W Collins, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2005-DM-001224 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Harvey J Barton III, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2006-DM-002403 Lucia Banuelos, Petitioner vs. Gilberto Banuelos, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2008-DM-002469 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Michael D Allen, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2009-DM-002055 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Reginald E Garlington, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2010-DM-001855 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Gertetta R Garth, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2011-DM-002150 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Marcus L Bentley, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2014-DM-000649 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Jose U Cabrera, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2012-DM-002022 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Justin J Cervantes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: FOR $200.00 2012-DM-001934 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Anthony E Albritton, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2014-DM-002794 Dorothy Bivens-Crates, et al., Petitioner vs. Christopher Crates, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2014-DM-002824 State of Kansas Ex Rel Secretary, et al., Petitioner vs. Justin Cervantes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement 1985-DM-002559 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David A Hunter, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 1995-DM-000043 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Vernon Johnson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesAlbert Grauberger Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1995-DM-005686 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Vernon Johnson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-000710 Anthony Martinez, Petitioner vs. Angela Marie Martinez, etal., Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1997-DM-003477 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Dirul Kifayatullah, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1992-DM-001692 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David Kimbrough, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement 1998-DM-004927 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon Haskell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2000-DM-003318 Bessie Blanford, Petitioner vs. Neville Haynes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2002-DM-004217 Ericca A Ragsdale, Petitioner vs. Jose M Herrera, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Thursday, March 3, 2016 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO 2000-DM-003318 Bessie Blanford, Petitioner vs. Neville Haynes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued byLEGAL Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Page 13 Kansas DCF Child Support Services LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2002-DM-004217 Ericca A Ragsdale, Petitioner vs. Jose M Herrera, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2003-DM-000137 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. John J King Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2003-DM-000873 Robi M Tipton, etal., Petitioner vs. Eric J Hall, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Stanley McAfee 2004-DM-002621 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Cornelius L Jones, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Nicole Reeves Piskuric 2004-DM-002773 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Quentin D Hailey, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2004-DM-003274 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Cornelius L Jones, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2004-DM-003397 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Eric Hall, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2005-DM-001725 Amy Worthy, etal., Petitioner vs. Eddie G Hernandez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-002023 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Claudia Loya, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-002198 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Lashonda Haskell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-000724 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Jeffrey P Hoover, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-002202 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Macio L Houston, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Comment: CONTEMPT 2007-DM-002912 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Macio Lorenzo Houston, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-002971 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Zachariah E Hassler, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2008-DM-002097 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Fernando Hooks, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2008-DM-002599 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Macio L Houston, etal., Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2009-DM-000751 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Jason D High, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2009-DM-001054 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Lataya T Jenkins, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2009-DM-002177 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dalon A Hardgraves, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: RESPONDENT'S PRO SE MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2009-DM-003273 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon K Haskell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2010-DM-000596 Jennifer Brooks-Harmon, Petitioner vs. Frankie Lee King, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2010-DM-000945 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kevin David Lewis, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion 2010-DM-001471 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Johnny A Hodge Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2010-DM-000945 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kevin David Respondent Page 14 THELewis, WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Motion LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2010-DM-001471 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Johnny A Hodge Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2010-DM-002941 Sharon L Huerta, Petitioner vs. Jose Huerta, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Thursday, March 3, 2016 Charles Lamb Comment: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2011-DM-001656 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon Keith Haskell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Tuesday, March 08, 2016 1:30:00PM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2011-DM-001694 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Adrianne Hartman, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2011-DM-002403 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon K Haskell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2011-DM-002448 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon Haskell, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2013-DM-000089 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Jeron M Love, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2013-DM-000418 Kimberly A Grey, Petitioner vs. Claude C Grey, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2013-DM-001342 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Dirul I Kifayatullah, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2014-DM-002930 State of Kansas Ex Rel Secretary, Petitioner vs. Christopher J Miller, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: PATERNITY 2016-DM-000062 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Arnold L Harvey Sr, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Defense Attorney Department for Children and Families Comment: Petition to Determine Paternity (FC/JJA) 2016-DM-000059 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Sean A Tubbs, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesAnthony Valenti Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT 2016-DM-000103 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Matthew E Bleam Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2016-DM-000137 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Terrence E Stanley Williams, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT 2016-DM-000164 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. William Davison, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Hearings in Division D 18 on Wednesday, March 09, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2016-DM-000220 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Robert W Sayles Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: MOTION FOR CONSOLIDATION Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2016-DM-000440 State of Kansas ex rel, et. al vs Juan Urbano, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: Hearings in Division D 18 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1983-DM-002120 Christop Gerloff, etal., Petitioner vs. David R Parker, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1990-DM-004957 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Curtis Vester, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 1996-DM-004414 Social Rehabilitation Services, etal., Petitioner vs. Mark A Sandoval, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $200.00 Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 1990-DM-004957 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Curtis Vester, Respondent Thursday, March 3, 2016 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Comment: MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Continued by Agreement LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 1996-DM-004414 Social Rehabilitation Services, etal., Petitioner vs. Mark A Sandoval, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services LEGAL NOTICE Page 15 LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: FOR $200.00 1999-DM-000158 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. James Scharschell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesRobert Martinez 1999-DM-000774 Dept Soc & Rehab Services, etal., Petitioner vs. Merlwyn L Walls, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION TO EXTEND CHILD SUPPORT 1999-DM-004356 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kris J Whitaker, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2000-DM-004275 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Antuain Tatum, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2001-DM-000981 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Tyrone L Suber Sr, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: E-FILED MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2001-DM-002230 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kevan L Phillips, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2002-DM-004168 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Robert D Richard, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2003-DM-004799 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Armando T Stanford, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2004-DM-004350 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Richard J Reich, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $200.00 Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2006-DM-001993 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Carlos B Walker Jr, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: E-FILED MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2007-DM-000257 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. James R Scharschell Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2007-DM-000316 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Marcus L Randolph, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesRobert Martinez Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-000414 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Lesley D Coppage, etal., Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesPro Se Comment: PRO SE MOTION TO STOP ORDER OF CHILD SUPPORT 2007-DM-000532 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Joshua A Wynn, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $150.00 Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-000615 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Joshua A Wynn, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2007-DM-000842 State of Kansas, etal., Petitioner vs. Adrian E Sharp, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: E-FILED MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2007-DM-001509 Xam T Tran, Petitioner vs. Ai Lien Tran, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2007-DM-002443 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Royal E Scott, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR ORDER FOR NUNC PRO TUNC 2007-DM-002949 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Joshua A Wynn, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2008-DM-001674 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Alejandro Sanchez-Jasso, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesW Zimmerman Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2008-DM-002229 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Antuain D Tatum, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Page 16 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Hearings in Division D 18 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2009-DM-000204 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Daniel G Pettyjohn, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2009-DM-000479 Sabrina K Louthain, Petitioner vs. Antuain D Tatum, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2009-DM-001495 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Alejandro Sanchez Jasso, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2009-DM-002897 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Alejandro Sanchez, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2010-DM-000790 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Randall L Wren, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2010-DM-002141 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Joshua A Wynn, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2011-DM-000598 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Jared L Peterson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2011-DM-000903 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David Tellez, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2011-DM-001906 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brian Keith Stack, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2011-DM-002224 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Nicole Williams, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2011-DM-002660 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brian K Stack, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2012-DM-001072 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Bakari S Whiting, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: E-FILED MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT 2012-DM-002803 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Nicholas J Smith, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: FOR $100.00 Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 18 on Thursday, March 10, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2012-DM-003292 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Michael S Weatherly, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2012-DM-003335 Tya Danielle White, Petitioner vs. Cornell White Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2014-DM-000551 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Amy E Toth, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2014-DM-000972 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Leslie M Stone, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: FOR $200.00 2014-DM-001579 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Francisco Solorio, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2014-DM-002359 State of Kansas, Ex Rel, Secretary, DCF, et al., Petitioner vs. Jose L Tello, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2014-DM-002594 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Pablo R Ramirez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2014-DM-002622 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Leslie M Stone, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2014-DM-002715 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Willie J Phillips, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2014-DM-002622 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Leslie M THE Stone,WYANDOTTE Respondent ECHO Thursday, March 3, 2016 Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2014-DM-002715 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Willie J Phillips, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Kansas DCF Child Support Services LEGAL NOTICE Page 17 LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2015-DM-000428 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Thawng Za Tling, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: NEW MOTION FOR CONTEMPT Kansas DCF Child Support Services SETTINGS FROM FEBRUARY 25, 2016 Wyandotte County District Court Civil Settings List Hearings in Division D 06 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2015-DM-003103 Victoria Diaz Perez, Petitioner vs. Ignacio Cobos Esteban, Respondent Hearing Type: Hearing Comment: Set by P's attorney's office Plaintiff Attorney Sylvia Lebaron-Ramos Defense Attorney Hearings in Division D 10 on Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney 2008-DM-002897 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Richard L Harvey, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PRO SE MOTION TO ESTABLISH FULL CUSTODY ORDER 2009-DM-002754 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Flavio M Najera, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesKristin Jacobs Alexander Lori Hoodenpyle Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: PETITIONER'S MOTION FOR HAIR FOLLICLE (DRUG) TEST OF RSPONDENT 2009-DM-002754 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Flavio M Najera, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesKristin Jacobs Alexander Lori Hoodenpyle Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTON TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN AD LITEM 2011-DM-000624 Ronald A Bray, etal., Petitioner vs. Ashley Crabtree, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PET'S. MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE Albert Grauberger 2011-DM-000624 Ronald A Bray, etal., Petitioner vs. Ashley Crabtree, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: (18) FROM 2/3/2016 JL DOCKET Albert Grauberger 2011-DM-001550 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Kendrick Martez Sullivan, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION TO TERMINATE C/S Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2013-DM-001425 Kianna Monique Carter, Petitioner vs. Aaron Wesley Vaughn, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: PRO SE MOTION FOR SOLE CUSTODY Kansas DCF Child Support Services Petitioners vs. Stephanie M Todd, Respondent 2013-DM-002218 Casanova M Butler, for Carnell Butler a Minor Child, by and through his father and next friend, Casanova SherylButler Bussell Hearing Type: Motion Comment: (18) PRO SE MOTION FOR MODIFICATION OF PARENTING PLAN 2015-DM-001714 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Willie J McFarland, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: (18) FROM 2/3/2016 JL DOCKET Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2015-DM-001995 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Roy Robb, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: (18) FROM 2/3/2016 JL DOCKET NOH 2015-DM-002224 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Angel Moses, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesSteven McConnell Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 10 on Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Motion Plaintiff Attorney Comment: (18) PRO SE MOTION TO ESTABLISH VISITATION 2015-DM-002282 Braylon C Banks, Petitioner vs. Christopher B Banks, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Defense Attorney Stanley McAfee Comment: (18) FROM 2/3/2016 JL DOCKET 2015-DM-002383 Raymond A Burnett Sr, et al., Petitioner vs. Erica P Hatcher, Respondent Ryan Evans Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE MOTION FOR MORE DEFINITE STATEMENT 2015-DM-002540 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. James Dodds, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesBrian Jenkins Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: 2015-DM-002583 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Samuel Villegas, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesMichael Page 2015-DM-002670 Milvia Maribel Molina Pinto, Petitioner vs. Elmer Obdulio Juarez Padilla, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: (18)MOTION TO WITHDRAW Sylvia Lebaron-Ramos 2015-DM-002671 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Floyd D Martin, Respondent Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: 2015-DM-002670 Milvia Maribel Molina Pinto, Petitioner vs. Elmer Obdulio Juarez Padilla, Respondent Page 18 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Motion Comment: (18)MOTION LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TO WITHDRAW LEGAL NOTICE 2015-DM-002671 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Floyd D Martin, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Sylvia Lebaron-Ramos Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: (18) 2015-DM-002832 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Damion F Taylor, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Kansas DCF Child Support Services 2015-DM-002984 Valeria Bernice Hernandez, et al., Petitioner vs. Ivan Alejandro Macias, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE Kristin Jacobs Alexander 2015-DM-003030 Cooper Franklin Clinton, et al., Petitioner vs. Kayla Clinton, Respondent Jeffrey Leiker Hearing Type: Motion Comment: (18) PET MOTION FOR AMENDED INTERLOCUTORY ORDERS (ATTY J LEIKER) 2015-DM-003044 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Alejandro Rodriguez, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Department for Children and Families W Zimmerman Comment: (18) MOTION TO ESTABLISH PARENTING PLAN 2015-DM-003055 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Nick E Wallingford, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Department for Children and Families 2015-DM-003061 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Joseph E Potter Jr, Respondent Department for Children and Families Stanley McAfee Hearing Type: Hearing Comment: MOTION TO ESTABLISH PARENTING TIME (VISITATION) 2015-DM-003100 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Mathew J Rutter, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Department for Children and Families Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Hearings in Division D 10 on Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney 2015-DM-003101 State Of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Scott E Gallet, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: (18) Kansas DCF Child Support Services Kathryn Barnett 2015-DM-003130 State of Kansas Ex Rel, et al., Petitioner vs. Lance D Davis, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Comment: MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Kansas DCF Child Support Services Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1997-DM-000893 Travis R Bryant, Petitioner vs. Tina Lynn Brunner, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Comment: RECALLED BW on 1/28/2016 Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney 1998-DM-000655 Kevin S Lawrence, Petitioner vs. Tina M Bremenkamp-Gosling, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Court Trustee 1998-DM-002247 David W Lee, Petitioner vs. Carol K Anderson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 1998-DM-005907 Portia L McGee, Petitioner vs. Phillip H McGee Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 12/3/15 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 1999-DM-000334 Sherry L Petelin, Petitioner vs. James Joseph Petelin, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2000-DM-001322 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Clinton E Risper, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2001-DM-002188 Carl E Pollard III, Petitioner vs. Emma Irene Anderson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Pro Se Court Trustee 2002-DM-003372 Marcelino Ruis, Petitioner vs. Charlene Ruis, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET David Duckers Stanley McAfee 2003-DM-000613 Cynthia Bailey, Petitioner vs. Doniovan C Bailey, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2003-DM-002806 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Robert Mathis Jr, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/11/2016 JC DOCKET Social and Rehabilitation Services Court Trustee James Yoakum Social and Rehabilitation Services Marcus McLaughlin Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2003-DM-003280 Travis J Steele, etal., Petitioner vs. Julie Marie Peterson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Plaintiff Attorney 2004-DM-000628 Ariana Marie Thomas, etal., Petitioner vs. Anthony Wayne Thomas, Respondent Court Trustee Defense Attorney Court Trustee Pro Se Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 2003-DM-003280 Travis J Steele, etal., Petitioner vs. Julie Marie Peterson, Thursday, March 3, 2016 THERespondent WYANDOTTE ECHO Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Plaintiff Attorney LEGAL NOTICE Defense Attorney Court Trustee Page 19 LEGAL NOTICE 2004-DM-000628 Ariana Marie Thomas, etal., Petitioner vs. Anthony Wayne Thomas, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Court Trustee 2004-DM-002798 Aiden T McIntosh, etal., Petitioner vs. Jason Tyler McIntosh, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2004-DM-004377 Christy Holmes, Petitioner vs. Behyjrums Holmes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/11/2016 JC DOCKET Gregory Bangs 2005-DM-000462 Lori L Stevens, Petitioner vs. Steven W Stevens, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2006-DM-001343 Jason P Hernandez, Petitioner vs. Cherryleen Hernandez, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 12/14/15 JC DOCKET David Duckers 2006-DM-001468 Lori Jean Crawford, Petitioner vs. Gary Allen Crawford, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/1/16 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2006-DM-002998 Margret A Hill, Petitioner vs. Kyle Hill, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Jeffrey Dehon 2007-DM-001662 Kristi L Hill, Petitioner vs. Andrew C Hill, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/1/16 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2008-DM-000588 State of Kansas Ex Rel, Petitioner vs. Jasen L Jones, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/21/2016 JC DOCKET Social and Rehabilitation Services Court Trustee 2008-DM-002734 Erica Renea Newton, etal., Petitioner vs. Anthony Straws-Keys, etal., Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/18/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2008-DM-002785 Amber Castellanos, Petitioner vs. Lorenzo Castellanos, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/11/16 JC DOCKET Philip Sedgwick 2009-DM-001235 Michael R Ainsworth, Petitioner vs. Jill R Ainsworth, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/18/2016 JC DOCKET Cynthia Wallace 2009-DM-002013 Gloria Adriana Amezcua Castaneda, Petitioner vs. Jesus Jose Rodriguez Hernandez, Respondent Court Trustee Pro Se Court Trustee Michael Lucansky Jennifer Devorak Hearings in Division D 17 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Hearing Type: Continued by Court Plaintiff Attorney Defense Attorney Comment: FROM 2/18/2016 JC DOCKET 2011-DM-001737 Lexi Jaymes Callaway, et al., Petitioner vs. James Douglas Callaway, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/25/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee 2012-DM-001547 Ralph A Sanchez, Petitioner vs. Amanda Garcia, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2012-DM-002218 Rachel May Land, Petitioner vs. Daniel Ray Kidwell, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET Michael Redmon 2013-DM-001480 Candy Lynn McDonald, Petitioner vs. John Thomas Lipp, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/28/2016 JC DOCKET David Patrzykont 2013-DM-002391 Jessica Arreola, Petitioner vs. Pedro Arreola-Cordero, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: SHOW CAUSE Court Trustee 2014-DM-002348 Elijah K Cruz-Hughes, etal., Petitioner vs. Travis E Hughes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: RESET FROM 2/10/16 JL DOCKET Dwight Alexander 2015-DM-000590 Amada Brito, Petitioner vs. Jesus M Brito, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET Court Trustee Gerald Jeserich Court Trustee Court Trustee Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 03, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1999-DM-001508 Lisa Marie Holmes, Petitioner vs. Gregory Lee Holmes, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET NOH-OASC 2000-DM-002813 Kevin Richardson, Petitioner vs. Marjorie Richardson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET Plaintiff Attorney Court Trustee Defense Attorney Barbara Weians Court Trustee Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 03, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 1999-DM-001508 Lisa Marie Holmes, Petitioner vs. Gregory Lee Holmes, Respondent THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Page 20 Court Trustee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOH-OASC 2000-DM-002813 Kevin Richardson, Petitioner vs. Marjorie Richardson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET 2006-DM-000312 Tracey M Jones, etal., Petitioner vs. LaShonda C Johnson, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing LEGAL NOTICE Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing LEGAL NOTICE Court Trustee IN THE MATTER OF THE SHIAO MARRIAGE Court Trustee D Ball Court Trustee Robert De Coursey Comment: RECALLED BW ON 1/20/2016 Hearings in Division D 17 on Thursday, March 03, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement Plaintiff Attorney 2008-DM-002851 Bryonne Lynette Canady, Petitioner vs. Autreau Alexander Young, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Hearing Type: Continued by Court Thomas Rehorn Court Trustee Bret Davis Gregory Bangs Michael Redmon Comment: FROM 11/19/2015 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-001017 Jeramie J Watson, Petitioner vs. Tyeasha D Watson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Larry Hoffman Comment: MOTION AND OASC 2010-DM-002225 Kelly G Walker, Petitioner vs. Melissa L Walker, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Court Trustee Comment: RECALLED BW 2/18/16 2010-DM-001258 Lori S Smith, Petitioner vs. Michael J Smith, Respondent Hearing Type: Motion Defense Attorney Comment: FROM 1/7/16 JC DOCKET 2009-DM-001918 Sean Gomez, Petitioner vs. Jennifer Martin, Respondent Comment: FROM 1/14/2016 JC DOCKET 2013-DM-002231 Debra Smith, Petitioner vs. Michael J Smith, Respondent Stanley McAfee Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/14/2016 JC DOCKET AMENDED OASC 2014-DM-000768 Ashlie A Ayala, etal., Petitioner vs. Tyler Lee Hand, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Court Hearing Type: Motion Merle Parks Comment: TO REVIEW AND MODIFY C/S 2015-DM-002677 Pablo Romero Parada, et al., Petitioner vs. Maria Roque Granillo, Respondent Hearing Type: Order to Appear Court Trustee Comment: FROM 2/4/2016 JC DOCKET 2014-DM-002571 Elizabeth A Reed, Petitioner vs. Joseph C Reed, Respondent Court Trustee Comment: MOTION & OASC Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1992-DM-001917 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Otha Davenport, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1994-DM-004717 State of Kansas, etal., Petitioner vs. Kyle S Etzen, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 1994-DM-003767 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David B Edminster, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT Hearings in Division D 18 on Monday, February 29, 2016 9:00:00AM Case Number Entitlement 1999-DM-003628 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Scott L Ballew, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Comment: CONTEMPT 2001-DM-003800 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. David B Edminster, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2001-DM-000159 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Fredrick L Anderson, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Plaintiff Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support ServicesPro Se Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2003-DM-001291 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Marvin D Burt, Respondent Hearing Type: Notice of Hearing Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: E-FILED NOTICE OF HEARING FOR MOTION FOR CONTEMPT 2003-DM-004210 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Tyrone A Avery, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2007-DM-000536 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. John F Burns, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2005-DM-002635 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Demetre T Bush, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2004-DM-000804 Madonna Forthofer, Petitioner vs. Christopher G Fielden, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2004-DM-000271 State of Kansas Ex Rel, etal., Petitioner vs. Brandon C Browne, Respondent Hearing Type: Continued by Agreement Kansas DCF Child Support Services Comment: CONTEMPT 2004-DM-000183 Turner Joseph Campbell, etal., Petitioner vs. Timothy Joseph Campbell, Respondent Comment: FOR $130.00 Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE Zane Todd Hearing Type: Continued by Court Comment: FROM 1/28/2016 JC DOCKET NOH- OASC 2007-DM-001704 Robert D Rocha, Petitioner vs. Malena R Rocha, Respondent Barbara Weians Naomi Kauffman Comment: OASC 2006-DM-002119 Jeremy J Reyes, Petitioner vs. Tara Dawn Reyes, Respondent Defense Attorney Kansas DCF Child Support Services IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Marriage of Kent C. Shiao Case No.16DM57 and Michelle D. Shiao NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to Michelle D. Shiao (Name of non-filing spouse): You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before March 24th, 2016, which shall not be less than 41 days after first publication of this Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. Kent C. Shiao 515 S. 86th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66111 Telephone: 816-984-3142 (First published 2-18-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 A R E Y O U H AV I N G DIFFICULTY with your relationships? Is it affecting your practice? For information about Codependency groups for lawyers call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) LIFE IS TOUGH AND SO IS THE PRACTICE OF LAW. Need some stress relief? Call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) TOASTED? Get help before you’re completely burnt-out. Call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) GETOFFTHEMERRY-GOROUND OF CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY! Help is available; you don’t have to do it alone. Call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) FEEL LIKE SUPERBEING OR SUPER MOM? Women face special challenges in balancing the demands of work and careers. We want to help. Call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) Thursday, March 3, 2016 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION City of Bonner Springs, Kansas Wyandotte County, Kansas elector, a replacement ballot may be obtained from the Wyandotte County Election Commissioner. Persons qualified to receive a replacement ballot may do so by signing an application prepared by the Election Commissioner and submitting the application by mail or in person at 850 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66101. The authority to conduct this special election called by the City of Bonner Springs, Wyandotte County, State of Kansas, under the provisions of the Mail Ballot Election Act does not authorize the use of voting machines located at the usual polling places for the city of Bonner Springs. Consequently, all qualified electors of the City of Bonner Springs are hereby notified that no polling place will be open during the April 12, 2016 special election, and all ballots must be cast in the manner specified herein and in accordance with the voting instructions which will be sent to all qualified electors within the official mail ballot. Telephone inquiries from qualified electors having additional questions about the procedure to follow in order to vote in this election may be made by calling (913) 573-8500. By order of Bruce L. Newby, Election Commissioner of Wyandotte County, Kansas Dated this 25th day of February, 2016. (Seal) Bruce L. Newby Election Commissioner Wyandotte County, Kansas (First published 2-25-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the City of Bonner Springs, County of Wyandotte, State of Kansas that a special election has been called and will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Bonner Springs the following proposition: “Shall a City General Purpose Retailers’ Sales Tax in the amount of one-quarter of one percent (.25%) be levied in the City of Bonner Springs, Kansas pursuant to the authority granted in K.S.A. 12-187, such general purpose sales tax will be a portion of the total retailers’ sales tax of one and three-fourths percent (1.75%) which will be levied by the City upon passage of this proposition, with such tax to be used for the general operational needs of the City to provide additional revenue as required to provide an adequate level of public services with the City. Such levy of tax to remain in effect for an indefinite period with collection to begin upon the repeal date of the current City Public Library Special Purpose tax of one-quarter percent (.25%) established by Ordinance No. 2147. Yes or No.” Notice of the election will be provided pursuant to K.S.A. 252018(f), as amended. The election will be conducted in accordance with the Mail Ballot Election Act, K. S. A. 25-431 to 25-440, inclusive, as amended, and held by the City of Bonner Springs, Kansas under the authority of K. S. A. 12-187(e), as amended. The Mail Ballot Election Act provides that the Wyandotte County Election Commissioner shall conduct the election by mailing an official ballot to each qualified elector in the City of Bonner Springs on a date occurring no sooner than the 20th day before the date of the election and not later than the 10th day before the election. Instructions on how to mark the ballots to vote either for or against the proposition submitted thereon will accompany the ballots, together with a stamped, addressed return identification envelope in which the marked ballot must be placed. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR EACH QUALIFIED VOTER TO NOTE THAT YOUR BALLOT CANNOT BE COUNTED UNLESS YOU TAKE THE APPROPRIATE FOLLOWING STEPS: 1. You must personally sign and place your correct address on the return identification envelope. 2. If you choose to mail your ballot, you must put it in the identification envelope and place it in the United States mail early enough so that it may be received by the Wyandotte County Election Commissioner no later than 12:00 Noon, April 12, 2016. 3. If you elect not to mail your ballot, you must PERSONALLY deliver it in the return identification envelope to the office of the Wyandotte County Election Commissioner, 850 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66101, at any time during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, but before 12:00 Noon on April 12, 2016. If the ballot of a qualified elector is destroyed, spoiled, lost or not received in the mail by the qualified Wyandotte County State Of Kansas Notice of Closing of Registration Books before the City of Bonner Springs, Kansas Mail Ballot Election dated April 12, 2016 Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 25-2311(c), notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of March, 2016, all registration books for the City of Bonner Springs, Kansas Mail Ballot Election dated April 12, 2016, will close at the end of regular business hours. Registration books will remain closed until the 13th day of April 2016. WITNESS MY HAND, and the seal of my office this 25th day of February, 2016. (SEAL) s/ Bruce L. Newby Election Commissioner (First published 2-25-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 NOTICE OF PLACES AND DATES OF REGISTRATION In compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 25-2310, notice is hereby given that the books for registration of voters will be open at the following places during regular business hours. The City of Bonner Springs Special Election is scheduled for April 12, 2016. DOWNTOWN Unified Government Clerk’s Office, Municipal Office Bldg – Room 323 (City Hall) 701 N 7th Street Kansas City, KS 66101 Kansas City Kansas Main Public Library (Information Desk) 625 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 LEGAL NOTICE El Centro, Inc. 650 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Wyandotte County Election Office 850 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 CENTRAL Donnelly College – (Student Services Office) 608 N 18th Street Kansas City, KS 66102 ROSEDALE Rosedale Development Association 1403 Southwest Boulevard Kansas City, KS 66103 ARGENTINE South Branch Library 3104 Strong Avenue Kansas City, KS 66106 ARMOURDALE Armourdale Renewal Association Armourdale Recreation Center 730 Osage Avenue Kansas City, KS 66105 TURNER Turner Community Library th 831 S 55 Street Kansas City, KS 66106 WEST Neighborhood Resource Center 4953 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66102 Education Center 2010 N 59th Street Kansas City, KS 66104 K C K Community College (Jewell Student Center, Lower Level) 7250 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66112 Wyandotte West Branch Library (Circulation) 1737 N 82nd Street Kansas City, KS 66112 PIPER Piper U S D #203 (District Office) 3130 N. 122nd Street Kansas City, KS 66109 EDWARDSVILLE City Clerk’s Office (Edwardsville City Hall) 690 S 4th Street Edwardsville, KS 66111 BONNER SPRINGS City Clerk’s Office (Bonner Springs City Hall) 205 E 2nd Street Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Bonner Springs City Library (Check-Out Desk) 201 N Nettleton Avenue Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Persons who apply for services at voter registration agencies may register at the following places during regular business hours: Kansas Department for Children and Families 402 State Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Wyandotte Co. Health Department 619 Ann Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Department of Motor Vehicle 1951 N 63rd Drive Kansas City, KS 66102 At the close of business on Tuesday, March 22nd, the books for registration of voters will close and will remain closed until the 13th day of April 2016. A citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age or older, Page 21 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE or will have attained the age of 18 years at the next election, must register before he or she can vote. Registration is open until the close of business on the 21st day before the election. When a voter has been registered according to law, the voter shall remain registered until the voter changes name by marriage, divorce or other legal proceeding or changes residence. The voter may re-register in person, by mail or other delivery when registration is open or the voter may re-register on Election Day. This election will be conducted pursuant to the Mail Ballot Election Act. The requirements for this Act state that electors wishing to receive a mail ballot at their place of residence must be registered to vote by March 14, 2016, thirty (30) days prior to the day of the election. Electors registering between the thirtieth (30th) day and the close of registration books, March 22, 2016, will only receive a mail ballot at their residence by filing a sworn affidavit for ballot with the County Election Officer by April 8, 2016. Voter Registration Applications shall be provided by the County Election Officer or the Secretary of State upon request. The application shall be signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury. WITNESS MY HAND, and the seal of my office this 25th day of February, 2016. (SEAL) s/Bruce L. Newby Election Commissioner (First published 2-25-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE MATTER OF CARTAGENA A MINOR CHILD Respondent, Rosa Urena Madriz Rosa Urena Madriz, Respondent You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas, the object and general nature of which is a Petition for Divorce. The names of all the parties to said action are stated above and the name and address of the attorney for Petitioner is: Kristin K. Jacobs Alexander 221 E. 11th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid Motion within 45 days after March 3, 2016, the date of first publication of this notice, judgment by default will be taken against you. It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in the Wyandotte Echo, a newspaper of general circulation published in Wyandotte County, Kansas. (SEAL) COUR T ADMINISTRATOR’S OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL RECORDS CIRCUIT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS BY DEPUTY Kristin Jacobs Alexander The Jacobs Alexander Law Office LLC 221 E 11th St, Kansas City, MO 64106 Email: [email protected] Office: 816-701-9221 (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 Wyandotte County State of Kansas Notice of Public Test Automatic Vote Tabulation Equipment Pursuant to K.S.A. 25-4610, a test of the voting equipment will be held at the Wyandotte County Election Office, 850 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. The Accu-Vote Optical Scan and the Accu-Vote TSX Touch Screen DRE both will be used for the April 12, 2016 City of Bonner Springs, Kansas Mail Ballot Election. Testing will begin at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 and continue until completed. The test shall be observed by at least two election inspectors of different political parties and shall be open to the news media and the public. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of my office this 25th day of February, 2016. (Seal) s/ Bruce L. Newby Election Commissioner (First published 2-25-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 Wyandotte County State Of Kansas Notice of Canvass April 12, 2016 City of Bonner Springs Mail Ballot Election Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 25-3104 and the Kansas Election Standards, notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of April, 2016, the County Board of Canvassers will convene at 9:00 o’clock a.m. at the Wyandotte County Election Office located at 850 State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of my office this 25th day of February, 2016. (SEAL) s/ Bruce L. Newby Election Commissioner (First published 2-25-16) 2t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Dilcia Y. CARTAGENA GARCIA, Natural Mother and Next Friend of Jennifer V. Pineda Cartagena, minor child, Petitioner, VS. Vicente Pineda Diaz, Respondent. Pursuant to Ch. 23. Case No. 15DM2482 Division No. 15 NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to all other persons who are or may be concerned: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Paternity has been filed in Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas by Dilcia Y. Cartagena Garcia. An answer to the Petition must be filed on or before the 25th day of April, 2016, with the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas. The Petition shall be heard on the 28th day of April, 2016, at 9:15 a.m. in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Division 10th, Kansas City, Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Blanca Marin de Stevanov #20093 The Uptown Theater Bldg. 3700 Broadway, Suite 350 Kansas City, MO 6411 TEL: (816) 931-7500 FAX: (816) 931-7511 [email protected] Attorney for Petitioner (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE LUNDINE ESTATE IN THE 29th JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: STEVEN ALAN LUNDINE, Deceased. Case No. 16PR27 Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 59 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: All creditors are notified to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of the first publication of this notice under K.S.A. 59-2236, or if the identity of the creditor is reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. s/Michael S. Martin 4800 Rainbow Blvd., #100 Westwood, Kansas 66205 (913) 362-8560 Attorney for Executor (First published 2-25-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-310-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE HERRERA/MADRIZ MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS AT KANSAS CITY IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: DANIEL HERRERA, Petitioner v. ROSA URENA MADRIZ, Respondent. Case No: 2016-DM-000438 NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Petitioner, Daniel Herrera to IS THAT ALL THERE IS? Are you successful, but not satisfied? Join our confidential support group for Lawyers in Transition. Call the completely confidential and anonymous Kansas Lawyers Assistance Program (KALAP) – (888) 342-9080, (24 hours/7 days) IN THE MATTER OF THE CHRISTON MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS In the Matter of the Marriage of LISA R. CHRISTON Case No. 16DM229 and COURTLAND T CHRISTON Division 6 NOTICE OF SUIT The State of Kansas to COURTLAND T. CHRISTON You are notified that a Petition for Divorce was filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce and asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before April 13, 2016, which shall not be less than 41 days after first publication of this Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. LISA R. CHRISTON 9207 Boehm Drive Lenexa, KS 66219 918-814-5676 Self-Represented Filing Party (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 Page 22 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2015 MV-266 CO 1ST ADD, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 160411, Tax No. 15B 0316. IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913-573-8647. 2016 MV-23 IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913573-8647. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND OF ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS IN THE MATTER OF THE SWANSON ESTATE BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2015 MV-266 IN REG: 5123 PARALLEL PKWY, KANSAS CITY, KS 66104 OWNER: PRAISE CHAPEL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1537500158 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: 230B BEG 486.1FT W NE COR NW 1/4; W 161.2FT, S 810.7FT, W 161.2FT, S 270.2FT, E 322.4FT, N 1080.9FT TO BEG CONTG 5AC LS, , an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 917910, Tax No. 1AA7A 2250. IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913-573-8647. Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 2016 MV-17 BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2016 MV-17 IN REG: 1711 METROPOLITAN AVE, KANSAS CITY, KS 66103 OWNER: FRAZIER, EARL W, SAN JUANA, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1537500116 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: B5 L90 & L91, KANSAS TOWN Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 2016 MV-22 BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2016 MV-22 IN REG: 2747 N SHERMAN ST, KANSAS CITY, KS 66101 OWNER: SWENTON, CHARLES, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1637500007 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: B2 L28, L29 & S1/2 L30, SYLVAN PARK, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 131416, Tax No. 14A 0905. IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913-573-8647. Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2016 MV-23 IN REG: 3607 FREEMAN AVE, KANSAS CITY, KS 66102 OWNER: TURNER, CURTIS, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1637500008 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: L128 & L129, BEVERLY, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 063853, Tax No. 12DA 2751. IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913573-8647. Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 2016 MV-24 BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2016 MV-24 IN REG: 3001 N 42ND ST, KANSAS CITY, KS 66104 OWNER: FAIRLESS, JOHN JR, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1537500163 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: L27 & L28, ORCHARD HEIGHTS, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 105426, Tax No. 14CA 3409. Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 2016 MV-25 BEFORE THE PUBLIC OFFICER OF THE INSPECTION SERVICES OFFICE OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 2016 MV-25 IN REG: 1945 N 4TH ST, KANSAS CITY, KS 66101 OWNER: SHERPARD, FLOYD JR, MORTGAGEE: Subject to the following liens and encumbrances: NONE DEMOLITION CASE#: 1637500010 ORDER On 11th day of February, 2016, the Notice of the Public Officer of the Inspection Services Office for Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas comes for a hearing. Notice of the time and place of hearing having been given as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Unified Board of Commissioners, The Wyandotte Echo Newspaper, certified mail to owner and all interested parties. The Public Officer after hearing all evidence presented makes the following finding: B7 L12, FOWLER PARK, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Parcel No. 109816, Tax No. 12A 2855. IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION for the following particulars: (OPEN) (ABANDONED) (HAZARDOUS) IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: That the owner shall demolish and remove such structure within thirty (30) days of this order as provided by law; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that if said owner fails to remove such structures within the time specified, the Public Officer shall cause such structure to be demolished and removed at the cost being assessed as a lien against the property together with Public Officer and necessary attorney fees as provided by law. If accommodations are needed for a disability, contact the Demolition Program 48 hours in advance at 913-573-8647. Si usted requiere adaptaciones para inhabilidad, entre en contacto con el programa de demolicion 48 horas por adelantado en 913573-8647. Greg Talkin/Public Officer (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 Public notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Edwardsville, Kansas (the “City”), will conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 14, 2016, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at Edwardsville City Hall, 690 S. 4th Street, Edwardsville, Kansas, in regard to the proposed issuance by the City of its Industrial Revenue Bonds (Herff Jones, LLC Expansion Project), in the approximate principal amount of $6,000,000 (the “Bonds”), and in regard to an exemption from ad valorem taxation for property constructed or purchased with the proceeds of such Bonds. The Bonds are proposed to be issued under authority of K.S.A. 121740 et seq., as amended, to provide funds for acquiring, purchasing, constructing, installing and equipping a commercial project, consisting of an approximately 48,000 sq. ft. expansion to the existing Herff Jones, LLC production plant located at 2525 Midpoint Drive, Edwardsville, Kansas. The City intends to own the project and further intends to lease the project to Herff Jones, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, or its successors or assigns. The City will also consider property tax abatement for the project. The City Council will not consider passage of a resolution evidencing its intent to issue the Bonds until the public hearing has been concluded. A copy of the resolution of intent of the City indicating the intent of the City Council to issue the Bonds and a report analyzing the costs and benefits of such property tax exemption are on file in the office of the City Clerk and available for public inspection during normal business hours. All persons having an interest in this matter will be given an opportunity to be heard at the time and place above specified. Dated this 3rd day of March, 2016. Michael Webb, City Manager City of Edwardsville, Kansas 690 S. 4th Street Edwardsville, Kansas 66113 (913) 441-3707 (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 IN THE MATTER OF THE CARAVEO MARRIAGE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS In the matter of the marriage of JoAnna Marie Caraveo Case No. 15DM3004 and Martin Alonzo Caraveo Jr. NOTICE OF SUIT The state of Kansas to Martin A. Caraveo Jr: You are notified that a Petition for a Divorce was filed in the District Court of Wyandotte County, Kansas asking that the person filing the divorce be granted a divorce asking that the court make other orders in that divorce matter. You must file an answer to the Petition for Divorce with the court and provide a copy to the filing spouse on or before April 13th 2016, which shall not be less than 41 days after the first publication of this Notice of Suit, or the court will enter judgment against you on that Petition. JoAnna Marie Caraveo 618 Elizabeth Ave Kansas City, KS 66101 913-203-5593 (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KANSAS PROBATE DEPARTMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN E. SWANSON, DECEASED. Case No. 2015-PR-000053 Chapter 59 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court by CORAL S. SWANSON, spouse and one of the heirs of JOHN E. SWANSON, deceased, praying: Descent be determined of the following described real estate situated in Wyandotte County, Kansas: The South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 23, Township 10, Range 24, Wyandotte County, Kansas, lying East of 55th Street or Nearman Drive, less that part taken or used for road purpose. LESS a tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 24 East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas and more particularly described as follows: (Note: For course orientation the bearings in this description are based on the South line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 24 East, having a bearing of North 88°58?53? East as determined by Global Positioning Systems observations and referenced to the Kansas State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone, NAD 83.) Commencing at the South Quarter corner of said Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 24 East and being monumented by a found 3/4 inch pipe, also being the Northwest corner of said Bohrer Enclave. Thence North 88°58?53? East on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 23 and the North line of Bohrer Enclave, a distance of 120.32 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of 55th Street, as now established said point being the “True Point of Beginning”, Thence North 13°38?58? East on said Easterly right of way line of 55th Street, a distance of 109.93 feet; Thence South 10°34?19? East, departing said Easterly right of way line of 55th Street, a distance of 38.32 feet; Thence South 13°26?56? West, a distance of 70.81 feet to a point on South line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 23 and said North line of Bohrer Enclave; Thence South 88°58?53? West, a distance of 16.51 feet to the “True Point of Beginning” of the tract herein described. Containing 1,430 square feet or 0.0328 acres more or less. and all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by decedent at the time of death. And that such property and all personal property and other Kansas real estate owned by the decedent at the time of death be assigned pursuant to the laws of intestate succession. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before March 24, 2016, at 9:15 A.M., in said Court, in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, at which time and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said Petition. CORAL S. SWANSON, Petitioner EVANS & MULLINIX, P.A [email protected] Timothy J. Evans, KS #6992 7225 Renner Road, Suite 200 Shawnee, KS 66217 (913) 962-8700 Attorneys for Petitioner (First published 3-3-16) 3t-The Wyandotte Echo-317-16 Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. O-10-16 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (39RAINBOW SOUTH TIF PROJECT), SERIES 2016 IN THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $4,300,000 OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING CERTAIN OUTSTANDING TAXABLE SPECIAL OBLIGATION TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BONDS (39RAINBOW SOUTH PROJECT) SERIES 2013 AND PAYING COSTS OF ISSUANCE; AND MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS WITH RESPECT THERETO. WHEREAS, the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kansas (the “Unified Government”), is a municipal corporation and political subdivision duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Kansas as a consolidated city-county having all the powers, functions and duties of a county and a city of the first class; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government has the authority to adopt tax increment financing pursuant to the Kansas Tax Increment Redevelopment Act, constituting sections K.S.A. 12-1770 et seq., as amended (the “Act”); and WHEREAS, the Unified Government created the 396 and Rainbow Tax Increment Redevelopment District by the adoption of Ordinance No. 0-79-09 on October 29, 2009, which consists of the four redevelopment project areas; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government adopted the redevelopment project plan for Project Areas 1 and 2 (the “Redevelopment Plan”) by the adoption of Ordinance No. 0-10-li, adopting the Redevelopment Plan, dated December 17, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government issued its Taxable Special Obligation Tax Increment Revenue Bonds (39Rainbow South Project), Series 2013 in the original principal amount of $4,365,000 (the “Refunded Bonds”) to pay or refinance a portion of the Redevelopment Project Costs, fund capitalized interest and pay the costs of issuing the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government has determined that it is necessary and desirable to issue its Special Obligation Tax Increment Revenue Refunding Bonds (39Rainblow South TIF Project), Series 2016 in one or more series (the “Bonds”), in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $4,300,000 to refund the Refunded Bonds, fund a debt service reserve fund, and pay the costs of issuing the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/ KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions of Words and Terms. In addition to words and terms defined elsewhere in this Ordinance, the following capitalized words and terms as used in this Ordinance shall have the following meanings: “Tax Increment Fund” means the Tax Increment Fund of the Unified Government created for the Incremental Tax Revenues (as defined in the Indenture) of the 39th & Rainbow Project Area 2. Section 2. Authorization of the Bonds. The Unified Government is hereby authorized to issue and sell the Bonds in the original aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,300,000, the proceeds of which will be used to refund the Refunded Bonds, fund a debt service reserve fund, and pay certain issuance costs related to the Bonds. The Bonds shall be (i) issued and secured pursuant to the herein authorized Indenture (ii) shall be issued in a principal amount of not to exceed $4,300,000 and in minimum denominations of not less than $100,000, (iii) issued with a portion bearing interest at fixed interest rate not to exceed 4.25% and a portion bearing interest at a variable rate with an initial interest rate of not to exceed 3.75%, (iv) shall have a final maturity no later than 2033, (v) shall have a scheduled weighted average maturity of not less than 7 nor more than 10 years, (v) purchase price not less than 100% and (vi) shall be privately placed by UMB Bank, N.A., Kansas City, Missouri (the “Placement Agent”) with a maximum placement agent fee of 1.50%. The final terms of the Bonds shall have such other terms and provisions, shall be issued, executed, authenticated and delivered in such manner and shall be subject to such provisions, covenants and agreements, as are set forth in the Indenture upon the execution thereof The signatures of the Mayor when executing such Indenture shall constitute conclusive evidence of the Mayor’s approval and the Unified Government’s approval thereof. The Bonds, together with interest and premium, if any, thereon are not general obligations of the Unified Government but are limited obligations payable solely from the trust estate pledged to the payment thereof under the Indenture and shall be a valid claim of the respective holders thereof only against the trust estate and other moneys held by the Trustee and the revenues so pledged as aforesaid. In no event shall the Bonds he payable out of any funds or properties other than those pledged or acquired under the Indenture, and the Bonds shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the State of Kansas, the Unified Government or of any political subdivision thereof and the issuance of the Bonds shall not, directly, indirectly or contingently, obligate the Unified Government, the State of Kansas or any political subdivision thereof to levy any form of taxation therefor or to budget or make any appropriation for their payment. Nothing in the Bonds, the Indenture, the proceedings of the Unified Government authorizing the Bonds or the Act shall be construed to be a debt or loan of credit of the Unified Government, the State or any political subdivision thereof within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Section 3. Security for the Bonds. The Unified Government shall deposit the Incremental Tax Revenues into the Tax Increment Fund. The moneys and securities now or hereafter held in, and moneys and securities to be deposited in the Tax Increment Fund and all interest and earnings thereon and proceeds thereof are hereby pledged to secure the payment of the Bonds. The moneys in the Tax Increment Fund shall be administered and applied solely for the purposes and in the manner provided in this Ordinance. The Incremental Tax Revenues shall be determined and collected in the manner provided by law and as provided in the Indenture. Section 4. Authorization and Approval of Documents. The following documents are hereby approved in substantially the forms presented to and reviewed by the Unified Government at this meeting LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE (copies of which documents shall be filed in the records of the Unified Government), and the Unified Government is hereby authorized to execute and deliver each of such documents to which the Unified Government is a party (the “Unified Government Documents”) with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officer or officers of the Unified Government executing such documents, such officers’ signatures thereon being conclusive evidence of their approval and the Unified Government’s approval thereof: (a) Bond Trust Indenture dated as of the date stated therein (the “Indenture”), between the Unified Government and UMB Bank, N.A., Kansas City, Missouri, as trustee (the “Trustee”); and (b) Tax Compliance Agreement dated as of the date stated therein (the “Tax Compliance Agreement”) between the Unified Government and the Trustee. Section 5. Execution of Bonds and Documents. The Mayor of the Unified Government is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Bonds and to deliver the Bonds to the Trustee for authentication for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the Unified Government in the manner provided in the Indenture. The Mayor of the Unified Government is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Unified Government Documents and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Ordinance, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the Unified Government. The Clerk of the Unified Government is hereby authorized and directed to attest to and affix the seal of the Unified Government to the Bonds, the Unified Government Documents and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary. Section 6. Tax Covenants. The Unified Government covenants and agrees that (a) it will comply with all applicable provisions of the Code, including Sections 103 and 141 through 150, necessary to maintain the exclusion from federal gross income of the interest on the Bonds; and (b) it will not use or permit the use of any proceeds of Bonds or any other funds of the Unified Government, nor take or permit any other action, or fail to take any action, which would adversely affect the exclusion from federal gross income of the interest on the Bonds. The Unified Government will also adopt such other ordinances or resolutions and take such other actions as may be necessary to comply with the Code and with other applicable future law, in order to ensure that the interest on the Bonds will remain excluded from federal gross income, to the extent any such actions can be taken by the Unified Government. Section 7. Further Authority. The Issuer shall, and the officers, employees and agents of the Unified Government are hereby authorized and directed to, take such action, expend such funds and execute such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Ordinance, and to carry out, comply with and perform the duties of the Unified Government with respect to the Bonds and the Unified Government Documents, including, but not limited to, agreements with respect to the investment of funds held under the Indenture. Section 8. Governing Law. This Ordinance and the Bonds shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of the State. Section 9. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage by the governing body of the Unified Government and publication in the official Unified Government newspaper. PASSED by the Board of Commissioners of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas on February 25, 2016. APPROVED by the Mayor/CEO. (SEAL) Mayor/CEO ATTEST: Unified Government Clerk (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 ORDINANCE NO. O-11-16 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2016-B, OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO REFUND A PORTION OF THE CITY’S OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS THEY BECOME DUE; AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS WITH RESPECT THERETO. WHEREAS, the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas (the “Unified Government”) is a municipal corporation, duly created, organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State as a consolidated city-county having all the powers, functions and duties of a county and a city of the first class; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government heretofore issued and has outstanding the Refunded Bonds and is authorized by K.S.A. 10-427 et seq. to issue general obligation refunding bonds of the Unified Government for the purpose of refunding the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, in order to achieve interest cost savings through early redemption of the Refunded Bonds and provide an orderly plan of finance for the Unified Government, it has become desirable and in the best interest of the Unified Government and its inhabitants to refund the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Unified Government has Page 23 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE advertised the sate of the Bonds in accordance with the law and at a meeting held in the Unified Government on this date awarded the sale of such Bonds to the best bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/ KANSAS CITY, KANSAS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions of Words and Terms. In addition to words and terms defined elsewhere herein, the following words and terms in this Ordinance shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth. Unless the context shall otherwise indicate, words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing persons shall include firms, associations and corporations, including public bodies, as well as natural persons. “Act” means the Constitution and statutes of the State including K.S.A. 10-101 to 10-125, inclusive, K.S.A. 10-427 et seq., and K.S.A. 10-620 el seq., all as amended and supplemented from time to time. “Bond and Interest Fund” means the Bond and Interest Fund of the Unified Government for its general obligation bonds. “Bond Resolution” means the resolution to be adopted by the governing body of the Unified Government prescribing the terms and details of the Bonds and making covenants with respect thereto. “Bonds” means the Unified Government’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016-B, dated March 17, 2016, authorized by this Ordinance. “Clerk” means the duly appointed and acting Clerk of the Unified Government or, in the Clerk’s absence, the duly appointed Deputy, Assistant or Acting Clerk. “Mayor/CEO” means the duly elected and acting Mayor/CEO of the Unified Government or, in the Mayor/CEO’s absence, the duly appointed and/or elected Vice Mayor/CEO or Acting Mayor/CEO of the Unified Government. “Ordinance” means this Ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. “Refunded Bonds” means collectively the Series 2008-A Bonds maturing in the years 2018 to 2027, inclusive, in the aggregate principal amount of $17,565,000 and the Series 2008-C Bonds maturing in the years 2019 to 2028, inclusive, in the aggregate principal amount of $3,750,000. “Refunded Bonds Redemption Date” means collectively, August 1, 2017 for the Series 2008-A Bonds and August 1,2018 for the Series 2008-C Bonds. “Series 2008-A Bonds” means the Unified Government’s General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008-A, dated March 15, 2008. “Series 2008-C Bonds” means the Unified Government’s General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008-C, dated October 15, 2008. “State” means the State of Kansas. “Unified Government” means the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas. Section 2. Authorization of the Bonds. There shall be issued and hereby are authorized and directed to be issued the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016-B, of the Unified Government in the principal amount of $19,675,000, for the purpose of providing funds to: (a) refund the Refunded Bonds, (b) pay costs of issuance of the Bonds, and (c) pay a portion of the interest on the Bonds. Section 3. Security for the Bonds. The Bonds shall be general obligations of the Unified Government payable as to both principal and interest in part from special assessments levied upon the property benefited by the construction of the improvements financed by the Refunded Bonds and, if not so paid, from ad valorem taxes which may be levied without limitation as to rate or amount upon all the taxable tangible property, real and personal, within the territorial limits of the Unified Government, excluding the incorporated areas of Bonner Springs, Edwardsville and Lake Quivira, and excluding the unincorporated area of the Unified Government. The full faith, credit and resources of the Unified Government are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due. The interest on that portion of the Bonds attributed to refunding the Refunded Bonds to and including the respective Refunded Bonds Redemption Date shall be primarily payable from the proceeds of certain United States government securities and cash held in an escrow fund. Section 4. Terms, Details and Conditions of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be dated and bear interest, shall mature and be payable at such times, shall be in such forms, shall be subject to redemption and payment prior to the maturity thereof, arid shall be issued and delivered in the manner prescribed and subject to the provisions, covenants and agreements set forth in the Bond Resolution hereafter adopted by the governing body of the Unified Government. Section 5. Levy and Collection of Annual Tax. The governing body of the Unified Government shall annually make provision for the payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds as the same become due by levying and collecting the necessary taxes and/or assessments upon all of the taxable tangible property within the Unified Government, excluding the incorporated areas of Bonner Springs, Edwardsville and Lake Quivira, and excluding the unincorporated area of the Unified Government, in the manner provided by law. The taxes and/or assessments above referred to shall be extended upon the tax rolls in each of the several years, respectively, and shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as the general ad valorem taxes of the Unified Government are levied and collected, shall be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds as and when the same become due and the fees and expenses of the Paying Agent. The proceeds derived from said taxes and/or assessments shall be deposited in the Bond and Interest Fund. If at any time said taxes and/or assessments are not collected in time to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds when due, the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said principal or interest out of the general funds of the Unified Government and to reimburse said general funds for money so expended when said taxes and/or assessments are collected. Section 6. Further Authority. The Mayor/CEO, Clerk and other Unified Government officials are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and take such actions Page 24 THE WYANDOTTE ECHO LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of the Ordinance, and to make alterations, changes or additions in the foregoing agreements, statements, instruments and other documents herein approved, authorized and confirmed which they may approve, and the execution or taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 7. Governing Law. This Ordinance and the Bonds shall be governed exclusively by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of the State. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage by the governing body of the Unified Government, approval by the Mayor/CEO and publication in the official Unified Government newspaper. [BALANCE OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] PASSED by the governing body of the Unified Government on February 25, 2016 and APPROVED AND SIGNED by the Mayor/CEO. (SEAL) Mayor/CEO ATTEST: Clerk (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 ORDINANCE NO. O-12-16 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2016-C, OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/KANSAS CITY, KANSAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS TO REFUND A PORTION OF THE CITY’S OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AS THEY BECOME DUE; AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AND MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS WITH RESPECT THERETO. WHEREAS, the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas (the “Unified Government”) is a municipal corporation, duly created, organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State as a consolidated city-county having all the powers, functions and duties of a county and a city of the first class; and WHEREAS, the Unified Government heretofore issued and has outstanding the Refunded Bonds and is authorized by K.S.A. 10-427 et seq. to issue general obligation refunding bonds of the Unified Government for the purpose of refunding the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, in order to achieve interest cost savings through early redemption of the Refunded Bonds and provide an orderly plan of finance for the Unified Government, it has become desirable and in the best interest of the Unified Government and its inhabitants to refund the Refunded Bonds; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the Unified Government has advertised the sale of the Bonds in accordance with the law and at a meeting held in the Unified Government on this date awarded the sale of such Bonds to the best bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIFIED GOVERNMENT OF WYANDOTTE COUNTY/ KANSAS CITY, KANSAS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions of Words and Terms. In addition to words and terms defined elsewhere herein, the following words and terms in this Ordinance shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth, Unless the context shall otherwise indicate, words importing the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing persons shall include firms, associations and corporations, including public bodies, as well as natural persons. “Act” means the Constitution and statutes of the State including K.S.A. 10-101 to 10-125, inclusive, K.S.A. 10-427 et seq., and K.S.A. 10-620 et seq., all as amended and supplemented from time to time. “Bond and Interest Fund” means the Bond and Interest Fund of the Unified Government for its general obligation bonds. “Bond Resolution” means the resolution to be adopted by the governing body of the Unified Government prescribing the terms and details of the Bonds and making covenants with respect thereto. “Bonds” means the Unified Government’s Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016-C, dated March 17, 2016, authorized by this Ordinance. “Clerk” means the duly appointed and acting Clerk of the Unified Government or, in the Clerk’s absence, the duly appointed Deputy, Assistant or Acting Clerk. “Mayor/CEO” means the duly elected and acting Mayor/CEO of the Unified Government or, in the Mayor/CEO’s absence, the duly appointed and/or elected Vice Mayor/CEO or Acting Mayor/CEO of the Unified Government. “Ordinance” means this Ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. “Refunded Bonds” means collectively the Series 2008-B Bonds maturing in the years 2018 to 2027, inclusive, in the aggregate principal amount of $1,455,000, and a portion of the Series 2008-D Bonds maturing in the year 2021 and all of the Series 2008-D Bonds maturing in the year 2028, inclusive, in the aggregate principal amount of *$1,295,000. “Refunded Bonds Redemption Date” means collectively, August 1, 2017 for the Series 2008-B Bonds and August 1, 2018 for the Series 2008-D Bonds. “Series 2008-B Bonds” means the Unified Government’s Taxable General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008-B, dated March 15, 2008. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE “Series 2008-fl Bonds” means the Unified Government’s Taxable General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2008-D, dated October 15, 2008. “State” means the State of Kansas. “Unified Government” means the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas. Section 2. Authorization of the Bonds. There shall be issued and hereby are authorized and directed to be issued the Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016-C, of the Unified Government in the principal amount of $2,870,000, for the purpose of providing funds to: (a) refund the Refunded Bonds, (b) pay costs of issuance of the Bonds, and (c) pay a portion of the interest on the Bonds. Section 3. Security for the Bonds. The Bonds shall be general obligations of the Unified Government payable as to both principal and interest in part from special assessments levied upon the property benefited by the construction of the improvements financed by the Refunded Bonds and, if not so paid, from ad valorem taxes which may be levied without limitation as to rate or amount upon all the * Represents mandatory sinking fund payments in the following amounts Year (August fl Amount Year (August 1) Amount 2019 $100,000 2024 $130,000 2020 105,000 2025 140,000 2021 110,000 2026 150,000 2022 115,000 2027 155,000 2023 125,000 2028 165,000 taxable tangible property, real and personal, within the territorial limits of the Unified Government, excluding the incorporated areas of Bonner Springs, Edwardsville and Lake Quivira, and excluding the unincorporated area of the Unified Government. The full faith, credit and resources of the Unified Government are hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same become due. The interest on that portion of the Bonds attributed to refunding the Refunded Bonds to and including the respective Refunded Bonds Redemption Date shall be primarily payable from the proceeds of certain United States government securities and cash held in an escrow fund. Section 4. Terms, Details and Conditions of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be dated and bear interest, shall mature and be payable at such times, shall be in such forms, shall be subject to redemption and payment prior to the maturity thereof, and shall be issued and delivered in the manner prescribed and subject to the provisions, covenants and agreements set forth in the Bond Resolution hereafter adopted by the governing body of the Unified Government. Section 5. Levy and Collection of Annual Tax. The governing body of the Unified Government shall annually make provision for the payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds as the same become due by levying and collecting the necessary taxes and/or assessments upon all of the taxable tangible property within the Unified Government, excluding the incorporated areas of Bonner Springs, Edwardsville and Lake Quivira, and excluding the unincorporated area of the Unified Government, in the manner provided by law. The taxes and/or assessments above referred to shall be extended upon the tax rolls in each of the several years, respectively, and shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as the general ad valorem taxes of the Unified Government are levied and collected, shall be used solely for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds as and when the same become due and the fees and expenses of the Paying Agent. The proceeds derived from said taxes and/or assessments shall be deposited in the Bond and Interest Fund. If at any time said taxes and/or assessments are not collected in time to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds when due, the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said principal or interest out of the general funds of the Unified Government and to reimburse said general funds for money so expended when said taxes and/or assessments are collected. Section 6, Further Authority. The Mayor/CEO, Clerk and other Unified Government officials are hereby further authorized and directed to execute any and all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of the Ordinance, and to make alterations, changes or additions in the foregoing agreements, statements, instruments and other documents herein approved, authorized and confirmed which they may approve, and the execution or taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 7. Governing Law. This Ordinance and the Bonds shall be governed exclusively by and construed in accordance with the applicable laws of the State. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage by the governing body of the Unified Government, approval by the Mayor/CEO and publication in the official Unified Government newspaper. [BALANCE OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] PASSED by the governing body of the Unified Government on February 25, 2016 and APPROVED AND SIGNED by the Mayor/CEO. (SEAL) Mayor/CEO ATTEST: Clerk (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16 Thursday, March 3, 2016 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO SELL REAL ESTATE PURSUANT TO K.S.A. 9-26,110 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on or after March 3, 2016 the WYANDOTTE COUNTY LAND BANK will sell, pursuant to its authority under K.S.A. 19-26,110, the following parcel of real estate, to wit: Lot 16, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 731 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081432) Lot 17, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF KANSAS CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 733 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081433) Lot 18 and the East ½ of Lot 19, Block 159, in extension of blocks 159 and 172 in NOR THRUP’S PAR T OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 735 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081434) The West 37.5 feet of the East 75 feet of Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 747 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081438) The East 25 feet of the West 75 feet of Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 749 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081439) The East 25 feet of the West 50 feet of Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 751 Barnett Avenue – Parcel No. 081440) The East 68 feet on the North line of Lot 20, Block 2, CHELSEA PLACE, in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 1972 Glendale Avenue – Parcel No. 068754) Lot 5, Block 105, WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas; also the South 25 feet of vacated Nebraska Avenue adjacent and on the North. (Approx. Add. 1009 Nebraska Avenue – Parcel No. 080387) Lot 14, Block 105, WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas; also the South 25 feet of vacated Nebraska Avenue adjacent and on the North. (Approx. Add. 1027 Nebraska Avenue – Parcel No. 080395) Lot 28 and the West 15 feet of Lot 29, Block 159, in WYANDOTTE CITY, now in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 740 Tauromee Avenue – Parcel No. 081447) The East 25 feet of the West 100 feet of Lots 25, 26 and 27, in Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, now a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, except the North.9 feet thereof, and also a strip of ground 10 feet wide added by the vacation of 10 feet on each side of Tauromee Avenue, between 7th Street and 8th Street. (Approx. Add. 746 Tauromee Avenue – Parcel No. 081445) All of the East 25 feet of the West 75 feet of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 159, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, and now a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 748 Tauromee LEGAL NOTICE Avenue – Parcel No. 081444) The East 27 ½ feet of the West 50 feet of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 159, in the EXTENSION OF BLOCKS 159 and 172, in NORTHRUP’S PART OF WYANDOTTE CITY, and now a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, except that part of Lot 25 as used for an alley. (Approx. Add. 750 Tauromee Avenue – Parcel No. 081443) Lot 1 and the North ½ of Lot 2, Block 11, BEACON HILL ANNEX, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 2942 N Thompson Street – Parcel No. 095904) Lots 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50, Block 28, WYANDOTTE CITY, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Except that part platted as Zion Estates First Plat, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 418 Walker Avenue – Parcel No. 081599) All of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 3, WOODLAND ADDITION TO KENSINGTON, a Subdivision of Record in the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 11, Range 25, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 2920 Washington Avenue – Parcel No. 077404) Lot 38, WYANDOTTE CITY, in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, and the 10 feet vacated street adjusted. (Approx. Add. 720 Everett Avenue – Parcel No. 081861) The West 14 feet of Lot 3 and the East 18 Feet of Lot 4, Block 21, BRIGHTON HILL, a subdivision of land in the city Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 629 Franklin Avenue – Parcel No. 095170) The West 7 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, Block 21, BRIGHTON HILL, a subdivision of land in the city Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 631 Franklin Avenue – Parcel No. 095171) Lot 6 and the East 5 feet of Lot 7, Block 21, BRIGHTON HILL, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 633 Franklin Avenue – Parcel No. 095172) All of Lot 6, in Block 3, in OAKLAND PARK, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 1522 Pacific Avenue – Parcel No. 066719) Lot 5, Block 3, in OAKLAND PARK, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 1524 Pacific Avenue – Parcel No. 066718) All of Lot 16 and the East 85 feet of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 12, BRIGHTON HILL, a subdivision in the city Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof, except any part taken, used or dedicated for roads or public right of ways. (Approx. Add. 642 Parallel Parkway – Parcel No. 095194) The West 35 feet of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 12, BRIGHTON HILL, an addition in and a part of Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 646 Parallel Parkway – Parcel No. 095193) The South 30 feet of the North 60 feet of the West 20 feet of Lot 7 and the South 30 feet of the North 60 feet of Lots 8 and 9, Block 21, BRIGHTON HILL, an addition in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. (Approx. Add. 1903 North Tremont Street – Parcel No. 095174) If you need any information, please contact Chris Slaughter, Land Bank Manager at (913) 573-8977. (First published 3-3-16) 1t-The Wyandotte Echo-3-3-16