Top Ten Facts About the Binkley-Barbee`s Yard Sale Yard Sale Plan
Top Ten Facts About the Binkley-Barbee`s Yard Sale Yard Sale Plan
B INKLEY B APTIST C HURCH S UNDAY S CHEDULE 9:45 A M E ARLY W ORSHIP 7/7, 7/21 11:00 AM W ORSHIP C HURCH O FFICE H OURS M-F 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM J ULY 2014 N EWSLETTER Top Ten Facts About the Binkley-Barbee’s Yard Sale 10. It’s a good place to get rid of that Viva Las Vegas, bobble-head Elvis you got from Uncle Fester last year. 9. It’s a wonderful way to help you simplify/ downsize/organize your household. 8. You feel GRATITUDE when you GIVE to a GREATER GOOD! 7. It’s the fastest way to raise upwards of $30,000 in five hours on one Saturday in August. 6. Proceeds go to support EmPOWERment, a local agency that addresses Community Organizing, Economic Development and Affordable Living in our area. 5. You’ll help transform empty rooms at Binkley into the finest showrooms of gently-used goods ever seen! 4. We still need a chairperson for the Children’s Section – contact our fearless leaders, Art Sherwood or Brennetta Simpson about your interest. 3. Women’s Clothing (regular), Men’s Clothing and Books/Games will be on sale EARLY to our congregants. Shop in these three rooms from August 416! Pay the Pig! 2. You meet and make wonderful, life-long friends at Binkley Church and Barbee’s Chapel by working side-by-side. 1. Did we mention it’s the best way to give Uncle Fester’s Viva Las Vegas, bobble -head Elvis a new, loving home? Committee Meetings Diaconate 7/7, 7:30 pm Lounge Finance 7/10, 7 pm, Library Children’s Team 7/13, 6 pm Library Adult Christian Formation Team 7/14, 7 pm Lounge Outreach 7/28, 7 pm Library Binkley Yard Sale Saturday 8/16 8 am-1 pm Drop off Begins Monday 8/4 Transition Team 7/14,7/28, 7 pm, Sunroom Grounds 7/18, 9:30 am Library Peace and Justice Action 7/28, 12 pm, Library Yard Sale Plan of Action Month of July: Cull your closets, kitchens, garages, kids’ rooms, libraries, and bric-a-brac shelves, save paper bags and grocery bags. Start filling bags with items to donate to the yard sale. Kick-off Sunday, August 3: Plan to help set up rooms after church on this day – dress casually and we’ll work together. August 4-15: Drop off carloads of donations at Binkley! Help your neighbors by offering to pick-up donations for Binkley! Spend your free hours at Binkley helping us sort, shelve, hang, and display the donations we receive. This is a church-wide effort and we can’t do it without everyone’s assistance. 6-8 PM, August 15: If you log a minimum of 10 hours of Yard Sale work – you have a two-hour window of early shopping this night. 8 AM – 1 PM, August 16: Eat a good breakfast, put on your smile, shore up your patience and fortitude, and help us welcome and serve hundreds of folks who will come and shop. This day and this sale bring together a trinity of church cooperation, fellowship, and outreach. I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE F INANCIAL N EWS 2 O UR C HURCH F AMILY 2 N EW D EACONS 3 H ISTORICAL U PDATE 4 O FFICE N EWS 4 M USIC N EWS 4 J ULY 2014 N EWSLETTER P AGE 2 J ULY G ROUP M EETINGS ( FULL CALENDAR AT BINKLEYCHURCH . ORG ) WEEKLY GROUPS Sermon Shaping Tuesday 1 pm Library F INANCIAL N EWS D IRECTORY U PDATE General Fund: May Actual Budget 254,196 252,082 Morning Prayer Wednesday 9 am Chapel Difference 2,114 MONTHLY GROUPS Balance 2,464 Daytime Book Group July 28 10:30 am Share a short review of a book you would recommend to others Received 2,145 Disbursed -1,943 Pastor Discretionary Fund Ending We are still working on the directory. Our goal is to have the directory and 5x7’s available on Launch Sunday in September. If you have ordered a directory or 5 x 7, don’t forget to send your payments to the office. You can place it in the Sunday offering, please write directory on the memo line. You still have time to order a directory, the cost is $10, email Lucy at: [email protected] 2,666 O UR C HURCH F AMILY BIRTHDAYS 1 3 4 6 ANNIVERSARIES PRAYER CONCERNS 5 Karen Long & Arlon Kemple 6 Harry & Lynda Jensen Tamara Dempsey-Tanner & Van Tanner; Dale & Suzy Osborne Deborah & Jim Tippet Church Family Bill Bodkin Gove Elder Claudia Cannady Billie Cox Jayne Howard Jo Flair Pam Swanson-Boyd Edith Wiggins Martha Henderson Ginny Lansing Shirley & Willard Hamrick 10 Julius Rawson Ham Siu David Green; Lyn Lamont Rachel Avery; Judith Eastman; Kam Siu Mark Walters Stacy Shelp Leigh Seymour 11 Michael Bean 24 Joe & Myra Knight 12 Haley Pratt 25 Janie Benson & John Weathers 13 Robert Seymour Kimberly & Franklin Zirkle 14 15 Merrie Shelp 26 31 8 9 16 17 18 20 23 26 27 Margaret Atkins; Nia Simpson Carole Stevens; Jane Walters Nancy Berson; Timothy Walker 7 13 17 19 J. Dana Trent & Fred Eaker Anne & Billy Barnes Eva & Joe Clontz; Becky & Wayne Robinson Kara Baldwin; Glenn Thompson Bob Kozelka; C.L. Morton Barbara Elder Samuel Snider Ana Cheek; Nancy Joyner 28 Howard Lee 29 Tamara Dempsey-Tanner 31 Matteus Butler; John Woodson OFFICE CLOSED JULY 4th Health Center/Hospital Residents Jean Breckenridge Marj Boltz Hilda Moffitt Joan Ewing Annie B. Talbert Ann Overton Leo & Rusty Wagoner Ernie Roberts Extended Family Barbara Brown (Gladess Crisp) Tan & Scott Coats (missionaries) Bill Davidson (father of Allen Davidson) Beth Gardner (partner of Jodi Hite) Andrew Henley (Carl Henley) David Houser (Lynn Houser) Phyllis Lambert (Sarah Buren) Donald & Gail Smith (The Pardington’s) Nancy Gordon (sister of Terry Huneycutt-Horn) Margery Lightsey (mother of Gloria Lightsey-Lewis) *names will remain on extended family list for two months and then be removed unless church office is contacted. J ULY 2014 N EWSLETTER P AGE 3 N EW D EACON B IO ’ S / W E T HANK G OD F OR A LL O F O UR D EACONS Christine Anderson Christine was born and raised in Rhode Island where she met her husband of 46 years, Mel. They have 3 daughters & 5 grandsons. In 2001, Christine participated in a life-changing mission trip to Israel/Palestine and has returned several times. She is a member of the Coalition For Peace With Justice. As a member of Binkley, she led a study on Israel/Palestine and shared personal experiences in the Holy Land. She belongs to the Peace and Justice Action group at Binkley. Caryl Fulcher Caryl has been a member of Binkley for 20+ years, and has served as recording secretary of the Church Council and chair of Christmas Crafts. Caryl is married to Jim, and is mother to Emily & Sarah. She is a Clinical Nurse Specialist at Duke, but when it comes to sports Jim insists she remain loyal to Carolina! Caryl enjoys reading, watching decorating shows, and gardening. She always volunteers to work in the Yard & Garden Dept at the Binkley Yard Sale. Wayne Robinson Wayne and his wife, Becky, have been Binkley members since 1974. They have 2 children, Randall & Catharine, and 2 grandchildren. He has served on Church Council, Grounds, Worship, and the Yard Sale Committees. He was a pastor for four years before joining UNC Hospital as Associate Director for the Anne Huffman Susan Read Anne is a native of NC and grew up in Burlington. She has been a Binkley member since 1998. She has a degree in music and a masters in guidance and counseling. She joined the choir last year and loves it! She currently serves on the Music Committee & the Music Search Committee. Anne works at First Citizens Bank leading their HR Shared Services division. Anne enjoys running, spending time at the coast, and spoiling her threeyear-old shihtzu, Haley. Susan, a NC native, has been at Binkley for 20 years and loves it because she is free to be herself spiritually and learn from others. She has been Sunday School teacher, deacon, member of the Bell Choir, and Church Council, and served on several committees. She has 2 daughters, Caroline & Camille, and 2 dachshunds, Rosie & Speedo. Susan is a teacher and enjoys reading, music, movies, playing games and being with friends and family. Her new hobby is bridge. Dana Trent Clinical Pastoral Education programs from 1974-2012. Wayne looks forward to developing relationships with many newer members of our congregation. Dana was baptized at Binkley on Pentecost in 1992. She reconnected with the community in 2003 while serving as its ministry intern during her first year at Duke Divinity School. When not writing, traveling, and teaching public speaking, Dana and her husband, Fred, enjoy hiking in the woods, trying new vegetarian recipes, and going to the movies. They live in Raleigh, where Fred works as Assistant Director of IT for NC State's Division of Academic and Student Affairs. B INKLEY B APTIST C HURCH M USIC N EWS 1712 Willow Dr Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-942-4964 [email protected] The Music Ministry at Binkley is excited to welcome children, youth, and adults who would like to help lead music on Sunday mornings. We ’r e o n t h e We b ! Join us Sundays at 10:15 am, 7/278/17, to sing in the inter-generational choir. CHURCH STAFF Associate Minister Dale Osborne [email protected] Minister of Christian Formation Stephanie Ford [email protected] Interim Minister of Music Steven Thomason [email protected] Business Manager Duane Gilbert [email protected] Office Manager Lucy Kucmierz [email protected] Organist Bo Lloyd [email protected] Simply show up, and we'll learn the music that morning! The Old Time Music Group will practice on the 2nd and 4th Sundays this summer at 9:30 am in the choir room. We would love to have folks join us, so dust off your guitar, fiddle or banjo, and come have some fun with us. Contact Tonya Hamm or Jan Clark with any questions. Email Steven Thomason at: [email protected] for any further questions. H ISTORICAL U PDATE Those of you who were members of Binkley in the early days will recall the summer of 1962 when Jim Forbes, an African American seminarian from Union in New York, was an intern with us for three months. He later became the senior Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City. You may not know that I officiated at his wedding in 1964 in a large Pentecostal church in Wilmington. I have just returned from his fiftieth wedding anniversary held at Riverside. He is well and still active, and he and Bettye have a son in Raleigh. I had the pleasure of leading them in the repeating of their wedding vows and sharing with the congregation some of what we experienced in segregated Chapel Hill when he was here. Robert Seymour A RTICLE S UBMISSION & D EADLINES Submit articles for the newsletter, Friday Update, or the Sunday announcement page to: [email protected]. The Beacon is published monthly and is posted on our website:, and it is emailed through constant contact. To join our email list please send a request to: [email protected] Include your name & email. Can you believe it? Our awesome cart makes it possible to haul all this debris from the courtyard to the street in one load! You may recognize Bob Phillips next to the cart. He organized an oak pruning project Newsletter: The 20th of the month Bulletin and Friday Update: Wednesday 12 noon
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