This shot fits the idea quite well


This shot fits the idea quite well
Scarecrow's Song, … Act II, Sequence 04
Scene 01
Mood shot
Very slow camera movement. stream and birds sounds.
Our 3 characters are barely visible but we can see
something moving far away. Emphasis is on the feeling of
landscape the stream, the trees and some birds in the
Scene 02
Introductory shot
Our 3 characters in the stream pass seen from the back.
Woot jumping from rock to rock in the middle of the stream.
Scarecrow is behind and tries to walk on the rocks on the
stream side but loose foot and splashes water. TinMan is the
fartest away and is scared of water, concerned with rust, so
he walks with great care holding on to everything making
sure he doesn't touch the water in any way.
Scene 03
Very long, Establishing shot
Woot and TinMan walk on the side of the stream more or
less together. Scarecrow stays behind, stopped for a while,
cleaning up his straws, restuffing himself.
Scene 04
Medium shot on Scarecrow
Scarecrow is sitting on a rock putting back his boot and
straighten his back hands pushing on knees looking in front
of him.
"Boy, am I glad that's over!"
Then he turns toward Woot and TinMan Gets up
Tin Woodman of Oz
Scarecrow Song, … Act 2, Sequence 04
page 1
Scene 05
Full shot on Scarecrow
Scarecrow walks enthusiastically on the stream side.
"Makes me feel kind of …"
He gesticulates and do a broad dance step
"Loony. Heh-he."
Scene 06
Medium Full shot on Scarecrow
Scene 07
Close shot of TinMan
TinMan looks surprised.
Scene 08
Medium shot of Woot and TinMan
They both turn around to look at Scarecrow, perplexed.
Tin Woodman of Oz
Scarecrow Song, … Act 2, Sequence 04
page 2
Scane 09
Full shot of Scarecrow and TinMan and Woot.
Scarecrow, who was walking toward TW and Woot smiles at
them, does another dance step, jumps into an arabesque
and lands right in front of them with arms wide open looking
at them, smiling head tilted.
Scene 10
Close shot of Scarecrow and TinMan and Woot.
Scarecrow, in front of them with arms wide open looking at
them, smiling head tilted. He stops there for a moment while
first chords of music starts.
Scene 11
Medium shot of Scarecrow, Tinman and Woot. Camera turns
around them to follow Scarecrow
Scarecrow starts signing and dances turning around them
while still facing them with a cocky look.
"What sound is so sweet as the straw from the wheat
when it crinkles so tender …"
Woot and TinMan turn around to follow Scarecrow.
Scene 12
Full shot of Scarecrow, Tinman and Woot.
"… and low."
Scarecrow jumps one step toward them again flexing his
arms to make them crinkle.
Tin Woodman of Oz
Scarecrow Song, … Act 2, Sequence 04
page 3
Scene 13
Medium shot of Scarecrow. Camera follows Scarecrow.
Scarecrow is doing four backward dance steps.
"It is yellow and bright so it gives me delight …"
Scene 14
Full-long shot of Scarecrow. Camera steady.
Scarecrow does a half back-left turn, two step forward
"… to crinkle wherever I go"
Ending with a left forward turn jump on a rock, facing Woot
and Tinman again.
Scene 15
Medium-close shot of Scarecrow.
Scarecrow picks a straw of wheat next to him and raises it
above his head.
"Sweet, fresh, golden straw, there is surely no flaw"
Scene 16
Full shot of Scarecrow
Scarecrow jumps down the rock
"In a stuffing so clean and compact"
Tin Woodman of Oz
Scarecrow Song, … Act 2, Sequence 04
page 4