NEWSLETTER - Our Lady and the English Martyrs
NEWSLETTER - Our Lady and the English Martyrs
Liturgies this week At English Martyrs, Cambridge: Parish of Our Lady & the English Martyrs, Cambridge and Our Lady of Lourdes, Sawston At Our Lady of Lourdes, Sawston: SAT 26 MAR 20:00 Easter Vigil SUN 27 MAR SUN 27 MAR EASTER SUNDAY 08:45 Anthony Froud (F) 08:00 Fr Josaphat Thanksgiving 09:30 Margaret Howard RIP Part of the East Anglia Diocese, Charity Number 278742 11:15 Bernard George Wilkins (F) MON 28 MAR 10:45 Kathleen Green RIP NEWSLETTER 09:30 Priest’s Intention 12:15 POLISH MASS TUE 29 MAR 17:00 Holy Souls 09:30 Kerrigan Family (F) 18:15 Fr Christopher Back RIP MON 28 MAR Easter Monday 10:00 Doroteia Macedo RIP 09:30 Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion THU 31 MAR 11.30 POLISH MASS 09.30 Claire McMullan RIP TUE 29 MAR Easter Tuesday 08:00 Janina Margas (F) 17.30 Confessions FRI 01 APR 09.30 Priest’s Intention 18.15 Those Suffering from Addiction At St. Vincent de Paul, Ditton: WED 30 MAR Easter Wednesday SUN 27 MAR EASTER SUNDAY 08:00 Stephen Patrick’s Family Thanksgiving 10:15 Denny Sweeney RIP 12.15 C M Mathai RIP THU 31 MAR Easter Thursday At Cambourne Mass Centre: 08.00 Sarah 11:30 Mass at St Georges SUN 27 MAR EASTER SUNDAY 18.15 Yolande Lynne Stevens 17:00 Priest’s Intention FRI 01 APR Easter Friday 07.30 Michael Francis Thanksgiving 27 Mar 2016 Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection: Year C WED 30 MAR SAT 02 APR 17.00 Priest’s Intention 12.15 Bernadette Teal RIP SAT 02 APR Easter Saturday Easter opens for us the meaning of being human, the reason for our being in this world and the destiny that awaits us in the next. Jesus breaks forth from the stone-sealed tomb to speak to us of new life, of transfiguration and of re-creation. Whatever our feelings or mood, Jesus promises to accompany us on our journey and to lead us through the crucible of suffering, across the bridge of death, and through the gates of eternal life. The God in whom we believe and in whom we place all our trust, is the God of life, God who is with us – even to the end of time. TODAY’S MASS FIRST READING: ACTS 10:34, 37-43 We have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection. PSALM 117: 1-2,16-17,22-23 RESPONSE: This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad. Please pray for: Those who have been brought into God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism . Those who are sick, especially Antoinette Askin, Nonie Hawke, Cathie Green, Olwyn Bagstaff, Christopher Browne, Maria Haynes, Mary Wallace, , Rita Tringali, Teresa Foley, Mike Gilpin, Fr David Hennessy, Ronald Mackie, Matthew Morgan, Maureen Rogers, David Evans, Louis Barbara, Tony Priest and Debbie Carminati. Those who have died, especially Louise Farrington . May her soul and the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. All whose anniversaries of death that occur at this time. SECOND READING:COLOSSIANS 3:1-4 You must look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is. 09:00 Confessions At Bar Hill Mass Centre: 10.00 Ernest Newberry-Canning SUN 27 MAR EASTER SUNDAY 10.30 Confessions 12:00 People of the Parish 16.30 Confessions SAT 02 APR 18.00 Marian Pirkel (F) 18.00 Priest’s Intention GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! Christ , our Passover, has been sacrificed; let us celebrate the feast then in the Lord. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AT OTHER MASSES IN THE PARISH ENGLISH MARTYRS Blackfriars Priory, Buckingham Road, Cambridge Monday/Tuesday /Friday 14.30 – 15.30 Sundays at 08.15, 09.15 (Extraordinary Form),11.00, 18.00 Wednesday 10.30 – 11.30 and 14.30 – 15.30 Weekdays at 07.30. Saturdays at 09.30 Thursday 10.30 – 11.30 and 14.30 – 15.30 St. Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge Sundays at 10.30 Saturday 10.30 – 11.30 GOSPEL: JOHN 20:1-9 He must rise from the dead. Church of Our Lady & the English Martyrs, Hills Road, Cambridge. CB2 1JR Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, 135 High Street, Sawston, Cambs. CB22 3HJ Church of St. Vincent De Paul , 30 Ditton Lane, Cambridge. CB5 8SP Cambourne Church Centre, Jeavons Lane, Cambourne, Cambs. CB23 6AF The Catholic Rectory, Church of Our Lady & the English Martyrs, Hills Road, Cambridge. CB2 1JR Tel: 01223 350787 Email: [email protected] Web: Rector & Parish Priest: Very Rev. Mgr. Peter Canon Leeming. [email protected] Assistant Priests: Fr. Dick Healey [email protected] Fr. Rafael Esteban M. Afr [email protected] Fr Francis Ututo SMMM [email protected] Polish Priest: Fr. Andrzej Foltyn 01223 368539 Pastoral Assistants/ARU Chaplains: Rosina Abudulai [email protected] Gerardine McHale [email protected] 01223 224850 [email protected] Financial Administrator: 01223 224851 [email protected] Director of Music: Nigel Kerry 01223 224854 [email protected] Estate Manager: Richard Peroni [email protected] Parish Centre Manager: David Bardell 01223 224865 [email protected] Sacristan: Leon Lattion 01223 224856 Addenbrookes Hospital Chaplaincy: 01223 217769 Rectory Office: Office Administrator: Bo Mazurkiewicz 01223 350787 [email protected] Parish Office hours: 09.00—14.30 Mon – Fri COPY Deadline Wednesday 12 noon The clergy & staff pray that the peace and joy gifted to us by our Risen Lord will fill your hearts and homes in this Easter Season and always. Sincere thanks for your generous support & prayers. APPOINTMENT OF PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Bishop Alan has negotiated a way forward for the Parish of Our Lady and The English Martyrs in Cambridge together with its Mass centres and the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Sawston for the pastoral and administrative needs for an interim period until such time as a fixed solution can be found for its permanent care. The present Parish Priest, Monsignor Peter Canon Leeming, is taking a much deserved sabbatical from Easter II until the Autumn when he will take-up a new appointment. He is to be thanked for his vision and direction of OLEM Parish over these last six years. The Bishop has appointed Monsignor Eugene Canon Harkness as the Parish Administrator of Our Lady and The English Martyrs together with its Mass centres and the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Sawston. He will have the full authority as a Parish Priest and will seek to serve the needs of all the communities served under this scheme until such time as a new Parish Priest is appointed. In addition to the present priests at Our Lady and The English Martyrs, Father Alexander Ibe, SMMM will join the pastoral team. Canon Harkness will maintain his responsibility as Parish Priest of Saint Philip Howard in Cherry Hinton and has been given Father Philip John as his Assistant Priest who will look after the day-to-day care of that parish. COLLECTION ON EASTER SUNDAY: The Easter Vigil & Easter Sunday Collection is our customary Easter Offering to the priests of our parish. Remember that all Standing Orders go to the Parish and not the priests, so to contribute to the 'Easter Offering' you need to do so in cash or by cheque payable to OLEM. THE CENSUS: If you missed the census that we took two weeks ago across the parish, please complete one of the census forms and hand it into the sacristy or one of the Welcomers, as you leave Mass. The census forms will be available for the next few weeks as well as being on-line.. DIOCESAN NEWSPAPER: Copies of the Easter edition are available from the back of church. INVITING ALL YOUNG PEOPLE IN YEAR 9 - 13 TO THE IGNITE FESTIVAL APRIL 30TH - MAY 2ND: Come and experience your faith in a new and dynamic way at the Ignite Festival. Held in Swaffham, the weekend will include live music and talks as well as free time for sport and activities. Organised by the Diocesan Youth Service. See for more information THE DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE: wish to appoint three people to join the Ignite team. These are full –time residential positions, sharing the Gospel Message in schools and parishes, in a way young people can relate to including using music,drama and tech. Please see for more information. ROSARY & PRAYER GROUPS: The Rosary Group meets on Saturdays from 10:45. The Prayer Group meets on Mondays at 12:45.Please join us in the Parish Centre Music Room. ST ALBAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL currently has two places immediately available in their Year 5 class. For information on how to apply for a Catholic school place please contact Caren Munnelly: Tel 01223 712148 (option 2) or email: [email protected]. NEWS FROM OUR LADY OF LOURDES MEDJUGORJE: Our 2016 Medjugorje visit has been arranged for the 20th-27th September. Flying from Stansted airport to Split, the cost of the trip is £539 per person. If you are interested and would like further details, please call Nessa Tjinakiet on 01223 860871 or e-mail [email protected]. DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Saturday 23rd April, St George’s Day. Afternoon tea and entertainment , more details to follow. HELP PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD TO ESCAPE POVERTY.: Do you have a couple of hours each week, or could you give several hours, three times a year to help others? Then please speak to CAFOD. *From our volunteer centre in Cambridge, you could support a group of volunteers, helping them keep in contact with the life-changing work we are doing in countries across the world that is achieved because of the fundraising, prayers and campaign actions of their parish. *Visiting children in schools and leading an assembly, you can talk about how God is giving us the chance to help our neighbours; brothers and sisters who do not have enough food, water, clothing... so that their lives may be transformed. For an informal conversation about these volunteering opportunities, please speak to Stephen Matthews, Tel: 01223 358552 or email [email protected]. CATHOLIC CLOTHING GUILD: provides clothing for organisations in need of clothing . If you can help in any way (clothing must be new) please leave your contribution in the Narthex at ~St Laurence’s Church, clearly marked ‘Catholic Clothing Guild’ and for whichever charity they are intended by Sunday 10th April. The East Anglia Branch meets each year in Newmarket in April and this year the meeting is on Wednesday , 13th April at 14:00. The charities are: FOODBANK: There will be NO collection this month. Next collection takes place on 23/24 April. APF/MISSIO : box holders - Please leave the red boxes at the back of the Church ready for counting, and take the Spring edition of Mission Today home with you. You donated £901.90 in 2015 which will make a huge difference to Churches in developing countries around the world. Thank you for your continued generosity SILENT PRAYER : Please join us for silent prayer in the Church every Thursday from 19:00 to 19:30. TEA/COFFEE AFTER MASS : Please join us for tea or coffee in the house after 08:45 Mass, and in the Hall after 11:15 Mass on Sunday. NEWS FROM ST VINCENT DE PAUL FIRST SUNDAY of each month, there will be tea and coffee after Mass. If there is anyone who would like to be on the rota for helping on occasions, please speak to Katie or email [email protected]. The next Tea and coffee after Mass will be on Sunday 3rd April. THE BIG PICTURE COURSE: if you pre-ordered a copy, these are now available from Debbie or Gerard after Mass. If you are interested in following the course, either individually or in a small group, you can start the course at anytime. Spare copies of the book and DVD are available – cost £10. LAST WEEK’S PARISH OFFERING Standing Orders £ 3,140 Offertory Collection £ 3,152 HOLY MATRIMONY AND BAPTISM By appointment with the Clergy. For holy matrimony, 6 months’ notice is required. Operation Christmas Child: woolly hats, scarves & gloves only. Apostleship of the Sea: woolly hats, scarves, socks & bunk sized blankets. Gatehouse (Bury St Edmunds): adult & children’s garments & knee blankets. Gambia Aid Through Education: children’s shorts, skirts, t shirts, underwear, packets of seeds. NEWS FROM OUR LADY & ENGLISH MARTYRS TEA/COFFEES AFTER MASS: Please join us in the Parish Hall for tea or coffee, following the 09.30 and 10.45 Masses each Sunday For safety reasons, ALL children MUST be accompanied to the toilet by a parent or adult carer. MARRIAGE CARE The local Marriage Care Centre for Cambridge and Newmarket Contact Number 0800 389 3801