January 18, 2015 - Holy Family, Inverness
January 18, 2015 - Holy Family, Inverness
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 About Us Holy Family Catholic Community 2515 Palatine Rd. Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 (ph) 847-359-0639 (fax) holyfamilyparish.org Vision Statement Holy Family Catholic Community invites all to new life in Christ. Our response to God’s call is evident through full, conscious and active participation in our community. Mission Statement To engage all in the sacramental life through vibrant worship, life-long learning and passionate community. facebook.com/holyfamilyinverness Core Values Animated by our faith in God to evangelize, we live the following core values: • Integrity • Excellence • Unity • Service • Justice 2 Welcome to Holy Family Sacramental / Formation Ministers Holy Family Catholic community invites all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy Family? Are you considering becoming a registered parishioner? We welcome you to become engaged in carrying out our mission. New members are registered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month (excluding holidays) immediately following the 9:00 A.M. Mass. Welcome Ministers will be available at the Welcome Desk to walk you through the short registration process. If Sunday is not convenient for you, contact Susan Cabay at 847-274-4423. Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of Christ.” We look forward to experiencing that reality with you. Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor Friar Johnpaul Cafiero Fr. Denis Carneiro Fr. George Kane Schedule Masses Weekdays: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. First Friday of the month 9:00 a.m. (with Anointing of the Sick) First Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (interpreted for the hearing impaired) 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Holy Days 7:00a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Everyday 6:00 a.m. to Midnight Reconciliation (Available upon request) Communal Reconciliation with individual absolution First Saturday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in chapel) Individual Reconciliation (in Reconciliation Room) Other Saturdays from 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Nursery Available Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 a,m. Anointing of the Sick Please know that recent hospital privacy laws have significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact our Pastoral Care office to request the Anointing of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing of the Sick takes place on the First Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Mass. January 18, 2015 Fr. Richard Vaz, SVD Fr. Bill Zavaski Fr. Medard Laz, Pastor Emeritus Pastoral Council e-mail: [email protected] Al Clementi Chairperson (Pastoral Care) Bernie Schaeffer Vice-Chair (At Large - Pastor) Fr. Terry Keehan Pastor (Staff) OPEN Recording Secretary Robin Schreiner Adult Faith Eileen Neal Archdiocesan Rep Brooke Held At Large (Council) Tony Mathias Family Faith Judy Petrie Holy Family Catholic Academy Ken Dirnberger Knights of Columbus Tracey Cantarutti Operations Andrew McGovern Outreach & Justice Heidi Rooney Staff Alan Bosslet Teen Faith (Adult Rep) Daniel Tokarz Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Aly Worthem Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Heidi Trocha Worship Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend and listen to the items on the published agenda. If you or your group have an item for discussion, it needs to be submitted in writing to the council chair one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Finance Council The Finance Council of Holy Family meets quarterly and its current members are: Ken Aman Maureen DeRosa Rosemary Goff - Chair Robert Growney Edward Majerczak John McCarthy Jeffrey Rotter Jim Vande Logt Weekend Hospitality Donations Baked goods and bite-sized treats are needed each weekend for hospitality after masses. Please bring donations marked “Hospitality” to the kitchen. Contact Sue at 847-907-3443 with questions. Fr. Terry Keehan As I write to you I am blessed with the silence of a retreat and a trained director who has been very helpful. For 28 of the last 29 years I have done an annual retreat of this kind that is a real staple of my spiritual journey. When I did the 36 day silent directed retreat in 1993, the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola, I was really sold on the manner in which God speaks in the silence. There are times when I begin my prayer with saying to myself, "Let the silence speak to me." This morning I altered that a bit. What came to me this morning was, "Lord, speak to me in and through the silence." The important distinction is the silence, although really important, is a vehicle to hear God, whose voice is often felt and clarified when noise of all kind is limited or even completely reduced. In other words, silence is golden. For years I have known that God speaks to us in many ways, including the beauty of music, the laughter of good friends, the love of special people, the cry of the poor, the innocence of children, the thrill of competition, the mastery of creativity, the drama of entertainment, the unfolding of a good story, and the art of life, to name a few. This morning I was moved with the simplicity of a clarifying statement which generated so much confidence for me. I have felt God speaking to me in the silence for many years, but the statement that I claimed this morning will accompany and even begin my silent prayer from now on, "Lord, speak to me in and through the silence." If I can help any of you in your interest to pursue praying in silence or retreats that are centered on silence, please let me know. A great resource is the Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington for more information as well. How many times has God called you in your life? Notice I ask how many times God has called you, not how many times has God called to you. Hopefully we are being called to on a regular basis in our prayer, reflection and other spiritual pursuits. Our calling is something much more significant. Each of us, by virtue of being baptized are urged to do very meaningful work by the worker God who has bigger plans for us than we realize. Silent prayer using a passage of scripture can be very helpful in discerning or listening to God's call in our lives at dramatic turning points. Try it if you haven't. As we return to Ordinary Time this week, our first reading from the first book of Samuel guides us on an adventure into a great drama. The Lord calls the young Samuel repeatedly but he doesn't realize that it is the Lord doing the calling. So it is with us sometimes. We don't realize we are being called. Eli, Samuel's father, urges the youth to recognize that God is indeed calling him. How is God calling you now? Can you hear God's call? Can you help someone else hear God's call in their life? Spend some time in silence with these and any other questions that this passage may stir up in you. Our Gospel this week comes from John and it complements the first reading very well. The question is put to Jesus by a curious, intrigued follower, “Master, where do you stay?” In other words, where do you live? Jesus responds not with a fact, address, city or town but rather with an invitation. He says, “Come and see.” I read that as an invitation to all of us to investigate what the Lord does as much as, or more than, where he lives. Come and see is a lifetime invitation for all of us to investigate the depth of the Lord Jesus Christ in all human life. Let’s make sure we are sincere in our response to 'come and see.' Our annual Gala is a little over one month away on Saturday, February 21 at the Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows. Many people at Holy Family have been working real hard to create a fun and enjoyable evening with a Mardi Gras theme that promises to excite and engage all who attend. Archbishop Cupich will be joining us so this will be a great opportunity to meet him if you haven't already. Please plan on attending and include family and friends to catch our vibrant spirit. We have begun a very important ministry here at Holy Family called One in Love. This is a loving outreach to Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Questioning individuals, their family members, loved ones and friends. Forming in the best sense of community, this is a ministry to share stories and various resources that provide support and reflection in a safe and nurturing environment. For more information please contact Sue Geegan at 847-907-3443 who will forward your information on to the ministry lead for this new endeavor, Chris Evon. Did you like what Terry Nelson Johnson offered during his reflection last Sunday? Please join us for the Running the Paschal Mystery Retreat at Mundelein seminary next weekend, January 23-25. See page 7 of this bulletin or call the Adult Faith Office for more details. www.holyfamilyparish.org 3 Worship The Worship Community... creates a vibrant prayer and worship experience so that all may participate in a fully conscious and active way in the Liturgy. “The Love of God in the Addictions Recovery Process” Amanda Asque will be giving a reflection at the 9:00 and 11:00 masses on Sunday, February 1, 2015 and presenting in the Chapel from 12:15-1:15 pm. Come hear Ms. Asque as she reflects on her life story of 20 years of addiction to heroin and her long road to recovery through the help of St. Martin de Porres House of Hope in Chicago. Administrative Assistant Part-Time to work in our Music Office The person we are looking for will have strong administrative skills, good organizational abilities, exceptional attention to detail, and knowledge of and passion for music helpful. 15-20 hours per week, flexible. Contact Gene Garcia, Director of Music, at [email protected]. 4 January 18, 2015 Operations Ro Geisler Parish Manager 847-907-3424 RGeisler @holyfamilyparish.org The Operations Community... oversees the parish business and infrastructure activities to ensure they operate efficiently. SUNDAY ATTENDANCE & COLLECTIONS ATTENDANCE COLLECTIONS 2,600 2,160 2,098 2,460 9,318 62,205 34,869 36,920 51,098 185,092 Dec 21 Dec 28 Jan 4 Jan 11 Last 4 Weeks YEAR TO DATE 63,699 $ 1,050,713 Budget Year to Date $ 1,150,000 Year to Date Budget Variance Year to Date vs. Last Year $ $ Year to Date Christmas Collection $ 245,529 (99,287) (27,389) Last Year Total $ 251,646 2014 Donations and Tax Letters Thank you for your generous support of Holy Family over the past year! Your contributions make it possible for our Parish to sustain an environment of vibrant worship, lifelong learning, and passionate community. Tax letters summarizing 2014 donations will be mailed by January 31st to parishioners whose total 2014 contributions exceed $250, in accordance with IRS guidelines. If you do not receive a tax letter and desire one, please call Bernadette Colmone @ 847-9073438 and leave your name and address. We will mail a letter to you promptly. Thank you. www.holyfamilyparish.org 5 Adult Faith Marsha Adamczyk Director 847-907-3458 MAdamczyk @holyfamilyparish.org The Adult Faith Community... supports the mission of lifelong learning by providing educational, spiritual, and formational activities for the parish and the community. The Year of the Woman continues… “Stories about Protecting the Rights of Women in International Law” Presented by Bridget Arimond, J.D. Tuesday, February 3, 2015 from 7:00-9:00 pm $10 suggested donation. Pre-registration by January 29th is helpful so we can plan for seating and hospitality. Donation basket will be on the registration table on the day of the event. Contact Mary Whiteside to register at 847-907-3450 or [email protected] “The World of Medical Ethics: Moral Distress both in Healthcare Professionals and Ourselves” Presented by Katherine Wasson, Ph.D. Wednesday, March 4, 2015 from 7:00-9:00 pm $10 suggested donation. Pre-registration by February 26th is helpful so we can plan for seating and hospitality. Donation basket will be on the registration table on the day of the event. Contact Mary Whiteside to register at 847-907-3450 or [email protected] Spiritual Direction and Companioning Catholic Couple Checkup The answer is yes, only if you desire to deepen your understanding in your unique relationship with the Lord. The trained spiritual director has the skills to not get in the way of your unique spiritual growth and yet be a gentle guide toward clarity in your “Call.” Your witness is privately held as sacred! The archdiocese has an inventory available on-line for all couples, whether you are dating, engaged, or married. An inventory is an excellent way for couples to see where they may need to communicate, and it also provides information on your current strengths as an individual and as a couple. The inventory can be taken in a very short amount of time and the results are sent right to your email address, so it’s completely confidential. You can access the Catholic Couple Checkup inventory at www.familyministries.org. The cost is 29.99. To inquire or schedule an appointment with a Spiritual Director, contact Mimi at 847-907-3412 or [email protected] Contact Mary Whiteside at 847-907-3450 or [email protected] if you have any questions. Would a relationship with a Spiritual Director/Companion make a difference in your life? 6 January 18, 2015 Adult Faith Holy Family Retreat Running the Paschal Mystery Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson and Fr. Terry Keehan January 23-25, 2015 Cost: $225 Life is a marathon. Find your “pace” through the many life, death and resurrection moments that you have experienced. We will learn from the ultimate teacher Jesus - who ran the “marathon” that is the Paschal Mystery - from Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday. This retreat is led by two dynamic presenters - Fr. Terry Keehan and Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson who incorporate humor, music, and engaging personal testimonies along with time for quiet reflection. Fill yourself with joy and come away strengthened for the journey of life. Terry Nelson-Johnson, D.Min. is Resident Theologian and Animator of Faith at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago. In this role he has led numerous successful Beloved retreats, as well as Confirmation retreats for teens, parish missions and days of reflection. Dr. Nelson-Johnson is married and the father of two children. Fr. Terry Keehan, M.Div., M.A., Pastor of Holy Family Catholic Community, has directed parish missions, retreats, days of reflection and workshops across the nation. He has a special interest in “real world” spirituality - connecting our lives’ experiences with our faith. Retreat will be held at St. Mary of the Lake, 1000 E. Maple Ave., Mundelein, IL 60060 To register and reserve your room, contact Mimi Ferlita at 847-907-3412 or [email protected] www.holyfamilyparish.org www.holyfamilyparish.org 7 Adult Faith Holy Family Parish Mission 2015 “Preparing for Easter Peace: Reflections on the Peace Prayer” Friar Johnpaul Cafiero, OFM February 15, 16 and 17, 2015 7:00-9:00 pm No registration necessary No charge 8 January 18, 2015 Family & Teen Faith The Family & Teen Faith Community... offers faith formation and catechesis to preschool through elementary school aged children and high school teens and their families. www.holyfamilyparish.org 9 Family & Teen Faith 10 January 18, 2015 Family & Teen Faith www.holyfamilyparish.org 11 Holy Family Academy 12 January 18, 2015 Outreach & Justice Sue Geegan Director 847-907-3443 SGeegan @holyfamilyparish.org The Outreach & Justice Community... offers assistance programs, as well as ministries promoting peace and justice, respect for life and welcoming new parishioners Catholic Social Teaching – United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Over the next 12 months, all seven themes will be highlighted. The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar and episcopal documents. The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best through a direct reading of these documents. In these brief reflections, we highlight several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition. Rights and Responsibilities - The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities--to one another, to our families, and to the larger society. As for the State . . . It has also the duty to protect the rights of all its people, and particularly of its weaker members, the workers, women and children. It can never be right for the State to shirk its obligation of working actively for the betterment of the condition of the workingman. Christianity and Social Progress (Mater et Magistra. . . ), #20 For more information visit – www.usccb.org On the 42st anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision upholding a woman’s right to an abortion, we pray for the rights of all human beings; especially the unborn. “Seamless Garment: A Consistent Ethic of Life” On March 11, 1984, Cardinal Bernardin delivered a moving speech at St. Louis University. A particular portion of his lecture series became known as the “Seamless Garment: A Consistent Ethic of Life”. His message emphasized the importance of why we need to espouse a consistent ethic of life: (1) the dimensions of the threats to life today; and (2) the value of our moral vision. Quoting Pope John Paul, “it is only through a conscious choice and through a deliberate policy that humanity can be saved.” Cardinal Bernardin continued, “The idea of a consistent ethic of life – one which stands for the protection of the right to life and the promotion of the rights which enhance life from womb to tomb – manifests the positive potential of the Catholic moral and social tradition. It is both a complex and a demanding tradition; it joins the humanity of the unborn infant and the humanity of the hungry; it calls for positive legal action to prevent the killing of the unborn or the aged and positive societal action to provide shelter for the homeless and education for the illiterate. The potential of the moral and social vision is appreciated in a new way when the systemic vision of Catholic ethics is seen as the background for the specific positions we take on a range of issues. A consistent ethic does not say everyone in the Church must do all things, but it is both possible and necessary for the Church as a whole to cultivate a conscious explicit connection among the several issues.” Let us pray to our God of all creation, through Jesus, your Son, You created man in your own image and likeness, to live and love as the crown of your creation. Move our hearts to cherish the precious gift of life at every stage and in every condition, and especially when it is most vulnerable. AMEN www.holyfamilyparish.org 13 Outreach & Justice HOLY FAMILY PADS SITE Holy Family’s PADS site needs volunteers to set up, provide and serve meals, work shifts, clean up as well as offer an atmosphere of comfort and safety. There are several ways YOU can serve the homeless in our community. 1) Volunteers will be in the narthex NEXT weekend, January 24 and 25 after masses to assist you with sign ups. New volunteers are required to go through a brief orientation before working at a PADS site. (See number 2 below.) 2) New volunteers are required to go through a brief orientation before working at a PADS site. (See number 2 below.) 3) If you have not completed orientation, go to www.journeystheroadhome.org and click on Volunteer Opportunities to find the 2014-15 orientation schedule. Online sign-ups are available to all volunteers who have completed orientation. 4) Provide food for dinner, lunch or breakfast. Visit www.carecalendar.org using our own calendar ID and password listed below and feel free to sign up for food donations through the end of the season. Food can be dropped off hours, even days earlier, and prepared just prior to our guests arriving. Please feel free to pass this information along to anyone else you know that might want to donate items for our weekly PADS site. The calendar ID is 134413 and the security code is 9236. If you have completed orientation and haven’t received an invitation to sign up for a shift online, please contact Sue Geegan at [email protected]. We always need more shift volunteers, so please consider volunteering even if it’s just once per month. PADS CLOTHING ITEMS NEEDED • Warm hats, gloves, mittens, scarves • Winter coats, men’s • Jeans, shirts men’s • 2XL and 3XL women’s pants and shirts • Neckguards Please leave items in the PADS bin in the west coatroom. Thanks so very much! PRAY THE ROSARY This Weekend after all Masses Pray the rosary January 17 and 18 after all masses in the chapel with the Knights of Columbus and Marian Ministry. The focus will be on Pro-life issues. Holy Family Parishioners – Drive Cautiously in the Parking Lot Every Sunday evening until the last weekend in April, Holy Family hosts a PADS site for our homeless friends to provide them with a nutritious meal and a safe and warm place to sleep. Be aware that our guests arrive on food, on bikes as well as in automobiles. They are traveling along Palatine Road in the darkness of the evening hours and are difficult to see at times. Please drive slowly and use extra caution as you leave the church through the parking lot and onto Palatine Road. We want our guests to arrive safely. Thank You! 14 January 18, 2015 Pastoral Care Matthew Thibeau 847-907-3417 MThibeau @holyfamilyparish.org The Pastoral Care Community... provides, through our ministries, compassionate pastoral care with support and guidance for those who suffer in mind, body and spirit. In a Special Way We Pray For... Barb Marrs Whelan Loretta Acres Richard Bokor Tita Barnett Al Wood Richard McAvoy Ann Hoskins Janet Ganzer Gerald Smith Eldon Whiteside Nicolina Dattoli-Rullo Martin McGowan Robyn Burke Michele Phillips Baby Kohen Parker Tommy Morris Jim Phillips Donna Miller Angie Martin Linda Pavlak Linda Nordtvedt Jane Hill Michael Betlinski Rocco Rotolo Jim Kelly Baby Rory Hermes Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetua light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. The HOME MINISTRY team would like to keep people in our community aware of the services we offer. We are available for the occasional wellness check, need for transportation, visit or help with a meal. Our members are all volunteers and we are always interested in those who might join in this ministry or members of our community who may be aware of a need we might be able to fill. If you would like to be involved in this ministry or know of a need call us at 847-772-2646. Thanks to all those who have volunteered to serve. Prayer List Requests Remembering our sick in prayer is important to the Holy Family parish community. With the person’s or relative’s permission, his or her name will be read aloud during the intercessory prayers that weekend. We will then place the name of a sick person who has recently become ill on the screens at the weekend Masses for the following two weeks. Should the person become more seriously ill at a future time, let us know and we will then follow the same procedure. ALL the sick of our parish community and our relatives and friends who are ill can we added to our Book of Prayer in the narthex and then prayed for each and every day at Masses and by the prayer groups in our parish. Funeral Planning Ministry With the increasing number of funerals celebrated at Holy Family, we have been piloting a new ministry to walk with families through the days and events of a loved one’s passing. The funeral planning ministry meets with families to plan the wake, liturgy, and cemetery services. They coordinate with the Mass ministers, resurrection choir, and luncheon volunteers. They journey with the family in grief, so that the prayer experiences reflect the love of the family and the faith we share in the promise of the Lord. “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me, even if they die, will live.” Jn 11: 25 We are seeking to create four funeral planning teams who will commit to serve one week a month. www.holyfamilyparish.org If interested please contact Matt Thibeau at 847-907-3417 or [email protected] 15 Pastoral Care "Rising from Divorce" 1st & 3rd TUESDAY of each month from 7 - 9PM Breakout Room #5 By popular request, we are moving our meeting days to Tuesday nights. Please help us spread the word! Consider joining us to provide insight to peers and direction for what you would like from RFD ministry! We are a support group for those affected by relationship challenges, separation or divorce. All are invited, including those directly in the relationship and family/friends providing support. Please join us to share in a safe Christian environment. Disability Ministry Presents: Free Time for Parents We provide a fun, structured environment for children with disabilities and their siblings, giving parents a morning offree time. We meet on the first Saturday of each month, from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Multitorium West. Registration is required one week in advance! Registration and Volunteer Information: [email protected] Anne Bosslet 847-358-6318 Donna Rogers 847-310-0778 16 January 18, 2015 Living Faith Living Faith This is a prayer, reflection and resource page designed to help you reflect on the reading of the week and next weekend’s readings. Weekly Readings Mass Intentions + Monday, January 19 Hebrews 5: 1-10 Mark 2: 18-22 Tuesday, January 20 Hebrews 6: 10-20 Mark 2: 23-28 Wednesday, January 21 Hebrews 7: 1-3, 15-17 Mark 3: 1-6 Thursday, January 22 Hebrews 7: 25 - 8: 6 Mark 3: 7-12 Friday, January 23 Hebrews 8: 6-13 Mark 3: 13-19 Saturday, January 24 Hebrews 9: 2-3, 11-14 Mark 3: 20-21 Sunday, January 25 Jonah 3: 1-5, 10 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31 Mark 1: 14-20 Monday, January 19 9:00AM Janet Ganzer (Dorothy Josten) Tuesday, January 20 9:00AM Gregory Tumbarello (Daughter) Wednesday, January 21 9:00AM Ann Abraham (Family) Thursday, January 22 9:00AM Alfonso Abbatantuono (Irene Pezdirtz) 9:00AM Ann Hoskins (Irene Pezdirtz) Friday, January 23 9:00AM Gerald J. Smith (Knights of Columbus) Saturday, January 24 5:00PM James Griseto (Daughter) 5:00PM Rose Zybko (Sasso Family) 5:00PM Jean Guth (Family) Sunday, January 25 7:30AM Janet Ganzer (David & Chris Rice) 7:30AM P.L.C. (Mommy) 7:30AM Don Kendzior (Family) 9:00AM Chris Domingo (Ranchero Family) 9:00AM Reynaldo Clemente (Ranchero Family) 9:00AM Edward Ryan (Kinsella Family) 11:00AM Charlene Barr (Matt & Jayne Gryzlo) 11:00AM Ron Alaspa (Matt & Jayne Gryzlo) 11:00AM Frank Lobo (D’Souza Family) Mass intentions are available by contacting the Parish Office Preparing for Next Week: Watch our weekly SCC reflections at https://www.youtube.com/user/HFInverness/videos. Click on Reflections on Sunday Readings 1-25-15 and listen to Friar Johnpaul Cafiero reflect on the readings. Reflection Questions for Jan. 25, 2015: 1. Each generation since Christ has felt a sense that “the world in its present form is passing away.” If you feel that way, what sign of that do you see? How would your daily life be different if you knew for certain the end of time was to come in a matter of days? 2. The essence of repentance is having a change of heart and mind. What are the challenges one faces once they truly repent? 3. They “abandoned their nets.” What do you need to abandon in order to follow Jesus more closely? www.holyfamilyparish.org 17 Christmas Flower Memorials In Loving Memory of… Mom, Dad, Dan, Bill & John Houlihan; Mom, Dad, Dan Joan, Jon Finn Jr. (M/M Paul Houlihan) Bernice & Loretta Suitz M/M Bleger, Maddie Alkass (Hope Alkass) Denise Iberle (Bob Iberle) Deceased family members & friends (Joseph Anzalone) Carl & Pat Drone, Richard Barrett (Anonymous) Stepen Mariana (Anonymous) Ciancio/Bills Family (M/M Robert Ciancio) Roberta & Martin Cipar (Meg Cipar) James W. Connor Sr. Rita Conner (James Conner Jr.) Aurora Corpin Teojilo de la Rosa (Estrella Corpin) Frank Schmidt (M/M Don Axe) Charles Goss Florence Crook (Randall Crook) Irene Potocki (Pat Balduf) Charlotte Reno (M/M Robert Crowther) Mary Barnas,Walter Barnas (Patricia Barnas) Pat Mac (M/M George Curran) Papa Neil (Cal, Keegan & Cade Bossard) Daniele Addante (M/M Andrew Daniele) Anthony R. Bottalla Anthony C. Bottalla Romeo Fineza Erwin Fineza (M/M Robert Bottalla) Walter Daugerdas Carrie Daugerdas (M/M David Daugerdas) Victor & Mafalda Cataldi (M/M William De Salvo) Mike & Grace Brazelton George & Adele Skott (Chuck & Jan Brazelton) Roman & Mary Dybala Tony & Emily Yucus (M/M Ray Dybala) Marge & Wally Bush (Lori Bush & Maggie Specht) Magdaleno & Maria Castano (Christina & Wayne Eilers) Lewandowski-Campana Family (Shirley Campana) Mike & Anne Bollman Robert & Helen Farmer Margaret Johnston Br. Bernard Dougherty, TOR (M/M William Farmer) Frank & Irene Campbell Jack Fletcher (M/M Daniel Campbell & Family) Ralph Cecchini Jennifer Mirecki (Wanda Cecchini) 18 Virginia & Rocco Fasanella Wilbur Bourbon (M/M Rocco Fasanella) Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Sr. (Marjorie Fitzgerald) Jack Fletcher Frank & Marge Gusinde (Diana Fletcher) Angela Langefeld (M/M John Fontana III) Jennie & Ori Fontanini Richard Govet (JoAnne Fontanini) Giuseppe Settefrati Onelia Settefrati (Maria Gagliano) Ted Bochniarz Jerome & Blanche Jacobs (M/M Richard Jacobs) M/M Peter Schaffer M/M Thomas Jasnoch (M/M Jordan Jasnoch) Ray & Loretta Freda Joe & Irene Karmazin (M/M Donald Karmazin) Matthew & Veronica Kowal (Ken & Cheri Kowal) Walter Lessner & Ken Barber (Ken & Cheri Kowal) Kowalski Family Zientarski Family Mary Schram (M/M Thomas Kowalski) Johan Janusz Kus (Dorota Kus) Helen Palkow (M/M Ronald Laboda) John & Florence Katyna Betty Landowski (M/M Frank Landowski) Gavigan Family Venne Family (M/M Richard Gavigan) John P. Kelly (Elizabeth Kelly) Gregory Gerdes (Mary Beth Gerdes) Paul Eilers (Barbara Kiefer) Gino Lencioni Christ & Bella Boulahanis (M/M Ronald Lencioni) Chester Gilski (Gilski Family) Robert Skleney (Barbara Kiefer) Les & Denzel Family (Les Family) Ray & Betty Wilson Ida & Frank Girolamo (M/M Rudy Girolamo) Victims of Mexican government (M/M Scott Kirkpatrick) Savio Yau (Suzanna Leung) Bonuso Family (Carol Kleemann) Dorothy Britt Dr/Mrs S. Lim (Dr/Mrs Isabelo Lim) Audrey M. Greco, Gonzalez/Raimondo Family (Andres & Marietta Gonzalez) Kleinfeldt & Lasota Families (M/M Walter Kleinfeldt) M/M E. Powicki M/M H. Kliefoth (M/M David Kliefoth) Henry & Rose Niedermeyer, Lottie Jarczyk, Stanley Loboda, Irma Collette (Bob & Agnes Loboda) Albin & Marie Chuhak (Kobeski Family) Malinowski Family) (M/M Marian Malinowski) Daniel Kobeski (Kobeski Family) Mary Toniolo (M/M Louis Manfredini) Frank & Marie Leban (Kobeski Family) Ginny Peterson (M/M Bill Martinez) Anne Egan (Kochanski Family) John Mazurm, Henry Krupa (Aniela Mazur) Marge & Al Otto Greg & Lela Hellgeth (M/M Thomas Hellgeth) Nicola Rubino (M/M Thomas Kokoszka) Pat Brennan, Joyce Jelinek (Marty & Marian McGowan) Jack Heraty (Sally Heraty) Danuta, Zbigniew, Zofia, Boleslaw, Jan (M/M Jacek Konczewski) Carlos Vargas Michael Garcia (M/M Teofilo Mestas) Vince Gramarossa (Gramarossa Family) Betty Ann Stas (Steve & Cathy Guranovich) Luisa & Manuel Garcia (M/M Luis Gutierrez) Veronica Hagen Leo D’Andrea (James Hagen) Paul Condon Hazel & Dan Mashek (Diane Hainline) January 18, 2015 Christmas Flower Memorials Fr. Pat Brennan (Bonnie Michels OFS) Jimmy Pizzato (Laura Ramser) Joseph & Jennie Maranto (Eleanor Speros) Alice Cafiero (Bonnie Michels OFS) Dr. William Ramser (Laura & Bill Ramser) Dennis Cafiero (Bonnie Michels OFS) Rustico L. Mallari Dory Sabal (M/M Emelito Rivera) John & Jo Pisczor, Al Stefaniak, Jack & Loretta O’Connell, Rosalie Ducato (M/M Alan Stefaniak) John Cafiero Sr. (Bonnie Michels OFS) Irma Collette (Bonnie Michels OFS) Anna & Joseph Baranowski Angeline & Gabriel Pawlowski (Diane Roisland) Michael Jackson (Bonnie Michels OFS) Josef Haasz Nikolaus Rotter (M/M Jacob Rotter) Carla Leonardo (Bonnie Michels OFS) Ann Bartlett, Fred Bartlett (M/M Lou Rundio) John & Margaret Mihalik (William Mihalik) Anna & Carl Troppito Edward Rydberg (Rydberg Family) Stanley Wenc, Robert Wenc; Albert, Laverne & Allan Napolitano (M/M Kenneth Napolitano) Barbara Kresmery (M/M Martin Scheiden) Bill & Eileen Lynch (M/M James Ongena) Helen Jarmusz Harriett Schneid Pumpkin & Patches (M/M Tom Schneid) Oroni & Klocker Families (Kathleen Oroni) Matthew & Theresa Kawalec; Frank & Francis Poczatek (M/M Frank Parks) Roman & Mary Rita Pinda (Mary Beth Pinda/Edward Woynich) Joseph Pizzuto (Salvatore Pizzuto) Pasquale & Maria Pizzuto (Salvatore Pizzuto) Kosar Family Postema Family (M/M Thomas Postema) Ivy Ramser-Johannesen (Laura & Bill Ramser) Mary & Stanley Szerszen (Jerry & Connie Szerszen) Brian N. Thornton (M/M Michael Thornton) Lydia & Antoine Tinawi (Rauis Tinawi) Tortorelli Family M/M James Tortorelli) Beverly Tresnowski (M/M Bernard Tresnowski) Ann & Erich Bruhn Stella & Chester Trocha (M/M Chester Trocha II) Carmela Salamone Joseph Salamone (Joanne Salamone) Dorothy & Henry Merey (Kathy & Dennis O’Hara) Thanks for Your Financial Contribution ... Janet & Virginia Hudrick Mary & Peter Brudzicz (M/M Tim Vincent) Kay Whinna (M/M Walter Whinna) Caryl Zimanzl Tom Zimanzl (M/M Philip Whiteside) Rose O’Connor (Rhea Schneider) M/M Edward R. Mahoney (M/M Stephen Williams) Joe & Elsie Scotillo Oren & Dorothy Sass (M/M John Scotillo) Joe (M/M Gerald Wisniewski) Karen Woronicz (Edmund Woronicz) Peter & Lee Sesko Pete & Stephanie Pundo (M/M Frank Sesko) Dee Dee Terry Peggy Stitch (M/M Edgar Wright III) Sidney Simon (Loretta Simon) Mueller & Yaconos’ (M/M Joseph Yacono) Smith, Dahl & Clancy Families (M/M Gerald Smith) Frank Yacopino (Bernie Yacopino) Julie Sokulski Hesser (M/M Andrew Sokulski) Edward & Lillian Frankowski (Stanley & Pat Sowizrol) www.holyfamilyparish.org M/M George Allie M/M Lawrence Antos M/M James Bellinger M/M Mario Blasevich Dr/Mrs Dennis Bond M/M Scott Brady M/M Robert Bubulka M/M Terrence Connolly Mary Corbett M/M William Dahlborn, Jr. M/M Christopher Davis Uchenna Divine M/M Joseph Ebner M/M Ray Franczak M/M Anthony Graffia M/M Gary Gregory Donna Harris M/M Mark Helbing M/M Jeffrey Hitz M/M Leland Howard Diane Janisch Emily Katzenbach M/M Joseph Kawa M/M Thomas Koikkara M/M Vasyl Kozych M/M Stanley Krys M/M John Kulczuga M/M John Maffesoli M/M Wally Malysa M/M George Martinelli M/M James Marturano M/M Loreto Mercado M/M Kenneth Mikula M/M Anthony Molinaro Barbara Mose Pamela O’Connell M/M Gary O’Reilly M/M Robert Orsi M/M Martin Pilut M/M Angelo Polvere Mike Posdal/Kathy Cassady Allen Ritz M/M Allen Ryan M/M Ronald Sasso M/M John Schaefer Mr Skowron /Wisniewska-Skowron M/M Michael Stineman M/M Joaquin Tagarao M/M Leonard Thomas Jane Tischler Kathy Tull M/M William Van Duys M/M Michael Vivo M/M Joseph Wallentin Judith Wojcik M/M Scott Worthem M/M Ronald Zanardo 19 Of Special Note Holy Family Books & Gifts is owned by Holy Family Parish and solely managed and operated by volunteers. 20 January 18, 2015 Relax. You’re at Great Clips.® Hair Cuts • Updos Open 7 Days 34 S. Northwest Hwy. Palatine (NW Hwy & Palatine Rd.) 847-991-1776 Anthony, Dan and Ross Morizzo Proud Parishioners Since 1989 • Traditional Funeral Services • Traditional Cremation Services • Memorial Services • Pre-Arrangement & Pre-Planning • 24/7 Availability • At Need & Pre-Arrangement As a family owned and operated business, we take great pride in the service we offer to the families in our community. We are more than caretakers, we are your neighbors and friend. We are privileged to be a part of this community and your family. We provide unparalleled guidance, unmatched care and unwavering support for the families we serve. 2550 Hassell Road • Hoffman Estates • 847-752-6444 4 Life Animal Wellness Center • Free Estimates • Bonded & Insured Parishioner M.J. Miller & Co. Portrait Art Chicago 1730 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoffman Estates 847-701-8377 • Rehab therapies post surgery or injury. • Healthy Pet Lifestyle counseling. • Older Pets-stiffness or weight problems. • Holistic Veterinary Medicine. • We can help you keep your pets. • Healthy and happy for years to come!!!! Fine Jewelry & Gifts We Buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington www.mjmillerjewelers.com Connie Szerszen Oil & Pastel Portraits 20% Discount With this Ad 847-436-9343 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PortraitArtChicago.com Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Nova Fire Protection Inc. Fire Sprinkler Installation, Repairs, Testing & Inspections for Commercial & Residential 847-885-1605 www.novafp.com Happy Murray Age 14 years Miller Wealth Law Group LLC (847) 466-1045 MillerWealthLaw.com Office in Schaumburg Estate Planning: Wills & trusts. Help when a parent, spouse or loved one passes away. Business Planning: Succession & owner exit strategies. Executive & key-employee benefits. Tax Planning & Preparation: Reducing taxes to protect family wealth & create charitable trusts. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Jeff Miller, Attorney Pam Miller, CPA Parishioners since 1995 Jeff is an adjunct estate planning professor at Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games DePaul law school and admitted to practice 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 www.arlingtonrental.com before the United States Tax Court. AUTO • HOME • LIFE BUSINESS LONG TERM CARE CHUCK BRAZELTON Agent & Parishioner [email protected] 2549 W. Golf Road Hoffman Estates 847-882-4800 www.brazeltoninsurance.com Kevin Sullivan M.D. Parishioner Deborah L. Kleskan O.D. Brent Ostoich O.D. Parishioner Laser Vision Correction • Contact Lenses • General Eye Care 1415 Palatine Rd. Hoffman Estates 847-776-8900 CORCORAN HEATING AIR CONDITIONING INC. Sales • Service • Installation Commercial & Residential HOFFMAN ESTATES 397-5888 TOM 009247 Holy Family Church (C) Kathy L. French, D.D.S. FAGD Parishioner Parishioner Plumbing Contractor Wants Your Work No Job too Big or Small 5% of all sales will be donated Serving Families in Our Community Since 1985 to the building fund 847-358-5377 Teacher, Presenter and Member of Numerous www.intelligentplumbing.com PL13556 Dental Associations and Institutes 630-773-6966 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 180C Itasca www.HAMILTONLAKESDENTISTRY.COM www.jspaluch.com Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Owned and operated by the Bob Smith Family Since 1912 • Complete funeral arrangements • Cremation services • Funeral preplanning • Out-of-town arrangements • Monuments Saint Margaret Sunday Missal MARY ANN ROSANOVA-KAPER, MD MARK A. ROSANOVA, MD DIPLOMATES, AMERICAN BOARD OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Parishioner An ideal companion for personal prayer. Surgery & Disease of the Eyes 330 E. Main St., Ste. 1W, Barrington 381-4300 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. PALATINE SHELL SERVICE CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 All Repairs Guaranteed 7 East Palatine Rd., Palatine 847-358-4299 www.palatineshellservice.com 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Dentistry For: New Patients Welcome! • Children • Adolescents • Special Needs For further information, please call the Parish Office. Russell S. Pollina D.D.S., P.C. KOLZE FLOORING www.grins4kids.com HIGH QUALITY & SERVICE HARDWOOD FLOORING New Installation Dustless Sanding Refinishing Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics * 601 W. Central Rd. Ste. #4 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5 Mt. Prospect Suite 100 - Barrington 847-392-2457 847-382-1720 * Orthodontic services provided by Pediatric Dentists Pack “N” Mail Mailing Center 1590 W. Algonquin Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 $25 OFF on Service Call Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine Not valid with any other offers. $100 OFF a New Furnace or Air Conditioner Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine • Not valid with any other offers. 847-934-6700 • Mail Box • Fax • Copy • Boxes • Packaging • Laminating Services • Gift Wrapping • Notary Public and Much More DAILEY ELECTRIC CO., INC. FAST - FRIENDLY - AFFORDABLE - EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL (847) 359-9789 Jim Dailey — 3701 Berdnick-Unit C CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT RAYMOND LA VIGNE, DDS Dental Care for the Entire Family WE Evening & Saturday Hours 637 First Bank Dr., Palatine CARE 847-359-1292 A LOT (At Hicks & N.W. Hwy.) 847-705-9054 TALK ........... G. D. DECORATING Painting Interior/Exterior • Wood Finishing • Paper Removal & Hanging • Wood Staining • Drywall Repairs • Water Damage/Repairs • Deck Cleaning & Staining 847-303-1413 FULLY INSURED JANINE VAINISI LIC. # 055-012918 ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Parishioner George Darby, Parishioner Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC # PL16019 847-815-5040 Ron Kolze 847-359-4500 500 E. Northwest Hwy., Palatine Free Estimates • Insured No Job Too Small! REALTOR®, ABR Keller Williams Success 847-609-9578 www.HomesByJanineV.com CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIALISTS Parishioners Discount 10% Off With Ad 24/7 HELP ........... At Koziol-Thoms Eye Associates, we are committed to providing through, skillful eye care with courtesy, gentleness and respect for our patients. While we specialize in LASIK and cataract surgery, we also provide general eye care, including treatment of eye diseases, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. Our optometrists are available for eyeglass and contact lens fittings, and school eye exams. Optical Shop on premises. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 (847) 426-1900 R. BONO & SONS JNL CLIMATE CONTROL, INC. Heating & Air Conditioning 847-358-2251 John Beening Parishioner $35 Off Service Call (1 hr. min. not valid on clean & check special) Sheila Goyal, M.D. Nicole Kosciuk, O.D. *First Three Months www.jnlclimatecontrol.com Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dental Care Michael A. Lovda, D.D.S., Ltd. & Associates www.drlovda.com 1644 W. Algonquin Rd. • Hoffman Estates (847) 991-0790 Emergencies Seen Promptly 009247 Holy Family Church (B) 24 Hour Answering Service 1605 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 847.907.9600 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Law Offices Robert J. Ross of Robert J. Ross, Parishioner, - Wills & Trusts 30 Years Experience - Business Law www.RobertJRoss.com (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness “Chores By Chip” RAZORBACK STUMP REMOVAL HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality Workmanship ELECTRICAL • FAUCET REPAIR • CARPENTRY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 847-344-9524 South Barrington resident 847-551-1767 razorbackstumpremoval.com FREE ESTIMATES OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED Our 2nd Century of Service Family Owned & Operated by FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL — CREMATION SERVICES MICHAEL HARRY MINTON Parishioner Leadership in Family Law • Exceptional Trial Advocacy Family Matters...Matter to Us “Realize An Accomplishment” In The Dissolution Process Achieving Emotional & Economic Security • • • • The Ahlgrim Family William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows Funeral Home 847-253-0224 National Trial Lawyers Top 100 - 2014 Legal Network Top Lawyer in Illinois - 2014 Chicago’s Top Rated Lawyers - 2014 AV Highest Peer Review Rating for Legal Ability & Ethical Standards - 25 Yrs. THE MINTON FIRM 1051 Perimeter Drive, Suite 400 • Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-874-7278 • www.mintonlawfirm.com FRANK’S CHICAGO SHRIMP Est. 1982 3071 N. Barrington Rd. 847-765-1601 Douglas R. Ahlgrim Owner & Director JOHN C. VOJTA ATTORNEY AT LAW 119 N. Northwest Hwy. PALATINE, IL 60067 847-963-0099 10% OFF CONTESTED FAMILY LAW & CUSTODY LITIGATION WHEN YOU MENTION AD (Parishioner) Lake Zurich 415 S. Buesching Road 847-540-8871 Palatine 201 N. Northwest Hwy. 847-358-7411 www.ahlgrimffs.com A HOMECARE SERVICE LLC Providing Superior Home Care CNA • Companionship • Medication Reminder Personal Care • Meal Preparation • Housekeeping 847-800-7000 or 847-877-4949 Contact: Gina Eagler or Christopher Haering PROBATE RESEARCH MISSING/UNKNOWN HEIRS LOCATED 847-645-9500 Domestic & International Services for: Courts, Lawyers, Trust Officers, Administrators, Executors From every season, to every reason...Life Celebrations, Dr. Richard M. Mruz, MD cultural events, trainings, ceremonies, retreats, PARISHIONER Member of American College of Pro-Life Obstetrician seminars, trade shows Gynecologist Enhancing your special occasion ALEXIAN BROTHERS MEDICAL CENTER 4800 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL 364-0040 810 Biesterfield Rd., Ste. 102, Elk Grove Village We help seniors stay home safely. • Housekeeping • Errands & Meals • Personal Care Inc. Door Closers • Safes • Sales & Service Commercial • Residential • Industrial Locksmith Services Since 1963 339 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, IL 60067 847-359-0557 EDWARD HENNING BONDED & INSURED ROBERT HENNING Il. Lic# 0192-000118 www.henningbros.com Laurie Harris, parishioner 847-519-3600 www.landexresearch.com Call Today (847) 690-9825 • Medication Reminders • Companionship • Dementia Care TAE KWON DO 2 WEEKS TRIAL Little Tigers, ages 4-6 • Child 7-12 • Teen/Adult 13-up Family classes offer a great way to spend quality time together 1465 Palatine Rd, Hoffman Estates (next to Jewel/Osco) 847.776.0077 • www.tigerkoosma.com $39.00 includes FREE UNIFORM To Give, To Love, To Serve. We specialize in pregnancy care, pediatric care, athletes, and families SHINGLES • WOOD SHAKES FLAT ROOFING • GUTTERS HAIL DAMAGE SPECIALISTS 847.277.2990 777 LAKE ZURICH RD, STE. 105 BARRINGTON, IL 60010 www.mybarringtonchiropractor.com CALL US TODAY! 847.797.0404 IL License #104-009220 Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 847-202-9496 CELL 847-417-1278 [email protected] Parishioner - Veteran SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL Mike Halm 847-877-4849 [email protected] Phoenix Computer Repair Is your computer in need of service? Don’t buy another! We can restore your computer to “like new” condition The security and privacy experts We come to you Call 708-601-9698 009247 Holy Family Church (A) Palatine Arlington Heights Free Loaf of Joe Caputo French Bread with Any Purchase HF www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 • • •
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