view the Newsletter for September 2014


view the Newsletter for September 2014
Richard Fox
[email protected]
Tony Caracciolo
Greg Stanley
[email protected]
Richard Randall
[email protected]
Gordon Boyd
[email protected]
John Talatinian
[email protected]
Peter Ziehl
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
NCM Ambassador
[email protected]
Facebook Administrators
Don Paulson
John Talatinian,
Gordon Boyd,
Ken Bomhan,
[email protected]
[email protected]
Publicity Chairman
October 14, 2014 6:30 p.m.
Jeff Gorden Chevrolet
In the Used Car showroom
South College Road, Wilmington NC
MEETING MINUTES September 9th 2014
Minutes of the Membership Meeting September 9, 2014
This evening’s meeting was held at Peter Ziehl’s shop. Prior to the meeting the members
enjoyed barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs prepared by Chef Ziehl, and delicious side dishes
and desserts provided by our members. Following the meeting proper, a class to review judging
guidelines for the Club’s upcoming Car Show was held (see below). After a relaxed meal and
social time together…
Call To Order: President Richard Fox called the meeting to order at 6:45pm, as he welcomed
the 54 members and significant others present.
Minutes: The minutes from the August meeting, as posted on the Club website, were approved
without discussion or dissent.
Financial Report & Membership Status: Treasurer Greg Stanley gave a rundown of August’s
cash in/out, with most of the expenses pertaining to the Car Show and the Club’s liability
insurance. Greg reported that the Club remains on sound financial footing. There are currently
80 fully-paid members, and as of Sept. 8, 20 people have pre-registered for the Sept. 21 Car
National Corvette Museum: CFC Master Ambassador to the NCM Don Paulson presented
details of an especially important occasion at the Museum over the long weekend of August 2730: The Museum hosted its 20th Anniversary Celebration, which coincided with the 5th National
Caravan, plus the Grand Opening of the NCM Motorsports Park and Track. Attending the
festivities from our Club were Don and his wife Debra, John and Carol Fort, Bill and Carol
Bordwine, and Don and Cynthia Helms. Prior to arrival in Bowling Green, the Caravan stopped
at Charlotte Motor Speedway, which included an opportunity for driving laps on the track, and
at the Deer Park Inn for luncheon. Once at the Museum, both Don and Debra, and John and
Carol were invited (by prior arrangement) to take laps on the new Motorsports Park track, and
the Motocross course was also available for use. Enjoyable volunteer services were provided to
NCM by our members during the weekend; Don P. noted that the tours of the assembly plant
that he co-led were much fun and very informative. Don also noted that he was again honored
with Master Ambassador status by the NCM, and he thanked John and Carol Fort for their
volunteer work which assisted him in being able to retain this special commendation. Another
subject reported on was the sinkhole: The Museum’s Board of Directors has voted to completely
fill it in, but to also provide a permanent exhibit detailing the history of this disaster/goldmine.
The majority of the vehicles that were recovered from the sinkhole will be restored by GM
and/or the NCM. Don announced the next C7 raffle(Torch Red Coupe, 10.00 per ticket, raffle on
1/29/15). Finally, our Club went award-less this year (unlike in the recent past) for NCM
recognition of excellence in the Newsletter, Website and a few other categories.
Old Business: 8/14: The August Hump Day Cruise & Dine was held on Thursday rather than
the usual Wednesday. (The September Cruise & Dine will not be held.)
8/23: The Multi-Club luncheon at Brick Landing at Ocean Isle was attended by 5 CFC
members/4 cars. Gordon Boyd reported that the time was pleasant, the food superb. 8/23:
Leland Under The Lights (and raindrops). Peter Ziehl won Best In Show.
Woodward Dream Show in Detroit: Richard reported that he and Sandy attended this huge
annual show, and encouraged members to try to get to a future show if possible.
Fireworks at the Foxes finally happened, following a rain delay since early July. 9/5-6: This
past weekend saw a Club trip to the Charlotte area (Concord) for the Queen City Corvette Club’s
annual Car Show. The overnight excursion also included a tour of the Hedrick Automobile
Collection (described by Richard as having only one flaw—not enough time allowed to stay and
savor the wonderful cars on display), and a luncheon at the private Speedway Club, where the
menu included birthday congratulations for Sandy Fox. Happy Birthday Sandy!
New Business: Sat., September 20: Pre-Club Show Meet & Greet at Carraba’s, 5-7pm. Sun.,
September 21: 7th Annual Cape Fear Corvette Club Car Show (see below). Sun., October 5: 2nd
Annual CFC Picnic, Moore’s Creek Battlefield Park, 10.00 per person.
Vice-President Tony Caracciolo discussed the availability of Club-logo polo shirts.
Car Show Business: Club Show Co-Chairpersons Gordon and Ellen Boyd reviewed
preparations for the upcoming Show. Gordon reiterated the need for more people to sign up to
serve as judges. He also went over the basic schedule for 9/21: 7am—Parking staff and those
handling the registration and silent auction tables should arrive; 8am—Latest arrival time for all
other Club members; 9am—Doors open, although some attendees may wish to register before 9;
9am-2:30pm—The silent auction will be open essentially all day; 11am—Drivers’ meeting;
11:30am—Judges’ meeting. Gordon also went over some of the logistics involved in setting-up
and breaking-down the Show, and he briefly reviewed the criteria for stock and modified classes
of entries. Photos of the cars will be taken by John Talatinian in the morning, and by Len
Cuthbertson in the afternoon.
Ellen has scheduled the get-together to assemble silent auction packages and give-away bags for
Show entrants for Thursday 9/18, 6pm at her and Gordon’s house. Ellen also reviewed
procedures for handling registration and the silent auction. Again this year, Ellen will be
appearing on two radio programs to promote the Show. Both will be on Fri, 9/19 (times TBD),
and Ellen noted that there’s a possibility that she may be able to snag a TV spot. She also
mentioned a change in the type of truck that will be on site to collect Food Bank donations, and
she and Gordon encouraged the members to bring non-perishable food items to the show.
Finally, John Fort reminded that the NCM is sending two representatives to the Show with
mucho booty from the NCM catalog, for sale during the Show. Past NCM-related sales have
been excellent. If you’d like to pre-order an item to be brought to the Show (and thereby avoid
S&H charges), please contact John or Don Paulsen. Following the final, absolute utter, lastcard-table-in-the-car end of the Show, members will head to the Fox & Hound at Mayfaire for
President Fox adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm. The next meeting will be held on October 14 in
the Used Car Building at Jeff Gordon Chevrolet.
Following tonight’s meeting, Gordon Boyd and Peter Ziehl led an instructional session on
judging for the Car Show. Although aimed at those members who plan to judge, the session was
open to all of those interested, and was well-attended and very informative.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Richard Randall, Secretary
I will work on getting a list of everyone’s birthday and updating
this with names as quickly as I can. Please e-mail Dave Flinchbaugh ([email protected]) the
day and month of you’re and your spouse/ significant other birthdays
President’s Message
Cape Fear Corvettes Members,
On a recent 60 Minutes Show they interviewed several people who are a vibrant 90 plus years old.
The question was asked,
“What do you attribute your longevity to?”
Everyone them felt the main factor was the fact that they had an active social life. Some were
married, several had boy or girl friends, most were
just involved in a club, a hobby, a church, or a neighborhood where they had regular contact with
other people.
In other words stay “SOCIAL” and it can definitely contribute to living a longer life!!!
CFC is proud of the fact that we are such an active club, other clubs are envious of our social
Our recent meeting/picnic at peter's shop was a fantastic well attended event. Thank you, Chef Ziehl
for the use of the shop and your culinary skills.
Other events included our Concord/ Hendrick trip and fireworks social, both popular social events.
CFC will soon be starting its eight year as southeastern North Carolinas premier Corvette club. As we
grow we are always looking for new events and ways to make repeat events even better. Most of the
time the changes are for the better, sometimes they don't work out as well as expected and we must
adjust accordingly. Either way your volunteer friends at CFC are doing their best to make our events
as enjoyable and stress free as possible.
We can’t continue to develop as a club without the fresh ideas and positive support of our members.
We need members that have not been active in the clubs planning and management to take their turn
and get involved. This is YOUR club and you are the lifeblood and future of CFC.
There are a couple of upcoming events I would like to mention First is the CAPE FEAR
CORVETTES car show on Sunday September 21.
This is our biggest charitable event of the year. We must expect all of our members to be involved in
some way. Even though our plans are well on their way we still need help in some areas. If you have
not donated items to our silent auction we still need them. From cleaners, waxes, car related
products and apparel to collectable's, jewelry, gift certificates and golf packages we need them all.
We are also looking for people to help with judging. Please contact Gordon Boyd to donate or find out
where you can best be used.
[email protected]
The other event we need your participation in is our second annual
Family Picnic at Moores Creek. Sunday October 5, 2014.
Last year despite a brief rain shower we had a great time. We need everyone's support to help
develop this into the event it deserves to be.
Along with the food and socializing we will have a member’s only car show. Judged by Tony and
Myself we will award a trophy to a Corvette taking into consideration not only the car but also the
positive efforts of the owner for the benefit of the club.
The cost is only $10.00 per person and can be mailed into:
Greg Stanley
2015 Woodwind Dr.
Leland, NC 28451
Thank you to all of you in our club for your
to make us the best Corvette Club around!!!
In the meantime I will continue to remain “SOCIAL”!!!
Fri & Sat
AACA Classic Car Show Mount Olive
Hollerin Heritage Festival Car Show Spiveys Corner NC
Cary Veterans of Foreign Wars Classic Car & truck Show Cary NC
Tri beach Cruisers Spring Fling car show Jeff Gordon Chevy
CFC Pre-Show Cruise-In Meet & Greet Carabba's Italian grill 5:00
Duplin Peanut festival parade and car show Duplin elementary school
CFC Annual Corvette Show at Jeff Gordon Chevrolet
Battleship Park Car Show hosted by Port City Mopars
Angie's Amazing Race Cruise In 6220 Market Street 6-8:30pm
Cars & Coffee Chili's South College Rd
Nabor Dodge All Car Show Shallotte
CFC Family Picnic Moores Creek
Bengals Cheer Car & Truck Show Carolina BBQ 2307 N College Rd. 8-4
Southport Cruise in Weekend Downtown Southport Fri 6Pm Sat. 11 am
Ol'Lightnin Rods Antique Car Show Clinton NC
Cape Fear Corvettes Monthly Meeting
Cruising the Beach Broadway at the Beach Myrtle Beach SC
Untamed Fest Car Show Onslow Pines Park Jacksonville
Carz Under the Starz Steinmart parking lot Sun Coast cruisers
Good Shephard Center Golf Event if interested contact Jim Martin 910-3719643
25 Halloween Spooktacular Classic Car Show Wilson NC
Cars & Coffee Chili's South College Rd
North Carolina Pecan Harvest Festival Car Show Whiteville
Saint James Festival car Show Waccamaw
Cape Fear Corvettes Monthly Meeting
CFC road Rally and Dinner
Items Highlighted in Yellow are Cape Fear Corvette sponsored events
See Flyers for details on these events
DATE; SUNDAY October 5th
TIME; 11:00-3:00
COST; $10.00 PER PERSON, KIDS 12 and UNDER $5.00
Greg Stanley
2015 Woodwind Drive
Leland, NC 28451
All checks must be received by Oct 1st
If you want to bring other drinks or food please feel free to
just let Peter Know by email [email protected]
Alcohol may not be brought to the battlefield
Ambassador Report
August 2014
Donald Paulson – Master Ambassador & Life Member NCM
See me on how easy it is to become a member of the NCM. You can join thru me or go directly to to join, just let me know so I can recognize you at our next meeting.
Cape Fear Corvettes Club – One Acre Club Progress
$5,600 Paid to $15,000 Goal
The National Corvette Museum (NCM) is a non-profit foundation exempt from federal income taxation
under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.*
Connie Russell, Development Coordinator, 800-538-3883, x115 or [email protected]
20th Anniversary Caravan and celebration recap
Club members Bill and Carol Bordwine, Don and Cindy Helms and Debra and I thoroughly enjoyed the
caravan. This included the laps at Charlotte motor speedway, the lunch at the Charlotte speedway Club,
lunch at Deer Park inn at Biltmore and all the impromptu gatherings along the way. We all made many new
corvette friends along the way.
John and Carol Fort arrived early at the museum to help out and welcome us in as we arrived at the
We enjoyed the Motocross track driving experience. We drove the west track three times during our stay.
Each time just got better.
Debra and I each enjoyed our volunteering assignments. Debra manned the admission desk Thursday and
Friday afternoons welcoming visitors to the museum. I helped guide plant tours at the assembly plant
Thursday and Friday afternoons. I had three tours each day lead by five different interns. I heard and saw
something new each tour.
The ambassador’s breakfast was great. I was again honored as one of thirty nine ambassadors to receive
Master Ambassador Recognition. Thank you John and Carol Fort for all your volunteer hours that help me
maintain my Master Ambassador standing.
We also attended numerous seminars including the Membership meeting where the Board announced the
decision on the sinkhole.
Museum Board Finalizes Decision on
Sinkhole, Great 8 Corvettes
The National Corvette Museum Board of Directors held their quarterly meeting
and finalized plans for repair of the Museum’s Skydome building, and the eight
Corvettes affected by the February 12, 2014 sinkhole collapse.
After careful review of additional information and revised plans with price quotes
from the construction company, the board voted to completely fill in the
“We really wanted to preserve a portion of the hole so that guests for years to
come could see a little bit of what it was like, but after receiving more detailed
pricing, the cost outweighs the benefit,” said Museum Executive Director
Wendell Strode. “At the June board meeting, the information available at that
time indicated a cost of around $500,000 more to keep the hole, but after
incorporating additional safety features and vapor barriers for humidity control,
the price tag rose to $1 million more than the cost to put the Skydome back how
it was.”
Keeping even a portion of the sinkhole would require 35 foot retaining walls to
be built inside of the sinkhole, additional micro piling, visible steel beams
running through the hole, and soil nailing. All of these additional structural
features are to ensure the safety of the sinkhole and prevent cracking and
breaking of the sides in the future, which could result in stability issues, but take
away from the natural look of the original sinkhole. The board also considered
future maintenance issues that could arise if the hole was kept and the
possibility that the hole wouldn’t look like a naturally occurring sinkhole any
“The interest in our new attraction has been phenomenal so we do plan to leave
it ‘as-is’ through our Vets ‘n Vettes event November 6-8, 2014, after which time
we will begin the process of remediating and filling the hole,” Strode added.
Chevrolet and the National Corvette Museum will restore three of the Corvettes
that were damaged when they were swallowed up by the sinkhole.
Chevrolet will restore the 2009 Corvette ZR1 prototype, known as the Blue
Devil, and the 1-millionth Corvette produced – a white 1992 convertible. The
GM Heritage Center will oversee this process. In addition, the restoration of the
1962 Corvette will be funded by Chevrolet, but will be handled by the National
Corvette Museum. A restoration shop has not yet been determined. The
remaining five cars were determined to be too badly damaged to warrant
restoration. They will remain in their as-recovered state to preserve the
historical significance of the cars and what happened on February 12,
2014. They will become part of a future display at the Museum.
In total, General Motors will provide nearly $250,000 in support to help the
Museum recover from the sinkhole. The National Corvette Museum celebrates
its 20th anniversary this weekend as it welcomes the Corvette enthusiasts
nationwide who have helped expand and support the non-profit Museum.
“Our goal was to help the National Corvette Museum recover from a terrible
natural disaster by restoring all eight cars,” said Mark Reuss, GM Executive
Vice President, Global Product Development. “However, as the cars were
recovered, it became clear that restoration would be impractical because so
little was left to repair. And, frankly, there is some historical value in leaving
those cars to be viewed as they are.”
It’s a sentiment echoed by Corvette enthusiasts from around the globe.
“There has been an outpouring of messages from enthusiasts the world over,
asking us not to restore all of the cars,” said Wendell Strode, executive director
for the National Corvette Museum. “For Corvette enthusiasts, the damage to the
cars is part of their history, and part narrative of the National Corvette Museum.
Restoring them all would negate the significance of what happened.”
Timelines for the start and projected completion dates for the three Corvettes’
restorations have not been established. They will be announced later.
Sinkhole summary
On Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014, at 5:44 a.m., National Corvette Museum (NCM)
personnel received a notification from their security company about motion
detectors going off in the Skydome area of the museum. When those personnel
arrived on site, a sinkhole was discovered, eventually measuring about 45 feet
wide, 60 feet long and up to 30 feet deep.
Security camera footage showing the Skydome floor’s collapse has been
viewed nearly 8.3 million times on YouTube.
The sinkhole swallowed eight historic Corvettes – two on loan from GM and six
owned by the museum:
1993 ZR-1 Spyder (on loan)
2009 ZR1 “Blue Devil” prototype (on loan)
1962 Corvette
1984 PPG Pace Car
1992 1-millionth Corvette
1993 40th Anniversary Corvette
2001 “Mallett Hammer” Z06
2009 1.5-millionth Corvette.
On March 3, the 2009 Blue Devil was the first car recovered and despite
significant damage was started and driven out of the Skydome. The 1.5millionth Corvette and Mallett Corvette were the last cars pulled from the
sinkhole, on April 3 and April 9, respectively – after workers were initially unable
to find them amid the collapsed earth.
All eight cars were placed in a special display, fueling a nearly 70-percent jump
in museum visitor traffic in the months after the sinkhole appeared.
Construction is expected to take approximately 6 months to complete. The
Museum will remain open during the process, and the work in the Skydome will
be viewable via a Plexiglas wall.
The Museum plans to create a meaningful sinkhole exhibit within the Skydome,
featuring the cars involved, 3D interactive images of the sinkhole, videos,
photos and more.
The Museum is located at I-65, exit 28 in Bowling Green, KY - just one hour
north of Nashville, TN and less than two hours south of Louisville, KY. Open
daily, 8am-5pm CT, admission to the Museum is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors
age 65 and over, $5 for kids age 6-16 and children age 5 and under are free.
Access to view the sinkhole is included with regular admission. Guests who
enter the Skydome to view the sinkhole must be age 8 or older. For more
information on the Museum, visit their website at or
call 800-538-3883.
High resolution photos are available on the Museum's Smug Mug account
2015 Torch Red Coupe Corvette Raffle
Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 2pm CT
6.2 Liter V8 460 HP Engine
8-Speed Automatic Transmission
Multi-Mode Performance Exhaust
5-Spoke Chrome Aluminum Wheels with Red
2LT Equipment Group with Jet Black Interior,
head-up display, Bose 10-speaker audio
system, heated and vented seats, and
Universal Home Remote
Chevrolet MyLink Navigation System
Performance Data & Video Recorder
Front Vision Camera
Transparent Removable Roof Panel
Battery Protection Package
Corvette Museum Delivery
Unlimited Tickets
- See more at:
Services and Classified Section
Click here: Corvette Carbon Fiber Parts and OEM GM Parts and Aftermarket Corvette Parts
Quayside Publishing Group is offering a 50% discount to all Corvette club members on all their books,
including the recently released "Corvette Stingray" about the new C7. The discount applies to automotive
and motorsports books at Also, books on aviation, history, sports, music,
etc. can be found at The 50% club discount applies to ALL books an BOTH
websites. The discount price is 50% of the RETAIL LIST price (not any marked-down price). Free
shipping is available on orders of $75 or more. I will group orders so we can qualify for the free shipping.
The only restrictions are that the orders must be placed and paid for by one person and shipped to one
address. I will volunteer to handle the orders for our club members.
I'll bring a copy of the "Corvette Stingray" book for your examination at the next club meeting. You can
view the websites to find any other books that interest you. To purchase any book, e-mail or see me with
the complete ordering information.
All orders must be paid for in advance. You can pay me at any CFC meeting or event or mail a check
made out to me to: Tony Caracciolo, 1007 West Cove Loop, Leland, NC 28451. If you have any
questions you can call me at 910-371-2375.
I do not know how long this promotion will last, so don't delay.
You snooze, you lose.
Excellent cond. 29,700 miles, auto trans., gray leather seats w/ black top.
Chrome wheels, recent Goodyear tires, performance exhaust.
Asking $18,000 or best offer. 910-278-5079 (Oak Island)
All these parts/accessories available for either pick-up in Hampstead or I can deliver at the next
club meeting/event.
2009 Base model cat-back exhaust (Non-NPP) including mufflers and tips in excellent
condition (approximately 18K miles on them) $50 OBO.
Sway bars (non-Z51) Front and Rear, includes OEM bushings and mounting clips. $75
Corvette OEM Wind Screen for convertible includes storage bag and mounting
brackets. Fits all C6 $150 OBO
Clear Door Sill Protectors, driver and passenger side. From Mid-America Motorworks fits
Mask for front end, black vinyl, excellent condition. Colgan fits C6 base models only. $40
Rear bumper apron, black vinyl w/o logo fits both C5 and C6. From Mid-America
Motorworks. $30
Dual cup holder (Travel Buddy) Cashmere, installs in 15 seconds, no drilling
required. $40
Questions call Don Helms 910-547-7081.
FOR SALE 1993 40th Anniversary Ruby Red Convertible with only 25600 miles in Excellent
Condition. 5.7 Liter 300HP V8 engine with 6Speed manual transmission, Ruby Red Leather 6
way Power Driver and Passenger Sport Bucket Seats, Tilt Steering Wheel, Soft Ride Selective
Ride and Handling Suspension, Delco/Bose AM/FM Stereo, Power Windows and Door Locks, Air
Conditioning Blows Cold. This is a Two Top Car (Folding Cloth Roof and Removable Hat Top) one
of only 137 made with a 6 speed manual transmission. $20,000 or make an offer
Peter 203-376-5391 or [email protected]
If you have a service you want listed here or want to sell something send an email to
[email protected] to be included in this section