Using Excel XP
Using Excel XP
1 Using Excel XP Opening Excel: Double click the Excel icon OR >Start >Programs >Microsoft Excel Menu bar Standard toolbar Formatting toolbar Formula bar Column letters Row numbers Worksheets within the workbook Note, each Excel file is called a workbook and the spreadsheets within a workbook are called worksheets. Each workbook can have a number of worksheets. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill Task pane: >View >Task Pane 2 1. Identifying cells in a table: A. Columns in a table are identified by the letter at the top of the column (i.e., A, B, C, D, E). B. Rows in a table are identified by their number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). C. Cells within a table are identified by the column letter and row number (Example C3 - column “C” row “3”) 2. Identifying an area of a table: A An area within a table is identified by the first and last cell of the area within a table. First cell of area : Last cell of area EX: A5:E8 B. You can also select data in a table by left clicking and dragging until the data is highlighted. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 3 3. Moving between cells: Tab = moves you to the next cell in a row Enter = moves you to the first column of the next row down or down one row if you select a cell in a column = the arrow keys also allow you to move between cells of a table 4. Control and Alt commands to move to cells: -Home = first cell in a row -Control+home = to cell A1 -Control+ = last cell in column -Control+ = first cell in column -Control+ = last cell in row -Control+ = first cell in row Clearing all formatting from cells: -Select the cells you want >Edit >Clear -All –Clears contents and formatting from cells -Formats – Clear formatting -Contents –Removes contents, but not formatting from cells -Alt PgDn = moves one page of cells to the right -Alt PgUp = moves one page of cells to the left Type in the cell number you want on the Formula bar and hit enter - PgDn = moves one page of cells down -PgUp = moves one page of cells up -Control +G or F5 = takes you to a specific cell OR (type in the cell you want to go to under reference) Selecting cells with data -Shift +Control+ = Selects to the last cell in column or set of columns with data in it (Bases the selection area on the last data in the first row selected) -Shift +Control+ = Selects to last cell in row or set of rows with data in it -Escape = takes selection off a cell or set of cells selected Note, selected cells will have a dotted line around them 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 4 Or Select the cell you want on the table by clicking on it Cell number 5. Putting data or text into cells: A. Data can be put in or modified here on the formula bar. Put the data in or change it and then hit Enter. B. You can put data or text into any cell on the page by clicking on it to select it and then typing the data in. C. Data can be removed from a cell by clicking on the cell or selecting a group of cells and hitting the Delete key. 6. Selecting a number of cells and putting the same data into the cells: A. Continuous cells: -Select the cells by left click and dragging until the cells are highlighted -Control+left click = to select one cell to add the data to -Type in the data -hit Control+Enter Note, you can select a whole row or column by clicking on the reference letter or number B. Non-continuous cells: -Hold down the Control key - left click the cells you want -Type in the data you want -Hit Control+Enter Note, you can click here to select all the cells in a table 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 5 7. Copying data from one set of cells to another: A. Copy/ Paste function or Cut/ Paste Paste options: When you paste an item the paste options icon will appear Keep Source Formatting Match Destination Formatting Values and Number Formatting Keep Source Column Width Formatting Only Link Cells You can click ▼ to choose different paste options Note, you can unselect, selected cells with the Esc key (Copied cells have a moving doted line around them) B. Changing rows into columns or columns into rows when you paste: Transposing rows into columns or columns into rows: -Paste special -Select Transpose (above OK) -OK OR choose Transpose on the dropdown menu next to the paste icon C. Increasing or decreasing numbers using the paste special function: 1. Type the number you want to multiply, divide, subtract or add to numbers in cell, into a empty cell and copy it 2. Select the range of cells you want to perform the function on 3. >Edit >Paste Special 4. Select the operation you want to perform on the data: multiply, divide, add or subtract and hit OK Note, you can select multiple areas on the same row or in the same columns by control + left click -When the items are pasted the unselected cells will be left out Ex. Copy AA BB CC DD EE FF ----- Paste AA DD FF 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 6 D. Using the select and drag method to move data to adjacent cells: I. Select the cells with the data you want to copy by left click-hold and moving over the cells you want with the mouse Note, you will see a cross like this when you are selecting cells: -Release the left mouse button II. Now move the cursor to the lower right hand corner of the selected cells III. The cross will change into a solid cross: = (autohandle) IV. Now, Left click-hold and move the cursor over the additional rows or columns you want the data in. E. Moving data to other cells by dragging I. Select the cells with the data you want to move by left click-hold and moving over the cells you want with the mouse Note, you will see a cross like this when you are selecting cells: -Release the left mouse button II. Move the cursor over the boarder around the selected cells and the move symbol will appear III. Left click-hold and drag the data to the cells you want it in. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 7 8. Completing a series like months, days of the week, or numbers: Ex., Jan, Feb, March, April or 1,2,3,4,5 etc. A. Type in the first two of the series: Ex Jan. Feb B. Select the cells the first two of the series are in by left clicking and dragging Note, you will see a cross like this when you are selecting cells: -Release the left mouse button C. Now move the cursor to the lower right hand corner of the selected cells - The cross will change into a solid cross: = (autohandle) D. Now, Left click-hold and move the cursor over the additional cells you want the series in -When you fill a series, the fill series option dropdown menu icon will appear next to the new series. Click the ▼ to select different options 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 8 9. Creating your own series lists: >Tools >Options -Choose “Custom list” tab You will see the window below: Type in your new series list here OR -choose the cells you want for the series from here Click here to select a series in cells on the spreadsheet Hit OK when done Select the cells that have the series you want and then left click here 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 9 10. Making columns or rows wider to fit data: Note, when a number entered in a cell does not fit in the column width it will show up as a number of number symbols. Ex. ########## A. -Move the mouse over the line dividing two cells at the top of column or end of a row. -A double ended arrow will appear -Left click/hold and drag the row or column boarder to where you want it Note, you can also double left click on the cell divider and the cell will expand to fit the data B. Note, you can resized a number of columns or rows at once by -Left click/hold and drag across the rows or columns you want -Move the mouse over the line dividing the last cell selected at the top of column or end of a row. -A double ended arrow will appear -Left click/hold and drag the rows or columns to width or height you want it 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 10 C. Using format to set row height or column width: -Click on the number of the row or letter of the column to select it >Format > Choose Row or Column > Choose Height or Width Note, AutoFit will fit row height or column width to the data you have put in the spreadsheet > Type in the what you want to change the row height or column width to > Hit OK 11. Centering data in a widened row or column: A. Select the cells you want to center data in by left click-hold and drag B. >Format or Right click on cells >Cells -Choose the Alignment tab You can choose the angle of text in cells here Choose horizontal alignment here Choose vertical alignment of text here Use Merge Cells to merge a number of selected cells Choose the direction of text here Select the Wrap text option to get text to so that text typed into a cell creates lines of text that fit in the cell rather than just one long line. (See Wrap text example on the next page) 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 11 Ex. Wrap text No text wrap -only part of the text can be seen With text wrap you get lines of text in the cell C. Setting horizontal alignment using the formatting toolbar: Text alignment buttons 12. Merge a number of cells and center a title in them: -Select the cells you want by left click-hold and drag -Then hit the center and merge icon 13. Adding rows or columns: -Select a row or column by clicking on its number at the left or letter at the top >Insert >Row - adds a row above the current row >Insert >Column -adds a column to the left of the current column Note, you can also insert cells or delete cells Deleting rows and columns: -Left click/ hold and drag across the column letters or row numbers to select them -Right click choose Delete 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 12 14. Formatting numbers in cells: A. -Select cells by left click-hold and dragging >Format >Cells -Choose the Number tab on the window Choose the type of numbers you want from the list Choose number of decimal places you want Choose the specific formats you want for number type chosen here Choose if you want a comma to separate off the thousands Choose the format of negative numbers here Hit OK when done B. Using the formatting toolbar to format numbers: -Adds a decimal place to the right of the decimal point 45 = 45.0 -Changes a number to accounting format 45 = $45.00 8/31/2006 -Removes a decimal place to the right of the decimal point 45.000 = 45.00 -Changes a number to percent format (multiples the number by 100) -Adds commas to numbers of 1,000 or more and puts the number in accounting format without a $ sign 45 = 4500% 45000 = 45,000.00 Created by Jeffrey Hill 13 15. Opening, naming, moving, copying, deleting or adding worksheet pages: A. Open a worksheet in a workbook: Each workbook in Excel consists of a number of worksheets shown at the bottom left hand corner of the page -Left click on the title of any worksheet to open that worksheet B. Renaming a worksheet: -Double click on the name of the worksheet at the so it is highlighted -Hit Delete to remove the title -Type in the new title you want -Hit Enter Right click options Or -Right click on the worksheet tab -Choose Rename - Hit Delete to remove the title -Type in the new title you want -Hit Enter C. Changing the tab color for worksheets: Right click options 8/31/2006 -Right click on the worksheet tab -Choose Tab Color -Choose the color you want -Hit OK Created by Jeffrey Hill 14 D. Moving worksheets within a workbook: -Left click/ hold and drag the worksheet to the location you want it E. Moving or copying worksheets between workbooks: Right click options -Open the 2 workbooks you want to move sheet between -Right click on the tab of the worksheet you want to move or copy -Choose Move or Copy Note, choose the same workbook you are working in, if you want to move or copy worksheet within the same workbook Choose the workbook you want to move the worksheet to here Choose the worksheet you want the moved or copied worksheet to go before here Click here to create a copy of the sheet. If you don’t click this box the sheet will be moved 8/31/2006 Hit OK when done Created by Jeffrey Hill 15 F. Deleting worksheets: Right click options -Right click on the worksheet -Choose Delete -OK G. Adding new worksheet pages: -Right click on any worksheet title -Choose Insert -Choose worksheet -OK Choose this tab to select preformatted pages (templates) Note, templates always have a yellow bar across the top of the file icon 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 16 16. Formulas: A. Common symbols: Arithmetic operators: + = addition - = subtraction * = multiplication Example: (2*3) = 6 / = division –Example (6/2) = 3 ^ = exponent – Example: (2^3) = 8 % = percent (when put behind a number it turns it into percent) (multiples the number by 100) Ex. = A20/12% (Contents of cell A20 divided by 12 then made into percent) Comparison operators: > -greater than < -less than = -equals >= -greater than or equal to <= -less than or equal to <> -Not equal to- Example: (A1<>B1) B. Common functions: Under: >Insert >Function Search for the type of function you want here Click here to choose of specific category of functions Choose a function here by left clicking on it Click on Help on this Function to see the equations used for calculations Description of the operator Hit OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 17 Example commonly used functions: SUM = addition MAX = maximum MIN = minimum AVERAGE = average STDEV = standard deviation COUNT = counts cells SQRT = square root ROUND = rounds a number to a given number of decimal places TRUNC = sets the number of selected digits or decimal places for a number RAND = random number between 0 and 1 RANDBETWEEN = random number between two values SMALL = allows you to choose the 2nd, 3rd or 4th etc. smallest number in a set of cells Large = allows you to choose the 2nd, 3rd or 4th etc largest number in a set of cells C. Formula structure: -Formulas can be typed directly into cells using either symbol or function operators. -Or formulas can be inserted into formula area on the formula bar Cell chosen for the formula Remember order of operations: First Last -Brackets -Exponents -Multiplication and division -Addition and subtraction I. Formula rules -Formulas always start with a equals sign, -The function (e.g. sum) comes next if one is used -Then the cells in parentheses -There should not be any spaces between the parts of the formula **Note, the program will automatically correct for lowercase letters used in functions or cell designations 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 18 Example formulas: =((A5-5)/12) -- Takes cell A-5 and subtracts 5 and then divides by 12 = Sum(A1,B4,C5)--- Sums cells A1, B4 and C5 =Sum(A1:C5) ---- Sums all the cells in the area defined by A1 and C5 = Sum(A5,Sheet2!A6,Sheet3!A7) ---- Sums cell A5 on worksheet 1 worksheet 1, with cell A6 on worksheet 2, with cell A7 on worksheet 3 =Sumproduct(F2:F6,H2:H6) ---- Sums the product of the values in two columns (Example: F2*H2 + F3*H3 + F4*H4 - etc.) =Average(A1:C5) ---- Averages the values of all the cells in the area defined by A1 and C5 =Min(A1:C5) ---- Finds the lowest value of all the cells in the area defined by A1 and C5 =Round(F5,2) ---- Rounds the number in cell F5 to 2 decimal places =TRUNC(2468.1357,2) ----Changes the number to two decimal places -Answer 2468.13 =TRUNC(2468.1357,-2) ----Selects the first two digits of the number and makes the rest zeros -Answer 2400 =RAND() ---- Returns a random number between zero and one =Small(F:F,5) ----Finds the 5th smallest number in column “F” =Large(A2:A13,3) ----Finds the 3rd largest number in the area defined by A2:A13 Other examples: =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet13!B5) ---- Adds all the values contained in cell B5 on all the worksheets between and including sheet 2 and sheet 13 of the current workbook =SUM(Sheet2:Sheet6!A2:A5) ---- Adds cells A2 through A5 on all the worksheets between and including sheet 2 and sheet 6 of the current workbook =AVERAGE(Sheet1:Sheet3!A4)---- Averages the values of cell A4 on worksheet 1 through worksheet 3 of the current workbook =AVERAGE(Aug:Nov!B1:B5) )---- Averages the values of cells in the area defined by cells B1 and B5 on all worksheet between and including the worksheets named “Aug” and “Nov” of the current workbook 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 19 II. Making Formulas that work with cells on multiple worksheets or workbooks: (3D formulas) Cell -Absolute cell reference Example: =SUM(A5,Sheet2!A6,Sheet3!A7,'[Book test2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$4,'[Book test2.xls]Sheet2'!$A$5) Workbook Worksheet This formula adds the following: -Cell A5 on worksheet 1 of the current workbook. -Cell A6 on worksheet 2 of the current workbook -Cell A7 on worksheet 3 of the current workbook -Cell A4 on worksheet 1 of workbook “Book test2.xls” -Cell A5 on worksheet 2 of workbook “Book test2.xls” -How do you set up the formula? 1. In the cell you want the total type in =SUM( Note, that when you type in this much of the formula Excel shows you the formula structure. In this case it shows you that there are commas between the selected cells or numbers to sum. 2. Go to the first cell you want (e.g., A5) in the equation and left click on it 3. Put in a comma 4. Go the workbook, worksheet, and cell you want is on and left click on it 5. Put in a comma and add another cell or hit Enter if you are done , Note, you can also left click hold and drag on the corners of the blue box around the selected cell to add additional cells to the selection 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 20 III. Absolute cell references: =($A$1*C5) --- This will multiply by cell A1 times cell C5. If the formula is pasted to another cell, C5 may change in the equation, but the value A1 will not Pasting formulas into other cells: because it involves an absolute reference (i.e., $ before the letter and number of the cell) -Cell A1 formula- =Sum(A3:A5) -If this formula was pasted to cell B1 Excel would change the formula to =Sum(B3:B5) unless absolute cell references were used $ - gives you absolute cell references. Even if the formula is pasted to another cell, cells designated by an absolute reference will not change in the equation. Note, you can add absolute cell references by selecting the cell reference letters and numbers in a equation and hitting the F4 key D. The Sum sign can be used at the end of a row or bottom of a column to sum that row or cell -Choose the cell at the bottom of a row or end of a column -Left click on the sum function or other function you want -Hit enter OR change the selected cells and then hit enter Click the ▼ next to the ∑ to choose other common functions I. Using the Sum function to sum multiple rows at once -Select the cells with data and the cells you want totals in 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 21 -Click on the ∑ and choose sum function or one of the other functions Totals -Note, you can use this method with the average, count, max or min functions II. Using the Sum function to sum the same range of cells on different worksheets. -Example: This sums cells B2:B7 separately on each sheet chosen - Left click on the empty cell you want the answer in on the first sheet -Shift + left click on each of the other worksheets you want to sum the same range on -Note, this only works with sheets to the right of the sheet your are working on -Left click on the ∑ and choose the function you want -Note, you can use this method with the sum, average, count, max or min functions 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 22 Make sure columns have headers E. Subtotaling within tables: -Go to the cell you want the total in >Data >Subtotal Choose the column you want to subtotal by here Choose the function you want here (Sum, Count, etc.) Choose the column or columns to total: In this example the total column Subtotals example: Subtotals are made using similar categories in a column Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jan Feb Mar Apr May Sport Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Total Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Total Grand Total 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jan Feb Mar Apr May Total 10 30 20 40 60 160 10 30 10 20 40 110 270 Sport Golf Golf Golf Golf Golf Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Tennis Total 10 30 20 40 60 10 30 10 20 40 23 F. Using IF statements =Sumif(A1:C5, “>20”) ---This will sum the cells in the area defined by A1 and C5 if their value is greater than 20 =Sumif(E:E,"Fishing",F:F) ---- This will sum the values in column “F” if the word “fishing” is in column “E” =Countif(A1:C5, “>20”) ---This will count the number of cells in the area defined by A1 and C5 if their value is greater than 20 =Countif(E:E,">12/1/87") ------This will count the number of cells in column “E” if their date is greater than Dec. 1, 1987. It can recognize multiple date formats. I. Using two or more criteria to sum or count cells: a. To use the multiple criteria to sum from a table you must first name the range of cell in your table you want to sum from -Select the cells in the table including the column headings >Insert >Name >Define Type the name you want for the cells here -Click Add -Click OK Note, if the name is already in use you will have to delete the name to assign it to a new range of cells Note you can also name a range of selected cells by typing in the name on the formula bar where the cell number is 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 24 b. Copy the heading of your table and paste them to another area of your spread sheet and type in the criteria you want Note, if you use a single criteria in a column you must put it in all the cells of that column Cells left blank do not do not use search criteria -These criteria will search for fly rods, purchased on or after March 5th, that are fiberglass and of good or excellent quality c. Select the cells and column heading for your search criteria and name the range of cells d. Formula for DSUM =DSUM(DataTable,B2,Criteria) Name for the cells in your data table you will search 8/31/2006 Cell reference for the column heading of the column you want to sum when criteria are met Created by Jeffrey Hill Name for the cells in your search criteria table 25 e. Example of DSUM =DSUM(Fishing,B2,Criteria) Answer = 17 -Items highlighted in the data table are the items that would be selected based on the search criteria, starting with the date 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 26 f. Example of DCOUNT =DCOUNT(Fishing,B2,Criteria) Answer = 4 -Items highlighted in the data table are the items that would be selected based on the search criteria, starting with the date 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 27 When using text in the criteria for a “IF” statement always put it in quotes. G. Advanced IF statements I. Basic format: Example: =IF(C28="F","Female","Male") =IF(condition, “true result”, “false result”) Example: Test results of students Remember a formula must start with a “=” You can also type the “=” sign into a cell to start a formula and then, down arrow ▼to get function options =if(A2>70,“Passed”, “Failed”) Condition Cell “A2 greater than 70 What is inserted if the condition is true Remember there should be no spaces in a formula What is inserted if the condition is false Note that words in the result are put in quotes II. Note the above formula could also be put in by selecting the cell and hitting the ▼ next to the ∑ and choosing More Functions OR Click here -Choose the “IF” and hit OK function and the following box will appear Fill in the logic test and hit OK when done 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 28 III. Using multiple or nested if statements: Example grades Note, you are limited to 7 “IF” statements in a cell Gives a grade of D for grades 60 and above, but below 65 =IF(J4>=70,K4,IF(J4>=65,"D+",IF(J4>=60,"D",IF(J4<60,"F")))) Gives a grade of D+ for grades 65 and above, but below 70 Sends you to cell K4 for more “IF” statements for grades over 70 Gives a grade of F for grades below 60 Note the lowest value is in the inner most set of parentheses, then the next highest and so on -When you use nested IF statements the program will start in the inner most parentheses. Below is how the statement above would work. 1. If cell J4 is less than 60 it would return a value of “F” if not it would go to the next if statement 2. If cell J4 is more than 60, but less than 65 it would return a value of “D” if not it would go to the next if statement 3. If cell J4 is more than 65, but less than 70 it would return a value of “D+” if not it would go to the next if statement 4. If cell J4 is more than 70 it would go to cell K IV. Using Lookup Tables: Lookup tables check cell values against values in the lookup table and insert the text or number from the lookup table. a. Look up table setup: Example grade calculation A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8/31/2006 B C Grades Calculation Name Score Ann 58 Debbie 75 Jeff 89 Ron 90 Sam 97 Tim 77 Created by Jeffrey Hill Grade We will use the lookup table to calculate the student’s grade in the course 29 Minimum Score 15 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Lookup table format: This is the table you will use to look up the student grades in. Put the minimum value for a grade in the table Grade 60 F D 65 D+ 70 C- 73 C 77 C+ 80 B- 83 B 87 B+ 90 A- 93 A Ex. a C- will be inserted if the grade score is between 70 and 72.99 Lookup Table Value Array = the information that will be inserted (i.e., the grades) Lookup Table Vector – The values that scores will be compared to. Note, values to search must be arranged from lowest to highest b. Basic formula format: Cell that will be compared to the Lookup Table Vector Values Lookup table value array of information that will be inserted (i.e. the column information will be inserted from) =LOOKUP(B3,$A$16:$A$26,$B$16:$B$26) Commas A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8/31/2006 Lookup Table Vector Values to compare the cell value to in the look up table B C Grades Calculation Score Grade Ann 58 F Debbie 75 C Jeff 89 B+ Ron 90 A- Sam 97 A Tim 77 C+ Name Created by Jeffrey Hill The example formula above is for this cell 30 c. Looking for values that are text: Example using the table above. This example would return Ron’s grade from the 3rd column A- The entire list in which you are looking up values The column from which to return the value that matches the searched term. The leftmost column is 1. This example returns the value of the third column. =INDEX(A3:C8,MATCH("Ron",A3:A8),3) Cell row to search for the word Word to match Commas Note the list of words to search must be in alphabetical order d. Using VLOOKUP to find values in unsorted tables -VLOOKUP searches the first column of a table and returns matching data in a specified column. =VLOOKUP(“Joe”,$A$1:$C$5,3,False) Item to search for in column 1 -Note quotes are not needed if you are searching for a number 1 2 3 4 5 A Name Tim Joe Debbie Ron B Income 30,000 48,000 33,000 29,000 C Age 25 33 27 22 Table cell range Column # to return result from Result = 33 -Note that False argument insures that Excel finds the right result in an unsorted table. If this argument is omitted or True is used the first column of the table must be sorted in ascending order. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 31 V. Using “AND”, “OR” or “NOT” with “IF” statements AND = is used when two conditional statements must both be met for the condition to be considered true OR = is used when either of two conditional statements can be met for the condition to be considered true NOT = Reverses what is true for the conditional statement to be true. UBasic format: AND =IF(AND(condition-1,condition-2),true result,false result) commas Example: =IF(AND(B2>1000,B6<50),C5*B1,C4*B1) -If cell B2 is greater than 1000 and cell B6 is less than 50, fill this cell with the product of cell C5 times B1, if not the product of C4 times B1 Basic format: OR =IF(OR(condition-1,condition-2),true result,false result) commas Example: =IF(OR(B2>1000,B6<50),C5*B1,C4*B1) -If cell B2 is greater than 1000 or cell B6 is less than 50, fill this cell with the product of cell C5 times B1, if not the product of C4 times B1 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 32 Basic format: NOT =IF(NOT(condition-1),true result,false result) commas Example: =IF(NOT(B2>1000),C5*B1,C4*B1) -If cell B2 is less than 1000, fill this cell with the product of cell C5 times B1, if not the product of C4 times B1 VI. Using insert function with “AND”, “OR”, and “NOT” Note the above formula could also be put in by selecting the cell and hitting the ▼ next to the ∑ and choosing More Functions -Choose the Logical category -Choose the “AND” “OR” or “NOT’ function and hit OK and the following box will appear Note, that this putting the equation in this way only allows you to have results of “True” or “False” You can click here to get help with the function -Above the formula has been put in like it would for the following AND equation: 8/31/2006 =IF(AND(B2>1000,B6<50),True,False) Created by Jeffrey Hill 33 H. Working with Dates: I. Insert the current date: Control+; (semicolon) II. Insert the current time: Control+Shift+; (semicolon) III. Calculate the difference between two dates: =(A1,A2,”D”) Units that the date difference will be calculated D = Days Cell reference of first date Cell reference of second date Note, if dates are not correctly formatted they will not be recognized as dates Units for date differences: “D” = Days “M” = Months “Y” = Years “YM” =gives the number of months difference ignoring the year and day Example: March 5, 2002 / May 9, 2005 “YM” difference = 2 monts “YD” =gives the number of days difference ignoring the year Example: March 5, 2002 / May 9, 2005 “YD” difference = 65 days “MD” =gives the number of days difference ignoring the year and month Example: March 5, 2002 / May 9, 2005 “MD” difference = 4 days 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 34 I. Copying formulas to other cells: -You can select a cell with a formula in it and drag a formula across other cells (Left click/Hold and drag) when you see the (autohandle) Note, that the sum formula from cell A3 has been pasted across cells B3, B4, B5. Note, that the formula corrects the cells used for the row it is under. If you do not want a part of a formula to change you must use Absolute cell references: Example: =($A$1+A2) – when this is pasted to the “B” column the formula will be =($A$1+B2) J. Inserting a function and selecting the cells for the function: -Select the cell you want the formula Hit >Insert >Function Search for the type of function you want here Click here to choose of specific category of functions Choose a function here by left clicking on it Hit OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 35 -The cells the formula will use are shown here -You can click here to choose different cells -Left click/hold and drag to expand the area surrounded by dotted lines to include the area you want for the formula The formula shows here Area for formula (Surrounded by dotted lines) Click here when you are done -Hit OK on the next screen Note, you can hit here to add additional cells. You can also switch pages and add cells. -Hit -OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 36 K. Changing the cells selected for a formula: -Double left click on the cell the formula is in -A blue box will pop up around the cells selected for the formula -Left click on the blue formula numbers Ex. (B1:B2) -You can Left click/hold and drag on the blue squares at the corners of the selected area to the to change the cells selected (the new selected cells will have a dotted line around them) L. Formula error messages: Message ######## #Name #Value #DIV/0! #Ref Meaning -Column is too narrow to display the results of the calculation -The formula contains a function name or cell name it does not recognize. Example: =SOM(A1:GC) -The formula refers to a cell it can not perform the calculation on. Example: you have asked it to SUM a cell that includes text -The formula divides a number by zero -The formula includes a cell that is not valid. Example: the formula includes a row that was deleted Note, when an error is displayed a you can click on the ▼ next to the error message to get information and the error and possible solutions 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 37 M. Making all formulas on a worksheet show: Control + ~ ` Key -Hit these keys again to make the formulas disappear Note, it is often useful to lock cells that contain formulas, so they can not be changed by accident. See locking cells and password protection on page 78 of this manual N. The formula auditing toolbar: -This toolbar is useful for checking equations or removing mistakes from them Trace all cells Adds a Erases all and error cells >View comment trace lines in a formula >Toolbars -Select Formula Auditing Runs the formula evaluation program Trace Precedents: When you select a cell with a formula and click here it show you the cells used in the calculation Example: Trace dependents = when you select a cell with data for a formula in it, it shows the formula cell it is linked Remove Trace Dependant Arrows Remove Precedent Arrows Clear validation circles Circle Invalid Data = puts red circles around data that do meet the validation criteria O. Adding comments: Comments are often useful to help understand what a formula does -Left click on the cell you want the comment in to select it >Insert >Comment -Type in the comments you want and hit enter -Move the cursor over the Red Arrow to see the comment 8/31/2006 Removing comments: -Right Click on the cell the comment is in -Select Delete Comment Created by Jeffrey Hill 38 17. Adding dropdown boxes to select values from: -A dropdown box gives you an arrow next to a cell that accesses a dropdown list of items you can choose to be in the cell A. Setting up dropdown boxes: -Type the items you want in your dropdown box into some cells on the spreadsheet >Data >Validation -Choose the Setting tab Choose List from the dropdown menu A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Click here and select the cell that have the items you want in your dropdown list B. Using dropdown boxes: -Click on the cell with the drown down box -A arrow ▼ will appear next to the cell -Left click on the arrow and left click on the item you want from the list 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 39 18. Auto format to format tables: >Format >Autoformat -Choose the format you want and hit OK 19. Conditional formatting - formats the data in cells that meet certain conditions: -Choose the cells for conditional formatting >Format >Conditional formatting -Choose the cell value or formula Note, you can use the Format Painter to move conditional formatting from one set of cells to another -Choose the nature of the condition -Choose values (i.e., type in value) or browse to specific cells here -Click add to add another condition -Choose the format you want for data here -Click OK -- when done 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 40 20. Formatting cell boarders and backgrounds: Note, you can also format selected cells by Right clicking and selecting Format Cells A. Formatting cell boarders: -Select cells by left click-hold and dragging > Format >Cells -Choose Boarder tab 1. Select the line style 2. Select the line color 3.Click on the lines above to put lines where you want them. You will see the lines in the preview window. -Hit OK B. Formatting cell backgrounds: -Select cells by left click-hold and dragging Note, you can also format selected cells by Right clicking and selecting Format Cells > Format >Cells -Choose Patterns tab -Select the color or pattern you want for the background and hit OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 41 21. Printing: A. Defining the print area -Select the area you want printed >File >Print Area >Set Print Area -A dotted line will show up around the area that will be printed B. Setting the margins for printing > File > Print preview -Choose the Margins tab -Left click/hold and drag on margins to move them C. Setting up headers and footers for printing Moving page breaks for printing: >View >Page Break Preview -Left Click/hold and drag to move page breaks Returning to normal Excel view: >View >Normal > File > Print preview -Choose the Setup tab -Choose the Headers and Footers tab -Choose Custom header or Custom footer -Type in the text you want or choose to insert the following/// hit OK Inserts: Page number, Total pages, Date, Time, Note, headers and footers can also be put in under: >View >Header and Footer 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 42 D. Reducing the size of the printed material > File > Page Setup -Choose the Page tab -Change the % normal size to change the size of the printed areas Fits the document to the selected number of pages Note, you can also change to landscape print format here 22. Linking data between worksheets: A. Using the equals sign I. In the first worksheet type “=” in the cell you want link II. Go to the sheet you want to link data from and select the cell you want by clicking on it III. Hit enter B. Paste link I. Select the cell or the cells you want to link to (left click drag) II. Click Ctrl+C (copy shortcut) III. Move to target sheet and select the cells you want the data in IV. >Edit >Paste special >Paste link 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 43 C. Defining a group of cells by name: I. Select the cell or cells you want to link (left click/hold drag) II. >Insert >Name >Define -Type in the name you want for the cells here -Hit “Add” -Hit “OK” III. Go to the first cell you want the data in on another sheet -Type “=” and the name of cells you want to paste -Go to the right lower corner of the cell and click and drag the auto handle ( ) over the cells you want the data in 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 44 23. Viewing two or more workbooks at once and linking data between them: A. Open two or more workbooks: Note to do this with worksheets of the same workbook first choose: >Window >New Window >Window >Arrange -Select the vertical option to get the workbooks side by side Note you can click on the sheets of the workbooks to move back and forth between them. B. Linking cells between workbooks I. Select the cell or the cells you want to link to (left click drag) II. Click Ctrl+C (copy shortcut) III. Move to target sheet and select the cells you want the data in IV. >Edit >Paste special >Paste link 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 45 24. Consolidating worksheets = The consolidation command allows you to link data from a number of work sheets and perform a function on it. For example, you might want to sum the profits of a company from 3 different monthly workbooks for a quarterly summary. A. First select the workbook, sheet and cells you want the data consolidated into (i.e., where do you want your consolidated data put) >Data >Consolidate -Choose the function you want here The data to consolidated will show here -Click here so that your consolidated data will update when the worksheets it is linked to change (Note, this will only operate if you consolidate your data to a new workbook sheet) -Click here to select the data you want on sheets -When the screen above appears go to the worksheet your data is on and select it by Left click/ hold and drag. Once you have selected the data hit here to go back to the Consolidate menu and Add the data -Repeat this procedure until you have added all the data you want OR -Click here to Browse to the data you want to add -Hit “OK” when done 25. Importing data from other programs: A. Open with (Microsoft files): -Right click on the file -Select “Open with” -Select “Excel” 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 46 B. Drag file into Excel: -Open Excel and reduce screen size -Left click/hold and drag the file you want into Excel C. Importing HTML files I. Copy and paste: -You can copy and paste HTML files or parts of files into Excel II. Export to Excel: -You can click on the export icon when you have a web page open in Internet Explorer and then choose Edit with Microsoft Excel to bring the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Note, this is only possible with data formatted for Excel. 26. Putting Excel spread sheets in a PowerPoint presentations as a link, so that when data is changed in the Excel spread sheet it will change in the PowerPoint presentation: A. In PowerPoint >Paste Special -Choose Paste link 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 47 27. General information on making graphs and figures: A. To make a graph or figure click on the “Chart Wizard” Note, that you can select the data for a chart or graph before or after you hit the icon B. You are most likely to use Column, Line Pie or XY (scatter) charts 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 48 28. Making pie charts: A. The data for a pie chart does not have to be in percent. The program will automatically make the area of each cell in the pie diagram represent the fraction of the total it relates to . B. Put data in as seen below: Category Data C. Select the “Chart Wizard” icon. Note, the Chart Wizard will automatically use all the data on the page, unless you select the data to be used. D. Choose the “Pie” chart icon from the list: E. Click on the type of pie diagram you want and then hit next 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 49 F. See the pie chart graph: Data used to make table G. Hit next to go to the next screen if the chart looks good. Note the information in column “A” was used to make the key. H. You can type in a title for the chart if you want one or just hit Next I. Select whether you want the chart on the same page or on a new separate page. -Then hit Finish Click here to have the chart on a separate page Just hit finish if you want the chart on the page your data is on. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 50 J. View your final graph: -Note, you can click and drag on different elements within the graph to move them to the location you want to -You can click on the graph and copy it to paste it to other documents Note, once a graph is made you can : -Right click on any part of the graph, including grid lines to change their color or look. Choose the Format option after you right click. -Once you move the graph to another document you can use the picture cropping tool to remove the boarder around the chart if you do not want it in a rectangular box K. Making pie charts when data is not in a set of continuous cells: I. Left Click on the chart wizard icon II. Choose Pie Chart and the type you want Hit Next 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 51 III. Select the Series tab and hit Add IV. Selecting data (i.e. values) and category labels Put the name for the chart here Left click here to select data values -Left click on the first data value you want -Control hold and left click on the other data values you want in order -Left click here Left click here to select category labels Or Type in the category labels you want in order here Created Jeffreyect. Hill -Put8/31/2006 commas between categories: Ex. Cars,byBusses, -Left click on the first category label you want -Control hold and left click on the other category labels you want in order -Left click here 52 V. -Hit Next -Hit Finish Or choose one of the tabs to modify the Chart Title, Legend location, Data labels Hit Finish when done OR Next to choose the location of the chart 29. Changing the chart type: A. We now can modify the chart by clicking on it to select it and- Clicking on “Chart” B. Click on “Chart Type” C. Click on the new type of chart you want and the chart will change: Example: Column chart 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 53 30. Modifying a chart: -Click on the chart to select it -Click on “Chart” -Click on “Chart Options” A. Chart Options tabs: Titles: Allows you to add or change the chart title or “X” axis label or “Y” axis label Note, you can right click on any part of the chart to change its characteristics Axes: Allows you to remove the “X” axis or “Y” axis scale from the chart or change the “X” axis to a timescale or categories Gridlines: Allows you to add or remove grid lines across a chart Legend: Allows you to move or remove the chart legend. Data Labels: Allows you to add data labels to the data points on your chart Data Tables: Allows you to add a table of your data below your chart B. Changing the size of a chart: -Click on the chart to select it -(small squares will appear around the chart) -Mouse over one of the small squares and a double ended arrow will appear -Left click/hold on this arrow and drag with the mouse to change the size of the chart 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 54 31. Making a column chart with multiple data sets: A. Data input: Category Category Data Data Select the data and click on the chart wizard icon to choose the chart type and make the chart B. Chart titles: >Chart >Chart Options –Titles Tab Chart titles and “X” and “Y” axis names can be put in here -Important note, most chart formats set all data points on an axis an equal distance apart on the “X” axis and do not allow you to reformat the scale of axis. -To get true scaled chart axis and be able to reformat the axis scale you should use the XY scatter chart. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 55 32. Making charts that graph one variable against another: A. Data input: We could have put data set labels for data sets Y1 and Y2 at the top of these columns, which would show up on the key for the table. “X” data “Y data set 1” “Y data set 2” B. Choose XY(Scatter) and finish the chart Generally, data will be assigned as indicated in this example, but the program may recognize data sets differently. If this occurs click on the Series tab on the second window of the chart wizard to select the appropriate “X” and “Y” data sets (see the next page). Finished chart C. Now click on the chart to select it -Click on “Chart” on the menu bar -Choose “Chart type” -Now change the chart to a Column or Line chart Column Chart 8/31/2006 Line chart Created by Jeffrey Hill 56 D. Selecting data sets for input into charts or graph: Usually your data in an Excel spreadsheet is not just means of data and you must select the data to be included in your graph or chart. Example data sheet: X variable Y variable 1 Y variable 2 I. Select the first set of “Y” data and hit the Chart Wizard Icon II. Choose the type of graph you want by clicking on it and hit Next 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 57 III. Select the Series tab Chart based on the single data set Data cells for the data included in the chart Type in the name you want for the data series here (first “Y”data set) To select another set of “Y” variable data to be added to the graph: 1. Click Add 2. Click here to select the data you want to add Click here to select data for the X variable When all the data is added hit Next -When you click on these buttons to select data for your graph you will be taken back to your spreadsheet to select the data you want 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 58 Example: Selecting the X variable data -Left click/hold and drag to select the data you want Selected “X” variable data. Note, the dotted line around the selected data Once you have selected the data, click here to go back to the chart wizard -Hit Next on the chart wizard window when you have added all the data IV. Now type in the chart title and chart axis names Hit Next when done V. Choose if you want the new chart created as an object on the same worksheet as the data or as a chart on a new worksheet page Hit Finish to see the chart 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 59 Finished chart: Temperature and Plant growth Plant Mass 80 60 low CO2 40 High CO2 20 Note, when you change data in you data table your chart will be automatically updated using the new data 0 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 Temperature 33. Modifying and formatting graph attributes after the graph is made. A. Chart parts: Labeled in blue Chart area boarder Plot area boarder Chart title “Y” Axis Population growth Chart area Grid lines Population 2,000,000,000 Marker for data series 1,500,000,000 Plot area 1,000,000,000 Data series 500,000,000 0 0 “Y” Axis title 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time in years “X” Axis title Madagascar Note, you can right click on most parts of the chart and choose the Format command to change the attributes of parts. 8/31/2006 Legend Created by Jeffrey Hill France “X” Axis 60 B. Formatting legends: -Click on the chart to select it -Click on the Chart Wizard Icon -Click Next -Click on the Series tab Type in the name for the series here and it will appear in the legend Choose the series you want here by clicking on it Hit Finish when done 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 61 C. Changing or setting the scale of the “X” or “Y” axis. Important note: XY scatter charts -Important note, most chart formats set all data points on an axis an equal distance apart on the “X” axis and do not allow you to reformat the scale of axis. -To get true scaled chart axis and be able to reformat the axis scale you should use the XY scatter chart. Changing the sale of the “X” or “Y” axis: -Right click on the numbers of the “X” or “Y” axis -Choose Format Axis Note, use the number tab to set -Select the Scale tab the number of decimal places or coma use in axis numbers Choose the minimum, maximum and major unit division here and then hit OK trend 34. Adding lines to charts: 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Trend line projecting forward into the future 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1985 1990 1995 -Right click on the data series -Select Add Trendline 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 2000 2005 62 -Select the type of trend line you want Type the name you want for the trend line in the legend here Select the Options tab to extend the trend line into the future (Forward) or into the past (Backward) 35. Adding standard error or standard deviation bars to charts and graphs: -Error bars show the amount of variation around a mean plotted on a graph and are usually shown for the “y” values on the graph. -You can add error bars to data series in 2-D area, bar, column, line, xy scatter, and bubble charts. For xy scatter and bubble charts, you can display error bars for the “x” values, the “y” values, or both. -Standard error is the most commonly used measure for error bars on charts. 100 Example: Error bars on graph 80 60 low CO2 40 High CO2 20 0 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 I. Calculating the standard error. You have an option to add standard error bars to your graph, but this does not correctly calculate the standard error, so it is best to calculate it in your spread sheet. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 63 II. Standard error equation: Standard Error = Standard deviation √n n = the sample size III. Excel formula for standard error: =STDEV(B11:B14)/(SQRT(COUNT(B11:B14))) Data cells for standard deviation -Use this equation to calculate the standard error for the data sets you want to create error bars for. IV. Adding the error bars to your graph: -Left click on the data set on your graph you want to add error bars to, to select it -Right click the mouse and select Format Data Series OR – Select: Format >Format Selected Data Series -Choose the Y Error Bars tab Choose the type of error bar you want here Note, if you choose Standard Deviations or Standard Error that the program does not calculate these correctly Click on these button to select the standard error data you want from your spreadsheet Choose Custom 8/31/2006 Hit OK when done Note, that standard error bars must be added for each set of data independently. Created by Jeffrey Hill 64 36. Using Excel statistical packages: Excel has a statistical program you can use, but be careful to check the calculations. Some calculations do not always appear to run correctly. I. Adding in the statistical package: Select: Tools >Add Ins -Select: Analysis ToolPak >OK II. Using the statistical tools Select: Tools >Data Analysis Hit OK when done Select the statistics you want by clicking on it. Descriptive statistics gives measure of central tendency and variation Click here to select the data for the statistics -Hit OK when done Choose how the data replicates run here. If replicates run down columns choose columns. If they run across rows choose Be sure this box is checked to see summary statistics 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 65 37. Adding data to a chart once it is made: A. To add data to a chart, left click/hold and drag to select the data you want to add to your chart B. Copy the data using the copy function under Edit on the tool bar C. Click on the Chart to select it (Small squares will appear around the chart) D. Go under the Edit function and hit Paste (The new data will have been added to your chart) 38. Removing data from a chart once it is made: A. To remove data from a chart, left click on the part of the graph that represents the data set on the chart (Small squares will appear on that part of the chart) B. Hit the Delete button and that part of the graph will be removed 39. Changing graph elements from one type to another: A. Click on the graph element to be changed to another type (Small squares will appear on that part of the chart) B. Click on Chart and choose Chart type C. Choose the type of chart you want the element to be Example: Note that we have both a line chart and column chart on the same graph Right click on any part of the chart to change it attributes 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 66 40. Making a file a web page in which values can be changed by users on the web: >File >Save as Change type to web page and check the interactivity box Change to WebPage 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 67 41. Creating Data bases: Filters A. The columns in your work sheet must have “headings” to be recognized as a database. B. Filters: Allow you to select certain data from a table of data Ex. Students from year 2002 -First copy your column headings and the data item to filter by to a new location on your work sheet Data item to filter by -Go to the first cell of your data table >Data >Filter >Advanced filter -Choose filter the list in-place to filter the list where it is or copy to another location ( This will copy the filtered information to another location) Note, it is usually better to filter to another location because you will lose your original data if you filter to the same location 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 68 -Click here to change the data to be filtered -This data box will pop up -Left click/hold and drag to select the new data -The data selected will have a dotted line around it Note, that ESC will deselect data -When the new data is selected hit -Enter -Select the data filter by clicking here -Left click and drag to select the data filter criteria (Selected headings and criteria will have a dotted line around them) -Then hit Enter Filter criteria 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 69 -If you chose copy to another location Click here to select where the data will be put A small menu will pop up-Left click and drag to select where the filtered data will be put -Hit Enter -Hit OK - The new sorted data will appear 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 70 42. Creating dropdown menus of items within a worksheet: AutoFilters: A. The columns in your work sheet must have “headings” to be recognized as a database. B. >Data >Filter >AutoFilter C. Hit a down arrow ▼ and choose a category Using custom 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 71 D. Custom Auto Filtering: Choose the criteria for the filter here Choose the operators for the filter here 43. Data bases: Sorting A. The columns in your work sheet must have “headings” to be recognized as a database. B. The Sort function allows you to sort data in ascending or descending order -Select the first cell of the data set you want to sort >Data >Sort -Click the arrow down to select the item to sort by -Select to sort by Ascending or Descending order -Select a second or third sorting criteria here Note, under the options you can sort a table from left to right or to sort by month or day of the week -Hit OK -Data will be sorted by criteria in place C. Sorting a data based on a single row or column: -Select the row you want to sort by clicking on it 8/31/2006 -Sort the data by clicking on either of the sort icons Created by Jeffrey Hill 72 44. Data bases: Searching and deleting records from a data base A. The columns in your work sheet must have “headings” to be recognized as a database. B. The search and delete function allows you to find and delete records -Select the first cell of the data set >Data >Form -Click criteria to choose the search criteria -Type in the criteria you want to search by -Click Find Next (the system will find the first data with the criteria) -To delete it hit delete to remove the record - Then hit Find Next to find the next record with the criteria 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 73 45. Pivot tables and pivot charts: Pivot tables and pivot charts are interactive data tables that are linked to charts, so that when you change data in the table the chart automatically changes. I. Making a pivot table and pivot chart report: **** Data must be in columns with headings that identify the column**** >Data >Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Report -Choose the data source here -Choose Pivot Chart (with Pivot Table) -Hit Next -Select the data range you want (Note, if you are in the first cell of a table Excel will choose all the data in the table) - a moving dotted line will surround the selected data -Then hit Next -To select different data hit here------ Then Left click/hold and drag to select the new data -Then hit here 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 74 -Choose where you want the pivot table -If you choose the Existing worksheet hit here to select where you want the pivot table and left click/hold drag to select the location -Make sure you select at least as many columns as you are using from your data table - Then hit here -Choosing Pivot Table/ Chart Layout (Hit Layout) 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 75 -Left click/hold and drag the data you want into the table from here Example: Data (price) Column (models) Row (make) Hit OK when you are done -Hit Finish -- to make the table and chart 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 76 -When you hit finish a page similar to the page below will appear Click here to see the chart 1. Select the item you want to change in the pivot chart here. You can change the format of your pivot chart using this window 2. Select where you want to move the item here 8/31/2006 3. Hit Add To, to add the item to your chart Created by Jeffrey Hill 77 Data (Sum of price) Column (model) Row (Make) A. Changing the chart function (i.e., what is done with the data): -Double click on the data function box -Choose the new function you want and hit OK -Note different types of data default for different functions B. Changing Chart colors: -Double left click on any part of the chart -Choose the colors or style you want -Hit OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 78 C. Changing data used in the table: -You can change data in your table using the Pivot table tool bar (If you do not see this tool bar go under: View/ Toolbars/ select the Pivot Table tool bar) -You can Left click/hold and drag data in or out of the Rows, Columns or Data of your table Example: Change the columns from “Model” to “Type” 1. Remove an item from the pivot chart: Example: Left click/hold and drag the model into the tool bar 2. Move an item into the pivot chart Click here to see the Pivot Table Field List 8/31/2006 Example: Left click/hold and drag type into the column place holder Created by Jeffrey Hill 79 D. Changing the type of chart: -Hit the chart icon on the Pivot Table tool bar or the Excel tool bar at the top of the screen -Choose the new type of chart you want and chart characteristics: -Hit Finish when done E. Changing data in your original chart: -Note, the data in your original data table, pivot table and chart are linked so that when you change data in your original table it changes in your pivot table and pivot chart. -Change the data in any cell in your original table -Then update your pivot table and chart. Click on the table to select it and hit refresh (!) on the pivot table tool bar. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 80 II. Publish a Pivot table and chart to the internet: This will allow you to make your pivot table and pivot chart into interactive web pages, so that when you change values in the pivot table the pivot chart will change. -Choose the page with the Pivot chart on it >File >Save As -Choose the entire workbook or selection sheet -Choose page name -Choose web page -Add interactivity -select this so that you can have a interactive pivot table on the web that you can change values in and have your pivot chart change -Hit Publish -Check here to open the web page in the web browser -Hit Publish 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 81 46. Financial function: payment calculator: -Type in the data (make sure the rate has percent sign) - Make sure you have column headings in -Click on the cell you want the result of the calculation in to select it >Insert >Function -Choose Financial -Choose PMT >OK - The following screen will pop up (Left click/hold and drag on the screen so that it is not covering your data) Rate = interest rate Nper = Total number of payments PV = Total principle of loan -Data input: -Click on the Rate cell in the pop up table and then on the interest rate in the Excel table (note the interest rate needs to be divided by 12 so that you get the monthly rate (cell number/12)) -Click Nper cell and then on the cell with the number of payment in your Excel table -Click on the PV cell and then on the cell with the principle of the loan in your Excel table 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 82 -Hit OK -- the amount of loan payments will show up in the payment cell 47. Macros = A macro records a number of key strokes so that you can hit one key and get all the encoded steps at once (note this also works in word) A. >Tools >Macro >Record new macro -Type the Macro name here -You can put a letter here for a control key short cut -Control + letter or -Control + Shift + letter -Hit OK B. -Now type in all the items you want in the macro (It can be text and formulas and can be in a number of cells) -Hit Tab after last item and hit here C. Using your macro (Control + letter or Control + Shift + letter) = macro information will be insert 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill Select here for relative cell reference 83 48. Making a tool bar button for your macro: (note this also works in word) A. Right click on any tool bar at the top of the page >Customize -Commands Tab Choose------- >Macro -Left click-hold and drag the button (i.e. smilie face) to where you want it on a tool bar at the top of the page -Close customize screen B. Assigning a macro to the button: -Left click button >Assign macro -Choose the macro you want from the list -Hit OK 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 84 C. Changing the button icon: -Right click on any blank area of any tool bar >Customize -Commands Tab -Click on the button you want to modify a black square will appear around it - Click on the Modify Selection button -Click on Change Button Image -Click on the icon you want -Hit close when done D. Adding text to a button: -Right click on any blank area of any tool bar >Customize -Commands Tab -Click on the button you want to modify a black square will appear around it - Click on the Modify Selection button -Type in the text for the button next to Name 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 85 -Shift +7 puts in the “&” before a letter in the name (This underlines the letter behind it - making ALT+ that letter insert the macro) - Ex. Ho&me = ALT+M inserts the macro -Make sure Image and Text is checked -Hit Close when done 49. Grouping data: Grouping data makes it so you can hide certain rows or columns if you want. This can be useful when you only want to work with part of your data set. A. Grouping data: Example for columns, but the same could be done with rows: -Select the columns or rows you want by left click/hold and dragging across the column heading or row numbers you want >Data >Group and Outline >Group B. Working with grouped data: -Hit the minus sign (-) to make the grouped rows disappear 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 86 -Hit the plus sign (+) to make the grouped rows reappear C. Removing data grouping: -Select the columns you want to ungroup >Data >Group and Outline >Ungroup 50. Hiding and un-hiding rows or columns: A. Hiding columns or rows -Left click hold and drag across the column letters or row numbers to select the columns you want to hide >Format -Choose >Row or >Column >Hide B. Un-hiding columns or rows -Left click hold and drag across the column letters or row numbers to select across the hidden columns or rows >Format -Choose >Row or >Column >Unhide 51. Freezing rows or columns: Freezing rows and columns keeps a row or a column visible while you move through the other rows or columns in a spreadsheet. This is often used to keeps column or row titles visible while you move down or across a table. Note, you can only freeze rows or columns not both. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 87 -Left click on the letter column of the column to the right of the column want to freeze or on the row number of the row below the you want to freeze >Window >Freeze Panes Frozen row When you move down the spreadsheet the frozen row stays in view To unfreeze rows or columns: >Window >Unfreeze Panes 52. Report view: After data is grouped it can be saved as a report view. Often different report views are created for different users. All users can still see all the data by hitting the + sign, but the report view allows particular users to see the data of that is most important to them. These different views are created by first grouping the data. Each different view is then saved as different report view. A. Create a Report view: -First group the data ( see #45 above) and hide the rows you do not want showing >View >Custom views -Name the view -Click add B. Viewing the Report view: >Views >Custom views -Choose the view you want -Click on show 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 88 53. Checking data to be sure it is in the correct ranges - Data validation: A. Select the cells you want validation on B. >Data >Validation -Choose the Setting tab Choose the type of number here Choose the data test and criteria here Input Message tab: This allows you to set up a message we a cell is selected for data input Error Alert tab: This allows you to set up a message that will be seen when data outside the criteria range is entered Note, click here on the Formula Auditing tool bar to see invalid data circled in red 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 89 54. Protecting cells and worksheets: A. Protecting cells and worksheets: It is often useful to protect cells that have formulas in them so that they are not accidentally changed when you are working on a worksheet. I. Locking cells: Locking cells prevents only the locked cells from being changed when the workbook it protected. Note, by default all cells on a worksheet are locked, so if you want to have only certain cells locked you should first unlock all the cells on the worksheet and then lock the cells you want locked. Unlocking all the cells: -Select all the cells on the sheet >Format >Cells -Choose the Protection tab -Unselect the Locked box -Hit OK -Left click/hold and drag to select the cells you want to lock >Format >Cells -Choose the protection tab -Select the Locked box -Hit OK Note, you can select and lock as many different groups of cells as you want II. Protecting the worksheet: Note, locked cells on a worksheet are not locked until the worksheet is protected. >Tools >Protection >Protect sheet Select: Protect worksheets and contents of locked cells Type in the password you want here Select the things you want users to be able to modify here: -Select unlocked cells Hit OK when done and reconfirm your password on the screen that pops up 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 90 B. Removing protection from sheets: >Tools >Protection -Choose -Unprotect Sheet -Type in your password 55. Password protecting workbooks: >File >Save As -Select the location you want the file saved and type in the name you want for the file -Select Tools Select General Options Put in the passwords you want to open or to modify If the Read-only box is selected you can open the workbook without a password, but it can not be saved as the same file. 8/31/2006 Hit OK when done and reconfirm the passwords on the screen that pops up and hit Save Created by Jeffrey Hill 91 A. Removing workbook passwords: -Open the document >File >Save As > Tools >General Options -Delete the passwords here 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 92 Using Excel Index Section Page Number -Open Excel and parts of Excel 1 1. Identifying cells in a table 2 2. Identifying a area in a table 2 3. Moving between cells 3 4. Control and Alt commands to move between cells 3 5. Putting text into cells 4 6. Selecting continuous and non-continuous cells 4 7. Copying data from one set of cells to another 5 A. Copy/ Paste function or Cut/ Paste 5 B. Changing rows into columns or columns into rows when you 5 paste: C. Increasing or decreasing numbers using the paste special 5 function: D. Using the select and drag method to move data to adjacent 6 cells: E. Moving data to other cells by dragging 6 8. Completing a series like months, days or numbers 7 9. Creating your own series lists 8 10. Making rows and columns fit the data 9 11. Centering data in a widened row or column 10 -Text wrapping - Merging cells 12. Merge a number of cells and center a title in them 11 13. Adding rows and columns / Deleting rows and columns 11 14. Formatting numbers in cells 12 15. Opening, naming, moving, copying deleting or adding worksheets 13 A. Open a worksheet in a workbook: 13 B. Renaming a worksheet: 13 C. Changing the tab color for worksheets: 13 D. Moving worksheets within a workbook: 14 E. Moving or copying worksheets between workbooks: 14 F. Deleting worksheets: 15 G. Adding new worksheet pages: 15 16. Formulas 16 A. Common symbols 16 B. Common Functions 17 C. Formula structure 17 I. Formula rules 17 18 Example formulas II Making Formulas that work with cells on multiple 19 worksheets or workbooks: (3D formulas) III. Absolute cell references 20 D. Sum sign 20 I. Using the Sum function to sum multiple rows at once 20 II. Using the Sum function to sum the same range of cells 21 on different worksheets. 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill Section E. Subtotaling within tables F. Using IF statements I. Using two or more criteria to sum or count cells: (DSUM and DCOUNT) G. Advanced IF statements I. Basic format: II. More functions next to the ∑ III. Using multiple if statements: Example grades IV. Using Lookup Tables c. Looking for values that are text: INDEX d. Using VLOOKUP to find values in unsorted tables V. Using AND, OR or NOT with IF statements VI. Using insert function with “AND”, “OR” and NOT” H. Working with Dates: I. Copying formulas to other cells J. Inserting a function and selecting the cells for the function K. Changing the cells selected for a formula L. Formula error messages M. Making all formulas on a worksheet show: N. The formula auditing toolbar: O. Adding comments: 17. Adding dropdown boxes to select values from 18. Auto format to format tables 19. Conditional formatting 20. A. Formatting cell boarders B. Formatting cell backgrounds 21. Printing A. Selecting the print area B. Setting the margins for printing -Moving page breaks for printing: C. Setting up headers and footers for printing D. Reducing the size of the printed material 22. Linking data between worksheets 23. Viewing two or more workbooks at once and linking data between them 24. Consolidating worksheets 25. Importing data from other programs 26. Putting Excel spread sheets in PowerPoint - linked data 27. General information on making graphs and figures A. Chart Wizard B. Column, line and pie charts 28. Making pie charts K. Making pie charts when data is not in a set of continuous cells 29. Changing the type of chart 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 93 Page Number 22 23 23 27 27 27 28 28 30 30 31 32 33 34 34 36 36 37 37 37 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 44 45 45 46 47 47 47 48 50 52 Section 30. Modifying a chart A. Chart options tabs B. Changing the size of a chart 31. Making a column chart with multiple data sets 32. Making charts that graph one variable against another 33. Modifying and formatting graph attributes after the graph is made A. Chart parts: Labeled in blue B. Formatting legends: C. Changing or setting the scale of the “X” or “Y” axis. 34. Adding trend lines to charts: 35. Adding standard error or standard deviation bars to charts or graphs 36. Using Excel statistical packages 37. Adding data to a chart once it is made 38. Removing data from a chart once it is made 39. Changing graph elements from one type to another 40. Making a file a web page in which elements can by changed by users on the web. 41. Creating data bases: filters 42. Creating dropdown menus of items within a worksheet: AutoFilters: D. Custom Auto Filtering: 43. Data bases: sorting 44. Data base: searching and deleting records from a data base 45. Pivot tables and pivot charts 46. Financial function: payment calculator 47. Macros 48. Making a tool bar button for your macro 49. Grouping data (hiding rows and columns) 50. Hiding and un-hiding rows or columns 51. Freezing rows or columns: 52. Report view 53. Checking data to be sure it is in the correct ranges - Data validation 54. Protecting cells and worksheets: A. Protecting cells and worksheets: B. Removing protection from sheets: 55. Password protecting workbooks: A. Removing workbook passwords: Index 8/31/2006 Created by Jeffrey Hill 94 Page Number 53 53 53 54 55 59 59 60 61 61 62 64 65 65 65 66 67 70 71 71 72 73 81 82 83 85 86 86 87 88 89 89 90 90 91 92-94