Friday 29th April 2016
Friday 29th April 2016
Friday 29th April 2016 Head Teacher: Mr. Paul Sansom NPQH, BA (Hons) QTS It’s a bug’s life... It has been another super busy week for everyone at Chad Vale and we have been trying our best to get out and about despite the extreme April shower weather conditions. The weather doesn’t stop us enjoying our outdoor learning here at Chad Vale! We held our first Wildlife Club this week with the children and Mr Clark out hunting for different types of wildlife in our school grounds. They have been constructing insect hotels (I hope they were 5 star) and are looking to construct a small pond to encourage other forms of wildlife to come and join us as part of the Chad Vale family. Reception also joined in the fun by creating their own bug houses. Great work everyone! As the weather is still so unpredictable please could you ensure that your child comes to school with a coat to enable them to go out for learning and play whenever possible. Miss Sohal, Mrs Cutts and the Big Read Team also began work on our new reading bench. It will be unveiled later on in the term and when it is completed will be situated somewhere in our school grounds for us all to enjoy! A SAFETY NOTICE: Unfortunately there are still Parents who are choosing to park inconsiderately. The double yellow lines on the roads outside school have been placed there to keep the areas around our school safe for our children. There are also Parents who are continuing to park in the turning circle and on the drive to pick up from school clubs. Again, this is a safety issue and often causes inconvenience for other road users so please refrain from doing so. IMPORTANT CALENDAR UPDATES We are updating our emails and calendars in school meaning the public calendar link on the website is currently out of action. Whilst this work is completed we will be posting important dates for your diary and events on the front page of the website to ensure that you are kept up to date. PLEASE NOTE: NEXT WEEK SCHOOL IS CLOSED ON MONDAY FOR BANK HOLIDAY AND ALSO CLOSED ON THURSDAY FOR LOCAL ELECTIONS. Tennis Vale increased their lead in the overall standings to 5 points with an excellent display in this week’s inter form tennis competition. All three of the opining rubbers were closely contested, but 4 Vale opened up an unassailable 3-0 lead taking each rubber 8-6. 4 Chad fought back to claim the fifth rubber, but Vale completed a dominant performance by winning the final rubber and win the match 4-1. Vale now lead the overall standings 45-40. Perry Beeches Indoor Athletics Competition On Wednesday two teams from 5 Chad travelled to the NIA to compete in an indoor athletics event hosted by The Perry Beeches Trust. Competing in a variety of individual and team races both teams qualified for the final taking place on Wednesday 25th May. We look forward to letting you know how they got on. Congratulations! Last Friday Sajjan Gill was crowned as the Chad Vale Archery Champion 2016. The Archery competition has been run by Premier Sport during the after school Archery Club on Thursday afternoons. Sajjan has demonstrated both impressive accuracy and consistency in his performances throughout the competition and is a deserved winner. Well done Sajjan! Finally, we would like to say very well done to Lucas Parkes. He is an outstanding sportsman and has captained both our Y4 football and hockey teams to success this season. Last week he was awarded the ‘Player of The Season’ award by Mahal FC U10s, who he plays for at the weekends. Keep up the good work Lucas! If your child takes part in sport outside of school and has achieved something impressive that you would like to share, please forward the information to Mr. Bowen at [email protected] and he will endeavour to recognise the achievements in our weekly newsletter. This week’s RC Attendance (%) 97.0 Lates (number) RV 1C 1V 2C 2V 3C 3V 4C 4V 5C 5V 6C 96.2 96.6 100 98.3 94.0 98.7 96.3 99.3 100 99.0 95.3 91.7 3 0 3 1 4 3 6 4 0 3 0 5 3 Supervision of collected children on the school drive at home-times Could parents and carers please ensure that they walk with their children (and younger siblings not yet at Chad Vale) at home-times. We have lots of children running on ahead of their parents after collection which makes it very difficult for the senior staff to check that they are with a ‘safe adult’ at the bottom of the drive. Please note—Scooters/bikes are not to be used on the drive. Your help with this would be much appreciated. Thanks. Dates for your Diary Event Monday 2nd May 2016 May Day Bank Holiday—SCHOOL CLOSED TO PUPILS Tuesday 3rd May 2016 Y2 Vale trip to Pizza Express Wednesday 4th May 2016 Y4 Trip to Severn Valley Railway Thursday 5th May 2016 Local Elections—SCHOOL CLOSED TO PUPILS Friday 6th May 2016 SEN Parent group meeting Week 2 Week 3
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