Druppel 18-1 - Dispuut Watermanagement


Druppel 18-1 - Dispuut Watermanagement
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Sponsor Index
Arcadis Nederland
BAM Civiel
Duinwaterbedrijf Zuid-Holland
HKV Lijn in water
Hydrologic BV
Neelen en Schuurmans
Royal Haskoning
23 and 28
2 and 8
2 and 16
2 and 4
2 and 32
Dear reader,
Volume 18, Number 1, April 2008
The ‘Druppel’ is a magazine of the student
society of water management of the TU Delft.
The magazine is published three times a year.
Ruben Calje
Stijn de Jong
In cooperation with:
Thieme Media Services
Because we had to wait for the article about the symposium,
this Druppel is a little bit later then usual. But we think it was
worth waiting for.
After the success of the Company special in the previous
Druppel, we now present you the Abroad special. You can
read about the experiences of students who went abroad for
a project, internship or MsC-Thesis. The intention was to give
other students some insight in going abroad.
Besides the special we have an interesting article of Prof.
Savenije, the company case at Royal Haskoning, more infor-
The ‘Druppel’ is distributed to
all members of the
Dispuut Watermanagement
Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Geosciences
Room 4.74
Stevingweg 1
2628 CN Delft
Telephone 015-2784284
[email protected]
mation about the big trip to Argentina and of course the full
story of the symposium.
We would like to thank all the people who wrote a small
article for the Druppel. Without them this Druppel wouldn’t
be possible.
Enjoy reading,
Ruben and Stijn
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ons voorzieningsgebied hebben wij een grote ver-
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Wil je meer weten over PWN kijk dan op www.pwn.nl
Table of Contents
The Sustainable Village
page 9
Company Case Royal Haskoning
Page 10
Symposium 2008
Page 12
Abroad Special
Page 18
Sponsor index
Company Case Royal Haskoning
Symposium 2008
Table of Contents
Abroad Special
From the board
Big Trip to Argentina July 2008
Upcoming activities
Water Jokes and Quotes
The sustainable village
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
From the board
by Ruben Calje
Last November was the board change of the dispuut water-
8th of April. Vitens is the biggest drinking water company
management. This is already a while ago, but since this is
of the Netherlands, and serves water to 5.4 million people
in the provinces of Flevoland, Friesland, Gelderland, Utrecht,
about the new board members. With Koen Hilgersom, Lucyna
Overijssel and some parts of Drenthe and North-Holland. This
Magda and Stijn de Jong the dispuut replenished itself with
company case is not only for students of sanitary engineer-
fresh faces. Koen made sure the member database of the
ing, as there will also be a case in hydrology/water resource
dispuut was re-organized, which was needed because in the
management. We ask everybody who wants to join to sign
last two years a lot of people left the TU, either with a degree
in at room 4.74.
or to complete their study in their homeland. Stijn continued
the work of the dispuut to evaluate the water management
Later in April, on the 22nd, the board will change again with 3
courses, and to monitor the education in general. Meanwhile
new members and in June there will also be the famous bar-
Lucyna designed a new website, and set up two drinks for the
becue, with which we will welcome summer at the TU Delft.
students and the department.
If you would like to know more about certain things or just
want to drink a cup of coffee with us, visit us at room 4.74 or
Besides these things, two committees worked hard in the
contact us through our mail-address, or website:
past months to organize two big activities: the symposium
about virtual water combined with biofuels (took place on the
[email protected]
18th of March) and the big trip to Argentina in July. Later on
In the next coming months there will be several more activiWLHV7KH¿UVWRQHZLOOEHWKHFRPSDQ\FDVHWR9LWHQVRQWKH
We hope to see you at the next activities of the dispuut!
By Stijn de Jong
At the Dispuut Watermanagement we do our best to make
CT5460 Ecology in water management
sure that education is kept at a high level. Every block the
dispuut is participating in course evaluations. We do this in
ly, students think following the lectures are not re
cooperation with the department of Watermanagement and
the department of student affairs of the faculty of Civil En-
Because the lectures follow the lectures notes close
ally necessary.
The teacher will make the lectures more interesting
by an interactive approach.
If it is possible to give the course next year in the
During the second block of this year three courses were
When you read this Druppel the third block is already ended.
We are still working on the course evaluations of this block,
Block 1.2
the results will be available in a few week. If the results are
CT4481 Wastewater treatment 1
known they will be published on the website of the dispuut:
There will be more worked out exercises available
for the students.
Next year the lectures will be more structured.
We are thankful for the collaboration of the teachers and of
A list with English-Dutch translation of terms and
course the valuable response of the students. Without them
the course evaluations aren’t possible.
Next year another professor will teach this course,
in agreement with the teacher the course will be
Thanks for your input!
evaluated again next year.
CT5490 Operational water management
The interactive way of teaching is appreciated by
Next year, the lecture notes will be improved.
Old exams will be available on blackboard.
the students.
Upcoming Activities
Dispuut Watermanagement
Company case Vitens
8 April
Board Change
22 April
somewhere in June
Big Trip To Argentina
7 July - 29 July
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The Sustainable Village
by Huub Savenije, professor of Hydrology
and different land management practices. In that way we
help to make the agricultural production more sustainable.
But that is only the beginning.
During the Lustrum Symposium in December 2007, on Sustainability Solutions, Focus on Africa, we launched the idea of
the “Sustainable Village” where we investigate options to create a sustainable environment where rural people themselves
can create a more productive and safe living environment.
Besides improved rain-fed agriculture, it includes: rainwater
harvesting for water supply; low-cost options for water treatment; recycling of human waste and nutrients; sustainable
energy sources (wind, biogas, biofuel, solar energy); sustainDEOHEXLOGLQJPLFUR¿QDQFLQJDFFHVVWRLQIRUPDWLRQ:L¿
and the stimulation of small enterprises. Clearly the TU-Delft
has a lot to offer in this regard. Lately many of our students
have worked in Africa, as intern, as MSc student, or as a multi-disciplinary team in a project group. Most of them worked
in Tanzania, but also in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South AfHere in Delft our students are very much aware of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs): the initiative of the Unit-
rica, Senegal and Ghana. It is good to see that Africa is so
popular with our students.
decades. Most of the MDGs, in some way or another, relate
to water: water supply, sanitation, food security and health.
Many of the world’s poor live in a rural environment, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. During my professional life I
spent a lot of time in Southern and Eastern Africa: countries
like Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.
maintaining hydrological networks. More recently my work
has concentrated on improving rain-fed agriculture. In subSaharan Africa, 90% of the food production is rain-fed, and
highly suboptimal. Funny enough, there is a great advantage
hidden in the fact that yields are so low: it means there is a
huge potential to increase agricultural productivity! The main
reason for crops to fail in this part of the world is the occurrence of dry spells during the rainy season. Although the
total amount of rainfall during the growing season is often
enough, the distribution of the rainfall over the season is so
Recently I have welcomed back a few familiar faces on our
up a detailed network of rain gauges in the Pare Mountains
occurred right before his eyes in the Makanya river. Wouter
Sotthewes, who surveyed the estuary of the Pangani river
and stayed for a month in a small village overlooking the Indian Ocean, where he enjoyed, but also suffered from, the lack
of luxury of the rural African environment. Maarten SmoorenEXUJZKRGLG¿HOGUHVHDUFKLQWKHPLGGOHRIWKH2NDYDQJR
Delta wildlife reserve. Marloes Mul, who does her PhD in Zimbabwe and Tanzania on the hydrology of the Makanya river.
Hessel Winsemius who installed new hydrological equipment
on the Luangwa river in Zambia, in the middle of a beautiful wild life reserve. And Miriam Gerrits, who expanded her
interception research to Zimbabwe to see how much water
evaporates under a Msasa tree.
irregular that frequently dry spells of more than ten days occur, enough for a crop to wilt. In the research that I do jointly
with colleagues from the Unesco-IHE, and with about 5 PhD
students and several MSc students, both from the Netherlands and from Africa, we investigate several innovations to
From my side, my main contribution is that I create opportunities for interesting and relevant research together with
friendly and interesting people, under the African sun and in
a beautiful and often unspoiled environment.
water diversion, supplementary irrigation from groundwater,
Huub Savenije
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Company Case Royal Haskoning
by Theoclea Swiech
On the 23rd of November at 8.30, a group of students left
Sanitary engineering case: Budai case study
Haskoning in Rotterdam for a company case organised by the
This case was about drinking water in Dubai In this newly
Dispuut Water Management. During a whole day, we could
build city a totally new drinking water system had to be de-
imagine ourselves as future water managers working for Roy-
signed. The contractor was a wealthy Arabien who had build
al Haskoning, on projects that really involved the company.
many luxurious hotels, residential homes, and sporting centers. Money did not really play a role, but people had to have
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as little nuisance as possible by the building of thenew drinking water plant. An mayor issue the students did not think of,
as became clear after the presentations, was to build an underground drinking water plant. Another mayor issue was to
incorperate a waste water treatment as well, which needed
more investments. The proces of the day was the same as
with the hydrology case, of which can be read more below.
Hydrology case: Sibelco case study
Sibelco, a global market leader in the sector of sand and minHUDOVH[WUDFWLRQDQGUH¿QHPHQWRZQVD6LOLFDVDQGPLQHLQ
When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the staff, and
Limburg and wishes exploit it. Part of the challenge is that a
the presentations started. René Noppeney (Direction Division
natural moorland area is located nearby. The company has to
Water) gave us a short introductive presentation altogether
write an annual plan of activity to determine the negative ef-
with a movie on Royal Haskoning, a consultancy company
fects on the environment and propose measures to mitigate
operating worldwide and with a specialization, among others,
in water and environment. Afterwards, Wouter Swierstra and
the groundwater table, quality of the water, and noise and
Danny van der Veldt described the two cases, the Sibelco
dust pollutions which might affect the nearby natural area.
mine for the students in water resources management and
hydrology, and the Dubai drinking water plant for the sanitary
water, create a lake and with evaporation, contribute to lower
engineering students. We split into four groups, one for the
the water table in the surroundings. This water might also be
Dubai plant and three groups for the Sibelco case study: the
polluted by the mine’s activities. Moreover, the noise might
affect the breeding of species in the natural areas, and the
good impression to obtain the contract with the customer.
dust could be a nuisance for the people living nearby.
Another parameter is the close monitoring of this area by
many interest groups to whom Sibelco has to respond. Sibelco also has to meet environmental standards, to obtain
and keep an operating permit.
The objective of Royal Haskoning here is to assist Sibelco
in writing the plan for the coming years, as the consultancy
open mines and their hydrological impact.
The groups were handed guidelines to prepare the case and
the presentations - in real life, to the board of Sibelco. Given
that Sibelco was thinking of a budget of 30 “royals” - no real
money was involved here - to offer to Royal Haskoning for its
Followed a discussion between the students and the staff,
we would involve for that amount. The available experts were
who gave us some feedbacks regarding team work and at-
mostly in the domains of hydrology, ecology, environmental
mosphere in the groups – which can be tense. We also were
surveys and even communication and legal affairs. Another
given possible solutions, but as was said, there is no absolute
answer and consultants can come up with various possibili-
to understand the economic stakes and how to optimise the
ing had advised Sibelco to reduce activity during the breeding
to mitigate the negative impact the mine will have on the
After a lunch we shared with the company staff, we came up
with various solutions and found ourselves in a hurry as we
One person from each group was asked to present the results
Finally, the day at Royal Haskoning came to an end, and the
of the study, and many interesting points were exposed in the
managers told us their satisfaction concerning our work.
presence of newly arrived managers.
Apart from several gifts, they also offered us job prospects
as Royal Haskoning is expanding and hence looking for more
engineers. Around 5.00 PM, we went to a neighbouring Café
for a friendly borrel with the company staff. It was an opportunity to discuss informally with young graduates recently
hired at Royal Haskoning as well as senior managers, whose
experience in the company seems quite attractive. A good
point of Royal Haskoning is the fact they hire students just after their graduation, unlike many other company who require
several years of experience.
The day could not have been concluded without a nice dinner
in a restaurant, back in Delft, with the members of the Dispuut. All in all, the company case at Royal Haskoning was a success which I hope will be repeated in the coming months.
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
by Koen Hilgersom
For years now the Dispuut yearly organises a well visited
In a more global world, international trading and economic
symposium. So it did this year. This means that there is a
growth are booming. Nowadays, for a certain price every
good possibility that you, as a Dispuut member or relation,
country can import non-domestic goods. This generates an
might have attended the symposium. In that case this text
might provide you a good review on the symposium. In case
water resources of producing countries. To prevent a local
you were not able to attend the symposium, the following
water-scarcity, it might be necessary to think of a redistribu-
tion of products according to the local water resources in the
This year the symposium was organized in cooperation with
countries involved.
UNESCO-IHE. They provided their large and nice looking au-
On top of that, there is an emerging problem regarding bio-
ditorium which provided enough space for the bigger than
fuels. Many recent reports warn and indicate that rising food
average amount of participants. Except for students from IHE
prices may be caused by increased biofuel production. The
and the TU Delft, students from other cities like Wageningen,
Enschede and even Barcelona appeared to be interested as
to make the EU government reconsider the stated policy of
getting 10% of Europe’s road fuels from plants.
has the development of biofuels impact water scarcity? Are
sustainable energy water positive? And to what extent are
biofuels the real cause of the rising prices on the world food
These are questions that, in advance were formulated and
expected to be answered by the group of speakers invited for
the symposium, addressing many facets of the subject.
Perhaps not necessary
helpful for a good
symposium it is to
The latter once more proved the importance and topicality of
have one or more
the subject chosen for this year’s symposium: the concept of
virtual water was linked to biofuels, a topic that is inevitable
real hot shots in their
The symposium committee aimed to make a link between
attracted a few and
worldwide energy markets and virtual water. Trading biofuels
we were lucky to be
means trading water according to this concept, but linking
lectured by them this
these two concepts, was something new. The production of
morning: at 9 o’clock
am, the chairman of
nitely on water resources. Are rising food prices the drive to
be more critical towards biofuels or will water scarcity be the
Pieter van der Zaag
key factor?
The trade of potential energy carriers, such as corn, sugar
cane, cotton, to countries that have no natural energy re-
Allan. Tony Allan is a retired Professor at King’s College Lon-
sources will use water during growth production and process-
don and inventor of the virtual water concept. Basically he
ing. Together with the trade of the energy carriers, there is
is the person that laid the basis for regarding water as an
automatically a virtual water trade between importing and
economic good.
exporting countries.
Because no one could in-
troduce us better to the
of the global energy consumption comes from biofuels which
concept of virtual water
takes away the idea that biofuels are a totally new source of
than Mister Allan him-
self, this opening speaker
turned out to be foundation of the theme of this
symposium “Water trade,
a virtual reality?!”.
Professor Allan started off with a short history of the oil crisis
in 1979 that once was his motivation to get involved in this
subject. After the crisis in 1979 no obvious lesson seemed to
be learned however. It had struck the Professor how and why
global political economies had such different ways of dealing
with, for him obvious, problems. Allan therefore stated; In
the end always the “abstract” (driving ideas of society and
politics) appears to overwhelm the “concrete” (knowledge
from observed science).
Advantages of biofuels are for example that they are cleaner
While dealing with the social economic knowledge the intro-
than others and can be easily transported. But there are also
duction of virtual water was for him the next step in 1992
disadvantages like a higher emission of nitrous oxide, water
(after introduction under the name of embedded water was
consumption and impacts on water quality as well as socio-
not picked up two years earlier).
economical impacts. The truth of how good biofuels are ,will
After introduction of this rigorous idea he of course also got
be somewhere in the middle.
a lot of critique. One of the criticasters, Steve Merrett of the
All over the world there now are huge targets on applying
London Group, stated for example that water and food are
biofuels. However, a 10 % conversion will require a 40 % land
totally separate things. However, over time the idea was ac-
conversion. Because this is not possible in the US and Europe
cepted by more and more scientists which clearly showed at
which causes people to ‘go south’.
the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico (2006).
The second generation of biofuels gets commercial within the
next decade: this generation consists of lignocelulosic, woody
materials, straw, grass and waste. According to Uhlenbrook
this, however, does not hold that we can just use dead trees
that are widely available: they are very important for biodiversity and removing them may have large impacts on ecosystems. For this generation some promising techniques are
currently being developed.
At the moment even a third generation is rising: the one of
the real energy crop, directly to be converted into energy
(algea). It will still take a while before this generation becomes widely available. Research after the need of the cor-
Second in the line of speakers was Stefan Uhlenbrook from
rect enzymes for conversion, costs a lot of money and at the
moment there is still a lot of research to be done.
fuels on water.
Concluding, Uhlenbrook stated that one third of the future
several generations of biofuels. So that is where he started
both great opportunities and dangers and fundamental re-
searches are needed to identify complex interactions with the
products that compete with the food chain (corn, …). Biofuels
surroundings next to the political will to mitigate the effects.
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Professor Arjen Hoekstra was the third speaker of the day.
lands. The water footprint can be of great importance as a
Hoekstra’s presentation touched upon the national water
communication tool. Still a big question is how to get com-
policy with respect to water trade and the implications of the
panies to set up a water footprint. Perhaps this can be done
changing global demands for food and biofuels.
by impressing on the risk for the company of possible effects
of local scarcity.
The last speaker of the day, Katja Langen from ENECO Energie, concluded the morning session. Besides the view from
science and nature organisations it was good to get a view
from the commercial sector as well. The company considers
sustainable energy as the future source of energy and invests
at the moment in, among other things, biofuel projects.
ENECO’s strategy on biofuels consists of maximization of
sustainability (investment), availability (diverse sources) and
economies (mitigation of market prices). Their strategy is one
of backward integration: buying primary and processing assets.
,Q KLV SUHVHQWDWLRQ +RHNVWUD ¿UVWO\ GLVWLQJXLVKHG WKH GLIIHUent sources of water: one has to consider whether the water
is green, blue or grey (pollution). The commodity in which
water is traded is of great importance as well: one can save
water by importing water-intensive commodities. And then
one has to consider the location where a drop of water is
used: a drop of water used in one location is different from a
drop of water used somewhere else on the globe.
Noticing this, it is interesting to set up a water balance for
the area: its water footprint! So including the trade in commodities, showing how demanding trade of products are for
a certain area.
According to the Cramer criteria ENECO has to manage the
the WWF was the fourth
production and use of biofuels such that they keep balance
speaker of the morning.
for planet and people: so in a sustainable way. At the mo-
He stressed the WWF view
ment ENECO therefore has a pilot project in Makanya (Tanza-
with biodiversity as a key
nia) for cultivating Jatropha.
indicator. Water shortages
caused by a large stress
The afternoon session was formed by interactive games con-
on the ecosystem causes
cerning the problems around the water use of biofuels fol-
the number of species to
lowed by a panel discussion.
The parallel sessions helped providing insight in the problems
This motivates the WWF
around virtual water trade applied to biofuels. The subject
to stress the importance
of the games might not always have looked enhanced to the
topic, but if you think about it the link certainly becomes vis-
of water use for imported
ible. The main concern of the games involved trading and
goods back to the Nether-
exploitation of scarce resources: how hard is it to do this in a
At the end of the day an extensive panel discussion was held.
Although some speakers already left at that time the panel
proper way when you deal with all kinds of stakeholders?
In one of the parallel sessions a video was shown on the
Indian coast, entering upon the complexity of water resource
competition and resource management. Looking at the problem of scarcity in a whole different setting was really helpful
Some really critical questions came from the room, which
to get into discussion on how to deal with such a problem.
during the discussion appeared to be well occupied with a lot
After the dry theory of the morning this added a welcome
of water management students. Problems were raised like
view on the social aspects.
getting politics so far that they really want to cope with the
The aspect of trading resources was something that also
problem of water trade from water scarce area (“the next
came through in the serious gaming sessions. The gaming
world war might even be on water”) and the involvement of
just one small farmer in the total of water trade (it does not
they look quite like simple games, but they contain a serious
mean something for a village person). The latter proves that
layer. For example, how do we obtain an optimal number of
you really have to consider scale in the whole con-
cept. Another conclusion
as much as possible? The question can best be answered by
drawn is that, if you really
simulating several years of catches.
want a good integrated
In two other types
view on the problem, you
of afternoon ses-
have to consider not only
sions the more so-
the water footprint in an
area but also for example
were used: smart
the nutrient footprint: the
boards in one and
problem involves water
a network of lap-
but also more.
tops in the other,
Professor Savenije, who also had taken place in the panel
both aiming to have
came with a nice concluding remark: how sustainable is
a good brainstorm
trading biofuels all over the world using fossil fuels bringing
and mind mapping.
products to places where the labour is cheapest and then to
Unless there was
places where they are sold? With this question in the back
some starting trou-
of our minds we could all have a drink, while continuing the
ble with the lap-
discussion. Although not all of our questions were answered
tops, these sessions
during the symposium, one thing became clear for sure: the
appeared to be very
trade of water with biofuels certainly is a complex problem
useful as well.
and this for sure is not the only complexity that is still around
this type of fuels.
Botter 11 nr. 29
Postbus 2120
8203 AC Lelystad
0320 294242
0320 253901
[email protected]
HKV LIJN IN WATER is een onafhankelijk bureau voor advies
en onderzoek op het gebied van water en waterbeheer.
Wij besteden10-15% van ons budget aan onderzoek en
ontwikkeling. Met deze insteek kunnen wij studenten
volop mogelijkheden bieden voor:
grensverleggende onderzoeken
Innovatieve ideeën worden door ons zeer op prijs gesteld.
Wij horen graag van je!
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Abroad Special
Fieldwork Ghana
page 19
Project Surinam
Page 20
Lessons of the Camel (Egypt)
Page 22
Gooooooooood morning Vietnam!
Page 24
Irrigation in Arequipa, Peru
Page 26
Fieldwork Ghana 18 nov.- 20 dec.
by Joost van den Berg
Already at the gate at Schiphol it occurred to me that Ghana
would be an amazing experience. African time, not the worst
national dish and chicken. Because I really like food, I would
thing for me to get used to! Half hour delay at the check-in,
go for the local dish, called bawku. This is a white sticky
while rain in Accra (the only drops we’ve seen during our stay)
caused another hour delay. Once outside the airport, among
worse, because I was only able to take one small piece of
almost thousand obtrusive taxi-drivers and other impatient
meat from it. I think the chicken alive was more hungry than
people, our driver was waiting. I was lucky to go along with
I was at that moment. I realized that this would be the start
Martine (Poolman), one of my supervisors, because she has
of a period with a very limited choice of food and some ad-
been in Ghana a lot and knew that the driver would disappear
aptation of my stomach! Rice with tomato and onion, pasta
with tomato and onion, eggs with…tomato and onion. Lucky
in the capital, Accra, which was very new for me. Among al
enough Martine had more inspiration to make some combi-
nations, but still it didn’t prevent me from only eating once
experience in an African city.
per day, except for the baby food and banana I had to eat
in the morning. Not surprising I lost 8 kilo of my not already
You can imagine, everything is new and of course you have
to big body!
some ideas about how it should be, but experience it in a real
situation is something else. Children on the back, busy open
markets, all kind of ‘things’ on people’s head…the driver also
people allowed us to enter different interesting places, like a
beach resort and the independence square.
measurements among curious farmers (see picture above).
Meanwhile Martine arranged the transport to Navrongo (850
km to the north) for which we would leave early the next
bike (see picture on the left) to be ahead of the real heat and
morning. Although the road showed a lot of cracks, holes and
were back between 1 and 6 pm. During the evening, Martine
sand the trip took us only 14 hours; driving with 150 km/h
and I spent our time on watching DVDs and telling each oth-
on these roads did help! We arrived around 8 o’clock, already
ers stories about all the experiences that day.
dark, but we still needed to eat something. In my naivety
I thought they would have a good restaurant in Navrongo.
Back in Accra, my parents arrived for a 10-days holiday. Their
best combination in my opinion. In general the ‘restaurants’
times tough, but anyway it turned out to be a very special
looked more like some sandy gardens with garden furniture
and unforgettable time!
and sometimes brick walls around it. And don’t forget the
hungry and slim dogs, cats and goats around you!
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Project Surinam
by Ruud van der Ent
In May 2006 large parts of the interior of Surinam were seYHUHO\VWUXFNE\ÀRRGV,QWKHDIWHUPDWKRIWKLVGLVDVWHUDOO
kinds of organisations offered their help this rural areas.
Amongst them a group of (water management) students of
and they also did some research into the water quality of the
drinking water sources of the local people. You could read
about all their experiences in Druppel 1 – Volume 17.
Almost a year after the last group, in September and October 2007, we, Floor v/d Berg, Harry de Brauw, Ruud v/d Ent
and Joost Nelissen continued their work. The previous group
installed staff gauges in four different villages alongside the
Upper Surinam river. Water levels were supposed to be reFRUGHG E\ WKH KHDGV RI WKH ORFDO DLU¿HOGV EXW IRU GLIIHUHQW
reasons the recorded data was very low. This was for us a
little bit of a setback, because we wanted to work with this
data. To gain more hydrological knowledge about the river
(three weeks). At the same time we tried to get the whole
measurement system on the roll again. Something easier said
the realised.
The culture of the people is totally different, they eat for
example monkeys and make a funeral into a big party! Being
used to, but it is certainly a different way of live. We slept
in small huts in beds or hammocks alongside cockroaches,
spiders and iguanas. Washing ourselves and doing our dishes
took place in the river, a luxury as water from the tap is unnecessary with a nice river so close by. We stayed in every
was done with a korjaal, which is a long boat. When encountering a large soela (rapid), everything needs to be taken
out of the boat, a thing that can be rather exhausting on a
normal hot day.
After only a week of preparations we took off from the capital
city, Kajana. To get started in this new environment we got
WKHKHOSRIWZR6XULQDPHVHIRUWKH¿UVWFRXSOHRIGD\V%Hcause we took a lot of material, food and water we reached
the total weight of a little bit over 1000 kilograms and where
just allowed to get on our private plane. Flying in one of
these small aircrafts with the pilot reading the paper and only
God as his co-pilot (he actually had a sticker saying this) is
an adventure in itself. However they real adventure begins
as soon as you land, suddenly you see yourself surrounded
by an enormous rainforest and mostly very friendly people.
the damage on the staff gauges, rescaling them and do additional measurements. Although the previous groups installed
the staff gauges properly on some locations the staff gauges
were washed away. We tried to reinstall them even better but
we came to the conclusion that automatic measurement devices might be more suitable to do the job. We also rescaled
them, because we found out that the reading of negative
numbers was not so easy and can therefore introduce meas-
urement errors. Then we did our own measurements. We did
After coming back in Paramaribo again we used our time to
work out the results and try to obtain meteorological, demo-
graphic and other data. For this we cycled a lot through entire
Paramaribo. The common cycling is in the Netherlands, the
we used a digital elevation model based on satellite data the
uncommon it is Surinam. In fact about 90% of the cyclists we
obtain the slopes. For those of you been on the Luxemburg
saw on the street were other Dutch, yes we are crazy people
to cycle during the hottest moments of the day! Cycling being
with good weather!
uncommon in Paramaribo, the lack of cycling lanes and the
fact they drive on the left side of the road makes it a danger-
Apart from the hydrological part we focused our research on
ous sport too.
micro hydro power and drinking water. Micro hydro power
was investigated as an alternative for the current system
where electricity is obtained from diesel deliveries from Paramaribo. They can run out of diesel easily before a next delivery is made (except in during elections). We showed that it
is probably technical feasible to install a micro hydro power
station, but a lot of data as well technical as social and demographic is missing.
As for the water quality, the water quality is not the same as
we can expect in the Netherlands. Drinking water is either
rainwater collected in DURO-tanks, creek water or just water
Apart from the serious side we made some more trips to
tend to run dry during the large dry period and then the
other beautiful places of Surinam, White Beach, Cola Kreek,
people have to switch to the river is a drinking water source,
Brownberg, the plantations in Commewijne and Bigi Pan
which is also the washing and sanitation site for about 5000
which is a swampy area in Nickerie with a lot of special birds
people. We did some tests on the SODIS system which uses
and caimans (and mosquito’s like hell!). During weekends we
just bottles and the sun to improve the quality of the water
also enjoyed ourselves in nightlife of Paramaribo. To make a
and especially in the dry period this might offer a solution.
long story short we enjoyed our total project very much as
well technical as social and cultural. Surinam was for us and
and locate all the water sources, to use in the micro hydro
is a unique country, where else in the world can a little ma-
power as well in the drinking water research.
roon kid say: “Goedemorgen meneer” to you?
Doing such a project is an experience for a lifetime and shows
that in other countries things can be quite different as well in
a positive as in a negative way. We really recommend doing
a project in a developing country to every student, this will
certainly change and widen your view on the world.
Would you like to see more pictures? Or the full report? Check
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Lessons of the camel
by Marloes van Ginkel
“Traveling through the desert is a dangerous thing. The water
I did a feasibility study to determine whether fresh water
resources are limited and the distance and direction to the
storage in saline aquifers is possible by means of the Fresh
next oasis are not well known. However, the camel knows the
Storage Saline Extraction (FSSE) well to reduce the costs of
way and will guide us. By storing water when and where it is
desalination for potable water production.
available, the camel is an appropriate symbol for a world in
The focus was on the Egyptian Red Sea coast area, where
which the incessant increase in demand for water is challeng-
tourist resorts are booming and need fresh water. Because no
ing our ability to meet this demand” [R.D.G. Pyne, 2007].
fresh water is available, it is produced by desalination of local
groundwater, which is generally about as saline as seawater.
costs of these plants, water storage can save money.
I carried out my research at Delft University of Technology.
But, to collect data I have visited the project locations in
Egypt in April and May 2007 in the company of my DEC ASR
colleagues. Egypt is a very interesting and beautiful country.
The history of the Pharaohs reaching back 3100 years ago
and the many archeological sites make Egypt one of world’s
my life I saw a desert, and it was indescribable! An enormous
In March 2007 I started my MSc thesis. The two Geohydrol-
words to describe this unique place on earth. We visited the
ogy courses did not satisfy my interest in subsurface wa-
desalination plants along the Red Sea coast. We did measure-
ter and I wanted to increase my knowledge on the subject.
ments in the wells and collected lithological data. I worked
Therefore, I went to prof. Olsthoorn for a research subject.
at the Research Institute on Groundwater in Cairo, together
He told me about the Dutch Egyptian Consortium Aquifer
with Egyptian colleagues from the DEC ASR, where I learned
Storage Recovery (DEC ASR) who just started a project to
the basics of groundwater modeling.
realize subsurface storage of desalinated water to improve
the Egyptian Red Sea coast. The questions of DEC ASR and
their clients were: What is the behavior of stored fresh water
in a saline environment? And, what is the recovery rate and
MSc research.
The visits to Egypt gave an extra dimension to my MSc thesis. I have seen the pyramids, I have enjoyed the Egyptian
hospitality and was amazed by the beautiful coral reefs and
the empty desert.
Back in Holland I have analyzed FSSE-wells from the point of
view of groundwater hydraulics, to examine their geohydrologic feasibility and to learn how to successfully apply such
systems in practice. The analysis was done by means of deriving a mathematical solution to the problem, followed by
numerical modeling of representative situations using SEAWAT.
In this research I found an analytical solution to design FSSEwells and I made a design chart to estimate the possible
bubble size. Furthermore, I made numerical models to verify
FSSE-well performance under widely varying circumstances
research show that it is possible to store fresh water in and
recover it from a saline aquifer by means of a FSSE-well in my
study area. The application of FSSE-wells could thus increase
the sustainability of desalination plants, and are in that way
the camels of the 21st century.
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Gooooooooood morning Vietnam!
Every morning Vietnam wakes you
which is regularly overtopped by waves and a secondary dike
up with either the sound of hundred
which will assure the safety of the high-valued hinterland.
bumping basketballs from the sport
The area in between the two dikes will be inundated tem-
honking of thousands of motorbikes
in the small street in front. With a
For our research we investigated the possibilities for the im-
smile you take a sip of your noodle
plementation of two dike systems. The diverse coast around
the port of Hai Phong has been taken as case study area.
Vietnam!” Another day of work in
The city of Hai Phong is the third biggest in Vietnam and has
one of the most fabulous countries
the most important port in the north, with the capital Hanoi
in the world.
as hinterland. The coastal zone of Hai Phong is a mere two
kilometres wide and is the only protection of the city. This
After some impressive stories of other Master students who
area can be divided in two different kinds of land use: on the
went abroad, we formed a group. Together we came up with
one hand a rural area and on the other an industrialised area.
plans for South-East Asia. The good connections between the
TU Delft and the WRU (Water Resource University) in Hanoi
present. The industrialised area is of vital importance for the
further development of the port, the city and even the north-
den charm of south east of Asia, is dominated by millions of
ern part of the country. These different kinds of areas ask for
motorbikes and its 85 million inhabitants driving them. Life
a different design approach both for water management and
is hectic, mostly poor, but always with a smile. People are
hydraulic engineering.
happy, friendly and kind.
The streets are full of people, motorbikes and small shops. In
this crowded city we got a nice room on the campus of the
WRU to carry out our project.
The coast of Vietnam has to cope with many different problems. The faculty of coastal engineering of the WRU is doing
a lot of research on the coastal system of Vietnam. One of the
areas of interest is that typhoons regularly strike the coast of
We explored the case study areas by motorbike to get a good
Vietnam. These typhoons have catastrophical consequences.
view on the present coastal defence. Although we heard
In 2005 typhoon Damrey demolished more than 50 km of the
about the Vietnamese standards, we were shocked seeing
coastal defence system and one million people were affected.
their coastal defence. Dikes of two metres high, which are
The total damage was estimated at 500 million USD.
partly eroded due to overtopping “protect” the hinterland.
Hydraulic conditions during typhoons are that extreme, that
The dikes are often interrupted by small inlet structures,
constructing dikes like those in the Netherlands is almost
causing weak spots. We made GPS tracks of the present
unfeasible. Especially since the Vietnamese coastline has a
dikes and inlet structures and took pictures. Our explora-
length of over 3000 km and raising dikes would be too expen-
sive. New approaches are necessary for proper coastal de-
a newly built container terminal. This gave us a clear view
fence. A two dike system, also the main principle behind the
of the present situation, but also a lot of fun. Sun burnt and
“Comcoast” projects, could be a good approach for improved
tired of the bumpy rides we took of for cocktails and beers
coastal defence. A two dike system consists of a primary dike
in one of the bars. Because the Vietnamese students joined
during these trips we also got closer to Vietnamese culture,
food and habits. The students also helped us arranging the
visits to the dike departments (small “Rijkswaterstaat” alike
GHSDUWPHQWV&RPPXQLFDWLRQZDVGLI¿FXOWEXWWKH9LHWQDPese students helped to overcome the language barrier. We
are very glad they have helped us in this area where almost
nobody was familiar with the English language.
Of course besides everything we described above, we also
made ourselves comfortable. From the moment we arrived
we became daily costumers of the local banana sellers (a full
bunch for only 16 eurocents!). The monthly lunches with the
faculty staff were always great fun. These lunches included
for the rural and industrial areas. Two dike systems consist of
a primary dike near the shore and a secondary dike further
landwards. Two dike systems have to meet the same safety
levels as a one dike system. A big advantage of a two dike
system is the possibility of constructing a primary dike with
a lower freeboard. If the freeboard is lowered, the amount
of overtopping waves will increase. These overtopping waves
attack the outer as well as the inner slope of the dike. Due
to this wave attack the inner slope must be protected with
severe overtopping waves; the secondary dike won’t be attacked by overtopping waves. Given the fact that there are
no guidelines for the design of overtoppable dikes, we had to
formulate our own criteria.
The lowering of the primary dike has large consequences for
incredible food and even more Bia or Vodka Hanoi (good for
the stomach!!). We also attended a lecture of the famous
emeritus professor Battjes and read Dutch lecture notes from
the local library. In the evenings we went to the bowling or
pool centres around the corner and took a last beer at the
Blue Bean Café. This little café opened just after we arrived
and soon became our living room.
After two months working at the WRU we still had one month
left before our airplane would leave back to the Netherlands.
We used this time to explore the wild variety inside the borders of Vietnam. We sailed in between the beautiful rock isODQGVRI+D/RQJ%D\DQGKLNHGWKURXJKWKHIRJJ\ULFH¿HOGV
in Sapa. We cruised on the Mekong Delta and drove (motorELNHVDJDLQWKURXJKWKHFRIIHH¿HOGVRI'DODW:HUHOD[HG
underneath the palm trees on the beautiful beaches of Mui
Ne and Na Trang. We have had an incredible in Vietnam.
the costs. The width decreases drastically, which has a large
Jan Willem Bronkhorst
ing a lower primary dike increases the amount of overtopped
Suzan van der Kruijs
water. The overtopped water can damage the inter dike area
Bart Mous
and has far fetching consequences for the land use and its
Patrick Mulders
water management. Therefore we worked with average con-
Astrid Valk
ditions for the inter dike area. This resulted in a higher primary dike to avoid large damage due to overtopping water in
the inter dike area, than is needed to meet the safety criteria
designed two systems, one for a rural area and one for an
industrialised area.
VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
by Eljakim Koopman
Going to Perú to do my internship and thesis research. Im-
The water delivery, maintenance of canals and projects in
mediately the question arises: What to expect when going to
a country with a totally different culture, social structure and
aged by three organisations, all with their own level of de-
habits? The city Arequipa was the place where the expecta-
tail. The Comisión de Regantas is concerned with the daily
tions were translated into experiences. My stay is character-
water allocation and maintenance of the canals. The Junta
ized by a tremendous personal growth. For that reason I can
de Usuarios is concerned with the planning of water alloca-
advice people who are still doubting whether to go abroad:
tion and constructing/renovating canals. Finally the Adminis-
just go. I am sure it is an experience which can hardly be
tración Technico del Distrito Riego checks the actions of both
replaced by any other action during your study.
‘lower’ organisations.
The project area consists of the three most upstream located
total irrigated lands in Arequipa. From the river Chili a primary canal (Canal Madre Zamácola) is supplied with water
and provides three different Comisión de Regantas (CRs),
knowing Acequia Alta Cayma, Zamácola and Alto Cural. Via
proportional division structures the secondary canals are provided with water. The tertiary canals are supplied with water
via an open-close principle. This means that all the water in
and is used for irrigation.
Within these settings I did my internship and research for
The average elevation of Arequipa is approximately 2300 me-
my thesis. The main topic of my internship was to construct
ters above sea level. This altitude led to some adaptation
a Sobek model to inspect the primary canal, Canal Madre
Zamácola. The research for my thesis was focused on a social
in a part of Perú, which is characterized by a desert climate.
investigation concerning the daily activities and the use of the
Consequently there is hardly any difference between the sea-
irrigation system.
sons. Only the summer is indicated by a rainy season, but the
‘rainstorms’ are far from intense. Throughout the whole year
Eight years ago Canal Madre Zamácola was renovated. Dur-
temperatures around 25 degrees Celsius are normal, so I had
ing the renovation they also wanted to solve the vegetation
nothing to complain about the weather.
problem in the canal. They thought that by elimination the
high sun intensity they where able to overcome the vegetation problem. Therefore it was decided not only to renovate
Canal Madre Zamácola, but also to cover the canal. They
used heavy concrete blocks to cover the canal and knew on
forehand that this would lead to problems. An investigation
of the canal’s foundation pointed out that the canal could not
resources (money) it was decided only to cover the canal
without reinforce the foundation. This led to a canal with
ZDVFRQFOXGHGWREHDSULPDU\FDXVHZK\WKHUHZDVLQVXI¿cient water for all farmers. Therefore they wanted to quantify
this loss.
and if the dimensions of the new installed proportional division structures were calculated and constructed well. DifIHUHQWPHDVXUHPHQWVSRLQWHGRXWWKDWWKH¿OWUDWLRQZDVQRW
as high as they expected. The quantity of the water in the
the proportional division structures worked in the way they
were designed.
Therefore other (social) aspects had to be included in the
study. Soon it was concluded that the water loss was not
oftake structures at secondary level. One can think of not
My thesis research coincide perfectly with these problems.
tic that making appointments was not a problem. But keeping
Namely my thesis is about the hydraulics of the system and
a hour, and then the secretary came to me and said the most
closed? Why is there no structure present? And how does this
wonderful words “I think he will not show up today.”
between farmers. There are problems in organizing projects
For collecting information and data, I went to several organi-
where farmers have to work together. The relation between
farmers per tertiary canal are cold, but drinking beer together
is not a problem. Furthermore some water guards (are re-
entations I got the change to know the people and the daily
sponsible for the daily water allocation) had setup their own
‘private company’. For some Soles the water guard would
give you some extra water.
These two examples mentioned above are not to illustrate
that things are going wrong, they are mentioned to illustrate
what is happening in the systems. In my thesis, social relations and operational management will be combined with hydraulics. As a result my thesis will describe how the hydraulics
Ultimately, the most remarkable aspect that I learnt during
my stay in Arequipa is that wherever you go, people are the
same and deal with the same personal problems/questions/
different, but when you look at the fundaments of live, it is
the same. Within the boundaries of a society we are all busy
in shaping our lives in a way we like it the most, or where we
are most comfortable in.
to be chased by very very big dogs.
! #((' %"
! !
! !
! & !
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VOL. 18 / 1 - 2008
Big trip to Argentina July 2008
by Ruben Rothuizen
Every two years the Dispuut Watermanagement organizes the
landscape, the beginning of the Andes, we will drive to Salta.
Intercontinental Study Trip. In this trip a group of students
Here we will have a full day of rest at which everybody can
and supervisors visit a country that broadens the horizon in
do whatever he/she likes. Also a few interesting projects will
be visited here.
vious Druppel, this year we will visit Argentina. The group
After an overnight bus drive
consists of 17 students and 3 supervisors. The supervisors
of 20 hours duration, we will
that will join this year are: Prof. dr. ir. T.N. Olsthoorn (hydrol-
arrive at the famous Iguazu
ogy), ir. S.V. Weijs (water resource management) and ir. S.M.
falls, which are the water-
Scherrenberg (wastewater treatment). During three weeks
falls at the Brazilian border.
we will drive with our own luxurious touring car through this
The waterfall system con-
beautiful South-American country.
sists of 275 falls along 2.7
kilometres of the Iguazu
River. Some of the individu-
Aires, the capital of Argentina. Greater Buenos Aires, which
al falls are up to 82 metres
includes the adjacent municipalities, constitutes the third
in height, though the ma-
largest conurbation in Latin America, with 13 million inhabit-
jority are about 64 metres.
The Garganta del Diablo or Devil’s Throat, a U-shaped 150-
is sometimes referred to as the “Paris of South America”.
metre-wide and 700-metre-long cliff, is the most impressive
of all, and marks the border between Argentina and Brazil.
the Dutch embassy and a tango diner-show. We will hopefully
We will visit the Argentinean and Brazilian side as well as the
feel comfortable and at home after these activities.
Itaipu dam that is in the vicinity of the falls. The total length
of this dam is 7235
are for example the acquirement of drinking water. How can
m, with the crest
you provide such a large city with safe drinking water? Will
elevation of 225 m.
the larger part be acquired from ground water or surface wa-
It is actually several
ter and what are the (geo)hydrological consequences?
dams joined togeth-
Cordoba, the student-capital of Argentina, is the next stop.
Here we will visit the university of Cordoba, the large salt lake
Mar Chiquita and a drinking water company.
concrete main dam,
We will trade Cordoba for Santiago del Estero after a few
and a concrete wing
days. In the area around this city, which is the southernmost
dam. The fourteen
outpost of the language of the Incas, a lot of farmers can be
segmented spill gates of the dam can discharge a total of
found. Irrigation and drainage will thus be the main focus of
62,200 m3/s, which is equivalent to 40 times the average
the visit to this city. The water needed to irrigate the lands is
stored at the Rio Hondo dam. This transcendental hydraulic
work was put into operation the 1st January 1968, on the
are a mix of swamps, bogs, stagnant lakes, lagoons, natural
course of the river Dulce. It also attenuates the crescents of
slough and courses of water of pluvial origin, with a total
the river, regulates the regime of its volume, provides water
area of between 15,000 and 20,000 km². We will have some
destined to the consumption and generates energy that sup-
excursions in this area that is known for its great diversity in
plies to the cities of
Thermal water Rio
On the 28th of July we will leave this beautiful country and
go back to Amsterdam. We hope we then all have a good
del Estero and San
impression of watermanagement in Argentina and have had
Miguel de Tucuman.
a trip we will never forget!
Through a beautiful
For more information: www.dispuutwatermanagement.nl or
room 4.74.
Water Jokes and quotes
by Anonymous
Q: Ever wonder about people who pay $2 for a bottle of Evian
“When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water.”
Benjamin Franklin
A: Just spell “Evian” backwards!
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
Do you know why Polish girls, when they go to sleep, bring
W.H. Auden
one glass full of water and one cup empty? It’s because they
don’t know if they will be thirsty or not.
“Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy
of two Nobel prizes - one for peace and one for science.”
John F. Kennedy
“Water is the only substance on earth that is naturally present
in three different forms - as a liquid, a solid (ice) and as a gas
(water vapor).”
Author unknown
geen wonder
Vitens is het grootste drinkwaterbedrijf van Nederland en levert drinkwater
aan 5,4 miljoen mensen en bedrijven in de provincies Flevoland, Friesland,
Gelderland, Utrecht, Overijssel en een aantal gemeenten in Drenthe en
Met circa 1.500 medewerkers, 100 productiebedrijven en een leidingnet van
47.500 kilometer wordt jaarlijks 330 miljoen m3 water geleverd. Altijd beschikbaar,
tegen de laagst mogelijke prijs en van topkwaliteit.
Meer weten over Vitens en goed drinkwater?
Zie www.vitens.nl