Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you just
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you just
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you just; exult, all you upright of heart. Psalm 32:11 Wednesday, June 15, 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Center 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Events for the Week Monday, June 13, 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - A Room 4:00-7:00p.m. Attic Treasures Collection Conference Room 7:00 p.m. Men’s “CRHP” - Gospel Room Tuesday, June 14, 8:30 a.m. Rosary - Chapel 9:40 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Novena - Chapel AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. ENDOW-Sciturro – Small Meeting Room (SMR) 10:00 a.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Conference Room 12:00 p.m. 2nd Tuesday, 55 & Up Luncheon Activity Center 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Grand Hall Kitchen Half AA Meeting - A Room Open Gate Garden Club - Activity Women’s “CRHP” - Founder’s Hall ENDOW-Varner - Small Meeting Room Charismatic Intercessory Prayer Group Chapel Venture Crew 212 - A Room Summer Youth Group - Youth Room Thursday, June 16, 10:00 a.m. & 7:00p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00a.m. Bible Study - Conference Room 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Founder’s Hall Knights of Columbus Assembly St John Knights Hall 7:00 p.m. Pilgrim’s Way - Gospel Room Friday, June 17, 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. AA Meeting - A Room 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Conference Room 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Bingo St John Knights Hall Saturday, June 18, 9:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl & Quilt Ministry St John Knights Hall Sunday, June 19, Father’s Day NO coffee & donuts 11:15 a.m. Knights of Columbus breakfast following 10:00a.m. Mass for Fr. Riley - Grand Hall Page 2 Some Notes from Fr. Dwight’s Desk……. Thank you! As I bring my time of service here at St. John to its conclusion, I am very grateful for your prayers and support over the last three years. With God’s help, together we have accomplished much in a short span of time. With the assistance and support of staff, volunteers and parishioners, and building on a strong foundation, we have been able to expand the variety of offerings that are available for adult faith formation and developed an elementary religious formation program for students with differing learning styles and abilities. The Welcome Desk in the gathering space, a very generous gift from our parish Knights of Columbus, helps to ensure that visitors to our parish community are greeted warmly and have a central source for information about the parish. The Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) program continues to be a strength for our parish, while the RCIA—the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults—is now a year-round process for welcoming adults into the life of the Church. Small faith-sharing groups for men and women have been formed. Covenant of Love is helping to strengthen marriages and we have developed better support for women and men who have experienced divorce. Eucharistic Adoration is now available in the chapel every Friday, providing an opportunity to spend time with the Lord in a beautiful and quiet setting. St. John School continues to provide education in faith. One of the beauties of our school is that we are able to care for students in a manner that unites the world of academics and the world of faith. Our dedicated faculty and staff continue to do amazing things to shape and form young people who are both the present as well as the future of the Church. The sacrifice and prayers of so many continue to make this vital ministry a reality and an asset to our parish community. Based upon this past Thursday’s meeting, Applefest is on track to have another successful year. Applefest will continue to be a great opportunity to involve many people in the life of the parish and provides a wonderful way to celebrate the beauty of autumn and bounty of local orchards. I am also pleased with the new paradigm that is being used in our parish Outreach program. Building on an already strong foundation, there are now partnerships with area churches and congregations as well as area social service agencies. Soon, there will be even greater synergy among our own parish Christian service ministries, including Gabriel Project (for expectant moms) and our St. Vincent De Paul food pantry. We have increased the energy efficiency of many of our parish buildings through the installation of much more efficient lighting. The new boilers which heat the church have already realized a substantial savings in utilities costs and have dramatically reduced the amount of natural gas that is used to do so. These savings will offset the cost of the boilers in about 5 years. Our computer network and telephone systems have been upgraded and provide much more functionality while also reducing our costs. Offices of parish staff have been relocated to the former convent and have been arranged in such a manner as to better encourage collaboration and communication among staff. Much of the work in updating those offices was accomplished through the hard work of our parish maintenance staff as well as other staff members, and the generosity of contractors and others who made substantial donations helped minimize the cost of this project. All of this is about what we have been able to accomplish with God’s help. All of this is possible through the prayers, support and hard work of our parish community. I am deeply grateful for everyone’s prayers, sacrifice and hard work. As you prepare to welcome Fr. Robert, please continue to respond to God’s call to build the Kingdom here in Fenton. If I have hurt or offended in any way, please accept my most sincere apologies. I ask for your prayers as I continue the journey of priesthood. As I make my way to the Catholic Community of St. Mary and St. Ann in Charlotte and Bellevue, please be assured of my gratitude and prayers. May God bless each of you! My new address Fr. Dwight Ezop The Catholic Community of St. Mary and St. Ann 807 St. Mary's Blvd. Charlotte, MI 48813 Phone: 517-543-4319 E-mail: [email protected] St. Mary in Charlotte is located just off of I-69. If you happen to be on your way to Chicago or other points south or west, you will pass right by the parish. Please stop by if you happen to be in the neighborhood! Page 3 Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, June 13, Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church 1 Kgs 21: 1-16/Mt 5: 38-42 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Special intentions of Marie Martorana Philip, Lisa, & John Tuesday, June 14, Weekday-1 Kgs 21: 17-29 Mt 5: 43-48 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. John & Cecilia Taucher Cavanagh Family 7-8:00 p.m. Confessions - Church Wednesday, June 15, Weekday-2 Kgs 2: 1, 6-14 Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Tony Winiecke, 21st anniversary of death Joyce & Al Churchill Thursday, June 16, Weekday-Sir 48:1-14 Mt 6: 7-15 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Rose Freeman - daughter, Nancy Menzies Friday, June 17, Weekday-2 Kgs 11: 1-4, 9-18, 20 Mt 6: 19-23 7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer - Chapel 9:00 a.m. Don Churchill, 11th anniversary of death Joyce & Al Churchill 2:0 p.m. Mass at Caretel - Peggy Anderson her Family Adoration to follow Mass until 8:45p.m. in the Chapel Saturday, June 18, Weekday-2 Chr 24: 17-25 Mt 6: 24-34 3:30 p.m. Confessions - Church Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zec 12: 10-11, 13: 1 Gal 3: 26-29 Lk 9: 18-24 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish Sunday, June 19, 8:00 a.m. Don Morgan - “CRHP” Family 10:00 a.m Maureen Corrigan - Dave Domas 12:00 p.m. Deceased members of the Dery, Gould, & Hitchcock Families - Dery Family 6:00 p.m. Special intentions of J. Chris Champlin - Christine Champlin The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Church this week in thanksgiving of Vince & Irene Dimaria. The Sanctuary candle will burn in the Chapel this week in memory of Don Morgan. June 18 & 19 Mass Lectors E. M. Usher Servers Verhelle, M.(1) Gage, P. (2) Balmer, P. Eisenbeis, D. Gage, R. Husse, J. Jensen, K. LaGuire-Quinn, D. Luther, M. Varner, J. Balmer, F. Claxton, K. Herrman, D. Lueck, J. Nitoski, D. Michael Meyer, Matthew & Julie Celini 8:00 am Sun. 6-19 McCrate, D.(1) Koenigsknect ,P.(2) Archmbault, C. Briggs, J. Cornillie, C. Koenigsknecht, M. Nagel, E. Novak, J. Roths, A. Turczyn, T. Bastian, Gifford, K. Nagy, S. Patthanacharo enphon, O. Porritt, J. Maria, Amelia, Gabriella Gavulic 10:00 Pendell, J. (1) Bradburn, K. Medich, Carpenter, L. D.(2) Erber, A. Erber, J. Kenney, D. Kenney, M. McKee, T. Spelman, J. Draeger, T. Faricy, L. Hnilica, C. VanGilder, N. Learman, K. Redden, B. Rothley, R. Rothley, W. Tatro, R. Wagner, D. Emily Fay, Cameron Cislo, Libby Carpenter 12:00 pm Sun 6-19 Howd, P. (1) Pobocik, L. (2) Dziadzio, J. Kelly, C. LeVasseur, J. Miller, T. Monahan, R. Schneider, M. Taylor, A. Wolf, L. Gonzalez, C. Langeway, C. McDonald, S. Niec, M. Rheingans, J. Thomas, J. Joseph & James McCarthy, Andrew Wallace 6:00 pm Sun 6-19 Kalfs, T. (1) Kalfs, E. (2) Champlin, C. Haiss, A. Jankowski, L. Kunkel, L. Moore, K. Moore, A. Sharp, R. Sloan, J. Farleo, M. Gilbert, M. Hermsen, A. Strickert, J. Strickert, K. Joey, Mary & Wyatt Haiss 5:00 Pm Sat. 6-18 am Sun. 6-19 Page 4 Worship from Fr. Jim …. Tim Garbach ..… Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles. While this event happened one time in history, the gift of the Holy Spirit is one that keeps on giving and is available to us today. The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, the same Holy Spirit that enabled the apostles to overcome their fear and evangelize the world, the same Holy Spirit that has raised up and formed saints in every time and place is available to us today. I’ll take a few weeks to write a bulletin series in order to help us understand who the Holy Spirit is and the impact that He can have on our lives. Today we’re trying to answer the question: Who is the Holy Spirit? First and foremost the Holy Spirit is God, the third Person of the Trinity. Peter Kreeft writes: “The Spirit is the very love of God, the love that eternally circulates, like divine electricity, between the Father and the Son. ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8). God is made of love as the sun is made of sunlight.” The Holy Spirit is God’s love poured out into the world and into our hearts. We must also remember that because the Holy Spirit is a Person we are able to enter into a personal relationship with Him. This relationship can be nurtured, developed, or broken off like any other relationship. The name that Jesus used of the Holy Spirit was Paraclete (which literally means he who is called to one’s side), referring to the fact that the Holy Spirit is one who is always with us, by our side and dwelling within us to give us grace and strength. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift of Himself to us. If we think about salvation history we see that God first revealed Himself as Father, one who loved us with a boundless love but spoke to us through prophets. The God revealed Himself as Son in the person of Jesus Christ, to dwell with us. Finally, God has revealed Himself as Holy Spirit, the one who dwells within us to divinize us and transform us into saints from the inside out. Over the next few weeks we’ll take some time to reflect on what difference the Holy Spirit can make in my life, how I can receive the Holy Spirit, and how I can live my life in the power of the Holy Spirit. God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Lord, forgive the wrong I have done.” Psalm 32 Thanks to our Contemporary Choir, who play at the 6:00 p.m. liturgy Sunday evening. After a summer break, they will return in September. Do you come to be fed at the table of the Word? Do you have respect for Jesus and the Eucharist? Do you have an important role in our Liturgy such as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, or Minister of Hospitality? Dress appropriately for the Liturgy! God deserves our best! Pax Christi! Timothy J. Garback Director of Music Ministries/ Liturgy [email protected] Page 5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Kyle Ulrich …… Director of Religious Education Helene Paulik …… Father Dwight, Thankyou Besides being a major fundraiser for the St. John Youth Group, the proceeds from NFM Golf Outing provide two scholarships open to any 6th, 7th and 8th grade St. John school or Religious Ed students. This year the recipients of the 2016 Nick French Memorial Scholarships: 7th Grade, Nathan Stilson 8th Grade, Emily Gilsdorf Congratulations! There are still a few holes on the course that need sponsors! If you are interested, please contact Kyle at 6291850 or the Parish office at 629-2251 Always check our facebook page for updates YouthGroupStJohntheEvangelist SUMMER YOUTH GROUP WEDNESDAYS AT 7PM PICK UP A SCHEDULE ONLINE OR AT THE WELCOME DESK for your priestly ministry to St. John Parish. May God bless you! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sign up NOW for Fall Classes! EARLY REGISTRATION ENDS JULY 1ST! Take advantage of early sign-up incen ves. Registering early assists us to plan accurately for classes. We can also take advantage of lower costs for textbooks and supplies. REGULAR REGISTRATION IS OPEN THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 AFTER SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 A LATE FEE OF $30 will be applied to registra ons. Classes Begin the Week of September 18th, 2016! Sponsors Needed for St. John Religious Ed. Program Teachers The Diocese is offering a terrific certification opportunity for catechists (volunteer religion teachers) in August. The cost to sponsor a volunteer’s certification is $50. That covers five twohour classes. Any donation amount is appreciated. If you are unable to teach, sponsor someone who can! Please send donations to the REP office and write “Sponsor a Catechist” in the memo line of your check. Page 6 Director of Adult Education Dan Medich …… The power of extravagant love and gratitude Why did a woman with a bad reputation approach Jesus and anoint him with her tears and costly perfume at the risk of ridicule and abuse by others? The woman's action was motivated by one thing, and one thing only, namely, her love for Jesus - she loved greatly out of gratitude for the kindness and forgiveness she had received from Jesus. She did something a Jewish woman would never do in public. She loosened her hair and anointed Jesus with her tears. It was customary for a woman on her wedding day to bind her hair. For a married woman to loosen her hair in public was a sign of grave immodesty. This woman was oblivious to all around her, except for Jesus. She also did something which only love can do. She took the most precious thing she had and spent it all on Jesus. Her love was not calculated but extravagant. In a spirit of humility and heart-felt repentance, she lavishly served the one who showed her the mercy and kindness of God. Jesus, in his customary fashion, never lost the opportunity to draw a lesson from such a deed. Dan Medich Jr 248.982.5355 [email protected] Live Third. Jesus, Others, and then Yourself! Outreach Corner Deacon Terry . . . . . . ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PANTRY St. Vincent de Paul Pantry is always in need of donations, and we thank you for your past support. For the first five months of 2016, we have provided food and assistance to 438 individuals. We will be accepting donations on the third Saturday of the month, JUNE 18TH, 11:00A.M-1:00 PM. Items in need are toothpaste, bathroom tissue, Manwich or items of your choice. Fenton School District area student artists set a new record for raising funds for St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. A record breaking amount of $1,536.18 was collected to feed the needy in the Fenton area during the Fenton Area School District Art Show that was held on May 12th, at the AGS Middle School. Noted as the “15th Annual Empty Bowl Event”, students designed and sold ceramic bowls with the option to fill them with ice cream. Through the generous donations made by visitors to the art fair, it was possible to reach the record breaking total. Thanks to everyone who supported the Fenton Art Show and St. Vincent’s Pantry. God Bless. Page 7 St. John School Xwâvtà|ÉÇ |Ç Yt|à{ ‹AAA Congratulations St. John School Class of 2016 St. John School Openings for the 2016-2017 School Year 3 Year old Preschool (PM Session) 4 Year Old Preschool (PM Session) Junior Kindergarten PM Session Half day AM Kindergarten 1st-8th Grade Visit our website to register: Page 8 Our Parish Life Together …... OFFERTORY OBSERVATION Offertory Observation… Weekly Offering May 23—May 29, 2016 $16,277.96 Like Nathan in today’s first reading, we sin Online $3,400.00 when we begin to feel entitled and act as if Outreach $1,280.00 what we have is ours by right, when we forget Sunday/Holy Day School Founda on $925.00 St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry $127.00 Boiler Fund Total $55.00 $22,064.96 Envelopes used: E- thers: Total donors: 436 87 523 that everything we have is an unmerited gift from God. But God is gracious and forgivingeven when we use His gifts wrongly or squander them thoughtlessly if, like Nathan, we confess our guilt and ask His pardon. Vocation Views… Love abounds when forgiveness is experienced. Forgiveness frees one to follow Jesus. Rededicate your FROM DANIELLE SPHAR, PARISH ACCOUNTANT life to Jesus. There is a reason we call our priest “Father”. It serves as a reminder to us of the honor given them by their call and it reminds them of their responsibility to care for us spiritually and physically. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR HOMEBOUND Father Dwight represents the best qualities of a father. In the three years he served us, he showed strength and integrity when faced with difficult choices. Recently, in this column he trusted us with more transparency in our financial reporting. He had faith we would do the right thing and come together instead of letting it divide us. And we did come together. As a staff, we worked with parish volunteers and donors to gather under one roof to help us communicate and work with each other better going forward. As a parish, we came together to purchase and install a new boiler that will help us worship comfortably for years ahead. Our new outreach center is bringing not only our own parish organizations but other community groups together to help even more of those in need. Father Dwight laughed with us and cried with us as he married, buried, baptized and blessed us. He set an example of Christian living by sharing his own personal joys, sorrows, and memories with us. I know he did all this with a heart full of love. What more can we ask of any Father than strength, integrity, trust, faith, example, sharing, and love? As we celebrate Father’s Day next weekend, I would like to wish my boss, spiritual mentor, friend, and Father a happy, happy Father’s Day and many blessings in his new ministry and as his “journey in FAITH continues”. Danielle Sphar Karen Apelbacher Patricia Avery Sharon Ball Mamie Berta Mary Boan Robert Boyd JoAnn Boyden Patrick Carmody Virginia Carmody Rosemary Cashin John Cislo Charlie Cole Christine Cole Carol Cornillie Rick Coscia Elizabeth Clark Pamela Daoust Phyllis Davis Lori Delecki Mary Douglas Joshua Dybata Phillip Frederick George Gardner Beth Grahl Lillian Green Amanda Guy Rachel Hagan Lou Hanks John Engle Victoria Hawley David Hollenbeck jr. Lee Johnson Michelle Joseph Mark Kelley Jackie Kepsel Terry Kruse Linda Lach Claudia Losh Catherine Lord Jane LeBlanc Dan O’Rourke Nicolas Novak Jim Perczak Renee Polidan Christopher Polly James Rausch Linda Lach Claudia Losh Catherine Lord Jane LeBlanc Shirley Morgan Dan O’Rourke Nicolas Novak Jim Perczak Renee Polidan Christopher Polly James Rausch Jim Roan Doris Rohen Daisy Romano Joe Salfi Rose Sekulich Pat Shaw Jim Simota Russel Stidham Helen Sturgeon Robert Stewart Pat Sweeney Edward Tatro Orpha Verhelle Gary Wagner Virginia Westfall Carol Ann Wenta - Rhoades Eloise Wild Maureen Williams Pat Zacharska And he told them a parable to show them that they ought always to pray and not lose heart . Luke 18:1 WELCOME DESK At the Desk: DEEPEN YOUR FAITH - Come and visit the kiosk full of inspirational and educational materials for your listening and reading pleasure, located next to the desk. There is also a basket of various free religious items located at the desk. Come and visit us! Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. ~Colossians 3:23-24 niv Page 9 JUNE WEEKEND ROSARY APPLEFEST 2016 During the month of June we will praying the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary one half hour before the 5:00 p.m., 8:00 a.m., and 10:00 a.m. weekend masses. Our intention for June will be for all priests, especially Fr. Dwight as he transitions to a new parish, for Deacon Ryan as he prepares for his ordination and begins his ministry, for Fr. Jim that he will always be "on fire" in his vocation and for Fr. Robert Copeland as he prepares to lead our parish family. ATTIC TREASURES: Come join your fellow parishioners and start the week off with your Mother Mary. As always your personal intentions are included. Collections begin June 13th Donations will be accepted Mondays at 4pm-7pm Unsold garage sale items make good donations! Please, no televisions, computers or clothing. Chairpersons Are Still Needed for: - Spaghetti Dinner (Sunday afternoon) - Farmer's Market (we would love to bring this back) - Big Fun (our newest event for boys and girls to win prizes) - Parking (a group would be great for this) COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN NEWS LABOR TRAFFICKING My thanks to all who attended our spring luncheon and especially Syliva, Valerie & Elaine for baking our desserts. I recently had the privilege of attending an Anti-Human Trafficking retreat. The weekend was filled with sharing. We were honored to have State Senator Judy Emmons from the 33 District as one of our speakers. She shared with us the efforts currently being made to pass legislation relative to apprehending predators and helping survivors. July 13, is our “Resale Fashion Evening”. Everyone is asked to shop garage sales, or resale and put together an outfit. You can dress casual or dress up. Your choice. Keep track of your cost per item. The committee has six categories for prizes. Deanna, Cheryl, Nancy, Shirley, Bunnie and Jill are making plans for this evening. They will serve a summer supper of hot dogs and all the picnic fixings. Please call Deanna for reservations 629-5440. A donation of $5.00 is payable at the door. Invite a neighbor or friend to join us. Plans for a visit to the Applewood Estate in August with house and garden tours and a boxed lunch are on the agenda. It is the 100 Anniversary of the Mott Estate. More information will be in coming bulletins. Please keep our members and their special intentions in your prayers. Remember to thank God daily for our faith and the freedom to practice it. Pray for world peace and those working to make it happen. Sandy Tryles, President She also shared that, just hours before leaving home to join us, a young girl had been found huddled on the floor in a public restroom. An observant bystander recognized the signs of Trafficking and offered help. Before our meeting concluded Senator Judy had received a call telling her that this child's parents had been contacted and that she was on her way home to them. Due to the pending apprehension of the perpetrator, Senator Judy was unable to share any more of the details; but this one victim is now safe due to someone recognizing the signs of Trafficking and stepping forward to help. This could be one of our children! Learn the signs! Pray to end all forms of Human Trafficking. Call the hotline: 888-3737-888. Please pray to end all forms of Human Trafficking. Connie Ozanich Page 10 We offer these NEW MEMBERS a warm welcome to the Community of St. John: ENVELOPE PACKETS ARRIVING SOON Angela Jackson of Holly David & Lisa Mika of Fenton Gail Dawson of Grand Blanc Patrick Shaun of Fenton Aldean Wiltse of Fenton Kathleen McGee of Fenton Jacob & Asia Mounger of Linden John & Donna Belczak of Fenton We are glad you’re here! The July, August and September Offertory Envelope Packets will be arriving in the mail soon. We have had several parishioners call recently saying they did not receive their packets. We apologize for this, but ask that you keep in mind that the packets are much thinner, since they are now sent quarterly, and can easily be tossed as junk mail. To help us save on the cost of replacing any sets of envelopes, please be careful when sorting your mail. Thank you. FATIMA - 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PILGRIMAGE Are you new to the Neighborhood? Registering as a St. John parishioner really is simple….just visit the Parish Office in the stone chapel building or the Welcome Desk in the church gathering space, introduce yourself and fill out a short registration form. Easy! Catholic Charities' Community Closet Please remember Catholic Charities' Community Closet. We are in need of new or gently used towels, sheets, and comforters, as well as toiletries and other personal needs items. Monetary gifts are always welcome and are tax-deductible. The Community Closet is located at 517 E. Fifth Ave., in downtown Flint. For more information, contact Catholic Charities of Shiawassee and Genesee Counties, 810-265-7025. SAVE THE DATE! St. John School Educational Foundation Annual Event Angels Among Us SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2016 Coyote Preserve Golf Club,$50 per person Dinner, dessert & entertainment Proceeds to benefit St. John School Join Fr. Gordon P. Reigle, Pastor of St. Robert/Good Shepherd Parishes, on a pilgrimage through Spain and Portugal. Visiting Fatima, Garabandal, Santiago de Compostela and Santarem on April 24th to May 2nd 2017; cost $3439.00. Receive an Early Bird Discount of $200 if booked by September 30th 2016. To learn about our destinations click the following links:; https:// ; https:// https://; For details contact Suzanne Krisak at 248-931-0194 or [email protected] CATHOLIC LAWYERS and LAW STUDENTS: Bishop Boyea has a special message for you at news Please find a moment to read his letter. Thank you. Diane Arzberger Department of Evangelization and Lay Formation Diocese of Lansing 228 N. Walnut St. Lansing MI 48933 517-342-2465 Page 11 SUMMER SCRIPTURE DAYS 2016 Fr. David Rosenberg will be presenting “Diversity of Gifts”. May we learn to utilize our own special gifts to promote the Love of Christ. AUGUST 9 – 11 AT ST. FRANCIS RETREAT CENTER, DEWITT. Registration is open until July 29, 2016. Space is limited. contact Diane at 517-342-2465 [email protected] and she will email or send the brochure to you. A R ETREAT FOR M ARRIED C OUPLES Marriage in the Year of Mercy, July 29-31, 2016, St Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt. Throughout the weekend our facilitating couples will reflect on scripture, Church teachings and God's presence in their marriages. There will be time for connecting with your spouse, sharing with other couples, prayer, music, sacraments, enjoying the grounds, personal reflection, visiting the Chapel, private time and socializing with the other couples over meals and refreshments. Facilitated by Catholic couples from throughout the diocese, this retreat will support participants in recognizing their marriage as a living sign of God's love. The weekend will encourage couples to build a brighter future by bringing the tenderness of mercy and the goodness of God more fully into their marriage. $250 per couple. A non-refundable $50 deposit is due with registration by July 22nd, 2016. It’s time for the 7th Annual St. John the Baptist Catholic Church car show! Join us Saturday, July 16th for a fun day filled with great cars, a fantastic Silent Auction, 50/50 raffles, and bake sale, all held on the beautiful parish grounds! 2099 N. Hacker Rd, Howell, MI 48855 (Corner of M-59 & Hacker Rd). Show Car entrance fee is $20 Spectator General Admission $2 per Car. LIVE MUSIC by the Fast Eddie Band & new award categories! Awards given in categories ranging from 1900-2016, as well as Best Corvette, Best Mustang, Best Camaro, Best Truck, Best Rat Ride, & Best in Show. Show car entrants will be entered in a raffle with five winners of $100. If you have any questions about this event contact St. John Church at [email protected] or 517546-7200. SPECIAL NEEDS MASS Holy Redeemer in Burton hosts a special needs Mass, the 4th Sunday, of each month at 1:00p.m. We attempt to focus this service on the special needs families. This Mass has a homily and music that is tailored to those with Special needs. The Mass enables children and adults with special needs to serve, to read, to usher and to participate in what ever else that they feel comfortable doing. It allows them to be themselves. The next mass will be on June 26, 2016 1:00p.m.Holy Redeemer . June 26, 2016—1:00p.m. July 24, 2016—1:00p.m. Outreach Hours: Monday -Wednesday 10:00am-2:00pm Thursday 4:00pm-7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul collection days are the third Saturday of every month, 11:00a.m-1:00 pm. Page 12 THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Ladies Auxiliary P A N C A K E B R E A K FA S T Following Father Ryan Riley’s Mass of Thanksgiving Sunday, June 19th, in the Activity Center following 10:00am Mass -There is no charge for this event- WE HONOR FR. DWIGHT JUNE 12TH 1:00PM St. John ACTIVITY CENTER and give thanks for these three years of his spiritual leadership! Page 13 The ladies of the Council of Catholic Women would like to say their farewell to Fr. Dwight. Thank you for your years of service, And may God watch over you and Bless you in your new home! Knights of Columbus Council 7418 would like to thank our Sir Knight Chaplain and Assembly 2031Friar Dwight Ezop for his service and support these past three years. May God continue to Bless him. On behalf of the students and staff of St. John School, we want to thank you (Fr. Dwight) for your dedicated service to our parish and school. May God continue to bless you and grant you peace now and always. DENISE R. KETCHMARK Attorney at Law Parish Member Since 1971 611 W. Court Street, Suite 203, Flint 810-232-6096 By Mentioning This Ad, 10% of all Monies Collected From Client for Legal Services Will be Donated to the St John GIFT Campaign, Phase II You’re a Neighbor, Not a Number. Personal • Commercial • Life • Employee Benefits 1190 Torrey Road, Fenton 810.629.1566 | 800.467.6645 | SERVICES WE PROVIDE: “Your Lender for Life” Located inside VG’s on Leroy St. Funeral, Memorial & Cremation Services Pre-Arrangements, Monuments, Grave Markers & Urns (810) 600-4372 Kenneth & Becca Temrowski (810) 629-2533 500 Main Stteet Fenton, MI 48430 Dr. Jeffrey T. Pinkston Parishioner Dr. Dennis B. Pinkston Dr. Carole A. Cocagne Dr. Krista L. Kline Dr. Nicole L. Stilson Parishioner 10010 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Phone: 810-635-4015 Fax: 810-635-4017 HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-12, 2-5:30 Sat. 9-12 • New Work • Repairs • Modernization 3460 N. Genesee 736-3830 Di Natale Accounting & Tax Service Albert Di Natale, Enrolled Agent & Tax Accountant Personal, Sm. Business, Real Estate 14165 Fenton Rd., Ste. 104 G 810-714-4302 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ Gary A. Wasiak, DPM Highland Office 2997 East Highland Rd. Highland, MI 48356 P/248.887.3729 Parish Member Our mission is you. 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 800.535.0517 Creating beautiful smiles! TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months J Douglas Mercer Ins Agcy Inc. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Irrigation Services Landscaping • Fertilization Lawn & Bed Maintenance Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 1-800-248-0280 Jeff Gottron, Parishioner 391100 St John Church (B) • Free consultations. • Open every Saturday. • Low down payment options. • Interest free financing. No referral needed. Just give us a call. Downtown Linden 810.458.6188 Doug Mercer, Agent 2813 Silver Lake Road Fenton, MI 48430 Bus: 810-714-0370 See why State Farm® insures more drivers than GEICO and Progressive combined. Great service, plus discounts of up to 40 percent.* Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® CALL FOR QUOTE 24/7. *Discounts vary by states. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 1001174.1 State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 “Your Hometown Dealer”. See Our Website For Specials Tim and Jennifer Hall Parishioner 15123 North Road • 810-714-3300 1-800-714-9505 • EASY TO FIND - US23 at EXIT 80 QUALITY EYE CARE AT A GREAT VALUE Designer Contacts Frames Eye Exams 3140 Silver Lake Rd. at US 23 • 810-593-1000 Family Owned 1225 W. Hill Road Flint, MI 48507 ASSOCIATED FOOT CLINIC New Location (810) 235-2345 (810) 750-8300 *Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fenton House Restaurant • Game Room For Customers Only • Non-Smoking • Alcohol Free • Great For Families • Separate Room for Private Get-Togethers • Dine In • Take Out FREE BREAD Physicians and Surgeons of the foot 102 N. Adelaide • Fenton, MI 48430 WITH $5 PURCHASE CARRY OUT ONLY Jeffrey C. Noroyan, D.P.M.* Tim Snyder, D.P.M.* Allan Kalmus, D.P.M.* Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA BUY 1 MEAL AT FULL PRICE GET SECOND AT 1/2 PRICE 413 S. LEROY • DIBBLEVILLE 810-629-0661 Law Offices of K.C. Baran, P.C. Attorney & Counselor Serving Linden & Fenton Area • Chapter 7 Bankruptcies • Wills • Trusts, Estates • Family Law • Custody Support • DUI / Criminal Defense Parish Member, K of C Member 810-936-5211 JOHN’S PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT 810-629-506 0 1492 LeRoy NEW BANQUET ROOM Book Your Parties Now! Large and Small, We Can Handle Them All Catering for All Occasions Serving Genesee Cty. for Over 40 Years Kenneth & Shannon Brant 17460 Silver Parkway • Fenton, MI 48430 Ken: 810-853-8440 • Shannon: 810-853-8444 Office: 810-373-5073 AGA Gymnastics Competitive, recreational & Cheer Tumbling year round! 810-234-9900 for details Creative Learning Academy Child Care Center Infant, toddler, pre-school and Kindergarten programs year round. 810-234-8448 for details Both Voted Number 1 in Genesee County! (810) 733-7090 Register for AYSO by 7/31 for 16 weeks $95.00 after $115.00 We also have travel with FC Bolton and Little Kritters for 2 & 3 year olds all at Deer Run Questions call 586-907-1726 Call us today for a FREE QUOTE! 265 N. Alloy, Ste. 100 • Fenton, MI 48430 HOLLY: (248) 634-7731 • FENTON: (810) 629-1504 248.701.5235 Serving business owners & executives in the Fenton community. 607 N. Saginaw, Holly, MI Active Parish Member 391100 St John Church (A) 248-634-4671 Tom & Barbara Doescher, new parishioners of St. John Parish For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 600 North Adelaide Street Fenton, Michigan 48430 Phone: 810-629-2251 Fax: 810-629-2302 Website: Pastoral Team REV. DWIGHT EZOP, Pastor: 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) Mass Schedule REV. JIM ROLPH, Parochial Vicar: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. 810-629-2251 - ([email protected]) Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., & 6:00 p.m. TIMOTHY GARBACK, Minister of Music: 810-629-2251 ([email protected]) DEACON TERRY & MARY CARSTEN, Baptismal Prep.: 810-397-8703 ([email protected]) Weekdays: 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel Holy Days: See Parish Bulletin or website Confessions in the Church Saturdays: 3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Tuesdays: 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. RYAN RILEY, Transitional Deacon: 810-629-2251 ( [email protected]) DEACON TERRY CARSTEN, OUTREACH COORDINATOR 810-629-1817 Parish Support Staff DANIELLE SPHAR, Parish Accountant Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, confession is often available in the Reconciliation Room, (stone chapel building) 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Adoration: each Friday 9:45 a.m.—9:00 p.m. 810-629-1850 SHAUNA MEYERS, Bookkeeper PARISH OFFICE: 810-629-2251 TRICIA JORGENSEN, Parish Secretary ([email protected]) MELANIE FRENCH, Parish Secretary ([email protected]) Religious Education Baptism Baptism is usually celebrated on the third Sunday of the month. Parents must call Deacon Terry and Mary Carsten to register their child before the last day of the month prior to their selected date at 810-397-8703. Marriage Please contact the Parish Office at least nine months prior to wedding date, if possible. DAN MEDICH, Coordinator of Adult Formation: 248-982-5355 ([email protected]) KYLE ULRICH, Coordinator of Youth Ministry: 810-938-9411 ([email protected]) HELENE PAULIK, Director of Religious Formation: 810-629-1850 ([email protected]) RFP OFFICE: 810-629-1850 CAROL BECK, REP Secretary: ([email protected]) St. John School SCHOOL OFFICE: 810-629-6551 KIT WHITE, St. John School Principal: ([email protected]) ANGIE HAISS, School Office Manager: ([email protected]) ANDREA KEHOE, School Secretary: ([email protected]) Anointing of the Sick This sacrament offers the Lord’s healing strength and peace to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill or hospitalized. Please call the parish office if you wish to have someone receive this sacrament. Rite of Christian Initiation RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is for anyone interested in joining the Catholic Church or for any adult who has not received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Please call 810-629-1850. Facilities P ARISH O FFICE —810-629-2251 S T . J OHN S CHOOL —810-629-6551 RFP O FFICE —810-629-1850 P OWERS H IGH S CHOOL —810-591-4741 O UTREACH O FFICE —810-629-1817 A CTIVITY C ENTER —810-629-3560 S T . J OHN K NIGHTS H ALL —810-629-3560 S T . V INCENT DE P AUL F OOD P ANTRY -810-750-0469