April 17, 2016 - Holy Family, Inverness
April 17, 2016 - Holy Family, Inverness
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 About Us Holy Family Catholic Community 2515 Palatine Rd. Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 (ph) 847-359-0639 (fax) holyfamilyparish.org Vision Statement Holy Family Catholic Community invites all to new life in Christ. Our response to God’s call is evident through full, conscious and active participation in our community. Mission Statement To engage all in the sacramental life through vibrant worship, life-long learning and passionate community. Core Values Animated by our faith in God to evangelize, we live the following core values: • Integrity • Excellence • Unity • Service • Justice Welcome to Holy Family Sacramental / Formation Ministers Holy Family Catholic community invites all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy Family? Are you considering becoming a registered parishioner? We welcome you to become engaged in carrying out our mission. New members are registered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month (excluding holidays) immediately following the 9:00 A.M. Mass. Welcome Ministers will be available at the Welcome Desk to walk you through the short registration process. Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of Christ.” We look forward to experiencing that reality with you. Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor Friar Johnpaul Cafiero Fr. Denis Carneiro Fr. George Kane Schedule Masses Weekdays: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. First Friday of the month 9:00 a.m. (with Anointing of the Sick) First Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m.; 9:00 a.m. (interpreted for the hearing impaired); 11:00 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. Kid Church - 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10:15 in the chapel. Holy Days 7:00a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Everyday Fr. Richard Vaz, SVD Fr. Bill Zavaski Fr. Medard Laz, Pastor Emeritus Pastoral Council e-mail: [email protected] Tracey Cantarutti Chairperson (Operations) Jack Shedd Vice-Chair (At Large/Pastor) Fr. Terry Keehan Pastor (Staff) Robin Schreiner Adult Faith TBD Archdiocesan Rep Brooke Held At Large (Council) Tony Mathias Family Faith Cattie Scharm Holy Family Catholic Academy Karina Chavez Academy Parents Rep Al Clementi Liturgical Life Joe Ferlita Knights of Columbus Andrew McGovern Human Concerns Bernie Schaeffer Staff Ro Geisler Staff Pauline Carlson Teen Faith (Adult Rep) Daniel Tokarz Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Aly Worthem Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Heidi Trocha Liturgical Life/Recording Secretary Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend and listen to the items on the published agenda. If you or your group have an item for discussion, it needs to be submitted in writing to the council chair one week prior to the scheduled meeting. 6:00 a.m. to Midnight Finance Council Reconciliation (Available upon request) Communal Reconciliation with individual absolution First Saturday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in chapel) Individual Reconciliation (in Reconciliation Room) Other Saturdays from 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Nursery Available Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 a,m. The Finance Council of Holy Family meets quarterly and its current members are: Ken Aman - Chair John McCarthy Maureen DeRosa Jeffrey Rotter Robert Growney Jim Vande Logt Chet Zara Follow Us on Social Media Anointing of the Sick Please know that recent hospital privacy laws have significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact our Liturgical Life office to request the Anointing of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing of the Sick takes place on the First Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Mass. 2 April 17, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/holyfamilyinverness https://twitter.com/HolyFamilyCCI https://www.pinterest.com/holyfamilyCCI/ Fr. Terry Keehan As the Easter Season unfolds, Pentecost begins to take focus for us. We haven’t spent much time yet on the coming of, and presence of, the Holy Spirit, yet it is always among us and stands as a goal and the conclusion of the Easter season. This year Pentecost falls on May 15, but over 100 of our teens will be confirmed on May 1, and we will take much inspiration from the Pentecost event then. As I meet with small groups of our teens in preparation for Confirmation, I like to remind them of how the Pentecost event is situated in the unfolding of the Easter Season. Pent, or the base of the word/experience Pentecost, is rooted in the number 5 or, in this case, 50. The Apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead. I like to explain the coming of the Holy Spirit as rooted in the feast of the Ascension, which is 40 days after the Resurrection. The popular scriptural belief is that 40 means a long time (40 days Jesus spent in the desert, 40 years the Jewish people journeyed to the Promised Land, 40 days of rain in Noah’s Ark, etc.) After a long time (proof that he did indeed rise), he ascends and his last words to the 11 disciples is a commissioning, “Go and baptize all nations in the name of the Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit.” However the disciples are missing two key ingredients to carry out the mission. First, there are only 11 of them; they are not whole because Judas was no longer alive. Second, they don’t have the tool that they need to baptize ALL nations, and that is language. Between the Ascension (40 days after Resurrection) and Pentecost (50 days after), Matthias is named as the 12th (or 13th) apostle –thus making them whole again, and on Pentecost they receive the gift of being able to speak different languages so that they can now go out and spread the Good News story of Jesus Christ to ALL nations. This year we will celebrate the feast of the Ascension on Mother’s Day, May 8. Until then we hear much of the story of the early church, and this weekend is a great example. In the first reading from Acts, Paul and Barnabas expand the good news of Jesus’ Resurrection beyond the Jewish community to include Gentiles; in other words, the whole world. This inclusion is consistent with the Gospel of Luke, whose primary author and source is also the primary author and source of the Acts of the Apostles. This inclusive message is continued in the second reading from Revelation as we hear, “I, John, had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count from every race, nation, people and tongue.” The Gospel according to John is a short passage this week. It follows Jesus’ statement that “I am the Good Shepherd.” It tells of the intimate and tender connection between Jesus as shepherd, and us in his care. It speaks of eternal life as a gift that we receive as a result of that connection. No one can take us out of his hand and he speaks of us as a gift that God has given to him; and no one can take us out of God’s hand, which is also the hand of Jesus that stretches out to us in our beautiful Cross of New Life. You may have noticed the dimming of the image on the screen on the east side of the church. Our screens enable us here at Holy Family to enhance our worship in a unique way. It is a signature part of our vibrant liturgical experience, indeed, a Holy Family hallmark. The image is dimming because the projector is failing. We have rented a new projector at the best price available, but this problem is indicative of a larger challenge. Our video equipment is 12 years old. Can you imagine using a cell phone today that was 12 years old? Technology continues to evolve and grow. We have done a thorough assessment of our video and audio equipment and, at this time, it is estimated that we need between $160,000 and $180,000 of upgrades to continue providing the quality of imagery and sound that you have come to expect and that we want to provide. Please consider these costs in your regular giving. Thank you. Do you have a will or trust in place? Is it current? Surprisingly a majority of American’s do not have an estate plan in place. I encourage you to attend the Financial Planning Ministry seminar this coming Thursday evening, April 21 at 7 pm to better understand the importance of having a plan and the opportunity to create a will or trust at no cost to you. Please see the Financial Planning Ministry notice later in the bulletin on how to register for the seminar. The First Anniversary of Kid Church will be Sunday, April 24 at 10:15 am in the Chapel. Kid Church is a lay led word service for families with children under the age of 4, and the first anniversary celebration will be special. Please come and spread the word. Archbishop Cupich has started a very important initiative throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago entitled “Renew My Church.” He has gathered leadership, staffs and clergy in beginning this initiative and he has listened to our feedback. Perhaps the most important feedback he wants is yours. He wants to hear from as many parishioners as possible in moving this Renew My Church initiative forward. Please take time to fill out the survey created by the Archdiocese which is essential to giving this process very valuable input—YOURS. Log on to the Archdiocesan website (archchicago.org) or the link on our website that is Renew My Church. www.holyfamilyparish.org 3 Liturgical Life Gene Garcia Director of Music & Worship Technology 847-907-3434 GGarcia@ holyfamilyparish.org Brian Michalski Director of Liturgical Life 847-907-3472 BMichalski@ holyfamilyparish.org The Liturgical Life Community... creates a vibrant prayer and worship experience so that all may participate in a fully conscious and active way in the liturgy. This includes different forms of prayer and worship experiences, for all attending Holy Family, whether on campus, the homebound, nursing, rehab facilities and hospitals. Kid Church is 1 Year Old!! Join us on Sunday, April 24 at 10:15am in the chapel for our service followed by "Cake in the Courtyard" to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Kid Church. All families with children ages 0-4 (older siblings welcome) are invited to attend. Rain location for the celebration will be in Common Ground. Kid Church is a Sunday worship experience designed to meet the needs of families with young children, ages 0-4 (older siblings welcome). Families gather in the chapel for music, prayer, gospel reading, reflection, and communion. Snacks and craft time follows in Common Ground. Don’t forget… Please know that hospital privacy laws have significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact the parish or Liturgical Life office to request the Anointing of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing of the Sick takes place on the First Friday of the month at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. PREPARING FOR NEXT WEEK Watch our weekly LBSCC reflection @ https://www.youtube.com/user/HFInverness/videos. Click on reflections for Sunday Readings 4-24-2016 and listen to Friar Johnpaul reflect on the readings. Questions for 5th Sunday of Easter 1. How quick are you to attribute any success you have to God? 2. What do you see that God is making new in our church? in our family of faith? in you or in someone you know? 3. How and where do you most often encounter Christ? 4 April 17, 2016 Liturgical Life Get on your feet! Do you want to get on your feet a little more during the Mass? Is hospitality and service among your spiritual gifts? If yes, then consider becoming an usher and join us as we “minister across the aisles.” We are presently in need of several ushers (teens, families are encouraged but all are welcome!). Time commitment once a month. If you are interested in serving please contact Mike Gilbert, Ministry Leader at 847-991-3175 or [email protected] Did You Know (or Do You Remember)???? As we celebrate the Easter season, The Cross of New Life is a good time to learn or flashback. The Cross of New Life, commissioned in 1998, is a unique and inspiring work of art which graces our worship space. It measures 12 feet by 16 feet, weighs almost 2,000 pounds, and is suspended over the altar steps (sanctuary) where much of our sacramental life takes place. Using the sculpting medium acrylic, the Cross of New Life captures and reflects the light streaming through the magnificent windows of the church, suggesting the five elements of earth, fire, light, water, and air. It speaks to us in a most eloquent, yet simple manner of our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Friend. The outstretched arm reminds us of His invitation all of us to make Him, “the Christ,” the all-encompassing focal point of our lives. The rays of His RISEN presence surround Him in the form of a cross. The Cross of New Life is an instrument of evangelization inviting us to new life. It is a tangible sign of Holy Family’s mission to all who come here seeking compassion, understanding, acceptance, and love of the Lord and one another. Things gs that Make yo you Go “If there is no laughter, Jesus has gone somewhere else. If there is freedom, it is not a church: s no joy and freedom it is simply a crowd of melancholy people basking in a religious neurosis. If there is no celebration, there is no real worship.” ― Steve Brown, Approaching God: Accepting the Invitation to Stand in the Presence of God (Steve Brown is an American Christian author, a radio broadcaster, and a seminary professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida.) Please Note Upcoming Mass Schedule Changes: No 4:00pm Mass on Sunday, May 1 due to Confirmation liturgy. No 4:00pm Mass on Sunday, May 29 due to Memorial Day weekend. www.holyfamilyparish.org 5 Liturgical Life Word from the Pew Do you know of any interesting blogs about the liturgy? Here’s one to check out called Pray Tell, http://www.praytellblog. com/.Pray Tell is a blog that gives practical wisdom about prayer, sacraments, and the community of the faithful – in short, worship. Created especially for pastors, liturgists, musicians, and scholars (but anyone interested may find it interesting), Pray Tell is informal, conversational, wellinformed, intellectually grounded and, even humorous. Word from the Pew from Beyond Holy Family “Our church was recently renovated. Our pastor has made certain changes, among them, fish have been placed in the water of the baptismal font. Is it appropriate? I have never seen this in any other parish.” The placing of fish in a baptismal is font is totally inappropriate. The baptismal font, like the entire baptistry is "reserved for the sacrament of baptism and should be worthy to serve as the place where Christians are reborn in water and the Holy Spirit." (Christian Initiation, General Introduction, number 25). Of all the liturgical books, the Book of Blessing, number 1085 provides the most comprehensive description of a baptismal font: "The baptismal font, particularly one in a baptistery, should be stationary, gracefully constructed out of suitable material, of splendid beauty and spotless cleanliness; it should permit baptism by immersion, whenever this is the usage. (Christian Initiation, General Introduction, no. 25). In order to enhance its force as a sign, the font should be designed in such a way that it functions as a fountain of running water; where the climate requires, provision should be made for heating the water." (Ibid, no. 20) Source: www.usccb.org Liturgical Trivia See how many of the following you know in relationship to the Mass (without using Google). Answers in next weekend’s bulletin! • Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy • Sanctuary • LBSCC • “full, conscious, and active participation” • Roman Missal • Green 6 April 17, 2016 Liturgical Life Mass Intentions In Loving Memory of... Monday, April 18 9:00AM Austin Boyd (Parry Family) 9:00AM Special Intention (Simon) 7:00PM John Vanik (Josephine W.) + Robert Growney + Mary Sasuta Tuesday, April 19 9:00AM Barbra Brzozka (Son) Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Wednesday, April 20 9:00AM John Maffesoli (Family) 9:00AM Philippe Paragas (Family) 7:00PM Thanksgiving for Lilibeth Constantino (Mel & Steve) In a Special Way We Remember Our Family Members Who Are Ill... Thursday, April 21 9:00AM The People of Holy Family Parish Bonnie Bennett Sam Cortese Nancy Ebner Edmund G. Robert Heldmann Bernice Kathrein Judy Kendzior Friday, April 22 9:00AM James Kramer (Holy Family Parish) 9:00AM Jean Marie Fitzgerald (Frank & Louise Stompanto) Saturday, April 23 5:00PM Bob Aebersold (Dorothy Aebersold) 5:00PM Jerry Helfen (Carol Younis) 5:00PM Sue Kinzig (Pam Wade) Sunday, April 24 7:30AM Pete & Stephanie Pundo (Sesko Family) 7:30AM Tom Kendzior (Family) 7:30AM James McGing (Patricia Fluhler) 9:00AM Ben Steep (Rebecca Zach) 9:00AM Clara Schlote (Russ Schlote & Family) 9:00AM Jean Krupinski (Andy & Florette Sokulski) 11:00AM Eugene Marzelli (RCIA) 11:00AM George Polancin (John Costello) 11:00AM Larry Michalski (RCIA Team) Mass intentions are available by contacting the Parish Office Wedding Banns Megan Harned & Kevin Powers - III www.holyfamilyparish.org Stanley Komperda Leatrice Marynowski James Schiffer Sr. Eva Sowizrol Jackie Stevens Neema Thundathil Arlene Urban Weekly Readings Monday, April 18 Acts 11: 1-18 John 10: 1-10 Tuesday, April 19 Acts 11: 19-26 John 10: 22-30 Wednesday, April 20 Acts 12: 24 - 13: 5a John 12: 44-50 Thursday, April 21 Acts 13: 13-25 John 13: 16-20 Friday, April 22 Acts 13: 26-33 John 14: 1-6 Saturday, April 23 Acts 13: 26-33 John 14: 7-14 Sunday, April 24 Acts 14: 21-27 Revelation 21: 1-5a John 13: 13-33a, 34-35 7 Operations Ro Geisler Parish Manager 847-907-3424 RGeisler @holyfamilyparish.org The Operations Community... oversees the parish business and infrastructure activities to ensure they operate efficiently. Register in the Parish Office or online at holyfamilyparish.org/fpm 8 April 17, 2016 Adult Faith Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass Marsha Adamczyk Director 847-907-3458 MAdamczyk @holyfamilyparish.org The Adult Faith Community... supports the mission of lifelong learning by providing educational, spiritual, and formational activities for the parish and the community. This year’s Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating 50 years of marriage in 2016 will be held at Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 2:45 pm. Pre-registration is required and you must have been married in 1966. You may register by contacting Mary Whiteside by June 1st at 847-907-3450 or [email protected]. Thank you to our friends at Beth Tikvah! Our deepest gratitude to Rabbi Taron Tachman, Steve Pill and the entire Beth Tikvah congregation for hosting a wonderful “Jewish-Catholic Dialogue” program and beautiful hospitality on Wednesday, April 13th for our Adult Faith participants. This is the third year of this program and it is always a joy to be with our friends from Beth Tikvah. This year we began the program in the worship space at Beth Tikvah and we learned about the many important symbols and rituals that make up the Jewish services. We followed that with relational questions at tables with Beth Tikvah and Holy Family representatives sharing how our faith has impacted our lives. We are already looking forward to next year! www.holyfamilyparish.org 9 Adult Faith C. Vanessa White, M.T.S., D.Min. As a formation and retreat minister, catechist, lay missionary director, pastoral minister and educator, C. Vanessa White has been intent on journeying with those who are seeking a greater understanding of God’s will in their lives. She has over twenty-five years of experience in ministry and spiritual formation with lay and religious communities. C.Vanessa White is a Secular Franciscan and the Past Convener for the Black Catholic Theological Symposium, an Interdisciplinary theological association of Black Roman Catholic scholars. “Take it Easy...Take it Easy” Spend a relaxing, refreshing morning at Holy Family with C. Vanessa White, D.Min., Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Ministry at Catholic Theological Union Saturday, April 23, 2016 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Cost: $15 She is currently Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Ministry and Director of the Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program at Catholic Theological Union. Holy Family Catholic Community Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor 2515 Palatine Road Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 www.holyfamilyparish.org 10 We invite you to join us as C. Vanessa White of Catholic Theological Union helps us embrace our spiritual selves and explore the deeper message of God’s will in our lives. We will enjoy brunch while being spiritually refreshed as well. Come, and bring friends. To register, contact Mary Whiteside at 847-907-3450 or [email protected] Visit our “Adult Faith at Holy Family Catholic Community” page on Facebook. April 17, 2016 Adult Faith Congratulations to our 2016 Neophytes! After almost a year of preparation and the creation of many new friendship bonds, this group has completed their initiation as full members of the Roman Catholic Church. We welcome them all, and we look forward to their Neophyte Mass on Sunday, April 24 at 11:00. A HUGE thank you goes out to our RCIA team who gives hundreds of hours each year to provide the support and education needed to prepare the Candidates and Catechumens for this very powerful conversion experience. Their dedication and love for the ministry shines throughout the entire process! We are truly blessed to have them walking the journey with those who wish to become fully initiated Catholics. Robin and Mike Hanrahan, Cathe and Bill Haran, Wendy Posey, Bonnie Rooney, Jeff Hitz www.holyfamilyparish.org 11 Family & Teen Faith CALLED TO BE AN EASTER PEOPLE: EMBRACING DIVERSITY; PRACTICING TOLERANCE Peg Hanrahan Director 847-907-3431 PHanrahan@ holyfamilyparish.org The Family & Teen Faith Community... offers faith formation and catechesis to preschool through elementary school aged children and high school teens and their families. Given the heated political rhetoric in this election cycle, the concern over increasing terrorist threats (especially in light of the attacks in Paris, San Bernadino and Brussels), the ongoing struggles for racial justice in our society and a rise in religious based intolerance, it seemed a good time to raise the issue of how we, as a faith community value diversity and foster tolerance in ourselves, each other and in our children/teens. “Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.” UNESCO (the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Respect, acceptance and appreciation of diversity are qualities we value at Holy Family. As religious people we see diversity as a blessing. Respect, acceptance and appreciation are essential to life-giving encounters; merciful interactions. To be a welcoming community we must an inclusive community. To be a merciful community we must strive for ‘harmony in difference’ and set aside the comfort of conformity, not mistaking it for unity. However, it is easier to say than to do. To achieve harmony in difference we need to practice it. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) founded in 1971 to fight hate and bigotry and seek justice for the most vulnerable in our society is a valuable resource. Among its many initiatives the SPLC launched its ‘Teaching Tolerance’ Project (www.teachingtolerance.org ) in the 1990’s to help parents and educators help children learn and embrace the values of equality and justice for all. As parents let those who teach your children/teens know about their many free resources and subscribe to their award winning publication Teaching Tolerance Magazine (https://www.splcenter.org/teaching-tolerance?gclid=CMfWyZjw6MsCFQgoaQodC6kBgA) The Teaching Tolerance Project reminds us that; 1. Prejudice, bias, and hate, as well as an appreciation for diversity, are learned. 2. No matter how good we are, how hard we work at appreciating the wisdom of those who are different, we all carry prejudice and biases, what is now referred to as unconscious bias. 3. The more we work at appreciating diversity, the less obvious, and so the more insidious, our prejudice and biases can become. Whether we like it or not, we teach by example. Our facial expressions and body language can betray our words. A careless phrase or our inability or unwillingness to challenge prejudiced or biased words and/or behavior in a family setting, with friends, in the neighborhood, yes even at Church, does harm. Prejudice excludes. Bigotry disfigures the Body of Christ. Discrimination betrays. Such attitudes and behaviors are antithetical to the Gospel. Our fear of the stranger and discomfort with the unfamiliar can lead to feelings of apprehension. Becoming aware of the way our biases influence our dealings with others and fostering an understanding of the other is a work of mercy (Instruct the ignorant is the first of the Spiritual Works of Mercy. See Anna Gray and Barbara Whitlock’s blog in Living the Liturgical Year - https://liturgicalyear.wordpress.com/2010/09/28/spiritual-works-of-mercyinstructing-the-ignorant/). Our desire to hold on to cultural values and traditions that were influential in shaping our personal identities can make us skeptical of diversity as a blessing or gift. In a wonderful book, The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age (Harvard University Press, 2012) Martha C. Nussbaum encourages us to expand our capacity for empathetic imagination by cultivating curiosity, seeking friendship across religious lines (add cultural, racial, socio-economic status, ethnic, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation as well), and establishing a consistent ethic of decency and civility”. Decency has a lot to do with mercy – a spiritual value sadly lacking in our world. The Family and Teen Faith staff will work with you, to find ways to celebrate diversity and eradicate discrimination. Tuesday, March 29, our sixth graders and their parents visited Beth Tikkvah. On April 13 why not join the Jewish-Catholic Dialogue for adults (see the Easter bulletin for full details). Rabbi Tachman and the Teen Faith staff will be working on creating a Teen Jewish-Catholic Dialogue. We also hope to create a Muslim-Catholic Teen Dialogue for next Fall. Our FLAME classes will welcome, Maneshwar Singh, from the Interfaith Youth Core, on April 10. Mr. Singh will speak on about interfaith cooperation and dialogue. 12 April 17, 2016 Family & Teen Faith Preparing our children to receive the Sacraments Preparing children to receive the sacraments of First Eucharist and Reconciliation at Holy Family is done in collaboration with Family Faith and Holy Family Catholic Academy (HFCA). The sacramental preparation sessions are conducted outside of and in addition to class time. Why not do all of sacramental preparation during their Faith or HFCA religion classes? We want to have parents integrally involved in the sacramental life of their child as teachers and mentors. We want to foster a spirit of community and cooperation between the families of both Family Faith and HFCA. SACRAMENTAL POLICIES FOR 2016-2017 Children preparing to receive a sacrament must have at least two years of formal religious education prior to the reception of the sacrament. This means that if parents wish to have their child receive First Communion in the spring of second grade they must have their child enrolled by the fall of first grade. This policy is part of best practice recommendations from both the Archdiocese of Chicago and The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Grace period granted for 2016-17 Because this is a new policy for Holy Family there will be one year’s grace period. All children wishing to receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in the spring of 2017 must be registered and present on the first day of class. 1. Children with significant gaps in their formal religious education will be asked to do additional study to make up the work they missed. Religious education like all educational endeavors builds upon the mastery of foundational concepts and the development of certain skill sets. When substantive gaps exist in a child/teen’s learning it hampers their ability to understand new and more complex concepts and develop the skills needed to apply what they learn. This is the same reason we wouldn’t think of putting a child who has only completed second grade math into a high school Algebra or Geometry class or someone with a fourth grade reading level in a high school literature class. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION - RCIA (adults) RCIC (school age children) School age Children who come to us to prepare to be baptized or those in grades 3-8 who wish to receive First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will need to attend either Faith or Academy classes and participate in the RCIC process. The RCIC process is designed as a family process. All family members are invited to attend these sessions but at least one parent is expected to attend the RCIC sessions with their child/ren. THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION at Holy Family is open to all adults and children who wish to ¾ be baptized, ¾ were baptized in another Christian Church and now wish reception into the Roman Catholic Church, or ¾ wish to complete the sacraments of initiation. The RCIC is designed for children of school age. These sacraments are usually celebrated during the Easter Season. Whether your family or family members are entering the Catholic Church for the first time, returning after time away, decided to delay sacramental preparation and now want to complete their Christian Initiation or any other circumstance know you are welcome to do so at Holy Family. The RCIC process involves a) regular attendance at weekend liturgy, b) participation in the seven (7) Christian initiation sessions with a parent(s) held on Sunday at 12 noon and c) involvement in a formal religious education class at grade level. If you are interested or have questions contact Dr. Peg Hanrahan at [email protected]. www.holyfamilyparish.org 13 Family & Teen Faith Senior Recognition Mass Sunday, April 24, 2016 | 4pm All High School Seniors will receive a special blessing and sending off at this Mass. The Knights of Columbus will present their annual scholarship and Teen Ministry Leaders will be recognized. Holy Family Community, all are welcome and encouraged to come out to this special Mass in support of your Parish Teens to offer up your blessings and encouragement! SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS 2016 2016 The HF Summer Mission Trip is FULL! Help our 40 teens defray the cost of the trip by attending Pasta Palooza (4/2), getting a lollipop on 5/21-22 or getting your car washed on 6/12. 14 Confirmation May 1 at 1:30 pm First Communion May 7 & 14 10:30 am; May 14 at 5 pm; May 15 at 9 & 11 am April 17, 2016 Holy Family Academy Kate O’Brien Principal 847-907-3452 [email protected] Holy Family Catholic Academy.... offers an innovative curriculum that focuses on cultivating critical thinking, problem solving and teamwork. Our Parish School prepares students to be: “Leaders, thinkers, grounded in faith.” To learn more about classes in 2-yr.old preschool through Grade 8 or schedule a tour please contact: HFCA moves toward IB World School Certification HFCA is the first school in the Chicago Archdiocese, and the first known school in the Northwest suburbs to be accepted as a Candidate* for the International Baccalaureate (IB) World School Primary Years certification. The process toward certification officially began in January 2016. Recently, our IB consultant, Mrs. Upfold from Toronto, spent 2 days with our teachers and visited our classrooms. She was very complimentary of the systems and instructional processes at that are already aligned to the IB framework and which have long been hallmarks of HFCA. Her report indicated that HFCA’s faculty and staff are well suited to undertake this multi-year task. The IB Primary Years Programme covers 3-year-old preschool through Grade 5, and aims to develop internationally minded people. Aligned with our Catholic teachings, the IB framework recognizes our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, and helps to create a better and more peaceful world. Here are some of our kindergarten students modeling IB attributes: Deb Atkins 847-907-3461 Open-minded— considers new ideas and perspectives. [email protected] Visit our website at holyfamilycatholicacademy.net dadatkins@holyfamily 2016-2017 Applications now accepted! Communicators—able to express ideas clearly and confidently. Caring—re-stocking the food pantry with money they earned during Lent. Visit our website at holyfamilycatholicacademy.net *Candidacy does not guarantee of authorization. www.holyfamilyparish.org 15 Human Concerns Catholic Social Teaching – United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Sue Geegan Director 847-907-3443 SGeegan @holyfamilyparish.org The Human Concerns Community... offers assistance with life’s basic needs, spiritual and emotional support as well as additional resources with partners in our community while promoting mercy and justice by putting our faith into action. Over the next 12 months, all seven themes will be highlighted. The Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar and episcopal documents. The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best through a direct reading of these documents. In these brief reflections, we highlight several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition. Care for God’s Creation We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored. The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. . . Our duties towards the environment are linked to our duties towards the human person, considered in himself and in relation to others. It would be wrong to uphold one set of duties while trampling on the other. Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate. . . ), #48, 51 For more information visit – www.usccb.org Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Lenten Social Justice Project benefitting JOURNEYS|The Road Home‘s Hope Center. We raised more than $50,000! Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day, May 8 I was a stranger and you welcomed me Moments after receiving a call on the mobile outreach hotline, Catholic Charities dispatches a van to meet a young adult on the street and provide free transportation – with no strings attached – to a safe shelter. When others may just walk by, we act. Multiply this act at our 164 locations which are open to all. Every 30 seconds someone counts on us for help. Give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day so people are fed, comforted, sheltered, and cared for at any stage in life. Learn more at www. catholiccharities.net. “How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” - Pope Francis 16 JOURNEYS has asked that we continue to support them by simply “liking” their Facebook page. This is one of the best ways to bring additional awareness and education to communities about the great work they do for the homeless in our midst. More opportunities to assist them can be found by visiting www.journeystheroadhome.org, or calling 847-963-9163 x17. April 17, 2016 Human Concerns HOLY FAMILY’S SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE For St. Vincent de Paul Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1 Holy Family will hold its annual Spring Clothing Drive for St Vincent DePaul on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1. We are suggesting that you bring your donations of spring and summer clothing to the truck located in the parking lot before or after mass (except the Sunday 4pm mass). There will be volunteers there to take your donations and put them directly on the truck. Tax receipts will be available. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY DONATIONS TO THE CHURCH PRIOR TO SATURDAY, APRIL 30. WE HAVE NO STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE. Please contact Mary-Frances at [email protected] if you would like to help or have questions. Vicariate 1 Ministry Commissions and Catholic Charities Present: The Refugee Resettlement Program St. Mary’s of Buffalo Grove Parish Saturday, April 23 - 9:30 am - Noon Walk with a refugee family as they build a new life in the United States Catholic Charities’ Refugee Resettlement program helps families fleeing war, violence or oppression in other countries start new lives here in the Chicago area. The program provides comprehensive services to help refugees from various parts of the world adapt to their new environment, leading them to greater independence and self-sufficiency. You can learn more about this amazing program by attending this seminar sponsored by the Vicariate I Ministry Commissions and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Location: St. Mary Rectory/Parish Office, 10 N. Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL. (Northwest corner of Lake-Cook Road and Buffalo Grove Road.) Focus: To learn more about Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program: What it is, how it works, how individuals and/or parishes might be able to assist. Intended Audience: Parish human concerns/social justice ministers, parish staffs, deacons and anyone interested in assisting those in need. RSVP’s are encouraged. For more information or to RSVP, contact: • Sue Geegan, [email protected], (847) 907-3443 or • Deacon Dennis Brown, [email protected], (847) 542-6024 LIFE LINE SCREENING AT HOLY FAMILY MONDAY, MAY 2 Life Line Screenings offer advanced ultrasound technology to be proactive regarding your cardiovascular health. All key five screenings are offered for only $149. Will it hurt? No. We use Doppler, color flow ultrasound, which is painless. How accurate are results? Very. We’ve been classified as hospital-grade and state of the art. How old should someone be to get a baseline test? 40 with family history. Go to http://www.lifelinescreeningblog.com/introduction/ to watch a three-minute video about Life Line Screening. To register for your screening and to receive a $10 discount, call 888-653-6450 or visit www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners. www.holyfamilyparish.org 17 Human Concerns Holy Family Partnerships and Support Groups Partnerships Catholic Charities Provides food, clothing, shelter, counseling and other services to those in need, bringing hope to the hopeless. Mike Waters, NW Regional Director Des Plaines [email protected] 847-376-2100 Habitat for Humanity Spring of Life Partnership Nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Provides interest free loans to families who qualify for affordable housing Larry Buettner [email protected] www.springoflifehabitat.org Journeys the Road Home At Journeys, we work to provide intervention and support to address the root cause of homelessness, and lead people back to a stable environment. Shelter through the PADS program October through April; job support, case management, food pantry, clothing room, Pathway Housing Readiness Program are a few offerings. www.journeystheroadhome.org 847-963-9163 Misíon San Juan Diego Holy Family partners with this local Hispanic parish encouraging intercultural exchange. http://www.misionsanjuandiego.org PHD (Preservation for Human Dignity) Affirms the value of the lives of women and families facing the issues of pregnancy and parenting by providing professional counseling, education, and support services to meet the unique practical and emotional needs of each individual. www.sphd.org or 847-359-4919 18 St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly Staffed by Little Sisters of the Poor, provides assistance as they minister to the elderly economically disadvantaged in Palatine. www.littlesistersofthepoorpalatine. org 847-358-5700 WINGS (Giving Flight to Hopes and Dreams) The mission of WINGS is to provide a continuum of integrated services in an effort to end domestic violence and homelessness one family at a time. www.wingsprogram.com 847-519-7820 Support Groups Al-Anon Helps friends and families of alcoholics find support and understanding. Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30am in room Lower Level 3. Cathie: 847-255-3653 AMITA Health Behavioral Medicine One-on-one counseling. Meets on various days and times. Contact them directly at 855-383-2224. Job Support A vibrant networking group designed to support those who are searching for a new position or career. We encourage all attendees to share talents, advice and contacts. The group meets Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 9:30 am in Common Ground. For each meeting bring 25 copies of a resume or handbill. Brian Healy 847-359-4097, Frank Sevilla 847-567-0969, Jerry Aurigemma 847-226-4331 LOSS (Survivors of Suicide) Facilitated by staff of Catholic Charities Jessica H. 312-655-7283 April 17, 2016 Mental Health Support Referrals to local support agencies for anyone with a mental health diagnosis as well as friends and family members. Dan and Trudy Mickey 847-991-6255 [email protected] One In Love (LGBT) Exists to Educate, Advocate, Ally and Serve. Meets the second Saturday every month from 10:00am Noon. Chris Evon 847-271-6030 or [email protected] Rising from Divorce A support group for individuals facing separation, divorce or annulment. This open and ongoing support group who will help you heal and cope. Faith sharing, speakers and social activities are offered throughout the year. Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday from 7:00-9:00pm. Kathy Kvitek [email protected] 630-697-1655 To Be Joyful Again Supporting and assisting people whose spouses have died. We meet on the first and third Thursdays of every month at 7:00pm, and also provide other opportunities for connection. Contact Elaine at 847-705-9886, or Deb at 847-991-7327 US TOO International (prostate cancer support) For men and couples who are dealing with prostate cancer. Information, resources and support are available at the monthly meetings which are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:00pm and 6:30-9:00pm. Cliff Whall - 630-718-1304 Easter Memorials In Loving Memory of... Louis & Angelina Abbinante (Abbinante Family) Margaret & Richard Adamczyk (M/M Michael Barwacz) Anthony Belli (Abbinante Family) Neil, Rosie, Eddie (Shirley Bossard) Pat & Dwain Hamilton (Nancy HamiltonAbruscato) Richard Brady (Sean & Pam Brady) Gerald Allen, Crawfords, Rothenbuechers (Judy Allen) Josef & Katherine Amstadt (Jakob & Hildegard Amstadt) Frank & Eva Schachelmayer (Jakob & Hildegard Amstadt) Magdalena Breitenbach Theresa Krueger (M/M Mark Anderson) Peter Andress (Joan Andress) Dorothy & Arthur Baer (M/M Lawrence Antos) Frank Schmidt Ed Fanning Jr. (Don & Joyce Axe) David Baranowski (Carol Baranowski) June Avanzo John Baranski Janina Baranski (M/M John Baranski) Mary Barnas Walter Barnas (Lottie Barnas) Mary Barnas Walter Barnas (Patricia Barnas) Addante, Daniele, Renna Deceased Family Members (M/M Andrew Daniele) Walter Daugerdas Carrie Daugerdas (M/M David Daugerdas) Rose, Dan & Danny Antonelli (Tim & Cathy DePratt) Daniel Cahill Emy Lou Brown (Richard J. Brown) Richard Dixon (Lois Dixon) Campana Family Lewandowki Family (Mrs Shirley Campana) Dr. Rudkin (Doyle) Ralph Cecchini Jennifer Mirecki (Wanda Cecchini) John & Anne Czyzewicz, Herb & Jenny Schmidtke (Jerry & Carol Chess) Marlene & Vic Rivara Rosalie Esposito Josephine Zwiefka (Nick & Kathy Esposito) James W. Conner Sr. Rita Conner (James Conner Jr.) Mary & Stanley Szerszen (Connie & Jerry) Aurora Corpin Teofilo delaRosa Julia Corpin (Estrella Corpin) Sue Loeschen, Chuck Goss, Florence Crook (Randall Crook) Jeanne Johnson (Bill Dahlborn) Robert & Bernice Hansen (Carol Elbin) Tim Hansen (Carol Elbin) Those who have suffered from social injustice (M/M Robert Ciancio) Marian Connolly (Veda Connolly) Magdaleno & Maria Castano (Christine & Waye Eilers) Jean Thiltges (Sharyn Gilbert) Ann Hoskins (M/M Bill Hoskins) Chester Gilski Diana Gilski Reczek (Gilski Family) Denise Iberle (Bob Iberle) Ray & Bette Wilson Frank Girolamo Ida Minicucci (M/M Rudy Girolamo) Audrey M. Greco Raimondo Family Gonzales/Figuerdo Family (M/M Andres Gonzalez) Deceased Members of Gresko, Haranta & Legowski Families (M/M Michael Gresko) Sal, Laura & Robert Sidoti (Griffey) Sue Kinzig (M/M James Hamill) Norman Schreiner, Helen & Ed Hanrahan (Robin & Mike Hanrahan) Ron Hart, Ann Meier (Marge Hart) Sylvia Poremski (Stephanie Heavey) Jack Fletcher, Frank & Marge Gusinde (Diana Fletcher) Deceased Members of Otto & Hellgeth Families (M/M Thomas Hellgeth) Gilbert Moore, Edwin & Jean Fluhler (Patricia & Jim Fluhler) Dick Herdrich (Therese Herdrich) Angela R. Langefeld (M/M John Fontana III) Ken Guilette Bill Walsh (M/M Jeffrey Hitz) Giuseppe Settefrati Onelia Settefrati (Maria Gagliano) Dorothy Bernabei (Ed & Geri Hoffman) Jose, Juan, Pablo Laureano (George & Lupe) Betty Koch Therese Chelak (M/M James Holbach) www.holyfamilyparish.org Ted Bochniarz Jerome & Blanch Jacobs (M/M Richard Jacobs) Bonuso Family (Carol Kleemann) Kleinfeldt Families Lasota Families (M/M Walter Kleinfeldt) Ed & Lillian Powicki Harold & Virginia Kliefoth (M/M David Kliefoth) Charles & Richard Kocina (Dean & Joan Kocina) Bill Mara Marjorie Mara Kevin Mara (M/M Richard Kolze) Jan, Zofia & Boleslaw, Danuta & Zbigniew (M/M Jacek Konczewski) Ken Barber, Walter Lessner (Ken & Cheri Kowal) Matthew & Veronica Kowal (Ken & Cheri Kowal) Ralph & Helen Polkow (Judy & Ron Laboda) John J. Larkin Daniel J. O’Connell (Margie Larkin) Les & Denzel Family (Les Family) Our Grandparents (M/M Justin Lewis) Family Members (Dr/Mrs Bernardo Livas) 19 Easter Memorials Gino Lencioni, Chris & Bella Boalahanis (Ron & Carlotta Lencioni) Dorothy Britt (Dr/Mrs Isabelo Lim) Henry & Rose Niedermeyer, Stanley Loboda, Lottie Jarczyk, Irma Collette (Bob & Agnes Loboda) Ed & Kathy Mauer (Jean Ann Mauer) Marguerite Tieszen (Mavromatis Family) Joyce Jelinek (Carole Merkel) Carlos Vargas Michael Garcia Fidel Romero (M/M Teofilo Mestas) Mary & James Pickens (Tom & Maryellen Mc Cants) Joe Krezetsky (M/M Colin McCue) Morley & McDonnnell Families (M/M John McDonnell) Steven J. Michas (M/M John Michas) Fr Pat Brennan Alice Cafiero John Cafiero Dennis Cafiero Carla Leonardo Fr Bob Erickson Fr Bob Ferrigan Michael Jackson Thomas Leitza Lawrence Michalski Rosemary Michalski Honey Bunny Michels (Bonnie Michels OFS) 20 John & Margaret Mihalik (William Mihalik) Eusebo S. Mallari Rustico L. Mallari (Mr/Dr Emelito Rivera) Cesar & Luz Sevilla Jose & Rosalia Castillo (Frank & Angie Sevilla) Jerome & Alice Palicki Jack & Shirley Miller (M/M John Miller) Pawlowski & Baranowski Families (Diane Roisland) William Wert, Ruth Wert,Gail Wert (Trish & John Sjoholm) Molinaro & Bielarz Families (M/M Anthony Molinaro) Antonio Villaverde (Purita Romasanta) Smith, Dahl & Clancy Families (Mrs Denise Smith) Art & Helen Saloman, Mary, Henry & Patrick Rosewell (Bill & Debbie Rosewell) Christopher Mackey (M/M Jeffrey Smith) Karen Woronicz (Ed Woronicz) Sobieraj/Szczurekl & Hamerlak Families (Connie Sobieraj) Frank & Carmella Yacono, Nick & Betty Mueller (M/M Joseph Yacono) Catherine Loeb Tripta Soni (Nancy & Raj Soni) Thank You for Your Contribution Helen & Leonard Niggemann (Mark & Lesley Niggemann) Daniel C. Nwankwo, MD Vance Chidera Nwankwo (Doris Nwankwo) Bill & Eileen Lydon (Ongena Family) Oroni & Klocker Families (Kathleen Oroni) Raymond Ouimette Sam & Teena Gurrieri (Bob & Lucy Ouimette) M/M Matthew Kawalec M/M Frank Paczatek (M/M Frank Parks) Lina Szott (M/M Todd Pieropan) Roman & Mary Rita Pinda (Mary Beth Pinda & Edward Woynich) Rosemary Warnicke, Felix Kosar, Nellie Kosar (M/M Thomas Postema) JoAnn Craig (M/M Michael Redmond) Leonard Remick (Remick Family) Grace Emmons & Ginny Duerkes (Linda Rice) Rossi, Simek, Cunningham Families (Grace Rossi) M/M Josef Haasz M/M Nickolaus Rotter (M/M Jacob Rotter) Rudzinski Family, Wroblewski Family Prochniak Family (M/M Dariusz Rudzinski) Germaine & Lou Rundio Sr., Ann & Fred Bartlett (Ann & Lou Rundio) Carmella Salamone Joseph Salamone (Joanne Salamone) Gordon Saas (Peter & Diane Till) Barbara Kresmery (M/M Martin Scheiden) Helen Jarmusz Harriett Schneid Pumpkin & Patches Schneid (M/M Tom Schneid) Joe & Elsie Scotillo Dorothy & Oren Sass (M/M John Scotillo) Bill Serna (Joan Serna) April 17, 2016 Tom Speck Sr. (Speck Family) John & Jo Pisczor, Loretta & Jack O’Connell, Al Stefaniak, Rosalie Pucato (M/M Al Stefaniak) Peggy Stich (Family) Brian N. Thornton Dennis MacCallum Jason Cogan Peggy Cogan Travers (M/M Michael Thornton) Beverly Tresnowski (M/M Bernard Tresnowski) Walter & Helen Trzupek (Rich & Cheryl Trzupek) Jim VandeLogt (Pat VandeLogt) Mary & Peter Brudzisz, Janet & Virginia Hudrick (M/M Tim Vincent) Charles & Joan Scheuermnn, Bob & Bette von Sothen, Katherine Hope von Sothen (M/M Peter von Sothen) Steve Walmann (Carolyn Walmann) M/M Edward R. Mahoney (M/M Stephen Williams) M/M Rick Anesi Dr/Mrs Daniel Dahlinghaus M/M Christopher Davis M/M Thomas Drogos John & Francoise Falkenholm M/M Rocco Fasanella M/M Frank Hajek M/M Leland Howard Ron & Peggy Kalbas M/M Thomas Koikkara M/M John Kowalski M/M Stanley Krys Barbara Lewis Katarzyna Loeber Kathleen Lurito M/M Wally Malysa M/M John McLaughlin M/M Arthur Meinzer Herbert Muehl Jr. M/M Gary O’Reilly Salvatore Pizzuto M/M Richard Przekop M/M Eric Raz Rhea Schneider Michael Smith M/M Casey Sokalski M/M Michael Stepien M/M Michael Stineman Catherine Sumerdon M/M Leonard Thomas M/M William Trefz Kathy Tull M/M Michael Vivo M/M Gerald Wisniewski M/M Jacek Wojdaszewicz Judith Wojcik M/M Peter Wojtkiewicz M/M Ronald Zanardo Relax. CINTAS FIRST AID AND SAFETY You’re at Great Clips.® Easy on the eyes. Easy on the wallet. 7 $ .99 kids haircut % 10 OFF First Aid • Safety • Training • AEDs “SAVE A LIFE” 9 $ .99 9 air All H cts u Prod $ .99 Adult haircut One Coupon Per Customer Expires 12/31/2016 224-805-6582 • PALATINE 847-991-1776 34 S. NORTHWEST HWY [email protected] Chuck Burns • Parishioner (NW Hwy and Palatine Rd.) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LANDSCAPE • BRICK • CONCRETE CONTRACTORS GEORGE, OWNER • Free Estimates • Bonded & Insured Parishioner Check It Out Today! 847.359.7136 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes 624 W. Colfax Palatine, IL 60067 Providing Gentle Dentistry in a Modern Office Conveniently Located Next to Your Neighborhood Jewel! General Dentistry • Implant/Oral Surgery Invisalign Teeth Straightening • Cosmetic Dentistry ALL AGES FROM KIDS TO SENIORS W W W. C U T T I N G E D G E P A L A T I N E . C O M NOT INSURED? NO PROBLEM. Convenient Modern, High Tech Office We accept most PPO Call to schedule our NEW PATIENT $79 SPECIAL which includes Cleaning, X-Rays, and Exam! Extended Hours, with Amenities such as Insurances and will help 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! Saturdays Available WiFi and beverage station maximize your benefits 847-776-4537 ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as Call Today to Schedule Your Appt. or a Complimentary Consultation to meet DR. PATEL and discuss your needs! ✔Police ✔Fire In the Jewel Shopping Center at 1453 PALATINE ROAD, HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL 60192 • www.CaringSmilesDentist.com ✔Friends/Family FREE Shipping FREE ActivationContracts NO Long Term If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! $1a Day! PARISHIONER PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Wants Your Work. No Job Too Big or Small. 5% of all sales will be donated to the building fund. 847-241-4759 www.intelligentplumbing.com PL13556 CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 www.arlingtonrental.com • Laser Vision Correction • Contact Lenses • General Eye Care 1415 Palatine Rd., Hoffman Estates • 847-776-8900 Kevin Sullivan M.D. Brent Ostoich O.D. Parishioner Parishioner Deborah L. Klesken O.D. Christine Mata M.D. ED THE PLUMBER Miller Wealth Law Group LLC (847) 466-1045 MillerWealthLaw.com in Schaumburg ED THE CARPENTER Estate Planning: Wills & trusts. Help when a parent, spouse or loved Office one passes away. Jeff Miller, Attorney Pam Miller, CPA Parishioners since 1995 Jeff is an adjunct estate planning professor at DePaul law school and admitted to practice Best Work • Best Rate Business Planning: Succession & owner exit strategies. Executive & key-employee benefits. before the United States Tax Court. Satisfaction Guaranteed As Tax Planning & Preparation: Reducing taxes to protect family wealth & create charitable trusts. We Do All Our Own Work SIR NICK’S 1441 Palatine Rd. H.E. Amy Diamond Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ 847-492-1444 847-202-5555 Real Estate Broker Parishioner LARGE 16" THIN CRUST CHEESE PIZZA $10.99 W/AD 847.222.8741 (NOT VALID W/OTHER OFFERS) Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA [email protected] www.DealWithDiamond.com www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 395 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, IL Kathy L. French, D.D.S. FAGD Parishioner Serving Families in Our Community Since 1985 Teacher, Presenter and Member of Numerous Dental Associations and Institutes CORCORAN HEATING AIR CONDITIONING INC. Sales • Service • Installation Commercial & Residential HOFFMAN ESTATES 397-5888 TOM 009247 Holy Family Church (C) 630-773-6966 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 180C Itasca www.HAMILTONLAKESDENTISTRY.COM www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 A Century of Respect, Compassion, and Grace Smith-Corcoran • Cremation Services • Funeral Preplanning Funeral Homes • Crematory • Funeral Planning • Out-of-town Arrangements Owned and Operated by the Bob & Jay Smith Family Since 1912 • Handicap Accessible Chapels also in Chicago & Glenview 185 East Northwest Hwy • Palatine • (847) 359-8020 • www.smithcorcoran.com MARY ANN ROSANOVA-KAPER, MD MARK A. ROSANOVA, MD DIPLOMATES, AMERICAN BOARD OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Parishioner Surgery & Disease of the Eyes 330 E. Main St., Ste. 1W, Barrington 381-4300 PALATINE SHELL SERVICE All Repairs Guaranteed 7 East Palatine Rd., Palatine 847-358-4299 www.palatineshellservice.com Dentistry For: New Patients Welcome! • Children • Adolescents • Special Needs Advertising here helps your parish & your business. www.grins4kids.com * Orthodontic services provided by Pediatric Dentists www.jspaluch.com Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 www.mjmillerjewelers.com WeCare Family Clinic Ltd. www.wecarefamily.com Family Practice Joanna Pozdal, M.D. Parishioner Russell S. Pollina D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics * 601 W. Central Rd. Ste. #4 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5 Mt. Prospect Suite 100 - Barrington 847-392-2457 847-382-1720 M.J. Miller & Co. 1-630-453-8819 33 West Higgins Rd., Suite 5030 South Barrington, IL 60010 Mowimy po Polsku Learn to Irish Dance from Champions FREE TRIAL CLASS! REGISTER NOW! Locations in Barrington & St. Charles Brian K Bordenkircher Financial Advisor www.flanneryirishdance.com • 312-344-0957 9 Crystal Lake Road Suite 200 Lake In The Hills, IL 60156 847-854-5948 G. D. DECORATING DAILEY ELECTRIC CO., INC. FAST - FRIENDLY - AFFORDABLE - EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL www.edwardjones.com (847) 359-9789 Jim Dailey — 3701 Berdnick-Unit C 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Member SIPC CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine Not valid with any other offers. $100 OFF a New Furnace or Air Conditioner Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 847-253-9181 Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine • Not valid with any other offers. 500 E. Northwest Hwy., Palatine 1605 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 847.907.9600 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC FLANNERY SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE Complimentary Investment Review $25 OFF on Service Call Fine Jewelry & Gifts We Buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington 847-359-4500 RAYMOND LA VIGNE, DDS Dental Care for the Entire Family Evening & Saturday Hours WE 637 First Bank Dr., Palatine CARE 847-359-1292 A LOT (At Hicks & N.W. Hwy.) LIC. # 055-012918 • Wood Finishing • Paper Removal & Hanging • Wood Staining • Drywall Repairs • Water Damage/Repairs • Deck Cleaning & Staining 847-303-1413 George Darby, Parishioner FULLY INSURED JANINE VAINISI REALTOR®, ABR Keller Williams Success 847-609-9578 www.HomesByJanineV.com Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC # PL16019 Painting Interior/Exterior 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! www.centralplumbingco.com CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIALISTS Parishioners Discount 10% Off With Ad (847) 426-1900 R. BONO & SONS Matthew L. Schultz President - CEO Financial Advisor JNL CLIMATE CONTROL, INC. Heating & Air Conditioning Parishioner 847-358-2251 83RD ST. WEALTH MANAGEMENT LLC 110 N. Broadway St., Ste. 240, Palatine, IL 60067 P: 847-786-8383 [email protected] www.83rdst.com John Beening Parishioner $35 Off Service Call (1 hr. min. not valid on clean & check special) www.jnlclimatecontrol.com Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dental Care KOLZE FLOORING Michael A. Lovda, D.D.S., Ltd. & Associates www.drlovda.com 1644 W. Algonquin Rd. • Hoffman Estates (847) 991-0790 Emergencies Seen Promptly 009247 Holy Family Church (B) 24 Hour Answering Service HIGH QUALITY & SERVICE HARDWOOD FLOORING New Installation Dustless Sanding Refinishing Free Estimates • Insured No Job Too Small! 847-815-5040 Ron Kolze Parishioner www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Law Offices Robert J. Ross of Robert J. Ross, Parishioner, - Wills & Trusts 30 Years Experience - Business Law www.RobertJRoss.com (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness “Chores By Chip” Naples Florida Real Estate HANDYMAN SERVICE DICK PRUTTING, REALTOR® ELECTRICAL • FAUCET REPAIR • CARPENTRY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP “Home Sales & Rentals” FREE Advice & Information Call South Barrington resident 847-551-1767 OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED 239-777-9212 FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL — CREMATION SERVICES William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors www.NaplesFloridaFineHomes.com 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows Funeral Home 847-253-0224 MICHAEL HARRY MINTON Parishioner Leadership in Family Law • Exceptional Trial Advocacy Family Matters...Matter to Us “Realize An Accomplishment” In The Dissolution Process Achieving Emotional & Economic Security • • • • National Trial Lawyers Top 100 - 2014 Legal Network Top Lawyer in Illinois - 2014 Chicago’s Top Rated Lawyers - 2014 AV Highest Peer Review Rating for Legal Ability & Ethical Standards - 25 Yrs. THE MINTON FIRM 1051 Perimeter Drive, Suite 400 • Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-874-7278 • www.mintonlawfirm.com • IN-OFFICE WHITENING • DENTAL IMPLANTS State-of-the-Art Dentistry in a Comfortable Setting DR. MARY HAUPERS JOHN HELMINSKI ROOFING, INC. Inc. JHR Roofing/Siding/Gutters JOHN C. VOJTA Our 2nd Century of Service Family Owned & Operated by The Ahlgrim Family Douglas R. Ahlgrim Owner & Director ATTORNEY AT LAW 847-702-7524 600 N. North Ct. Suite 115 Palatine, IL 60067 Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Lic.-Ins. Leaf Defier 847-963-0099 CONTESTED FAMILY LAW & CUSTODY LITIGATION (Parishioner) Forest View Foot and Ankle Center Dr. William A. Mohs “Mohs Knows Toes” 847.991.3111 Lake Zurich 415 S. Buesching Road 847-540-8871 Palatine 201 N. Northwest Hwy. 847-358-7411 www.ahlgrimffs.com PROBATE RESEARCH MISSING/UNKNOWN HEIRS LOCATED 1760 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Domestic & International Services for: Courts, Lawyers, Trust Officers, Administrators, Executors 147 E. PALATINE RD, PALATINE, IL 60067 847.991.0480 Laurie Harris, parishioner 847-519-3600 www.landexresearch.com www.HaupersDental.com Contact: Gina Eagler or A-Acne/Anti-Aging Christopher Haering Facials for All 847-645-9500 From every season, to every reason...Life Celebrations, cultural events, trainings, ceremonies, retreats, seminars, trade shows Enhancing your special occasion 4800 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL in Palatine Spa APPT. 847-441-3999 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Inc. Door Closers • Safes • Sales & Service Commercial • Residential • Industrial Locksmith Services Since 1963 339 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, IL 60067 847-359-0557 EDWARD HENNING BONDED & INSURED ROBERT HENNING Il. 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anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing
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January 18, 2015