äl MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface 030-MIDI: 1 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap What’s MIDI u A hardware and software specification u Allows musical instruments and devices to exchange information: musical notes, program changes, expression controls u Examples of MIDI-supporting devices: synthesizers, samplers, keyboard controllers, lighting controllers, sequencers,. . . u “Supporting the Arts through Technology” 030-MIDI: 2 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: the origin u First idea: 1982–1983 u The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification is jointly prepared by the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) and the Japan MIDI Standards Committee (JMSC) u Now JMSC becomes Association of Musical Electronics Industry (AMEI) 030-MIDI: 3 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: the specification u The specification, last revised 1996, has seven sections • MIDI and Music Synthesis Tutorial • MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification • MIDI Time Code (MTC) • Standard MIDI Files (SMF) • General MIDI (GM) • MIDI Show Control (MSC) • MIDI Machine Control (MMC) 030-MIDI: 4 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: recent developments u u u u u u u u u 1998: DLS: Downloadable Sounds Level 1 specification 1999-01: DLS Level 1.1 specification 1999-11: GM2: General MIDI Level 2 specification 2000-02: DLS: Downloadable Sounds Level 2.1 amendment text 2000-02: RMID (SMF w/DLS) specification 2000-10: MIDI Over IEEE-1394 specification 2001-08: Amendment 1 to DLS-2.0 specification 2001-11: GM-Lite: GM Lite Specification and Guidelines for Mobile Applications 2001-11: eXtensible Music Format (XMF) specification 030-MIDI: 5 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: more recent developments u u u u u u u u 2002-02, 2003-07: 2003-07: 2003-09: 2004-09: 2004-09: 2004-11: 2004-11: 2002-05: SP-MIDI: Scalable Polyphony MIDI specification ZLIB Audio Compression Unpacker ID for XMF XMF: eXtensible Music File (XMF) Specification v.1.01 GM-2: General MIDI 2 Specification v 1.1 (updated) DLS Level 1.1b DLS Level 2.1 amended DLS Level 2.1 corrected SP-MIDI amended 030-MIDI: 6 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Event-based vs. sample based u MIDI data focus on events rather than samples u Musical events, rather than the sound waveform itself, are exchanged between MIDI devices using MIDI messages u Examples: Pressing a piano key Releasing a piano key Changing instrument sound Changing volume Crescendo and diminuendo Note On Note Off Program Change Volume controller Expression controller 030-MIDI: 7 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Events, events u Only a few bytes are needed to represent an event u Storage-friendly, network-friendly u Easy to edit, e.g., can change the speed or pitch of notes easily u Hardware or software needed to generate sound u Not easy to specify sound parameters precisely 030-MIDI: 8 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: the physical specification u Transmission parameters: asynchronous serial, 31.25k baud ±1%; one start bit, 8 data bits, one stop bit u Circuit: Point-to-point opto-isolated 5mA current loop, current on = logic 0, fan out = 1, rise/fall time < 2µs u Connector: DIN 5 pin (180◦) female panel mount receptacle, labeled “MIDI IN” and “MIDI OUT”. “MIDI THRU”, which copies MIDI IN data, is optional u Cable: shielded twisted pair (STP), cannot be longer than 50 feet (15 m) 030-MIDI: 9 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI Cable 030-MIDI: 10 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Words to know Channel mode message Control change Digital piano General MIDI MIDI keyboard Multitimbral Note on Patch Pitch wheel Polyphonic key pressure Running status Sound generator Soundbank Sysex System real time message Channel pressure Controller Electronic organ Keyboard controller MIDI mode Note number Octave number Patch map Poly mode Program Sampler Sound module Status byte System common message Velocity Channel voice message Data bytes Electronic piano Local control Monophonic Note off Omni mode Pitch bending Polyphonic Program change Sequencer Sound set Synthesizer System exclusive message Voice 030-MIDI: 11 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Some jargons u Both controllers and sequencers generate MIDI data u A controller is a device played as an instrument and translates the performance into a MIDI data stream in real time. e.g., musical instrument keyboard (keyboard controller or simply “MIDI keyboard”) u A sequencer is a device which allows MIDI data sequences to be captured, stored, edited, combined, and replayed 030-MIDI: 12 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Some more jargons u A sound module, or sound generator, respond to MIDI messages received at its MIDI IN port by playing sounds u Many keyboard instruments, often called digital pianos, include both a keyboard controller and a MIDI sound module within the same unit u The local control function of such instruments enables or disables the internal link between the keyboard controller and the sound module 030-MIDI: 13 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Connecting MIDI instruments: an example MIDI OUT MIDI IN Keyboard controller Sound module 030-MIDI: 14 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Digital Pianos and local control Sound module MIDI IN Local control MIDI OUT Keyboard controller Digital piano 030-MIDI: 15 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Connecting MIDI instruments u MIDI data-producing devices (e.g., controllers and sequencers) are connected to MIDI data-receiving devices (e.g., sound modules — what besides that?) u Computers can make use of MIDI interfaces to connect to MIDI instruments u Devices can be daisy-chained together using the MIDI THRU port u Daisy-chaining using MIDI THRU may introduce delay 030-MIDI: 16 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Connecting MIDI instruments: another example MIDI OUT MIDI IN MIDI THRU Sound module 1 MIDI IN MIDI THRU Sound module 2 Keyboard controller MIDI IN MIDI IN MIDI THRU Sound module 3 Drum machine 030-MIDI: 17 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Use of MIDI interfaces MIDI OUT MIDI IN Digital piano IN 1 OUT IN 2 OUT MIDI IN Sound module 1 IN 3 OUT IN 4 OUT Computer MIDI IN Sound module 2 MIDI interface MIDI IN Drum machine 030-MIDI: 18 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Mixing audio outputs Computer MIDI interface IN 1 OUT IN 2 OUT MIDI OUT Digital piano Audio Out MIDI IN IN 3 OUT Audio Out IN 4 OUT Loudspeakers Sound module 1 MIDI IN Audio Out Sound module 2 Mixer Audio Out MIDI IN Drum machine MIDI IN Audio Out Audio Inputs 030-MIDI: 19 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Confusion of terminologies u The use of the words “synthesizer”, “sampler”, “digital piano”, “MIDI keyboard”, “electonic organ”, “electronic piano”, and “MIDI controller” are often used interchangably, especially as marketing terms u Always check the functionalities of a MIDI device before purchasing it 030-MIDI: 20 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Confusion: an example u Samplers are essentially digital recorders with some control functions such as playing back samples at a different pitch u Synthesizers generate sound by computing its waveform in real time, using, for example, Frequency Modulation (FM) synthesis algorithms 030-MIDI: 21 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Confusion: an example continued u The majority of today’s “synthesizers” are actually sample playback devices. Waveform data are often stored in disk or ROM u Does a sound card with wavetables function as a synthesizer or sampler? 030-MIDI: 22 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap More jargons: polyphony u A sound module is said to be polyphonic if it can play more than one note at a time u Otherwise, it’s monophonic u Modern sound modules often support 32-note or 64-note polyphony u What if five keys are pressed at the same time on a digital piano with 4-note polyphony? 030-MIDI: 23 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI channels u There are 16 logical MIDI channels u Channels are identified by a 4 bit number in some messages (Channel messages) u A device can be set to receive commands from, or send commands to, a specific set of channels only u How a device respond to channel commands depends on the MIDI mode it is in 030-MIDI: 24 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Sound set Patch number / Program number Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Voice / Timbre Patch (Percussion) 1 2 3 : : : 41 42 43 44 : : : Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano : : : Violin Viola Cello Contrbass : : : 127 128 Applause Gunshot Sound set / Patch map 030-MIDI: 25 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Voices and patches u Voices are sounds of instruments (e.g., acoustic grand piano, violin) u Patches are assignment of voices. There are 128 patches in MIDI u Example: in a particular sound module, patch 1 can be assigned to the voice of marimba, patch 2 violin, etc. u The association of all patch numbers to sounds is called the patch map (example later) 030-MIDI: 26 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Patches and programs u The word “patch” originates from the use of real “patch cables” in some sound systems to select voices u Patches are called programs in some contexts u MIDI Program Change message instruct devices to change the patch of a certain channel u Yet, having only 128 programs may not be enough for sound systems 030-MIDI: 27 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Banks (no money, though) u A bank or soundbank is an extension of a patch. There are 16384 possible banks u MIDI Bank Select message instruct devices to change its bank, a Program Change message must follow it u A Bank Select message can be seen as an instruction for a device to change its internal patch map u Confusion, again: “soundbank” is often used to describe a sound set 030-MIDI: 28 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Multitimbral instruments u A sound module is said to be multitimbral if it is capable of producing two or more different instrument sounds at the same time u Example: a synthesizer that can produce a piano sound and a marimba sound at the same time is multitimbral u What’s the difference between a polyphonic sound module and a multitimbral one? u Can a sound module be both polyphonic and multitimbral? 030-MIDI: 29 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI modes u MIDI modes establish the relationship between channels and voice-assignment methods within a synthesizer u The modes are Omni On/Off and Mono/Poly u Each device has a basic channel for sending or receiving MIDI messages u The number of voices for devices supporting mono mode is also used in one of the MIDI modes 030-MIDI: 30 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Omni on Omni off × Mono Poly ä MIDI modes: Omni on/off Omni off : Channel commands are recognized only if it matches the receiving channel or channel range Omni on : All commands are recognized, regardless of their channel numbers 030-MIDI: 31 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI modes: Mono, Poly Omni on Omni off × Mono Poly Poly : Voices are assigned polyphonically. Simultaneous sounding of different notes possible Mono : Often assigned one voice per channel. Note On commands on a channel causes all other sounding notes in that channel to be turned off 030-MIDI: 32 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI messages u MIDI messages consists of a status byte (0x80–0xFF) and zero or more data bytes (0x00–0x7F) u A single message can occupy one, two or three bytes including the status u System exclusive messages (described later) occupy a varying number of bytes 030-MIDI: 33 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI message types u Channel messages • Channel voice messages • Channel mode messages u System messages • System common messages • System real time messages • System exclusive messages 030-MIDI: 34 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Channel messages: a summary Status Message (hex) Note Off 8n 9n Note On Polyphonic Key Pressure An Control Change Bn Program Change Cn Channel Pressure Dn Pitch Bend En Data1 NoteNo NoteNo NoteNo Controller PgmNo Pressure LSB Data2 Velocity Velocity Pressure Value MSB n: zero-based channel number 030-MIDI: 35 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u ä Channel voice messages Note Off (0x8n), Note On (0x9n): a note is turned on or off. Followed by a note number and a velocity u The nibble n corresponds to the channel number u n=0 ⇒ channel 1, n=1 ⇒ channel 2, and so on u A Note On message with velocity 0 is equivalent to a Note Off message with velocity 0x40 (Why do we need that? Explained later) 030-MIDI: 36 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap More channel voice message u Polyphonic Key Pressure (0xAn): change of key pressure after it has been turned on u Followed by note number and a pressure value u Also called Polyphonic Aftertouch u Useful for controllers for string instruments, e.g., violin 030-MIDI: 37 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Note numbers and octave number u Each note is assigned a numeric value, which is transmitted with any Note On/Off message u Middle C has a reference value of 60 (0x3C) u To distinguish notes from different octaves, an octave number is appended to the note name u Middle C is C4 (some systems use C3, C5 or even C6) u Octave numbers change at the B–C boundary, so B3 and C4 is one semitone apart, so is C4 and C]4 030-MIDI: 38 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap The piano keyboard C]3 D[3 C3 D]3 E[3 D3 E3 F] 3 G[ 3 F3 G] 3 A[3 G3 A]3 B[ 3 A3 B3 C]4 D[4 C4 D]4 E[4 D4 E4 F] 4 G[ 4 F4 G] 4 A[4 G4 A]4 B[ 4 A4 B4 030-MIDI: 39 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Velocity u Interpretation of the Velocity byte is left to the receiving instrument u Usually indicates how hard or fast a key has been pressed or released u The larger the value, the stronger the velocity-controlled effect u Devices without velocity sensitivity should use a velocity of 0x40 030-MIDI: 40 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap More channel voice messages u Control Change (0xBn): change controller values. Followed by controller number, ranging from 0 to 119, then controller value u Note that “controller” here is different from the “controller” in “keyboard controller” u Program Change (0xCn): change internal patch map, followed by program (patch) number 030-MIDI: 41 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Even more channel voice messages u Channel Pressure (0xDn): change of key pressure for all keys of the channel. Followed by the pressure amount u Channel Pressure is also called Channel Aftertouch u Pitch Bend (or pitch wheel) (0xEn): modify the pitch of sounding notes. Followed first by least significant seven bits, then the most significant seven bits of pitch bend value. 0x2000 means centered pitch wheel 030-MIDI: 42 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Controllers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12–13 14–15 16–19 20–31 32–63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Bank select 70 Sound controller 1 (default: Sound variation) Modulation wheel or lever 71 Sound controller 2 (default: Timbre/harmonic intensity) Breath controller 72 Sound controller 3 (default: Release time) (undefined) 73 Sound controller 4 (default: Attack time) Foot controller 74 Sound controller 5 (default: Brightness) Portamento time 75–79 Sound controller 6–10 (no defaults) Data entry MSB 80–83 General purpose controllers 5–8 Channel volume (formerly Main volume) 84 Portamento control Balance 85–90 (undefined) (undefined) 91 Effects 1 depth (formerly External effects depth) Pan 92 Effects 2 depth (formerly Tremolo depth) Expression controller 93 Effects 3 depth (formerly Chorus depth) Effect control 1,2 94 Effects 4 depth (formerly Celeste (detune) depth) (undefined) 95 Effects 5 depth (formerly Phaser depth) General Purpose Controllers 1–4 96 Data increment (undefined) 97 Data decrement LSB for values 0–31 98 Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) LSB Damper pedal (sustain) 99 Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) MSB Portamento On/Off 100 Registered Parameter Number (RPN) LSB Sostenuto 101 Registered Parameter Number (RPN) MSB Soft pedal 102–119 (undefined) Legato footswitch 120–127 (reserved for channel mode messages) Hold 2 030-MIDI: 43 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u ä Channel mode messages Channel mode messages are Control Change message with controller number 120–127 Controller 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Message All Sound Off Reset All Controllers Local Control All Notes Off Omni Off Omni On Mono On (Poly off) Poly On (Mono off) 030-MIDI: 44 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u Mainly deal with sequencer operations u Also for tuning analog synthesizers Status (hex) F1 F2 F3 F6 F7 ä System common messages Message MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Song Position Pointer Song Select Tune Request EOX (End Of Exclusive) 030-MIDI: 45 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u ä System real time messages Used to synchronize clock-based MIDI equipments Status (hex) F8 FA FB FC FE FF Message Timing Clock Start Continue Stop Active Sensing System Reset 030-MIDI: 46 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap ä System exclusive messages u Often called SysEx messages u For sending byte sequences to a MIDI device u Followed by a one-byte or three-byte (manufacturer) ID number, then a Device ID, the data, and an EOX message u MIDI Sample Dump Standard (SDS) specifies the use of SysEx messages to send sampler data dumps between devices 030-MIDI: 47 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Sending MIDI messages: question Suppose 22 notes are to start sounding simultaneously. What’s the time needed to send all the MIDI Note On messages? 030-MIDI: 48 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Sending MIDI messages: answer Time needed to transmit one byte = 1/ 31.25k = 320µs 10 Number of bytes for a Note On message = 3 Time needed to send 22 Note On messages = 320 × 3 × 22µs = 21.12ms u Example MIDI stream: Note On messages on channel 1 for every note from A3 till D4 (piano keyboard here) 90 39 40 90 3A 40 90 3B 40 90 3C 40 90 3D 40 90 3E 40 030-MIDI: 49 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Running status u The status byte takes time to send u Simultaneous events of the same type (e.g., Note On) often have the same status byte u To save bandwidth, running status is used. The status byte of channel messages are remembered at the receiver u Status bytes need not be sent if a message have the same status byte as the preceding message 030-MIDI: 50 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Running status: example u The MIDI data stream shown previously can be shortened u Original: 90 39 40 90 3A 40 90 3B 40 90 3C 40 90 3D 40 90 3E 40 u After using running status: 90 39 40 3A 40 3B 40 3C 40 3D 40 3E 40 030-MIDI: 51 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Running status: another example, question u What’s the MIDI data stream of a chord where C4, E4 and G4 are turned on in succession, with each note sounding for half a second and turned off when another note starts sounding? Assume that all notes are turned on with velocity 96 and turned off with velocity 64 030-MIDI: 52 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Running status: another example, answer u Answer: 90 3C 60 80 3C 40 90 40 60 80 40 40 90 43 60 80 43 40 u Alternative answer: 90 3C 60 90 3C 00 90 40 60 90 40 00 90 43 60 90 43 00 u After using running status: 90 3C 60 3C 00 40 60 40 00 43 60 43 00 u Now, do you know why Note On with velocity zero is allowed and is indeed often used? 030-MIDI: 53 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: problems u MIDI does not specify the patch map for instruments u Inconsistency may occur between different MIDI instruments having different patch maps. e.g., Acoustic Grand Piano may be patch 1 on one system but patch 13 on another u The same MIDI stream played on different sound modules may sound differently u Affects portability of MIDI files 030-MIDI: 54 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap The solution: General MIDI u General MIDI (GM) System describes the minimum requirement of sound generators u Specifies minimum number of voices, sound locations, drum note mapping, octave registration, pitch bend range, and controller usage u Does not specify exact timbre and characteristics of instruments u Identified by the GM logo 030-MIDI: 55 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap GM system u Specifies the followings: • GM sound generator requirements • GM sound generator recommended hardware • GM protocol implementation requirements 030-MIDI: 56 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u ä GM System Level 1 sound generator requirements Minimum of 24 fully dynamically allocated voices available simultaneously for both melodic and percussive sounds, or 16 dynamically allocated voices for melody and 8 for percussion u Support all 16 MIDI polyphonic channels u Each channel can play a different instrument 030-MIDI: 57 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap u ä More on GM System Level 1 sound generator requirements At least 128 presets for instruments (MIDI program numbers) conforming to the GM sound set u At least 47 preset percussion sounds conforming to the GM percussion map 030-MIDI: 58 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap General MIDI sound set groupings ProgNo 1–8 9–16 17–24 25–32 33–40 41–48 29–56 57–64 u Instrument group Piano Chromatic percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble Brass ProgNo 65–72 73–80 81–88 89–96 97–104 105–112 113–120 121–128 Instrument group Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Percussive Sound Effects Both GM sound set groupings and the GM sound set apply to all channels except channel 10 030-MIDI: 59 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap General MIDI sound set Prog 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Instrument Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano Honky-tonk Piano Rhodes Piano Chorused Piano Harpsichord Clavi Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Tubular Bells Dulcimer Drawbar Organ Percussive Organ Rock Organ Church Organ Reed Organ Accordion Harmonica Tango Accordion Acoustic Guitar (nylon) Acoustic Guitar (steel) Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (muted) Overdriven Guitar Distortion Guitar Guitar Harmonics Prog 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Instrument Acoustic Bass Electric Bass (finger) Electric Bass (pick) Fretless Bass Slap Bass 1 Slap Bass 2 Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Tremolo Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Timpani String Ensemble 1 String Ensemble 2 SynthStrings 1 SynthStrings 2 Choir Aahs Voice Oohs Synth Voice Orchestra Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Muted Trumpet French Horn Brass Section Synth Brass 1 Synth Brass 2 Prog 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Instrument Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Oboe English Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder Pan Flute Blown Bottle Shakuhachi Whistle Ocarina Lead 1 (square) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 5 (charang) Lead 6 (voice) Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 8 (bass + lead) Pad 1 (new age) Pad 2 (warm) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 4 (choir) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 7 (halo) Pad 8 (sweep) Prog 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Instrument FX 1 (rain) FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 3 (crystal) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 5 (brightness) FX 6 (goblins) FX 7 (echoes) FX 8 (sci-fi) Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bag pipe Fiddle Shanai Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Taiko Drum Melodic Tom Synth Drum Reverse Cymbal Guitar Fret Noise Breath Noise Seashore Bird Tweet Telephone Ring Helicopter Applause Gunshot 030-MIDI: 60 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap General MIDI percussion map MIDI Key 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Drum sound Acoustic Bass Drum Bass Drum 1 Side Stick Acoustic Snare Hand Clap Electric Snare Low Floor Tom Closed Hi Hat High Floor Tom Pedal Hi-Hat Low Tom Open Hi-Hat Low-Mid Tom Hi Mid Tom Crash Cymbal 1 High Tom MIDI Key 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Drum sound Ride Cymbal 1 Chinese Cymbal Ride Bell Tambourine Splash Cymbal Cowbell Crash Cymbal 2 Vibraslap Ride Cymbal 2 Hi Bongo Low Bongo Mute Hi Conga Open Hi Conga Low Conga High Timbale Low Timbale MIDI Key 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Drum sound High Agogo Low Agogo Cabasa Maracas Short Whistle Long Whistle Short Guiro Claves Hi Wood Block Low Wood Block Mute Cuica Open Cuica Mute Triangle Open Triangle 030-MIDI: 61 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap General MIDI Level 2 u Published in 1999-11-15, extends GM Level 1 u Support up to 2 simultaneous percussion kits u New control change messages (Decay time, Vibrato rate, Vibrato depth, Vibrato delay) u Defines universal SysEx messages, mainly for tuning, reverb and chorus settings u Recommends response behavior of some messages u Logo: 030-MIDI: 62 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap SMF: Standard MIDI Files u Specifies how the MIDI data stream is stored with timing information, the .MID stuff u Need to encode timing information u A chunk-based file format u Support tracks u Support meta-events 030-MIDI: 63 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap SMF timing u MIDI “ticks” is the finest unit of timing u Header chunk specifies of number of ticks per quarter note or ticks per SMPTE frame u The Set Tempo meta-event specifies the number of microseconds per MIDI quarter note u The Time Signature meta-event specifies number of MIDI clocks in a metronome click u A system common message also deal with MIDI Time Code time 030-MIDI: 64 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap SMF formats Format 0 — most interchangable format u one header, one track Format 1 — vertically one dimensional form u one header, one or more tracks u a collection of simultaneous tracks Format 2 — horizontally one dimensional form u one header, one or more tracks u one independent pattern in each track 030-MIDI: 65 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap SMF meta-events Format (hex) FF 00 02 ssss FF 01 len text FF 02 len text FF 03 len text FF 04 len text FF 05 len text FF 06 len text FF 07 len text FF 20 01 cc FF 2F 00 FF 51 03 tttttt FF 54 05 hr mn se fr ff FF 58 04 nn dd cc bb FF 58 02 sf mi FF 7F len data Description Sequence number Text event Copyright notice Sequence/Track name Instrument name Lyric Marker Cue point MIDI channel prefix End of track (mandatory meta-event) Set tempo, µs per quarter note SMPTE Offset Time signature nn/2dd cc MIDI clock per metronome click bb notated 32nd note as 24 MIDI clock Key signature, sf sharps (negative=flats) mi = h0, 1i ⇒ hmajor, minori Sequencer-specific meta-event 030-MIDI: 66 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Other parts of the MIDI specification MIDI Time Code (MTC) — for synchronization and control of MIDI devices MIDI Show Control (MSC) — allow MIDI systems to communication with and to control dedicated intelligent control equipment in theatrical, live performance, multimedia, audio-visual and similar environments 030-MIDI: 67 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Other parts of the MIDI specification MIDI Machine Control (MMC) — allow MIDI systems to communication with and to control some of the more traditional audio recording and production systems MIDI Media Adaptation Layer for IEEE-1394 — (Oct 2000) describes how MIDI data is transmitted over IEEE-1394 (Firewire) Downloadable Sounds Specification (DLS) — Levels 1, 2, and 2.1, formats for defining musical instruments using waveform information 030-MIDI: 68 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: an evaluation u Provides a nice framework for musicians to experiment on musical arrangements and orchestrations u Favors piano or keyboard type of instruments u Flexible, because it does not specify how an instrument should sound u Too much flexibility, the same sequence can play very differently under different system configurations 030-MIDI: 69 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap MIDI: an evaluation u No standard way of access to synthesizer parameters u Lack of bidirectional communication facilities u It’s a “standard” anyway (though de facto /di: ‘fæktou/) u Any more? 030-MIDI: 70 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap Section references u The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification Version 96.1, MIDI Manufacturers Association u General MIDI Level 2 MIDI Manufacturers Association u Downloadable Sounds Level 2.1 MIDI Manufacturers Association MIDI specifications from the source. These are some of the more readable specifications. u http://www.midi.org/ The MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) website. 030-MIDI: 71 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap More references u lä Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes edited by Eleanor Selfridge-Field The MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-19394-9 MIDI, although influential, is not the only way music can be represented in computers. This book introduces readers a number of musical codes designed for a number of very different purposes. u Musicians Make a Standard: The MIDI Phenomenon Gareth Loy Computer Music Journal, Vol.9, No.4, Winter 1985. Quite a nice reference to MIDI that brings you back to the days MIDI was designed. So, it is outdated. Don’t expect information from the article to be completely accurate in today’s situations. 030-MIDI: 72 HKU ICOM6018 2006–2007 Multimedia Computing Dr. YIP Chi Lap